#the movie was Smile btw it was v good except the ending was a let down
I went to see a horror movie today, and one of the jumpscares hit so different that I think I pulled a muscle in my shoulder or chest or back?? It’s hard to describe exactly where the pain is. In the moment it felt like my heart was being squeezed, the way it does when I have panic attacks but like 100% worse and it only lasted a second. But throughout the rest of the day I haven’t been able to turn my head fully to either side or move my left arm much without my shoulder area convulsing and my heart feeling like it’s being squeezed again.
It’s probably nothing but I’m ✨paranoid✨ and don’t want y’all to have no closure about my fics if I die or something lol.
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b3llb00 · 10 months
" We Pull The Tail, Now We See Who Bites. "
Robin of Loxley/ The Hood X Fem!reader.
Summary: Robin got injured during a chase to get some coins for the commoners, so Y/N offers to heal his wounds if she gets something else in return from him. ;)
A/N: I need to stop watching this movie, I’m obsessed and it’s gotten the better of me.
Contains: Kissing, 50% dom/sub reader and 50% dom/sub Rob, mentions of sex, injuries. [WILL INCLUDE: Smut, Unprotected Sex (Use Protection, Yall.) P In V, Oral (Male/Fem. Receiving) , Fingering, Creampie, Multiple Rounds. Mild Dirty Talk.]
(Btw sorry if this picture is bad, just ignore John and pretend it's you lol.)
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»»———- 🏹 ———-««
You are setting up traps for Robin to shoot at later, when all of a sudden you hear a loud, groan from him coming upstairs, making a shiver run down your spine. When Robin was back in Arabia and you had to fight him, you ended up sparing his life, but your mercy to him didn’t do much as you still got captured and was set sail in a boat with him for 3 weeks. Surprisingly, you too starting talking and some would even call you " friends " .
You decide to go upstairs to see what Rob was groaning about, and there you saw him, shirtless, his toned torso on display. In nothing but his pants with a wet, bloody rag resting on his massive thigh where he been impaled. You had to close your eyes for a second, trying to push the weird desire you had for him to the back of your mind.
I wasn’t joking when I said the treasury itself was a hard target. You say, slowly walking toward him, this made him look up from his leg to look at you. He decides to ignore your statement and press his rag into his thigh further, making him hiss through gritted teeth. You decide to go grab your medical supplies you used whenever you two got hurt. You always had wanted to be a nurse, but ever since the Sherif of Nottingham drafted you, things changed. But I guess it’s pretty useful to know how to properly treat somebody’s wounds.
Hey! You heard Rob say from across the room, Where are you goin-
I'm getting my medical supplies, dumbass. You say back with a bit of an attitude, not wanting to be told where you’re going or what you’re doing when all you trying to do is help. Oh, sorry, love. Carry on. He said, making you turn your head to see a light smile adorning his features.
As much as you sometimes hated Robin's attitude and sarcasm, you just can’t help yourself to be mad at him. It’s almost like you're drawn under a spell that will keep you from ever getting into any sort of confrontation.
You finally got all your medical supplies and you headed to the small table that he sat in on. Letting the supplies fall from your hands, you organized it quickly, while Rob eyed you carefully the whole time.
Once you got everything ready and set up the way you wanted it, you took one more look at his thigh. ' Shit. ' You thought, his cut is too deep to get a good look at what’s going on, so you’re gonna have to find a way to ask him to take his pants off.
The cuts- uhm. You stutter, Your gonna have to take your pants off if you want me to get a good look at it and fix it.
You were looking everywhere except his face, not wanting him to see your blush-coated cheeks. Even though you weren’t looking at him, you could still feel his gaze burning a hole into the side of your head.
Just the pants or the braies too, love.? He winked at you, causing you to basically turn into putty right in front of him. (Keep in mind they didn’t really have ' boxers ' in medieval England, but they did have what were called braies. They were basically the same thing.)
You decided to try and flirt back to the best of your abilities by saying. Well, first, take your pants off, and then I’ll tell you.
This earned you a chuckle from the handsome man as he threw the bloody rag to the side and very carefully came up from his spot on the table, you watched him intently as you noticed some of the blood continued to trickle down his clothed thigh. He didn’t seem to care, he kept eye contact with you the whole time as he slowly took his pants off. To be honest it felt like an entity had passed when his pants finally hit the floor, and you weren’t disappointed, let’s just say that.. there was definitely a buldge hidden underneath the fabric of his braies, and you could actually see it growing..
You could practically hear Robin’s smirk as he called out to you, his voice low and teasing. Hey, my eyes are up here, love..
You immediately snap your gaze back up to his face, and he just has an amused expression painted all over his features. You could feel the heat start to radiate off your cheeks and your heartbeat start to pick up as you mumble out defensively. Yeah, yeah, I know.. You close your eyes for a second, trying to recompose yourself.
He takes a step forward, biting his lip to hold back a groan from the wave of pain that just shot up his leg. He cocks an eyebrow and says in a lower octave. You sure about that?
[I am currently editing this, and right here is my stopping point. If the story shifts or changes I’m sorry, I will fix it soon.]
" Hmm. If I fix up your thigh, will you give me a kiss? " You say before continuing, " I’ve always wondered if your a good kisser or not. "
He let out a small chuckle when his eyes kept flicking down to your lips. Then he finally spoke up and said, " Sure, love. " You blushed at the pet name. " Maybe I’ll give you something more than just a kiss. " He winked, making you roll your eyes at his audacity to be this flirty when he’s impaled.
" Fine, let me get my stuff.. " You say, heading away to get your medical supplies while Rob just watch you leave with a smile on his lips.
" Mkay, done. " You say as you wrap up his leg and stand up straight, pretty of yourself.
" Well, here’s the kiss that you wanted. " He said as he grabbed your arms, lightly pulling you in before his lips collided with yours.
It feels amazing, and you wanted to be immersed in this feeling forever. You didn’t know what to do, but you were able to make room by spreading his thighs wider so you get closer to him, which made him moan into your mouth. You smiled into the kiss, knowing it could be any moment when John could walk upstairs and see you two start to make out like teenagers, you didn’t care. You just wanted to feel Rob, you wanted his weight on top of you, you wanted him to pin you against the wall and fuck you till your legs went numb and you were cockdrunk.
He wrapped his muscular arms around your waist, pulling you closer and you felt his buldge in his pants grow. You let go of his lips for air and you almost whined at the loss of contact.
" Sorry, love. I don’t want us to get caught. " Rob said with a frown. You cupped his cheek with your hand and kiss him again softly before saying. " It’s fine, we can continue later. "
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bphantom01 · 1 year
ARC V MONTH DAY 2 - Kahyoreigetsu
A/N: Uhh this is so very late and rather rushed, but here’s my take on @arcvmonth day 2 - a fanfic of the girls having a sleepover of sorts. This is at least a 15 min read btw.
Pairs: Anything between the girls is platonic.
Warnings: None. Expect some OOCness & ridiculous moments.
It's been a year since the war ended. Even better, a week ago, Yuzu, together with Yuya, were separated from their counterparts.
It would've been terrible if they weren't…
Anyway, tonight, Yuzu invited Serena and Rin for a sleepover at her and Ruri’s room.
Since after the war, that's where all the other three lived, as they—-together with Shun—were adopted by Shuzo with Yuzu and Ruri sharing a room and Rin and Serena sharing another.
As for Shun, they made a whole place for him in part of the attic upstairs, amd he was fine that way. 
Anyway, back with the girls, Yuzu, had already planned everything that she wanted to do with them for the night: play board games, video games too maybe, duel, watch a movie…
She could tell that it was gonna be a fun night
“So Yuzu, what're we doin’ first?” Rin asked, biting into a chip.
All four were gathered on two large shikibutons that were spread over the floor, which was also where Rin and Serena would each sleep later.
“Rin, stop eating on the bed; it might attract ants,” Serena muttered as she had a  table duel with Ruri.
And by the look on her face, it was getting intense.
…also that she was losing.
“I'll make sure not to leave any crumbs, so don't worry.”
“Alright, then.” Serena went back to focus on her duel.
“Well, Rin,” Yuzu finally said, rummaging through her shelf, “we'll first be playing something…”
She pulled out a small cardboard box which, as soon as it hit the ground, made a sound that came when wooden bricks hit each other.
“Jenga!” Yuzu went on.
“Ooh, I've heard of it but have never played it before, so I'm totes down,” Rin uttered, taking another chip.
“I won, again!” Ruri declared cheerfully while Serena pouted; she lost a good three times to Ruri now. “Yuzu, I'm in too, by the way.”
“Sure, but what about her?” Yuzu asked, motioning to Serena.
Ruri sighed. “She's a bit… Salty right now, so I'm not su—”
“I'm joining!” Serena announced suddenly. “And I'm not losing to anybody.”
“Well, okay then. Just let me set the tower up…” Yuzu sighed.
She opened the top of the box and placed her hand on it to prevent it from falling when she flipped the whole thing upside-down and placed the thing onto the table before she took her hand off and gently removed the box after. 
“First time I've seen anyone do that,” Ruri complimented, nodding.
“It's easier and more convenient this way,” Yuzu explained. “Also, before we start… The person who loses to this will have,” she smiled, “consequences.”
“Tell!” Rin prompted, moving closer to the group.
“The loser… They'll need to perform a prank call,” the former finished.
“Then I'm game! I'm sure I won't lose this time!” Serena assured.
Rin and Ruri agreed as well.
Yuzu nodded. “Alright, then! Let's start… We'll do this in rotation. Since I set it up, I'm going first, then Serena because she's at my right, then Rin, and last, Ruri, before me again.”
She went on, “Of course, the rules are pretty basic: take a block from anywhere in the tower—except the top, of course—and place said block on the top, and be sure to turn it 90 degrees from the block from the bottom of it. BUT whoever lets the tower fall loses. Anyway, let's begin!”
Yuzu started by tapping on a block at the center of two others softly. Sensing that it was loose, she gently pressed it out to the other side and placed the block at the top.
“See that? It's easy. But, remember, the loser—or the one who makes the tower fall over—will have to prank call someone.”
The other three nodded, and the game officially began.
It started off as quite a friendly game, taking and placing the blocks of wood and exchanging turns…
Until literally just about four minutes later.
The whole thing was almost a skeleton now, and it looked as if it was about to fall any time.
The whole room was quiet, save the sound of the air rushing from the AC.
And the tense atmosphere made the room feel even more chilly than it was.
It was now Ruri’s turn, and poor she was the first to witness what people would do to win Jenga.
She was lightly tapping on a loose block at the bottom when Serena went, “Oh. Oh. Oh. It's so gonna fall.”
“Stop it,” Ruri scolded, very gently trying to take the block off.
“Boo!” Rin yelled, making Rin almost stumble her hand. “Ack!”
And the tower…
Ruri held her breath,
Yuzu froze—literally,
The skeleton of wooden blocks stood very, very still.
Ruri gasped a breath of relief, and with a swift pull, she got the block needed out.
Now, the only thing she had to do was place it on top.
She gulped; she thought it was over, but then there was still that.
So, with utmost care, she placed the block gently.
The tower didn't fall.
“Woo!” Ruri yelled, taking in the sweet breath of relief once again.
“Nice one, Ruri!” Yuzu yelled, raising her hand and hitting a block from the tower.
They immediately shut up, and Serena yelled, “Timbre!”
“Oh, come o—” Yuzu complained as the tower fell.
“Yuzu lost, Ruri won,” Rin concluded. “And, Yuzu, as you said: prank call.”
Yuzu groaned. She just HAD to mess that up. “Alright, fine… who should I call?”
“Hm… Yuya,” Serena stated bluntly.
“…what? No,” Yuzu protested. “Plus, he knows my voice.”
“Ah, but he won't!” Rin said. “Here's a voice changing device. As its name suggests, it will change your voice.”
Yuzu sighed. It was… Ironic that she had to suffer the consequence of something she started. “You sure it'll work?”
“Yep! Yugo and I have used it before, so don't worry,” Rin assured.
“Okay, here I go, I guess.” Yuzu took Ruri’s duel disk—the one she originally had in Xyz, not the Fusion one—and plugged the device in, as that was one disk whose number Yuya didn't yet know.
After that, she went on and typed his number, which was followed by a ring.
Not long after, he answered. “Hello, this is Yuya Sakaki. Who's this?”
Yuzu thought of what to say. Hm… Maybe she should act as if someone was kidnapped.
So, with the mic, she started. “Good evening, Yuya. We've called to inform you that we have someone you care for with us. We've kidnapped Yuzu Hiiragi and taken her hostage.”
“Wait, what!? What proof do you have?”
Yuzu put the mic down and, while covering her own mouth to muffle her voice, screamed, “Yuya! Help me, Yuya!”
Beside her, two of other girls giggled silently, while Ruri was contemplating on whether this was a good idea or not.
“Yuzu! Oh, come on! Again…” They heard Yuya sigh. “Okay, then, what do you want?” They heard him get off his bed.
Yuzu picked the mic up. “Well, a bargain, of course. 5 million yen in exchange for Yuzu—”
She and her sisters shut up when they heard Yuya saying quietly, to whom they guessed is Yugo beside him, “Yugo! Can you track this number?”
Oh no. They forgot that all the Yu’s are currently sharing a room.
“Rin! Can you do something about that?” Yuzu asked in a whisper.
“Oh, yes, but it will… Take a while—hacking is not as easy as they make it in TV.” Rin got up to take a laptop from her and Serena's room.
(A/N: i only have very lil idea of how hacking works so this is… Random.)
She got back and opened her makeshift computer. “Alright. I should be good in a few, as both Yugo and I have done this kind of thing before.”
Yuzu nodded and, taking the mic, went on with the call. “Oh, by the way, we have Ruri, too!”
Ruri followed what Yuzu did earlier to muffler her voice with her hands and said, “Yuto! Are you there!? Yuya, please, call Yuto!”
From the other side of the call, Yuto got up from his place on a couch, yelling, “Ruri!?”
And, in the attic where Shun resided, he jumped out of his bed, ran off the ladder, and slammed the door to Ruri and Yuzu’s room open. “RURI! Are you alright!?”
The girls were surprised at the sudden intrusion and they all gasped. Yuzu had to put the call on hold.
“Oh Ra… Nii-san! You scared us,” Ruri exclaimed. “Yes, I'm all right. We were just prank-calling Yuya, which ended up pranking Yuto and Yugo, too.”
“Oh.” Shun actually felt… Embarrassed. “Sorry, then. Do your best with pranking Yuto.”
“We will,” Ruri assured.
“Yuzu’s pretty good, to be honest,” Serena commented, pointing to her.
“Yeah. The guys actually seem like they were falling for it,” Rin laughed, typing on her keyboard.
“Hey, you know, mind if I join?” Shun asked. “I'm gonna be fun, promise.”
“Well,” Yuzu began, “It's a b-girls-only sleepover—”
“So, I'm sorry, Shun,” Ruri interrupted. “Maybe next time?” she suggested, getting up and closing the door slowly.
“Oh, come on, please…?” Shun continued, begging. “Sigh, never mind, then. But I better be included next time!”
“Maybe!” Ruri said, finally closing the door.
“We almost got caught,” Yuzu sighed. “But it's fine. I'm gonna call them again.”
And it went on.
In the Yu’s house, the boys, excluding Yuri, were now thinking of ways of how to get the girls back.
Then, Yuto noticed something. “Wait…” he muttered, leaning closer to the screen of Yuya’s disk.
The number, it was…
It was Ruri’s!
It was possible that the “kidnappers” were using her disk, but there's also another possibility of…
“I don't know who this is,” he said into the disk, “but… Ruri, please be honest, are you… Prank calling us?”
The girls were silent. But Yuzu thought to just end their suffering. Sighing, she spoke without the voice changer. “I've had my fun so—this is Yuzu, by the way—yes. It's a prank, don't worry.”
They heard Yuya and Yuto sigh happily on the other end.
Rin then went on to explain to Yugo how she made a program to prevent him from tracking them as well as giving Yuzu the voice-changing device, which resulted in the guy giving compliment after compliment about how great Rin was.
This lasted a few minutes until she found a way to make Yugo stop and end their call ultimately.
“Okay, what do you all think we should do next?” Yuzu asked. “Hmm… Serena, what do you sugge—”
“She got interrupted by a pillow to her face.
“Pillow fiiight!” Serena screamed, tossing more pillows to Rin and Ruri.
“Hey—! Of course…”
For the next thirty minutes, they had a pillow fight.
At some point, allegiances were formed: Fusion and Standard, Synchro and Xyz; alternatively, youngest siblings vs. older siblings. (In order of eldest to youngest w/ the girls only: Ruri, Rin, Serena, Yuzu.)
The Rs (Imma call em that) had the upper hand, as they found some old toy guns from Yuzu's closet and were using those to their advantage.
“That's cheating!” Serena growled, her bandana now tied onto her head like she was some rebel.
“And we'll admit it!” Rin smiled, firing another dart in their direction.
“Here, Rin, a bullet.” They heard Ruri say, and saw Ruri giving Rin another dart.
It wasn't fair anymore. Ruri and Rin made use of the shikibutons and pillows, making some fort sort of thing, while Yuzu and Serena only had the beds.
“Hey… Yuzu, let's make use of the blankets!”
“Good idea.”
They lifted the blankets to their front and began to walk to the other two.
Ruri and Rin’s bullets had no effect anymore, and when Yuzu and Serena were close enough, they put the blanket down and slammed pillows onto the others’ faces, but they did it too hard and they fell.
“Okay, you win! I can't breathe!”
“We give!”
“Haha! It worked!” Serena said proudly and let Rin go.
Yuzu also stopped pushing the pillow to Ruri’s face. “Hah…”
They both fell to the ground.
All four were a bit sweaty now, and they decided to do something less rough: play “Truth or Dare”.
“Nah, shit, anything but that,” Serena grumbled.
“We will play and so will you,” Ruri chastised.
“Fine, then.”
Yuzu stepped up. “I'll ask first.”
The other three nodded.
“Hmm…” she eyed the three in front of her. “Rin! Truth or dare?”
“Uhm, truth?”
“Alright, do you like Yugo?”
“WHAT!? Oh, come on! Dare, dare!”
“You chose Truth, though,” Ruri brought up.
“I know,” Rin growled. “So please stop adding fuel to my burning fire.”
Yuzu grinned. “Alright then. I… DARE YOU TO TELL US HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YUGO!”
Rin pouted. “Sigh. Okay, he’s… He's nice.”
“Go on.”
“And, well-he’s cute too, I guess, especially when he just-just begs me to let him do something stupid and makes those adorable blue puppy-dog eyes. Yeah.” She put a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. “I… Like him, I guess.”
“And she admits!” Serena exclaimed.
“Geez, I do! And you're fuckin’ next.” She glared at Serena.
Said girl instantly shut up.
“Serena,” Rin began, “Truth,” she smirked, “or… Dare?”
Serena was in a pickle right now. She knew both choices were not good… And no doubt it would be something about making her kiss Yuri the next day or the like.
“Uh… Pass.”
“Nah-uh. No passes in this game.”
“Please! I'll do all your chores for a week!”
“TRUTH, OR DARE!?” Rin repeated.
“Dare!” Serena finally said cowardly. Rin was much too persuasive for her.
“Alright, I dare you to… Tell us if you have any feelings toward Yuri!!” Run cackled.
“Just the second round and it's already intense,” Ruri sighed. “Should we stop them?”
“Nah,” Yuzu said, eating some chips.
“NO! FUCK NO! ANYTHING BUT THAT…!” Serena begged. “Seriously! Why is it always the boys…?”
“Ugh, you know what? Fine.” Rin thought of something else. “I dare you to… hm… dab for 3 minutes.”
Serena looked at her boredly. “You’re kidding.”
With a sigh, Serena got up and surprisingly dabbed way cooler than they expected.
“Oh, wow, not too shabby,” Yuzu commented.
After the three minutes ended, Serena sat down. That somehow still felt embarrassing even if it was just the three other girls
She then looked at the two who still weren’t asked yet: Ruri and Yuzu.
Ruri looked eager to be next, while Yuzu, noticing Serena was looking towards her direction, looked away.
“Fine, Ruri. Tru—”
“TRUTH!” the aforementioned girl yelled without hesitation.
Serena was shocked at that. “Uhm, okay. Have you and Yuto ever made out?”
Ruri shot a glare at her, making her sit straight. “Yes.”
“Woah,” the other three said in sync.
She was then bombarded with questions like: “When?” “How?” “Does Shun know??” and “What does it feel liiikke?”
“Okay, stop! I was only dared to answer that specific question, so I’m not answering any more,” Ruri said calmly.
At that, the questions stopped to a halt.
“Anyways, Yuzu! You’re the only one left.”
“Sigh, it’s fine. I knew it was bound to happen.” She shrugged.
“Yeah,” Ruri nodded, “now, truth or dare?”
“Dare.” Yuzu sat straight. “Alright, go ahead now! I’m ready for anything!”
Ruri thought for a while.
“Ah! Call the last person you texted, and only bark at the phone!”
Yuzu gaped, then she accepted her fate with a face-palm. “Augh, fine…”
She went on to check her messages.
Of course, the last person was… Yuya.
‘This is gonna be crazy,’ she thought before pressing the call button.
At last, Yuya answered, and everyone else was silent. “Hey, Yuzu. What’s up? Enjoying your sleepover?”
“...woof, ruff.” She-she just wanted to melt into a pool of liquid right now. She facepalmed.
“Bark bark, borf.”
“Yuzu, what’s wrong? Why are you barking?”
“Arf arf! Bark woof bark.” She felt like she sounded like a damn chihuahua at the first part.
Eyeing the others, Rin looked like she was gonna burst any minute, and to stop herself, she buried her face into a pillow.
And as laughing was psychologically contagious, Yuzu had to breathe hard so as not to burst out herself.
“Yuzu, what's going on!?”
“WO-HOOEEERFFFFF, ppffffft…” She had to look away and cover her eyes. “Pfffffvvvvt—!”
Ruri looked like she was gonna die. Tears caused by laughter dropped from her face, and she literally just fell to the floor laughing while covering her mouth.
Serena, meanwhile, did not really get what was happening and just sat there at the side silently.
“Yuzu, you were dared, weren’t you?” Yuya guessed.
Everyone fell quiet.
“Might as well bark too! Woof worf, amirite?”
“It’s off! The dare is off…!” Ruri yelled in laughter. “Oh, dear Ra…”
“Y-y-yeah, I was dared,” Yuzu revealed. “It was actually fun, though.”
“I knew it, haha! Why always me though…”
“Mhm. You guessed it right. And maybe it's ‘cause you're special,” Yuzu said, giggling.
“Alright now, that's enough before you both flirt,” Ruri said.
“Oh, right. Bye, Yuya!”
“Night, Yuzu~!”
“Aaand that's enough,” Ruri warned, even if her face looked kind.
“Okay, sheesh…” Yuzu ended the call.
After a while, the girls finally decided to go to watch a movie to help sleep.
Three of 'em were now watching as a pack of microwavable popcorn rotated in the microwave, as well as listening to the satisfactory sound of the corn popping in it.
“Movies aren’t the same without popcorn,” Yuzu muttered.
“I agree,” Serena added. “And cheese flavor is best.”
“Girls, you don’t have to stare at it the whole time,” Ruri said.
“But we have to!” Yuzu insisted. “Plus, it’s better this way.”
“Sigh, fine…” Ruri walked back to the room.
When she got there, she saw Rin going through some movie recommendations in a browser.
“What're we gonna watch?” Ruri asked, sitting down beside her. “Also, you can't exactly find everything in like Netflix only, so I don't recommend looking for stuff from random places.”
“Oh no, it's fine. We'll be watching… Illegally, from those pirating sites throughout the web. And don't worry, we won't be tracked—I'll make sure of that.”
Ruri nodded. She wouldn't normally be fine with anything that mentions "illegal," but for now, she won't mind.
“The other two still downstairs?” Rin asked.
“Yeah… For some reason, they are very fascinated by rotating microwave popcorn,” Ruri stated, amused.
The door slammed open. “Guys! It's finally done!” Yuzu declared, a bowl of popcorn in her hands and Serena beside her with some juice boxes and cans of soda.
They then spent the next almost two hours watching “Puss in Boots: The Last Wish”, for some reason.
The night then went on well for the girls.
Though, after the movie, there was an instance of a not-so-friendly tag duel (on a table, not with their disks) which somehow ended in some Uno match…
But alas, it ended way better than Yuzu expected it to, and she was happy to know that the girls were as well, and especially that they all had a blast.
Now, while hoping none of the others were gonna draw on their faces (they may be girls, but they're still quite the unpredictable bunch, especially Ruri—they never let her kindness fool them), they had to go and rest through sleep and get ready for what the next day may bring.
A/N: I may or my not post this on ao3. Ah well. If anyone notices a mistake I make, please tell. Constructive criticism is also ok.
See yall. -01
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 4 years
Descent into Love (Kirishima Eijirou x Reader)
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I thought I posted this a long time ago but... apparently not? Weird but... i’m gonna post this again!! Hehe... it’s perfect cuz it’s April Fools day.
And... consider THIS like a sequel to the original fic~: https://ice-cream-kitsunegirl.tumblr.com/post/183939426324/april-fools-and-a-red-jockstrap-kirishima-eijirou#notes
You’re a tsundere in this one again~ And... a bit of a meanie... it’s OKAY to have the reader be a meanie btw, we don’t always have to be nice XD I know I’m not that nice... I mean I’m pretty nice but I like to tease every now and then too haha...
Yes I referenced one of my favorite horror movies of all time but it’s a REALLY good movie! Genuinely scary lolol and yes the title is partially from the actual movie ‘The Descent’
Featuring: Best Boy Kirishima!
As you sat on the couch in the common room you rested your chin on your palm, sighing for the 10th time this afternoon. You were beyond bored. It was one of the few break-days and yet nothing interesting was happening, you stared at your classmates, some of them were just chatting, conversations about training, the cooler heroes or about how much stronger they had gotten. Although you only heard ‘blah blah blah’ every time one of them opened their mouths.
“Hey (Y/N)!” However, you heard one person, and just hearing his voice made you smile as you perked up from your palm with a rosey red blush blossoming on your face.
“Hee… oh Kirishima, hey there dude.” You greeted him, adoring the way he grinned at you with those shark-like teeth of his. Which you actually found really endearing, and when he began talking to you, you felt yourself getting lost in his eyes as his words trailed off as you got distracted by his cherry red orbs. They might have been red, but they were some of the prettiest, sweetest pairs of eyes you had ever seen. Kirishima was an enthusiastic and energetic guy, and yet he was so gentle too, each trait was only some of the million reasons why you loved him.
“You know Kirishima… now that I get a good look at you… I rather like your pointy teeth. I always have in fact…” You suddenly said, pointing right at his mouth as he blinked a bit and nervously grinned, feeling oddly flattered as a smidge of pink tinted his cheeks.
“Oh ya do huh? Thanks! I’ve always been a little unsure about em ya know? Not everyone finds sharp teeth very approachable.” He admitted, since despite his personality, some people have found him a little intimidating once they got a look at his teeth. However, you weren’t put off by his teeth at all. If anything, you found them cool.
“Yeah… I wish I had your teeth.” He started to blush at how much you were complimenting him, he’d never really heard this much positivity about his teeth before. “I mean, if a villain were to show up, I’d just bare those pointy things and growl at them. And when I REALLY have to play dirty, I’ll sink em into their jugulars and tear a piece of their flesh off!” You suddenly exclaimed with a slightly crazed look in your eye that made Kirishima perk up and flinch a bit, now feeling slightly dejected since you wanted teeth like his for such brutal reasons.
“Ha… you know I never even considered using my teeth as a weapon before.” He pondered, even though he wasn’t the type to play dirty at all. It wasn’t really something he considered ‘manly’, although he wouldn’t judge you for that, and in a strange way, he considered you fairly manly in your own way and he respected the hell out of you for that. Even if you kinda scared him sometimes.
“You should. If it were me, I’d go ‘Brienne of Tarth’ on a villains’ ass and tear their fucking ear off!” You added, giving Kirishima a very vivid idea of what you meant as he nervously smiled. You reminded him of Bakugou in many ways, except you were a little bit nicer and not so angry like he was.
“Wow (Y/N) I definitely never want to get on your bad side.” He said nicely, and that’s what you loved about Kirishima. He never judged you, always said something nice about you even though you were weird and just a little bit of a trouble-maker most of the time. And he never avoided your or pushed you away no matter how many times you would tease him.
“You could never get on my bad side Kiri…” You said in a softer tone, contrasting with your energetic one you used seconds ago as you blushed upon admitting that and when you saw Kirishima’s contagious smile as his blush deepened. “Awww…”
Why couldn’t this boy see that you absolutely adored him? You wondered. You were sure that the teasing and the jockstrap you gave him should have made him wonder or think that maybe you had a thing for him despite the way you played around with him. It made you pout a little bit because you really wanted to get closer to Kirishima, hug him, kiss him and hug him again til he couldn’t breathe. And maybe slap him a little bit after because he made you feel this way and it was eating you up like some sort of disgusting lovey-dovey parasite. Every time he smiled at you; you would melt a little bit every single time.
You were a human infected with this parasite people call ‘love’, it felt so gross yet so wonderful, he was so wonderful…
It was driving you mad!
But you were so mad for him…
How you hated it!
And how you loved him…
A part of you wished that this could all just be some movie, where Kirishima would be the right guy for you, and you would be the best friend and then he would fall in love with you in the end. The two of you be happily ever after or however those crappy rom-coms ended, but if it meant finally being with Kirishima you would gladly let that all happen and just be with him for the rest of your life with that lovey-dovey song playing at the end credits.
Damn you had it bad…
But at that moment it hit you. All this talk about pointy teeth combined with your raging flurry of feelings for Kirishima and thinking about movies gave you a brilliant and somewhat evil idea just to get your beloved redhead closer to you and to get back at him too for giving you this crush. A devious smile spreading across your lips that Kirishima didn’t seem to think much of. Poor sweet boy, you thought.
“Hey you know what we should do? We should watch a movie together. All together as a class.” You suddenly proposed, which kind of surprised him but just the thought of spending time with the whole class made him grin wide.
“All together? That actually WOULD be a great idea! Yeah… it’s been so busy lately, I think we could use the break. I’m up for it (Y/N)!” He gave you an energetic thumbs-up, looking like he was pretty amped for the idea. Kirishima was always one for palling around with his classmates.
“Great! Cuz I had a GREAT idea for a movie…” You smiled happily when he agreed to the idea, clapping your hands excitedly, but then you made your claps nice and loud to catch everyone’s attention.
“Everyone~! Everyone! I have an announcement and a proposal!”
“(L/N)! As the class rep making announcements is my job.” Iida reminded you, but you paid him no mind.
“Shut up Iida!” You suddenly screeched at him, ignoring the shocked, indignant look on his face as well as some of the other shocked looks from your other classmates because of how loud you could be. Iida attempted to scold you, but you didn’t let him get a word in. “We’re too busy! I say we all take a break since we got the day off, and instead of training, let’s all watch a movie together!” You quickly took on a cheerful tone, which made only the smarter ones a little wary.
“And NO! You can’t back away from this, spend some time with us! Cuz if you don’t I’m gonna kick your butt!” You then declared somewhat angrily, and of course, only Bakugou challenged you.
“Tch, forget it you pathetic excuse for a glowstick!”
“You’re just jealous cuz my light shines brighter than yo’ weak-ass explosions.” You brushed that off, and you laughed and pointed when Kirishima and Kaminari held him back from trying to attack you for the 4th time today.
“Anyhoo… I’d better see you at movie night biatch~.” You smiled smugly at the growling teen, who WANTED to just blow you up but he knew Kirishima had a thing for you. This would be the only nice thing he’d do for him for a while…
Speaking of which, Kirishima looked pretty damn happy about the idea of a movie night with the class, “So (Y/N)… what kinda movie did ya have in plan?” He asked politely, the same question everyone else had been wondering since it was your idea.
However, the others noticed your smile quickly turning into a smirk. “Let’s watch a good old-fashioned horror flick tonight… I have this one REALLY good one that I’ve been meaning to bust out to show my best friends so… yeah…” That little suggestion made a few heads turn, and a few eyes widened which made your smirk widen, especially when you saw Kirishima’s nervous look.
“A horror movie…?”
“Yeah! Nothing says togetherness like watching a movie so scary you might piss yourself and cry your fucking eyes out…” You clasped your hands together, your smirk turning darker as most of your other classmates looked hesitant, save a few who looked interested.
“That could be fun! I love scary movies! They’re so exciting don’t you guys think?!” Hagakure, your partner-in-crime had excitedly agreed with you and backed up your decision. And if she was being honest, these movies were fun for her because her invisibility allowed her to indulge in a little fun when she would prank some people when they were scared out of their wits.
“I enjoy those kind of movies. They tend to have some interesting story-lines, so I’m okay with watching a horror movie.” Tsuyu said, despite her blank expression she was up for it.
“I agree. I would watch one of those.” Tokoyami was quick to agree with her since he was very much an avid horror movie fan, befitting how much of a goth he was. “You may or may not have seen the movie I have in mind before.” You pointed out, since if there’s one thing you and Tokoyami got along with it was your fondness for horror movies.
“Surprise me.” He almost challenged you, which just made your grin grow, especially when you saw the other looks on your classmates’ faces, especially poor sweet Izuku and your dear Kirishima…
“I’m in! I ain’t afraid of no scary movie!” Kaminari claimed, since scary movies didn’t exactly bother him as much as it did for others, but not many of his classmates looked like they believed him. “Me neither!” However, he started a bit of a trend when Mina shared his sentiments, and now many of them started to feel the need to prove their bravery, and to just see how ‘scary’ this movie was…
“H-Hey now! Look if anyone’s not a fan of scary movies then maybe… you guys don’t have to watch it.” Kirishima wanted to be nice though, and make sure no one felt pressured to watch the movie, even though you could just tell what his ulterior motive was: He didn’t like scary movies.
“Heh… let em watch it Kirishima, it’ll give them a lesson in bravery… I mean… what are you really playing at bro? Are you chicken?” You smirked and crossed your arms, satisfied when Kirishima flinched at such a very ‘unmanly’ accusation.
“No! I’m no chicken! I’m just giving them a choice that’s all!”
“It’s okay if you’re chicken, I mean Tokoyami’s the bird here but I guess we just didn’t notice you wearing your chicken hat until now. Though I guess your hair looks chicken-esque enough.” You said, sadistically smirking at the poor guy, whose face was turning as red as his hair.
“H-Hey! Don’t call my hair chicken! This is peer pressure! Come on that’s such an unmanly thing to do!”
“You’re just saying that cuz you’re a big, FAT, chicken!”
“(Y/N)! This is so not cool! Stop saying that!” Kirishima’s blush darkened as you didn’t stop your taunting.
“Chicken~.” You sang-songed, poking him on the forehead to add to your teasing, even when he backed away, “Stop it!”
“Chicken!” You didn’t stop, you were loving how embarrassed he was getting when you started to poke at his hair and even pull a strand out purely for the hell of it.
“OW! I’m NOT a chicken!!” He cringed as soon as he felt that little strand plucked out as he gave you a rare look of mild annoyance which looked beautiful with his flushed cheeks. You almost felt guilty for being so mean to him, but the tsundere in you was telling you that he deserved it for making you love him so much.
But the guilt was winning as you took it down a notch, “Okay Kiri… I believe you…” Your voice softened a bit, and Kirishima wasn’t sure whether to feel comfortable or nervous since he’s learned to predict how unpredictable you could be. It didn’t help when you put your hand on his shoulder, “I suppose you’re only a chicken if you can’t fight against villains like you have… so… okay… you’re not a chicken… and you don’t HAVE to watch the movie if you don’t want to… and I’ll just make fun of you in private to the girls in the locker room.” You sounded a little bit gentle, and you smiled when you saw Kirishima perk up a bit when you took back the ‘chicken’ insult, but instantly he pouted at the last thing you said.
You always did this. But it’s not like he hated it, he actually liked the attention you gave him and you were nice to him at times, which he really liked because it proved what he thought about you. That you were actually pretty cool and that you had a heart underneath all the jokes. But, he couldn’t quite let you win, or get away with calling him chicken.
“Heh. There won’t be any need for that, I’ll prove that I’m no chicken! Scary movies are nothing! I mean… a real man isn’t afraid of a little movie… I’m man enough to watch this!” He was up for this challenge, well… not really, but he’d prove that he could be manly and take a scary movie! It was just a movie! Nothing in them were real… and he knew it!
But you couldn’t help but smirk when he was finally on board, and disregarded the fact that a few of your other classmates… particularly Izuku, Uraraka, Kouda, Jirou and Mineta weren’t really on board. And Sero and Kaminari finally succeeded in getting Bakugou to very reluctantly agree just so they would stop bugging him.
“Perfection…” You resisted the urge to do a ‘villain laugh’ as soon as it was all set in stone for tonight…
4 HOURS LATER at 7 pm…
“Okay…” You were getting the movie ready as you clicked on the remote, “I’m telling you guys right now. That this movie inspired me to pretty much NEVER go anywhere where there’s mountains in my life… after this, you’ll understand why I’m never going anywhere that’s too dark again.” You were kind of exaggerating, but at the same time you kind of meant what you were saying since… the movie kinda traumatized you when you were younger.
Only a few of your classmates took your warning seriously, but Bakugou thought you were being stupid as he scoffed. However, Kirishima sat beside him and he was already looking very nervous and appeared to believe every word you were saying…
What in the world was in this movie to make you stay away from dark places and mountains…?
“There can be revelry in the dark you know?” Tokoyami asked you, but you just chuckled a little bit, “Maybe for you… because the dark is your advantage but… I ain’t never stepping foot into a pitch black place again… not after this movie…” You gave your cryptic explanation, which did nothing to ease your more nervous friends.
“I-It’s that bad…?” Uraraka sounded concerned, and she was just as scared as Izuku and Kirishima was. While horror movies didn’t freak her out that bad, some of them still scared her. And you nodded as you turned the lights off, “Oh… it’s bad…”
Kirishima put his brave face on, even though everything you said wasn’t making him feel any less nervous, “I’m sure it’s not that bad… we can handle anything! Nothing’s too scary for heroes!” He declared optimistically, and you couldn’t help but smile, he was so sweet it was perfect that you chose this movie to scare the Mr. Bojangles out of him…
“Yeah, yeah just start the fucking thing already!” Bakugou was getting impatient though, and demanded that you start the damn thing as you scoffed and just started the movie, “All right already! Keep your panties on…” You muttered under your breath, but that didn’t escape Bakugou’s surprisingly sharp hearing.
You had to cover your mouth to quell your snickers as Kirishima managed to calm down the blonde to get him to shut up when the movie started…
The claustrophobic setting was enough to unnerve your classmates as they watched rather intently and felt nervous for the women in the film.
Mineta at first was excited because there was mostly women in the movie, but as soon as thing were getting intense he was shaking like a leaf, and he practically fainted as soon as Holly broke her leg in a rather graphic manner.
But Aoyama actually fainted as soon as he saw Holly’s leg bone sticking out after falling and breaking it, which urged a rather frantic Iida to quickly to lie the boy down with his head on a pillow until he woke up. Similarly, Jirou had to look away as the graphic sight alone made her feel nauseous, and neither Sero or Ojiro fared much better as Sero covered his mouth and averted his gaze from the scene, and Ojiro nearly gagged the more he focused on the bone and blood…
Much to your immense amusement, even if you did feel bad for Aoyama. You certainly didn’t expect anyone to faint. Sick at best, but not enough to faint…
“Oh that’s nasty…” Kaminari didn’t feel as sick as Jirou or Ojiro did but it was clear he couldn’t look at it either, “Eek!” Mina had squealed and closed her eyes once that part came on and practically held a disgusted and mildly frightened Yaoyorozu, “I-It’s okay Ashido… it’s not real…” She tried to comfort the girl, and kind of felt really horrible for Holly even if she was just a fictional character. The injury looked horrible…
Izuku, shockingly wasn’t the most horrified since he’s suffered injuries not unlike that before, but seeing it on someone else was still alarming and frightening to look at. And Uraraka gasped and involuntarily hid her face in Izuku’s shoulder. But then they both gasped heavily at the sudden close contact and pulled away, averting each other’s gazes and blushing darkly. Beside them Todoroki didn’t seem disinterested, if anything he seemed pretty focused on the movie even if that injury was a little bit hard to look at.
“That’s inaccurate. You’re supposed to set the bone once before you splint it in place.” He stated what he knew about injuries based on his own training and what his shitty old man had taught him. “You’re never ever try to reinsert a protruding bone from an open fracture like that.” Yaoyorozu backed up his claim, which made you kinda giggle at how much these two knew.
“Heh… the least movies can do is use correct medical knowledge eh?” You wondered after listening to them, but you were distracted when you saw Kirishima shivering as he tried to not focus so much on how graphic that injury as he gulped hard and resisted any part of him that felt nauseous or sick after seeing… bone… blood… and Holly screaming when they tried to reset the bone…
He swallowed whatever was in his throat and tried rising back up, gagging quietly as you tried your hardest not to snicker at the poor thing. He was so freaked out…
And this wasn’t even the best part.
You heard a sharp gasp though from Kirishima as soon as Sarah saw some kind of creature in the cave, and he was trembling all over again. He knew what that meant, and he wasn’t looking forward to what was happening next, he knew a jump scare was coming soon.
“Y-You all saw that right…?” He asked nervously as many of his classmates made little mumbles of acknowledgement, “Who couldn’t have seen that idiot?” Bakugou rolled his eyes at how clearly scared his friend was, even if he wouldn’t admit that this movie was… surprisingly hardcore, the injury looked pretty real, so real it actually made him cringe the first time he saw it…
“Hehe… don’t worry Kirishima…” You smiled and placed your hand on the redhead’s shoulder, scooting closer to him even when he tried to stop shaking so badly and gulped hard. Was this your plan? To scare him? He was starting to wonder. He wanted to avoid watching any of the more unnerving parts, but he couldn’t since you were right next to him, and making sure he WAS watching it…
And you resisted the urge to snicker like a maniac when you saw that Kirishima wasn’t the only one trying to not watch the movie. Shoji averted his eyes every now and then whenever something disturbing showed up, he didn’t dare look at Holly’s broken leg and Satou was too frightened to eat the sweets he had in preparation for this movie. While Kouda was covering his ears and had his eyes closed as he trembled where he sat next to a rather calm, collected Tokoyami, who was clearly enthralled by the movie.
“How have I never seen this movie? The dark, suffocating atmosphere is frighteningly realistic in that setting…” He thought outloud, obviously approving of your movie choice as you giggled a little bit, “It’s different from other horror movies I’ve seen, but in a good way. It’s not cliché at all.” Tsuyu agreed with Tokoyami and looked just as interested as she did, and you couldn’t help but smile proudly. “Told ya it was good. And this ain’t even the best part.” That piqued some of your classmates interest and dread.
“W-What’s the best part…?” Kirishima asked you nervously, his form quivering as you gave him that insidious grin you were infamous for. “If I told you it’d take away from it Kiri…” You used a cutesy voice even though Kirishima knew better, especially at this moment where he figured out your evil plan…
He shouldn’t have been watching, he should have actually just said ‘no’ to this movie instead of pretending to not be scared. Even though he thought ‘what kind of man is too scared to watch a movie?’. It was conflicting and embarrassing, especially now that you were seeing him all freaked out over a little movie…
You almost felt bad when you saw how scared he was getting, but after 5 more minutes in you noticed just how dark the room was, thanks to the sun setting and making the room nearly black and only the light on the TV allowed you to see most of your classmates getting nervous as they focused on the scene involving the dead animal bones…
A wide grin found its way on your lips as the ‘best part’ came up…
At least 10 of your classmates let out shrieks of terror as soon as the ugly cave monster showed up, and a few had jumped out of their seats from fear.
You laughed outloud as your classmates all shouted almost as if they were in the movie and as if the women could actually hear them, and identified Mina and Kirishima as the loudest screamers when you saw Mina practically hiding behind the couch and Kirishima was shaking in his seat and you swore you saw tears in his eyes. The poor thing did not exactly have what you would call a manly scream and you were loving it. Sadistic as it was, you felt successful in ‘getting back at him’ for making you love him, and at the same time you felt kind of horrible…
“Are you okay…?” This time, you didn’t sound like you were teasing him, you were concerned since he looked pretty scared.
“I-I… I think I peed a little bit…” He said in a somewhat shaky voice, and you tried your hardest to not snicker in amusement as you tried to soothe his nerves and rub his back gently, “Don’t worry buddy it’s all a movie…” As much as you loved how this turned out, you were starting to feel a little worse by the moment.
“I nearly wet my pants…” Sero then spoke up as he trembled where he sat, and Kaminari promptly scooted away from him. “I guess… I wouldn’t blame you…” However, he was just as terrified as his friend was. If he were in that situation, he would have freaked out just like the women did.
But before anyone could relax, the creature showed up yet again and everyone was on edge yet again now that the monsters were there to make the movie all the more horrifying.
Aoyama finally came to from where he lied, sitting up and rubbing his head with a low groan, “W-What did I miss…?” He asked, and as soon as he saw the screen featuring Holly getting her throat torn and ripped apart, he fainted yet again much to Iida’s distress as he jumped a little bit at the scene himself.
Wow, it was that scary to everyone?
Well, Tsuyu, Tokoyami and Bakugou still looked pretty entertained. In fact, the latter was smirking and legitimately entertained as soon as Juno began fighting that ugly fucker.
Of course you expected those three to be comfortable watching a horror movie, but everyone else, especially Izuku, Uraraka and Kirishima looked like they weren’t going to get any sleep tonight. And it got worse as soon as Sarah was forced to watch the monsters eat Holly’s corpse in all it’s gory glory complete with the sickening sounds of flesh being torn and stripped by the creature’s sharp teeth.
Uraraka and Izuku practically squealed in unison as they trembled and turned away with their eyes shut, wondering why did they actually stay and watch this with everyone. Kirishima held back the scream creeping in his throat, at least until he thought bile was rising up and he gagged a little bit. You should have been amused but you weren’t…
‘Aww man… I can’t be happy when he’s like this…’
You thought guiltily as you sighed and put your hand on the redhead’s shoulder, which made him gasp sharply due to that sudden touch startling him, “(Y-Y/N…?”
“Dude… if it’s too much you don’t have to watch… I promise not to mock you behind your back if you do…” You weren’t playing or anything, and Kirishima could tell, “What…? Hehe… I-I’m all right really… it’s like you said it’s just a movie…” He nervously forced a small laugh and crooked grin, “I’m not a chicken after all…”
Kirishima claimed and tried to look brave… for about 5 seconds until he saw Sam and Rebecca get ambushed by one of the monsters in a jump scare that made him jump in his seat and let out a scream, “O-Okay fine I’m a chicken!” This time, he did turn away with his eyes downcast and looking miserable as he started mentally beating himself up and calling himself a coward for letting a little movie scare him. Part of him wanted to cry, but he refused, no way he’d look even more like a wuss in front of you. 
He was such a loser. This was so unmanly in every way possible, and on top of that you were there to see him act like such a wuss. Kirishima always knew he was a bit of a wuss when it came to these kind of things, but he thought he could brave it, he really did…
‘What have I done?! Oh Kirishima… no matter what I do I can’t shake these feelings off, and now I feel horrible!’
Kirishima perked up as soon as he heard you say his name, and your heart was beating at what you were about to do next, but you couldn’t stand to see him like this. “C’mere you doofus…” Quietly and discreetly you placed your lips on his forehead which made him perk up and freeze, his cheeks turning as red as his hair as he stared at you wide-eyed in extreme surprise.
“W-Wha… w-wha-what… w-was…?” He didn’t mean to stutter, but he definitely did not expect you to do that as you pouted and blushed heavily. “I’m sorry okay? I didn’t think this movie would freak you out that much…” You muttered and he blushed even more, looking away in shame as you put your hand on his face to make him look at you.
“Admitting you’re chicken is manly though… don’t feel so bad just because you find it scary. I’m still afraid of the freaking dark because of this movie… the only reason I’m not scared is because I’m so close to you…” That sounded kinda sappy, but you meant what you said as you tried not to smile when you saw Kirishima’s look of surprise.
He was touched though, and felt a beam of happiness beginning to blossom in his heart as he smiled wide, “You… you mean that?” He asked somewhat bashfully, and you rolled your eyes a little bit.
“Yes you mook… I really do. And the truth is… argh… dammit… I like you stupid…!” You whispered to him as your whole face burned, and your heart beating out of your chest now that you finally admitted it. Kirishima somehow looked even more surprised, part of him always thought that maybe you had a thing for him, but now this was confirmation that you definitely did…
And he couldn’t help the grin rising on his lips as he pulled you in for a hug, smiling that smile that you fell in love with, “Hahaha! W-Wow um... I... you know I have to be honest I... I like you too (Y/N)! I think you’re pretty awesome…. And seriously manly… to be able to watch a movie like this… and for other reasons too but… yeah I… I like you too…” He blushed and sounded a little shyer when he said the ‘L’ word to you, as he truly did return your feelings and you were just… so happy…
You almost completely forgot about the movie as you smiled warmly and hugged him back. “Good… that is exactly how I feel about you too… you’re the manliest guy I’ve ever met you know that?” Deciding to go soft, you smiled when you saw his smile brightening, but before he could squeeze you affectionately, he made the mistake of looking at the movie when a loud monster screech startled him and made him and his classmates nearly all scream and he did squeeze you… out of terror and he practically clung to you like a sloth to a tree.
At first you were shocked, but then you quickly snickered at his reaction and loved how his arms felt around you as you patted him on the head, kinda stroking the spikes a little bit. “(Y/N)’s got you…” A little condescendingly you spoke to him a soft tone, which made him kinda pout as he made sure to avoid watching the scarier parts while everyone was trembling in terror.
“A-Are you okay Ashido…?” Yaoyorozu asked Mina, who nodded despite her fear, “Y-Yeah… why…?”
“W-We heard you scream just now…” Jirou replied shortly afterwards, but was surprised at Mina’s confused look, “That wasn’t me…” Mina, for once didn’t scream at that last part since she had gotten used to the atmosphere. But everyone knew what Jirou was saying, because after seeing the jump scare featuring Rebecca getting her stomach torn and eaten alive by the monsters they heard someone shriek…
Very femininely and high-pitched…
“Huh? Then who screamed? Uraraka?” Kaminari looked to see the girls, but all of them were shaking their heads because they had held their tongues to avoid embarrassing themselves. “It was very girly sounding…” Despite not getting an answer, Kaminari just snickered a bit and everyone didn’t see Todoroki staring down at his lap and silently blushing as he made sure to avoid seeing anymore of the movie.
You saw. Because it was your job to make sure everyone was watching the movie, and you didn’t expect Todoroki Shouto to scream like a little girl, or Kirishima, the love of your life to hold you so tightly as his grip on you didn’t loosen in the slightest as you held him close and practically cuddled him. 
Boy this night was turning out better than you thought…
The ending credits came on and you were a mix of amused, ecstatic and enamored as you didn’t let go of Kirishima, just in love with how soft yet firm he felt thanks to all those muscles on him that you found ridiculously attractive and tempting to just touch, and now you were feeling them up so close. It was like a muscular teddy bear you just wanted to sleep with in bed and never let go. And you had seen what he looked like under the clothes
However, his grip on you slowly loosened now that the movie was over but he still looked a little unnerved after everything he had to see.
“Soooooo… what did you guys think?!” You excitedly asked your friends and classmates, but many of them were rather… shell-shocked, with only Tokoyami, Tsuyu and Bakugou appearing the most entertained.
“That actually wasn’t a shitty movie after all.” Bakugou looked surprisingly calm as he approved of your movie choice, and you actually smiled. “Yeah I liked it a lot. It was one of the better horror movies I’ve seen in a while.” Tsuyu was next to say how much she enjoyed the movie and Tokoyami nodded besides her. “That was brilliant. I enjoyed every moment of it. I agree with Asui, it’s a lot better compared to the more modern horror movies.”
Their approval made you start to smile a little more smugly than you wanted to, “Hehe… why thanks~.” You giggled a little bit, but everyone else…
“T-That… t-hat… w-w-a-was… horrifying…” Izuku barely managed to get his words out as he and Uraraka were still trembling on the couch they were on. “I don’t want to go visit the mountains anymore…”
“I-It’s only a movie! It’s fictitious and there is no such thing as cave monsters!” Iida tried to make his friends feel better, but you just smiled at him.
“You don’t know that Iida… I mean not all caves are explored… who knows what’s in there? There just might be a cave monster somewhere around the world.” You didn’t help at all and added to the fear as many of the others started to tremble.
“She has a point…” Todoroki didn’t want to believe it, but this movie was… surprisingly and legitimately frightening. He didn’t want to imagine getting stuck in a mountain and suffocating from the lack of oxygen while something is potentially lurking in the dark.
“I-I’m sleeping with my lights on tonight…” Aoyama said what the rest of the Dekusquad was thinking, now that they had the wits scared out of them.
“Momo… can you please make me a night light…?” Mina asked Yaoyorozu because that movie seriously freaked her out, “M-Me too…?” Kaminari quickly asked right after Mina did, but the sweet Yaoyorozu did agree to make them some lights for tonight…
You didn’t know whether to be amused or kinda guilty. “Um… you don’t think this movie’s gonna scar anyone for life do you…?” You asked a shaky Kirishima, “I… I don’t think so…” He didn’t sound confident at all as you nervously smiled…
Kirishima suddenly screamed and many of his classmates followed short when they heard him, and he jumped fearfully. But you had no idea who did that… at least until you heard your friend laughing.
“Hee-hee-hee! Sorry! I couldn’t really resist…” Hagakure was giggling, but nobody could see her so that definitely means she had stripped to be completely invisible. “Ahahaha! Nice one…” You approved of her little joke even when a few of your classmates were shouting at you for starting them, and Kirishima was trembling where he stood.
Smiling, you went over to him and held his hand to take him to his dorm-room, “C’mon…”
Kirishima let you lead him because he was honestly really scared now that he saw everything from that movie and some of the images and scenes weren’t going to leave his head for a while. He couldn’t stop thinking about it now… the blood, the cave-in, the monsters, the women screaming…
Even when it was time for him to go to bed he couldn’t really get them out of his head, and you knew this. So that’s why you were staying with him even when he got in his pajamas and lied in his bed, unwilling to turn the lights off and he almost freaked out when you were about to.
“Don’t!” He suddenly yelled, and you were honestly surprised…
Was he that scared?
Now you really felt bad. “Oh Kiri… I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…” You smiled a little sadly, turning off the light as he gasped and tried his hardest not to look so alarmed as you made your way over to him on his bed. “I’m sorry for calling you chicken…” You patted him gently on the back, and he blushed a little bit at how close you were but your comfort was making him feel a little bit better.
“Nah… it’s okay… you weren’t wrong, I should have just owned up to being a chicken…” Kirishima admitted to that, and felt bad for lying about since lying was not a manly thing to do at all. “You’re the cutest chicken ever. And besides… you’re not chicken at all where it counts.” You kissed him on the cheek, reminding him of the villains he’s fought against, and his bravery when he and Izuku went to go rescue Bakugou.
And Kirishima couldn’t help but grin shyly with a pink blush on his cheeks, “Awww… thanks!” He beamed as he actually kissed you on the forehead in return, which made you freeze and blush heavily as you let out a rather dorky, giddy little giggle…
“Uh… this might sound kinda lame but… do you mind… staying the night?” Kirishima then sounded shy upon asking you that, and you were still in a bit of shock from the kiss, but you nonetheless grinned and happily nodded. “I don’t mind at all~!” You said happily as the two of you exchanged big smiles and an equally big hug.
It took a while for him to actually go to sleep, but you were next to him in bed and the dark felt a little less scary.
You on the other hand, weren’t scared at all. You succeeded in getting the boy you loved close to you. Sure, you might have had to scare the pants off of him, but he was all yours now.
“Good morning cla-…”
Aizawa didn’t expect to walk into his classroom to see almost all of his students asleep on their desks. The ones who were awake looked a mix of exhausted and terrified with their eyes wide, droopy and bloodshot. And the only ones who were awake at all were you, Kirishima, Tokoyami, Tsuyu and Bakugou.
His eyebrow twitched ever so slightly in irritation when he picked up on what could have happened, “That’s it… no more horror movies on a school night…”
Little did you know, Aizawa planned on finding that movie of yours and confiscating it, as to spare his students from being traumatized any further…
You wouldn’t mind. You were finally with the boy you loved.
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lhugbereth · 7 years
So my anxiety has been through the roof the past few days and I was hoping I could ask for some fluffy headcannons about the chocobros. Like who brings home stray pets and who falls asleep while watching movies. More domestic-ish stuff. Sorry if I ever get to be annoying...
Sorry to hear anxiety’s been getting you down! Clearly Prompto (the fish) needs to step up his game. In the meantime, I hope a little domestic fluff OT4 will get you through the day :3 Actually, it turned into some Promptio fluff and then pet shenanigans.... But I hope it still fits your criteria! BTW I’m basing it off the same errbody-lives au ending as I did for the last one of these. 
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Chocobro OT4 + Kitty feels under the cut! v v v 
- One thing that hasn’t changed after all the years inside the Crystal and atop the throne is that Noctis still hates mornings. When he doesn’t have some pressing duties pulling him out of bed at ungodly hours, he tends to sleep in - sometimes all day if the others let him. 
- Of the four, Prompto tends to wake up the earliest. It’s a recent thing - used to be Iggy was always the first one awake, but he can no longer rely on the light of the morning sun. Gladio, too, is often more exhausted than he’s willing to admit, and recently needs at least two alarms before he’s slipping out of bed. 
- Except this morning. Gladio’s been half-awake since 4 am, drifting in and out of sleep as he listens to the sound of his lovers breathing. He’s noticed that Prompto’s tossing and turning more than usual, and his face is tense even in sleep. A nightmare, or a memory. Both, perhaps. So he waits, hugging Prompto’s body close to his chest until the blonde finally, slowly opens his eyes. 
- “Gladdy…?”
- “Let’s go for a run.” Neither of them have ever been as good with words as Ignis or even Noct. Sometimes that’s okay. They don’t need to talk to understand each other, not when they’ve already shared so much. So Prompto nods, allows Gladio to pull him out of bed and they both get dressed in their sports wear (which match, of course - holiday presents from Noct). Just as they’re about to head out, though, Prompto glances back at the other two still lying tangled together in bed. 
- “Should we tell them where we’re going?”
- “They’ll be fine, let ‘em sleep.” Gladio smiles, presses a kiss to the top of Prompto’s head, then gestures for him to follow. 
- They start by heading toward the park. It’s a route they both know well, and years of practice keep them jogging in perfect sync with one another. Though they run in silence, Gladio occasionally shoots Prompto a warm smile, and the blonde eagerly returns it with one of his own. 
- It isn’t until they near the Citadel (the left wing of which is still under reconstruction) that they stop to take a break. Prompto chugs from his water bottle while Gladio collapses on a nearby bench. “Shit, I swear that hill is steeper than it used to be,” he laughs as Prom plops down next to him. 
- “Sure you’re not just older than you used to be?” The blonde dodges a clap to the back of his head, turns and smirks. “Kidding, kidding.”
- “Yeah, right.” But Gladio throws an arm around him anyway, smiling as Prompto’s weight settles against his side, then his shoulder. He knows they shouldn’t be resting so long, but…. Well, exercise was only half the reason they came out here in the first place. “Beautiful, innit?”
- Prom follows his gaze to the sight of the Citadel stretched out before them. Its mirrored windows are just beginning to catch the light of dawn, casting the surrounding buildings in an orange-blue glow. “Mm. Good to see it like this….” To see it whole, he means, or at least most of the way there. Not broken and twisted as it had once again appeared in his dreams. 
- When he shivers, Gladio is quick to hug him in again. Warm lips find his mouth,  and then Gladio is kissing him, sweet, gentle, and yet with a hint of something deeper just below the surface. It gives Prompto somewhere to lean, to lay his burdens for awhile as he melts into the touch. 
- They’re on a public bench, and it’s now late enough that other joggers are likely to start passing by, but Prompto doesn’t really care if they’re spotted. Without warning he swings his leg up and over Gladio’s thighs, pushes him against the back of the bench and settles easily into his lap. If Gladio were planning to protest (doubtful), it would have been swallowed up by Prompto’s lips in that moment as they close over his. Another moment and Gladio’s arms are around the blonde’s waist, and they shut out all else to let their mouths work away the tension.
- Prompto’s getting worked up. His hips are rolling on their own in Gladio’s lap, his heart pounding harder the further down his body Gladio’s fingers rove. He’s about to suggest they find at least a semi-covered space if they’re about to get it on in the park - but then something cold and wet presses against the exposed skin just above the hem of his jogging shorts, and he lets out a loud moan. “G-Gladdy, your hand’s c-cold!” 
- But the older man is staring up at him with a confused look on his face. Slowly, he pulls his hands away, holding them up for Prompto to see. The cold-and-wet-something pressed to his skin again and this time the blonde nearly leaps off the bench. 
- “W-w-w-what in the – Oh!” He whirls around in time to see…a kitten. A small, scrawny, black-and-grey kitten looking at him with the biggest green eyes he’s ever seen. Gladio’s comfortable lap and heated kisses momentarily forgotten, Prompto quickly switches into Kitty Whisperer mode. “Heeey, little buddy. You all alone? What’s a cutie like you doing out here by yourself?” 
- “How did you manage to stay single for so long with lines like that?” comes Gladio’s rough chuckle. He adjusts himself in his shorts - figuring the mood is ruined for now - and reaches out to offer the kitten his hand. 
- Prompto scoops him up first. “Don’t smell his fingers, sweetie, you don’t know where those have been.” (Gladio has enough dignity left to at least pretend to look offended) Prompto continues. “Do you live here? Are you hungry?”
- “Don’t get attached, you can’t take him home.”
- “Why not? And don’t say Ignis, because Noct loves cats and you know Iggy will give in to anything Noct wants.”
- It’s a hard point to argue. Still, there’s only one way to find out, and since the kitten is already curled up and purring around Prompto’s wrist, it looks like he’ll be the one carrying him home. 
- They enter the apartment an hour later to find Noct settled between Ignis’ thighs on the bed, and a contented smile on both of their faces. Gladio rolls his eyes. “Couldn’t wait ’til we got back, Prince Shameless?” 
- “King,” Noct corrects. He grins, looks like he’s about to say something else when the sight of Prompto - and his new kitten - catches his attention. “Woah, hey, what’s that?!” 
- Ignis pushes himself up on his elbow, having enough decency to pull the sheets over his naked lap. “What is it, Noct?” 
- “A cat!! A baby cat!” Noct is all smiles now, one arm snaking around Prompto’s waist as he pets the kitten’s fur with his other hand. He and Prompto are talking excitedly, but somehow the cat manages to sleep through it all. 
- “You let him bring another animal home?” Ignis’ lips are set in a straight line as he steps up beside Gladio, tugging up his sweatpants at the same time. “We’ve talked about this, Gladio….”
- “Heh, you know how hard it is to say no to that pout of his.” And Ignis sighs, because yes, of course he remembers that pout, and how far stronger men than even Gladio have been rendered helpless to it. Still.... 
- “Have you named him yet?” Noct is asking (Iggy cuts in with a curt, how do you even know it’s a boy?)  and then Prompto is smiling and blushing and passing the kitten into Noct’s arms. 
- “Well, actually, I was thinking... Since we, y’know, found him near the Citadel, and he’s kind grey and scraggly.... How about ‘Regis’?”
- Noct freezes. Gladio’s eyes go wide and Ignis sucks in a breath. For a moment, Prompto’s worried he’s done something wrong - but then there’s the faintest hint of tears in Noctis’ eyes as he presses a kiss to the tip of a freckled nose. “It’s perfect. I love it, Prom.” He leaves Prompto flustered and grinning as he carries the kitten over to Ignis, holding his hand as he guides him in for a pet. The kitten opens its mouth in a sleepy mewl, and instantly curls up against Iggy’s palm. 
- Sold.
- While Ignis runs over a list of everything they’re going to need to purchase (not to mention setting up a feeding and toilet cleaning regimen), Gladio slips up behind Prompto and slots himself against his back. “Let them play kitty-sitter for a while. You and me ‘ve got some unfinished business.” Before Prom can even catch on, he’s being dragged into the bedroom and simultaneously stripped of his clothing. The last thing Noct here’s before his pleas are swallowed up by kisses is, But what about a shower!!!!
- Ignis tilts his head. Frowns. Shuffles the sleeping cat in his arms and nudges Noct closer. 
- “Mm? What is it, Specs?”
- “About your precious Regis,” he says as his lips suddenly curve into a smirk. “I believe he is actually a she.”
- Noct groans. Somewhere, he’s pretty sure his father is laughing his ass off.  
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killcapitalizm · 7 years
the idea of you; peter parker
summary: reader is overly-dramatic about being in love with peter parker and someone has to do something about it.
word count: 3,700 yo 
warnings: the overuse of the name peter parker, an unnecessarily long fic, terrible writing, some swearing, and the fact that i didn’t bother editing this.
a/n: inspired by the song idea of you by mxmtoon! i wrote half of this at midnight and the other half is just me trying to come up with a decent ending. the last part is so rushed i'm sorry. lmk if i need to fix anything or smth. i don’t even know how to write peter parker. this is the first thing i’ve written in a year.
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You stared at the back of Peter Parker’s head as you probably missed really important information about your next biology project. Being in love is so uncomfortable.
Or, at least you think it's love. Maybe? It's been a few weeks and you still don't know.
Peter Parker is a pretty close friend of yours. His heart is gold and you're dirt poor. You don't know why you're considering the idea of loving someone as rare and precious as Peter Parker, you clearly aren't anyone special so just the idea of loving him is a dangerous thing to touch.
But the idea is so appealing that you can't help but lay your hands all over it and you even dare to dream of it. You might be completely wrong about what it's like to love Peter Parker (specifically when he loves you back) but the idea you've made is too golden to not fall in love with. And the real-life Peter Parker? He's just as lovely as your daydreams of him. Far less romantic, though. You've been stuck on the boy for so long now that you can't distinguish whether you're in love with him or the idea of him. It's hard to tell.
A sharp ring of the school bell rips you from your brain and your eyes from Peter Parker’s curly hair. He turns around in his seat and faces you. Smiles at you.
“We’re still going to meet at your place, right?” He shoves his textbook into his bag as he looks up at you. You, him, and Ned were going to have a movie marathon at your house and the boys were going to sleepover since your parents were out for a few days.
You smile back at him. You just smile at him. “Definitely.”
You wish you tried to talk to him more because he immediately swings his backpack on and stands up. “Okay, see ya’ there,” and he runs from the classroom and off to work. Or half-work? I wonder what an internship is. I wonder how I even got into high school, god, I’m stupid-
You sweep your notebook into your bag and head out of the classroom, feeling incredibly immature for wasting and entire class period on your little love-crisis. You also feel immature for telling yourself that it’s Peter Parker, therefore it’s not wasting. With your internal struggle clear on your face, you weave your way towards the school’s exit. Michelle would probably draw you if you were in the detention room.
You’re not in love with Peter Parker, probably.
You and Ned had already managed to finish watching Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: A New Hope before Peter Parker showed up. Four hours late was a new record, and it was much more disappointing when you both remembered that it wasn’t you guys that set the arrival time to 7:30. Even with 5 hours to do whatever he does every day at his internship, he still managed to show up four hours late. When you finally heard the doorbell at 11:45, Ned had to run to the door before you to make sure you didn’t lock Peter Parker out.
“Four hours, Parker.” You did your best to show you weren't amused by his tardiness. “Are you trying to set a world record?”
“Sorry, sorry.” He peeled off his shoes. “Mr. Stark had to keep me for a while longer, then I lost track of time and-“
“What in the fuck does he need to keep you for? You’re there daily and he’s a billionaire that can easily hire someone else for at least one night.” You stopped yourself from saying anything more. You sounded hurt enough already. You doubted every sweet thing you’ve thought of him. Maybe he was untrustworthy all along. Or maybe he doesn’t like you and Ned anymore.
Peter Parker made eye contact with you and in that moment you realized his eyes were more of a nut-brown than an amber brown, but Ned intervened before anyone could reply. “Guys, c’mon- I brought over the blu-ray for The Force Awakens. Let’s watch it before we get too tired.”
So you told yourself that Peter Parker was lucky, not because you love him but because he’s your friend. It’s not love if he doesn’t try for you anymore. He doesn’t try for Ned, either. Well, maybe he tried but you’re too upset and hurt to think of anything except blaming Peter Parker and telling yourself that you never loved him in the first place.
You let yourself keep the idea of loving him, though. You’d trash it in the morning because it’s meaningless. You still liked to compare his eyes to amber because it sounds better than nuts or chocolate. When you went to sleep with the boys that night, you dreamt of earlier when you said that Rey was cute and Peter Parker said you’re cuter and blushed.
You forgot to forget about the idea of loving Peter Parker. It’s been a week and you invited just him over to work on a project for biology that you desperately needed his help on because you were back to daydreaming about being in love with him during that class.
And now you’re telling yourself that this moment confirms you’re not in love with Peter Parker because it isn’t love when you’re the only one waiting. You’re more hurt than you know when an hour and a half past 5:30 brings Peter Parker to your door. You didn’t think he’d hear you when you muttered “If you think I’m so boring, just say so.” But he did hear you and now you’re in love with the real Peter Parker that told you that you aren’t boring, that he loves spending time with you, that he trusts you, that you mean more to him than you could ever imagine.
You’re also in love with the real Peter Parker that didn’t say I love you (too). You can’t live for very long with just the kiss on your head that he gave you when he made you laugh so hard that you accidentally slammed your head against the wall.
Another week and you’re trying not to love Peter Parker anymore because you know that you’ll be crushed when you realize there’s no chance of him ever saying I love you (too). So you’re going back to fantasies and empty dreams, you’re going back to that one dream you had of him spinning you around your room to the tune of a The 1975 song that you can’t remember now on a loud city evening. There’s a lot to come back to when you’re just in love with the idea of him. When you’re in love with the real Peter Parker, there’s not much to hold on to. It’s a lot more exciting when you do find something to hold on to, like yesterday when he was bored in World History during the movie your teacher played and Peter Parker instead opted to doodle all over your left hand in his favorite blue sharpie (you haven’t tried to wash it all off yet).
And now, Saturday. You have today to yourself and you’re using it to re-watch season four of The Office and text Ned about how great Star Wars: The Last Jedi is going to be, but mostly you’re using it to think about Peter Parker.
No, you tell yourself, I’m only thinking about the idea of him. You go over a little spider doodle with your own blue sharpie, making sure to use the same shade of blue so you don’t completely ruin the drawings on your hand. You try not to remember how his hand felt holding yours and instead you think of an imaginary scenario where Peter Parker writes “I love you too” on your hand instead of “Spider-man!!!”.
Half-distracted, you answer Ned’s text and slyly add btw wheres peter? he hasn't answered me today to the end. You sent Peter Parker a text this morning but there’s been no reply so far.
When Ned reads the text, he doesn’t type an answer. Instead, he tries to call you on FaceTime. You decline it and text him hoe i look gross. He answers, bitch me too, now pick up. Ned calls you again and you accept it.
You’re greeted with the pixellated sight of Peter Parker with a Wii remote in his hand, dancing violently with Katy Perry’s California Gurls playing. Ned’s amused voice comes, “He didn’t charge his phone overnight so it died this morning. He came over to my place and has played this all day.”
You let out a loud laugh. “I hate this because he’s good at it!”
You hear a faint “thanks!” from Peter Parker and you can’t help but think about how he’s actually a pretty good dancer and that’s adorable. It’s getting to be progressively more difficult to be in love with only the idea of him. You have to remind yourself that there’s a near-zero percent chance that he’d ever feel the same way.
“Y/N, dude, you look so crushed right now,” says Ned, and Peter Parker momentarily stops dancing and looks over to Ned with a concerned expression.
“I’m realizing that I’ll never look as hot as Peter when I’m playing Just Dance.” You force a laugh and it sounds real. Peter Parker resumes his dancing with a red face.
“Gross; if you were here, you’d see how sweaty he is.”
“Not many people look hot even when sweating.”
“Ew, I’m hanging up if you call that smelly piece of garbage hot again.”
You are an absolute child. Only a child would worry so much for so long over love. You still don’t know what you’re in love with: your imagination or the reality. You also don’t know why you keep inviting Peter Parker over while you’re having your mid-life crisis.
He sits next to you on your couch as the two of you watch Star Trek. You’re really not watching it, instead you look at the TV as you bury yourself in thought. Only one thing keeps you grounded in reality, and it’s Peter Parker’s arm around you. That’s romantic, right?
You had only recently realized you you were being incredibly immature by only worrying where to direct your love and you had spent no time thinking about any possibility of Peter Parker loving you back. You try not to think about how sure you are that he doesn’t and instead try to give yourself a reason that he does. In case you slip up one day and admit your feelings, he won’t be completely blown away and you’d have something to defend yourself with.
There are a few things you can think of. You don’t know if they’re friendly things or romantic things, but you assume it’s romantic. He’s called you cute, and he’s also called you pretty. He’s kissed your head, and a month ago he kissed your forehead. Both instances were consensual on both ends. He blushes when you compliment him. He’s let you cuddle with him twice. Right now, he has his arm around your shoulders. The only thing that helps you tell if these things could be romantic is the faint memory of a romance novel you read when you were twelve years old.
You scream when you suddenly feel Peter Parker blow in your ear. You snap out of your thoughts and face him. “What was that for?”
“You weren’t answering me!” He defends, but lets you lightly punch his chest.
“Do you need something?” You lean back into the couch and remember his arm is still there, so you pretend to shift in your seat and lean forward.
“I was going to ask you if I could sleepover but if you’re too busy staring at the wall, then never mind.”
“Hey! Just because I’m spaced out, doesn’t mean I don’t want you here,” you say. “I’d love for you to stay overnight. But what about your internship? You’ve been with me all afternoon, are you sure Mr. Stark doesn’t need you?”
“I, uh, took care of my work this morning. That should be enough for at least today, right?” He looks at you as if you knew anything about what he does at the Stark Internship.
“How should I know? I say yes, you’re there every day and you work long hours. He should start paying you three times as much.” You get up from the couch and stretch. “Do you need to grab anything from home?”
“Yeah,” says he. “I’ll be back in ten?”
“Don’t sneak off to Mr. Stark, okay?”
He rolls his eyes at you, but he’s smiling. “Fine.”
And Peter Parker leaves you with the promise of his return in ten minutes. You turn off the Star Trek movie and decide to just leave the TV on a news channel so that you have some background noise. Wandering into the kitchen, you consider if he’d mind leftover spaghetti or if you should just order a pizza. You don’t have a lot of money left but you don’t plan on buying anything big anytime soon so a pizza should be good.
You pick up your phone after a while and call to order a pizza (one large, half pepperoni, half plain cheese, extra sauce) and sit down on the couch. Bored, you look over at the TV and find a burning building with the headline “Spider-man Saves Family from Fire” rolling along the bottom. Hanging up the phone- the pizza would arrive in twenty minutes- you drag your attention over to the news story. Across the screen swings the red and blue spier-themed hero, lowering a small child to the ground from the seventh story of an apartment. Firetrucks are all around and sirens are heard behind the voice of the reporter. Peter Parker was a fan of the hero, which made you take a liking to the person people call Spider-man. You liked that he wasn’t someone like Tony Stark, who you only saw in his Iron Man suit when he was doing something extremely important. Spider-man was like your city’s personal little hero. He took care of the city instead of his ego.
When commercials took over the TV, you turned away and looked at your phone. 9:15. The pizza would be getting cold soon. Peter Parker was late again. Only twenty minutes late so far, but you already knew he’d be at least half an hour late. You sank back into the couch, slouching down and propping your leg up to keep you from sliding right off.
Peter Parker was thirty-three minutes late.
You swing open the door, revealing him in his sleepwear and nothing in his hands but his phone. You glared at him tiredly.
“Ten minutes, huh? You shouldn’t have gotten me so excited.” You cross your arms, then uncrossed them when you started to smell something. “Peter, why do you smell like burning garbage?”
He fiddled with his phone. “Oh, well, um…”

“You weren’t at that big fire, were you?” You remembered the news story and just sputtered out something. “The one with Spider-man? I know you’re secretly in love with him but don’t go near a big fire just to see him-“

“No!” He raised his voice a little, then cleared his throat. “No, I’m not in love with him, I’m just- I just-“
“Ugh,” you stepped out of the doorway to let him in. “You should just take a shower before you stink up the entire building. Next time if you plan on being late, just say you need an hour.”
Peter Parker trudges in and heads straight for your bathroom, quietly closing the door behind him. You sigh and fall back onto the couch.
Peter Parker. He was hard to be in love with. You bet that if you had fallen in love with him last year, it would have been much easier. Ever since his trip to Berlin and this Stark Internship thing, it’s been hard to even be friends with him. You may not know anything about being in love with him, but you know a lot about being his friend and you wouldn’t trade that in for anything. You’re starting to suspect that you really do want to be in love with him, though, and you don’t like it. It’s been making your life way harder than it needs to be. Loving someone that almost never has time for you, obviously keeps secrets from you, and almost never keeps promises isn’t very fun. But you suppose that the daydreams about him was enough to make you love the real him. And maybe the little things that you decided earlier were romantic advances helped too. Or maybe Peter Parker really does just have a heart of gold and you’re desperate to keep him by your side. Thinking about this as a whole is making you doubt what little confirmations you’ve made, now you’re back to the stupid him-versus-the-idea-of-him thing.
Who do you love, Y/N? Do you love Peter Parker or do you love your fantasy of Peter Parker? You need to decide now or it’s going to keep you up at night for another week. You haven’t been sleeping much. If you stayed in your little pretend world, it would be easier to interact with the real Peter Parker, but if you love the real him then you wouldn’t feel as creepy, plus you’d maybe have a chance at being with him.
No, I wouldn’t. He’d never dare feel that way about me. You lean your head back and stare at the ceiling, switching back and forth from thinking about how stupid you feel to thinking about Peter Parker. Eventually you stopped thinking about Peter Parker for a while and just thought about how you could be doing something productive with your life right now but instead you spend your time worrying about a boy in the dumbest way possible. Not that love wasn’t something to worry about, but maybe you could have used the time that you wasted on your own dilemma to study or even just think about something more important. Maybe think about why Peter Parker has been being distant. Or maybe even think about college, anything but your stupid problem with love-
You scream when Peter Parker slams the door open loudly, jumping out of your seat and falling to the floor in panic. He slowly shuts the door being him with a guilty look on his face.
“Uh… sorry.” He placed his phone on the couch and sat next to you on the ground.
You shoved him lightly. “My gosh, I don’t care what you do to your house, but try not to break my doors.”
“Sorry, sorry, I’m just in a good mood and I, I guess I got excited.” He waved his hands around. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it.” You shrugged and got up, sitting back down on the couch. “Well, now that you’re here and you don’t smell gross anymore, I have a movie that I want to watch and therefore you need to watch it, too. I hope you didn’t eat yet because I ordered pizza for us.”
You tried not to look at Peter Parker as he slept because that would be incredibly creepy of you. He really is adorable, though.
Sighing, you turn over in your bed. Peter Parker is an amazing friend, a hard worker, a pure soul, and you might as well accept that you’re in love with him.
“Uh, Y/N?”
You scream again, shooting up in your bed. Your head snaps over to Peter Parker. “You fucker, I thought you were asleep!”
“Is it true?” He asks. You blink very slowly at him.
“Is what true?” Then your heart drops. “Oh my god. Did I say that out loud?”
“Please tell me if it’s true.” He sits up in the sleeping bag you gave him, nut brown eyes staring up at you. You’ve gotten used to saying nut brown instead of amber. The moonlight coming through your window makes him look especially soft and childish.
It feels like your heart is seizing and beating way too fast at the same time. “You- I, why do I need to say it? I mean, you, you heard- if I thought you were asleep, then why would I lie out loud?”
Peter Parker fucking gets up and sits next to you on your bed. You slide away, but he follows you. He never once breaks eye contact, an impressive feat considering the situation.
“Y/N.” He’s too close to you. You don’t want to breathe. “Tell me, please.”
Well, Y/N, too damn late to go back now. Your brain and heart are screaming bloody murder as you finally give him his answer, “Yes. It’s- It’s true.”
Peter Parker gives you the brightest smile you’ve ever seen. You’ve only seen him this happy when he told you he got to meet Tony Stark.
“Can I- Can I kiss you?” He asks excitedly. You blush and start to sputter.
“Wait, no- no! I don’t mean no, but- you, um, what?” You try to correct yourself before he speaks again. “You… You didn’t say it back!”
Oh my god, Y/N, stop losing your shit is all you can hear in your head but Peter Parker grins even wider. He leans in fast and presses his lips to yours. It’s weird and exhilarating, your chins bump together and you both awkwardly try to hold hands, lips fumbling just as much as your fingers were. When he pulls back, he looks into your eyes with emotions so intense you wanted to turn away in disbelief. Again, he grins, unable to hide his joy. Slowly, your brain quiets down and lets you enjoy this moment, and you’re glad that it does because the next think Peter Parker says is something you’ll remember for the rest of your life and then more.
“I love you too.”
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belfromhell · 7 years
@flying-toes and @leslipigeonoficial tagged me on this. Why am I doing it? I truly don’t know, but I love their blogs (go and follow them, now!) so I’ll do it with a smile on my face. (Btw sorry if there’s grammatical mistakes, english isn’t my first language).
Ps: @flying-toes is the one of the best persons I’ve met in this page, she’s so funny and sweet all the time! Ilysm girl, thanks for listening and care, ¡te adoro, eres genial!
rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people.
I tag: @rubbersoles19 @fandom-weirdness-for-life @punk-rock-princess-626 @xjustahoneymoon @astronautswife @honeybun-holland @gweniings @mermaid-with-flowers-in-her-hair @s-sun-kissed @petersyoink @havikenhayes @pocketandheart @flylikeajetpack @lawryn-w @allisondra @danceratthestillpoint @tomhollandhollaatme @cassieandra0721 @dorkiustothemax @thebreenutgallery
I love lots of blogs but my memory is just shit so I’ll tag my last 20 followers instead.
the last
1. drink: a very strong lemonade. Basically a lot of lemon juice, a tiny bit of water and almost no sugar. LIKE THE REAL MACHOS.
2. phone call: My mom? I wanted to know how make chicken soup but we ended talking about my new neighbor and her annoying chihuahua. Never got my soup, though.
3. text message: a friend. She’s with her boyfriend’s family so basically she’s having a mental breackdown cause the mom of the boy hates her, lmao.
4. song you listened to: OMG NOOOO HAHAH. “Abrázame muy fuerte” by Juan Gabriel (we miss you mi amor :c).
5. time you cried: last night? I’ll be honest with you guys, I was reading a very emotional fanfic, it’s just science. I couldn’t help it.
6. dated someone twice: My ex, I think. Idk, I’ll date him again soon probably. I’ll use him to get free food and a Netflix account >:v
7. kissed someone and regretted it: LAST MONTH AND SHE’S MY EX LMAO. What can I say? She’s very nice and persuasive o-o
8. been cheated on: Never.
9. lost someone special: My great-grandmother passed away five years ago. I haven’t lost someone special since her, thank God.
10. been depressed: My life consist on been depressed and and angry 24/7
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Last week. I FINALLY GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL FUCKERS. (By fuckers I mean my teachers, I love you all okay?)
3 favourite colours
12. Black
13. Blue
14. Red
in the last year have you
15. made new friends: Yep. Some thanks to other friends, some others thanks to my habit of losing important stuff.
16. fallen out of love: No, I still love the same guy, so ???
17. laughed until you cried: Yesterday, my friend’s mother put INTENTIONALLY soap in his eyes.
18. found out someone was talking about you: YES, I WAS WAITING FOR THIS QUESTION. Last month, some girl was talking shit about my whole classroom, just because we are genious and her classmates are total toddlers. It was graduation practice, AND MY PALS AND I WERE CONGRATULATED, NOT YOU SMOL LIL SHIT.
19. met someone who changed you: I’m always making friends. On web sites, on the street, everywere, so I’m always changing cause all of them teach me something everyday, even if they are just being themselves. Watch and learn.
20. found out who your friends are: I’ll just say yes while I keep my eyes shut to avoid cry.
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: yeah, me and my friends still play 7 Minutes in Heaven, so imagine how that turns out.
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I’ve had the same Facebook account for five or six years now, and I’ve being in lots of fandoms. So, to make it short maybe I know five hundred of the three thousand? My school was really big and I’m just a sucker for friends and new people. 
23. do you have any pets: Nop, my last pet was a cat called Noah but she run away. But I have lots of plants, does they count?
24. do you want to change your name: Nop, I’m Karla Belén and that’s how family calls me, but other people call me just Karla or Belén or derivations of those two. My closest friends call me Kiwi or Kabe. My teachers used my last name and all my doctors call me Belito. I love my name cause some people has take their valious time to make nicknames or they call me in a certain way cause maybe a thing I’ve made reminds them of something specific and I’m okay with that, so no, I don’t want to change my name.
25. what did you do for your last birthday: I was at my uncle’s house, the whole day we traveled with my parents to the capital, and when we arrived my aunt had cooked fried chicken. It was very simple but my dad let me drive a little bit and my mom was in a good mood, so it was really cute.
26. what time did you wake up: I stay till one am reading fanfics, so I usually wake at ten or eleven am.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Talking with @flying-toes​ about my horrible life decisions.
28. name something you can’t wait for: Start college on September, if they answer my call this Monday. The rest of the MCU movies. Dinner.
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Five minutes ago? She’s staying with me this days, but nah I don’t care really.
31. what are you listening to right now: I’m watching Parks and Recreation actually, so I’m listening to their voices?
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yes, my friend’s brother is called Tomás, but we call him Tom cause Tomás sounds really pretentious.
33. something that is getting on your nerves: My family, the college applications THAT HAVEN’T BEEN ANSWERED, not having money to waste in shits and stuff.
34. most visited website: AO3, Instagram, and Tumblr.
35. hair color: Black.
36. long or short hair: Both, I like long hair to make braids but I like short hair cause is easy to comb. Now I have it long but that may change next week if I feel like it.
37. do you have a crush on someone: TOM HOLLAND’S GOT MY HEART AND MY SOUL AT THE MOMENT.
38. what do you like about yourself: I’m determined, I like to think that we should all be aware that we are part of a larger project and we must do something about it, but something good, something that helps the rest and make the stay in the planet more enjoyable. I am committed and fight a lot for world problems. I go out to protests and stuff, but I hope to be a politician someday to work for people who are forgotten by people with power.
39. piercings: Nope, just normal earrings holes.
40. blood type: I truly don't know, I think I’m O-, or some weird thing cause the only time i’ve need blood we had to look for a donator cause my family isn't compatible.
41. nickname: Kiwi, Kabe, Belu, Belito, Flaca, Nena.
42. relationship status: Trying to return with my ex but failing.
43. zodiac: Capricorn.
44. pronouns: “she” “her”.
45. favourite tv show: Parks and Recreation, maybe.
46. tattoos: A little moon on my right hip.
47. right or left handed: right.
48. surgery: twice.
50. sport: HA! Noooooo.
51. vacation: My grandparents house is my perfect vacation place.
52. pair of trainers: Converse or Vans? I don’t care about shoes, honestly.
53. eating: I eat everything except for sardines.
54. drinking: I drink everyting.
55. I’m about to: Read some Spideychelle fics?
56. waiting for: UPDATES OF MY FAVORITE FICS. And the damn college card.
57. want: Love.
58. get married: I’m still a baby, but I really want to get married someday.
59. career: I just graduated high school, soy un Bachiller de la República del Ecuador :D, but I want to be a lawyer.
60. hugs or kisses: Hugs.
61. lips or eyes: Eyes.
62. shorter or taller: I don’t care, but I prefer taller people cause I’m a little tall and people is dumb about it.
63. older or younger: I don’t care x2. Age it’s just a number, I’m still pretty inmature but I’ve know people of my age that is very responsible and older people that needs to get back to their parents house. 
64. nice arms or nice stomach: Nice heart? I like a nice body, but I don’t care x3 about aparience. If something or someone is cute, I like them. If they have fit bodies is cool, and is also cool if they don’t.
65. hookup or relationship: Relationship.
66. troublemaker or hesitant: TROUBLEMAKER AS FUUUUUCK. I have some strong opinios about delicate stuff and usually I get into trouble defending it.
67. kissed a stranger: Yeah, drunk or high.
68. drank hard liquor: Yeah, since I was fifteen probably.
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Never, I can’t live without my glasses so I never leave them, at any moment.
70. turned someone down: Never.
71. sex on the first date: Never x2.
73. had your heart broken:It’s still broken but I'm pretending I'm fine reading lots of fanfics and going to the dentist.
74. been arrested: Once but I escaped before they called my parents or asked my name. I’m not proud of it but well...
75. cried when someone died: Yeah.
76. fallen for a friend: Yeah :(((
77. yourself: Sometimes, when I’m sure that things will go okay, and if I’m not I just stay positive.
78. miracles: I don’t know, I’m not a religious person. But I think that sometimes things are meant to be and happens in weird ways that can be considered as miracles.
79. love at first sight: No, that’s bullshit.
80. santa claus: Nop, here in Ecuador we don’t believe in that. It’s something that foreign brought like a comercial thing.  
81. kiss on the first date: It deppends.
82. angels: Maybe.
84. eye colour: Dark brown.
85. favourite movie: El 49. In 1949 a earthquake shake and destroyed my city. Help was sent from all the country and from close countries but it never came. People with power taked those things and made total empires using all the provitions. But my city didn’t give up. People that lost everyting worked harder that ever and the next year the city was reconstructed and since that year we celebrate on February the FFF (Fiesta de las Flores y de las Frutas) that means Flower and Fruit Festival. I love that movie cause reflects all the pain of those poor citizens but the determination of the ambateños (My city is called Ambato, do the math). 
IF YOU GOT TO THE END YOU HAVE A LOT OF FREE TIME. THANKS FOR READING! If you think we have something in common you should send me a message. I’am always willing to talk or listen.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
But I'm A Cheerleader! (Aja x Farrah) - Millie
A/N: hey there! This is my first time submitting a fic here, and I hope you guys like it. I was incredibly surprised that no one has thought of a cheerleader AU after the second episode aired, so I had to write one! (Btw the title bears no resemblance to the movie with the same name) I’m sorry if this chapter is boring or cheesy since it’s the first. Please bear with me! P.S.: i created a blog to keep track of my fics, @artificialmillie because I do plan to write more on here.
“I’m Aja; I’m sassy!”
“I’m Nina; I’m assy!”
“I’m Shea; I’m flirty!”
“I’m Sasha; I’m dirty!”
“I’m Charlie; I’m boozy!”
“I’m Jaymes; I’m snoozy…!”
“I’m Alexis… and I’m a floozy!”
All the girls had opened out into a triangle, Alexis staged right in the middle with three girls either side of her. They all sported short, purple, pleated skirts with tight-fitting shirts, and of course their signature white bows atop their heads. The RuPaul Glamazons had come to slay this football season.
“We are RuPaul’s Glamazons, got our cheering panties on,” they chanted in perfect unison. “Our beat is unstoppable; our hair is unclockable!” After their short chant they skipped away for the B-52 Bombers to take the floor in their almost matching uniforms. Bitches.
This rivalry had lasted almost two years. Both teams attended the same school, Tuckahoe High School, and most only joined the cheerleading squad to get a front-row view of the star football players. God, they were hot. All the girls had a particularly good time on the football field, except they were in the gym hall today for their final practice. Tomorrow they were debuting their new cheers in support of the guys as they battled it out for the winning prize - bragging rights. Oh, and a trophy.
“Alright, work it, work it, alright!” the Bombers chanted, clapping their hands together and walking - except Farrah, who was skipping - to the centre to begin. Their red-orange outfits were stoned for the Gods, despite Kimora’s lengthy complaining and telling them “stoning is for ugly girls”. Instead of white bows they rocked orange ones, and their hair was voluminous and tied back instead of loose and wild like the Glamazons’.
“B-52 Bombers, let’s go!” Cynthia, who was the leader of the team, shouted. She had competed the longest, and was no stranger to a football game. She led the Bombers with professionalism and poise.
“I’m Cu-Cu; I’m naughty!”
“I’m Kimora; I’m slutty!”
“I’m Eureka; I’m wacky!”
“I’m Trinity; I’m tacky!”
“I’m Farrah; I’m thorny!”
“I’m Peppermint; I’m corny!”
“I’m Valentina - I’m also corny!” The Glamazons giggled at her from the side of the gym.
“Our lobsters are rocking, our love is in the shack; we’re roaming ‘cause we wanna, so haters step back!” they shouted together. Their cheer didn’t even make that much sense - the Glamazons were ready to strike back.
“B-50-who? Not as cool as Ru. RuPaul is more fierce than Kate could ever be. More woman than Fred and more man than Cindy!” They clapped their pom-poms together and smirked as the Bombers took great offense to their chant. But they weren’t afraid to be just as rude.
“RuPaul is shameless, selling candy bars and more. She even had a perfume and it was called Whore!” The Bombers erupted into laughter at their enemies’ shocked faces, but they weren’t expecting what was coming next.
“Your beehives - busted! Your songs are too slow. You should go retire in a private Ida… hoooooe.” They shook their asses and their pom-poms in mockery, with Charlie, Alexis, and Nina shouting at them through big plastic horns. Both teams exchanged glares, but before any violence (which happened surprisingly often) could ensue, the main football commentator was reading his lines and forcing them on to the tumbling.
Everyone got into formation, most of them at the back doing stunts and a few at the sides for when it was their turn for their solo. Every season they were sadly forced to work together to produce show-stopping performances, although it wasn’t like many people were watching them - the footballers were always the centre of attention. Nonetheless, they enjoyed what they did.
Kimora stepped forward to do a weak cartwheel and roll, followed by Peppermint doing a handspring. At the back, Alexis, Shea, and Sasha were propped up by their team and competitors, extending their arms fabulously. Eureka cartwheeled in front of them, wowing everyone as she landed in a perfect split. The Glamazons gossiped between themselves, although not in mock, but in amazement. Just as she landed, Shea was sprung into the air and landed flawlessly in her teammates’ arms, taking everyone aback with her calibre.
Valentina did a one-handed cartwheel, a roly poly, and another cartwheel, with perfect poise. Despite only doing cheerleading for ten months, she was beginning to outshine some of her teammates, which they were not taking lightly.
Charlie flopped at her cartwheel - being boozy and all, she was probably still a little drunk from the night before - and was joined by Sasha who stood on her hands as Jaymes rolled through the pair. At the back, Cynthia fell forwards into her teammates’ arms, and then was propelled again to head to the other side, all while keeping a cheery smile on her face. Luckily she was light, so it wasn’t much of an effort to keep her in the air. Now it was Shea’s solo, in which she flipped cartwheeled, and landed in a split with a sly grin on her face - a beautiful ending to the tumbling package. The commentator spoke again, and they were on to the group dance.
With Valentina and Shea at the front, and Cynthia in the centre, everyone extended their arms and jumped in the air twice. They moved their arms and legs in compelling ways, all fuelled with enthusiasm and smiles on their faces. Eventually they parted and danced together in their own teams, beginning to lift Valentina and Aja into the air before they jumped.
“5, 6, 7, 8,” Sasha started, encouraging everyone to join in.
“Glamazons, Bombers, the battle rages on. This cheer ain’t over, now bring it on!” everyone chanted. By now, everyone was in their positions for the stunting. Ready to stunt were Farrah, Trinity, Aja, and Shea, all confident with smiles on their faces, even Trinity, who was scared of heights. When they were at peak height they all extended their arms in a V-shape and propped up one leg. As soon as they were up they were back down again, and they moved into a new formation. Valentina and Jaymes were down at the front, with Alexis and Charlie supporting Shea with their legs not far behind. At the back were the other girls, keeping Farrah and Aja in the air who were supporting a shaky Trinity standing highest of all. At last, they’d finished their lengthy performance, and it’d definitely pay off tomorrow.
The girls separated and gathered together in their own teams, beginning to talk between themselves. Most of the time it was just bitching about the opposite team, but today it was happy discussions about the next day. Like every final rehearsal, there was fear laced with excitement, but most of all, happiness. After weeks and weeks of endless practising, there was finally a relief from all the hard work.
“So, guys,” Charlie began with a smile on her face. “What about a party tonight? To celebrate that we’ve finally finished.”
“Trust you to suggest a party,” Aja joked. “It’s not like you host them every weekend.”
“What? It’ll be fun. I’m inviting all the footballers - even the ones that those skanks over there are rooting for.”
“I’m down,” Alexis said.
“Me too,” Shea agreed.
“They probably have, like, ten million diseases. Half of them have probably slept with the Bombers,” Sasha argued. Everyone nodded in agreement.
“So?” Charlie responded as if there was something obvious they’d missed. “It’ll make them jealous.”
“If it makes you happy, I’ll come,” Nina said. “Jaymes?”
Jaymes jumped as if she’d been asleep, and nodded. “Charlie’s parties aren’t half bad.”
With a few people giving in, the rest of the group eventually did too. Perhaps it was a bad idea to have a party right before a tournament, but that wasn’t on their minds at this moment in time. Doing anything to spite the Bombers was, and they were going to do just that.
“PSA: it’s a white party,” Charlie said. “Come dressed accordingly.”
“Why’s it gotta be white?” Nina said.
“Why not?”
“Shouldn’t we come dressed in purple? Since that’s our team colour,” Aja countered.
“Whatever. Just be there at 9pm.”
Even before she entered the house, the stench of alcohol had weaved its way into Aja’s nose. House and dance music was being blasted from inside, the bass booming through the walls so you could even feel it. From the looks of it, most people had already arrived, despite it only being 9:08pm. She peered through the window to see a bunch of footballers crowding round Shea, and the rest of the Glamazons drinking from red solo cups and/or admiring the boys. Just as Charlie said, the Bombers footballers were there too.
Aja knocked at the door, and was greeted by a tipsy Charlie.
“Aja! Come in,” she said simply, grabbing her wrist and pulling her inside; it took all of her willpower not to barf at the smell of vodka that stained the air.
Inside were almost all the Glamazons and the footballers from both sides. She could sense all their gazes roaming her body, as she’d chosen a short, black latex dress that was not the most conservative. She paired her look with her cheer bow that lay on top of her freshly curled pastel purple hair, showing patriotism for her team.
“Where’s Jaymes?” Aja asked.
“Probably sleeping,” Sasha said. “I don’t think she’s a party girl.”
“Her loss,” Alexis said. “We have this whole night to dance away!”
Everyone nodded in agreement and Charlie turned the music up, if it was even possible for it to be louder. The girls resumed their dancing and drinking and the guys resumed their grinding, and they got on with the party.
Not even an hour later, there was a furious knock at the door. By then, everyone was too drunk to be concerned, but got up to answer the door anyway. Charlie opened the door with a smile, which faltered when she saw who was standing right in front of her.
Farrah Moan, with the rest of the B-52 Bombers slithering up behind her.
“You just had to have it your way, didn’t you?” Farrah accused, glaring at Charlie.
“What do you mean?” Charlie played innocent, although her badly performed facade was scrapped when a bunch of footballers came to the door to see what the commotion was.
“Inviting our footballers to your shitty party.”
“They’re not yours. They’re their own people.”
Farrah scrunched up her face in a scowl, opening her mouth as if to say something, but then closing it again. Charlie did have a point.
“Look, I see what you sluts are trying to do -” Eureka started, but was cut off.
“Can you shut up a second?” Charlie demanded. “This is our party. Join us peacefully or leave.”
And so they left, quickly defeated, and thé Glamazons continued their party.
The next day at school was filled with glares from both sides, like two packs of wolves about to pounce. No one said a word to each other, but the looks being exchanged were enough to tell a thousand words. The footballers, however, seemed unfazed. After all, they had an important game tonight.
“I trust you’re ready for tonight?” Miss Visage found Aja in the corridor standing with Jaymes. Miss Visage was the deputy head teacher of the school, and always liked to be updated on students’ progress, no matter what it was in. Miss RuPaul ran the school and was therefore too busy to talk to all the students, so Miss Visage silently took that role. However, it was Miss RuPaul’s idea to start a cheerleading squad, RuPaul’s Glamazons, which then led to the B-52 Bombers being born. The original squad took inspiration from the 80s band, which the current squad had now ditched for twerking, rudeness, and chasing after the footballers.
“Of course,” Jaymes said, smiling brightly. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Aja nodded in agreement.
“Good. I know you girls will make us proud.”
“Are you rooting for the RuPaul’s Glamazons, Miss Visage?” Aja asked, smirking.
“Oh, you girls know I’m not allowed to have favourites,” she said with a wink. “But good luck.” She walked away. Aja and Jaymes smiled to each other, confidence beginning to grow inside both of them.
Cheering and screaming erupted through the crowds, signifying that it was 6:30pm - the game was about to begin. The Glamazons and the Bombers organised themselves into their positions, sharing a few glances here and there, and smiled widely at the crowd surrounding the pitch.
“Glamazons, Bombers - welcome to the starting match of the ninth season of Tuckahoe Football!” Mr. Mathews, the commentator, announced. “Are you ready?!”
The crowd cheered and whistled, some chanting the teams’ names. Excitement grew inside each of the cheerleaders’ stomachs. Mr. Mathews blew the whistle, and the game started.
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