#the mind of xelyn
shotdownbutstillalive · 6 months
MUN'S  FAVOURITES.  Tag  10  people  you  want  to  know  better !
Favorite color(s): Purple, but I also look really good in green
Song stuck in your head: I'm Heading Out (Of My Mind) by Dan Bull
Last song you listened to: Soliton by Steam Powered Giraffe
3 favorite foods: I've gotta agree with Xelyn on the sushi, then stroganoff, and also right now mochi has been a go to treat
Dream trip: Getting my passport and seeing some of Canada would be nice, and then I'd get a chance to visit one of my cousins who lives in Washington state too
Anything I want rn: A better desk. The one I have now is way too small for how I use it
Tagged by: @silver-blooded-synthetics
Tagging: @desolationtrial, @pl1200, @bleedingviolet, @detroitstokenasshole, @sacrificedforthecause, @the-wonder-wall
and anyone else that want's to try too! I tried not to tag if I saw someone else already tagged you <3
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get to know the author!
name : Xelyn (zay-lin)
pronouns : he/him
preference of communication : preferably through discord for mutuals and tumblr IMs for anyone else.
most active muse : according to my thread tracker, currently Errol has the most threads right now
experience / how many years : I have about 15 years experience with RP, but only close to four years experience writing on tumblr
best experience : all of it? I don't know, I just really enjoy fanboying over my muses with mutuals and getting to know their muses too. It's fun writing up amazing stories with amazing people.
rp pet peeves : callout posts, cancel culture, vague posting, and people who can't fucking communicate properly and are passive aggressive or won't say what they really mean.
fluff, angst, or smut : yes? All three please, though, I have to admit, I'm a sucker for angst. Just sprinkle a little fluff in there with the angst, enough that it doesn't get too overwhelming, and smut is always fun, though admittedly, takes a lot of energy for me because I worry about writing it well.
plots or memes : both work well for me, though plots help a little bit more so I know what I'm getting into, even if it's just something short like "hey I have this little idea, do you want to see where it takes us" type thing.
long or short replies : I prefer longer ones, but that's because I don't know how to shut up and I like reading. However, short ones are good for when I have less energy. So both are good. Anywhere between 2 and 6 paragraphs tends to be the sweet spot for me. But I can do more. Less... eh, I can, but it usually feels hollow, if that makes sense? Like it's not going anywhere fast enough when it's just one liners or something super short.
time to write : I usually write in the evenings and nights, between 10pm and 1am. That's when I'm most awake and my brain works best, at least most of the time. Other factors can change that though, like if I had a bus day or something. I don't have a set schedule, so I just write when I feel like it.
are you like your muses : In some ways, yes, in others, no. I put a little piece of myself into all of my muses, but the are very much their own people, separate from me. I give them a voice, but they have minds of their own, I swear, lol. I love them though.
Tagged by: @mere-lullaby
Tagging: anyone who wants to.
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Simon approaches Hank from the side, wrapping his arms around the Lieutenant and planting a soft kiss on his cheek. "Welcome back, Hank."
A small grin spread over Hank’s face. This cute android… this cute man being sweet on him. Still shocked the fuck out of the old man.
“Well, hello there, sweetheart. Sorry for disappearing like that.” He leaned down and brushed a light kiss over Simon’s forehead.
“Had to deal with some shit.”
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the-wonder-wall · 2 years
Would you ever participate in a gang bang? (4 or more people) - for Kieran
"Already have," Kieran looked disgusted at the thought. It hadn't been a pleasant experience," Not for me. Never again."
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pl1200 · 2 years
61: Would you rather be a pornstar or a prostitute? - for both boys
Simon was stunned into silence at the mere thought of the question. He contemplated his answer and, after a moment, spoke. “I guess…I’d be a pornstar. It’s not something I think I’d ever be comfortable with, but it sounds a lot better than having to deal with so many people in person. I don’t think I’d have the social or survival skills for that kind of work.”
Daniel grinned, very much liking what he was hearing. “It’s hard to pick between two dream jobs, but I think I’d go with being a prostitute. Chatting people up, getting fucked… Hell, it would just be like a typical good night for me but I’d be getting paid for it.” He gave a proud laugh and let his grin widen before continuing with an afterthought, “Then again, if I was a pornstar I could probably get into some real kinky, raunchy stuff on a pretty regular basis…”
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generic-connor · 3 years
Send 👋 for three things that describe our muses relationship. - for Leo and Gavin?
1. Unbalanced
Gavin began this relationship with power over Leo and he is the type to continue to hold onto that, whether he is aware of doing so or not. Leo would have to make an effort to assert his boundaries for this to become more balanced.
2. Triggering
Not for me, but for them. They could easily trigger the very worst aspects of each other. Gavin is prone to behaving badly with people he can push around.
3. Potential
There is room for them to help one another to recognize their own flaws and grow as people. I can also see some romantic potential, but whether that would be healthy or not depends on many factors. The potential is great for being absolutely terrible or something very good and special.
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thethreefaes · 3 years
@the-mind-of-xelyn (continuing Rose and Simon)
“What can I say? I gotta bit of a sweet tooth. And ya look pretty darn sweet.” She giggled before leading Simon down the road. It was the more run down part of the city but one could see it was being rebuilt. Fixed up slowly for the new android residence.
“When I moved here the revolution stuff had already ended. And as I was looking into places to start up the shop I found this area. The building was cheap, which was good for me. It’s just a work in progress.” As they walked a few of the people walking past waved at them and said hello.
Then, coming into view was a brick building. It was smaller than the apartments around it and really did look like a work in progress. If not for the wooden painted sign with “The 13th Hour” above the door one could easy mistake it for condemned. Yet Rose smiled proud when she saw it.
“There she is! Now she ain’t much to look at on the outside but she’s a beaut inside!”
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androidvixen · 3 years
"I heard something about you wanting to send me to space. What are the details?" - Elijah Kamski
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"I'm no rocket scientist but I'm pretty sure we lock you in a metal box and set off a directional bomb with enough force to get you out the atmosphere."
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willows-wonder-wall · 4 years
@the-mind-of-xelyn (Continuation of Daniel and Willow at New Jericho)
Willow avoids eye contact,  choosing to inspect their hands instead"Well...no not exactly. I just wanted some company before I went...home." Willow says sheepishly. It was getting late and they wanted to be back where they felt safe before it got too late. They knew from experience that before too long bars would start closing and that meant drunk humans on the streets.
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alive-and-free · 3 years
👁‍🗨 - from Markus
Given that Connor and Markus meeting for the first time was under duress, with Connor holding orders to execute the man. First impressions are a little muddy.
Still, given the circumstances, those First impressions are still strikingly positive! It was thanks to Markus's very convincing prodding that Connor deviated in the first place.
He remembers being conflicted more than anything. The first time he'd seen Markus was on a screen at Stratford Tower. He hadn't told Hank then but something about that speech moved him and it wasn't until meeting Markus in person that Connor realized he harbored a great deal of admiration for this Android.
He remembers admiring the devotion he had for Jericho. He remembers deciding then and there that he would help these androids however he could to make up for the harm he caused them. Also. He remembers thinking Markus had nice eyes for a Deviant.
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Technologic Extra Terrestrial - Closed Starter w/ @the-mind-of-xelyn‘s Alien!Alma & Rachel
It was a late night. The sun had gone down, cloaking the western hemisphere in darkness. The sky would be alight with stars were it not for the city’s copious amounts of light pollution.
But the night was still peaceful. Cool. Crisp. And Rachel was comfortably seated in her home. Bear was happily snoozing by her chair in he kitchen, a desk lamp on the table in absence of lighting. Not that she was out of electricity, but it just seemed like an easier and more comfortable environment than the harsh lighting of the other lights.
The woman was reading. Or, more accurately, rereading one of her favourite book series. She was reading Silverwing. It was a short series, with three books and a prequel book set in the prehistoric period and instead of starring bats, it starred chiropters, the ancient precursor to bats.
She had some music on in the background playing from her wireless speaker. Nothing with lyrics, just some easy listening instrumental music. It was calm and soothing and mainly featured contemporary piano arrangements.
Rachel didn’t pay much attention to it...until it began to stutter. With static.
Which was odd. Because her speaker was connected via bluetooth to her phone. It wasn’t connected to the radio.
Before she could even react, Bear suddenly stood to attention and growled, barking loudly and rushing to the backyard sliding door. “Bear! Shush! What are you barking at?!” It was late at night and the last thing she wanted was attention or a noise complaint from the neighbours.
“Oh my God!”
Though, once she looked in the yard, she felt her chest constrict. There was a hulking figure standing upright in the grass. For a moment in her fear, Rachel was afraid Howard had finally decided to break into her home to do God knew what to her. Until she realized that this silhouette looked nothing like Howard.
For one thing, it was much taller and she was pretty sure Howard didn’t glow.
Once it noticed her, she froze. It faced her, and in the cool light of both its markings and the warm light of her desk lamp, she could see an outline of the creature. And her fear began to subside.
It was there, but it was beginning to be replaced with intrigue rather than fear. Nevertheless, she retained her sense of caution. She was fascinated, but cautious still. “Oh my God...” She muttered when the creature’s form became clearer. Whatever it was, it wasn’t human.
But she couldn’t help but have the distinct feeling it wasn’t an android, either. She wasn’t sure what it was, and she wasn’t quite sure she wanted to find out what it was just yet.
For now, she didn’t make any sudden moves or sounds, holding Bear close by the collar so he wouldn’t trigger its attack. She only stared at it, hoping it wasn’t a hostile creature.
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What brand of stupid is your muse?
mad scientist stupid
You might be a genius in one area but you fail hard in other things. You try to apply your knowledge of one thing to something you aren't great at to varying results. You are reckless and do whatever it takes in pursuit of your goal (this usually involves something exploding). You were doing quantum physics this morning but charred your grilled cheese for dinner. Your social skills probably aren't the best but you're "that person that knows a lot about the thing" so that's something to be proud of
Blissfully stupid
They say ignorance is bliss and by god you are living your best life. You skip merrily into a bear's cave to pet it as your friends scream at you to run. The world is beautiful and everyone is your best friend, nothing can possibly go wrong! You are incredibly curious and probably believe in magic. This isn't to say you're an innocent little baby, just that you see the world in a more positive light then most. You face danger with a smile, not because you are particularly brave but because you don't know there's danger to begin with.
Smart until infected with stupid
You think you're safe don't you? You are probably the responsible one in the group, perhaps even the mom friend. You are relatively smart but all it takes is one little thing to suck all your braincells out. It could be hanging around your fellow stupid friends, it could be being left alone, it could be having a bit too much fun. The stupid lives inside you and it just takes the right environment for it to show.
Tagged by: @the-mind-of-xelyn tagging: @pl1200 @cardigansandearlgrey @sacrificedforthecause and everyone else that wants to see the results!
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@theholysoldier asked:
☼ (Alma)
For every ☼ in my inbox, the muse has to tell you a fact about the mun.
"Xelyn's name is pronounced Zay-Lin," Alma says. "He knows it's difficult for some people, so doesn't mind going by Lyn either."
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"Well, I give a shit," Simon mumbled. He wrapped his arms around Hank as the other man pulled him into an embrace. "Good. I like the sound of that," the PL smiled in agreement before kissing Hank on the lips. "I can be all yours for the entire day."
“Only the day? Guess I better make it count then.” He teased.
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the-wonder-wall · 2 years
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to? - your choice
"What big question?" Willow bats their eyes in confusion," My episodes are getting a little better if that's what you mean."
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pl1200 · 2 years
[ 💐 ] what is your muse like in relationships? - for both
Simon is sweet and caring. He’s easily embarrassed but enjoys a bit of teasing too. His love language is gift giving so he’s always bringing his partner things that they’d like, need, or that just remind him of them. It’s hard for him to say things like “I love you” so he tries his best to show it though how much attention he pays yo his partner. He also has a horrendous fear of rejection, so his relationships are far and few between.
Daniel…isn’t quite one for serious relationships. He’d much rather sleep around as much as possible, but that really all stems from him having a hard time believing he can actually be loved and seen as more than a sex object. Though, once he’s in a relationship, he’s clingy and loyal - like a puppy with stars in his eyes, really.
He doesn’t like being “soft” so he doesn’t say or do anything mushy, but he will show his affection though his love language of physical touch. He usually shows this though kisses and cuddles, though if his partner gives him any sort of those gentle touches then that’s a guarantee to melt him on the spot.
Also, he has an incredibly high libido so sex is often a major part of his relationships. That said, my main ship for him is conniel and my Connor is ace so it’s not like a lack of sex is a dealbreaker.
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