#the nam family needs to be cuddled with all the love
anotherfanaccount · 2 years
Choi Chi Yeol losing it almost everything Nam Haeng Son appears before him and just denying his obvious feelings as live is so hilariously done.
It's perfect. He just can't believe he can fall in love. That's it. And to this mother of a student. His ethical uprightness is blocking his heart and he is gonna everything to deny himself the love he feels.
As much funny this entire situation is till now, I need Haeng son to come clean so the dude gets some relief. He's already physically frail to begin with.
Nam Hae Yi subtly shipping them is so cute too. She is gonna be the one bringing them together because these two are pretty useless in that department is what I see so far.
And I want Chi Yeol to officially become a part of the family because you see him. Comfortable, well fed, smiling, taking care of them and just actually living a life than just existing for the sake of it.
Anyway what I meant was this drama is absolutely everything I didn't know I needed. Kinda in with the mystery killer dude story too. And yes, I hate the other mothers but my god what fabulous bunch of actors.
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nickeverdeen · 1 year
Hello 😊🍃 can I have a tmr match up ? Sorry for my English I’m French
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Physic . Medium size, Viêt Nam, short hair failing on the shoulders,, I wear glasses ( I don’t think it’s important), i don’t have a clothes style I wear whatever is in the closet.
Personality . Im a hufflepuff, Straight girl, her/ she and my mbti type is enfp-t, I’m a Libra, think I’m lawfully good, well for my personality : I have a weird humor, I’m clumsy, friendly perceptive and very loyal
I talk a lot and i have difficulties to focus, I’m crazy about what’s passionate me, like books or music. I try to be nice with the people around me but sometimes if they when some person anger me I can be sarcastic and n be brutal with words and gestuels, I’m very impulsive because of my adhd + dysexecutive syndrom. I’m not confident and I self doubt most of the time. I abandoned fear.
IV. Interest : biology, neuroscience, psychology, English, French, philosophy, Greek mythology, fantasy and science fiction movie/ books, and pop song, love hugging my friends and family. Cats = my life I will definitely adopt it one days
love : singing for hobbies and listen to music and dance, and read, pratice aikido
Hate : manipulate, noises, spiders, injustice. Discrimination all one. Person trying to impose their point of view
Type of person : someone who are understanding, and perceptive but don’t afraid to call me out if I do something stupid.
Love language : physical touch, words of affirmation
habits: cracking knuckles, jumping ,listening to music, surfing in internet. bite one's nails
Your The Maze Runner match is…
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Hufflepuff couple
Newt is a pretty introverted/ambiverted person so you probably won’t be able to get him being centre of the attention
He likes your humor even though others might find it weird
He doesn’t care he just likes it
Values your loyalty to him a lot more than you know
Does his best to help you focus, but isn’t hard on you
He doesn’t really mind it, but when needed to pay attention he’d gently remind you
Newt is pretty shocked when he sees the brutal and sarcastic side of you
He doesn’t really see it much
Tries to calm you and the other person down not wanting any troubles
Protective and sweetheart boyfriend
Newt does know about your ADHD and Dysexelutive syndrom
He couldn’t care less, he loves you the way you are
After all those things don’t define you and he loves you unconditionally
He doesn’t really like it when you self-doubt
He will reassure you that whatever you doubt about in yourself, he loves it and others too
Newt would never ever in his life abandon you
He loves you and would NEVER leave you behind
You’re the only person he trusts enough with his own problems
He loves to recieve and give hugs to you
He ain’t really fan of PDA, but hand holding and kisses on your cheek are always there
He doesn’t mind cats at all
In fact he finds them cute, so yeah, you two might adopt a cat one day
Likes to listen to you singing
It’s music to his ears
Cuddles with you whenever he can and you want
Calls you “love” or “darling”
Newt would call you out for doing something stupid
Or cracking your knuckles, he just simply thinks it’s bad for you
He is a very protective, caring and perceptive boyfriend
He would never cheat on you in his whole life
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lun-writes · 2 years
Jin-su (A-Z Fluff) (GN)
Jin-su x GN! reader
this has been sitting on my WIP for a few months and I decided to finish it hope y'all enjoy it! I wish the were some gifs for him😭
Warning: reference to bullying and suicide attempt but nothing deep
A/N: In case anyone forgot Jin-su is the son of Byeong-chan
Don't forget to like, reblog, or leave a comment if you enjoy it
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Jin-su loves how brave you are, whether it's standing up to Myeong-hwan's gang, calling out some teachers who are not doing anything about the bullying (which sometimes lands you in trouble with the principal) or even helping those who are being bullied.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
He loves your eyes; he doesn't know why though he finds them really nice.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
He likes laying his head in your lap; your hand in his hair.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Coming to your home or you going to his to play board games or if he feeling comfortable, might take you on a picnic.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
When he is around you Jin-su feels that he can be himself knowing you won't do anything to hurt him
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Jin-su never thought about having a family; considering he tried to commit suicide and he doesn't know if he wants one or not.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
Jin-su is always surprised when you give him a gift; and may get a little teary-eyed, but he will make sure to take care of it.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
When Jin-su gets nervous, or if he sees any of the bullies ,he will reach for your hand. He also likes holding your hand when sleeping.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
He'll be upset; especially if you got injured from Gwi-nam and the others.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Jin-su is bad at telling jokes but he tries.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
He likes to kiss you on the cheek or forehead.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
Sometimes he will write little notes for you and will put them in your bag when you're not looking, making sure you are okay when he sees you and give you a small smile when you wave at him.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
For you, it was when you made Jin-su laugh for the first time, like a full-on belly laugh that surprised you since you'd never heard him laugh before. For Jin-su, it was when you took him to a concert to see one of his favorite bands, it was there he kiss you on the lips for the first time.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
He has two fears; one is that the bullies will harm or blackmail you into breaking up with him. The other is that you never love him and that it was a huge game to you.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
Jin-su tends to hum when it is too quiet.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
He calls you dear, sweetheart, or when he needs your attention he'll call you honey.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
Doing crosswords, helping you with anything, or not doing anything at all
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Good Days by SZA
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
He doesn't like keeping anything from you so tells you everything.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
It took at least half a year before you asked jin-su out.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
The poor boy would be scared at first since he had never seen you this upset before, but he will ask if you want to talk. If you, do he'll listen to what got you upset, if not, he'll sit next to you quietly, hoping his presence will help.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He's proud that he met someone like you; someone who he can come to when things get too much.
W = Wild Card (Random Fluff Headcanon.)
When you were sick Jin-su came over every day after school to make sure you were okay; he even surprised you with soup you taught him how to make.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
He is very attentive; he can tell when you are in a good or bad mood, when you just need some space, and when just feeling not at your best.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
He would propose where it is just you two so you don't feel pressured to say yes
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Your voice has always helped him relax sometime it has lured him to sleep on nights he couldn't sleep.
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renee-writer · 2 years
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Take the Wheel Chapter Forty-one
A controlled chaos follows her announcement. Ian grabs his wife’s hospital bag after calling the hospital to let them know they are on the way. Jamie helps Claire gather up all of Kiara’s presents. They are taken into the nursery.
“Mam is having the babies. Claire will see to you guys.” Jenny tells her children.
“I will help mam.” Ian Jr. announces.
“Good lad.” She pats his shoulder. That is until the first contraction hits. A gasp as she bends over under the force of it.
“Mam!” Maggie cries out.
“It is okay love. It’s part of it. Normal.” Mary comforts her.
“Come love, let’s get you to hospital.” Ian leads her out after it ends.
“Is Miss Jenny going to be alright dad?” William asks.
“She will. She is having babies. It isn’t an east process.” He gets quiet. The little children have been moved to the nursery. His sweet eyes meet his dad’s.
“She won’t die will she dad? Like my mum did?”
“Come here son.” He moves to his dad. He takes him onto his lap. “You’re almost to big for this. What happened to your mum doesn’t happen often. It is rare. Miss Jenny will be just fine.” He nods. Hi head nestled under his dad’s neck, he tries to rest.
“We will pray for her.” Mary adds. “How’s that?”
“Claire, Jamie we are going to take him home. Please let us know when the babies arrive.”
“Of course. Thanks for coming.”
“You’re welcome Claire.” He carries his son out. Mary smiles and gives her a hug. They leave.
Jamie and Claire stand arm in arm surveying the after effects of the party. “I guess we need to clean up.”
“Nae Claire. I have this. See to the children. I will join you as soon as I can.” She smiles up at him and lifts up to kiss him. She then heads out to the children. Jamie stands a minute, just breathing.
“God, you know how important Jenny is to this family. Please don’t take her away. Let her and Michael and Janet be alright. Please.” He softly prays before he starts to clean up.
“Nam will be alright won’t she?” Ian Jr. sits beside her as she gives Wee Jamie his bottle. The other children are already asleep, the excitement of the day having worn them out.
“Birth is hard, no doubt but, yes sweetie, she will be alright.”
“William, did his mam die?” She lays the sleeping baby down and draws the little boy into her arms.
“She did. It was from a rare complication. Rare, it doesn’t happen often. Your mam is a very strong woman. It will be alright.”
“Promise?” She knows she can’t do that.
“I promise that God has her. Now love, off to bed. I imagine that when you wake we will have some news. Don’t forgot your prayers.”
“Aye Miss Claire.” He hugs her and kisses her cheek. He then heads to bed.
“You handled that well.” She looks up and smiles at him. “The downstairs is all sorted.”
“Thank you.” He lifts her up and sits her back down on his lap. She laughs and cuddles into him as he rocks them both in the chair.
“You’re welcome.”
A few hours later they get a call from Ian. Michael and Janet have safely arrived without complication. They ring John and then head to bed to sleep in peace.
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thomotomo · 4 years
Through everything part.1
Pairing: Namjoon x Male Reader
Summary: You have been dating Namjoon for a while. You’re now seeing him again for the first time in 4 years and both of you agreed on disclosing you relationship to everyone.  
Words: 3.5k
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Today was a great day, maybe even the best day of your life, you were going to see your boyfriend after what felt like a lifetime without any physical interaction between both of you. In fact, it had been nearly 4 years since you last kissed you boyfriend.
Your boyfriend was an idol, Kim Namjoon from BTS, so he had a very tight schedule, and when he had breaks it didn’t always matched when you had breaks sadly. But this year, after a lot of discussions with him and him with his manager and the CEO, you were finally able to see each other.
You both met back in High-School when you went in Korea for an exchange that was organised by your school after they set up a pen pal thing between both schools. You ended up in his class, even though he wasn’t your pen pal, you discussed with him and both of you immediately hit off and you absolutely wanted to keep contact even after you left Korea.
It wasn’t easy every day, specially because both of you were in different time zones, so often you were the one who stayed up at night so you could discuss. You also sent each other packages, which was pretty expensive, so you didn’t do it often, probably for Christmas, each other’s birthdays and for each other’s new year (the “common one” and the Lunar new year). Luckily for both of you, your parents were cool enough to come in Korea every two days, mainly during summer break, so you could see each other. You also helped each other in your native languages and with English, soon you became fluent in both Korean and English and Namjoon easily spoke (your language) and English.
Slowly you fell for each other, you easily accepted your feelings, as you always wondered why you didn’t felt the same attraction toward girls like your comrades so in the end you agreed with your feelings pretty easily, but not saying anything to Namjoon, you didn’t want to lose the friendship you both had.
On the other hand It wasn’t easy for Namjoon, sexualities other than heterosexuality weren’t talked a lot, if not at all, in Korea, so he struggled to understand why he had such hard feelings toward a boy, especially when he knew he could still feel attracted to girls. Few times before you, he arbored a kind of a crush on other guys but tried to pass it as just finding them attractive and nothing else. He spent a lot of time online on anonymous servers, discussing about sexuality and trying to understand who he was and what his sexuality was. In the end he determined that he was fitting the definition of pansexual pretty well and thus, adopted it for himself and internet friends.
He thought few times about coming out to his parents, but he read so much stories of Korean who were left by their families once they came out, and even though he tried to drop clues about him and test their reactions to LGBT+ people on TV shows or something he didn’t find the force in himself to come out to them, too scared. He also kept that from you, in case you didn’t want to be friend with him anymore.
You both didn’t talk about your feelings to each other and life followed its pace. You congratulated him when he told you about the song he wrote for another band and when he spoke to you about the group he’ll be in. In return he was happy for you when he learned that you graduated high school and got accepted to the college you wanted to go to.
In 2013, when you were both 18 you organized your trip in Korea, alone this time, so you could enjoy “fully” the trip alone. You met Namjoon at the airport and congratulated each other for graduating high school. You went to deposit all your thing at the hotel, and then you both walked around Seoul, him showing you his favourite places since he started to live at Big Hit’s dorms. He was allowed to go back home so you went and installed a bed for you to sleep in. You were happy to see his parents once again, they were always sweet to you, so it was always a pleasure to see them again. It was the same day that you came out to each other.
Around midnight you were both laid in the bed when Namjoon whispered:
“Would you stay by my side no matter what?”
“Of course Namjoon! Why are you asking me that?”, you stood on your forearms, looking at him.
“I… Need to admit you something…”, he was still laid in the bed, looking at the ceiling
“You can tell me everything, I’ll be here to support you.”
He took a deep breath.
“I’m… Pansexual. I can be attracted to everyone no matter their gender...”
You smiled at him softly and sat on the edge of your bed.
“It’s okay, I have to admit something too then.”
He turned his head toward you, frowning a little bit.
“I’m gay, I’m exclusively attracted to men.”
He looked at you, a bit surprised. His brain was trying to understand what you meant as he sat on his bed too.
“You… Really?”
“Yep. Don’t feel ashamed to be you. It’s okay. If it’s not too indiscreet, are you out to your parents?”
“N-No… I’m pretty scared, you know I’ve read a lot of stories about LGBT+ Korean people that got thrown out of their households when they came out… And I’m becoming an idol, it could ruin my career and I don’t want to abandon my dream because of that…” He lowered his eyes, as if ashamed of what he just said to you.
You came closer, seating right next to him and hugged him.
“It’s okay if you’re not out, your safety always comes first. Don’t force yourself to come out if you’re not ready you’re not. I love you the way you are.”
“Y-You love me?”
You blushed, wondering why you said that. You looked away from him and tried to take off your hands from him but looked at you, whispering.
“I love you too…”
You flushed even harder and smiled at him while he was looking at you with bright eyes.
“(Y/N)… Can I kiss you?”
“Yes of course!”
Your faces slowly got closer from the other’s and your lips gently touched, his lips were soft, softer than you anticipated (and fantasized), you felt as if you whole body was set on fire. The kiss was a little bit sloppy, but you didn’t had much experience and you were pretty sure than he didn’t have much either.
You stopped kissing after a few seconds, air already starting to miss. You looked at each other and you observed a pink blush covering a great part of Namjoon’s face. He looked back at you with a bright smile and your heartbeat already fastened by all these emotions, quickened the pace even more.
“So… Boyfriends?”
“Yes Nam… Boyfriends.”
He smiled and hugged you before yawning. You smiled a little to him, touching his hair softly.
“Maybe we should go to sleep, you seem tired.”
“Yes, good idea. Goodnight (Y/N).”, he said as he left your arms and laid back in his bed.
“Goodnight Namjoon.”
You moved to your bed, falling asleep with a content smile.
This is how you spent the next 7 years with Kim Namjoon as your boyfriend, of course it wasn’t easy every day, as living in different time zones, and him being a full-time idol who grown more and more popular every day passing. Like every couples you had your fights and being unable to make up with either sex or cuddles was pretty frustrating. You were able to see him sometimes when he had breaks and you enjoyed and cherished those moments very dearly, but sadly you couldn’t see as often as you would. Nobody except your family knew that you were dating. Of course, at firsts your parents had been sceptical, thinking that it was just some hormonal teenagers feelings, but after noticing that you were serious and engaged in your relationship they supported you.
So here you were, inside your plane to Korea to meet your boyfriend you weren’t able to see in a while. You were quite excited, and the trip was long, so you slept for a long time, hoping that when you woke up, you’ll be in Korea or close enough. Sadly for you, you still had half of the trip that you still had to do.
You occupied yourself as much as you could do but luckily, in the end the trip went pretty quickly. You landed at Incheon airport after around 12 hours of flight, when you took your first steps on the Korean soil you couldn’t help but grin.
You took out your phone, sending a text to your lover, before going to the conveyor, reclaiming your belongings before going toward the public entry, you felt you phone vibrating, you opened it, it was a text from Namjoon that he was going to wait for you in a car at Incheon City Hall to avoid any commotions in the airport, he also gave you the brand, the colour and the first number of the car.
You moved as fast as you could to catch your bus, even though it was hard for you to know that you’ll have to wait for another hour before finally being reunited with him.
Once you reached the station you went to the parking and you looked around before noticing the car Namjoon was in. You grinned and trotted until you reached it. You knocked at the window and Namjoon perked, his eyes lighting up as he saw you. He got out of the car to meet you. Once he was close enough he lowered his mask and kissed you hard.
You felt a laughter bubbled in you throat. You put your luggage on the ground and put your arms around him. After a few seconds he stopped the kiss and put his mask back in place.
“I’m sorry we can’t kiss longer for the moment, but I want to avoid any risks for your to be exposed.”
“Of course don’t worry.”
He helped you with your bags and opened the trunk of his car where you put all your things. He closed it while you went to the front of the car and sat in the passenger sit. He came few seconds after you and took your hand with his, softly kissing it through his mask.
“I missed you so much (Y/N)”
“I missed you too… I’m glad to be able to spend some time with you.”
His eyes crinkled and he started the car, he told you that both of you were going back to his parents’ houses, it had been a while since you saw them (along with his sister) and you couldn’t help but being anxious about it, last time you saw them it was in 2016, and it was before Namjoon came out to them and told them you were dating. He told you they reacted pretty well, and it seemed it didn’t disturb them more than that when you did call with them, but it was the first time you’ll see them as Namjoon’s boyfriend and that was frankly scary for you.
After maybe an hour in the car you reached Namjoon’s family’s house. The car stopped and you felt you hand starting to shake slightly. Your boyfriend noticed that too and he took them in his hands.
“It’s okay, they love you already so much.”
He snorted.
“I’ve known you for more than 10 years, and you didn’t saw my parents since I came out to them, of course you’re going to be stressed. It’s okay, they love you too.”
You nodded at his reassuring words as he quickly kissed your lips. You both left the car to get you things that were still in the trunk, you suddenly stilled when he closed it.
“I didn’t thought of that before but… How should I call them?”
“Aaah you worry too much love! Just call them as you did before they knew we were dating, it’s okay.”
You nodded and took you bags trying to calm down. You followed Namjoon until he reached the front door. He took out his keys and opened the door. As he did that and entered first in the house you could hear your heartbeat pounding loudly and you took a deep breath before following him.
“Appa! Eomma! I’m back and I brought back (Y/N)!”
As you took off your shoes you heard footsteps coming towards where you were located, when you rose you head both of his parents were here and Namjoon was kissing them hello.
You slightly bowed you head when they looked at you and quickly took your backpack.
“Hello Mrs. and Mr Kim! I’m glad to see you again… Erm here! I brought you a little something from (country) I hope you will like it.”
Behind them Namjoon laughed silently at your stress and you frowned at him discreetly. His parents told you to come closer and they hugged you. His mother spoke first.
“It’s okay (Y/N)-suh-bang, call us appa and eomma you’ve know us for a while and you’re dating Namjoon!”
You flushed bright as she called you her son-in-law, you weren’t engaged to Namjoon and she called you that way. Behind your boyfriend seemed to tell you with his eyes “See?”, you set your gaze back on his mother and smiled shily at her.
“Ah- A-Alright Mr- Eomma.” The back of your neck was burning as you said that, the new appellation being completely different from what you got used to.
His father stepped next, taking you hand in his and shaking it.
“Thank you for being friend and lover to Namjoon, you seem to take a great care of him, I’m glad he met you (Y/N).”
“I’m the lucky one A-Appa, he’s the one who brighten my days when I have a message of him.”
Namjoon blushed hard as you said that, and you flashed him a little grin. His parents thanked you for the gifts and you thanked them for allowing you to stay here for a little while.
“You can put your things in Namjoon’s bedroom, we will let you be lovebirds! Also, your sister will come later, she’s still in classes.”
Namjoon and you nodded before you moved your things into his bedroom. When all your suitcases where put in his bedroom he caught you off-guard by gripping your face with both his hands and kissing you deeply. You were surprised at first but then you relaxed and deepened the kiss. One of your hand slided around his waist, the other putting itself on his face. You sighed as his tongue poked at your lips and you gladly accepted it. You felt like two teenagers, but it was fair, it’s been a while since you got one of his mind-blowing kisses and you just wanted to pounce on him now. Sadly for you, you were in his parents’ house so it wouldn’t be a good idea to go all the way with his parents close enough to surprise you.
You stopped after a while, both of you panting Namjoon suddenly softly rubbed his nose against yours, making you laugh. He watched you with a little smile and suddenly looked a bit more serious.
“I… I’d like to talk to you about something.”
“Of course, you know I’ll always listen to you.”
He took your hands in his and kissed softly your fingertips.
“I’d like people to know about us.”
“I want my fans to know about us, I don’t want to have to hide even more than usually to go on dates with you. I want… I just don’t want to hide anymore, the other members know about us because we’re literally living together and I had to tell them. And the company only know that I have a significant other because . We’ve been together for like 7 years, it’s not fair that we have to hide even more because I just want to claim my love for you from the highest building of Seoul and I just can’t…”
You were shocked at what he said, of course you badly wanted to announce how in love you were with Namjoon but you were also very scared, you knew by watching scandals and all that fans weren’t always happy when and idol dated another. How would it be for an idol and a random who’s a male on the top of that?
“Namjoon… That’s… I’d like to do that, but have you seen how fans reacts to straight couples between two idols? How would they about us? What about your company? If they want us to break up or I don’t know, if they don’t allow you to see me anymore? What about your carrier it could affect the group badly too!”
“I’ve thought about that and I know it could badly impact my carrier but maybe it would help other LGBT+ Koreans to not be scared of affirming themselves, and yeah… I want to tell the world how much you count for me.”
You enveloped him in a hug, your eyes were stinging a little bit from hearing his confession.
“I can’t promise everything will be okay but I’ll be with you through every step of it.”
You nodded and kissed his shoulder; you couldn’t help being worried for his safety and yours. You stood there hugging each other for a few instants.
“Let’s stop thinking about that for the moment, we should just have fun. Let’s chill and you can tell me what you did for the last few weeks.”
You both sat on his bed and talked for a few hours until you fell asleep to him talking about his latest concert.
Later that day Namjoon’s parents came looking for you as his sister arrived home. They lightly knocked and opened when none of you responded and found you intertwined, your head lied on Namjoon’s torso as he was enveloping you protectively. His parents smiled and took a picture before waking up you.
You both went downstairs where you saw his sisters. The five of you ate dinner, talking about everything and nothing but mainly catching up with the family. Once the meal was finished you stayed talking a bit more before you and Namjoon retreated so you could go sleep. You had both discussed with the family about Namjoon doing his coming out and announce your couple and they had agreed that you should talk about that to the other members and mainly to the company. Namjoon had sent a text to his manager asking to talk about your relationship with you being present
Once both of you showered (together of course ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) you installed the bed and both of you cozied yourself under the blanket and cuddled with Namjoon. You spent a good time kissing and whispering sweet words to each other. After a while you once again fell asleep peacefully together.
The next morning Namjoon woke you up sweetly with soft kisses on your back. You sighed softly as he asked you to wake up so you could take the breakfast with his family. The thought of a real Korean breakfast was making you salivate, it actually had been a while since you ate a real one, as you couldn’t get any fresh ingredients to prepare it in (country).
You were about to put some “normal” clothes when Namjoon told you it wasn’t worth it as everyone would be in pyjamas.
You ate the breakfast with the family, eating a little bit more than usual as you missed that kind of food. After a good half an hour eating and discussing you both left to prepare yourself to the meeting with Namjoon’s manager.
He helped you finding clothes that wouldn’t attract the fans and paparazzi’s attention, hiding the bottom of your face with a mask and putting your hair under a cap. Once you were ready both of you went to the car and you could feel the adrenaline rise inside of you and your body felt suddenly quite hot, and not the pleasurable kind. Namjoon turned his head to look at you and he smiled trying to reassure you.
“I can’t say everything is going to be okay and everyone will accept our relationship easily but I’ll be here for you, I won’t leave you alone with them."
He put his hand on your knee and caressed it with his thumb, trying to calm you down. After half an hour driving in silence, sometimes discussing to reassure you, you arrived in front of Big Hit. Luckily there was a parking underground for employees and idols. Once he parked his car he took your shaking hand in his and kissed it.
“Don’t worry love, I won’t leave your side. Everything is going to be okay.”
You nodded at him and exhaled a shaky breath before following him outside the car and to the elevator that was going to bring your to your death to where the manager was waiting for you.
A/N: Oh wow finally published this! And I decided to make it a small series of it! Please leave me your thoughts about it!
Well I hope you enjoyed this first part! And don’t hesitate to leave a comment and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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skamamoroma · 4 years
When I find a new comfort character, I tend to want to write long posts about them because the characters I tend to love are often complex and layered and well, TIAN. Help my poor heart, the kid is so loveable I can’t stand it and so I present to you my ramblings about why.
If you don’t watch this show and instantly just adore him then I don’t know what you’re watching. I smile every time I see him and his adorable little canvas bag and his comfy villager clothes that he needs to do the bare minimum and I’m like “you’re my favourite, you’re so lovely”
But one thing I love about the show is the way they contrast pre-village Tian and village Tian. That shot when Tian is getting dressed in the borrowed top and we see him in the past choosing between expensive hoodies, not smiling, being kinda arrogant and then it switches to current day and he’s in hand me downs, something that isn’t necessarily “fashionable” and with kinda messy hair but smiling so wide. The duality in him, the way he’s learned to be happy slowly and embraced it all so openly is such a heartwarming part of the story.
Also. The way you want to kick him at all times. A dude coming off the back of a heart transplant who is choosing strong coffee, mountain climbing, high altitude kite flying, spicy food, getting drunk and running out of meds. DUDE. I shout at him every episode.
I would pay for just entire episodes of Tian with the kids. Watchinf how he grows as a teacher and learns to adapt to them and use his own unique skills is a huge part of why I love this show/story. I mean, if you love the show then you no doubt love every “Tian and the kids” moment as much as the rest of us but I love that his role changed because of Phupha and how he has kinda just decided they’re his family now... and the second he did everything just fit into place and the way we see little glimpses of just how much they mean to him like him making a trip to an Internet cafe just to google how to make kites so he can teach them 🥺 The way he now teases them and jokes with them and the way they hold his hand and cuddle him... I am going to be an absolute wreck if we have a scene where he has to say goodbye to them (I think we will from the trailer) because I can’t watch that shit... Tian isn’t allowed to leave them.
And, well, Tian in love is just the most brilliant thing in the world. The way Mix portrays Tian’s feelings when it comes to romance is so unbelievably on point that sometimes it is a bit overwhelming to watch. The eyes! The emotions are always so strongly there. I love that Tian has that cheeky streak in him, the one that isn’t afraid to challenge and talk back (aka “what are you looking at?” etc - which he does allllll the time) or grab too hard or stand up for himself or tease... he’s not a wallflower and so the fact that Phu is kinda strict and stoic and has this authorative air because of his work just seems, to Tian, to be a total challenge! And now they’re ridiculously in love (but not saying stuff yet) it is so obvious how much Tian LOVES that. He makes them share (the fact he’s said it twice), he tells Phupha to step aside because it’s Tian’s turn to do something (like with the coffee), he isn’t shy to try and express his feelings and yet he will also have these moments of “yey let’s do that lovely thing!” like when he was happy to be taken on a tour etc. Watching him with Phupha and how Tian being himself is the one thing that is forcing the Chief to face himself and his insular nature but also, watching Phupha also flirt hard in little moments they share because he knows Tian loves it. Their dynamic is ever so sweet and it’s so hugely impacted by the fact Tian is bold and cheeky and yet also sweet and full of youthful fun.
I love that he delights in romance and little things in life, he isn’t afraid to say he knew he wasn’t a great person in the past, he is so sarcastic, he has an enormous heart, he has pretty much adopted Dr Nam as his best friend too, he will stand up for people and fight for what is right... his little post it’s that he wrote to help him be a better teacher, his little sandals, the way he ducks his head when he smiles, the way he’s a hilarious magnet for trouble...
And the way he says Chief. I pretty much repeat it after him in the way he says it every time because it’s often said so sarcastically or with such a whiny edge that it has become 100% adorable.
So yeah, I love him dearly and he went instantly onto my “I adore you” list so quickly. I love Phupha stupidly too but that’s a list for another day... a guy who says “I just want to talk to you” and it turns out to be one of the most unbelievably romantic lines in anything you’ve ever watched deserves his own list!
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filippoinzaghi · 4 years
1, 2, and 4 pls!
1.Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it? 
So I have four main projects at the moment. I have others but they are just embryos, a couple lines written down somewhere so as to not forget about them and work them later on like brioche dough.
That Carraville cuddles prompt
You sent me this one months ago now I think but I’m getting there!!
Progress : It’s about three fourth done, I’m just trying to find a nice transition scene to link what I have so far and the last scene I have written some time ago already.
What I love about it : it’s totally self-indulgent in the setting/context. I don’t want to spoil too much as I want it to be a surprise but the drabble is set in an AU-ish sort when Carraville (and others familiar faces) take part into a TV game show about teams of two having to hitchhike to reach their given destination with barely any money and having to complete different challenges along the race.
 “Uncle Beom-pal” Project
What was intended as a drabble and will probably finish at 4/5k words qzsedrcftgybh. A fic about Cho Beom-pal, himbo extraordinaire from Kingdom, a korean original Netflix show about zombies in the early Joseon era.
Progress : I’d say I’m about halfway done. The more I write and think about this WIP, the more I think about scenes I could add or change, the more I can see the construction of the story, almost like a storyboard. I do have a clear-cut vision of how it will be now so I think it won’t change too much from what I have in mind.
What I love about it : I decided to set the story during the timelapse that happens at the end of season 2 so it allows me a certain form of freedom to imagine what may have happened during the seven years timelapse (the fic is set a year before the story resumes). It also gives me the opportunity to develop further Beom-pal’s layers that we see in season 2 (honestly the best character arc of the whole show) and to speculate on his relationship with the new king who happens to be his young nephew. To give you an idea of Beom-pal’s situation at the end of season 2 : he’s alone. His friends are not with him anymore, his family is all gone. Except for his nephew. Who also happens to be the king. Whom he also happens to be the prime advisor. I try to explore the complex relationship this situation creates because of protocols and royal duties in contrast to the king being just a child and he and Beom-pal basically being the only family they have left. As you can see I’m very invested in this project haha ^^’
 The “Ceci predicted an actual scene of the show     in fic” project
This WIP has been going on since August while I was watching Miss Korea (a truly beautiful show and criminally underrated).
Progress : it’s been a slow progress but I’m almost there.
What I love about it : the characters, who are the secondary couple in the show but who, imo, steals the spotlight. During an episode at the end of the first half of the show, there was a scene that made me wonder what happened after and I just expanded it trying to tie it with the character’s traits and depictions. Find me wheezing four episodes later when like... 85% of what I had in mind ACTUALLY HAPPENED in the show aqzsedrftgyhuji. Anyway, I’ll go through with it even though it is a bit of a canon divergence. What I like about this WIP is that I make the characters “see” one another for the first time and not just a glimpse (which happened some episodes earlier). They are more vulnerable, especially Teacher Jung (his name truly means Teacher so I just call him that) who is your typical petty thug but with some moral code and a good heart underneath. 
 The “5+1 times Nam Ju-ri x Lee Sang-in” project
Lots of projects about korean dramas at the moment but I have watched a lot of them lately so I guess it’s only fair. And it’s also because I can’t find any fics focusing on my favourite characters (usually supportive characters) so I guess I want to be the change I want to see in the world.
Progress : very early stage of the fic, I wrote bits of paragraphs or dialogue for different chapters at the same time, it’s kind of all over the place at the moment.
What I love about it : there are no fics focusing on these two who had a cute, individual, development of their character and who have a blossoming relationship. They are both losers who cares and I just love themn, they deserve more love. This is truly a self-indulgent fic and that’s just nice in and of itself.
 2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
Re : the Uncle Beom-pal project.
There are two scenes that appeared to me after I began writing but which gave me so much feels just thinking about it that they had to be there.
The plot of this WIP is basically the young king, on the eve of the day in remembrance of all the victims of the “great plague” (he doesn’t know it was a zombie epidemic, everyone tries to protect him and not tell him what truly happened), asking Beom-pal to tell him a story before going to sleep. The ceremonies planned the next day weighs on his mind and makes him think about his friends and, especially about Seo-bi : a nurse who saved his life and to whom he is truly devoted like a lost puppy. And thus, he tells the king what happened without really telling him. By turning it into a story, not mentioning names but using nouns or adjectives (”The Healer”, “The Warrior” or, for himself, “The Fool”) and just being vague about “monsters” in a far away place, a long time ago. As he goes on with the story, past and present mix together as Beom-pal remembers his and his friend’s journey.
The two scenes are flashback scenes between Beom-pal and Seo-bi right after the last big “battle” against the zombies. One flashback she tends to his wounds and there’s a sort of silent reverence as if she finally realises he’s not just a useless and coward nobleman. And he, on the other hand understands what is probably to come (her leaving with two other characters, their friends) and how he wishes he could go with them or keep her with him but either solution is simply impossible. And the other is their goodbye (they won’t see one another for, AT LEAST, seven years and the guy is still yearning, can you believe). And again, it’s mostly silent, sentences cut short because they understand and they don’t need to say all of it. He’s not being talkative and a lost puppy following her every move anymore and she lets herself be more relaxed, lets her guard down a bit with him to show just how far they have come personally and in their feelings towards one another. Truly cannot wait to make myself cry and for my friend to threaten me to call the police on me zserdtfygh
 4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
He was tired, tired of pretending, of wearing a mask when nothing seemed bright anymore in his life. He felt the salty tears brush his lips before he realized he had begun to cry. He put the barbell back in its place, before it threatened to fall from his soon trembling hands, and he sat on the bench, completely consumed by uncontrollable sobs.
Failure, fraud, failure, fraud, failure, fraud… His mind did not leave him any rest.
 From and I’ll only need to hold you (go back to sleep and dream) – Chapter 4
 More than that paragraph, it was the whole chapter that I was happy with. It came from a rather personal place and it wasn’t always easy to write it but when I was done, I felt a bit better and I was happy with the result. The paragraph above is the beginning of my favourite scene in the chapter which is when two then-not-old Italians have a confrontation. Well… More like Rino confronting Gigi after the latter has isolated himself for some time. And it’s in the dark. Ever since I’ve read Long Day’s Journey Into Night and studied it, I’ve been fascinated by the trope of dark/night setting = when the characters are the most honest, the most vulnerable and the most true to themselves. And that’s what happened in that scene. I was happy with how I wrote it out and the vibes it gives off.
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yeols-baekhoes · 4 years
Picnic With Kim Namjoon
Rated: F for fluff, DJ for daddy Joon
Picture this: A/U where Namjoon— who has been noticeably distant the last few days— has a surprise for you. A big one.
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"Hey, baby?" Came the soft, deep voice from the other side of the wooden door, a knock almost as soft as the man's voice following.
You remain quiet, not only because speaking up had proven to only make your already sore throat even worse, but because at that moment you were avoiding your significant other so that an argument wouldn't occur.
You had been sick for what felt like a century, but really was about a week and a half. Your throat felt like sandpaper, your head had been scalding the past week and your nose stuffed and runny. You knew you were getting better, though, when you woke up this morning sans the fever and runny nose. It felt heavenly after so long of not being able to breathe through your nose properly.
Even though you lived twenty minutes away, you had found yourself taking shelter in Joon's apartment as your parents had left for another work trip.
You usually enjoyed being in Namjoon's company. Ever since you met him almost a decade ago, his friendship had always been your source of comfort when your broken family proved to be otherwise.
It was only until four years back that you had both decided to act on the hidden feelings that had been bottled for years.
But recently, the past few weeks had been strange. Namjoon, always the busy bee, had been extremely distant. It was out of character for him. Yes, he was busy with his projects, but you always understood him. Understood the late nights, the days where he couldn't text you as frequently as he always did. He was chasing his dreams, working damn hard for them, at that. But, he always made sure to at least check in with you so you were aware he was okay. He would still sit with you, gently massaging your aching feet from work, even if it was for a couple of minutes before he ran off. There was always a few minutes of conversation where you would watch as his beautiful eyes lit up and his dimples deepened when he talked about his day or when he watched you speak about yours.
You weren't mad. You could never be mad at your Joon, not when he was finally getting to do everything he had talked about when you were both younger. The things he would smile about as you both sat on the low branch of the tree you both expertly climbed as children. What kind of girlfriend, what kind of best friend, would you be if you did get angry at that?
But your sickness had left you feeling like a child in need of comfort, and you couldn't help but feel upset about how visibly distant Namjoon had been. It was as if he was hiding something from you. It hurt that he wasn't fully trusting you.
When he noticed that you weren't going to respond, the door opened and Namjoon walked in. You looked up from your bag of clothes, looking up at your boyfriend.
"What Namjoon?" You ask, looking away. He knew what he was doing. Coming in here looking like he did, his lips slightly pursed so that his dimples would deepen. He was wearing a simple outfit, a black and white striped t-shirt, blue jeans, and his favorite pair of black high tops.
"I know you're mad at me, but there's no need for that or for you to be packing your clothes." He states. He hated when you called him by his full name when angry. He loved all the nicknames and pet names you had come up with.
You shrug, "I'm not mad at you and I'm taking these home to do laundry."
You hear him sigh and walk closer to you. You feel his arms snake around you, bringing you closer to his front. He knew you loved when he hugged you from behind. It made you smile faintly as his arms tightened around your belly.
"Don't be mad, honey." He whispers softly, his breath fanning across your neck as he brings his body down to reach your neck, where he places a soft kiss.
"You're going to get sick, Nam-" You start, trying to move out of his warm hold. You were annoyed with him, but that didn't mean you wanted him to catch whatever bug it was that you had. Of course he cuts you off, pulling you right back to him.
"I don't care." He turns you around in his arms, looking down at you.
"I do." You say, secretly enjoying how he held you.
He shrugs and chuckles, "Too bad. I want to hold my girlfriend."
You scrunch you're nose as you feel your argument crumble in your mind as he leaves a trail of soft kisses down your neck.
"Listen, I'm sorry. I know I have been distant the past few weeks. I've been dealing with some things and questioning others. I didn't realize until last night that I was distancing myself from you. That's something I never want to do. I'm sorry I made you feel like this." He says, as he looks up again, his big hands cradling your face.
You sigh looking at him. You knew he was sincere. That was something he never lacked. It was so clear in his dark eyes as he looked at you.
"It's okay, Joon. I just want you to remember that I'm here for you, okay? Just tell me whenever you're stressed out instead of pushing me away. That way I can at least try to help you and you won't be going through it alone." You respond, giving in. You touched his cheek softly, caressing the soft skin.
"I know. There's just something I've been thinking about. But I figured it out. So..." He trails off, kissing your cheek.
You giggle, "So?"
"Am I forgiven? Can we cuddle now without you wanting to slap me away?" He jokes, picking you up, his hands under your bottom.
You laugh, your arms wrapping around his neck as he carries you to the bed, nuzzling into your neck the way he did after a long day. He gently places you down, coming down with you but stopping when he was a few inches away from your face. His strong arms were at each side of your face, caging you in.
"Hey there, gorgeous." He says sweetly, making you smile. His minty breath fanned across your upper lip as he looked down at them when the corners lifted.
"Hi, handsome." You whisper, looking at his full lips. Joon's smile was the first thing you had fallen in love with.
"I really want to kiss you right now." He whispers to you, his mouth centimeters away from yours. You close your eyes as you feel him nearing, his intoxicating cologne clouding your senses, one of his hands sweetly placed on your cheek.
You hum as his mouth goes to your collarbone, lightly biting at the skin before lightly running his tongue across it. "Namjoon, you're going to get sick." You mumble as a light moan escapes.
"I don't care." He states again. As his face nears, you close your eyes, reveling in the feeling of his full, soft lips on yours. Warmth spreads through your entire body as he deepens the kiss. His hand holds your chin as his lips continue to dance with yours. Every time Namjoon kissed you, it felt like the world was stopping around the both of you, but at the same time it felt as if everything was ablaze. The passion you both shared almost inconceivable.
You open your eyes as he pulls back, both your breathing shallow. He smiles and looks down at you, the love you both felt for each other clear in his eyes.
He pecks you once and then twice as his hands come up to tickle your sides. You let out a screaming laugh as his nimble fingers continue their attack on your sides.
"I hate you." You laugh as he chuckles at your discomfort.
"No you don't. You love me." He says, falling onto the space next to you.
You turn to rest your head on his hard chest, "Sometimes." You joke. He chuckles and brings you closer to place a kiss on your hair.
"I have a surprise for you tomorrow. I've been planning it on and off for the last few weeks." He says simply, kicking off his shoes. You get up partly, resting your head on your hands that were on top of his chest. You look down at him, his eyes closed, his face peaceful.
"What surprise?" You ask, tracing the lines of his face. Your lips still stung with the electrifying sweetness of your kiss.
He chuckles, the dimples you love appearing. "It's called a surprise for a reason. It comes from the Medieval Latin word 'superprehendere' or seize; Where it was then translated to the Old French word 'surprendre'."
You rolled your eyes and smiled down at him, he enjoyed sharing his encyclopedic knowledge with you. You loved when he did so. Your boyfriend was truly a man of endless knowledge. Learning came easy to him, he craved it.
"You're not going to tell me, are you?" You ask, already knowing the answer.
He shakes his head and pulls you back down to rest on his chest. His hand went to your hair, carefully running his hand through.
His steady heartbeat lulls you, and before you know it, both of you are fast asleep.
"Joon, can you at least tell me where we're going so I know how to dress." You tell Namjoon who was currently finishing his shower. You had woken up feeling so much better, the pain the sore throat had caused had lessened exponentially. You dared to say it had disappeared overnight.
You were sitting on the toilet with a towel wrapped around yourself, you had just finished showering and washing your hair.
"I'm not telling you what it is until we get there and you see for yourself." He answers. You could practically feel him smiling through the shower curtain. He was really enjoying this whole keeping it a surprise thing.
"Dress warmly, too. Its just us. Think of it as a casual day out." He adds.
You sigh but get up to get ready, nonetheless. You couldn't help but be excited, though. It had been a few weeks since both of you had a night out. Both of your work got in the way a lot of the times, but of course most days you both slept in the same bed. You didn't mind missing a few date nights, as long as you got to fall asleep in Namjoon's arms at night, got to hear his heartbeat as you slowly fall asleep.
You take a few minutes to get ready in where you pick out a big, fluffy, burgundy sweater and some dark ripped jeans. You finish it off with a pair of black boots. You lightly spray your wrists and neck with the perfume Joon got you as one of your Valentine's Day presents last year. He said it was his favorite scent and it reminded him of you when you were away from each other.
Namjoon comes in minutes after wearing a white woolen turtleneck, black jeans, and his favorite boots. It was a chilly day out, but it would only get chillier as it got later.
You blatantly stare at him as the same feeling you get when he kisses you starts at the pit of your stomach.
"You look so beautiful, baby." He beats you to it, coming to your side. He grabs your hand and makes you do a spin.
It didn't matter if all you had on was a pair of sweats and an old t-shirt with holes in it, or if your hair was all over the place after a night in bed with Joon. He always called you beautiful.
You laugh as he spins, "I was going to say the same thing about you. You clean up nicely, handsome." His hands rest low on your waist as he looks down at you, a bright smile on his lips.
"Stop it." He says bashfully. Even after so many years of knowing him, and four years of being in a relationship, Joon always blushed beet red when you complimented him.
"You're so cute." You giggle, lifting slightly on your toes to kiss his warm, blushing cheek. You had missed doing so.
"So, where are we going?" You say nonchalantly, kissing the exposed skin of his neck. Namjoon softly groans in your ears as you leave a trail of kisses up to his sharp jaw.
"You almost got me there. But good try. Like I said, I'm not telling you until we get there and you see for yourself." He answers, pulling slightly away.
You pout as your impromptu plan to get him to tell you where you were going, fails. He laughs and pecks your bottom lip.
"Don't pout, baby. Come on, I already put everything in the trunk of the car so you won't be able to see anything." He says, grabbing your purse from the ottoman at the foot of the bed and handing it to you.
"Okay, lets go." You say as you notice how excited he was. You decide to stop pestering him and just 'go with the flow' because you just loved that excitement in his eyes, the twinkle of it in his gaze.
You wait next to Namjoon as he locks up the apartment, holding your hand and leading you down the hall when he did so.
"I can't wait until we get there. I hope you like it." He says excitedly. You laugh admiringly at his excitement, "I'm sure whatever it is, I'll genuinely love." You tell him, slightly swinging your hands back and forth as you wait for the elevator to reach your floor.
"I hope so." He answers as he brings your hand up to kiss it.
When you are both seated in Namjoon's car a few minutes later, seatbelts buckled- he never started the car unless everyone had theirs on— is when Joon speaks.
"Road trip." He says, wiggling his eyebrows, looking at you as he turns on the radio and connects his phone to the Bluetooth. You look at him, feeling the excitement bubble in you. You finally were going to spend some needed time with him. No work to worry about, just the two of you.
You smile at him as he grabs your hand, placing it on his lap as he drove with the other.
Even though it was chilly out, the day was beautiful. All blue skies with a few scattered clouds. There was a comfortable silence in the car as a song played on the radio. It was something about your relationship you appreciated. That there could be absolute silence and neither of you felt the need to disrupt it because it was so peaceful and both of you were comfortable to just sit in each other's presence.
The thing about being Namjoon's girlfriend was that even in completely silence, he would unknowingly do little things to show he was attentive to you. The way he caressed your hand, the way he'd harmonize whatever you were disastrously singing along to, the way he'd look at you or lean over to kiss your cheek at a stop sign or light.
You sighed happily, softly rubbing your thumb on Namjoon's, feeling the chilly but soothing wind come in through the opened windows and playing with your hair, 'Frequency' by Jhené Aiko filling the car.
You went through her entire new album 'Chilombo', before you spoke up. "It's beautiful out here." You say. You had never traveled this way before, there was no need to. A while ago, wooden areas had covered both sides of the highway, deep rooted trees that had been there longer than you could imagine. All greens, oranges, and reds. But now, the woods had broken and you were driving in between green hills, a big orange and grey flat top rock in the distance.
"I knew you would like it. Me and the guys found this area a month ago. Remember when we went camping?" He asked, quickly looking at you.
You hum, remembering the very eventful camping trip the boys- Joon's best friends- and Joon had talked about for weeks after they had gotten home.
"Well, I told you we got kind of lost. But it was more like incredibly lost. You know how Yoongi and Hoseok get when they're together. Everyone was super distracted so we ended up around here and just decided to camp in the area." He explained, tapping his long fingers on the steering wheel as the car went around a bend.
Every time the boys were together, it was as if the world was ending and it was their last time together. Especially when they started their 'crackhead' behavior, as everyone whoever met them described. You had been with them for years so you had come to get used to their energy, even look forward to it.
You shake your head and laugh, imagining just how distracted they were with Yoongi, Hoseok, and Teahyung probably screaming the whole way, Jimin and Jungkook teasing each other, and Jin and Joon unintentionally acting like they were in a marriage and fathers to the rest of the group.
"We're almost there by the way." He says smiling. "It's just a little ways down."
You smile excitedly, looking around to see if you saw anything that would help you decipher where you were going. But you couldn't see anything but luscious hills and rocks and sky.
You wait until he starts slowing down the car, parking it on the side of the road in front of a hill with a pathway leading up into a wooded area.
"Oh, I see what's going on. You're going to kill me and dump my body." You say jokingly, unbuckling your seatbelt.
He looks at you, his face completely serious, "How did you know?" Your smile falters a bit before he laughs at the same time you do.
"Haha, good one." You say blandly, shoving his shoulder.
"Come on. I can't wait until you see this." He says, getting out and walking to the back of the car and opening the trunk. You follow behind.
"What are you getting out?" You ask, trying to look over his broad shoulders. You noticed him taking things out of a white cooler and into a brown picnic basket.
You realize what he was doing and stop, a warmness filling your chest. You remember a few months ago, you had been sitting in Joon's backyard watching a movie on the home made theatre Joon, the boys, and you had built days before with a white sheet and a projector, when you had expressed to him that you had never been to a picnic after he had asked you.
You couldn't imagine he had remembered something you thought had been an insignificant comment on your part.
"Oh, Joon. You remembered." You whisper.
He turns around and smiles, nodding down at you. You quickly close the space between the both of you, hugging him to your body. His warmth envelops you as he chuckles into your hair.
"Come on, I want you to see something." He says, grabbing hold of a thick blanket and putting it on top of the basket, the handles keeping it in place.
He grabs your hand and leads you to the path. It's a bit steep but you manage to both get up easily with each other's help. The area is slightly wooded and looks undisturbed except for the fresh feet prints on the path.
You walk for a few minutes, admiring the life around you. The blue sky peaks through the trees and birds call to each other, chase each other like lovers. You walk across a small bridge, a bustling stream under, splashing the wood of the bridge. You step over rocks and discarded tree limbs bigger than any you have ever seen. Then you came to a break in the trees. You couldn't see what was the through it, but you could see light and hear something that sounded very familiar. Like a big body of water crashing against rocks.
"Okay we're near, close your eyes and don't peek." He requested, taking back the blanket you had taken from him to help with the load.
You grin and close my eyes, opening one to see what he was doing. "No peeking." He quipped.
"Okay, okay. What if I fall?" You question, putting your left hand over your eyes as he take your right with his.
"I won't let you get hurt." He promises. Of course you knew that. Namjoon has kept you safe long before you even developed any romantic feelings for him. But it was fun to tease him a bit.
"Okay, there's a rock in front of you, just sidestep it. To your left." He informs you, slightly tugging you so you wouldn't trip.
"Good, baby." He says, a kiss landing on your cheek.
"Namjoon, I smell the sea." You say as soon as the salty smell of the ocean hits your nose. It was a smell you had loved since you were little. You loved the ocean, the sand. The feeling of being in another world altogether when you spent a day in the beach.
Your boyfriend hums beside you, "Do you now?"
You can almost taste the sea when Namjoon stops walking. "Okay. Wait, let me set everything up. Don't peek." He says before running off. You hear him stop a few yards away.
"Don't peek." He yells from his place. You laugh, "I promise I'm not peeking."
"I can't wait for you to see this. The guys and I discovered it and it reminded me of you." He says as you hear him shake the blanket.
"How did it remind you of me?" You ask genuinely, itching to remove your hand and open your eyes.
"You'll see." He answers a few seconds later, the rustling of plastic and containers being popped open reaching your ears.
"Okay, open them." You jump slightly as his voice comes from right next to you, closer than you thought he had been.
Namjoon grabs your hand as your eyes open and you blink away the blurriness. You gasp as you take on the view. You'd never seen something so beautiful in your entire life. It was almost as if your brain couldn't fully comprehend that what laid in front of you, was in fact real.
"It reminded me of how equally beautiful you are, if not more." He whispers your ear, placing a soft kiss there.
"Namjoon-I can't-" You stop speaking as your breath gets stuck in your throat. In front of you was the ocean at the bottom of a cliff. That was what you had heard crashing against rocks, what you had smelled. The blue sky met the water in the horizon, until you couldn't decipher which one was which. The sea was empty, no boat in sight. It looked peaceful. How was it that something that could be so destructive, also be so beautiful?
You were standing in a field just as alluring. It was full of tall flowers, little dandelions, lilies. It was a field of whites and golds and greens. You loved the way the weeds and wildflowers grew freely in the area. It truly seemed as if you were the only ones who had discovered it.
A few yards away, Joon had prepared and set the picnic. The white blanket with little black floral detailing was spread in the only flattened section of the field. It was surrounded by even more wildflowers. On top of the blanket was an assortment of food, two glass bottles of your favorite  drink and two wine cups. There was a small radio playing a soft song that matched the ambience.
It felt like you were in another world. A world far away from civilization, where Namjoon and you were the only ones.
"You like it?" Namjoon's deep voice meets your ears.
You look at him, your eyes wide, your mouth agape. "Like it, Namjoon? I love it. Thank you." You look at him and smile, watching his dimples rise as he smiles back.
"Come on." He says, leading you to the blanket.
It felt like for the next few hours you could do nothing besides eat, smile, laugh, or jokingly shove Namjoon. You were happy. So happy that you had almost completely forgotten that a few days ago he had been distant. You reminded yourself to ask him about it.
Namjoon had taken a break from reading to you his new adventure, a book called The Amazons: Lives & Legends of Warrior Women Across the Ancient World by Adrienne Mayor, your head resting on his lap fully immersed in what he had been reading, when you decided to ask.
"Joon?" You say, playing with a loose thread in his jeans. "Yes, babygirl?" He answers, his eyes closed as his head faced the sky.
You smile at his pet name. You would never let anyone but the man above you call you such names. You loved when it came from him.
"Yesterday you said had been questioning some things and that's why you were distant. What have you been questioning?" You ask. You feel him tense under you. It makes you sit up. A plethora of scenarios going through your head. What if something was wrong with him? What if he was questioning your relationship?
"I've been meaning to talk about this with you for a long time. Don't look like that baby, it's nothing bad." He says pulling you to his side.
"Come on, let's go for a bit of a walk." He adds, getting up and holding his hand out to pull you up.
You take his warm hand and walk where he was leading you. Closer to the sea.
(A/N: Play the next song now and listen to it as you imagine yourself sitting in the cliff from the fifth picture with Namjoon, the sea under you, the sky full of the colors that come with the sunset)
You walked across the field and closer to the edge where you both sat down looking over at the view. It was truly stunning. The ocean lapped peacefully at the rocks under you. The sun had begun to set a few minutes ago so the sky was bleached a harmony of pinks, blues, and oranges. Behind you both, the radio had started to play Instagram by Dean. You felt truly at peace. You had the person you loved most in the world next to you, sharing this magical moment with you.
You look next to you, hoping to see Namjoon as transfixed with the scene as you were. But he seemed tense, frightened even.
"What's wrong, Joon?" You ask him, caressing his cheek.
"We've been together for so long. You know my heart belonged to you from the moment I came back from Korea five years ago. But it belonged to you way before that, even when we were friends. Do you remember how my mom would say we were meant to meet, that it was our destiny?" He asked, turning his whole body to look at you.
You nod, there was something in the air, something that was telling you not to speak, to listen.
The time when Joon went to Korea for three years was the moment you realized that you didn't see him just as a best friend, the feelings that had been locked inside you wanted to do nothing but kiss Namjoon, make him happy, spend your days with him. You realized that your heart had left with him. Had been ripped out of your chest the moment you saw that plane take off. The moment you realized that it wasn't a vacation, that he was really staying oversees, your feelings became clear then. You loved Namjoon. You were in love with him, with everything about him.
When they were in the airport, Namjoon's mother had seen how distraught you both were. She was a spiritual woman who believed in spirits, auras, etc. She had told you both that your destinies were intertwined, starting when you both met, tied together, for all eternity. For some time Namjoon and you thought it was just a mother trying to console her child and a girl she had seen grow up.
"She was right. I can feel it. I know you can, too. I can see it in the way you look at me, the way you care for me. I can see it in your selfless actions, the way you support my dreams even though sometimes you can't see me for days. I feel it in the way I can't imagine myself with someone that isn't you. I can't imagine ever ending what we have, waking up to someone who isn't you or even sharing my bed with someone besides you. I can't see myself laughing with anyone else while they cook breakfast, I can't see myself reading my books to someone else. I can't imagine myself making love to anyone else. I can't see myself growing old with someone who isn't you, love.
But that's the thing. It's not just that I can't. I won't. I won't love anyone else as much as I love you. I won't spend the rest of my life with someone who isn't you. This decision was easy for me to make, I knew as soon as it came to my head that I was going to ask you. But I was scared. Then I noticed my fears were making me do the opposite of what I wanted to do and grow distant from you. But I'm sure now. This is what I want. What I need." He finishes. Your eyes water at the sincerity and raw emotion in his voice.
You understood everything he said because you felt the same way. When you thought of the future, Namjoon was always by your side. It didn't matter how far into the future it was- five years, ten, or twenty years- he was always there at your side, smiling with those dimples that you would never give up seeing.
"What-?" You mutter, wanting to ask him what he meant by all of this, already having a clue, already feeling the excitement and pure love surround your heart, but he cuts you off.
"Marry me, love." He continues, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a little, black velvet box. "Spend the rest of your life with me."
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youarejesting · 4 years
Femme: 47
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Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader, GDragon x Bigbang, Erik Nam, Hyuna x Dawn, Black Pink x Female oc, TXT x robot oc, Got7 x Female oc Rating: Mature themes mentioned but not really explored. Length: 2.8k Announcement: I am so thankful for @lpayne612​ for their work reading this and for everyone who has been reading this, the journey is coming to an end and I thank you for being a part of it all. Beta: @lpayne612​
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Recap: The children are all growing up happy and well. After everyone Yoongi agreeing to try for another Jimin and Seokjin rejoice in the idea of being fathers. Jimin steps back saying he will happily wait for the next time and says he will help Seokjin to make a baby. You discover Jimin’s pregnancy kink that had been developing over time that he only realized after waiting so long for you to be pregnant once more.
The TXT boys graduate. After the lengthy filming process of the tv series, documentary, and your tour everyone returns home happily. Now heavily pregnant, you try to induce labor with the help of your seven husbands. It works! In the mess of packing any last minute things for the hospital. Jimin and Taehyung are both placed in cock cages by Hoseok which will make for one hell of an experience.
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Wheeled into the ward, you had to wait until the labor progressed further to be taken up to the birthing suite where you would finally be free and in control of your own body. The excitement was blooming within you again; the idea of another baby when it had been so long - Mirae was now three. It had been three years since there was a newborn at home, three years of toilet training, and teaching a baby how to walk, talk, and eat.
Emotions washing over you like the fierce contractions you were experiencing. Namjoon and Hoseok were talking to the doctor asking questions. “Is she going to be okay, she is older now?”
“Wow, I am right here Namjoon and I am not old I’m 28 okay, I haven’t aged that quick” You scolded throwing a paper cup at Namjoon before grabbing another causing Yoongi to laugh and hand you the next cup that was a little out of reach. 
“He didn’t mean you were old like that, just you have had a few babies and in dogs, there are always more complications the more litters that a female has” You pelted a few paper cups at Hoseok shouting that you weren’t a dog while Yoongi was enabling you with a small supply of paper cups from the drinking fountain.
The doctor smiled “With her spirit, there is nothing to worry about” 
Jimin and Taehyung sat still in the corner each shifting uncomfortably, the process is slow and everyone is hesitating to say anything that can anger you. Except for Yoongi who is instigating all the arguments.
“Why is this baby so slow?” Yoongi yawned
“It’s the shoulders they probably can’t come out” Jungkook muttered
“Oh god no, the shoulders!” You cried out in frustration.
Yoongi swiped up the stack of cups from the bedside table and began handing them to you, calling scores as you pelted them across the room at Seokjin who apologized and dodged.
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You weren’t progressing and they decided you would be going in for a surgery which you weren’t too worried about. It was out of your hands and you couldn’t feel a thing but you heard the doctor call out.
“It’s a girl!” and you looked at Seokjin who held your hand sitting dutifully by your head. Seokjin pushed the little cot alongside your bed and you were placed in a private ward where the boys were waiting.
He smiled, lifting his daughter into his arms, his ears prickling pink and he looked up. “It's a g—” Seokjin’s voice cracked and the tears started falling. He was so happy to be a dad. The others crowded around and engulfed him in a hug praising him making his ears turn a bright red. 
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The boys were all so quick to dive back into baby mode. Namjoon took the time to read the older children to bed while Yoongi would play his ultimate sleep playlist that was guaranteed to get the younger children to sleep. Seokjin and Jimin were both so excited and enthusiastic at the prospect of another child being introduced that they barely let the newborn down. They were all so efficient in care and the older siblings were little helping hands. You were working out with Jungkook trying to get yourself back into your healthiest form. 
Your newest addition to the family was named Yubi, a little angel and she was a sucker for cuddles and wouldn’t fall asleep unless it was in someone's arms. And that’s how you all got to witness it again, paternal Yoongi.
It must have been another late night in the studio because when you all came down the corridor from your bedroom and saw Yoongi lying on the couch your daughter was asleep against his chest wrapped warmly in blankets. He was so against you having children but was the first to act when any of them started crying.
“Yoongi, honey I’m awake now you can go back to bed” You smiled affectionately, lifting your daughter from his arms. “Did Yubi bother you while you were working?”
“She woke through the night. I fed and changed her. I was trying to let you all get some sleep” He rubbed his eyes scuffing down the hall and disappearing into the master bedroom.
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Yubi had difficulty putting on weight and growing it was a lot more severe than Yoongi, and the doctor gave you a pack of little injections that you had to take home. She was so small, so the hormone injections would stimulate her growth. 
Her muscles were weak and as much as you hated the idea of inflicting pain on her, you knew it would benefit her in life. Hoseok took the responsibility of giving the injections. They were luckily small needles administered into Yubi’s thigh and you would quickly feed her and distract her with kisses. 
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Yubi took the weirdest traits from her father, she loved to laugh and make others laugh by pulling faces. Her eyes lit up whenever she saw one of her dads enter the room. 
She also loved food; her favorite were eggs, bananas, and clementines. Her father always praised her when she ate well. And then the two would go to the living room and Seokjin would slowly bend and straighten her legs slowly encouraging her to strengthen her legs. 
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You were sitting in the living room with seven clipboards and you finally finished with the checklists you had made for all the children. “Alright dads, come here for a family meeting”
Each father walked out from their places within the house, everyone came quickly except Jimin who peeked out from the hall with a ‘me?’ kind of notion. You nodded and beckoned him over almost forgetting that he wasn’t yet a father and his hesitance when you referred to dads and their children.
“What do you need?” Yoongi said “Grab a clipboard, any clipboard and it will have a child’s name inside and the list of things they need to pack for the annual camping trip.
“I forgot it was coming up and didn’t ask for time off ” Seokjin frowned looking at the time table.
“No worries, I already called all your employers and staff 2 weeks ago, making sure they knew you wouldn’t be available” You grinned, handing the boys clipboards. 
You gave Jimin the little blue clipboard you knew was for Mirae, the little girl adored him. He smiled, Yoongi picked up the red clipboard and groaned when he opened it to see he had gotten the rambunctious Huimang. 
The others took their clipboards and went to fetch their children and Yoongi just sat taking a few deep breaths mentally preparing himself for the ball of energy. “Hooway-way come downstairs” You called the now four-year-old downstairs “Daddy Yoongi wants to help pack your bags for camping.”
“Okay mama.”
Hoseok was walking around singing around the room, scooping up baby Yubi’s bag and going to pack it. Crouching to give his son a high five catching the smaller hand in his. “Don’t be too rough with Daddy-Yoongi, he is getting old now, son,”
Yoongi was quick to throw a glare across the room, standing between your two husbands you sighed “Daddy-bi, don’t start things you can’t finish.”
“Come on, Jae Eun let’s pack your bag” Taehyung spoke to his daughter softly.
“I want to go with daddy,” Jae Hwan frowned. The twin four-year-olds were very clingy when it came to their father. He was so loving and kind - the two were very reliant on him.
“Jae Hwan let Daddy-JooJoo help please,” Namjoon tried to coax the boy to join him in packing his bag.
“How about Daddy-JooJoo and Daddy-Tata both help you two pack together?” you smiled and Jae Hwan nodded, wrapping his arms around his father’s leg. This made his sister jealous who wrapped herself around Taehyung’s other leg and he laughed waddling down the hall to their room.
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You took your family, Eric, and Namjoon’s father on the annual camping trip to Taehyung’s farm again where you were having a celebration for Yubi’s first birthday. How had the time flown by? One moment you were bringing her home, giving her daily injections, and teaching her to walk which she still couldn’t quite do on her own due to her muscle weakness. The next moment your darling girl was finally maintaining a normal growth pattern.
There were tents all around the home and you were happy to have some time away from the cameras and work. 
Yubi was getting stronger every day and it made you smile to see her gaining strength. She would hold yours and one of her dad's hands when she walked and you knew it was such a strong bonding moment.
Hoseok had bought her pink leg braces and Jungkook decorated them with drawings of flowers and other cute animals.
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The camping trip was during the middle of summer and you were trying to keep her cool in the shade every day when the sun was high and the temperature peaked. You would lather the children in sunscreen and sit in the river. Yubi’s legs would feel practically weightless so it was a perfect exercise for her legs.
The group was so excited swimming and picking strawberries, you took out your phone and began recording a video so as not to lose your train of thought.
“Hello everyone, I am recording this video and you won’t get to see it until we’re back from our camping trip. But it has been eleven years since I met the boys, nine since I had Kyungie and I miss my family as you do every now and again.” You were laying on a long mat in the shade, Yubi asleep beside you as you recorded holding her hand. 
“I remember my life before the femme program, the future seemed so unclear, the idea that the female population was going extinct was scary. I never thought I would find the one let alone, seven amazing men that I was destined to be with.” Yubi wiggled in her sleep clutching her ‘Alala’ a floppy soft toy like what all your children had but this one was an Alpaca upon Seokjin’s request. “I have grown and learned so much and I have never regretted it in my life. I know some aren’t as lucky so I have been thinking of donating to the femme stay centre where those who are escaping bad situations can find asylum and more.”
“On another note, our little Yubi has grown so much she is getting stronger every day and we love her” You smiled signing off quickly to remove the camera once more. You were happy to nap a few days away with your family. 
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“Mum, Eric said we can stay at his house one-night” Kyungju smiled
“Wow that’s nice of him, we will have to wait and see” You pulled your son closer and inspected his face adding a little more sunscreen hoping he wouldn’t burn.
“When will we stay over?” Jeongsan smiled
“No idiot he only asked me” Everyone chuckled at this, Kyungju was getting older and was wanting his own freedom.
“I think it is a good idea. Maybe Kyungju can go first and then the next time you can go together.” You smiled pulling Jeongsan in for a hug and kissing his forehead. “My boys you are growing up too fast you are making your mother upset”
“I will slow them down” Taehyung smiled “If I pat their heads every day the won’t grow any taller”
“No, my dad’s already short, I don’t want to be short!” Kyungju tried to run away but was snatched up by Yoongi who playfully wrestled with his son.
“Who are you calling short punk?” Yoongi’s Daegu accent came through
“You old man,” Kyungju said, mimicking his father's accent trying to act tough.
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stabhappyslashers · 5 years
Bubba Sawyer & Chop Top head canons?? [NSFW]
Hell yeah, Best Boys, here we go:
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He has close to absolutely no idea what he’s doing and he knows it.
VERY nervous the first time– And you’ll be able to tell, cause he’ll go from 100 to 10 in excitement when he realizes he doesn’t know what to do next
He’s still incredibly eager to please, but the fact that he doesn’t know how is something he Very Much Doesn’t Like
Drayton’s tried to give the boys the Talk before, but he’s terrible at it
You’re going to have to encourage him all the way through, this boy gets worried easily
He’ll try his best, but he’s just going to need some [a lot of,] instruction along the way.
Communication Is Key
He honestly loves just getting to kiss you, he could do it for hours if it weren’t for Blue Balls and a busy schedule
The most Gentle Boy at first, especially when it comes to pleasuring you
Can get unintentionally rough and grabby when you start getting him real worked up– If it bothers you, It’s easy to get him temporarily aware of it by a quick warning or command to ease up
He’ll end up getting distracted again eventually, though
When he gets the hang of it, he LOVES eating you out
It’s the perfect opportunity for him to Do Good and bask in all your noises and praise, and let’s be honest he loves the taste
He can’t hold his own noises back for shit so those extra vibrations down there are Great
He’ll stay down there as long as you want him to– you’ll probably have to physically pry him away and get his attention if you want to move on or if you’re getting too sensitive
He’s too shy to ask for it, but he loves being on the receiving end just as much
It feels good to Feel Good, and when you’re down there he can comb his hands through your hair and play with it
He’ll whine and moan and babble incoherently through it all
He’ll try not to buck up against you too much but ten times out of ten he’ll fail
Gets more frantic and thrusty the closer he is to release
He loves seeing your face during it all– the only issue is, he doesn’t like you seeing his
If you’re on top, he’s a flustering mess, and he’ll try and hide his face in his hands
If he’s on top, he’s a bit too occupied to try that, but he’ll still attempt to duck down and out of sight when he knows he’s making a face
He’s too soft and turned on to struggle away if you cup his face to prevent it
Honestly, If you act soft and fluffy in bed, he’ll cry
Body Worship, whispering cheesy sappy things in his ear, spending time to please him and touch him, telling him all the things you love about him = All things that will make Bubba cry
It’s all the little things that show him you love him
He’s not used to any of it, but he is so, so grateful to have you
He’s not good at being confident of it, and his self-esteem will get in the way, you’ll have to remind him you still love him to death a lot
He’s no good at being rough and controlling, if you want that shit you’re not gonna get it with him
He Loves You Too Much, he doesn’t want to hurt you, not you,
He’ll try anything once if you’re into it, but some things are just going to give him too much anxiety,
That being said, he enjoys trying new things in the bedroom as long as It’s backed up with lots of encouragement, and generally kept light-hearted
Pull Out Game Weak
He likes coming inside you; It’s nice and warm and a lot of the times he’s too busy squeezing you in a really tight hug during it all to pull away in time anyway
He doesn’t like condoms, either, he doesn’t like how they feel, doesn’t like the barrier
If you’re really adamant about it he’ll listen, but not without some upset
You can probably figure out a way to distract him into not caring [If you catch it in time,]
Like with an extra encouraging blowjob or telling him you really want it somewhere that Isn’t at risk of pregnancy
After It’s all over he’s the most sleepy, cuddly boy
Expect a lot of comforting pets and pats
If he can get away with falling asleep or a nap, you know he’ll drift in your arms
But if he can’t, he’ll stay snuggled up next to you until the anxiety over not getting his chores done overtakes his need for affection
KINKS: Breeding, Queening/Facesitting, Praise, Oral [Giving/Receiving], Body Worship, Exhibitionism [To an extent; he’ll put on a show for you if he can really tell you’re actively enjoying it, because this boy loves to be loved, but It’s really easy for him to immediately feel embarrassed if he thinks you’re not into it], Knismolagnia, Dress up [seeing you in pretty clothes, getting dressed up in pretty clothes], Sensation Play
What do you mean he doesn’t know what he’s doing, he’s seen his fair share of porn
The most jittery uncontrolled fucking mess if you let him do his own thing.
Will shamelessly dry hump you to completion if you don’t get him under control
Rough, but not deliberately, he just has 0 impulse control
Will manhandle you like hell without thinking, his body works faster than his mind does.
If it bugs you, don’t worry– this boy is a twig. He knows his way around a scrap and he’s pretty fuckin’ resilient, but when it comes to brute force, If you really want to, It couldn’t be that hard to turn that manhandling on him, and honestly he won’t mind.
Anything you do in the context of getting laid turns him on.
Tying him up is a good way to get him to just sit still for a minute; he’ll find a way to wiggle out of it somehow no matter how tight you tie those ropes or bind those cuffs, after a bit, anyway. It’s like a magic trick.
Flexible– you can bend him any way you want, he don’t mind. It’s kinda fun, some a’ these positions HE didn’t even know he could do!
Giggly as HELL. Literally won’t shut up. If he’s not rambling or trying [and sorta failing, he’ll forget his verbal goal in less than a second and be onto another topic, and It’s pretty easy to tell when he’s directly fucking quoting one of the cheesy pornos he got his grubby hands on in the past,] to talk dirty he’s laughing or moaning or both.
Let him cut you up in bed. Just a lil, he’ll just cut you a lil, let him do it,
Use that knife on him.
Hell, let him use his own knife on himself, he’s into it all.
If he’s got access to a radio you’re definitely going to fuck to rock ‘n roll, baby, there’s no avoiding it. Music is his liiife–
It can help with his rhythm, a bit, too– if you want him to do some of the work and actually succeed, your best bet is to get him to follow the beat of the songs that play
If he isn’t actively being restrained, foreplay won’t last long
Don’t get him wrong, It’s not that he doesn’t dig it, but if the clothes come off and he gets impatient or impulsive he’s gonna shove it in.
Into anything and everything if you offer it up. The guy doesn’t know what shame even is and he’s just excited to be doing it all in the first place.
He doesn’t know exactly what he likes until you give him a little experience– basically all of his sexual knowledge comes from chats in ‘Nam and Drayton telling him “It’s a hassle,” and a good amount of cheap and stolen porn; he doesn’t think of it much outside of getting off until you come around
Giving him some attention is one of the best ways to get him to stop picking at his plate, for a little while, and put down that damn hanger
If you’re willing to go down on him just expect to have to hold his hips and deal with your hair being tugged and yanked around by fidgeting hands because if you don’t that thing is going down your throat whether you like it or not.
He might kick you from excitement at the feeling if you don’t watch out– he’s not adverse to throwing his legs over your shoulders and squeezing you further around him, either.
He is just as eager to return the favor if you ask
He might need a little direction at first, but the second he gets the hang of it he’ll go to TOWN
And that boy’s got a tongue
He’s better at getting you off with his mouth than with his dick, let’s be honest here
The Sawyer Pull Out Game In general is Weak As Fuck, it runs in the family
Definitely would go out of his way to obtain the most ridiculous fucking condoms if you need the protection
Glow in the dark, weird ass flavors, tuxedo condoms, Animal-shaped, Bright Neon Colors!!!
Would actively try to blow on up like a balloon, during sex, just cause he thought of it, and HE thinks It’s funny,
He might not last crazy long but he can go SEVERAL rounds. This bitch has so much energy to release, you’re going to have to manage to tire him out before you pass out yourself if you want him staying remotely still to cuddle up to, afterwards.
In those moments, he’s all sluggish octopus limbs and HE’LL be the one whining about it if you try and move or get up.
A weird, mumbly, rambly pillow talk will ensue until he just up and blacks out probably mid conversation.
You’ll notice it too, this dude snores.
KINKS: Knifeplay [Giving/Receiving], Bloodplay [Giving/Receiving], Breathplay [Giving/Receiving], Amputees, Biting [Giving/Receiving], Scratching, Pain in general, Piercing, Face Fucking, Sounding, etc. 
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baenxietydad · 4 years
regret of the times || the baes
Word Count: 4703 
Date: July 8th, 2020
TL;DR: Marlin's half-truths and lies of omission blow up in his face
School was out. 
 Which meant Nemo was bored and needed something to do.
 He had his usual mental list of stuff, ‘course, all those projects that Nemo racked up and bounced between-- choreo, stretching, aerial-dance-practice, flight practice, scrapbooking sometimes, paper crane making, bla bla bla-- but it was kinda rainy outside which meant that he was stuck in the Hollow and feeling even more restless and picky than normal. Plus, all his friends were being losers and having plans that didn’t include him (well, Tae and Louie were working and Finn was doing art lessons). So rather than run down his phone, he figured hey-- maybe he’d actually practice his Hangul some more?
 And he knew exactly how. 
 Ever since he’d seen his baby book with Eomma’s handwriting in it, Nemo had been studying diligently, putting in at least an hour everyday, and sometimes more. Usually after supper, before Appa left for a shift at Pixie’s, he’d drag Appa over to the couch and they’d go over stuff together. He wanted to be able to hold that book in his hands one day and read it without any help. He had an ambitious goal: before summer was up, he’d be seriously fluent. 
 So Nemo fluttered to Appa’s room. Appa was at the clinic of course, but Nemo could get a headstart before he got home. Now where had he put it…? 
 Right! Nemo zoomed over to the drawers by Appa’s bed, all the way to the top. He wiggled it open and saw the boxes that he was pretty sure was where his Appa had gotten the baby book. There were several of them though-- he just grabbed the first and opened it up, still fluttering in place. Huh, nope, no book--
 Nemo was about to pop the top back on the box when he paused. His eyes focused on the few photographs that were facing up. Slowly, the smile faded from his lips, and his eyebrows furrowed.
 Nemo took the box and moved over to Appa’s bed. 
 Gently, as if each photograph was made of the most fragile spidersilk, he lifted them from the box. The first one had his eomma in one of those long graduation robes and silly mundus hats. He put it to the side-- saw another one, with… Appa and-- a few people he didn’t recognize. Those weren’t Appa’s parents. The woman actually looked like…
 But So-yeon’s parents had died. 
 He flipped to another picture, this one of his Eomma flinging her arms out in front of a sign for a huge Seoul University. He flipped faster and found ones of a dim apartment, freshly painted by the looks of it. And there were more of that couple-- her parents, definitely, helping her move into the apartment. And another of her-- she was pregnant in this one, posing with Appa in front of what had to be the Han River? 
 But they never lived in Seoul? Nemo thought and his body flashed hot and cold. Outside, the rain pattered harder on the wooden ceiling of his Hollow home.
 Nemo went back to the drawer, to the other boxes. He grabbed another and was back on the bed in a second, turning the whole thing over. Letters, postcards, more pictures, two journals poured out. He grabbed at a letter first, turning it over to see the blur of Eomma’s handwriting again. Mu-yeol-ssi, he read, I’m helping with a giant fundraiser on campus for the climatology department…
 None of this made sense. 
 Actually, it did make sense. Nemo blinked rapidly as the tears beaded hot in his eyes. It all made sense, but the pieces kept jarring with all the stories Appa liked to repeat for Nemo before bed, stroking his hair, whispered into his ear. Stories about Eomma as a fearless fast-flying-talent-- how popular she was in the Hollow-- how adventurous she was, how dedicated she was to caring for the winds, the trees, her fellow fairies. He’d taken all of those stories and kept them as close to his heart as he could because they were all he had ever had of his Eomma. He gripped the letters tighter like he was gripping at those memories, desperate not to let them blow away. 
 But even Nemo couldn’t hold onto nothing. They evaporated because they’d never been true, had they? Had they?! 
 Nemo didn’t know how long he sat there, hunched over the letters and the journals. He read until his head was pounding and his eyes stung, forcing himself to translate little bits and pieces as best as he could. It was enough to scrape together a different version of his eomma, the one that Appa had stolen from him-- a fairy who loved science and loved the human world, who had human friends and human dreams, who had moved out of the Hollow years and years before Nemo was ever born… 
 And then Nemo took those journals and he hid them in his backpack. 
 When Appa came home, Nemo was waiting for him, sitting unmoving at the kitchen table with the photographs and letters dumped across the surface. His head still hurt, but his chest felt strangely empty. The rain had stopped an hour ago, but everything still smelled dewy and warm. 
 He lifted his eyes and stared into Appa’s shocked eyes. 
 “Hi Appa,” he said simply, daring Appa with his eyes to try to explain. 
 Was it a surprise to see Nam-min at the table when he got home from the clinic? No. Nemo was often sat there waiting for him when he had something exciting to share, or to ask him about, or to beg him to okay. When he opened the door to see Nemo he grinned and wondered what it could be he wanted to talk about today; until he met Nemo’s stone cold eyes and took a closer look. Sprawled out across the table were photographs, letters, and all kinds of documents his son was never supposed to see.
 He recognized the Harvard symbol on one of the papers - yes, his brilliant So-yeon had been accepted to the Ph.D program at Harvard. They couldn’t afford it. She continued to study at Seoul University. There were pictures of her in her Master’s regalia for her graduation, a picture of her taken in their small Seoul apartment holding baby Nemo in one arm with a textbook with English lettering in another. And that wasn’t all. There were pictures of them with humans holding baby Nemo. Something Nam-min never would have thought his father could have ever allowed? humans touching him, let alone cuddling him to their chests.
 Mu-yeol never set out to lie to his son, let him be clear about that. It was never a ‘let me just lie’ kind of thing, even if that is very much what it looked like now even to him.
 He wanted his son to know the truth, he did, he-- but humans killed his mother. She wanted to save the world, to stop the impending climate crisis, but the humans did not care. They chose profits over their planet long before So-yeon was even born and So-yeon was fighting to save a world she could not save. The world did not want to be saved and she was too stubborn and perhaps too foolish to see it. Mu-yeol, once, had been foolish enough to believe in her. And look where it had gotten them.
 So-yeon was dead, and Mu-yeol was but a shell of what he once was. 
 “Why...how...did you find those.”
Nemo didn’t want to hear explanations, but he figured Appa would at least try. He had sat here, fuming with a quiet and dangerous anger, and considered every excuse his abeoji would come up with. He wanted to be able to destroy each and every one, see. And so he held a hundred mental arguments with Appa, and with each one, his anger grew hotter and more intense. Now he felt like one of those sick-looking thunderclouds, so thick and green that you choked on all the humidity in the air. 
 As soon as the first excuse flew from Appa’s lips, that’s when he’d unleash.
 Instead: Appa didn’t even try. He stared back at Nemo and their home was dead silent. He looked at Nemo’s heap of evidence. When he spoke, he spoke slow and measured and he didn’t even try to deny it.
 How did you find those? Right, because it was something to hide. Because it was something that Appa intended to stay lost.
 Nemo’s hands clenched on top of his knees under the table. He shouldn’t have to answer Appa’s question. Appa was the one who should be answering his questions. 
“Why were they hidden?” he countered and he stood fast, knocking over the chair so it clattered to the ground. He glared at Appa. “Why did you hide them, Appa? Why didn’t you want me to see--” he grabbed one of the photographs and he thrust it in Appa’s face. It was one of baby Nemo and some people Nemo had never known-- friends, relatives? He couldn’t be sure, because Appa had lied about it all--
 “This? Huh? What’s so bad about this? Or what about this?” he reached back and grabbed the acceptance letter to Harvard and he shoved it against Appa’s chest. 
 “I-” he held the acceptance letter against his chest and the seventeen year old paper made the faintest crinkling sound as the pressure on it increased. “-I never meant-”
 He never intended for the half-truths to go this far. Mu-yeol had wanted to tell him everything for years but how could he get the message that humans were dangerous and not to be trusted if as a child he knew his Eomma had never feared them. Worse. She may as well have been one of them. If it weren't for her pointed ears (and his) they both could have passed for human with how comfortably they’d lived in that world for eight years.
 There were defenses and excuses on the tip of his tongue but they wouldn’t come out. He knew it was indefensible, no matter what he said about humans, about how foolish So-yeon and young Mu-yeol had been, or about why he had to keep Nam-min from So-yeon’s family. It was the only way to keep him. It was the only way to keep him safe from humans! Ah, but you see, Mu-yeol had sabotaged himself by letting Nemo take dance classes with the humans. He wanted to give him reprieve from being the kid with the funny wing, he just wanted to give his son somewhere he could be happy the entire time, and by doing that he gave his son the gateway drug to So-yeon’s way of thinking. 
 To his own old way of thinking.
 “It- it doesn’t matter what we believed when we were young, about humans, Nam-min.” Mu-yeol finally said. “We were some of the ‘good ones’ and they still killed her. How could I protect you from humans, teach you to be careful, if you knew we hadn’t always been?”
Nemo scoffed.
 He stepped back from his Appa, the tears already bright in his eyes. His anger had skyrocketed but now it crashed down on him. He was exhausted. It felt like his wings were made out of stone. Like the walls of his house were closing in on him, bars on every window. Every single one of Appa’s lies was another weight. And all Appa’s fear-- that was the worst cage of all. Because it had trapped Nemo inside it.
 He’d expected something like this to come out of Appa’s mouth, he really did, another stupid version of the same speech about awful humans and never being too careful and how the world wanted them dead--
 But actually hearing it and holding Eomma’s photos in his hands, and knowing that Appa’s fear kept Nemo not only trapped here, but cut off from her too?
 Appa would have never told Nemo, not ever, not if it meant that he could keep controlling him. 
 “This isn’t about protecting me!” he shouted. “You want to control me! How I think, what I-- the life I want, the people I talk to, even the version of my mother I get to know! You kept her from me. You kept her all to yourself! I don’t even know wh-what parts you told me are-- are true--” Nemo’s breath choked off and he sobbed, quickly turning away from his father. 
“That isn’t true! Not- not entirely. Everything I did tell you was true, about how much she loved you, and how much she wanted you, and how you were her whole world. I...I just didn’t...didn’t tell you things.” Which - he always, always knew was wrong. He didn’t need his son to tell him that, but everything he did tell him was true.
 He didn’t even directly tell him So-yeon’s parents died. Mu-yeol only did not correct Nemo when he asked if they had, simply changed the subject. Again. He knew he was wrong. He knew he was the bastard here.
 “Nam-minnie, no. I don’t want to con-- I just wanted to protect you! You don’t understand!” His voice shook as the confessions piled up in his brain but wouldn’t leave his mouth.
 There was so much to this story Nam-min didn’t know, and that was his fault, but he didn’t mean to, he never, ever would have done this if he hadn’t been driven to it! He had tried to raise Nemo in Korea, where they belonged, with the truth. Mu-yeol had wanted to and was going to but when faced with leaving home or losing Nemo, he chose to leave.
 Perhaps, he thought not for the first time this year, he should have let Kyung-ok and Young-chul just take Nam-min from him back then. It was clear to him he would have been happier without him. 
 The proof was unfolding right now in the Bae’s Hollow home.
 “Your eomma fought so hard to save their world and she was thanked by being murdered. I was trying to teach you to not be foolish like we were; at the end of the day, they see us not as part of their ‘us’ but as a scary ‘Them.’ That should only be more evident now.” Mu-yeol said, stepping forward to reach for a picture of So-yeon in her Master’s regalia posing with the Seoul University sign.
 “I broke my back to put her through university while raising you. She wanted to save the world, but the world didn’t want to be saved, and the world ate her alive.” He muttered, his hand trailing over the scar across his chest  under his tunic as the phantom aches that came with thinking too hard about So-yeon’s death reared their ugly head.
Nemo shook his head as Appa started to talk and he kept shaking it. Tears brimmed in his eyes. Appa just kept saying the same thing. Nemo had heard this same speech this whole life, and the parts that were different were not different enough, because Appa wasn’t even sorry-- the way he was talking, it was like Nemo wasn’t even there at all. But Nemo was here. 
 Sixteen years, Nemo trusted Appa because he had to-- he didn’t have anyone else. 
 Sixteen years, Nemo believed in him and defended him from other fairies and always, always took his side.
 Sixteen years, Nemo had been patient. He followed his Appa’s rules. Sure, there were times he messed up, and there were little white lies and there were fights, but he stuck to his curfew, he texted Appa when they were apart, and he let Appa approve every friend. He always said he was sorry and he always meant it. He tried and tried to be a good son, despite the fact that Nemo made it hard, because he had a big mouth and no impulse control and an ugly, gimp wing that made Appa worry even more. 
 And for sixteen years, Appa lied and lied and lied. 
 “You are a liar,” Nemo spat the word at Appa, even as more tears fell from his eyes. The lightning was back in his eyes. “And no matter what you say, it wasn’t about protecting me. You wanna know how I know? Because of this--” And he grabbed another photo.
 It was the one of Eomma, her parents-- and baby Nemo. 
 “You told me they were dead. But they’re not, are they? Do they even know-- do they even know where I am?” Nemo threw the photo at Appa, even though it fluttered weakly through the air. “Did you tell them I died too? You made me believe-- this whole time, I--you made it so you were the only way I could know my eomma.” His breath caught, coming in tiny gasps.
 He gasped as Nemo held up the picture of So-yeon with her parents. Mu-yeol’s hand moved to snatch it out of his son’s hand as if he could take back Nam-min seeing what his maternal grandparents looked like. There were worse lies he was guilty of than telling his son his grandparents had died. Song Young-chul and Kang Kyung-ok were not the kind of fairies his son needed in his life. They were proof that not all fairies were good, that you didn’t have to be a mara or drow to be a mean-spirited, nasty faerie. 
 “Well they’re dead to me!” Mu-yeol shouted, so loud even he jumped.
 They were the reason why while Nam-min trusted even the fairies in the Hollow mean to his Appa, Marlin knew better. The snide comments, the backhanded compliments, the looks, and the scoffs all betrayed the potential to be as cruel as his wife’s parents were. Fast-flying talents like them were known to be snobby, selfish, and arrogant, but Kang Kyung-ok...she really took the cake. 
 Even if she hated him so much, her daughter had loved him. Couldn’t she see how hard he worked to support her and her dreams while he never allowed himself to have any of his own?
 Of course not.
 Kyung-ok, now that he thought about it, was right. He truly was the worst thing to come into her daughter’s path, because look at him now. Look at his son. He did this, he made Nemo hurt like this. Hilarious! Kyung-ok hadn’t seen him in over a decade and she had finally won.
 Oh, Nemo, he wanted to say. If you’ll calm down and listen I’ll explain why I kept you from them. 
 “You’re right! You’re right. I lied. But you don’t- - you don’t understand, they aren’t good people, her parents…” the reasons why, the stories he could tell Nemo, it was like he forgot all of them the second he needed to recount them.
 Even So-yeon resented her mother, and not in the normal way. Her father had his moments but Young-chul was very much his wife’s husband. What Kyung-ok said and thought was generally law, so he never did mellow her out. He was a decent father to his two daughters though so So-yeon didn’t completely estrange herself from them.
 It helped though that she lived in Seoul and her parents only came from Daegu a few times a year. 
 He knew he had done right by So-yeon by keeping her parents from raising Nemo, but had he done right by Nemo? And doesn’t his living son matter more than his dead wife?
 “Nam-minnie, you have to believe me, eo?” Mu-yeol said quietly, reaching to cradle one of Nemo’s cheek in his hand. “I- you know everything I do is to take care of you. I wouldn’t have kept them from you for no reason.”
Nemo ripped away. 
 He staggered back two steps, hitting the chair he overturned. Normally, nothing made him feel better than Appa’s touch. Sure, he was a healing-talent, but it was more than that-- it was Appa. Appa who gave the best massages, Appa who always knew when Nemo needed a hug. Casual touches passed between father and son the way the wind passed through the trees. Nemo was never without it. He always knew to ask for it if he needed it, but he rarely had to ask, because Appa gave it freely. 
 But now Appa’s touch was the opposite of healing. It was just another lie. Everything Appa said-- it was so flimsy and all barbed, like human wire that lined the tops of fences to keep poor animals in. Nemo shook his head as more of those lies spewed from Appa’s mouth. How could he believe him? What else was there that Nemo hadn’t even found yet? There could be boxes shoved under Appa’s bed or hidden in the floorboards. He could have destroyed things. Burned them, ripped them up, decided they weren’t for Nemo’s eyes.
 Because it was all up to his oh so smart Appa, huh, to decide what was good and what was bad, who was good and who was bad. And why was Nemo so shocked, huh? Appa keeping Nemo’s grandparents from him wouldn’t be the first time he banned Nemo from other people. That’s what he did. He locked Nemo up, kept him lonely and dependent and as sad as him. 
 “I don’t believe you!” Nemo shot back. “I don’t! I shouldn’t! You lied my whole life! You lied about who I am and where I come from and about my family! I hate you, I seriously hate you!” The words ripped from his lips before he could stop them--
 He didn’t want to stop them.
 He meant them. He relished them. 
 Mu-yeol should have been hurt by Nemo’s words but the thing was - he always believed those words. Of course Nemo hated him. Look at him. Hearing it from him was almost cathartic, yeah? Like he wasn’t actually crazy, like all those times Nemo said he loved him and he was the best Appa ever were actually the lies.
 This felt more like the truth. It made sense. 
 “That makes two of us,” he muttered, before dragging a hand across his face.
 “I didn’t lie about who you are! You’re still-- everything I have told you about your mother is true. My lies were lies of omission, and I know that doesn’t make anything better. I know. But everything I did tell you was true. So-yeon-” his breath hitched and his eyes watered. “-loved you more than anything. She thought your wing was cute and thought nothing was wrong with you. You were perfect to her and to me, and that- that’s what’s important. That she loved you, that…”
 And he trailed off, aware he was just. Talking nonsense. Word vomit in his shocked caught off-guard state.
“Just shut up!” 
 He jumped in as soon as Appa hesitated and fell off. And if he wasn’t so hurt, he’d see Appa retreating back into himself and recognize it as his depression. Nemo was usually so careful with all that, especially recently, especially having seen the river and knowing the dark thoughts that Appa was capable of.
 But he was hurt and Nemo wanted to be hurt, for once. He didn’t want to be understanding. He didn’t want to be the bigger person. He didn’t want to hear how much Appa loved him, when all that love felt conditional on Nemo doing things his way and only thinking the way Appa wanted him to think. 
 How could he even see his appa standing there when his trust was scattered like this? Without that trust--
 Without that trust, loving Appa just hurt. And Nemo didn’t want to do it anymore.
 “Get it through your stupid skull, Appa. Everything you say-- it’s rot to me now. Everything you ever told me and I’m-- I’m not gonna forgive you for this. Ever. I swear. From now on, I might as well be dead to you too!” 
 And then he stepped over the chair and grabbed the packed backpack that was waiting by the tableside. He slung it on one shoulder. “I don’t wanna spend another single second with you.” 
 “No!” Mu-yeol gasped, stepping forward and grabbing the other strap of Nemo’s backpack. “You can’t — you can hate me all you want but you can’t just run away. Nemo, please. Sit down, we’ll talk about…”
 His eyes watered and his vision blurred but his tears did not fall. This was not about him, he didn’t get to cry in front of his son when his son was the one hurting, and hurting for a good reason. Because he was right. He was a liar. He was the worst. 
 Nemo didn’t need to say it. Mu-yeol just knew the worst thing he ever did was make it out of that river. 
 “Nam-min, my love, please. I’ll — I’ll tell you everything I promise. Give me that chance.”
Nemo yanked the backpack to try to force Appa to let go. He glared too-- his talent stirring in him enough that the air in their house began to move, curling around Nemo and fluttering his hair lightly. 
 It was a warning. 
 If he had to, Nemo wouldn’t hesitate to blast Appa back if he tried to keep Nemo here by force. His gusts had never been that strong, but he believed in them now. He wouldn’t be kept here. He wouldn’t be a prisoner. He wouldn’t let Appa try to lie his way back into Nemo’s heart. The plan had formed hours ago, as Nemo read and read and read, discovered all the lies, found all the holes in Appa’s stories. There was still so much left for Nemo to find out too. That’s why he had shoved Eomma’s journals and letters to her parents and sister (Soon-ja, he’d read, he’d figured it out) into his backpack. He couldn’t trust that Appa would translate everything for him accurately. He couldn’t trust that he wouldn’t take it all away, hide it somewhere else, and then ground Nemo for good measure. 
 If Nemo was going to learn the truth about his eomma, he had to do it on his own. Away from here. 
 “Let me go, Appa.” He said it through gritted teeth, the warning heavy in his voice. “I’m not your responsibility anymore.”  
 Mu-yeol, in hindsight, should have let go. He knew how stubborn his son was but part of him still foolishly hoped Nemo would stay and let him clear the air. He’d be making up for this for the rest of his life and he knew that, he just wanted Nemo to give him the chance. 
 It was a chance he knew he didn’t deserve; he was a self-aware monster, after all, but a chance he wanted nonetheless. 
 “Yes you are. You’re my son, you’ll always be mine to worry about and love. I’ll always love you. I do love you, so much. Nemo, please.” He tugged gently on the backpack strap. “Please, egi-yah, let me tell you everything.”
 NEMO: “I said let go!” 
 On the last word, Nemo ripped the strap from his appa with all the strength he had and thrust out his other hand. The gust punched from his palm, concentrated in a solid stream. It smacked Appa center in the chest and sent him stumblingback a few steps, giving Nemo a clear view of the door. 
 But he drew back his hand and then sent another gust of wind anyway, this time at the table-- blowing all those pictures, the cards, and the letters at Appa in a maelstrom of memories. Take them! Nemo thought furiously to himself as the wind gushed through his hair, kicked up all the paper, and the table rocked on its legs, almost turning over. Take them and hoard them like you did for all these years and-- 
 “LEAVE ME ALONE!” he shouted this last part and he zipped toward the door. It blew open, swinging angrily on its rusty hinges. 
 The air greeted him, and Nemo tasted of all that afternoon summer rain. Clear and wet and hot.
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solastia · 6 years
Faith | 6
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Chapters:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Word Count: 2,600 (short, but good)
Genre & Warnings: Angst, fluff. Smut free chapter. 
Notes: One more official chapter left. Maybe a Namjoon POV if y’all want it. I might be able to be talked into drabbles if you’re nice. 
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That’s all you’d heard from Namjoon for the past week. He wasn’t answering the calls or texts you’d sent, although you knew that he’d at least read them. There hadn’t been any sightings of him on the gossip channels either. It was like he’d disappeared, but you knew he was probably at his Mom’s or the hotel. You’d considered trying to stop by the room, but you’d envisioned horrible enough scenarios to talk yourself out of that. You also knew that appearing at his Mom’s when even his family didn’t know about Faith would just make the situation worse. So you backed off. You knew he’d come to talk to you when he was ready. 
Still, the waiting was not easy. 
Even knowing that Namjoon would never do something like snatch Faith away, you still thanked the powers that be for you having a job in a daycare where you were able to keep an eye on her at all times. Even if Namjoon himself wouldn’t do it, there were still plenty of people around him that very well could. 
You were so upset with yourself. All of this could have been avoided if you had been less of a coward and trusted him a little more. At the same time, you were still a little happy he’d gotten to fulfill his dream and live his little rich and famous lifestyle without baggage. At least now, if he forgave you at least, you’d be able to go forward without worrying about him thinking he’d missed out on anything.
You sigh wearily, reminding yourself to buck up and focus on work. Snacktime was not a good time for self-reflection. 
“Come on, Monkey.” You pick up Faith and strap her in booster chair next to you, setting out her apples and cheese. She munches away, happily unaware of the drama happening in her life. God, you hope Namjoon chooses to at least want to see Faith. This little girl would be so blessed to have a father like him. 
Your phone vibrates, and you take the chance to look at it, quirking an eyebrow when you see that it’s from Keisha’s Instagram. She’d followed you last week, no doubt to try and keep tabs on you, and you’d followed her right back to show you weren’t afraid. You don’t know why you bothered to check the update right now other than morbid curiosity. It was probably just yet another selfie that was 75% boob. 
The picture is of her in a familiar looking bed, the sheets drawn up to just barely cover her, but low enough to tell she wasn’t wearing anything under it. She was grinning smugly into the camera. You inhaled sharply when you realized that she wasn’t alone. It was just the back of him, but there was Namjoon. He was shirtless and turned away from her, most likely asleep, but the implications were clear. And by Keisha’s expression and the fact that she posted such a photo publicly, she wanted you to see it. 
Message received. 
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The rest of your day went by in somewhat of a blur. You finished work and drove home. Took the dog for a walk around the complex. Fed and bathed Faith. Got her to bed and asleep with minimal fuss. When everything else was done you sprawled across the couch and stared at the television. You couldn’t focus enough to watch anything, but it was better than silence. Snoop jumped up and settled between your legs, staring up at you with a gaze that suspiciously looked like sympathy. Great, even the dog knew you sucked. 
Just as you’re about to give in to your exhaustion and doze off, a knock sounded at your door. The pattern was familiar, and you couldn’t help a quick fond smile over how music was so ingrained into his soul even his knocking was a catchy beat. You release a tense breath before unlocking the door and open it to reveal a very rumpled looking Namjoon. 
“Hi. You wanna come in?”
“Sure. Cool.”
You open the door wider to allow him to come inside, cringing inwardly at the awkward beginning. Still, at least he was here. 
Snoop made his presence known, jumping all over Namjoon and knocking him over onto the couch. 
“Hey there, little man. Jesus, you’ve gotten a little chubby, huh? Mom’s been feeding you well?” Namjoon chuckled as Snoop rolled onto his back and demanded belly rubs on his admittedly bigger than usual tummy. Although that could be blamed on Faith, who thought it was hilarious to throw her lunch on the ground for him to eat. 
Namjoon sighed, patting Snoop one last time before turning to you. 
“Is she asleep?” 
“Yeah. I try to have her in bed by eight every night.”
He nods, looking nervously at his hands. 
“That’s good. I’d like to see her, but this makes it easier to...talk.” Namjoon ruffles his hair and sinks into the couch a bit. “I don’t even know where to start.” 
“I can at least start by saying sorry. I know it can’t erase anything, but I truly am sorry. I made a decision that affected you without your knowledge, and that was wrong of me. I shouldn’t have let my fears of what might happen influence me.”
You plop onto the other side of Snoop, grateful for the little buffer to help calm your nerves. Namjoon thinly smiles at you before nodding. 
“Thank you. I’m still hurt, and it’s probably going to be hard for me to trust you like I used to, at least for a while. But, I had a lot of time to think this past week, and I think I understand your reasoning. I don’t think that would have happened with us, though. You were my whole world, and you having my child would have made me the happiest person alive. It would have just motivated me to work harder. I’m probably always going to be a little upset with you for the time I lost with her, I’m not going to lie, but I think we can move past this. I want to try.” 
Your stare at Namjoon in shock, hope trying desperately to fight its way into your heart. 
“What do you mean?” 
“I’m mean I’m as in as I ever was. I want you, all of you. I want to marry you and be a father to my child. Maybe give you a few more.” 
You blush wildly, the image everything you’d ever dreamed. But...
“What about...I thought you’d gotten back with Keisha?”
“Oh, you mean that picture? Naw, she got someone to give her a key to my hotel room and posed while I was asleep. Creepy as hell. Told her that too. And now thanks to Trey, I don’t have to deal with her at all anymore.” 
“How so?” 
“Trey was getting ready to release his debut album. He’s really talented, and I’m really excited for him. Apparently, he offered to give her a verse and let her be in his MV. She dropped me so fast it was hilarious. She got off the phone with him and said, “Sorry, Nam Nams. This could be it for me, you know. It’s been real.” Then she just waltzed off. I mean, I knew she didn’t have any actual feelings for me, so it’s not that much of a surprise. I’m just sorry for Trey because now his debut’s success is reliant on her not fucking up.” 
“So, just like that? She’s gone? Seems...I don’t know. A little anticlimactic,” you frown. The woman you’d met seemed like she’d fight until the end. 
“Babe, this is real life, not the movies. Did you expect her to melt after throwing water on her? Or, what was that one lifetime movie you made me watch? The sister drugged the husband until she was knocked up or something and then she tried to kill the wife?” Namjoon chuckled, looking at you fondly. 
“Yeah, okay. I got it,” you roll your eyes, before taking a deep breath as you felt some of your burdens fall right off your shoulders. That was at least one worry done. It still seemed too good to be true, but maybe Namjoon was right, and you just watched too much damn television. 
“She went where there was the most chance for her to get famous. That’s all I was for her, and I knew that.” Namjoon shrugged. 
The silence that followed was pleasant now, comfortable. Snoop reveled in the attention as the two of you pet him while you collected your thoughts. 
“So what now?” Namjoon finally asked softly. You glance up and meet his eyes, eyes that were surprisingly full of hope and want. God, you did not deserve this man. 
“I think that should be up to you. I’m the one that messed up here, so I will take whatever you can give,” you tell him hesitantly. You wanted to tell him you wanted everything, all of it, your entire soul belonged to him. But you’d lost the right to demand anything. You’d happily do whatever he wanted. 
“We’ll take it slow at first then? Date a little, get to know Faith. I still have a couple weeks here that we can use to figure things out. I’d like to eventually let my family meet Faith. I kinda already blurted out her existence to them the other day. They are excited about her.”
“That sounds reasonable,” you nod. Fuck, his family probably hated you now. It was such a shame because you adored them. 
“So...how much touching is allowed when one is taking it slow?”
You gape at Namjoon, surprised to find him wearing that look. The look that was so filled with dark promise and love. You wanted to weep because you’d thought you’d never see it again. 
“Once again, up to you,” you responded, your voice thick with unshed tears. 
“Cool. Get your ass over here and cuddle me then,” Namjoon smirked and gently pushed Snoop off the couch, hauling you closer so you were draped on top of him. He wrapped his arms around you, practically crushing you to his chest. The both of you released contented sighs as you just relaxed and enjoyed each other, watching the television silently. 
“Are you staying the night?” You finally ask after about a half hour, knowing you needed to ask now as you were dangerously close to falling asleep. 
“If that’s alright. I’d like to meet Faith in the morning.” 
“That sounds good. Cuddle in the bed then? I’m too old to sleep on the couch.” 
“Yeah,” Namjoon says quietly, but with a little soft smile that showed off one of his dimples. 
You jump up and hold your hand out to him, pulling him into the room and the exact bed that you’d once shared. His snores soon brought you the best nights sleep you’d had in that bed since he’d left.
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You were finally awakened when the sun was hitting you right in the face. That struck you as odd for a moment, but you couldn’t remember why. 
You kept your eyes closed but slowly sat up, stretching your arms and arching your back. You managed to crack your eyes open a bit and looked around, your mind finally starting to catch up with you. 
The sun in your face was weird because it had been so long since Faith had let you sleep past six. It was always dark when you started your day. Which led to you realizing that Faith was not in her crib and you didn’t hear her. 
Namjoon wasn’t in your bed either. 
You shot up and jogged out of the bedroom in a panic, not really sure what it was you feared yet, only to freeze once the dining room comes into view. 
Faith is in her high chair, giggling and covered in different colored globs of food. Namjoon is sitting in front of her, also covered in food, but making up some rap about the wonders of fruits that she seems to enjoy enough to open her mouth for another bite. 
“Good morning,” you snort as you grab some wipes out of the nearby diaper bag and stalk towards the pair. 
Namjoon is absolutely beaming as he smiles at you, and Faith smacks her lips in demand for a kiss, which you give her after wiping her face a bit. 
“Morning, babe. She woke up a few hours ago, and I wanted to let you sleep in. I think she likes me. Aside from our battle to figure out what baby food she likes. Which, we decided that the peas suck.”
You laugh and eyeball the chucks of hardening green stuff all over his shirt. 
“I can see that. You have to trick her. Give her a toy to distract her then shove a spoonful in there.”
“That’s sneaky but smart.” Namjoon chuckles then waves another spoonful of applesauce towards Faith, who accepts it without a fight.
“She also let me change her diaper. I think I put it on wrong, but so far she doesn’t seem to mind. Wasn’t as gross as I thought it would be.” Namjoon bounced happily as he told you all of his accomplishments. You sneak a peek towards Faith’s seat, and sure enough, the diaper is on backward. 
You snort and bump him with your hip. “You wanna see gross, you should have seen her newborn diapers. I thought I’d killed her when black stuff came out of her. Didn’t read about that happening beforehand,” Namjoon’s look of horror made you giggle, and you walked towards the kitchen to start your coffee. 
That was already made. And also surrounded by four open containers of baby food, obviously rejected.
You shake your head fondly and make yourself a cup before leaning with your back against the counter, watching the two.
You wanted to cry because it was so perfect. Namjoon was so very happy just being able to do something as simple as feed his daughter, so proud of himself. He was so good with her and she seemed to like him just as much. That you’d nearly messed things up so much that you would have never gotten see how cute they were together made you want to sob.  
“She’s probably going to need a bath because we both have peas and weird pasta stuff dripping off of us. I can take care of it if you want? I promise not to break her,” Namjoon asks earnestly, watching you with big eyes as Faith further dirties herself with the unattended spoon of applesauce. 
You laugh and wave him towards the bathroom. 
“Have at it, handsome. I’ll make breakfast. Waffles okay?” 
“Yeah, that sounds great.” 
Namjoon picks up Faith and comes over to kiss your cheek. The vision of two adorable dimpled smiles shining down on you with happiness fills your heart with joy. 
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curiousdamage · 5 years
For the little things ask: 🤯 💞 for Becca and 😷 😤 for Bobby. Thanks!
🤯 - what’s a fact or bit of knowledge they don’t know but which would absolutely blow their minds if they found out?
As an adult what Terry did to Daniel in 1985.  Terry has been an amazing person in her life.  He was always her crazy Uncle who was always smiling, laughing, and joking.  She was able to do some incredible things that would have never happened if not for him.  She met celebrities that made even Johnny jealous.  He got her into Stanford, though she’s never confirmed that one, and paid for it, as paying off her student loans was his wedding gift to her and Bobby.  He gave them the down payment for their Encino home as a baby shower gift when she was expecting Johnny and it was clear that their two-bedroom home in Reseda wasn’t big enough for their growing family.  He was there for her when her parents split up and kind of got lost in their own battles for a while, leaving her at university, feeling very much alone.
Bobby would have been a success and they would have gotten to where they are now no matter what, but even he has to admit that Terry has made their lives way easier.  Terry is one of the few people they both trust with their own children.  Knowing that he has (or had) a dark side to him that could be that devious would tear her world apart.
As a teen, she completely fell apart when their history teacher made them watch news footage of the Viet Nam war.  Knowing that her parents and loved ones were in the war was one thing, seeing what it was really like was another.  Johnny didn’t do so well that day either.  Bobby, Ali, and Susan were furious.
💞 - what (if any) is their preferred way to receive affection?
Becca is a very private person.  Holding hands, hugging, small kisses, are all okay in public, but anything else makes her uncomfortable unless they’re alone.
😷 - what are they like when they’re sick? (needy, self-isolating, try to power through, etc)
Bobby is a big baby when he’s sick, not as bad as Johnny, but close.  He needs to be cuddled and coddled.  However, he is also great at cuddling and coddling others when they are sick, so it isn’t so bad.
😤 - what’s something that will always, without fail, make them angry?
If someone threatens or is cruel to his family or the other Cobras.  You don’t mess with his loved ones.  Especially Becca and their kids.   
Thanks for the asks!  Sorry for the novel! 
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heroicisms · 6 years
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saturn’s headmaster’s daughter yEET
she wanted to be a hero, but her dad told her when she was very young that she wouldn’t make it, so she just studied until she figured out what she wanted to be, and she decided that she still wanted to help heroes and asked her dad to let her work as an assistant of sorts in the school
she has the ability to detect emotions, but it can sometimes be difficult to tell whose emotion is whose in a large crowd
some of their emotions can fuel into hers a tiny bit so if there are too many people with strong emotions she can get overwhelmed and has to be alone for a bit
she and her father have a ?? strange relationship ?? like sometimes he treats her like another staff member but other times he’s her daughter and other times she’s someone who can be trusted with any secret whatsoever and she just wishes he’d make up his mind
she doesn’t teach a class, but she just sorta assists with things, like setting up hero training or helping students study or performing first aid and the like
she’s just a helpful person all-round tbh and she’s an easy person to talk to bc she can understand how you’re feeling without you having to put it into words
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basically zane lbr
he can emit electricity bUT he can’t really control where it goes by himself so he needs some tech items to help him direct it and all that fun stuff
he works for the league of villains, or a sort of subsection of it bc that’s the life he was born into since his mother was already part of it before he was born
the jobs he ends up going on are mostly to intercept signals and the like, especially since while he’s competent in combat, he tends to destroy quite a few things around him when he partakes in it, so things just end up getting messy
he’ll get a redemption arc bc of course he will
not that he needs tHAT much redeeming he just ?? does what he’s told and likes playing pranks on the other league members when he can so
his mum disappears for days, weeks at a time so he knows how to look after himself and people are always surprised at how independent he can be bc he often acts so childish
he likes to go out in casual wear and pretend he’s normal sometimes rip
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ya boi has paralysis inducement which basically just means he can stop people from moving temporarily. it only works on living things tho
he always wanted to be a hero but bc of his colder demeanour people just sorta assumed he’d end up some sort of criminal or even a villain ?? which just influenced him to work harder
the entrance exam was kinda difficult bc his quirk wouldn’t work on the droids and shit but he managed to beat quite a few with just his hand to hand combat skills, which made him one to watch
he was the type of student who was all “why do i need to know this, it’s not relevant to me, anyway” but was super studious on the subjects he DID consider relevant, so the teachers were just “????????”
he’s an underground hero, which means no one really knows the name ‘red light’, he does things under the cover of darkness, his hero persona a secret, but he’s still a legal hero
people were surprised when he became a teacher bc Mr Cold & ‘Everything is Unnecessary’ teaching kids ?? and wanting to deal with them at all ?? what ?? and then he ended up being super effective in his own weird af way so ??
he is 110% the class dad don’t mess with his kids bitch
i’m still debating on whether he should be the main teacher of the 18 year olds or the 19 year olds gimme ur opinion
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ya girl has solar manipulation so she can manipulate the sun, but there actually has to be sunlight around her, so she isn’t that effective inside or at night
she became a hero bc it just ?? sounded like a good time tbh and her parents weren’t the bEST tbh they just sorta ignored her and assumed that she would become a deadbeat like them, so she decided she’d become something flashy to prove them wrong and tHUS SHE BECAME A HERO
she had a falling out with her parents midway into studying in saturn and hasn’t spoken to them since idk where she stayed during that time but ?? i’ll figure something out
she’s a partier and loves going out at night, even though that’s when she’s weakest, but she knows hand to hand, so she figures she’ll be okay
she’s also a very social person and has a lot of connections, plus she’s also made a name for herself in the fashion world, and a lot of her hero merch is designed by her
that being said tho she can be super self-absorbed and sometimes she just needs someone to pull her head out of her ass
tHRIVES in front of cameras
she’d be the worst teacher in terms of actual hero training but she’s good when it comes to advice about being in front of the camera and beauty tips and all that fun stuff
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while technically a civilian, they’re surrounded by villains 24/7, it’s just that they’re like cullen and are a captive rather than someone who willingly works for them
they can read minds but can’t control it, so when they’re out in a crowd the thoughts can become super overwhelming hence one of the reasons the villains keep them in isolation most of the time. the other reason is that no one wants them to read their mind
they were abandoned as a kid when their quirk first manifested and they accidentally revealed to their mother that their father was cheating, and continued spouting out truths about one to the other. in denial, the parents abandoned them rather than owning up to their own issues
that’s when they were found, pROBS by the same association as cullen but if u guys have any other ideas come @ me
their job is basically to be an assistant, and most of the time, that’s what they are, but when they’re having a conversation with someone untrustworthy, daiyu must stand there and look all assistant-y while reading their mind
they don’t speak a lot, and they especially don’t like revealing discord between the members since they were punished for doing so when they were very little
they’re in isolation, but they’re not without stuff to do, and their constant thought is just ‘it could be worse’ and that’s what gets them throughout the day
someone save them pls
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he has super speed which is an oldie but goldie
his entire family comes from a long line of heroes, so it was inevitable that he would be one too, but he doesn’t mind. his only issue is that he wants to make a name for himself in his own way rather than depending on his surname
he can be a bit off-putting in interviews and it’s very easy to see when someone’s pissed him off bc it’s so obvious like if this were an anime you’d be able to see the vein popping out of his head
he hates getting asked about his family all the time. like he loves them and they love him but sometimes he wants to talk about himself, not how great his parents are, or about the pressures of living up to them
he’s that one friend who seems to live close to the downtown area so everyone just ends up crashing on his couch in the middle of the night and he’s just “why me i need to move”
tbh he’s not that social and yet ?? he probs has a bunch of friends ?? he’s just “i don’t have friends” and then like 5 people at once walk past and just “hey dasher wassup”
he’s known to be at multiple fights at once because of his super speed, but it drains him a lot more quickly
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he has illusion magic though it’s mostly just limited to sight, but he’s working on the rest of the senses while he’s at saturn
he’s the type of person who wants to please everyone, and so when he was a kid people would be like “hey chi !! can you create this !! hey chi !! can you do this ??” and he’d do it but it tired him out so easily
he’s still like that tho rip
he wants to become a hero bc he wants to help people for a living, and he thinks he has what it takes to be a good hero, especially after passing the entrance exam
other people sometimes doubt him tho bc he’s so soft and sensitive and just wants everyone to be happy so they underestimate him a lot, and while he’s not the bEST in his grade, he’s definitely on his way to being a great hero
his parents are super supportive and also soft like they don’t want him to get hurt but they’re also so proud of him
tries to include people in everything
when he’s sUPER emotional his illusions can act up without him realising, but he apologises profusely whenever it happens and there are people around
he calls himself ‘the dreamer’ bc he likes to use his powers to make people’s dreams come true, even if it’s just for a little bit, though also because people think he’s super spacey and wrapped up in his own little world, which isn’t wrong tbh
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feline physiology, but he’s the same as baram, so he can’t actually change inTO a cat, he just has the senses of one
he a flirt
he has 2 mums but he’s biologically theirs
tbh at first he decided to become a hero for the hell of it, bc he thought he had the ability and bc it’s a respectable profession, but he ended up really loving the look on people’s faces when he saved them while he was interning and he wants to see that more often
he acts like a cat all the time tbh, like he’ll sleep in people’s laps and purr when someone scratches behind his ears and he naps in the middle of the day sometimes, he’s the resident house cat
u can also distract him with a laser pointer tho
even tho he’s a flirt he’s a soft flirt bc a lot of the time he just wants to cuddle a bit and he just thinks it’s better when there are kisses involved
he’s a bit of a night owl cat and when he becomes a full hero he wants to work mostly at night
he’s not the class’s number 1 or anything but he doesn’t really wanna be ?? he prefers to go at his own pace bc he knows that’s better for him, and he doesn’t really have any interest in trying to beat people who are aiming to be in the same profession bc what’s the point of competing when all he wants to be is a hero ?? not necessarily number 1 or anything, just someone who helps people
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seakclauswinkler · 3 years
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18 Fun facts German #artist #SEAKClausWinkler
- I have a little militaria #collection
- I Knows a lot about the #Americancivilwar, the #wildwest, ww1, ww2, nam, #theageofsail, #napleonicwars, roman history
- I don’t like the naked guinea pigs, just likes the guinea pigs with furr.
- I Love all #donkeys
- I still have most of my child cuddle animals, aswell as all of my childhood toys, books, etc.
- I swim in lakes for a hour or longer.
- I was with 15 on a #MiamiDadecounty shooting ranch, shooting rifles, pistols, m-16‘s, etc
- I Have pregnancy strips on my stommac
- I would love having animals, but doesnt want the responsibility, and need to focus on #paintings.
- Few years ago i was swimming on New Year’s Eve with in the #zürich lake Switzerland for a few minutes.
- On the Sylvester night at central station cologne where the the supposed mass rapings where supposed to happening i was with my xgirl in the middle of a nongerman crowd. No rapings, no other women, no Germans, i although took a proof photo.
- i was on time #Streettagging with a #artistcolleague in Los Angeles, and became on myspace the other days mails from local #artists asking me signing there artist #blackbooks ( #sketch/ #drawingbooks)
- When shoppping for food it takes me often alot energy focusing on shopping for grocery’s, due the heavy flirting, chasing, cruising happening in discounters, supermarkets, and if I have money enough the wholefood markets.
- When i was a child i did sail on the lake Bodensee, lake Chiemsee, and the Baltic sea ( East sea) by storm.
- I was on time in invited by the #Goetheinstitute in Lisbon Portugal at the #Germanembassy #painting, representing germany.
- my grandmother remembered the #tzarsCossacks being fair gentlemen, child friendly during ww1, though the family barn was burning during the war, tannenberg battle, etc.
- My great grandmother still spoke a rough German being migrants from Lithuania. They shortened ther family name, to intergrate themself with #Germanculture.
- In Auckland i had sex with a maori woman
#SEAK #ClausWinkler #Cwinkler #ClausSEAKWinkler #art #artist #arthistory #Stylewriting #contemporaryart
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Player: Leon Draisaitl – Edmonton Oilers
Prompt: This is a continuation of “The Baby Blues”
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Mentions: Connor McDavid & Jordan Eberle
Preview:. You stripped off your flour covered dress. You had slipped on a pair of sweatpants and were currently admiring your belly in the mirror. You felt the arms that wrapped around you and your bump
Characters:. 1931 words.
Find Baby Blues on the Masterlist here.
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“Mama! Cookies! Misha shouted pointing towards the oven.
 “Yes Baby, Cookies.” You nodded trying to clean up the counter. As much as you wanted to leave it, you knew you had to clean up.
 You were trying your best to wipe the counter but your eight-month belly was not helping, neither was the toddler pulling on the bottom of your sundress. You suddenly had an idea.
 “Misha, want to help Mama?”
 Misha nodded excitedly. You picked up the small toddler and handed him the rag you were holding. “Misha, Mama is going to hold you and you wipe the counter with the rag.”
 He nodded again. You held Misha out and he began wiping the back of the counter you couldn’t reach. You continued to do this until you almost reached the end of the counter when you heard a deep chuckle from behind you.
 You turned your head to see Leon leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed, a lighthearted grin sprawled across his features.
 “Papa!” Misha scrambled from your arms dropping the rag on the counter.
 “Hey what happened to helping? Mama is just chopped liver compared to Papa apparently. Maybe the new baby will be more concerned with me.” You giggled taking out the cookies glancing at Leon who was currently peppering kisses to Misha’s belly, trying to avoid the flour.
 “Not a chance, Mama.” He replied and you rolled your eyes.
 “Why don’t you clean off your little monster and when you are done, the cookies will be cool.” You quipped.
 Misha cheered and ran towards the bathroom. Leon came up to you and gave you a quick kiss. “Love you, even if you aren’t the cool parent.”
 “You’re teasing me again. Let me remind you that I am pregnant with your child, or at least that’s what I want you to believe.” You giggled with a wink.
 Leon acted fake shocked. “What?” he questioned dramatically
 “What can I say, you have some cute teammates.” You both laughed at your comment.
 “Now you better go before Misha has the bathroom flooded.”
 “You’re right,” Leon called out as he sprinted towards the bathroom.
 “Say it again! Are you trying to turn me on?” you called out with another laugh. You finished cleaning the kitchen and placed a few cookies on a plate. You put the plate on the coffee table and headed upstairs to clean up yourself.
 You stripped off your flour covered dress. You had slipped on a pair of sweatpants and were currently admiring your belly in the mirror. You felt the arms that wrapped around you and your bump.
 “You have never looked more beautiful.”
 “Are you flirting with me?” you quipped
 You chuckled. “Where is Misha?”
 “He headed downstairs for the movie,” Leon replied kissing your neck.
 “Your son has probably eaten the entire plate of cookies.”
 “You are probably right,” Leon answered
 “Twice in one night? Now I know you are flirting with me.” You slipped on your shirt.
 “Du hast recht” he chuckled. (You are right)
 “Leon Draisaitl are you trying to get in my pants?” You asked as you both walked down to the living room, where Misha was dancing around the couch, the last cookie half eaten in his hand.
 You glanced at Leon who looked guiltily back at you. You both sat down with your now quite hyper son hopping between you and Leon. You leaned back on your couch and placed your feet in Leon’s lap. Leon was massaging your swollen feet as Misha continued hopping around.
 “This is your fault.” You noted trying to grasp your toddler. Leon got a hold of his waist, pushing him down between you.
 “Movie Time Buddy” Leon said firmly.
 Misha nodded as you turned on his latest favorite movie. You listened as the familiar opening started, Misha clapped in delight.
 “Finding Dory again?” Leon asked.
 “No complaints, you don’t watch it at least three times a day.” You replied.
 Leon nodded turning back to the movie, massaging your feet again. Misha cuddled into your side, his head resting on your chest. You couldn’t be any happier.
 “Misha, tell Papa to stop hogging all the blankets.” You giggled. Misha put his head up looking seriously at Leon.
 “Papa, Mama needs Blanket for Bruder.” He gave Leon a look, scrunching up his tiny face.
 “Okay buddy, you are the boss,” Leon answered placing the blanket across you and Misha.
 You smiled and they both turned the attention back to the fishes playing on your screen.
 Halfway through the movie, you noticed Misha’s breathing soften.
 “They’re so cute when they’re asleep,” Leon whispered.
 “Yeah, asleep.” You added with a soft giggle.
 Leon smiled and picked up Misha placing him against his chest softly.  
 “Me Next?” you joked standing up from your place on the couch.
 You followed Leon upstairs. You watched as Leon tucked in Misha. You couldn’t help but feel your heart swoon. You couldn’t wait for there to be another little one for you and Leon to spoil. What you didn’t realize was that was going to be sooner than later.
 You walked into the bedroom, and into the in suite bathroom. You washed your face and put your hair up into a pony. You came back into the bedroom just as Leon entered taking off his shirt.
 “Did the massage get me enough points?” He asked.
 “Nothing could earn you enough points babe. I am as big as a whale, which in simple terms means no sex.” You quipped pulling the covers back and crawling into bed.
 “You sure baby?” he tried peppering kissed to your collarbone.
 “Um, babe definitely not. My water just broke.” You stated calmly.
 Leon jumped from the bed. “Omg. Okay, We have to go. Where is your bag? You call the doctor…” He began rambling.
 You shook your head. “We have done this before babe. Relax, I am not even feeling anything yet.”
 Leon nodded as you stood up and went to the closet. You began changing your pants and putting on a new shirt.
“Can you pull off the sheets? I want to put them in the laundry room before we leave.”
 Leon looked at you like you were crazy. “How are you so calm right now?”
 “18 hours of labor with Misha will do that to you.” You quipped walking into the bathroom.
 You sat down at the vanity pulling out your makeup bag. If you were having a baby, you were going to be looking good when you did.
 Leon walked into the bathroom now in a t-shirt and sweats. “You are not doing your makeup right now.”
 “Hey, I want to look good.”
 “Since you have apparently lost your mind, I am going to go get our son dressed.”
 You nodded turning back to the mirror. You finished your makeup and put your hair up into a bun. You walked into the bedroom and grabbed your hospital bag. When you reached the front door, Leon was holding a grumpy Misha grasping onto his teddy bear.
 “Are you ready now or would you like to cook a five-course meal?” He asked sarcastically.
 “Actually I could meal prep for when we get back…” You started turning towards the kitchen.
 “If you don’t get in the car right now Y/N, I swear…” He started
 You chuckled and followed him through the front door. You sat down in the passenger seat as Leon buckled in your son.
 “Ready for baby number two?” you asked as he pulled out of the driveway.
 “More than ever” He smiled heading towards the hospital.
 You reached the hospital, got checked in, and headed towards your room. Leon was a mess and you calmly tried to settle down your toddler. Misha had gotten a second wind and now was playing with the model of a uterus, complete with a small baby. The nurse trying to hook you up the machines was getting quite the kick out of it.
 “Leon, what are we going to do with Misha, I feel like it might get busy in here.” You asked.
 “Connor and Jordan are on their way.”
 “So he will be getting candy and ice cream for breakfast?”
 “Probably” he shrugged trying to wrestle the ceramic baby from Misha’s grasp.
 He had almost won when a frazzled Connor and Jordan entered the room. They both looked like they got dressed in the dark. You had to stifle your giggles.
 Misha ran from Leon, dropping the baby and it shattering on the floor. “We will pay for that.” He quipped towards the nurse who was now chuckling.
“We are here! Did we miss it!?” Connor almost shouted.
 “I haven’t even started contractions.” You noted.
 Misha ran and jumped for Connor. “Captain!”
 You chuckled at the name Leon convinced him to call Connor.
 “You excited to come spend the night with Uncle Jordan and Uncle Captain,” Jordan asked scooping up your son.
 Misha nodded quickly. You were sure he knew that the guys would give him whatever he wanted. You mentally noted to schedule him a new dentist appointment.
 The boys said their goodbyes and offered you both good luck before they were off with Misha.
 Leon came and laid with you. You turned on the TV and some baseball game was on. You both were watching well into the seventh inning when suddenly the contractions hit you like a train. You groaned in pain.
 “Baby time?” Leon asked and you looked at him angrily.
 “Yeah, I am going to go get the doctor.” He nodded and walked from the room.
 10 hours later, your family of three had finally expanded to four. You held the small baby girl in your arms. You couldn’t believe you now had a little girl to spoil. You knew Leon and Misha were hoping for a boy but you secretly wanted a girl. You were already outnumbered.
 Connor and Leon walked in with Misha. Connor was holding a giant teddy bear and pink flowers. It was nine in the morning and he was picking from a bag of gummy bears.
 “Connor didn’t know how to say no in the gift shop.” Leon chirped.
 “I have to keep my favorite uncle status.”
 You just smiled shaking your head. “Thank you for watching him, Connor.”
 “Anytime, I love the little guy. I can’t wait to watch this little cutie too.” He smiled stroking the hair of the newborn.
 “Adeline” you noted
 “The name is beautiful Y/N and so is she. I don’t know how you do it, with a guy like Leon. Must be all your genes.” He chirped.
 “Hey. I make cute babies!” Leon tried.
 “Sorry bud, all Y/N.”
 You chuckled as Misha stumbled up to the bed to get a closer look at the baby.
 Connor stepped back and allowed Leon to place Misha gently on the bed next to you.
 “Misha you need to be very careful with your sister.”
 “Sister?” he asked
 “Yes, it’s a girl baby.” You added. Misha nodded as if he understood. He looked over your shoulder examining the small baby in your arms.
 “Bruder.” He repeated.
 “We will work on that,” Leon stated and you all shared a chuckle.
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