#the little fucker needs to look out for his own interests talents and goals. too
milfclaren · 4 months
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floralkittygambler · 3 years
Reposting for reasons
Response to Honest’s post here: Doing this to spread this awareness more as I know theres a bit of a rift in the critical community - plus I really fucking go on. Im PISSED and I do apologise however it NEEDS urgent addressing. I know people will hate me for it but Im used to hate and honestly? Hating rather than helping to solve the issue only furthers my fucking point here. So yeah this is so more people are aware (no offense to any of those involved in said rift either, but this is an important message. Thank you for understanding and if I can do anything to make all sides comfortable, then please message me and I’ll do my upmost.) “ More awareness of this is needed. Even if it’s your favourite, you can’t justify their shit but rally against another’s shit. Have people tell you you’re experiences arent real or invalid because, like Husk, people have - in real life - shipped you with someone you are far from comfortable with but you still treat them like a person. Because you have basic respect. And people force you to accept harassment, touching, stalking, advances for THEIR satisfaction. People use you for their fantasies. But you’re just a ‘tsundere’ for it. Or you have addiction issues but people think being with another addict will ‘save’ you because you’re apparently too incompetent to save yourself. Love isnt some magic fuckin cure so stop romanticising it as a fuckin saviour. It’s gross and fuckin creepy. Get stalked and have someone NEVER accept your no just because you show youre still decent enough to not treat them shitty or any different from anyone else. Try having someone way older or way younger (both in morally fucked up ways) advance on you and people encourage that. People you’re supposed to feel safe around.
People touch you when you pull away or show discomfort. Follow you home. Have pictures of you and wont accept you dont like them like that and it’s not ‘playing hard to get’ or ‘the thrill of the chase’. Fuck. OFF. In fact, Im not only disappointed in the fandom. Im disappointed in the entire team who some should know better from their OWN personal experiences - or at least the bare minimal of being a fucking adult. Im disappointed in especially females (sorry idk whether girl or woman is more appropriate here-) who statistically are more likely to have experienced something similar at some point in their lives think this is a cute gay moment. No. Angel is made out as a fucking predator - Im not saying he is, Im saying that his persistence is very fucking unwelcome like one. People like Husk dont need that fucking invasiveness. They/We need patience and someone on our level. Angel’s I know are the fuckin polar opposite - and some of them I know are very sexually harassing, including unwanted touching. It’s a shitty way to present gay people. Gays are fuckin people. Some are cunts and some arent. It’s a HUMAN thing. But considering the shit theyve been subjected to, presenting a gay as a victim only to also show them as a perpetrator is insulting! And for those Ive seen argue this about how people like AD wouldnt know how to express their love normally and whatnot? His pig. His best friend. He’s in his fucking 30s. There are literal real life criminals who get molested as kids and then go on to molest kids. Not all who grow up like that turn into nonces. Stop just fucking STOP justifying and romanticising this bullshit! I used to see the good in AD but now he makes me fucking sick. Especially with my verrrrrry fucking real traumas and connections. But fuck me, eh? Because this fictional guy matters so much more. Fuck real victims. And whilst we’re at it, fuck AD too when it suits your fetishes! Sarcasm aside, the fans and the team need to straighten up their abhorrent behaviour. Stolas. Fucking clearly having an affair, knowingly fucking up his daughter’s mental health and bribing a guy into sex who only wants the book and nothing more. He even has a fucking warning button over Stolas- Guys, how do you think any of this is cute? Even the team gross me out- I genuinely see potential and talent and it’s all gone to shit to satisfy horny teens, horny adults, and literally everyone who doesnt for the life of them understand being an adult is more than sex, drugs, violence and swears! I REALLY want to keep enjoying HB/HH but it’s getting harder and harder with such ignorant and bordering lazy creators (note: lazy as in wont do the fucking research or actually listen to real criticism and victims), such despicable fans (yeah, some HDers fuckin mocked that they triggered my ED, yet they had the fucking NERVE to support Angel’s potential ED AND laugh and blame me for me getting treated so badly for actually having the balls to call Angel and the teams hypocrisy. I got told to kill myself, that my problems arent real - oh but Angels apparently is! Which... They *are* but AD isnt real so technically only onlookers will suffer and not a drawing  - and they just excused their toxic behaviours. These people are like “aww poor angie babey!” yet fuckin INSULT sex workers. All this red in Hazbin yet it feels everyone and they mama colour blind. The issues are getting worse and fans are outright becoming EVIL, VILE, Vindictive little bullies - from kids to adults. You SHOULD be ashamed of yourself if you conduct yourself in such a manner. And you need to readjust your attitudes and behaviours because the only fuckers getting hurt are actual fucking victims. Ever been violated and been gaslit so much you STILL fucking question it’s reality? So you drown that shit out yet somehow it’s effects still hit you? Fetishise it. Make it your uwu gae couple goals, you’re no better than people believing Harley and the Joker werent toxic af. If this shit happened to you, most of you would actually SEE where we’re all coming from. Also, stop making gay a fetish - you’re like those creepy old men in the alley heckling lesbians to make out so they can wank off. Gays, no ALL the LGBT+ are fucking people too. So dont give me that bullshit then start turning everything just gay or just straight to mentally wank off to. It’s degrading and dehumanising. And yes, fiction does effect reality. You crush on a fictional character? Mourn one? Support one? Hell, fuckin jerk off to one - that’s affecting reality. Remember how in fiction all blacks were treated as villians? Look how theyre treated IRL. JAWS, great classic unfortunately their was a spike in shark killings over a fucking movie - the shark in the movie wasnt even real for the most part because they dont behave like that! (Also the animatronic was so shit they genuinely had so many issues - I think they even took to naming each one! Some fun trivia there!). Tiger sharks are more nasty than great whites as tiger sharks will hunt and eat a human. Great whites prefer seals and dislike human flesh, they just mistake us for seals. Hell, theres the toothless basking shark - theyre often SWAM WITH by divers for being so friendly. Yet Jaws made people think all sharks are bloodlusting over humans. Slenderman was created for a fucking contest and that influenced a stabbing (NOT Victor’s fault). Watch a horror movie that isnt based on a real life event and tell me that at least ONE has left you peaking over your shoulder. Stella may be a bitch - we dont know for certain - but try getting cheated on. Y’know what? Try growing up in such a broken home like Octavia. Yeah reaaaaaal fucking cute now, huh? Funny how as well y’all petition for male victims to be taken seriously then laugh when fictional males experience this abuse, further adding to stigma. You can be hit on by the hottest mf on the planet but if you arent interested, that should be respected! Also we’ve all been inspired by at least one fictional character so yeah. Yknow, since I was little Ive been fighting for sex worker and homeless rights. But HH/HB treatment of both leave a bitter taste in my mouth. I’ll still fully support sex workers and the homeless, but that’s the fucking effect this show is having. Bearing in mind I wont ever share everything Ive been through - and I shouldnt fucking have to in order to be believed and validated (obvs proof is required in a legal case but that’s a whole other topic). Why should I share MY fucking pain especially when you fuckers have belittled and triggered it more so? We have our rights to our secrets but fuck ME you lot NEED to start acting appropriately and like decent fucking humans. ‘iTs HeLl’ yeah and welcome to Earth- the team and yourselves live HERE. You obide by THESE rules. And as someone with beliefs (and a LOT of ancient fucking texts and studies on this shit) their Hell isnt even a proper Hell! It’s closer to purgatory and even then it’s not. Regardless, it’s a poorly built world with the lore consistently changing per episode and tweet, with many plot holes, and is apparently easy to get into - even via accidentally watching porn according to a stream. If youre gonna parade youre a fucking expert and research into demonology and use real believed figures, at least get THAT right. In fact, Lucifer and Lilith (and Stolas tbf) are ESPECIALLY risky as theyre a lot more complex than most easy access texts will tell you. Likewise, Stolas’s first introduction and main focus is sex. He’s one of the FEW Goetia demons that dont have some involvement in relationship issues at ALL. He’s known for astrology, crystals and herbs but hes also known to aid MONEY troubles (it’s lesser known but it’s true! HB Stolas is an insult to the Prince). Turning Vodou into something evil is vile considering it’s powerful and liberated slaves. Pentagrams are nothing to do with Satan, they’re magic based sigils. Upside down cross is the symbol of a SAINT. It’s just some edgy attempt to trick people into believing they know more than they do. Also you should NEVER dabble and doodle sigils without knowing the meanings or respecting what they behold. Vox and Val, real fuckin cute way to make them look like a stupid fucking highschool drama instead of a fucking SEX TRAFFICKER (note: real pimps often target YOUNG folks too - aka minors - and groom them into sex work. Theres different types of pimp. Viv has shown barely any understanding of ‘the game’ and its a fucking insult to injury. Yes we KNOW what a fucking pimp and prozzie are! We dont need to see it. We need REAL AWARENESS.) and a fucking scheming bastard of a CEO salesman botman. And yet even THEN lets go a step further and make some yandere wuv on boyfweind aboose! Fuck off- Now I love a good anime but these tropes are getting fucking dangerous now. And unrealistic to real love and relationships. Kids nowadays know fuck all on a healthy relationship (neither did the fuckin 50s tbf) and Im seeing more romaticism and glorifying abusive situations. Like the show ‘You’. Ok, there’s a fuckin bloke online who slaughtered innocents and kidnapped yet people commented how cute he is on his IG and that they want to be kidnapped or killed by him next. Dont believe me? Look up Peter Manfredonia Connecticut and the comments people left him and then tell me why shit like whats being presented in HH/HB ISNT fucking concerning - because it is. For a series about redemption, it’s brilliant at the opposite (Quote from the creator herself, Viv has posted that it’s influencing her bad choices. Even as a joke, proof’s in the pudding). And the overall focus on sex in the way Viv does is so immature and really creepy, and this is from an ADULTS perspective. From one adult to another, Im concerned as to why any of them think this is a normal fixation. Then again they’ve hired quite a large amount of dodgy folks and even a child. Most of this shit gets avoided with a basic background check like most companies run. I DO like Hazbin. Or the premise. I love some of the cast and spite the others. In Helluva, I just like a tiny portion of the cast. And I critique it so harshly because Viv DOES need a wakeup slap, grounding to reality, people who arent going to big her up or kiss her arse for once and shape her up to be the best she can be. The actually reach and even surpass her potential. And to reach where you need to be, there’s a lot of harsh lessons youll face. That’s life. Shes chosen one of the most HEARTLESS industries and if she blocks out critique as ‘hate’ then she’s not strong enough and wont last. It’s just another unprepped YanDev again (except I dont believe Viv to be a nonce. Even with her dodgy past and dodgy present, I think her perspective on sex and relationship with sexuality is FAR from healthy BUT I dont believe she’s a pedophile. Ive bled my fair share and so far, I just think her sex perspective isnt healthy or mature for her age. But there’s little to nothing to suggest actual noncery - dont worry about accusations there. But YanDev is totally a dirty predator. Just clearing that up). Viv NEEDS some harshness and stability if she wants to do things right. And it’ll make her fucking cry but if she loves these projects as much as she claims to, then you’ll sacrifice blood, sweat and tears for that shit. Even the strongest points are mediocre at best when properly observed. She CAN do more, but she’ll have to face the harsh music. Viv wont see this, but if she does, I dont care if it upsets her. Why? Because this is that much of an issue - something she’s cultivated - that she needs to take action and not ignore it or be secretive about it. She needs to grow up and get tougher skin. Im not saying this to cause her pain. In fact, I wouldnt waste my fucking limited time if I DIDNT care. Trust me, I have duties to be met at a certain quota every single day. I say this shit only because I give a shit and care. If we met, she’d fucking hate me. But people like me are good for shaping people up to their potential. And we arent always this ‘tough love’ either. But when someone needs that level of harshness to help themselves, we’re not afraid to lose people or cause upset if the results end up being the best for them. If she ever saw this, she needs to re fucking evaluate her message, her story, and those she’s choosing to welcome into her circle. And all Im seeing is one rookie mistake after the other. Her paid patreon discord. Just like the messages Honest has posted on her side of being harassed (not in Vivs fyi), Ive experienced shit and bullying and even stay silent on their for being attacked for a group I fuckin paid to be in and yet I feel isolated. It’s all arsekissing and ‘thank you viv’ (thats an actual channel-) and it feels like a place of borderline worship and people trying to appease her 24/7 whilst kicking others with different opinions down. There’s so many I love but I aint kissin yer fuckin arse. Ask the closest friend I have - we’re fucking raw and wont just side with each other just because. We’ll call each other out if we think they’ve fucked up and then help each other build themselves up better. Because real fuckin people who actually care wont just want to be adored by you. They’ll care enough to point out your bullshit and help you, even if they upset you at the time. They’re real and upfront with you. People like us arent always the easiest to be close to either because we arent afraid of upsetting someone if it’s in their best interest and to help them. Likewise, we dont go out looking for fights either. Most times, we’re fuckin soft bastards- All this shit listed is the fuckin surface level of the real life hell of this fandom. And unsurprisingly, those who experience little to no toxicity have always been higher on that popularity ‘food chain’ - enough admirers and shared opinions that people wanna arse kiss regardless of their OWN feelings as well as neutral perspectives. I’d say you’re the lucky fans, but you’re not. You’re sheltered, and that isnt always the best way to be sadly. As for the fans. If Ive upset you. Well... I dont care. Because many of you have actively sought me out and weaponised my traumas against me. You never cared about my feelings then. Why should I care about yours? Im not doing this out of malice. Im fed up of humans behaving so pathetically yet claiming to be high and mighty. Most of you have been arseholes to those in and out of the community. The victims and non-victims alike. Hardly any of you considered once my real suffering. You put a drawing over a life. Many lives. You had the audacity to tell me Im full of shit. Some even using my real traumas to make a mockery of me and those Im around with a very similar history. Some with traumatic histories that differ from my own. You hardly ever considered the real lives of those effected. So no, Im not sorry for having the fucking balls to this day to still stand up for our rights and give us a voice that’s long been stolen. Im not sorry for being a fucking victim. Im not sorry for saying what desperately NEEDS voicing. And Im not sorry for not conforming to you or any fandom just to belong. We deserve better than to constantly be your fuckin arse monkeys (well... the trope is butt monkey but yknow-) and to be mistreated, misrepresented and harmed by you. You’re no different to the school bullies who give speeches on anti-bullying day. And I hope every single one of you starts looking into yourselves and improving. PS: Depending on the texts you read, Lucifer is said to have been redeemed or to be redeemed. Fun fact to haunt yalls with~ “
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ichichikacchan-blog · 6 years
Midoriya vs Bakugou - why Bakugou's actions make sense psychologically and why Midoriya constantly added conflicts - unintentionally
Soooo, I watched the latest episode and like I predicted, it fuckin killed me.
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Before I dive in and get to the main topic, I really want to shout out to Bakugou's VA Okamoto Nobuhiko. This guy is a beast and he captures Bakugou SO well, it's insane. I knew what was coming but his voice acting left me broken, I ached so bad for Bakugou I was so down after his break down.
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So, the biggest part of my wall of text will cover my thoughts on why Bakugou's actions made sense from the beginning, psychologically.
So leaving all my emotions behind and turn to a more objective view, I'll talk about a topic that bugged me a lot for several months now and it's the amount of hate Bakugou receives. I'm kind of glad to see that there are a lot of his fans out there, too but the haters are quite aggressive and while I do understand where this is coming from, a lot of people miss the big picture and they just don't try to understand. Which is sad. I know there are a lot of people just consuming things and don't really want to get into deep thoughts about animated shows, but maybe they should. It’s okay to hate a character but please recognize character development.
First, that he bullied Deku and even told to his face that he should kill himself IS NOT COOL and should NOT be defended. These were absolute dick moves, period.
Digging deeper, WHY did he do this? It's a very interesting and complicated topic and the whole conflict caught my attention early on as I'm a sucker for anti-heroes and complicated characters. And boy, complicated is the word I'll always choose if I need to describe Bakugou with a few words.
The latest episode finally shed some light on Bakugou's feelings and though the fight took not that long in the manga I'm so glad they decided to use a whole episode with added flashbacks and adjusted the dialoge a bit.
It's important to understand 2-3 stages of the conflict, so it's necessary to start with the childhood of Midoriya and Bakugou.
Stage 1 : Arrogance
The manga and anime made it very clear in the beginning that Bakugou has been very ambitious and with his quirk manifesting early and all people around him handling him like a prodigy, he grew up believing that his dream will become a reality no matter what. For him, as he was powerful, strong willed and intelligent, these were the main things needed to become the best of the best - because these attributes made him the best in everything. So he automatically claimed a leader position with many admirers, including little Midoriya. You can see in this early stages that due to societys perception of him, he became a little arrogant fucker but he wasn't toxic at that time. What was toxic were his expectations for himself that manifested, because in his mind, powerful and strong are things to be admired, hence, everything else was weak and to stay on top, weakness is no option and to be avoided at all costs. And well, Midoriya did add to that A LOT because he treated him like something special all the time!
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So all quirks manifested in the little so called gang they had and poor Midoriya didn't have one. That alone let to teasing, but he didn't receive cruel child teasing by Bakugou alone. It was a mixture of pity and cold rejection he reveived from nearly everyone around him. And still there was this amazing guy next to him, the one he called a friend. So little Bakugou took Midoriya kind of under his wing because Midoriya was weak and a crybaby (he always was). Bakugou did not do that out of kindness, he did it because he was the leader and weaklings need leaders to know what to do. And Midoriya wanted that back then because despite having his dream, he was nothing but a dreamer, absolutely no threat to Bakugous' goals and in all things, he was weak. Except for being intelligent.
1.2 All about the respect
So they still hanged out after that, people tend to forget that. The only thing that changed that Bakugou started teasing him. With Midoriya out of the game, he he had no competition. Again, it was not toxic back then but it grew to be and we will encounter that change soon, but I'd like to talk a bit more about their relationship in the early stages because understanding what Midoriya did wrong by being himself is essential to understand what pushed Bakugou from being a teasing and arrogant shit to a full grown bully.
So, young Bakugou and Midoriya still were something considered friends back then and it all changed with Midoriya diagnosed as quirkless.
So, we remember the scene, Bakugou in full leader mode falling from that tree trunk and Midoriya coming for help. So what happened here is essential because, Midoriya rushed to make sure he is okay out of concern but WHAT did Bakugou see? He fell, yeah. But it was not dangerous. He just slipped and got wet by falling into the little river beneath. And here was Midoriya, trying to help him for... what exactly? Because the situation was so trivial Bakugou did not understand why the hell he looked like he needed help. He wasn't even hurt. Remember, he was the leader. Again, he totally misinterpret good intentions and concern and the mood shifted between them. Because in this moment, Bakugou felt disrespected.
Midoriya literally made himself the perfect victim (not his fault intentionally, but the circumstances made it so).  Midoriya had one feature that made him such a lovable precious guy and that was his willingness to help others no matter what. Something Bakugou did himself to an extent too, but for him that was natural because he was the strongest. Midoriya tried to help even when he couldn't and he never understood that. What is important to note is that they are such different characters, it was not possible for Bakugou to grasp Midoriyas intentions, so he interpreted them.
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The beginning, stage 2: Pride
So they went to school together and the mood changed drastically. Midoriya kept chasing his dreams but to be fair, he didn't do anything for it except analyzing a lot of things and sharpen his intelligence (which is admirable too but remember, we're analyzing Bakugous' perspective).
Bakugou, as the prodigy he was, noticed that Midoriya was intelligent. What he didn't understand was his clinging to his dream, because he made no effort in appearing heroic or something and was simply not strong enough to accomplish anything. Midoriya turned out to be everything he despised, a definition of weakness. Still, he chased his dream but without doing anything and THAT pissed Bakugou off. You could clearly see that Bakugou, despite having it easy the whole time because of his talents, was still working his ass off. He trained a lot, mastered his quirk and, the big difference to an ordinary bully, he learned a lot, studied eagerly and didn't want to get involved with illegal shit (he told his followers off for smoking around him and so on).
So Midoriya somehow planned to become a hero without having at least some physical abilities and a respectable personality, he was just a dreamer. 
Back to topic, seeing the crybaby dreamer wanting to accomplish the same thing as he wanted to, pissed Bakugou off. For him, it was futile (and let's be honest, without getting One For All, it would've been futile because Midoriya didn't fulfill the requirements for getting accepted from a hero school so he'd never gotten his license otherwise!) and with Midoriya still believing that he somehow could do it (he was not that determined as Bakugou, so his thing was more dreaming of becoming a hero than making an effort to become one) he totally got on Bakugous nerves and Bakugou decided to "put him into place". That, OF COURSE, was so wrong. But Midoriyas whole actions attacked his pride and Bakugou needed to make pretty clear that no one, especially a nerd (he called him that because he recognized his intelligence and did fear it, because it was Midoriyas only attribute being a match to his own) will somehow manage to be in his way. Plus he developed a poor impulse controll. 
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He just couldn't handle the thought that Midoriya could somehow do something to threaten him due to his intelligence or pure luck. So he needed to break him. Would their relationship have been different if Midoriya stood up for himself? ABSOLUTELY. Still, it doesn’t excuse Bakugou’s bullying, bullying is just WRONG.  
Remember when I said that Midoriya made himself the perfect victim? His nature collided with Bakugou's and totally prevented him to stand up for himself, which automatically proved Bakugou right (in his perception), that Midoriya is a weakling. What makes that clear is, Bakugou's somehow best friend at U.A., Kirishima, is EXACTLY like Midoriya characterwise (except for the crying part) BUT he doesn't take shit from Bakugou, that's why he earned his respect. Midoriya didn't and he never tried to step up because he let Bakugou make him weak. In a way that Midoriya believed himself that he was weak! So basically the conflict came about because Bakugou lacked empathy and suffered (still does) from poor control of his emotions and Midoriya lacked self esteem and will. A toxic combination that led Bakugou to hate Midoriyas guts and react the only way he could due to his anger issues and Midoriya living in fear. But he still was somehow not able to hate Bakugou and why is that? Because deep down, with his empathy for others, Midoriya knew that the tough guy thing was an act and that Bakugou really had anger management problems. The scene after Bakugou told him to go kill himself proved that, because Midoriya thought he was stupid for saying that because he would've gotten in trouble if Midoriya did something to himself. Yup, Midoriya was so precious during that aweful time and Bakugou surely didn't deserve it. Especially after the incident where he appeared to Bakugou's rescue with risking a lot. And deep down, Bakugou knew he couldn't do anything against that enemy and that Midoriya risked and actually DID something. And it pissed him off.
Stage 3: The inferiority complex
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Now, we all know what came next, Midoriya got acknowledged by All Might and received a quirk. He trained a lot and took the entrance exam for U.A., just like Bakugou. And with a lot of luck he passed, while Bakugou scored first. So he came to class and shocked the hell out of Bakugou and with the first fitness test, the whole thing escalated. Midoriya had a quirk. What the actual fuck? For Bakugou, Midoriya TRICKED him his whole life and knowingly looked down on him the whole time. Just waiting for an opportunity to surpass him. Making a fool out of him for a long time. And with all the other good quirks in his class, the chances of Midoriya somehow beating him were threatining him. In no fuckin way he could let that happen so even with the high intelligent people in his class (Momo, Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida,..) and the powerful (Todoroki, Tokoyami, Kaminari, Kirishima, Midoriya..) he still managed to be the best, losing slightly in intelligence to Momo and power to Todoroki, but being the best as a package of both attributes. And he continued to work hard because now, he had actual threats for the first time. 
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In a school with prodigies you need to be better than everyone else. And so Bakugou tried to stay away from everybody, being a Maverick. But he saw Midoriya getting stronger and stronger and he was afraid. Losing to him literally shook his worldview and with wanting to be the best at all costs he pressured himself so much that a breakdown was inevitable. Especially after All Might's fight with All For One, because he blamed himself so bad for that. The breakdown happened today in this episode. He stuffed everything down, suffered from major setbacks, and was confronted with something he didn't want to hear: That everybody saw him as a villain, not a hero. Now imagine having a goal since early childhood, admiring a hero and wanting to become one just to realize that everyone, including villains, saw a villian in him rather than a hero. Well, ouch. His own fault of course but please don't forget that he is still a teenager (Thank you All Might for understanding this). So he failed the provisional license exam and Midoriya passed it and that, plus his realization about the connection of Midoriya and All Might and All Might's end send him over the edge. 
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He worked so hard and Midoriya got acknowledged, why? Well, rethorical of course, I'm pretty sure that he already guessed why but he didn't want to admit it. That's why he wanted to fight, because HE wanted to acknowledge Midoriya too to be even able to handle the fact that All Might didn't acknowledge HIM. So Midoriya finally needed to prove to him that he has what it takes to be a hero, to earn his respect - and he did! FINALLY. All Might telling the truth, Bakugou earned the right to know the details. All Might acknowledged him too and Midoriya finally understood what was wrong all those years.
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Their conflict is so powerful and real, it's one of the best rivalry stories I've ever come across and I didn't expect that much depth in a Shounen jump story. Now, the Bakugou haters have a point, the bullying was beyond shitty and it takes more effort to somehow make it right again (that's up to Midoriya to decide). But to state that Bakugou is plain evil and an asshole and just did what he did because he is an asshole pains me. The world is not black and white. As I said, even though a lot of people don't want to hear that but Midoriya didn't do anything to get out of the role of the victim. Was it okay for Bakugou to use this, of course NOT. But he's so much more than a bully and guys, for real, haven't you done anything wrong in your life? Have you never hurt anybody with things you did? Don't be ridiculous. Bullying, of course, is not just some mistake, it's really shitty and nobody needs to forgive him (I certainly didn't and he's one of my all time favorite characters). I won't defend him. But my point is, everybody makes mistakes, especially in teenage years.
Also, please consider that Horikoshi intended Bakugou to be a hated character so he did a good job with pissing people off xD the popularity polls in Japan showed that he has a lot of fans and I did my best to explain why. If you still hate him, do as you like but please, acknowledge his character development and that there is more to him than just the asshole feature, even though you hate his guts.
So I needed to get this off my chest. Because Midoriya being not so innocent in this whole conflict is a really unpopular opinion but yeah. I love the two so much and really hope they can maintain the gained respect for each other and help each other grow.
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momentskrp · 5 years
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today we’re showcasing our 2B tenant park jiyeon, who has been with us at sweetheart since december 2014. she’s currently a waitress & drug dealer, but we hear she has big dreams of becoming a filmmaker someday. turn to page 5 to read more!
1. before jiyeon was born, auntie says mom used to be a dreamer.
“motherhood kills fantasies.” auntie says, flicking her cigarette ash out the window. her sharp eyes cutting over to jiyeon sitting in the passenger seat with her little feet danging and round little face pressed against the window. “i could never do that sort of thing.”
2.  mothers are good at making up excuses; jiyeon’s mother has an excuse for everything.
there’s an excuse for why she’s always gone.
there’s an excuse for why jiyeon is the only one in her class that doesn’t have a father.
there’s an excuse for why the light switches don’t work and why jiyeon has to stay with auntie who chain smokes and uncle who sleeps all day.
all excuses always have the same ending.
“when you’re older you’ll understand.”
3. on wednesdays, uncle takes her to the movies after school.
“it’s good for kids to get educated by the screen.” he says “reading too many books will rot your brain out y’know.”
sometimes they see the same movie. sometimes they see foreign movies where uncle explains the words she doesn’t understand between bites of popcorn.
“it’s our little secret,” he always says when they leave the theater with her little hand held loosely in his larger calloused one. “don’t tell your aunt, she’d crucify me for less.”
4. “what do you want to be when you grow up?”
jiyeon’s shoulders work out a shrug before she can stop herself.
auntie says women have to have opinions about things. girls always need to have solid reasoning. i don’t know is never a good answer
there’s no reason to live without meaning, without a purpose.
“my uncle wants to work in the movies,” jiyeon says in the same mono-toned little voice that grates on auntie’s nerves so, “i guess i’d like to be like him and work in the movies too.”
5. she lies more than she should.
she tells her friends she hates her mother and has no interest in finding her father.
she tells a boy she loves him back.
she tells her aunt she’ll be a good girl and go to school in seoul and make something of herself. be someone trustworthy and reliable.
she tells herself she’s happy the way everything’s worked out so far.
she tells her grandmother she’ll always stay nearby, that she loves her sleepy little seaside town where time moves so slowly and nothing ever changes.
at best, she’s a fraud. a dirty little con-artist hellbent on trying to trick everyone in her life including herself. but jiyeon’s constantly falling just short of her ultimate goal.
still, the lies are easier to stomach than the reality of what is.
1. dreamers often lie.
mercutio says it to romeo and no one thinks anything of it.
not romeo, not jiyeon’s literature teacher, not even jiyeon.
not until it’s 2 months past the prophetic warning and jiyeon sits in a corner on her side of the room head held in hand, surrounded by crumpled up bills that her dream was just that, a dream. impossible and surreal, not meant for the proletarian like her.
she should’ve listened to her aunt. she should’ve majored in something reliable with a job waiting for her at the end of a long road.
jiyeon ends the semester with bright smiles and a promise that she’ll see everyone after the holidays.
she never comes back.
2. her manager catches her sobbing in the walk-in. violent sort of sobs that wrack thin shoulder. ugly sobs that leave jiyeon snotty and drooling like a sniveling child trapper in her own pathetic wonder.
“after the restaurant closes tonight, come see me.”
it’s a demand, not a request.
it only takes a second to sober up and nod.
after when the restaurant closes, and the kitchen is all clean and everyone files out her manager calls her over with a simple curling gesture of his finger.
in the dark of his office he places a warm hand on her shoulder and another one on her thigh and looks deep into her eyes.
“what’s a pretty girl like you have to cry about?”
shoulders shrug and eyes search for anything else in the room to look at other than him. in the end, she settles on staring blankly at the wedding picture sitting on her managers desk. jiyeon hears his wife is a young girl of twenty-three and her father owns a couple of restaurants mostly located in myeongdong. she also heard she’s pregnant with the couple’s first child.
none of it really matters when her manager presses his lips against hers and lets his hand slide up her skirt.
jiyeon hears his wife knows about his ways, and she just doesn’t care.
3. on wednesdays jiyeon volunteers on film sets.
sometimes she’s an extra. other days she’s an assistant to the assistant of photography. it all amounts to the same, working for free to chase a dream that’s constantly slipping through her grasp like grains of sand.
her old schoolmates are always quick with the compliment, but still it doesn’t ease the blow of reality of her utter lack of achievement.
“i’m sure if you just you know fully inserted yourself back into film you’d do well jiyeon. you always were better than you knew.”
he’s two years her senior and when she was in school she hung on his every word.
they don’t mean as much now. enough time has passed for the stars in her eyes to fade. his words don’t hold so much meaning anymore.
it’s not a matter of not wanting to film. it’s a fear of failure, it’s a concern of money,it’s the worry of wasted years she’s spent trying to live from paycheck to paycheck  it’s the reality that all the talent and good intentions in the world don’t put food on the table and keep creditors off her back.
“one day i’ll get back into it,” she lies, “the timing just not right now.”
4. “what did you want to be when you grow up?”
he’s got a terrible habit of mixing business with pleasure.
it’s only a side project of hers, a way to make extra money because the salary of a waitress who whores herself to her boss for a pathetic raise doesn’t begin to cover the expenses involved with living in a city in seoul, much less surviving.
“it’s 45,000 won for one gram so for three,” he always gives her some sad sort of stare when she plows on through to the point of their meeting, the look a father gives a daughter who could be doing better, the look her uncle used to give her when she’d mimic the actions her aunt expected out of a young girl. “jihoon, it’s going to be 135,000 won.”
jihoon’s got a wallet with more cash in it than jiyeon earns in a month. once he told her he did something in the entertainment business but jiyeon’s never bothered to ask about the specifics of it. slowly, he pulls the cash out of his wallet and he’s reaches out to hand her the cash before snatching it away at the last moment.
he’s too playful for her liking, not worth the 30% cut she’s getting out of this. but customer service is served with a smile, or at the very least polite indifference to the whole situation.
“i’ll give you 200,000 won for the whole thing if you tell me what you wanted to be as a kid.” “what’s it matter to you?” “curious.” “curious about what your dealer dreamed of when she was six?” “curious of what leads a good girl from what ulsan? you’re from ulsan right? anyways what’s a good girl from ulsan doing selling marijuana to a fucker like me in my trendy little apartment—” “ —did you?”
she’s not supposed to get mad, it’s bad for business. she’s supposed to be nice and polite just like she’s supposed to be in every aspect of her life. good girls aren’t what her aunt told her they’re supposed to be. good girls are demure and kind and don’t get angry so easily when a stupid man asks her a stupid question when she’s struggling to just get through her days.
“i’m sorry did you think i used to fantasize about selling illegal drugs to someone like you when i was a little girl?” “well i don’t know. i don’t know anything about you. i don’t even know your name.”
45,000 won isn’t worth this, not really. none of this is worth it, not going through the motions of what life is supposed to be at 25, not surviving through a job she hates and a side job that could land her in prison. nothing’s worth any of it.
“hong sangsoo.” “what? is that your name? that’s a mans name!” “fucking,” she sighs deeply and counts back from five in her head, “my name isn’t hong sangsoo. that was my dream. hong sangsoo, i wanted to make movies when i was a kid, i had journals and journals filled with all my ideas of the kind of films i wanted to make. and when i got older i realized i wanted to make you know sensitive character dramas, like hong sangsoo makes. that’s what i wanted to be when i was growing up.” “wow. hong sangsoo, i had you pegged as an actress not a director.” “well you know close but not close enough.”
she swears she almost hates jihoon, but almost isn’t close enough. somewhere in her she’s pleased he asks all these prying questions, pleased that someone cares to know past the superficiality of politeness.
“my name is jiyeon by the way, and i’m not from ulsan. i’m from gyeongju” “well jiyeon from gyeongju,” he says as he grabs her by the hand placing a wad of cash in her hand, “here’s 300,000 pounds. consider the extra a convenience fee for humoring a bored middle-aged man.”
5. she lies a lot, mostly to herself.
she lies and says she’s okay with how her life has worked out. with forgotten fantasies and a dead-end job that only serves to remind her of all the things she could’ve achieved and all the things she could’ve been
she lies to her aunt and says she’s doing well with her new life in the city, she tells her uncle she’s happy and living well and eating three times away.
it’s easier to stomach the lies.
it’s easier to get by on falsehood, and the older jiyeon gets the less she finds herself wanting to dabble in truth.
that’s the lesson her mother said she’d understand one day when she was an adult.
it’s easier this way.
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yeont4n · 7 years
Answer all!!
here we fuckn goooooooooo
we are bulletproof: if you could be any superhero, who would you be and why?
u kno that 1 girl from sky high whose only power was shapeshifting into a hamster? her. no reason
no more dream: if you woke up tomorrow to be incredibly famous, how would you react?
id go check my mailbox to collect all my free promotional gifts and then prolly fake my own death
i like it: if you could reverse any moment in your life, what would that moment be? 
there’s 1 thing but im not rlly gonna expose myself like tht on here smh
n.o: biggest pet peeve?
loud chewing/loud eating,,,,,,
we on: how do you deal with people who don’t like you?
i dont deal wit it lmfao it’s not my business who likes me n who doesn’t unless someone’s being particularly vocal about it:// in that case i’d prolly jus laugh about it
if i ruled the world: what would you do if you found out that you were an heir to a wealthy kingdom?
lmfao. idk tbh prolly decide which breed of dog i wanted to be known for loving
coffee: what’s your coffee order?
i dont order coffee often buh somethin w a lot of sugar.
cypher pt. 1: if you had to be part of a kpop group, what position would you want to be (i.e. leader, visual, lead vocal, dancer, rapper, maknae, etc.)
maknae i guess? how about staff
rise of bangtan: when and how did you get into the king and legends, also known as bangtan sonyeondan?
i saw a video of yoongi performing intro:nevermind in like 2015 n was :o ! buh never looked into it. in 2016 i saw the fire and bst dance practice vids and was like :0!??? but again, never looked into it. then finally spring day/not today mvs dropped n i FINALLY looked into who these boys were n jus fell down an ever spiraling rabbit hole.. now we here
satoori rap: what does home mean to you?
a feeling. i mean i have a few physical manifestations of the concept of home: my town, my school, my house. things i can return to. but really it’s a feeling isn’t it?? safety, familiarity, comfort, fondness
boy in luv: when you are interested in someone (romantically, sexually, etc.), does your behavior change?
yeah probably altho i dnt have many data points to go over rn
just one day: who would you want to spend the last day of your life with?
yall expectin me 2 say bts buh id want 2 be wit my friends n family . bts can b there 2 if they want
tomorrow: goal that you would like to achieve within the next year?
get into..... college.....
cypher pt. 2: one thing about yourself you wish people would appreciate more?
i never express appreciation n all that verbally thru words or physically thru touch buh i have my own ways of showin tht i care n i guess it dont count if i dont communicate explicitly like: hey ilu ! . what happened to actions speak louder than words smh
spine breaker: what is your weakness when it comes to spending money?
makeup!!!!!!!!!! >
jump: favorite childhood memory?
getting my dog tina!!!!
miss right: what is your ideal ‘type’?
physically i tend 2 like the boyish types likkee think taehyung inu era i guess. boy next door vibes; ive never rlly been into the macho build or the preppy, neat look, or the rough around the edges, angsty shithead badboy exterior model like i like my boys S.O.F.T.! puppy-ish!
personality wise i guess jusssss idk i’m gonna copy n paste a list of qualities i look 4 in a partner that i wrote for a different ask game a while back: Sense of humor, openmindedness, compassion, reliability, ability 2 communicate directly/emotional maturity, ambition/drive/work ethic, etc.
i like it pt. 2: dream date? 
yall prolly expecting me to say smthn like staying in n watching movies n eating junk but i’d prolly wanna go out n do smthn ngl. not a movie where u can hardly even speak or a dinner date where u feel trapped n stiff buh smthn fun n mildly competitive n engaging ??????? although jus chillin dont sound so terrible either
danger: have you ever had a near-death experience?
kinda not really it was on hampton beach n i had an allergic reaction but i wasnt on death’s door or nuthn
war of hormone: most embarrassing moment?
i bled thru my fucking pants in like 7th grade n it got on the chair! it was bad lol i was jus talking about this w my friend n she was like “yeah i remember that haha:)” shut up caitlin
hip hop lover: three songs that are meaningful to you?
moonlight sonata, ballade no. 1 in g minor, bts’ entire discography ties for 3rd
let me know: are you good at keeping secrets?
no lmfao . keeping my own, sure.
rain: most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
some words that have never been used to describe me, grace: spontaneous, easy going, flexible. the most impulsive thing i’ve done is prolly take a random sidestreet omw home just for the heck of it lol
cypher pt. 3: favorite outfit to wear?
cute jeans w a belt, a crop top. white adidas. i like dresses too tho!! n i really like layered clothes (a mock turtle neck under a slip dress or like a pinstripe button up under a babydoll fit blouse. i jus think it’s fuckin adorable)
blanket kick: longest time you’ve spent lying in bed (sleeping or not)? 
prolly 2 or 3 days
24/7 = heaven: what are you most looking forward to?
fuck i rlly dk . doesnt that suck??
look here: do you have any hidden talents?
i can burp on command lmfaoofdj
second grade: proudest accomplishment?
dont ask me this if u dnt want to be made uncomfortable by how genuinely unproud of myself i am lol
i need u: are you in love?
wit k*m t*aehy*ng? yeah.
hold me tight: does physical contact comfort you?
no........... maybe i havent found the right person but it’s not my cup of tea generally speaking
love is not over: ever had your heart broken?
no but now i know what i can look forward to haha
dead leaves: how loyal are you?
im rlly loyal if that commitment is mutual. w my family i’m ride or die i’ll fuck anyone up who comes for my asshole brother idc!!!!!!!!!
move: last time you cried?
cant remember,, i dnt cry much. prolly watching reply 1988 when bo ra and her dad were exchanging letters on her wedding day.
butterfly: most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
his name looks similar to my url thats the only hint im giving
run: do you like traveling? if so, where? what’s your dream vacation?
i dnt really like travelling tbh but i do wanna go back to korea one day. not necessarily as a tourist but as a diasporic korean person myself
ma city: if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
idk. i cant imagine not living in the states tbh but i also cant say i love it here either
baepsae: do you vote and/or keep up with politics?
i can’t vote but i’m in my school’s youth vote committee which runs debates for local elections and registration drives at the end of the year. i kept up with politics a lot more last year but after the election i jus got 2 bitter. i know what’s going on but only sort of surface level smh
dope: what did you want to be when you were younger? how does it compare to what you want to be now?
i wanted to be a teacher lmfao and i wanted to commute to college n save $$ bc i was a practical little fucker even when i was 6. these days i’m not that interested in teaching bc a) i’d be objectively bad at it and b) i was a classroom mentor for elementary schools and... realized i can’t work w kids tht small every damn day i’d rlly snap
fire: are you a spontaneous person?
save me: your favorite place on earth?
rn??? m y bed
young forever: what is one movie from your childhood that you will always treasure?
august rush lol
boys with fun: you’re going on a roadtrip with seven other people– dead, alive, fictional, real, famous, or not. who are they, and why?
really......... seven other people:)? guess.
converse high: how many pairs of shoes do you own?
12??? 3 are the same black heel lmfao n a lot i havent worn in years but i still technically own them. i rlly b wearing the same 4 pairs in a cycle n 1 rotten bleach stained soggy mess for work shoes.
whalien 52: weirdest thing that has ever happened to you? alternatively, weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
weirdest dream i ever had was way too long to type out n had way too many references to people in my personal life to ever be interesting lmao
house of cards: when was the last time you felt sexy?
boy meets evil: have you ever committed a crime? if so, what was it? alternatively, what is the worst thing you have ever done?
does speeding count smh.
blood, sweat, & tears: kinkiest kink you have?
rolling eyes emoji. pass!
begin: who are you most grateful for in your life?
my parents!
lie: biggest fear?
real talk? failure. abandonment but i’m adopted, how cliche. also bugs
stigma: would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
date of death bc if i knew the cause but not have any indication of when it’d hit me, i’d be a paranoid agoraphobic wreck for the rest of my life
first love: do you believe in soulmates?
yes but i also believe you can have more than one! and that soulmates aren’t exclusively romantic
reflection: if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
get ur fucking bangs cut
mama: are you good at giving advice?
yeah i think so
awake: if you had to be a flower, which flower would you be?
lazy daisy
lost: how good are you with directions? do you get lost easily?
horrible horrible horrible. directionally challenged. i can’t even find my way to the fucking grocery store down the road on my own. if i ever missed an exit on the highway you’d never hear from me again, i could never find my way back without a gps. i’m dead serious
cypher pt. 4: what do you do to treat yourself or relax?
take a bath or a long long shower. eat smthn warm, drink tea, do a face mask, change my sheets n snuggle up watchin a drama or movie or playin sims
am i wrong: you wake up one morning in the hospital, knowing only your name and a single memory from your life. what is that memory?
wtf how do i answer this lmfao how wud i know lol
21st century girls: do you prefer texting, calling, or video chatting?
texting! calling if it’s a long story though
2!3!: your favorite thing about bangtan?
their modesty and grace ! they’re a true underdog success story >
spring day: who do you miss right now?
not today: what are your procrastinating right now?
math summer work smh
wings: on airplanes, do you prefer the window seat, the middle seat, or the aisle seat?
window seat!
you never walk alone: how many people do you trust with your life?
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