#the matriark
ccoocckk · 1 year
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nuvivalent42 · 2 months
İster istemez Allah' düşünürken onu bir insan hâlinde bedenleştiririz, ona cins veririz (kötü çıkmasın, ama öyle). Her ne kadar da öyle olmadığını bilsek de.
Küçükten beri onu "Dede" olarak düşünerek büyüdüm. Erkek cinsinde. Her ne kadar her şeyin yaratıcısı Ona hürmetim, itimadım olsa da bazen yalnız, yardımsız hissedebiliyordum.
Bu gün bir şey denedim.
Bugün onu kadın olarak düşünerek dualarımı ilettim. Huzuru tarifsiz. Yanımda olduğunu, destek olduğunu hissedebiliyordum. En azından böyle düşünmek daha güzel geliyor, Dedeyi her hücrende hissetmeye çalıişmaktan daha ... .
Birçok toplumlarda önceleri hep matriark sistem olmuştur. Tabiat anaydı. Doğuran kutsaldı. Şimdi ise değersiz bir yer tutuyor. Kadin giderek alçalıyor. Erkek tarafindan eziliyor. Zayıflık kadına onun yaratılıştan gelen özelliğiymiş gibi dayatılıyor.
Değerlerimizi yaratıp daha da yükseleceğiz.
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hasturromance · 4 months
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Svärmarnas matriark
Amanda Carres uppväxt som piratdotter i Västindien har varit fri och helt utan någon undervisning i hur man uppför sig i de finare salongerna. Hon har aldrig varit beroende av någon, tills ödet ingriper och Shub-Niggurath räddar henne undan pöbeln vid hennes fars hängning. Nu måste Amanda avsegla till England för att hitta den mor hon aldrig lärt känna. Och hennes förkläde är geten med de tusen avkommorna.
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laylasaarah · 5 months
Laya Sarah.
Sebetulnya, apa yang membuat manusia begitu angkuh? Apa yang membuat mereka begitu serakah—tinggi hati, ketika kenyataannya mereka adalah sebuah anomali? Ketika kenyataannya, mereka adalah satu-satunya entitas yang mengonsumsi tanpa memproduksi. Ketika kenyataannya, mereka tak lebih dari boneka sistem kapitalisme?
Homo sapiens yang menjadi puncak rantai makanan, juga yang menguasai bumi pertiwi begitu merasa diri mereka spesial sebab menjadi satu-satunya entitas multiakal—tapi apa itu begitu berarti? Kenyataannya, yang membawa perbedaan besar antara hewan manusia dan hewan-hewan lainnya hanyalah berat otak mereka.
Manusia terus berevolusi, mereka berdialektika dan berkontradiksi hingga mengalami perkembangan kognitif yang signifikan, mereka mulai berkembang dan menjadi sangat berbeda dengan nenek moyang mereka—kera. Ah, apa jangan-jangan, homo sapiens menjadi begitu sombong sebab mereka berhasil bertahan dari segala pergolakan masa lampau sedang homo Neanderthal harus punah sebab tak mampu bertahan?
Manusia terus merangkak, mulai dari manusia komunal primitif yang terus hidup dalam ketakutan sebab harus berhadapan dengan hewan buas hingga manusia-manusia individualis, berdasi—yang berhasil menguasai puncak rantai makanan. Mereka tak lagi menetap dalam bentuk suku melainkan keluarga inti, mereka tak lagi menganut sistem matriarkal melainkan patriarkal.
Mereka tak lagi setara, sistem kelas ditemukan. Masyarakat kelas hadir bersamaan dengan ditemukannya kepemilikan pribadi. Konsekuensinya adalah ketimpangan status sosial, peminggiran perempuan, keserakahan. Manusia jadi bengis, mereka gila perang—mereka membunuh satu sama lain demi selembar uang yang bernilai realitas fiktif.
Oh sungguh! Manusia terbuai akan realitas ganda. Manusia menjadi komoditi oleh kapitalisme—perempuan dipinggarkan, mereka lantas dihantui setan-setan patriarki, teologi menjadi candu atas diri. Lantas apa? Apa yang harus dibanggakan? Apa yang harus dipertahankan? Mengapa kita senang atas hidup yang kontras? Jika ada kelas borjuasi maka ada kelas ploletar, jika ada yang tertindas maka ada penindas.
Mengapa kita senang berdiri di sini jika telapak kaki kita beralas mayat-mayat mereka yang dimiskinkan secara struktural? Yang hidupnya dipenuhi cemas akan upaya untuk mempertahankan hari esok? Mengapa ada kelas yang memegang modal produksi sedang ada yang tidak?
Layla Sarah—masih seorang manusia, secara seks ia merupakan seorang betina, secara gender, Layla menolak diidentifikasi sebagai laki-laki ataupun perempuan. Dibandingkan Layla atau Sarah, sang dara lebih menyukai bila dirinya dipanggil “Ilas” sebab nama tersebut lebih netral untuknya yang memilih lepas dari belenggu pengkotak-kotakan gender.
Sejak lima tahuh silam, Ilas mulai mengalami pergolakan batin—kebingungan intelektual. Ia sesekali berdiri di hadapan cermin dalam keadaan telanjang, keresahannya dimulai ketika Ilas menyadari betapa ia telah dijauhkan dari hal terdekat atas dirinya, tubuhnya sendiri.
Mengapa tubuh perempuan ditumpangi stigma sedang laki-laki tidak? Oh, lama-lama pertanyaan itu berganti menjadi mengapa ia perempuan dan bukan laki-laki? Lantas, Ilas mulai bertanya, mengapa perempuan disubordinasi? Mengapa ada pembagian peran, sifat, hingga tanggungjawab pada kelompok gender tertentu?
Sebagai respon tubuh atas ketidaktahuan jua keingintahuan, Ilas mulai membaca. Ia mulanya hanya membaca buku-buku perempuan yang ditulis oleh Simone De Beauvoir atau Ester Lianwati. Tetapi, dalam perjalanannya membaca, Ilas tak pernah merasa puas, tepat setelah sang dara membaca buku Evelyn Reed dan terbitan penerbit independen lainnya yang menyinggung persoalan kelas, Ilas mulai mengakses buku-buku dengan analisis kelas.
Ekonomo politik, asal-usul kekayaan, genelogi kapitalisme hingga lekra tak membakar buku dibaca oleh Ilas. Sebagai selingan, sang dara jua membaca banyak buku antropologi yang membahas mengenai evolusi manusia maupun peradabannya.
Bertahun-tahun setelahnya, Ilas kembali menatap diri telanjang di hadapan cermin—kali ini, ia tak lagi mempertanyakan otoritasnya atas tubuhnya sendiri. Ia tak lagi resah dalam tidurnya atau sesak dalam duduknya sebab kerap merasa menjadi entitas second sex adalah sebuah kutukan.
Ilas mengapalkan tangannya kuat—penuh tekat, sang dara melebur bersama harapnya, bersama inginnya. Meninggalkan semua yang ia punya, Layla melangkah keluar menuju dunia yang lebih luas, mempertanyakan esensi atas eksistensinya. Sebetulnya, apa tujuan penciptaan manusia? Apa manusia diciptakan untuk membersamai ketimpangan ini?
Selaiaknya koin bersisi dua—manusia mungkin punya pilihan untuk melepaskan diri dari belenggu patriarki maupun jerat kapitalisme. Tetapi konsekuensi logisnya adalah alienasi, sebagaimana Layla yang memilih melangkah keluar dari rumahnya, melepaskan kesempatannya untuk menjadi borjuasi dan meneruskan usaha sang ayah.
Layla, setelah pergolakan dan segala dialektika yang memenuhi kepalanya memutuskan menjadi seorang penulis lepas, ia menjadi pengajar kelas-kelas feminis kritis di sela-sela kesibukannya sebagai seorang penulis.
Lima tahun sudah Layla meninggalkan rumahnya, memutus komunikasi dengan orangtuanya yang menentang pilihan Layla, yang dicari sang dara sejujurnya adalah ketenangan—tetapi, lima tahun setelah menginjakkan kaki di kota Jakarta Layla mulai mempertanyakan lagi. Bahagia kah ia? Atau, haruskah ia pulang dan berbalik arah, melepas segala ideologi dalam kepala?
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eldergrovequest · 1 year
Sayings of the Lost Tribe of Elderwood
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With the code at the core of The Lost Tribes' essence, they each know and use hundreds of sayings, frequently as if to guide their thoughts and, thankfully, for those outside the tribe, make their intentions and thoughts clear.
Poetry is the shield of the weak.
Talk of dreams is talk of trash.
The weak interrupt with words, the strong interrupt with blades.
A compliment oft hides a knife.
Talk of oneself is a distraction from talk of your enemy.
When you show one who complains their entrails, they have but one complaints left.
The enemy’s blade culls the weak, clearing a way for the strong to answer.
Screamed or whispered, what is said before steel slices is meaningless.
Mercy’s touch leaves a blade.
Do not ask questions of the Matriark unless her reply is the last thing you wish to hear.
Except from Rye Leafoot's _Guide to Elderwood: The Lost Tribe_.
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trenttrendspotter · 2 years
Natural Products Trend Forecast: Sustainability Rules in 2023
Hands down, the overarching trend of Natural Products Expo East 2022 was sustainability. Take a look at what's new and what's next!
As we head into the end of the year and we look back at 2022, we are reminded of all the amazing trends and brands we saw at Natural Products Expo East this past September in Philadelphia, and how they are sure to shape 2023. We saw a lot of evolution in existing trends, and many new trends on the horizon.
Hands down, the overarching trend of the show was sustainability. It is no longer enough for brands to just be sustainable; they need to be doing more, showing the consumers exactly how they are doing it, and being transparent and traceable.
With sustainability as the key focus, there were many trends within sustainability that shined through.
Reducing Waste
Matriark Foods is on a mission to reduce greenhouse gases, expand access to healthy food, and increase deliciousness with the world’s first carbon neutral, upcycled tomato sauce. The company is accelerating the transformation of the food system by empowering consumers through the purchase of delicious, everyday staples. They are upcycling vegetable surplus into healthy products to advance the health of people and the environment.
Water is water. But GEN Z brings the flavorless transparent liquid in sustainable full aluminum bottles that can be resealed, refilled, and recycled, awakening generations to the problem with single-use plastic on planet Earth. Founded and led by industry veterans, real life boomers and millennials, and advised by a unique council board of Gen Z-ers, using humor and sarcasm, GEN Z breaks through zoomers’ high BS meter by balancing serious purpose and value with hilarious branding.
Nest Baby Diapers are eco-friendly diapers made with hand-selected sustainable materials that are free of harmful chemicals, lotions, perfume, and known allergens. Nest offers a soft, absorbent design that you and your baby will love. They are on a mission to reduce the long-term impact associated with disposable diapering. They have partnered with select diaper compost providers who can properly manage the disposal.
Viv for you V is revolutionizing period care with sustainable bamboo-based period care delivered to your door through a monthly subscription box. Each traditional pad takes roughly 800 years to break down, a startling fact that sprung the Viv founders into action. Created by eco-conscious menstruators who knew the way the world approached eco-conscious period care needed an overhaul, they made it their mission to place earth-friendly and toxin-free products into the hands of every menstruator.
Brewer’s Foods is an upcycled food company driven to reduce food waste in the craft brewing industry. Upcycled grains are a valuable by-product from the beer making process. When making beer, brewers steep super high-quality grains, like barley, in water. They then strain this mixture, keeping the liquid to make beer and discard the “spent” grains. Turns out, these grains are still incredibly flavorful, and the steeping process actually unlocks valuable nutrients.
Regenerative & Transparent Farming
Fourth-generation family farmers, Painterland Sisters, Stephanie and Hayley, are on a mission to sustain their family’s farm for future generations. They aim to connect you directly with the source of your food: American farmers, uplifting other farmers and honoring Mother Nature through organic Icelandic Skyr yogurt that is lactose free, high in protein and full of probiotics. They want to change the perception of dairy farming in the U.S. through their healthy and delicious Skyr.
Nichols Farms, a fourth-generation family farm, takes pride in providing consumers with high-quality pistachios and almonds that feed both heart and soul. They understand the importance of staying true to their roots. A passion for farming runs deep in the family, and they take pride in their hands-on, transparent farming practices. They respect their community and land, and weigh integrity above all else. With more than 60 years of knowledge and experience, you can taste the difference in their nuts.
Smootch is on a mission to scale regenerative agriculture and promote well-being by partnering with independent farmers in Northern Maine to create a plant-powered sports drink with electrolytes and immune support made with whole grain regenerative oats. By creating beverages made from regenerative ingredients, Smootch is formulated to hydrate and replenish with the highest quality ingredients. It has less sugar and more nutrients, with whole grains and gut-friendly prebiotic fiber.
Grown right and prepared clean, Big Picture Foods’ small batch craft foods offer mouthwatering fermented flavors and restore the health of people and the planet. They are disrupting industrial agriculture to bring nutrient-dense, regenerative organic foods that will restore consumers and our planet. Regeneratively grown, sun ripened, and handpicked at the peak of perfection, the impact of Big Picture Foods extends far beyond delicious and nutritious.
Precision Fermentation
Tomorrow Farms is bringing the future of food right to your front door by leading the industry in innovation with Bored Cow. Bored Cow is an animal-free dairy milk made through fermentation so you can enjoy your childhood favorites without harmful and artificial ingredients while harnessing all the benefits of cow’s milk in a more sustainable way. Bored Cow is high in calcium, vitamin D & B12, and protein, yet is animal free, lactose free and sustainable for the environment.
The Urgent Company is changing the way things are made, starting with food. They’re discovering new applications for science and technology that make better, more sustainable products. Their portfolio of brands, which you probably recognize, makes it easy for consumers to take direct action on the climate crisis, whether they know it or not. And if the consumers don’t know it? That’s fine because The Urgent Company is thinking about it for them.
Plant Forward
From your favorite side dishes to flours from the world’s four corners, count on Sideaway Foods for your next culinary adventure. Sideaway brings convenience, quality, and inspiration to your table. Sideaway Foods believes in the power of small changes. This is especially true when it comes to your health and the health of the environment. The good news is what’s good for people is also good for the planet. That’s why they are proud to offer products that make it easier to eat more plants.
Fall in love with veggies with I Eat My Greens chef-crafted, mouthwatering, plant-powered soups. Using fresh, simple, wholesome ingredients and leaving out the highly processed junk, you are able to eat more healthy, nutrient dense foods and get the veggie power. They carefully select, cook, and blend fresh veggies in small batches, creating a delicious mix of vitamins, minerals and fiber for you.
Eat the Change was created because the founders knew that there’s a more delicious and planet-friendly way to eat. The foods we choose represent our single biggest environmental impact. Created by activist entrepreneur, Seth Goldman, and celebrity chef, Spike Mendelsohn, they are on a mission to create chef-crafted and nutrient dense snacks that are kind to the planet. Snack to the Future!
High in nutrients and low in carbs, Munchrooms are a rich source of fiber, vitamin D, vitamins B2 & B3, potassium, copper, and the powerful antioxidant, selenium, which helps to strengthen the immune system and prevents damage to cells and tissues. Munchrooms are a 100% sustainable plant-based mushroom jerky that is crazy healthy, naturally filling and magically delicious.
Elevated Dairy Alternatives
Committed to sustainably sourcing ingredients and making a positive impact on the planet, Bettermoo(d) is cultivating a community that embodies a balanced plant-based lifestyle. Using a blend of herbs and vegetables that cows ate before the time of mass livestock production, and mixing it with organic oats, they created the “Moodrink.” To make it creamy, like rich dairy products, they added healthy plant fats and vitamins, so you don’t miss out on any of the flavor.
Plant-based, vegan, keto and flexitarian, Milkadamia’s buttery spreads, beverages, creamers and latte da are created and crafted so you can indulge in delicious recipes. Good for the birds, the bees, the trees, the soil, people, and the planet. They choose to farm, cook and live in a way that supports the earth and all that share it. When Milkadamia declares Moo is Moot, they are voicing the opinion of the millions who have switched out dairy foods from their diets.
When Culina founder, Erin, found out she had to remove dairy, sugar, and gluten (basically everything delicious) from her diet, she wanted clean non-dairy yogurt options—what’s life without yogurt? Luckily, being obsessed with cooking helped her, and after many fails (a few epic ones), she created Culina, a coconut-based yogurt that was so good, family and friends kept stealing it from her fridge.
Plant-Based Indulgences
Mojave Mallows has cracked the code on plant-based marshmallows. They have created delicious, gourmet vegan marshmallows using kelp and soy protein. They are fluffier than the traditional marshmallow and use agave and dates for flavor, only using real, non-refined ingredients. Handmade in California, these marshmallows are available to be delivered straight to your door.
DEUX has taken the bad stuff out of cookie dough and added in good-for-you, functional ingredients that feel as good as they taste. Their recipes are vegan and gluten-free so you can eat them raw or bake it into warm, gooey cookies (if they even last that long). They believe in efficiency so that is why they keep all their products simple with high-quality ingredients and a boost of your essential vitamins and supplements. So, you no longer need to choose between taste and health.
Abby’s Better knows healthy snacking these days is hard. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice taste for health. That’s why they created their clean-label, snack brand. Founder Abby started Abby’s Better when she was just 15 years old. As a food lover and health enthusiast, she was constantly on the search for the perfect healthy alternative to sweet snacks. So, one summer day she started making her own nut butters and the rest is history!
Free-from foods
CLO-CLO Vegan Foods products are plant-based foods that are high in quality with exceptional taste. They are made without artificial ingredients, are gluten, soy, egg, diary, tree nut, shellfish, peanut, and fish free. So, no matter your allergen, you can enjoy these delicious products. Consumers are demanding a plant-based diet that tastes great and is good for the environment. CLO-CLO Vegan Foods is making a difference in the world for people with allergies that doesn’t skimp on taste or quality.
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enresamedtove · 2 years
Mjuka mödrar i Mumindalen
Den runda muminmamman har alltid funnits. Hon är skapad av våra drömmar om att få fortsätta leva i symbios med moderskroppen, att få vila djupt inne i det allra tryggaste, i livmoderns värme.
- Tove Jansson
Idén om trygghet löper som en röd tråd genom mycket av det Tove Jansson skapat, speciellt muminmamman representerar en trygghet som manifesteras i moderskärlek. Relationen till modern Signe ”Ham” Hammarsten-Jansson var djup och kärleksfull. Tuula Karjalainen beskriver modern som ”centrum i dottern Toves liv och hennes största kärlek.” Så till den grad att ingen kunde konkurrera med den. De spenderade mycket tid tillsammans under Janssons uppväxt, något som skildras i bland annat novellen ”Snön” i Bildhuggarens dotter.
Mia Österlund noterar att mumintrollens visuella design mjuknar med åren. Den spetsiga nosen blir rundare, likaså magen. Mjukheten går hand i hand med trollens trygga utstrålning. Toves citat i början angående drömmen om att få leva i symbios med moderskroppen får mig att se på mumintrollens kroppar som just moderskroppar. Trollens former är trygga, mjuka och varma. Det ter sig ganska självklart att modern Signe förevigades genom muminmamman när de sätts bredvid varandra.
Igen påminns jag om hur Mumindalen kryllar av representation. Moderskapet porträtteras på flera olika sätt genom exempelvis muminmamman, Mymlan och Filifjonkan. Relationen mellan förälder och barn förekommer ofta i Janssons verk, vilket inte är konstigt med tanke på hur viktig relationen till hennes egen mor var. Genom att se på muminmamman och andra kvinnligt kodade karaktärer kan man konstatera att Jansson gärna skapade kontraster och motstridigheter i olika roller, såsom rollen som mamma. Mymlan representerar en helt annan kvinnlighet än muminmamman, men inte på ett tillrättavisande sätt utan helt enkelt på ett neutralt sätt. Det bara är så.  
Jansson, Tomas. “Mumin fyller 75 och är större än någonsin, men första boken sålde dåligt och fick inte ens heta Mumin“ (2020) Svenska YLE
Karjalainen, Tuula. Tove Jansson – Arbeta och älska (2013) s. 21-22
Österlund, Mia. ”Muminmamma, Mårra eller Mymla? Moderskap, motstånd och matriarkal utopi i Mumindalen” (2002)
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aboatist · 6 years
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this is the MATRIARK, one of my newer homestuck ocs! i’ll throw some info about her under the cut.
if you like this art, consider reblogging it rather than just liking, or consider donating to my kofi
before you start reading, there is a trigger warning for gratuitous use of chucklevoodoos, cults, cult ideals, deification, direct mind control, dream influencing, brainwashing and general disregard for life.
The Matriark is a purpleblood who essentially made a cult around herself, which came to be known as the Ark of Joy. In this, she promised to her followers (known as Mirthless Lambs, the Lambs of the Ark, or Grubs of the Ark) that she would bring them to a paradise known only as the Ark to escape the insane heretics around them.
This was a ruse seeing as at first she had started the cult because she desired to be worshipped almost as a deity. Her Lambs in the beginning were not particularly voluntary, since the primary ranks usually consisted of unwilling trolls who had been hypnotised via her chucklevoodoos, assuming that they belonged to a caste that she could breach them psychically. At this time, she only used bruteforce chucklevoodoos, to keep them in her control constantly and not release them until they had been thoroughly brainwashed. However, later, her chucklevoodoos also manifested in her target's dreams, which played into her desire to be seen as a deity. She would also steal grubs from the brooding caverns to raise as her Lambs, and slaughter lusii so orphaned trolls would have to either come to her for protection, or be culled.
Later though, she ended up falling for her own con and genuinely believed in the mission that she had been selling to her followers and genuinely started caring for the Lambs under her wing. Around this point she stopped needing to hypnotise trolls to become her lambs since many joined willingly, though a lot of them requested that she use her powers on them in order to cleanse them of certain emotions, memories or just to bring them peace in the moment - almost in a healing manner. Her fierce protectiveness of her Lambs would also mean that any who taunted a Lamb would end up being brutally murdered - either by other Lambs, or by the Matriark herself. Any who opposed the Ark would be slaughtered, and Lambs who attempted to leave would be decimated.
The spreading of knowledge about the Ark of Joy caused a lot of controversy among the Church of the Dark Carnival, especially since it believed in things directly contradictory to what they believed in, and that it was almost a new religion. However, due to the massive growth of the church, and the sheer amount of followers that it had garnered, it was impossible to shut it down due to the fact that it could literally cause a revolution. As much as the Empress despised how much the Matriark considered herself a better leader than herself, she also kind of didn't give a shit seeing as the Matriark wasn't planning to overthrow her. So the higher ups seethed as more of the troll population on Alternia drew towards the Matriark and her cult, incapable of doing anything about it. Fortunately, the Matriark was finally realising a way to get to the Ark.
She claimed to her Lambs that they were so close to the Ark that they could almost feel it. She would preach to them that they would be able to walk fearlessly in the sun, to live without fear of culling due to caste, without the feuding of seadwellers versus landdwellers. The Ark turned out to be a real planet a few galaxies away, and with the assistance of all of the castes within the cult, they managed to commandeer a ship or three and escape Alternia with a Matriorb of their own. This new life on a planet called Arkalant - or the Ark, as most of the Lambs know it as - fulfilled everything that she had promised. The sun wasn't as harsh as the Alternian, and due to her influence, castes were no longer a hierarchy but more of a way to see which jobs you'd be most suited for. Higher castes were considered protectors, and lower castes would work the land.
In a very backwards way, she actually achieved what she set out to do in the beginning: she became revered and adored, and even worshipped after her death despite no longer desiring for that to happen. Even after they migrated to Arkalant, the Matriark continued to be the leading figure of the Ark of Joy, and once there the Lambs would become Mirthful instead of Mirthless. Stragglers of the Cult would remain on Alternia, spreading the word of the Ark of Joy, and one day desiring to reach Arkalant themselves. The presence of the Ark on Alternia would slowly fade, instead kept to internet forums and bold word of mouth. It would quickly become a cullable offense to talk about it or belong to the cult, but that wouldn't stop hopeful lowbloods, scared midbloods and tired highbloods from following the teachings of the Ark. Usually these adolescents would live out their 10 sweeps on Alternian, spending the entire time preparing themselves for and dreaming about a life on Arkalant.
Before the Migration, Lambs would wear thick bands of any metal that they could get their hands on that would cover half of their forearms. The band on their dominant arm would be engraved with their own sign, whilst the other would hold the sign of the Matriark. However, after the Migration, the bands would be downgraded to a simple bracelet of metal that stayed on their dominant wrist. The outside would be engraved with their own sign, whilst the inside would hold an engraving of the Matriark's sign. Sometimes this could be swapped out for a ring or a necklace with the same pattern for discretion.
so there’s the information about the Matriark herself, and the cult called the Ark of Joy! if you want to make an oc who follows the teachings of the Matriark, feel free to do so! make sure to tag me if you end up making a post about it
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Face Reality
@matriark liked for a starter
The storm raged overhead and yet the young warrior refused to quit, he'd been outside in the cold and the rain, the deluge not letting up as he practiced with his blades, his companion not far away watching with concern.
But one didn't overcome weakness with hope and a prayer, the bandages that covered half his face falling and soaked with water showing marred tan skin beneath as he slipped on the mud and landed in the muck with a pained hiss. He'd failed before, he'd been unable to hold his own. Yes he'd done what he could but was that really enough?
Shaking arms pushed against the ground to lift him from the cold ground water running in rivulets down his face washing away grim and forming trails.
" I can't stop now." he murmured and one might think he was talking to himself. Though many didn't know of the bond he shared with the creature that was his constant companion and Linden huffs out air, visible in the cold air. He worries Malik is pushing himself too much. Tries to send him images in his mind of those that would worry about his current state.
He needed rest and to warm up.
"I cant.. not yet..."
Not with his new handicap he had to improve, for their sake. For everyone's sake.
Not his own.
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kingdragmire · 6 years
"You are a cheeky and audacious woman."
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the-erins-forgot · 2 years
I had an idea for my rewrite where the Clans are now called Clowders and they’re made up of individual families who all share one separate territory each led by a matriark who all come together every full moon to air their grievances with one another. Every colony shairs their herbalists and oracles so all of them have equal opportunities for vision sharing and all healing needs are always met. Every colony is purly material though toms can help out.
A take a bit more set in how real feral cats work. It's a neat concept for sure.
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Byggt en egen ”nyckel” för ios japanska tangentbord, gjort stan Johanssons matriarker och tagit bit mat och dryck med gamla goda vänner. Det gäller att hålla sig sysselsatt, inte med skolarbete och läxor såklart :p https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ei6DKBQ3s/?igshid=1kyn7dmtasget
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burmecianblackmage · 6 years
5 Year Anniversary - Thank You!
Today, February 4, 2019, marks not only Sceada’s 25th birthday, it is also the 5th anniversary of me creating this blog here, and beginning to roleplay as my little Burmecian.
5 years... that’s a long time. Time, during which much has happened. There have been so many adventures and meetings, have been so many encounters and situations I was allowed to write with you lovely people. There has been so much room for my character to grow, to learn, to form friendships and bonds, becoming a better man in the process. There has been so much development, so many ways in which he’s changed, so many people he connected to...
And I wouldn’t want to miss a single one of them.
Sure, there have been bad times too. Times where there wasn’t much happening, or where that which was happening ended up leaving a heavy burden upon us, where it affected us in more ways than we imagined, both positively and negatively, and there have even been tears we cried over it all. Be it because things did not work out as we hoped, be it because we felt the pain of our characters, or be it even because we lost friends. For after all, paths not only cross and align at times, they also separate again, with some never to meet ours again, no matter how sad a thought this may be.
But such is life, and rather than list off all the things that happened, all the stories and ideas that developed and bloomed in those five years, I’d like to do something else:
I want to thank everyone who walked this path together with me, no matter how briefly.
And so I have spent the last week going through my blog and a total of 4682 posts with the goal of listing up everyone that has ever interacted with Sceada and this blog here. Whether that be by simple starters or lengthy plays, by sending in asks or perhaps by drawing a lovely picture of him unprompted, everyone who ever interacted with me and Sceada here on this blog, I wish to thank you.
And so, even though many of you are no longer here, have moved on or perhaps even forgotten about this here all together, I would like to list you all up here, under the cut. All 217 of you that I managed to count.
Consider this a huge thank you for everything, my friends! I do sincerely hope we’ll get to share more stories in the future, and that we’ll get to connect with each other, be it again after a long time, some more, or even entirely new. Thank you for making my time here what it has been, and for turning this hobby into one so very dear to me. I love you all.
Sincerely, Patrick~
Thank you to everyone who ever interacted with me:
Freya Crescent @burmecias-protector | Sin sinixto @captainwithagrin | Looker @asklooker | Yeul paddra-nsu--yeul paddraprincess | Puck @wandering-rat-prince | Ringabell thebellsarerung | Azee daughter-of-eorzea @spearofthemother | Minfilia @sharlayanmistress | Omega @engineofdestruction | Vivi @oneyearsblessing | Edea Lee edeaofeternia @ladyofeternia | Caius timeless-encounters @divine-identite | Steiner @sworndevotion | Millenia @thewingsofvalmar | Garnet @avaliantqueen | Eiko @ladyoflindblum | Demi transientblade noxsicarius | Yda lunaxmonk | Croma Magnolie @cromagnolie | Riboruba riborubaxblade | Alisaie alisaiesresolve @alisaiespath-blog | Aqua azul-tragedy nymphatragicae | Garuda @ladyofgentlebreezes @purplepawnms | Fran shatterheartskypirate @feralstriike | Maria @artemisxbow | Rahela Uillces @rahelauillces | Hikari Devonair @claireverie | Yda sharlayanpugilist | Y'shtola oerlominsanseas @sholarofsharlayan | Amaterasu wolf-oftherisingsun @dis-sasster | Zidane goldentailedthief @gaianforged | Rinoa @angelwingprincess | Tataru taruluv | Ollie shadowturbine @shadowturbine-archive | Quina @worldonlyhavetwothings | Lilith @genomecode | Lenne @zanarkandsongstress | Eraqus departuresmaster | Paine nemuruomoi | Vhaso'a vhasoaamariyo thevermilliongaelicatte | @zezlemet | Garnet @likedovesinflight | Kael Haden beyondreflection @nightscaped | Ventus vvaywardwind | Selphie @sunny-explosions | Cloud swordmechanic @sn-soldier | Leon @imperialroseking | Elisia Dawnbreaker scarletenchantress @vermiculusmagi | Blank @thiefspian | Lancia Almathia eternalharvestpriestess @eternalharvestpriestess-blog | Achtung @trenokingsman | Marluxia @daemonflorescence | Etro etrotheforgottengoddess | E-Sumi Yan @sacredseedseer | Laguna @moombaliberator | DeRosso @reapersofknowledge | Y'landa Naih @majoredinhealing | Namine @scatteredcrayons | Lightning sanctusmilitis @ofetro | Reina Roux @crimsonspellsword | Victoria F. Stein abhorrentxwitch | Tifa Lockheart @nibelheimsweetheart | Faris @fieryseafarer-blog | Crisis gunsmokeprincess cxmbatsecretary | Momoe Nagisa mxrscapone cxgitationum | Blank silkyxthief | Impa regiuscustos @matriark | Beatrix @alexandrianrose | Yda @ydaism | Garnet @beyondtheflyingbird | Axel ist-axel-now @eternefiamme | Aerith @brexthoftheplxnet | Binrril @burmecianpaladin | Angeal @honorofangealhewley | Cecil @asouldivided | technicite | glacious-siren | Artemia Venus @huntressartemia | Leonora @containyourmainposure | Garnet xprincessofalexandria | Celes imperialturncoat | Calisto @burmecianknight | Garnet garnetffix | Garnet queenofsummoners | Eiko angeltriads | queenofalldarkness | Garnet queengarnet | Hylia hyliahergrace @luxaeterna | Zidane @zinidyne-zidane | Arc kindheartedmage | Mr. Sonacore somnusofnavyrealm | Locke @thepricewasright | Nanamo @sultana-dreaming | Leila @seafoamrose | Alisaie @alisaie-leveilleur | Axel @flamesxofxeternity | Vanille @jourdevanille | Terra @magitekelite | Brii briidunviing-a @dovsebrii | Serina Stonereach @ask-the-alchemist-of-gaia | Kairi @irradiancies | Lucienne @lucienneluciscaelum | Ignis @fieryknowledge | beckonlight | Haumeric @hiemalstorm | Gau @raisedbymonsters | Demyx ninthnocturne @baconxkitty | Kain @alphadraconis | Leila @dancing-dagger | Cloud @sacredscar | Aqua valorfindings freezingslash | Setzer @onagamble | Tifa Lockheart @lockedfighter | Ashe divineoath | beyondlores | Roxas trxdxcim | Fran @woodwarder | Aqua lazulaqua | Alphonse Elric @wirecage | Lightning brandedrose @brandedrose-archived | Noel Kreiss @lazuliss | Rydia @evocatress | Adelphel illustrisxarma @azurexheavens | Nymeia spinneroffxte spxnnerisms | Syabelth @diamondoath | Melinoe @pandoragu | Amina @the-shadow-of-a-wielder | Porom elderinwhite @mysidianwhitemage | Ysayle @ysayle-iceheart | Estinien wyrmbloodx | Garnet princessxofalexandria | Nidhogg @ansjahs | Steiner @captainoftheplutoknights | Lily Ember @losteidolon @lilykomatsu | Relm Arrowny @colorfulvirtuoso | Ashe dusksdecree @bnargindalmasca | Beatrix @rosegeneral | Mateus lucifcrisms @lucifcrux | Sequoia @sequoiaofeorzea | Terra @riotxblade | Lenna waterprincessoftycoon | Bianca biancathelopunny | Faris @ask-captain-faris | Ritz Malheur @viera-blessed | Kuja @xkuja | Leo Christophe @golden-heart-knight | Rosa purexmagic | Garnet awakenedcanary devotedqueen | Milleuda guerreradelosmuertos @milleuda-folles | Alleyway Jack @ofgil | Kefka @light-of-judgment | Vani @not-a-rogue | Lamya @bokobreeder | Emerya @atieflingwarlock @emerya | Teledji & Tulala @high-stakes-gambler | Lenora Love @thislovelylady | Vivi @ornoirtier | Rojo @fabulousredkweh | Firion @firixn | Rinoa ibisangelus | Bartz @adventurouswind | Garnet princessofalexandria | Aria spiriitxs @nymphaxea | Nayru @deamaurea | Shachi @heartpiratesorca | Zell @ahmyhotdog | Luneth @blessedbycrystal | Rosalia @rosalia-the-guardian @rebirthxguardian | Carbuncle @crimsonjewl | Aerith adelicatefleur rosenguard | Amalthea @thelcstunicorn | Rydia @in-the-world-below | Etro @solitarixs | GM @dndencounters | Amarant @crimsonsalamander | Tifa Lockheart fightforastar | Mikoto xbranbal @infragments | Palom @mysidiasprodigy | Marcus @tantalizingbro | Garnet thelittlecanary | Ricard Highwind @wyvernblessed | Adara @deriision | Noctis @armigerxarsenal | Klara witchalienanddemons | Ami @shinra-mp-dispatch | Olithier @clericaltendency @gxntil | Hilda @wildrosematriarch @wildrosemonarch | Taylor Gudbrand @tailoringtay | Rinoa residentangel | Garnet mybuttissoft @unspokenchansons | Rachel @thefiremaid | Amarant @arrogancecoral | Minwu @seal-of-heaven | Freya Crescent @drcgonscrxst | Irvine Kinneas @sharpxshootin | Eiko @unspokenchansons | Garnet @bemysclf | Celes @runexxknight | Ashe @dalmascasqueen | Mipha @divineoath @mixtisque | Rapunzel @flordorado | Logan Himura @thecrimsonsageofgaia | Shantotto @chxinspeller | Mikazuki @swordgrandpa | Chi @innocent-ai | Lenne @faythsung | Shantotto @apersonallesson | @garnet77 | Anna @deriisinful-archive @deriisinful | Aranea @dragoonxdive | Freya Crescent @party-of-rpg-muses | Beatrix @save-the-rose @rcsetorn | Kristjan @kristjanstower | Anita @bearxclaws | Argath @lonescion | Scoot @scootpatoot | Biff @biff-adventurer
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corybantiiic · 5 years
whelp, i can’t post the promo to bring people to the sideblog impa is on now... because the promo is so freaking old its got the wrong url on it... I’m not fixing it tonight because i don’t want to fight with ps. instead, feel free to go and follow
because i plan on doing more things once i get all of my headcanons posted and tags set up.
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oborkesadaran · 3 years
Pijar Ocehan #4: Seandainya Freud Mengetahui Sangkuriang Dibanding Oedipus
Oedipus Complex yang terdapat pada Psikoanalisis Freud berusaha menunjukkan bahwa seorang anak lelaki mencintai ibunya dan hal ini terepresi sedikit demi sedikit hingga inses menjadi hal tabu—menarik bahwa Gilles Deleuze dan Guittari beroposisi dengan pemahaman ini dengan pemikiran Anti-Oedipe yang nantinya merujuk pada Skizoanalisis, tapi mari bahas itu di lain kesempatan—dan membuat pandangan ini kontroversial. Freud merujuk pada cerita Yunani Kuno, yakni Mitos Oedipus mengenai seorang raja yang diramalkan akan memiliki anak—Oedipus ini—yang membunuhnya dan menikahi istrinya. Si anak berusaha dibuang dan diperintahkan kepada seseorang untuk membunuhnya ketika masih bayi, tetapi orang ini nantinya tak tega dan merawat Oedipus hingga ketika ia dewasa ia kembali ke kota asalnya dan tanpa disadari membunuh ayahnya dan menyelamatkan kota dari makhluk yang memberikan teka-teki—lantas kota menghadiahkan Oedipus ibunya sendiri tanpa ia ketahui.
Begitulah singkatnya Mitos Oedipus yang dirujuk Freud. Akan tetapi, Erich Fromm membantah penekanan inses pada cerita ini. Fromm dalam Bahasa yang Terlupakan (2015) membedah dua cerita lain mengenai Oedipus—yang membuatnya menjadi trilogi—ditambah dengan cerita Oedipus di Kolonus dan Antigone, yang mana berlatar setelah Oedipus melarikan diri setelah mengetahui segala kebenarannya yang sebelumnya tersembunyi. Kedua cerita itu lebih menekankan pada konflik matriarkal dan patriarkal, sosok dewi-dewi perempuan dan nafsu tirani lelaki. Fromm juga menyebutkan bahwa keterhubungan Oedipus dengan ibunya bukan didasari inses, akan tetapi sebatas hadiah dari upaya penyelamatannya atas kota dan tidak lebih dari itu, membuat sorotan utama berada pada konflik ayah-anak dan nantinya pada sistem matriarkal yang lebih setara dan alami dengan patriarkal dengan simbol pengganti Oedipus di kota asal yang mendirikan pemerintahan tirani.
Kebetulan, tak lama saya membaca buku itu, saya membaca kumpulan cerpen Soni Farid Maulana yang berjudul Matinya Tukang Dongeng (2020) yang mana cerita pertamanya yang berjudul "Romantik Agoni" menceritakan tentang cerita rakyat Sangkuriang. Garis besarnya jelas dan tampaknya kita semua tahu, Dayang Sumbi—ibu dari Sangkuriang—dicintai Sangkuriang yang tak mengenal Dayang Sumbi sebagai ibunya—pada cerita rakyat aslinya karena ibunya yang bertapa membuatnya tetap muda sedangkan Sangkuriang terus tumbuh dengan luka di kepalanya akibat pukulan centong yang membuatnya kabur dari tempat tinggal mereka di hutan. Sangkuriang dalam cerpen itu juga akhirnya mengetahui bahwa Si Tumang—anjing yang tak sengaja dibunuhnya—adalah ayahnya sendiri.
Sekilas, sebenarnya Sangkuriang jauh lebih Oedipus Complex dibanding Mitos Oedipus itu sendiri. Andai saja Freud mengetahui cerita rakyat Sangkuriang dibanding Oedipus, mungkin pemahaman yang dia maksud akan bernama Sangkuriang Complex. Cerita Sangkuriang benar-benar memberikan penekanan pada inses, tidak seperti Oedipus yang hubungan ibunya dan Oedipus pasca penyelamatan kota seperti hanya sedikit diberikan perhatian. Terlebih, seperti Oedipus, Sangkuriang juga tidak mengetahui bahwa mereka membunuh ayah mereka sendiri.
Tetapi, perihal Sangkuriang memang tampaknya tidak dapat dibawa kepada pemahaman mengenai konflik ayah-anak seperti pada gambaran utuh Fromm atas Mitos Oedipus. Kematian Si Tumang bukanlah hasil konflik antara ia dan Sangkuriang, tidak seperti ayah Oedipus dengan Oedipus yang pembunuhannya hasil dari suatu perselisihan tanpa tahu siapa diri masing-masing lawannya.
Lebih menarik lagi ialah bahwa sekontroversial apapun pemikiran Freud yang itu, kenyatannya Psikoanalisis dapat digunakan untuk membaca cerita rakyat Nusantara—semacam pembuktian tersendiri bagaimana mitos ini dibentuk oleh simbol-simbol bawah sadar. Sial, Freud diselamatkan Sangkuriang?
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royaljellynyc · 3 years
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This was a moment ✨ Thanks @stacylondonreal for stopping by! 💖 (at Matriark) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSSZtbZJg5t/?utm_medium=tumblr
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