#the meta-knights have to carry him back to his room to sleep it off
veinsfullofstars · 7 months
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Kirbtober 2023 Day 3: Food
(ID: Kirby series fanart of Meta Knight gazing up in awe at a very, very large strawberry parfait. END ID.)
Kirbtober 2023 prompts by @/paintpanic (link to list here)
Started on 9/1/23, finished on 9/1/23, updated on 10/3/23. NOTE: This was originally posted on my deleted account on 10/03/23.
I just like that Meta Knight canonically has a secret sweet tooth.
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peachmangopie323 · 2 years
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Chapter 3: Other Friends
(Kirby SST!)
After watching more than an episode for hours and hours, Meta Knight felt something fall on his arms, it was Kirby fast asleep.
He quickly turns the tv off and wiped his mouth and hands full of grease and salt,
Meta Knight rubbed his eyes as he carried the pink boy to his bed, he looked out the window to notice that the sun had already set.
*Knock knock*
"Kirby?" A Servant Dee calls.
"He's asleep, come in."
"Oh! Sir Meta Knight, it's dinnertime. Please help yourself downstairs."
"Will do, thank you."
He tucks Kirby in with his blanket and stuffed toys and finally heads to the dining room.
"Haven't seen ya around for hours where you've been?"
"Me and Kirby watched that show he was talking about." Meta Knight sat down to his chair, with a full meal infront of him.
"No way you actually sit through there for hours?" BWD said genuinely impressed.
"Kirby nappin or something?"
"Mmhm." Meta Knight nods as he chews on his food.
"Well that only means I get to eat his fo-" the king was interupted by  violent cough, it sounded like he was wheezing, he fell on his chair and coughed even more.
"Your majesty, are you ill?" Meta Knight quickly stood up.
"Nah nah just hand me a tomato ovah there *cough*." He pointed at a minifridge at the corner.
Bandana Dee didn't say another word and  immediately gave him the healing vegetable, Dedede immediately chomped on it.
Meta Knight helped the poor collapsed king from the ground to get up, he glanced at Dedede's blue hair to see gray strands pop out.
For a brief moment It reminded him that he's going to witness another close friend be taken by the hands of time.
He shaked his head and carefully placed the king onto his chair. Dedede was heavy but Meta Knight is strong enough to even carry him on one hand.
"See all good now!" Dedede was back to his enthusiastic self as he gobbles the entire maximum tomato.
BWD and Meta Knight looked at the king in concern. It was followed by silence as the both of them were in deep thought and worry.
Dedede noticed the atmosphere change and said,
"If I'm gonna die early...I'm happy knowing that I've fulfilled my purpose as a king and I'd be on my death bed smiling!" He patted their backs giving them a big bright smile.
"Eeaaah!" Bandana bursted in tears
"I'm just 50 somethin years old! I'll still be here in the next 50 years if I'm lucky nuff!"
He tries to comfort the sobbing bandana Dee.
"You have the lifespan of a normal human?" Meta Knight asked.
"Yeap, I'm just....just a half-penguin half-human after all..." Dedede cringes.
"I've always thought I'm half a beast because of my size and sharp teeth, it goes without sayin the result of that body exam years ago was pretty disappointing."
"It suits you." Meta Knight chuckled.
Bandana watched Meta Knight continue to tease the king, he wiped his tears and laughed it all off.
It was morning, Kirby woke up starving, he remembered forgot to eat dinner.
He runs through the halls and onto the dining room once again, to his surprise the table was empty.
"You're early today, everyone is still sleeping. But don't worry I prepared you breakfast." Meta Knight once again appears on his back making him jolt, his husky morning voice didn't help the chills Kirby felt either.
"Can you stop that!" Kirby exhaled.
"Forgive me little one." Meta Knight softly smiles as he pats his pink hair.
Meta Knight and Kirby sat down while a Maid Dee helped them prepare the table with 20 jam-filled sandwiches.
"There are all for me?" He asked while he had already stuffed 4 sandwiches on his mouth.
"I'll take about a few, you could have the rest."
Kirby was ecstatic, he chewed the delicious jam sandwiches nonstop.
"Ah and, are you alright going to school by yourself?"
"Don't get distracted from your way, I'd really accompany you if I could I just have things to do.."
"It's alright Meta! I've never lost my way from being in a completely different dimension to here!" Kirby said with jam all over his face.
"All of that accomplishments and you're still a messy eater." Meta Knight smirks as he sips a cup of coffee.
Kirby finished eating as he changes his clothes, packs his bag and wave goodbye.
And as the pink boy goes to his path away from the castle, Meta Knight can be seen closing the door as he heads to the castle's fountain. What could this knightly business be?
Kirby hums, happily prancing through the fields and into the town. He watches a flock of butterflies fly away as gushes of wind brushed through his hair, what a peaceful morning on Dreamland.
Kirby heard a distant voice of a girl calling his name, a girl with pink hair and a ribbon approaches, it was Chuchu.
"Why are you here?" Kirby wondered
"I usually come here to pick up some flowers, you're early today wanna go to school together?"
"Why not!"
Chuchu held his hand as they happily walk through the shops and restaurants the town has to offer, the lovely smell of pancakes coming from Kawasaki's cafe made Kirby drool.
"We don't have enough money for thaaat!"
Chuchu pulls his attention away from that sweet pancake scent,
"At this time, we might meet our friends on the highschool area having their snacks! Let's head there for a while." Chuchu suggested.
"O okay!"
"Heeeeeyy! Kirby's here!"
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"Long time no see little guy!" Rick greeted.
"Woah, you guys got taller..." Kirby says under his breath as he looks up at his friends that are double his size.
"Well yeah! Awesome right?"
"Maybe it's because you don't hang with us much often that you really saw a difference." Kine in his pool said.
"Well it's just that, I won't get taller in a hundred years or so.." Kirby looks down.
"Don't be sad Kirby! We're all in this together!" Chuchu tries to cheer him up.
"You'll be a big girl too when I'm still a little kid."
"...well, as long as we're still friends, that's all we need to be!" She grabs Kirby's hand  blushing.
"Yeah when you age you can't marry Kirby that would be weird." Coo said teasingly
"SHUT IT!" Chuchu tried to clobber the purple haired man.
"Guys, is that Gooey?" Rick points at the sky.
"Most likely, should we call for him? He's part of our group after all." Coo replied.
"I don't know maybe he has dark matter problems to deal with it's best to leave him alo-"
"GOOOEEEEYY!!" Kirby shouted
Gooey hovers to their location as Rick and Kirby gave him a high five on the way down.
"Noone thold me everyone ish gathered here.."
"We didn't plan anything I swear! These two just stopped by and we saw you and that's all!"
"Now that everyone is here, coincidentally, Wanna get pancakes? I'm getting hungry, my treat." Coo suggested, Nago and Pitch quietly followed him outside the school gates as the children cheered in excitement,
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"Uhhh...care to give me a piece? Anyone?"
The helpless Kine said, he was left alone the school grounds because he can't walk.
After Kirby ate his second breakfast, it was time for school.
Chuchu, Gooey and him waved goodbye to their grown up friends as they head to their elementary school.
The bell was ringing and a group of young students were gathering around the main entrance.
"Kirby!!" A pink fairy rushes to hug the clueless boy.
"ahem." Chuchu said loudly.
"Now that you had him this morning it's my turn! Come on Kirby let's wait together!"
Ribbon turned around as she grabs Kirby's hand leading him through the crowd.
"Ugh, who does she think she is?" Chuchu scoffed.
"Uhm..the Ripple shtar Queen'sh royal right hand fairy?" Gooey replied.
"Go lick someone's butt or something leave me alone." Chuchu said as she left
"Goodmorning Kirby!"
"Morning Kirby!"
"Hi Kirby!"
Many more friends greeted him as he walks past them waving, everyone on the school pretty much knows Kirby.
The school's population also consists of 75% waddle dees. Lots of red headed students wearing masks and uniforms always run about.
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For a school that doesn't require uniforms, Waddle Dees do otherwise, this certain race of redheads are fond of organized systems and rules. Waddle dees would come of age and pick a job, it be a worker, teacher, soldier and more and stick to that forever, there are rare times where some of them shows a bit of individuality, such as Bandana Dee for example.
Waddle dees love working on groups, they're hardworking and kind, they would much prefer taking orders from a boss than to lead by themselves, that being Dedede and Captain Waddle Doo.
Waddle Doos are a peculiar sub specie of Waddle dees, they don't like being in groups , they also like slashing a harmful beam around and they will not listen to you if you tell them to stop.
A single dee is harmless for sure but they're awfully dangerous when you mess with them in a group, they will swarm you like a flock of angry bees.
There are more subspecies like Colossal Dees, Golden Waddle dees and Halcandran dees. But they're irrelevant.
It goes without saying they always stick to their unique customs and rules, no one really knows the reason why all of them have to wear masks when they would let you see them when they eat infront of you. But I guess that's just how they are.
"Yo Kirby!"
Bandana Dee arrives with his skateboard.
"And little miss Ribbon huh? You guys look cute together!"
"Of course!!" Ribbon said with a smile on her face grasping Kirby's arm.
"Goodluck you two, I'll be heading off, bye!"
"Hey Kirby is that the same Waddle Dee that helped us out?" ribbon leans to whsiper.
"O-oh! I see I see! He looks all grown up isn't he?" Ribbon said as the two came across a familiar painter painting someone on her canvas. The two gasped and ran.
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"Oh! Ribbon, you startled me..."
A grown up Adeleine greeted them as her model, the King turned around and angrily said,
"Quit stallin' my arms are startin ta sore!"
"Yeah yeah right just getting your figure right a bit more and we're all good" Adeleine gave her painting a few more brush strokes.
"We ran across Bandana earlier did you guys see him?"
"Of course I'm the one who dropped him off." Dedede replied"
"It's been long since I've seen us all together!" Ribbon said with sparkles on her eyes,
"Quite a coincidence right?" Adeleine said smiling.
"It was nice seeing you all alive and well! We'll be going to class!" Ribbon grabbed Kirby's arms and flew him away.
As they flew, Kirby had a long thought of what Ribbon just said, he also wondered if he's going to meet more of his friend groups around, seeing old faces really brought back both bad and good memories, but he's happy they're doing well.
But in Kirby's opinion the best friend group he ever had was when he was split to 4 versions of himself, how silly.
And just as soon as he was dropped off his classroom door, he caught a certain purple haired boy about to pull a "prank".
"Stop it Marx!!"
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"hehehehahah...fine. You're no fun Kirby. Why so serious? You've really lost your sense of humor since that soyboy knight-dad you have took you in!" The jester laughed once again walking past Kirby rudely bumping his shoulder.
"This is why nobody likes you." Kirby whispered to himself.
Kirby could very well put Marx in his place once again (as in throwing him on a planet-sized galactic nova with great force) but he chose not to, not atleast infront of the entire school..
Even though Marx is redeemed he's still mischievous in nature, after he absorbs Nova's power, he stopped aging by then, possibly being immortal, he's a childish prick forever! He thinks that if he's going to live forever might as well take advantage of it.
"Good morning everyone! Settle down settle down."
"Good morning miss teacher Dee!"
"We'll start the class with attendance, raise your hand when I state your name..."
And so, Classes has started for the pink puffball to learn once again, I hope he doesn't nap it out like yesterday.
Juicy parts will start next chapter, these three so far are focused on introducing to Kirby's day to day life and character backgrounds!
Next Chapter
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butterflies-dragons · 6 years
Hi! 😊 Do you think these two quotes are connected in a way? "She found his cloak on the floor, twisted up tight, the white wool stained by blood and fire.” “But in place of arms she had the wings of a bat or a dragon, her legs were the legs of an eagle, and behind she wore scorpion's curled and venomous tail”.. One is saying Sansa wraps herself with a blood and fire cloak, while the other one is saying in her place of arms there is a bat or a dragon with wings. What do you think about the two?
Hello Anon!!!
My answer ended up being a very long Jon x Sansa meta.  
I’m going to start citing the quotes you are referring to:
When she crawled out of bed, long moments later, she was alone. She found his cloak on the floor, twisted up tight, the white wool stained by blood and fire. The sky outside was darker by then, with only a few pale green ghosts dancing against the stars. A chill wind was blowing, banging the shutters. Sansa was cold. She shook out the torn cloak and huddled beneath it on the floor, shivering.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa VII
In the center of the Plaza of Pride stood a red brick fountain whose waters smelled of brimstone, and in the center of the fountain a monstrous harpy made of hammered bronze. Twenty feet tall she reared. She had a woman’s face, with gilded hair, ivory eyes, and pointed ivory teeth. Water gushed yellow from her heavy breasts. But in place of arms she had the wings of a bat or a dragon, her legs were the legs of an eagle, and behind she wore a scorpion’s curled and venomous tail.
—A Storm of Swords - Daenerys II
Are these quotes connected in a way? The answer is yes. Both quotes contain Targaryen references: Blood and fire and wings of a dragon immediately make me think of the sigil and motto of House Targaryen.
The blood and fire imagery is present in Sansa’s chapters three times. The blood and fire are always referred as a stain that soils a white/off-white fabric.
The most “famous” white fabric in Sansa’s story is the Hound’s Kingsguard cloak, and I believe this is a distraction factor, because the connection between Sansa and the white cloaks of the Kingsguards is -by far- larger than that.
The importance of the white cloaks of the Kingsguards in Sansa’s story resides in the deconstruction of the idea that “white” and “beauty” equal goodness and its purpose is Sansa’s disillusionment of knights in her arc.
Besides, on a deeper level, the presence of the blood and fire imagery in Sansa’s chapters as a stain that soils a white/off-white fabric serves as hint of Jon Snow’s true parentage. It is there to tell us about a broken betrothal and the hidden union of a Stark maiden with a Targaryen prince that produced an heir; and probably to foreshadow another union of the same parties in the future.    
The bat/dragon wings imagery present in Dany’s chapters is also linked to Sansa in one of Arya’s chapters.
This is subtler, but combined with other hints hidden in the Books, it tells us about the future union of a Stark maiden with a Targaryen prince.
I’m going to develop all these ideas under the cut.
About the first quote, let me start by saying that Sansa Stark has a very interesting imagery of white/off-white fabrics stained with blood and fire.
A few readers have already pointed out about this very interesting and particular topic. I talked about it with @lostlittlesatellites​ a few times last year and she has already written about it here: [x] [x]. I’m going to expand on it and give you my approach on the subject.  
Sansa’s Ivory silk dress stained with blood orange juice and ashes
“Liar,” Arya said. Her hand clenched the blood orange so hard that red juice oozed between her fingers.
“Go ahead, call me all the names you want,” Sansa said airily. “You won’t dare when I’m married to Joffrey. You’ll have to bow to me and call me Your Grace.” She shrieked as Arya flung the orange across the table. It caught her in the middle of the forehead with a wet squish and plopped down into her lap.
“You have juice on your face, Your Grace,” Arya said.
It was running down her nose and stinging her eyes. Sansa wiped it away with a napkin. When she saw what the fruit in her lap had done to her beautiful ivory silk dress, she shrieked again. “You’re horrible,” she screamed at her sister. “They should have killed you instead of Lady!”
“Arya started it,” Sansa said quickly, anxious to have the first word. “She called me a liar and threw an orange at me and spoiled my dress, the ivory silk, the one Queen Cersei gave me when I was betrothed to Prince Joffrey. She hates that I’m going to marry the prince. She tries to spoil everything, Father, she can’t stand for anything to be beautiful or nice or splendid.”
“Sansa stalked away with her head up. She was to be a queen, and queens did not cry. At least not where people could see. When she reached her bedchamber, she barred the door and took off her dress. The blood orange had left a blotchy red stain on the silk. “I hate her!” she screamed. She balled up the dress and flung it into the cold hearth, on top of the ashes of last night’s fire. When she saw that the stain had bled through onto her underskirt, she began to sob despite herself. She ripped off the rest of her clothes wildly, threw herself into bed, and cried herself back to sleep.”
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa III
When the king’s herald moved forward, Sansa realized the moment was almost at hand. She smoothed down the cloth of her skirt nervously. She was dressed in mourning, as a sign of respect for the dead king, but she had taken special care to make herself beautiful. Her gown was the ivory silk that the queen had given her, the one Arya had ruined, but she’d had them dye it black and you couldn’t see the stain at all. She had fretted over her jewelry for hours and finally decided upon the elegant simplicity of a plain silver chain.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa V
Take note that the ivory silk dress was a “betrothal gift” from Cersei, that Sansa later had to “dye it black” so the “blood and fire stain” couldn’t be seen at all.
Oh George! Your wording here is just genius!  
Sansa’s bedclothes stained with her moonblood and fire
When she woke, the pale light of morning was slanting through her window, yet she felt as sick and achy as if she had not slept at all. There was something sticky on her thighs. When she threw back the blanket and saw the blood, all she could think was that her dream had somehow come true. She remembered the knives inside her, twisting and ripping. She squirmed away in horror, kicking at the sheets and falling to the floor, breathing raggedly, naked, bloodied, and afraid.
But as she crouched there, on her hands and knees, understanding came. “No, please,” Sansa whimpered, “please, no.” She didn’t want this happening to her, not now, not here, not now, not now, not now, not now.
Madness took hold of her. Pulling herself up by the bedpost, she went to the basin and washed between her legs, scrubbing away all the stickiness. By the time she was done, the water was pink with blood. When her maidservants saw it they would know. Then she remembered the bedclothes. She rushed back to the bed and stared in horror at the dark red stain and the tale it told. All she could think was that she had to get rid of it, or else they’d see. She couldn’t let them see, or they’d marry her to Joffrey and make her lay with him.
Snatching up her knife, Sansa hacked at the sheet, cutting out the stain. If they ask me about the hole, what will I say? Tears ran down her face. She pulled the torn sheet from the bed, and the stained blanket as well. I’ll have to burn them. She balled up the evidence, stuffed it in the fireplace, drenched it in oil from her bedside lamp, and lit it afire. Then she realized that the blood had soaked through the sheet into the featherbed, so she bundled that up as well, but it was big and cumbersome, hard to move. Sansa could get only half of it into the fire. She was on her knees, struggling to shove the mattress into the flames as thick grey smoke eddied around her and filled the room, when the door burst open and she heard her maid gasp.
In the end it took three of them to pull her away. And it was all for nothing. The bedclothes were burnt, but by the time they carried her off her thighs were bloody again. It was as if her own body had betrayed her to Joffrey, unfurling a banner of Lannister crimson for all the world to see.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa IV
Even if the color of the bedclothes was not stated as white/off-white, it’s very probable that they were of white or an off-white color, like ivory. So, again, we find this very interesting imagery in Sansa’s chapters: white/off-white fabrics stained with blood and fire.  
And this passage of a bed stained with blood that must be hidden makes me think about Ned’s dream of Lyanna’s death:
He dreamt an old dream, of three knights in white cloaks, and a tower long fallen, and Lyanna in her bed of blood.
—A Game of Thrones - Eddard X
So I think there is another pattern here: betrothal, marriage and giving birth.
As I said before, the ivory silk dress was a “betrothal gift” from Cersei; and, as Sansa stated, the bedclothes stained with her moonblood was a proof of her having reached her womanhood and thus able to do her duty and marry Joffrey and bear his children.  
Moreover, after Sansa’s first moonblood, she had this conversation with Cersei:
“I don’t blame you. Between Tyrion and Lord Stannis, everything I eat tastes of ash. And now you’re setting fires as well. What did you hope to accomplish?”
Sansa lowered her head. “The blood frightened me.”
“The blood is the seal of your womanhood. Lady Catelyn might have prepared you. You’ve had your first flowering, no more.”
Sansa had never felt less flowery. “My lady mother told me, but I … I thought it would be different.”
“Different how?”
“I don’t know. Less … less messy, and more magical.”
Queen Cersei laughed. “Wait until you birth a child, Sansa. A woman’s life is nine parts mess to one part magic, you’ll learn that soon enough … and the parts that look like magic often turn out to be messiest of all.” She took a sip of milk. “So now you are a woman. Do you have the least idea of what that means?”
“It means that I am now fit to be wedded and bedded,” said Sansa, “and to bear children for the king.”
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa IV
As you can see, GRRM has plagued Sansa’s chapters with Jon Snow’s true parentage hints.  
An ivory silk dress, a “betrothal gift” from Cersei, that Sansa later had to “dye it black”, so the “blood and fire stain” couldn’t be seen at all, sounds pretty much like Lyanna Stark’s betrothal to Robert Baratheon being “stained” by Rhaegar Targaryen. And then, of course, of Jon Snow hidden in the Wall as a Black Brother/Black Knight of the Night’s Watch.  
Again, Sansa’s bedclothes stained with her flowering blood and then with fire to hide the stain, sounds pretty much like Lyanna Stark’s bed of blood after she gave birth Jon Snow, the baby that had to be hidden so his Targaryen identity couldn’t be seem at all.
A white wool cloak stained by blood and fire
When she crawled out of bed, long moments later, she was alone. She found his cloak on the floor, twisted up tight, the white wool stained by blood and fire. The sky outside was darker by then, with only a few pale green ghosts dancing against the stars. A chill wind was blowing, banging the shutters. Sansa was cold. She shook out the torn cloak and huddled beneath it on the floor, shivering.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa VII
Out of the three passages with this imagery of white/off-white fabrics stained with blood and fire, this one, the one you asked for, has the more evident references of Jon Snow’s true parentage as the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.    
Here we have Sansa huddled beneath a white kingsguard cloak stained by blood of the death during the Battle of the Blackwater and wildfire.    
I think most of the readers get distracted from the Jon Snow’s true parentage hints here, because they romanticize this scene and believe it foreshadows some romantic future events for her involving the Hound, based in the fact that Sansa had covered herself with “the Hounds cloak” twice. But the relationship between Sansa and the white cloaks is -by far- larger than that; it has more to do with the ideals of knighthood and chivalry, than with the men wearing them.  
White Cloaks
Thanks to the recently published Fire & Blood Volume I, now we know that Queen Visenya Targaryen created the Kingsguard brotherhood and modeled their vows on those of the Night’s Watch:
Many kings had champions to defend them. Aegon was the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms; therefore, he should have seven champions, Queen Visenya decided. Thus did the Kingsguard come into being; a brotherhood of seven knights, the finest in the realm, cloaked and armored all in purest white, with no purpose but to defend the king, giving up their own lives for his if need be. Visenya modeled their vows on those of the Night’s Watch; like the black-cloaked crows of the Wall, the White Swords served for life, surrendering all their lands, titles, and worldly goods to live a life of chastity and obedience, with no reward but honor.
—Fire & Blood - Volume I
Here we have the origins of the famous white cloaks as a symbol of goodness, beauty and greatness, the seven knights of the Kingsguard were cloaked and armored all in purest white the text says, and this is something that Sansa Stark repeats in her first chapter in AGOT:
One knight wore an intricate suit of white enameled scales, brilliant as a field of new-fallen snow, with silver chasings and clasps that glittered in the sun. When he removed his helm, Sansa saw that he was an old man with hair as pale as his armor, yet he seemed strong and graceful for all that. From his shoulders hung the pure white cloak of the Kingsguard.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa I
But what does GRRM say about this concept?  
I am particularly irritated by fantasy where you can always tell the bad guys because they are ugly and wear black. That’s why I deliberately pulled a twist on that with my Night’s Watch. Sure they are criminal scum but they are also heroes and they wear black and I wanted to play with the convention a little. As for the knights, sure, I think it’s an interesting question too. It not only affects fantasy but our history, too. We’ve always had a class of “protectors.” The church divided us into knights and those the knights were suppose to protect, with the church praying for both. The worker, the prayer and the fighter. Of course, the way it often worked out is the people the peasants often needed the most protection from were their own protectors. I think there is a powerful story in that. The ideals of knighthood embody some of the finest ideals the human race has ever come up with. The reality was somewhat less than that, and often horribly so. Of course, that is true in the Seven Kingdoms as well.
—A Conversation With George R.R. Martin - November 2000 
Indeed, GRRM has twisted this idea of white/beauty/goodness vs black/ugliness/evil, by making the Kingsguard knights with their white cloaks capable of beating innocent little girls for the amusement of a King like Joffrey, the same way Aerys’ Kingsguards never moved a finger to protect Rhaella of the King’s abuse, Ser Barristan Selmy included. And when Jaime Lannister, a Kingsguard, saved King’s Landing from death by wildfire and killed Aerys, he became the greatest oathbreaker.
At the same time the Night’s Watch with their black cloaks have been defending the realm from the White Walkers for thousands of years at the Wall, and counts among its members a guy like Samwell Tarly, who, according to GRRM himself, is kind and smart and decent and devoted.  
So Sansa Stark, the character with the greatest and profoundest admiration and faith in knighthood and chivalry is the instrument that GRRM uses to deconstruct the concept of white & beauty equal goodness.  So far, every man wearing a white cloak has failed Sansa, they beat her, they disrobed her, they humiliated her, they sexualized her and they even attempted to rape her.  
But Sansa, being the person that she is, still grasps the latest vestige of chivalry that is left: the white fabric.  All the men wearing the white cloaks had failed her, they have soiled their cloaks, but the white fabric alone, even soiled, has shielded her.    
Sansa Stark and the White Cloaks
In the Books, there are three times where Sansa used a white kingsguard cloak as a shield.  Let’s revisit those three times chronologically:
“Ser Barristan looked up sharply. “A hall to die in, and men to bury me. I thank you, my lords…but I spit upon your pity.” He reached up and undid the clasps that held his cloak in place, and the heavy white garment slithered from his shoulders to fall in a heap on the floor. His helmet dropped with a clang. “I am a knight,” he told them. He opened the silver fastenings of his breastplate and let that fall as well. “I shall die a knight.”
Your Grace,” Littlefinger reminded the king. “If we might resume, the seven are now six. We find ourselves in need of a new sword for your Kingsguard.”Joffrey smiled. “Tell them, Mother.”
“The king and council have determined that no man in the Seven Kingdoms is more fit to guard and protect His Grace than his sworn shield, Sandor Clegane”.
“When the king’s herald moved forward, Sansa realized the moment was almost at hand. She smoothed down the cloth of her skirt nervously. She was dressed in mourning, as a sign of respect for the dead king, but she had taken special care to make herself beautiful. Her gown was the ivory silk that the queen had given her, the one Arya had ruined, but she’d had them dye it black and you couldn’t see the stain at all. She had fretted over her jewelry for hours and finally decided upon the elegant simplicity of a plain silver chain.”
“The Lady Sansa, of House Stark,” the herald cried.
She stopped under the throne, at the spot where Ser Barristan’s white cloak lay puddled on the floor beside his helm and breastplate. “Do you have some business for king and council, Sansa?” the queen asked from the council table.
“I do.” She knelt on the cloak, so as not to spoil her gown, and looked up at her prince on his fearsome black throne. “As it please Your Grace, I ask mercy for my father, Lord Eddard Stark, who was the Hand of the King.” She had practiced the words a hundred times.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa V
Sansa knelt on the white kingsguard cloak Ser Barristan Selmy left on the floor so as not to spoil her gown, that was precisely her ivory silk dress that she dyed black.
After Ser Barristan was expelled from the Kingsguard, the Hound replaced him and maybe he even took the same white cloak for himself.
The second time Sansa used a Kingsguard cloak as a shield was when, ironically, a Kingsguard beat and stripped her in front of Joffrey’s court:
“I’d shoot you too, but if I do Mother says they’d kill my uncle Jaime. Instead you’ll just be punished and we’ll send word to your brother about what will happen to you if he doesn’t yield. Dog, hit her.”
“Let me beat her!” Ser Dontos shoved forward, tin armor clattering. He was armed with a “morningstar” whose head was a melon. My Florian. She could have kissed him, blotchy skin and broken veins and all. He trotted his broomstick around her, shouting “Traitor, traitor” and whacking her over the head with the melon. Sansa covered herself with her hands, staggering every time the fruit pounded her, her hair sticky by the second blow. People were laughing. The melon flew to pieces.
Laugh, Joffrey, she prayed as the juice ran down her face and the front of her blue silk gown. Laugh and be satisfied.
Joffrey did not so much as snigger. “Boros. Meryn.”
Ser Meryn Trant seized Dontos by the arm and flung him brusquely away. The red-faced fool went sprawling, broomstick, melon, and all. Ser Boros seized Sansa.“Leave her face,” Joffrey commanded. “I like her pretty.”
Boros slammed a fist into Sansa’s belly, driving the air out of her. When she doubled over, the knight grabbed her hair and drew his sword, and for one hideous instant she was certain he meant to open her throat. As he laid the flat of the blade across her thighs, she thought her legs might break from the force of the blow. Sansa screamed. Tears welled in her eyes. It will be over soon. She soon lost count of the blows.
“Enough,” she heard the Hound rasp.
“No it isn’t,” the king replied. “Boros, make her naked.”
Boros shoved a meaty hand down the front of Sansa’s bodice and gave a hard yank. The silk came tearing away, baring her to the waist. Sansa covered her breasts with her hands. She could hear sniggers, far off and cruel. “Beat her bloody,” Joffrey said, “we’ll see how her brother fancies—”
“What is the meaning of this?”
The Imp’s voice cracked like a whip, and suddenly Sansa was free. She stumbled to her knees, arms crossed over her chest, her breath ragged. “Is this your notion of chivalry, Ser Boros?” Tyrion Lannister demanded angrily. His pet sellsword stood with him, and one of his wildlings, the one with the burned eye. “What sort of knight beats helpless maids?”
“The sort who serves his king, Imp.” Ser Boros raised his sword, and Ser Meryn stepped up beside him, his blade scraping clear of its scabbard.
“Careful with those,” warned the dwarf’s sellsword. “You don’t want to get blood all over those pretty white cloaks.”
“Someone give the girl something to cover herself with,” the Imp said. Sandor Clegane unfastened his cloak and tossed it at her. Sansa clutched it against her chest, fists bunched hard in the white wool. The coarse weave was scratchy against her skin, but no velvet had ever felt so fine.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa III
There are a lot of things to say about this passage. The first thing is how the knights wearing the white cloaks failed Sansa and how the “no knights” were the ones who tried to help her as much as they each could.
Joffrey ordered the Hound to hit Sansa, but Dontos, the Fool, intervened directly and hit her with his melon morningstar.  The melon juice stained Sansa’s hair and blue silk dress, which I think is a direct reference to the blood orange juice and ivory silk dress passage.  
We don’t know if the Hound would have hit her. Many readers would argue that he wouldn’t, but in the end he just said “enough” but only after Sansa lost count of Boros Blunt blows. Dontos lacked the strength, height and fighting skills of the Hound, but did a bit more than him. Sansa recognizes Dontos attempt to protect her by calling him “My Florian” and thinking she would have kissed his not so handsome face for it.
Then comes Tyrion that actually stopped the beating and orders for someone to give Sansa something to cover herself with. It was at Tyrion’s order that the Hound tossed his Kingsguard cloak at Sansa, so she could cover her nakedness.
Then we have this exchange:
“What sort of knight beats helpless maids?”
“The sort who serves his king, Imp.” Ser Boros raised his sword, and Ser Meryn stepped up beside him, his blade scraping clear of its scabbard.
“Careful with those,” warned the dwarf’s sellsword. “You don’t want to get blood all over those pretty white cloaks.”
Here we can appreciate how the Kingsguard knights that blindly follow their King’s orders without questioning are soiling their white cloaks with the tears and blood of the innocents.  And George wrote a mirror scene with Jon Snow and Samwell Tarly to show us what a True Knight must have done:      
“Let us hope you are not as inept as you look,” Ser Alliser said. “Haider, see what Ser Piggy can do.”
Jon Snow winced. Haider had been born in a quarry and apprenticed as a stonemason. He was sixteen, tall and muscular, and his blows were as hard as any Jon had ever felt. “This will be uglier than a whore’s ass,” Pyp muttered, and it was.
The fight lasted less than a minute before the fat boy was on the ground, his whole body shaking as blood leaked through his shattered helm and between his pudgy fingers. “I yield,” he shrilled. “No more, I yield, don’t hit me.” Rast and some of the other boys were laughing.
Even then, Ser Alliser would not call an end. “On your feet, Ser Piggy,” he called. “Pick up your sword.” When the boy continued to cling to the ground, Thorne gestured to Haider. “Hit him with the flat of your blade until he finds his feet.”
Haider delivered a tentative smack to his foe’s upraised cheeks. “You can hit harder than that,” Thorne taunted. Haider took hold of his longsword with both hands and brought it down so hard the blow split leather, even on the flat. The new boy screeched in pain.
Jon Snow took a step forward, Pyp laid a mailed hand on his arm. “Jon, no,” the small boy whispered with an anxious glance at Ser Alliser Thome.
“On your feet,” Thorne repeated. The fat boy struggled to rise, slipped, and fell heavily again. “Ser Piggy is starting to grasp the notion,” Ser Alliser observed. “Again.”
Haider lifted the sword for another blow. “Gut us off a ham!” Rast urged, laughing.
Jon shook off Pyp’s hand. “Haider, enough.”
Haider looked to Ser Alliser.
“The Bastard speaks and the peasants tremble,” the master-at-arms said in that sharp, cold voice of his.” “I remind you that I am the master-at-arms here, Lord Snow.”
“Look at him, Haider,” Jon urged, ignoring Thorne as best he could. “There’s no honor in beating a fallen foe. He yielded.” He knelt beside the fat boy.
Haider lowered his sword. “He yielded,” he echoed.
Ser Alliser’s onyx eyes were fixed on Jon Snow. “It would seem our Bastard is in love,” he said as Jon helped the fat boy to his feet. “Show me your steel, Lord Snow.”
Jon drew his longsword. He dared defy Ser Alliser only to a point, and he feared he was well beyond it now.
Thorne smiled. “The Bastard wishes to defend his lady love, so we shall make an exercise of it. Rat, Pimple, help our Stone Head here.” Rast and Albett moved to join Haider. “Three of you ought to be sufficient to make Lady Piggy squeal. All you need do is get past the Bastard.”
“Stay behind me,” Jon said to the fat boy. Ser Alliser had often sent two foes against him, but never three. He knew he would likely go to sleep bruised and bloody tonight. He braced himself for the assault.
Suddenly Pyp was beside him. “Three to two will make for better sport,” the small boy said cheerfully. He dropped his visor and slid out his sword. Before Jon could even think to protest, Grenn had stepped up to make a third.
He could think here, and he found himself thinking of Samwell Tarly… and, oddly, of Tyrion Lannister. He wondered what Tyrion would have made of the fat boy. Most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it, the dwarf had told him, grinning. The world was full of cravens who pretended to be heroes; it took a queer sort of courage to admit to cowardice as Samwell Tarly had.
—A Game of Thrones - Jon IV
Jon Snow took a step forward, protested and finally defied Ser Allister Thorne orders and fought to protect Samwell Tarly, inspiring Pyp and Green to do the same. Jon Snow, and Pyp and Grenn, did what any of the Kingsguard must have done at the prospect to beat a helpless 12 years old girl in front of the court.  
It’s fascinating how similar both these scenes are; Sansa’s first beating at Joffrey’s court and Samwell first training at Castle Black. GRRM has used a mirror situation: defying an unjust order involving a helpless victim or blindly obeying it; and he also used the same keywords like: “the flat of the blade” and “enough”.  But what make these linked scenes even more fascinating is how similar the characters that play the helpless victim role are: Sansa Stark and Samwell Tarly, and the use of romantic connotations to describe Jon Snow actions regarding Sam.
I have discussed this subject with @lady-in-a-song and @lostlittlesatellites before, how similar Sansa Stark and Samwell Tarly are. They have a lot of common interests and they sure would be the best of friends:
Whatever pride his lord father might have felt at Samwell’s birth vanished as the boy grew up plump, soft, and awkward. Sam loved to listen to music and make his own songs, to wear soft velvets, to play in the castle kitchen beside the cooks, drinking in the rich smells as he snitched lemon cakes and blueberry tarts. His passions were books and kittens and dancing, clumsy as he was. 
—A Game of Thrones - Jon IV
Sam remembered the last time he’d sung the song with his mother, to lull baby Dickon to sleep. His father had heard their voices and come barging in, angry. “I will have no more of that,” Lord Randyll told his wife harshly. “You ruined one boy with those soft septon’s songs, do you mean to do the same to this babe?” Then he looked at Sam and said, “Go sing to your sisters, if you must sing. I don’t want you near my son.”
—A Storm of Swords - Samwell III
And yes, during a few passages in the Books you can read how Samwell prays to the Mother: “Mother have mercy, Mother have mercy, Mother have mercy.”
Also, Allister Thorne calling Sam “Ser Piggy” and “Lady Piggy” reminds me of this meta [x] by @fedonciadale.
So, after reading how similar Sansa and Samwell are, the use of romantic connotations to describe Jon’s actions defending Sam makes me think of the possibility of a future romance between Jon and Sansa:
“It would seem our Bastard is in love,”
“The Bastard wishes to defend his lady love,”
“Three of you ought to be sufficient to make Lady Piggy squeal. All you need do is get past the Bastard.”
Lady Sansa Stark would have enjoyed a story like this one, of a valiant Bastard defending his lady love from her abusers. She would also appreciate Jon’s actions defending Samwell and praise his honor and courage; maybe she would call him a True Night or compare him with a hero from the songs, like she did with Dontos, calling him “My Florian”.
But Samwell Tarly is not the only male-Sansa that Jon Snow met at the Wall, we also have the boy called Satin:
The boy claimed to be eighteen, older than Jon, but he was green as summer grass for all that. Satin, they called him, even in the wool and mail and boiled leather of the Night’s Watch; the name he’d gotten in the brothel where he’d been born and raised. He was pretty as a girl with his dark eyes, soft skin, and raven’s ringlets. 
—A Storm of Swords - Jon VII
“Night gathers, and now my watch begins,” they said, as thousands had said before them. Satin’s voice was sweet as song, Horse’s hoarse and halting, Arron’s a nervous squeak. “It shall not end until my death.”
He could smell Horse’s unwashed breeches, the sweet scent Satin combed into his beard, the rank sharp smell of fear, the giant’s overpowering musk. He could hear the beating of his own heart. ”
—A Dance with Dragons - Jon VII
Satin was all grace, dancing with three serving girls in turn but never presuming to approach a highborn lady. Jon judged that wise. He did not like the way some of the queen’s knights were looking at the steward, particularly Ser Patrek of King’s Mountain. That one wants to shed a bit of blood, he thought. He is looking for some provocation.
—A Dance with Dragons - Jon X
For a man who doesn’t like the “lady like type” in a woman, Jon Snow has a very strong will to protect Samwell and Satin, two boys considered soft and weak with a lot of feminine inclinations whose descriptions match Sansa’s bit by bit. It’s pretty clear that Jon cares and appreciates both boys, and enjoys their companionship. After all, Sam became his best friend and Satin his steward.
I wonder how Jon would have felt listening Samwell Tarly telling him he likes to dance and sing and eat lemon cakes and wear pretty clothes; or how he would have felt while watching Satin dance gracefully or hearing his sweet voice singing. But this is a subject for another time.  Let’s go back to the white cloaks.
The third time Sansa used a white kingsguard cloak as a shield was during the Battle of the Blackwater.
We all know the context. It’s a very disturbing scene, a rape attempt at blade point, a sexual assault to a 12 year-old girl in her own bed.  In the text you can read how she was feeling: “frightened” “scared” “terrified”  “feared”.
The Hound stopped his actions only after Sansa sang the Mother’s Hymn, a prayer for mercy. But before he left her room he ripped the white cloak he was wearing and left it on the floor. Moments later Sansa crawled out of bed and found the white cloak. A chill wind was blowing, Sansa felt cold. She shook out the torn cloak and huddled beneath it on the floor, shivering.
Every time I read this scene I only can think of a sexual assault victim feeling herself scared, vulnerable, naked, defiled and cold. Sansa felt so cold that when she huddled beneath the white cloak she was shivering. If you make a search for the word “shivering” in Sansa’s chapters, you would only find extremely frightening or sorrowful situations for her. This event deeply traumatized her and that’s why she recalls the event a lot of times in her mind and dreams.
Sansa used the white cloak to protect herself from the cold, and I’m sure the shivers she had, had more to do with the assault she had just suffered than with the chill wind.
So once again, the white fabric alone was her shield, not the man that wore it and left it soiled on the floor.
I have covered the first role that the white kingsguard cloak plays in Sansa’s chapters: being the last vestige of knighthood and chivalry that Sansa grasps at, so she doesn’t lose faith in the concept of true knights.  She keeps that hope and faith hidden deep down inside her, the same way she kept the soiled white cloak hidden in a cedar chest beneath her summer silks. Despite her disillusionment of the knights (the men) she still has hope and faith in the ideals of knighthood, symbolized by the white fabric alone.  
Jon Snow and the White Cloaks
A subtler role that the white Kingsguard cloak plays in Sansa’s chapters is being part of a very interesting imagery of white/off-white fabrics stained with blood and fire, that I believe is a hint of Jon Snow’s true parentage.  Summing up, we have this so far:
An ivory silk dress, “betrothal gift” from Cersei, that Sansa later had to “dye it black” so the “blood and fire stain” couldn’t be seen at all, that reminds us of Lyanna Stark’s betrothal to Robert Baratheon being “stained” by Rhaegar Targaryen. And then, of course, of Jon Snow hidden at the Wall as a Black Brother/Black Knight of the Night’s Watch. 
Sansa’s bedclothes stained with her flowering blood and then with fire to hide the stain, that remind us of Lyanna Stark’s bed of blood after she gave birth Jon Snow, the baby that had to be hidden so his Targaryen identity couldn’t be seen at all.
A shivering Sansa, huddled beneath a white Kingsguard cloak stained with death people blood and wildfire. The blood and wildfire are clearly Targaryen references. But what does Jon Snow have to do with a white kingsguard cloak?
Well, many readers have pointed out the answer already, like @occupyvenus [x]. The cloaks of the Kingsguard knights are often described as white as snow:
Yet the huge man at the head of the column, flanked by two knights in the snow-white cloaks of the Kingsguard, seemed almost a stranger to Ned … 
—A Game of Thrones - Eddard I
The seven knights of the Kingsguard took the field, all but Jaime Lannister in scaled armor the color of milk, their cloaks as white as fresh-fallen snow. 
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa II
Afterward, Ser Oswell Whent helped Jaime to his feet, and the White Bull himself, Lord Commander Ser Gerold Hightower, fastened the snowy cloak of the Kingsguard about his shoulders. 
—A Game of Thrones - Eddard XV
Cersei’s gown was snowy linen, white as the cloaks of the Kingsguard. 
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa V
And the more evident association between the white cloaks and Jon Snow is said by Jaime Lannister, a Kingsguard himself, in one of Catelyn’s chapters:
“I’ve never lain with any woman but Cersei. In my own way, I have been truer than your Ned ever was. Poor old dead Ned. So who has shit for honor now, I ask you? What was the name of that bastard he fathered?”
Catelyn took a step backward. “Brienne.”
“No, that wasn’t it.” Jaime Lannister upended the flagon. A trickle ran down onto his face, bright as blood. “Snow, that was the one. Such a white name … like the pretty cloaks they give us in the Kingsguard when we swear our pretty oaths.”
—A Clash of Kings - Catelyn VII
So, Sansa huddled beneath a white Kingsguard cloak stained with blood and fire, reminds us of Jon, covered beneath the northern bastard surname Snow, to hide his true parentage as a Targaryen, represented by the stain of blood and wildfire on the white Kinsguard cloak. And this also reminds me of this exchange:    
“Kings are a rare sight in the north.”
Robert snorted. “More likely they were hiding under the snow. Snow, Ned!”
—A Game of Thrones - Eddard I
The blood of the dead in the Battle of the Blackwater reminds us of the blood of the dead after Rhaegar’s actions and the wildfire reminds us of the Aerys’ attempt to destroy King’s Landing with wildfire during Robert’s Rebellion, which was a direct consequence of Rhaegar’s actions.  
Finally, as I said before: i) the stained ivory silk dress represents a betrothal; ii) the stained bedclothes represent giving birth; so following this pattern, the stained white Kingsguard cloak must represent a marriage. I’m going to talk about this linked with the second quote of your question.
Finding Targaryen references in Dany’s chapters is not a surprise, but finding them in Sansa’s chapters is always very interesting.  And even more interesting is the fact that you can find this same imagery of bat/dragon wins directly linked with Sansa in one of Arya’s chapters.  
I wrote about this before in my post Sansa Stark: A Wolf with Dragon Wings. I speculated that the bad/dragon wings imagery foreshadows Sansa wearing a Targaryen Cloak in the future.  Let’s see:
A Targaryen Cloak
In the Books Sansa is in the Vale under the guise of Alayne Stone, eating lemony lemony lemon cakes and trying to charm, entice and bewitch Harry the Arse the Heir, her fourth betrothed:
Harrold Hardyng, often called Harry the Heir and sometimes the Young Falcon, is a gallant, handsome squire, and a ward of Lady Anya Waynwood. He is the heir presumptive of Lord Robert Arryn and would ascend to rule the Vale as “Harrold Arryn” should Lord Robert die without issue. [x]
The Arryn sigil is a sky-blue falcon soaring against a white moon on a sky-blue field. [x]
Shortly before Sansa found out about her fourth betrothal, while observing a blue falcon, she wished she had wings, but not precisely falcon wings; she just wanted to fly from her tower/cage and be free:
A falcon soared above the frozen waterfall, blue wings spread wide against the morning sky. Would that I had wings as well.
—A Feast for Crows - Alayne I
Unbeknownst to Sansa, she is imagined by the smallfolk as a ‘winged wolf’ who freed herself from her captors and flew away:
“What wife?”
“I forgot, you’ve been hiding under a rock. The northern girl. Winterfell’s daughter. We heard she killed the king with a spell, and afterward changed into a wolf with big leather wings like a bat, and flew out a tower window. But she left the dwarf behind and Cersei means to have his head.”
That’s stupid, Arya thought. Sansa only knows songs, not spells, and she’d never marry the Imp.
—A Storm of Swords - Arya XIII
Big leather wings remind me of dragons instead of bats, and I think that was GRRM’s intention, to subtly refer to dragon wings:
“Tell me how my child died.”
“He never lived, my princess. The women say …” 
“They say the child was …”
“Monstrous,” Mirri Maz Duur finished for him. The knight was a powerful man, yet Dany understood in that moment that the maegi was stronger, and crueler, and infinitely more dangerous. “Twisted. I drew him forth myself. He was scaled like a lizard, blind, with the stub of a tail and small leather wings like the wings of a bat. When I touched him, the flesh sloughed off the bone, and inside he was full of graveworms and the stink of corruption. He had been dead for years.
—A Game of Thrones - Daenerys IX
In the center of the Plaza of Pride stood a red brick fountain whose waters smelled of brimstone, and in the center of the fountain a monstrous harpy made of hammered bronze. Twenty feet tall she reared. She had a woman’s face, with gilded hair, ivory eyes, and pointed ivory teeth. Water gushed yellow from her heavy breasts. But in place of arms she had the wings of a bat or a dragon, her legs were the legs of an eagle, and behind she wore a scorpion’s curled and venomous tail.
—A Storm of Swords - Daenerys II
Viserion launched himself from the ceiling, pale leather wings unfolding, spreading wide. The broken chain dangling from his neck swung wildly. His flame lit the pit, pale gold shot through with red and orange, and the stale air exploded in a cloud of hot ash and sulfur as the white wings beat and beat again.
—A Dance with Dragons - The Dragontamer
As you can see, dragon wings are usually described similar to bat wings or leather wings; so, the fascinating image of Sansa as a wolf with big leather wings makes me think of Sansa wearing a Targaryen Cloak in the future.  
Again, the possibility of the marriage of a Stark maiden with a Targaryen prince is directly linked with Sansa in the Books.
I think this imagery of Sansa wearing a Targaryen cloak complements the imagery of white/off-white fabrics stained with blood and fire.
As @jennyoldstone has stated regarding the white kingsguard stained by blood and fire [x]: “The white cloak could also represent a Stark maiden’s cloak”.  “A Stark maiden’s cloak stained by fire and blood is quite a heavy foreshadowing for a Stark woman + Targaryen man union, if you ask me… and the cloak itself could also represent Jon - a child born of such union”.
Indeed, the white cloak could also represent a Stark maiden’s cloak.  Let’s take a look at Sansa’s maiden cloak when she married Tyrion Lannister:
Cersei Lannister ignored the question. “The cloak,” she commanded, and the women brought it out: a long cloak of white velvet heavy with pearls. A fierce direwolf was embroidered upon it in silver thread. Sansa looked at it with sudden dread. “Your father’s colors,” said Cersei, as they fastened it about her neck with a slender silver chain.
A maiden’s cloak. Sansa’s hand went to her throat. She would have torn the thing away if she had dared.
Afterward, she could not remember leaving the room or descending the steps or crossing the yard. It seemed to take all her attention just to put one foot down in front of the other. Ser Meryn and Ser Osmund walked beside her, in cloaks as pale as her own, lacking only the pearls and the direwolf that had been her father’s. Joffrey himself was waiting for her on the steps of the castle sept. The king was resplendent in crimson and gold, his crown on his head. “I’m your father today,” he announced.
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa III
Sansa Stark’s maiden cloak is described as pale as the cloaks of the Kingsguards escorting her.  So, Sansa covered by a white kingsguard cloak stained with blood and fire is probably foreshadowing Sansa wearing her maiden cloak during her wedding with a Targaryen prince.  
And this is also connected to Sansa being betrothed to the Dragon’s heir, that was foreshadowed in Sansa’s first chapter in ACOK:
The morning of King Joffrey’s name day dawned bright and windy, with the long tail of the great comet visible through the high scuttling clouds. Sansa was watching it from her tower window when Ser Arys Oakheart arrived to escort her down to the tourney grounds. “What do you think it means?” she asked him.
“Glory to your betrothed,” Ser Arys answered at once. “See how it flames across the sky today on His Grace’s name day, as if the gods themselves had raised a banner in his honor. The smallfolk have named it King Joffrey’s Comet.”
Doubtless that was what they told Joffrey; Sansa was not so sure. “I’ve heard servants calling it the Dragon’s Tail.”
“King Joffrey sits where Aegon the Dragon once sat, in the castle built by his son,” Ser Arys said. “He is the dragon’s heir—and crimson is the color of House Lannister, another sign. This comet is sent to herald Joffrey’s ascent to the throne, I have no doubt. It means that he will triumph over his enemies.
“Is it true? she wondered. Would the gods be so cruel? Her mother was one of Joffrey’s enemies now, her brother Robb another. Her father had died by the king’s command. Must Robb and her lady mother die next? The comet was red, but Joffrey was Baratheon as much as Lannister, and their sigil was a black stag on a golden field. Shouldn’t the gods have sent Joff a golden comet?
— A Clash of Kings - Sansa I
Joffrey is Jon’s foil here, the bastard disguised as prince/king in the place of the true prince/king disguised as bastard.
Jon is the dragon’s heir and Sansa will be his betrothed and wife.
We also have the Tourney at Ashford Meadow theory that says Sansa Stark’s first betrothed would be a man of House Baratheon, as it actually was. Joffrey Baratheon was Sansa’s first betrothed. And Sansa’s fifth betrothed would be a Prince of House Targaryen. That Targaryen prince is Jon Snow.
For more references about Sansa and Jon betrothal, I highly recommend you to read my dear friend @lady-in-a-song metas: [Part 1] [Part 2].
The stained ivory silk dress represents the broken betrothal between Lyanna Stark and Robert Baratheon, thanks to the intervention of Rhaegar Targaryen; 
The stained bedclothes represent Lyanna Stark giving birth Jon Snow and dying after.
The stained white Kingsguard cloak represents Jon Snow covered by the northern surname Snow to hide his Targaryen identity and Sansa’s Stark maiden cloak and her future wedding with a Targaryen prince;
The wolf with big leather wings represents Sansa Stark wearing a Targaryen cloak after marrying a Targaryen prince.
The Targaryen prince that is going to marry Sansa Stark is Jon Snow.
Thanks for the Ask Anon, and I hope my answer satisfies you.
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incognitowetrust · 6 years
Was feeling nostalgic way late at night
Guys. Do you. Have any idea. How lucky you are. That the person running this account is 20 year old experienced-artist me, and not 12 year old Meta-Knight-is-my-first-crush me? 
I do consider myself lucky for how things played out for me in life so that I probably haven’t had to cringe at old-public-things-on-the-internet stuff as a lot of people like me, more so than anything I am glad to have always been able to stay out of big drama. 
Anyway, when I was in middle school, there was a period of time when I was obsessed with Meta Knight. I mean obsessed. Autism hyperfixation mode cranked up on high. Of course I did have a few Kirby games at that age, but more importantly... there was Kirby: Right Back Atchya and Hoshi No Kaabii. It’s kinda weird how I remember after my parents divorced when I was 9, my dad gave my sis and I a gamecube + LoZ: TP and SSBM, and SSBM was kinda my introduction to Nintendo. Anyway, cut to some day idk when, but my sis and I were hanging out with our two next-in-age cousins, and watching TV on the 4Kids channel. Suddenly, it says that Kirby is up next. My sis and I were actually supposed to leave earlier, but I begged mom to let me watch Kirby, because even though I still hardly knew Kirb at this point in my life, it was a video game character I recognized and there was apparently a cartoon about him, so I had to see it. I didn’t have any context for hardly any of the characters, but I watched the whole episode and I think I probably found it fascinating. It was the episode about Meta Knight’s sword. It actually became one of my favorite episodes when I got into the show... because all the episodes with good Meta Knight shit were my favorite because I was a weird round knight stalker. 
Hnnnn my moods towards characters I like are a lot more... stable now I guess you could say, but naturally I still get hyperfixations, and once you love something you tend to carry it with ya always. There is always a little piece of my “Mety Muffin” I hold in my heart dearly. I consider Kirby an important artistic influence, along with this stupid manga that reigned in my brain for a while after the Meta Knight obsession calmed to a certain level, and “Peta” from MAR became my edgey jackass minor character who wears a stupid pointy hat and triforces fave boi. 
I think I had this kinda stuff on my mind because... uh... tbh I get really emotional and depressed and shit around m’ period. 
Anyway, in honor of Meta Knight, here are some of the things I found amusing from the show:
|He likes to be tall, always perched up on something. Owl cat. I actually made kirby-parody-characters once basically, and that’s exactly what the MK equivalent was.| |There’s no other way to say this, there’s an episode where he basically had JK Rowling on speed-dial. No one ever talks about this.| | His mitten handssss.| | That time he kicked King Dedede’s car down a hill.| |He, Sword, and Blade sleep each have a pink blanket, and they have a jar of candy in their room.| | Meta Knight is basically an old man in a snuggie giving commentary most of the time.| | To be honest, I really like how they made Kirby and MK have a size difference, their size fits their characters more.| |My friend informed me this past year that Meta Knight is voiced by the same guy who does Brock in Pokemon, “Eric Stuart” and I was internally scream-laughing| |Let me see his face! *let me in! let me iiiiin!*| |Sword and Blade are dorks, but they’re our dorks.| Whenever Tiff/Fumu comes at MK ranting about some bullshit, he’s DAD MODE ACTIVATE, awkward bat cat, or just “lol”.| | The penguin suit. No other context needed.| |Pie. It got on his precious snuggie cape. He feels dirty. Save him.| |Those times he makes a dramatic turn and his cape flutters, but his back is still completely covered by a whole damn layer of cape, it’s as long and fabulous as it has to be.| |We never got a ninja episode sequel. Meta Knight and the evil ninja handled their angst off screen.| |*Johnny Cage voice* You know your ship looks like a dildo.| |I love how every single character has their own distinct voice. Thicc accents. Especially Blade Knight’s... good lord, it’s  e x t r a  thicc.| |Kirby things are full of so many round characters, and I have a long history of loving round things. No wonder I love Kirby and the gang. Blue chonk and pink chonk are here to slice and explode monsters. Watch out, Nightmare, because Oh lawd they comin’.| 
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kaijuzilla · 6 years
Smash Bros University (Au Idea)
(MOD: I know this is a thing but I would like to do an AU too)
Also if you guys got any other idea for the Smash Students just tell me
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The school is like really big! It has a pool for swimmers and swim team. Huge track field as the field has the fighting stage under it where the tournaments and  event happens but also used to train fight skills. Huge jungle like forest next to the school that full of wildlife and filled with wild Pokemon. 4 Building that is part of the school (reason why it’s big) with other smaller buildings. Next too the school is the Smash Jr building which is for younger smash fighters/challengers. Principles are Crazy and Master Hand, (other recognizable video game characters are like background characters but can be talk to the known characters more. (and NO GOKU! we got Ryu.)). Huge science dome with a telescope to see the stars and far away planets in the astronomy room. 
“Welcome Students and Challengers...to Smash University”
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(The Assist Trophy Characters are in the school but some are students and some are teachers too. The Pokemons will be in the AU but will have Trainers alongside with them as like students.)
Mario - Has brother name Luigi, has job as builder, cleaner, and plumbing too, take health class which are good to get job as doctor, can’t eat mushrooms which mistaken for drug mushroom, Fight Bowser alot, Sonic rival when it comes to Olympic sport events, once got trouble setting the theater on fire by accident, got in trouble again for taking control of Master Hand with Cappy making no class and party one day, Cappy hangs around with him and always change to different hats for some special events, He told everyone that Luigi tells the truth about ghost but no one believes him even though he tells them he got stuck in a painting frame,
Donkey Kong - Leader of the DK Crew, has a coconut gun that can fire in spurt which is gonna hurt if it hits you, bigger, faster, and stronger too, Loves bananas which he has huge piles of bananas back home, protects the crystal coconut, Mario and DK are friends and rivals ever since DK took Pauline long ago, He is one of the best drum players but play drum with his hand no drum sticks, only wears a tie which people think he’s naked but with tie is ok but still think he kind of naked, studying to go to big company business,  
Link - Handsome Hylian and cool dude, also ride motorcycle and ride horse too and some other animals, as a kid he always throws barrels and pots alot, Link protect her from Ganon, Hold onto a sword even though it’s bad to use weapons in building but he use it in battles, He’s a great cook getting fresh food and meat,  silent dude but talk rarely sometimes, can ride any animals and a cool looking motorcycle, Pit jelly at him, has a pet wolf name Twilight, Zelda caught him cross dressing with Kirby which made her happy triggered to get the girls together and bring dresses and clothes for both of them to dress in, He learn to take selfies from Zelda, 2Beat Ganon Bowser King DDD and Everyone with a Stick, He can also see ghost,
Samus (Zero Suit) - Samus Aran,  people thought she was just some guy in her suit but turns out by surprise she was a girl, travel different planets and galaxies, her jet boots kind of made her popular with other girls and guys too, if someone try to kidnap her she will fight and paralyze them also use her plasma whip, She find Little Mac cute, the most flexible person more flexible then Wii Fit Trainer (cause her morph ball), has a Metroid with her as a pet or as like a baby boi which love to cuddle and land on other people head, if Baby (the metroid) land on other head and start sucking on their head he’s punish on a time out in a jar, go to bars to drink, she’s an animal in bed (act like a cat asking to be pet and feed her meme you thinking something else lol), pass Snake easy which is her favorite teacher, Pikachu Trainer are very good friends and Pikachu loves Samus, She also fell in love of Pikachu trainer (male) Pichu cousin which she likes to hug him alot, Reason she here cause Ridely is in the area and she is hunting him down for revenge for her parents but made good allies /friends along the way, She work out at the gym!, she is just like Tony Stark but each suit has different purpose though her old suit is gone and she use a new suit the “Metroid Armor” due to having parasite in the old suit which she will miss but came back becoming a monster, she also fight dark samus too,
Dark Samus - Samus Doppelganger or Evil Samus, Most wanted criminal in the area or whole galaxy, Mistaken alot for Samus by people but they never say any before she kills them, she only want samus to be dead and let phazon out loose,
Yoshi - Genderless multi color dinosaur, Green one is like the alpha, when there is fruit on your tray and was gone for just a second? Yoshi eat it, Loves Fruit, Makes a lot of yarn dolls which are popular, THERE SO MANY YOSHIS! but (green alpha) Yoshi was chosen to enter the university, on April Fools day he goes to everyone swallow them and pop them out to an egg as a prank, Likes to take a nap in the forests,  
Kirby - Loves to eat and sleep, only say “Poyo”, the one thing best about him is that he is huggable, cross dresser, Bayonetta help with make up and all other (smash girls) help him too to look like a girl which is the cutest thing ever, He is pink boi, been taking King DeDeDe cake, mentor is Meta Knight, Jiggilypuff mistake Kirby for another Jiggilypuff, Luma and Kirby best friends, speak tiny english and other language, has 3 other kirby friends, Bandanna Dee are very best friends!, copy everyone attacks when he suck then and gain their powers, ride to school by warp star or dragoon, another thing girls love to hug alot, cross dress making him more cute,
Fox - Fox McCloud, rival and friends with Falco, rides a tank, He now not allow to drive his tank to the parking lot so now he ride his ship to the landing parking, make a joke about what does the fox says, he dropout his academy and take less class to get revenge on his father, he wanted to explore the galaxy which amaze him, Fox finds out Samus is a girl and question how does her arm cannon work,  
Pikachu (Trainer name: Spark & Sparkle) - He may be short but he's energetic, has twin sister name Sparkle, Sparkle loves to cosplay and enters every beauty contests and costume contests, both have little cousin nephew who own a Pichu name Static who lives with them, Spark likes to battle a lot, so he enters the tournaments and ask other trainers in the area to challenge him so he can beat Red,  Sparkle doesn't fight much but she disguise herself and her Pikachu in the Librea costume in every fight with a different name, They are protective to their nephew, Static hate Shade who taunted his little nephew once, Static and Samus are good friends back in the days which his twin sister thought she's her girlfriend but mistaken it and became her friend too, Their Pikachus love Samus,  
Luigi - Mario brother, always get bully, he saying there a ghost behind the person but they think he’s just crazy, he also work with his brother but vacuum the place and vacuum ghost too, He’s an innocent guy and also a funny dude which he got some moves, people think Daisy and Luigi are a couple but they’re just friends (they keep it a secret), his deadly attack is his kick, carries a vacuum cleaner with him all times, He is Prof. E Gadd favorite student who also his friend, Help and beleive with E Gadd with Ghost,
Ness - One of Lucas best friends, became ROB friend and show him around school and taught him everything he need to know, Number 1 Student, he protects Lucas alot, does amazing tricks with a yoyo,  
Captian Falcon -  When he said “show me your moves” it sound like or miss heard saying “show me your boobs” making all girls weird out and staying away from him, has a race jet vehicle, cool dude and felt sorry for killing Olimar pikimins that one time he arrive to school, He's a gym teacher, He also tell stories about his races long time ago questioning how old he is and why he wears the helmet everyday, he wears his helmet everyday and only takes it off at his house, for extra in the class he also tells them safety of driving,  
Jigglypuff (Trainer name: Tiff) - her hair style is just like her Jigglypuff curly hair, both love to sing but Tiff wears fuzzy ear muff to keep her awake when she sings with Jigglypuff which once causes her friends to fall asleep in the karaoke room, her Jigglypuff was mistaken for Kirby with a new haircut according to King DDD who freaked out once, she can be picky eater, pouts a lot,  
Peach - Popular girl in college, from rich family, not a diva or a bitch she’s really kind and nice, She friend with (all smash girls) and nice to Mr. Game and Watch which they became friends when she forgot her umbrella and lost it she met MGW who gave her umbrella, Bowser number one crush but Peach see him as a friend and Mario her crush too, Toads are like guards for her but one Red Toad is a student in the university which study and protect Peach, learn to selfie by Zelda, love to dress up, best cake maker, strong princess, favorite shape is hearts
Daisy - Friends with the Smash Girls, mistake for Luigi girlfriend but they’re just friends (they both keep it a secret), loves sports, tomboish type, even though she wears a dress and crown she like wearing some other clothes other than dresses, she strong princess too, Before she came to the school she worried she didn’t get in till one day she got her invitation and she throw a huge party celebration, favorite flower is daisy, Blue Toad is her bodyguard too,  
Boswer - The bad boy but also nice guy, Mario rival, Koopalings are his kids, Fight Mario a lot but he beat him once but Mario beat him alot, They may be rivals but they kind of friends, he has gangs of Koopas and Goombas, he may be a bad guy but he is kind (he like those character who looks like a bully but deep down he’s a nice dude), He help Bayonetta and Jeanne from time to time when she summon his fists and feet for attack with her costume, #1 Dad,  
Ice Climbers (Popo & Nana) - Twins and nice kids to meet at the junior class, look like they’re hot but inside are ice packs in their jackets, Once froze Junior and the Koopalings from their pranks, Friends with Ness and Lucas, cold doesn’t bother them anyway, Kirby accidently call them Lololo and Lalala which is cute, King DDD love the twins, when it comes to longest stairs it's like jumping and climbing up the mountain and a challenge,  
Zelda - royal princess student like Peach, can do magic and also past class with flying colors, royal family, nerd, love to take pictures and selfie (she taught peach to selfie), really love frogs but tell link to lick it alot even pressing the frog on link cheek like giving a baby it’s food, Sheik is mistaken for Zelda brother which nobody know Sheik is just Zelda as a guy, her outfits or clothing changes sometimes still making her still beautiful, she can do magic and summon a dark knight armor suit, she also have a rapier, There’s actually another student name Zelda but one is a Mii Fighter name from a special man,
Pichu (Trainer name: Static) - He and his Pichu get along very well together, youngest's nephew from another region to the twins, Pichu said to get hurt from its own electricity but for Static he sometimes trips hurting him too, He became friend with the trainers pokemon but also Mewtwo too, The cinammon roll who you want to protect which is too pure for the world, Static became Bowser Jr. friend cause he see Static cool, Static is friends with all the trainers in the school and when he grows up he’s gonna be the strongest trainer,
Falco - rival and friends with Fox, rides a tank, hands off his bread which are his favorite food, help fox revenge his father but is hot tempered, Number 1 Ace Pilot, the cool bird in the flock, Link thought he was an old friend from the past, Link mistaken him for a Rito,  
Marth - Transfer student from another place, royal family, mistaken for a girl alot even mistaken for Lucina, Meta Knight and Ike good friend, speak English and Japanese, Loyal student to the university, He always there to help out some of his classmate 
Lucina - Chrom daughter (Chrom is a teacher), Robin best friend, see Meta Knight cute with the mask, try to take that mask off of Meta Knight but get pile of masks, has a mask using it at every dance if she remove the mask it will make her embarrass since she is in a dress and doesn’t want people recognize her at the dance, like to sing when alone, embarrass that her dad is a teacher here and he can be protective,  
Young Link - Another one of Link cousin, Has a collection of mask, plays alot of instruments, some reason always look up to the moon when it’s full but if anyone touch him he freaks out, Instead of a metal shield he use a wood as a shield which he can still beat anyone with it, love trees, He play some memes on his instruments, Doesn't wield a master sword or a master shield but he still got the wooden shield and a regular sword that still kick butts,  
Ganondorf - He like the one guy who wanted the power of the triforce from Link and Zelda but in school he just learning just some random stuff that none never expect he trying to learn, he can hack, ladies man or player, when he angry he turn into a giant monster boar and pull out his gigantic swords but uses his fist in a fight, he can be a backstabber, when not getting triforce he just hangout with some of the students which is like seeing a different person, has a gigantic sword with him too,  
Mewtwo (Trainer name: Shade) - Probably one of the dangerous trainer from the other trainers making him third place on the trainer ballot, He's a smart intellegent trainer, his Mewtwo (when out of it's pokeball) in battle may look dangerous and deadly but outside of battle it likes to fly around with Extreame Speed and sometimes help others if they're in trouble, Has the mega stone for Y form, Battle Lucario who one day took its place which he swear to return to claim his place stronger than ever, Mewtwo is a nice pokemon but Shade is like not a good player showing no good sportsmanship to challengers,  
Roy - youngest of the fire emblem gang, always late in one minute to class but still make it on time, only speak Japanese but the Fire Emblem gang help translate it back or Cloud, an old friend to everyone that everyone glad to see return and meet at the University (Melee),  
Chrom - Lucina dad and Robin best friend, World Greatest Grandma, Best Dad, Teach some histories, 
Mr. Game & Watch - the one person that you can’t see right in front of you when walking cause how flat he is, only make click clack 8 bit sounds, watch out for his hammer, like Peach umbrella, Pac Man are bros (same year), Great cook,  Nobody understand him except Kirby,
Meta Knight - has a Spanish accent, mysterious dark boi, Kirby mentor, also sexy mysterious man who wears a mask, under his mask...is another mask, if his face is reveal he will disappeared to get another mash that he have over alot of back home, has a huge giant battleship which is like his car or something, gets hug by Lucina but keep mask on when she try to remove his mask alot turning out be another mask, master of the sword, call out Kirby ability names (IT’S META KIRBY), hides in the shadow, he got dark bat wings make him scary but really cool, smart dude, has an amiibo figure of himself
Pit - Captain of Palutena royal guard, getting flirt by Bayonetta alot making him so nervous and embarrass as his face is full red, rival but try be friend with Pito which he call Dark Pit, he know everyone in the school and fight them side by side, was make fun of for not actually flying even thought he need Palutena to make him fly (in game he only jump 4 times which flap his wings making him fly) Palutena is like a mother or big sister even though they aren’t related he loves her, always study and passing his class if he fail test or class he get punishment (from either Palutena or Bayonetta), Jelly of Link, Fan of Megaman and friends with everyone
Dark Pit - mistaken for Pit twin or long-lost twin brother or dark twin brother (have a yin and yang thing), Pit try to hang with Dark Pit but he told him to stay away from him but one class they’re partner till end of school year, Hates being call Pito, Bayonetta does something else with him that she doesn’t do to Pit,
Wario - Works in the cafeteria, stinks like unions and something else rotten, Waluigi Tacos are best in the cafeteria and so is Wario unions, Drives a motorcycle but also some what eat it? People question him alot, Mario old enemy, (they have this Bulk and Skull characteristics), love money, rumor said he has a game show who he goes by as Wario Man and in his game show he makes it difficult for the players without telling them what to do in the game except showing how the game work,  
Snake - Teaches students about self-defense and combats also military work outs, Most intense workout of all workouts that he set out landmine fields and so much intense training like jumping over a huge lava pool to the other side, the most intense hard mode Cruel gym teacher ever, really loves boxes….and Nintendo boxes….make a fortress out of cardboard boxes, loves dogs and animals, He told his life story to Luigi which confuses him,
Ike - Fight for his Friends, Radiant Hero, challenge Cloud alot, hangout with Link and is his wingman to help him to help his crush, gets everyone pump up with a speech before the fight or challenge, The class Vice President, 
Charizard (Trainer name: Blaze) - He is a fierce trainer who likes to fire things up in battle, His Charizard is strong but lose to Mewtwo and Lucario which both Lucario and Charizard became rival, has a tomboy personality too, he loves a good challenge, He use his Charizard to fly to places which he try skydiving tricks a lot with her Charizard, his Charizard is female and not same height as Reds Charizard, He also has Mega stone for X form, 
Pokemon Trainer (Red & Leaf) - Red is the most powerful pokemon trainer in the school, Leaf is the shiny user which all her pokemons are all shiny, Red is always silent, but Leaf know what he's saying with the look on his face, Lucas best friend to Red, Red team are Charizard Ivysaur and Squirtle, His Charizard is the biggest Charizard, 
Ivysaur (Trainer name: Rose) - Has a tomboy personality, shy to dress in girl clothes prefer baggy pants and lose shirts, she likes to sleep and can sometimes be lazy, from her looks she is a smart person and strong trainer, Sheldon once call her his big sister even though not related and live with each other with Blaze she feel so happy being call big sister,
Squirtle (Trainer name: Sheldon) - He doesn’t like being call Squirt due to his height even though he’s a kid, Him and his Squirtle are great friends, Static and Sheldon hangout and train each other to get stronger together, He see Rose as a Big Sister, both love to swim and play in the rain,
Diddy Kong - Member of the DK crew, DK trusty partner, the victim who been leaving banana peels on the floor alot!, has a rocket barrel which he one time accidentally explode in class which also happen to his peanut barrel gun but it explode in class but it explode his face, play a sick guitar, he and Bowser Jr are rivals due to them pranking each other alot,  
Lucas - one kid who depress for family loss and everyone felt really bad so they all became his friends, he loves everyone and hangs out with them alot, Hang with PacMan Luigi and Ness too, Reason Luigi and Pac Man is cause of Ghost and he want to be brave, When Ness protects him he blushes and feels warm with him (*shippers screaming in the background*), has a dog and a friend name Kumatora,  
Sonic - Fastest thing alive in the building, Runs everywhere, break the rule for running in the hallway alot but it has railings installed which make things better and fun for him, the birds and little critters love him since he save them from the past, has Dr. Eggman for a teacher in robotics which made him watch him in case he does something bad,  
King DeDeDe - DeDeDe THAT’S THE NAME YOU SHOULD KNOW, DeDeDe HE’S THE KING OF THE SHOW, YOU’LL HOLLER AND HOOT, HE’LL GIVE KIRBEH THE BOOT, DeDeDe IS THE ONE!,  COMIN’ AT YA!, carry around his hammer, bully kirby but they’re friends but won’t forgive the time he took his piece of cake, Waddle Dee serve him alot, Bandanna Dee is his best man, in art class he pose so everyone can draw him like one of his french king penguins, love to eat, likes Luigi and Ness, hate Wario for hitting him one time but he got revenge by rocket hammering him, Dance king, Triple D, Ice Climbers are best hammer teammates and friends,
Olimar & Alph - Gardens alot of plants and pikimins, Doesn’t talk that much but tells how to garden plants and talks about the wildlife, Has a rocket that can go to space…..kind of?, Everytime he try to launch himself to space the rocket will fail every single time but he’s not giving up, Alph just there with Olimar and can sometimes be forgettable sometimes,  
Lucario (Trainer name: Kenchi) - He and Lucario are aiming to be the best just like Spark and his Pikachu, He defeat Mewtwo and his trainer which he became 3rd place, Loves challenges too, has a mega stone, When out of its pokeball it goes into the woods to train it's aura more in intense training even with other Pokemon,  
R.O.B - the most oldest and rusty robot of the area, founded when Pikachu (trainer) - Ness & Lucas use their electric attacks on it which turn itself on, ROB is everyone friend, birds like him, has a top which is fun to play with, was an old robot that all of it’s brother and sister destroy and diapered and he is last of it’s kind (Like bastion from overwatch), dynamite with a lazer beam that can smash, He like Iron Giant and Bastion together like when someone he know or analyze as a friend and that friend i s hurt by enemy he target lock and try to exterminate or terminate the target with red eyes and intense lazer beam, but calms down when trying to stop him in smash arena, he likes puzzles too, Everyone robot best friend, the university help R.O.B out with giving him spare parts and some upgrades too,
Toon Link - Link distance relative cousin from across the sea, lazy and sleepy green bean boi, he has a boat that’s a dragon and a one hat that’s also a bird, he is an amazing music conductor, silent small boi, likes to play pirates, boi, he’s chick magnet cause of his tininess and cuteness,  
Wolf - A criminal which Fox and Falco keep eye on in Smash but later on cool with each other, Surpass Snake Trials and Challenges, story heard that he use to be a space pirate but that's the past, ride tank and a space ship,  
Villiger - People fear this kid due to his menacing lifeless smile face but he’s actually really nice kid once you know him, rumor said he a mayor is some other town they never heard of?, He take a class like anthropology and communication and also history too, carry around a bug net to catch frogs and bugs and fishing rods and shovel which make him most known for finding an ancient fossil that been lying under the area for millions of years, For a small student he’s actually the class president
Megaman - A student who a running start and transfer student, He goes two schools (cause of Marvel vs Capcom), Ryu old friend, people thought he eat battery or drink oil but he’s just a normal boy, Best engineering student, has a dog but the dog look cybernetic but he’s good dog, has a crush on Samus but they’re just friends but she finds him cute still (*pat Megaman on the back*),  
Wii Fit Trainer - Yoga student, some boys join yoga just to be with her, like boys and girls, knows self-defenses, exercise everyday, they didn’t notice she got an eye like iris and pupils first place but when they see her eyes now they see she’s really cute, both of them dress as slender man and women on Halloween that scare everyone even the principles and teachers too when they are just so silent and sticking to the character,
Rosalina & Luma - Luma is like class huggable pet friend making people cheer up and feel relax when hugging it, Rosalina study in astronomy which she’s top student in astronomy (she might be an astronomy teacher), She hang with Mario Luigi Peach Daisy and Toad, Kirby and Rosalina are good friends since both are from space and Kirby likes Luma, she travel by those star launcher to university, love to see the stars, Love to sleep, She also help kids reading them some stories sometimes use to help them sleep,
Little Mac - One of the greatest fighter and champion in boxing, he even beat DK in the boxing ring, make fun his height and he’ll knock you out the building sending you flying, love chocolate and his coach, His coach is best man, *insert Treasure Planet best quote here for Coach and Little mac*, Coach is also the gym teacher and is kind of like a father to Little Mac,  “HIT EM BABY” SHOW THEM WHAT YOU GOT MAC” “GREAT JOB MAC NOW LETS TRAIN FOR THE NEXT COURSE” *eat chocolate bar*,  
Greninja (Trainer name: Kochi) - A silent and keen trainer which both Greninja and himself master ninja techniques, Greninja stay out of the pokeball so it can train himself with Lucario and other Pokemon when their trainers return from class,  
Mii Fighters - Kat (Swordsman) Brox (Fighter) and Stacy (Gunner) are like known mii fighters at SMASH, Kat here to be the best race driver, Brox wants a challenger to fight and probably go to business in some company, Stacy wants to be a florist selling garden plants and flowers, 3 are like some cartoon or anime main protagonist characters that team up to fight some evil or go school together, They help save a Mii Princess from Dark Emperor, know everyone in the building and area, each fight they change costumes and gears and styles too, Three of them made their own gears and costumes which they also upgrade their gears alot for each fight they enter to prepare themselves, Kat and Brox do have a friendly rivalry to see whose best fighter and Stacy is in it too, Stacy the Tank, Brox the Muscles, Kat is the Speed, Samus is like Stacy favorite person, Stacy does Target Blast training to get her shooting skills up more, Brox likes a good challenger even against Ryu, Kat train this swordsmanship with other sword fighters, They all work out at gym!,  
Palutena - Goddess of Light, support Pit and help him study too, like a mother or big sister to Pit even though they aren’t related but she loves him and Pit love her too, She now everything and everyone at school, she be protective to Pit from Bayonetta when she try flirting him by hugging him and pout at her, dancer on her pole (or staff?), Bayonetta flirt her too~ oh my~,  
PAC-MAN - Loves to eat alot of fruits, Also makes all ghost scare of him except the Ghost gang, Help Luigi with ghost problems, Love To Eat, Has a wife, LOVE TO EAT!?!!?!?!?!?!?
Robin (Male) -  He likes to read books, hangout with Lucina (and everyone else), good grades in chemistry and magic class, loves books, he reads books in a fight which is the most strangest thing everyone seen,
Shulk -  a student from another country or place, He’s Really Feeling It, That so Shulk~ HE CAN GAZE INTO THE FUTURE~, nice cool dude, sometimes slack off but when exam or huge project he go intense,  
Bowser Jr. and The Koopalings - The tiny bad gang but not that bad just annoying kids, Bowser Jr leader of the Koopalings, Jr can turn to fake mario to frame mario for painting the walls and spread paint everywhere, Koopalings are just regular kids with different personality: The leader, the girl, the aggressive, the brawn, the cute and crazy laughign one with a tame chain chomp but wears glasses, cool dude, carzy one,one with big hair like wow Ludwing got big blue hair, Chain Chomp name Chompy is their pet but belong to Iggy,  
Duck Hunt -  kind of like a mascot but also a student and hangout with Yoshi and other Pokemon, rumors or myths is heard that there’s a man that no one can see that has a lock on target on them and that person will shoot them, ke he he he he,  
Ryu - New transfer student, really good fighter like Little Mac, carry a sandbag everywhere some reason, speak English and Japanese, he’s here to take on challengers of SMASH,  
Cloud - Speak Japanese and English but mostly Japanese, Look like anime fan, People said he smell chocobo he thought he smell chocolate but finds out chocobos are some birds, everyone try to pick up his sword but nobody can’t pick it up,  
Corrin (Female) - one student who has a big family which is 2 family becoming 1 family, go to class and places wearing no shoes just barefoot, legos aren’t her weakness, she love her family and friends, she good at negotiating people arguments but if one of them agree but the other disagree then she will change the other person who disagree her some…let say this person change it’s mind quick, Reason she doesn’t wear shoes is jsut she doesn’t like wearing them and doesn’t feel comfortable, 
Bayonetta - Sexy and hot girl in school, (of course) she help in the library, flirt with Pit because he’s a young boy and an angel which she might want to have fun with him, Also wanna have fun with Palutena, has gun on her heels but she not afraid to shoot but give a warning shot not hurting everyone but does scare them, can summon demons making fighting her more intense, Peach Samus & Zelda hang out with her and one time she dress as one of them once which got them falling for her and liking her more, "If you need to learn how to talk to a lady, ask your mum.“ good advice to young ones, give good dating advice or get girl or guy advice, loves lollipops, hate cockroaches and crying babies and crying cockroaches babies and tentacles, give Dark Pit bad punishment if he miss behaves~ he been a bad boi~, prefers Pit more since she finds him….good~, Gets along with everyone in the school area, Sometimes bring her friends to Rodin bar to get some drinks with,  
Inklings / Octoling - Always make a mess with paint in the hallways but does look and mad the hallways pop with colors which is good, Mario thought he kill them when using water on them by accident but they respawn all ok, The speak English but to others they speak some squidling language and octoling too, They do have great dance moves, Great gun user and never miss, (girl) love the princess and take selfies with them even hangout with them, both love a challenge, love to sing,  
Ridely - He kill Samus parents and her adopted parents (Chozo), Killer Fighter and very dangerous, dangerous dragon of the area, has criminal records, Samus gonna kick his ass, Almost closely kill Megaman and Mario, (Male) Pikachu trainer beat him when team up with Samus, He always mistaken for an xenomorph with wings, He’s a sneaky killer that also jokes in the fight but he doesn’t hold anything back he goes in and drag his prey to the ground and he drag them and shoot his powerful beam, survive Samus attack but he knock her out (closely killing her) and destroy her suit once but she return to beat him but he run, When he was about to kill Samus all of her friends got her back and beat him making him swear to hunt them too when he recovers, If Samus leave this planet it gives him the advantage to kill everyone, If he die he will still be resurrected as robot or recover in time,
Simon - He teach all students about Mythology and Folklore, Master at Monster hunting and bounty hunter, Eats wall meat which appeared out of nowhere when he destroy walls, have to teach Dracula when he comes back from the dead, Takes them on dangerous missions or quest to hunt monsters along with Monster Hunters and Riders, Whip them if they miss behave, 
Ritcher - Knows how to hunt monsters but is a student at the school, Kirby want his wall meat, He also hunt vampires alot, Simon best student, Kirby new friend, Nice to everyone, 
King K. Rool - Reason why there was once a huge hole in the school and why all the windows shatter from a  huge shockwave, only DK and Diddy can stop him, He also reason why all bananas are all gone in cafeteria except coconuts,
“Club, Classes, Sports, Team, and Events”
Classes: Math/Algebra, English/Other Language, Gym/Athletic, Yoga, Biology/Science/Chemistry, Technology/Construction, History, Anthropology/Communication, Job/Public, Military, Nature/Garden, Smash (Friday class only), Music/Singing, Art./Creativity, Mythology, 
Clubs: Ghost Busting Club, Plumbing Club, Archery Club, Box Fighting Club, Trainer Club, Villain Only Club, Gardening Club, Anime/Video Game Club, Assist Club, Cooking Club, Band Club, Robotics Club, Photograph Club, Drama Club, Art Club, Book/Literature Club, Chess Club, Retro Club, Splat Club, Smash Training Club, Space Club,
Sports: Smash (it’s also a class which all student fighters must attended to), Basketball, Swimming, ACE Tennis, Track Field, Football, Splat, Box Fighting, Golf, Soccer, Racing,
Teams: Swim Team, Basketball Team, Cheerleader Team, Chess Team, Football Team, Track Team, Tennis ACE Team, Smash Team, Splat Team, Box Fighting Team, Golf Team, Soccer Team, Racing Team,
Events: Parties (It’s just like Mario Parties), School Olympics (Sonic or Mario Team), School Festival, Prom/Dances, Halloween Event, Winter Wonderland Week, Movie Night, Smash Tournaments, Sports Day, Teacher Appreciation Week, Art Day, Parents Day, Kids Day, Color Splash Day, Field Day, Graduation Day, Spirit Week, 
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lizartgurl · 7 years
These Were The Moments Never To Be Forgotten... [My Young Justice Secret Santa fic for @fight-me-boi]
So I am a terrible person for getting this done so late, but it’s not New Year’s yet! @fight-me-boi, I was your Secret Santa this year. I had a lot of fun with your ideas and I wanted to include as many as possible, which ended up not happening. But I still loved writing this [Fluff, morning routine, bonding, day-off-ish], and I hope that you love reading this too.
*takes place druing the five years in-between seasons one and two*
Dick loved sleeping over at the cave.
It was noisy when he woke up, compared to just him, Bruce, and Jason in separate rooms of a Manor a mile long. At the cave, Gar, Wally, and Jason would try to see who could get up earliest and choose which video game to play before the others woke up.
This tirade of competition and friendly insults- directed either at the competitors or the choice of game being played- served as the soundtrack for everyone else as they were awakened, and filed into the kitchen for breakfast.
Alfred made incredible meals, of that there was no doubt. But Dick loved being able to pitch in and help M'gann and everyone else make breakfast. It was like another team exercise, only much more delicious.
Then the guys would all jockey for a position at the sink or the showers, while the girls took things in a much more organized way, passing the toothpaste and brushing each other’s hair.
Maybe it was a guy thing, but Nightwing enjoyed the organized chaos the could never come within a mile radius of the Bat-Cave. Articles of clothing strewn over the back of the couch. Dishes left in the sink with the empty promise of loading the dishwasher later. Gobs of toothpaste littering the sink. Video cases and game consoles somehow winding up in the garage with the spare parts for the motorcycles, and the pencils used for schoolwork mysteriously disappearing into thin air.
(Dick solved that particular mystery a month ago- Wolf was hoarding all the pencils to make his puppies pay attention to him).
After breakfast came the actual training exercise, whether in uniform or workout clothes. Black Canary worked them to the bone, but at least that was better than Batman's glare of disapproval when Wally proved severely disappointing in tactics.
Martian Manhunter taught disguise. Superman's training sessions were just him telling them a story about some old couple he met while on  hero-duty as a reminder to be compassionate to the people they saved (Connor decked anyone who talked during Superman’s stories).
Artemis and Rocket had been disappointed at first when Wonder Woman said she wasn't there to teach them secret Amazonian fighting tips, but everyone found her lessons on world culture fascinating, and certainly more informative than anything they learned in Public School Social Studies.
And then after training, if there were no crises that needed to be handled by an undercover covert ops team of extremely volatile meta-teens, the team hit the harbor.
Hoodies and shades all around, they looked like a gang until they walked into the fifties dinner and ordered about a dozen milkshakes with fries to dip in them.
They were probably the only reason that the Bowl-r-Rama was still in business at the time. twice  a week almost twenty teenagers trooped into the building still stuck in the sixties, playing the Jackson Five as Mal shot a strike down the center of his alley, to be promptly rewarded by a kiss from Karen. At which Megan would cover Gar’s eyes to protect his innocence, even though everyone knew she and Connor were just as bad. Chuckling, Dick covered Jason’s eyes, just to make it equal for the two boys.
Babs and Artemis would tease the two of them as they hopped up next, signature yellow and green balls in hand, just before Kal’s cell went off, and everyone would groan.
“He promised that there wouldn’t be a mission today!” Wally whined, yanking his jacket on.
“Since when does the world stay saved for very long,” Raquel grinned.
With the growth of the team, it was rare to have all team members aboard the bioship at once.  It was quite unnecessary to have such a big team, and the load slowed down the bioship considerably. Still, it was more fun to go on a mission all together, all cozy and close in their seats, and Nightwing found the backup and security extremely comforting.
Still, no matter how many members went out, someone always came back with some sort of injury.
Aqualad would berate himself for getting injured, they always would in one way or another, but with their leader, everyone seemed to notice it a bit more.
Dick was just grateful that no one had died. Gar ignored M’gann’s pleas to stay in bed and rest up, but he insisted on getting better. He wouldn’t let that happen to him again. He would train harder, get better, get faster.
Dick watched and shook his head from the shadows of the training room as the green boy hit and kicked at thin air, his injuries throwing him off-balance.
“Your form is off,” Piped a voice that always seemed to be carrying anger. Jason- Robin to everyone but Rick and Babs- stepped out of the hall.
The two were the youngest on the team, Jason a year Garfield’s senior. They were just barely allowed to go on missions, but the argument stood that experience was one of the best ways to train.
Gar pretended that he hadn’t been holding back tears. “What?” He asked.
“You’re unbalanced. Upset.”
“How would you know. You’re so mad all the time.” Beast Boy pointed out.
“Yeah,” Jason snorted, owning the fact, “But Batman’s teaching me to center my anger, to focus, and use it, not to let it distract me from the fight.”
“Huh.” Gar had run out of comebacks.
The angry boy walked up to the green boy, positioning his arms and legs just so.
“Center yourself,” He repeated. Dick chuckled softly to himself, detecting a hint of gruffness in the boy’s voice that mimicke Bruce’s. No matter how much the second Robin pouted about Batman, he really looked up to the dark knight.
He left the two swinging fists and grunting, heading for the kitchen, where he found smoke, and the circle of his closest friends.
“Should we let Gar go on missions anymore?” M’gann asked, her voice a high-pitched squeak as she pulled her fifth tray of burnt cookies out of the oven. “I know he has powers, but he’s so young, he’s so untrained-”
“He’s learning, though,” Wally pointed out, absentmindedly gnawing a lump that was supposed to resemble chocolate-chip.
“But the question still remains; is there an age limit, despite training or prowess or experience, that should keep people from joining missions?
“I am not saying that it should prohibit anyone from joining the team. They can join and we can train them until an appropriate age, without sending them out into the field.” Kaldur clarified.
“Are we really going to be raising a bunch of child soldiers?” Artemis asked, thoroughly soaking her cookie in a glass of milk.
“You guys know Gar won’t like it if we try to make him stay behind while we go off on a mission. And Robin would be even worse.” Connor pointed out.
“And you’re forgetting something very important,” Nightwing strode across the room, stroking an invisible beard on his clean-shaven beard.
“And what would that be, o wise one?” Wally asked sarcastically.
Dick grinned as he sipped his glass of milk. “You guys do remember how we started this whole thing, right?”
Kaldur sighed, and Wally grinned half-heartedly.
“By denying a bunch of authority figures, we know,” Zatanna said, lounged across the couch reading a book, appearing as if she wasn’t paying attention.
Dick nodded to the oven, just in time for M’gann to take out her first perfect batch of the day.
“If we keep Gar and Jason from missions, they might do the same to us.”
“So we keep them with us, where we can keep an eye on them.” M’gann said.
Raquel sat up, pointing her cookie at the Martian. “Okay, now you’re starting to sound like the League.”
M’gann clasped a hand over her mouth, a faint pink blush coloring her cheeks as she smiled sheepishly.
“I guess, now I know what Uncle J’onn feels, having the responsibility of taking care of someone else on your shoulders.”
“We all do,” Artemis sighed loudly. Try as they might, no one could resist becoming protective of Beast Boy, Robin, or even the two partners of Captain Marvel, who showed up maybe once a month to help out if it was really necessary.
The eight looked at each other with wide eyes at the realization for a long moment, before bursting into laughter.
“Fate, we’re old.” Wally said, shoving three more burnt cookies into his mouth.
Dick nudged his best friend.
“Just wait ‘til we’re in college.”
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bublp0pr · 7 years
you know, sometimes i take a step back and wonder what i’m doing sticking around in a fandom that i’ve been obsessing over for a little over a year now and then i take a moment and look at my life and go...
Papyrus is bae and goals and everything great and pure and perfect in this word. I will never forget our date my sweet skele-dove your spaghetti riddled its way to my heart from the word ‘boondoggle’ and every second in this world since you rejected me is that of a half life, a cursed life, and empty life. And yet, I forgive you. Truly you are a skeleton of unspeakable honourable standards and I respect that. You are the greatest Papyrus. The greatest.
Undyne is my spirit animal and thinking about her when no one else is around make me want to stand up, yell at the top of my lungs and roar like some beserker-mode she-hulk from hell and crush my opponents into the ground so hard they pulverise on contact. It makes me want to release all the energies of my soul in a punch of passion that leaves destruction in my midst and drives in me some warrior instinct I never knew i had.
Sans and Papyrus are the BroTP that i never knew my heart needed to survive but it most DEFINITELY does just... just take my soul already. The feels have melted it anyway. Take it. I don’t need it anymore, these skeletons are my heart. Their love is my love. Their life is my life. 
Chara and Asriel’s back story gives me feels so hard i break out the dramatic single tear whenever i hear His Theme and the full magnitude of every single shred of their implied history i hold in the most sacred of gravity, appreciating how their actions directly are interwoven into the entirety of Undertale’s main storyline.
Though their words come out like loud nasal clicking from an old-school gameboy system I can hear every word, every tone, every inflection, every hesitation, every last drop of emotion in those lines and their voices live on and resonate with me long after that text finishes loading or I press X.
Toriel. Asgore. Sans. Papyrus. Alphys. Undyne. Mettaton. Naptsablook. Asriel. Frisk. Chara. Flowey. Monster Kid. Muffet. Dogamy. Dogaressa. Moldsmall. Migosp. Whimsun. Vegetoid. Loox. Mad Dummy’s cousin (~you are the apple of my eye ;D). Specifically the Froggits who teach Frisk about showing a little mercy, showing respect for monsters by not skipping through all their dialogue all the time, contemplate the amount of frogs in the room and can arrange for all the monsters to change their names pink instead of yellow as a favour if you want. Not to mention the poor Froggit that Toriel gave a full on death glare when we tried to compliment lol. Snowdrake. IceCap. Gyftrot. Chilldrake. Doggo. Lesser Dog. Greater Dog. Snowman. Grillby. Nicecream Guy. That bunny who walks her brother bun on a leash. The bunny who finds that disturbing. The monster who spends all their time rearranging presents under a decorated tree. Mysterious person behind the door who loves the sound of me knocking their door. That wolf who constantly throws large blocks of ice from a machine into the water knowing it will cool down the core. The fish monster who threw out a pick up line. The dog who’s playing poker against himself and losing. The monster who talks about crowding in New Home and how people will start moving to Snowdin and slip on their butts. The bear who goes ‘thaaats politics’ and should really be elected mayor (I’d vote for you). The librarian who has to put up with the spelling mistake for their Librarby sign. The monster who wasted all of their school life on wordsearches to realise that it was actually worth it after all. The ladies who write the newspaper including the one who’s still in the process of writing a book. The rocks who play human and monster. The shopkeeper who makes the classic cinnamon bunnies and greets a traveller. The inn keeper and her kid who are kind enough to not charge you without staying the full night and give you a refund. The annoying dog. Shyren. Aaron ;). Woshua. Temmie. Jerry (ok... maybe i don’t appreciate him. But still. He’s memorable)  Moldbygg (i respect your space). That little monster who doesn’t know what a star is. That monster that just wants you to step on their face. The small bird that carries me over a disproportionately sized gap. The two monsters who must have made wishes to the echo flowers and laughed when they realised their dreams were one in the same. Gerson, who has the guts to stare a homocidal maniac in the eye and know they can’t do a thing to strike him down while he’s like this and actually calls the little demon out on it too; respect dude. Tsunderplane. Vulkin. Pyrope. RG01 and RG02 you crazy dragon and bunny lovers you ;D. Heats Flamesman (of course I can’t forget). Okkkkkkkkk clam guy (you’re such a poser). The Mettaton fans that couldn’t make it to work who were actually quite well-informed about what Mettaton’s demographics like. The school kid monsters who loitered around and celebrated the time off because of those activated traps even though they were already in summer holidays anyway lol. The poor sucker who spent all their money when they walked past Muffet’s sales bench. The lion who wanted to wear a dress like mettaton and looked fabulous wearing it btw. The dragon with a wife back at home he desperately had to call because of the broken elevator. The slime who, as a slime, had a legitimate disliking to the situation. Bratty and Catty. The poor janitor perpetually cleaning forever but never taking a break either (now that’s dedication). The fathah of the Snowdrake and his amalgamate wife, happily reuinited and accepting their son for the aspiring comedian he is. The monster who makes reservations for literally everything in the restaurant. The totally relatable guy who stuck it out with that plan like a socially awkward pro in there. The monster who loves his job and puzzles. The monster who hates his job and puzzles. Burgerpants, my man you bring cred to the minimum wage class. (...i’ll admit all the NPCs started to blur together by the time i reached the core but i’ll give it my best shot. *deep breath*) All dem mercenaries hired by Mettaton, the ones who looked like bananas as silhouettes, you know who you are. Night night Knight Knight, sleep tight (don’t let the bedbugs bite). Madjick. My mystical friend Final Froggit. Whimsalot. Astigmatism. In particular that one dude who liked the fire room and would try to find it when the core reshuffled itself and chill in there sometimes, something about that story really stuck with me. All those monsters in New Home kind enough to fill me in on the story of the dead prince and human. Alphys’ amalgamates: the bad memories, the one whose ‘attack’ was getting themselves attacked by bees and then setting them off on me, Endogeny, the one whose speech was overlapped from all the different people in them, the one with the giant monster mouth attack, the one who put a blanket over us that was absolutely adorable, the one that Frisk tried to check out in the shower that weirdo (good for you disappearing on us when we open the shower curtain and respecting your privacy, i’d get progressively more panicked if someone was trying to perv on me too) and the ones that disguised themself as a SAVE point and shock bubble symbol (classic but meta at the same time, really inventive you guys). And i’ve probably missed people... but yeah. Lots of memories. Lots of friends. Gotta love em all. 
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