#the old lady is much more comfortable and at ease💕
yaszx · 5 months
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theobjectofyourire · 2 years
Being Daemon's Daughter Would Include (Part II)
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a/n: I wasn't expecting such an incredible response to Part I & I just 😭 I'm so so sorry it took me so long to write Part II but here it is! I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it- it really took on a mind of its own! Your mother/Daemon's wife makes a greater appearance, so you get to see Daemon as a wholesome husband, too 💕
Let me know if I should start a tag list for this & if you'd like to be included on it for future parts!
Part I | Part III
summary: It's been near a fortnight since your birth, and Daemon cannot bear to leave your side. How else would he spend his time if not murmuring tales by your cradle...and mayhaps singing...
cw: some angst (and foreshadowing about angst to come) but mostly just comfort, a little fluff, fem reader
A Song To Keep You Warm
-Upon the hour of your birth, the bells of King's Landing sang out to the city, continuing to sound for nigh on a week. The realm had been blessed with a new princess, and though this was celebrated far and wide, no one was as happy as your father.
-Daemon Targaryen delighted in your mere existence, and would often be seen by your cradle, murmuring tales of love and valor in High Valyrian. You would clutch one of his slender fingers with your whole hand and on more than one occasion, he swore you tried to pull him closer to you. The servants, however, insisted this wasn't possible for a babe so young.
-"Forgive me, my prince," the one girl curtsied, too nervous to look him in the eye. "She's not yet two weeks. She hasn't the strength for such a feat." The others agreed, albeit with hesitation, nodding with sympathy and a little fear, feeling as though they were in some way disobedient.
-To their surprise, he gave them all a wry smile. "She's a Targaryen," he said, holding his head high, "the blood of Old Valyria and daughter of the Rogue Prince." You made a few little noises, then, as you were wont do when you heard your father's voice. You so loved the tenor, which rumbled through you like a kitten purring on your chest. He felt you pulling again. Kneeling, he pressed a kiss upon your cheek and beamed with pride. "She's simply taking what she wants."
-The servants could not but giggle, taken aback and entirely charmed. Daemon was, at once, both tender and wild. He spoke of you as one would the Conqueror, and it was truly odd to see such language applied to a babe. Yet, so too had you allowed him a softness that made his disposition rather agreeable, even calming. Those who had been wary of his presence for countless years were now eager to serve, if only to witness the magic that was said to occur at the hour of the wolf.
-Though you had no trouble finding rest while bathed in the warmth of the sun, you were not one for sleep once the candles were lit. The hour of the bat and all hours that followed saw you not only awake, but seemingly alert, a curious thing indeed for one so young.
-"Remarkable," one Maester had mumbled under his breath, declaring he had never seen anything quite like it. Nor had he read of any similar cases in all his years at the Citadel.
-While your father was intrigued, your mother grew increasingly nervous. He squeezed her hand as she worried at her bottom lip, brows furrowed with a soft concern. "Is she alright?"
-"She is positively glowing, my lady," he assured her. "As healthy a babe as I have ever seen. She merely seems to thrive under the moon."
-He noted that it would be interesting to see whether or not this trait persisted into childhood (indeed, it would), but either way, there was no cause for any distress.
-Though the Maester's words were based in wisdom and reason, they did little to ease your mother's anxieties. She could not explain it, nor find a way to speak it properly, but a terrible anticipation had burrowed itself in her stomach. She felt as though she were preparing for battle, not only waiting for an enemy's strike, but for her happiness to be torn from her.
-In this respect, Daemon had greater success than the Maester. "Hush now, my darling," he whispered, running his fingers through her hair, gently twisting them into loose, flowing braids. Her breathing slowly returned to normal.
-"Think of the dragons," he murmured. "Caraxes is, this very moment, in the heart of the pit, smothered in darkness, and he is in no torment. Quite the opposite."
-"It's true, he isn't what anyone expected him to be," your father allowed, "and mayhaps some might consider him an oddity...though they do not live to think that for long." He playfully nudged her, earning a genuine chuckle. That sparkle of mischief that he fell in love with returned to her eyes as she settled into his arms, letting his words wash over her.
-"He is one of the fiercest creatures in the realm, and he, too, sometimes thrives in the darkness." Daemon purposefully mirrored the Maester's words, smiling when he felt your mother's shoulders relax. "We need not understand it, nor concern ourselves with altering it. She is as she is."
-"So, she's drawn to a little darkness." He buried his face in her hair, whispering into her ear. "Weren't you?" She giggled as she remembered her first encounters with her prince. She couldn't deny it, she had been drawn to his darkness.
-"Tis true enough, husband," she sighed. "But darkness or no, she needs her rest."
-Daemon hummed in agreement, his own forebodings beginning to take shape in his mind. He wouldn't tell your mother, for fear of worrying her further, but he, too, shared in her dread. These last days had felt very much the calm before the storm.
-Still, he was no stranger to war. He insisted on continuing on with as much a sense of normalcy as possible. But Dark Sister remained constantly on his hip and he remained by your cradle every moment that could be spared. Most especially after the sun had set.
-This was the magic the servants so desperately wanted to behold. For in the darkest hours of the night, when the candles burned low and sleep evaded you, Daemon would kneel by your cradle, his breath warm against your skin, and he would sing the most gentle lullabies of your long-lost homeland in the language of your ancestors.
-The first night, he had recited only two ballads before you had drifted off, but mere moments after he stopped singing you had woken again. And so every night after, your father sang to you for hours on end, until the sky turned pink as a maiden's blush, and his throat was all but raw. Not once did he complain, or even seem to mind the ache. He cherished these quiet moments with you, singing to you of tales far and wide.
-The songs varied from night to night, depending on the prince's mood. Some were rather melancholy, songs of loss and loves never to be. Others were triumphant, exciting recollections of war and heroics.
-When naught would tire you, a slight mischief would dance in his eyes as he looked round, ensuring no one was lurking, and would sing a song well-suited to taverns and fools. Songs of the smallfolk had such humor he would lean into that you were sure to squirm and smile before soon finding rest.
-One evening, after he had faced a particularly tedious few hours with the Small Council, Daemon found himself yearning for days long since passed, when chaos and violence had rule over his heart. His mind wandered to the Stepstones, which had returned to something of a dismal state in the recent years. He could not bear to leave you, nor could he deny that he still longed for battle.
-That night, lost in his nostalgia and torn between his greatest loves, he could not but sing the shanties of the common tongue that had filled each silence off the coasts of war.
-Perhaps there was something of the sea in his blood, as it seemed there was in yours. You looked at him with wide eyes as he sang, his voice somehow both gentle and rough, much like the sea herself.
-He picked you up in his arms and carried you to the window, looking out to the waves, all but black and shimmering in the moonlight, crashing against the rocks. His voice was low, rumbling. Tears lingered on his lashes. You squeezed his finger.
-Outside the chambers, servants had gathered. Each wept as they listened to songs of the sea. Of war and of loss, and of a love that even death cannot touch.
-He knew they were there, but he could not bring himself to send them away.
-"Let them hear," he murmured, in a language they could not understand. "Let them know even a prince yearns for something more."
-In the hour of the owl, you fell asleep to the sounds of the sea and your father's strong voice, safe and warm in his embrace.
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n0sewise · 8 months
Hey! I know we don't talk but we do reblog each other's posts so I'm comfortable with asking you these two questions (if you don't mind ofc)😚
Do you think Killua is regretful of killing people? Also do you think he took innocent lives?
Do you think Gon won't look at cats the same due to his altercation (obliteration) with Pitou?
Thanks!!! keep doing what you do you're incredible 💞💞💞 I love your work seriously
Omg no, I don’t mind at all! I love talking about hxh :)
I actually thought about these questions for awhile and I’m not sure, but this is how I interpret everything:
We know Killua runs away from his family partly because he’s tired of killing, and despite seeing him murder with ease during the Hunter Exam, by the time he reaches Heaven’s Arena, he’s actively making an effort not to kill (despite being angry with Sadaso, Riehlvelt and Gido) and he remarks that “not killing people is hard,” so I think on some level he’s trying to change and be less like his family (and also a better person and friend to Gon?). We don’t get to see a ton of his regret, or if he even has any, since he’s pretty much on the go nonstop from the time he meets Gon until the end of the series when he leaves with Alluka. I have a feeling that he’ll have more time to reflect on things when he’s travelling with Alluka and not saving the world from ants, so maybe that would be the time where regret settles in a little more. As things are, Killua has put in a lot of work and grown so much over his journey, and maybe some of that comes from wanting to atone for his past (even if it wasn’t his fault). He frames Gon as light and himself as dark, so on some level he still sees himself that way imo
In terms of innocent lives, I’m inclined to say nooooo (kinda). 2 reasons:
1. In 1999 hxh Killua has a conversation with Anita about her father, and says that if the Zoldycks were hired to kill someone, they likely did something to deserve it (which is a fucked up thing to say, buuuuut it’s an interesting point). The best assassins in the world were probably not carrying out hits on nice little old ladies just going about their business.
2. Zeno’s reaction to Komugi in the CAA. He’s genuinely upset by the idea of killing someone who wasn’t a target, and the Zoldycks seem to have their own dubious moral code, so I can see it being a point of pride, professionalism, and maybe skewed ethics to be able to take out your target without anyone else being swept up in the crossfire. This reason is a little weaker though, since Illumi kind of throws that out the window with his needle people.
As for Gon and cats, I actually think he’d be okay with them. He’s pretty good at separating individuals and treating them based on his personal experience with them, so I don’t see him having that with regular non murder-ant cats. Gon tends to base his judgements on his own relationship with each person regardless of their actions toward others (unless it’s someone he cares about), which is where we get a lot of the fandom jokes with him being Very Okay with murder in a lot of cases. He doesn’t bat an eye at Killua’s past, and spares the scissor guy on Greed Island (I forget his name. The one who cut Bisky’s hair) because despite trying to kill Gon, Killua, and Bisky, in Gon’s mind, this guy taught him and Killua valuable new skills and helped them train, so he’s grateful to him, vs the Phantom Troupe, who he is furious with.
This is a long winded way of saying I think he’d be able to draw a distinction between cats and Pitou. (I do think he’d have nightmares about Pitou though, and about not being able to save Kite and hurting Killua)
Sorry, this turned into an essay, but I hope it made sense!
Thank you so much for reading my stuff, it means a lot! (Also I love your blog 💕)
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dinogaby · 3 years
Honestly, the garmafam living in Ninjago city, regardless of the fact that 2 of the 3 of them have 4 arms, would be a more interesting story for Lloyd, would all his shirts be made to order, handmade by Garmadon (or whomever did that for him when he was a warlord). Would Garm's army still be loyal to him like a silent promise of war if anyone tried to do anything to Lloyd? Would Garmadon do a light take-over of Ninjago City to insure Lloyd gets accommodations? Could he have his I.T. Nerds make all sorts of modifications to things to make them more comfortable for him? Would Lloyd go to public school, homeschool? What does Garmadon do with his conquered lands that he's had for like 60 years, is he stuck with them like only real estate properties? Does Koko reveal her identity as Lady Iron Dragon to give Lloyd an easier time?
I need those funny fish-out-of-water happenstances like Garmadon in the parent teacher conference. Or Koko picking Lloyd up from school on a motorcycle. Lloyd putting on a custom made suit for the school dance. Garmadon as a scouts leader trying to teach the kids what he knows as they're camping. Maybe Lloyd getting a little sibling who has big fiery tears and Koko's hair or the black hair that Garmadon had a birth and also four arms due to them being together long enough to have another child.
"Wow, your dad has a lot of free time, Lloyd, is it because no one wants to hire him?"
"shut it, gene. He was like a warlord or something before he retired."
"So he's just super old then?" *Fisticuffs*
"Uncle," asked Garmadon's second child, "why don't you have four arms?"
Wu: *sighing* "I practiced restraint."
Oh my gosh i'm loving ALL of this!!! 😍🤣💕👌 yes i admit that my peaceful AU (although cute) would probably be a bit boring, there's really not much that would be happening to them. But omg i love your ideas of them living in Ninjago. I think that as long as Garm isn't actively trying to destroy the city, the Ninjago citizens would probably be mostly ok with him xD. They would be a bit weirded out by him at first but as long as he doesn't destroy stuff they would just let him be. I think Garm and 4-armed Lloyd would have their shirts made to order, and i think sometimes Koko would modify shirts for them! 😊 I like to think Garmadon's army would still be loyal to him. In my headcanons, some of them are occupying all (or some) the lands that Garmadon conquered years ago so nobody takes them back. Lmaoo i love that idea of Garm keeping all those conquered lands for real state. He probably sold some of them, or he's building stuff on them himself (imagine a vacation resort called "Garmadon's Empire" 😎 Yes please). And yess i think at some point Koko would reveal her identity as Lady Iron Dragon, that would make the city a bit more at ease about having Garmadon living there, cause Lady Iron Dragon will keep him in check. And omggg give me all those silly domestic interactions. Garmadon at the parents teacher meetings would be super hilarious!
"You know, i don't see enough conquering in your school curriculum, how do you expect these kids to be successful in the battlefield if you don't teach them the basics?"
*Koko elbowing Garm* "what he's trying to say is maybe to focus more on personal assertiveness, so they can be successful in their WORK field"
And omgg Koko picking up Lloyd from school on a motorcycle. Yessss! Lol this reminds me, i was once discussing with someone that Garm would come pick up Lloyd or drive him to school in one of his mechs 😆 and he would be all embarrassed about it cause he doesn't want to drag so much attention to him.
"Uhmm, ok Dad, this is ok... you can drop me here"
"What! But Luh-loyd the school is still like 3 blocks away!"
"Nono, i'm talking you right to the front entrance so you don't have to walk"
"Uh oh..."
That is, if Lloyd ends up going to school. I could picture too that Garm hires a bunch of private tutors so Lloyd can be homeschooled (i mean he does have the money for that). Koko going through Lloyd's class schedule: "Garm are you sure Lloyd needs to learn Krav-maga? He's only 6 years old..." 🤣
And OMG Garmadon camping, that's one of my fave headcanons! He would be the best, most resourceful camp instructor ever. I mean all his knowledge from surviving in the battlefield would apply perfectly. Gaah that reminds me last year i was gonna write this essay on why i think Garmadon loves camping and all sorts of outdoorsy activities. I MUST recollect my ideas and write that! ⛺🌲
And yesss! I like to think they would had have more kids if they had stayed together! 😢
Lmaooo Wu! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 "i practiced restraint" i love it!
Aaaaa so many happy garmafam thoughts! I must draw! I must write! 😭😭😭 i love them so much
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