#the mini arcade in his lil house??
monty-glasses-roxy · 5 months
I think it's really cool that the unused Hive arcade is located in the Fazcade with one of DJ's tunnels seemingly leading directly to it. Like... One of its entrances is under the stairs, it's literally in the walls of the current Fazcade and it's called the Hive. It just feels like the Fazcade is DJ's territory and that little arcade on the inside is his home.
And this has just given me a new idea for the Fazcade so that's pretty cool too lmao
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chrollohearttags · 10 months
“…let me take you out”
・❥・them + their favorite types of dates ・❥・ft. eren, armin, jean, connie (I may do a part two)
content + themes: fluff, cuteness and crack, black reader, mentions of weed, mentions of smut, kissing/makeout
📝: I’m starting a lil series I’m calling Soft Life Sundays, where I give y’all some sweet, tooth rotting fluff because I love it. These are all my personal ideas, but you may disagree and that’s okay. I don’t need to hear about it. This is all in good fun 🥰
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ღ eren loves fun, non conventional dates. He doesn’t mind the dressing up and fancy dinners from time to time but he much rather scoop you up with a bouquet of flowers, a little gift bag filled with snacks and something he picked out because he heard you talking about it on a random Tuesday one time. Your fits, I could see him in some Dunks, a hoodie and sweats (or shorts and a baseball jersey) and you in a sundress..looking all cute. He’d want to do something like a little carnival where they serve all these fair foods that are incredibly unhealthy but soooo good and he’d be eating it all and he can show off by winning you a giant stuffed animal he totally doesn’t brag about the whole night. “I’m the best, baby. I told you.” 🙄 he’d love to do go kart racing, mini golf or even an arcade or roller skating. He’s competitive so he might get a lil carried away but it’s all love! Y’all would have the best time and he’d constantly check to make sure you’re having a good time because he can’t stop smiling. Of course, spending the day with you is enough to keep him happy for weeks. Might end the night with a little smoke session + a movie (and maybe a lil sum else if you’re up for it. (mainly him eating you out until you fall asleep 😩)
ღ armin is obviously the inquisitive and intelligent type so he’d want your date to be as educational as it is fun. Of course, you love it all the same because you guys pick each other’s brains on things all the time. He’d take you to a museum, where they have all of these cool exhibits, explaining everything to you like a little personal tour guide. and a gift shop full of trinkets that he wants to buy for you. He sees you ogling the crystal and rock display while asking him all of these questions so now you’ve got two hundred dollars worth of malachite and amethyst keychains, displays and whatever else you wanted! “These are so beautiful! Thank you, Armie!” “It nearly as gorgeous as you but I’m happy you like them.” (bonus: I could see him taking you to a play/amphitheater as well) you guys would visit your favorite ramen + boba shop, just laughing and talking..enjoying each other’s company. You’d probably where coordinating outfits..something with an earthy green tone and super cute! You’d end the night back at his place where you guys would probably listen to music and just chill (maybe a little making out + spooning depending on the mood) and you’d fall asleep in each other’s arms.
ღ jean is all about the flare and spoiling his lady. He’s a gentleman, a romantic through and through. He doesn’t do anything halfway and spares no expense for his lady for a special night out. I think he’s the type of man to take the reigns and plan everything (not in a controlling way but you like when he shows that dominance) including your outfit, surprising you with a dress and heels you couldn’t stop eyeing at the mall so he had it delivered to your house, along with a box of eternal roses with a sweet little card and some adorable note that’s like “just like these flowers, may our love last forever.” And you’re about to sob! But you have to finish getting ready because he’ll be there at eight on the dot so you guys can make those reservations at that new five star French restaurant that just opened. Of course, he pulls up in some expensive two seater and the outfit to match. A really nice suit and my God, does he look good. But his eyes are all on you. “You look stunning, my love.” Opening your door and everything. He loves holding your hand while driving, stealing glances of you the whole night. When you guys get to dinner, he’s helping you order things, speaking French to the waiter (so attractive 😩) and EVERYTHING is delicious. Including the escargot, which you had reservations on. “Not bad, right?” “It’s so good!” He would also rent you guys a fancy hotel room across town, where he’d have rose petals scattered about the room, strawberries, chocolate and champagne waiting for you guys and he’d spend the night sweet talking you whilst you guys drank and ate. You’d end the night in the warm bubble bath, cuddled up and touching all over each other. (And getting a lil freaky after that liquor gets in your system) Just a nice, romantic evening.
ღ connie is gonna bring the party wherever he is! Mans just loves a good time. I feel like he too won’t be much into the whole fancy dinners and flare but he would plan something super unique and fun. You’ll be chilling and he’ll be like ‘hey, there’s a Paint and Sip not too far from here. You wanna go?!” All excited and of course, you’d be more than happy to.” He’d be the main one in there dancing and singing, just bringing allll the energy! Like it’s never a dull moment with Constance! Afterwards, he’d take you to a food truck or a really niche spot in the heart of downtown that he grew up on (I see him as Dominican/Afro Latina obvs). And he just wants to share it with you! “Here, mama. Try this..I think you’ll like it.” And don’t let them be playing some Latin music, he’d have you in the middle of the restaurant or the sidewalk, doing Bachata. He would be the best! I could also see you guys having a fun night in, consisting of you guys cooking your favorite dishes, getting a bunch of nail polishes and painting each others nails or him letting you dye his hair.
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cow-smells · 3 years
They take you on a Valentine's Day Date (Cobra Kai headcanons)
A/N: Considered waiting until actual valentines day to post this, but nahhhh. Here’s a lil love from the bois.
Miguel / Hawk / Demetri / Robby under the cut:
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this boy is a ROMANTIC
he gets you every traditional valentines gift he can think of – chocolates, flowers, a stuffed bear
he loves you so much and just wants to show you in every way possible
love-bombs you all day at school
those things where people can send you heart shaped lollipops at school? He'll send you ten
leaves love notes in your locker and bag
that evening he takes you on a picnic to watch the sunset at a viewpoint
you two get low key drunk off cheap champagne his sensei got for him
you stay there late in to the night, watching the stars and talking about every random unimportant subject your alcohol-addled minds come up with
things gradually become more physical
you two end up making out hungrily out on the grass until it becomes kind of indecent to do so publicly and you stop
you walk home hand-in-hand, dumb in love
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Hawk really wants to be cool about this, but his inner shy boy wants to scream he's so excited to have a girlfriend on valentine's day
he'll get you an amazing bouquet of roses paired with a box of chocolates
(he and Miguel went out and picked their girlfriends chocolates together because they lacked the confidence to decide on their own)
he'll also make sure to get a picture of you with the roses he got you for the gram
Hawk didn't really expect to have a girlfriend at this point so he didn't make any plans ahead of time
he's also not much of a cook
so he gets you two takeout and you have dinner at his house
it's just pre-game to what comes later
then the main event................golf 'n stuff
usually he likes the place because it gives him a place to demonstrate his masculinity, throwing balls and breaking bottles and winning you stuff
but he kind of takes it down a notch and emphasizes enjoying his time with you
you start by playing mini golf
Hawk takes this as an invitation to teach you how to play better, quincidentaly needing to stand behind you and hold your waist
you go on to play arcade games, enjoying the lighthearted competition between you two
then you top the night off by a ferris wheel ride
you're enjoying the view while Hawk's enjoying you as the view
“I'm in love with you”
he didn't mean to say it but he just knew and it slipped out
fuck it, go big or go home
“I love you”
he can feel his chest physically unconstrict when you say you love him too
he sneaks you back in to his room that night
you two spend the night showing each other just how in love you really are
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oh does this boy plan ahead
he made a reservation for you two months before valentine's day
actually, he made them shortly after you two started dating
he knew that if he could manage to hold on to you for that long he wants to give you what you deserve – the very best (of what he can afford)
so you go to dinner and a movie
Demetri dresses up for the occasion
it's the first time you see him in a button-up shirt that's actually......buttoned up
his jaw almost fell to the ground when he saw you dressed up when he came to pick you up
he takes you to a casual restaurant, it's nothing fancy but he's super excited as it's his first time going out on valentine's day
he's always sweet towards you but you can feel him putting in the extra affection, always holding your hand, sneaking kisses to your cheek whenever possible
after dinner you go see a very on-brand nerdy type of movie
you spend the whole movie kissing – then pausing, because something important is going on in the movie – then back to kissing
he's drunk in love when he drops you back home
he really doesn't want you to leave
you kind of just sit there in his car and talk for a while occasionally sharing kisses before you eventually go home
he stays there, staring at you with heart eyes until you're safely home
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let's be honest, this boy is broke af
he really wants to treat you to a nice, traditional type of valentines date but he can't and that frustrates him
there's a good chance he'd engage in illegal activities to get some cash to spoil you with
he still can't take you to a nice restaurant because they've been booked out for ages
he isn't a massive fan of it but he ends up cooking you a romantic dinner at his apartment
I feel like Robby's an effortlessly good chef? Just blessed with the gift?
He cleans the apartment until it's spotless and then decs it out with candles all over
he gets you a pretty gold necklace (probably from a pawn shop)
and flowers
he's 100% the type to panic-clean when he knows you're on your way over
he's really nervous when you first step in to the apartment because he's afraid you'll be disappointed
but his heart nearly bursts at seeing how much you love it all
you two have a lovely romantic dinner
you can't believe it when Robby confesses that he cooked everything
hubby material
conveniently, Shannon's not home
so you have the whole place to yourselves
you lose your virginities to each other that night
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ceo-of-daichi · 4 years
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Characters ~ Ukai Keishin x Fem!Reader, Sugawara Koushi x Fem!Reader
Summary ~ Just some fluffy headcanons about what these 2 would be like for your birthday :)
Genre ~ Fluff
Warnings ~ Swearing, Slightly Suggestive
Word Count ~ 1.5k
A/N ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY @super-noya !! Hope you have the best day and enjoy these fluffy headcanons🥺
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Ok so this man is not one for extravagant acts of love and affection like I feel Suga would be! 
He just wants you to have a good time and enjoy your special day because he really appreciates you
SO hear me out, I feel like he would go to your friends and start to organise a surprise party
Fully organising it for weeks before, he wants everything to be perfect
Why do I feel like he makes bunting for it, and banners? I feel like he is hands on, he wants you to know that you are loved by everyone and this is the perfect way
Gets to the point that you almost catch him making the banner and he legit has never moved so fast in his life, quickly spinning you round and walking you out the room.
‘Hey Keishin, what you want for…’ Before you could finish your sentence he had turned you around. ‘K-Keishin what the fuck are you doing?’ You asked as he pushed you down the hall away from his room. 
‘Oh i just.. Erm, I thought we could make dinner together? A real couple bonding experience you know?’ He smiles through his rapidly thought up plan.
‘But you're a shit cook,’ You state, raising a brow at him and laughing slightly.
You are so confused the whole time, he starts acting hella weird on occasions and honestly you have no idea why. He was suddenly trying to keep you busy a lot more than usual...was he cheating on you? Basically you start to worry
He sets up the school gym, hanging his homemade banners and bunting. The boys and your friends help him (you don’t go to Karasuno because that would be pedophilia HOWEVER you know the boys through Ukai and therefore the gym is the perfect place)
ALSO lots of balloons that Hinata and Kags spent the whole day blowing up, Tsukki kept laughing at Hinata because he could NOT tie a balloon. This meant Tsukki now got left to tie all Hinata's balloons.
You get slightly worried because all you received from your boyfriend was a simple text in the morning saying ‘Happy birthday love! Hope you have a good day.’ 
You also received a text from your friends that said ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Be ready for 7pm we are taking you out!’ 
Ngl low key sad that you weren’t going to see your boyfriend that day! SIKE.
Your friends pick you up for 7 and they walk you to the gym, because you don’t live far away. 
Confused af because… WHY are you at the school gym, when you left highschool like 3 years ago.
Open the double doors to reveal all your friends, the volleyball team and Ukai.
Honestly almost had a heart attack, but you quickly hugged your friends before running over to Keishin and giving him a BIGGG hug and a lil kiss
You had a bomb ass time, they all got you little gifts which were super cute! 
Keishin definitely is someone I feel goes above and beyond for gifts like, something you really need, or something hella practical you didn’t know you needed.
Like… a chainsaw or something you get my point
So you are really grateful for what he gets you and from that you can tell he really cares and pays attention
At the end of the night you thank your friends because you have had an amazing time but they are like… it was mainly Ukai
This kinda shocks you
So you thank him! And also I feel like he would really say happy birthday with soft sex after :3
‘It was really Keishin that organised all this?’ You questioned, unsure why he hadn’t said anything. He was letting other people take the credit for something he worked really hard on, sounds like him.
‘Yeah, he roped us in but he worked on all the decorations and cake.’ Your friend says as she picks up her bag to go. Waving her off you go to confront your boyfriend. Sauntering up to him with your arms crossed over your chest and a brow raised, you began to speak.
‘So… this was all you huh? How come you didn’t say anything honey?’ You gave him a playful glare.
He chuckled and moved closer to you, ‘Mainly because i didn’t want you to call me that…’ you saw the blush appear on his ears as he stood inches away. 
‘I thought you loved that nickname babycakes’ You teased, wrapping your arms around his neck. You knew he hated pet names; this was the perfect revenge for letting everyone else take credit for his work.
‘You know I hate your pet names love…’ He whispered before catching your lips with his, hooking his hands under your thighs and hoisting you up. You wrap your legs around his waist as you melt into the kiss.
‘Happy birthday [y/n]…’ He said after pulling away from your lips to start roughly kissing your neck. You had a feeling this is where your actual birthday gift was about to be given.
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I feel like Suga is hella big on birthdays, like he wants to make it the best day for you (as you deserve)
So he probably starts off waking you up early with a balloon in his hand, softly singing happy birthday (even if he doesn’t live with you he will find a way into your apartment or house)
Soft kisses all over your face when you awake, whispering how he has the whole day planned for the both of you
Suggests you wear something summery before leaving you to change
He is DEFINITELY someone who has pre prepared your favourite breakfast so when you come out your room all you can smell is food.
After yall have eaten breakfast and chatted for a bit allowing you to wake up, he leads you to your car, not letting you know where he is taking you
KING of being cute af on the drive, either holding your hand or thigh
Why can i see this man taking you to a little seaside town, letting you go into all the amusement arcades and paying for all your games so you can try win an awesome prize
Won’t leave till he has like thousands of tickets bet
After yall are done with the arcades ( i also feel like he would wanna play mini-golf?) he takes you to a really cute restaurant on the beachfront
Definitely told them it was your birthday when he booked so they would sing you a song or something like they do in TGI Fridays i love the balloon crowns ok
He requested when he booked that you got a table next to the windows that look out onto the sea because he knows you love to watch the ocean
 But he also pays for the food, even if you insist you should split it (it's your birthday... he ain’t letting you pay for shit)
After you both have had food, he takes you for a walk along the pier (boardwalk) and onto the beach
You both just chat nonchalantly and bask in each others presence, allowing the sea breeze to wash over you
Before you leave he takes for ice cream and you both sit on a bench on the pier looking out
Probably lean your head on his shoulder and be all cute
Then he drives you back home… WRONG he takes you to a cute location and you star gaze
Safe to say its the best birthday you have had in a while
‘Koushi, where are you taking me? I thought we were heading home?’ You question, gazing out at the field where he had parked his car.
‘You really thought your day ended with ice cream huh?’ He chuckles as he got out of the car, running round the side and letting you out. Confused you let him lead you, eventually you got to the top of a small hill that looked over a lake. Sitting down on the grass looking out on the view, you couldn’t help but think about what an amazing day you were having. All thanks to your boyfriend.
The lake was surrounded by greenery, not a house or big road in sight. Your eyes immediately focused on the small forest off to the left of the lake, the trees gently swaying in the wind. You loved trees, and wondered what type of habitats would be hiding inside. It truly was a beautiful place. Especially the stars, the way they twinkled a light gold against the contrasting night sky. You found yourself sighing deeply as you let your thoughts be taken over by nature. As you were lost in thought a soft pair of eyes landed on you, not being able to look away at how engrossed you were with the surrounding scenery.
‘Wow this is beautiful…’ Noticing how the sky wasn’t polluted by light and how clearly you could gaze off into the sky.
‘Yeah… my favourite view’ He wasn’t looking at the sky though… his eyes locked on your figure once again as you gazed off into the sky. Being with you was his favourite place to be.
Tags: @stcrryskies​ @iwaxme​ @bb-noya​ @vventure​ @scorpiosanssexy​ @sugawarasimp​ @watermelonsugawara​ @kageyamathegrump​
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hypnotixstorm · 4 years
hiiiii i'm here to request again bc 🥺 could we get some general relationship hcs with ichigo? tysmmmm ♡
Yes of course ugh thank you so much for requesting Strawberry Boi™️🍓 I love him so much and have been craving him. The thirst is real! I hope you enjoy!🦋🌸
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* relationship headcanons *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Prepare to be S P O I L E D
Not really with gifts, because Ichigo is a broke high school student fighting monsters all day, BUT he will give you all of his attention when he’s not busy doing that
Unless you’re a soul reaper or the likes too, then, well, he still can’t really give you any attention but, you’ll be spending more time together at least ;-;
When the two of you are spending time together, you’re mainly cuddled up in one of your rooms watching tv!
Also, you know that Good Vibes shirt he has? The purple one?? His favorite??? Yeah, he’s letting you wear it
Like, if you ask for something of his to wear while you’re over, he immediately picks that one with absolutely no hesitation
It’s his way of saying how much you mean to him in his own way, even if it’s a bit cheesy
And tbh, it really means a lot to you, knowing that he lets you wear a shirt he’d probably kill others for even thinking about taking
The two of you totally pig out on sweets and baked goods! After all, his favorite food is chocolate!
Both of you also, most definitely, bake together
After you’re done baking, you play video games together while you wait for whatever it is to cool off so you can eat it 🥺
He for sure, 100%, calls you baby and princess bc this man is TALL™️
You’re gonna be shorter than him, no matter what. Sorry, I don’t make the rules
If he’s feeling a bit 𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓴𝔂 he’ll call you babygirl or kitten
Literally, instant drool dripping from the corner of your mouth, knowing what’s in store 👀
Definitely the kind of guy who likes to go swimming and to the arcade so OF COURSE he drags you along with him
The two of you still have a lot of fun regardless of what you do!
He’d much rather be at your house than at his own, although you prefer to be at his
His dad and sisters adore you!
They literally are constantly begging him to bring you over
Plus they gush about how cute the two of you are together and how they can’t wait for the wedding and mini-you’s running around, causing Ichigo’s face to rival Renji’s hair
He’s definitely the kind of guy who’s makes you stuff, even though he’s not the best at it
Like, he’ll make cards telling you how much he loves you, he’ll make bracelets and necklaces (with the help of his sisters ofc) and he’ll bake for you as a surprise!
It’s seriously some wholesome ass stuff, I cannot with this you guys
If you’re sad, he’s apologizing and asking you what will help so that he can make it happen ASAP
Pls just hold him, tell him you love him and that he’s the best boyfriend because poor strawberry is a lil insecure thing at times
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amaterasluts · 4 years
Fun Games Friday! 🔥 UNIMPORTANT SIDE CHARACTERS EDITION with Shii (love that guy lmao), Kurotsuchi and Kotetsu + your bonus question: How good are they at playing paintball?
HI 🥰 if anyones wondering what this is head over to @kakashishomegirl
Hairstyle rating 1-10
Shii: like 8/10 it's pretty cute!
Kurotsuchi: 7/10 it's cute too but i like it a lil less
Kotetsu: 3/10 wtf is that (love him tho)
How would you use one of their jutsu irl
Shii: he's a sensory type but like irl i would just use it to sense my gf like how far away is she on the ride from work to home and stuff like that dgakdgsj. Although I guess it would be useful if someones missing so I could put that to use huh
Kurotsuchi: honestly i have no clue how i would use Earth type jutsus irl for mundane things but they would be useful in a fight or for protection 😔 like the rock shelter thing
Kotetsu: the way you got me googling these characters 😔😔😔 i didnt even know this mans knew genjutsu. I would use it to pretend i cleaned the house 😔 dgakfg
A celebrity that they would be obsessed over
Shii: Gordon Ramsay (don't ask)
Kurotsuchi: Rihanna
Kotetsu: Troye Sivan
Team Edward or Team Jacob
Team Edward: Shii and Kotetsu
Team Jacob: Kurotsuchi
What would you want to do on a date with them
Tbh since i don't know any of them all that well bc they're Side Characters™️ i would just like to go on a date where we can get to know each other so like something FUN so that i'm not too nervous but where we can still talk. Like mini golf. Or like an arcade or sum.
Your opinion on them in one word
Shii: smart
Kurotsuchi: badass
Kotetsu: gay
Bonus: how good are they at playing paintball
Shii: he's unbeatable as a sensory type and it's annoying as hell
Kurotsuchi: she's good but her abilities have nothing to do with it
Kotetsu: if he's not using genjutsu he kinda sucks honestly
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writersmacchiato · 5 years
Headcanns for the DPS boys during the summer?
yes bless you
Todd Anderson
hates sweating with a passion, so going outside is a big no-no for him
but he does really enjoy going to the movies
and summer is prime time for new movies
so he’ll go almost every week, sometimes more than once to see the latest feature
he also spends a lot of time at the local library
there’s a/c and it’s quiet bc no one there during the summer (unless youre me lmao)
he checks out a couple books and finds a private spot to read
will and has spent hours reading
can be convinced to go out for an ice cream cone but it takes A LOT of talking into
And it has to be at a specific time or he won’t go (Todd! Is! Dramatic!)
he enjoys strawberry swirl and actually really enjoys hanging out but he needs that push
just please make him socialize, he won’t if you don’t force him
Neil Perry
Shakespeare in the park!
he goes to every showing, mouthing the lines and cheering the loudest at the end of every one
he’s their number one fan
the local theatre loves him
approached him multiple times about his interest in joining
he eventually does, telling his parents that he’s doing some,,,,group studying?
the boys will go to the plays when he has a part and get ice cream afterwards
but Neil likes all aspects of play production and even though he wants to be an actor, he also likes to step back and learn everything that goes into a production
he spends the summer learning as much as he can. he is a sponge, thirsty for knowledge
Charlie Dalton
Charlie is that guy who is ALWAYS at the pool
he literally has no reason to because his family has one in their backyard?? bUT 
there are no cute ppl to ogle at home, so he goes to the public pool
walks around wearing sunglasses and if he sees a reALLY cute girl, he’ll slide them down his nose and wink
has SOOOOOO many summer romances and no one can keep up with them
“wait i thought kayla was the one with the pug?” “no that was christine!”
but then he meets a girl he really likes
she wants nothing to do with him and he really likes that
he was visiting Todd at the library bc he forgot his keys at his house, so Charlie was returning them
when he sees her stacking and putting away library books
“Bye Todd” “What--”
“Are you a library book? Cause I’m checking you out.”
he deadass says that and there’s like a fifteen second pause where no one says anything. it’s so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Charlie is internally freaking out at this point.
“Seriously?” She finally speaks up. “That’s the best you can come up with?”
Charlie leaves with heart eyes and Todd is subject to his interrogation
“Tell me everything you know about her.” “I don’t even know her name!”
Is this 👌 close to getting banned from the library
Knox Overstreet
Will 100% be cruising around in his dad’s fancy car trying to look cool
but then his dad finds out and he has to ride his bike everywhere
It’s okay bc he looks cute with the wind in his hair and his lil sunglasses :^)
burns really easily though so he usually has sunscreen with him at all times in his basket
omg he goes on mini adventures and packs ‘emergency’ supplies in the basket on his bike. it’s actually useless but it makes him feel better so...
He’s 10/10 down to go picnicking alone but prefers having company
He’ll go all out; packing sandwiches, sparkling cider, maybe some hard lemonade ;), chocolate, cake, fruit....the boy knows how to pack for a picnic
Just imagine Knox sitting on a blanket in the park, arms crossed over his knees, looking up at the setting sun with a soft smile on face
he’s a hopeless romantic ok? ok.
Steven Meeks
kinda like Todd, he won’t go outside a lot
not for the same reasons but he just kinda forgets to?
like Pitts loves to go outside (see below for more dets) and will make him but if it was up to Meeks he wouldn’t
he likes going to the arcade
Pitts and him compete over the highest score on EVERY game
it’ll go back and forth every time, sometimes they tie and they’ll be there until it closes
they have been known to tear it up on dance dance revolution (it’s their secret!! shhh!!)
He also goes to a lot of museums
Art museums are his favorite but he’ll go to any and every single one in the area
Sometimes he’ll go with Pitts or Neil, but he kinda prefers to go alone
Like there’s just something about being in a museum by yourself that is just...so good™️
He buys a lot of souvenirs
dedicates a shelf to each type of museum and it’s kinda weird?? But really endearing too
enjoys a low key, quiet summer
Gerard Pitts
Loves!! Being!! Outside!!
There’s a lot of open woods by his house and he can almost always be found there
When he was younger, he helped his dad build a mini cabin out there and it’s a really cool space
But his favorite is the treehouse that has a view of the house and the lake (totally brings the ladies to the treehouse wink wink)
The lake is like half a mile from his house and he spends a lot time down there; fishing, swimming, suntanning (it’s useless he’ll always be pale smh), sometimes his dad will let him take out their boat
Imagine this: Pitts, wearing cute lil sunglasses and a sunhat, slathered in sunscreen because his mom caught him on the way out. His cheeks are flushed pink from the heat. Whistling as he sits on the dock with a fishing rod in hand. Kicking his feet back and forth.
Sorry, I was really struck by that image, moving on
Pitts likes to host lil bonfire parties at his house down by the lake
The boys will come and they’ll be doing what boys do™️ down at the lake
Until they get tired and Pitts will start a fire from the skillz he learned as a Boy Scout (Pitts and Meeks as Boy Scouts!!! Aahhhh!!!)
Roasting marshmallows for dayz
Sometimes they’ll stay the night but usually they all kinda disappear sporadically throughout the evening and he doesn’t question it
He’s fallen asleep in the treehouse more times than he can remember
Loves to stargaze at the lake because if it’s a clear night and there’s no breeze, the lake is still and looks like a mirror reflecting the stars perfectly
He’s such a romantic sigh
If he’s not alone he’ll point out constellations space nerd uwu!!
Pitts is the perfect person to spend summer with because he’s down for anything
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bezgoesboo · 4 years
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––  m i c   t a p !    “ an’... ohp !  we’re live ! ”    
               r u s t l e   r u s t l e . . .   
“ well, if you’re listenin’, welcome to another episode of witchin’ hour, in which i’ll do a real valiant job of wastin’ your precious time. 
                             we got the tunes, we got the loons, and the night’s fresher                              than a pack of fuckin’ mini mart twinkies. yep. i’m bez.                                                              whaddya say we get jinkie with it ? ”
or, alternatively:  my name is linc, this is bez holmes, and i hope you brought your schnazziest seatbelts ‘cause, oh bud... you’re in for quite the trip.
( timothee chalamet, ghost, he/him & cismale ) is that ( another one bites the dust ) by ( queen ) playing? guess ( killian beelzebub holmes)’s comin’ in hot! heard folks say the ( twenty three ) year old ( local radio host ) was at the thanksgiving fair, ( throwin’ darts at the balloon wall with his buds ) when chaos ensued. during the glitch, ( he was killed by one of his best supernatural pals he was tryin’ to talk down while everyone else was bookin’ it to the woods, but ain’t the faintest clue he’s dead… yikes ).
b a c k g r o u n d    .  .  .
the autumn of 1959 brought the youngest holmes sibling into existence and knocked out their mother in one fell swoop. killian beelzebub holmes was born to mr. holmes and his late wife at precisely 3:33am just before an uncharacteristically frosty dusk.
mrs. holmes chose the name killian long before her second-born ever killed her, so... heh !  joke’s on her !  bez’s pops didn’t have the heart to call him *cough* er, killian, so the family settled for the next best thing so they could still honor his mother’s wishes: beelzebub. except... well. that still was a lil problematic, given the timing of his birth. and callin’ beelzebub on class attendance? not exactly the best look. hence, the nickname bez was born, and he’s been goin’ by it ever since.
bez has an older sister lee and the two are as thick as thieves. growin’ up, they always kept their father on his toes –– wherever the holmes kids go, trouble follows.
mr. holmes served as county sheriff until he was killed by his second wife when bez was 13 and lee was 14. lee went back to art school after the local police department covered up the bear out as a fuckin’ armed robbery gone wrong. lee ‘n bez were sworn to secrecy, but nothin’, not even authoritative men in police badges, can erase the image of stepmonster slashin’ dad to bits and lettin’ him fall face first into a plate of spaghetti.
bez never liked stepmonster to begin with, but killin’ their dad was the kicker. lee returned to art school and bez struggled to keep the peace in the household. the bitch stepped up the loving stepma act until a year later, when she wigged out again ‘n landed him in the hospital for a couple days. after that, lee returned home, ‘n it was officially holmes vs. mama bear.
movin’ out was the dream, but unfortunately, mr. holmes overextended when he bought this nice shiny new house for his new wife ‘n kids; most of his insurance money went to getting the house out from underwater, ‘n the rest went to funeral expenses. so... the kids were kinda stuck with her. still are.
bez never let himself be stupid enough to dream ‘bout leavin’ letum falls. he likes it here. he’s got his people. throughout school, he romped ‘round with the cool kids. hung out with all the supernaturals. in fact, you’d be hard pressed to find bez holmes chillin’ ‘round anyone who’s actually human. contrary to his sister, his father’s death didn’t turn him off from supernaturals –– if anythin’, it made him desperate to prove to himself just what a wildcard stepmonster was.
after high school graduation, bez pestered his way into workin’ at the local radio station. what started as a simple soundboarding gig morphed into hostin’ his very own show, the witchin’ hour, on which he talks about letum falls’ spooky happenings and engages with live callers. he’s got a sleep with me bit –– callers name celebrities, fictional characters, or even existing locals bez has to seduce via song and cheesy pickup lines. basically, the whole show’s a hangout with bez –– more often ‘n not, he’s high as a bird. so the witchin’ hour’s got itself a steady cult of listeners. bez loves every second of it.
he’s got a reputation for bein’ sexually ambiguous. he was outcasted pretty young as bein’ a lil... off? never into sports. liked to paint his nails colors sometimes. borrow lee’s shirts. his dad never raised issue with it, but stepmonster definitely had her reservations. still does. bez holmes is a kid some fathers told their sons to steer clear of. for fear of, bez’ll laugh as he tells ya, spreadin’ it around.
labels are for chumps, he’ll tell ya, mid-cigarette drag. size y’up real good. odds are, if you’re attractive ‘n mysterious in some way, he’ll fuck ya. ( not countin’  six months of abstinence in 1980 when he was convinced everyone he fucked wound up dyin’ two weeks later... there were a string of incidental deaths. but honestly, sometimes ?  he thinks ‘bout it. )
fuckin’ klutz. yeah, he skateboards. yeah, he looks cool doin’ it. yeah, he’ll even wear his shades while he’s doin’ it at night. but surprise him? make him laugh? he’ll trip over his own two feet.
addicted to cinnamon waffles, enough syrup to drown atlantis a second time. he always haunts the local diner. when he’s not there, he’s likely playin’ pinball or skeeball at the local arcade, or slurpin’ down a rootbeer float and annoyin’ the living shit outta earl at the mini mart.
if it’s illegal? sign him up.
he owns a shit ton of thrifted clothes. lots of chunky jackets, v-necks, rings, necklaces. funky pants. he’s recognized around town by his crazy curls. they’re never tame. he’s always lookin’ artfully disheveled. smirkin’. stealin’ looks.
t h e    f a i r     .  .  .
bez was hangin’ out with his supernatural buds ( wanted connections )when all hell broke loose. he was actually makin’ a fool of himself with balloon darts, but he made a ten buck bet he could win a stupid hat.
while everyone else ran, bez tried to talk down one particular friend ( wanted connection ) who was tryna keep themselves from attackin’ him. he got so far as to get ‘em calm, place a hand on their shoulder. lean in to look ‘em in the eye real close. 
“ hey man, hey now. listen. y’don’t gotta do this. killin’ ain’t punk, ‘kay? y’hate blood, hear me? i believe in you, ‘n even though you serve killer looks –– you’re not a killer. ”
even in the face of death, this kid fuckin’ joked around, and... basically this friend slashes his throat and ripped his heart out right after bez managed a hopeful smile. talk ‘bout a magical fuckin’ friendship.
lee and dean hollis took bez’s body with them when they fled the scene.
bez woke up a few days later in the woods near the fairgrounds. he wandered ‘n wandered, almost in a sleep-like trance, ‘til he reached dean’s house. walked in, blinked right at the guy. they exchanged words, albeit bitter ones, before bez left and walked on over to the radio station. did his show like normal, like he’d never even died. no memory of the glitch. no nothin’. 
heads on over to earl’s mini mart like usual. but earl won’t check him out. earl isn’t hearin’ him. so he fuckin’ leaves with a bag of doritos and a big bottle of mountain dew. runs into his boyfriend, xander chapell. all’s fine ‘n well. he’s overjoyed to see the other male. everythin’s normal.
the next mornin’, he slinks home. finds lee cryin’ in her room. pieces it together and thinks it must be dean hollis. must be ‘cause of that asshole.
c u r r e n t l y    .  .  .
ain’t nobody got the heart to tell this poor kid he died. he’s dead. and since he doesn’t know he’s a ghost ?  he thinks wakin’ up near hose weird ass woods, near the fairgrounds ? it’s all a dream. he thinks the worsened insomnia ? ah. that’s just the weather. ‘n when his hand sometimes goes through things ? when people sometimes don’t see him ? some witch is probably havin’ trouble controllin’ their abilities.
stepmomma has a hunch bez’s spirit might be hauntin’ the house. she keeps tryna sage it. tryna figure out what’s gonna help get her stepson to the beyond. ‘cept bez doesn’t know this, and lee’s playin’ damage control.
he’s still so hopelessly in love with xander, but neither of these two goons have actually shared that with one another. it’s all in the looks. the touches. and now... there’s an added bonus that bez is dead –– technically a goner, unless he never resolves whatever’s keepin’ him here. which, y’know. he won’t. ‘cause he’s got no clue.
can he please get a waffle ?  now some of the waitstaff won’t serve him at the diner ! the fuckin’ nerve !  it’s really okay because he’s got duffy ‘n georgia there to help him out. but damn. no one’s ever been this cold ‘cause of his off-color humor before. what’d he do ?  lord knows.
weird shit’s happenin’. people in town are actin’ strange. something’s up. but then again, somethin’ always is. so bez doesn’t mind it. keeps on hummin’ his stupid tunes. carries on with his show. the radio station producers are scared shitless ‘cause like... this dead kid keeps goin’ on the air. what kinda cruel joke is this, huh ?
c u r r e n t     c o n n e c t i o n s  .  .  .
older sister – lee holmes.  the holmes kids are revered and feared. always up to somethin’... tragic, what happened to ‘em, but lordie. that dead sheriff raised some weird kids.
low key love of his life – xander chapelle.  they started dating a few months ago and bez... never... expected... this. he ain’t the feelings type, no sir. but xander lights somethin’ in him. somethin’ new. yeesh. now you’ve got him all fluttery.
chaos crew – maya shen.  partners in crime, in an endless pacman and pinball war. they’ll beat one another’s scores back ‘n forth and back ‘n forth, never ending. bez is fascinated by maya’s family line ‘n all. she’s great to have ‘round, too, when he’s got a hankering for a cig but needs a decent light.
row, row, row your boat the fuck away from me – dean hollis.  dude was pretty cool, ‘til y’know... he fuckin’ dumped his feelin’s on lee and skipped town. yeah, football. yeah, nfl. cool beans, huh? what’d he have to go and fuck with his sister’s heart for? and now that he’s back and lee’s actin’ weird... bez knows he’s the cause of it for sure. and he doesn’t like it one bit.
grew up together – georgia duchannes.  bez, lee, ‘n georgia all grew up peas in a pod. mr. duchannes took over the role as sheriff because he sniffed somethin’ fishy goin’ on in the department and wanted to protect bez ‘n lee. bez gets a real kick outta georgia, ‘n folks even thought he had a crush on her back in the day. which is hilarious. ‘cause everyone ‘n their mother always knew georgia’d end up with vanetten.
the case he’s gonna crack – teejay vanetten.  bez always liked vanetten, thought he was a chill guy, y’know? a lil’ vanilla, but hey. not everyone can be as ace as him. the dude’s always been a lil’ defensive around bez though, ‘cause of georgia. bez thinks it’s funny. plays into it sometimes, just to get a rise outta him. after the glitch, it becomes clear teejay’s goin’ through something not human, so bez is tryna get lee on board to help this guy figure out his shit.
w a n t e d    c o n n e c t i o n s    .
the best supernatural friend who killed him.  bonus points if things get, like. real fuckin’ angsty.
past hookups.  bez has gotten around. guys, gals, non-binary pals. sex is sex.
supernatural kool krew.  this squad has a runs with wolves kinda vibe. bez might be the glue that holds it together. keepin’ up with supernaturals as a human, though? fuckin’ full time job.
avid radio listeners / callers.   i... would love for some routine callers? maybe some peeps he knows from around town who he has ongoin’ banter with on the air?
goofy gays.  all the gay vibes, just... we need a power gay squad mmkay?
enemies.  i’m sure bez is on a lot of people’s shit lists. he speaks his mind. he goes outta his way to be a nuisance. but he’d just find this whole thing abso-fuckin-lutely hilarious.
music jam peeps.  music is a huge part of bez’s everyday life. he listens to bands more than he listens to people. ‘n he dabbles in some musical shit himself. piano, some songwritin’ here ‘n there. nothin’ too major, but it’d be cool to have some pals who also feel as connected to music as him. he does, after all, run a radio show.
post-glitch connections.   dude roams ‘round letum falls a lot now. he did before, too, but maybe there are some people who knew of him but didn’t know him before who’re now startin’ to talk with him? ‘cause they can see he’s a ghost, ‘n they feel bad? i dunno. at this point, bez is startin’ to yammer on ‘n on to whoever’s gonna listen. maybe they just see one another in odd ass places. like earl’s mini mart. or the arcade. or maybe this person’s willin’ to speak to someone for him when they’re doin’ that stupid ass ignorin’ game again.
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ask-icancraft-it · 6 years
Hand-in-Hand Combat: Part 10
(( Tamora decides it’s time to take her and Felix’s relationship up a notch, but there’s a few things the little handyman needs to learn before becoming an honorary member of the ‘Hero’s Duty’ family. Wow, an update that isn’t horrifically late! As I said before, this fic is nearing its end! I have plans for only one more chapter after this one, and I am really excited about it! I think it’ll be a really nice ender to this story. Can’t wait to show you guys whats in store! ))
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9]
Felix groaned as he stirred, feeling much like he’d been hit by a ton of bricks. Cracking his eyes open, he barely recognized his surroundings until a large figure leaned over him.
“Good morning, Sunshine!” Ralph spoke loudly in a mocking tone.
“Ugh,” the handyman cradled his head and partially hid under the blanket draped over him. “What happened?”
“All I know is a couple guys from ‘Hero’s Duty’ came knocking on my door at 3 o’clock in the morning, carrying your drunken butt home after you passed out… Have a little too much fun?” Ralph oddly enjoyed seeing Felix this way. He supposed it brought him comfort that even Fix-It Felix Jr. wasn’t a goody-goody all of the time.
“I may have had a little too much to drink,” the handyman admitted sheepishly. “Hit me all at once I guess.”
“Do you remember anything?”
“Umm,” Felix slowly sat up on the couch. “Last thing I remember is I was chatting with Tammy’s men, having a few beers; one of them suggested I get a tattoo…”
Realization struck the fixer, and in a panic, he pulled up his shoulder sleeve, and then haphazardly peeled his white undershirt off of his torso.
“Ralph, please tell me I didn’t get a tattoo!”
“Nope, looks like you’re clear.”
“Oh, thank goodness,” Felix sighed, slumping back into the couch cushions. Then an entirely new feeling came rushing in. “…I need to use the toilet.”
Moments later, Ralph stood against the wall just outside his bathroom, twiddling his thumbs.
“So uh—I guess that hammer of yours can’t fix a hangover?” he asked, and winced when more retching came from beyond the door. “Guess I’ll take that as a no…”
Once Felix finally felt well enough to emerge from the restroom, Ralph handed him a tall glass of water.
“Thank you,” the handyman said miserably.
“The arcade opens soon,” the wrecker frowned. “You gonna be okay?”
Felix nodded sullenly, sipping his water. “I think I got it all out of my system.”
“Well, I’ll try to go easy, just in case.”
“Thanks, brother…”
Even with Ralph going light on the bricks, the fixer had a hard time keeping things together as player after player tossed him around. There were a few slip-ups here and there, but by some miracle, he made it through until closing time.
“Good job everyone!” Felix feigned his enthusiasm, holding the door for his tenants as they flowed into the apartment building from the roof access. Once the last of them were through, he grumbled, plopping himself down on the concrete.
“Still feeling like a bug on a windshield?” Ralph climbed up and leaned over the lip of the building beside his coworker.
“A bit,” the fixer sighed.
“Fix-It?” The It-boys both heard Tamora’s voice from a distance, and were both surprised when the sergeant flew to the top of the building on her cruiser.
“Tammy!” Felix sprung up from where he was sitting. “You sure got here quick.”
“Hey Wreck-It,” Tamora acknowledged Ralph, who saluted back. “Sorry if I interrupted anything, I actually have a favor to ask.”
“O-oh—well what is it honeybadger?”
“My men decided to go on a drinking spree last night and made the shooting range look like a mini tornado plowed through it,” she said with a huff. “I was hoping you had some free time to come by and repair the damage.”
“It’s that bad, huh?” Felix gulped, glancing back at Ralph. “Sure, I’ve got time! Ralph, you don’t mind, do you?”
“Nope,” a smug grin on the wrecker’s lips. “Not at all, I was going to visit Vanellope anyway.”
“By the way, you two enjoy yourselves at the Bad-Anon potluck last night?” Tamora asked. Felix turned to Ralph, silently begging his friend to go along with it.
“Oh yeah, had a whale of a time!” Ralph nodded. “I won’t keep you with all the details, I’m sure Felix will tell you all about it! See you guys around!” And with that, Ralph dropped down the side of the building and out of sight.
Luckily for the handyman, most of the time spent traveling from his game to Tamora’s was filled with her ranting about how irresponsible her soldiers were. While he was relieved he didn’t have to spin some phony yarn about the “potluck,” each time Tamora described the destruction her men caused, he felt a pang of guilt, absolutely sure that he had some part in the raucous behavior.
“I’m sorry, Fix-It,” Tamora sighed. “Here I am babbling on in circles, and you haven’t had the chance to talk about your evening,” she leaned close to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as they sat in the shuttle that lead to ‘Hero’s Duty’. “How was your day? You look a little rough around the edges.”
“Oh,” Felix swallowed. “Well Ralph and I were out pretty late last night,” He paused to find some sort of explanation. “Most of the folks at the potluck migrated over to Tapper’s and we shared some drinks.”
“Yeah? Have a little too much?” Tamora chuckled when her beau looked up at her with guilty eyes. “Hey, at least you’re not like my marine’s when they’ve been under the influence.”
“Yeah,” Felix stammered, almost inaudibly. He followed Tammy out of the train and into ‘Hero’s Duty.’ To his shock, all of Tamora’s men were kneeling along the stretch of the main hallway, cleaning and waxing the floors entirely by hand.
“Don’t worry about them, Fix-It. It may seem like grueling work, but they love giving my floors a fresh coat of wax, isn’t that right boys?”
“Yes ma’am!” the soldiers shouted in unison.
As Tamora rounded a corner to head to the shooting range, Felix turned around and locked eyes with corporal Kohut. The handyman pointed at himself with wide, questioning eyes.
“Don’t tell her,” Kohut mouthed back.
“Oh my land…” Felix gaped as he caught up and stepped into the range.
“That’s one way to put it,” Tamora grimaced as she leaned against a table.
As the handyman gazed from the hole in the back wall, and along the scorched gaps in the ceiling, everything from the night before came flooding back. He did this. And Tammy’s men had taken the fall for it.
“Think you can fix it?” Tamora asked.
“Don’t tell her,” Kohut’s grim face flashed in the back of Felix’s mind as he continued to stand, dumfounded, in front of the wreckage.
“Fix-It?” Tamora asked again.
“Oh, fix it? Yeah I can fix it, no problems!” Felix smiled tensely and shuffled to a pile of debris and began tapping away with his hammer.
The sergeant came up behind him, worried. “Are you feeling alright?”
“No—I mean yes!” Mods above, he was so awful at this. “I just…I feel bad for your men. Don’t you think you’re being a little too hard on them?”
“No,” Calhoun replied incredulously. “Felix, they wrecked half the shooting range, you’re looking right at it! What on Earth would I go easy on them for?”
“Because…” Felix paused his work, unsure of what else to say. He couldn’t stand it; he couldn’t stand lying to her anymore. “Because it was me.”
“Because it was me,” the handyman blurted, turning around and gesturing emphatically at the destruction. “This—this, all of this was my fault. I wrecked it.” Tamora stared at him, wide eyed as he frantically explained.
“There was no potluck...Your men invited me to have drinks with them. I got carried away, and—and they helped me get that big gun, and the last thing I remember before I blacked out was pulling the trigger...” Felix took in a shaky breath, and sighed.
Turning around, he fully expected his lady to be angry. Which made it all the more gut wrenching when he saw tears in her eyes.
“Tammy,” his frown deepened. “I’m so sorry.“
“It was you,” she whispered.
“I—y-yes?” Felix replied, confused. “I wrecked the shooting range…”
“No, you—,” the sergeant refrained from saying something in anger she would later regret. “It was you in my nightmare the other night. It was the wedding, but instead of Brad, you were the one to…” she stopped, tears flowing.
“Oh, Tammy,” Felix reached out to her. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You don’t get to ask that question!” Tamora spat, rejecting his touch. The anger previously expected now boiling to the surface. “You went behind my back!”  
“But —“
“I thought you took being here seriously. Now on top of worrying about you getting chewed up by Cybugs, I have to worry about you hurting yourself?” Tamora wiped her face, eliminating the evidence of her vulnerability. “Just…clean this place up and get out. You don’t belong here.”
“Tammy, wait,” Felix pleaded as she walked away, the door gently sliding closed behind her.
Once Felix was done repairing the range, he stepped into the hallway. Looking to his right down the corridor, the soldiers visible from the adjunct hallway stopped scrubbing the floors and locked eyes. And when he approached, Kohut shook his head.
“You told her,” the corporal said, the softest of smiles on his lips.
“I had to,” Felix replied.  
“And now you’re in the dog house.”
“Yep,” the handyman hung his head, tears threatening to surface. He feared things were much worse than that.
“Well, can’t say we didn’t warn you,” the nearby soldiers chuckled. “C’mon, lil’ man, she’ll come back around. I’m sure you know by now that T.J. just needs a good day or two to cool off. You two are gonna be just fine.”
“Thanks Kohut,” Felix managed a smile. “And I’m sorry I got y’all stuck with…all this,” he gestured to the floor. “…Got an extra sponge laying around?”
((Tagging some of my WiR buddies! @coneygoil @kittysfigurines24 @bashfulgnome @ashleybenlove @sgtcalhouns ))
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onewfantaesy · 6 years
i updated the au masterlist page
but here have a post w everything that wasn’t included previously bc this is where i made it lmao have fun
step idol au: bandific au. taemin’s mom is dating yunho from dbsk. taemin’s step-dad is yunho from dbsk.
step teacher au: yunboa. taemin’s dad is dating his history teacher. taemin’s dad ends up marrying his history teacher.
kidnap au: taemin played hooky and stole a pair of jeans with key and they got arrested and taemin found out he was kidnapped. yunho is his father. he’s 11 and his life just got turned upside down.
genius au: lil baby taemin is a Genius and he’s like 8 and is a freshman in high school along with his big brother onew. minkey are their friends. kai is taemin’s best friend.
beacon street au: ontae high school au. taemin lives on beacon street and works at the beacon street diner. onew forces his friends minho and key to go to the diner with him and be regulars. taemin’s a shipyard kid, and that’s like, important.
crossing guard au: old man onew is a crossing guard and taemin and kai are kindergarteners and he loves watching over them and making sure they cross the street safely.
forest god au: taemin died when he was 12 but got turned into a god by the all-father. he’s now god of the forest. he really loves the baby deer and the bunnies.
blankie au: girl!minho and key. taemin is their lil baby boy. taemin is obsessed w his blankie
tween vamp au: taemin got turned into a vampire when he was 11. key was his teacher, and also a vampire. onew is key’s?? partner??? they take this poor abandoned little vamp boy in bc taemin literally would have died if they hadn’t.
thighs au: i think it’s girl!taemin and minho??? they hooked up on tinder and minho tried to give her shit for not shaving her thighs and taeyeon was just like “listen bitch first of all-”
lil booger au: taemin is the much younger brother on jonghyun and jinki. minkey are their parents.
sad ghost au: bandifc. taemin got ran over by a van in like rdd era and his ghost haunted the sm building for like 2 years before he finally passed on. it was really depressing. he relived his death over and over and over again. he didn’t know he was dead.
sneak au: bandfic. taemin sneaks out. like all the time. he gets caught by paparazzi. he gets shit on for it. he continued to sneak out.
citadel of onews au: rick and morty au but with shinee.
divorced au: heechul and jessica are divorced. taemin is their son. heechul moves back in with them. taemin is annoyed. taemin also has anemia and just wants to sleep at his auntie krystal’s house bc his dad pisses him off.
mini mommy au: jongtaeng and baby taemin.
ot5 hogwarts au: exactly what it sounds like. i think ontae are brothers. 
secret adoption au: lunew?? taemin is their son but taemin didn’t know that until lmao he was like 11. he only found out because his grandparents that he thought were his parents started treating him like shit. lunew were pissed that their baby was being treated like that when they didn’t even want to give him up in the first place.
secret boyfriends au: taekai high school au. no one knows they’re dating. chanyeol finds out bc he’s on the football team with kai and sees the texts. taemin gets bullied. big brother onew helps him get back at chanyeol and his stupid goons. taekai eventually let everyone know they’re boyfriends and they’re cute af.
super hero au: ontae brothers where they can both astral manipulate and shit. taemin decided to join super villain key. onew and his group of boring ass good guys always try to save taemin. taemin just is the literal definition of shrug emoji but with super powers.
twin college au: college au where taemin finds out he has a twin sister solely bc housing fucked up and put him and a girl in the same campus apartment. taeyeon didn’t know she was adopted.
uncle yunho au: taemin parents are abusive af and yunho is his uncle/godfather who saves him. taemin gets kidnapped after he moves in with yunho. it was traumatic. taemin almost died. key was the only one at school who treated him normally afterwards.
dozen au: bandfic where taemin is literally one of twelve children. he hates it. i was watching cheaper by the dozen and it just sort of wrote itself honestly.
tarzan au: taemin is found by onkey in the jungle. he was living with gorillas. he was like 5.
boy next door au: taemin is jongkey’s little neighbor. he likes to walk through their kitchen door and put his drawings on their fridge and play with their dogs.
doomsday au: bandfic where shinee’s managers and a tv station make shinee think they’re stranded on an island in the middle of the apocalypse. they kind of go a little crazy. a helicopter with a camera crew has to come down and be like “HAHA IT WAS A HIDDEN CAMERA!!!” taemin flips the fuck out. he’s very sunburned.
bullied au: bandfic but taemin’s been systematically bullied since like debut. no one knew until the bullies made a public apology during ace promotions. taemin had a panic attack when people found out the shit they did to him.
bow au: 2min. baby key. minho puts bows in key’s baby hair and taemin thinks it’s stupid.
graham cracker au: taemin, jonghyun, key, and minho ride their bikes down meadow street so the wizard at the end of the cul de sac will give them chocolate graham crackers. onew is that wizard.
middle school au: taemin is gwiboon’s much younger brother and she’s married to jinki and they have a small son minho. jinki is taemin’s middle school teacher. taemin’s parents are bad parents.
whale shark au: mermaid au but taemin’s bonded with a whale shark. jongyu are marine biologists that love watching taemin and his whale shark migrate.
lost prince au: taemin is the prince, and he’s three and he’s lost, and jongho find him but don’t realize he’s the prince.
tinder jongtae au: college-ish au where jongtae match on tinder and Spend The Night Together but then taemin’s older brother jinki just “taemin why the fuck is your snapchat bitmoji at my coworker’s house gdi taemin my friends have sent me screenshots of ur tinder DON’T FUCK MY COWORKER”
soulmate au: jongtae are soulmates and when a soulmate writes on their arm, the other can see it. taemin is in high school and writes all his homework on his hands. jonghyun is in college and thinks it’s annoying af.
europa au: space au where jongkey are aliens on europa, one of jupiter’s moons, and taemin is their adopted son.
finals au: bandfic but it’s just taemin acting stupid at the library during finals with his friends and the videos of them doing stupid shit go viral before people even realize it’s SHINee’s taemin in them
royalty au: jinki is the crown prince, and taemin is the king’s bastard son. he’s also half-elf.
i’m going to school au: just scenerios of what taemin might have been like when he was on that “i’m going to school” show with gain.
new school au: heechul is taemin’s dad, and taemin’s twin brother kai and their mother died in a car accident and now taemin goes to a new school because he was Traumatized
fourth grade au: ot5 are all in the same class and they find out they were all born on the same day (May 25th) and they bond over being geminis
st hedwig au: taemin lives in an orphanage called St. Hedwig’s and his teacher Jinki and his partner Minho end up adopting him
amish au: taemin was amish before he became an idol.
futon au: college au where boyfriends taekai just always spend the night on onkey’s futon bc taemin’s roommate doesn’t like it when taemin’s boyfriend sleeps over but kai goes to a different university
mermaid au: key, taemin, and minho are mermaids. taemin’s warrior parents died in a shark attack when he was a baby so key became his caretaker. jongyu are humans that they talk to a lot
711 au: college au where taemin works at 7-11 and he gets robbed at gunpoint and it’s traumatizing but he gets out of a midterm so shrug emoji. he and amber work together. shindong is a shit manager.
chill au: college au ontae netflix and chill. roommate kai. taemin gets chapped lips.
ballerino au: taemin gets bullied in high school bc he takes ballet but he’s a good ballerino who’s going places
vampire au: taemin got turned into a vampire when he was five and onew is his master and just ot5 being vampires but taemin is stuck in the body of a child also he pretty much always also acts like a child but “I’M A HUNDRED YEARS OLD LET ME HAVE WINE”
age gap au: taemin is like way younger than his big brother key and onew is their dad and jongkey are dating
senior boys au: jonghyun, key, and minho are seniors in high school. onew is their calculus teacher. taemin is onew’s son who’s a freshman. at one point, taemin accidentally sends jonghyun nudes. it was a big deal. taekai might be a thing in this au? i can’t really remember
bard au: taemin and the rest of ot5 are bards from dragon age & they operate in orlais, mainly val royeaux. jongtae have an intense rivalry. also taemin’s half-elf.
bard inquisitor au: literally bard au but taemin also becomes the inquisitor from dragon age inquisition. people freak out bc he’s orlesian lmao.
child star au: key is taemin’s dad and taemin became a child star when he was on a sitcom when he was like 3. taemin was a bit of a shit in his teenage years. the spotlight can do that to a kid.
arcade au: onew works at the local arcade and taemin takes full advantage of his big brother working there. taemin and his lil nerd friends - kai and ravi - hang out there all the time. key is the bully, bc where there’s a nerd in an arcade there’s a bully. i think i wrote this after watching stranger things lmao
exec board au: college au where ot5 are on the exec board for a club. taemin is a freshman who Does Not Take Thing Seriously. he’s fundraising chair. him and his friends sell weird shit at the food tents but make so much money that key can’t stand it.
college bro au: college au taekai riding together on their skateboards or some shit idk
musclehead au: college au taemin works at the rec center at fuckass o’clock. jonghyun is a stupid musclehead that dirties his perfectly clean mirrors.
boarding school au: taemin’s mom remarries and he gets sent to some snooty boarding school that his step-dad’s family has always gone to. he meets his step-brother, jinki, for the firs time when they meet at school. shit gets weird. taemin lies about his biological dad.
kidnapping au: taemin is jinki’s very much younger baby brother, and taemin was kidnapped when he was almost five years old. jinki becomes a cop and becomes obsessed with finding taemin, and he does, five years later, when a little boy is sitting in the station because his parents just got arrested.
kidnapping au 2: bandfic au. taemin is jinki’s little brother, only he didn’t know that because he was kidnapped when he was a toddler.
morning news au: taemin in onho’s little boy. he’s very cute. he reads the newspaper in the morning even though he can’t read yet.
reblog my shit thank u
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 years
How do the animatronics deal with boredom I know Freddy stims and Monty uses the punching bag Freddy gave him.
They probably all have their own stims honestly.
Boredom though? There's a lot they can do. Like, the possibilities are endless.
Monty has the punching bag sure, but he can also swim in the waters of Gator Golf, play actual golf, use any of the other attractions, and I've recently had the idea of him getting into game development which I think would be neat. He could practice bass or any other instruments he likes, maybe the drums or an acoustic? Who knows? Maybe he likes violins or flutes? He could be vibing in the ballpit getting challenged to see how many ballpit balls he can fit in his mouth by Roxy, or he could be benchpressing Sunny in the daycare provided he's not banned. If they all have the upgrades that allows them to eat, he could experiment with mocktails or cook with Chica. He could have a fistfight with Roxy or hunt down missing golf balls with her. He could just vibe, trapped in a Freddy brand bear hug or just chat about things with him, helping him with new lyrics for songs or doing some math problems for someone. He could be trying to beat his record on how far he can punt a plushie with his tail. Maybe he's rough housing with Bonnie or Foxy in Kids Cove or having a sword fight with golf clubs. Or maybe he's just trying to poke fun at Vanessa? He could suck at chess and rhythm games and be the slowest on the racetrack. He could love sudukos and playing the damsel in distress in Foxy's stories. He could have an interest in ocean life and love making makeshift mini golf courses in his room by making structures out of the furniture. He could be hiding from the lil Music Men or playing darts with Freddy. He could be playing catch with Roxy with the Mapbot as the ball or be sneaking outside to feel the rain on his back. He could love pushing the cleaning karts to full speed and then jumping into them to barrel down hallways and could love throwing random foods together to see what happens. Maybe he collects funny glasses and goofy golf hats and loves getting everyone to wear them. He could spend a lot of time looking through his scrapbooks and reminiscing or being challenged to a game of chubby bunny by Bonnie for the thirtieth time that week. He could love acting as the local paper shredder and stealing Freddy's hat to jokingly impersonate him.
Freddy loves to sing, and does lil dances - more like lil dad jigs - in his room maybe. He could write love songs or have a chewing stim for his fangs. Given he's a bear, he could go swimming with Monty or climb a little - no where near as high - with Chica. He could be egged into rough housing with Roxy and Monty in Kids Cove or could simply enjoy watching them tear chunks out of each other for fun. He could come up with games for everyone to play and could maybe excel in card games, being a master at poker and a disaster at Uno. If he can eat, he could love to make ice creams and share them with everyone, steadily adding to the hoard of sprinkle shakers he has hidden in his room. He would probably enjoy just sitting in company with any of the others, watching them do their thing and perhaps getting them to sing with him a little as they go about their days. He could look over the artwork the kids give him, or devote a lot of his time to scrapbooking the shenanigans they all pull together. He could help the others with his input and encouragement on their interests, happily acting as a rubber duck and offering his endless support to them. Maybe he likes to go and help Sunny and Moon prepare the daycare for the next day and to help test out all the new glitter glue colours and board games Sunny has gotten recently. Maybe he just lies around listening to ASMR videos or practicing the trumpet or something. Maybe he gets involved with DJ Music Man and hangs out in the arcades. He could love thinking of gifts for the others and spend hours with Sunny in craft time. He could like taking naps and reading books about space and science fiction. He could love taking quizes about space and sneaking up onto the roof to star gaze. Maybe he likes to play pretend in the space suit he has for events and has a collection of space ship toys in his room. Maybe he likes to spend time painting the others' nails and reading comic books. Maybe he loves taking pictures at the perfect moments that capture everyone smiling and laughing and has a scrapbook full of such moments, with detailed explanations of what they were doing to go with every photo.
Chica loves to climb and swing her way across the ceilings. She sings light and cheerful like bird song and is always getting the others to sing with her. Maybe she spends time coming up with new mazes for her friends to try out for her, or maybe she just likes spying from the support beams. She could practice her guitar and maybe acoustic, drums, bass, trombone or anything else she might like to play. Heck, maybe she plays the bagpipes and accordian, who knows? She could love simming - well, more like floating - with Monty, gossiping about what the staff get up to when they think they aren't looking. She could throw water balloons at Bonnie and Foxy from the ceiling and would be more than happy to play rough in Kids Cove with everyone. She could join in with Foxy's dramatic stories and be the worst at card games with Freddy and Bonnie. She could be the first to encourage any chaos in the Plex and would happily jump on the back of Roxy's go-kart to drive it around where they're not supposed to for fun and paint their nails afterwards with Monty. If she can eat, she would love to cook with everyone and take great pride in her cake decorating skills. She could add vocals and input on DJ Music Man's latest songs and could steal the sundrop and moondrop treats from the Daycare. She could cover the place in glow in the dark paint and be amazing in Fazerblast. She could hang out and gossip with Moon on the support beams and trade stickers with them, play pretend with hand puppets or arm wrestle with Monty. Maybe she loves yoga or practicing tennis against a wall or coming up with new workout routines for her attraction or just trying to get Vanessa to lighten up a little and have fun with them. Maybe she's the best photographer and loves getting pictures for everyone's scrapbooks or maybe she loves making dramatic little movies with scripts and low quality special effects with everyone. She could have a collection of cookbooks she convinced Vanessa to get for her and love those eighties era exercise video tapes. She could have dramatic showings of her movies in the daycare theatre and could have a little stockpile of all the magazines the guests have left in the Plex to read while she's hanging upside down from the ceiling.
Roxy likes fixing and upgrading and building and tinkering. She's always working on go-karts or fixing something one of them broke to keep them all out of trouble. Maybe she makes model cars, trains and planes with remote controls or has a love for lego bricks. She loves to race, always practicing on the track and on foot. Maybe she likes spray painting and loves to dance with Bonnie in DJ Music Man's club. She could practice her keytar and other insruments like the electric guitar, the drums, the violin, the bass, whatever strikes her fancy. She could sing with Freddy and Chica, and get a kick out of making up her own lyrics to songs she likes. Maybe she vibes for hours on end, chewing through plushies for stress relief and chasing Moon down every hour to howl at them. Maybe she helps Monty find golf balls and turns it into a competition every time and maybe she helps Sunny find whatever's been lost in the daycare that they and the kids can't find. Maybe she's got the best times on Chica's mazes and maybe she kind of sucks at card games. Maybe she loves fistfights with Monty and rough housing in Kids Cove with everyone. She could love the competition in the arcades and making more instruments for the little Music Men. Maybe she makes them little go-karts and loves dramatically commentating over their races on the Plex speaker system. She could love taking special photos and adding them to the pinboards in her garage and maybe she has a love for roller skating and squeaky toys. Maybe she just loves to run and jump around at top speed to burn off energy and maybe she's the first on call to help Vanessa when she can't find someone in the Plex. If she can eat, she could love to make a mess cooking with Chica, and stealing chocolates from Foxy. She could help Freddy with his song writing and throw random objects above the water in Gator Golf to watch Monty jump out like a dolphin and catch them. Maybe she starts the sword fights with golf clubs and has probably broken quite a few. Maybe she likes hot wiring the trucks in the loading bay and sneaking out of the plex to drive them around the car parks. Maybe she likes tug of war and listening to Chica gossip for hours about everything.
Bonnie loves to bowl and to hang out with the others. Maybe he likes to rough house with everyone in Kids Cove and impress everyone with his magic tricks. Maybe he likes to sing with Chica and teach anyone who wants to learn how to play bass. Maybe he likes to be sarcastic with Chica's gossip and maybe he loves playing golf with Monty. Maybe he's been banned from the kitchen and maybe he's a master at wiping the camera feeds so they don't get into trouble. Maybe he's the best at dancing and loves to share that with Roxy in DJ Music Man's club and maybe he likes to bet himself into the ground in poker games with Freddy. He could practice drums, trumpet, bass, ocarina, harmonica, clarinet or anything really. He could collect different bow ties and random hats he likes to put on the wet floor sign bots. He could get a kick out of wiping the Mapbot's memory and watching it jumpscare everyone. He could love sketching with inks or helping Freddy with his scrapbooks. He could love egging Monty and Roxy on as they try to stuff Monty's mouth full of ballpit balls. He could be the excited commentator in their fist fights and be the one to break it up if it ever gets serious. He could cover things in stickers with Sunny and help Moon strategise where to run so Roxy can't catch them. He could make plushies of DJ Music Man and of anything else he wants to and share them with the others when they're having a bad day. He could arm wrestle with Monty, and tease Foxy into next Tuesday, but listen to his stories for hours. He could help Freddy write songs and write many of his own about all of his friends. He could be Monty's play tester for any games he makes and he could have the top scores in DDR. He could be great at skateboarding or making silly clothes for the others to wear. He could be a master of chess and the one to teach Roxy how explosive aerosols can be. Maybe he steals Vanessa's torch so she has to come and hang out with them and maybe he's the best at convincing her to play Fazerblast with them.
Foxy loves to tell tales. He loves to create his stories and bring them to life. Maybe he loves musical theatre and movies. Maybe he drags everyone into the daycare for movie nights and loves to write scripts for plays with them all in. Maybe he helps Chica make films and Monty add story to his games. Maybe he has books upon books of stories he's written and maybe he loves to paint. Maybe he dances and paints with his feet and tail and maybe he loves playing hide and seek with the lil Music Men. Maybe he's an expert in Braille and always looking up new signs to share with DJ Music Man. Maybe he's a hobbyist lock picker and maybe he loves to have dramatic sword fights in Kids Cove. Maybe he loves to race Roxy but only on foot and maybe he likes to swim with Monty. Maybe he and Roxy paint and dance together and maybe he and Monty play golf and make elaborate paper planes together. Maybe he makes funny costumes with Bonnie and believes he's the best at card games when he's really not that great. Maybe he likes crosswords and sudukos and reading the paper some guests left behind. Maybe he likes singing and cooking with Chica and maybe he loves to watch her climb and loves to compete in her Mazercise game. Maybe he sits and chews for hours in his room like Roxy and maybe he's determined to be the first to catch his tail with his teeth. Maybe he helps Freddy with his lyric writing and always has a rhymme for every line. Maybe he likes to paint Freddy's claws and doesn't mind when he gets caught in the bear hugs. Maybe he loves to loudly complain about the staff to Sunny and trade funny stories of what the kids did this time with him and Moon. Maybe he likes to help them clean up the daycare and come up with new crafts and games to play with them for the next day. Maybe he likes to set up traps for everyone and speak in riddles. Maybe he likes to challenge everyone to trivia games and loves taking those online personality quizes. He could love to run and burrow into blankets and pillows and be the best at making pillow forts. Maybe he's the king of checkers and always picks the crosses in naughts and crosses.
Sunny loves to swing, dance and sing. He's always moving and clapping their hands and cartwheeling everywhere. They love craft time and glitter glue. Maybe they love to dance in DJ Music Man's club and has an endless supply of scrapbooking materials. Maybe they hoard different colours of glitter glues and paints and loves to share them with everyone. Maybe he practices the drums and the keyboard. Maybe he likes to climb and swing with Chica and helps her clean up after a messy night of baking. Maybe they love decorating cookies and is surprisingly good at card games. Maybe he's amazing in Fazerblast and maybe they love listening to Freddy sing and infodump about space. Maybe they love setting up confetti traps with Foxy and making gifts for everyone with the lil Music Men. He could love sharing stickers with everyone and always have a backup Fazcam with a broken flash on hand for when one of theirs breaks while they're hanging out. You can't miss a scrapbook opportunity! Maybe they love playing pretend with hand puppets and bowling the plushies at Monty for him to punt them as far as he can with his tail. Maybe he likes to play with Roxy's hair while she uses him as a rubber duck for her problems and to pass her the tools she needs from across the garage. Maybe he loves making animals out of play-doh and painting glow in the dark patterns on DJ Music Man. He could be horrendous at bowling with Bonnie and could love cheering him on as he gets strike after strike. They could be enthralled with his magic tricks and could watch his magic shows for hours. They could love to act along with Foxy's dramatic stories and be on the edge of his seat for the entire time. He could love to set up scavenger hunts for the others and set up huge games of hide and seek. They could host movie nights in the daycare theatre and game nights in the main daycare full of board games and be a master of charades. They could love origami or playing dressup with Freddy. He could love coming up with puns for every occassion and new things to twist balloons and glowsticks into.
Moon loves to fly around on cables and prefers the darkness. Maybe he loves painting glow in the dark stars and constellations across the daycare and maybe they love to learn new lullabies to sing. Maybe they play drums and the accordian, or maybe they like to do yoga with Chica and hang out with her in the ceiling supports. Maybe he and Monty play golf and swap stickers together and maybe they like to hide said stickers wherever they can as a nice little surprise for them all to find. Maybe they love trying to outwit Roxy in their hourly game of chase and appreciates immensely when she's doing her best not to howl at him. Maybe they love to sing softly and to listen to DJ Music Man make remixes of their lullabies. Maybe they like to hang at DJ Music Man's height so they can talk on the same level and maybe they like to cheer Freddy on as he does his little dad jigs in his room and trade fun facts about space. He could like to hide in the shadows and spook the others and could love playing cards with Bonnie. They could be the one advising on how much Bonnie should be betting, despite knowing full well that he won't listen and finding it immensely amusing when Bonnie loses. They could love to hang from the balconies in the main atrium to watch the weekly fist fight between Monty and Roxy and could be the best at shooter arcade games, possibly giving Roxy a run for her money in the racers as well. They could offer suggestions for Foxy's stories and could be happy to help set up the lights for any movies or plays he and Chica are doing. They could love to take aesthetic pictures when the others don't think they're there and could both share these with the others and pin them on the several pinboards in his shared room with Sunny. They could love to juggle and have an interest in whittling, naturally leading them to practice knife throwing. They could be an expert at making origami birds and shadow puppets and could keep a diary where they log everything the others tell him and everything he gets to experience with them throughout the day, every single day. He could love vibing to ocean sounds and have a special interest in birds, or could be Bonnie's biggest chess rival that always picks the white pieces. Maybe he likes making music boxes and has made some really elaborate ones as gifts for everyone. Maybe they like helping the lil Music Men hide in games of hide and seek and loves taking them into Gator Golf to watch them scare Monty.
Anon, they could do so many things to stave off boredom the possibilities are pretty much endless. I'll skip DJ Music Man and the minis this is already a mountain of a post but yeah this is a bottomless pit you can go down here
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-03-08 04 MUSIC now
Brooklyn Vegan
Drowse releasing 'Cold Air' this week (stream it)
Okeechobee 2018 in pictures (Arcade Fire, The Flaming Lips, more)
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Pianos Become the Teeth and TWIABP announce tour; Spirit Night releasing LP
Snapcase announce 2 BK shows, working on first new music in 16 years
Consquence of Sound
Acid Dad share a Track by Track breakdown of their self-titled debut album: Stream
Beach Slang’s James Alex announces debut album as Quiet Slang, shares new version of “Dirty Cigarettes”: Stream
Movie theater welcomes dogs to screening of Wes Anderson’s Isle of Dogs
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Varsity share the Origins and video for their new single, “Krissy”: Watch
Fact Magazine
Thrush Metal songwriter Stella Donnelly is a feminist folk hero on the rise
5ive Beatz – Against The Clock
Fyre Festival founder Billy McFarland facing prison spell after pleading guilty to fraud
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An Emotional Sexual Bender
Straight To Your Face
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Radion Beams Casting Vibrant Views
Build It To Burn It Down
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SILICON ESTATE -- Life's Alright [dreampop/chillwave] (2018
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My home rig!
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I have an album. Its my first album. Where should I post it? Is youtube a good option?
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0 notes