#the look on his face made it worth it
mattodore · 5 months
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pay attention to theo’s beautiful face and not whatever matthias’s arm is doing... i liked the lighting more here than against the wall
#these are the last screenshots i wanted to edit from the ones i took on the 22nd and had been slowly editing throughout the week#will finally be putting mattodore in their thirties to rest 🙏⚰️#river dipping#echthroi#matthias evanoff#theodore doe#a burning house to live in#ts4#ts4 edit#simblr#ended up not doing much to these screenshots tbh… i was so into the audiobook i was listening to i kinda just. stared at the wall a lot...#my brain was telling me this wasn’t worth posting bc i’ve done so many mattodore edits recently and this isn’t anything different but.#like i did actually spend a few hours with these edits so. on one hand i’m like this isn’t really anything#but on the other hand i’m like. well they’re my ocs whom i love dearly and i’ll probably enjoy looking back at this#the same way i do all my other recent edits which i open my own blog up to stare at like. multiple times in a day#obsessed atm……..#anyway.#god… matthias is so huge he always takes up so much space i’m constantly having to crop him out of edits 😭#and these are poses that weren’t even made from me…. so he’s not even at his full 6’3’’ height and size like 😭😭😭#he distracted me but that aside... i'm waiting for my game to open up atm so i can get back to tweaking alessandria's sim#her face is gonna take me forever.................................#ik i don't talk about my other ocs on here much anymore but alessandria is my third favorite oc (mattodore obviously being my top two)#so... i'm seriously gonna agonize over every update i make for them now kjdhknjf#ocs with tragic backstories save me...................#i’ll probably spend a few hours with alessandria in cas and then i’m going back to google docs to write more abt mattodore
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Can’t get over Luke fucking Skywalker.
He is in a forest that is filled with ysalamiri that cut him off from the Force, he is surrounded on all sides by Imperials who want him dead, vornskrs who want him dead, and a Mara who wants him dead. His right hand is acting up because he took out a power supply. He has no idea where he is, he doesn’t even know what planet he’s on! Mara has threatened to shoot him, point blank, like four times already.
And he just lays down in the middle of the woods, with only Artoo and Mara to protect him from the bloodthirsty creatures ignoring everyone else to attack him specifically (vornskrs) and is perfectly content. He drifts in and out of sleep. He makes casual conversation with Mara.
Mara is over there like “I know I want him dead, but before I kill him, I’m going to force him to tell me why the fuck he is the way he is.”
Bro, Luke in Heir to the Empire??? Chef’s kiss. He almost gets killed saving Mara from getting killed by a vornskr, he is literally bleeding out, Mara made him drop his lightsaber again, and he has to ask permission to talk to Artoo. And he just, comforts Artoo? Just gives Artoo a lil pep talk? Tells him “Oh, everything looks fine, I’m okay, we can fix everything that broke off of you, we’re all good :)” Luke has his back turned to the woman who has threatened to kill him for breathing, and he’s just throwing out little compliments for Artoo.
Everyone is like: “Luke. We cannot let the stormtroopers and their ship of reinforcements go under that arch, they will kill as all.”
Luke: :D
Everyone: “Okay, we’re letting the stormtroopers and their ship of reinforcements go under that arch, hope you know what the fuck you’re doing, Luke.”
And Luke drops the entire arch on the enemy. He doesn’t even have the Force, he just cuts through stone with his fucking lightsaber without the Force, after being held prisoner for a few days then walking through a deadly forest for a few days.
I’m with Mara, on this one. Why is he the way he is??? Everyone else is like “yo what the f Luke???” and hoenstly, same? Luke just crushed the enemy and is like “Wow, good to see Lando again.”
Mara spends all of her internal monologues going “Why aren’t you panicking??? What is wrong with you??? You should be scared, why are you dozing off???” Luke, meanwhile, spends most of his going “Well, I’m sure it’ll all work out eventually” and “I know that I can do Jedi things, but I’m kind of a dick sometimes, am I doing the Jedi a disservice?” and “Oh cool, Artoo is okay.” Like, come on, Luke, have some concerns about the situation, please, the vornskrs are out for your blood specifically!
Anyway, tldr: Luke is so fucking weird /affectionate
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morsesnotes · 4 months
Some scenes from Cashback (2006) for anyone who hasn't seen it.
It's a sex comedy from the 00s, and Shaun's character is supposed to be a total pervert, so...prepare yourself for that, lol. Also in the background there's artwork of naked women FYI.
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demonslayedher · 1 year
I'd like to think that a Kakushi, being mindful of the needs of the Corp, was keen to notice the young new rising star Himejima beefing up so quickly that he needed uniforms replaced often. Himejima often would have to remove the upper portion of the uniform in order to use his techniques efficiently, even in cold weather. Young Himejima's response was to train himself to not be bothered by the cold, but this Kakushi could not stand for this and promised to make a special uniform Himejima could wear while fighting and still have room to grow into.
It took some extra time and he was proud of it, but then when Himejima put it on, it turned out it was snug after all. That was a frustrating, but the uniform could be recycled later for some other hefty guy, so he set to work on another one. He wound up having to sew odd pieces of fabric together to try to make it wide enough, but when Himejima tried it on, it bunched and sagged in odd places while being tight in others. Himejima assured him that he shouldn't trouble himself, but this Kakushi refused to accept defeat and swore he would clothe this giant boy one way or another.
If their bolts of fabric weren't wide enough, then he was just going to have to construct a wider loom. In the midst of this construction process he considered various improvements to the material's flexibility and sturdiness, and suitability for keeping the swordsmen comfortable in a wide range of weather.
It took a while, and in that time Himejima had beefed up so much that no one had a prayer of coming close to him in size. Everyone knew he was going to be declared a Pillar any day now, and this Kakushi, having just finished his work, was proud to be able to let this guy present himself in front of Oyakata-sama while looking his best, wearing the only five-button uniform in use in the Corp.
He presented it to Himejima, who put it on, and then the top three buttons sprang off, leaving the specially made uniform open and flapping in the wind. Himejima could sense the Kakushi's anguish before he heard the tortured scream and knees slamming to the ground.
"It's alright," the soon-to-be Pillar cried with sympathy, "I'll just wear it like this."
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abirddogmoment · 1 year
If Mav could give you 3 pieces of advice, what would they have been?
I really liked this ask, thank you anon.
#1 - it's okay and even good to make yourself comfy and do nothing for a little bit.
#2 - if it sucks, hit the bricks, but if it's good, give it your whole heart.
#3 - take the time to smell the wind and look at birds.
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I'm reading this fic where Stede is wondering if Izzy's losing his hearing because he's always staring at people's lips when they're speaking. He shares this worry with Ed, telling him how he's been trying to be more accommodating and always makes sure to face Izzy when he's talking to him, etc.
And Ed just starts *laughing* his ass off.
And Stede gets so offended on Izzy's behalf, he's like "how can you be sure that's not it??"
Ed then stands right in front of Stede and very deliberately lets his gaze drift down to his lips and linger there.
And Stede is like: "... oh."
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frogs-n-swamps · 1 year
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deus-ex-mona · 9 months
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agshdhdhshsbs chair deoxys is hugeeeeeeeee (lxl for scale)
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fragmentedblade · 10 months
"The person responded that it is true that Xianzhou people like large and strong pets, but there are also those who love petite and delicate ones. Now that he saw the sparkle in my eyes, he expected that I must be the latter"
#This man is one of those big guys with a kitten or a chihuahua‚ isn't he?#He is actually adorable and it makes the pictures of him softly handling birds while he looks at them with extreme tenderness gain layers#I love that he had read about the grimalkin in old texts‚ so appropriate. And that he was suspicious of the scam‚ so fitting#I found very cute that he made a comment about it not being an invasive species#But I adore that he couldn't turn down the offer 'after petting those tender little paws'. Truly this man is adorable haha#He called it 'Mimi' because he expected it to be cute and tiny and he got himself a lion this man is absurd and adorable I can't xD#And I love how he is not fazed by much including public opinion. How he says to Fu Xuan that about him facing the consequences as a joke#but perhaps with some truth and how he says here 'Qingzu was worried that could be bad for me‚ but I didn't think too much of it#and told her not to worry. In my opinion‚ «The Glutton General» sounds more impressive than «The Dozing General»'#Oh I love him so hahaha#However everything is cancelled. Not Jing Yuan‚ Blade‚ Fu Xuan‚ Sampo or Jingliu. My favourite character is Qingzu. We stan a funny liar#The reference to Doraemon got me lol#I can't stop thinking about Jing Yuan holding Yanqing with such tenderness in the context of these lines#And the birds. And the Yanqing—birds... parallelism? which I love. What a soft lovely man he is haha#Truly they did his character a disservice with the imposing general voice in the English dub#It's almost worth playing in Chinese for that alone#Jing Yuan#I talk too much#I can't believe he got scammed into buying a lion because he thought he was buying something small#He truly is one of those extremely stupid highly intelligent people‚ eh?#I couldn't love him more haha I find him so funny and endearing#He seems to have stopped because the cat was small and cute and he thought no one was going to buy it at first too?#He is really adorable and I can't stop thinking about Yanqing in this context
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dxsole · 3 months
Zora definitely gifted Setau some books on insects, and some illustrations that they made of the insects they take care of together. So. Hey.
🎁 INSECTS!? | Always Accepting Random Asks~!
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"You didn't have t—to do this." Setau starts, as usual. On a good day, he tended to think he didn't deserve anyone fussing over him— that extended to his birthday, apparently.
Despite all that, he is happy, ecstatic even, because in the end, he was a very easy person to please. The book would have been enough, sitting in the center of his bookshelf for easy access (he had books sorted in a way that made sense to him and only him after all).
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But then there was more— something handmade. Personalized. "Th—that's Peaches!" His eyes are going watery and that doesn't help how he's almost tripping over himself to show the bug.
Peaches is uninterested. Setau doesn't seem to notice. "They're all in there." He beams, running his finger along the edge of the illustration, careful not to touch the actual artwork lest he ruin it somehow. "Thank you...I love it. I love it all."
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shadowglens · 8 months
story: 1, 3 romance: 2,3 for olympia 🤓
tav as companion asks
1. how does your tav advise the player character when it comes to the dream visitor?
olympia is conflicted herself, and expresses this to the pc. she knows the dream visitor is highly suspicious, but oly is a big believer in fate and ultimately the dream visitor is the only reason they're all still alive. she advises the pc to go along with it for now and give them the benefit of the doubt until they prove themselves an enemy or reveal their true intentions. she thinks ingesting further tadpoles is a very bad idea though and will disapprove if the pc begins indulging.
3. how do they react to astarion biting the player character?
in the first conversation you have with her after the bite scene, olympia just glances from the pcs neck, to astarion across camp, and then to the pcs face with a raised eyebrow and small smile that looks equal parts amused and concerned. she makes a comment about hoping the pc knows what they're getting into, but she doesn't disapprove. if anything, she gives astarion snark about it. this party banter can trigger the next time astarion and olympia are taken out together:
astarion, noticing oly looking his way - "why my dear olympia, don't tell me you're curious?" olympia, in a sweet, joking tone - "of what it looks like when a vampire is burned from the inside out by light-infused blood? unlikely. but it was sweet of you to offer." astarion grumbles but doesn't reply. the third party member just snickers.
2. does your tav need to be flirted with to start the romance, or will they approach the pc themselves if approval is high enough?
olympia will happily and openly flirt with the pc if they have high approval, although she will also check if the pc is okay with flirting (and the future potential of it going somewhere) before she keeps at it. she's not ashamed of her feelings but she also doesn't want to make the pc uncomfortable. alternatively, bold pcs can initiate flirting with olympia fairly on, and oly is pleasantly surprised by this predicament.
3. are they a polyamorous or a monogamous option?
monogamous :) being commited to one person is very important to oly, and i don't think she could spread that out across multiple partners.
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violetstar-arts · 1 year
Do I dare share the rough sketch of android Wheat(ley)
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minamotosousuke · 2 years
Look all I am saying is that on day 4 of knowing Mitsuba, Kou is going to wake up in the morning with scribbles all over his face. But nobody would’ve dared touch the Prince’s face before, so it’s not until breakfast that he finds out.
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vamptastic · 1 year
ive begun to condition myself into attraction to balding men as a defense mechanism against the inevitable future of my beautiful beautiful hair. hopefully one day i will progress to bald men in full.
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yuukiiqwq · 2 months
Satoru was confident that you liked him back. He was positive. He had no doubt in his mind that you were going to be his pretty little wife. Is he getting ahead of himself? Sure, he is, but he's that confident. That's until he noticed how he hadn't received any chocolate from you.
It was Valentine's Day, and he still hasn't received any chocolate from you. Yeah, he had a mountain worth of chocolate from all those people who gave him it, but where was yours? He couldn't find it anywhere. He was sure that you would have placed your chocolate on his desk since you hadn't given him his. He double no triple checked all the chocolates, yet he could not find the one that has your pretty little name written on it. He continued to search through the chocolate pile for the fourth time today.
He must have missed it, right? Or did someone steal it? He swear he's going to hunt that person to the end of the Earth. Who dared to steal something that was rightfully his?
"Satoru, calm down."
He looked up at his best friend, who was trying to hold down a laugh at his panic.
"She'll probably give it to you later. The day just begun."
Right. Suguru is right. You'll give him his chocolate later. He's a good boy. He can wait.
That's what he told himself, but Suguru and Shoko have already received theirs this morning, and his is still nowhere to be found. Where is his chocolate? You're just sitting there in your seat, looking all pretty as if Satoru is not going through a huge dilemma because of you.
He couldn't help his hands that kept inching itself closer to the chocolate you gave Suguru. He wouldn't know if he snatched it, right? Suguru had received a lot of chocolate! He wouldn't know if he took it... was what he convinced himself before Suguru slapped his hand away.
"Satoru," he sighs.
"But Suguru!!!" Satoru whined as he sunk down into his seat.
"Be patient. You'll get yours soon."
But how soon is soon? Satoru isn't exactly known for his patient.
It was the end of the day, and still no chocolate from you. He asked Suguru and Shoko to leave first because he thought you would finally give it to him when both of you were alone. But you haven't. Where was his chocolate?
The two of you were approaching the exit of school, so Satoru made a quick decision, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into an empty classroom. He quickly shut the door and locked it.
"Satoru?" You asked in confusion. "What's wrong?"
"My chocolate."
"Your chocolate?"
"My chocolate from you! The symbol of your love towards me!"
"I didn't make you any," you replied smoothly. "Forgot to make them yesterday, so I woke up early today to make them, but I guess not early enough. I only had time to finish Shoko's and Suguru's. I didn't have time to make yours. Otherwise, I would have been late."
Satoru swear the world just ended. He looked down at his chest because he swears his heart ripped out of his chest at your words. Nope. Still alive. Why is he still alive in this cruel world? You had no chocolate for him? None? Not even a crumb?
"That's fine with you, right? I mean, you got a bunch of chocolate from other girls! You don't need mine."
He swear he is about to burst into tears. He didn't care about other girls. He didn't care about their chocolate. He wanted yours. How could you be so cruel and deny him of your chocolate? To reject him like this? He was devastated. No. Beyond devastated. Where is the closest cliff so he can jump off?
Pure silence radiated the room as Satoru tried to comprehend this horrible situation. Then he heard a small giggle slip pass your lips. That small giggle soon turns into a full-out laugh.
"You should have seen the look on your face, Satoru," you say as you try to stop laughing.
Was this funny to you? Why were you laughing at his suffering? Do you know how much he looked forward to today? To receive the cute little wrapped up chocolate you made for him? He dreamed of today, and you didn't have chocolate for him?
He then sees you reach into your bag and pull out exactly what he had imagined. A cute little chocolate box wrapped up in a baby blue color with a touch of white ribbon to finish it off. Fuck. He thinks he just got a heart attack seeing your chocolate. His chocolate.
"Princess, please don't joke like that to me ever again. You scared me half to death. I was going to jump off a cliff," he whined as he took the chocolate from your hand.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his dramatic behavior. "Stop being dramatic, Satoru. It's just chocolate."
A look of offense dawned his face as you utter those horrendous words to him.
"Chocolate? Just chocolate?" He huffed at you. He can't believe you as you treat this amazing god send gift as just chocolate. "Don't you dare call this just chocolate! This! This right here is proof of your undying love towards me!"
You laughed at his antics– "You're getting ahead of yourself, Satoru."
He delicately placed the chocolate safety away in his bag, treating it as a prized possession. He's looking forward towards white day. He already knows what he wants to get for you. He pulled you into a hug, nuzzling his face against your neck as he mutters– "You won't be saying that after I wife you up."
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osaemu · 9 months
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.ೃ࿐ he picks up the phone in the middle of fucking you. NSFW
contents: fem!reader. cunniligus, lil' bit of dirty talk and more... i'm too tired to type it all out </3
author's note: idk personally i wouldn't take that.. but i guess i would if it was satoru. anywaysss enjoy
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satoru's a busy man — balancing his responsibilities as a teacher and as a sorcerer is no easy task, but he finds a way to make it work.
anyone who's known him for longer than a minute can easily tell that satoru's committed to his line of work. as much as he complains about it, the truth is that it's one of his top priorities. maybe even the first one.
and you get a taste of just how devoted satoru is when he picks up the phone in the middle of fucking you. 
"hello?" satoru cooes, eyes focused on your indignant expression as he holds a finger to his lips. "yeah, i'm free to talk. what is it?"
"free to talk?" you mouth at him incredulously. satoru replies with a wink and grins, enjoying the show. you're still pinned underneath him, bedsheets haphazardly strewn across your body, and satoru savors the sight of you all needy and pouty.
"yeah, take your time," satoru says amusedly to whoever's on the other side of the phone after a moment. when you reach up and swat satoru's chest indignantly, he uses his free hand to pin your wrists above your head, a clear warning in his eyes.
after a couple of mhm's and of course's, the conversation still isn't over. your patience is waning — who is satoru to just stop in the middle of fucking you to pick up a phone call and say that he's free to talk?
you try to distract yourself by thinking about the mindblowing sex you were having just minutes ago. the longing, glassy stares; the red scratch marks down satoru's back; and of course you couldn't leave out the words.
"fuck, you're taking me so well, sweetheart." "atta girl, you're a natural slut, aren't ya?" "your pussy was made to be fucked by me, wasn't it?"
how did that turn into "yeah, make sure the higher-ups know about this, otherwise they'll give me hell for it. mhm"?
after another bland minute, satoru rolls off of you and sits up with his back against the headboard, sheets falling to expose everything from his waist up. 
you whine in impatience, glaring at him like a sullen child. satoru basically just edged you — one second you're about to get to best orgasm of your life, the next you're forced to watch your boyfriend chat on the phone nonchalantly as if he wasn't just moaning your name like a slut three minutes earlier.
satoru shoots a glare at you and pats his lap, pressing a finger to his lips as a reminder to stay quiet.
well then, he shouldn't have picked up the phone in the middle of fucking you.
you scoot yourself into his lap, purposefully positioning yourself so that your pussy just barely rubs against the head of satoru's still-dripping cock.
it's so worth it when you hear satoru inhale a sharp breath and start to squirm under you, somehow both trying to push himself inside but also trying to inch himself away. it's like he can't decide, but the way his face flushes red speaks volumes.
his voice is breathier than normal as he squeezes his watery eyes shut. "yeah yeah, that's perfect. you mind if i put y'on hold for a sec? alright, thanks."
you glance over at satoru as he retracts the phone from his ear and puts it on mute. not even a second later, he's back on you, manhandling you into a position where he can comfortably eat your pussy, a cheeky smile on his lips.
"you think you're so fucking funny, don't ya?" satoru cooes, looking up at you as he eats you out sloppily. a mixture of his saliva and your essence drips down his chin, and the lewd sounds slipping from his lips are pornworthy. the wail that slips out of your lips when satoru bites down on your thigh hard enough to leave a mark is anything but appropriate, especially when he presses his lips back to your pussy and laughs in the middle of tonguefucking you.
"fuck, you're so lucky my phone's on mute right now," satoru groans, still buried in between your thighs. "god, if my old man could hear you now—"
"your dad's on the other end of the phone?!" you gasp, swatting satoru's head and frantically reaching over him to check if the phone was actually on mute — knowing satoru, it could've just slipped his mind. intentionally.
satoru scowls, muttering a reminder for you to stay still while he eats his dessert before rolling his eyes and grumbling "what does it matter?"
"uh, that's embarrassing!" you whine. when satoru nudges his nose against you again, you reluctantly spread your thighs for him so he can continue his meal. satoru mumbles a thanks, but he doesn't respond beyond that.
"don't you have to finish your call?"
satoru sticks out his bottom lip, fixing his cerulean eyes on you and pouting. "you were just complaining about the call and now you want me to go back??"
"it's your dad, satoru," you groan, pushing his shoulders away from your legs and ignoring his protests. "you don't get any more pussy until you finish that damn call."
"i hate you."
"love you lots, baby."
satoru sighs dramatically and unmutes the call, not bothering to respond to his dad's questions with answers longer than a word or two. after another minute of this, his dad finally hangs up and satoru lets out an elated cheer.
he turns to you with a mischievous smirk. 
"now, where were we?"
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