#the moment I saw Joon drop this bad boy I knew we were in for a truckload of good news
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
HI Rosie. First let me say how much I appreciate your blog, your persistent positive outlook, and how you express yourself. I wish I could say that I'm taking the Bangtan "Bomb" that was dropped about the break from group focus well, but it's eating me up inside. I feel sick to my stomach, much like I did when my ex-husband left me - like everything is wrong in the world. I hate feeling this way about celebrities, or musicians, or anyone, really, but BTS is just different. They're not "JUST" anyone. They never were.
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I found BTS in a time when I really needed love, comfort, and peace. Never in my life (and I'm in my 4th decade) have I felt so connected to someone I have never hugged. I needed a continuous, never-ending hug - BTS gave that to me - and I feel it every time I watch a video and listen to their music. They stole my heart and have brought me such peace and joy - I'm so afraid of that going away. The uncertainty literally makes me sick to my stomach.
I was so lucky to get to see them in concert in LA. It was my first trip to LA and I honestly have no desire to go back. Let me explain: As I walked down Hollywood Blvd and saw the lines of fans at the Line Friends store, the promotions, and specifically, a clip of them going out to dinner one night, I felt bad about BTS. Bad about being a fan, bad for them. Something about MY boys, Bangtan, being reduced to typical American "celebrities", made me feel ill. I hated it. I hated feeling like they were being forced to cater to American standards, or idol/celebrity expectations. THEY ARE DIFFERENT - they are not typical and that's what makes them special. I didn't want them to be typical, I didn't want them to be celebritized, and I certainly didn't want them to be American (I am American, btw). I love them because they are different and I hated seeing how they were being portrayed - it just didn't give me a good feeling at all. I worry that THEY felt just as bad about it as I did. That they felt they were being portrayed as something other than they were - than they are. That these are the moments that they realized they weren't loving and caring for themselves and stopped being their true selves.
As an older Army, I hope that ALL Army can remember that these 7 have given us a huge part of their lives. Consider Jungkook, who has been OUR Jungkook for nearly half of his life; Jin and Yoongi who have given us a part of their life when most are finding significant others, settling down, and having families. Did we hold them back in THOSE dreams? And Joon - I remember seeing him post pics "after work" and "off work". I hope we didn't put so much pressure on them that they found it to be actual work and not them living their dreams. I hope, but I think I already know the answer and I don't like knowing that they pushed themselves so hard for us - to not disappoint us. How could they EVER disappoint us? They've given us everything they've had to give and then some. Day in and day out, 24/7 sometimes, and they did not (nor do they now) owe any of us anything - their love was a gift and a privilege and it's now OUR turn to give love back to them, no questions asked, so that they know WHY we love them so much and that it was NEVER and will never be "just about the music."
It's about them, who they are, their message, and their love.
We love them because they are Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook, not just because they're BTS (musicians or idols).
They have been there for us, whether they knew it or not....let's show them that we are here for them (and leave no doubt that they know it).
As much as my heart is breaking a little and as scared as I am of the unknown and future of BTS, I just needed to share that these 7 Korean men, together and individually, will always hold a special place in my heart. For what they have given me, I will FOREVER and always love them. #BTS #ForeverArmy #APOBANGPO
Hi Melly, I hope that after Jungkook's Vlive and Joon's letter you are a bit calmer. I think we all understand a little bit how you feel. I am so sorry that this has reminded you of something painful and I want you to know that your feelings are valid. I understand the confusion, and the sadness we feel. For them and for us as their fans. But as you say, we must support them. Support their dreams, support their ambitions and let them face the world alone, but with us always by their side. Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hobi, Jimin, Tae and Jungkook need to be them for a while to stay BTS for much longer. They deserve that. They deserve to think of themselves as individuals too. The only thing we can do as fans is to keep supporting them and even if it hurts us as BTS fans we should be happy as a fan of Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hobi, Jimin, Tae and Jungkook.
I am sending you a giant hug 💜💜💜
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btsmosphere · 4 years
Big Enough for Both of Us | JJK
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~summary: his jumpers are going missing. And ending up on you. An annoying amount of books, some very cold weather and an admin mix-up later, will things change between you and Jungkook? Jungkook x reader (she/her pronouns) ~word count: 4.7k ~college au, fluff, getting together Rating: pg13 Warnings: one (1) swear, suggestive conversation and misunderstandings ~a/n: another bingo square, this time for ‘oversized hoodies/sweaters’ as an early Christmas present for you all!
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You were shivering as you turned the keys to your locker, barely balancing the stack of books in your arms as you did so. Not wearing a jacket today was something you were sorely regretting, muscles groaning in protest from the cold and the weight you had lugged here.
The squeak of the old locker was the most welcome things you had heard all day, already preparing to shift the cursed pile of books off your struggling arms.
But as the door clanged softly open, all you could do was stare.
Something was already there.
Despite the pressing problem of the books weighing you down, you paused to look up and down the corridor. No one. Frowning, you peeked around to see the front of the locker door. This was definitely your locker, right?
Number 267. That was right.
Only, you had never used this locker before in your life. It had taken you until now, in December, to open it for the first time, even though you had started at college months back.
So the piece of black fabric sitting there, neatly folded, innocuous enough in any other situation, was a real curveball for you.
As you pondered, the top book on your tower decided to make a break for it, arms reminding you just how tired they were when you moved to catch it. Sighing, you leaned forwards and let them fall from your arms, right on top of the sweater.
You were pretty sure it was a sweater.
Whoever had this locker last year probably left it there by accident. It probably stunk by now, too.
Whether that was the case or not, you never got to investigate. A buzzing from your phone alerted you that your first lecture was about to start, your friend Namjoon asking where you were. So, without a second glance at the jumper, you slammed the door and rushed away.
It wasn’t until two classes later that it resurfaced in your thoughts.
The heating must have been broken in that class, or else your professor just liked to see you suffer. Throughout the lecture, you had been slowly freezing, resorting to rubbing your hands over your arms to ease your goosebumps.
And now that you piled out of the hall into the already dimming light, you found it was colder still.
The library was halfway across campus, and you were due to meet Namjoon there to make a start on your essays. Right about now, that mystery sweater did sound very tempting. And you did have to go back to your locker anyway to get the books, right?
Placing the stack by your feet, you stared at the material. It had been a bit flattened by the weight that had sat on it all day, but it looked clean at least.
Reaching in, you picked it up at the shoulder between one finger and thumb and leant in to smell it.
The first sniff returned a pleasant surprise. Nothing. Holding it in both your hands now, you brought it right up to your face, almost touching, and tried again.
It actually smelled good.
Come to think of it, it felt very soft between your fingers too.
Cold clutched so tightly onto your bones at this point that you couldn’t wait to get another layer on, so you stuck your arms inside. Sighing, you noted it must be quite new given how soft it still was.
You had got lucky.
Shaking the sleeves down, they fell way over your hands. The hem also came very low, nearly to your knees, but honestly, that felt like a bonus.
And so, lifting up the pile of books, you felt a little lighter (and much warmer) as you stepped out to meet Namjoon with your new big, soft jumper.
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“I would say sorry I’m late, but I blame you,” you quipped as you slid into the chair beside Namjoon, depositing the books onto the desk with a loud thud, “were this many really necessary?”
Looking up at you from his own book, Namjoon had the decency to look a little apologetic as he laid eyes on the huge stack.
“Ah – yes – sorry,” he stuttered, “they did all look helpful. I suppose we’d better get through them all today so we can return them?”
Even his dimpled smile couldn’t stop you from groaning and flopping down onto your folded arms. Laughing, he pulled the first book off the pile, undeterred.
“I need coffee for this,” you mumbled.
But as you made to get up, Namjoon tugged you back down by your sleeve.
“You should make a start,” he fixed you with a look, “let’s go to the cafeteria later.”
Closing your mouth, you eyed up the intimidating pile of books. Of course, Namjoon knew you all too well, and was right. If you didn’t start working now, you could procrastinate for ages.
But you did want that coffee…
“If we wait til later, Jungkook will be there!”
Namjoon’s words had left his mouth the moment he saw you preparing to speak, and had snatched the argument right from your lips.
“Wh-what?” you spluttered, “What does that have to do with it?”
A knowing smile rested on Namjoon’s face as he placed a book in front of you.
You flipped it open and got to work.
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Namjoon’s wish to get through all the books by closing time was a distant daydream. Half the books still sat untouched, and your essay still had a way to go.
Nonetheless, you weren’t going to stay slaving away all night. You made sure Namjoon remembered his earlier promise of coffee… although you didn’t mention the part about Jungkook.
Naturally, he was there anyway. Namjoon smirked as he left your side with his coffee order, waiting for you to stop staring at his friend and notice he was gone.
It took longer than you would care to admit.
Jungkook was a music student, and since Namjoon fancied himself a producer, he spent enough time in the department that he essentially was too, meaning he had a group of friends there as well as from his own course. And of course the boy you had been silently crushing on in the cafeteria since day one was one of them.
Unfortunately for you, Namjoon hadn’t prepared you for this when he decided to introduce you one day, and you had practically forgotten your own name as you found yourself suddenly in front the gorgeous Jungkook.
And just to add insult to injury, he had been really sweet to you.
Really, he was just asking you to fall for him.
You had promptly decided to stay away from him as much as you could help it. Until you were ready, you told yourself.
Which wouldn’t be anytime soon, given the way your cheeks combusted as he smiled over at your table. While Namjoon waved back, you studied your coffee cup very intensely.
“He’s gone,” Namjoon let you know, swinging back in his chair to take a swig of coffee.
Which was too hot.
And was now all over the table.
After your initial jump from your seat, all you could do was laugh as your friend started frantically mopping up the liquid, using already sodden napkins.
“Do you need some help?”
At the voice behind you, your jaw snapped shut.
Jungkook walked past you, grin splitting his face as he laughed at his hyung too.
“Thanks, Jungkook,” Namjoon chuckled.
You ran off to get more napkins.
On your return, you quickly helped clear the rest of the mess, rescuing your own drink from the pool on the tabletop. Seeing Namjoon had his things together, you also scooped up your bag. But no books.
Looking around for the godforsaken pile, you found them sitting in Jungkook’s arms.
“Oh, thanks,” you muttered, “I can take those, if you want-“
“It’s okay,” he beamed (would he ever stop smiling, he might make you drop down dead-).
“We’re getting the same bus, so I might as well bring them tomorrow,” Joon clapped his shoulder, “saves you breaking your arms again, right Y/N?”
“My arms weren’t breaking!” you scoffed, folding them against your chest.
“So you want to take them?” Jungkook raised a brow at you.
You blinked at him.
Then huffed and rolled your eyes.
Laughing loudly, Namjoon led the two of you out of the cafeteria.
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It was a good thing Jungkook carried the books. If this morning was anything to go by, you wouldn’t have enjoyed another walk with them.
Hugging your borrowed sweater around you a little more, you picked up the pace.
How Jungkook could have been outside in just that t shirt blew your mind. It was freezing.
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“Can I borrow your locker key?” Namjoon whispered from the seat beside you.
“Why?” you hissed back, keeping your eyes forwards.
“Mine’s full,” he replied, “and we still have all these books.”
“We really had to get them all out at once, didn’t we?” you sighed, already digging in your bag for your keys.
“Someone else might have done otherwise!” Joon protested.
Underneath the desk, you passed him the keys.
“Number 267, okay?”
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Once again, you had made very poor clothing choices. To be fair to you, the weather was supposed to have gotten warmer, so you had only put on a thin jumper. The outfit certainly looked good, but other than that, it was a bad idea. Tomorrow, you would put on a coat. Or maybe that jumper you had found yesterday…
Dashing between buildings to fetch the books again, you were convinced you might get hypothermia. The wind was biting across the already chilled air, sky an unforgiving grey above.
Inside, you fumbled with your key, fingers stiff with cold.
You hadn’t seen Joon since your first lecture, except when he ran past your study spot to throw your keys at you – literally – on his way to the music studios. You were lucky to still have both your eyes.
But maybe he had thought of you, because there beside the books, was a sweater.
Perhaps it was a mirage – could you get them from cold instead of heat? Reaching out to touch it, you concluded it was definitely real, but must be some kind of miracle. Dropping your bag to the ground straight away, you shoved the jumper on and huddled into it, bunching the sleeves around your frozen hands.
It was dark green, and you were sure you had seen Joon wearing a jumper like this before.
Thanking every deity out there that your friend had predicted your habit to dress poorly for the weather, you hauled the books out of the locker and set off for your study session.
Today you arrived first. Pulling out your phone, you sat back and waited for Joon to turn up.
When he did, you looked up from your phone to find he had stopped in front of your desk, staring back at you.
“You are a lifesaver,” you said, setting your phone aside and sitting forwards.
Blinking, he shook his head. “What?”
Frowning, you repeated yourself.
“I said you’re a lifesaver… for the jumper,” you clarified, “I was so cold, I could barely open my locker-“
“What are you talking about?” he asked.
“What do you mean? Did you not leave this for me…” you frowned.
You both stared at each other.
“Okay. Well, whose is it then?” you asked, pulling your chin to your chest to look down at the jumper you had on.
“Where did you find it?” Namjoon ignored your question, sitting down at last.
“It was in my locker, with the books,” you explained.
“But it’s not yours?”
“It was there when I put them in this morning, though, I thought it must have been.”
“What the hell?” you struggled to find any other words.
“I guess someone else left it for you,” Joon shrugged.
Incredulous, you watched as he pulled out his laptop and opened it, unbothered by the strange apparition of your jumper.
“You think someone broke into my locker to leave me a jumper?”
“I don’t know,” he sighed, “but can you pass me the one by Hastings-“
Sighing, you dropped the matter and pulled his requested book from the middle of the stack, choosing the top one to start on yourself.
Though you let it go long enough to get through a bit more of your essay, you were absolutely going to put the jumper back after you were done. Knowing you were wearing someone’s sweater, you felt the gazes of everyone walking past as if they somehow knew, and were about to denounce you for being a sweatshirt thief in the middle of the library.
But, as it happened, the cold weather was hellbent on dissolving your goodwill.
There was no. way. you were going outside in any less layers than you currently had on. The trip to your locker brought you to that conclusion soon enough, and so you chucked the books in and hugged the sweater tighter.
That night, the shapes of the two jumpers you had ‘borrowed’ so far seemed to stick out in the dark. It may not be anything dramatic, but since they weren’t yours, you couldn’t keep them.
Thankfully, the morning brought actual sun with it.
And your phone told you it would get warmer still.
Your phone lied.
That morning, you had worn the green jumper, intending to take it off and return it to the locker when you reached campus and the day had warmed up.
In the event, nothing of the sort happened. You had bumped into Namjoon and one of his friends from music, Yoongi. The three of you had talked outside until it was time for class, so you headed straight for your lecture with Joon.
Your next step outside was when you knew you had messed up.
All trace of sun had disappeared, sky darkened with cloud again. Any heat this morning held had gone away too.
But you were determined. You huffed as you pulled the sweater over your head later on, placing it back into the locker despite the way you were already shivering from the walk over.
In the library, the pile of books dwindled steadily down, but you got no warmer. Seriously, this place needed to invest in some better heating.
Screw morals, you were getting that jumper back.
“I’ll be back,” you muttered, sliding away before Joon could reply.
Apart from that, you made the walk to your locker in record time, probably since no books weighed you down.
As you approached the building you were aiming for, the door swung open. On seeing you, the emerging figure slowed down and held the door behind them. Speeding up, you reached the door at a slight jog before you even noticed who it was.
“Hi Y/N!” he said brightly.
“H-hi!” you smiled back, “how are you?”
“Good thanks,” he smiled too, leaning against the door, “just heading to the cafeteria.”
“Oh, Joon and I should be along soon,” you nodded.
“Cool, I’ll see you,” he flashed his grin again.
Finally greeted with the warmth of inside, you looked over your shoulder at Jungkook’s retreating back. Why on earth was he in a t shirt? Shaking your head, you made your way to your locker with a smile.
Look at you go! A normal, nice conversation with Jungkook! And hopefully you could put an end to the relentless study session if you told Namjoon you were expected to go and get coffee with Jungkook.
Clinking, your key turned in the lock and you pulled the locker open with a sigh of relief-
A new sweater.
Tilting your head to the side, you stared at it as if it might get up and explain itself any moment.
Rather than the green one you had abandoned earlier, a burgundy bundle lay there instead. Sighing sharply, you decided you had come all this way for warmth, after all, and if someone was going to insist on putting jumpers in your locker, then you were going to wear them.
Which is how you found yourself enveloped contentedly in the latest of the apparently continuous line of warm, cosy sweaters, sipping coffee from between you sweater paws at a table with Namjoon, Jungkook, Jin and Taehyung.
Perhaps you weren’t entirely used to being in someone else’s jumper yet, because you kept feeling uneasy, as if the others at your table were looking at you with sideways glances.
Shaking it off, you smiled along with the conversation. You were definitely imagining it. Even if you didn’t talk to them that much, Namjoon’s friends were always lovely to you.
Eventually, the cups lay empty and the boys were discussing meeting the others in the studio. Noticing the branches outside the window swaying wildly, you decided you could put off the walk home no longer, or the weather would only keep getting worse, knowing your luck.
“See you later,” you excused yourself to a round of small waves and smiles from the others.
All the others, except, strangely, Jungkook. He had always been very easy-going with you, so you tried not to read into it when he only gave a tiny smile before ducking his head again.
On your way out, you noticed Yoongi coming in and exchanged a nod.
But with you on your merry way, you had no idea of the situation you had left behind.
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Jungkook’s cheeks were burning as he tried to ignore the pointed stares of his friends. Lips pulled in between his teeth, he tentatively looked up, through the hair hanging into his eyes.
“Kook…” Namjoon was the first to speak, eyebrows raised as he watched the younger boy.
“What?” he squeaked, chewing at his lip right after. Who was he kidding? They all knew ‘what’.
Looking over to Tae and Jin brought no solace, both looking equally confused and expectant. Silence stretched out between them as Jungkook tried to string together a coherent thought with all eyes on him.
“So when were you going to tell us you’re hooking up with Y/N?”
Jungkook choked on thin air. Looking up, he saw Yoongi sauntering across to their table, thankfully grabbing the attention away from Jungkook.
“What do you- I’m- we’re- we’re not-“
“It’s alright Kook, you can tell us,” Jin offered, eyes wide in an attempt at being consoling. It wasn’t helping.
“There’s nothing to tell!” he insisted.
“Doesn’t explain why she was wearing your jumper,” Tae interjected.
“Has been for days,” Yoongi helpfully chimed in next.
Jungkook hid his head in his hands.
“I thought she just left for a study break,” Namjoon piped up next, “I can’t believe you two! On campus, really?”
“We are not sleeping together!” Jungkook hissed, succeeding in shutting him up, “I don’t know why she’s wearing that!”
“Sure,” Yoongi scoffed.
“You’ve had a crush on her for so long, I swear we’re happy for you,” Tae leant forwards, “I’m just offended you didn’t tell us.”
“What?” Jungkook was getting more frustrated.
“It’s no secret you like her,” Jin agreed.
“You knew?! Why didn’t you say anything?” Jungkook stared at his friends in disbelief.
“To let you deal with it yourself,” Jin mumbled eventually, “are you- are you telling us you seriously still haven’t done anything about it?”
“I haven’t,” Jungkook admitted.
“You have a crush on Y/N?” Namjoon asked incredulously.
“What’s the deal with the jumpers then? I’m lost,” Yoongi said.
“Hello!?” Namjoon interrupted, “Kook has a crush on Y/N?”
Groaning, Jungkook dragged his hands down his face.
“Yes, Joon. I like her,” he muttered, “and I don’t know, Yoongi. I don’t know how she keeps getting my jumpers.”
“Well, ask for them back then,” Jin shrugged, sitting back.
Jungkook just sighed.
“Oh my god, he likes it!” Tae gasped in glee, an infuriating grin splitting his face.
Jungkook was sure he wouldn’t get cold walking home if his cheeks maintained this temperature.
“Hold on…” Namjoon suddenly leaned forwards, “the other day, she asked me if I had put a jumper in her locker. We thought someone had left it for her.”
“It was in her locker?”
“Well, that’s weird. I didn’t put them there.”
“This is ridiculous,” Yoongi groaned loudly, “I thought Kook had finally sorted this stupid crush. I couldn’t care less about the damn sweaters. Let’s go to the studio, Jimin and Hobi are waiting.”
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“What are you doing?”
You almost jumped out of your skin. Having just picked your books up from your locker (how the pile was still this big, you had no idea), you turned around to find none other than Jungkook stood staring at you.
Clutching the stack tightly to avoid a landslide after that jumpscare, you looked up at him. A light crease made itself known between his eyebrows.
“Just… getting these books,” you gulped. Now it had started beating again, your heart wouldn’t seem to shut up at such close proximity to him.
He continued frowning at you, expecting more, but all you could think about was how cute he was, even when he was annoyed. How is that even possible?
“That’s my locker.”
That startled you from your stupor. It was your turn to frown now, taken aback by his statement.
“…no, it’s not,” you said slowly, “that’s my locker.”
“Look,” he said then, before pulling a key from his pocket. Holding it up, you clearly saw the familiar number 267 glinting back at you.
Frown growing deeper, you struggled to balance the books in one arm while the other fumbled for your own key. As you flattened your palm, he leant in to see it.
“267,” he muttered, staring between yours and his. “what the…”
“That’s odd,” you frowned, “I guess we should talk to reception, but I, uh, I have class-“
“Y/N,” he slid into your way as you took a step, “um…”
As you waited for him to talk, he hesitated, tongue slipping out momentarily to wet his lips as he rubbed a hand at the back of his neck. At last, he took a breath, barely looking at you, and spoke.
“People have been asking me, ab-about us-“
Your eyes grew five times bigger in a millisecond. Did Jeon Jungkook just use the word us, talking to you?!?
“-they’re asking why you’re wearing my jumpers, and-and I guess I know why now, but-“
Oh no.
No no no no no no no.
The jumpers you had been taking the liberty of stealing belonged to Jungkook?
Oh hell no.
“Shit, I’m sorry- uhh, I’ll get them all back to you, I swear,” you hurriedly spoke, backing away from him, “but I really need to go class, so, um, I’ll see you!”
And with that, you were walking as fast as your legs could carry you, far away from the most embarrassing situation since the time your pants had ripped when you were twelve. People had been asking Jungkook about you? They thought you were together?
You felt awful. All through your lecture, you could barely hear your professor over your internal screaming. What must Jungkook think about this? About you?
Ditching the pile of godawful, cursed books with Joon, you hurried to your locker, hoping that no one would be in sight so you could shove the jumper away. You were wearing the first one you had found. You could return the rest later.
Yes, you would be freezing, but you would have to deal with it.
Roughly pulling it over your head as you reached your locker, the corridor mercifully empty, you threw open the door.
But something was already there.
You wouldn’t have paid it any attention, except there was a note sat on top. And it had your name on it. Underneath the note sat something dark blue and suspiciously hoodie-shaped.
Eyeing it warily, you read the note.
Y/N, I’m sorry, I should have explained better. You don’t have to put the jumpers back, or even stop wearing them. In fact, if you keep wearing them I would be very happy. I brought this for you – it’s the biggest hoodie I own and I hope you like it. I need to tell you something, and I’m clearly better at writing it down than saying it to you, but I want to say it. I really like you, Y/N. You don’t have to feel the same, but you can at least keep the sweaters and stay warm. JK xx
This couldn’t be real. Eyes darting to and fro re-reading the message, you reached out to take the paper between your fingers. Apparently, it was real.
Letting it drop back onto the blue hoodie, you looked around you to find the hallway still empty.
Now this wasn’t fair. Jungkook couldn’t make your all your dreams come true and then hide somewhere. You had to find him.
Stuffing the first jumper you stole away, you pulled out the new gift and tugged it on. Not only was it huge, but it was so soft. When you found him, you were going to find out what detergent he used.
Either way, you spared little time to enjoy the warm hug in jumper form, instead racing off to track down Jungkook. Zipping through the cafeteria proved fruitless, and you even stopped in the library. Joon was in there, but you didn’t stop, just chucking Jungkook’s note in the face of his complaints and moving on.
You had never actually been in the music studio before, but you found it easily enough.
Practically running inside, you stopped, breathing heavily, in the entrance. Only three people were in there, and of course none of them were Jungkook.
Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi looked around at you in surprise.
“Where’s Jungkook?” you panted.
Yoongi had barely lifted his hand before you had already taken off in the direction he pointed. Pushing the door wide open, you finally laid eyes on the person you had been looking for.
When Jungkook looked around from where he stood in front of a microphone, a piece of paper clutched in his hand, all the words you were going to say to him suddenly left your mind.
“What detergent do you use?”
The question fell uselessly from your lips, only making him more confused.
“Oh, nevermind-“
Letting the door fall shut behind you, your feet didn’t stop moving as you crossed the room until your lips crashed into his.
Arms instinctively coming up to hold you, his eyes widened at first but quickly slid shut as he realised what was happening. You were so desperate to find him, and now you couldn’t wait to feel him, lips ravenous as your hands tangled in his long hair.
He tasted so good, making you groan into his mouth as his lips fit so perfectly against yours, incidentally granting him access to slip his tongue inside. There was barely a hair’s breadth between you as he tugged you in, hands fisted in the fabric of his own sweater that swallowed you up.
Finally recovering from the shock and elation of kissing you, he cupped the back of your head, tilting his own to deepen the kiss as he held you steady. And it was a good thing he did, or he would have swept you clean off your feet.
Even as you broke away from each other, staring in shock at your own boldness, your heart continued its raging party in your chest. You could only stare into his brown eyes, totally lost and awed at what just happened.
“Nice hoodie,” Jungkook whispered, the first to break the silence.
“Y-yeah,” you nodded, “thank you.”
“I’m glad you like it.” He looked at you then, big eyes hopeful and oh god you just wanted to kiss him again and see him smile forever-
“Can I take this as your reply to my note?”
“Yes, Jungkook,” you smiled, and the grin that burst onto his face was the most glorious you had ever seen, “I like you too. I really, really like you.”
“I really, really like you too, Y/N,” he grinned, lips connecting with your forehead in a brief, sweet peck, “and I’d like to see you in my sweaters more often.”
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Thank you to everyone who reblogs my work!!
I now have a follow-up drabble for this oneshot here!
Taglist: @aianloveseven​ @preciouschimine​ (message to be added)
Find my other work on my masterlist
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
A Place Called Home | Chapter 9
Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU?, Soulmate AU, romance, fluff, humour
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: vet!reader, Arcticfox!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Goldenretriever!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Calicocat!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Rabbit!Jungkook
Summary: Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
You’re glad to hear that Jimin has been making improvements and you make sure to receive daily updates about his condition. Even if he isn’t ready to go home, certain situations arise which may need you to start rehabilitating him at your home instead. 
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‘Echo, we have some bad news. - Charlie’
‘I’m listening... - Echo’
‘We know you checked the pet of the recent fighting ring’s leader into an institute but we have insider news that the leader’s men that managed to get away are looking for him. - Bravo’
‘They have good security at the institute. - Echo’
‘No, there’s a tip that they have a mole in there already. Waiting to get to the calico cat hybrid and get him out. Their leader is still in holding so we’re not sure what they want to do with him when they break him out. Either give him to the next appointed leader or sell him for his rarity. - Alpha’
‘I’ll get him out. Thanks for the tip. - Echo’
After 5 seconds, the chat times out and deleted itself, leaving you to stare at the blank screen of your computer. This was not good news, Jimin may be in trouble. If something happens to him, you’ll never forgive yourself. 
“Jinnie, Namjoon.” You called them. The nursery was closed today so it was only the 2 of them with you at home. 
“Jimin may be in danger, we have to go get him out. Right now. I’m not wasting a second and risking his safety. I’ll explain more on the way there but get changed. We’re leaving.” You said quickly and they nodded, heading back to their rooms to change. You called Dr. Lee to let her know you will be heading over as it was an emergency. 
“So, what’s going on? Jimin is not ready to be discharged yet.” Namjoon asked as you drove. 
“I got word from my organisation. That Jimin’s previous owner’s men are looking for him. There’s a possibility that they have a mole in the facility he is at.” You explained. 
“But didn’t you say he was arrested?” Jin pointed out. 
“He is... But I guess he still has men on the outside. They’re either reclaiming their’s boss’ pet or going to sell him. You know how rare male calico cats are, even though he is a hybrid, I guess the same logic applies too.” You sighed, finally arriving at the institute. 
“I got your text.” Dr. Lee rushed out to you when you entered the lobby. Casting all the other workers a glance, you pushed her to her office, Namjoon and Jin trailing behind you. 
“I need to check Jimin out.” You started. 
“He’s not ready to be. I know I told you he’s improving but he can’t leave.” She shook her head. You began to explain to her the situation. 
“Ah! Why didn’t you start with that?!” She slapped your shoulder. 
“I’ll let you take him home but he has to be on these medications. He’s still not as stable yet.” Going to her patient cabinet, she handed you a few bottle of pills with Jimin’s name on them. Jin took them, placing them in his bag to hold them for you. 
“Let’s go get your hybrid.” She took her keys. The 3 of you followed her to Jimin’s ward. Jin and Namjoon decided to stand outside to guard you while you went in. You were greeted by Jimin’s back. 
“Jiminie?” You called. Hearing your tinkling voice, Jimin’s ears twitched as he turned around slowly. 
“(y/n)...?” He gasped in disbelief. 
“Hey, sweetie. I’m here to take you home.” You whispered. He ran to you and hugged you tightly, burying his head against your chest. 
“You let them take me... You abandoned me. I thought you hated me and didn’t want me anymore. You didn’t even say goodbye to me. You just let them take me and left with the others.” He whimpered. You rubbed his back soothingly to comfort him. Of course, hearing this broke your heart. You never meant to make him feel like you abandoned him. 
“I would never abandon you or hate you, Jiminie. I knew you would be safe here, I did it so you would get better. It was never to hurt you. I’m sorry.” You kissed his forehead. 
“We’ll talk more at home, alright? We have to go now.” You held his hand. He nodded his head. Dr. Lee handed you his file. 
“Take care, Jimin.” She smiled and he bowed his head slightly. You led him out, your two other hybrids joining you as you headed to the car. Namjoon drove with Jin in the passenger seat.
“You’ve gained some weight, you look better.” You stroked Jimin’s head. He purred under your touch.
“How are you feeling?” You asked. 
“Okay.” He nodded his head. You did see that Jimin had gotten better. Besides putting on some needed weight, he wasn’t as anxious, jumpy or scared as before. He seemed a lot calmer and less afraid when he saw Namjoon and Jin. Also, he didn’t try to be possessive of you like before. 
“We’re here.” Namjoon broke the silence and you nodded, getting out. Jimin actually let Jin bring him to his allocated room. You gave him some of Yoongi’s old clothes to wear. 
“(y/n), as much as I don’t think Jimin is in the right condition to be here... I think it was a good call getting him out.” Namjoon spoke. 
“Thank you for saying that. I hope Yoongi understands that too. He’s just edgy around Jimin because I got scratched the last time.” You sighed, not wanting to imagine the panther’s temper. 
“Yoongi hyung always had a bad temper. But he’ll never get angry with you. You did it for Jimin’s safety. Even if the situation isn’t ideal, I’m sure Yoongi hyung isn’t the kind to want to risk any other hybrids’ safety either.” Namjoon shrugged and you nodded in agreement. 
“You always know what to say, Joon.” You patted his head. 
“I just want you to be okay, alright?” He smiled, his dimple popping out as he leaned in to rub his cheek against yours. 
“I’m so glad to have you, Namjoon.” You hummed as you leaned in, melting under his touch. He pulled away and pressed a kiss to your temple before leaving you. You went up to Jimin’s new room and knocked on the door. 
“Come in.” Jimin said softly. 
“Hey, Jiminie.” You called and he went to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You sat on his bed and Jimin laid his head in your lap. 
“Please don’t leave me again.” He said softly. 
“Oh, sweetie. I never left you. I would never. I’ve always been receiving updates about how you’re doing, making sure you’re sleeping well and eating enough. But I just couldn’t see you or else you wouldn’t have gotten better. I’m so proud of you and how much you have improved, Jiminie.” You ran your fingers through his hair. 
“I promise to keep improving.” Jimin said, sleepily. 
“I’m happy to hear that. We’ll take it slow and work on it together.” You chuckled. As you softly massaged his scalp, Jimin’s eyes started closing and soon, he was asleep. 
You had fallen asleep as well, leaning against the headboard with Jimin’s head still planted in your lap. Yoongi had come home with Taehyung. The others didn’t need to tell him, he could smell it the moment he entered the house. 
“Who’s here?” Yoongi asked. 
“Jimin.” Taehyung pointed out. Namjoon and Jin grabbed the two, bringing them to the kitchen. They gathered around the kitchen island and the two began telling the panther and tiger what happened today. 
“The situation isn’t ideal but please, all she’s worried about now is Jimin’s safety and whether you will be angry with her when she finds out. I know we’re all concerned about her safety but we have to give her some credit and trust her decisions.” Namjoon said. 
“She makes it sound like all I do is get angry with her.” Yoongi scoffed. 
“I think if we all help her with rehabilitating Jimin, it’ll benefit us all. If we all just keep fighting him, he won’t get better. He may get worse and (y/n) will be at the receiving end of it.” Taehyung pointed out. 
“That’s a good idea, Tae. We’ll try to help with what we can.” Jin patted the tiger on his head. 
“You two go wash up. I’ll get started on dinner with Namjoon. Don’t wake them up yet.” Jin said. Yoongi and Taehyung nodded, going to their rooms. Taehyung finished and sat in front of Jimin’s door, looking up at it. He was waiting for you to wake up so he could give you a hug, like he always does when he’s comes home from work. 
“What are you doing?” Yoongi raised an eyebrow at the tiger. 
“Waiting for (y/n) to wake up. I want my hug.” Taehyung pouted, not taking his eyes off the wooden door. 
“It’s starting to get cold, come help me bring the heating lamps out.” Yoongi called the younger. Taehyung nodded, looking back at the door before going to help Yoongi. They brought out the heating lamps from the storage. 
“Cold already?” Jin teased. 
“Shut up.” Yoongi mumbled, laying out the futon with blankets and pillows in the corner of the living room. Taehyung spread the heating lamps around and turned them on. Jin and Namjoon were not affected by the cold, Jin being an arctic fox and Namjoon being a wolf. 
“Boys?” Hearing your voice, Taehyung dropped everything and ran off. 
“You were sleeping for so long! I had to wait for my hug.” He huffed and you laughed, patting his back. 
“Umm...” Jimin stood there, playing with the hem of his sweater as he watched Taehyung hug you. Taehyung lifted his head, blinking at the smaller boy. Suddenly, he pulled Jimin into a hug, making him stiffen.
“Tae, you shouldn’t-”
“Welcome to the house, friend.” Taehyung said. Hearing that, Jimin visibly relaxed a little, awkwardly wrapped his arms around the taller boy. Taehyung grabbed your hand and Jimin’s bringing the two of you to the kitchen. You were surprised by Taehyung’s attitude towards Jimin but glad to see him accepting the calico cat nonetheless. 
You guessed that Jin and Namjoon has told Taehyung and Yoongi about the new tenant that would be staying in the house with you. 
“Good evening.” You greeted everyone. 
“You’re beautiful even with your bed hair.” Yoongi teased, running his fingers through your hair to even it out. 
“Stop.” You blushed, shoving him gently. 
“Everyone, this is Jimin. He will be staying with us for now. Jiminie, this is Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon and Taehyung.” You held Jimin’s hand. The 4 gave him acknowledging nods. 
“Well, I hope you like chicken, Jimin.” Jin said, placing the pan of spicy stir fried chicken in the middle of the island. You and Yoongi helped to plate the side dishes while Taehyung took the plates and cutlery out. Jimin stood there awkwardly, not knowing how he could help. 
“Come.” You waved him over to sit. Jimin sat between you and Taehyung. Yoongi still kept his place on your left. 
“What’s your schedule tomorrow?” Jin asked you as everyone ate. 
“It’s a long day. 20 hour shift. Head nurse Park told me the OR is fully booked. My first one is at 8 am.” You groaned, already knowing how tired you’re going to be after such a long shift. 
“You’ll be gone for 20 hours?” Jimin’s eyes widened.
“Yeah. It’s normal, especially since the hospital is short staffed now.” You sighed, placing a piece of chicken in Jimin’s bowl. Jimin nodded but looked down. It finally dawned on you that you didn’t think about who would be with Jimin while you were at work. Taking days off were difficult and all your other hybrids were working. 
After dinner, you paced by the window, biting your nail as you tried to come up with a solution. Bringing Jimin to the hospital with you would not be any better since you can’t stay by his side. He would just have to stay in your office alone. 
“Snowflake~” Jin called from behind you. You stopped gazing out the window and turned around. 
“You’re gonna get wrinkles from all your frowning before you even hit 30.” He chuckled, gently kissing your forehead. 
“I didn’t even think about Jimin being alone tomorrow.” You sighed. 
“Don’t worry about it, snowflake. Your hybrids got it covered, we already came up with a plan. Our jobs are flexible enough to allow us to take certain days off so we’ll take turns staying at home with Jimin. Tomorrow, it’ll be my turn so you don’t have to worry.” Jin informed and you didn’t even know how to react to that news.
“Really? You guys... are okay with that?” Your voice trembled. 
“Of course. Any way that we can help you, we will. And if it helps Jimin settle in too, all the better.” He smiled. You wiped your tears. 
“Don’t cry, jagi.” He hugged you. 
“I don’t know what I would do without any of you.” You whispered. Your phone rang and you saw that it was your mother. That made you frown because your mother never calls you. Your mother was one of the most, if not, the most well known attorney in the country. She has never lost a case before. 
“I have news from a friend in the president’s office that you’re not going to like... It’s not announced yet but I thought I should tell you firsthand.” 
Jin watched as your expression grew grim as you listened to your mother. You were giving off negative emotions. 
“I see... Thanks for letting me know then.” You told her and hung up. 
“Call the boys, we’re having a meeting.” You told Jin and he nodded, going upstairs. As you waited for him to round up the boys, you sat on the couch and took your phone out to start searching for shops.
“What’s wrong?” Namjoon asked.
“My mother just called. She delivered some... not so good news. As you know, with her connections everywhere, she heard about an announcement that the president is going to make tomorrow. She decided to tell me early instead of wait for it to be announced.” You started. The boys looked at each other uneasily, not liking where this was going. 
“A big feral shelter was broken into and a lot of hybrids are now out on the streets. As law enforcements try to round the escapees up, there will be some rules in place.” You sighed. 
“Like what?” Taehyung tilted his head. 
“You’ll all need to start wearing identification collars. And you cannot leave the house during certain timings. A curfew of sorts.” You said. 
“I’m sorry, guys. I know I talked about how you have your freedom when you’re with me but it can’t be helped. I’d rather do this than any one of you get taken to the shelter because they think you’re a stray.” You told them. 
“It’s not your fault, don’t apologise. We just hate that this is the government’s solution to the problem.” Yoongi rolled his eyes. The others nodded in agreement. You were also unhappy with the news. Hybrids being on collars and leashes was something you always fought against. 
“I know it’s uncomfortable, which is why I wanted to tell you guys the moment I heard the news.” You looked over at Jimin. He seemed the most stiff when he heard that he would be in a collar again. 
“I’ll get them for you tomorrow. Goodnight everyone.” You said and the group broke up. 
“(y/n)?” Jimin called you. You turned around.
“Can I sleep with you tonight, please?” He asked. You shook your head, making him let out a small whine. 
“Jimin, you know you’re not supposed to be sleeping next to me. That’s why you have your own room. Also, I have to wake up early so I don’t even let the others sleep with me. But tell you what, I’ll tuck you in.” You stroked his head. He pouted but nodded. Walking him to his room, the first thing you did was given him his medications. 
“Good job.” You complimented and tucked him under the covers. 
“Goodnight, (y/n).” Jimin smiled sleepily. You leaned down to give him a kiss on the forehead. Taking his pill bottles, you left the room. 
After stopping by all the other rooms to wish your other boys goodnight, you finally went to you room to sleep. 
“Your alarm rang at 6 am and you got out of bed to get ready for work. 
“Namjoon?” You were shocked to see the wolf sitting on the ground, in front of the giant glass window, watching the ran fall. His tail and ears perked up at your presence as he turned around to give you a small smile. You put your bag on the counter and shuffled over to him. 
“Are you alright? What are you doing up so early?” You checked his temperature. 
“I’m fine. I couldn’t sleep so I thought I would guard the house. Also, I could see you off.” Namjoon smiled. 
“You don’t have to...” You smiled, stroking his hair. 
“It’s the alpha in me.” Namjoon had recently told you that his wolf ranking was an Alpha too. He had stronger alpha instincts that Jin. Jin had alpha instincts because he was the oldest in the house but he wasn’t an alpha by nature. 
“Well, alpha, make sure you get enough rest, alright? I don’t want you getting sick.” You giggled. 
Hearing you call him ‘alpha’ sparked something in Namjoon. A low growl rumbled in his chest but seeing your shocked look, he turned away as his cheeks turned red. He let out a cough and shook his head to get all the inappropriate thoughts out of his head. It was the alpha in him that wanted you to be his mate. 
“S-Sorry! You should go, wouldn’t want to be late.” He forced a smile, standing up. As you grabbed your things, Namjoon fixed an iced coffee for you in your to-go tumbler. 
“Thank you. I’ll see you all tonight. If anything happens, just phone me.” You said as you grabbed the drink from him. 
“Don’t worry. Drive safe in the rain.” He hugged you. You wrapped your free hand around him and Namjoon planted a kiss against your cheek, nuzzling his cheek against yours. He pulled away and walked you to the door. 
As you entered your car, Namjoon watched from the window. His eyes followed your car pull out of the driveway and down the road. He sat back down at his previous spot. Seeing you was able to calm whatever nerves he was having. He had been having recurring nightmares of the fighting ring but he wasn’t going to bother you with them. 
His thoughts went back to the day you stood up for him to that lady in the grocery store. You didn’t even care that you got hit by her. But from then on, he had such a strong urge to protect you just like you did for him. 
“You, Taehyung, Yoongi, Jin and all the hybrids out there are worth fighting for. If I get hurt doing it, so be it.”
He still remembered your words to him. If it weren’t for you, he would probably be dead now. He definitely wouldn’t have survived those fatal injuries that the ring people gave him. 
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dreamcatcherjiah · 3 years
Tight Hearts | JHS Part 12
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💞Tight Hearts (Idol!Hoseok x Reader)
Plot: The red string of fate was visible when our grandparents were children. They would play around, following the strings from one person to their soulmate and laugh happily when these two people inevitably found each other. It was a reason for happiness. But little by little, people stopped seeing the threads. In bad times, it was dangerous, it was a liability, so people stopped seeing them to protect each other from harm. When I was born, nobody saw them anymore, they just felt their soulmate. Anxiety, happiness, sorrow, love, the hearts of the soulmates are one, feel the same things, but it is almost impossible to find your soulmate, now that the threads cannot be seen.
Tight Hearts Masterlist
Part 12
A/N: AND SO IT BEGINS! The first of my July updates guys! I hope you guys liked this part as much as I loved writing it! Let me know your thoughts!🥺♥️ If you want to be added to the taglist, send me an ask!
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Three weeks later.
Sitting in the kitchen island with your laptop open and your work email mocking you from the screen, you pulled your hair and you wondered what, apart from Hyejin, was keeping you working for that company. 
After some nasty negotiations with your boss by BigHit’s lawyers, you had been allowed to work from home while the situation normalised itself and you could be on the oposite side of town away from Hoseok without feeling pain. If you had known the middle aged man who called himself the soul of the company and took advantage of your absence would spam your mailbox with thousands of emails a day, you wouldn’t have had second thoughts about quitting. Damn the company and damn getting paid, you would think about finding a job using the time you were wasting answering all those emails. But no, you were a very headstrong woman and you would be damned if all the efforts you had put into securing that job went down the drain because you had happened upon a patronising asshole of a boss. 
You let your head fall to your hands. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, Hoseok and the boys had to be in three different places throughout the day, filming advertisements, recording for their comeback and getting ready for the different end-of-the-year performances. You would have to tag along, posing as Sejin’s new shadow, manager in training he called it, so people wouldn’t be suspicious of the new addition to BTS’s entourage. According to the head manager, if you just kept a low profile and didn’t stop tapping away in your computer, no one would think to question what your were doing. But for you to be able to calmly tap away in said computer, you needed to get all the phone calls done before you left the apartment. 
Some arrangements had been made so you could stay in they guys apartment the nights when there was an early schedule and Hoseok couldn’t stay with you in his own apartment. Taehyung was now Jimin’s new roommate and he had kindly (not unteasingly) offered his room for you and Hoseok to share when you simply couldn’t waste time commuting to the dorm and then the company. 
You could hear the cheery voices of the boys in the living room, watching some movie about a train full of zombies on its way to Busan. How they had managed to rope Hoseok into watching the movie was beyond you but you guessed that, since you two had been spending huge amounts of time together, it made sense that now that you could stand further apart, Hoseok spent time with his brothers. Your heartbeat accelerated and that was all the warning you needed before a shrill scream that sounded suspiciously between a mixture of Yoongi and your soulmate reached you in the kitchen. Chuckling, you put your phone down and listened while holding your breath for the next round of groans and complaints. What a big bunch of babies. What you did hear were some rapid footsteps approaching you and you didn’t bat an eyelid when two slim arms snaked their way around your waist and the head of your soulmate settled on your shoulder. Hoseok had taken to hugging you from behind when you weren’t paying attention to him, the uncertainty and nerves that you felt through the bond letting you know that he was still uneasy about invading your personal space or distracting you. Every time you noticed how he was about to extract himself from you, you would hold his wrist and tighten his hold around you, nesting against his chest. This time was no different and you let go a small sigh when you relaxed against his frame, your head finding purchase on his shoulder. You let your head roll to the side, ghosting a small feather-like kiss on his ear, making him giggle.
“Why do you leave me alone with all those adrenaline-junkies, horror-movie-lovers when you are just here scowling at your computer?” He asked as he moved your bodies side to side in a playful manner. “How long do you think you still have before you can come to the living room with us?”
You raised your hand to his head and caressed his brown hair out of his eyes.
“I don’t want to be in between you and the boys, I have done that for almost a month already,” you told him, a smile tugging at your lips at how he started shaking his head no the moment the words were out of your mouth, “go back to them, I still have to make some calls.”
He disentangled himself to you and, turning the stool where you were sitting, put his hands on your shoulders. His lips formed a small pout. That was something you had started noticing as the weeks went by. He was reserved most of the time, keeping contact to the minimum and only opening up when the two of you were alone. You guessed that falling asleep one in each side of the bed and waking up in each other’s arms had something to do with his (and your) gradual openness. But when it was late and he was tired, he became clingy and tended to use his cute face to get what he wanted from you. Usually it would be to turn off the lights or to get him a glass of water from the kitchen before you went to bed; but tonight he seemed to have a different plan.
“You are not in anybody’s way, do you hear me?” He sternly chastised, waiting for your nod to continue, “the boys were the ones who asked me where you were and invited you to join us in movie night. Now, what have we told you a million and one times about not isolating yourself?” His chin up and a fake angry look on his face, he was enjoying himself way too much with the whole telling you off thing, but still, you could not just not humour him. Not when his brown hair was tossed in every direction and looked as fluffy as it did right now.
“That I am part of the family now and I have every right to be anywhere with you guys as long as I don’t hide food from you and don’t try to isolate myself…”
His face lighted up like a christmas tree and he proceded to exaggeratedly motion to your work set-up.
“And what are you doing right now?” He question, eyebrow nearly reaching his hairline.
With a cheeky grin you booped his nose and took advantage of that brief moment when his face turned all shades of red and he looked at you open-mouthed to turn back around and answer your phone as it started ringing. I am working, you mouthed to a still malfunctioning Hoseok, with a wicked smile pulling at the corners of your mouth.
While you talked on the phone, you could see him look back towards the living room at the same time that a bit of uncertainty reached you through your string; at watching the movie or leaving you alone in the kitchen alone, you wouldn’t know.
Then Hoseok walked towards you, kissed the crown of your head and began cleaning the kitchen. It was a weird feeling, the both of you being in the same room, you working and him organising cabinets full of ramyeon, in companionable silence. It felt domestic. That word would have scared the living daylight out of you a few weeks ago; thinking only of the strong reactions you had when you thought that meeting your soulmate was automatically loosing your independence made your head spin. That had been only three short weeks ago, when you had been so guarded against this sweet man, who would buy four different bottles of shampoo in case he didn’t buy one you liked, the man who would put his life upside down for you, going as far as spending every possible night in his own apartment away from his brothers in case you felt uncomfortable living with seven men. You knew that somewhere deep down, he felt guilty for keeping you from your life as it was before you found him, he sometimes felt violent when some gesture or caress felt more a produce of the bond than natural and genuine. He felt sad when he had to say goodbye to his brothers when the managers dropped them off at night, and felt imposing when you had to follow them around to three or four different schedules in a day. In fact he had been mulling over that last one for the past few days; it wasn’t as if you could read his mind, you had just learned to map his emotions and the second he started looking at you sideways and feeling anxious you knew it was because of the busy schedule they had the next day.
Voices distracted you from your musings and you focused on how two sets of footsteps neared the kitchen accompanied by two hushed voices.
“… but I don’t want to interrupt her, hyung. She is working and that is her first priority…” whispered Yoongi.
“Well, if you had been a bit longer around her instead of being buried under your huge pile of self-imposed work, you would know her boss is an a-hole,” answered Jin. They were not walking anymore, they had stopped near the kitchen entrance, thinking they were whispering low enough for you not to hear them. You couldn’t help but agree with Seokjin. “I am this close to making her quit and hiring her myself, even with our workload she would be less stressed. Now kindly shut up and help me pry those two from the kitchen and take them back to the sweet delights of watching Joon internally scream.”
Pretending not to have heard anything, you swallowed a giggle and, noticing Hoseok hadn’t realised his brothers were coming, you went back to your laptop playing the oblivious victim too.
“Oh the joys of working over-time!” Exclaimed Seokjin as a way of making their presence known and he managed to startle Hoseok into dropping the cup he was rinsing into the sink.
“I promise I tried to stop him Y/N, you can keep working,” said Yoongi, who cleared his throat and, seeing Hoseok’s frantic movements behind your back, added, “But on the other hand, since you have been working very hard these past few weeks, I think it’s time you take a small break.”
His face was a sweet confused picture, torn between his desire to let you know that you could keep working if so you wanted and the one to please Hoseok.
“Come on, you two. Hobi, drop that cup, if you keep cleaning it you’ll turn it transparent. And Y/N stop being an excuse for him to get out of watching the movie,” Jin’s eyes, gleaming with mischief moved from a fumbling Hoseok to you and you rolled your eyes.
“Let’s go, it’s about time I clocked out at…” you looked at your watch, “well, 11pm.”
Hoseok walked up to you, nerves reaching you from his side of the bond, and guided you behind his brothers to the living room where Jimin got closer to Namjoon to open up a spot for you both.
The rest of the boys didn’t even flinch when Hoseok hugged your waist and rested his head against your collarbone; they all knew Hobi needed some sort of support to get through the rest of the movie and while he might have relied in one of the boys to get that emotional help in the past, none of them seemed to care you had now become his buffer. In fact, they all seemed to be smiling happily and content when you joined them.
The movie was in full swing now and, more than once Hoseok had opted to hiding his face against your neck, letting small whimpers linger in his chest. His body was tense and you could feel his lips pouting against your neck.
To try and calm him down, maybe take his mind off the movie, you started caressing his neck with your nails. Any other person would have started giggling at being tickled, but not Hoseok. He told you one morning when you woke up with him wrapped around you with his head on your chest that when he was a child, his mother and sister would caress his arms and his chest to get him to fall asleep. Since that particular piece of information had been incorporated into your knowledge about him you hadn’t been able to use it until now; running your nails in circular motions at the nape of his neck, up behind his ears and down to his shoulders. His body slowly started unwinding and relaxing against yours, his eyelashes fluttering against your skin and his slowing breath lulling you slowly to sleep. You wouldn’t know who fell asleep first, but soon you were drifting off. 
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Hushed voices arose you from your deep sleep but too comfortable now nested under Hoseok’s arm you didn’t stir. The voices were gaining more definition as the seconds passed and becoming easier to understand.
“… and you were out hyung, like a log,” was saying Taehyung.
“I didn’t expect you to be so comfortable with her so quickly, if I am to be honest,” continued Namjoon and you tried not to tense up.
Hoseok took a deep breath and dropped a small kiss to your head.
“It’s not the bond, if that’s what you’re getting at Joons,” he told him firmly, “she is IT, guys. Her personality is brilliant, she can keep up with us, she knows just what to do when I am tired or frustrated… Just the other day she took a look at me, dropped her bag and latched herself to my studio chair with me. I just worked but she was there, steady, dependable, sweet. She doesn’t crave attention, mine or anyone else’s, she’s just happy being there. I can’t put into words what she makes me feel, but the fact that she’s my soulmate is only one more certainty for us. I can see me perfectly falling hard for her when we get to know each other more, that’s how I feel.”
Silence had fallen over the room as his brothers processed what Hoseok had just said, and you were happy enough to repeat your three word confession inside your head, not knowing Hoseok felt and reciprocated the same feelings through the bond. Verbalising is taken for granted, but you two had your own way of showing love.
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Tag list: @obsessoverthesmallthings247 @mabel-k3 @tremendousminyoongi @justignoremepleaz @demonic-meatball @hadaises @littlestsweetpea28 @rjsmochii @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d @gali-005 @salty-for-suga @indicisive-af @nomimits7@lysjeon @raisatarannum1234 @purplelady85 @threedecadesofawkward @valentynxmgc @acopenhagenarmy @ephyra1230 @minluvly​ @trashandshook @brinascorpio @trixiethebear @hobi-love @geekgirl41402 @annywaa @mirajanefairytailmage​ @alpacaparkaseok​ @bangtan-madi​ @preciouschimine​ @forget-me-notforever​
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sxfik · 3 years
push and pull (II)
part I | part II
read on ao3 • main masterlist • law school masterlist
summary: It's been a week since their incident in the courtroom, a week since her best friend, and crush, had kissed her. Despite her better instincts, Sol decides that it's best to test his feelings for her. After all, he's bound to get jealous right?
or: Sol riles him up and now she has to face the consequences.
request by anon: OP you are writing a sequel of push and pull? Right? Right? 🥺 As joon whipped pointed out, this isn't over. And as a prompt/ask for part 2 or a new drabble– like can yeseul find the hickey joonhwi definitely left from the neck kisses? Okayyy byeeee
PS peace is not known to man is alsooo amaze! All your fics are amaze!
a/n: AAA yes i was always planning to do a sequel to push and pull but anon you really gave me the BEST idea! thank you so much for sending something in <3 this honestly kinda got out of hand, i was not expecting it to be this spicy (don't worry, no smut yet lmao) but i really hope you guys like this!!
It's been a week since Kang Sol decided to practice her argument as the defense counsel. A week had passed since her best friend, and crush, Han Joon Hwi, had kissed her in the sacred court of law, and for a week everything was startlingly normal. It was like everything that went on between the two happened in another dimension, when he was just as in love with her as she was for him.
After leaving her confused and dazed outside the courtroom, they had gone back to normal life, into their regular routine. They would study together in the library, work on their case for the upcoming mock trial, and work at the legal clinic. The two of them shared lunches and all their classes together, and for a moment, she almost forgot that she kissed Han Joon Hwi. But what could a girl do, swamped with cases and professors who thought it'd be best to swamp them with assignments.
So since he didn't mention anything about that day, neither did she. For the most part, she was so distracted by her classes and the anxiety that followed with being a student at Hanguk Law School that she was able to act regularly around him. But it didn't erase the memory of how he had looked at her, from across that courtroom, eyes dark and heavy. It didn't erase how warm his hands were on her, how his hands tangled in her hair as he pulled her in, how soft his lips felt against hers as he pulled her into a bruising kiss. It didn't erase how right it felt, having him press against her and it certainly didn't erase how much her feelings had grown for him.
There were moments, when their hands brushed against each other while reaching for the same book, or the way his shoulder would press against hers as they sat in the hideout, where she was sure that she would never get over him. Or the smiles he would send her, only her, across the classroom that would make a certain satisfaction spread through her like wildfire. It was like her mind and body lit up each time he looked at her with so much as an expression of happiness.
But Joon Hwi? He was completely fine. He was still right by her side, smiling and teasing, spending time with her as if they hadn't broken the cardinal rule of friendship. It bothered her, how he could act so normal around her, like nothing ever happened between the two. The anger rose as the days passed by, at how he could kiss her like that, and then pretend like it was nothing.
Kang Sol was always one for action, never one to sit back and let things happen to her. Even with the chance that she could make the situation so much worse, she plotted with Ye-seul. Her best friend had known of course, way before Sol could even understand why or what she felt for the boy that had kept her company through her lowest moments. In fact, she was the one who suggested the brilliant plan of testing his feelings, trying to see for herself if she was just hallucinating or if Joon hwi actually did feel something for her.
Her solution came in the form of a boy,  Lee Min-seok. Min-seok was always a close friend of hers, one of the few students that didn’t shame her for her low scores. He knew about her crush on Han Joon Hwi, figuring it out after they got drunk together. Not that it was all that hard, considering Sol had basically wailed, asking why Joon hwi didn’t see her the way she saw him. Luckily for her, he also had someone he wanted to make jealous, a girl named Seo Ae Ri, who was in their constitutional codes lecture.
Ye-Seul, Min-Seok and her had put their heads together, planning to work together on their project for Professor Kim's class rather than working with Joon Hwi like Sol usually did. It was simple really: Sol would act nice with him, just like she did with Joon hwi and see if he would react. In case they needed extra measures, Ye-Seul would tease her, really testing him once and for all.
“You keep looking at him,” Min-Seok said to her, snapping her out of her thoughts and back to the project at hand.
“Hm?” She turned to look back to the boy sitting across from her at the tables in the main hall. She shot him an apologetic look. "Sorry, I was just-"
"I know," he smiled, before tilting his head towards a girl sitting a couple tables away from them, "I'm getting distracted too."
"This is a bad idea, isn't it?"
"Probably, but we're both desperate losers, aren't we?" he grinned, and Sol laughed, the statement way too accurate to describe the both of them.
Being friendly with Min-Seok was easy but flirting with him was much harder than she thought. Sol had worn her hair down today, in an attempt to look more like she’s on a date rather than working on a project with a friend. She dressed up slightly, upgrading from her Hanguk university sweatshirt to a regular beige sweater. Still, it was impossible for her to keep her eyes on the boy in front of her when the real guy she liked was sitting right behind him.
Min-seok would lightly touch her hand, grazing past her and she would laugh at his jokes as if they were the funniest thing she’d heard all day. She tried her best to keep her eyes off of the Joon hwi and her focus on Min-seok, both of them trying their best to appear as though they had something more than friendship. Both of them joked and worked, trying to let their gazes linger on each other rather than their crushes sitting a couple feet away from both of them. She was still laughing at his joke when she looked up and noticed the empty seat where Joon hwi once sat.
Her laughter died down slowly as Sol watched him disappear behind the marble pillars of the school, without even sparing her a glance. I guess this was for nothing... Her hands squeezed into a fist, the pain and disappointment growing in her chest. She turned back to Min-seok and smiled, trying to not let her disappointment choke her.
It was evening by the time she left the main hall, after grabbing something to eat with Ye-Seul and Bok-gi at the cafe. Even with the delicious food, her mind was still on Joon Hwi, the figure walking away from her that afternoon permanently pressed into her memory. Even though it was just a memory, it weighed down on her shoulders as if she was carrying something physically on her back.
She sighed, making her way back to the dorms, stepping out of the main hall when she felt a tug on her elbow. Before she could process what was happening, she was whisked away to the corridor between the stairwell and the main hall.
“Wha-” she attempted yelled out before a hand came to cover her mouth.
“Shh, it’s okay, it’s just me,” Joon hwi was wide eyed, as he took his hand off her mouth after she saw it was him, letting her calm down. Her heart thundered in her chest, breathing fast from the shock.
“Yah!” she hit his chest lightly, “Why would you shock me like that? I almost had a heart attack.” She tried to slow her breathing down, closing her eyes to avoid his gaze on her. Silence stretched between them and slowly, she opened her eyes to meet his gaze. His head was tilted slightly, almost like he was trying to piece her together like a puzzle.
“Who was your partner for Professor Kim’s project?” he asked, his face still deep in thought.
“Oh, just Min-Seok,” she answered, trying to keep her voice as nonchalant as possible.
“Just Min-Seok?” he questioned, narrowing his eyes on her. She squirmed slightly, her mind racing to come up with an answer that’s not you kissed me and then didn’t talk about it so I needed to test if you liked me. He took a step closer to her as she stepped back, her back hitting the wall of the corridor. His eyes were the same shade they had been in the courtroom, impossibly dark and staring into hers. It was intoxicating and she found herself unable to look away or do anything except stare back.
"You just like watching me in misery, don't you sunbae?" His voice was taunting, much deeper than usual. The air was almost suffocating with tension, with his proximity. She swallowed as she met his eyes, watching as the passion and fire in his eyes made her body overheat. “Taunting me, making me watch that guy touch you and flirt with you like he knew you,” His head dipped in then, tilting slightly as his gaze dropped to her lips.
“Like he knows how you liked to be touched,” he said, teasing as he kept the distance, his hands cupping her jaw, tracing her skin lightly in a way that made her shiver. It sent her body into overdrive, every inch of her hyper aware of Joon Hwi, his intoxicating smell enveloping her senses. “Like he knows how you like to be kissed,” he whispered, and his lips were against hers, soft yet unyielding, before she could even register it. His kiss was like fire, threatening to burn her up, but she didn’t mind. Sol would burn and burn for him, if it meant a few more moments with his lips on her.
Her hands found his shirt, tugging him closer to her as he shifted his head, pulling her in deeper. His tongue brushed against hers, driving her insane with the need for more. His kisses were addicting, pulling her in for more and more. Her hands were then in his hair, pulling him in closer  against her as she kissed him with fevor, her tongue brushing against his lower lip enough to make him groan into her mouth. His body only pressed into her more, his warmth bleeding into hers. His hair was silky and soft against her fingertips, and the need and want for more, more, more, driving her.
He pulled away shortly, panting as he caught his breath. His lips were bright red from her kisses, his eyes darkened with lust and want for her. She was still pinned against the wall as he brought his fingers close to her throat, the pads of his fingers grazing the spot he once left bruising kisses on. She drew in a sharp breath, the delicate touch of his hands enough to clear her mind.
“Ah, Sol-ah, such a pity. The hickies I left have faded away,” Joon hwi smirked slightly, his voice gravelly from the kiss. God, he’s insufferable. “We can’t have that happening, can we?” he raised an eyebrow, then dipped his head closer to her throat. She tipped her head back, wanting, needing, but he paused, his warm breath against her neck, like he was waiting for an answer.
“Yes,” Sol gave in, her voice breathier than she’d care to admit, “Yes please.” He obliged, finally dipping his head fully to leave open-mouthed kisses along her throat. The feeling was torturous and delicious, his hand curving around her neck to adjust it as he pleased. His other hand found the edge of her shirt, his body pushed against her in a way that was designed to haunt her.
“Joonhwi-ah,” she moaned, her voice embarrassingly needy as his fingers grazed her waist, and then his warm hand pressed against her bare skin. His thumb grazed the edge of her bra as it rubbed soothing circles into her skin as he continued placing feverish, bruising kisses against the delicate skin of her neck.  Her mind was completely blank, with only his name and pleads for more leaving her lips. It was too much and too little at the same time, the sensations clouding her mind but her body only craving more.
Slowly, he pulled away, his pupils still blown out from what they just did as he panted, trying to catch his breath. Sol was left dazed, still blinking at what had transpired between them. The air was still thick as they looked at each other, the silence enveloping the two. Sol looked at the man in front of her, but her brain was still catching up to the fact that Joon Hwi kissed me. His hair was a mess, and his lips were still red and swollen from their kisses. She was the first to crack a smile, unable to conceal her happiness at the fact that her plan worked.
“I should have done that earlier if I knew you’d kiss me like that,” she joked with him, the warmth and joy leaking out of every seam of her body. Joon Hwi narrowed his eyes at her, finally catching on to what she had pulled.
“You really riled me up on purpose?” His expression was slightly incredulous, but still adoring. His voice was still gravelly and deeper than usual, yet he was still the Joon hwi who she grew to love.
“You left me no choice! You kissed me in the courtroom and then you never addressed it,” her voice raised slightly, and he laughed in response, the corners of his eyes crinkling in the familiar way.
“I know, I’m sorry Sol-ah,” he looked down at the ground before looking up at her, sheepishly, “I wanted to give you time. I- i know that the last kiss came out of nowhere so I didn't want to rush you or push you too hard. I was going to talk to you about it today, and then well, you know.”
“Yeah, I know,” she grinned at him. They stayed like that, just for a few moments, grinning as they looked at each other. He pulled back slightly, releasing her from the wall.
“Come on, Sol-ah, I’ll walk you back to your room,” Joon hwi grinned, her hand going out to hold hers as they made their way to her dorm room and to start a new chapter together.
The next morning arrived surprisingly fast, and Sol was happier than she had ever been. After the Joon Hwi had dropped her off at her room, leaving her with another kiss that would live in her dreams forever she had crashed, blissfully sleeping despite the eventful day she had.
Sol shuffled into the small kitchen area, stretching out her arms in a yawn. She was still clad in her hanguk university sweatshirt, her hair in her signature messy bun as she walked past Ye-Seul and Joon hwi, both sitting at the table looking at their phones and having some breakfast. She greeted both of them, her voice cracking slightly from disuse as she made herself coffee, needing the bitter taste to jumpstart her system before class.
She grinned at both of them before taking a seat next to Joon hwi, the three of them blissfully enjoying their mornings. Everything went by as normal, Joon hwi looking cuter than ever, Ye-Seul still soft and beautiful as ever. Though, as she drank her coffee, she noticed her best friend squint at her slightly, the younger girl’s head tilted inquisitively. But Sol was still on the high from yesterday and seeing Joon hwi in the morning only fueled it more so she didn’t pay the look much heed.
Almost 15 minutes passed before Ye-Seul stood up, making the move to clear her plate and wash her mug. She turned and cleared her throat, looking pointedly at Sol. “Unnie, you might want to use some concealer before you go to class today," she quipped and suddenly, Joon hwi sputtered, choking on the coffee. Sol patted his back soothingly, before she turned around to Ye-Seul in confusion, but the younger girl was gone, disappearing before she could ask what she meant. Joon hwi was still laughing, while Sol was left in utter confusion.
Sol pulled out her phone, switching to her camera to look at what exactly she needed to cover. Did she have a pimple? Did she break out?  But she gasped as she looked at herself in the camera, her eyes wide. Her neck, once pale and clear of any marks, were covered in dark bruises. Hickeys. They spotted all over her throat, the curve of her neck, everywhere.
“Yah, Han Joon hwi!” she turned to him, his laugh only getting louder as she berated him, “I’m going to have to wear a whole bottle of concealer to cover this up!” He grins at her in response, mischief and a certain look of pride tainting his expression and Sol doesn't know whether to kiss him or hit him over the head. But his laughter infected her, and despite all her better instincts to stay angry, she laughed along with him, knowing that she could never stay angry too long at the boy she finally had in her arms.
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aliendes · 4 years
BTS reaction to you having a wet dream (NSFW) 18+
BTS reaction to you having a wet dream (NSFW) 18+
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Warnings: slight somnophilia (totally consensual and discussions are had prior because we stan CONSENT ;D), wet dreams obvi, Namjoon’s get a little angsty if you squint, smut, thigh riding but it’s only a thought not an action, oral (f rcving), fingering, masturbation (m&f), polyamory, mxm action (if that makes you uncomfortable skip Jimin’s reaction, sry but we all equals here!), slight dom themes because it me and I can’t right Joon as anything but, unprotected sex also because, it me, cum play and cum eating because Jin’s got really… uh, graphic. I’m not sorry. If I missed anything let me know. 
A/N: So this was another request. I just can’t keep the requests to one member I guess… anon requested a drabble with JK noticing YN having a wet dream. Thanks anon! These ones got away from me a bit… and it’s completely unedited. sorry! Send a request!
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 You and Seokjin have been dating for a few years now, so there wasn’t much you guys haven’t tried out in the bedroom. There was one thing that Jin had been wanting to try recently and brought up to you a couple of months ago. He was interested in waking you up with his tongue. When he brought it up to you, you were a little worried how you would react in the moment, since you were a fairly light sleeper. After a long conversation about how it would go down, you both decided that he would wait for a time he knew you were horny, but weren’t expecting it, since part of his kink was you not knowing. 
Cue Jin coming home after midnight after a long day of practice. He was still sweaty and gross and incredibly exhausted. All he wanted to do was fall asleep, but he knew he needed to shower first, since you didn’t like when he came to bed sweaty. Peeling his clothes off, he headed for the bathroom.
After his shower, Jin wrapped a towel around his thin waist and walked into the bedroom. He expected you to be asleep since it was so late. What he didn’t expect to find was you, asleep, with your hand in your pants on top of the covers. His brain short circuited for a second, blinking owlishly at the sight before him. Were you moaning? Jin walked closer to the bed and realized you must have kicked the covers off, since they were bunched at your feet. Your hand was resting on your pubic bone under your thin sleep shorts. You were obviously dreaming, twitching every few seconds and letting out soft mewls. Jin could feel himself growing hard under the towel he now had a death grip on. 
Jin gulped. This was his chance. You were obviously turned on, hopefully by him, in your dream. He dropped the towel quickly and grabbed onto his semi-hard cock, stroking it lazily as he walked closer to the bed. He needed to be careful not to wake you, since a pin drop could usually wake you up. 
Gently, Jin slipped his thumbs under the waistband of your shorts and slid them down your legs until they were all the way off. Next, he picked up your hand and moved it to your side. You were still moaning, seemingly in a deep sleep, luckily for your boyfriend. Jin climbed on the bed, careful to rest his knees softly so he didn’t move the mattress too much, and grabbed onto your soft thighs. He was so turned on right now, it was hard for him to stay quiet, letting out soft sighs every now and then. Slowly, Jin spread your legs, finally getting a view of your soaked pussy. Your folds were glistening in the low light of the bedroom and Jin swears he could cum right now, untouched.
Subconsciously stroking his cock again, Jin leaned down until he was face to face with your dripping cunt. His fantasy was about to come true and he was so excited he could barely contain himself. One hand on his cock, the other on your thigh, he dug in. Plump lips kissing at your wet lips, tongue slipping out and spreading you open. He teased your clit for a moment, pushing his tongue onto the already swollen bud and he idly wondered how long you had been turned on for you to be this swollen. Slowly, Jin began eating you out like a man starved, jacking himself off to his wildest fantasy. Above him, Jin heard your soft moans growing louder, spurring him on further. 
“Jin?” You sounded so sexy, voice rough with sleep, that Jin came into his hand with a couple more strokes. Ignoring the mess, he brought his cum covered hand up to your core, spreading your pussy open with two fingers, before slipping one into your tight hole. When he was knuckle deep in you, you loudly moaned. “Ah - oh my - Jin!” You shrieked in pleasure as you looked down to the lewd scene between your legs.
Your boyfriend was staring up at you, clit between his teeth, cum covered fingers pushing into your cunt. You don’t think you’ve seen anything hotter in your life. Jin was onto something with this kink. You let out another breathy moan as Jin sucked your bud into his mouth and lapped at it with the tip of his tongue. Throwing your head back, you surrendered your pleasure to Jin, cumming hard all over his face. 
Jin moaned into your pussy as you clenched around his digit, lapping up your release. He pulled his finger from you, kissing your clit gently before sitting up and smiling a sweet smile at you. “Thank you,” he said, sincerely. You couldn’t help the bright smile that spread across your face at your loving boyfriend.
“I think I should be thanking you,” you both laughed at your statement as he leaned up and kissed you gently. 
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Yoongi was sitting in his studio, headset on, working on some lyrics. He had all but forgotten that you were actually in his studio with him until he turned around and saw you sleeping, curled up in a ball on his leather couch. He smiled at your small form before narrowing his eyes at you. You were definitely sleeping, but why did you face looking twisted in pleasure?
Yoongi took his headset off, carefully setting it on his desk, when he immediately realized what was going on. You were moaning and twitching in your sleep. You were having a wet dream.
Your blonde boyfriend smirked as he rose from his seat, walking over to your sleeping body. For a moment, he just admired your beautiful sleeping face. Features twisted slightly, brow furrowed, but you looked like you were enjoying yourself. Gently, Yoongi rested his hand on your upper arm, lightly shaking you awake. 
“YN?” He whispered, right next to your face, “Honey? You’re dreaming.”
Slowly, you opened one eye and peered at Yoongi’s smiling face. Did you fall asleep? Smacking your lips together to get rid of your dry mouth, you rubbed at your eyes. “Sorry baby, I didn’t mean to fall asleep. Are you ready to go home?” You sat up all the way, but Yoongi stayed kneeled in front of you on the floor. When he didn’t respond you cocked your head at him, “What’s up babe?”
“Were you having a good dream?” He smirked at you.
You were still in a sleepy haze so you didn’t quite catch the implication in his words. You were racking your brain to figure out what he was talking about, until it hit you. Realization washed over your face and Yoongi had to hold back a snicker. You were dreaming. About him. And his cock, deep inside you. You blushed at the reminder of your dirty dream and quickly hid your face behind your sweater paws.
“Hey - don’t hide,” Yoongi said, pulling your hands away from your face and holding them in his, “it was kind of hot.” 
Your blush deepened at his words, “Yoongs!”
“I’m serious, YN,” he looked down at his crotch to emphasize his words, eyebrow raised, “see?”
You looked down and saw the outline of his hard dick straining his jeans. It looked uncomfortable and you felt kind of bad you unknowingly did that to him. You pulled him towards you until he was hovering over you, both hands placed on the back of the dark couch. “Want some help with that?” 
He gave you his signature gummy smile at your words, “Only if I can return the favor.”
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You were currently on tour with your internationally famous boyfriend, J-hope. Otherwise known as your sunshine, Hobi. Being on tour was exhausting, but it was nothing for you compared to the boys, so you always let Hoseok sleep whenever he could, wherever he could. That meant he also tried to let you sleep when you needed it, since you were so respectful of his sleep. However, he was having a really hard time with that right now.
You were both lying in the bed of the hotel room you were currently staying in. You had both gone to bed about an hour ago, you having fallen asleep right away while Hoseok had been tossing and turning. That was, until about 5 minutes ago, when you started moaning in your sleep.
Hoseok had his eyes closed in the dark room, hand down his pants, as he listened to you mewl and moan next to him. It was turning him on so much that he almost felt guilty for touching himself. He couldn’t not touch himself with the sounds that were coming out of your mouth. He was lazily stroking his cock, imagining it was him making you sound like that. 
Carefully he turned on his side, dick still in hand, so he could see your face in the moonlight. What he saw only caused his arousal to grow. There you were, in a tiny silk camisole through which Hoseok could see your pert nipples. But what really broke him was the fact that your small hand was stuffed into your silk panties, a growing wet spot forming on the fabric. Hoseok gripped his dick so tight, he thought he was about to blow his load. He needed to be inside you.
Your boyfriend reached a hand over to you, gently shaking your shoulder, “Sweetie?” 
Your eyebrows furrowed and you pursed your lips, hand twitching in your underwear. God, he was going to come undone any second now. 
“Mmm,” you moaned, slowly opening your eyes, “Hobi?”
“Hi sweetness, come here,” he whispered softly to you, “you were having fun without me.”
You blinked a couple times before realizing that your hand was wet. You looked down and realized you were dripping onto your hand, suddenly remembering the dream you were having. “Oh, shit,” your voice was breathy and it turned Hoseok on even more.
“Let me help you?” It was a request, and you happily obliged, removing your hand from your shorts, sliding it under the covers and finding Hoseok’s hard cock, “God, babe, oh please,” he moaned as you started stroking his length.
After a moment of composing himself, Hoseok scooted closer to you and reached a hand down the front of your panties, immediately finding your clit. You had been so worked up from your dream that it didn’t take you long to feel the telltale signs of your orgasm. The silent room was filled with both yours and Hoseok’s soft whines and moans at the feeling of each other’s hands getting the other off. It was incredibly sensual, and you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t something you’ve thought about before. 
Just as you felt white hot pleasure shoot through your veins, Hoseok’s breath stuttered and he came all over your hand. Both of you worked the other through their high, moaning at the incredible pleasure you were giving each other. After a moment, you pulled your hand away and Hoseok did the same. You both rolled onto your backs and at the same time, muttered, “Wow.”
You both burst into giggles, quickly getting up to clean up the mess you made. 
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Namjoon had been calling you for the last fifteen minutes and he was starting to get worried. It was only 4 o’clock in the afternoon, you shouldn’t be sleeping, and it was Saturday so you weren’t at work. He had finished practice about thirty minutes ago and was hoping you’d want to get dinner, but he couldn’t reach you.
He decided to head to your place to ease his worry, though he was sure you were fine. That’s what he was telling himself anyway. 
When Namjoon got to your apartment he knocked a few times and then waited for you to answer. He was expecting to hear you bounding across the living room to answer the door, like you usually did. You never were light on your feet. But after a couple minutes, he didn’t hear anything. Now he was really starting to worry. Namjoon gave another courtesy knock before punching in your keycode and opening your door. 
A sigh of relief came as soon as he rounded the corner of your living room and saw you asleep on the couch. The relief turned into something else though at your current condition. There you were, sprawled out on your couch, in nothing but a towel, moaning in your sleep. It looked like you had gotten out of the shower and immediately fell asleep in front of the TV. You looked like you were in a deep sleep, having a wet dream, if the moaning was anything to go by. Namjoon felt bad for a moment, idly wondering if you were overworking yourself, before his cock started twitching in his sweats at the thought of your naked body under that thin fabric. 
Quietly, Namjoon made his way across the living room and kneeled down in front of your body. He reached out and softly ran his knuckles against your exposed collarbone, noticing you were a little cold. He leaned over your body placing soft kisses along your decollete and neck. He ran his knuckles up your neck and tangled them in your hair, gently kissing your cheek and nose. 
“Baby girl,” he whispered into your neck, “c’mon baby, let’s go to your bed.”
You stirred slightly as his words, furrowing your brow. He knew you were starting to come to, so he reached under your body and scooped you up bridal style. Swiftly, he stood from the floor and walked down the short hallway to your bedroom. When he crossed the threshold of your room, you warily blinked your eyes open. “Joonie?” Your voice was rough from sleep and it only turned Namjoon on more. 
“I’m here baby,” he said softly, setting you down on your bed, “you smell so good,” he murmured as he climbed on top of you, resuming his kissing. 
“Joon, baby, what’s gotten into you,” you giggled breathily as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“You,” he growled, running his hand down your side, effectively opening the towel you were wrapped in, “You’ve been a naughty girl, having wet dreams. Were you thinking about touching yourself? Hmm?”
You blushed at the sudden reminder of the dream you were just woken up from. You were, actually, touching yourself in the dream and you chose to voice that to Namjoon, causing him to groan into your chest where his lips were now traveling.
“Are you supposed to touch yourself without permission, baby girl?”
“No, Joonie,” you whimpered, “I’m sorry.”
“Mm,” he tsked, “I bet you are, baby.”
You could feel the slick growing between your thighs, your nakedness doing nothing to stop it from sticking to your thighs. Namjoon reached down and cupped your heat, one finger gathering up your wetness before pressing into you slowly. “Mmm, Joonie!”
“Is this what you were dreaming about, baby girl? Want me to fill you up?”
“Y- yes,” you moaned at the feeling of his finger curling up into your g-spot, “please.”
Namjoon sat up, keeping the rhythm of his finger in your cunt, and with his free hand pushed his sweats down until his weeping cock sprung out. You moaned at the sight, clenching down onto his finger, making him smirk at you. You licked your lips as you watched a bead of  precum drip from Namjoon’s tip onto your pubic bone. 
“You want my cock?” You nodded quickly, biting into your bottom lip, “beg.”
“Please Joon, please fuck me. I need you cock!” You whined, eyes screwing shut as he added a second finger, scissoring you open, prepping you to take his member.
“Since you asked so nicely,” he growled, pulling his digits from you and slipping his long cock through your folds, gathering up your arousal, “this cock will fuck you better than any dream.”
Namjoon slid himself into your hot cunt, bottoming out and tapping your cervix. You let out a lewd groan at the feeling as he gave you a moment to adjust. “Ok?” He asked and you nodded eagerly.
As soon as you gave him the go ahead, Joon started ramming his cock into you with abandon, hitting all the right places inside you. You screamed out in pleasure and Namjoon leaned over you, placing hot, open mouthed kissing along your breasts and neck, sucking gently and leaving light purple marks. You wrapped your legs around his hips and he fucked into you again and again. 
“Joon! J- Joon I’m close,” you moaned, “please!”
“I got you, baby girl,” he reached down, two fingers drawing quick figure eights into your neglected clit, “cream my cock, baby.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. Ecstasy washed over you and you clamped down on your boyfriend’s thick cock, cumming so hard your vision goes black for a moment. When you come down from your high, Namjoon’s hips are stuttering as he sucks on the skin of your chest, following close behind you. As his hips still you feel his white hot release empty into your cunt, painting your walls white. You moan at the delicious feeling before he’s pulling back to look into your eyes. “I love you, YN,” he sighs out, letting his sweaty forehead rest on yours.
“I love you too, Joonie.”
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“What do you think she’s dreaming about?” Jungkook whispered softly into his boyfriend’s ear. 
Jimin looked at his younger boyfriend, smirking, “You, probably.”
A bunny grin spread across Jungkook’s face at the elder’s admission. You had decided to stay over at their apartment tonight, a last minute decision because of the thunderstorm outside. You had just joined Jimin and Jungkook’s relationship a few months ago and you were trying to take things slow, but it was becoming increasingly hard with the looks they were starting to give you on a daily basis. All you could think about was Jungkook tonight, thoughts completely erased, other than those of your younger boyfriend’s thighs in those tight leather pants he was wearing. You were losing your damn mind. So when Jimin suggested you lay down on the couch to watch a movie, you were happy to oblige, willing to do anything to get your mind off Jungkook. Not that it was wrong to want your own boyfriend, but you were taking things slow!
“Did you see the way she was staring at you all night?” Jimin asked the curly haired man. 
Their whispered conversation was interrupted when from the other couch, you started moaning lewdly. Both men lightly gasped at the sound, looking at each other cautiously. Jimin eyed the younger’s crotch when he saw a twitch out of the corner of his eye. “I know I couldn’t keep my eyes off you,” he whispered to Jungkook. 
The bunny boy bit his lip and grabbed the back of Jimin’s head, crashing their lips together. For a few minutes, they made out on the loveseat, until they were once again interrupted by your loud moaning, except when they looked over this time, you were sitting up, staring at them with flushed cheeks. 
“Want to join, little dove?” Jimin asked sweetly, making Jungkook smirk at you. Despite your embarrassment of being caught, you nodded your head quickly, pursing your lips together. Jimin reached his hand out towards you as you cautiously stood from the couch and made your way towards your two boyfriends, “Come here,” Jimin whispered as you took his hand. He pulled you onto his lap, effectively sandwiching you in between him and Jungkook. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t thoroughly enjoy it. 
Jungkook ran the back of his knuckles along your cheek and Jimin’s hand roamed your thighs and hips, “What do you want, love?” Jungkook whispered in your ear, his hot breath tickling your skin. You shivered a bit, making both men chuckle. 
“You,” you started before realizing your words, “both of you.”
“You have us, sweet girl,” Jimin said, making you turn to him, his gaze fiery, “what do you want us to do to you?”
His words sent a pang of arousal straight to your core and you could feel yourself growing wetter than you already were. Curse your brain melting at the thought of Jungkook. His leather pants had caused you to dream about riding his thick thighs and you were dripping at the thought. You murmured something that didn’t reach either of the men’s ears.
“What was that, love?” Jungkook asked, running his hand through your tangled hair.
“I want you to fuck me,” you rushed out, looking down at your lap, but not before you caught sight of both of your boyfriends hard cocks, straining against their pants, “please,” you whimpered, tongue no longer filtering your thoughts, “please fuck me.”
Jungkook and Jimin shared a knowing look before Jungkook scooped you up bridal style and made his way down the hallway to their shared bedroom with Jimin trailing closely behind him. Jungkook gently tossed you onto the bed before climbing over top of you, kissing all the way up your chest and neck until he reached your lips, hands roaming over your stomach until one rested on your clothed core. “Are you sure, love?” He asked you, eyes searching yours for any hesitation. When he found none and you nodded your head, he quickly slid your shorts and panties off your legs. Taking in your glistening cunt for the first time he let out a groan, cupping his cock through his pants. “You’re fucking beautiful, YN.”
You blushed at his words before you noticed Jimin climbing onto the bed next to your head. When you turned to look at him, you noticed he was completely nude, cock hard, the tip red and oozing precum. The sight had you licking your lips and squeezing your thighs together. Jimin smirked down at you as he grabbed his dick, languidly stroking as you looked back to the younger. “Can you take me while you suck Jimin off, baby?”
You nodded quickly, feeling yourself grow wetter at the thought. Jungkook let his fingers run up your slit, gathering your arousal, before plunging two fingers into your needy cunt. “Ah!” You yelped at the intrusion, before you felt the tip of Jimin’s cock pushing at your cheek, urging you to take him in your mouth. You turned your head, licking at the tip of his cock, reveling in his taste. “God, little dove, your mouth is amazing,” he moaned, still stroking his cock. You reach forward with one hand, wrapping it around his girthy length, languidly stroking as you take him in your mouth, “ah! Ah!” He gasps. You moan around his dick as Jungkook adds a third finger to your dripping hole.
“Such a pretty pussy, Jimin,” the younger laments to his boyfriend, “can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my cock, love.”
You moaned at the younger’s words, the feeling making Jimin twitch in your mouth. “Oh my - YN you feel so good,” Jimin’s moans were getting louder, spurring you on. 
Before you knew it, Jungkook’s fingers were slipping out of you and in their place, was the tip of his rock hard length. As he sheathed himself in your heat, your eyes rolled back in your head, relishing in the feeling of being filled by two cocks. It was lewd, it was fulfilling your deepest fantasies, and you were already so close to cumming. 
“God, she’s so tight Jimin-ie,” Jungkook moaned as he bottomed out, giving you a moment to adjust, “you have to feel her.”
“I will Jungkook-ie, her mouth is amazing too. So warm, wet,” you moaned around his cock at the praise. 
Once the three of you found you rhythm, Jungkook started fucking into your cunt while Jimin used your mouth to chase his high. At some point, Jimin leaned over you and started toying with your swollen clit, only heightening your pleasure. Jimin was the first to finish, cumming down your throat, and you followed closely behind, cumming hard around Jungkook’s cock.
Jungkook was the last to come, cock buried deep in your pussy while Jimin played with his balls. Jungkook leaned over you, completely spent, placing a loving kiss on your soft lips, before leaning over and doing the same to Jimin. 
“You’re amazing YN,” Jungkook whispers against your lips.
“I agree, little dove,” Jimin says against your neck, placing light kisses there. 
“So are you two,” you sigh, causing both of them to laugh, “you both make me so happy.”
Jungkook and Jimin share another knowing look before their eyes land back on you, “We love you, YN.”
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You and Taehyung were like a match made in heaven. You both had the same interests and liked the same things. You even liked the same foods and drinks, which was great, it made grocery shopping a breeze.
Another thing you both agreed on and shared, were your kinks. You are both pretty open to most things in the bedroom and have experimented with your fair share of kinks before. One of these kinks that you both find arousing, is somnophilia. 
You had tried it on multiple occasions, him waking you up with sex, or you waking him up with a blowjob. It was a mutual understanding that you had, that if either of you was feeling horny while the other was asleep, you were ok with the other initiating sex, assuming you weren’t on your period and Taehyung wasn’t working on a comeback.
Tonight, neither of those restrictions came into play as Taehyung arrived home from dinner with the boys to find you asleep in bed. He had had a couple of drinks, not enough to be drunk, but enough to feel horny. Taehyung was planning on waking you up to see if you were up for a quickie before he fell asleep, but when he got closer to the bed, he realized you were moaning lightly in your sleep. Taehyung’s eyes went wide as he took in your furrowed brow, the look of pleasure on your face. If he was horny before, he was about to combust now. 
Slowly making his way over to the side of the bed he pulled back the covers and nearly had a heart attack and the sight of your nude body, hand between your legs, a finger lightly pushing into your already swollen bud. Taehyung thought he was dreaming at such a lewd sight, it sent him spiraling into a hole of lust he couldn’t get out of if he tried. 
Trying his best to not make a sound, he slipped out of his pants, then his shirt, throwing them into the hamper. Completely naked, dick already half mast, Taehyung climbed on top of you, leaning down to take one of your already pert nipples into his mouth. You moaned as his hot mouth devoured you, a hand snaking down to push your hand from your clit, his own pointer finger taking its place. He groaned against your chest at the slick feeling of his finger rolling over your bud. 
You began to stir and Taehyung’s ministrations, only causing him to become a little rougher. “Tae?” It was meant to be a question, but it came out as a breathy moan. Taehyung popped off your breast and looked up at you, finger still rubbing figure eights into your pulsing clit. “Tae,” that one came out as a straight moan, making him smirk. 
“Hey baby,” he grunted, moving two fingers into your slit making you gasp, “were you waiting for me?”
“Mmm,” you mumbled, eyes closing at the immense pleasure between your legs, “yeah, was thinking about you all night, couldn’t help myself.”
Taehyung gasped, mock offense on his face, “You touched yourself? You dirty girl.”
“Mmm,” you moaned against his mouth as he slotted his lips against yours, “please, Tae.”
“Please what, doll?” 
“Please fuck me,” he couldn’t say no to that.
Slowly, Tae pulled his slicked fingers from your cunt, bringing them up to your mouth. You opened obediently, sucking lewdly on his digits pulling a growl from his mouth. As he pulled back with a loud ‘pop’, he used your saliva to lubricate his already weeping cock. “Ready for me, baby?”
“Always,” you whimpered as Taehyung entered your warmth, “s’good.”
Taehyung let out a long moan at the feeling of you wrapped around him, finally getting some relief. “God, I’ve wanted you all night,” he whispered, pulling his hips back and slamming back into you, making your body jump up the bed a bit. 
“Wanted you s-so bad Tae Tae,” you murmured, eyes closing and head falling back.
Tae grabbed both your thighs, spreading your legs as he rolled his hips against yours. He leaned back a bit, leaning down and letting a glob of saliva fall from his lips, landing directly on your clit. The cold feeling made you jerk back, but he tightened his grip on your legs, holding you in place. Quickly he reached down and started circling your hardened nub, just like he knew you liked. 
“Ah- ah, Tae!” You mewled, back arching off the bed as shockwaves rolled through your body. Taehyung never let up, fucking you through it. He followed closely behind you, hips jerking into you, warm cum filling you up. 
“God, doll, you’re so fucking hot.” Tae leaned down and pressed his lips to yours before resting his forehead on your shoulder. You wrapped both arms around him as you both caught your breath, “I need sleep,” he mumbled, pulling a light laugh from you.
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Jungkook was tossing and turning in bed tonight, not able to fall asleep. He was worried about their upcoming comeback and had been feeling really stressed lately. Letting out a frustrated sigh, he rolled over so he was facing your back. His eyes narrowed as your sleeping form. He wasn’t mad at you, per se. He was just upset you could fall asleep so easily. 
Just as Jungkook was about to roll over again, he heard noises coming from your side of the bed. He stopped breathing for a second as he listened closely. He could hear little breathy gasps coming from you and upon closer inspection it looked like you were… shivering? Were you cold?
Jungkook instinctively scooted closer to you, about to pull you into his arms, when you let out an unmistakable loud moan. He immediately froze, hand in the air, ready to reach for you. Should he wake you? He was internally debating when he heard it again. “K-kook,” you moaned.
“Baby?” He whispered, not sure if you were awake or not. When he didn’t get an answer, he wrapped his arms gently around you, placing his head on your shoulder. “Honey?” He let his hand travel down your arm and to your thighs, trying to rouse you. His hand roamed over your front, trailing down your arm, finally reaching your hand, which was clenched tightly between your legs, pushing against your clothed core. Jungkook’s cock twitched in his pants at the mental image of you touching yourself to him in your sleep. Was he actually sleeping and having some sort of fantasy fulfillment dream? 
You started to stir a bit, rolling towards him, making him back up slightly to give you room. As you turned in his arms, he saw you slowly blinking your eyes open. “Kookie?” Your breath hitched in your throat when your eyes focused and you saw the lust in your boyfriend’s eyes. 
“Dreaming of me, honey?” Your normally sweet, bunny boyfriend teased. 
You flushed at his accusation because it was definitely true. You were just having an amazing dream of him between your legs, getting you off with his sensual tongue. As you were having flashbacks to the dream, you felt Jungkook’s hand snake down your front and into your panties, fingers quickly finding your clit.
“So wet for me,” he mewled, “want me to help you out, baby?”
You nodded your head, whimpering as his fingers spread your lower lips, spreading your juices around your needy pussy. “Use your words, honey,” he husked.
“Want your fingers, Kook,” you whined. Without warning he slipped two fingers into your heat, stroking your g-spot over and over, “Kook!”
“Mmm,” he moaned, grabbing one of your hands and bringing it to his clothed erection, “help me out?”
You happily obliged, pushing his sweat pants down his thighs, allowing his hard cock to spring free. You rubbed your thumb over his slit, gathering the precum that had pooled there and used it to slowly jerk him off. His lips ghosted over your forehead and you worked his long dick. 
“I’m gonna cum, baby,” he whined, voice cracking slightly, “don’t stop.”
You weren’t going to, working him through his orgasm as his hips stuttered, hot cum spilling over your hand. Jungkook’s fingers momentarily stopped moving inside you, but once he came down from his high, quickly picked up their pace again. “I love you, baby,” he whispered, fingers coming all the way out of your pussy to lewdly rub against your clit for a second before plunging back in. It was driving you insane. It wasn’t long before fire was pooling in your lower abdomen. You came hard around your boyfriend’s fingers, fireworks exploding behind your eyelids and the slow and languid pace he was stick fingering you with. “Ah, ah too much!” You whined, making him smirk and slowly pull his fingers out of you, bringing them up to his mouth and sucking your juices off of them. 
“That was so hot, baby,” you nodded your head in agreement, sleepy post-orgasm feeling taking over, “I think I can finally fall asleep now,” he mumbled, letting out a big yawn. 
928 notes · View notes
I think I’m in love | knj.
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Summary: Your new internship sucked ass. It was fun, but exhausting at the same time. It also didn’t help that uni was also stressing you out. Amidst all this pressure and stress, perhaps a midnight walk on the Han River with your crush Kim Namjoon is what you needed all along. A/N: so I saw this namjoon picture circulating around stan twitter and my 3am sleep deprived ass decided to write a Drabble. 1 hour and 2k words later, here we are.
Words: 2k (maybe more idk I didn’t count)
Warnings: grammar issues, 4am writing
Song rec: I think I’m in love (kat dahlia)
“You’ve never been to the Han River at night?” Screams of outrage filled the silent room as you shook your head.
“I’ve never had the need to,” You frowned, feeling a little lost. “Plus it’s not like my parents would have let me.”
“Have you ever heard of something called sneaking out?” Jimin continued berating you and you couldn’t help but feel a little upset.
“Look, I know it may seem like Jimin-hyung is overreacting, but he’s not.” Jungkook clarified and made you feel even worse. “Han River is amazing at night.” The 3 boys nodded as if it were a common fact.
“You guys aren’t making this any better, y’know.” You frowned yet again.
They continued describing how mesmerising the river looked at night and you could do nothing but frown and continue doing your work.
Unbeknownst to you, Kim Namjoon kept sneaking glances at you from where he was seated. He wasn’t even trying to be subtle and that got on Yoongi’s nerves.
“Just ask them out, for fucks sake.” Yoongi massaged his eyes as Seokjin and Hoseok tried not to laugh.
“What do you mean?” Namjoon pretended to not know what Yoongi’s words meant and noted down a few more points for his assignment.
“Please tell me Namjoon did not just ask that,” Yoongi took a deep breath before proceeding, “Look, we all know that you have the most obvious crush on (Y/N) so just go and confess ok?”
It was true. Ever since you’d moved into the flat right opposite to his, Namjoon’s been talking about you non-stop.
But he continued to pretend like he didn’t hear Yoongi.
Seokjin and Hoseok, who were tired of their constant bickering and Namjoon’s denial, decided to take matters into their own hands.
“Yoongi’s right Joon,” Seokjin shared a mischievous glance with Hoseok before continuing, “If you don’t do anything, we will.” He declared, standing up and making his way to where you were sitting with Hoseok following in suit.
Namjoon started panicking even more when Yoongi decided to join Jin and Hobi as well, because he knew; oh he knew that they would not hold back. So he quickly ran after them and tried to convince them to back out.
“Guys, come on!” He begged, “I promise I will ask them out one day, but please please don’t do anything now,” It was too late now. Taehyung had spotted the lot of them walking up to your table.
“(Y/N), look!” You winced as Jungkook elbowed you harshly.
“What, dumbass--”  Kim Namjoon was standing in front of you.
For a moment, you felt your entire surroundings become a blur and you could only see Kim Namjoon in all his 6ft glory. And as soon as it came, it was gone because you had to remind yourself that people were watching.
“Jin-hyung! What’s up?” Jungkook hits the other man’s arm in greeting.
“Stop hitting me, punk,” They started doing their own thing again, forcing Hoseok to take over.
“We heard you guys talk something about rivers and we were bored so we decided to join lmao,” Hoseok dragged one of the chairs from a nearby table and slumped.
“Damn, I didn’t realise we were that loud,” Tae rubbed his neck sheepishly.
“It was necessary though! I mean it's not everyday we come to know that our best friend never visited the Han River at night,” All eyes were on you after Jimin’s statement.
“Wait (Y/N) really?” You nodded reluctantly. “I lived pretty far away plus I had strict parents so…” You hoped they would drop the topic here, and were extremely thankful when they did.
“Well, I'm sure you’ll have plenty more opportunities to visit. So don’t worry!” Seokjin cheered you up a little.
Your phone started ringing from nowhere and apparently your boss wanted you to collect some files to write a report on from the main office so you quickly informed your friends and bade them farewell.
Collecting the files wasn't the hard part. The hard part was walking home with no one except your thoughts to keep you company. You thought about what your friends said about the Han river and decided to make a trip if you were done with your work.
It sucked to admit it, but they were probably right. The Han River must be really mesmerising for them to talk about it so much and you found yourself suddenly envious of the rest of them.
Night strolls weren’t an option in your old neighbourhood; and though the new one wasn’t bad, you were busy with both uni and your internship. I mean being able to read your fanfics itself was a luxury and these hoes expected you to take a leisure stroll? Keep dreaming luv <3
You said all that to say, but you were still thinking about going there tonight. It seemed like immense fun and plus, it would be your first midnight stroll. You just hoped, with all your might, that you would be able to finish the work as soon as possible.
Lo and behold! 3 cups of coffee later, you were done!
To celebrate, you blasted some music on the speakers and danced along to the lyrics, bopping your head along to the beats.
Namjoon looked at your dancing form through his window. You seemed like you were having a lot of fun, he concluded, an amused  grin now apparent on his face. Judging by the way you seemed to have fun, Namjoon concluded that you must've been done with the work you mentioned you had.
Namjoon did not know the practicality of this, but he had a very random idea to take you on a riverside date. And you know what? He was going to do it. Fuck Yoongi, he’s going to prove it to the rest of them that he, indeed, could ask you out.
And so he took out a random book and wrote a message on it, Taylor Swift’s You Belong With Me style.
He did not know where this sudden confidence came from, but he took a small pebble from his rock collection and chucked it across to make sure it hit your window (yes, he was careful not to break it) and waited for your response.
You, on the other hand, were confused. Your mini-dance session was interrupted by a clink! Against your window and you went to check for the source of the sound; only to be met with Kim Namjoon’s waving form.
You panicked internally, not knowing what to do in front of the man you obviously had a thing for. And you were even more confused when he held up a paper with something on it.
“Do you want to go on a riverside walk with me?” It read.
Apparently, you could not form words so that’s fun =D. Instead, you chose to stand there like 🧍🏽and just nod in response. Namjoon gave you a beautiful dimpled smile with a thumbs up before closing the curtains to his window and switching his lights off.
It was only now that you were hit with the epiphany that you were going on what was essentially a midnight date with the Kim Namjoon and boy, oh boy, you were most certainly NOT prepared for it.
Rushing to your closet, you threw on your most comfortable pair of outerwear (and of course made sure you looked presentable) before chewing like 5 breath mints and grabbing your scarf (and your apartment keys) to go and meet Namjoon.
“Hey,” He smiled.
“Hey,” You replied, still breathless.
“Ready to go?” Namjoon asked and you nodded in response. You noticed that he hid something in his bag but made no comment and instead fell into a steady pace beside him.
The walk to the river was not awkward at all, thanks to Namjoon’s ability to radiate comfort. Which was a blessing cause otherwise you would definitely have embarrassed yourself by now.
You didn't even realise that you’d reached your destination until you noticed the numerous cars and lights.
“Woah.” You had no words for the sight in front of you.
“It's beautiful, isn't it?” Namjoon chuckled and sighed, “I love coming here. It never gets old.” He stares off into the distance.
You get it now. The way the bridge lit up, the view, the vibe, everything. It was enthralling. And the fact that it was Namjoon who was with you made this 1000 times better.
You were so absorbed with admiring the view in front of you that your dumbass didn't notice Namjoon staring at you. There was just something so absolutely adorable and endearing in the way your eyes lit up and seemed to sparkle at the sight in front of the both of you.
“Namjoon, look!” You grab the sleeve of his hoodie, “Purple lights!” He quickly snaps a picture of not only the scenery in front of him, but also you. You who were so excited to see this view at midnight for the first time.
You spent a bit more time admiring the view, goofing off, and taking pictures before finally deciding that it was time for the both of you to head back. As upset as you were, you took comfort in knowing that you could visit this place more often hereon.
The conversation on the walk back home was one that you would never forget.
“No way… Here I was thinking that alpha and beta were just limited to greek alphabet and math,” The look of horror on Namjoon’s face when you explained omegaverse was something that you desperately wanted a picture of, and regretted not taking one.
“It’s a thing that definitely exists, and though I may not be a fan of it; I think a lot of people are into that kind of thing.”
“Interesting,” He comments, pausing. “Say, would the title ‘My Alpha mate’ qualify as omegaverse?” His sudden question caught you off guard.
“I think so… Why do you ask?”
“I think… I think Yoongi-hyung is into omegaverse.” Even though you did not mean to, you burst out in laughter. Yoongi being into reading stories centering around dom alpha mating rituals was something you never needed to know but were glad you did.
You continued explaining the various fanfiction tropes to the other male, especially your favourite ones.
“Oh, I once remember reading this amazing Zuko, Sokka and Suki fic somewhere and I genuinely think that it should be nominated for the Nobel prize,” Namjoon looked at you affectionately while you rambled about the plot of the story.
“And at the end--” You paused, looking behind you and caught Namjoon standing with a camera in his hands.
“Sorry, you just looked so beautiful, I had to take a picture.” You were sure you looked like the capillaries in your face burst.
There were a lot of things Namjoon was proud about, and making you blush that hard was definitely on his top 5.
“L-let’s go, dork.” You try your best to brush it off but KIM NAMJOON JUST COMPLIMENTED YOU STFU OK YOU WERE ALLOWED TO CRY.
Anyways, y’all reached your apartment complex sooner than the both of you wanted, and honestly? Neither of you wanted the other to go.
“So,” “Actually--” You both begin at the same time. Flustered, you gestured to Namjoon to go ahead with what he wanted to say and assured him that what you wanted to say wasn’t of any major importance.
“I actually bought something for you,” He took a small bag out of his backpack and handed it to you. “It’s a collection of poems and short stories that i wrote for-for you,” He flushed and avoided making eye-contact with you.
“Namjoon, I--”
“You don’t need to read it, but I just wanted to give them to you because… because I really like you.” It was your turn to blush (again).
“Of course I will read it, you idiot. I’m literally in love with you, what makes you think I won't?” Namjoon widened his eyes and proceeded to smile bashfully, pulling you into a tight hug.
“You have no idea how happy I am right now,” He admits, swaying you around in his arms. You nuzzle deeper into his warm embrace and whisper--
“Thank you for everything, Joonie.”
43 notes · View notes
luxekook · 4 years
chapter seven.
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⇥ pairing: ot7 x reader
⇥ genre: college au with fluff, smut & angst
⇥ summary: a series in which the reader meets (and falls for) seven members of the Beta Tau Sigma (BTS) fraternity
⇥ word count: 3.6k
⇥ warnings: 18+, lots of cursing, general chaotic energy, poly relationship, a short confrontation, mentions of slut-shaming, switch!reader, dom!joon, switch!jin, sub!jimin, library shenanigans, an abundance of coffee, punishments, spanking, bad puns (jin is in this chapter, DUH), many nerd references uwu
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
characters | prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
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Chapter Seven
Quinn Library – 3:54pm
The end of September passes in a blur of studying, partying, volunteering, and spending time with friends. The month’s conclusion also includes the increasing presence of seven boys in my everyday routine.
Since giving Taehyung the suck of his life in the bathroom of Hannigan’s, I have been basically fighting off the seven of them for a moment to breathe. But, sometimes breathing is overrated when being smothered by affection.
Going from being single to essentially dating seven people is quite the adjustment. I found myself growing attached to them – something that both excited and scared the shit out of me. We haven’t discussed labels or anything, but I figure it’s only a matter of time. The boys have apparently been planning an elaborate first date for this upcoming weekend, and I feel like they’ll probably ask to make it official then.
My stomach erupts in butterflies at the thought, and I take a calming breath. No need to overthink such things.
While it might be unconventional by some societal standards, polyamory is simply a way to love. Why should love come with confines? With binary expectations? The saying ‘love is love’ gets thrown around a lot, but I believe it bears repeating.
Jenni and Luna have been nothing but supportive to me over the past two weeks. They even came with me to volunteer this past weekend because they - and I quote - wanted to ‘check out our vibe’. But, I wholeheartedly expect that the real reason had actually been for them to feel out the boys’ intentions.
Why did I suspect this? Well, because Jungkook had come up to me within the first fifteen minutes at the worksite quivering in fear over how ‘scary my friends were’ and how ‘Jenni had cornered him to interrogate him while Luna hovered behind her, menacingly holding a nail-gun’.
I had never felt more loved and supported by my friends.
My phone dings, and I quickly hasten to put it on silent, shooting an embarrassed and apologetic look around the library. It seems like most people have headphones in, and I let out a sigh of relief. No one wants to be that one loud person in the library.
Checking my notifications, I smile when I see it’s a SnapChat from Hobi in the group chat the boys created a few weeks ago. My thumb swipes it open, and I barely contain myself from announcing to the whole library how vibrantly handsome one of my potential boyfriends is.
I quickly send a SnapChat back of me and my stack of books in the library with the caption ‘send help in the form of coffee’.
Immediately, Taehyung sends a flurry of heart eyes emojis in the chat, Jungkook sends a ‘noona is so cute’, and Yoongi sends back a picture of a black screen with the caption ‘come nap with me’.
God, I would love to nap with Yoongi right now… Alone time with the older boy is so elusively precious. One day last week at their house, I had mentioned wanting to learn piano. Yoongi had just grabbed my hand and tugged me to his room. We had spent a couple hours together in the small corner of his room playing on his keyboard.
Well, he had been playing; I had been fumbling around like a buffoon - half uncoordinated in general and half flustered by how good Yoongi looked playing. His hands had been so nimble as they flew over the keys, crafting melodies I could only assume he had composed. His focus had been so fucking hot as he nodded slightly along to the tempo in his head, his eyes shooting over to look at me every once in a while.
My hand kink? Activated.
My willpower to not kiss the shit out of Yoongi? Nonexistent.
When Yoongi had paused in between songs, I may or may not have grabbed him by his shirt collar and kissed him. His blushing attempt to dodge me had been so cute; and when I had stopped trying to kiss him, he had pouted and then kissed me instead.
What a cutie…
A giggle draws my attention from my reminiscing. At first, I pay it no mind, taking it as a directive to dive back into my studies. But then, the whispering starts.
“I heard she’s fucking her way through the whole house.”
“Isn’t there a term for that?”
“Yeah, a frat rat.”
I slam my 500-page textbook closed and stand, leveling the duo of gossiping girls with a glare that could make grown men cry. It had before when I had to properly eviscerate my uncle in defense of feminism at our last family gathering. What a time that had been.
“Is there a problem?” I force the question through gritted teeth, stalking over towards their nearby table. I relish in the way they gape at me, eyes wide and pupils quivering, “I’m sorry. I’m afraid my complaint jar is at capacity. Please don’t try again later.”
The girl on the right gulps, “No-nope, there’s no problem! We were just leaving. Right, Janika?”
“No,” The girl who had called me a ‘frat rat’ just moments before crosses her arms and stands, “I do, like, have a problem.”
“Janika,” The other girl tugs on the sleeve of the one standing, “Don’t.”
“Yeah, Janika,” I smile, “Don’t.”
I can see the moment she snaps.
“You’re, like, such a fucking bitch! I don’t know what they all see in you. Oh wait, yes I do. You’re fucking easy.”
I consider myself to be a patient person, but having to endure this type of rant against my character - and against women’s sexual freedom in general - has pushed me well past my limits.
“Now, listen here, Janika,” I take another step forward, “You can keep talking your shit. I really don’t give a flying fuck what you think about me. But I really advise you to google ‘how to stop slut-shaming for dummies’ because it seems like you need a crash course.”
Janika’s face darkens, “Whatever. They’ll get tired of you anyway.”
“Yeah,” I let out an amused laugh, “I’m sure they’ll get real tired of me choking on their dicks every night.”
Letting out a gasp, Janika whirls back around to face her silent friend, “Let’s go. I don’t want to, like, be around her any longer.”
“Buh-bye now,”I wiggle my fingers in their direction as they shuffle out of the library.
Smiling in satisfaction, I head back towards my table. Without hesitation, I gather my books and belongings and head upstairs to the quiet floor. Any more distractions or confrontations would probably make my blood pressure pop off the charts.
The quiet floor, as one of my safe havens, is home to several small private study rooms. Peering into each, I start to lose hope that any would be available. Finally, the very last room proves me wrong, and I swing open the door and almost in tears over the sweet, sweet solitude.
This particular study room is tucked away in the very far corner of the library’s second floor. Not many people are aware of its location, and it seems that paid off for me today. Plopping my things down across the table in the center of the tiny room, I follow suit and drop down into one of the two chairs adjoining the table.
What a clusterfuck of an afternoon… This sadly isn’t the first time I’ve heard some comments being made about my association with the BTS boys, and I knew it wouldn’t be the last. Yet, part of me knew all along that this would be the trade-off.
After all, what are a few irrelevant opinions to seven gorgeous and loyal partners? Inconsequential - in my opinion. That is the reason why I haven’t breathed a word of the backlash to anyone.
Sighing, I flip open my textbook to where I had been before being rudely interrupted.
The amygdala plays a key role in emotion and behavior…
I jump a half-mile out of my chair, slapping a hand over my pounding heart. Jimin had somehow managed to enter the room without my knowledge. Had he fucking teleported?
Holding a giant iced coffee in one hand and a cinnamon bun in the other, Jimin beams at me and ignores the fact he just scared the living shit out of me. “Hi, noona! I saw your SnapChat while I was in class, and I came here as soon as I could.”
I stare dumbfounded at the angel before me. Jimin is slightly out of breath with reddened cheeks and a sweaty brow. His black track-pants are slung low on his hips, his long-sleeve white t-shirt clings to his torso, his black duffle bag thrown carelessly over one shoulder. He must have run over straight from dance class.
Standing abruptly, I stalk over to where Jimin is still posted up by the doorway to the study room. Toe to toe with him, I blurt out while still half in a daze, “You really brought me coffee and food?”
He eyes me warily like I might suddenly jump on him at any moment. Shifting his weight back and forth, Jimin hesitantly replies, “Um, yes?"
I take the coffee and cinnamon bun from his hands, place them on the table, and then tackle him with the biggest hug. "You absolute sweetheart!" I murmur into the crook of his neck, "This made my day. Thank you, Jimin-ie."
His hands tentatively wrap around me, pulling me closer. "You're welcome, noona. I just wanted to do something nice for you.”
“Well, I really appreciate it, baby,” My lips brush over the crevice of his collarbone and relish in his shudder. Bringing my head up to face his, I smile widely at him, “Can I kiss you, Jimin-ie?”
“Yes,” He sighs out, eyes already closing in anticipation. I press my lips to his, still smiling softly against his mouth. His lips are plush under mine, velvety soft. My tongue swipes across his bottom lip and— Is that coffee I taste?
I pull back, “Jimin, did you sip my coffee on your way here?”
The boy looks rightfully alarmed, “I– y-yes. But only a little, noona!”
“Hmm,” I trail my fingers down his chest, “I guess I’ll make an exception for you this time since you were the one to bring it for me.”
Jimin relaxes slightly, but his expression is strangely disappointed. I stare at him quizzically, and he blushes.
“What is it?” I lean against the table, facing him.
He clears his throat, staring intensely at the ground, “You can still punish me if you want, (y/n)-noona.”
My eyebrows shoot upwards at his offer, and then I let out a slight chuckle, “Oh, Jimin… That would be a favor to you, wouldn’t it? My baby boy wants to be punished, hm? Did dance practice make you all hot and bothered? Jungkook tells me that has been happening to you lately.”
Jimin’s face explodes in color as he mutters, “That little bitch will pay for this.”
Suddenly, the door swings open with a resounding thud, nearly clipping Jimin in the shoulder.
“Your savior has arrived!” Kim Seokjin announces loudly in spite of the studiously silent atmosphere of the quiet floor. His hands hold two steaming hot travel mugs, which I can only guess are filled with the elixir of the gods (aka coffee).
Seokjin’s eyes glance around the room as he takes in the fact that I’m not alone as he obviously had expected. “Wait, Jimin-ie? What are you doing here?” Jin’s eyes flick down to the coffee and cinnamon roll that lay on the table. “Goddamn it!”
���You were too slow, hyung,” Jimin smirks happily as he takes a seat in the chair I had previously vacated. He slouches smugly as he stares up at the fuming older boy.
“Too slow?!” Jin roars.
“Jin,” I chastise, circumventing around him to shut the door.
“Sorry, babe,” Seokjin says while still glaring daggers at the all-too-pleased Jimin. Suddenly, his expression changes into a sneaky look that makes me both want to run and jump his bones. “Well,” He waves the two coffee mugs around in the air, “I made these myself - with love. I didn’t buy that generic shit; I brewed it, baby.”
It’s Jimin’s turn again to look disgruntled, and I can’t help but laugh at their antics.
“Any and all coffee is appreciated and loved by me – the more the merrier. So, thank you both,” You say, taking one of the travel mugs from Seokjin. Kissing his cheek, you turn back to sit opposite Jimin at the table.
“She kissed me on the lips!” Jimin bursts.
“Park Jimin!” I cry as Jin splutters some sort of incoherent rant about fairness and equality.
Jimin holds eye contact with me, still leaning back in his chair like he’s the king of the fucking universe. But, he’s not; I am.
My chair hits the wall behind me with a bang as I stand, planting my hands on the table to loom over Jimin. “Do you think it’s fun to push your hyung, Jimin? Does it amuse you to be a little shit?”
I can see the moment that Jimin decides to be a brat. His eyes heat up in a challenge, and he firmly answers, “Yes, noona.”
“Get up.” The change in my tone is apparent. Jimin gulps. Getting to his feet, he stares back at me expectantly.
“Jin,” I address the older boy while still maintaining eye contact with Jimin, “What kind of punishment do you think I should give our Jimin here?”
Seokjin rounds my other side, grinning, “Well, (y/n) darling, I believe he should get spanked.”
“Interesting choice,” I murmur, turning to face Jin, “That’s what you’re going to get then.”
“What?” Jin squawks, arms waving rapidly around in the air, “But I didn’t do anything!”
“Nothing is what you should have done, Jin,” I push him against the wall, “You know better than to let Jimin rile you up like this.”
Those plump lips of his pout dramatically as he whines, “But, (y/n)…”
“But nothing,” I say and then whirl around to face the other boy. He’s still standing where I left him with his eyes glued to the pair of us. “Jimin,” I hold his gaze, “You’re going to watch. You’re not going to touch yourself, your hyung isn’t going to touch you, and I’m not going to touch you.”
His eyes widen comically, “No! That’s not fair!”
“Do you want to be gagged, too, baby boy?” I ask, cocking my head slightly. Seeing his emphatic head shakes, I grin. “That’s what I thought. Now, stay.”
Turning back to Jin, I smirk slightly as I ask, “Punishment now or later?”
Seokjin’s eyes scrunch cutely in confusion, “What?”
“You see,” I move closer to him, my body brushes his, “I think you earned a punishment, but I think you also earned helping me punish Jimin.”
A wide grin crosses Jin’s face as he glances back at the corner Jimin is stewing in. “I would be honored to help you punish him, babe.”
“That’s what I figured,” I smile briefly at him before slowly sliding my hands up his chest to rest on the nape of his neck. Holding them there, I press the lightest of kisses to the corner of his lips.
Jin’s breath hitches in his throat.
I run my tongue against the seam of his mouth, taking my time and savoring the sweet taste of him. His lips part to let me in, my tongue sliding across his. I grind against him as we kiss, moving my hips in such a way that makes him groan and lean back harder against the wall.
“What the fuck is going on in here?”
Ripping my mouth from Jin’s, I turn to face the newcomer.
Namjoon stands in the doorway holding yet another cup of coffee, his face thunderous. "What do the three of you think you're doing? This is the goddamn library, you heathens!”
Seokjin jumps out of his skin in fright, pushing me away faster than I can anticipate. Stumbling back, I crash into Jimin – who apparently had ventured out of his assigned corner. Brat.
“The shades were open!” Namjoon continues to rant as he flicks the aforementioned item down to cover the door’s window, “Did you want people to see you?”
He reads the expression on my face correctly, “Oh, but you did, didn’t you, (y/n)?” Namjoon approaches where I’m still captured in Jimin’s embrace. Glaring down at me, he taunts, “So quick to stake your claim; but, make no mistake, they were mine first.”
Shaking out of Jimin’s hold, I straighten, raising my chin to meet Namjoon’s gaze full-on, “That’s interesting. I didn’t realize you were so lenient with your partners.”
Jimin makes a choking noise behind me. Jin stands behind Namjoon, waving a hand in front of his throat to clearly tell me to stop talking. I keep going, “Perhaps I need to teach you how to discipline.”
Namjoon flips me around, shoves Jimin out of the way, and bends me facedown across the table.
“Jin,” He says, his voice growly, “Stand in the hall and let me know if you can hear us.”
The sound of the door opening and closing alerts me that Jin followed Namjoon’s instructions without a word.
“Jimin,” He continues, “Hold (y/n)’s hands out in front of her.” Jimin ascquieces, staring apologetically down at me as he tugs my hands towards him.
“This is cute,” I say, “I always love holding Jimin-ie’s hands.”
Thwack. The stinging imprint of Namjoon’s palm on my ass burns deliciously. I arch my back, looking over my shoulder at him with a half-smile. “Do it harder, daddy.”
A breath sucks in between his lips as I utter the word I know will get him feeling as hot as me. “You’re playing a dangerous game, baby girl,” Namjoon grits out, his jaw clenched tightly.
“Oh, daddy,” I say, “Don’t you remember? I’m the fucking Queen.”
“Was that a chess pun? Nice.” A muffled voice followed by a squeaky laugh sounds through the door.
“Seokjin,” Namjoon seethes, flying over to open the door and drag the older boy back inside, “I thought I told you to let me know if you could hear us.”
I tug out of Jimin’s gentle hold, straighten back up, and then situate myself into a sitting position on the table.
I watch amusedly as Jin shimmies his way out of Joon’s grasp, “Yah! It’s not my fault I get intense FOMO. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Besides, I only heard you because I had my ear pressed to the door.”
Jimin stifles a giggle. I let out a full-on laugh. Namjoon mumbles what sounds like a plea to some higher power under his breath.
“See what I have to deal with?” Namjoon turns to me, shaking his head. “Are you sure you want to sign up for this?”
“That depends,” I swing my legs back and forth as I stay perched on the table, “Are you going to keep spanking me?”
The boy who had just unhesitatingly bent me over to punish me now blushes and rubs the back of his neck. “I mean, probably? You have quite a mouth on you, baby.”
Hopping off the table, I laugh, “Good answer. Ten points to Gryffindor.”
“Woo!” Jin cheers, “Nice job on the House Points, Joon-ie!”
“I am in love with idiots,” Jimin sighs.
Grabbing my phone from my backpack, I let out a slight yell as I read the time. “Shit, shit, shit, shit!” I scramble to shove all of my textbooks back into my bag.
“What is it, noona?” Jimin worries, appearing next to me. “Are you late for class?”
“No,” I cry, “It’s so much worse. I’m late for my weekly Animal Crossing discord chat! Heath is gonna kill me…”
“Heath?” Jin scowls, “Who is this Heath you speak of?”
“Chill, fam,” I shrug my backpack onto my shoulders and stare contemplatively down at the three different coffees. “You can’t get jealous every time I mention a new person. What’s next? You’re gonna come for Tom Nook?”
Namjoon - who must play Animal Crossing - stifles a laugh as Jin pouts. “She has a point, Jin.”
“And so does a pencil. Big whoop,” Jin scowls with his arms folded.
“Aw, Seokjin-ie,” I coo, reaching over to pinch his cheek, “Don’t be mad. You’ll get to spend all day with me on Saturday after volunteering! What are we doing, anyways?” I level Joon with my best side-eye as I ask that question, knowing he is more likely than not the mastermind behind our planned date.
“It’s going to be great, noona!” Jimin pipes up, hugging me from the side, “You’re going to love it…You’re going to love us.” He murmurs the last part, probably not meaning for me to hear; but, I do.
God, I do.
“We’ll pick you up before volunteering,” Joon says, “Just bring yourself and a change of clothes.”
“What?” I decide - fuck it - and attempt to grab all three coffees, “No overnight bag?”
Jin, who had just taken a sip of his own coffee, spews it everywhere. “Pack one,” He gasps out in between coughs.
Laughing, I walk to the door, which Jimin kindly opens for me. “Okay, I’ll think about it. Ah, I’m so late. Jimin and Jin, I’ll punish you at a later time. Joon, you can try to punish me at a later time.” Living for their astonished expressions, I wave as best I can with three coffees in hand, “Bye, babes! Text me-e-e.”
As I make my way out of the library, it hits me that I only have one more day to prepare for this date. Fucking hell…
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a/n: this is such a filler of a chap with a tinge of drama mixed in, hehe. the next one is gonna be that date tho uwu stay tuuuuuuned and thanks 4 reading
taglist: @catsandstrawberries @h5naaa @meowmeowyoongles @leftflowerprunedonut @rjsmochii @athletes-of-god @karissassirak @cage7241​ @weallhavesecretsinthebestway @cvbachacbitch @honeyspillings @valiantcollectorofsandwiches @fivesecondsofsarang @oii-f-eli-x2 @joonsroses @theevilyouknow @jooniescupcakes @expensive-grl @i-dont-even-know-fck @doingmybestalltheftime @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh @laced-brds @breeeeh17 @lpayne612 @peachyharmoney @rilakoya @chulchuchi @tabula-rasa0 @guccishookv @nomimits7 @i-like-puppy-mg @s-noir @anna-sorel @im-a-space-child @yeontanismypresident @drowning-in-oxygen @team-wang-puppy @lvvegood @anongirl007 @may114 @r-e-d-i-s-h @unatempesta-dipensieri @dragon-rider-with-a-book​ @blueberrygeniejam @wondrsblog @vi-hoshi @kirbykook​ @katemwatson​ @kawaiikpoplover268​ @amsteramyy​ @sami4life @a-feeling-of-euphoria​ @the-jackals​ @bubbletae7​ @platinum-grenade​ @bunnyboyenthusiast @brightly-byun @oofmeintheheadpls​ @sadboibts @lidda​ @goldenwidow3​ @t-mel19​ @lmkjimin​ @psiphidragon​ @jeon-joker​ @sathom013​ @lustremyg @ggsmashgg​ @justyouraveragerando​ @shadowstark​ @our-little-meow-meow @baby-hobii @toddsgirl27​ @mythicalmeep​ @asifetch7​ @kassandravictoria​ @eltrain80 @briannasthings​ @bumblekey93​ @ohmwreckr @beach-bitch-bitch-beach​ @softchimmee​ @kookoo-kachoo​ @lenuminous​ @ass-hole-in-one​ @peaches-422​ @spacejooon​ @sleepyje0n​ @uxwi​ @tellmeyoulovemepls​ @yady24​ @lovesick-heart0​ @redirect-min​ @hopetookourvibe​ @noonaduck​ @mini-coop25​ @multifandomgirl29​ @rhd31​ @yoongixvevo​ @sweetnspicy93​ @kuppyjiminie​ @love-and-other-possibilities​ @fuckyouandtheboatyoucamein @rvnchr4nd4​ @geminidrawsstuff​ @livorna​ @naajix​ @minjoonhome​
another a/n: if u asked to be added to the taglist and u did not get tagged, u might be one of the couple ppl that i couldn’t tag [check ur settings, fam!]
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taegiconic · 4 years
strawberry cake🍰
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< 17. time >
sypnosis🍓 : taehyung lives change when he starts to work in his family bakery to pay his Art Institution, he used to thought it was bored until the day he mets her.
pairing🍓: artist student and baker!taehyung x philologist student!reader
genre🍓:  college!au, fluff, crack humor, angst
word count🍓: 1,8k words
a/n: so here it is!! First of all, I want to apologize if there are some grammar mistakes, english isn't my first language and I really try my best to think in my native language so then I can think of it in english ((multilingual probs, yes)) and this is also the first time I try to write something for a au. I wanted to do it a little angst because i really needed it, sorry if i made any of you suffer with it. Enjoy🧘🏻‍♀️💜
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After received the message, Y/N went to the bakery. She actually was nervous, the way Taehyung called another afternoon where they hang out ‘a date’ made her have very deep thoughts. She only was thinking about how suspicious all the boys were acting, not even her roommates and her best friend, but also Taehyung's friends. She could feel like they were hiding something from her.
Taehyung was nervous too, he was a mess. He only wanted to run, as he did the day Y/N entered into the bakery for the first time. He remembers that day as if it was last week, but it actually was five months ago. He couldn't believe someone like Y/N would have has a crush on him. He really appreciated how Y/N was a really truthworthy person, he loved how her eyes speaks to him when something happends, but then, when Haneul appeared in the bakery, he lost his mind. His cousin was taking her order while he was admiring her behind the counter “what is she doing here? why today?”, those were the questions he had in his mind. His cousin, Jongsoo, hit him in the arm, making him come back to the real world:
"Isn't that Haneul?” Jongsoo said while starting to prepare her order.
“I think so...” Taehyung bite his lip while looking at her.
“She hasn't changed, she looks even prettier.” his cousin mocks him.
“Jongsoo, you know I'm not interested in her knowing how she was with me and how she broke me completly. You know I like Y/N so much and what I will do today.”
“Go and give her the order.”
“Okay, asshole.” Taehyung rolls his eyes and takes the tray.
He approaches her without do any eye contact. He was scared, he was scared of get lot in her eyes like he did two years ago. He didn't want that now, he can remember perfectly how she played with him, with his feelings and his trust, how she was getting to know someone else when she was playing with him, giving Taehyung hopes for nothing.
Y/N was almost there. She stopped in front of the door and breathed before open it. When she entered, the pleasant aroma of fresh brownie was all she could smell. She went directly to the counter. There was Jongsoo, he was smiling to her like she always does when she enters in there.
“Hey Y/N!” The lovely boy looks to her in a very soft way.
“You did brownies today?” Y/N closed her eyes and smelled again the sweet aroma.
“Yes, we did. You want some?”
In that exactly moment, she could listen to Taehyung loudly laugh. She was confussed, she changed the direction and saw him. He was 10cm close to that girl, she took one finger with cream of her cake and booped Taehyung's nose. Both of them started to laugh loudly again, like if they were the only persons in the place, they were in their own world. Y/N's eyes started to be watering. She looked at Jongsoo, that was shocked and confussed at she was. She answered to his question denying with her head. Her tears already were in the way to her cheeks, she turn back to the counter and left the place. Right when she left, rain drops started to fall in her skin, she didn't even cared if she was getting wet. She didn't want to see anyone right now, less Taehyung. The streets were empty and she didn't know in what direction she was going. She saw a bench in front of a small lake, under a big old tree and sat down there, looking nowhere while her tears still going down off her cheeks. Two minutes later, she could feel how someone opened a umbrella and sat next to her.
“I think you need this” She could recognize Namjoon's voice. “You are going to catch a cold” He put the hood of her jacket on her head. She wiped the tears of her checks and looked at him, he smiled softly. “C'mon come here” He opened his arms giving Y/N space in his chest, she comfortable accepted and he hugged her like they used to.
“How do you knew I was here?” After five minutes of silence, she spoke.
“I was in there too. I was drinking a coffee and saw you when you entered and when you left running without reason.” He looked again at her and saw her sobbing.
“Did you saw him?” Tears started to drop again off of her eyes.
“I didn't. All I saw was his cousin screaming to him right before you left and then I don't know what happened because I was looking for you in every street.” He takes a break. “I know how you feel right now Y/N.... I don't want you to see you sad again. I hope that what happened there was just a misunderstanding and that he apologizes how he has to.”
“Joon, even if he wants to apologize to me... I won't accept his apologies. What If what I saw is what he does when I'm not around of him? Imagine all the things he could do to me.”
“I honestly don't think he is like that, maybe is just someone he used to have feelings and his feelings for her still there. Sometimes, we just need to take some time. Maybe, if time passes you will accept his apologies. Sooner or later, we all need to maturate and speak like real adults about our problems.”
“But Joon...” he didn't let her finish the sentence.
“No ‘but Joons’ Y/N, I know the only thing you want right now is to shout at him and tell him he is stupid and more swears I won't say, I know you” she agreed with her head “but we can't speak when we are mad because we can worsen all, and you don't want to do that. You believe in love, you trust and you feel so comfortable with him to now throw the beautiful relationship both of you have away and try to act like nothing happened. Let him take some time to think about what he did and make a great apology, and that time while you wait for it you should also take it as a therapy for yourself.”
“Okay, I will give him some time. I was thinking in going with my parents next week...”
“But the vacation week is in the other week... Are you going to leave me alone at class?” Namjoon pouted and make her smile, he felt fulfilled when he saw her and couldn't help but smile with her.
“I'm sorry... but I have my excuse and you are agree with it”
Both of them stayed there talking. Listening to the calmly water dropping. Y/N started to feel better, even if she looked lost in her mind and in her thoughts. She could feel the vibration of her phone in the pocket of the down coat she was wearing, but she didn't care. At sometime they felt like someone was behind them watching, but Y/N and Namjoon won't said anything. All they wanted was silence and peace for a moment.
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“What did I just do?” Taehyung thought. He messed all up, like he always do. After he listened to Jungsoo loud scream calling him in anger, he noticed what he did. He felt like an asshole, a completely asshole. He looked at Haneul, she was laughing of him. He looked at her with so much anger that she could felt how he killed her with a gaze. In a moment he ran to the back of the bakery to take his jacket and a umbrella. He wanted to talk with Y/N, apologize to her in some way, tell her he doesn't deserver her and how stupid he was.
He went around the whole neighborhood looking for her, he knew she would be somewhere there. When he was in the end of a street, he saw two persons sitting on a bench. He thought one of them was Y/N, but everyone in the city wears the same jacket. All he could do was calling her on her phone, but won't answer. The person in the bench that he thought that was her did not flinch. He decided to call Yoongi in his way back to the bakery, he was still working with the bouquet he ordered for the special occasion.
“Yes, Taehyung I'm on my way to the bakery” Yoongi said right when he picked the call.
“No Yoongi... I did something stupid... I called you to see if you knew something about Y/N.” He couldn't speak, he was feeling really bad about it.
“Fuck you Taehyung.” Yoongi hang up. Yoongi stopped his way to the bakery and called Y/N, but he neither received any answer of her, but knew she could probably be with Namjoon because he knew he was going to the bakery in case she needed help, and he was totally right.
Taehyung decided to call Jungkook, but news travels fast in their group of friends and he neither won't answer his calls. Taehyung was desperate, so he decided to call Namjoon. Namjoon didn't answer the call, but sent him a message.
“I know what happened. I know how Y/N is and trust me, right now isn't the best time to talk about it because her anger will make things worse. I hated to listen about what happened, but I really still trusting you, Taehyung. I know you can make her forget about it if you really do a right apology and let her have some time alone. I know you want to make it now, but think about the right words and you will receive the answer you want from her. Thank you for understanding Taehyung. She loves you.”
He couldn't help but go to his apartment reading the message over and over again. All he needed in that moment was his friends trying to cheer him up.
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Taehyung felt so empty without her the whole weekend, without her messages asking how he was doing, without his movie night dates where they kiss and hug more than watch the movie. And also, he couldn't stop thinking about what Namjoon said “she loves you” was tattooed in his mind the whole time, the only thing that could give him hopes about her accepting his apology that he was working on.
Y/N was feeling like him too, empty, but she still angry. She was in her way to spend two weeks with her parents. She tried to concentrate her mind in things that weren't related to love in case she started crying in the train. Jungkook, Yoongi and Namjoon promised her that they would visit her the next week. They were really angry with Taehyung, they also really tried their best entertaining Y/N so her won't think in him, and it worked perfectly fine. Jungkook was preparing to beat Taehyung's ass the Monday on class, but Yoongi and Namjoon weren't very into violence so they decided to take the advantage of Y/N not being there and visiting him in the bakery to talk one of the days.
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taglist: @1-in-abillion @biscuitete @yoongisabby @simplymemyself @slumpd0ll @ncitydreamies @lyndseygoregasmxo @taestrawberry @parkchaeyoung1997 @happyhrsme
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s0seo · 4 years
The Heir Chapter 2
~ Pairing: OT7 x Reader                  WC:  6684
Rating: M                                        
Genre: Vampire au mystery thriller with lots of angst and eventual fluff and smut (THIS IS A SLOW BURN)
Summary: After you and your friend are attacked during a night out, you discover a world much bigger and more dangerous than you could have ever imagined.
WARNINGS: 18+, mention of blood, swearing, assault, mention of death, angst
A/n: I know I said Friday, but I changed my mind. I tried to make this one just a smidge longer. I hope you all enjoy!
© s0seo please do not copy or edit as protested under this license :)
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You open your eyes and the first thing that you notice is pain. You are in so much pain. You look around trying to figure out where you are and find yourself in a hospital room. As hazy memories come flooding back, you spot two familiar figures sitting in chairs beside your bed.
Tae’s curly dark brown hair and Jimin’s long bleached hair are both covering their sleeping faces. You try to lift your right arm, hoping to call the nurse when you hiss out in pain, startling the boys.
You hear a thump to your left as Jimin falls out of his chair and find Tae on your right holding your hand within seconds.
 “Yoongi” you rasp, feeling an ache in your throat.
Tae and Jimin look at each other for a moment. You can tell from the puffiness around their eyes that they’ve been crying.  
You look at Jimin as he says to no one in particular “I’m gonna go find the nurse” before heading out the door. 
Looking at Tae for answers, you see him reach for a half-filled glass of water from the table beside you and bring it to your lips. You didn’t realize how thirsty you were until you felt the first drop hit your tongue.
After a few painful gulps you weakly push the cup away and ask again, this time your voice a bit stronger, “Where is Yoongi?”
Tae looks down at the floor before looking at you and saying, “he still hasn’t woken up yet.” A wave of relief washes over you and you feel a tear fall down your cheek as you confirm “but he’s alive? He’s alive?”
He looks up at you and softly nods his head as he reaches up to your face and wipes you tear away. You lean into his hand and close your eyes. When you open them again you see him looking at you, trying to read your face. 
You pull away from him and lean your lead on your pillow. As the silence becomes deafening, your mind spits out a new thought.
“Wait. Are you two the only ones?”
He continues inspecting you for a moment before explaining,
“Jin and Namjoon are with Yoongi right now. Jungkook is still out of town with his father, and Hobi was here earlier, but had to head back home to take care of some things before work. Jimin and I are here and planned to stay with you until you woke up.”
 You look around again.
 “How long have I been out?”
 “Two days” he answers smoothly, looking at your face for any hint of distress.
 Your eyes widen. 
“Wow” you mouth as you hear the door open and see Jimin walk in with a young girl carrying a clipboard.
She walks up to your bed and checks your vitals before speaking to you in a soft warm voice. “Hi, Miss L/N my name is nurse Sanchez and I’ve been taking care of you for the past few days. How are you feeling?”
 You look down at your body as you say, “my entire body hurts. How bad was it?”
When she doesn’t respond you look up at her. She purses her lips and says, “let’s wait until the doctor gets here and he’ll walk you through it?”
You frown and look at her face wondering why she can’t just look at your chart and tell you.
‘Something feels off’ you think to yourself.
You look at her eyes and you can see how uncomfortable she is. You narrow your eyes, refusing to back down.
 “Tell me.”
She holds your gaze, and after what you can tell is a small internal conflict says quietly, “you had two broken ribs, and you suffered a minor concussion along with bruised vocal cords.“ Slowly tearing her eyes away from yours she looks down at the floor and continues. “You also had a deep laceration on your side, and a few scratches along your arms.”
You hold your breath as she explains to you just how close you were to dying, multiple times, she emphasizes, and you finally feel yourself release it when she grows quiet, looks up at you, and quickly excuses herself from the room, to go find the doctor.
 You look at both of your friends who are now watching you closely.  You feel like they’re expecting you to cry, or scream, or freak out after everything that’s happened, but you realize that you don’t need to. 
Whatever fear you felt, whatever worries you had in that alleyway were over. In times like these you’re thankful for your level headedness. In fact, you have always been good at compartmentalizing in stressful situations. The only thing that you’re worried about now is Yoongi.
After a few agonizing minutes you feel yourself start to fidget under their silent stares.
 “Guys I’m fine. I know that what happened sucked and was super scary, but I’m gonna be okay.”
 They look at you, sympathy and doubt covering their faces, and Jimin reaches for your hand. “You don’t have to be okay though. We’re here for you. Whatever you need.”
You softly squeeze his hand in response.
“Right now, the only thing I need is for Yoongi to be okay.”
 You eyes focus on Tae and you say “go find Joon. Tell him I’m awake and that I want to see him.”
He nods, standing swiftly and quickly makes his way out the door. You glance at Jimin and find him still staring at you.
“What’s wrong” you ask.
 He continues running his eyes across your face before finally stopping at your eyes and asking, “are you sure you’re okay? I feel like there’s something different about you. I can’t put my finger on it…” 
You tilt your head and your eyes narrow at him as a sharp wave of irritation hits you. You whisper curtly “I said I’m fine. Drop it.” 
He blinks and looks away from you, running his hand through his overgrown bleached hair before leaning back in his chair.
“Okay, you’re right. If you say you’re fine then I trust you, I just worry about you. We all do.” 
You feel a pang of guilt for being so short with him. Honestly, you don’t even know why you did that. You reach your good arm out to him and place your hand on his. He looks up at you and you can see a question lingering in his eyes. 
Before he can manage you hear a knock on the door. Expecting Tae and Namjoon, you are surprised to see two men in faded clothes carrying notepads.  One looks like he’s in his late thirties, while the other one looks around your age.
Apparently when the nurse left to go find the doctor, she called the police as well. The older one makes his way to the foot of your bed while the other hangs back and leans against the wall watching you.
The one at the foot of your bed introduces himself as detective Song, and the one against the wall is introduced as detective Jon. 
You can’t help but feel like something is off about them. Maybe it’s the way detective Jon is looking at you, or maybe it’s their overall demeanor, but your gut is telling you something feels wrong. 
You debate asking to see their badges but decide against it. You’re probably just being paranoid.
You look at them for a moment, then ask them bluntly, “so, detectives, have you found the guy who attacked us yet?”
The detectives share a look and detective Song gives you a small smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
 “Unfortunately we’re still searching for him, but don’t worry he can’t hide forever”
A look of doubt crosses your face and you tilt your head. “What have you done to try to find him? I don’t see how he could’ve gotten that far.”
You see Detective Jon who has been watching you closely frown at your words before his partner pulls your attention back.
“Before we get into the specifics, can you tell us what you remember from that night? We need to take your statement, and if there’s anything you can tell us about him, then that would help us find him much faster.”
You blink slowly before nodding. You grab a sip of your water, close your eyes, and take a deep breath before opening them and recounting the events.
“I remember Yoongi and I went to the basketball game for his birthday. After that we decided to head to the bar to grab a few drinks before going home.”
You see the detectives scribbling notes on their notepads and preparing their questions.
 Detective Jon asks first.
“What time did you head to the bar?”
“Around midnight.”
“What was the name of the bar?”
“Sunas; Yoongi and I go there all the time with our friends” you say as you gesture to Jimin sitting beside you.
Detective Song chimes in.
“Do you and your friend live together?”
You nod and explain.
“We grew up together and moved into his parent’s old house a few years ago. I was looking for Yoongi when I was attacked...”
You look off into empty space as you continue.
“I went outside because he was supposed to be waiting for me. I called him but I couldn’t find him. I heard his phone ringing, and I saw it lying on the ground in the alley. I picked it up and was gonna go back into the bar when I heard something by the dumpster.”
Your voice becomes a whisper as you remember what you saw.
“When I saw Yoongi…”
You look down at your hands and realize that they’re shaking. Jimin reaches over to you and places your hand in his, reminding you that you’re okay. You try our best to keep your voice steady and keep going.
“The man was on top of him, and Yoongi was covered in blood. I knew I had to help him, so I picked up a bottle off the ground and hit him in the head with it. I knocked him out and bent down to check on Yoongi. I could see that he was bleeding pretty bad. I think the guy stabbed him. I put my hands on the wounds to try to stop him from bleeding out, and that’s when I saw someone walking at the end of the alleyway and told them to call for help. I didn’t notice that the guy had woken up until he threw me against the wall and tried to strangle me.”
You feel your heart pounding in your chest, remembering your fear.
“As he lifted me up, I knew he was going to kill me so I picked up a broken bottle and waited for the right moment. I wasn’t going down without a fight”
You unconsciously reach your hand up and softly graze your fingertips across your neck, wincing at the sensitivity as you remember the man’s grip around your throat.
Detective Jon looks up from his notepad and brings you back to the present.
“Okay, so what happened next?”
“He was saying something about it being my fault. He didn’t say what though.  I really can’t remember. Honestly, I didn’t get a good look at his face because my vision was super blurry.”
Detective Jon interrupts.
“Because you were drinking earlier?”
You narrow your eyes at him and clarify.
“Because I had a concussion from being thrown into a wall.”
Letting out a sigh, you look down at your hands and quickly wrap up your story.
“Anyways, I waited until he lifted me up and I stabbed him in the throat with the broken neck of the bottle. His blood flew all over me. I thought that would finally take him down, but he just pulled the bottle out of his neck and stabbed me with it before running away. I’m guessing it’s because he heard the sirens.  I didn’t realize he stabbed me until I fell on the ground though.”
You look over at Jimin as you finally say, “I could tell that Yoongi was dying so I crawled over to him to try to cover his wounds again, but I passed out before the police could get to us.”
Relieved to finally be finished telling the story, you look down at your hands and let out a breath. 
“Next thing I know I’m here and two days have passed.”
Hearing no response, you look back up at them and find five pairs of eyes looking at you in shock.
You were so caught up in your memories that you didn’t hear Namjoon and Tae come in.
Detective Song asks, “so you stabbed him in the neck with the bottle and then he took it out of his neck and stabbed you…with the same bottle?”
You give him a nod and wonder why out of all the things you said, his focus was on a broken bottle instead of the fact that  your attacker somehow managed to run away after being stabbed in the throat. You add it to your list of suspicions and move on.
You see Jimin blinking back tears, and the detectives share a look with each other before detective Jon closes his notepad and quietly exits the room.
 Detective Song reaches into his jacket pocket and places his card on the bed next to your feet. 
“Thank you for your statement. We’ll put this in the report. If you remember anything else just give us a call.”
You blink at him and frown as you watch him walk towards the door.
You call out to him “how close are you to actually catching this guy?” 
He either doesn’t hear you or doesn’t have an answer and simply continues out the door.
You quietly whisper a soft curse after him before looking at Namjoon and gesturing for him to sit beside you on the bed.
 He looks at you, his puffy eyes filled with worry.  He takes note of your injuries and your face and seeing that you’re okay he takes a seat. You place your hand on top of his and ask, “how is Yoongi?”
 He looks down at the floor before glancing at the others who give him a small nod. Taking a deep breath, he meets your eyes and tells you everything.
As he goes into detail about Yoongi’s injuries you realize that when Tae said that Yoongi was still unconscious, that was putting it lightly.
Not only was he unconscious, but he had technically died multiple times, and according to the nurses is lucky to even still be alive right now. 
“His heart stopped twice in the ambulance, and by the time he reached the hospital he had almost no blood left in his body.”
His eyes scan your face, searching for confirmation to continue.
“His two stab wounds were accompanied by a gash in the back of his head and a dislocated shoulder, and that was just the physical injuries. Once he got to the here everything went crazy. His heart kept stopping and increasing unexplainably, and he had a dangerously high fever for the first full day after they finished his surgeries. Over the past two days ,the nurses said he’s been through enough blood bags to fill up three grown bodies.”
You raise your eyebrows in confusion, not understanding how that’s possible, and Namjoon explains.
“Every time the doctors finished a transfusion, his body seemed to need another one. Then this morning, his body temperature and vitals suddenly just returned to normal. He’s been in a coma ever since.”
He reassures you though that over the past few days, despite the problems that he was having, Yoongi was healing extremely quickly. You both were. 
You touch your side and Jimin explains “They say that his wounds are almost fully healed and that judging by your current rate of healing yours should be a scab in about a week.”
“That’s good to hear.” You reply looking away deep in thought. You don’t understand how or why you’re healing so fast, and you don’t understand how he’s getting better faster than you are.  You don't know how long it takes a stab wound to heal, but you’re pretty sure it’s a lot longer than a week. 
You think back to Yoongi's body, this time with an objective eye.  From the look of his wounds and the amount of blood that he lost; he shouldn’t even be alive right now let alone almost fully healed. 
You frown and look at Namjoon.
“I want to see him.”
He glances at Jimin, and Tae puts a hand on your shoulder before saying,
“I’m not sure that’s the best-”
“‘Bring me to him” you say, cutting him off.
Thirty minutes and two arguments later, you are sitting in a wheelchair heading towards Yoongi’s room accompanied by your friends.
You were a bit surprised that the nurses let you leave your room, but you didn’t want to question it. They did mention something about wanting to run a few tests once the doctor arrived though which didn’t sound at all promising. 
‘That is a problem for a later point in time’ you think to yourself.
 You arrive at his room and see his motionless figure asleep in his bed. Jimin and Tae find a spot against the wall as you are pushed further in by Namjoon.
You spot Jin in a chair hunched over the left side of Yoongi’s bed with his head resting on his arms. You take in the sight of him and silently gesture to Namjoon to place you beside him.
Namjoon takes a seat across from you on Yoongi’s right, and you place your hand on the back of Jin’s head and give it a comforting rub. You feel him shift beneath you and give him a small smile when he finally glances up at you.
His eyes are red and puffy just like the others, and his lavender hair is messy like he’s been running his hands through it. You reach down and place your hand over his, and see fresh tears beginning to form in his eyes. 
You wrap your arm around his wide shoulders and pull him down into you. He wraps his arms around you, and you hide your wince as your still healing body cries out from the contact, choosing instead to rub his back softly. You know he needs this; they all do.
 You feel three sets of eyes staring at you, but no one says anything. You look back over to Yoongi, and you see his peaceful sleeping face partially covered by his messy black hair. You glance at his neck and see an already healing scab.
 Looking back towards the others you say “His wounds have healed more than mine. How is that possible?”
Jimin moves from his position on the wall and makes his way over to Namjoon before responding.
“We don’t really understand it either. Hell, the doctors are even more confused than we are.”
Namjoon runs his hand through his silver hair.
“It’s crazy, he went from nothing, to almost fully recovered in only three days. If I’m being honest though, I’m happy that he did. I don’t know what’s causing this, but I know I don’t want to question it. Now we just need him to wake up.”
Tae who has been silent ever since returning with Namjoon lets out a sniffle and walks over to you, taking a seat at the foot of Yoongi’s bed.
“I just don’t understand why this happened to you guys. We were so scared that you’d never wake up.”
Jin moves his head from your shoulder and looks up at you.
“I should have gone with you guys. It’s my fault for not being there.”
You reach up and wipe away a tear that has begun to fall down his face.
“I’m glad you weren’t. I don’t want to think about what could’ve happened if he hurt both of you.”
Jin slowly nods his head and leans into your hand.
Suddenly a new thought occurs to you.
“How did you guys even hear about what happened?”
 The others all look at Namjoon who clears his throat.
“Apparently at some point in time you put me down as one of your emergency contacts, along with Yoongi’s parents of course. The hospital tried to reach his parents, but they got no response. I was the only other option, and I’m thankful for that.”
“I’m sorry that you guys got dragged into this” you say knowing that they were all extremely busy and that they had to put their lives on pause to come take care of you.
Jin lifts his head back up from your shoulder and looks at you.
“Don’t say that. We would do anything for both of you. Just like you would do anything for us. We can still work and take care of ourselves while staying by your side.”
Instead of responding, you reach across the bed, take Yoongi’s hand, and softly rub your thumb across the back.  You all sit there in silence waiting, for Yoongi’s eyes to open, for the doctor to come in, for anything to happen, but nothing does.
 A few hours pass, and a nurse comes in and informs you that you are required to return to your room and that the doctor should be with you sometime tomorrow morning. You nod your head in understanding and let the others know that you’ll take Jin with you. When you make it back to your room he helps you into bed and takes a seat in the chair beside you.
 As you close your eyes, you fall asleep to the memory of Yoongi's eyes blinking at you as his blood pools around him.
The next morning you are awoken by a different nurse from the night before. She gives you antibiotics and checks on your wound. You realize that whatever blessing was bestowed upon Yoongi, didn’t fully extend to you.
 Even though Namjoon said your wound would scab in about a week, you can definitely tell you still have a few weeks until you are fully healed. On the bright side, your arms don’t feel as heavy as they did last night, and you can sit up just a little bit easier as well. 
After a slightly embarrassing trip to the bathroom, Jin helps you into a wheelchair and you both head back to Yoongi’s room. When you get there, you see that Jimin and Tae managed to scavenge a few extra chairs from somewhere in the hallway and made themselves comfortable, well as comfortable as they could in a hospital room.
 Namjoon is seated in the same chair as last night and has his head resting on the arm of the chair. You silently gesture to Jin to place you on Yoongi’s left side just like you were last night, and he takes his seat beside you before you take his hand and hold it on your knee.
 You feel Jin shift from underneath you, and put his arm around you, giving you room to rest your head on the inside of it. You watch Yoongi until your eyes get heavy and you feel yourself drifting off to the steady beat of his heart monitor.
 You don’t know how much time has passed, but suddenly you are startled awake by a loud gasp. Yoongi sits straight up in his bead and claws at his throat for a few moments before Namjoon and Jin stand up and force his hands away. You grab the remote from the bed and press the call button for the nurse as he continues to fight your friends. You call out to him, hoping to snap him out of whatever he’s imagining.
“Yoongs, you're safe now. You’re okay.”
You see his eyes searching the room for something until finally landing on you. You lean over towards him and look into his eyes.
“Yoongi” you say softly, trying to reassure him. “You’re okay. We’re in the hospital.  We were hurt pretty bad, but we’re okay now.” Jin and Namjoon begin loosening their grip as Yoongi’s breathing calms down. 
You reach out and place both his hands in yours before looking into his eyes and repeating, “you’re okay.”
He looks around the room, finally noticing the others. Namjoon places a hand on Yoongi’s shoulder who looks down at your hands wrapped around his own. You can see his memories coming back to him as he tries to remember how he got here, and he lets out a sharp breath before pulling his feet to his chest.
 You see his shoulders rise once as he takes in a breath before letting out a raw and unhindered sob. 
It breaks your heart. Truly it does. You feel your chest tighten and you motion to Jin to help you stand and take a seat on the bed right beside him before wrapping him in your arms, not caring about the throbbing pain in your side. You stay there for a while, until you hear a knock on the door.  
You look up and remove your friend from your arms as you see it’s the doctor. He walks in followed by two nurses.
He looks like he’s in his late fifties, and you see from his nametag that his name is Dr. Wood. He notices you studying him and gives you a tight-lipped fake smile that doesn’t reach his black beady eyes.
One of the nurses checks Yoongi’s charts while the doctor updates you both.
“Good morning Mr. Min. How are we feeling today? Ms. L/N? How's your side feeling?”
You look to Yoongi and he glances at you as if waiting for reassurance. You give him a small nod.
“I’m alright”
The doctor gives a small nod and takes a few notes before looking at you next.
“It still hurts pretty bad, but overall, I’m alright”
He gives another nod and makes another note.
“That sounds good.” Not looking away from his notepad, he returns his attention to your friend. Mr. Min, given the severity of your injuries and the speed of your body’s rate of healing, we’d like to run a few tests to make sure everything’s running smoothly with your recovery.”
Your head tilts at the word “tests” and you think back to what Namjoon told you about his recovery speed and how baffled the doctors were. You also remember the nurses mentioning something about the doctor wanting to run some tests earlier on you as well. You feel a knot forming in your stomach, and you glance around at the others.
‘This doesn't feel right. What kind of tests are they suggesting? Why are they being so vague?’ you ask yourself. 
You feel yourself frown, and you look back over to Yoongi. Right now, there’s only one thing you’re certain of; nothing good will come from tests.
Yoongi looks at you once again, and you slowly shake your head. He looks a bit confused but doesn’t question you. He knows that you probably have a good reason.
“Honestly, I’d just really like to go home. How much longer do I have to stay here?”
The doctor looks up from his notepad in surprise at the refusal but gives him a small smile.
“Judging by your progress, and as long as we see no complications, I’d say we could schedule your release sometime within the next forty-eight hours.”
“What about me?” you ask.
“I think if your rate of recovery remains consistent then we should be able to discharge you by Friday at the latest.”
Three days.  That’s how much longer you would be stuck here. Three more days.
 “Okay, fine.”
The doctor nods in agreement, then decides to leave you in the nurse’s care. They separately check both of your vitals and leave you and your friends alone again.
 As soon as the door closes Yoongi looks at you.
“Why can’t they run tests?”
The others look at you in question as well.
“Nothing good can come from any test they give you Yoongs. We’ve only been here two days, and you’re almost fully recovered. Think about that. Your injuries were far worse than mine, and they’re almost fully healed. I really don’t want us to be here any longer than absolutely necessary.” 
You see Namjoon and Jimin nod in agreement, so you continue.
 “Besides, I don’t trust these doctors. Something feels off. I can’t put my finger on it, but ever since I woke up, I feel like there’s something wrong. I think that right now we just need to focus on getting out of here as soon as possible.”
You hear another knock on the door and spot two familiar faces entering the room. Detectives Song and Jon take up the same positions as they did in your room and glance over at you as they introduce themselves once again only this time to your friend.
You look at Yoongi, and you know he won’t be able to handle reliving his memories right now. 
They pull out their notepads, but before they can ask him anything, you stop them.
“I know this is really important, but I’ve already given you a statement, and Yoongi isn’t in any condition to talk about this right now.”
The detectives share a look and after a small silence, detective Song gives you a forced smile and takes out a copy of his card. Placing it on Yoongi’s bed he gives your friend a nod and looks back at his partner before heading out the door. You wait until the door is closed before letting out a huff and saying
“I really don’t trust those guys. There’s something not right about them.”
Jimin looks at you, the apprehension clear across his face.
“You don’t trust the doctors, you don’t trust the detectives, who do you trust?”
“For now, everyone in this room.”
Your friends look at you dubiously.
“I know I sound paranoid, but just trust me. You know my gut is always right. I don’t know what it is, but there’s something not right here, and until I can figure it out, I don’t trust anyone that seems questionable.”
You know that you have always been a skeptical person. Some would call you paranoid, but you’ve always just considered yourself cautious. Whenever you have a bad feeling about someone or something, you are almost always right, and right now, your gut is telling you to get as far away as you can from this hospital and the detectives.
Your mind wanders back to the man who attacked you. He seemed to know who you were. You wonder if him being there was a mere coincidence or if maybe you were the one, he was after all along.  
You also recall Yoongi lying on the ground slumped against the building, the amount of blood that he lost, the size and depth of his wounds, and the lifelessness in his eyes as he watched you fighting the man.
You can’ t help feel that this is all connected; the detectives, who are sketchy as hell and seemed a little too interested in the man stabbing you with the same weapon you used to stab him in the neck, the doctor, who seems a little too eager to run a few tests that he either can’t or won’t go into detail about, and most importantly; the fact that you and your friend miraculously went from death's door to feeling fine in less than three days.
 You can see the dots, you just don't know how to connect them, at least not yet. One thing’s for sure though, you may not know how or why this happened, but you're sure as hell gonna find out.
‘I’ll have to worry about that later’ you say to yourself.
Right now, your focus is getting out of the hospital with Yoongi as quickly as possible.
The next three days pass without any problems, and the doctor brings in your release forms. Yoongi’s recovery continued as did yours, only at a slower pace. They released him yesterday like the doctor promised, but even after he was released, he just moved himself into a chair next to your bed. Between your naps you would catch him watching you while you slept. You know that he’s just worried and doesn’t want anything to happen to you.
Your friends stayed with you for the first two days, but you insisted that they go back home before the third since Yoongi was released. The nurses came in every few hours to check your vitals and the doctor made an appearance once a day to “check” on you and check in with Yoongi to make sure he hadn’t changed his mind about the tests. Every time the doctor would ask him if he’s reconsidered, and every time Yoongi would say no thank you.
You could see him growing increasingly irritated each time the doctor stopped by and were thankful that he wouldn’t have to put up with it anymore. As you get up from your bed you stretch your arms which have now lost all their soreness and touch your side which has already begun to scab. 
You reach into your bag that Namjoon brought from your house and head to the restroom to change. Thankful for your own toothbrush and face wash you go through your routine and change out of your gown and into a pair of black joggers and an oversized t-shirt. 
You look at yourself in the mirror and take in your reflection. Your cheeks look a bit hollow, and your eyes look a bit dark. Not just because of the bags beneath them, but your eyes themselves have an almost black glint to them. 
There’s something else that you can’t quite put your finger on. It’s not your hair, or your body, but something else. Your mind flashes back to Jimin’s words and you wonder if he might’ve been right.
‘It’s probably just the lighting’ you think to yourself as you shake your head and zip up your bag. You take one last look at yourself in the mirror and you notice your outfit. You’ve looked worse. You look like you just pulled your third all-nighter during finals week. Your eyes travel to your shirt and you realize that it isn’t one of yours.
 Namjoon must have grabbed one of Yoongi’s by mistake, not that you’re upset about it. You both wear similar clothes anyways. You open the door prepared to show Yoongi that one of his favorite shirts now has a new owner when you see him backed up against the wall with the doctor standing in front of him.
Trying to play it cool, you walk up behind the doctor and take your place by Yoongi’s side. “What’s going on here?” you ask, your voice stern.
The doctor looks at you with an annoyed expression.
“I was just informing your friend of the benefits one of our tests could have on his recovery in the long run.”
You look at Yoongi and see the panic in his eyes.
“I don’t know how many more times he can tell you he’s not interested before you finally get it through your head.”
The doctor plasters on his usual tight-lipped smile and looks back at your friend.
“There’s nothing wrong with checking up on a patient in a hospital and walking him through treatment options.”
You narrow your eyes at him and step in front of your friend blocking the doctor’s vision.
“He isn’t a patient here, and your assessment is neither wanted nor appreciated. Now I suggest you leave him alone before I report you for harassing my friend because you believe he recovered too quickly.”
He looks down at you and gives you a look of disgust before walking away. You wait until you're sure he’s out of earshot before turning back to your friend and making sure he’s okay.
“Are you alright? What did he say to you?”
Your friend doesn’t answer. You reach out and touch his face, turning it to face you.
“Yoongs, what did he say?”
He just shakes his head
 “It doesn’t matter, let’s just go home.”
He moves away from you and grabs your bag from the bed before glancing at your clothes.
You are already walking out of the room when you hear him call from behind you “hey, isn’t that my shirt?”
   ~ ~ 
 Outside the hospital
 The two men quietly sit in their vehicle waiting for the call. Five minutes pass, then ten, then fifteen. Finally, Jon decides to break the silence.
“When they said they’d be putting us in the field, this wasn’t exactly what I pictured. Pretending to be cops and waiting for cryptic phone calls in a smelly beat up car doesn’t really feel all that exciting.”
The older one lets out an unamused huff, but Jon continues.
“I didn’t realize we would be sitting in a car for hours watching some mystery girl sit in a hospital”
“If doing your job is boring to you, feel free to make the call. I’m sure they could find somewhere else to put you.”
“What about the girl. Do you think she suspects anything? She seemed combative when we tried talking to her friend. You saw the way she was looking at us.”
“You worry too much. Let’s just do our jobs and watch her. What I’m worried about is the boy. Something’s not right.”
“What do you mean?”
“Did you see his wounds? Going by his chart there’s no reason he should be alive right now let alone awake and talking.”
“What about her? She said that she was stabbed with the same bottle. That means his blood is in her. You don’t think- “
“What I think, is that we need to be very careful about what we do next. The girl should be fine. The blood is a minor complication, but it should leave her system within the next few days.”
Jon simply nods his head and looks out the window.
Suddenly the silence is interrupted by the ringing of a cell phone.
Song reaches into the glove box and pulls out the outdated flip phone.
“Hello? Yes, she’s still alive. Only minor injuries. Has he been found yet? In a studio? Just the body? Okay.  Well not quite. She wasn’t the only one there. There was a boy with her, and he was attacked as well. Yes sir. I understand sir. What do you want us to do if he becomes a problem? Yes sir. What about the brotherhood? I heard they’re after her too. Yes sir, I understand.”
He hangs up the phone and looks over to his partner.
“Well what did they say? Why didn’t you mention the blood? Did they find the guy?”
He looks out the window, deep in thought. 
“We’re fucked.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“I mean, if we can’t stop the brotherhood from taking the girl then we’re fucked, and they’ll kill us. If we try to stop the brotherhood from taking her, then we’ll die trying and we’re still fucked.”
“Did they find the guy?”
Song nods. “The sweepers found his body this morning in some studio. His neck was broken, and they said he’s probably been dead for days. Someone probably got to him after he ran off.''
Jon gazes through the windshield and spots you and Yoongi entering a cab.  
He nudges Song before asking, “so how do you wanna play this? You know Haven isn't going to be happy if we don’t find a way to bring her in.”
“Let’s just watch and see what happens. We’re only grabbing her, if I'm sure we can make it out alive. If we have to run, we run, but I’m not dying for them.”
Jon nods to his partner before starting the car and pulling away.
A/n: I just want to give a huge thank you to everyone who read and liked pt.1!  I was honestly surprised at how many people liked it. I wasn't even sure that many people would even read it, let alone love it, so thank you.  I also wanna thank @noonaduck​ for once again giving this  a read for me!
A/n 2: Also, on a completely unrelated note, if any of you are interested in checking out a really pretty song I found while writing this I would definitely check out Silhouette by Aquilo. If you like it I can suggest a few other songs I found as well!
A/n 3: I know I'm just rambling now, but I hope everyone is staying safe! I'm not sure where everyone is from, but these are dangerous times for a lot of us, and I hope everyone can be safe and healthy.
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dreamescapeswriting · 5 years
Trouble ~ Namjoon & Seokjin x Reader [SMUT]
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A/N: I took inspiration from the song trouble by RM and Jin but here you go, would love some feed back :) PSA My first time writing a threesome so im sorry if it sucks
⏤𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: Mentions of choking, degradation, daddy, pet names, sex without protection ((wrap before you tap, be smart)) THREESOME
⏤𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: SMUT. It’s just….it’s literal smut and I’m not even sorry about it
⏤𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 8.3K
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You’re staring at the dress in front of you, the dress that started the small disagreement with you and Namjoon, your boyfriend of two years. You were supposed to be going out to celebrate their comeback tonight, you, the boys and their partners but now you weren’t sure you were allowed to go, Namjoon got into a hissy fit when he saw what you were planning on wearing and told you not to because he didn’t want his band members or anyone else seeing what was his to see, and only his to see, the dress wasn’t even that bad. It was a golden glittered, spaghetti strapped dress with a V-neck line and cut out sides body con. Jimin had helped you choose it weeks ago when he took you out shopping for a weekly catch up and a shopping trip, you and Jimin were close friends, it was how you met Namjoon after all and he agreed to help you find something sexy to wear for the night out.
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Jimin picked you up in his car and took your shopping at a nearby mall, promising you that you would find something to wear, both of you were dressed in masks and hats so you wouldn’t get spotted right away and he picked you up from your apartment and not Namjoon’s so he knew no paparazzi would be following you around. You wanted to shop in peace and kept the dress a surprise from Namjoon. Jimin told you he knew the best place to go and insisted on taking you there and once you found the perfect dress you would go and get a drink somewhere or something to eat depending on how the dress shopping went, to sit and catch up. You missed him, he was your best friend after all and since you started dating Namjoon you didn’t get to spend as much time together as you used to do before but Jimin didn’t mind at all, he was happy you and Namjoon made one another happy.
“Jimin don’t you think it’s too much?” You questioned looking at yourself in the mirror, you were in the golden dress, looking at the way it clung to your body and Jimin was standing behind you, admiring the dress he’d picked.
“No…It’s perfect, you look amazing. You have an amazing body and you should be showing it off!” He chuckled, clapping his hands together and nodding at the worker that you would be taking the dress, no matter what you said, you were taking it, you went to go and get changed out of it, slipping back into jeans and an oversized hoodie, one of Joonie’s that you stolen from him and never intended on giving back, ever.
“You know Joon will love it, he loves you in everything,” Jimin said trying to calm down your worrying mind but that wasn’t what you were worried about,
“But what will the fans think? Or the paparazzi Jimin?”
Jimin poked your arm playfully, trying to calm you down but it wasn’t working.
“Look…Who cares what anyone else will think okay. It’s what you think, now do you think you look amazing in that dress, yes or no?”
“Yes But-”
“Do you think Namjoon will want to take you home and fuck you all night yes or no?” You groaned pushing your friend away from you for thinking of your sex life like that but he took hold of you again, staring at you until you answered him.
“Yes.” You mumbled paying for the dress and taking the bag from the cashier who was giving you a weird look, you turned to Jimin and shook your head, why did he have to have these conversations in public where people could overhear everything.
“Now, can we go and get something to eat I’m starving.” You mumbled looking down at your phone and texting Namjoon a quick morning message, he was in the studio all day but you knew he would still want to hear from you.
“It’s not too sexy?” You questioned Jimin later that night on facetime, the dress was hanging up in your wardrobe and you were looking up at it, looking at it on the hanger was intimidating, Jimin groaned rolling over onto his stomach on the bed and staring at you through the screen,
“There isn’t a thing as too sexy.” He said with a smirk, winking at you before hanging up the phone leaving you alone with your thoughts.
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Apparently, there was a thing called “too sexy” according to Namjoon, he said you couldn’t wear it out to the club, you could have sworn the vein on his neck was going to explode the moment he laid eyes on the dress, you’d kept it hidden from him for the last couple of weeks, wanting it to be a nice surprise for Namjoon on the night, but the moment you pulled it from the wardrobe of your apartment was a nightmare, he dropped the glass he was holding onto the floor, smashing into pieces as it came into contact with the hardwood flooring and stared at the dress his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of the front of his head and that was before he even said anything to you, when he did finally start talking it was telling you how you weren’t going to wear it as if he was your dad and could decide what you did and did not do, or how you could and could not dress, you were a grown-up who could make her own choices.
The front door slamming is what interrupted your thoughts, you walked over to the window in your bedroom and watched Namjoon get into a taxi, so he was going without you. You scoffed to yourself shaking your head and going over to the dress if he was going to act like that you were going to wear the dress regardless of what he thought, you took it from the wardrobe and headed into the en-suite, getting ready to do your hair and makeup, and to show off the new dress Jimin had picked for you, you even snapped a photo and sent it to Jimin.
“Be there soon, Namjoon hates the dress” Hitting send you locked your phone and started getting ready.
Once you made your way to the club you walked inside, ignoring the paparazzi that were already crowding around the club for a look on what was going on inside, Jimin told you he would meet you by the entrance and he did, he was dressed in some suit trousers and a plain white shirt, all of the boys were dressed the same way wanting to look nice for photos. You smiled at Jimin as you came in, he twirled you around under his arm, wolf-whistling as the dress sparkled under the lights of the club, this earnt looks from everyone nearby inside even though the music was loud, Hoseok spotted you next and patted Jin and Yoongi to look up at you, Jimin smirked before pulling your back into his chest and whispering in your ear.
“Joonie’s at the bar and he does not look happy, what did you do?” He chuckled, you span out of his arms and turned to face him, swaying to the loud music that was playing, clubs weren’t usually your thing or Namjoon’s thing, you preferred staying at home instead of coming out too loud and busy clubs but tonight was to celebrate and you both wanted to celebrate together, though he wasn’t acting like it right now.
“He hates the dress Jimin.” You mumbled, suddenly all of the confidence you had about coming out and teasing Namjoon all night in the dress was gone, there were girls in much less than you everywhere in the club and you started to feel self-conscious, why didn’t he want you to wear what they were wearing, did you not look good enough to wear this? Jimin snapped you away from your thoughts, roughly turning you around so you were facing Namjoon’s back, he was sat at the bar with a drink in his hand he didn’t look happy at all, even though he was supposed to be celebrating the new album that had just come out, it looked like he was ignoring everyone who was trying to talk to him.
“He hasn’t spoken to anyone all night, you need to get your man in a good mood, now go.” He ordered, giving you a small push and making you walk across the dancefloor and over to the bar where you sat on the seat next to Namjoon and ordered a Gin and Lemonade as if you didn’t know he was sitting right next to you, all of the confidence you had back once again as soon as his eyes glued onto your body as you sat beside him, he couldn’t take his eyes off you but he wasn’t about to admit that to you, you’d gone against what he said and that made him angry.
“I told you not to wear that.” He mumbled sipping from his glass, you took yours from the bartender and paid him, drinking from your glass and turning on the seat to face Namjoon smiling innocently at him.
“I can wear what I want, you’re not my dad.” You whispered in his ear, you jumped down from the barstool and he wrapped his arm around your waist so you couldn’t walk away from him just yet, he pulled you to stand between his legs, moving your hair away from your neck and kissing the skin that was exposed to him now.
“That’s not what you were saying last night.” He breathed in your ear, sending shivers up and down your back as he mentioned the previous night you’d spend together, leaving another kiss below your ear, you pushed yourself away from him knowing if you stood there longer you would want him to take you home, you smirked back at him, taking your drink and going to find Jimin in a booth seat somewhere, you placed the drink down on the table and looked at him, leaning your palms on the table.
“Dance with me Jimin.” You pouted looking at the packed dance floor, he nodded at his drink and told you to sit down, saying he would dance later when he’d had enough to drink.
“I want to dance now.” You mumbled sitting down in the booth across from Jimin and sipping on your glass and looking at Namjoon who was already staring at you from over at the bar.
“Ask Hyung,”  Jungkook said, standing up with his partner and heading over to the dance floor on their own, you rolled your eyes, sitting back in the chair and looking at the glass in front of you, It was just you Jin and Jimin in the booth now and you wanted to go and dance.
“Have you fought?” Jin questioned when you didn’t get up to go and ask your boyfriend to dance, you nodded stirring the drink in front of you and then up at Jin.
“He doesn’t like the dress, thinks it’s too sexy.” You grumbled rolling your eyes at the thought of what Namjoon had been saying earlier, you glanced over and he got up, going to the bathrooms, he was probably going to ignore you all night now and it was bothering you.
“It’s not too sexy right?” Jin looked you up and down from his side of the booth and shook his head he was a little shocked you’d asked him outright like that,
“I’ve seen women in less than that in here.” You nodded with a smile on your face, finally, someone other than Jimin agreed with you, you took his hand and stood up,
“Dance with me Jin.” You said pulling him from the booth and over to the dance floor, standing near Jungkook and his partner, smiling at them before dancing with Jin, Jimin smirked at you from the booth and you winked at him playfully, he knew you were doing this to tease Namjoon and he loved you for it, you turned back to look over at the bar where Namjoon had been and starting to grind against Jin to the music that was playing loudly.
“What are you doing?” Jin stuttered out, the usually cool and collected older boy replaced with a nervous stuttering one behind you, you held back the smirk that was trying to come onto your lips and just continued to dance, bumping your bodies together, his hands found their way onto your waist and he pulled you closer to him, finally letting go and having a little fun, your butt was rubbing against his crotch you didn’t mean for it to go this far but there was just something about the setting that turned you on, it was turning Jin on too, you knew because of his hard-on that was pressing against you, you smirked to yourself, making sure to grind harder against him.
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Namjoon came out from the toilets and spotted you instantly, he looked at his brother who had his hands on your waist, biting down onto his lip as you ground yourself against him, your eyes lifted from the ground and you spotted Namjoon, you smirked rocking your hips harder into Jin and keeping eye contact with Namjoon teasing him was going to be a bitch later but you didn’t care, you were getting wetter with every dance move and the way his eyes burnt into your body wasn’t helping, he looked so sexy when he was mad at you and you loved every second of it. Jin’s hands moved up your sides and to your neck, bending down to whisper in your ear once he noticed Namjoon watching you both.
“This is gonna get you in trouble,” He whispered to you, looking up at Namjoon, both of them having a silent conversation with their eyes, Namjoon was making his way over to you now. Namjoon wasted no time spinning you around and pulling you into his chest, making sure you were grinding your hips against his crotch just like you had been doing to Jin. You threw your arms around Jin’s neck, pulling him towards you so you were grinding against them both if anyone was looking it just looked like you were dancing together but you knew it was more than that, you knew that because of the hard-on from Namjoon that was pressing against your ass you were now sandwiched between both of them and you were enjoying every second of it.
“You’re so sexy tonight,” Namjoon whispered in your ear, kissing and sucking along your neck, pushing your chin up so you were holding eye contact with Jin the entire time as you danced together, Jin’s hands roomed down to your waist again and he ran his thumb along the exposed skin that was peeking through the cutout holes on the side of the golden fabric, you looked up at Namjoon who was holding eye contact with Jin, you glanced at Jin and he was smirking at his friend.
“Maybe you should take her home Joon, looks like she’s had too much to drink.” His hands left your body and you whined at the loss of contact, Namjoon chuckled against you and you pouted out your bottom lip, turning around and dragging Jin’s body back to yours and grinding against him, throwing your head back against his chest, you did not want this to end at all and locking eyes with Namjoon, you didn’t want to stop dancing with them, you wanted them both to stay with you all night but people were starting to stare at you. Jin’s hard-on was starting to get uncomfortable for him and you smirked as you felt him twitch between the fabrics you were both wearing,
“Joonie let’s take him home.” You giggled your hand sliding down towards Jin’s crotch and rubbing softly over his clothes, making sure no one was watching you and that you couldn’t be seen doing this to Jin, Namjoon watched as you teased his best friend right in front of him while holding eye contact with him, he couldn’t lie it was turning him on watching as you did this.
“Fuck princess you’re going to get us in trouble,” Namjoon whispered to you, smirking as you bit down on your lip, turning around to look up at Jin who was blushing a bright red colour now as your hands worked their magic through his trousers, you felt Namjoon’s hands dig into your hips and pull you roughly against him, he was jealous and you could tell by the way he was gripping onto.
“I want you Jinine.” You whined out loud enough for only him and Namjoon to hear you, Joon growled and his grip tightened around you, he pushed you against Jin making sure to press his hard on onto your ass.
“Look at your, grinding back on Jin’s cock like that, impatient aren’t we?” Namjoon teased you, you whined at him pouting out your bottom lip.
“I want you too Joonie…I need you both.” You moaned out as Namjoon’s lips attached themselves onto your neck, glad you’d finally confirmed what you all wanted, he wouldn’t have continued without that, he smirked sucking along the exposed skin, you felt him smirk as the nickname for him left your lips, he looked at Jin with a questioning look and he nodded.
“Let’s give the princess what she wants,” Jin said to Namjoon catching your attention, your head snapped up to meet Namjoon’s gaze and he nodded over at the door,
“Let’s get a cab, Jin you leave after us so it doesn’t look too suspicious.” He said giving Jin a side hug and dragging you out towards the paparazzi, smiling for a couple of photos before putting you into a cab and giving the driver his address, you smirked kissing his neck as soon as you were away from the club, he growled at you and you giggled, loving the fact that he was so turned on and wound up by you.
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“You’re such an attention whore aren’t you?” Namjoon quizzed pinning you to the wall by your front door, one of your legs wrapped around his waist, you were whimpering beneath him, he was mad but the good kind of mad, when he put it into use in the bedroom.
“I bet you’ve been gagging for my dick all night and then Jin’s.” He tutted, slapping your ass sharply and smirking when you whimpered under his touch. When Jin arrived at Namjoon’s apartment he let himself in and he found Namjoon pinning you against the wall by your neck, you had a huge smirk on your face as you locked eyes with Jin, he was blushing again so you giggled a little gaining Namjoon’s attention that someone else had entered the apartment, you were still fully clothed and the boys were smirking at you. Namjoon moved to the side and Jin came over to you, attaching his lips to your neck, bringing reality back to the situation that this was really going to happen, you were about to have sex with your boyfriend and his best friend. Namjoon caught that you were thinking straight and smirked, your cheeks were burning up and Jin chuckled pulling away from your neck.
“So shy all of a sudden princess.” He murmured, tracing his fingers over your skin and then up to your cheek, rubbing small circles across it with his thumb.
“You shouldn’t be so shy, you weren’t earlier.” He added you’d never seen Jin like this before, the blushing mess was gone and replaced with a dominating Jin just like Joon.
“I think we should take her upstairs, what do you think Hyung?” Namjoon questioned sucking on your neck as Jin looked at you, you were silently pleading for him to take you upstairs and take you
“Come on then kitten.” You turned around towards the staircase and his hand came into contact with your ass which was exposed thanks to the make-out session you had been having with Namjoon when he walked through the front door.
As soon as you walked through the bedroom door you were pushed onto the bed by Jin who began kissing you roughly, Namjoon smirked as he watched the scene unfold in front of him, rubbing himself through his trousers as his best friend made out with his girlfriend, you moaned out when Jin began sucking on your neck, instantly finding your weak spot, only knowing where it was because of previous long night studio conversations with Namjoon, truth be told he’d been imaging this for months, he’d wanted you in his grasp for a while but he would never do that to Namjoon.
“Fuck you’re so hot,” Jin whispered in your ear, biting down on your ear before looking at Namjoon,
“Isn’t she?” Namjoon chuckled nodding and coming over to you, standing on the other side of the bed as you got onto your knees in the middle, looking from one of them to the other, Namjoon’s lips came onto your neck while Jin’s worked on the other side, you moaned out from the feeling of having two people’s attention on you, Namjoon was right, you were an attention whore and you loved it. Namjoon’s hand ran up your thigh stopping at the top and rubbing small circles on the skin and Jin’s hands worked their way on the back of your dress, looking for the zip, once he found it he was about to unzip it but Namjoon pulled away and stopped him.
“Since the brat wanted to wear it so badly tonight, she should keep it on.” You giggled as he called you a brat which earnt you a swift slap across the ass and you hissed out with a smile on your face, he lifted the dress so it was sitting on your stomach then he pulled the straps down and rolled it so the dress was just sitting across your midway, you were exposed to them both and you loved it.
“No panties? You’re so naughty tonight baby.” Namjoon said as he began to kiss your neck, running his fingers up and down your thigh, his hands gracing across your exposed pussy causing you to take a sharp intake of breath whenever he came close to having any contact, Jin looked at Namjoon as if asking for permission to touch you and Namjoon nodded, Jin’s lips attached to your neck, kissing their way down to your nipples and sucking on the right one while his hands squeezed on your left one, you were a mess already and they’d hardly started.
“You’re so fucking wet princess,” Namjoon said into your ear, grabbing your chin with his free hand while the other rubbed small figure eyes on your clit, you held back the moan that was threatening to escape you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of being right,
“Do you like this? Two men wanting to fuck your brains out?” He smirked slipping one finger inside of you, you whimpered as he entered you and then cried out when he pulled back out, sucking on his finger and leaving you to suffer.
“I asked you a question, answer daddy.” He said before slapping your already sensitive clit, you let out a moan and he chuckled, he loved seeing you like this.
“Yes, daddy…I love it.” You managed to stutter out, Jin’s lips left your nipple and he laid you down on the bed, making his way down to your clit, hovering his lips above them so you could feel his cooler breath on you.
“Touch me, please…Joonie…Jinine please.” You cried out desperate for one of them to just touch you but they both chuckled at how whiny you were being, it wasn’t until your hand started to make it’s way down to your clit that Namjoon slapped it away and Jin’s lips began sucking on your clit, you threw your head back against the pillow in relief and cried out his name,
“Jin!” You screamed as he slipped one finger inside of you, curling it up to hit just the right spot with every pump of his finger, Namjoon chuckled unbuckling his belt as you cried out,
“Fuck princess you’re so sexy like this.” You opened your eyes to meet Namjoon’s and he was taking out his already hard member and stroking it, you lifted yourself up on your elbows and opened your mouth, you could suck him off all day it was your favourite thing to do.
“Good girl.” He complimented running the tip of his dick along your bottom lip and smirking as you tried to take him into your mouth only for him to move away from you just to tease you that little bit more,
“So needy,” Jin said removing his lips from your clit, adding a second finger cause you to lose the balance you had on your elbows falling back onto sheets.
“Are we sure she can take this Joonie.” Jin teased, before sucking on your wet clit again, your hand reached down and tugged on his hair and he chuckled sending vibrations through you that almost made you come right there and then.
“P-Please Joonie.” You received a smack against your boobs and you giggled, you knew Namjoon hated when you called him that in bed, he loved the nickname any other time but not in the bedroom.
“What did you call me?” You smirked up at him and held back a moan as Jin began to pump his fingers faster inside of you, hitting your g-spot every single time without hesitation.
“Please Daddy.” You moaned out, dragging out daddy to annoy him, he looked down at Jin who was looking up at him.
“What do you think Hyung? You think she can take us both?” Jin pulled away from your clit and you wept you were so close to your release but he just denied it, your stomach was in knots.
“I don’t know Joonie…Maybe we should call it a night, she looks exhausted.” Jin stood up from the bed and began making his way to the door, you were up in a flash and on your knees in front of him, unbuckling his trousers while staring up at him with innocent eyes, you didn’t want this night to end yet, you needed them both now.
“I’m not tired.” You whined taking him out of his boxers and admiring him, he wasn’t as big as Namjoon only maybe an inch or two smaller, your mouth hung open for a second and Namjoon was by your side, dick in his hand and pumping slowly.
“Take him, Princess.” He urged, you nodded and kissed Jin’s tip, before licking from the bottom to the top not breaking eye contact with him for even a second, you wanted to watch as you pleasured him, as soon as you took him into your mouth he threw his head back, moaning out your name.
“I told you she was good.” Namjoon chuckled, you looked over at him while bobbing your head and used your hand to replaced Namjoon’s, pumping him while holding eye contact with him. Namjoon smirked taking hold of your head in one hand and the bottom of Jin’s back in the other and forcing your head down all the way so your nose was pressed against his crotch, you gagged around him and Jin groaned out in pleasure, it had been so long since he’d had any kind of sexual contact with someone else, replacing Namjoon’s hands and tangling his fingers in your hair, starting to face fuck you, he started gently but when you looked up at him, batting your eyelashes innocently he lost it and began thrusting harder into your mouth, groaning out whenever the tip of his dick would hit the back of your throat and you’d moan out around him, sending a vibration through him, you swallowed as much of him as you could manage wanting to please him.
“She’s such a cock whore Jin, you’ll do this all night and get off on it,” Namjoon said causing you to glance up at him and then back up at Jin.
You pat Namjoon’s leg three times as a sign for him to make Jin stop and Jin pulled out immediately, drool was dribbling down your chin and around your face, your makeup was ruined now, mascara running down your cheeks after your eyes began watering when he fucked your face.
“You look so cute like this,” Jin said running the tip of his dick along the drool on your chin, you giggled in a state of ecstasy, neither of them had touched you and you felt as though you were coming down from a high Namjoon looked at you and you nodded confirming you were ready to take Namjoon in your mouth now, his hands replaced Jins and he began to slowly fuck your face just like Jin had been doing, you pumped Jin with your hands while looking up at him, occasionally glancing up at Namjoon who was muttering your name and a series of curse words,
“Fuck.” He groaned holding his dick at the back of your throat, you tapped his leg and he pulled away, smiling at you proudly as you panted for air, trying to catch your breath from the way he’d just had you. Namjoon helps you stand up and you threw your arms around Jin, pulling him into a kiss and pulling him in the direction of the bed, Namjoon watched as you pinned Jin down to the bed and straddled up, kissing down his neck and his jawline,
“Don’t give him all the attention princess,” Namjoon whined from behind you, you giggled at him as his whiney attention-seeking side came out but you continued to kiss Jin, Namjoon slapped your bare ass leaving a red handprint and you bucked your hips grinding against Jin’s member and causing him to hiss into your make-session. You got off Jin’s lap and got onto all fours on the bed, wiggling your ass in Namjoon’s direction he simply smirked at you, leaving another smack across your ass cheek and coming to the front of you.
“Jin’s gonna take you tonight princess.” He whispered, running his thumb along your bottom lip and looking at you, as if questioning if it was okay for Jin to take you from behind, you giggled and looked over your shoulder at Jin biting on your lip and nodding at him, you wanted him so badly.
“Fuck me please Jin.”  Namjoon pulls your face back to look at him and he pushed your hair into a make-shift ponytail with his hands
“You’re such a good girl, using your manners.” He said before watching as his cock disappeared into your mouth, you swallowed around him, concentrating on making him feel good you almost forgot about Jin until you felt Jin’s tight grasp on your hips. You were bobbing your head faster around Namjoon when Jin finally pushed forward, you moaned out around Namjoon, finally having some kind of contact, your eyes looked up at Namjoon as he continued to fuck your face, staring down at you proudly as you used one of your hands to pump what you couldn’t fit into your throat and the other hand using to steady yourself on the mattress.
“Fuck Jin!” You moaned pulling Namjoon out of your mouth and crying out, his movements were fast and rough, you licked from the base to the tip of Namjoon’s cock moaning out as Jin thrust into you stopping and holding himself deep inside of you, your back arched as he stayed in place, his tip just touching your g-spot, you could have come from that and you looked at Namjoon, mentally thanking him for letting this happen. Jin resumed his fast thrusts and you took Namjoon back into your mouth, making sure Jin’s thrusts were timed with how you were bobbing your head. You moaned around Namjoon again and closed your eyes, you could feel yourself getting closer to your release again, it was getting harder for you to keep yourself up on all fours, your legs were starting to feel weak and Namjoon could tell you were close because you kept stopping your head movements.
“Focus Princess.” He reminded you, fucking into your mouth, you let out a whine around him and you felt his dick twitch inside of you and you pulled him out of your mouth, crying out in pleasure, denying Namjoon his release like he’d done to you moments before.
“Jin, just like that.” You cried pumping Namjoon with one hand, the pleasure Jin was giving you was too much to continue with Namjoon, Jin smirked at you, bending down and leaving kisses along your spine now hitting you at a deeper angle, you were a mess now, crying out his name and clutching onto the sheets below you, your knees began to wobble and Namjoon knew what was coming, your eyes were rolling back in pleasure and he knew you were about to cum but he wasn’t ready to let you just yet, not after what you’d just done to him, he was so close and you knew that when you pulled away from him.
“Pull out Jin.” He chuckled darkly, Jin wasted no time in stopping and pulling out of you, you could have screamed at Namjoon for doing this to you but he flipped you onto your back pulling your head to the edge of the bed, leaving it to hang over just a little and smirking down at you.
“Continue sucking baby, you don’t get to cum until I do.” You whined out at him but you knew he was serious about this and he really wasn’t going to let you cum until he did, pumping in your hand and Jin got onto the bed in front of you, putting a pillow under the small of your back so you were lifted up a little.
“Jinie.” You whined as he teased you by rubbing the tip of his cock along your folds, you clenched around nothing wanting him back inside of you, you needed him inside of you to feel full again, you felt so empty without him.
“Take him in your mouth and maybe you’ll get my dick, baby girl.” You moaned at the nickname he had for you and opened your mouth so that Namjoon could fuck your face, the new angle a little tricky to work with at first but you got used to it, he leant his hands onto the mattress, he knew if you tapped onto his thigh three times to pull out instantly, his thrusts started slow but once you got used to the new angle Namjoon’s thrusts became rougher, your hand reached down to your clit and you began to rub circles but as soon as Jin saw what you were doing he slapped your hand away and replaced it with his own, slowly sliding back inside of you, you clenched around him instantly and he hissed at you.
“Fuck Joonie if she keeps clenching I won’t last long.” Namjoon let out a deep chuckle and you moaned around his cock sending vibrations through his body,
“I won’t last long either princess, do you want daddy to fill that pretty little mouth?” You tapped once as a yes and he chuckled again. Jin’s pace began to quicken but they were just as rough as before, you could feel yourself becoming closer to your release but you knew Namjoon wasn’t going to let you cum until he did so you took matters into your own hands, moving your hands to his balls and playing with them, you knew how to get him right on the edge of cumming and you enjoyed making him like this, he moaned out your name as soon as he felt what you were doing.
“Y/n.” He said dragging it out, you moaned around him again, you loved when he moaned out your name like that, you felt him twitch as soon as you let out the moan, he pulled out and began to jerk himself meaning he was close, while Jin kept thrusting you giggled looking up at Namjoon and sticking out your tongue.
“You want daddy to paint your tongue?” You nodded eagerly and he chuckled at you before he was interrupted by a moan, followed by his hands slowing down and his cum hitting your face in several spots including in your mouth, you giggled loudly using your fingers to wipe it from your cheeks and suck on your fingers while holding eye contact with Namjoon who was now panting and leaning against the bedroom wall staring down at you as you continued to suck his cum off your fingers, thinking about how lucky he was to have you as his.
“That was so fucking hot.” Jin murmured from in front of you, you leant up on your elbows and smirked at him, fuck he felt so good inside of you.
“Fuck Jin I’m so close, please don’t fucking stop.” You head rolled back again and he chuckled, his thrusts were starting to get sloppier and you knew he was closer, you reached down and began to rub your clit, moaning out his name.
“Please let me cum Daddy.” You whined looking at Namjoon but he was shaking his head and pointing at Jin.
“It’s Jin’s decision baby.” You looked back at Jin who was stopping his thrusts with a giant smirk on his face, you knew he was going to stop and you didn’t want that, you needed to cum, you’d earnt it after all.
“No.” You whined wiggling away from him and pushing him down onto the mattress,
“I have to cum daddy.” You whispered in his ear, straddling his lap and holding him at your entrance, slowly letting yourself down on top of him and biting down on your lip, the new position with you on top was helping him reach deeper depths than before.
“Fuck Jin you’re so big.” You choked out, leaning your head forward onto his chest, his hands went to your waist and he began to buck his hips to up meet yours and you cried out, Namjoon came to your side and kissed the side of your head, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you continued to ride Jin, trying to help you get close again but you didn’t help with that, you were so close but having Namjoon there while another man fucked you turned you on more and more.
“You look so good riding Jin Hyung like that baby girl, is this what you’ve always wanted?” You nodded and Namjoon forced your head down to lock eyes with Jin and you moaned out his name and a string of curse words.
“Jin I’m so close.” You cried out, your hands resting on his stomach, struggling to keep yourself up as you rode him, you never really rode Namjoon unless it was a punishment for something, Jin chuckled as he took over thrusting up into you, your legs tired from barely riding him.
“Cum for me baby.” He said to you, and that’s all it took for you to come undone around Jin, you clenched around him but he continued to thrust through your orgasm, your eyes shut tightly and you cried out his name, throwing your head back, your mind was racing as you orgasm hit you.
“Jin-Ah! Fuck fill me up,” You moaned, clutching onto his shoulders, as soon as he felt you cum around him his orgasm followed swiftly, you felt him twitch and you looked at him, nodding at him to confirm you were serious about him cumming inside and he groaned.
“Y/N.” He moaned out filling you up, his thrusts slowing down to a stop, you stayed on top of him, not wanting him to pull out of you just yet.
Namjoon helped you up, laying you on the bed and going to grab some tissues to wipe you clean, you wiggled out of the dress that was still bunched around your waist and snuggled against Jin’s naked chest, Namjoon chuckled laying beside you and spooning you as you cuddled Jin, all three of your getting covered with the duvet and falling asleep together.
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You woke up first the next morning, still entangled with both boys you smiled to yourself, slipping out of their grasp and getting off the bed, picking up Jin’s shirt from the night before and slipping into it before making your way downstairs to make them breakfast as a thank you for the night before
You were swaying side to side to their new album you had playing through the small Bluetooth speaker in Namjoon’s kitchen, you heard the floorboard creak and you looked up to see a shirtless Jin standing in the doorway, you smiled at him and flipped the pancake that was cooking over.
“I’m making us pancakes,” You said turning to look at him again, he was blushing, remembering the night before and now seeing you standing in his shirt.
“I wondered where my shirt was.” He chuckled leaning against the kitchen table, you poured him a cup of coffee and handed it to him, you didn’t know how you were supposed to act around him now but you couldn’t lie, seeing him standing in your kitchen, shirtless and covered in hickeys was making you wet again, you put the pancake onto the plate and looked at him nervously, you made eye contact and he gazed down at his mug again, neither of you knew what was supposed to happen now, how were you supposed to act around each other now. You were in love with Joonie of course but none of you could deny the connection that came from the night before and it left an awkward tension in the air, you moved past him to get another mug from the top cupboard and he came behind you, reaching up and taking the one you were trying to reach for, images of you dancing together came flooding back to you both and you felt him begin to grow against your ass, you stayed like that for a moment, pressed together when you finally turned around and kissed him, your hands finding their way into his hair, he put the mug down on the kitchen side and moved his hands to your waist, kissing you back.
“Fuck.” He mumbled as you dropped to your knees in front of him again, he would never get tired of seeing you like that in front of him, he wanted to stare at you the whole time in case it was the last time it would ever happen, you unbuckled his belt and sprung him free from his boxers, licking from the base to the tip, smirking as he hissed at you, sensitive from the night before.
“Don’t tease baby.” He warned you, you left small soft kisses on the tip before taking him into your mouth once again, making sure to hold eye contact with him the entire time, you wanted to watch as he came undone above you.
“Your lips stretch so prettily around my cock princess.” He praised, you felt yourself becoming wetter by the second and the more he praised you the wetter you became. What neither of you knew was that Namjoon was standing in the living room watching this all unfold in front of him, a giant smile on his lips as he stroked himself through his boxers,
“Fuck I won’t last long, get on the table.” Jin order, you hoped up from the floor bending onto the table and wiggling your hips excitedly, you were inpatient but you didn’t have to wait long before he entered you roughly, you moaned out your eyes fluttering shut as he began to thrust with all his might into you, you were still sensitive from the night before so you weren’t going to last long around him,
“Jin please.” You cried out as his thrusts started to pick up the pace, his hands tangled into your hair, pulling it back and causing you to giggle out a moan.
“Jin right there, right there!” You screamed out as you felt yourself getting closer to your edge, you reached down and began rubbing yourself, Jin’s thrusts were starting to get rougher but slower and you knew he was close, you wanted to be full of him again, you wanted to feel him full you all over again because you could never get enough.
“You want me to fill you up again?” You couldn’t manage a sentence so you just nodded your head at him, he chuckled letting go of your hand and gripping onto your hips so he could hit you at just the perfect angle.
“Shit! Jin!” You screamed finally cumming around him without permission, your clenching sending him over the edge without warning, he came inside of you but continued thrusting in and out of you, you whimpered as he fucked his cum deeper inside of you, you collapsed onto the front of the table, panting out and giggling a little. Jin pulled out of you and Namjoon made his presence known coming into the kitchen and looking at you, you looked up at his smirking face and then down to his crotch, his member already out of his boxers and waiting for you, you jumped down from the table and took him into your mouth.
“So eager aren’t we princess, cumming without permission…Do you just like being full of cum?” Namjoon questioned looking from you to Jin who was cleaning himself up, you pulled off from around him and nodded.
“I want your cum daddy, please.” You locked eyes with him and he growled at you, picking you up from the floor and pinning you onto the table just where Jin had, had you before and you let out a shriek of excitement as he thrust into you right away, you bit down on your hand as you locked eyes with Jin who was smirking at you,
“I bet you love being filled with both of our cum huh kitten?” When you didn’t answer Jin, Namjoon stopped his thrusts abruptly and slapped your across the ass making you yelp out.
“Yes! Yes, I love being filled with your cum.” You cried out, Namjoon began thrusting again and he slid his hand down to the front of your clit and began rubbing fast circles, knowing exactly how to get you close again.
“You wanna cum for me princess? Do you wanna cum all over Daddy’s cock while he spills another load into you?” You nodded while biting down on your lip, not wanting to scream out and cause Namjoon’s neighbors to complain, it wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened.
“Tell daddy what you want Princess or you won’t get it.” You groaned out and he smirked above you.
“I want you to make me cum daddy, fill me up like the slut I am.” You giggled, that was all it took. You knew Namjoon was a sucker for hearing you call yourself his slut, his thrusts became faster and his grip on your hips tightened, you were sure it was going to leave bruises now they were both fucking you the same way. Your eyes shut as you leant your head down against the cool table, you were so close to your release and Namjoon knew this by the way you clenched around him, you felt him twitch which meant he was close too.
“Fill me up daddy, make me your cum slut just like Jin did.” You giggled out, that was it, he pulled out of you, spinning you over and pinning your wrists down, inserting himself back inside of you quickly and wasting no time on letting you adjust to the new position, he thrust in and out of you at such a pace you were sure you were going to pass out, your eyes were rolling back and your back arched off the table.
“Joonie!” You screamed the nickname the only thing you could manage to say as he fucked you, his hand went down to your clit and he began to slap against it, it was a new pleasure and you felt yourself tip over the edge, it was so intense, you’d never felt anything like this before, a smug grin appeared on Namjoon’s face as he realised you were gushing around his member, he came inside of you just from seeing you like that and you collapsed back onto the table, panting heavily from the intense orgasm you’d just had, Jin went on the hunt for some wipes and Namjoon helped you stand up from the table, you looked at the floor noticing that it was wet and instantly began to blush, you’d squirted before but never this much and not with other people present, in fact, you and Namjoon had never had other people present while you fucked. Jin came back with a packet of wipes and helped you clean up while Namjoon finished off making you all some breakfast, you went off to change and fetch Jin one of Namjoon’s shirts since his was ruined now.
“I’ll bring it back next practice,” Jin said going towards the front door, you moved out of Namjoon’s arms and took Jin’s hand in yours.
“You’re leaving?” You questioned, your eyes looking at his sadly and he nodded and you shook your head,
“Joonie…Can he stay?” You questioned looking over at your boyfriend who was already looking at Jin and holding eye contact, again with the silent mind-reading conversations all over again, then they both turned to look at you with a smile on their faces.
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luffles424 · 4 years
Lucidity (7)
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☼ Pairing: BTS x reader (no pairing this chapter)
☼ Genre: vampire!BTS, succubus!reader, smut, fluff, angst
☼ Count: 4K
☼ Warnings: mentions of death (minor character), mentions of past trauma, blood, violence (there’s a physical fight at the end), depictions of injuries
☼ Summary: You’ve spent years jumping from country to country, starting countless new lives. Crafting new lives is as easy as breathing for you, lies flowing easily and people are charmed with a simple bat of your eyes. When you meet a witch who offers the idea of opening a supernatural club, using your powers combined with hers to ensure safety to those who enter, you decide to join her in an adventure that is entirely new to you. But your new life in Seoul is drastically changed when you’re forced to face something you’ve spent centuries hiding from. But just because you might be running for your life again doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun along the way, right?
☼ a/n: I’m sorry, this is like, all angst but with all different people lmao but we getting to some truths 👀👀 But is it the whole truth? 🤔🤔 As always, let me know what you think! My ask box is always open ~ 💙💙💙💙
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Yoongi has only just sat back in his chair for a moment when there’s a knock at the door. He wants to laugh that you’ve already had to come back, probably just because you forgot something but he’s definitely going to take the opportunity to tease you about it. He stands and makes his way to the door, tugging it open with a grin and a quip about you missing his cock already on the tip of his tongue, a remark that very quickly dies before it can even leave his mouth. The smile quickly drops from his face when instead of you, he’s met with Hoseok. 
He swallows, something like dread settling in his belly. He thinks he manages a weak smile. “Oh, hey Hobi. What’s up?”
Hoseok frowns, eyes searching Yoongi’s face. Yoongi’s not sure what he’s looking for but it seems like he doesn’t find it. Instead, he pushes past Yoongi and into the studio, nose wrinkling as he does so, it probably reeks of sex. He gives Yoongi a look that’s full of accusation. 
Yoongi flounders, he wonders if he could claim it was someone else. Hoseok would see through that lie. How much did Hoseok hear? See? “Why what?”
“Don’t play dumb Yoongi. I saw her leaving.” He looks so hurt, like this was a personal slight against him. “You claim to be Namjoon’s best friend. And yet here you are, fucking the one person, the only person ever, that he’s told us to stay away from. Why would you do this to him?”
Yoongi feels indignation rise in him at the accusation that he’s somehow betrayed Namjoon. This is nothing like betrayal, this is just… working with the information at his disposal. “Excuse me? Whatever Namjoon’s issue with her is, is entirely his problem. If she were a serious threat, she would’ve been dealt with by someone already. You don’t get to live for centuries being a shitty person who puts our existences at risk.”
“That’s bullshit and weak and you know it. Namjoon’s problem with her is all of our problems with her. We’re together for a reason. We’re a family.”
“If that’s true then why won’t he tell us what she did, huh? Don’t you think it’s weird that he won’t say anything about it? Namjoon’s never held information from us like this before.”
Hoseok sighs. “You know he has his reasons-”
“Yeah, reasons that he won’t share!”
Hoseok blinks at Yoongi’s outburst and Yoongi looks just as surprised. He doesn’t understand why he’s getting so worked up, but something about this whole situation digs under his skin. 
“Are you seriously defending her over Namjoon?” Hoseok asks incredulously, like that’s the only conclusion to draw from his behavior. 
Yoongi’s jaw works. “I’m not defending anyone. I’m simply pointing out the flaws in this blind belief in him. We’ve been around long enough to be able to think for ourselves. We’re not children. Not by a long shot anymore.”
Hoseok shakes his head in disappointment and pulls his phone out. “I’m sorry Yoongi, but I’ve got to tell him.”
Yoongi feels panicked as he stares at Hoseok’s phone. He wasn’t sure who he was more worried for, you or himself. “Hobi, please. Don’t do that.”
Hoseok hesitates for a few moments, something unreadable crossing his face before he’s pressing Namjoon’s contact name. “I’m sorry Yoongi.” He says as he walks out. 
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Nothing happens for a couple of days after that. Yoongi’s on edge the whole time. He tried to hole up in his studio but your scent lingered and it made his chest ache that he could possibly be putting you in danger. When Namjoon finally arrives back home, he calls a meeting. He doesn’t look angry and that sets Yoongi even more on edge, Namjoon’s default setting regarding you seemed to be rage, but right now he seems calm and collected. The others look confused as well, exchanging looks as they all sit around the table and wait for Namjoon to begin. The only time they have meetings in the dining room like this is when they’re having serious talks, but nobody can recall anything major that happened recently. Nothing that would warrant a dining room conversation. 
Namjoon stands at the head of the table, waiting as Hoseok finally enters, the last to arrive. He takes a seat across from Yoongi. 
“Thanks for coming home a little early from breaks. Hoseok said that we needed to have an emergency meeting.” A murmur ripples through the boys and Namjoon sits down. 
Hoseok stands and Yoongi shoots him a look, trying his best to communicate how bad of an idea this was. Praying his hardest that Hoseok doesn’t do this. Hoseok stares at the table. The others are quiet as they wait for him to speak. 
“Yes… Um… I know this will be hard to talk about…” He trails off, looking at Yoongi. Yoongi can see the indecision written across his face, he has no idea what Hoseok might say next. “I think it best benefits the group to know what your problem with that succubus is… with Y/n. Seoul is a big place, but it’s not that big for supernatural folks. We’re bound to run into her at some point. We deserve to know what to look out for so that we can protect ourselves.”
Yoongi only gets a moment to breathe a sigh of relief before the atmosphere of the room plummets. Namjoon’s face turns hard and Hoseok shrinks under his gaze. 
“You think you know better than me about what’s best for the group?”
Hoseok doesn’t reply, head ducked like a child being reprimanded so Yoongi speaks for him. It’s the least he can do after Hoseok just covered for him. “Joonie, that’s not what he’s saying at all. He’s just saying that we can be better prepared for anything if we know what we need to look out for.”
Namjoon’s gaze snaps to him but Yoongi doesn’t let him intimidate him. He’s tired of being left in the dark like this. They deserve to know. “All you need to know is that she’s dangerous and you need to stay away.”
Jin pipes up. “That doesn’t tell us anything. In what way is she dangerous? Is it a matter of her using her powers against us? Will she use other people to do her bidding? Joon, if we don’t know, we can’t stop it.”
Yoongi hadn’t expected further support but he’s incredibly grateful for it. He doesn’t think he could’ve gotten through to Namjoon alone. “We just want to help you keep us safe. But you need to keep us informed too.”
The rest voice their agreement. All eyes turn to Namjoon. He looks a little like a cornered animal, like he’s trying to calculate an escape route. His gaze darts around to each of them like if he stares at them enough, they’ll back down. When the tense atmosphere doesn’t shift, Namjoon sighs in defeat. 
“Fine. But I’m only going to give you just enough so that you see how dangerous she is. You don’t need to know everything.” Namjoon remains quiet for a long moment, gaze far off. “We knew each other when we were young. Like very young, less than 100. We had… another friend, Jaeho. He was a vampire too. We spent a lot of time together. She…” Namjoon looks like he’s about to cry and Yoongi reaches out to place his hand over Namjoon’s. Namjoon gives him a pained smile. “She drained him. Not enough to kill him, that would’ve been too kind. She drained him just enough to turn him feral. He ran to the nearest village and caused a rampage. The local werewolf clan put him down.” 
Namjoon lets out a bitter laugh. “That’s not even the worst fucking part. When I confronted her, she had the audacity to act like it wasn’t her fault. Then she ran. I hadn’t seen her since until we saw her at the cafe.”
The room is silent when Namjoon finishes his story. No one knows what to say, emotions high as everyone tries to pair this version of you with what they personally know. Yoongi swallows, squeezes Namjoon’s hand. He should be the primary focus right now, pained as he is at the relived memories.
“Thank you for telling us, Joon.”
Namjoon shrugs in indifference and pushes himself up. He looks tired. “I hope you see now why I said to stay away. She’ll cause you nothing but pain.” With that he leaves the room.
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You regret being at this cafe already. The ominous text from Jin and Yoongi about wanting to meet here was enough to have you on edge. The fact that they messaged you together is further proof that you shouldn’t be here. As far as you knew, they didn’t know that the other was seeing you too. Which means that something made them talk about you. And nothing good seems like it can come from that. Just like how nothing good comes from this place. 
Your phone pings and you look down to see a text from Ari.
Ari: Someone just stopped by looking for you again? Said you were supposed to work today?
You frown. No one knew you were working tonight because you didn’t tell anyone. It was only written in the office on the calendar. And even so, you switched with Ari to have this meeting. Even more perplexing is the only people you can think of that would be looking for you there, are the ones who are going to be meeting you here very soon.
Ari: She said she’d catch you some other time. 
You’re even more confused by that. Who could possibly be looking for you right now? But your musings of your mystery person are interrupted by the seats around you being pulled out as Jin, Jungkook, Jimin, and Yoongi all take a seat. They all look tense and your heart feels like it’s in your throat. 
“Wow, you boys must be pretty desperate if you wanna have a go all together.” You attempt to joke but there’s no reaction. You clear your throat awkwardly. “Right, no jokes then, got it. Well, what did you call me here for if not that?”
“Why did you pull away from us like that?” Jungkook blurts. 
Jin smacks his arm. “You idiot, that’s not what we were going for.”
Jungkook glares at him. “I don’t care. I want to know.” He turns back to you, face set in determination. It makes guilt well up in you. “I want to know why. And don’t give me that you needed time shit, we all know that was a lie.”
You don’t think you can do this. You don’t know what they’ve come for, but whatever it is it’ll be painful. Your gaze darts around, looking for a way out. 
“Please…” Jungkook’s voice cracks. 
“You don’t need to answer that.” Yoongi shoots Jungkook a look when he goes to speak again. “That’s not why we came.”
You chew your lip, alarm bells ringing in your head. “Then why?”
“What happened between you and Namjoon?” 
You should’ve known this was coming. It was always bound to happen. There was no way they’d continue when being torn between you and Namjoon. They were bound to get too curious sooner or later. You give a shrug of feigned indifference. “We’ve crossed paths before. You know how it goes sometimes.”
None of them look like they buy it. “But what happened? I’ve never seen Joon act like that with anyone.” Yoongi presses.
“You can’t tell me you’ve never met someone you just didn’t like.” You can feel the panic rising. This isn’t good. 
“Yes, but not with him. He sees the best in everybody. Why are you different?” Jimin this time.
You shrug helplessly. “Must’ve caught him on a bad day then.”
“What happened when you were young?” Jin says, then freezes as his own words register.
You stare at him with wide eyes. How did he know when you knew Namjoon? You glance at the others and they’re all giving Jin a dirty look. They knew. They all knew. Namjoon must’ve finally broken down and told them what happened. You blink away tears that are suddenly threatening to spill. You don’t even know why they bothered to want to meet you then. To tell you in person how terrible you are? How they want nothing to do with you and wish they’d listened to Namjoon in the first place? You feel like you're going to be sick. 
You stand abruptly, your chair scraps against the concrete but you don’t hear it. You can’t hear anything over the sound of blood rushing in your ears. The boys all look concerned. And you can’t stand the thought of seeing their faces morphed with hate the way Namjoon’s was. The way it still is.  
You do what you do best, you run. 
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Your days are rough after that, time blurs together as you try your hardest to keep it together. You hate how much the boys had managed to put themselves into your life, even after you tried to keep them at arm’s length. They slipped in and filled every little crack and crevice and you hadn’t even realized until it was too late. They were too rooted in your life to easily rip out. You hate how lonely you feel without one of them around. You get texts from them every so often. They take turns texting you; they all sit unread. You can’t even imagine what terrible things they might be saying. 
Ari has noticed the difference too. You’re at the club more than you used to be, even before you met the boys. But as much as you try to throw yourself into the club atmosphere, the people here just do nothing for you anymore. It’s a poor replacement for Jungkook’s adorable smile, Jin’s laugh, the way Jimin clung to whoever was closest, Yoongi’s quiet way of caring. You sometimes wonder how Yoongi would’ve fit in with the other 3 if they’d all known about each other before. Before you pushed them away. Before Namjoon told them and ruined whatever idea they had of you. It makes your heart ache.
You know you can’t blame him. But after all these years, it still hurts. You’re really not sure what to do. Your apartment is half packed, not that you usually travel with that much anyway. You seriously think moving will be best, but you just can’t force yourself to do it yet. You know Ari is fully capable of running this place though, if you were to go. And you’ve got the money to be able to stop back in when she needs it. Ari’s been dating a siren, she’ll have capable help around after you leave. And you can easily work remotely.
You stare at the wall of your office. You can feel the beat from the main part of the club. The joy it used to bring you feels like acid in your chest. You wish the night would hurry up so you could go home and curl up in Jungkook’s sweater. It doesn’t smell like him anymore but the small amount of comfort it brings is still there. You wish you could tell him that you understand why he wore it on long trips. 
You zone out until your closing bartender knocks at the door. You blink at him, a little startled that you don’t hear music anymore. You didn’t realize how much time had passed. He gives you a small smile and holds the cash drawer out to you. 
“Everything’s all cleaned up. You just gotta do the drawer.” 
You smile as you take it from him. “Thanks, D. You’re free to clock out and head home now.”
He thanks you and leaves. You set about finishing everything up, shutting the lights off and heading for the exit. You’re locking the door when you feel someone else in the small back lot with you. You’d assume it was Namjoon again, the scenario almost identical. Except when you focus a little more, you realize it’s not a vampire with you but a werewolf. 
Worse, you know this wolf. You whip around, keys clutched tightly in your hand as you search the shadows for her, heart beating wildly. This can’t be happening. Not now, not again. She doesn’t remain hidden for long, stepping out into the small pool of illumination from the sole light source in the alley lot. 
“Y/n. I finally caught you.” Her grin is malicious.
You swallow. “Taria.” You don’t know what else to say. You don’t know why she was here. You thought you were done with her after everything that happened. 
She pouts mockingly. “Aw, is that all you’ve got to say to me? We have so much to catch up on don’t you think?” She takes a step towards you and your back slams against the building as you try to keep as much distance between you, trapped. Fear claws at your throat, looks like Namjoon might not have to worry about you for too long. “Like how the fuck you’re still alive.”
Your mind races, dozens of half ideas forming before you discard them. There’s no way you can take her in a fight, you’re strong but werewolves far outpower you and you haven’t fed recently. Your gaze drops to her hands, covered in gloves and tucked into the sleeves of the turtleneck she wears. Fuck, how did she know to cover her skin. You can’t do anything helpful if you can’t touch her skin. 
She seems to be reading your assessment, adjusting the glove with a gleeful smirk. “Ah, yes. I know your little tricks, you whore. I’ve had lots of time to plan this out.” She starts walking slowly towards you. “You have no idea how thrilled I was when I heard your name again while visiting a friend here.”
Your gaze darts around the lot, empty and far too late for anyone to happen to pass by right now. You side step, trying to keep some distance between the two of you. She’s effectively trapped you here. She laughs.
“I should’ve finished you off to begin with. Who knew that little fucking vampire would be weak enough to just let you go.” She scoffs in disgust. “But it’s okay. I’m gonna have some fun now.”
You try to come up with a plan. There has to be something you can do. Something you can do to get out of here. Shaking your head, you push the memories of the past away. You can’t afford to think about them and the emotions that threaten to overwhelm you right now; you just need to get out of here. You know you can’t outrun her either. 
You’re going to have to fight her, at least a little bit. Enough to either incapacitate her or to get a way to touch her and knock her out. You should’ve taken more self defense classes. You know enough that while you can’t overpower her, you are definitely more agile than her and that will be your biggest strength here if you want to make it out of this. Sudden panic of what she might do to Namjoon for letting you go, for not taking care of her problem like she clearly planned for has you more worried for him than for you. You have to make it out of this. You have to lead her away from the city. If she’s too busy chasing you, then she’ll leave him alone. He’ll be safe.
With the vaguest plan possible, you tuck your keys away, shaking your hands out to prepare for her to make the first move. 
She wastes no time, lunging at you and you quickly duck under her arm, using her own momentum to push her face first into the wall you were just standing against. There’s a crunch. You dart a few steps away as she lets out a furious roar. She turns, eyes wild and glowing and blood dripping from her already healed nose. She comes for you again, this time low and you have no hope for dodging as her shoulder slams into your gut, knocking the breath from you as she forces you to the ground.
She rises to her knees above your prone form, fist connecting solidly to your jaw. You squirm beneath her, adrenaline pumping as you scramble for anything that might help as she lands another punch. Your hand finally finds a large chunk of loose concert, ripping it completely free even as the jagged edges tear at the skin of your fingers. You lift it, slamming it to the side of her head with all the supernatural strength you can possibly manage. 
She slumps off of you and you don’t even wait for her to fully fall before you’re flipping over and pushing yourself up to run. 
You make it two steps before your hair is grabbed and you’re pulled back against her once again. “Aw, you couldn’t possibly have thought it’d be that easy?”
Her other hand reaches up to wrap around your throat and you claw uselessly at her hand as she begins to constrict your breathing. You pull at her shirt, black ringing your vision when you get an idea. You tug frantically at the sleeve, trying to remain coordinated enough to pull her sleeve from her glove and expose the skin of her forearm. 
She seems to realize your plan because as soon as the sleeze is tugged free, she throws you to the ground, sending you sliding a few feet away from her. You gasp, trying to regain your breath as you shakily push yourself back to your feet. Your arm and thigh burn where the rough ground scrapped against you. You feel blood trickling down, leaving your side wet and sticky. Your throat feels raw and you can already tell there’s bruises there ringing it. Your cheek feels swollen and there’s something dripping down your cheek and you can’t tell if it’s blood from your skin splitting or tears. 
You can’t keep up for too long. Your body is already beginning to use your energy to heal and if you let it get too far then you’ll have no hope of getting away. Taria casually fixes her sleeve, the perfect picture of nonplussed aside from the blood that trickles from her nose and temple. She looks at you with disdain. 
You have no choice but move to the offensive. You have to try to do something to get the upper hand, to give you a chance to get away. You rush her. You have no idea what you hope to accomplish with this, but you’re getting desperate and out of ideas. She pushes you away easily, like swatting at a bug, and sends you sprawling onto your back once again. She steps up to you, giving you a good kick to the ribs before she leans over you. She reaches out to choke you again and you’re too tired to do more than feebly grab at her arms. 
You cough and gag, blood dripping from the corner of your mouth. You may as well give up. Your energy is basically at its end and she still looks completely unphased. You can’t do anything. Your vision is narrowing and you belatedly realize there is maybe one last thing you could do. Something that might save you, something that she forgot to cover. You steady yourself, gathering all of the power you can in you and quickly reach up to touch her face. She doesn’t seem to realize what’s happening right away but the second she does, it’s already too late. You release all your energy in one big burst and Taria instantly loses consciousness, collapsing on top of you.
You lie there for a moment beneath her, feeling a little delirious that it actually worked. Then panic because you don’t know how long it will work, you were nowhere near powered enough to do it for long. You manage to drag yourself out from beneath her, taking a moment to catch your breath once you’re upright before you’re quickly running away. 
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BTS Reactions: One of the other members dislikes their s/o because of misunderstanding her personality
THE PREMISE: You’re shy, and while you are a lot of fun once you get to know people, you come across as extremely quiet around people you don’t know well. One of the other members misunderstands your personality.
A/N: This is unedited because I’m a trash gremlin lol it will be edited later
EDIT: okay I finally came back and edited it, although I did find some mixed tenses in some of them, and while I’m working on being better about avoiding that, I’m not going to fix it here. 
Namjoon: Because you were so quiet, Jin found himself overcome with curiosity about what your relationship with Namjoon was truly like. He justified it to himself as concern that his best friend was with someone deserving of him, but it was a bit of nosiness as well. He was walking down the hallway in the dorms one day when he heard voices coming from Namjoon’s room. The door was just slightly ajar, enough to let sound carry into the hallway. Jin paused in the hall to listen, unable to help himself. All he heard was muffled voices before he heard you laugh loudly and say “Ew! You nasty! Come on, we both know I’d never ever be sexually attracted to you in the first place,” with a giggle. Jin saw red. Furious, he stormed into his own room and slammed the door, thinking about what he’d heard. Finally as you and all the boys were eating dinner he lost his cool. He stood abruptly, hissing at you that you were such a fake and that you weren’t worthy of Namjoon’s affection. “I don’t even know why you would be with her!” He exclaimed, causing the other boys to nervously exchange glances. Jin noticed and scoffed. “Please, she’s not an angel. Do you know what I overheard her say today when I walked down the hallway?” He repeated what he’d heard and the boys’ eyes grew wide, staring at you with shocked, horrified faces. All the color had drained from your face. Namjoon just looked completely caught off-guard, like he hadn’t fully processed Jin’s words yet. You took a deep breath, looking down at your hands. “Joonie, would you like to share what you said right before that?” You asked, looking up at him pointedly. Joon was blushing as he told them. “I’d just said ‘are your legs nutella because I’d like to spread them’.” He confessed in clear embarrassment. You finally made eye contact with Jin. “You don’t have to like me, but you should know that I was joking.” You told him, and Jin looked a little unsure. “I thought you didn’t have a sense of humor though…” He muttered, causing Namjoon to shake his head and reply, “She’s really shy around new people. She doesn’t know you guys well.” Jin kind of felt bad by then, but was still not convinced he was totally wrong. “How do we know you were actually joking?” He demanded, and you bit your lip nervously, exhaled, and squeezed your eyes tightly shut as you pulled the neckline of your sweater to the side. It revealed your collarbone which was decorated with several dark purple marks. Namjoon smirked. “It was a funny joke because she and I both know that’s the farthest thing from the truth, because she certainly wasn’t saying she wasn’t attracted to me last night.” Jin looked mortified, looking down at his food and eating in silence for the rest of the meal, clearly embarrassed. Meanwhile the other boys became slightly more comfortable joking around with you now that they knew what you were like when you weren’t so shy.
Jin:  Up until this point, you hadn’t had the chance to spend much time with the other members, so you were still very much in your shell around them. But tonight your lovely boyfriend was cooking dinner for everyone and you were going to be there as well, and while you were nervous, you were looking forward to getting to know the boys better. When you arrived at the dorm you greeted Jin with a kiss on the cheek and he smiled at you, asking if you were hungry since dinner was nearly ready. You replied that you definitely were, helping to move everything to the table once it was done. Whatever Jin had made smelled amazing. But when the food was put onto everyone’s plates you froze, realizing that he’d made jajangmyeon. Apparently he had forgotten that you couldn’t eat gluten, or at least forgotten that there was gluten in noodles. You knew Jin would feel awful about it when you reminded him, so you decided to wait until it wasn’t in front of the other members to bring it up. In the meantime you periodically picked up and put down bites of food to make it look like you were eating. You could feel Jin’s eyes on you, and you felt extremely guilty, even though you knew it wasn’t your fault. Meanwhile Hoseok was watching the whole thing, seeing the look of disappointment on Jin’s face as you didn’t eat. He felt furious, thinking that someone so impolite and inconsiderate didn’t deserve to be with Jin. Later after dinner you pulled Jin aside to speak privately about the food issue. As you’d anticipated he felt really terrible about forgetting your gluten allergy. You assured him that it was okay but told him you just didn’t want him to think you didn’t appreciate his cooking. With the misunderstanding cleared up, everything was good between the two of you and everyone sat around talking. Still shy with the members, you didn’t do a whole lot of participating. Your silence only made Hobi angrier until finally he lost his temper in the middle of a conversation. “What is your problem?!” He demanded, giving you a hard stare. Your eyebrows shot up and you blinked repeatedly in surprise. “Do you even care about Jin? Did you see his face when you just decided you weren’t going to eat the food he cooked? Why do you hardly ever speak in group conversation? What are you really doing here, because you’re not sincere about having feelings for Jin.” Hoseok accused, and it was everything you could do to keep your jaw from dropping open incredulously. Oh, but now he had seriously pissed Jin off. No one was allowed to speak to you that way. He admonished Hoseok for presuming to know anything about your relationship or your feelings before explaining that you didn’t choose not to eat dinner, you physically couldn’t eat it. You were being kind in not wanting to expose that he’d forgotten your gluten allergy in front of the whole group. “She’s been quiet because she’s really shy around new people, and I wonder why she’s uncomfortable speaking up, in that case, with the very warm welcome you’re giving her by judging and attacking her.” Jin snapped, and Hoseok looked ridiculously guilty and embarrassed. He later apologized to you and Jin both in private.
Yoongi:  Before you’d come over to the dorms for a game night, Yoongi had asked that you keep the PDA to an absolute bare minimum. He just knew that the maknae would take any opportunity to tease him, and he knew that as shy as you were you would absolutely hate that. You understood, agreeing. Still not having spent a great deal of time with the other members, you were nervous to be around them, but you were also excited to get to know the people who were most important to the man you loved. Throughout the night you were quiet as usual, and you tried to adhere to the minimum-physical-contact rule you and Yoongi had set in place as well as you could. Still, occasionally, before you could catch yourself, you’d find yourself reaching for his hand, or sitting close to him, or resting a hand on his shoulder. In all cases he shook you off as subtly as he could, first and foremost wanting to protect you from Jungkook’s teasing. You didn’t take this personally, understanding its purpose. However, Hoseok was watching the whole night, not missing the way Yoongi quickly pulled away from your every touch. At one point you got up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Hobi decided to follow you and have a little chat. He thought he was helping. You smiled at him when he entered the room, drinking your water in silence. “Listen, Y/N, you seem like a really sweet girl and that’s why I’m going to tell you this. Yoongi doesn’t actually like you. Don’t waste your time or risk getting hurt because you’re not picking up on the signals he’s putting out. He’s not the best at communicating his feelings so he probably doesn’t know how to let you down easy.” He said, completely shocking you. Before you could even speak, Yoongi appeared in the doorway behind Hoseok. “What the hell?! What do you think you’re doing telling MY girlfriend how I do or don’t feel about her?!” He demanded, positively furious. Now it was Hobi’s turn to be shocked. “I just — I thought — she’s so sweet and quiet, I didn’t want her to accidentally be led on… You practically jump away every time she touches you, you can’t tell me you’re serious about having feelings for her.” He let the words spill out, watching Yoongi grow angrier by the moment. “I’m dead fucking serious Hoseok, I love her. I was avoiding any sort of physical affection because she’s so shy and Jungkook teasing us for being lovey-dovey would be really uncomfortable for her.” He explained, fuming. He walked over and stood behind you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and hugging you tightly as he kissed the top of your head. “If you were concerned you should have talked to me. I can’t believe you’d just assume you knew what was going on and try to scare her off.” Yoongi scoffed, taking your hand and leading you back into the living room to rejoin the others.
Hobi:  You knew that especially around new people, you seemed very very different from your boyfriend Hoseok. He was bright, bubbly, friendly, and outgoing, while you were quiet and much more subdued. You were a lot more fun to be around when you felt comfortable with the people around you, opening up and becoming a sillier, more relaxed version of yourself Thus far, however, there hadn’t been opportunities for the other members to see that version. As a byproduct of his concern for your comfort while surrounded by people you didn’t know well, Hoseok became much quieter than his usual self, focused on you and making sure you felt okay. Instead of bouncing around he stuck right to your side, holding your hand and watching your expression for signs of unease. Yoongi saw how much being with you changed his best friend and he was not happy about it. He hated the idea that, regardless of how nice a person you were or weren’t, Hobi would try to change who he was for you. One night at dinner Yoongi seemed extra annoyed and standoffish.  He watched closely as Hoseok spoke only a fraction as much as he normally would, too focused on you. Finally Yoongi had had enough. You had gone to the bathroom when he finally spoke up. “You’re so different around her. I don’t like it. It’s like you’re not you. I can’t see why you even like her.” Yoongi said, catching Hoseok totally off-guard. He was immediately annoyed. “Good thing she’s my girlfriend and not yours. You don’t need to see why I like her.” He snapped, causing Yoongi to roll his eyes. “You don’t have to be so defensive,  I just hate to see you with someone who dims your light.” You reentered the room just in time to hear this exchange. “You’re awfully hypocritical, don’t you think? For somebody who can be so reserved you’re being pretty judgmental of her for the same reason. And she doesn’t dim my light, if anything being around people she doesn’t know dims HER light, and I’m just making sure she’s okay. She’s a lot of fun if you give her a chance, she just has to get comfortable with you.” It warmed your heart to hear him defend you like that, though you felt extremely uncomfortable because of what Yoongi had said. When you settled back down into your seat beside Hobi you couldn’t hide the tears welling up in your eyes as you stared at the ground, not making eye contact. “I’m sorry for not being fun… I don’t want to bring anybody down.” You said quietly, trying not to break down. Hobi was staring at you with intense worry in his eyes. He rested his hand on your cheek and you finally looked at him. He kissed your forehead and then pulled you into a hug, holding you close to comfort you. He glared pointedly at Yoongi, who just looked away, feeling embarrassed for having been so quick to judge.
Jimin:  You were over at the dorms to get to know the other members better one day, knocking on the door and waiting for an answer. Taehyung answered the door, giving you a friendly smile and inviting you in. Your boyfriend Jimin came bounding down the hallway with an excited exclamation of “baby!” before he pulled you into a hug. You wince at the pain. He feels you tense and remembers, jumping back as if he’s been burned. Jungkook, who had been coming down the hall after Jimin, sees this and thinks you’re uncomfortable with physical affection. This worries him a lot, actually. He knows Jimin, what a cuddly person he is, how he needs that in his life. What would he be doing with someone who doesn’t want to be touched? Jimin mumbles a ’sorry’ with an apologetic smile, and you just smile back at him. “Want to play video games? The guys were just about to start, we could play too if you want.” He suggests, and you nod enthusiastically. Minutes later you’re watching intently as Jimin tries to beat Taehyung at whatever game they’re playing. Jungkook eyes you, taking note that you have still kept a safe distance from Jimin this whole time. He decides he has reason to be concerned. Later when it’s you against Jungkook, he elbows you in the side to try to cheat, and you drop the controller as you squeeze your eyes shut tightly at the pain you feel. Jimin jumps up, yelling Jungkook’s name in alarm due to worrying about you. Jungkook rolls his eyes. “Look, I don’t know why your girlfriend is so weird about people touching her, but come on, man, why would you want to be with somebody like that? You’re the touchiest person I know, are you gonna sit here and tell me you’re fine with being a minimum of a foot apart at all times?” he demands, sounding more irritated than angry. Jimin literally facepalms. “Jungkookie, you idiot. She has a broken rib! I forgot and when I hugged her it hurt so I jumped back. Just now when you elbowed her it probably REALLY fucking hurt. Are you okay, by the way?” He stops and looks at you in concern. You give a thumbs up though your face shows it still hurts a lot. Jungkook, not liking being wrong, huffs and demands, “fine, well what about how she never speaks? She’s not right for you.” He insists, making Jimin go from irritated to actually angry. “She doesn’t talk much around you because she’s shy around people she doesn’t know well. And no wonder, too, with how you’re treating her at the moment.” He snaps, surprising Jungkook with the venom in his voice. “And as for physical affection, she’s literally so much of a cuddle bug she could rival ME in that sense, she just has to be really careful because she’s hurt.” He hisses, giving Jungkook a glare before taking your hand and helping you up. “Let’s go lay down for a while, I’m sure it’s super painful.” Jimin says to you in a soft voice. You nod, blinking back tears from how much it hurts. With an apologetic glance at Taehyung and one last threatening stare at Jungkook, Jimin leads you down the hall to his room.
Taehyung:  You really, really wanted the other members to like you. Still, your shyness around new people made it difficult to befriend them quickly, so you had to have some patience there. Luckily Taehyung understood that perfectly, knowing how different you were once you felt comfortable with someone. Your desire for them to like you, however, actually made the shyness even worse. It made you extra self-conscious about being lovey-dovey with Tae in front of them, feeling super easily embarrassed. You found yourself dodging kisses, ducking out of hugs, and wiggling out from under his arm when he put it around your shoulders. You felt like everyone was watching you and it made you really, really uncomfortable. Taehyung understood, but frequently forgot, reverting to his natural touchy instincts without thought. He would jokingly pout at you when you avoiding attempts to show physical affection, but he wasn’t upset about it by any means. Jimin was super suspicious of his best friend’s new girlfriend, so he watched you closely whenever you were around. He noticed right away how you didn’t seem to want Taehyung to touch you and he didn’t like it one bit. What kind of girlfriend didn’t ever want her boyfriend to touch her, even in little ways? Not the kind that would make Tae happy, Jimin thought. Luckily for Jimin, when he decided to bring the topic up to Taehyung, you weren’t around. Tae would’ve been ready to kill him for upsetting you needlessly. Jimin expressed his concerns about you not being the right person for Tae, explaining that especially how you avoided his touch was worrisome to him. This made Taehyung really, really mad, and he told Jimin as much. He explained how your shyness made you extra embarrassed about PDA, particularly because of your desire for the boys to like you. Before Jimin could even look regretful, Taehyung left the room in a huff, not believing how judgmental Jimin had been for basically no reason. Late that night you and Tae had been watching Netflix when you fell asleep cuddling. You were laying on top of him, your legs on either side of him and your arms around his neck as your head rested against his shoulder. It was almost koala-like, the position you found yourself in, fast asleep. Tae was thinking about his conversation with Jimin until he had an idea. He took a selfie of the two of you cuddling like you were so it was clear how you both were situated. He send it to Jimin with the caption “You’re totally right, my girlfriend hates to be touched.“.
Jungkook: Jungkook knew how nervous you were to hang out with the other members, and he could understand why. You were super shy around people you didn’t know and you’d only met them a handful of times before. So when he invited you over to have dinner with everyone he was prepared to make absolutely certain you felt comfortable and welcome. Throughout the evening Jungkook was a lot more subdued than he normally would be and watched you carefully to be sure you were doing okay. Namjoon saw the change in Jungkook’s personality. It really worried him. He already didn’t like that you were a couple of years older than Jungkook. The thought that you could end up being manipulative toward him seemed like a very real danger, in Namjoon’s opinion. When he saw how closely Jungkook was watching your facial expressions and reactions, he felt like his fears were confirmed. Joon decided that you were a super controlling girlfriend that treated Jungkook like a baby because he was younger, and Jungkook was watching you to make sure he hadn’t angered you. After dinner, Joon asked to speak to Jungkook privately. When Jungkook looked at you nervously, agreeing to go only when you offered a small smile, Namjoon felt even more certain of his conclusion. He told Jungkook about what he had observed, watching as Jungkook because visibly upset. “If anyone is treating me like a baby here, it’s you, hyung. You think you can just make conclusions about my relationship based on an hour of observation? Why wouldn’t you just ask me about it first, anyway? Am I such a helpless child to you that I can’t make my own choices?” He demanded, clearly angry. “She’s not controlling. Far from it. She’s extremely shy and was nervous about coming here tonight, so I’ve been keeping an eye on her to make sure she’s okay. I guess she had reason to be worried, since you’ve taken upon yourself to decide she’s manipulating me. You’re right, I’m not a baby anymore, but if anyone needs to get that through their head, it’s you.” He snapped, hurt that his absolute hero would treat him this way. He stormed out, returning to your side and wrapping a protective arm around you. Namjoon felt so, so guilty. He’d been afraid that Jungkook was being treated like a child when he ended up being guilty of that himself. The very signs he’d taken to mean you were manipulating him were actually Jungkook being mature and considerate. He’d been unfair to you and Jungkook both, and he needed to make it up to you.
Feedback please! I loooooove it ;) <3 
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nocturnal-jeon · 4 years
𝙶𝚛𝚘𝚌𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 ➛ 𝚍𝚊𝚍!𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚓𝚘𝚘𝚗
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okay when i saw this i had to write this! thanks for being the first request i fulfill after being gone for so long!
Grocery shopping was something you always wanted to do alone. Scratch that, it was something you needed to do alone. As Ha-joon grew each day, he would demand more food but also make much larger messes with it. At some points, you knew he wasn’t even hungry; all he wanted to do was make a mess with expensive groceries. 
You assumed that you would require Namjoon’s assistance a lot more when Ha-joon was a lot smaller, but now that he was big enough to stand on his own and crawl insanely fast, you found it hard to keep up with the little human. 
You had gotten better at balancing taking care of Ha-joon and doing your schoolwork for college, but there were times where something had to get sacrificed and you could never let it be Ha-joon. 
To be a good girlfriend, you cooked your husband a lot of food. He would send texts and videos of the boys confiscating the food as Namjoon wasn’t the only one cooped up in the studio or practice room. This sent your heart into shambles. Yes, you wanted Namjoon to eat, but seeing the other boys so hungry made you realize no one is cooking food for them. 
Cup noodle wasn’t cutting it. 
You would set Ha-joon to nap and rush to the kitchen, making large batches of food and putting them in seven containers. You would even write them little notes of encouragement. You would drop them off once Ha-joon was awake. It was always a heartwarming sight to see the boys surround Ha-joon and play with him. Sometimes it would just be Namjoon, or it would only be Yoongi and Taehyung. Whoever wasn’t busy. 
Tired and exhausted at the end of the night, you would finally go downstairs to find food for yourself, only to find out you had run out of food and had to eat ramen. 
You figured that since Namjoon’s day off was the next day, you could go grocery shopping while he watched Ha-joon, but Namjoon insisted on coming to pick out snacks. So, as you pushed the cart with a bubbly and wide-eyed Ha-joon, you eyed your list and went down each aisle. Namjoon followed behind but grew a bit tired with going down any aisle that wasn’t the snack aisle. 
“Hey, I’m just gonna go over to the snack aisle and get my stuff then come back,” Namjoon said to you as you were deep in thought. You looked up at him and nodded as you placed a few boxes of pasta into the cart. 
Just as Namjoon turned to go, Ha-joon began whining and threw his pacifier down in an angry fit at being left behind. You looked down at Ha-joon with a gentle frown as you bent down to pick up the pacifier and drop it into your purse to be cleaned later. 
“Do you wanna adventure with daddy?” Namjoon said in a slightly higher pitched voice as he bent his knees and gazed at his son. Ha-joon nodded, face satisfied, as he reached out to his dad. Namjoon lifted the little boy out of the seat and sat him on his shoulders. You watched the two and chuckled. 
“Don’t cause any trouble,” you warned, looking mainly at Namjoon, who always seemed to lose his maturity when left alone with his son. 
“We’ll try,” Namjoon said with a grin as he turned and left the aisle, Ha-joon looking around. Shaking your head, you continued down the aisle, crossing off each item after placing it into your cart.  Meanwhile, Namjoon explored more than the snack aisle and brought his son to the toy aisle, asking him to pick out toys as if Ha-joon didn’t have enough. The baby would point to things and look back at Namjoon expectantly. Namjoon’s large hands held onto the baby’s chunky little legs, so he couldn’t really grab the toys. 
He would just have to wait and try to convince you. 
You left one aisle and began moving towards the sauces at the back of the store when you saw workers with mops and paper towels moving down the aisle you were about to go down. You followed after, curious, but that curiosity was gone as your mouth dropped. There Namjoon stood, looking guilty while Ha-joon looked unfazed. 
A large glass jar of tomato sauce, usually at the top of the row so children couldn’t get to it, had failed and shattered, spilling the sauce all over the tiled floor. 
“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry,” Namjoon kept repeating to the workers as he tried to grab some paper towels and help them while trying to hold onto Ha-joon’s legs. 
“it’s fine, sir, really. Accidents happen,” the employees assured with gentle smiles as they cleaned the mess. Namjoon looked up and saw you standing at the end of the aisle with your hands on your hips as you stared your boyfriend down. He approached you slowly, swallowing hard. 
“Ha-joon kept grabbing stuff and he just pushed it off the top,” Namjoon said as he took Ha-joon down from his neck and held him away from his chest. Both Namjoon and your son had tomato sauce all over them as it had splashed up when it hit the floor. You stared at your boys for a few seconds, still trying to take things in. 
You grabbed Ha-joon and sat him back in the cart. The toddler was wiping his stubby fingers all over his arms and sticking them in his mouth to taste the sauce. At least he was having a good time. 
“Namjoon, you really passed the clumsy gene onto our son. It’s like you want me to cry,” you slightly joked, looking your boyfriend up and down as tomato sauce stained his jeans and covered his bare arms as small dollops of sauce littered his face. He stared at you for a moment before giggling softly. 
“I look ridiculous, don’t I?” he said, looking down at his legs. You couldn’t help but smirk. Reaching your hand out, you wiped sauce from his cheek and stuck your index finger into your mouth. “At least the sauce tastes good,” you said. 
“Now go grab a jar so we can pay for it and I don’t have to feel any worse.” 
Namjoon nodded and went to grab a jar, placing it in the cart. Namjoon guiltily walked behind you as you finished up your grocery shopping, trying your best to ignore the fact that everyone you passed stared at your family like you were a bunch of circus clowns. 
You had gotten everything on your list and began to move towards the registers when Namjoon cleared his throat.
“This might be a bad time to mention this but Ha-joon really wants this one truck set in the toy aisle.” Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked between Ha-joon and your boyfriend. 
You opened your mouth to say something but stopped and closed it again. 
“You-” you stuttered, sighing at Namjoon. 
“You two are going to be the death of me,” you whined, pushing the cart toward the toy aisle even though you didn’t feel like rewarding either of your boys. But as you pushed, Ha-joon smiled at you as if he didn’t just cause so much trouble. 
“Which one?” you asked as you looked at Namjoon, hands on your hips. He moved over to the set that Ha-joon wanted and put it in the cart as Ha-joon practically tried to break his back so he could turn to look at it as excited sounds left his lips. 
“Okay, now we’re done,” you said as you turned the cart around and headed to the cash register. 
“Wait, we didn’t get my snacks yet,” Namjoon said. You stopped dead in your tracks and turned to stare at Namjoon. He stared back at you, knowing you were beyond done with your boys. 
Pushing the cart silently, you went over to the snack aisle and watched with your hands on your hips as Namjoon put various snacks in the cart. 
“You make me feel like I did something wrong when you stand like that,” he commented as he looked up at you. You scoffed. “Really, tomato man?” you said. “You feel like you did something wrong?”
He swallowed hard. 
“I’m sorry,” he whined, moving over to you and linking his large hand with yours. You wanted to stay mad for as long as possible because you didn’t want to hurt your pride, but as Ha-joon sat in the cart with tomato sauce all over him and Namjoon stood with tomato sauce in his blonde hair, you broke into laughter, surprising the both of them. 
Ha-joon laughed when anyone laughed, so his little voice merged with yours as you put your hands on your knees and just laughed, straight from the belly. 
“What am I going to do with you guys?” you said with a smile as you stood back up, looking at Namjoon. He smirked. 
“Okay, now, really, let’s go. The Kims have caused enough mayhem in this store,” you said as you pushed the cart to the register, a chuckling Namjoon following after you. 
You paid for the groceries and held Ha-joon as Namjoon carried the bags to the car. “Don’t touch anything when we get home. You both are getting in the bath,” you ordered as your face scrunched up in disgust as Ha-joon’s tomato covered fingers touched all over your face as you put him in his car seat. 
Once you got home, you told Namjoon to take Ha-joon inside and start a bath immediately while you brought the groceries in and put them away. Once you got upstairs to the bathroom, your mood couldn’t help but lighten when you saw Namjoon playing with his son in the tub. 
“Making music is your thing. Grocery shopping is mine. Let’s keep it that way,” you said with a chuckle as you bent down to kiss Namjoon’s cheek. “Deal,” he said as he looked at you with so much love and adoration in his eyes. 
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bbmyungho · 4 years
Try Again - Yoongi
member/group: yoongi (suga)/bts
genre: fluff, a tiny bit of angst (???) if you squint
a/n: i’m sorry, i know this isn’t good, but i swear i’m trying, and i want to try to start incorporating more long fics into my masterlist (if that’s okay with you guys 👉👈). Anyways, here’s an only slightly corny Yoongi fic
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“Hey y/n!”
I smiled at the sight of my friend, Hoseok, peeking his head out from one of the studios and waving me over frantically. “Hey, Hobi, whatcha doing?” I asked, coming nearer to the door.
“Nothing much, just working on a track. Come and listen!!” He said excitedly, not even giving me a chance to respond before he pulled me into the studio and shut the door as quietly as possible. I tensed immediately at the sight of Yoongi sitting in the desk chair next to Namjoon’s, the two murmuring between themselves before turning to see me being pulled into the room.
“Hey y/n.” Namjoon smiled and offered up a slight wave upon my arrival, which I of course returned, almost relaxing with the register of my friend’s presence. And then there was Yoongi: it wasn’t that he was mean or anything, just cold. In my roughly year and a half of working at BigHit, I’d exchanged maybe four or five words with the guy, even though I spent the majority of my time in the various studios fine tuning the production equipment and making sure IT was in check. I tried to avoid working on any equipment in his studio at the same time that he was there, but he spent so much time there, it was damn near impossible anyways. The other members had taken pretty well to me as they saw more and more of me, and they’d try to reassure me that it wasn’t anything personal, but I still couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe he just didn’t like me for whatever reason.
“Come sit! Give us your thoughts!” Hobi invited, taking his seat next to Joon and pulling up a chair for me. In between him and Yoongi. Great.
I took my seat and Joon pressed play on the track, him and Yoongi simultaneously falling back into their seats and shutting their eyes as they listened while Hoseok propped his head on his hand and stared at the track’s progression intently. I tried to mirror Yoongi and Joon, leaning back in my chair and concentrating fully on the music, allowing my mind to float on the member’s voices mingling while the bass washed over me warmly, leaving goosebumps up and down my arms and legs simultaneously. Even when the track finished, I had to sit and ponder it for a moment, let it stream through my head for a while. I wanted to hear it again as soon as it ended.
“Y/n? What’d you think?” I was snapped out of my euphoria following the track by Namjoon’s voice, opening my eyes to see the three men I’d been sitting with looking at me intently.
“Oh, um, good. It was good, I mean. Very good.” I offered a smile to Joon, allowing my gaze to drift over to Yoongi, but he’d already swiveled around in his chair to fiddle more with the track. “Uhh, I should probably be going now. I’m still on the clock, but thanks for letting me listen.” I said, standing from my chair and leaving amongst murmured farewells from Hoseok and Joon.
Come on, y/n, you’re an adult, he’s an adult. He won’t bite. I took in a deep breath, trying to draw up the courage to knock on the door to studio seven, the one that Yoongi frequented the most. He might make you slightly uncomfortable and act like he doesn’t even want you to be there because he definitely doesn’t, but he won’t bite.
I finally summoned up the courage to knock, once, twice, with no response. All of that for nothing. I took a quick peek inside to confirm that no one was home, letting out a breath I hadn’t been aware I was holding before making my way into the studio to work on the mic I had come for. It wasn’t registering properly on the monitors, so of course I had to be the one that fixed it; I swore, at this point, Yoongi was specifically asking for me to be the one to come fix his equipment because he knew he made me uncomfortable.
I made quick work of the offending mic, humming as I went, a smile gracing my features when I saw that the audio from my humming was registering on the monitor I’d turned to face me as I worked.
“Y/n, you have such a nice voice!!” I almost shat myself when Tae came on the mic, turning to see his smiling face through the window, Yoongi suppressing a laugh in the background at my mortified state.
“Jesus, Tae, thank you, but would it kill you to give me a little warning next time!!” I scolded, earning a pout from the boy as I walked out of the booth. “I, uh, fixed the mic for you, and I checked on the others, too. All of them should be fine now.” I said, just about unable to meet Yoongi’s eyes.
“Thanks, y/nie!!” Tae said, wrapping his arms around me from behind while I left my eyes trained on Yoongi.
“Yeah, thanks.” Yoongi muttered, just barely, but he was meeting my eyes and everything, and for some reason my heart skipped a beat when he did. All I could do was nod in response, not missing the small smirk that quirked up the side of his mouth. After an honestly uncomfortable amount of time just looking at Yoongi, Tae let me go and I shuffled out of the studio; I swore I could feel Yoongi’s stare on my back, but I chose not to put too much thought into it as I shut the door and scurried down the hall.
“Hey y/n, over here!” Namjoon called to me, the rest of the members choosing to simply scream in order to draw attention to themselves as I approached. 
“Hey guys!” I waved and smiled, Jungkook and Hobi immediately starting to pull me in their respective directions as soon as I got close enough for them to reach. I looked over, seeing Yoongi very blatantly rolling his eyes, a pit settling in my stomach as Jungkook finally won and pulled me to sit between him and Jimin. 
Lunch consisted of banter and excited chatter about the new songs they were working on, the usual, but something about Yoongi seemed...off. Like, more off than usual. Usually he just wouldn’t talk much, but now, he was being actively passive aggressive at best. Rolling his eyes, not even talking to the other members. They seemed to get touchier and louder in my ears, more than likely to make up for how Yoongi was behaving, but all I could hear was what Yoongi wasn’t saying. 
We’ve known each other for years and he’s at least tried to be civil until now, out at lunch, with everyone? My blood suddenly began boiling; I’d dealt with this same childish behavior for the past two years of my life, constantly stressing over every little thing I did around Yoongi, and now he was just giving up on at least trying to pretend like he could stand me. We were at lunch with some of the best friends I’d made in my adult life, and he was sitting there rolling his eyes and acting like I was such a bother for what. 
I’m not entirely sure what made everything come to a head right then, but I was just getting tired and I was trying to have a nice time, and I had to admit, even if he was a little bit of an asshole sometimes, I liked him and I wanted to be his friend; it just would’ve been nice if he could’ve tried to put the same energy towards me that I did him.
I stood up abruptly, causing the table’s eyes to shift to me, but I just grabbed my trash and went to throw it away. I felt bad for not offering to take anyone else’s while I was up or even just offering a laugh at whatever joke Hobi had just told, but I felt the need to just get out in the moment and I was honestly afraid I’d yell ‘why do you hate me so much?!’ right in Yoongi’s face if I didn’t leave right then. 
I wanted so badly to just run back to the studio and fix something. I wanted to repeatedly stab a screwdriver into a computer until it could just grow arms and program itself whenever it needed fixing. But I was stopped at the trash can by none other than the man of the hour, Yoongi. And he had the audacity to just reach around me like I wasn’t even there. 
“Why do you hate me so much?!” I demanded, a shocked look forming instantly on his face at my sudden courage. “Why are you rolling your eyes and acting like you couldn’t care less every time one of us so much as breathes? Must you be that childish? I’m trying to enjoy time with my friends, our friends, and you act like you wish I wasn’t there and it’s so blatantly obvious. What’d I ever do, Yoongi? Tell me!” I was shaking I was so angry, pressure building behind my eyes as tears threatened to spill. All he could do was stare at me with his jaw dropped, eyes widened. I turned to go back to the company’s main campus, leaving my bag for one of the other members to return to me later, but Yoongi grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, my head landing on something that I would register as his chest as he pulled me into a tight hug, one of the most comforting I’d ever been in.
“I don’t hate you, y/n. I’m sorry, I could never.” He said. I could feel now he was shaking too. “I’ve never hated you, I swear.” He pulled away.
“Then why are you such an asshole?” I whined. “Sometimes. Sometimes, I mean.” I added hurriedly, his jaw dropping again as he looked at me. 
“I...” He sighed. “The truth is... I like you. A lot. I’ve always thought you were cute, so I always requested you come to my studio, but I didn’t know how to talk to you. I figured if we spent enough time around each other, or around the other members at least, we’d eventually start talking, but I never got around to it, and I figured you just didn’t want me talking to you.” He said sheepishly, rubbing his neck as he shifted his weight between his feet.
“You... you what?” I asked. He chuckled quietly, eyes meeting mine again. 
“I like you. And I never got around to saying anything about it. I knew I intimidated you so I kinda just left it. Tried to give you your own space, y’know?” He said. “I kinda thought it was cute, actually, how shy you got whenever you noticed I was there, too. But, I never thought I was actually making you angry or anything.” 
“I-” I stood there, mouth agape, opening and closing it like a fish, unable to comprehend all of the information that had just been thrown at me. “I, yeah, I uh- I didn’t know it was making me angry, either.” I laughed bitterly, staring at him in shock. “I guess it was just something about today. You were actually expressing distaste for me-”
“Not for you, the members.” He laughed. I stared at him, silently urging him to continue. “They, uh, they’ve been teasing me because you’re, like, afraid of me and I guess they were trying to make me jealous or whatever. I mean, I guess I am kinda out of the game at this point.” He said, with only the slightest tinge of bitterness to it. That’s why they were being extra touchy today.
“Well, you’re not completely out of the game.” I said just barely above a whisper, almost causing Yoongi to choke on his own spit. “I was just pissed because of your attitude specifically today, but I do want to be your friend at least. Maybe more, not gonna lie.” I bobbed up and down on my feet, taking in Yoongi’s reaction as he processed my words.
“Well,” he cleared his throat, “if I’m not out of the game, could I maybe, take you out to dinner sometime? Without the others stealing all of your attention?” He bargained. I smiled.
“Of course.”
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