#the lost boys edgar
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Corey Feldman, Jamison Newlander, and Corey Haim bts on The Lost Boys (1987) as the Frog Brothers and Sam Emerson
none of these are my pictures. I got them all off Pinterest
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Would it be possible for a fluffy Edgar frog fic, including just some awkward and cute interactions between a fellow teen? If not it's completely fine (I also know that the request is vague, I just like Edgar)
Totally possible; I'm sorry for the long wait, but I hope this meets your expectations!
Newbie (An Edgar Frog Oneshot)
Warnings: None! Just some fluffy, awkward Frog shenanigans :)
Word Count: 1,597
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The day started like it always did: wake up, get dressed, have breakfast, brush teeth. Prepare weapons for possible supernatural attacks, and make sure that Alan did the same. Last was to put their parents to bed after they returned from getting high with their friends all night, only for them to join the brothers at the store later in the day.
That's how it always was, at least during the summer. They didn't really have friends, not from school and not from around town. They had each other, and that usually was plenty. That's why when they met them, it made the ordinary day, well… different.
It was just after their lunch break when the new teen in town walked into Frogs Comics, looking incredibly curious as they perused the aisles that were lined with comics from DC to Marvel to Archie. Edgar Frog figured it was business as usual, not saying anything to the new customer and not looking up from the finance files that were in his hand. It wasn't until the latest occupant of the shop passed in front of him that it forced his eyes to look up from the documents and ultimately caught his attention. It was another teenager, definitely close in age to him and his brother, and looking very, very new to the boardwalk with bright eyes and an air of curiosity surrounding them.
It wasn't as if they never saw other teenagers in their store, what with kids from their high school milling around during summer vacation and tourist teens coming from out of town with their families. But when Edgar saw them, it was different. He could feel his body tense, feel something anxious and exciting fill his chest as his skin heated up from the inside, tinging his skin a faint shade of pink.
Looking around in an attempt to check that the coast was clear (clear of what, he really didn't know), he shut the folder in his hand and tucked it beneath the counter, coming around it and approaching the teen. His palms felt clammy, and he rubbed them on his cargo pants to try and dry them off the best he could as he swallowed down the new nerves that were plaguing him. As he reached them, their attention turned from the comic in their hands to him, looking at him with those curious eyes as he stopped and leaned against the support beam that held the ceiling of the store up.
And dammit all, he hadn't thought of anything to say, causing him to look like a fish gasping for water as he blinked a bit, searching his brain for something to break the ice.
"Uh, hi."
"Hi… are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm- I'm fine… just fine, um…"
The young Frog was mentally kicking himself; he was a warrior, for Pete's sake, ready to fight werewolves and demons and vampires at a moment's notice, but here he was floundering in front of a cute person his age. He reached for the closest thought he could grab onto, nodding at the comic that was still in their hands.
"That's a good issue. It really ties up a lot of loose ends and answers a lot of questions. Like a good ending should." "I know; I've read it before, but it was my cousin's, so I wanted to get a copy for myself," they replied, smiling a little at the flustered teen that was talking to them. "Oh, cool, cool… I like to have my own issues, too…… Sooo are you new to Santa Carla or just visiting?"
The teen smiled a bit more, closing the comic they were holding and turning to face Edgar more fully as they spoke.
"I'm new. My dad had to move us here for his work, so he waited until the school year was over. We've been here for a week, but since we've been unpacking and all I haven't had a chance to explore the city much."
Edgar raised his brows at hearing that they were new, adjusting his stance and pressing his hands into the large pockets of his pants.
"Really? Maybe once you're finished unpacking I could show you around. A lot of the area's rural land, but the more urban spots can be… fun."
They raised a brow themselves, looking at him with a bit of disbelief as they grinned, laughing a little.
"You don't seem so sure about that," they replied, "but it would be nice to learn about my new home. Sorry; I don't think I caught your name-"
"Edgar," the boy said quickly, "I'm Edgar. Frog. Edgar Frog."
"And I'm Alan Frog," Alan said, walking up and leaning on his brother's shoulder after having come from the back room and overhearing the most recent part of their conversation. Edgar glanced sidelong at his brother, silently annoyed at him butting into their conversation, but being sure not to let it show on his face as he smiled back at the person he'd been talking to.
"A pair of brothers," they noted, smiling as they looked between both of the brothers, who nodded at the same time like it was innate between them. "Well, we can make it a group outting, then, I suppose."
"Sure, sure," Edgar grinned, though a part of him was a little disappointed that it wouldn't just be him and them. "Better in numbers. 'Murder Capital of the World' and all… How's Saturday at 9 A.M. sound?"
"Sounds good to me," they confirmed, nodding in agreement with the plan.
"Great," the older Frog brother said, his voice nearly cracking with excitement as he smiled to them, "We can just meet up here, then." Noticing that they were still holding onto the comic that he'd interrupted them reading, he quickly jumped into employee mode.
"I can check you out- I mean check that out-- ring that up for you, if you're good to go," he offered quickly, stumbling over both his thoughts and his words as he gestured at the comic book they held. Alan couldn't help but glance at his brother with confusion, wondering why he was acting so out of the usual as he looked between him and this other teenager.
"Sure," they laughed, following the two brothers as they led them to the cash register. Edgar took a breath, trying to reground himself as he turned back to them and took the book when they held it out.
"Okay, that'll be seventy-five cents," he said, but before they could dig too deep into their pockets, he spoke up. "But uh, I can cover it for you. Call it the 'newbie deal'… first visit, get a comic free," he said jokingly, chuckling a little as he smiled at them.
They blinked a bit, looking between the brothers for a moment before smiling at what Edgar said and retrieving their hand from their pocket. "Oh," they said, amusement evident in their voice, "Thank you. That's really cool of you."
"Yeah, he does this for all the cute newbies," Alan said sarcastically, raising a brow as he looked between them and his brother, to which Edgar promptly shot him a look that meant to cool it, after which he looked back at the teen with a smile, waving his hand nonchalantly to wave off what Alan had said.
"Don't listen to him. I don't do that for everyone," he said as he slid the comic into a flat paper bag, trying to cover his tracks and hide the fact that he really liked this person, at least based off of first impressions. Punching in the seventy-five cents, he printed a receipt for them before grabbing a pen that was loose on the countertop and crossing out the total. He then slid the receipt into the bag as well before handing it to them with a lop-sided grin. "Here you go. Your own copy."
"Thanks," they said, smiling at him as they took their purchase from him. "I'll see you guys on Saturday."
"Looking forward to it," the older brother returned genuinely. They nodded, their lips upturned as they said 'bye' and waving a little as they turned and left, Edgar watching them leave with heavy interest. It wasn't until they were gone that Alan spoke up, turning to his brother as he leaned with one hand against the counter and the other on his hip.
"Dude, what was up with you?" he asked, an expression of pure confusion on his features. Edgar didn't answer; instead, he grabbed onto Alan's shoulder, pulling him closer and speaking lowly to him. "You're not goin'," he stated, "You've gotta' come up with a reason to not be there, dude." Connecting the dots in his head, between his brother's behavior, appearance, and words, Alan caught on to what was going on as his mouth widened into a knowing grin.
"You like them-"
"Dude, shut up. I'm serious."
"Yeah, about liking them-"
"Don't make me get out the pliers, man, 'cause I will."
Alan stifled a laugh, bringing his hand up to hide his grin as he chuckled against his knuckles.
"Whatever, dude. Tell 'em I came down with a cold or something and enjoy your date."
"That's it, I warned ya!"
And Alan took off, laughing as his brother quickly pulled out a pair of pliers from beneath the counter and chased after him. But he was right, Edgar thought; he did like them. He liked them a lot, and already he was counting down the days until Saturday when he would see them again.
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gothamslostboy · 1 year
Some times I’m sad but then I remember I’m not Edgar frog and all is well
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bonniebird · 7 months
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1980s (mostly) obscure Horror movie references in Stranger Things
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massacredzombie · 1 month
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Star from the lost boys <33
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man-moth-hook-hand · 11 months
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I didn't know where to place laddie in this :/
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whoreforhorrorsblog · 5 months
When Sam isn't looking lol
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beelze-the-bubkiss · 2 months
Saw this today
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Also why do I feel like people are planning things
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insanityandstars · 3 months
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"that's sexist, Edgar ಠ⁠,⁠_⁠」⁠ಠ"
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skreeonkg · 10 months
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When it’s just the lost boys and Star playing it turns into half monopoly half WWE wrestling match.
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fallingthruspace · 10 months
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ferretfromhouse · 3 months
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I drew this for two days and have absolutely no regrets. I love these kids
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goblinlovesmusicals · 2 months
The reason that Edgar continues to wear the headband and keeps the weird voice well into adulthood is because the childish nature of those things comforts him, after the summer of '87 his life has consisted of pure survival and it is known for humans to revert to childlike things as a form of self soothing, Edgar just misses the days when it was just him and Alan reading comics and chasing after surf nazis
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cherryxlavender · 7 months
Hear me out...a Stranger Things 'The Lost Boys' au. 👀
Steve and Dustin as Michael and Sam.
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Eddie and Will as Star and Laddie.
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Mike and Lucas as Edgar and Alan.
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Billy as David.
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Jason, Tommy, and Andy as Dwayne, Paul, and Marko.
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Joyce as Lucy.
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Hopper as Max (this one is iffy, but I feel like he's the only one who's age appropriate for the role).
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I have enough unfinished fics in my drafts as is, so I won't be able to write this, but I reaaalllly hope someone else does. 🙏
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walmart-icarus · 2 months
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Is this not what happened
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I was cackling when I was making this
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