#the mandalorain request
penvisions · 7 months
of beskar and kyber {chapter 16}
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Force Sensitive! Reader (the Mandalorain x Force Sensitive! Reader)
Summary: Three planets allow for you to make good memories with your newly establish clan. And one that rips it all away.
Word Count: 10.5k
Warnings: reader has an official name used for plot points, nicknames and pet names(all in Mando'a), canon typical violence, canon typical language, canon typical fighting and conflict, star wars and basic swear words (we use them like sprinkles here), mando'a language, mentions of self-harm scars, angst, emotional conversations, confessions, unwanted advances, creepy guys being creepy guys, fighting, threatening language, attempted kidnapping, stalking, fleeing from officers, resisting arrest, reader and din are wanted criminals y'all, sexual content, adult content, description of the male body (ahem), slight body worship, fingering, oral (m receiving), feelings, so many feelings, argumentative language, miscommunication, perceived rejection, fear of intimacy, abandonment trauma, sa trauma, ptsd trauma,. if i missed any please let me know and i'll add them!
A/N: a huge thank you to everyone who participated in this poll to theorize what the next arc holds in store for your lil clan! from here on out, the next 3-5 (ish chapters) will be an all-original arc. this one ends...um, yeah, please don't me mad at me, it's all for a good reason *literally runs away after posting and hides under her bed covers
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‘Your eyes were heavy with sleep, the bunk dark in the late hour of the day. You roused yourself from the blankets at the sounds of chatter outside the door of your shared room. You were feeling trembles in the Force, which had jolted you awake despite your body demanding to rest for longer. Your mind was foggy as you pulled on your tan coat over your simple black attire of a loose shirt and slim pants, the soles of your boots silent on the floor as you padded carefully to the door. You didn’t recognize the voices, but you were sure there were plenty of individuals you hadn’t had the chance to meet yet. You had only been here in the city for a few years, having been found to be in touch with the Force at the age of five, your mother sending you off with the nice man who had kept watching you while you helped to sell baked goods and local harvest back on K’ath.
You had been idly moving seashells about the stall, garnering the attention of a few Jedi visiting there on business and the course of your life was determined from there.
The sound of blasters, of gunfire, of explosions and the combatant sounds of light sabers was a cacophony of noise the closer you got to the door. Shouts and orders were being yelled, and it spiked anxiety in you. You quickly backed from the door and gathered your pack you had brought with you all those years ago. You shoved a second set of clothes, your pouch of credits you used sparingly, and the photo of your mother you had kept underneath your pillow. You had just received your official saber after spending the last week mining your crystal, when it was announced that you were to become a padawan come the end of the month, waiting for your assignment and master for training.’
The city was crowded, people rushing all around, running from the Temple and the surrounding gardens, outdoor training areas, and meditation spaces. It was loud, the sound of blasters and shouting a  roar in your ears as you tried to hide wherever you could squeeze yourself into, rushing off in sprints the second the coast was clear. Reaching up for the communication cuff you had stolen off of one of the dead bodies in the hall, you scrambled to punch in the chain code given to you back on your home planet.
It was silent as you requested a call, hope plummeting as it dropped. Once. Twice, three times.
But then it pinged, far too loudly and you heard a shout to search the gardens.
“How did you get this contact?” His voice sounded exactly the same and you thanked the Maker you had remembered his code correctly. He was your only hope, he was the only person you knew outside of those whose bodies you had seen laying all over the Temple. Taking a breath, you tried to talk as clearly as you could, brain scrambling to remember how the grammar worked for his language.
“Nuhunla jag, bic's ni.  Teh K'ath. Te kih beskar'gam adiik. Ni linibar gar gaa'tayl, gedet’ye.”
Funny man, it’s me. From K’ath. The little armor girl. I need your help, please.’
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The ship was silent.
Din was seated at the makeshift table in the hold space, helmet placed on the top of it, amid the open med pack. Bandages and bacta spray cannisters spread out before him. He had finally managed to rid himself of the throbbing headache that had grown since yesterday. He had tended to you first, after getting the ship back on route, running at half power due to the engine you had blown in the wake of your emotional outburst. It was set on course toward a mid-rim planet where he could get the engine repaired. Toward Tatooine.
The door to his personal quarters was cracked open, allowing for the hush of blankets shifting to whisper out into the open space he occupied. Soft padding of your bare feet on the floor urged him into a too fast motion to reach for his helmet. But his body complained about the reach, head throbbing harshly despite the application of bacta he had just finished on his tender head. The back of it was sensitive to the touch, thick scab underneath his gently probing fingers.
“Wait.” He called out, hoping you could hear him as he gasped it out.
All movement on the other side of the door stopped. You would’ve listened to him even if he wasn’t about to announce that he was without his helmet. But he decided to be honest with you, to take the opportunity to bear his injuries with humility rather than hubris. To admit that he wasn’t well.
“My helmet, I removed it to tend to my injury.”
“I…don’t think I can put it back on just yet. Too painful.”
“Do you need to…use the fresher?”
“No, I just…I was going to look for you. To…apologize.”
“There’s nothing to apologize for.”
“I yelled at you.” You admitted quietly, ashamed that you had, though in the moment it felt justified. It felt like it was the only way to get your voice to work through the tumultuous offense of emotions from the day’s events. From what they meant.
“And I yelled back.”
“Are we….okay?”
“…yes. I want us to be, mesh’la.”
The ship was silent. His ears straining to hear any sound you might make as you stay motionless just on the other side of the door. You had rested your forehead against the metal of it, hands curled just below, supporting yourself on sore legs. Sighing, you opted for an easy question to bridge the weird silence.
“H-how long was I out for?”
“Two days, I tended to your smaller wounds when I changed you into clean clothes.”
“Thank you….”
“I have your armor out here, I cleaned the blaster powder off of it. Shined it for you, too.”
When you didn’t respond, a deep sigh bridged the gap.
“I know we need to talk about what happened. But…mesh’la you got so upset so quickly. And I know you didn’t meant to….but you threw me across the hold. And-“
“Did I hurt you? Did I scare you?” The words rushed from you, thoughts swirling l as you tried to recall those last moments of consciousness. But you couldn’t, they were a blur, all cloaked in emotions too intense and a surge of energy ran through you. Shuddering, you tried to tamp them down, not wanting to repeat the charged display.
“Yes, a little. To both.” The rasp of his voice confessed, stilling your heart as you realized you had done the one thing you were worried about. Especially in the wake of his injuries, his willingness to sacrifice himself for even a chance of everyone getting away safely.
You clenched your eyes shut tight, face feeling like it had been exposed to the cold for too long. Prickly and numb all at the same time.
“I know it wasn’t intentional.”
“That doesn’t matter. I still-“ A sob burst from your chest, masking the sound of Din getting up from where he had been. One of his hands snuck through the space of the cracked door, long fingers reaching for you. They brushed against your bare arm, circling around it and holding on in the only way he could a the moment.
“Please don’t cry, mesh’la. I’m okay.”
“Din…” You warbled, tears flowing and regret warming you from the inside out. Through a hiccup, you voiced your remorse. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s…it’s okay. I swear to you. We’re okay.” His hand squeezed your arm and you wanted nothing more than to curl into his chest and bury your face into his neck.
But for the time being, you gave the man his space, his privacy. Knowing the conversation to be had would be in small pockets, a lot for both of you to get into at all once.
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Tatooine was the obvious choice for the repairs, you had agreed when Din told you of the route he had calculated. Requesting the hanger that Pelli resided in upon entering the atmosphere and talking with the dispatch team for air control. She was already waiting before the ramp had completely leveled out and settled, recognizing the ship. It took more concentration from Din to land the Crest, manually controlling every aspect as the landing gear had gone offline as one of the engines faltered and then failed. Another ramification of your outburst.
“Well, if it isn’t Mando! What did you do this time, you’ve got an entire engine out!”
“Doesn’t matter, will you be able to fix it?”
“Why, of course!” Her voice was loud, booming in the space of her hangar. Moving at a slightly slower pace, you walked down the ramp. A gasp falling from her lips as she noticed the beskar you now donned, the matching signets attached to the pauldrons.
“I was just jokin’ around last time, but the matching do-hickeys gotta mean she’s your girl, right?”
Helmet turning, the dark visor looked you over. Taking in the full visage of you in the armor that had been a gift, the shining metal making pride swell in his sternum. Neither of you responded to her teasing, opting to distract her with the presence of ad’ika. He was taking big, swinging steps down the ramp, looking adorable in his newly stitched outfit. Din had surprised you one morning, seated at the table with the child dressed in nothing but his underwear as his fingers worked a thread and needle through the burlap tunic. He had taken the time after some consideration and decided to turn the open ended tunic into a jumpsuit, allowing for ad’ika’s legs to move easier. He had tripped over the loose, open hem one too many times in an attempt to run from the running water in the fresher sink that signaled a bath for him.
It had both you and Din suppressing laughter, much to the pouting of the child.
“Oh Maker, there he is!” Pelli was respectful enough not to board the ramp, crouching down at the end of it and making grabby hands with her arms reaching out.
After a rather entertaining attempt at pleading her case for babysitting, your trio set off into town. You had a large pack secure on your shoulders, full of pieces to sell to pay for the repairs needed on the Crest. Din had been in no condition to take any jobs from Karga upon departure, nor had he wanted to immediately jump back into the time-consuming hunting in wake of his responsibility to find an appropriate guardian for ad’ika.
“Patu!” Ad’ika exclaimed from his snug position in the canvas bag around your shoulders. He was resting against your hip, hands reaching for a brightly colored gelatine…thing displayed on a vendors table amid a variety of local fruit.
“Patu? Ad’ika, what in the- is that a word?” Side-eyeing Din, you gathered a few fruits as well, making sure to get the ones a small claw pointed to along with some that looked interesting to you. Plus the one he already had picked up and taken a bite out of.
“Not that I know of.”
“How many languages can you speak, while we’re on the subject?”
“We weren’t, really. But it would be…quite a few.”
“Except for Jawa.” You snorted, recalling the broken words he tried to exchange with the scavenging people what seemed like so long ago now. But you were beginning to look back on that time of your life not with an air of frustration but consideration. The compound you had been stolen away to leading you to the life you currently led. Maybe there was still an echo of frustration, of personal failure for not being aware that day in town. Of having let your guard down while on a rare supply run into one of the few cities scattered within the vast sands of Tatooine.
But….for all the bad that had occurred from that one instance of capture, the things you had to endure and the feeling of losing all hope for a life of even moderate freedom. Of life itself. For everything that had happened to you while at that compound, it was a chapter of your life. You could let it taint you, poison you. And you had, for so long.
Now…now there was hope and the notion that it had all led to the present. Aboard a ship with two people you trusted and cared for. And it was all you could do, to not be consumed by it.
“Jawa is pointless, speaking to them in their native language or another yields the same results.” He turned the question on you, his curiosity peaked just as yours had been.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Attention only half on the wall of armor he made, you turned with a handful of credits to the man keeping watch over his wares. He passed back the difference with a frown, eyes trailing over you in an uncomfortable manner.
“A kid with me would look better than whatever type of creature that is.” A suggestive grin broke out across his face. His hand snatching out in an attempt to grab at your own. “Should ditch the suit and spend some time with me.”
Before you could even think of a response other than to take an offended and disgusted step back, Din was blocking your line of sight. His fist was around the vendor’s neck, lifting him from the ground a few inches as he leaned in threateningly.
“My helmet must be malfunctioning, because I’m pretty sure you didn’t just insult my vencuyot riduur right in front of me.” He didn’t so much say the words as growled them, pleasure blooming between your legs at the implication of his words and his instant defensiveness. You were more than capable of handling yourself and had proven as such to him, but for Din to raise his hackles and snap at this man was…endearing in the filthiest of ways.
Future wife.
“Since we’re on the subject, your pronunciation is very good. But some words seem to have slightly different meanings almost.” Shoving the vendor away from him, the man stumbled down, disappearing from view. It took your brain a second to catch up and realize that Din had been speaking to you. When he tilted his helmet to the side a bit, you mimicked him. With a modulated chuckle, he guided you with a hand on the small of your back further into the marketplace and repeated his words.
“We weren’t really.” You stuck your tongue out at him, prompting the child to imitate you with an adorable giggle. Din altered his next step to brush his shoulder against yours, pauldrons clinking softly and jostling you. When your foot faltered, he used the hand still around you to pull you close. “You grew up on Concordia, no?”
“Well, Mando’a is an agglutinative language. It’s built on itself, two words becoming one over time, helping to bridge the different dialects, or simply to condense the language. So you speak Concordian, which is a different dialect than what I leaned from Akiz. He had been raised on Mandalore and that’s where we spent a few years hidden from the Empire’s forces.”
“You- you lived on Mandalore?” Static over the modulator relayed the force of his words, taken off guard by your casual revelation about your past. You paused, turning to face him fully, eyes focusing on the visor with a furrowed brow.  
“Y-yeah, is that…I thought I told you?”
“No…that’s- mesh’la, that’s-“ You swore you could hear the swallow he took to compose himself, words jumbled in his mind and in his mouth. “New.”
“Wait, did you never-?”
“The fighting corps were on Concordia. I didn’t leave unless it was for training and then we had to flee, go into hiding.”
“Ner kar’ta, I’m so sorry. It was such a beautiful planet. And you- you’re one of the most devout Mandalorian’s I’ve ever met, you deserved to have seen it in its prime.”
After a few more shared streets, looking over the things offered by the local vendors, you parted ways.
You set off in the direction of an armory you had once sold to, run out of someone’s personal abode, attached to a warehouse that allowed them to house a kiln, forge, and space for a considerable collection of wares for sale. The armored man going off to search for any signs of Mandalorians that had fled Navarro.
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Now making your way slowly through the town, walking through the door streets the way you had come with your escort earlier, a successful sale of the pieces you had crafted during the time it took to travel here under your belt.
An apple rolled over the toes of your boots, garnering your attention. Following the path it must’ve taken with your eyes and then seeing a few more bouncing and rolling away in other directions, you noticed a woman struggling to get her hand back from the same vendor who had tried to do the exact thing to you.
“Hey! Leave her alone, creep!” Swift steps and you were prying the young woman’s arm from the vendors crushing grip. Maker, she couldn’t have been much older than her teens. The blaster holstered to the back of your hips was raised and pointed at the man, his hands reaching for his own but far too slow.
“Did you pay him?” You asked her over your shoulder, seeing the fruit that had flown from her basket at the man’s advances.
“N-no, I was about to when he grabbed me.”
“Gather what you want and then go home.”
“You don’t get to decide that!”
“I think you’ve done enough to her, the least you could do is take the loss of a single transaction.”
“You didn’t pay either, your Mando,” He spat the word out. “Took the payment back for your stuff as well.”
“Then maybe you should stop harassing your customers.”
Suddenly, a woman appeared behind him and knocked the blaster from where he had been reaching for it, frozen over the holster at the sight of yours already raised.
“Alright, let’s break it up.” She was tall and held the air of someone with authority. The shine of the sun on a badge pinned to her front had you lowering your weapon. Not wanting to complicate things further, you holstered it and turned to help the poor woman who had been harassed. She was scurrying around and picking up the fallen fruit.
The vendor slinked back behind his tables, beginning to gather all of his stuff up. Closing shop for the day and cutting his losses.
Once both were gone from the busy street, the woman approached you with a hand held out in greeting.
“Sioban, local official.”
“Sarad. Just passing through.”
“Oh don’t be that way, I’m not going to arrest you. C’mon let’s go grab a drink, you can tell me more about that Mandalorian armor you’re wearing. I’ve never seen such pure beskar.”
That’s how you found yourself opposite the friendly woman, pink drinks in both your hands and sharing traveling stories. She was kind, told you they didn’t have any signs of the type of struggle rumored to have occurred on the nearby planets. But she must’ve been a newly instated official, having no recollection of her from your past time spent on the dessert planet. You felt at ease with her, so alike to how you had been before, when you had traveled with Akiz. Curious, excited, wanting to know all there was to know. Even in wake of the knowledge and reality that you were on the run, but allowed the chance to be a child with a guardian to look after you and ensure your safety.
You must’ve lost track of time, because the quiet hush of the bar’s patrons silenced as a tall, broad figure appeared in the doorway. Visor scanning the crowd. It picked back up once he didn’t immediately stalk toward someone he was in search of, the patrons deeming him a visitor just like themselves. Upon seeing you, his steps picked up and he was beside the table you were seated at. The slight crook of his helmet beckoning you and calling you silently back to the ship.
“Indulge me, ner kar’ta.” You whispered into the side of his helmet, body leaning in close. The woman on the other side of the booth let a knowing smile overtake her delicate features as she realized who this man was to you. Not a controlling father or partner coming to fetch you, but a loved one simply catching up with you after an afternoon apart. “Just one more drink, then back to the ship.”
“Fine. But then we depart.”
“Sioban, this is…um, Mando-“ You looked to him, unsure if he was okay with you introducing him as such, at the nod of his helmet, you continued on. “Ner kar’ta, this is Sioban. She was kind enough to get me out of some potential trouble.”
“Thank you, for looking out for her.”
“You’re very welcome, Mando. She looked about ready to pummel the man, but he’s known for being involved with a local gang and I didn’t want her to have a mark on her back.”
“What happened?”
“That vendor from earlier was harassing a young girl, so I stepped in to intervene.”
A gurgling laugh burst into the air as ad’ika’s small head popped up from the bag around his shoulders.
“Oh! A baby!” Sioban squealed, leaning over the table to wiggle her fingers at him, prompting more carefree laughter. “I didn’t know you had a baby.”
“He’s cute, no?” You carefully wrangled him from the canvas and handed him to her, trusting that she wasn’t a threat. Ad’ika was a wiggling bundle in her arms, cooing and gurgling as he lavished the attention she was dotting on him. You moved aside for Din to settle into the booth, cramping you in the small space.
The walk from the bar in the city center back to the hangers in the outskirts was quiet, but comfortable. Ad’ika was on your shoulders, pointing his little claws up at the shooting stars streaking through the sky. You were both munching on a sweet hand pie from the bar, offering the small child bites you tore from the wrapping. A bite handed to him and then one for you, but the next one about to be popped from your mouth was stolen midair by a quick hand.
The hiss of the seal on Din’s helmet took you by surprise, the glimpse of his stubbled jaw even more so as he popped the bite of the pie into his own mouth. The flash of a plush bottom lip stole your attention, hidden away as quickly as it had been exposed, but even so a bloom of desire flared to life in your gut. A claw tangling tight in your hair as you delayed the next bite pulled your attention away, a grunt of discomfort loud as you gently reprimanded him to be kind.
Feeling his own eyes sweep over you made it hard to concentrate on carefully tearing another bite from the pastry.
Future wife. Vencuyot riduur. Riduur.
For the rest of the trip back to the ship, you couldn’t quell the prickling of desire all over your body, arousal pooling between your legs. Fueled by the two drinks you had deemed an appropriate treat for the day. Once putting the passed out child in the hammock in the larger part of the hull space, Din joined you in the small cabin that was his personal quarters.
Din’s hands were soft over your thighs, fingers caressing the old scars born of anger and desperation set into your skin. The clothes you were wearing were too hot all of a sudden, heat and the prickling desire flaring all over. But you were so tired and all you could do was let out an appreciative groan as your lashes fluttered closed and your head lolled to the side atop your pillow.
“Din, ni kar'tayl gar darasuum.” The words were mumbled, slurred into the air on a puff of breath. A confession and an apology rolled into one sleepy sentiment. “Vencuyot riddur.”
I love you. Future husband.
Fingers stilling, they pressed to you, palms wide and gripping tight over your thighs, a hitch of breath given life through his helmet. Then his hands were moving up up up, over your middle, your chest, your neck. They were gentle as they cupped your face, but you didn’t move, allowing him to press the forehead of his helmet to your temple. The heat of his body hovering so close above you had your legs moving to wrap around his waist.
Insistent prodding of him hard and wanting against your hip ignited a strike of excitement through your middle to settle low in your stomach. Through the fog of fast approaching sleep, you tried to roll your hips against his, but you were suddenly tilting, body manipulated on your side and back pulled to his chest.
A rumble of a chuckle filled the small space was the last thing you remembered as sleep finally won over.
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“We need to be quick, just a supply run and to see if there’s a covert on world.” Din’s words were quiet, mumbled. You only hummed in response, not even stirring when the man’s arms wrapped around your body and pulled you flush against him. The hard line of him in his underwear gently prodded at the small of your back.
That sent a bolt of pleasure down your stomach, his hand chasing it as he rested his palm against the skin of your navel. Before his fingers could delve underneath the waistband of your shorts, you were shifting in his grip to face him. You didn’t say anything as you began to place open mouthed kisses along his chest, his hands gripping you tight. His chest was so firm, the muscles of endless training molding him and tempting you to lavish attention.
You certainly weren’t too tired now, to indulge.
Hands ghosting up, you placed them flat and pushed. And it shouldn’t have sparked pleasure laced with an unbearable heat straight to your core as he allowed you to urge him on his back, but it did. The heady notion that he was allowing you to move him how you pleased lighting you up and desire pool low. You threw a leg over his thighs, straddling them low and leaned down to attach your lips to the column of his neck. He groaned out, crackling the speaker in his helmet and you smirked against his skin. Parting your lips, you licked a line up to the bottom of it before you sunk your teeth into the side of his throat. He jolted, entire body convulsing at the nip you were bold enough to place.
You shushed him with a puff of hot air, soothing the bite with your tongue before moving down down down.
Hands firm on his ribs, you nipped at each of his nipples, getting rewarded with twin grunts and a harsh jerk of his cock against your stomach. His thick fingers moved to tangle through your hair, before they were pulled suddenly away.
“Sorry, I didn’t-“
“Do not apologize,” You kissed into the skin of his stomach, reaching up for his hands that hovered just shy of touching. Moving them back to where they had been, you squeezed his wrists in a reassuring motion. “Din, if I don’t want you to do something or I’m uncomfortable, I will tell you.”
“Just…don’t want to be too forward…or rough.”
“You’re gonna need to hold onto something,” Mouth still trailing over him, you swirled your tongue around his belly button, stomach muscles twitching and he bucked up at the sensation of the heat that began to simmer just below. “When I get my mouth around your cock.”
“Shit, you have a mouth on you, huh? We ah really should –“ His words morphed into a low moan as your lips kissed the tip of him through the fabric. Mouthing gently at him, you felt your own body begin to spark. The thought of taking him fully in your mouth too temping to ignore. He had felt so delicious against you the two times you’d been intimate with him and you wanted to give him everything.
Mouth, indeed, you thought as you continued to mouth at him through the fabric, a wet spot sprouting.
Fingers locking in your hair, his head knocked back as you slid your hands around your face to hook fingers into the band of his underwear and pulled. His cock bobbed up, a quiet slap against his stomach, slick at the tip and hard.
Flattening your tongue, you dragged it up the underside of him, flicking it against the tip as you lifted your head. The visor was aimed down at you, but you could barely glimpse it in the shine of faint lights along the walls.
“This okay?”
“Fuck, it’s more than okay, mesh’la.”
Ducking back down, you felt his fingers clench in your hair. Breath ghosting over him before you took him in your hand, fisting him at the base. You knew he was big from feeling him against you, as he glided through your folds and rutted. But to have him in your hand, the heat of him, the pulsing felt against your palm, the musky scent of him. It was all so much and you wanted to take your time. But there was a niggling question in the back of your mind. Contemplating voicing it, you placed chaste kisses all along the length, you took a breath, feeling the weight of his tip against your bottom lip.
“No,” He growled out at the sight of you draped over his legs, mouthing at the most precious part of him. “You’re the only one, will be the only one.”
Your response was to wrap your lips around him, tongue collecting the shine of his arousal that was dribbling from his tip. Knuckles popping with the force of his grip, you swallowed him down with a hum.
Bubbling laughter and then a muted crash of something through the door broke the moment, attention pulled from him slowly as you ran your hands down his twitching stomach. Releasing him with a pop, you brushed tingling fingers against him, cupping his cock gently before you were gone completely from the bed.
“I’ll get him, ner kar’ta.” Your voice was smug, knowing he was internally battling two very different sets of instincts. “Hop in the fresher and take care of yourself.”
“He has the worst timing.”
“We can pick this up once he goes down for his nap later.” Were your parting words before the door hushed open and closed, leaving him alone in the darkness.
You pulled your hair up away from your face, face still heated from being pressed so closely to the furnace that Din was. But you masked it well, searching all around the ship for the little figure of ad’ika.
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The clink of you lining up rings on the makeshift table roused him from his light slumber. Metallic sound prickling across his temples and stirring the low-grade headache he had laid down with last night into something stronger. Something that made it hard to focus. The scab was gone completely, in the weeks it took to stay on the move, traveling through hyperspace more often than being stationary on land these days. It had healed with the aid of routine bacta treatments and more time without his helmet. He had taken to spending nights up in the room he had se up for you, the hatch to the ladder securely closed to ensure his privacy up on the smaller second story of the ship.
You didn’t mind, wanting to respect his need for privacy. For a safe space to heal and take care of himself in a way that he hadn’t had to as of yet. His injury had been severe, almost stealing him away from you and it remained in the back of your mind. Remorse for having agitated it in a fit of emotion the very same day it occurred. Even with his reassurances that you hadn’t done too much to worsen it.
Seated at the makeshift table, you were finishing up the newest piece of chainmail for the small collection to be sold on the next planet. For fuel, for food, for more supplies. It didn’t matter what you needed, you wanted to ensure that there was a small build-up of credits for whatever your little trio might need. Your clan, now. The Armorer’s words stitched through your mind, through your heart.
“Meshla, I think I need to remain on the ship this time.” He was without his armor, dressed only in trousers and a long-sleeved shirt similar to the one you often slept in. All back and well worn, boots adorning his feet though he was slow in his movements. One look at him, the black visor, and you could tell by the stillness he had adopted since sitting opposite you. He wasn’t feeling well, something he wasn’t used to voicing.
“I don’t mind refueling and getting supplies.” You carefully began to put your tools away, wrapping them up in the cloth you had laid out atop the makeshift table to avoid making too much noise while he slept.
“The route says another couple of hours, you don’t have to put up your stuff just yet.”
“It’s okay, if your head is hurting, I don’t want to make it worse with constant noise.” Contemplating your next words, you didn’t want to offend the man across from you, but you worried…And you recalled the signets that had been worn by those injured in battle. To display the difficulty they might have with communication or mobility, for other Mandalorian’s to show they respects and act accordingly should the individuals need aid.
“Do we need to consider finding a welder?”
“Something for your armor? Or to sell to?”
“No, ner kar’ta, for… um a mir’shupur sigil for your armor?”
Brain injury. Disabled.
“No.” It was gruff, his voice holding none of the softness it adopted when speaking to you. He leaned his hands atop the makeshift table to stand.
“O-okay, I was just-“
“You should be as quick as possible, once we land.” His broad back was to you, muscles tense and steps slow as he walked away, shutting the conversation in more ways than one. You stayed in your seat well after he had disappeared. The tightness in your throat hurting as you tried to will the tears that had sprung up away. He wasn’t mad, you tried to reassure yourself. You had just spoken out of term, unthinkingly. That’s all, just a miscommunication. They were bound to happen.
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You were halfway down the street when you heard a low murmur of chatter, turning slightly to feign interest in the food stall beside you, you caught a glimpse of orange and yellow. Officers. From the New Republic. Two of them were entering the storefront you had just left. Where you had just conducted business with the owners. They hadn’t asked after your name nor of where you had learned your skills, but they would most likely give a description if prompted.
Barely turning the corner to another street, is when a voice shouted aloud for you to stop.
Your quick steps broke out into a sprint, trying to put as much space between you and them before they gave chase.
“Hey! We’ve got a warrant out for you, stop!”
“Kriff.” You cursed, ducking beneath a pair of Verpine aliens as they carried beams of wood through the street. Dirt kicking up as you skidded to take a sudden turn down a narrow alley. Jumping onto the speeder parked in the small space, you reached for the roof and pulled yourself up. Breath huffing, you laid flat on your back, ears straining to listen for the officers.
“She must’ve gone this way, there’s a den known for housing criminals.”
“Alright, let’s go. Quick, before she gets off world.”
Their steps didn’t follow down the alley you had all but hurt your back to turn into, continuing on down the street until you couldn’t hear them anymore.
As you began to briskly walk through the residential streets, you sensed the attention of someone else focused on you. It made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. It was more concentrated than when Din had been a formidable figure at your side on previous planets. But you were more concerned with getting back to the ship, the officers only a few streets behind. Most likely still in pursuit.
Ignoring it since you didn’t have the time to turn the tables and stalk them in return, ambushing them and demanding to know why they were following you, you continued on. Thoughts focused on getting back to the outskirts of the small city where Din had opted to land the ship. The docking hangers sparse and spread out around the dense city.
“Ner kar’ta!” You called out as soon as the ramp to the ship was down, the hissing of the hydraulics sending a chill through you as you rushed up. You worried for a second you were being too loud, but you had picked up on the way the man was slower to respond since removing his helmet for long periods of time over travel. You suspected he was hard of hearing in one of his ears, a result of the charges he favored but definitely a side effect of his more recent injuries. “Ner kar’ta, can we run my chain code? I almost just got arrested and I wanna know why. I haven’t done anything the last six years except for travel with you.”
You didn’t hear any response, instead the ramp closed and the ship started up. Only when it was safely out of the planets atmosphere and a flight plan coordinated for hyperspace, did Din’s form appear as it came down the ladder.
Listening as he explained the puck he had received with information of you when he took the job of hunting you down so long ago had updated. Just as there was a warrant out for his arrest, there was one for you as well. For aiding in the escape of Qin, the job that Ran had set up and into motion. It wasn’t surprising, you had both been aboard the prisoner ship, abundant with cameras and security droids. But it was still worrying to have been noticed so closely.
That it would be easy for any bounty hunter or local official or officer to be able to recognize you now.
Din retreated to the cot, leaving you in the hold space once you assured him you were okay and nothing had happened in the city beyond the quick errands and resupply of fuel. You told him of the expenses and he waved a hand as you listed them off. Citing that it was your credits covering everything and he wasn’t concerned with them if you weren’t.
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Days passed, much the same. You spent time entertaining and caring for ad’ika. Din joining you in the same bed some nights, others he slept alone. It wasn’t uncomfortable, it was just an understanding of him needing space and you respected that. You needed it too, thoughts of being wanted publicly and officially not sitting well with you. You had done a good job of staying below the radar until now, and it was hard to adjust to the notion that you could be recognized while out and about.
The ship was stationary, docked at a hangar on some plush planet, a sight of tourism and capitalism. A collection of casinos and gambling rings, race tracks and so many other things for people to lose countless hours and credits indulging in. Din had deemed it a safe enough environment to rest for the morning before disembarking. He had returned to bed after securing the ship and asked you to pay the docking fee.
You had, a quick transaction, reassurance that you were protected here even so deep in the city from the droid who registered the ship. Making a pod of caf, you checked on a deeply sleeping child up in what was considered your bunk. He had practiced with the Force some early this morning, a way to distract him from the nightmares that woke him at too early of an hour. You had left the tangle of limbs and blankets that had been you and Din down in the hold space to tend to the child. He had been slumbering ever since, successful in manipulating a snack toward him, not once but twice with gently and steady encouragement from you.
“Hey,” You broke the silence of the hull. Leaning against the doorway to the small cabin. You were cradling a steaming mug in your hands, stripped down to your socked feet, trousers, and tank top. Din hummed, letting you know he was awake. “I wanted to apologize for earlier, when I asked after a mir’shupur signet. I didn’t mean to imply that you weren’t recovering.”
“I know.”
“I’m just worried, you’ve been doing the bacta treatments and you say the scabbing is mostly gone. But I see the way you’ve slowed down, how delayed you are to respond when you don’t have your helmet on.”
“I’ll be fine, mesh’la.” His baritone voice was soft, as if he was trying to convince himself as much as yourself. But he was improving, it was just slow going, as with all head injuries. Bacta or not, and if there was the luxury of time, of endless credits and the ability for him to, you would’ve suggested a bacta tank.
It was just too unrealistic a notion with the current predicament. Lack of time, lack of resources, lack of privacy that would allow for it to be possible. If you could take his pain and discomfort, you would do so in a heartbeat. But you didn’t dare voice that sentiment, knowing he would argue that he would take the consequences of his actions, because he stood by them and that was the way things were.
“I know, I just…I care for you and I want to help, I just…I spoke out of term and I’m sorry if I offended you.”
“….you didn’t.” A sigh. “I considered it as well, back on Nevarro, just…just in case it was that serious.”
“I just want you to be okay and if I-“ A hiccup bubbled up, tears hot and spilling through your lashes, “If I made it worse even just a little when I threw you across the hull, I-“
Din was suddenly pushing up from the bed, gloved hands coming up to wipe away the tears trailing down your cheeks. The mug was gently pried from your hands, placed atop the makeshift table before he engulfed you in a comforting embrace.
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“Fuck, take what you need, take what you want.” Din’s voice was deliciously low and desperate as he felt the way you moved against his hand. The modulator crackled slightly with the timbre of his words, the force of them on a heavy exhale. Your skin was so hot, and your pleasure was obvious as slick coated his hand, he was trying not to let his instincts and past experiences take over. Not wanting to ruin this for you, not wanting to scare you off or trigger you into a silent episode as he had so stupidly done far too many times before. “You deserve to feel good, mesh’la.”
He crooked his fingers, pads gliding over something deep in you that hitched your breath. He did it again and pressed deliberately, a loud moan tearing itself from your throat as your back arched. Wide eyes were trained on him when he looked up from where his hand was encompassing you, pushing into your core. His eyes trailed up the sweat slick expanse of your skin through the visor, up your stomach to your breasts that were rocking with the movements you had begun to instinctually make. Your peaked nipples looking like too much of a temptation atop the soft flesh, your neck was flushed dark, the heat encompassing you obvious on your sun-kissed skin, craning as you tried to fight the urge to give into your pleasure completely.
Your expression was wrecked. Your eyes were blown out to leave only a sliver of their true color. Your plush lips were swollen from biting into them as his hands had brought you to the precipice. They were parted as you tried to catch your breath but all that was falling from them were moans that went straight through him, igniting the blood in his veins and settling low where he was hard and straining against his trousers.
Din was tempted to darken the room and remove his helmet to trail his lips over everything he was seeing right now. As if reading his thoughts, you licked your lips before speaking in a desperate tone, panting slightly with the effort to get the words out around your pleasure.
“I want to kiss you.”
His fingers stilled inside you, his thumb atop the bundle of nerves that had you gasping just a second ago freezing. You whimpered at the stillness, his hands still on you. You felt your hips undulate still, desperately searching for the friction that had pleasure rolling over you just a second ago.
“I want to feel your face in my hands even if I can’t see it, to feel your lips trail down my body.” You keened, the words falling unbidden from your mouth as you writhed underneath and against him. “I’d let you, I’d let you touch me, mark me.”
They must’ve been the wrong words, the wrong thing to say because the energy in the room shifted from charged and sensual to stiff and uncomfortable. Fear trickled down your spine, making you shudder. You had never wanted someone to touch you the way you were asking, begging for. Never. And you had felt so safe, so sure he would want the same that you blurted out your desires as the haze of pleasure had overtaken you.
You had messed up, if the complete rigid form of Din in front of you was any indication. Spoken too honestly and too selfishly. Insultingly, of his Creed.
“We can’t…I-I don’t...” Din slowly removed his hand from in and around you, placing it on the bed near your hip. He ignored the way it seemed a shame to waste the taste of you on the fabric when his mouth was such a better home for it. He moved his weight around slightly, so he wasn’t hovering over you as you spoke, but was perched near your legs. You sat up a little as well, bringing your arms that had been grasping at his biceps and shoulders underneath you to push up. Bottom lip coming between your teeth, and you worried the skin, emotions spiking and trying to keep them at bay.
Despite your efforts, you felt a lump form in your throat, the hot shame of speaking such things lighting up your body from the inside out in a rather unpleasant way. Replacing the heat of desire that had been flooding you just seconds ago. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath to try and center yourself.
When you opened them back up, you had reverted back to the neutral expression you would hold around him when you first met and all those weeks after. The tightening of his shoulders told you as much.
“You don’t want to kiss me.” Your voice was small, taking on the void of emotion it had for most of your life. You were shrinking into yourself, bringing your limbs close and making the space you took up as small as possible, a far cry from how you had just been stretched out across the entire bed. His bed. Your bed. The bed you shared.
You had made an absolute fool of yourself, writhing around and begging for him in a way that was too uninhibited. You knew that it was a serious thing, for him to even consider removing his helmet.
Firsthand, you had seen how he refused to remove it even in the face of death, in the case of extreme injury that needed to be tended to. Feeling small, insignificant, foolish for asking after such a thing from a man sworn to do nothing of the sort. He undressed, he allowed you to see and feel his body, a test to the boundaries and meaning of his faith already. Selfish, the word rang loud in your head, you were selfish. And you had no right to be. “You don’t want to kiss me.”
“It’s….it’s an intimate thing…I don’t…I have…” He didn’t know how to get the words out even as they all rushed around his head, overlapping with each other. He watched the way your face composed into a mask, an unreadable cover that didn’t give way the crush his words were causing.
It didn’t matter the commitment he made to you, his actions now stung, his lack of a response as to why hurting like a blade imbedded in your chest. He would touch you, he would rock against your body with his own, but he didn’t want to kiss you. Stupid, you thought, how stupid it was to want to kiss someone. Such a dumb, adolescent thing to yearn for.
With a blink your eyes cleared of any pleasure you had lingering on your skin, in your very nerves from him. You calmly reached out across the bed to pull your bandeau top back on before slipping the discarded tank top back over your shoulders.
“You don’t want to be intimate with me in that way….it’s- it’s not just your Creed. You don’t- you don’t want me physically the same way I want you. I’m- Maker, I am so stupid.”
Your words might as well have come from a droid for all the emotion they were devoid of. You reached further to retrieve your underwear and stood, your legs a little shaky from the magic that Din’s fingers had been casting on you, had used to distract you from the truth of the situation. That you would never get to feel all of him, that he would never give you all of himself. You felt his reach to help steady you, but you stepped further away, closer to the door of the cabin as you stepped into the fabric and tugged it up hastily.
“No, no, that’s not! It’s…you’re so… just…” He wanted to ask if you were sure, if your words were real and not just you getting lost in the pleasure of the moment. His helmet coming off was something that needed to be planned, needed to be wanted, by everyone involved. He’d never…he had never removed it to be with someone and Maker, he wanted to so with you, but he hadn’t wanted to overwhelm you.
He hadn’t wanted to scare you off with the meaning behind it, the undermining breach of the Creed he devoted himself to.
But you couldn’t know that, because he hadn’t voiced it. Nor the dreams he awoke from in the night of your lips on his. It didn’t matter if he had made a commitment to you, had even uttered a loving decree, he didn’t want to remove his helmet and it hurt.
“I asked too much of you, I apologize. I didn’t mean to overstep my place, jatne vod.” You bowed your head slightly, brain shutting back down in the face of daring to ask for something once in your life only to be turned down so quickly. It shouldn’t feel like your heart was being impaled, but your breath was shallowing out as it did so, your chest aching in a way you weren’t familiar with. Rejection, it stung like nothing you had ever experienced, not even akin to the blade of your saber during training drills. And then: heartache, your mind betrayed you as it gave word to it.
Of course he wouldn’t want to remove his helmet for you, he hadn’t even wanted to remove it on the brink of death. He was already cruising the line of his Creed by allowing you to see his body, to share in pleasure with him in that way, and you felt shame, disappointment, greedy. And you didn’t like it.
He was motionless, the stab of the term you called him harsh in his chest. Piercing him and stinging far worse than any injury he could have sustained.
Din stood, grabbing his shirt from where it lay on the floor, he tugged it over his helmet, only to hear the door to the cabin hush as it opened the second the fabric was blocking his visor. When he pulled the collar down to rest along his neck, you were gone from the space in front of him, the door left open. The rustling of fabric and the clinking of your pauldrons had his skin buzzing.
“San?” Din’s voice was frantic as he tried to pull the flight suit top closed quickly over his shirt, his fingers not quite able to grasp at the zipper for a second. He reached for his gloves as his head swiveled as he searched for where you ran off to in the hold. The sound of the ramp door opening and lowering settled heavy in his middle as he finally managed to pull his gloves on, still wet with the tears that had fallen from your eyes. He didn’t see any shadows or movement about the ship, crazed energy began to wash over him. You had run. You had run from him. You had run from him and left the ship.
He repeated it louder as he marched down the ramp, he reached up to press the side of his helmet to activate the heat sensor. He followed your steps down the ramp with the visor, his own quiet beneath him despite the flood of emotions overwhelming him and urging him to run. To chase. He followed the trail through the landing pads of the docking area before they were lost in the dozens and dozens that led into the hectic streets of the city.
It was after an hour he realized he hadn’t put on any of his armor, essentially walking into the dense city streets naked. His flight suit pants, separate top zipped up over an undershirt, boots and gloves. He suddenly felt worried for you, donned only in your clothing, no armor either. He knew you could hold your own but that didn’t do much to help ease his mind as he realized he had eyes tracking his every movement. His helmet garnering unwanted attention.
He needed to regroup, if he had any chance at tracking you. He knew you, knew how well you could hide and stay hidden from those searching for you. But he also knew you. That you liked the fancier places to eat, the fresher food served in such places, the colored drinks they offered. That you liked the comfort of a soft bed, the security of a hotel, to look out the windows at the ever-bustling city even well into the night as sleep pulled at you and made you lethargic. Despite not liking crowds, you flourished in the busy marketplaces, making idle chit chat with the vendors, asking after local fruits and wanting to try each one.
Sighing, he scanned the street he was on one last time, visor unable to pick up on your trail. Turning, he vowed to get dressed properly and find you. He needed to. He needed to swallow the self consciousness that had taken over him in that moment and still was. He needed to tell you that he wanted to kiss you too, more than anything. But that he hadn’t kissed anyone. You would be the first, the only. But he had to find you. You had to know.
But come nightfall, he hadn’t been able to find any leads. Having secured his armor and weapons before securing ad’ika in the bunk of the hull, with a promise to return with you in his arms. Even when he had ducked into a bar whose sign surely called you toward it. Asking the guard at the door if he had seen someone of your description, but they had claimed not to. Even when he had scoured the marketplace, hoping to pick up any signs of you purchasing a replacement cloak or a new pack of cigarras that you were so fond of.
It was like you had vanished, no trace of you to be found.
Din doesn’t think his heart had stopped thudding heavily in his chest the whole time he searched.
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You tried to keep the tears at bay, but they stung in the column of your throat, they stung behind your cheeks. Your head was throbbing with the effort to focus on things in front of you. The waning pleasure thrumming in your body no longer welcome as shame overrode it. The suns were too bright, and the crowd was too large. But you continued to walk, continued to put distance between you and the one place you thought you had been safe to ask for things. To be yourself.
Ignoring the concerned and wary glances of onlookers around the busy streets, you pushed on. No destination in mind other than to get as far away from the docking station set up in the middle of the city.
Catching sight of a flashing neon sign, you turned, coming face to face with a man standing guard at the door to a bar. Trying your best to smile, to appear put together, you greeted him in Basic. He stepped aside, allowing you to enter. Thankful for the simple clothing you preferred to appear classy enough to allow you admittance. Though you did regret not thinking to grab your cape or armor in the quick rush away from the embarrassing disaster that was now your afternoon. You had only managed to grab your saber handle and the pouch you kept attached to your thigh in your haste.
At least you had a way to protect yourself, at least you had credits.
But even the attempt at seeking peace to calm down and gather your thoughts seemed to be a mistake on your part.
“What’s a pretty thing like you doin’ all alone?” A twi-lek approached you, broad in the shoulders and donned in all black. The leather of his headdress was stitched with yellow, complimenting the tone of his skin. Lekku draped over his shoulders. He didn’t sit, which you were thankful for, but he did hover directly in front of your small booth, a drink in his hand.
“Just having a moment alone,” You didn’t look up from your meal, not wanting to entertain the man even the slightest. Even if it didn’t feel like it at the moment, you were committed to another. And you would never betray Din’s trust. Even… even if it meant you would never get to experience the feel of his lips on your own.
The announcement of his commitment to you, his intention of courtship. It had been a lot, but you were okay with things being an eventuality. Or at least, you had thought that you were. But you had failed to express yourself properly…or you had done so correctly but in the wrong circumstance, with the wrong words. Still unaccustomed to feeling such strong physical emotions and urges, still unaccustomed to the ways in which you were both discovering each other’s bodies in such a safe space.
It was a confusing thing, due to the instances he would disengage the seal on his helmet and allow you a glimpse. Though rare, they made you feel like he had unfailing trust in you, that he was comfortable.
“I can get you another drink, if you’d like?” He slid into the booth, effectively setting your instincts on high alert. He didn’t look like a threat, but his presence was unwelcome, and you were already at an emotional capacity and unwilling to entertain civility.
“C’mon, a pretty face like yours shouldn’t look so glum.”
“Then leave.”
When he didn’t get up from the seat opposite side of the table, you did. Placing a few credits on the table as you did so.
You weren’t paying attention, head not on a swivel or senses on alert as you walked out of the bar, the guard bidding you a good evening.
A nod in return, you ducked out into the busy street, missing the feel of gauze from your cloak. The crowd was too much, the skin of your arms covered in goosebumps as you brushed past people moving too slowly. Unsure of where to go, you entertained the spare thought of checking into a hotel and contacting Din to ensure you were safe. Too wrapped up in your thoughts, you didn’t notice the shadow of someone hiding just inside the alley you walked past.
A hand shot out and you shoved your own out to throw the person into a wall. But you had moved too slowly. The larger person pulled you into the darkness of the canopied alley, the suns having set completely and bathing the planet in a dark blue sky lit up with sparkling stars.
“Let me go.” You growled, unwilling to go down without a fight even through the sheer exhaustion that had taken hold of you from the day. But they were strong, you had to concentrate and harness a wave of energy at them to get them to back off. They let it happen, grunting when their back connected hard with the brick of buildings side. He recovered quickly, lunging at you, pinning you to the opposite wall of brick.
“No can do, little one. Your mother sent me to fetch you,” Thrashing, your fists thunked against his armor, echoing down the length of the dark alley.
The pinch of a large needle being pushed into the skin of your neck was the last thing you felt, barely able to get your mouth open to protest. The contents of the syringe acting fast and you felt your body go limp, mind fighting against the haze that was washing over you. Hands gripped you tight, arms closing around you and dragged you off…
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taglist: @clevergirl74 @strawberri-blonde @js-favnanadoongi @littlemisspascal @moonknight-s-cumdump @bookloverkat @golden-mando @beskarandblasters @feral-ferrule @bearsbeetsbeskar @76bookworm76 @anoverwhelmingdin @sarap-77 @picassopedro @sawymredfox @jessthebaker @genetics4life @mosssbawls
dividers: by the lovey @cafekitsune
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foomoosworld · 7 months
Stars Too Far
CHAPTER 13 - Good Luck, Kid
Pairing; Mandalorian X fem reader
A/N Welp... the medical shit just keeps on a comin'. Unrelated to the last medical stuff so.... win? Nah. Not in capitalism! I got a sliver of something in my iris that I had to have both my eyes frozen and have it pulled out with a far too intimidating pair of sharp tweezers. Goodbye $200. that was my food money for the month. This is because every walk in clinic in my area was full up and not accepting clients by 9am. I'm convinced we will truly just die in the street soon. Not from eye slivers. I know that is a pretty petty problem in the landscape of medical issues but I can't get a family doctor, I can't see a walk in clinic... there is no third door to choose from. This is the worst gameshow I was ever forced to play. Sorry... ranting. My point is that I got to come home and write this and it made me feel good to create a world where people take care of each other more than our current world.
Love your community. Those are the ones that will help you when shit hits the fan.
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Din strode into the musty library.  His tattered cape fluttering behind him, casting long shadows through the brilliant daylight flowing through the door frame making an imposing white frame along the dusty floor.
He stopped just beyond the door, cautiously calling out, “Dr. Sofac?”
He heard a rustling behind a stack of books and a long, pale head like a slug peeked out from beyond the towers of novels.
“Mandalorain?”  Sofac questioned, meekly.
“Yes.”  Din said, moving forward to greet him.
The tower of books toppled over as Dr. Sofac jumped like a scared animal then carefully stepped around the mass of books on the floor.
“Is she here?”  He asked, on edge, rubbing his hands together in excitement.
Din raised a hand to try to quell his excitement.
“She is.”  Din stated as he approached the Ithorian cautiously.  “We need to know that no one will ever know we were here.”
Dr. Sofac nodded eagerly, “Of course!  Of course!  I just want to meet the last Luc in the universe!”
Din nodded then walked back to the door and motioned for you to come in.  You slowly and suspiciously stepped into the library, eyes scanning every surface, with unease.  Mayeld walked in behind you with his blaster drawn and aiming directly at Dr. Sofac.
Dr. Sofac raised an eyebrow at you as he crept forward.  Your cloaked figure hid any sign that you may not be human or pregnant.  He approached you and reached for your stomach beneath your cloak and you jolted back, looking to Din for reassurance.  Din nodded his approval of Dr. Sofac.
“He’s safe.”  Din reassured you.
You still sneered awkwardly as he protracted his long neck and inspected you with wide eyes and gasping breath.
“Can you remove your cloak?” Dr. Sofac requested.  You look to Din and he nods that you should comply.  You slide off your hooded cloak to reveal your pregnant belly and a tight tunic with pants and combat boots.
“May I?” Dr. Sofac asks as he grasps the back of your shirt and angles to pull it up but not without your permission.  You look suspiciously at Din and ask,
“He’s a real Doctor, right?”
“Yes.” Din emotionlessly says,”You can trust him.”  
“Then why does he want to see my back and not my stomach?  I thought we were here for my pregnancy?”  You jeer as Dr. Sofac still holds the back of your tunic.  Din shrugs, as baffled as you are.
“He’s a good doctor.  Trust him.”  Din concludes.
You nod at Sofac that he can pull up the back of your shirt and your bare back is exposed to the musty air of the library.  
“Intriguing…” he mumbles to himself then excitedly looks up to Din and waves a hand to motion for him to approach you.  Din steps next to you and your back suddenly lights up and flashes purple  light through four thick stripes across your back then dies down, fading to look just like regular skin again.  The doctor drops the back of your shirt and jumps, clapping his hands trying to control his unbearable excitement.
“It’s a Luc!”  He exclaims hopping.
“Half Luc.” You tiredly correct him.
“And it’s bonded!”  He shouts as he takes a few dancing and failing steps back still trying to cover his mouth from crying out his excitement.
“First, could we not call me an ‘it’ - and second, bonded to what?”  You raise a confused eyebrow, slightly disgusted at how much of an object you currently feel like.
“To a Mandalorian!”  He twirls around a support pole of the building and knocks over another stack of books in his excitement.
“My father was a Mandalorain as well…. so … not a huge surprise there…Everyone ends up dating their dad, right?”  You state confused as you watch him.  “No offense.”  You add glancing up to Din who merely shrugs nonjudgmentally.
“And you’re pregnant!  With a Mandalorian/Luc child!  This is history breaking!  This may be a first!”  Sofac says tossing random papers into the air with excitement.
“Not really.  Because I exist.” You lean into Din and whisper to him, “Is he on cocaine?  Cause I’d really like some if he is.  I mean… I can’t because, you know… baby, but… can you score that for later?”
“He’s not on drugs.”  Din says far too loud as he stands up and approaches Dr. Sofac, “I need to know what we’re looking at for this birth.  I know Mandalorains have a messy birth history, hence the need for Foundlings to keep up with our population, but I know nothing about Lucs.  Can you do a physical and make sure she’s okay?  Or if she needs anything?”
Dr. Sofac nods.  
“Of course!”  He grabs a hospital gown and offers it to you.  “Madam, If you wouldn’t mind changing into that and we’ll do some tests.”
You shift your eyes from Dr. Sofac to Din and it’s Din’s solemn nod that makes you sigh, take the gown, change into it and let Sofac lead you into a small exam room off of the library.
You’re in the exam room for over an hour.  When you come out you’re in your regular clothes and Sofac is trailing slowly behind you.
“You should get some air.  Good for the baby.”  Dr. Sofac says to you, patting your shoulder.
“Yeah… that’s code for ‘the men need to talk’.  I’m not stupid.”  You say.  But Mayfeld reaches an arm around you and jokes, “Big, bad feral warrior scared of a doctor?”
You punch his arm.  “Right now, anyone in a lab coat is on my radar as a possible threat.”  You snap.  Mayfeld nods his head in agreement,
“Probably smart.” He states simply and leads you outside.
Dr. Sofac sits at a large sturdy wood table and angles a palm for Din to sit down.  At first Dr. Sofac, apprehensively wrings his hands while his eyes dart around.  He can’t seem to find the right words to begin the conversation.  Din loses his patience and decides to spout the first words.
“Is she okay?  Is our baby okay?”  He grunts.
“Well… It’s complicated…” Sofac trails off.  He shifts back and forth not sure how to begin the conversation.
“It’s not that complicated.  How is she doing and how long until she gives birth?” Din grits through a clenched jaw.
“Mandalorians are notorious for breech births…” Dr. Sofac begins, his eyes flicking up to Din and understanding by the tilt of his helmet he doesn’t understand what that is. “The baby comes out backwards.  Ass first, meeting the world.  It often kills the mother and the child.”
Din lowered his voice, intrigued, “Continue…”  Din pushed.
“And Lucs have a low birth rate due to disease and the mother dies from hemorrhaging more often than I’d like to admit…”
Din nods at him.
“Lucs have a six month birth cycle,  But because this baby is over half Mandalorian, the best bet is for it to be birthed in the waters of Mandalor.  That has had the best success rate for Mandalorain births.  But, right now, the child is breech.  However, I don’t know if she’s going to have a Luc pregnancy cycle of six months or a human cycle of nine months.  If it’s human, this can be normal.  If this is Luc, this could kill her. I… I don’t know what to do… I can’t turn a baby too early.”
“Can I send for you if she goes into labour?”  Din asks.
“Of course!”
“Do you know the gender of the child?”
“I do.”
“Are you worried?”
Dr. Sofac straightens his spine and shakes his head slowly,
“No one is an amalgamation of their past.  They move forward in light.”  Dr. Sofac reaches his hand out and clenches Din’s hand to which he quickly retracts it.  “Get her to the waters of Mandalor.  She may have your baby any day now or it may be a few months.  But it will be complicated if it’s soon and you will need medical help from myself and friends that can be sure this stays silent.”
“Are you a friend that will stay silent?”  Din reiterates his words from his first entrance and cocks his helmet to the side.
“I’m here for science.  I am always on the side of a being living and procreating.  Especially a species we thought was extinct and know almost nothing about.  But your bald friend there… you can’t trust him.  Everyone will turn against you with the price on your child’s head…”
“The price on my child’s head?  Din questions.
“Here is a list of all the bounty hunters that are currently looking for you and your mate-”  He brings up a holopad and scrolls through what seems like and endless list of names and exorbitant prices to find the two of you. “Your friend, Mayfeld, is on this list.”
Din stands up from the table.
“Thank you.”  He nods at Dr. Sofac and turns to leave, then turns as if just remembering something.  “How did you know she’s bonded to me?”
“Her stripes flash purple when you approach her.  It’s a passive function.  She can’t control it. So if she’s trying to hide, don’t walk up to her.”
Din hesitates in the doorway and asks, “Do you think we need to hide?”
“Mandalorian… I have no doubt that any pirate, criminal or war lord would cut that child out of her stomach and bronze it, merely, for a trophy and forgo the bounty… Hide.”
Din looks out into the blinding daylight through the dark doorway of the library and feels his heart leap in his chest then sink with sadness.  He steps outside to his fate to find you, your child and Mayfeld.
A loud clang rang out and you jumped up with your arms excitedly outstretched in victory as an old metal piece of equipment you had thrown from 30 feet away clanged loudly into a garbage can.
“Dank Ferrik!”  Mayfeld exclaimed angrily.  He begrudgingly passed you a handful of credits.
“What are you two doing?”  Din asked, annoyed.  You happily held up the pouch of credits and said,
“Puttin’ our kid through college! This loser can’t aim for shit even using decommissioned imperial tracking pods!  I thought you knew about Imperial technology!” You laughed happily as you opened the sack of credits that Mayfeld had bet.
Din looked from you and Mayfeld to the decommissioned tracking pods you were picking out of a large pile and trying to toss into the garbage cans against the library wall.  He abruptly grabbed the crook of your arm and angled you to look into his visor.
“You’re going to get us all killed if you keep directing attention to us!”  He growled.  You were so surprised you dropped the sack of credits.
“O-okay….”  You trail off, confused.
“Let’s go.”  Din demands with a jolt of your arm to bring you along.  You stumble and suddenly get scared.  This was unlike how Din has ever acted towards you.
Mayfeld grabs the credit sack off the ground.
“Finders Keepers.”  He laughs in the background as he trails behind you and Din.
“Are we okay?”  You lower your voice and ask Din with an air of concern.
“Get on the ship.”  Din orders quietly as he gruffly pushes you up the ramp to the Razor Crest.  You stumble and look back to Mayfeld with scared and unsure, wide eyes.  Mayfeld immediately picks up on this.
“Hey, be gentle, Mando.  She’s pregnant…”
Din whirls around and thunders at Mayfeld, “You think I don’t know that?!?” 
Mayfeld raises his hands submissively.
“What’s going on here?”  Mayfeld asks, confused.
“We’re getting out of here.  You’re staying here.”  Din sternly demands.
Mayfeld tried to hide his expression of surprise and sadness but knew he was doing a poor job of it.  He stood at the bottom of the ramp of the Razor Crest while Din entered the ship.  The ramp pulled up as did the landing gear and the ship took off into the air leaving Mayfeld behind.  He looked up, arms finally flopping to his side as the Razor Crest disappeared into the atmosphere.
“Good Luck, kid.”  He whispered as he watched the ship slip into neverending space.
You put your hand up to the small window to the right of the co-pilot’s chair and see Mayfeld, confused, disappearing into the distance as the Razor Crest takes off without him.
“What are you doing?!?”  You frantically demand.  “Why are you leaving Mayfeld behind?”
“You don’t even like him.”  Din nonchalantly reasons as he pushes buttons and pulls throttle handles.  You stand in front of him in the captain's chair with your arms crossed.
“Turn this maker-foresaken, ship around and get Mayfeld!”  You order.
Din angles to look around you left and right and when you step to block his vision he sighs.
“I was told we can’t trust him.”  Din says exasperated.
“By who?”  You challenge.
“The doctor.”
“What the hell does that crackpot know?” You rage.
Din pauses and drops his helmet to his chest with a sigh.  He grabs your hand and walks you next to his Captain’s Chair as he pushes some buttons and brings up a long list of bright blue names and prices.  He scrolls down through thousands of them.
“This is the bounty ledger.  These are all of the people looking for us to kidnap our child and the price each will be paid to find us.”
Your eyes grow wide as he quickly zings through the never ending list and sees the prices go up and up.
“Well… is Mayfeld on it?”
Din puts his arms around you and pulls you in between his thighs as he sits in the Captain’s chair.  He shakes his head, “Yes.”  Then continues, “He works for himself.  He could easily flip on us and take our child or kill us.”
You look away, “Mayfeld wouldn’t do that.”  You whisper with a broken voice, trying to hide your emotions from Din.
“Did you take the credit bag from him?”  Din asks.
“No.  I dropped it and he picked it up.”
“Good.  He could have slipped a tracking device into it.”
You step back from Din, understanding his concern but feeling sick to leave a friend stranded.
“I think I need some sleep.”  You meekly manage to strangle out..
Din nods as he takes the controls of the ship.
“We’ll be in hyperspace soon so I’ll come and join you.  It’s five days to Mandalor.”
“Five days.” You nod, still wrecked from emotion.
“Just… don’t go into labor before then.”  Din says.  You can hear he tried to put a smile on the statement but all you felt was worry and insecurity.
“I’m going to bed.”  You mumble, holding your pregnant belly, then turning and disappearing into the darkness of the cargo hold. 
You flop down with an awkward grunt onto your makeshift bed and feel a sharp pain jab into your side.  You reach to it and pull out an old decommissioned imperial tracking device.  One of the ones you and Mayfeld had been tossing at the trash cans.  You smile at it with an air of sadness, feeling the loss of your friendship.  
Then a red light on it suddenly jumps to life.
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namjoon-koya · 5 years
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A/N: heck yeah I’ll be accepting the mandalorian request.
Pairing: the mandalorain x reader
He freaked out once he saw you got hit by the mudhorn, usually you’d get back up on your feet but this time you didn’t. You laid unconscious on the muddy floor as the mudhorn still had its attention on you.
Without warning it starts running at you again, the mandalorian felt his heart stop he didn’t hesitate to run over to you and protect you from the wild beast even if he was putting himself in harms way.
Before the wild beast could even hurt him, it stopped before being levitated into the air just a slight bit “w-what?..” he looked over to the small child as it was using its powers to stop the mudhorn.
He didn’t last long as the child passed out in its carrier as the mudhorn fell down to the ground, he quickly took out a knife and stabbed the beast until it died.
He let out a sigh before quickly examining you “hey.. hey!” He shouts but you don’t wake up he grabbed your wrist and put two fingers on your pulse to feel anything.
That’s when he felt your pulse it was weak but it meant that you were still alive.
He threw you over his shoulders as he went to go check on the child, it was asleep in its carrier as it let out soft breaths. He put you down next to a rock as he went inside the Mudhorns home to get the egg.
He was thankful that the child came with its own carrier, it would’ve been hard to carry the egg, you and the child at the same time, he arrived back to the Jawas and to the old man who helped him so far.
He gives them the egg before walking over to the man “what happened to her?” He asked mando “s-she got hit by the mudhorn..” the mandalorian holds you in his arms as the old man examines you.
The Jawas got closer as well if Mando wasn’t holding you right now he would’ve yelled at them to get away and that they’re the reason why you got hurt.
“She will fine.. let her rest.” The man told him, but mando still couldn’t help but worry.
You woke up a few hours later, your body felt so sore as you tried getting up but you couldn’t.
You looked around your surroundings and saw that you were on Mando’s ship “so.. he did it..” you mumbled.
You could hear someone come down the steps “you’re awake?” He asked “y-yeah.. I didn’t expect that mudhorn to attack us suddenly like that.”
You tried getting up again but your back felt so sore “here let me help you.” Mando gently helped you sit upright in his bed.
“Where’s the kid?” You asked him “sleeping in its carrier.” You only nodded silence fell between the both of you for a bit he slowly got up from the bed and made his way back over to the ladder “im.. happy you’re okay.” He quickly mumbled before climbing back to the top of the ship.
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alphawolfcraft · 2 years
-Static storm- part2
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Summary: the bad batch waits out for the storm to end. they also get to know Kath better
Part one of the story if you wish to read it
Omega has never seen a static storm before but by how the mandalorian talked about it it sounded calm and soft. It a way it was soft. As the sun set the sky was covered in heavy clouds yet no drops of water fell from them. It was not entirely an unfamiliar sight. Kamino had heavy clouds that always covered the sky not unlike this planet.
The sky starts to rumble as the clouds blanket the world in darkness. The thunder rumbles their bones like a deep base in music and the sky fleshes before every reverberating grumble. Its a memorizing site really. Watch as the sky put on a show for you. Its dancing lights seem erratic and yet some how so practice as they dance across the dark sky. In the eyes of a young child it would look something like fireworks ,if omega knew what that was, but still it was mesmerizing to her.
But that was before the first lighting strike. lest say when it did, she squealed like a piglet and scampered away from the window she was starting out of, to her biggest brother. Who had fallen a sleep. Kamenio was not a planet that suffered from lighting and thunder, just its constant down pour of water.
Omega was not the only one affected by the loud noise. hunter flintch from the sound and cover his ears. Glaring at the window he muttered a few curses so low that not one herd it. Wrecker ,the brother who omega hid under, woke. Cutting him of mid snore.
"Huh?" Wrecker asked dumbly pushing him self up from where he lay.
"Its just a lighting wrecker. go back to sleep" tech droned. face glued to his data pad not even bothering to look up.
"Oh" wrecker hummed. now feeling dumb wrecker hunch over. While doing so his eldows hit something. Omega.
"mega?" Wrecker asked tilting his head "are you ok?"
"Yes" came her muffled lie. Her wobbly voice was enough for wrecker to think other wise. Scoping her up ,she gave a superised yelp.
"Dont worry!" Wrecker doomed as he set her on this lap "I'll keep you safe!" Hunter watch a his younger brother curl around omega, practly covering her from the world with his massive body and what ever wrecker was trying to do worked. Omega started to have a giggling fit. It must have been contagious because wrecker joined her making them a withering ball of laughter. The calmed down eventually after a few minutes leaving the room in dark silents. (The had turned of the lights per the mandalorains request)
The first lighting strike was not the last not by a long shot. It was like after the first strike a flood gate opened. One after another they came with there deafening cracks. Some times the strikes would be instantaneous one after another with a millisecond between each one and others the strikes would be a minute apart. Tonight they won't be able to sleep that much is obvious. Hunter can even hear shuffling beyond the boor. It seams that the storm is also keeping the mandalorian awake.
Groaning Hunter cracked his eyes open to the morning sun. Vidrant oranges and gold's fill the room, it was calming hunter noted. Seeing his brothers and sister peacefully sleeping. Yeah, yeah it was nice. It makes hunters heart ake knowing that peace like this wount last not when the imprerals are after them. Crosshair. Shit he's still with them and hunter hasn't even thought about how to get him back. Even when hunter thinks about it, he doesn't even know where to start. Doesn't know who to trust, he Doesn't trust cid fully and is sure the feelings mutual. Plus he doesn't have the money to bribe some one to tell him the information he needed. Maybe he's making up excuse. He should ask tech about that. A monotone robotic voice speaks helping him out of his thoughts.
"Kath requested me to wake you all" Ax spoke jolting the others wake awake "she also requests that your hurry and I quote 'if there ship is lucky it wouldn't be a molten mess of metal'"
"Lovely" muttered hunter, with there curse luck there ship will be molten metal. He also for got to wake wrecker ever hour.
"Sun of a b-"
Wrecker was fine. the big guy thankfully had a thick skull and walking around like nothing happened. Kath seemed no where to be found as the ate breakfast. Ax said they where fine to eat with out her becuase she was working out side doing chores be for she forgot them. It was strang eating at a table again and not eating crap food. they all ate when ever the could and or remembers to wich was often enough. Sense wrecker often complained about being hungry even after he ate a hole ration bar. Some times when there struggling with money and could not buy enough food for all of them he would gave up this own meal for another to have it They all needed it especially omega. She needed it the most out of all of them her body was still growing. He never really like the rations any way.
"Eat up a much as you cam we have a long truck to do to day" Kath said entering in to the room tacking off her dirty helmet. Did she roll in dantha shit? Hunters nose said no, just mud. Kath was strangely covered in mud and hay. Her face was fine till she rubbed a hubby hand over it. Creating a streack of dirt in her other whys cleal compection.
"What happend?" Omega asked cerisly stuffing yet another pancake in her mouth. She's going to puke if she keeps it up hunter noted.
"A stamped, the hurd I have was more frisky this time around with the static storm and I nearly got trampeled" Kath said unfazed, fixing her self a drink.
"Are you all right?" She asked not longer interested in her food. Thank the force.
"Yep" Kath said confidently, she hit her chest plate. "My beskgar'gam saved me from the rest" she entertained omega till the rest of them finished eating. Kath Sent omega off to clean her self up. Kath turned towards then suddenly serous.
"Ok man I don't like to ask intruding questions to people I don't know but seeing how your ship was shot down i'm going have to" Kath said bluntly
"How do you know we were shot down?" Echo asked. He had leaned back against his chare and Crossed his arms. . . or what was left of his arm. Kath raised her draw not looking to imprest.
" seeing how there where giant scorch marks on the sides on it, it crash landing. Mind you that doesn't happen unless somethings wrong with it AND that its an imperial ship" Kath ranted simultaneously angry and sarcastically. There was a long uncomfortable silents of staring at each other. Omega had come walking in during in. She looked around at the sudden change of mood. She looked towards hunter for and answer, hunter who at some point during the rant stood, up hand on blaster, waved over omega. She walked over to him with out question, nest thing she new she was out behind his leg blocking the manbo from her.
"Hunter?" Omega asked quietly. He did not respond his hole attention was on the mandalorian. Sighing Kath spoke.
"Look man I just want an answer, a truth full one"
"And what? kill us" hunter snarled "your obviously know who we are" Kath's head jerked back like she got slapped
"Im sorry, if I knew who you where I would not be asking these questions" Kath stated "do ask my question. Why where you shot down?" No one made a move to talk. They all looked towards hunter expecting for him to do something.
"We're being hunted by an imperial force" Hunter said hesitant " that's why we where shot down" at those words the mandalorains hole poster changed from defensive to open and friendly.
"Well that changes things!" Kath chirped turning around to grade her helmet. It all defiled them
"Wait what" Wrecker said The most visually confused.
"Your not going to turn us in to the imperials?" Tech ask hand dropping away from his blaster.
"Of course!" Kath said turning back to them smiling, it did not reach her eyes and there was something dark in her eyes promising hurt. It made Hunters spine crawl. "I have a score to settle with them."
Omega was left behind with echo at the manbalorians house as the rest headed out for the ship and the had found it.
"Well its better than I thought" Kath quipped looking over the wreckage "only half of it is melted" she was right. the half that was sticking out of the gound, the back half, was practically fused with the ashy ground. The others half ,the front half, had survived. protected by the dirt that covered it. The trees around the ship had not survived the onslot of lighting. They where all dent to a black crisp. Thankfully what ever fire happened did not spread.
"Lula!" Wrecker wales crumbaling to his nease.
"Pardon?" Kath asks concerned.
"Its was a stuff toka 99 made" tech said barely interested in wreckers wailing and more in there ship.
"Oh" Kath huffed a sigh of relief "good is thought it was a pet"
"How are we going to get of this planet now" hunter questioned a hand plastered to his forehead.
"I'm unsure there is no say we can fix the damage that had been done" tech hummed
"Mind if I jump in?" Kath asked them.
"Go a head" Hunter said dully.
"There is a setelmet here" Kathy told them "and there dare ships there"
"But?" Tech queried
"But every one there is of manbalorain blood" Kath sighed crouching down on the balls of her feet. "The don't like outsiders"
"Well figer something out" tech said confidently.
"But Lula!!!!" Wrecker cried. He had finally calmed down from his grief. Hunter sighed and tech shook his head.
"I'll see if its serviced you guys head back" Kath said waveing them off.
This took so long 😭 but it out. so yeah thank you for reading it even if its spelling is bad and I hope you like it! There will be more parts out at. . . some point I hope. 🙄
Anyway a have a good day y'all!
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pedropascalssimp · 4 years
Pedro Pascal x reader
Request:okay sad mood? happy request. okay so. get this. pedro’s at comic con. his girlfriend (or wife or i dunno) surprises him during the photo ops and he’s like ‘JALSKIDD WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN NEW YORK’ and i have no other ideas i’m sorry 👉👈🥺
Summary: y/n (pedro's girlfriend) decides that after so many weeks apart she can't go another day without seeing him. So she gives him a surprise visit while he's filming for his new show.
Warnings: its short. fluff and more fluff?
A/n: I hope you don't mind but I decided to make it be the reader surprising him on set of the mandalorian.....😶👉👈I'm sorry
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It's been weeks since you last saw pedro in person, his job keeping him away from you. And although you was happy for him and his new project, it left you feeling alone. But you kept those feelings to yourself not wanting to worry your beloved boyfriend considering he was over the moon about his new role.
And to be honest so was you.
The smile that lit up his face when he realized he had the part in the TV show the mandalorian he was so excited, he even done a little victory dance which your heart nearly exploded over considering his dancing is adorable, And dorky.
over the last two weeks he has been calling you every chance he gets, and throughout breaks of filming he texts you sweet little things and such. That's something you love about him, he always tries his hardest to keep in contact with you, making it his goal to let you know how much he loves you. And you do the same thing.
Like right now, you was laid on the sofa as some show was playing on TV, but your attention was on your phone as you wait for his usual call, the cellphone setting on your chest as you patiently wait.
And as you expected it rang, his contact photo popping up making your heart do flips. You quickly sit up and grab it, answering it with a smile.
" hello!? " you say excitedly into the phone, hearing his giggle on the other side.
" hello mi amor, how is you're day been? " he replied, you could practically hear the smile on his face as he spoke, his voice making you softly sigh in contentment and lay back down on the sofa.
" it's been alright, I nearly burnt the appartment down trying to cook ramen noodles on the stove " you tell him, he laughs on the other end, a soft amused smile playing on your lips.
" I wouldn't doubt it, you're cooking skills are terrible, No offense! "
" hey! You said you love my cooking! " you pout, a little frown on your face, you thought he actually liked your....good cooking skills.
" but that's only because I hadn't eaten all day when you fixed me a meal..." he laughed, the sound a beautiful melody you could listen to for eternity.
You scoff as you sit up on the sofa and start flipping through the channels on TV, " and that's why we either eat take-out or you cook mr. Pascal " you grumbled.
" because I'm a better cook? " he asks amused, you giggle.
" of course you are " you tell him honestly. He chuckles, but that chuckle turns into a little sigh as his end gets quiet for a moment.
" Te extraño tanto mi amor " he says in a quiet manner, that's when you detect the tiredness in his voice. You sigh as well and put the TV remote down. Your heart fluttering at his accent you love so dearly.
" I have no idea what you just said, except for the end part, I understand that " you say in a whisper, a sheepish smile on your lips.
He chuckles with a sigh, " I said I miss you " he explained.
" I miss you too pedro, and sadly even you're terrible dad jokes that always seem to make me laugh for some odd reason, even though they're not funny.... " you tell him, he chuckles once more making a small smile appear on your face.
" and here I thought you actually appreciated them! " he jokes with fake betrayal making you laugh out loudly.
" I do! ...." you trail off with a teasing grin.
" I since a but somewhere in there " he states. You giggle and decide to continue.
" but...There really not that funny. " you reply as he gasps dramatically.
" how could you not find them funny!? " he exclaimed. Just as you was about to reassure him that they was somewhat funny, he cuts you off. " I have to go y/n, duty calls." he said sadly making you sigh. You wished you could talk to him longer, but you knew he had to go.
" okay, I hope you have a good day and I love you Pedro. " you say. You can hear him letting out a exhausted huff.
" I love you more y/n, I'll call you tonight bye. " he mumbled into the phone and hanging up.
You sigh and hang up as well, already missing the sound of his voice. You wished more then anything to just hug the man tightly, kiss every inch of his face and tell him how much you love him. But you still had a while until that moment comes.
You smile widely as the idea that has just ran across your mind causes your heart to pound in excitement. Without a second thought you pull your phone back up and start sorting out your plan.
To long, it's been to long since Pedro has slept peacefully or held his love, telling her how much he loves her. He misses going to sleep gazing into her beautiful y/e/c eyes, waking up in her arms as she snores softly. He misses giving her kisses, tight hugs and their usual little cuddles they can't go a day without.
He doesn't know if he can go another day without her.
As Pedro changes out of his mandalorain costume and into his normal clothes putting his black glasses on, he prepares to leave the set and go get some rest in his hotel, after he calls y/n of course.
Right when he opened the door he was greated by a grinning Gina. Confused he goes to ask her why she was standing outside his dressing room and not leaving set until she literally drags him out of the room and throughout the building.
" Gina?! Do you mind telling me what's happening right now?" he asks, she only smiles at him.
" it's a surprise Pedro" is all she said before they reached the area of the building where they usually have lunch breaks.
And that's when he sees her, a smile on her face and eyes glued to her hands nervously as she waits fot Gina get back. His love, his y/n.
Pedro literally feels his heart flutter at the sight of her. And when she looks up to see him, her heart melts at the sight of him, his adorable glasses and big smile on his face. She runs to him, his name falling from her lips in glee.
He meets her halfway and engulfed her in a tight hug, spinning her around as he lifts her up. She giggles at him. Once he stops spinning and puts her back down he brings his hands up to cup both her cheeks and look deep into her beautiful eyes, her eyes gazing into his coffee brown eyes with so much love.
" ¡Mi amor, te ves tan hermosa! ¿No puedo creer que estés aquí " he rushed out excitedly making the woman's face glow with happiness. Her arms around his neck as she giggles up at him.
" I couldn't handle not seeing you for another day, I needed to see you Pedro..." she explained, he smiles down at her with his adorable smile. She then quickly leans up, softly capturing his lips with hers in a soft kiss. He smiles into the kiss and closes his eyes. Both souls forgetting about Gina being in the room.
But she quickly walks out the room grinning with amusement at the love birds.
" I thought you was in New York!?" he asks his girlfriend with a smile, after they broke the kiss. She sighs dreamily up at him.
" well I was until I decided to pay you a visit " she says with such love as she adoringly kisses his nose, but he pulls her in for another short but loving kiss. His lips against her soft ones as they moved together perfectly.
As they pull apart y/n softly smirks at the man. While he leans his forehead on hers. " so.... About what you said about my cooking skills?" she asks with a playful tone.
He rolls his eyes and chuckles, " at least I didn't make fun of you're jokes like you did mine." he muttered accusing y/n on how she talked about his dad jokes. A pout on his face.
She then rolls her eyes and laughs at him. Slowly dragging her hand across his shoulder and up to his slightly scruffy cheek, admiring his gorgeous eyes and little patches of hair she absolutely loves. It was in this moment she realizes how lucky she is to have this man in her arms, her heart swelling at the loving and adoring look in his eyes as they flicker across her face.
" I missed you so much y/n..." he whispers, his voice soothing to hear in person and not over a phone.
" I missed you too pedro" she smiles at him as she tries not to get overwhelmed by this man, finally being with him again just amazed her and him both.
They both stared at each other as they stood in the lunch room of the building he worked at, the love around them visible to anyone who walked by. The two souls talking away at what their lives was like when they was away, talking about how much they missed each other.
And when they went back to pedro’s hotel room and cuddled the night away, Pedro finally fell asleep peacefully. Because now he had his beautiful y/n.
A/n: okay so this is pure garbage.
Also the translations is this: (I miss you my love.)
(my love you look so beautiful, what are you doing here?!)
Also I'm not sure if it's accurate considering I used Google translation... So...
I hope u dudes enjoy this trash I've thrown together!
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Artifacts of the Past (Part One)
Artifacts of the Past (Part One)
·         Pairing: The Mandalorian x Reader
·         Genre: Misc.
·         Words: 1998
·         Summary: Our reader sits quietly in a cafe when the unexpected      happens.
·         Prompt: You are reading a book quietly at a café when someone passes you a note
·         Author Note: So I was searching for writing inspiration while waiting on requests, and stumbled upon this prompt. The Mandalorain wasn’t the first to come to mind, but after reflecting on it a bit, I decided to go with it. This is part one, so hopefully it will be received well and I’ll continue the series. Love you all, enjoy!
           One should never doubt the qualities of things of the past. Even on small, lesser known planets, the past had a way of showing up unexpectedly. When you arrived on the backwater planet that you didn’t even know the name of, you plan was to just lay low for as long as you could. Hopefully until the mess you had gotten yourself into had blown over, however unlikely that may be.
           You stayed on your ship for the first few days of your arrival until your already small food supply demanded that you go and get something more substantial. Anonymity wasn’t something you could afford to lack so you set out, an inconspicuous cloak wrapped around you. Hood pulled up, you started towards the small town you had seen below when landing. The planet was green, greener that you were used to, but relatively sparse on wildlife. There were a few bugs that you had noticed flying about but nothing bigger. At least so far.
           The trek to town was longer than you anticipated, so it was a relief when you could spot the tops of buildings through a clearing in the trees. Walking was beginning to hurt, so you slipped inside the first bar that you saw. It wasn’t a bar though, but a small shop selling various drinks. The shop was lit by lanterns containing luminescent bugs that crawled along the insides of the jars. The walls were covered in shelves with an assortment of books and DataPads. There was a fair amount of dust on some of them, but otherwise they looked cared for.
           “Welcome traveler!” A cheery voice rang out, startling you from your curious inspection. “Can I get you something to drink?” A shorter woman had emerged from a back room and stood behind the counter, tying an apron around her waist. You turned and glanced at her, not seeing any recognition in her gaze towards you. A slight sigh of relief exited your mouth as you walked over to the counter and set a few coins on the counter. “Do you have bark tea?” You asked, voice cracking slightly from disuse. “Of course,” The woman chirped, taking your payment. “It’ll be ready in a few minutes,” And with that, she flounced back into the back room.
           Another glance around the room revealed an assortment of mismatched tables and chairs, some plain and others cushioned. The tables contained only a small container of napkins and another lantern with the curious looking bugs. Before sitting, you walked over to one of the bookshelves. Running a finger down one of the spines of the books gave you a heart aching feeling of familiarity. Gently sliding out one of the books, you thumbed it open, gazing at the slightly faded words on the page. “You’re welcome to read any of those!” The owners voice rang out from behind you, causing you to startle and almost drop the book. She smiled at you and set the steaming tea on a table close to you. “The one you’re holding is one of the older books in here. A fantasy book if I remember correctly,” She walked up beside you and gently took it from you. “This was my daughter’s.” She explained, looking down fondly at the book, along with another expression of loss that you knew all too well. “I’m sorry,” was all you could offer, shifting uncomfortably beside her. That seemed to snap her out of whatever memory had entranced her. Handing the book back to you with a small smile, she motioned to the tea she had set down. “Drink up before it gets cold.”
           After she had left the room again, you sat down on the cushioned chair – a relief after sitting in a hard flight chair for weeks on end- and took a sip of the tea. Hesitation took over your fingers, but interest preceded hesitance and you opened the book and began reading.
             You weren’t sure how much time had passed when you finished the book, but your tea had long since grown cold and the daylight outside had turned into night. The bugs in the lantern glowed brighter, you noticed. Other people had occupied spaces in the building and were also engrossed in their reading. Some had books as well and others had DataPads, the glow of the artificial screen cutting harshly into the soft light from the lanterns.
           You stretched in your seat, some joints popping. A small grunt left you as you relaxed back into your seat and glanced around again. Your eyes fixed on the owner conversing quietly with a younger child at the counter. Their hunched over postures looked anxious and you sat up in your seat, causing their eyes to flick over to you. The woman whispered something to the child and ushered her towards you; you stood, the chair screeching slightly as it was pushed back. The child ran up to you, worry creasing her face. Almost running into you, she frantically grabbed your hand and pushed a crumpled note into it.
           Opening it quickly due to her whimpered urgings, a cold sweat seemed to break out on your body as you stared down at the crude drawing of a Mandalorian helmet.
                                The world around you faded away as the drawing filled your vision. You had expected people to come after you, but to send a Mandalorian? One of the most feared and cunning hunters out there? You were definitely screwed. Panicky tugging of your sleeve brought you back to the world and you stared down at the girl. She tugged harder, pulling you towards the back of the building in the direction of the owner and the back room. You were pulled into the back room where you saw the owner stuffing the last of some rations into a bag. “You must go, now!” ushered the Owner, pushing the bag into your hands.
                              “Why are you helping me?” you asked. “You don’t even know me or what- “
                              “That doesn’t matter dear. You have a lost soul, but you have done no evil.”
                                You barely had time to utter a “Thank you,” when the small girl had you by the sleeve again and pulled you out the back exit into the dark of the night. The only light to guide you was the light filtering through the alleyways from the main street. As you both reached the end of the path, the girl stopped in the shadows, refusing to go any further. You staggered a bit due to her abrupt stop, but her grip was still like iron on your sleeve. You bent down onto a knee and looked into her eyes, searching for any hint of why she might be helping you. All you saw was compassion and a slight hint of fear. An object was pushed roughly into your chest and she turned and sprinted back the way you had come. Looking down to the object in your hands, confusion took you. The book that you had been reading before was settled in a soft cloth wrapping with a small note tucked into the pages of the book. Resolving to read it later, you tucked the book into your pack and sped off in the direction of your ship, not sparing a glance back at the strange town.
                              Your breath came out in short gasping pants as you finally saw your ship in the near distance. Just as you came up on it, blaster fire erupted behind you, narrowly missing your shoulder and instead hitting your ship. A shriek left your mouth as you sharply changed directions and scrambled back into the tree line. Another shot narrowly missed and you ducked behind a tree for a short second to catch your breath. The forest was silent, watching the flashing blaster lights and your insane scrambling. You covered your mouth to silence your breaths and listened to hear for footsteps or anything that might give away the position of your pursuer. Nothing. Poking your head out and looking around, you noticed nothing out of the ordinary. Trees, bushes, rocks, helmet, a bug, wait… a helmet? “Kriff!” You exclaimed as you suddenly were staring down the muzzle end of a blaster.
                                Clad in a pair of stun cuffs, you were being roughly manhandles towards his ship which was, ironically, parked a short distance next to yours. How you hadn’t seen it was a mystery to you. But then again, there were more pressing matters than parking. Leading you up the ramp into the cargo bay of his ship, the Mandalorian roughly deposits you into a lone seat. “Stay.” A modified voice speaks, and you can’t help a small shiver of apprehension that shoots through you. You had escaped from enough bounty hunters to know what a carbonite freezer looked like, and the one that he had deposited you next to was not your definition of a good time. Having closed the ramp, the Mandalorian climbs a ladder and ascends into what you assume was the cockpit of the ship. A few moments later, you hear and feel the ship roar to life and begin its travel back into space. Small lights clicked on as you left the planets atmosphere, allowing you to see a small distance around the ship. Eerie shadows were cast, and a feeling of unease fills you.
                              Looking down at your iron clad wrists, you start to wriggle your hands out of the cuffs. Succeeding a few moments later, you reach for your bag which had been tossed into a corner haphazardly. Bringing it closer to you, you rummage through it and bring out your book. You had already assumed you were in for a long flight seeing as you were a long way from your home system, even with the option of hyperspace travel. You were going to have to bide your time until you arrived because becoming one with a carbonite freezer due to acting up was not high on your to-do list.
                              A few pages into the book, you are startled by a hand being pressed against your leg. Looking down, you see a green... child? In long brown robes with ears which were entirely too big for him. His eyes were what drew you in most, large and chocolate brown, they held nothing but innocence and curiosity. “Uh, hello?” You said simply, not knowing what else to say. The child seemed content with your choice of words though and gurgled happily as he attempted to climb into your lap. Setting your book aside, you picked him up and deposited him on your lap. He took immediate interest in your hair and clothing, weaving his fingers into both and tugging. You laugh softly and disentangle his small fingers. He whines but relents. Spotting your book, he babbles softly and attempts to reach towards it. “So, you like books, hm? How about I read to you then?” You ask, picking up the book and flipping back to the first page. The child seems excited by this development and settles into your lap, setting his tiny hands on yours and assisting you in turning the pages.
                                The child’s delighted giggles fill the cargo bay a bit too loudly due to your silly voices of the characters in the story. You frantically shush him, but the damage had been done. Thudding could be heard from the ladder and the Mandalorian enters the bay with you. He looks toward you and the still giggling child holding the book. You think his attention flickers between the ecstatic child on your lap, the book, and uncuffed wrists. The child finally notices him and exclaims happily, releasing the book back to you and making grabby hands at the Mandalorian. Mando swiftly picks him up and deposits him into a cradle you hadn’t noticed before and turns back toward you, silently demanding an explanation. You have none, and all you can offer is,
                              “I have small wrists?”
End Part One
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cinlat · 4 years
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Pros and Cons of Dating Balic Cormac
tagged by @ahuska-ffxiv (heh, oops? Sorry for taking so long)
Technically, Cormac is an in-game NPC, but I stole him because the game didn’t give me enough. He’s mine, now. Well, and I suppose Elara’s too.
Rules: Choose your pros and cons, then explain.
Pros: Cuddles, Loyalty, Laughter, Trust, Self-Esteem 
Cons: Personal Space, Boisterous, Overprotective, Pushy, Fynta
Cuddles. Cormac is big, and he’s got a lot of muscle, but the man knows how to convert himself into the perfect pillow for any head that needs one.
Loyalty. Cormac is loyal in his own way. In his youth he had trouble sticking to a single lady friend, but is unshakable in his marriage. Nothing can come between Cormac and his friends.
Laughter. He’s got the kind of, room shaking, boisterous laughter that draws everyone in. Cormac lives to find enjoyment with life, and he never takes himself too seriously. The guffaw was created for this man.
Trust. Cormac quick to give trust, but he earns it too. He loves gossip, but will never betray a friend. Life is about sharing your stories, but only the ones that won’t harm others through negligence or malicious intent.
Self-esteem. Not only is Cormac a complete peacock who takes care of his body, but he wants everyone else to be too. Cormac appreciates the double takes afforded by his height and muscles. He also never fails to point out every good trait in his partner. They will never doubt their worth so long as he has a say in it.
Personal Space. Setting aside the fact that Cormac literally fills a room, he’s a cuddler by nature. He’ll grudgingly give space when it’s requested, but otherwise he’s going to be playing with hair, brushing his fingers across exposed skin, or sitting on top of someone while watching a holoflick. Cormac is a cat, your space is his space.
Jealousy. Generally speaking, Cormac isn’t overly jealous. He knows he’s a studly guy, and has zero problems with self esteem. However, he does watch Balkar closer whenever he’s around Elara. No man should be that suave, it’s just not right. 
Boisterous. Cormac is loud. His voice booms, his footsteps are heavy, he snores... that last fact he denies, but Elara has considered smothering him with a pillow in the middle of the night. Everything about the man is big.
Overprotective. If Cormac sees someone screwing up their life, he’s going to step in whether they want his help or not. He’s stood aside too many times and said nothing, so now, he’ll risk even Jorgan’s claws if he thinks the man needs to hear a hard truth.
Fynta. Does this really require an explanation? She’s his best friend. She’ll crash date nights, eat all the food, and encourage bad behavior. Cormac won’t ever send her away. Luckily, Elara already considered the loud-mouthed Mandalorain a sister before they met, so it’s really a moot point...most of the time. 
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namjoon-koya · 5 years
Mando going shopping (ok, being dragged along) with his mentee/apprentice?
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You let out a grunt as you tried pushing Mando out the ship but he wouldn’t move! He couldn’t be THAT strong right? Nope you underestimated him “MANDO MOVE!” You shout.
The child curiously looked at you both struggle against each other “why do you want to go so badly?” Mando asked as he was watched you struggle “because! It’s good to get- some air! And we always- JUST MOVE!” You shout.
Mando sighed before finally moving you almost tripped but you quickly caught yourself from face-planting the hard floor “fine let’s go.” He said as he picked up the child.
You threw your hands up in the air “finally I won something against you!” You said happily as you followed Mando out the ship.
The walk was quiet, often the child would let out small coos as he looked at everything “see? It’s good to go out he needs some fresh air.” You said smiling at Mando he doesn’t say anything as he continues to walk along side you.
Mando couldn’t believe he let himself be convinced by his apprentice.. but whenever you were happy he was too.
Finally the three of you made it to the stores within the village “c’mon Mando!” You gripped your hand in his before dragging him along with you he quickly followed behind you.
You kept looking for something but Mando couldn’t tell what you were looking for.. was there something that really interested you that much? You moved onto the next shop only to move onto the next.
Mando continues to follow you he wanted to complain badly but you seemed so focused.. he looked down at the child as he looked back up at him “they’re taking forever aren’t they..” the child only cooed.
Mando was going to say something to you but you quickly rushed out the store “Y/N? What’s wrong?” You had a smirk on your face as you hid your hands behind your back.
“Hold our your wrist.” Mando just looks at you “why?..”
“JUST DO IT!” He sighs before holding the child with one arm and extending his other to you “now close your eyes.”
“Just do it.” He shuts his eyes waiting for the surprise you had for him, he felt you put something on his wrist “now open them!”
When he does he quickly looks at his wrist, it was a bracelet it had black and white beads around it he looks over at you and notices you have the same bracelet like him.
“Now we’re matching huh?”
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