#the mall is open at night. don’t think this happens irl. don’t question it
almonddirge · 2 years
Another year, another Scara imagine (one shot?) based off of one of my dreams.
You go to the mall one night. You’re not one to go alone, and the place is mostly deserted, but today no one could really spare their time for you. All is well until you stumble upon a strangely-dressed group of people speaking in hushed tones. You back away quickly, but the rest of the night you feel you’re being watched.
You swear you’ve seen the same head of hair a few times, but every time you look back to confirm they’re gone. You brush it off and decide to just get boba. The thought never crosses your mind you won’t be getting it.
When someone covers your eyes and quickly whisks you away, you don’t even scream. Goddamnit, you think. It’s more an inconvenience than anything.
The blindfold is removed and you find yourself face to face with a tall ginger man. Not wanting to open your mouth, you simply glare.
“No hard feelings, comrade?”
When you were blindfolded, you fully expected to be killed or tortured. Instead, you are introduced to eleven eccentric people, including the redhead. The man with indigo hair seems especially standoffish, but you feel like someone who just got kidnapped doesn’t have the right to ask for their kidnapper to be kind.
“You seem cool and all, but I really just wanted my boba. Would it kill you to let me get it?”
Tartaglia, the redhead, bursts out laughing. The others look less amused, but they agree to it. Makes no sense to you, but you’re not about to complain.
They explain that you’ll have to be inducted into their ranks because you know too much. You point out that you didn’t hear shit and that they could’ve just killed you. It’s half-hearted at best; you are glad they’re giving you an opportunity to leave your honestly shitty life behind.
When it comes down to who will take you to get boba, everyone looks pointedly at Scaramouche. Wasn’t he the one who looked most like he wanted you dead? Whatever.
When you arrive back at the boba place in the mall, he finally speaks up. “You should get the matcha one.” It sounds like a command.
“What a coincidence. I was getting that one anyway.”
In the forced proximity, you learn a little about Scaramouche. He intrigues you so much, and you want to get closer yet. It also helps that he’s attractive. Unbeknownst to you, you’ve already caught his eye. Why else, as you pointed out earlier, would you be allowed to live?
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lynnafred · 4 years
Villainy! Chapter 1
So after a lot of edits and even more peer pressure encouragement from my irl besties I am ready to throw Chapter One, in its semi-complete glory, into the ether! It definitely needs another future round of editing, but this is the closest it’s ever been to me being happy with it. That’s a win as far as I’m concerned!
(Also, yes, Bagel Bob’s is a real place, and while I’ve only been to the one on University Place, their bagels are wicked fucking good and I recommend going to either location if you’re ever in NYC!)
CW: mentions of sex (that one participant regrets having,) some swearing. 
“What the hell were you doing in my apartment?”
The voice caught him off guard. It was barely six in the morning on a rainy Saturday morning. He shouldn’t have run into anyone on his walk back to his apartment, and certainly not so soon after starting his walk back.
Yet, here he was.
He turned to where the question had come from. A woman, soaked through her designer trench coat, blocked his access to the stairs with her arms crossed over her chest like a disappointed parent. Her curly brown hair—also soaked through, he noted—was mostly held out of her face by a headband, but sent rivulets of water down the side of her face. This wasn’t the kind of conversation he wanted to have first thing in the morning. After the night he’d had, this wasn’t the kind of conversation he wanted to have at all. He just wanted to get back home and hide until the shame wore off. “This is your apartment?” The question sounded stupid even to his own ears. “I was told it was his apartment.” He made a pointing gesture at the door, not that it made his case look any better.
The woman in front of him looked unsurprised and sighed. “So, this was Tony’s idea, huh?” The way she said it, barely above a mumble, he knew this wasn’t the first time this had happened to her before. “Man, I go out of town to catch one good break, and this is what happens.”
“I can make this worse, you know.” He found himself saying it before he could stop himself.
“It can’t really be any worse.”
He tapped the pocket of his jacket. “Want to take that bet over a bagel?”
To his surprise, she had accepted, and before his brain could catch up to his actions, he found himself sitting across from her at one of the only tables that Bagel Bob’s had to offer.
She raked her hand through her hair. “Okay, before you make this worse, I have to know who the hell you are and how you ended up in my apartment.”
“Start off with the hard questions, why don’t you?” He ripped a piece off his bagel and popped it into his mouth. Did he give her a fake name? That wouldn’t work. He supposed it was time to come clean. Honesty being best, and all that. “The name’s Vincent, that’s not a fake name, and he picked me up at a club last night. If I’d known the guy was already in a relationship, I wouldn’t have followed him.”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah, I’m not a homewrecker. Anyway, what about you? You said you were out of town to ‘catch a break?’ You a reporter?”
“Freelance right now, but yeah. I’m a reporter.” She sipped her coffee before she continued, “Eventually I’d like to be a news anchor, but right now I’m chasing my own leads and doing all my own fact-checking. It’s fulfilling, and it pays pretty well when I get a good story, but it’s hard, and it keeps me away from home a lot.” There was a beat of silence before she finally said, “Which is how I get into situations like this.”
“Well, you’re really going to have a field day with this, then.” He reached into his pocket and slid a small stack of three phones across the table. “I don’t know if you know which one is Tony’s, or if you know what his unlock code is, but you’re going to want these.”
“Why do you have three of them?”
Vincent looked into his bagel. He couldn’t make eye contact with her. His voice was barely above a whisper as he said, “Well, when I left there were still three people in your apartment, so… Yeah.”
“Four including me.”
“More than two and less than four, yeah.” He took a chance to look up at her and the fury he saw in her eyes was understandable, but still hard to fathom.
She picked the top phone off the pile and turned it over in one of her hands. “And these phones have some kind of incriminating evidence on them, I take it?”
Vincent winced; he could feel his face burning with embarrassment. One of them certainly did, he knew. That’s why he had taken them. Had he known what he was in for, he wouldn’t have gone. Had he known what he knew now, he never would have ended up there, or at this bagel shop with this woman, or any of it. “Please…” He hated himself for sounding so mall and fragile. “Don’t broadcast what’s on there. Use it as justification to dump that guy, but don’t let it get out of your hands.”
“What happened last night?” When he looked at her again, the fire in her eyes was gone, replaced instead with—not pity, but something else. Concern? He certainly wasn’t expecting sympathy from someone who’d just been horribly betrayed by her partner.
“I don’t… I don’t really want to talk about it. It wasn’t exactly what I signed up for and I can’t take it back now, but please don’t let what’s there get out.”
The woman across from him reached across the table and gently grabbed his hand. “That’s a lot of trust to put into someone you’ve just met.” She gave his hand a squeeze.
“Yeah, well… Better than you getting lied to about it, I guess? I was just going to wipe the phones clean and dump them somewhere. If you can get into the one that has the video file on it and get rid of it, that works, too.” He reached out and pulled a phone off the stack. “I think it’s this one, but I could be wrong. They all look kind of the same.”
She looked the phone over. “This one’s Tony’s.” She sounded certain. “It’s got a crack that makes the touch screen almost unusable and he’s too broke to replace it.” She turned the phone on and tapped in a passcode before opening the camera gallery.
“Make sure the volume is muted,” Vincent mumbled through another bite of bagel. He felt sick just seeing how many photos the guy had taken last night.
The reporter’s face paled as she skimmed over the photos, and her finger hovered over the video before outright deleting it off the phone. “Jesus, I don’t even want to watch this,” she said. “These are bad enough.”
Vincent let out a breath he’d been all too aware he’d been holding. It was a weight off his shoulders, in a way, because now he didn’t have to worry about the video.
Now, he found himself wondering about the few hundred photos instead.
“Don’t worry, I’m getting rid of these, too.” She hadn’t even looked up at him. Was she some kind of super, or something? Could she read minds? Before he could ask about it, she changed the subject on him. “What even brought you to that club last night? I know which club he likes to hang out at and, really, it’s not a nice place.”
Maybe she could read minds and was deflecting his question with one of her own. “I…” He looked up at her, down at her hand, and back up at her face again. This was too much honesty for a Saturday morning. “I had been waiting on some news for a job. I was really looking forward to it, you know? But it wasn’t what I had expected. I was disappointed and pissed off and I just needed to blow off some steam, and that was the closest club I knew of. I didn’t really expect anything? I really just wanted to go grab a few drinks and have a good time.”
“Yeah, he’s the kind of guy who swoops in and sends you through a whirlwind.”
Vincent found it hard to look her in the eyes again. “That’s exactly what happened. I’m sorry.”
She gave his hand another squeeze before letting it go. “I’m sorry. I apparently need to keep him tied up outside if I’m ever going someplace.” She took another sip of her coffee. “You’re… You’re not hurt, are you?”
“Just my pride.” And he wasn’t, really. That wasn’t a lie.
“That grows back eventually.” She gave him a small smile that he didn’t feel deserving of. Her way of trying to make him feel better, he realized.
They finished their orders in relative silence after that, light small talk filling the gaps until Vincent didn’t feel quite so bad about himself and the reporter didn’t seem quite so disappointed and angry.
“Thank you again for being honest with me,” she said as she tossed her coffee cup. “You’re sure you don’t mind me taking these?”
Oh, he did mind. He minded a lot. But it was a risk he was going to have to take. “Yeah, take them. Just, please—”
“My eyes only, then they’re gone. You’ve got my word.” Then, like she was reading his mind again, she asked, “You’re worried this’ll mess up your career, right? Don’t worry about that. As someone else who needs reputation to get by, I get the feeling. What happened last night isn’t going to leave these phones.”
It was still pouring as he watched her turn away and head back to her apartment. He knew he should get back home as well; his roommate was probably worried sick about him for not coming back last night and not touching base at all that morning, but he called after her one last time. “Hey, uh, I never got your name?”
She looked over her shoulder and smiled at him. “I thought you were never going to ask. It’s Naomi.”
He took the long way back to his roommate’s apartment. It meant he got soaked, sure, but it also gave him some time to think of what he was going to do once he got back. With any luck, Anthony would still be asleep, and he could dry off, change into something else, and get a nap before heading out for the day. If he were lucky, he’d be able to even avoid any questions about his assignment.
He was soaked by the time he finally made it back to his roommate’s apartment. Naomi’s promise still rang fresh in his ears as his key skid into the lock. He hoped he could count on it.
He hadn’t even made it in the door yet when he heard, “Where the fuck were you all night? We were all waiting for you!”
Today wasn’t a day with any semblance of luck in it, it seemed.
“Hey, Ant.” He dropped his keys in a bowl inside the door and kicked his shoes off. “I was having a bad night, which evolved into a worse night as it got later.”
“Did it blossom into a really bad next day?”
“It blossomed into a mortifying next day, in all kinds of ways.”
Anthony stole a glance at his clock. “Vin, it’s not even seven-thirty.”
Vincent replied with a nod before making his way to the bathroom to grab a towel. “So, you know how I had decided—like a fool, I know now—that I was going to go back to the Academy to get my assignment before going to the grad party?” He walked back towards the living room as he peeled his soaked clothes off himself and dried himself off.
Anthony was skimming news on his phone. “Yeah, told you to wait, just in case your assignment was bad.”
“Well, the assignment isn’t the problem, but the rest of it is. So, I was really pissed off about it, so I decided to go out to a club—”
“The one by the Academy I kept telling you was shit?”
“—and blow off some steam, and I didn’t want to travel halfway across the city just to go to a club, right? So, yeah, I went to that one you were always telling me not to go to.”
Ant put his phone down and looked at Vincent, concern playing over his face. “Are you alright, man? Did you get hurt?”
Vincent chuckled as he pulled a clean shirt over his head. How many people was he going to worry today? “Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll be fine. I’m not hurt, just got surprised with more than I could handle.”
He heard his roommate sigh. “Dude, what’d I tell you about being so reckless all the time? We were worried sick that something had happened to you, and for a change, we weren’t all that far off the mark. Why didn’t you say anything?”
“It’s not like I could text you in the middle of something. It’s not like you could have done something about it.”
“I’d have left that grad party in a hot second and you know it.”
He knew it wasn’t a lie. Anthony would have scoured every apartment building in the neighborhood until he found Vincent if that’s what it took. He sighed as he pulled on a dry pair of pants. “I didn’t want to fuck up everyone else’s good time. I’d already fucked up my own good time, you know?”
Anthony clicked his tongue in disapproval at him. “You’ve gotta open up to me, man. We’re friends. Fuck it, we’re roommates, even though I don’t have anything better for you right now than my couch, and you actually needed an assist. You’ve gotta start doing something a little healthier than just finding some random fling whenever you’re having a rough night, or else you’re going to end up in even bigger trouble one of these days and none of us are going to know where the hell to find you. We’re going to find your dumb ass in the Hudson a month later.”
Vincent made a weak grumble. “I know. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t mean to harp on you after a bad night. I’ve just been worried about you.”
“You didn’t actually stay up all night and—”
“Yeah, I did. I wanted to make sure you were actually going to be alright.”
Vincent stilled. That wasn’t the answer he expected, and now he felt even worse for not checking in with Ant the night before. He flopped on the couch beside him and sighed. “Sorry.”
Anthony let the silence between them linger for a few seconds before slapping him on the shoulder. “Come on, let’s go grab something to eat. My treat, and you tell me about your assignment and this really horrible villain name of yours.”
Vincent fidgeted. “I don’t know, Ant,” he started.
“No isn’t an answer. It’s your payback for blowing us off and making me worry last night.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “And I’ll tell you about my shitty assignment, too, I got it this morning as soon as the Academy opened at six.” He reached his hand out to Vincent, a clear invitation to follow him. “What do you say?”
Vincent considered it for a moment before taking the offered help off the couch. The position wasn’t very comfortable, anyway. “Sure, I could use some breakfast.”
They settled on the same place they always did: Waverly Diner, which was more expensive than other diners in the area, but Anthony maintained that they had the best pancakes, and Vincent constantly talked about how they never messed up an egg. They laughed through the rain the whole way, telling jokes and trying to steal the other’s umbrella.
The diner would have been quiet if it hadn’t been for Anthony’s cacophonous laughter.
“Anthony,” Vincent groaned, “you’re going to get us kicked out of my favorite breakfast place in the city.”
“I’m sorry,” he choked between laughs. “This is just too good, you know? Come on, say it one more time, like they taught us in Villainous Introductions. Be really fucking—” he laughed again, “—be real campy with it, man.”
Vincent rolled his eyes. If Anthony wasn’t such a good friend he’d have kicked him. Taking a deep breath, Vincent straightened his posture and looked Anthony directly in the eye as he said, “Prepare to meet your demise, hero! For I, Bad Guy, am here to stop you!” He punctuated his introduction with a flourish of his hand, pantomiming the sweep of a cape across his figure. “And I will not rest until you are defeated!”
Anthony’s responding laugh was so hard, so loud, that Vincent thought for sure he was going to get them both kicked out. Instead, he choked on his mouthful of pancakes when he finally decided to try breathing again. “Oh man, that is too fucking good, dude. They named you Bad Guy, I can’t believe it.” He chugged half of his glass of orange juice before he asked, “Who did you piss off?”
Vincent shrugged. “No idea. But damn if I didn’t make someone mad on that administrative team. I didn’t even get the assignment I wanted.”
“Which was?”
“As far away from New York as I could get.” Vincent paused to shove half of a fried egg in his mouth before he asked, “What about you? Where are you getting shipped off to?”
“Butt?” Vincent laughed. “Do you mean Butte? In Montana?”
Anthony shook his head. “Man, I know how it’s pronounced, but I meant what I said when I said ‘Butt.’ Living there is going to fucking suck. The Academy really dropped the ball when they made my assignment.” He looked at Vincent with a smirk. “Do you think that there’s even any other black people living there? I’ll never be able to get out of my costume, I’ll be noticed too fast.”
Vincent laughed. “Think there’s any Mexicans living up there? Maybe I’ve got a better shot at blending in; you want to switch?”
“Are you kidding? And deprive Staten Island of the perfect pool boy? Nah, I’ll take my exile to Butt.”
He took a sip of his coffee as he rolled his eyes. “I can’t believe you’re still talking about that pool boy thing. That was one time,” he laughed, “like, two years ago!”
“Come on, you say that like you’re not the perfect hot Hispanic pool boy? You’d be some rich white lady’s—”
“Don’t say it, man,” Vincent interrupted.
“—cute little piece of dulce de leche.” He waggled his eyebrows for emphasis.
Vincent made a show of groaning and looking disturbed before he laughed. “Man, that’s so gross. Why are you so gross?”
Anthony smirked and ignored him. “I’d bet money that your uniform would be… a black Speedo.”
Vincent cocked an eyebrow. “And what else?”
“Nothing else!”
A beat of silence fell over the table before Vincent snickered once and the two of them burst into laughter again. It was too hard to be annoyed with Anthony; he was only trying to cheer him up, after all. And, honestly, it was working. “Thanks, this is exactly what I needed after last night. I’m really going to be bummed out when you ship off to Butt.”
Anthony waved him off. “Can’t move out to Butt until I get my first stipend from the Association to help me move. Bussing tables and tending bars just won’t get me out there.” He gazed into the remainder of his pancakes before he asked, “What about you? Where are you getting your first stipend sent to?”
“Well, they wouldn’t let me pick it up, and they wouldn’t let me use my PO Box, either,” he sighed, “so I had to use your address, if that’s cool? A little late to change it now, though. Cass terminated her lease on her apartment before she moved, so there was no way that I could get it sent to her place. Not that I’d have been able to pick it up there, either. So, your place was really the only option for me. Sorry, Ant.”
“No worries. You can use my address. You practically live there, anyway.”
“I know, I just don’t want to overstay, you know?”
“You’re not overstaying! Told you that already.”
Vincent grinned. “You won’t be saying that when I leave a perfect imprint of my ass in your couch. Then I’ll have overstayed.”
“Nah, you should! Then I’ll just have something to remember you by. I’ll make new friends and be all, ‘Hey man! Don’t sit there! That’s my bro Vincent’s place, can’t you see his ass?’ And all my new friends’ll be like ‘Ah hell yeah, that’s a sweet ass.’”
“You’re going to tell all your new friends about my sweet ass? That’s a little weird, Ant.”
“Well, not like, right off the bat. You gotta ease up to that kind of conversation.” Anthony grinned at him, barely containing his laughter. “You gotta, like, make sure your new friends are ready to hear about your best friend’s sweet ass.”
Their waitress cleared her throat and it was only then that Vincent noticed her standing there. She dragged her glare from Vincent to Ant as she asked, “Do either of you want more coffee?”
Anthony broke out into laughter again. “Nah, ma’am, just the check, please.” Once she’d left, he looked back to Vincent. “I’m going to leave her a really good tip to compensate for listening to us talk about your ass like that.”
Vincent finished his coffee. “Hey, you’re spreading the truth. My ass is fine.”
“You can leave the payment on the table,” the waitress said as she dropped the check off.
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All the personal asks plz
Alrighty then!
1. Any scars?
Mhm, pretty much all the scars I have are burns. One is from burning the side of my arm on an iron my mom had  standing upright that I brushed against trying to reach something on the counter behind it and I’ve got one or two other scars from my culinary class on my hands from trying to put a tray in the oven and bumping it on the rungs above the ones I was putting it on. I burnt my hand day one of actually cooking. Yes I’m a disaster.
2. Self harmed?
Absolutely not. One, I’m too scared of pain, and two, I have uh… An unpleasant history involving someone else threatening self harm to make me do what they wanted, so… It’s a really sore spot for me.
3. Crush?
I honestly have no idea.
4. Kissed anyone?
5. Coke or Pepsi?
Neither they make me physically ill
6. Someone you hate?
There’s a LOT of assholes at my school but the person I hate the most is probably my dad for reasons.
7. Best Friends?
Mhm! I’ve got a handful on this site but my IRL best friend is @theansweris-a. She doesn’t really get on tumblr anymore but if you’re reading this I love you friendo and have a good day! :D
8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs?
hahaha fuCK NO. I’d rather not get addicted to something that can and will kill me and throw my money at people to sustain it. If someone offered me either I’d probably flip them off whilst slowly backing up and getting tf out of there because NO.
9. What’s your dream job?
Author/Illustrator with some VA work and Video Game directing on the side.
10. Ever been in love?
I have. It was with someone I didn’t have a chance with and who would be an absolutely awful lover to me since we weren’t compatible emotion-wise so I let it go. It was hard, but I did it.
11. Last time you cried?
Last Sunday trying to explain to my mom why our preacher and the church we go to has completely fallen out of my favor for it’s very loud blatant ‘LGBT people are bad abortion is evil insert other white conservative stuff here’ ‘cause she doesn’t know I’m LGBT+ (and it’s going to stay that way) and I was trying to explain to her why I would never say invite my LGBT friends to church because they would be mercilessly persecuted by people who call themselves followers of God then spit in his eye by doing the exact opposite of everything he’s asked of them. Yes I still feel really strongly about this.
12. Favorite color?
13. Height?
How coincidence, I just got it measured today! 5′6, FINALLY OFFICIALLY TALLER THEN MY MOM MUHAHAHAHAHA
14. Birthday?
November 17th!
15. Eye color?
Milk chocolately-brown
16. Hair color?
Dark brown
17. What do you love?
this is so open ended hjkfjfjkhgkjh okay then I love girls, video games, anime, writing, drawing, reading, and animals.
18. Obsession?
My top 3 in order of obsession; Kill La Kill, RWBY, and Kingdom Hearts.
19. If you had one wish, what would it be?
For every single illness, disease, syndrome, disorder, and so on to have a cure. From Cancer to Asthma. Both because I have so many incurable diseases/disorders and because I know there are people out there who have things so much worse than me in that department.
20. Do you love someone?
I love all my mutals, friends, and most of my family including extended family. 
21. Kiss or hug?
I’ve never been kissed so I don’t know anything about how that would be so I’d say hug because I love hugs!
22. Nicknames people call you?
Derpy, Slurpy, D-Slur, Resident Cinnamon Roll (That’s my actual nickname on a Revue Starlight discord)
23. Favorite song?
this is like asking me to pick my favorite child uhhhhh… This Life Is Mine by Jeff Williams, it just means a lot to me.
24. Favorite band?
i know no bands by name
25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you?
….Okay, uh, this is gonna be really hard to decide because a LOT of bad things have happened to me. I’ll go with the more physical choice because I’d rather not dump too much of my emotional baggage onto yall. One time I was being prepped for surgery and they needed to get the IV in. (for the record I’m shaking pretty badly right now from thinking about this) They had to stab my arm with what they called a ‘Bee sting’ (it wasn’t a bee sting it goes almost down to the bone) that had numbing stuff in it and they were trying to find a vein they could put my IV in but they couldn’t find one (okay now i’m typing really fast so I don’t have to think about this for long) and they kept stabbing my arm over and over again. The thing is I have a serious phobia of needles that sends me into panic attacks, I’ll go lightheaded I’ll lose my hearing and so on. So I was trying to put a brave face on despite my parents not even being there but they would. not. stop. They didn’t give me a break. It was one stab then another then another then another. I was having a full blown panic attack, I was almost crying. Then they seemed to get it. They left me for a bit and my parents came in. My arm started swelling. They HADNT got it. My arm was being filled with whatever my IV was. They came back in with the beesting. They started stabbing me again but on the other arm. I couldn’t keep a brave face anymore after thinking they were finally done. I started to cry and sob and the panic attack I had that day was the single worst I have ever had. It got worse. They missed a vein entirely and instead hit a bundle of nerves. My hand started involuntarily twitching as pain unlike any I’ve ever felt before or until now wracked my arm. I had actual trauma from this, the night after the surgery I kept feeling ghost pains of the stabs in my arms, I had to sleep on my stomach with my arms wrapped around my front just to make them go away. I’m still extremely traumatized of this to this day. I never want to have surgery again. I never want an IV again. 
Okay that got away from me there I’m sorry I kinda was having a panic attack while writing that. Anyways moving on.
26. Best thing that has ever happened to you?
This is gonna sound cheesy but meeting @theansweris-a. She’s the sweetest and kindest person I have ever met in my entire life and I feel so incredibly lucky to call her my friend, though knowing her she’ll see this and reply with ‘No U’ because we always end up in a shouting match of ‘YOU ARE A WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING’ ‘NO YOU’RE A WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING’ 
27. Something you would change about yourself?
I definitely would lose weight. Not because of societies bullshit but because I legitimately want to lose weight so I can actually get strong and build up some muscle, I WANT TO BE ABLE TO OPEN GATORADE BOTTLES GODDAMNIT
28. Ever dated someone?
Nope, I’m closeted and have no interest in even pretending I’m straight by dating a guy, I mean I know some genuinely nice guys (all of them dorks) but they’re all just my friends though they are massive goofballs and I love them very much. (Entirely platonically)
29. Worst mistake?
I… Don’t think you guys wanna know that. It’s nothing bad its just depressing and I don’t wanna be more depressing then I already have been.
30. Watch the movie or read the book?
Depends on which is better, like I’d rather watch the Chronicles of Narnia than read the books because the books are honestly terrible but I’d rather read Percy Jackson than watch the movie because the movies are incredibly unfaithful to the books.
31. Ever had a heartbreak?
32. Favorite show?
Kill La Kill!
33. Best day of your life?
My cheesiness never ceases but the first time I actually hung out with @theansweris-a IRL at the mall. I remember being SO excited for it but also nervous that how easily we talk to each other wouldn’t translate into real life and I remember spotting her walking up and practically shouting her name before running up and giving her a big ol’ hug whilst crying happy tears (I know i’m sappy shut up) and then when we were let loose to walk around we quickly discovered that we clicked almost immediately and incredibly well it was just the best thing ever. Like, in that one day alone we spent six hours in that mall just chatting and buying stuff and having fun and we left the mall with like three different inside jokes despite it being our first time meeting in person since we first met. Hi my name is Derpy and I’m a big ol’ sap.
34. Any talents?
I’m pretty good at writing, I can type really fast, and I can play the harmonica.
35. Do you wish you could ever start over?
Absolutely not. Things are the way they are for a reason, and even though I’ve been through a LOT it’s because of all that that I’m the person I am today and I wouldn’t trade that for the world.
36. Any bad habits?
Yeah, I’m a nail biter.
37. Ever had a near death experience?
Yes actually, when I was 3 or 4 we took a plane to California to visit some relatives and I almost walked out of the air hatch one the way out, I remember this vividly even though it was a long time ago. If it wasn’t for the flight attendant grabbing me before I fell out, I wouldn’t be here today.
38. Someone I can tell anything to?
@theansweris-a and @my-words-are-light, they’re both really good listeners and have helped me through a lot of stuff.
39. Ever lost a loved one?
My Great Grandpa Ritch died shortly after I was born, there’s a lot of pictures of him smiling and holding me while in a hospital bed and hooked up to oxygen.
40. Do you believe in love?
Oh absolutely, 100%. I mean if you know me you already know that I have just ABSURD amounts of love in my heart and I genuinely believe that it exists.
41. Someone you hate/Dislike?
Wasn’t this already a question?
42. Are you okay?
Mostly, yeah. I have some stuff to work on but I’m honestly at the best i’ve ever been!
43. Relationship status?
I’m a Single Pringle
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cottagecori · 6 years
hey look it's your turn. ALL OF THEM.
I’M ACTUALLY GONNA DO IT THOUGH (under a read more bc it’s loooong)
jasmine; what mythical creature do you wish actually existed?
lavender; soundcloud or vinyls?
Vinyls!!! I wish I owned some but we don’t have a functional record player in my house (we have a broken one that my dad keeps telling me he’s going to fix but never does which is fine i’m fine)
primrose; what book does everyone right now need to read?
I have two. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AKA MY FAVORITE BOOK OF ALL TIME and Night by Elie Wiesel because it is just so power and eye-opening 
lunar mist; do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets?
YES YES YES I AM WEARING MY DAD’S OLD HOODIE RN BECAUSE IT’S SOFT AND GIANT OTHER PEOPLE’S CLOTHES ARE THE BEST. When i have a relationship, I will steal my so’s stuff all the time so yeah
bird of paradise; what was the best thing that happened to you this month?
I started a vlog and it’s actually really nice to do
gardenia; what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself?
to stop pretending like i’m okay and admit when i’m hurt
lion’s fairytale; would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests?
Probably the forest because it can be a million different things. It can be a getaway, a mystery, a familiar place. it embodies the feeling of seeing an old friend after a long time and i love it.
whirling butterflies; would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
i’ve never kissed anyone so
marmalade skies; do you plan your outfits?
only when i have to be formal the rest of the time that shirt that’s on my floor works great
apricot drift; how do you feel right now?
everlasting daisy; what’s the last dream you remember having?
i was in boston with you, rose, and my irl friends and we had this giant apartment overlooking the commons and i went to college at emerson and it was nice until there was a murder (bc i was watching scream) and i woke up so yeah i have strange dreams
queen’s cup; what are you craving right now?
french toast with strawberries
lavender dream; turn ons/offs?
maybe another time ;)
water lilly; when was the last time you cried? why?
uh Monday. I have intense family problems that i can’t talk to anyone irl about and then my dad got really mad at me. 
lily of the valley; did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize?
winterberry; do you bite or lick your ice cream?
both depending on where it’s from 
honey perfume; favorite movie ever?
desert rose; do you like yourself?
does anyone really?
snapdragon; have you ever met or seen in person a celebrity?
I saw Corbyn Besson at my mall once but that’s it
night owl; how many countries have you visited?
heliotrope; have you ever been in a castle?
creams and sky; what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done?
asked someone out?
lantana; what’s on your mind right now?
the fact that i overslept for a mock exam so now i’m kinda stressed out about how the actual exam will go
pumpkin patch; what’s your zodiac sign?
tulip; name 5 facts about yourself.
i can play 4 instruments and am learning a fifth, i like cats more than most people (depending on the people), i love sour candy, i’m addicted to makeup, and i’m not a huge fan of coffee
daphne; do you believe in karma?
to a certain extent
queen of the meadow; ever been in love?
thought i was, not so sure anymore
wisteria; whom do you admire and why?
my friends. they’ve gone through some tough shit and have come out even stronger.
angel’s face; what was your favorite bedtime story as a child?
too many tamales
remember me; did you make someone laugh today?
i have no clue because it is 11 am
iris; do you believe in ghosts?
lilac; if you could go back in time which time period would you visit?
could i change skin color too, bc otherwise i don’t have a lot of options (probably the 90s)
caramel kisses; would you want to live forever? why/why not?
no, because i feel like if you live forever there is more a chance for you to not live at all (thanks tuck everlasting for the lesson)
primula; what makes you sad?
way too many things
rain lily; was today typical? why/why not?
nope it’s a saturday and i’m emotional
queen anne’s lace; who do you trust the most?
mak, rose, carolyn, linh, my irl friend group, sammie, brenna, caroline
lady’s slipper; what did you have for breakfast today?
dried mago slices (i know i’m sorry, i’m making waffles now)
forget me not; do you have any regrets looking back in your life?
oh god so many
lunaria; what’s your favorite fictional universe?
anywhere with magic and dragons so i can go visit my friends easily
violet; favorite tv show?
The Office
sunflower; share a favorite quote.
I use this one a lot 
“Nothing is worth more than laughter. It is strength to laugh, to abandon oneself, to be light” ~Frida Kahlo 
snowdrop; what does your ideal day look like?
Walking around the woods, taking cute pictures in fields of flowers, sunny day, starry night, cheesy romcoms played off a projector, good food, better friends
tiger lily; do you have any hobbies?
i write music, it’s hard
peony; share a small random book passage that means something to you.
i can’t think of one off the top of my head unfortunately
tea rose; what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared?
open mic nights
honeysuckle; do you usually date people your age or older/younger?
older idk why i’ve just always been attracted to older people
sweet pea; who means the world to you? why?
my friends because they’ve stuck by me even though i’m fucked up in my personal life and in my head
love in the mist; best books you’ve ever read?
Pride and Prejudice, Night, Ender’s Game, Fangirl, The House on Mango Street, Harry Potter
foxglove; who is your favorite cartoon character?
Phineas, Ferb, and Perry the Platypus
magnolia; coffee or tea?
tea duh
crown imperial; would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved?
extremely loved
snowflake; are you a dog or a cat person?
bell flower; what is your biggest addiction?
listening to sad music when i’m sad
cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy?
god it’s so fascinating i think about it probably more than i should
moonflower; what’s your favorite color?
freesia; do you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings? why/why not?
Parents: complicated. Siblings: Fuck Yeah
sundrop; are you a morning or a night person?
Night but i’m trying to trick myself into being a morning person
poppy; have you ever dealt with a mental illness?
still dealing with depression
clover; how would your friends describe you?
loud, annoying, barely funny, takes no shit (i’m paraphrasing of course)
dandelion; do you consider yourself and extrovert or an introvert?
none of the above. i’m a lil bit of both? 
lilly; what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do?
I’m not really embarrassed about the stuff i watch
anemone; describe yourself in 3 words.
Emotional, Wannabe, Broadway?
lotus; best memory as a child?
baking things with my dad while my mom blasted music throughout the house and cleaned
angelonia; what is your eye and hair color?
Brown, Black respectively 
dahlia; do you like crystals?
buttercup; if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
guns wouldn’t fucking exist
baby’s breath; what’s your hogwarts house?
calendula; biggest pet peeve?
people who think they don’t have to be kind to working people or leave a giant mess for them to clean up because “it’s their job”
blanker flower; would you rather go to a cocktail party with your best friends or stay home and read a book/watch a movie with your pet?
i love my friends but give me a rom com and a cat and i’m set for life
blazing star; share a secret.
you wish ;)
carnation; would you rather live longer or happier?
happier 100%
petunia; who’s story is your biggest inspiration in life? why?
Frida Kahlo. A badass bitch who did so much and never let her injury get the best of her. also Emma Gonzales 
bluebell; do you wear glasses?
nymphea; forest or river?
orchid; do you like exercise?
pansy; do you like poetry?
i write my own ♥
morning glory; any special talent that you have?
songwriting? singing? playing flute? idk man
i’m so sorry if you actually got this far
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thelegendofmrrager · 4 years
1-4, 17, 21, 25, 29!! :3c
Rowan you SPOIL me so 😩 thank u for the asks i am beyond hype to answer these !!
1. What themes do your good dreams usually have?
My good dreams are usually pretty casual. I've had a good few of them that involve chilling with some celebrity i'd never in a million years have the chance to meet irl haha. Also I have a lot of dreams where I'm just smoking, or vibing in the mall for whatever reason? Small town pleasures i guess lmao.
2. What themes do your bad dreams usually have?
I don't tend to have bad dreams, but when I do they're typically full blown nightmares. Some of the more benign recurring themes include flying insects, or bad interactions w my father. I have a darker recurring theme of being chased/apprehended by men who want to hurt me. Not fun :/
3. What themes do your emotionally strong, yet morally neutral dreams have?
Occasionally I'll have dreams where I meet some dreamy perfect stranger of a guy lol. A lot of the time they'll feel so real that I'll wake up thinking it was something that actually happened and then get pissed when I realize it wasn't LMAO
4. What genre of horror is your favorite?
I've never really been a fan of slasher horror, so I guess I'm more into psychological? I reeally liked The Lighthouse, Hereditary, Get Out, 1408, The Shining. I actually haven't seen many movies in that genre, so I'm always open to suggestions!!
17. If you were given the chance to start some of the most intriguing and high stakes gossip in the world, would you?
HELLL no. I am probably the most conflict-avoidant person in the world, lmao. If there's a serious issue I'll add my two cents, but I prefer to share gossip rather than start it.
21. What children's story/nursery rhyme scarred you as a child (or as an adult)?
That old story about the girl who always wears a red ribbon/scarf around her neck, and when a boy questions her about it she finally removes it and her head falls off.
25. How do you feel about corn mazes?
Meh, unless there's some high ass stakes involved.
29. Do you know any songs that you would classify as disturbing or scary?
Okay Okay by Girl Pusher fucked me up when I first heard it back in 9th grade. Most of the lyrics are unintelligible or nonsensical. Halfway thru the narrator gets into a "car crash," the song distorts, and her speech slurs and slows down.
Dallas Beltway by Chat Pile is more disturbing in its subject matter than in sound (I personally think it's a jam lol). Narrator murdered his child and the song is essentially him reflecting on his emotions about it/his life leading up to the murder while on a late-night drive.
Then there's Revolution 9 by the Beatles which, if you already know about it or have heard it, is self explanatory.
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sophiescarlet · 5 years
my anime boston recap
i told a few people i’d write this, so here. warning, it’s long as fuck.
rebecca black - friday
while waiting for artists’ alley to open, i sat in a corner and watched people go by and saw a group cosplaying the main characters from the extremely underrecognized game the arcana, which was awesome and i totally would have asked for a picture but i’m way too shy. even though i’ve asked cosplayers for pictures before but i seem to have regressed in that sense...
i also saw (and this happened throughout the con) a bunch of hot, fit, really thin girls, which made me feel gay (as expected) but also really envious and sad and insecure about my body. cause i wish i looked more like them.
i also saw two girls cosplaying snow halation!honoka and kotori from love live, and the honoka had a giant honk nesoberi that i totally envy, and then right afterward a hate na heartbeat!eli and nozomi came around the corner and they were the coolest. i wish i’d had the guts to ask them for a picture too.
finally i went to artists’ alley and i got to buy a print from one of my favorite persona 5 fan artists but unfortunately she didn’t have the postcard set i wanted to buy. BUT right across was another fan artist whose stuff i really like so i bought a BUNCH of her prints - one of each of the p5 girls for me, and an extra makoto for my friend - and she came over to thank me and we chatted a little and it was nice. i am fucking determined to befriend some of these people and now at least one of them knows who i am.
i went to a panel on “fandom as coping” presented by a social worker which was really cool. she talked about how even though she’s a social worker, she still went through a severely suicidal period this past year and survived because of yuri on ice. i left partway through because then she turned it over to the audience to share our stories and i didn’t need to hear from a bunch of people talking about bad things that had happened to them.
the next thing i went to, after hanging around the vendors for a while, was tara platt’s (mitsuru and elizabeth from persona 3) q&a. she was really cool, and i actually managed to ask her a question, which was which one she preferred. (she said she can’t choose a favorite, but had more fun with elizabeth.)
i went to a presentation by sunrise, the studio that made love live among other things, but it was boring and i left early again because they were talking about gundam and other action stuff i don’t care about.
i’d planned on going to johnny yong bosch’s (makoto from free, kitamura from toradora, yu and adachi from p4) q&a, but it had a hella long line and it was obvious i wasn’t going to get in since the room wasn’t going to accommodate that many people. so i went over to a panel greg ayres (kaoru from ouran, nagisa from free, monokuma from the danganronpa anime) was doing on “it gets better.” come to find out he is openly bi! and is good friends with his ex who’s a trans woman and confronted her family about misgendering her! he is my new fav ngl and a far cry from hikaru’s va whom i met at tora-con a few years ago and was kind of an ego. it was a conversation sort of panel and we talked about a lot of stuff around queerness and bullying. i had to leave that one early too, but wished i could have stayed for the whole thing. also, there was a girl across the aisle from me who mentioned she was trans, and at one point i happened to catch her looking at me, and i think she was checking me out! sadly, i did not run into her again.
the reason i had to leave early was to get johnny’s autograph. he was really cool and i totes wish i could’ve gone to his q&a. since i don’t actually have any free! or toradora! or p4 merch, i had him sign my p3/p5 dancing game since it did at least come with p4 dancing as a free download. he took his daughter with him to the con which i find adorable though i have to wonder how bored she was sitting there for an hour and a half while he signed autographs.
katy perry - last friday night
at this point, i had a couple hours to kill, so i walked out to newbury comics in the hopes they’d have the bananarama vinyl reissues from the british record store day. they didn’t (though weirdly they did have the shakespears sister one), but they had kacey musgraves’ golden hour on sale, and i’ve been waffling on buying that for ages, so i finally snapped it up. then i went back to the mall where the con (sort of) was and got some godiva ice cream, which was even more overpriced than you’d expect but still very good.
so my last agenda item for the day was yuri lowenthal’s (makoto/minato from p3, yosuke from p4) q&a, which tara crashed because they’re married, which i love because it means that mitsuru is irl the canon waifu. once again i managed to ask a question, which was which p3 girl he’d like to have minato end up with, which made everyone laugh, and of course he said “i want to preserve my marriage, so either mitsuru or elizabeth.”
then i went home and felt like death.
i don’t know any songs that have “saturday morning” in the title
i took an uber to the con for saturday because the T was being replaced with a shuttle bus and i decided i’d rather pay $17 each way for a 15-minute trip than $2.50 each way for a 90-minute trip.
i went to a panel on “idols in anime” that was kind of interesting but i didn’t take much away from it, other than that i should maybe watch revue starlight. but then i went to a panel on “diversity in the magical girl genre” that was really cool. it was hosted by a queer latina woman and she talked about racial, gender, sexual, and ability diversity. it was interesting because she has a very negative view of yuuki yuuna, which i can certainly understand but don’t really share. but it was a great panel and i feel like i learned a lot. one neat idea she had was that what comes across as queerbaiting (or whatever-baiting) to western audiences can be really progressive representation in japan, and vice versa.
after that i went to another panel on “magical girl fashion” and literally got up and left because i couldn’t stand how wrong the presenter was.
i’d missed out both days on the free autograph passes for yuri and tara, so i went to their paid session, which to make a long story short was an absolute fucking disaster, and i ended up making a complaint, during which i cried in front of the con’s assistant director. so there’s something i can check off my bucket list. i also met the director, who came over to reassure me they were fixing things and said, “i keep saying i need a machete to take off people’s heads this year.” so obviously i immediately liked her! in the end, i did get their autographs (on the same p3d/p5d game) for fifty fucking dollars... i’d been expecting more like thirty. and they didn’t even personalize them. sad trombone noise. they were nice though.
then i rushed over to the free autographs and saw kara edwards (chihiro in the danganronpa anime) and had her autograph a wall scroll i’d bought from a vendor. i wish i could’ve gone to her q&a because she seemed sweet.
and right after THAT, i got in line for tara sands (a bunch of pokemon) and had her sign a manga volume i bought for my friend. she was also awesome and i really wish i could have gone to her q&a because we had this exchange:
me: this is for my friend who’s a huge bulbasaur fan
sands: oh, you’re such a good friend!
me: i know. and i won’t let them forget it.
sands: [laughs] that’s good! keep it up, i like your style!
i then went to greg’s q&a, which was fun. he mentioned that while recording the audio commentary for ouran, caitlin glass (haruhi) and todd haberkorn (hikaru) got really uncomfortable during one of the twincest scenes and started talking about anything else they could so they wouldn’t have to talk about the twincest, and in the commentary you can just hear greg laugh a little because he’d made himself laugh by thinking of saying “i just think it’s hot” but kept himself from saying it out loud. the hero we deserve tbh.
whigfield - saturday night (i actually don’t like that song btw)
at this point, it was time for the 18+ panels to start, so i went to one where yuri, tara platt, lisa ortiz (idk her), and billy kametz (same) did in-character readings of various scripts. they did a couple of star wars ones which obviously did nothing for me, except that tara did bb-8 in a christopher walken voice, which was fucking hysterical. the other one i remember was lisa doing a southern belle voice narrating the notebook, with yuri as sasuke (i think) as noah, and billy as lelouch (?) as ally. but the best one, of course, was the last one, which was the iocane powder scene from the princess bride, performed by yuri as spider-cop (iirc) as the sicilian and tara as elizabeth as westley. it was AMAZING.
then i went to greg’s 18+ panel where he recounted risqué stories like when his mom wanted to watch an anime where his character has anal sex. i remember it being hilarious but unfortunately don’t remember any specifics other than him affectionately calling his lawyer the C-word and a story about beating up an asshat in the o’hare airport after asshat broke a jigglypuff ornament his friend made him.
blondie - sunday girl
so having stayed out past 11:30 for greg’s panel the night before, and forgetting to take melatonin before bed... i actually couldn’t wake up sunday morning so didn’t end up going back to the con at all. which was really sad and disappointing as it meant i missed getting greg’s autograph, a panel on autism in anime fandom, and the voice actor roundtable panel, all of which i really wanted. so after finally getting up at 2:30pm i spent the rest of the day super depressed and mad at myself and just sad and disappointed.
the end.
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