#the name and intimate feelings of love for his next spouse even though he hasn’t met them yet.
soothfog · 2 years
i DO know lee is fully capable of lying about your muse’s future. at best, because he thinks it’ll make them happy or relieved or have a generally positive effect on them. at worst, because he thinks it’ll have a positive effect on him: primarily being, they leave him alone and stop asking about their future.
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kagami--uchiha · 3 years
♡ + KISAME AN D KAGAMi (can you believe i almost wrote my own name sjojhwoudhauodhuoejuUOHUOAHD )
UHWIUAHD Namae and Kagami? Maybe also worth a shot in the next ask XD But here we go with Sharkie and Kitten <3 <3
Who is the most affectionate?
Oooh let's see. Kisame is affectionate in a different kind of way. He does show his affectionate side towards Kagami, but rather in private. Kagami on the other hand doesn't shy away from showing his affections, he'll just go up and straight out steal a kiss, take his hand, snuggle up on his lap, he simple doesn't know it any different than that and is still getting accostumed to the Hoshigaki being embarrassed by pds :3 <3
Who initiates the handholding?
Definitely Kagami! And he does that quite a lot! He just really loves being connected to his husband, one way or another. So holding his hand is, for Kagami, a way to share some affection in a more "tame" way xD. In the beginning it is rather weird and new to Kisame, especially before their marriage... But when there are times when Kagami doesn't even initiate it and Kisame immediately knows that something's up.
Who worries more for the other?
I would say Kisame, in a way? Not because he wants to mother-hen Kagami, he also doesn't need to. He knows that Kagami can hold his ground and even can go pretty feral in a fight. Yet still Kagami is rather tiny, even amongst Konoha-nins. But he knows that Kagami gets cold easily, so he makes sure he is dressed well and comfortably. He also knows that Kagami is rather non-confrontional in his ways, which triggers a response in Kisame to just .... Kinda shield him? Not in a over-bearing kind of way, because that wouldn'T be Kisame anymore, but he likes to make sure that Kagami is safe.
Kagami starts worrying as soon as someone challenges him for a fight for the position of the clanhead, because Kisame losing inevitably means that Kisame would die.
Who is more likely to ask for help?
I would think that both don't hae any problems with asking for help! Besides the fact that they both like to help each other out wherever they can! It is the little everyday things, but they have great impact <3.
Who is the one always losing the keys?
As much as Kisame is such a sovereign man, a leader everyone respects, a warroir feared on the battlefield.... He can be clumsy with things as small and fragile like keys!.. So Kagami please.. Help that man find the keys! (Kagami loses them himself, soooooo.... xD)
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
Kagami loves to do that. In-between Kisame's duties as the clanhead, training the rookies and other stuff, it can often happen that they don't see each other much, so Kagami loves to reming Kisame with little notes, how loved and appreciated he is and that he needs to remember to take breaks and eat :D
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
Kagami.. As much was he was used to being alone before he became Kisames partner, as much does he feel lonely and unsafe when his husband isn't with him at nights. He misses being buried in those muscular arms. I would like to think that Kisame also has much difficulties sleeping when Kagami isn't around, but he probably would try to keep it down so he has the energy he needs from sleeping.
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
:'D If they were just to meet and fall in love like any other couple, it would definitely be Kisame to propose. He'd put a lot of though behind the perfect ring that symbolizes the unity of both their clans, but also the love and appreciation he holds for the Uchiha. There would be a lot of planning and a lot of anxiety on Kisames behalf <3.
Who introduced the other to their family first?
Sadly, Kagami doesn't have an immediate family to introduce. And since they have an arranged marriage, Kagami just more or less meets Kisames family immediately, I think? (We haven't really elaborated on this ever xD)
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
Kisame. He loves to play with those inky, curly strands whenever he gets the chance to. He washes it whenever he can, brushes it, runs his fingers trhough it, tugs and pulls it in... certain scenarios ;) and generally just loves the feeling of those fluffly locks.
That doesn't mean that Kagami doesn't love to run his fingers through Kisame's hair as well.. I would just like to think that Kisame loves it a little more
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
Kagami. He even brings meals into the throneroom when he notices that Kisame hasn't yet been able to make time to go and grab something to eat. That's jus thim being a regular mother-hen <3.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
Kisame is more likely the one to be a bit moooooore...aggressive about it? Not in a way that he immediately jumps up and rips apart whomeber is attacking Kagami, but in a way of granting them a chance for apology before he is going to get serious. Kagami also likes to stand up for his spouse, but often when he feels the need to it's in Kisame's presence and he often handles those thigns himself ;).
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
As once mentioned, for them it's all about the little things. So a suprise could even just be a surprise hug, a kiss on the cheek, the touching of foreheads or all those intimate little gestures, just some physical touch to bring something beautiful into the other ones day <3. But besides that, Kisame likes to surprise his spouse by taking him to a pretty place or just organizing a trip for them both.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things
Kagami.. and he is pretty admant about it too. He knows that Kisame is a capable warrior and can handle himself just fine, yet it always scares him that something could happen because he got a bit too much into the bloodlust or just gets reckless for some reason.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
Both do. But it also either ends with Kisame picking Kagami up, laying down and then putting Kagami ontop of him, or Kagami snuggling ontop of Kisame before pulling the blanket over them.
I love them <3
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Hello Darling! I just read the valentines alphabet you wrote for Shifty and omg I absolutely loved it! So, if it’s not too much to ask, may I request the same for Bull Randleman? Thank you and have a wonderful weekend 💛
@noneofurbusinez asked:   balentines balphabet for my man bull blease ,,,
here’s the big boy
valentines day alphabet  ( accepting! )
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A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Bull’s love language is very much acts of service, so that’s what he’ll do, all the time. He’ll fix something before the person he cares about realizes it’s broken; he’ll do favors, help them with simple tasks without saying a word, and generally be there when needed. He’s not too liberal with words or touch, so Bull says everything through what he does. If he’s really feeling affectionate, he’s got a tiny smile that could melt butter, and only the people closest to him have it directed at them.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
He enjoys flowers in a purely aesthetic sense, but could name...  daisies and roses, probably. That’s it. He likes them, but does not understand them. The sort of man to pick a lone-ass flower and give to someone, like that’s an acceptable thing. It’s kind of cute, but also goofy. (He’s always had a soft spot for buttercups.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
If he is hungry, and a chocolate bar is in front of him, he will eat it, but there are about two dozen snacks he’d enjoy a lot more.
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
Give him a country fair and some carnival games any day. Watch him win everything, eat multiple corn cobs, go on the ferris wheel just because it’s his favorite, and have a lovely night. If he’s got good company with him, well, that’s all the better.
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
It’s like hugging a bear, but...  in the best way. Bull gives Dad Hugs. Absolutely reassuring, wraps you up completely, kind of hard to breathe but it feels good...  if Bull Randleman’s hugging someone, a bomb could drop directly on their heads, and they’d be perfectly safe. Nothing can get through a Bull Hug. People miss it after it’s done.
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
Umm...  flirt? Bull? Bull flirt? Nah, man, he...  he’s, uhh...  he’s a big guy. He’s got eyes. He can make eye contact sometimes. That’s the best he’s got. This man flirts like a brick.
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
Look. Bull’s out here trying, okay? He really does put a lot of thought into gifts, because it’s important that he gets something his loved one is going to appreciate. This does not make him a...  “good” gift giver. Bull’s gifts tend to be very practical, very small  ---  he’s not going out to buy jewelry or putting a bow on anything, because he will have no idea what he’s doing. Somebody needs new oil for their car, or they’ve been looking for grill charcoal? Someone wants a particular shade of paint but has no clue where to get it? Bull will get it for them, and paint their house on top of that. Honestly, he’s better at doing things than giving things, so his gifts tend to be favors.
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
For Bull Randleman to fall in love, he first has to trust someone completely. That’s no easy feat. He also needs respect in a relationship, and if he hasn’t built that up, he can’t really give his heart to anyone.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
Shhh. Nah. He’s maybe said it...  four times??  In as many years, once he’s been in a long-term relationship. Possible less than that. Bull doesn’t say “I love you”, he shows it. If he’s not able to do that, then he doesn’t deserve to love the person he loves.
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
He’s really not a jealous guy. If someone tries to flirt with his partner, he’ll be overall unimpressed by it, and step in if needed, but he’s not hot blooded like certain people he knows.
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
Shy boy. Unexpectedly shy, but he doesn’t have a lot of experience. This is the one time when he doesn’t quite know what to do with...  all of himself. There’s a lot of Bull, and when you’re kissing you have to know exactly how to move, how to match your rhythm with someone else’s...  he’s a bit of a clumsy kisser, and would appreciate someone else taking the lead. Quite soft, won’t use tongue at first; prefers to put hands on his partner’s upper back / shoulders; if he can lift them up and put them on top of something, like a tabletop, so they’re at an equal height, that’s just perfect. Not above lifting his partner up while they’re kissing.
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
His Mama has to take first place here, forever and always. Bull would move mountains for that woman. He’s very devoted to his family overall; he’s got friends he’d drop anything just to help. In general, when Bull decides to love someone, it’s long-lasting and steady. He’s not fickle with his affections, and definitely not into second-guessing. Even when they say hurtful things or quarrel, he won’t stop loving them.
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   is morning or night a more romantic setting?
He’s a morning person. Always has been, always will be. There’s something about early morning that Bull just finds peaceful, and he’d love to share it with someone he cares about.
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
Again, you gotta understand...  there’s a lot of Bull to go around. And he knows what to do with exactly none of it! At first, he’s definitely uncertain of himself, prefering to let his partner take the lead and guide him how they want. A very physical lover; all about body movements, instinct and rhythm; breathes heavily. As he gets more into it, he’ll gain enthusiasm; at this point, he can sometimes get rough without meaning to, though he tries to be mindful of it. Once Bull works his confidence up, he becomes quite an intense lover. This is an intimate experience for him, and he wants to savour the sensations...  but he’ll always be focused on his partner, to ensure they’re enjoying it too.
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
He has a way with word. As in, like...  one word. He can shoot out monosyllabic answers really well. Bull’s not a talkative guy  ---   very much an “talk less, do more” type.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Well, he’d like someone shorter than him  ---  that’s not hard  ---  preferably someone he can pick up easily. He wants someone...  gentle isn’t the right word, but someone who’ll be gentle with him. At the same time, not someone delicate, who’ll break easily. If they know their way around a horse, that’s downright perfect. He’s got a thing for eyes  ---  expressive ones, eyes that dance, eyes that laugh, eyes that sometimes tease. He likes brown ones most of all. And any partner Bull chooses is going to have to be way more talkative than him, sorry  ---  while he doesn’t dislike silence, he also enjoys having that silence filled, and not having to carry a conversation is a massive weight off his shoulders. He’s more than happy to just listen to the person he loves chatter, smiling benignly at their thoughts.
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
He’s neutral either way. While he wouldn’t mind if his partner asked him first, if he’d already decided he wanted to marry this person, he’d definitely muse on different ways to do it. Nothing elaborate, that’s not Bull’s style  ---   maybe a proposal during a quiet countryside walk, or after going for a swim, or even at the end of a big day, during the quiet moment when all the festivities are dying down. Bull wouldn’t make a scene out of it; his proposal would be simple, soft, and very sincere.
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
Not a cynic at all. He’s a practical guy, but he’s got a tiny romantic streak buried deep down in there. A part of Bull just really liked the idea of getting to love someone. He’s lowkey about it, but has a definite romantic side.
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
He had a crush on a little girl in his class  ---  Wendy something-or-other  ---  for a solid few months, because she had beautiful red curls, tied up in bouncy pig tails. Honestly, Bull might have been more in love with her hair than Wendy herself, but they promised to marry each other under the oak tree outside school. Wendy got cold feet the next week, broke it off, and gave Bull back the straw ring he made for her. It didn’t break his heart, but it taught him a valuable lesson: never fall for anyone just because they’ve got nice hair.
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
Nah. That sort of thing belongs in fairy tales. Love has to build itself up in order to really matter.
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
Bull’s heart is like a slab of steak. Very beefy, very tender. He doesn’t give it away easily, but it would break easier than he likes to admit. Hasn’t happened yet, because he hasn’t found the right person to hurt him yet.
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
Honestly? Not a fan. Look, if Bull wants to go on a date, he’ll go on a date  ---  they can do that any night of the year. If his partner’s into Valentine’s Day, he’ll try to make it special, but otherwise he doesn’t have a problem ignoring the holiday.
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
Yes! This is actually something he feels quite strongly about. He wants to have a traditional relationship/marriage; he would really like to be a husband one day, to have a ring on his finger and dote on his spouse. It’s not about starting a family for Bull (he doesn’t have any strong feelings about having kids, though he’d be a great dad) but very much about...  stability. About someone loving him enough to tie the knot. and getting to love someone that much in return. It’s hard for him to articulate, but he’d really want to get married.
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
He’s not really the pet name type...  so on the rare occasions he does use them (simple one’s  ---  “darlin’” is his go-to) it stands out that much more.
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
Look, no one’s gonna mess with Bull. He’s a big dude with a withering stare, and could probably flip most people over his shoulder without trying. Bull doesn’t need to put on a show; if someone’s messing with the people he cares about, he’ll stare them down, decimate them with a well-timed remark, and that’s usually all it takes to break up the situation. Not afraid to use the old “arm-around-the-shoulder” trick to show he means business.
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
Not many! He’s a conservative guy in bed  ---  he’d prefer one steady partner whom he knows well to a series of strangers. He probably had a girlfriend or two when he was younger, but even then they didn’t do it much; Bull was quite careful, and always respectful.
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imagine-loki · 6 years
Title: Irked
Author lokilover9
Chapter 13
Original Imagine: Imagine due to having highly effective telekinesis, Tony Stark seeks you out and hires you. Loki’s been forced to live there by Odin and help on missions when needed, making penance to Midgardians. Prior to moving into the Tower, you learn of his superior and arrogant attitude and upon being introduced, immediately dislike him. Particularly because he looks at you like your his next meal. Rating: Teen
Spending the afternoon inventing traits for their characters was entertaining to say the least. Especially the ones Loki teasingly wrote about Shandis. As it turned out however, that wasn’t the only important topic they needed to discuss.
“Adding some of your own personal traits, could make things easier to remember.” He teased. “Let’s see. Cheeky, unruly, obstinate, short tempered…”
She was eating pistachios and tossed one at him, not noticing it landed in his crotch. Loki considered asking her to retrieve it, but declined, thinking he may end up with the television over his head.
“Oh really?” She retorted. “How about some of yours? Mysterious, sarcastic, oozes brattiness from every pore.”
He waited a minute. “That’s the worst you could come up with? Perhaps I’m growing on you then.”
Shandi quickly changed the subject. “You need a Midgardian age. I suggest 32.”
“Accepted. I could see how close to a millennium might appear suspicious.”
“Oh, before I forget, I’ve researched reasons for hair loss and found one you should remember.”
“Whatever for?” He asked.
“It’s hard getting my wig to look just right and I’m thinking it may become noticeable. Should anyone ask…”
“You don’t have to wear it. I could obliterate the entire application process with magic.”
“No thank you, it’s fine.” She politely replied. “As I was saying…”
“Shandi, I keep asking you to trust me. Do you not at all?”
She went quiet for a moment and leaned back into the couch. “Okay, I’m going to be completely honest with you.”
Realizing she was serious, Loki put aside his pen and paper. “Please do.”
“It bothered me earlier that you expected me to portray Elizabeth a certain way without warning, or a better explanation as to why. It put me on the spot and I only complied because Alice could’ve left at any moment.”
“My apologize Shandi, I hadn’t intended to. A theory came to mind and based on what we know of Alice’s personality, I thought to test it.”
She locked eyes with him then. “Which you did at my expense Loki. There’s bound to be moments of unpredictability during this mission, that will require sporadic actions from my character. If I don’t know all her issues or why they exist, who knows how I could jeopardize things. Understand that I won’t consent to anything like that again without knowing much more and your actions have left me concerned.”
“Of?” He asked.
“I’m questioning what else you may attempt without my knowledge, beyond things at my expense.”
Here was this woman whose pulse he could increase, merely with his nearness, her eyes now boring into him with an intensity he’d yet to see, her demeanor confident and assured.
“You’re right.” He respectfully replied. “My actions were inappropriate and again, I apologize.”
Shandi wasn’t expecting such reactions at all. He’d constantly projected an air of pompousness and superiority, yet now appeared humbled.
“Remember you recently asked if I’d planned on attempting to jeopardize this mission?”
Her gaze lowered in a nod. “I do.”
“Shandi, look at me please?”
Obeying, her insides softly quivered.
“I meant it.” Loki continued. “And know without a doubt, that at no point, will I jeopardize your safety either.”
For some reason, she’d strongly sensed he wouldn’t, yet was grateful they were openly discussing things. “Thank you.” She replied. “From now on, let’s review everything at the end of each day, so we’re always on the same page?”
“I think that’s an excellent idea.” When her shoulders fell and expression softened, he regretted causing her such worry.
Shandi sipped her wine and refocused. “So, what ‘was’ your theory about Alice?”
Loki explained that the previous night, he’d re read their information about Alice and made some assumptions regarding her personality. Upon meeting her, he learned they were correct. Not only was she friendly, but intelligent, very warm, kind, compassionate and seemingly affectionate with friends, as she’d put her arm around Beth a few times. “Remember during Tony’s meeting, he asked us to invent a valid reason for your aversion to being touched?” “Yes.” She replied. “We must work on that.”
“Actually, I’d thought of one before approaching Alice. It was the reason behind testing my theory.”
Shandi listened and when he finished, her mouth hung ajar. “Loki, that’s very tragic.”
“I know, but it could aid in attaining Alice’s friendship faster, while embedding into her mind, the seriousness of your aversion. Then hopefully as Nat put it, she’ll avoid becoming ‘touchy-feely,’ with you completely, as will anyone close to her.”
Shandi knew the grave importance of no one discovering her fake pregnancy. “I’m not refuting any of this, but still don’t quite understand.”
“Mother of seven, who loves babies. A pillar of and activist for her community whose curious of newcomers. She volunteers in schools, the local community center and nursing home. Initiates her own fundraisers and donates the money to those less fortunate. Her life revolves around caring for people. Introduce that level of kindness to a pregnant newcomer who hasn’t any friends here yet, fears being apart from her spouse too long, appears overly nervous amidst crowds and fiercely protects herself from anyone who even attempts touching her? You could easily play on her sympathies Shandi.”
A heavy sigh escaped her. “Even if I agreed to doing so, that tragedy isn’t something you reveal out of the blue. It would be awkward to, period.”
“I’d handle the telling if you wished. In the meantime, we’d build up to it by piquing her curiosity.”
“What if we don’t see her again until the fair?”
“By shopping constantly for our nursery and spending the towns lunch hours everyday at the park? I’m quite certain we would.”
“How do we pique her curiosity at the park?” She asked.
“With some simple exercises to help alleviate your ‘nervousness.’
She took a few moments to contemplate everything, then asked. “What’s with the fear of being apart from you?”
“Another curiosity peeker, or optional excuse to avoid invalid situations.”
“Should I portray Elizabeth this way, you do realize we’d be stuck to each other like glue most of this mission?”
Damn, did Loki bite his tongue. “Well darling, you did sign up for Cactus sitting. Would it be so bad portraying one with such issues?” His eyes suddenly crossed. “After all, you’ve me to protect you.”
“Oh, pfft. That’s reassuring.”
A chuckle escaped him. “It’s up to you.”
Shandi hadn’t banked on playing a ‘nervous nelly’ beyond the maternity shop incident, but it ‘could’ work. “Okay..I’m in. As long as I get details about those exercises.”
“Of course. Would you still like help with your wig?”
“I’d almost forgotten about that.”
“The process is quick and painless, really.”
“That’s not very reassuring either, Loki.”
He laughed, then explained and she was startled to learn it was that simple. “Magic is a wondrous thing darling.”
Shandi opted to close her eyes and Loki stood, tossed a green mist towards her and quietly left. A subtle tingling sensation then spread over her entire scalp, lasting for only seconds before she darted to the main floor washroom. Stemming from every root, her long, dark waves had been altered to loose red curls, that perfectly matched her wig. “Holy shit, this is amazing!”
Loki was in the kitchen, pouring some whiskey when she found him. “I gather you approve?”
“I’m awed.” She replied. “Not only is my wig a time consuming pain in the ass, but feels like I’m wearing a heating pad on my head. A break from it sometimes would be amazing Loki and if there’s a kindness I could do for you in return, please name it.”
He was dumbfounded. Had she just offered him gratitude for a kindness so simple for him to accomplish? The last person to have done so, was Frigga and he never thought anyone would again. “I expect nothing in return. I offered because I wanted to, Shandi.”
“Nothing?” She asked.
“Would you..do it tomorrow then?”
“I’ll do it every day if you wish.”
The sparkle in her eye and how she smiled in that moment, affected him so profoundly, he was determined to be responsible for it more often. Especially when she stepped forward suddenly and planted an unexpected kiss on his cheek. Realizing her actions, she slowly backed away and Loki struggled not to return the kiss, intimately.
“Despite being honest about no expectations, I can’t say that wasn’t appreciated.”
Scarlet faced, Shandi gestured towards the corridor. “Okay, well uhh..character stuff. We should get back to that, so I’ll just be down the hall.” She left, heart thumping in her chest. ‘What were you thinking woman? Do not do that again, it’s dangerous. Damn he smells good.’
Loki poured another shot and adjusted his twitching cock. ‘Not just yet my friend, not just yet.’
When done refining their characters, they contacted Nat and Clint. Not only were they pleased to learn about Alice too, but Nat approved of Loki’s idea.
“The seed was basically planted when we met at Beth’s shop Beautiful and I’d guess she told Alice of the incident.”
“Maybe.” Shandi replied. “I’m not familiar with playing on people’s sympathies though.”
“No worries. Clint will volunteer some lessons, won’t you Baby Cakes?”
Loki cackled at the name.
“Me?” Asked Clint.
Nat continued. “Remember the night we caught him watching porn?”
Shandi chuckled. “Yes.”
“He spent days, playing on mine after that.”
“Oh come on, I apologized!”
“True.” Said Nat. “But you’re addicted and should seek therapy.”
Everyone laughed and as the conversation continued, the four devised plan. Nat and Clint would watch Beth’s shop daily for signs of Alice, while Loki and Shandi hung around town, waiting on word of her presence. This would guarantee seeing her again before the fair. Then Nat thought of another idea involving a second interaction between her and Shandi and once Nat payed the shop a visit, all would be set.
After the call ended, Loki shook his head. “You watched porn with Baby Cakes and Ella without your husband present? Perhaps you’d like to explain this wife?”
“Pfft. Perhaps not husband and Ella and I are innocent.”
“Is that so?” His eyes playfully narrowed. “I fail to believe you two are innocent of much, now talk.”
“I’m afraid what occurs between female besties is highly classified.” She cooly replied. “If I told you, I’d have to kill you.”
Loki’s arms crossed. “I see. Tell me something Lizzy. Did you just confess to adultery?”
Shandi pondered her next words, then smirked. “I’ll leave you with that thought Clifford, I’ve some laundry to do.” Seconds later, she snorted, hearing his reply.
“Queen of unruliness!”
Later, while observing her sleep later, Loki recalled her gratitude and how she’d agreed to everything, despite expressing such concern for his earlier actions. Then he reflected upon his immature behavior since they’d met. All the agitating, teasing and tricks, those were the actions of a boy, not an intelligent God. And what the hell had compelled him to use an attraction spell on her? He’d refrained from such things since mid adolescence, when his heightened sense of smell suddenly developed. Unaware then, it was a Frost Giants trait, he still remained oblivious to its true purpose, but did enjoy one advantage. Amongst the many women he’d desired throughout life, very few hadn’t felt the same. Those who did and attempted denial, were revealed by the scent of their arousal. Nothing some extra charm, prowess and persistence never solved. This had even worked on his first love Iris, who like Shandi, denied her mutual attraction in the beginning. Yet he hadn’t acted as ridiculous towards her, nor had her scent affected him the same. Shaking Iris’s painful memory from his head, he further pondered Shandis scent. More appeasingly potent than any he’d ever detected, it lured him to her, heightened all of his senses and ignited unusual urges to mark and possess her. He’d thought of marking her before, but believing it barbaric, had refrained. Yet now, like some primitive instinct, rising from the pit of his soul, it was steadily getting stronger and his desire becoming feral. “I want you in a way I’ve yet to understand.” He quietly whispered. “You make me think and feel things I never have and…” He hesitated a moment. “It’s driving me fucking crazy! Norns, what am I saying?” She stirred and he waited, then caressed her cheek, smirking at the soft sigh she expelled. “Forgive me for my mischievous ways, but you ‘will’ become mine Shandi. I can’t have it any other way.” With that, a soft kiss to her temple made another dream begin.
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*hands you motivation* pretty pretty please write shinigami!Karin things! I will read them eagerly! Bonus points if there is going to be HitsuKarin involved (either romantically or platonically, i don't mind)
Since you asked so nicely I guess I have No Choice but to write shinigami!HitsuKarin goodness ://
Karin is more known for her relationship with Toushirou than she is with anyone else while she attends Shin’ou Academy. Everything comes back to him.
Firstly how the hell does some no-family-name girl straight out of the World of the Living know a captain so intimately? Alright, they met during Toushirou’s station in the World of the Living during the Winter War, fair enough. That’s still not enough time to wrap Toushirou around her little finger though. Toushirou looks at her like she’s a natural wonder, with wide eyes and wobbly knees, everyone can see it. He took vacation time every few weeks to see her, so what? He’s a friend. Just a friend.
But like… what did Karin do to get into the Seireitei? She doesn’t stay in the dorms, she stays with Momo-- Toushirou’s sister, the astute cadets mention-- and her spouses. Yes, that’s Toushirou’s doing. He did her a favor and got her a bed in the lovers’ home. It means nothing. Friends help out friends. Did he owe her? Yeah, twenty bucks and dinner once when he forgot his wallet literally years ago by that point-- which he paid back the next time he visited. Is he why she’s so good at shinigami work? No, that’s seven years fighting hollows in the World of the Living and training with most of the lieutenants and the captains of sanbantai and gobantai. But that counts, some insist. Without Toushirou, she’d be in the dorms like the rest of them without that sort of lead she has. Not really, Karin protests. Nashien’s power would’ve required at least lieutenant-tier sparring partners, she would’ve met everyone sooner or later. She is not a product of Toushirou in any shape or form.
Were they ever together? She looks at Toushirou longingly, he lets her comb her fingers through his hair, her voice is soft and musical when she speaks his name. Yes, she was with Toushirou were. They’re taking an intermission in their relationship since-- shock, surprise-- she’s still fucked up over dying and she doesn’t want to talk about this anymore. She didn’t come to Shinou to be fed through the gossip mill.
Karin hates these conversations. It makes her relive the bad years.
That doesn’t stop anything, of course. Maybe its overt appearances. Karin is yet another scandalous, mysterious figure. Izuru still has to remind his students to mind their own business, Shuuhei still attests to knowing nothing and will absolutely not do an article on Karin and Toushirou’s history for the Bulletin, Momo and Renji manage to dodge nosy questions, asking Toushirou is out of the question.
Toushirou does his best to soothe Karin. It works. He’s a permanent fixture in the Seireitei, not like his periodic visits to the World of the Living. Toushirou can’t fix her, but he can hold Karin and tell her that their gossip doesn’t matter when her position in the Seireitei is already guaranteed. While they gossip, she trains to become stronger. She’ll be powerful and they’ll forget about how weird it is because she’ll belong with the rest of them as another legendary warrior.
Just because Karin’s romantic history with Toushirou is out of the bag doesn’t mean she’s less eligible. They’re just friends after all. Karin takes on a few suitors over her years in the academy-- a couple of boys and a girl. They’re amazing in their own rights, and Karin loves them all dearly, but they know they’re nothing like Toushirou the minute they meet him. Karin obviously still loves him, and what does anyone have on a captain and prodigy? Nothing, even that smug bastard Toushirou knows it. All the men Karin is with soon leave because of Toushirou.
The first one is no big loss. He’s a real smooth talking boy from a branch family who makes Karin laugh. Toushirou knows the kid’s in it as a notch in their belt. Karin’s a trophy in many ways: among the strongest in Shin’ou, ninetieth percentile, unapproachable to tawdry cadets drowning their white uniforms like swaddled fucking babes, a virtual goddess of war among them-- not Toushirou’s words, this arrogant kid’s. Toushirou has no patience for frivolous noble affairs but Karin is his friend at very least and he won’t allow some boy to treat her so poorly. He can play whatever game this kid is playing far better. And he does. All he has to do is start covertly quizzing him on Karin’s likes, and after Karin realizes this kid has nothing in common with her nor knows anything about her, the relationship ends.
The next boy is some shy nerdy kid, he’s even got these coke-bottle spectacles that magnify his eyes like four hundred percent. But Karin and Toushirou both like this one. He’s very respectful of Karin’s feelings, and he helps her focus in school. Alas, this one knows right off the bat he’s no match for Toushirou’s majesty. That relationship ends on bitter terms and Toushirou is eternally sorry for it.
The third boy is wimpy. He’s got even more hot air than Karin’s first boyfriend but he hasn’t even the muscle to back it up. Karin likes the validation he gives her though. That kind of attention has been addictive in the past and while Toushirou fears for her emotional safety at times since that boy’s one of those private-lover kids, he knows better than to interfere. Toushirou gives the boy a warning of what the consequences will be if he so much as fumbles and that’s enough to send the kid packing like wimp.
The fourth is liked by Karin’s loved ones in the Seireitei. He’s not smooth but he’s not awkward either. He doesn’t just understand Karin’s power, he recognizes that any fumble will have consequences but she nor her loved ones are not superior. Her past means nothing to him. He’s a challenge for Karin in some ways-- physically stronger, actually has a reliable grasp on kidou, but he’s so big and so much slower and clumsy with a sword. They grow with each other. But Karin has very obvious issues he is unequipped to deal with and virtually leaves Karin in Toushirou’s care.
Finally, Karin gets a girlfriend. She stresses finally, and she’s unbelievably excited. While her girlfriend is reserved, they can be seen sneaking kisses on their way to class and reading atop each other by some stone garden. Karin is in love and Toushirou really is very happy for his friend and once lover, she deserves to be happy and comfortable. But like Coke-Bottle Glasses, Karin’s girlfriend can see Karin is still in love with Toushirou and cannot bear being second place.
Karin grieves the loss of her girlfriend like a death. But she has support that time around, especially Toushirou’s. He’s so sorry. He doesn’t mean to interfere with Karin’s future, he doesn’t mean to interfere with her happiness. Karin tells Toushirou he must be the only one for her. He’s been the only constant love across both her lives. Toushirou tells her he’s loved her all along, he’ll love her always, he’s loved her through five lovers and he’ll love her through a hundred more. Karin doesn’t want anymore lovers though. She’s tired of the impermanence, she just wants him.
It’s a sigh of relief for the gossipmongers when Karin and Toushirou officially get back together in Karin’s fifth year at Shinou. Nonetheless, Toushirou was right. Word of Karin’s family gets out, she’s first in her class to obtain shikai as well as to take down a menos, her powers grow exponentially her last three years in the academy, people cannot help but compare Karin & Ichigo. Her prodigal powers are the focus. Toushirou is but a drop in the water. They’re happy with that development.
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