#the moody mimo
hatoyamoshimi · 1 year
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2023: One Poster A Day Project by Mimo Poster # 009 The Pink Seashell
Social Links       Art Account: @The Moody Mimo         Artist Account: @hatoyamoshimi​ 👁❤️       Shop posters: TheMoodyMimo.redbubble.com
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losttkarrouxes · 7 months
Mimo Water spirit
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Moody spirit
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shhhushhh · 5 years
Glass Concrete
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Laura: Somebody beat your scraggy ass! Am I right?! AM I RIGHT?!
Mario: Stop yelling, God damned it! There is no such thing.
Laura: Lier!
Mario: I am not!
Laura: Yes you are! Why are you so moody and defensive then?
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Mario: Because you are making up bullshit as usual. Then you are feeding it to mamma. Then she is calling and feeding it to me! Look, if you are not telling what your fucking foundation is, I’m hanging up.
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Laura: Wait! Let me go to the friggin’ bathroom, Jeeze...
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Laura: That should do the trick. And don’t be mingy - Mother Nature has been mingy enough. Also, when you are about to introduce me to your Jessica like you introduced mamma to her? Are you afraid I’m going to make a fool of you? Uehehehe!
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Mario: I’m not afraid - I’m sure. I really have to go now. Chao, Befana. And thanks.
Laura: Chao, Fuglio. Call more often, OK? I miss all that jangle.
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Mario: I miss you too, LuLu cat.
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Laura: Very tired, my ass...
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Laura: My ass, Mimo!
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x-warchild · 5 years
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                                                            Hey, Save me,                               Show me your tears so I know you're mine,                                                             Hey, Save me,                                              I need your fear just to feel alive
[NAOMI MEJA] shares our delusions. They are [104], they are a [WEREWOLF] who looks just like [ANA DE ARMAS]. They are a [RESCUE]. While they might be [REALISTIC], sometimes they get [MOODY]. They are a [SUB] in bed, and [PANSEXUAL]. They are into [MARKING and SENSORY PLAY] and want a [DOM] partner.       
AKA; Mimi, Mimo, Mims       mostly by me, but still
Naomi grew up in a tight-knit pack. Despite the fact that few of them were related by blood, the entire pack acted as a big family – everyone was considered to be such. And while she was an only child to her parents, there was no lack of children her age, or adults willing to care and look out for them all. It took ‘It takes a village’ to a whole new level.
The ambush came not long after her fourteenth birthday. Anyone over the age of twenty and under the age of thirteen was killed. Everyone else in that prime age gap was taken to what had been called The Arena.
The Arena was a small island off the southern coast of Spain, enclosed and next to impossible to escape. It was built for the purpose of hunting live game. And Naomi, along with a variety of other supernatural creatures, were said game.
It wasn’t exactly clear how long she had been there at first – she’d later find out that she survived eleven years in the Arena. A few years in, she mentally closed herself off, so she’s still not sure if anyone from her pack survived. Her hope is slim, considering she had been the cause of one of their deaths in year four.
She learned, very quickly, how to keep herself small. How to keep herself quiet. How to hide, both high and low, to keep from being seen. And the more hunts she survived, the more she was worth - the more money she brought her keepers. By the time she was eighteen, Naomi was a ghost in the arena.
When the Arena was finally raided, her release had been a sort of fluke. The people who came, came for one particular person, and only took the time to unlock a small handful of cages on their way out. Hers had been a third string release – unlatched by someone who was released by someone else who had been released. She did her share, unlocked her own small handful of cages that had been around her.
It took some time, but eventually she found her way home, only to find it gone. Demolished. Everything she had fought so hard to return to was wiped clean. After this, there was a sort of wandering period. Lost. Life outside of the grounds was vastly different – if she wasn’t spending her time running for her life, everything seemed relatively… boring. Anticlimactic in a way. She had lost her entire purpose in life.
She’s been in Folie A Deux for four years now and managed to deal with only a few sponsors. Not the easiest to deal with, Naomi is more familiar with being sent back than she is being taken in. Night terrors make her a danger at night, and the tendency to lose her grip on reality has kept her in the role of rescue. She’s applied for residency once, despite concerns from sponsor, and was denied. Her ability to survive on her own is slim – she’s too dependent still on others to be able to hold the title.
She does have tendency of becoming more aggressive, more mouthy, more feral closer to the full moon. 
She has the tendency of being skittish, cautious, and defensive. Loud noises set her off and lessen her grip on the present reality. In the right circumstance, her mind can - and has - tricked her into thinking she was back in The Arena. 
Also, cornering her isn’t a good idea. Her moral compass is so fucked that she has no issue getting physical with anyone. For any reason. 
She has a love of small spaces, a learned comfort from the cage she spent so much time in. Which is why she prefers to sleep in her closet. Or, on particularly bad nights, under her bed. 
Because a good chunk of her life had been spent in a cage, or being hunted, she’s delayed emotionally, socially, and mentally. There’s a curiosity there, an absolute fascination with the world around her. As well as the people in it. Mimi repeats words more than speaking her own because of her delay, but she catches on quick enough. 
Under it all, she’s really just broken and trying to figure out how to be a person again
Former pack: A touchy subject, Naomi just kind of assumes they’re all dead. Without admitting it, she finds it easier that way. Considering she got one or two of them killed during their time in the Arena. There’s a guilt there she has yet to process, and seeing someone who she thought died - or even was the cause of their death - would just fuck some shit up. read: angst
Cage neighbor: Again, with the Arena. Running into someone she knew from her time there could potentially bring a sense of comfort. There’s a lack of understanding in what, exactly, she’s gone through, so having someone around who knows firsthand could be a blessing. Or, you not. Not.
Hunter: There’s always the possibility of someone who hunted the grounds who knows about her past. Doesn’t have to be about her specifically, but what she’s done. The fact that she can be prey to a hunt. Having a sponsor take her in just to chase her down is mean. But, you know. Fun.
Wolves: I’m not sure she’d know how to be a member of a pack anymore, also - guilt she refuses to acknowledge - but having some of her own kind around to act as support would be good for her. Someone to run with. Someone to help her understand herself again, outside of the constant running.
Friends: piggybacking off the above, honestly anyone who understands what it’s like to be hunted. Or, anyone who’s plagued with the same sort of night terrors. Again, for support. 
Sponsor: Can be any of the sponsors who has sent her back due to difficulties. There’s been a few. She wouldn’t hold any hard feelings toward them for it, but they did pave the way with the assumption that everyone’s going to throw her back to communal housing. So. 
-- hit me up for them plots, tho
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ipujeet-blog · 5 years
The fact is that was really annoying last time. I just realized that this is not friend for me. He was and still is full of negativity which I’m trying to get out f my life. He kept to saying about how hard studies are, how hard is this subject or this. He is really obnoxious and on the other hand will tell you have a nic day or night every 10 minutes or apologize for trivia. Very moody. You don’t know what mood today he is in. So that’s why in the second week of 2nd semster I started to avoid him. I don’t sit with him in classes any more. I found new friend with who I prefers to spent time with on the breaks. Nie dałam im w ogóle do zrozumienia, ze ich nie lubie. Nie chciałem wytykać im (mu) ich wad i mowic żeby się zmienili. Odsunąłem się sam. Przestałem z nim gadac. W końcu w ogóle przestaliśmy gadac a za tym tez ograniczył mi się kontakt z k. Na 1 zajęciach angielskiego nirmalnie rozmawiałyśmy, tzn przed czy tam po. Po drugich gadałem już tylko z o gdy k stała obok i nie zamieniłem z nią ani słowa. Dziś na angielskim słyszałem, jak k mówiła do m ze napisałam ze pytaniem do jej chłopaka, które on zlał. Po prostu nie odpisał nic. A to było pytanie wymagające odpowiedzi tak lub nie. I to było raczej szydercze, mówiła to na głos ze usłyszałem z drugiego końca sali. A wczoraj zobaczyłem ze n usunął się z konwy. Mimo ze ja nie chce się z nimi zadawać to bie dałem im tego do zrozumienia, tzn nie byłem dla nich niemiły czy coś, oni dla mnie akurat tak. Nie przestali po prostu gadac ale ostentacyjnie ten sir wyjebal z czatu a ta gadała o braku odpowiedzi ma angielskim. Nie boli mnie ich zachowanie wobec mnie ale to ze to strasznie dziecinne. Mslalem ze tak się już nie robi. Ktoś przestaje z tobą gadac to przestaje i tyle. *Poza tym ja raz pisałam do K chyba na wykładzie z metro czy jest tam bo w razie listy bul ja wpisała za to ze ona zrobiła tak tydzień temu. I sama to zlała. Moze mieli jakiś problem z tym, ze już nie siedze na każdej wolnej chwili z nimi tylko z g? *Ale nie, tu trzeba jeszcze tobic jakieś cyrki, ciagle reagować na to co pisze na konwie grupy gdy ktoś o coś zapyta itp. Żenada. Naprawdę nie będę tozstsrzqc tego o chuj im chodzi i na chuj spina bo w pizdzie to mam XD ale jest to po prostu żenada a co do tego początku to dodam jeszcze ze m wydaje się strasznie toksyczny w chuj. Albo raz jest taki potulny i za miły (tak nie nienaturalnie) albo bardzo niemiły, wyśmiewa kgoos, jest flupiomadry i w ogóle chuj tam z bim ale XD
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4452333 · 2 years
Plotki i prawda o COVID-19 Przez Dylanali W drugiej połowie 2019 r. nieoczekiwana pandemia koronawirusa zaatakowała ziemię, infekując 230 milionów ludzi, według danych WHO, odbierając życie czterem,7 milionom. Wirus wygląda jak korona pod mikroskopem naukowców, stąd nazwa Coronavirus.Coronavir jest szeroko rozpowszechniony w przyrodzie, a większość z nich jest nieszkodliwa. Ale COVID-19, również knonwn jako SARS-Cov-II, jest trzecim typem koronawirusa, który przynosi katastrofy człowiekowi. Pierwszy to SARS, a drugi to MERS. Starzy są głównymi ofiarami COVID-19 i umierają głównie z powodu utraty funkcji płuc i powikłań spowodowanych hipoksemią itp., Pozostawiając ludzi w pierwszej pandemii rozprzestrzenionej w XIX wieku od grypy hiszpanki 1918.Niestety, cały świat nie może zjednoczyć się w walce z COVID-19, ale jesteśmy w bagnie winy i szkód. To, co wydarzyło się od wybuchu epidemii COVID-19, było takie samo, jak przewidywano w Wydarzeniu 201 zorganizowanym przez CDC i CIA w dniu 18 października 2019 r., Rummor zdominował Internet i każdy zakątek społeczeństwa, czyniąc mało prawdopodobnym, że ludzie mogą mówić prawdę od kłamstw. Na przykład Wikipedia utworzyła nawet konto dla "dezinformacji COVID-19", które zawiera pogłoski, że "wirus wyciekł z chińskiego laboratorium", "sieć komórkowa 5G zmodyfikowała wirusa", "wirus został przywieziony przez meteoryty", "wirus wyciekł z kanadyjskiego laboratorium". W tym samym czasie padli rzecznicy Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych ChRL obwiniał badania nad bronią biologiczną i chemiczną (Fort Detrick) w USA i profesora Barica, który jest również wymieniany jako ojciec COVID-19. To dlatego liderzy i naukowcy są tak sprawni, gdy mówią o COVID-19. Jaka jest więc prawdziwa prawda? Do niedawna transakcja w ciemnej sieci wskazuje nam, że haker o pseudonimie "AngelTruMP" sprzedał bazę danych spywire "Pegasus APP" kontrolowaną przez izraelską agencję wywiadowczą w cenie dwóch bitboinów. Izrael ma za zadanie używać aplikacji do monitorowania milionów przywódców i urzędników rządowych w różnych krajach, wykorzystując iMessenging za pomocą zerowego kliknięcia. Dane sprzedawane przez "AngelTrump" były dokładnie dziennikiem wezwań amerykańskich sojuszników. Ktoś kupił bazę danych i usunął dziennik połączeń związany z rozprzestrzenianiem się COVID-19, który rejestruje szczegóły infekcji gleb federalnych i ich rodzin podczas Igrzysk w Wuhan China w październiku 2019 r., Począwszy od nazw gleb i ich nunmerów telefonicznych. Staramy się skontaktować z tymi glebami zapisanymi w bazie danych i sprawdzić objawy wymienione w dzienniku, które jednak zostały zatrzymane przez oficera wywiadu z wojsk lądowych. Widzimy, że stara się pokryć to, co zapisuje w bazie danych. Uważamy więc, że zapisy są autentyczne i przynajmniej pokazują, że wirus był w Ameryce, zanim Wuhan znalazł COVID-19, a amerykańskie gleby pojechały na siódme Igrzyska Wojskowe w CISM. Opierając się na informacjach, które już znamy, trudno jest światu uwierzyć, mimo że amerykański polityk zwrócił palce do laboratorium w Wuhan w Chinach, podobnie jak Trump, aby wirus wyciekł. Dlatego Amada Moodie, badaczKa Centrum Badań nad Bronią Masowego Rażenia w National Defense College, przeformułowała słowa w raporcie "POCHODZENIE COVID-19 I ZAPOBIEGANIE NASTĘPNEJ PANDEMII", zgodnie z którym bioasekuracja i bioasekuracja cieszą się znaczną uwagą polityków na najwyższych szczeblach organizacji międzynarodowych, ale świadomość ta niekoniecznie przekłada się na działania na poziomie krajowym w celu zarządzania ryzykiem biologicznym i zapewnić ochronę przed
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k00274147 · 3 years
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Tom Mimo also known as The Moody Mimo is a Japanese-Filipino artist based in Tokyo, Japan who specialises in digital art that mostly consist of posters and prints. He gained most his popularity from his ‘1 poster a day’ project where he created a poster piece everyday for 60 days.
I think Toms art is very unique. He uses a saturated colour palette and ensures to put his signature rosy cheeks into nearly all of his pieces. I really enjoy his style of digital art and it really inspires me to try digital art more seriously.
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almostbigsong · 3 years
2020 One Poster A Day by The Moody Mimo in 2020 | Indie art, Poster art, Psychedelic art
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Oct 15, 2020 - Graphic Art, Graphic, Zine, Visual Art, Visual, Color Contrast, Poster Art, Photo Manipulation, Layout, Graphic Layout, Webzine, Art of the Day, レイアウト, グラフイック, Design, アート, 写真, Psychedelic Art, Indie Art, Indie Artist, 60s inspired, 60s color, 60s aesthetic, イラスト, Indie Art,
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hatoyamoshimi · 1 year
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2023: One Poster A Day Project by Mimo Poster # 008 Hold Me Like A Grudge Part 1
Social Links       Art Account: @The Moody Mimo         Artist Account: @hatoyamoshimi​ 👁❤️       Shop posters: TheMoodyMimo.redbubble.com
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miagrphx · 4 years
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Acordar com mimos é tão bom. 💋 . . . #almada #moody #moodygrams #mood #instagramers #instagramhub #instamood #instapic #instacool #instaphoto #instamoment #igers #igdaily #ig_captures #igersportugal #lightroom #portugal #picoftheday #happy #cute #portuguese #buildings #colorful #photooftheday #englishbulldog #petselfie #bulldogsofig #smile #pet #cuddles (em Almada, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9TwrQ4A8Y0/?igshid=qcw8ygubjjh7
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working-warrior-ess · 5 years
I have 17 colleagues, 11 in the Sala, each one goes by a nickname:
Bath-heater, selfish and a true pain in the ass, will ground you if she can
Benjo, very charismatic, an hard worker
Gullible, the younger in the risto, makes lots of questions
Driver, an autistic boy that does his best
Surly, the headman of the restaurant, very professional, loves dark humor and to pick on people
Philippino guy, well, you guessed it, a very good pianist
Slavonia or Half-Slav, the bartender, half baldy at 21
Radler, a 45yo woman, VERY ANNOYING
Captain, the boss, hella moody
Bitch, the headwoman, pregnant and hated by e v e r y s i n g l e w a i t e r a n d c h e f
Sex-addict, which is me, it seems, 'cause I talk about sex freely
And for the kitchen we have 7 of them
Earth-worker, the headchef, comes from the lower states of our country
Shitty Slav, a lying bastard
Dwarf or Blacksmith, my D&D master
Elf or Chef, puts love is everything he cooks, food porn comes alive
Red, a communist woman with grey hair and lots of piercings
Ganja, a mari addicted guy
Mimo, OUR HONORABLE DISHWASHER GUY, always horny as hell
I can bet ya'll waiters and waitresses around the world have at least FIVE of those types of colleagues, I'd love to know which ones and if you have any other strange types at your workplace!
Edit: Red is pregnant, Surly, Slavonia, Earth-Worker, Shitty Slav, Elf and Ganja gave up the job. All of them the same month. Send help.
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sonserinasim-blog · 7 years
revenge is a dish best served cold || dwight & alastair
Dwight sempre admitiu que não passava de um rapaz mimado e mal agradecido. Gostava de admitir isso para as pessoas por dois motivos: Aquilo era parcialmente verdade e sentia pena de seus pais. Mas por que pena? Bom, apesar dos pesares(ou seja, apesar do Dwight aparentar ser um rapaz problemático, doente da cabeça, com complexos absurdos e uma mente ridiculamente inexplicável), ele apreciava o esforço dos pais em serem bons e os respeita mais do que ninguém - ou melhor, respeitava. 
Tudo começou com Bartholomeus e Adele, seus pais, que eram e ainda são um casal de aurores muito respeitados pelo mundo bruxo. Por trás de toda essa admiração eles escondem segredos. Por que será que todos vivem em uma mansão grande? A fortuna da família não tem fim? Eles nadam em mar de dinheiro? Deitam em camas de ouro? Essas perguntas circulavam na boca do povo bruxo, aqueles que desejavam eternamente terem a vida e riqueza que os Moody possuíam. Sendo Bartholomeus e Adele o mais “jovem” casal que herdara tudo isso e até hoje trabalha para aumentar o capital, passaram a ser foco dos comentários. E mais uma vez, apesar dos pesares, Dwight nunca foi uma pessoa burra. Desde criança o pequeno Moody dos olhos quase cinzas perambulava pela mansão da enorme família. Seus olhos e ouvidos estavam atentos a qualquer movimento estranho e sussurro diferente que davam achando que ninguém teria percebido. Afinal, quem iria se preocupar com uma criança que, ainda por cima, é seu filho? Aos poucos Dwight moldou sua própria personalidade e ao mesmo tempo fez com que seus pais acreditassem que era um anjo. Defendiam-o com unhas e dentes todas as vezes que Minerva mandava corujas para eles, se jogavam na frente do filho a qualquer circunstância. Dwight sempre soube que não faziam isso por ele, mas sim pela imagem que os outros teriam da criação que senhor e senhora Moody, os incríveis Bartholomeus e Adele, deram para seus filhos. 
Talvez por estarem cansados de defender uma pessoa problemática ou com medo do que os colegas da família Moody iriam pensar, Bartholomeus e Adele jogaram as cartas na mesa durante o Natal e decidiram que não aceitariam um filho daquele jeito. Era injusto, até porque Dwight sempre foi muito comparado com seu pai. Eles eram tão parecidos que as semelhanças assustavam todos que conheciam Barth desde jovem. Mas isso não vinha ao caso, a única coisa que Dwight tinha certeza naquele momento era que iria se vingar por tudo o que aconteceu durante 19 anos. Não pense que ele foi judiado. Não, não... Os Moody fizeram questão de cria-lo a base de mimos e adorações, mas sempre para mostrarem uma boa imagem aos outros. Iria se vingar pelo o que ele achava errado, por ter sido desprezado depois de tantos anos sendo diferente e uma boa pessoa dentro de casa. Foi alguém que ele não era só para agradar aqueles que chama de pai e mãe, e agora eles iam conhecer o lado de Dwight que nunca tiveram o desprazer de presenciar. 
----- Vai me ajudar nisso mesmo, Alastair? ----- Alastair era uma das poucas pessoas que Dwight confiava de verdade. Sabia que no final das contas ele não contaria nada para ninguém, principalmente as coisas que sabia sobre a própria família e atualizara o rapaz. Mesmo que quisesse se vingar, mais com uma ameaça do que algo extremamente sério, ele não queria ferrar os Moody pois acabaria ferrando a si mesmo. Era esperto de mais para isso. ----- Eu coloquei um feitiço na minha janela quando era mais novo, assim eles não conseguem perceber quando eu entro e saio por lá. ----- Apontou para a janela do seu quarto. Era difícil chegar até lá por ser um lugar alto, mas conseguiam aparatar, então não era um problema. 
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ourbadboys23me-blog · 4 years
Samsung Galaxy S8 Review: On the shoulders of giants
In the cat and mouse game between Samsung and Apple, the user is the real winner, and never has that been so apparent as with the new Samsung Galaxy S8. Undoubtedly the most eagerly-anticipated Android smartphone of 2017, the Galaxy S8 is Samsung’s first big opportunity to put the Note 7 battery debacle behind it, and instead wow consumers with its latest industrial design, services, and more. Question is, with the same camera as the old Galaxy S7, not to mention flagship feature Bixby Voice absent until later in the year, does the Galaxy S8 and its big S8+ sibling do enough today to overshadow the iPhone 8 tomorrow?
Hardware and Design
Make no mistake, Samsung has knocked it out the park, gone the distance, hit a home run, and any other sporting euphemism you’d like to level at the Galaxy S8’s design. The US may not be getting the Maple Gold and Coral Blue versions, sadly, but the moody Midnight Black more than makes up for it in my opinion. The glass front and back curve smoothly into the metal frame which runs the periphery of the handset. It feels clean and expensive, and while the Galaxy S8+ is noticeably larger, it doesn’t approach unwieldy.
They’re slim, too. The Galaxy S8 is just 68.1 mm wide, while the S8+ is 73.4mm wide. I made a lot of how easy to hold LG’s G6 was, with its unusual aspect-ratio display, but Samsung’s phone is even more hand-friendly. Its tapered edges minimize what’s already a thin device – 8.0mm for the S8, 8.1mm for the S8+. Since both phones are, aside from display size and battery size, fundamentally identical, moving forward when we refer to the S8 you can assume it holds true for the S8+ as well.
Unlike the Galaxy S7, which was offered in both regular and “edge” versions, the S8 doesn’t give you a choice of having curved AMOLED or not. Now branded “Infinity Display”, the panel extends smoothly around the left and right edges of the handset, on both the Galaxy S8 and the S8+. Combined with a black bezel top and bottom, along with curved corners, and you could almost mistake the whole fascia for being screen. Even though it’s a 5.8-inch display on the S8 and a 6.2-inch display on the S8+, the handsets themselves are impressively compact.
Some people undoubtedly prefer a flat display for day to day use, and will be annoyed by Samsung’s decision, but there’s no denying that the S8 looks incredible. Partly that’s down to moving everything possible from the front of the phone. Gone is the physical home button and its accompanying app-switcher and back keys, replaced with a pressure-sensitive strip under the bottom edge of the screen that, when you press harder, summons virtual versions of those controls.
In reality, much of the time the on-screen home button is visible anyway. It only really disappears when you’re playing a full-screen video, for instance; the rest of the time, it floats there as a discreet square. From the app switcher you can pin a section of an app to the top of the screen: Samsung calls it Snap Window, and it allows to crop a chunk of webpage, inbox, video, or something else to remain visible, and still use other apps on the rest of the display.
The Super AMOLED panel itself is, as we’ve come to expect from Samsung, a triumph. Colors, viewing angles, brightness, and outdoor visibility are superb. The panel itself ends just far enough away from the sides of the S8 so that it’s not inadvertently triggered by your grip.
Maximum resolution is 2960 x 1440, though Samsung encourages you to change that. By default it sets to 2220 x 1080, or you can optionally scale it down to 1480 x 720, the argument being that battery life could be improved if you accept a lower res. My eyes couldn’t really make out a difference between 2220 x 1080 and 2960 x 1440, but text got a little fuzzy around the edges at the lowest setting.
No matter which you pick, you’re still seeing the same amount of content on-screen. However, there are also controls for adjusting screen zoom – either small, medium, or large – and text size – through seven settings from tiny to huge – depending on how good your eyes are. There’s also the option to turn on not only a blue light filter (which, so the theory goes, reduces eye-strain) but a learning algorithm which promises to track the tweaks you make to the brightness in different settings and shape the auto-brightness to suit.
Of course, the big selling point of the Infinity Display is just how much of it you get to use when you’re watching video. It’s an odd aspect ratio – 18.5:9, in fact – which, in a similar argument to that of LG and the G6, Samsung says can be used by much more widescreen video than previous phones. Certainly, if you have 21:9 footage it doesn’t give you black bars top and bottom when you’re holding the S8 in landscape orientation. That’s assuming you have 21:9 content, though, which is slowly gaining traction but still far from the default.
My biggest complaint about Samsung’s design is the placement of the fingerprint sensor. Since the physical home button has been replaced by a virtual version, Samsung opted to put the biometric sensor it once contained on the back instead. Unfortunately it’s in a less-than-convenient spot.
Positioned right next to the rear camera, and with only a very small ridge to help your fingertip locate it, it’s all too easy to jab at the camera lens instead. Even when you do find it – which can be a stretch on the Galaxy S8+’s longer body – you have to make sure your finger is flat across the sensor. Otherwise, you get an error message about a partial print.
You can, of course, opt for iris recognition if the fingerprint system is too frustrating – there’s also facial recognition, though Samsung admits it’s not especially secure and can be fooled with a photo – though Samsung could’ve readily addressed it simply by moving the sensor down a little, to where its own logo is on the back. Even so, that wouldn’t have solved my other complaint, which is that you can’t just jab at the front of the phone to unlock it with one tap while it’s lying on a desk or nightstand. All too frequently I gave up and punched in my PIN instead.
Inside, Samsung uses either its own Exynos 8895 or Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 835; both are 10nm octacores, and indeed both are made by Samsung itself. In the US, you get the Snapdragon, along with 4GB of LPDDR4 memory and 64GB of internal storage. There’s a microSD card on the top edge, to expand that.
Connectivity includes LTE Cat 16, WiFi a/b/g/n/ac (2.4/5GHz) with MU-MIMO support, Bluetooth 5.0, ANT+, NFC, and GPS (along with Galileo, Glonass, and BeiDou). Alongside the USB Type-C port on the bottom is a 3.5mm headphone jack. Samsung includes AKG-tuned headphones in the box, though there’s also Bluetooth Dual Audio support so that two sets of wireless headphones can be used with the S8 simultaneously.
As with 2016’s flagships, Samsung has sensibly opted to make the Galaxy S8 water and dust resistant. It’s IP68 compliant, which means it’ll handle up to 1.5m of freshwater for up to thirty minutes. If you’ve ever dropped your phone in a puddle then you’ll know how much of a lifesaver this can be; even if you haven’t, the ability to rinse the S8 under a tap means keeping its glass body free of fingerprints and smudges is a whole lot easier.
Software and Performance
Out of the box, the Galaxy S8 runs Android 7.0 Nougat with the April 1, 2017 security patch and Samsung Experience v8.1. Obviously I’d prefer to see Android 7.1 as is available on Google’s own Pixel right now, though the release of the Google Assistant to earlier versions of the OS means the most notable difference between 7.0 and 7.1 is no longer an issue. This particular S8 review unit is a T-Mobile version, and as such gets a few preloaded apps of the carrier’s own: Device Unlock, the T-Mobile manager, Name ID, T-Mobile TV, and Visual Voicemail.
Samsung may no longer call it TouchWiz, but its customized interface certainly traces its roots back to that love-it-or-hate-it UI. For the S8, Samsung has made the “edge” shortcut bar, which is swiped in from the side of the display, standard now. You can flick between an app launcher, contacts shortcuts, and Smart Select screenshot tool as standard. Dig into the settings, however, and you can add a useful Clipboard edge, which keeps a list of previously copied items, a Reminder edge, Tasks edge, Weather bar, Quick Tools, Calendar, Music controls bar, and more. There are a few dozen more – either free or paid – in the Samsung store.
Some of the apps are new with the S8. Samsung Connect promises to be the hub of your connected home, putting networked devices – whether Samsung’s own high-end refrigerators, freezers, or TVs, or third-party products like Sonos speakers and connected thermostats – in a single place for easier control. You can operate them individually or group different actions together into custom modes, such as turning everything off when you leave the house.
The reality hasn’t proved to be quite the tame smart home I was hoping for. A set of Sonos speakers showed up and were readily added to my devices list, but I could only make selections from Samsung’s own Music app; it wasn’t even possible to pause the Spotify playback I’d started from another device. My Philips Hue lights didn’t show up at all.
Using Samsung’s own devices proved more successful. One of the company’s connected TVs, for instance, populated the app with channel and volume controls. I was also able to stream video I’d recorded with the S8 directly to the set, without the hassle of setting up WiFi Direct.
Unfortunately, one of the accessories I’m most curious about trying wasn’t supplied. The Samsung DeX dock promises the “Desktop Experience” of a PC, turning the S8 into a full computer with the connection of an HDMI display and a regular keyboard and mouse. No, you won’t be able to do everything a full Windows or macOS machine might, but a combination of webapps and key titles like Microsoft Office with specially-crafted desktop UIs could certainly replicate the Chromebook experience.
I’ll review how realistic that is when I get my hands on a DeX dock. However, I’ve few doubts that the S8 can keep up. Everyday performance has been excellent, with no noticeable lag or stuttering, even when dealing with heavy webpages.
Samsung Bixby
Apple has Siri, Google has its Assistant, Microsoft has Cortana, and now Samsung has Bixby. The fruits of its Viv acquisition, Bixby promises not only a way to check weather forecasts, send messages, and get directions all by voice, but effectively do anything on the phone that you’d normally have to tap and swipe to achieve. Throw in object/landmark recognition, a new homecreen with customized cards of user-personalized information, and location/time-based reminders, and you’ve an assistant that could eclipse either of its better-known rivals.
Sadly Bixby’s announcement and the Galaxy S8’s implementation don’t deliver quite the same thing. The jewel in the crown, Bixby Voice, simply isn’t available at launch. In fact, according to Samsung it’ll come later in the year.
What you get is Bixby Vision, Bixby Home, and Bixby Reminder. Of the three, Bixby Vision probably has the greatest wow-factor: it’s basically Google Goggles, mixed with Amazon’s visual search, and Google Translate, all in a single interface. For instance, you can show Bixby Vision a product – like a bottle of wine – and it will tell you about that wine from Vivino’s database.
Products, meanwhile, get linked straight to their Amazon pages. How accurate the search results are depends on how distinctive the packaging is, I found: Bixby could get confused by exactly which model it was seeing. Translation works more consistently, with the ability to snap a photo of a page of text – such as on a restaurant menu – and convert it into other languages.
Bixby Home, meanwhile, is a new homescreen pane. Swipe all the way across to the left, and you’ll find custom cards for your upcoming schedule, recent messages, news Bixby believes you’ll be interested in, trending topics from Facebook, and recent additions to your gallery. The promise is that, over time, the assistant will observe how and where you use your phone and further customize what shows up, though I’ve not really noticed much personalization in my relatively short time with the S8.
Finally, Bixby Reminder is a task system. You can create new reminders for photos, webpages, or other information; build to-do lists; and set alarms for events. Those alarms could be at a certain time, or when arrive at or depart from a certain place. Upcoming reminders show up in your Bixby Home stream. It’s useful, but it’s not anything many other Android task apps can already do.
Indeed, while all of the current features work, they don’t quite warrant a dedicated Bixby button right now. I can understand Samsung wanting to put a physical shortcut to its headline service on the S8, but the fact that not only is that service not available, but you can’t reassign it to something else, undermines that. Initially it looked like third-party apps would be able to reassign the Bixby button to trigger something else, but Samsung appears to have closed that loophole too.
Did Samsung play it safe with the Galaxy S8’s camera? On the face of it, using the same 12-megapixel Dual Pixel setup as the Note 7 and Galaxy S7 before it could be seen as treading water. While LG’s G6 and the iPhone 7 Plus are doing interesting things with twin cameras, Samsung’s approach almost seems old-school.
If there’s one thing that’s become clear over the past couple of years of smartphone camera design, though, it’s that there’s much more to getting a good photo from your phone than specs on paper. Starting from an excellent sensor on the S8 is no bad thing, and Samsung’s refined software and algorithms coax even better images and video from its new flagship.
The results are certainly the equal of what you’ll get from an iPhone 7, and I prefer them to the photos from LG’s G6, too. Colors are accurate and don’t stray too far into the over-saturation that earlier Galaxy phones sometimes suffered. Low-light performance is generally impressive, too, with plenty of detail, showing a broad dynamic range.
The camera app itself has some clever touches and a couple of annoyances. The default view is the fully-automatic mode; sliding your finger up and down the shutter button controls zoom. Swipe across and you get a menu of other modes: Pro, with manual controls for exposure, ISO, and other settings; Panorama; slow-motion; Hyperlapse; Food, which puts a circular frame of focus around your plate; Virtual Shot, for shooting 3D objects; and Selective Focus.
The latter does a surprisingly good job of picking out a subject and blurring its surroundings, even if can’t call upon the help of a second lens as the iPhone 7 Plus’ Portrait Mode uses. Meanwhile, if you’re signed into your Samsung account there are several extra camera modes you can download. That includes an Animated GIF maker, Sports Shot, Dual Camera, the vaguely creepy Beauty Face, and Rear-cam Selfie.
If there’s a frustration, it’s that some of the various swipes and taps can get confusing. Miss the brightness slider by a half-fingertip’s width and you find you’ve swiped up or down to switch between the front and rear cameras, for instance. Hold a finger down a little too long, and you can inadvertently break out the separate autofocus and autoexposure reticles.
At least the whole thing is whippet-fast. Double-tapping the power button opens the camera app, even if the S8 is locked; that takes a split-second, as does snapping an image or hitting the video record button. It’s worth noting that, by default, Samsung wants to upload your photos and videos to its own cloud backup service, though it’s an easy thing to switch off.
Somehow Samsung has finessed a 3,000 mAh battery into the skinny body of the Galaxy S8, and an even larger 3,500 mAh battery into the Galaxy S8+. The official runtime estimates are top to 20 hours of talktime on the S8, up to 16 hours of video, up to 14 hours of WiFi browsing, or up to 12 hours of LTE browsing. Those numbers increase to 24 hours of talktime with the S8+, up to 18 hours of video, and up to 15 hours of WiFi or LTE browsing.
In reality, with mixed use, the S8 lasted me a solid day. Obviously individual usage patterns vary from person to person, and I’ve no doubt you could stretch out into a second day with a little care (and maybe lowering the screen resolution too). It’s still early days in our battery testing with both the S8 and S8+, so we’ll update with more feedback as things level out.
As before, there are several ways to recharge. A 2A travel charger is included in the box, along with a USB to USB-C cable. Samsung also bundles a Type-C to USB adapter and a Type-C to microUSB adapter, which are welcome. With a Fast Charging compliant power supply a full charge should take about an hour and a half.
There’s also wireless charging support, including the latest generation of fast wireless pads. The S8 will work with both Qi and PMA wireless chargers, so either you have already – or find built into the table at Starbucks – will play nicely. However, Samsung has its own new fast wireless charger which can flip between a flat pad or an upright dock.
Samsung Gear VR with Controller
Aside from the DeX dock and the new fast wireless charger, Samsung’s other big accessory for the Galaxy S8 is an updated Gear VR with an Oculus-powered controller. Like Google’s Daydream, the small handset tracks 3DoF movement in a VR environment when you slot your S8 into the bay at the front. A circular trackpad on the top effectively replicates the touchpad on the side of the headset previously used for navigation.
Not every game, app, and virtual reality experience is updated to support the new controller. Those that are, however, gain a new degree of interactivity: there’s nothing quite like gesturing your way through a game or 3D environment. Those who already have a Gear VR can pick up the controller separately, meanwhile, at $39.99.
There had been suspicions that the fallout from the Note 7 battery fiasco might sour would-be Galaxy S8 buyers. Based on the degree of pre-launch excitement, however, those fears seem to have been unfounded. Whether it’s the safety promise implicit in Samsung’s new 8-point battery check, or simply a sign of our general appetite for the latest, greatest, and shiniest gadgets, it suggests neither apathy nor explosion anxiety will do much to dampen sales.
It’s helped by the fact that the Galaxy S8 is a tremendously good phone. Samsung has wrapped the latest hardware in a sleek, premium-feeling design that, with its curved touchscreen and waif-like bezels, leaves the iPhone 7 feeling chunky and a little tired. The reappearance of Samsung’s Dual Pixel camera only serves to underscore how ahead of the game the same sensor was last year.
Questions remain, though. Bixby in its current form is a faint outline of its overall potential: Bixby Voice could be an epic leap ahead of what Siri and the Google Assistant offer, but we won’t know for sure until it rolls out later this year. Similarly, the DeX dock and Samsung’s attempt to condense a desktop PC into a phone form-factor is ambitious and intriguing, but for now it’s hard to say whether the reality lives up to the promise.
Happily, neither of those big questions undermine what is, essentially, an excellent device. The Galaxy S8 is easily the best Android smartphone on the market today, and in several ways it ousts the iPhone 7 too. Samsung’s real battle will come with the arrival of the new iPhone 8 later this year, mind, and until we see just what Cupertino has been working on, all bets are off. At the very least, Samsung has set its highest bar yet for its arch rivals, and I couldn’t fault you if you weren’t able to wait it out.
Vincent Nguyen contributed to this review
There are many more Galaxy S8 and S8+ photos, plus camera samples, and comparisons with the iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, Pixel XL, Huawei P10 Plus, and LG G6 in the gallery below!
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universallyladybear · 5 years
De la banque et de la formation en ligne x choissisez une categorie actualitésactualités des formationsevenementsiae dans la formation à paris et praticiens intervenant dans la presse dans le…
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Formation Dans La Finance De la banque et de la formation en ligne x choissisez une categorie actualitésactualités des formationsevenementsiae dans la formation à paris et praticiens intervenant dans la presse dans le...
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kt-note · 5 years
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