#the only day my long black wig has been untangled is the day it came out of the amazon box. my apologies ma'am
debaucheryandexcess · 9 months
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jadelynlace · 3 years
a dead woman tells no tales / vikings fiction
series based on Lady Lazarus, a poem by Sylvia Plath.
chapter four / catch up here
synopsis: He left you for dead and now you’re back.
author’s note: the one small detail the reader has, is that she is a red head. 
specific chapter content warning(s): mentions of blood, torture (aftermath), suicide and sexual content below the cut (female receiving oral, during her cycle). also note that I included a favorite quote of mine per their characterization and dynamic.
pairing: Ivar x Reader
Noticing the blue sky, it stung in your mind the same shade Ivar’s eyes had been the last night you saw him. Preoccupation with the thoughts of torture—wine red blood slipping between your fingers as shone to Ivar while his absurd laughter overtakes the vicinity—you keep a fair distance from him as he spun the tales back from his own memory. You had no prior knowledge of the day you two were in the field, overcome with sudden whispers in your ears that the visions you saw so clearly dancing on your closed eyelids were no longer there. That they were not real. Stumbled together in a stew of colliding past details, but you two always went to that forest, you two always snuck away, you two always took swords and daggers to each other for practice, you always kissed his cheek when you were to head back and he would always grab you face to plant your lips on his instead. Your mind knew up to that, then your head spoke of the rocks, how your spine felt along their backing, leaves at your feet with Ivar looking over you—but he was standing as he gazed—he could not stand long enough, even then, to examine your injuries to gather if he should carry you back or bring back the aid.
What Ivar told you was a far fetched tale of haggard details, how he told you then of his plans to follow where he was destined, how he would not let you raid, battle alongside him. How you were to wait, or pass time with others who were better than the crippled boy you so loved. How you stopped meeting him in the forest to practice and how when he went days without word from you, sight of you, he went to that spot in the forest once more. Your legs swinging from the ledge as he could see the sunshine in your hair lighting it like a fire, a brief turn back to him with the softest smile he remembers, and then you fell forwards. Dropping his swords and crawling across the ground to see you on the rocks below, eyes dead yet still stuck on him. By the time he made haste back, few in his wake there was a shadow of crimson on the slate but you were gone. Ivar went on with his troops so plainly disturbed by what he watched he had spent every night since locked in a dream of its repetition.
For days now, you wanted no sight of him, no word, no touch. You begged the Gods for silence, to answer you and gift upon you the details you did not remember. You wanted the great wings of the overhead birds to carry you back in time to re-watch the story, to see where Ivar had pushed you, but the longer you harped on such instances, the clearer his story unraveled in your mind.
The stars were powerful above you as your feet carried you to the overgrown area you had spent too long trying to stray from. How the sky gathered out before you as you looked up through cracklings of branches while simply laying among the brush. How the darkness spoke to you of your sadness, your directory of losing Ivar to consume you into a guilt that you were not good enough for him. Enough to fight with him. For him and his crippled legs, that you were not enough. The moon was vacant from the sky, the slithers of a blanket of blackness coated the woods and you alike as you could suddenly hear the whimpers of a woman. Sitting up slowly, your dagger in your grip your mind told you that you were seeing the young girl you remembered to be, stuck on the cold stone crying to the immortals above to set Ivar’s mind in the right path, to make you stronger, or to just keep him safe on the voyage. You hear bitter sarcasm spoken back, an evil spirit answering your voice in deep pity, and then as you try to look away from your own body sitting perched, everything lightens. Your head is on a swivel as the unclear figure looms in the distance and you know that crooked stance to belong to Ivar. You watch how he approaches you. You watch yourself smile back so gently. You watch him with his eyes on you. You watch yourself fall forwards. You watch Ivar drop, hastily maneuvering himself to the ledge and you watch him scream. Your body shoots up in the forest as if it was pulled back like an arrow, your chest heaving as the night terror passes back through your vision and you know now Ivar was telling the truth.
You had met cunning women before, serpents of lies who leech, return to the grounds like the nine lives of a feline, but Freydis holds a spot in your mind that fits not of that. There is a vileness about her, the way her blonde hair curls across her breasts, how her hips have widened from bringing forth a child Ivar was so hopeful to teach as his own. As she sees you in Ivar quarters, a brief wave of confusion passes down the bridge of her nose before she raises it up towards the structure’s ceiling.
“Has he wed you?” She asks but you scoff in reply. “Has he promised you the ends of our world? His devotion? Has he promised to change from the monster that he is?” Your head tips slightly in interest, longing to see how far this woman may crawl to spite the name of the man she hurt. “Has he promised to stop the terrible things he does?” But her mouth closes too soon for your liking.
“I am not here to wed Ivar the Boneless,” You answer.
“Then why are you here before me?” Freydis asks as you finally smile.
“To watch you bleed,”
You peeled Freydis’ skin like a cloth. The pits where her eyes once lived housed the curve of your dagger, you carved holes where out leapt her organs and pooled red paste along the floor. The height of her lungs through her chest, how the hair on her head could make wigs to barter, the bones could be gathered for handles on your wardrobe. While Freydis had been untangled like a scrunched ball of yarn, you remain of skin and bones, unchanged. It was art, how Freydis’ perished. It was art how you held the red soaked blade to Ivar’s tongue as he lapped the blood away from the forged metal. It was art how the soak of the wet fabrics took the day of torture from your hands as Ivar washed you in the river.
“You have gifted me love, despite the horror,” Ivar says out of nowhere during the silence of the water across your bodies. “I thought I would not want your love unless you really knew how repulsive I am. But you still love me even as you know of it,”
“I jumped, Ivar,” You then whisper. “I remember now,”
“I know,”
“I jumped because I was confused; how you spoke of my skills but would not let me raid alongside you. How you wanted me to find happiness with another man who was not you; but if it was not you, then who else was going to love me?” You’re unsure of the wetness across your face to be from the droplets of wet hair, or the tears from your lashes, Ivar’s arms heavily around you.
“Tell me every terrible thing you have done since that jump, Y/N. And I let me love you still,”
Sunlight dries both of you, heated skin tickled across the grass as you two are there to lay far longer than deemed appropriate. Wisps of flowers along your thighs as the wind become the only noise in your ears before the beat from within Ivar’s chest comes next. You covet the time alone with Ivar, how you two would spend the afternoons in search of creatures in the clouds, how he has changed to become a man of tough steel. Your monthly blood came not soon after Freydis was drained of hers, still streaking your inner thighs despite how long you spend changing your linens. Another wave of pressure nudges just top of your womanhood and you hiss slightly, maneuvering off of the fur to stand level and hope it will drain more. Your nudity along the bed catches Ivar first when he enters, across a plain of fabric still cleaning the crimson from your skin.
“I assumed I got it all in the water,” Ivar states when he is on the furs.
“It is my blood, Ivar,” You whisper back, his head turning to catch your gaze. “My monthly blood, I am not hurt,” You assure him. He pulls a fur to cover your shoulders, taking his time to unlatch the beginning parts of the casts, watchful to see if your eyes linger on how he works. “I will take them off if you would like,” You say softly but he snaps his disapproval of your quick idea. You compensate the moment of silence by tending back to yourself, ready to toss the rag for another one and pray the bleeding does not last longer than it should. There’s a new cloth next to your knee before you’re able to rise for another one. As you lay back, Ivar still sits, swinging the tied limbs over the bed as you cast eyes up to the ceiling. The first stroke of the wet cloth on your skin at the end of Ivar’s hand jolts you, curling your knees together and away from him.
“I can not work if you do not stay open,” Ivar says to you, a raise of his brow in challenge.
“You do not clean me,” You say back, climbing forwards to grab the cloth but Ivar holds it too high for your reach at your angle. “Ivar do not be childish,”
“I will clean you,” He states. “How is cleaning you now different than in the river?”
“Because that was blood of another—blood from a battle, this blood is mine, and mine only. I will clean it,” You say back but he still keeps his arm stuck though the air.
“I will clean my queen,” Ivar then says. “Let me,”
“I am not your queen,” You huff back, you arms dropping to bring you back to your position of laying. It would be tale of lies if his words did not catch you with your guard down. You did not plan, not now, to wed Ivar. But the first few breaths after his statement makes those thoughts fade like the sunset. “As you wish,” You finally say, rolling your eyes to take in the vicinity and turning your head away from him. He provides no movements, transfixed on the slight color change that takes over the lips of your cunt with the leeched moon cycle. How it had caressed your legs’ inner flesh, over the scar he had asked of and how it sticks against you. He remembers how Freydis’ blood tasted on your blade, and Ivar wonders how much sweeter yours must be flavored. The next brush against your skin is warm, and you remember the cloth to have gone frigid. Your head cranes quickly to see Ivar between your legs, looking back to you as his tongue drags closer to your middle. His chest heaves as his arms curl around your bent legs, rolling himself to lay between them as his tongue moves the same. A quick rush of air enters your mouth before his lips are against your cunt, slowly tasting the crimson that has stained you. His moan comes low from in his chest, eyes since closed as his hands pull at you further to spread, tingling a peeking pleasure against you as he laps. You don’t notice right away how your nails dig against the furs, how they move to dance over your own chest or how the old pulse in your abdomen has been overruled by bliss. His tongue is warm still as his mouth studies you, drinking you, and as you moan back Ivar replies with his own. His name is hot against your mouth when your spine arches, but he shows no hints of stopping, trying to grip roughly against your thighs as they shake, twist and turn with your hips as a creep of your release moves closer. He does not pull back until you have screamed his name as a chant as you come, raking your nails against your breasts in attempts to quiet yourself but it pitiful how unsuccessful you are. He only looks up at you as your breathing slows, his mouth stained with your blood and release as he cleans it with the back of his own hand. His eyes now almost as dark as the night sky as he crawls back over you and he is all you feel.
@smileysam13579  @dreamtherapy @heisentwerk  @angelofthenightposts @ill-skillsgard @youaremyfamiliar @unbetaedimagines @kathryn-jane @readsalot73 @skrsgardspam @lihikainanea @queen-sarang   @anastasiaskarsgard @andmyannabellee @youbloodymadgenius @walkxthexmoon  @flowers-in-your-hayr @peachyboneless @heavenly1927 @grimeundglow @another-bryk-in-the-wall​ @apenas-mais-uma-pessoa @revolution-starter
*please message me to let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my tag list. specifications for series/fandom/etc. are also welcomed, as well as feedback.*
full masterlist can be found here.
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Wildflower - Chapter 1
one more chapter, i'm excited about this story, i hope you like it as much as i do <3
Thank you @startanewdream who read and opined on some things <3
| L. E |
The room was quiet, everyone paying attention to what the Professor was saying and presenting on the slides, with all those graphs and statistics that made Lily almost sleep with her eyes open. She loved her course, but calculus class wasn't her favorite, it wasn't even in her top three preferences.
Lily would rather have a full day of Environmental Chemistry with Professor Hagrid than one more with Burbage.
"Aren't you going to write down what she's saying?" Severus muttered beside her, making her nearly jump in her chair in fright, her heart racing at being pulled out of the quiet of her mind. "Hey, calm down."
"I already wrote down the important one." Lily shrugged, seeing her representation of the chart in the notebook and her lazy scribble of what the Professor had said.
"I won't lend you my notebook to study," he whispered, a smirk on his lips. Lily rolled her eyes, resting her head on her hand again, no longer listening to Burbage's voice.
Was it so early, why did she like to make students suffer like that?
"I don't need to, thanks." Severus didn't respond, but he kissed her on the cheek and then turned his attention back to class, much more interested than she was.
She still hadn't forgotten about their fight after the party Saturday, and all the embarrassment he put her through, and Lily was still hurting, even though she didn't understand why it hurt so much. He explained to her that he was trying to protect her, and the next day, he took her for brunch at her favorite restaurant, which was near a flower shop where Severus bought her flowers. Her favorites.
He was sorry, and Lily had to stop mulling things over even days after they had happened.
"Excuse me, Professor?" A female voice woke her, looking toward the door where one of the cheerleaders was standing.
The girl was beautiful, Lily had seen her before in the presentations in between games - the few she went to - and in the hallways of college; she had long brown hair and eyes almost the same color, and Lily knew the line of boys wanting her wasn't short.
“Say it, Miss Fortescue,” Burbage said, not looking overly excited at being interrupted. ‘I have no time to waste.’
“It'll be quick, I swear.” The girl walked into the room, wearing her red college sweatshirt and simple jeans, and even so, she looked stunning. Lily was a little jealous of her.
‘Me, and the Hogwarts Cheerleaders team, are passing by to remind you that applications to join the Team begin today. You need to have a minimal knowledge of ice skating, and be able to train three times a week, and twice a month on Saturdays. In addition to keeping in mind that if chosen, you will have to travel with us when necessary, and participate in our activities off the field.'’ She smiled, looking at everyone there waiting for questions or any interruptions, but when no one raised a hand, she continued;
‘’To apply you just need to talk to me, or any other cheerleader, and fill in the form. The tests will start next week, so you have plenty of time to think about whether you want to or not.” She waited a few more seconds, then smiled at the woman. "Thank you so much, Professor, excuse me." And she left.
Side conversations began, even though Burbage was trying to restrain the students, but Lily didn't care too much, wondering whether or not she should take the test. Of course she didn't have a body like the other girls, their waists looked almost unreal, but she could try, right? It looked so much fun the few times she watched it, and Lily had been balletting as a child until her mid-teens, when she started to put on weight and Petunia kept saying she was getting too fat to dance.
She could at least try. Maybe she couldn't get in, there were probably girls who had trained her entire life for it, Lily knew it was a competitive sport that many took very seriously, but… She could try.
Lily skated really well too, another reason she should try, and-
"You'd think she'd at least be embarrassed to appear in public, but no," Severus whispered, making Lily look at him not quite understanding what he was talking about, having once again become lost in her thoughts. "God, Lily, pay attention!"
‘‘Sorry, I was thinking. Who has to have courage?’’
‘‘Alice. That captain of the cheerleaders. She was seen having sex in the car with one of the players late last year… Such a bitch.” Severus rolled his eyes, looking almost offended by what she had done. ‘‘But what to expect, all are.’’
"I wanted to take the test," Lily whispered, feeling a weight drop in her stomach that made all her courage drain away.
'’Why? Do you want to wear those short skirts and show your ass for a bunch of men to see? And still call it dancing? Christ, Lily, have a little respect for yourself.” He turned forward, not seeming to want to hear her answer, but Lily ignored the movement and continued;
‘But… it looks so cool, and maybe I don't even come in and-’
‘Lils, I'm a man, listen to what I tell you, these girls don't dance because they like it, they dance because they want to have a dick to suck at the end of the day and get something in return; sometimes a higher note, or sometimes just the gratification of having sucked that dick. You're not like them, you don't need that.”
| J . P |
"Look who's here, our Geppetto!" Remus said, a wide grin on his face and the glass of orange juice raised to James, who was now bitterly regretting not having changed after his carpentry practice class.
"Dude, shut up." James chuckled, not even wanting to argue about how old this joke was getting and that they should try harder. "I can't believe we're not joking about the fact that Sirius needs to wear a wig in his class."
"We did, but you were late, mate." Remus seemed indifferent to James' attempt to shift his attention to Sirius, drinking all of his juice before looking at him more closely. "Marlene put makeup on you?"
"Yeah, is there a problem?" He put his hand to his jaw, no longer as purple and sore as it had been on Saturday, but still too disgusting an orange color to show everyone on the first day of his sophomore year. James had a bit of self-esteem even though it kept him from doing that. "It was horrible."
"Yeah, it's not pretty now." Peter pulled James' face to the side, wanting to see more detail, and that made the pain in the back of his neck return. "But it's better than before."
"Peter, my head." James pushed him away, touching where the back of his neck ached and trying to ease some of the pain that was still bothering him. The doctor had said it would hurt for a few more days, but James couldn't take the headaches anymore. "That asshole was lucky I was drunk."
"I still don't understand why he punched you," Sirius said, the pink wig still in his hands, trying to untangle the strands. "The girl said you didn't even touch her."
‘’I didn't touch it. Man, I don't even remember her face, I was trying to stay upright and not pass out right there, there were like ten redheads in front of me.’' He sighed, taking a sip of his own juice and denying it, still not believing he had stopped at the hospital because someone thought he was harassing the girl. "Was he her boyfriend?"
"I think so, but she didn't look too happy about what he'd done to you, so I don't know if they're still together," Remus said.
"Was she beautiful?" James didn't remember much of that night, least of all the details of her face, the only thing he could remember was that she was wearing an all-black outfit and had red hair. Everything else was just a blur in his mind.
"Yeah," Peter smiled. ‘’Was she wearing weird clothes? Yeah. I mean, who wears sweats to a party? But, she was beautiful. Don't you have a class with her?” He glanced at Remus, who looked like he was in another world as he watched a table next to theirs, full of girls chatting and laughing, one in particular standing with her back to them.
‘’Moony, if you keep drooling on Amelia like that, I'll punch you in the face. She kicked your ass, bro, part to another, forget about her.'’
"James, have you ever been in love yet?" James took a deep breath, thinking they would go back to that same subject Remus always brought up every time someone said something about his ex. '’Answer me.'’
"This wasn't love, Moony, it was a trap." James said the same thing every other time, but it was like he spoke to a wall when it came to Remus. It was frustrating. "She betrayed you."
“It was a slip.” He repeated as usual.
‘’Remus, slip was when I mistook James' aunt for his grandmother, and congratulated her on her 90th birthday. That was a slip. What did she do to you,” Sirius dropped his wig and looked at their friend, a tired smile on his face. It was the tenth time they had had that conversation. ‘It was low. She cheated on you the second you quarreled with her, without a second thought. Besides,” He held up a hand, preventing Remus from saying anything. "She never told you, you only knew because her friend felt sorry for you."
"She was going to tell me!"
"Let's not discuss this again." Peter interrupted the fight that was likely to ensue, but even if he hadn't, someone else did for them.
A girl stopped at their table, arms back and cheeks already on fire, she looked like she wanted to get inside a hole instead of being there.
"Hm. I’m sorry..er..." Her low voice was barely heard in the din in the cafeteria, but James was at the end of the table and could hear her speaking. It was the girl from the party, he recognized her sweet voice, her red hair was in a bun and she was wearing a sweatshirt today too, this time it wasn't black but dark blue, and James thought it didn't look comfortable because it wasn't that cold and that fabric seemed to be very thick and warm. ‘I came to apologize.’
"Sorry?" James looked at her, now everyone at the table was silently paying attention to her, and her cheeks got even hotter, which he thought was cute. Her green eyes fell on James, and he hated even more that he was wearing that ridiculous protective clothes.
"For what Sev did," She bit her bottom lip, filling her lungs with air and smiling gently afterwards. "I'm sorry he punched you."
"You're not the one who should apologize," Sirius said, sitting at the other end, looking almost as shocked as James. The guy couldn't be such a coward, what did he think they were going to do, punch him up in the middle of the cafeteria?
The girl looked uncomfortable with this, but stayed there, stuffing her hands inside her sweatshirt pocket. ‘‘I know, but… He wasn't coming, but I'm going to feel really bad for not apologizing, because it was my fault, I- ''
"It wasn't your fault," James cut her off, pausing before placing a hand on her arm to soothe whatever was making her nervous. Who knows what her crazy boyfriend would do if he saw James touching her. "It's okay, really."
"You ended up in the hospital." She reminded him, not that James needed it, but he shrugged.
‘’Nothing too serious. And I was drunk, and…” He didn't know what to say, so opting to just smile at her. '’Everything is fine. If it makes you better, apologies accepted.”
"Sorry again, really," The girl said, her hand over her heart and a slightly sad smile on her face, seeming to notice the makeup on his jaw. James nodded, still not quite sure what to say or what to do, and she left.
'’Oh, I knew I knew her boyfriend.’' The four of them looked at the redhead walking back to her table, where three other guys dressed in black were, none of them looking at James' table but the boy next to her didn't look the least bit happy with her attitude, putting an arm around her shoulders in an almost possessive way. "She dates that idiot who tried to fight with Frank."
"Does he fight everyone then?" James continued to stare at her table, a bad feeling burning in his chest. He remembered that she looked so happy when he came to ask about his glasses, but then, now it seemed like there was none of that inside her anymore.
"He doesn't fight, he talks and talks, but when the time comes he runs away." Remus smiled humorlessly, pulling James back to look at him. "Don't want the three of them to come at you, just because one of them is a coward doesn't mean the others are too."
"She looked sad." Peter rambled. "Didn't she look like?"
“Dating a guy like that, who's happy?” James ran a hand through his hair, looking once more at the table the redhead had gone to before giving up and settling down on the bench, putting her image out of his mind and refocusing on Remus, who had turned to face Amelia again.
| L. E |
Lily was nervous, as if she was about to commit a horrible crime, her stomach churning and bile burning in her throat every time she focused her vision on that paper.
It was a mistake, a huge mistake, she shouldn't be there, she didn't even know how she got there. Get out of there Lily! She screamed to herself.
“Need help?” A voice startled her, her heart nearly leapt out of her body, and she ended up dropping the form to the floor, her shaking hands not even good enough to hold the paper. ‘Hey, I’m sorry. Everything is fine?'
"Yes, yes." Lily didn't look at the girl, but she knew who she was; Alice. Severus' voice reverberated in her mind, and she remembered Mulciber - Sev's best friend, who, like Avery, lived with them - saying; "You don't want everyone to think you're a bitch too, do you?" when Lily spoke of her willingness to take the test.
She thought they were wrong, she knew they were wrong, but her mind seemed unable to say anything against it at the time, her body paralyzed, just nodding and going back to eating, even though her hunger was gone.
'’Are you going to sign up?'’ Alice didn't seem to notice that Lily was uncomfortable however, because she went behind the now empty cafeteria table and sat on the bench there, looking at Lily in such a welcoming way that she felt guilty for not looking her in the eye. '’It's fun. We train a lot, but we are a family too, and as some girls are already graduating and leaving, we need new members.’’
"Family?" Lily looked at her, confused, blaming her mind that it was having to deal with the guilt of thinking she was a bitch, and the boys' voices telling her about her having sex in the car.
She's free to do whatever she wants, Lily thought, taking a deep breath.
‘’Yes, we take care of each other and make sure no one feels left out. If you need a house, we have room for you. It's just girls, no boys in there.” Alice took a folder from her purse, it was full of other completed forms, but at the bottom, there was a blank paper. She reached for Lily. "If you want it." She shrugged, and Lily saw it was another form, but this time, to rent a room.
"Oh I don't have to, I live with my boyfriend." Lily felt her cheeks flush, her eyes automatically returning to the team's blank form. Did she want this?
"But if you ever need to, we're always getting a spare room, just in case." Alice smiled. ‘’So having problems with the questions? I know there are many, but we need to know a lot before we call someone in. We've had bad experiences with this.’’
“I'm still wondering whether I'm going to try or not.” Why was she being so kind to her? Alice didn't know what everyone was calling her? Didn't she care?
‘’Do it. The most that can happen is that you won't be accepted.’’
"Yeah…I think it is." Lily nodded, swallowing the ball of nervousness that rose in her throat. "My boyfriend doesn't think I should apply." She didn't know why she'd said that, it just slipped off her tongue without going through her brain first, but as usual, Alice didn't seem to mind.
'’Why not? And you're the one training and dancing, so it's up to you to decide whether you want to or not.” She ran a hand through her brushed hair, and Lily noticed there was a silver ring on her finger. She dated the guy she had sex with in the car? Lily didn't know his name. '’Unless you have labyrinthitis… But, we already had a girl with labyrinthitis on the team, she didn't just participate in the spins, so there's nothing really stopping you from joining us.'’
"Yeah, maybe you're right." Lily took another deep breath, her nervousness lessening a little.
'Sit down.'
"What?" She looked up from her paper, Alice still with that welcoming look from before, but now more attentive.
"Sit down, you've been standing a long time." She did, placing her bag beside her and taking the pen firmly in her hand, signing her name at the top of the sheet, then moving on to the other questions.
Alice was quiet, doing something on her cell phone while Lily concentrated, trying not to show how anxious she was getting at such a silly and simple task. It was like her mind was hazy and the questions started to no longer make sense, Sev's voice telling her that Lily didn't need it because she wasn't like the other girls, making her even more nervous.
"Have you done any dancing yet?" Alice asked, but not taking her eyes off her cell phone.
‘’Ballet. As a child.” Lily glanced at her quickly before turning back to the paper, writing her age and course.
‘’I did artistic gymnastics, but I always wanted to do ballet. It's a very beautiful dance.’’
"Yes, it is." Lily took a deep breath, answering about her schedule and whether she was able to travel out of town during game season.
"I learned to skate when I got to college, Marlene taught me."
"She's also a cheerleader, right?" Alice looked at her, a sweet smile on her lips, then nodded.
"Many say you need to be afraid of her, but that's not true, Marlene is melted butter with the people she likes."
"I hope she likes me." Lily went back to ticking the form, and no, she wasn't using any narcotics or prescription drugs.
"She definitely will," Alive said, and she seemed to speak the truth, winking at Lily and then turning her attention back to her cell phone.
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Internal Disputes ch.6 (baon)
Summary: Something strange is afoot. Edge isn’t sure what, but he can guess he isn’t going to like it.
Notes: Here we go, last chapter. Who's up for a little easing of that ongoing angst, yeah? Add some more comfort to that hurt. 
Tags: Spicyhoney, Kustard, Established Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
Stretch didn’t know when Red left them. Truth was, he didn’t even remember falling asleep; one moment he was laying in Red’s lap and the next thing he knew he was waking up to a firm knock at the front door.
Snugged up almost on top of him, Jeff stirred, blinking sleepily as he sat up and there was no telling how long they’d slept curled up together on the sofa like a coupla lonely oversized hamsters, but it must’ve been a while because the light outside was coming in through the opposite windows.
That firm knock came again on the front door, shit, and Stretch untangled himself from Jeff and started shambling over.
“Wait, let me get it!” Jeff tried to scramble past him and for a second, Stretch didn’t get it. Until he did, and he could only shake his head in weary exasperation. This was what he got for letting Jeff go work at the Embassy with Red and Edge, he should’ve gotten him a job at the Bun Bakery where superhero tendencies didn’t go much further than rescuing cinnamon bunnies.
“don’t you start with the overprotective bullshit, andy,” Stretch caught the tail of his shirt and yanked him back, ignoring his yelp. “the door has a peephole and i’ll look, but my guess is ninja assassins don’t generally knock.”
Jeff nodded sheepishly, but he still crowded in close as Stretch checked out the front porch. It was a Monster that Stretch didn’t know, the curling tentacles that made up their ‘hair’ pulled back into a neat ponytail, but they were dressed in the same generic suit that all of Asgore’s personal bodyguards wore, so it wasn’t much of Jeopardy question to guess who sent ‘em. Last Gyftmas, he’d sent them all Ray-ban sunglasses, and gotten a politely worded ‘thank you’ letter back. He still wondered sometimes if they’d gotten the joke.
It couldn’t be bad or Asgore would have come himself. Even if Stretch had been a dick to him earlier, he would have—Stretch opened the door a little, poking his skull out, “yeah?”
“Good afternoon,” they began formally, in a calm, fluting voice, “apologies for disturbing you, I’m sure you’re busy--”
“can we cut to the part of the speech where you tell me what you want?” Stretch interrupted tiredly, “because if you’re selling vacuums, i’m not interested. i’ve been having a hell of a day, and i’m not up for giving a golf clap for the effort.”
The Monster only nodded, and that bland expression shifted to faint sympathy. “Yes, of course. I came to tell you that the Ambassadors’ plane will be landing in about an hour and if you’d like to accompany me to the airport, you can meet them there.”
“seriously?” They must’ve taken off the moment he and Tori got off the phone to get back home so fast and Stretch wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Tori said they were all okay, but wouldn’t the authorities want them to hang around for a while after an incident? That was the vibe he always got about police bullshit, unless…unless they needed to get back to Ebott because this was where they kept the Monster hospital. Or maybe it wasn’t safe to stay, that could be it, right? He didn’t know, could keep guessing all day but the Monster in front of him was waiting for his answer with a bland smile that didn’t reveal shit.
Anxiety was churning inside him, not much he could do about that, but maybe it was time to channel a little Edgy-calm. He’d been living with Edge for a while, and this wasn’t exactly the way he’d imagined trying out a little roleplaying, but fuck it, worth a try.
If it was Edge here, he wouldn’t go borrowing trouble; he’d head over to the airport and wait patiently to see what the fuck was going on.
Patience might be asking a bit much of his acting skills, heading over to the airport wasn’t. He’d never been to the airport himself, there wasn’t much point. All those movies that showed happy couples meeting at the gate with flowers and kisses were a load of bullshit as far as Stretch knew. All that shit was on the other side of the security checkpoints these days and Edge always told him he preferred to come home and get his kisses there rather than down at the basement levels, surrounded by grouchy travelers in the dirty baggage claim.
He thought Edge might be proud of the way he nodded and said evenly, “yeah, i’ll come.”
The Monster nodded placidly. “I can take you now, if you like. It’s already been cleared through Security.”
Which meant Red was doing the voodoo that he do so well and thought it was safe enough. Good to know. Stretch glanced down at himself and grimaced. His clothes were made up of about 75% wrinkles and 25% moldering grape juice, not exactly the best reunion outfit.
“let me change real quick?” Stretch asked. They nodded and made no move to come in, so he closed the door. Only to nearly walk right over Jeff, who’d been practically plastered to his back the whole time.
“I’m coming with you,” Jeff said stoutly. Even with everything running down the tubes around him, Stretch couldn’t help smiling a little. Jeff wasn’t a big guy and he looked about as fierce as one of those little weenie dogs, but Stretch would bet his favorite lighter that nothing was gonna pry him away, certainly not one of Asgore’s goons. Kid was loyal and that was a fact.
“i wouldn’t even try to leave you behind, handy andy,” Stretch told him sincerely. He waited until Jeff nodded and then shortcutted upstairs directly into the closet, not even bothering to try the stairs. The sleep helped but his soul still felt raw and bruised, aching faintly in his ribcage. That meant everything else ached too, and as comforting as sleeping next to Jeff was, the sofa wasn’t really great for extended cuddling.
Eh, but he might’ve been weird about it if Stretch suggested going upstairs to the bed. Humans were awkward about that shit, and Jeff might’ve agreed just to make Stretch happy. Better to stick with what he knew wouldn’t wig out his best bud.
As he pulled on a fresh sweatshirt, he wondered glumly if he’d be taking another trip to visit Alphys’s lab for a deeper peek at his soul. That his visits to the therapist would be going back to twice a week for a while wasn’t even a question, but he didn’t much want to think about it right now. Now, all he really wanted was to see Edge. Tori’s reassurances were nice and all, but he wasn’t going to believe it until he had that asshole in his arms.
When he came downstairs, Jeff was attempting to clean up the stains the grapes left on the carpet when Stretch dropped the bowl. He wasn’t making much progress, the faded purple splotches looked like a Rorschach test. Butterfly, Stretch decided, but Edge would probably only see a dirty mess.
“I put the grapes in the fridge, they seem okay, but I don’t think this is going to come out,” Jeff said apologetically.
Edge was gonna have a fit but that’s what happened when you ditched on your anniversary and almost got blown up for fuck knows why. Only the darkest humor lurking in Stretch thought that little joke was funny, but hey, he was a tough crowd for himself today.
“don’t worry about it,” Stretch told him, helping him to his feet. “edge probably has a secret formula to shout it out.” And if thinking about Edge grumbling while he scrubbed the stain made a flare of affection rise in his soul, welp, that was probably only a sign of what an idiot in love he was.
The car was sleek and black, one of those fancy ones with a glass partition in between the back and front seats. There was a mini-fridge and lots of buttons, and normally Stretch would have made it a mission to push every single one of them because one of them had to be an eject button, had to be.
Today he buckled up and let his head drop back against the rich Corinthian leather seats. He was still tired and the only food he’d had today was less than a handful of grapes. Edge would have a fit if he knew, he would be in the kitchen in a flash to stir something up, bitching at him the whole time that it wasn’t good to go without meals and could he go for five minutes not thinking about Edge, it wasn’t fucking helping and--
“andy?” Stretch said, low.
Jeff, who’d been exploring the buttons that Stretch ignored, jerked guiltily. “Yeah?”
That anxiety was rising, clenching in his chest and making it hard to breathe, “can you talk to me?”
“Um. Sure,” he bit his lip, considering, “About what?”
“anything,” Stretch swallowed down the pleading that tried to leak out, “make my mind shut up for a little while.”
A warm human hand settled over his own, squeezing gently. “I can do that. Okay, check this out, back when I worked at Classic Books, we had this guy who would come in every once in a while. He was a little odd, but a nice guy, and he’d usually hang for a while to chat. Anyway, this time he comes in and--”
Stretch closed his sockets and listened as Jeff rambled on about the grueling adventures of retail customer service, telling him about the guy who’d dreamed about a book and thought somehow Jeff should be able to find it.
Before he could find out how the quest for ‘the blue book with gold writing about Jesus riding dinosaurs’ ended, he felt the change of speed from the car leaving the expressway. The airport was right off the ramp, but they didn’t go through the main loop where Delta and American Airlines hunkered and instead, they were directed to a hanger off to the side.
He wasn’t really surprised. Money talked, sure, that was part of it, but for reasons of sheer practicality the Ambassadors always took a private jet. Not like many of them were going to fit in coach and even first class would be asking a bit much of Papyrus and Edge’s knees, along with Toriel’s girth.
The car pulled up in front of a single building off to the side that looked brand-spanking new. When Generic Driver and Bodyguard led them to the door where two of his huge brethren stood with unsmiling solemnness, it proved to be comfortably warm inside, with furniture that included a table set up with coffee machine and a plate of sandwiches in plastic wrap. One of the squashy chairs held Asgore, who was still dressed in his weekend casual. He was holding a coffee cup that looked comically small in his large hands. Red was sprawled out on a sofa and he gave the two of them a mocking little salute as they came in.
“c’mon in, join the party. get something to eat, honey bun,” Red called, “came right from the embassy cafeteria, it’s good stuff.”
“from the embassy cafeteria?” Stretch grimaced. He’d eaten there a couple of times and if he’d been allowed to review it on his twitter, it would have gotten a 5 on the barf scale. “you sure it isn’t poisoned?”
“The food quality has greatly increased since Edge hired Hussain to take over leadership,” Asgore said quietly. He didn’t look up from his coffee cup, probably afraid Stretch was gonna spit in his face, but his anger of this morning seemed distant as a fading dream.
“hussain? from the beanery?” Stretch poked one sandwich with a long finger even as Jeff inspected the supposedly-tasty largess hungrily. “edge didn’t tell me he did that.”
He’d noticed Hussain’s absence at the Beanery, but only in the periphery, vaguely assuming it was his day off or maybe he had class. No one else mentioned it to him, either, probably thought he already knew. Why hadn’t Edge told him—
Red only snorted, interrupting his unraveling thoughts, “he prolly forgot, he don’t have time to tell you all the shit he does. quit fussing and eat a sandwich, brat.”
Not the worst advice he’d had today. He grabbed a random one and took a seat on the empty sofa. It turned out to be some kind of curried salad. Pretty good, but his magic seemed reluctant to incorporate it, letting each chewed bite sit for too long until he was close to choking. He managed to gag down about half, ignoring Red’s beady look. Next to him, Jeff scarfed down his own and when Stretch handed over his leftovers, he took it without question. At least someone should get a decent meal.
Asgore didn’t look like he was going to take on that role. He only sat with his too-small coffee cup, staring into the depths of it without taking so much as a sip.
The room was so painfully quiet, Stretch wished there was a radio or a television or a fucking mariachi band. Anything so he didn’t have to sit here in this smothering silence. A quick check of his phone showed there wasn’t a single message or missed call, definitely not his normal. He suspected that a little gremlin somewhere was holding back his messages, but all Stretch could work up about that was reluctant gratitude. Let the frantic texts and well wishes come later when he could better deal with it.
He hesitated over the twitter app and decided not to open it yet, tucking his phone back away.
No one spoke, all of them surrounded in a choking hush only broken by a sofa creaking whenever someone moved or the occasional shuffle of a shoe. Waiting was not one of Stretch’s strengths, coupled with his lack of patience and his feeble endurance and half those noises were from him squirming around.
The furniture was probably perfectly comfortable in reality, but to Stretch it was about as cozy as sitting on freshly hardened cement. He shifted, crossing and uncrossing his legs, picking at his shoelaces and wishing he’d thought to grab the pack of smokes Andy gave him earlier. Smoking was the best timewaster he’d ever had to miss, and his magic was pleading for a nicotine fix.
That Asgore was sitting right there made it impossible not to look at him, not unless Stretch wanted to close his sockets like a toddler, tempting as that was. Every involuntary glance revealed tired unhappiness tempered with worry, and it wasn’t a king
sitting in this little waiting room, nothing of the cheery, dignified ruler. This was someone whose ex-wife and kid were nearly killed, someone worrying about friends and family, and Stretch was unfortunately very familiar with that.
The muted, aching hurt in his own soul wanted to reach out, to offer what comfort it could, and finally, Stretch gave in and did. Because he knew would make Edge happy.
“i talked to tori,” Stretch said, slowly. He didn’t have his lighter, nothing to fidget with and instead kept his eyes on his hands, picking at his knuckles. “she said everyone is okay.”
Out of the corner of his socket, he saw Asgore nodding slowly. “I haven’t spoken to her directly, but all the information we have thus far is clear that there were some injuries, but nothing critical.”
Critical was a horrible word and as soon as he could, Stretch was starting a twitter campaign to have it ripped out of the dictionary.
“do we...i mean…” His fingertip slipped and dug in too hard against his knuckle, sending a sprinkle of dust into his lap. Next to him, Jeff made a soft, stifled sound of dismay and reached over to take his hand, stilling him. Giving in to those overprotective instincts he was starting to take on, but Stretch let him, ignoring the tiny throb in his finger. “do you know what really happened yet?”
“not yet,” Red interrupted, all laconic ease as if the coiled tension in him wasn’t practically dripping from him like a leaky faucet. “got ‘em all on radio silence until they get back. right now, looks like just your basic monster hater attack that got lucky, but it ain’t nothing that’s been even a blip on our radar. i don’t like that shit, but the useful info is low to the ground yet.”
“yeah, sure,” Stretch muttered unhappily, “i get it, i don’t have clearance.”
A sharp kick against his shin made him yelp and Stretch jerked up to stare at Red in disbelief, who only glared back. “as soon as i know what happened, you’ll know,” Red said bluntly, “you deserve that. and if my bro doesn’t tell you, i’ll do it myself.”
“i…okay,” Stretch stuttered out. Asgore made no protest of that, only took a sip from his probably ice-cold coffee.
Red relaxed back against the sofa cushions. “for right now, we’re keeping communication on the down low until i can talk to everyone face to face. they’re out of range of monster cell towers and i ain’t taking any chance of anyone listening in.”
That made sense, it did, but some part of him still didn’t believe that Red of all people didn’t have an inkling of what happened. Or maybe it was too frightening to think it, Red knew everything, he was The Spy, and he only needed an eye patch over his cracked socket to cosplay as Nick Fury. That and a hovering base of operations, maybe Sans could get on that—
The muted roar of an engine interrupted that rambling thought and as one they turned towards it.
“They’re here,” Asgore shifted his weight, starting to stand, but Stretch was already on his feet, shortcutting outside to watch the plane taxiing towards them.
It seemed to take forever and if he’d ever taken a gander at the inside of that plane, Stretch would’ve shortcutted inside, fuck security protocol. He didn’t know how Red was resisting the urge. But he stood next to Stretch, impassive as ever as they waited while a crew of Humans wheeled a ramp up to the door and it finally opened.
The first one off the plane was Blue, and Stretch’s soul skipped a beat as his brother never hesitated, running down the ramp directly towards him as he cried, “Papy!”
Catching him as he flung himself at Stretch was automatic, the same as he’d done a hundred times before in Underswap and all the wrenching emotions Stretch had been bottling up since Red showed up in his living room that morning finally slipped its cork. Drowning in a crushing wave of guilt and relief, he hugged Blue desperately tight, burying his face into his shoulder and breathing him in.
“hey, bro,” Stretch whispered hoarsely. His arms ached from the force of his grip, holding Blue as he’d never been able to after the resets, never able to show him the depths of his grief. Blue didn’t so much as squirm in protest, clinging just as tightly. His suit was rumpled, his tie missing, and he smelled like smoke mingled with the burnt sickly-sweet remnants that came from straining magic to its limits. “don’t do that to me again, okay?”
“I never meant to do it the first time,” Blue choked out. He drew back, Stretch reluctantly letting him lean away, and his smile was tremulous. There were dark shadows beneath his sockets where none had ever been, like a week’s worth of lost sleep, but not quite. Bruises, Stretch realized with shivering horror, Blue had the skeletal equivalent of two black eyes, but the soft blue-yellow lights within were shining stars, “Come on, Edge should be next. I know you want to see him.”
Heavy guilt filled him, followed by a ghostly memory of his brother weeping that he missed him, was it possible that was only a couple days ago? But Blue only squirmed down from his arms and pulled him over to the ramp, his warm smile nothing but sincere.
A back appeared first, not Edge’s but a Monster that Stretch vaguely recognized as part of the entourage. He was guiding a gurney down the ramp and Stretch could only watch mutely as it was carefully brought down from the plane. There was an IV bag hanging from a short pole, glowing softly, and the occupant became clear as the battered curve of a skull came into view.
He barely noticed Asgore and his guards skirting around them to go up the ramp into the plane. All that freed emotion from seeing his brother coagulated in his chest in a dense, frozen ball.
Distantly, Stretch could only think that Edge looked so impossibly small. Edge was only a little shorter than him, but he always seemed like this larger than life presence, one that Stretch could tuck himself into and trust to keep him safe, not only from the world but from the demons in his own mind.
To see him like this, so very still and buried in blankets with wide straps over the gurney to keep him secure. His hands were on top of the covers, bare and battered, there was even a spot that looked a bit charred, but Tori was right about one thing, there were no new cracks. Only plenty of darkly mottled bruises and scrapes surrounding his closed sockets, awful and undeniable. A wild, impossible impulse rose up in Stretch, to grab hold of Edge and shortcut off with him, to take him far away from everything, to keep him safe. Stupid, useless urge, but for one brief moment it was overwhelming.
Fuck, if that was how Edge felt all the time, no wonder he could be an overprotective prick.
Blue took his hand and Stretch startled so badly he nearly jerked away. But his brother only held on, squeezing gently. “I know, he looks a little worse for the wear, but I promise you, it’s nothing serious. The ambulance should be here soon to take you both to the hospital and--”
“hospital?” Stretch repeated thinly. “but you said…”
“Yes, hospital,” Blue said firmly. “He’ll be fine, but he was injured. I did what I could and Toriel is a skilled healer in her own right. He still needs to be checked over and they should at least keep him overnight.”
Okay. Okay, yeah, that sounded right and Stretch nodded dumbly. Maybe the change in atmosphere was registering because Edge stirred, shifting against the straps. His sockets opened, his eye lights wide and diffused, filling his sockets with swirling crimson. For a moment all Edge did was blink, looking all around him before focusing on Stretch.
Stretch smiled and managed a weak, “hey, babe.”
As he watched, that bleary confusion abruptly turned into a happily beaming smile, which only ranked at about the third most disturbing thing that had happened that day.
“Hiiiii!!” Edge exclaimed with loud glee.
Uh. Maybe Blue was wrong about how serious his injuries were.
“Ah, yes, he was hurting quite a bit and being stubborn about it,” Blue said dryly. “We may have slightly overdone the pain relief. Enjoy it while you can, I’m going to check that the ambulance is on its way.”
“wait, what??”
But Blue was already trotting off, stopping to grab Jeff who was standing awkwardly back and dragging him along, his chatter fading away.
Edge was still grinning with unsettling cheer. On his usually stern face it was like the beginnings of a nightmare and Stretch almost expected maniacal clowns to start crawling out of manholes and portacabins around them. Fuck it, that might make it less weird, at least then all this would make sense.
“I know you!” Edge went on happily, one hand reaching out towards him. Then his brow furrowed in battered confusion, his hand falling to hang limply off the gurney’s side. “Do I know you? You’re pretty.”
Smooth fucker, wasn't he. Very carefully, Stretch took his hand, gentle with those scuffed, bruised fingers. “you know me okay. i’m your husband, yeah?”
He brightened like a light bulb, practically glowing from within with soul-deep delight. A well drugged light bulb and he latched on to Stretch eagerly, his grip bordering on feverish. “My husband? That means I get to keep you!”
If anyone was stupid enough to ask, Stretch wouldn’t even be able to begin describing how he felt about everything right about now. All his emotions were in wild conflict, battering against each other for dominance. But fuck if he could hold back from that. He grinned, helplessly, rubbing his thumb over Edge’s somewhat tarnished wedding band. "sure does."
“Sans!” Edge shouted suddenly, loud enough to make Stretch wince, but when he automatically tried to take a step back, Edge’s grip held like Velcro, weirdly loose and still implacable.
Red stepped up next to the gurney, hands tucked into his pockets. “right here, bro.”
Even with being strapped down, Edge still managed to lift his head enough to look down at his brother and say gleefully, “You see my husband?”
“seen him a time or two, yeah,” Red said. For the first time that day the clouded grimness that surrounded him seemed to lift a fraction and his permanent grin widened.
“I get to keep him!”
“sure do,” Red agreed, “no catch and release on husbands.”
Edge flumped back on the gurney hard enough to make Stretch wince even as he sang out enthusiastically, “He’s reeeeeeally pretty. Isn’t he pretty?”
“uh huh, he ain’t bad.” Red gave him a leering look and Stretch felt a hot flush crawl across his cheekbones, glaring back. Not that he’d ever doubted Edge thought that, but it was always nice to hear. Kinda.
Edge scowled at Red comically, holy fuck, that much expression on Edge’s face? He was going to give himself a new crack if this kept up.
“You’re just jealous,” he grumped, holding on tight to Stretch’s hand as if he thought Red might try to scoop him up and head for the hills to start up a new horrifying chapter in the mocking fairytale that was this day.
“must be,” Red agreed, an odd note to his voice, but Edge ignored that, cheering again quickly.
“Mine!” Edge said happily and before Stretch could puzzle through any of that exchange, he was busy squawking as he was abruptly yanked onto the gurney.
“woah, hang on, handsome!” Stretch tried to squirm away, but whoever’d had the foresight to buckle Edge down should’ve included his arms in the deal. Despite the good drugs and the visible bruises, he was pretty damn strong and clinging to Stretch like living duct tape.
“Mine, mine, mine,” Edge chanted like some kind of musical, maniacal supervillain and where the fuck had everyone else gone? They didn’t need a damn parade to get an ambulance. Red was only watching with great interest, picking idly at his gold tooth.
“a little help here?” Stretch yelped as Edge started nuzzling happily at his collarbone. Okay, it was a little tempting, but for crying out loud, Frisk and Toriel could be getting off the plane anytime now and who knew what high zoom lenses were out there getting a frontpage picture for the gossip rags. No assistance was coming from the outside avenues, so Stretch went for the ‘hail, mary’ pass and tried coaxing Edge, instead, “come on, babe, you gotta let go now.”
“No!” Edge sulked, and fuck if that petulant sullenness wasn’t incredibly damn adorable coming out in his deep, raspy voice, “You said I get to keep you.”
“you do, promise, i’m all yours. but—" Just then Edge found the bottom of his sweatshirt, warm, clumsy hands suddenly petting his ribcage and Stretch’s squeal took on a panicked note. “damn it, red!”
“me? i ain’t doing nothing.” His glee nearly matched Edge’s, that asshole.
“that’s part of the problem, you shit! he’s gonna hurt himself!”
“hurt himself?” Red scoffed. “you could take off one of his arms and use it as a tennis racket and he wouldn’t notice right now.”
“that isn’t helping!”
“never said it was, honey bun.”
Most of his face was buried into Edge’s chest but the little he could see through blankets and bone made Stretch snap out in disbelief, “are you recording this??”
“fuck, yeah, i am. this shit needs to be in high definition.”
“he’ll kill you!” Stretch tried to sound threatening, but it wasn’t exactly easy with Edge’s unusually graceless but eagerly insistent fingers trailing over his hipbones. The combination was unfortunately arousing and if he popped a boner while Red was recording, someone was gonna pay. Probably him, in horrifying shame. “i’ll kill you!”
Red did not sound properly threatened, considering that he only chuckled out, “gotta get loose first.”
It turned out to be a grateful moot point. Before he could figure out how to get loose from the wild groper his husband became under the influence, those hands slowed, going lax. By the time Stretch was able wriggle free little, Edge was out like a light, already snoring faintly.
But the moment he tried to climb off the gurney, that grip tightened again and Edge mumbling out a complaining grunt. Stretch gave up and sank down, hey, a wee little base humiliation wasn’t gonna dust him. Just so long as they kept away from dying shame, he’d manage.
But he did whip around to glare at Red’s grinning face, demanding, “delete it.”
Not like his threats would penetrate Red’s elephant hide, only rolled off like so much baby oil. “nah, don’t think so, this is for my private collection.” His glee turned pensive. “you know, i don’t have much from the old days but i do have a thing or two. maybe a few old pictures and shit.” He paused, adding with a certain slyness, “might have some pics of the boss here as a baby bones hidden away someplace.”
Yeah, Stretch knew when he was beat. “i will pay any price.”
“that’s what i like to hear.”
Just then, he heard the ambulance pulling up, fuck, finally! The back doors opened and Blue climbed out, the attendants at his heels, “All right, let’s get Edge loaded--Papy!” Blue scolded, “He’s injured, you shouldn’t be letting him exert himself!”
Stretch only grinned wryly. “sorry, bro. he, uh, didn’t give me much choice.”
Blue harrumphed, but he didn’t demand that Stretch get down, which probably cost his full allotment of sympathy points. Worth it. “You two are going ahead and we’ll be behind you in the second ambulance.”
“second?” That made him sit up despite Edge’s murmured complaint, “who else was hurt?”
Blue’s smile turned fixed even as the paramedics bustled around them. “I’m not supposed to say too much, yet, but.” His voice softened, hardly above a whisper, “I don’t know how Edge knew. We were hardly off the plane and they’d sent a car to pick us up. There must have been something he saw or felt, because he turned back to us and…and then…” He swallowed hard, the luminescent shine of tears limning his sockets. “He shielded Toriel and Frisk, and Papyrus shielded me and Sans. He did the best he could, but he…Papyrus was hurt, Papy.”
“fuck,” Stretch whispered, horrified, “papyrus, is he—"
“He’s fine,” Blue said firmly. “He was resting comfortably the whole flight. Sans is with him right now and we’ll get him to the hospital, too.”
It sounded like he was hurt worse than Edge, shit, shit, “he should’ve come out first!”
“Sans told us to take Edge,” Blue followed along as the gurney started moving, the attendants pushing it along. “Papyrus is asleep and perfectly stable. He was already with his brother and Sans said you’d need to see us.”
Fuck, but he owed Sans a very big favor.
It was only as they were loaded in that Stretch realized Red was gone. He wasn’t in the front seat and didn’t climb in before the doors closed. Then there wasn’t time to worry about that as the ambulance pulled away and Stretch only settled down next to Edge, holding on with as much gentleness as he could muster.
The ambulance attendants were both Monsters and quietly competent, neither suggesting that maybe Stretch could ride along on one of the cushioned seats. Good thing, because Stretch wasn’t going anyplace without extensive use of a crowbar.
He didn’t budge until they got to the hospital and only then did he reluctantly detangle himself from Edge. The docs took some time to look Edge over, peeling back the blankets and Stretch could only wince at the sight of a neat splint on one of Edge’s leg, at bruises scattered over his battered bones. But they only confirmed what Stretch already knew. Toriel and Blue had healed Edge as much as they could, probably too much for their own good considering Blue’s bruises and exhaustion.
Rest and time was what he needed now and that didn’t need a prescription.
Edge never really woke up again, drowsily groping for Stretch whenever he roused, but for once Stretch kept back, letting the doctors do their thing. They finished quick enough, writing on their clipboards and offering reassuring smiles as they left.
Exhausted as he was, Stretch resisted the urge to crawl right back in next to Edge. He felt like a sticky, filthy mess and a quick shower sounded like a lemon slice of heaven right now. At least the room had a very nicely appointed shower, though he didn’t linger, washing up quickly and snagging a set of the hospital issue jammies from the bathroom cubby.
He kicked his clothes under the sink, those could be a problem for Tomorrow Stretch. But he only opened the door a crack before freezing as he caught sight of someone else at the bedside.
Red was standing next to his brother, watching him sleep. His back was to the bathroom door so Stretch couldn’t see face, only the weary slump of his shoulders. As he watched, Red reached over and picked up one of Edge’s hands with tenderness Stretch never suspected Red possessed, inspected his slim, scarred fingers. Likely he didn’t see them often, even Stretch didn’t and they lived together.
He wasn’t supposed to be seeing this, couldn’t look away as Red only held Edge’s limp hand in both his own, pressed a kiss against those lax fingers before setting it back down with deliberate care.
“always come back to me, kid, you hear me?” Red murmured, a low, desperate rasp, He was gone in the next moment, vanishing into an eerily silent shortcut and that was Stretch’s cue.
Edge was sound asleep and there was a large, comfy chair pulled up next to the hospital bed that Stretch promptly ignored, gingerly curling up next to him, as close as he could get without disturbing him. For the first time since Edge sat him down to tell him about this trip, his soul settled, that achy, raw feeling easing.
Exhausted as he was, Stretch only lay there, looking into that battered, beloved face, tasting the sweet salt of his own melancholy tears as he whispered a plea of his own, “don’t ever leave me. please.”
He didn’t expect Edge to stir with a sleepy sigh, his sockets opening to show a sliver of crimson as he slurred out, “Won’t, love. M’ yours.”
“mine and yours, like his and his towels,” Stretch whispered back, stifling a teary giggle and when Edge sleepily held out an arm, he took the invitation. Snuggling in with his skull resting on Edge’s ribcage, an arm strung loosely around him as Stretch listened intently to the soft, steady thrum of his husband’s soul.
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artificialqueens · 8 years
Taxidermy for Kids (Pharon) - Cece
Okay so someone wanted fluffy pharon, said doing somthing childish but fluff not smut, so i was torn for a little with all the kink going on whether or not to make there relationship like that implied or just friends. They also wanted build-a-bear which is sooooo cute. i’d like to imagine it’s in the same universe that squeaky clean has hers just cuz i liked the time line on that. enjoy or don’t but give me prompts.
“This is why we came to the mall?” Phi Phi said as she stood in front of the bright and noisy store in front of her. She looked up at the sign rereading the big purple letters before turning to her companion questioningly. “Sharon this is my last day before I go to all stars and you took me to build a bear workshop?”
She was new to this whole kinda set up, being Sharon’s ‘baby’, or whatever the word was for the fucked up, but totally addictive thing they had going on.
“Yes!” Sharon exclaimed as she took her in hers. “Baby, it’ll be so fun."
"The oldest person in there’s like 12, Sharon.” She muttered, not always great at the public part that Sharon wanted. Hell, Sharon would probably so open about it if she let her, but she didn’t needs stares from the mall crowd, and definitely not her fans.
“We’re men who wear wigs and put our dicks in pantyhose, now you care about being different?” Sharon asked her laughing lightly. “Come on i’ll make one too if you want, baby."
That name always got to her so she sighed giving up and let Sharon lead her into the big and hectic shop.
"Why do the call it build a bear if they have so many other animals?” Phi Phi asked looking over at the wall of choices.
“Why do they call you bitchy when your sooooo sweet.” Sharon said earning her a glare.
Sharon leaned down to place a kiss on Phi Phi’s forehead. “It’s just a joke Pheef, you’re always soooo sweet and good for me."
"Well i’m sticking to a bear, we have practice at those.” Phi Phi said before she picked up a very pale white one. “That mini challenge was so dumb.”
“Can you stop it please, this is our last day until you go to the land of Rupaul.” Sharon asked her holding her waist and looking down at her, gripping the unstuffed bear in her arms against her chest.
“Okay,” She said. “Pick your bear so we can stuff them….oh my god, is that why you did this? Your taxidermy obsession?"
"No, I did it because what little kid doesn’t love getting treated to a  build a bear?” Sharon said.
Phi Phi always wanted to interject she wasn’t really a kid but knew that if it made Sharon’s stomach flutter the way hers did when she was being called baby, or being domed over she could give it to the older queen.
“Any reason you picked that pale bear?” Sharon said smiling.
“The same reason your gonna pick up a bear that looks like me.” Phi Phi smiled up at her, making the spooky queens heart melt.
The pair worked through the process of filling the bears. Sharon knew it was a good idea, and even though the other queen would deny it the smile on her face was priceless to Sharon. Knowing she helped make that smile, knowing she got to do anything to make her baby happier when she was already upset about being apart for Allstars made it seem like she could handle the wait with the memory of her glowing.
Once they were stuffed, the rule of putting a heart inside was enforced. Sharon thought she was dreaming when Phi Phi held the little velvet red heart up to her to kiss it for her and stuff in the bear, but she wasn’t and she did what she was told to do for her baby.
The last stop for the bears is wardrobe, walls full of things to chose like a drag closet for the toys. Phi Phi obviously from the moment she picked up the shell of a pale white bear knew the kinda clothing it would wear.
She walked over to the side wall where she saw the perfect dress, a black dress with jewels on it. She reached up for it, of course it had to be up so high.
Sharon standing close by watched as her shirt rode up in her attempt to reach the tiny bear dress on display. She walked over slowly and pressed up against her back, including the bare skin that had been exposed as she picked the dress up easily with her height.
“Here Princess.” She said as she held the dress out to her, the second she took it from her hands, wrapping her arms around Phi Phi’s waist from behind, still appreciating the exposed flesh.
“Thanks M-Sharon.” Phi Phi said caught up in the hold and the feeling of Sharon’s embrace and heavy head on her shoulder leaving chills.
“What were you about to-”
“Nothing.” Phi Phi stated pushing out of her hold, making Sharon’s smile drop immediately. She knew she shouldn’t push with Phi Phi, knowing she was very new and weary of the whole set up they had, especially in public. She chose to drop it, knowing making a scene today of all days would be the worst.
The pair had found the clothes they wanted and headed over to a dressing table. “These chair’s are for little kids.” Phi Phi said crossing her arms, wanting Sharon to fix things.
Sharon just stepped forward and took two of the chairs pushing them together and taking a seat that now was big enough to hold her adult frame.
“Those are the only two chairs, where am I gonna sit?” She asked her, already knowing what she wanted, just being confirmed as Sharon patted on her lap inviting her.
She crossed her arms and glared at Sharon, not wanting this as the solution.
“Stop throwing a fit and get over here,” Sharon said to her demanding. “Right now!"
She loved to test the waters with Sharon, seeing just how much she could get away with and just how much she couldn’t. Either way she was always satisfied by the tone of her voice so commandeering and confident.
She strode over and plopped down on the queens lap, Sharon only taking seconds to snake her arm around her and pull her close to her. Phi Phi was so into it, god, she was past into it.
"We’re in public!” She whispered to Sharon, who only tightened her grip and started to bounce her one leg, seeing the change on Phi Phi’s face.
“Next time don’t have a tantrum.” Sharon hissed in her ear holding firm on the ground that she was definitely being punished. Phi Phi bit her lip at this cursing in her mind.
The few minutes it took to dress the bear was a strange hell for Phi Phi, feeling much more like forever the way her body was reacting but she wouldn’t trade Sharon in for someone else.
The pair got up off the two chairs and held their bears, showing the other the finished product.
“Aw you got a little scare bear.” Sharon said admiring it.
“Shar-bear actually.” She corrected. “And you got a little O'Beara."
Sharon let out a laugh and pulled her in from a hug, a welcoming warm embrace they both craved. After what felt like a long bliss of time Sharon untangled un-herself from the queen.
"I’ll go pay for us.” She told her before kissing her cheek and walking over to the counter.
She watched and fuck, she loved it. Sharon taking care or her, paying for stuff, just fully taking over her was toxic and tempting, she’d gotten so much she was stuck now. She couldn’t ever let go of her, but since she had to leave for all stars she’d have to for a bit. Good thing she could sleep with her Shar-Bear until they meet again.
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ladyofmind · 6 years
September to Remember
Is anyone else losing time with no idea where it’s going?
That’s how September went for me. Made some changes to better be prepared for keeping my social media presence alive while trying to do that little writing thing I love so much. Still don’t know how to solve the problems my editor brought to my attention, but I'm working on it. In the meantime, I have been gearing up for NaNoWriMo and preparing ahead of losing more time then. (Dare I mention holiday stuff? Like the Christmas shopping started, or the semi prepping 2 months worth of game boards and daily arts? Should totally follow my Patreon link for more on that!)
So basically? Finally might be getting ahead of the dreaded 8-ball. At least #CharactersHell was a success! Got to count the little victories too.
The awesome thing is that it’s now October, so I have many things to look forward to. Kilt Fest again, Halloween cookies... Things that you guys might love seeing, beyond my writing updates. Which of course, this is... September rounds up below.
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1- T- My WIP starts in fall, covers Halloween quite well, for a bar.
2- T- No… Maybe it's simply the way in which I've hurt MC that I don't like...
3- T- Tweety! No one else works that hard or makes it look that easy.
4-T- Tweety is a plantser… Couple ideas to start the ball rolling, but no clue what will happen after that.
5-T- Tweety has reputation to uphold, so she's always early… Providing others don't run late...
6- D- Sly slips in for this, toting a mixed bag of books, including the last book he needed, Historical Society handbook/guide. “This usually fixes everything.”
7- D- Well, the last time SOMEONE didn't do what was expected, a good guy ended up with a black eye and handcuffed to a bed frame...
8- T- Tweety has those friends that pick on you for fun. But the Antags are the worst.
9- T- Deej has a “pet” Lynx or two.
   D- Antag would like to know if humans count as pets?
10- T- the accents! The Scotney needs a proper balance, or else it's too harsh!
11- T- For no spoilers, we go to Woods, who's waiting to see if the band gets signed.
12- D- Already did it, got to read the book…
     T- From that same, yes… Plus exhausted legs all the time.
13- T- Some are, some aren't. It's a diverse community, so all sorts of beliefs.
14- T- Tweety writes, reads, sleeps… mostly soaks and falls asleep journaling.
15- D- Costumes! Write a specific or nonspecific creature into WIP and share! Vs Halloween costumes
16- T- so close they call the bunch of them Trouble girls. At least 3-5 of them.
17- T- Soak, pick out an outfit, write and sleep, only to change her mind in the morning.
18- T- Truth be told, someone had to be… Or at least a clear “villain” in that scene.
19- T- Both. One cannot truly live without both. One you just see more of...
20- T- Tweety is a soda only sort of woman. She can mix a mean punch though.
21- T- Yes. Sophia avoids the ex that's with her employee. Love triangles suck, and people suffer.
22- T- Tweet wakes up, dresses, works, sleeps and repeats with small breaks of craziness.
23- T- Yes as it's a semi current Earth.
24- T- Sophia takes a drink since Tweet is too “nice” while Brandon and Tim just take a shot at her.
25- T- Tweety. She's the kind one taking care of others. No one likes the things that happen...
26- T- Tweety and Sly. Tweet’s prepared for crazy and come ons, while Sly is a wealth of knowledge.
27- T- Honestly? This Diner/Beach Travel thing. So real and intimate...
28- T- The same one who regularly fries the Jukebox trying to “fix” it. - Deej
29- T- I think Remmy, or Sly have a great grasp and can do justice as narrator.
30- T- Tweety does even to her own detriment… #spoilers
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1- Bebe shot through the room, if one could #run and skip, she seemed to be doing it.
2- Even nearly #falling onto a guy and barely keeping her red rubies caged looked classy.
3- Angus and Scotty had the good sense to first agree with Woods, and then do their darnedest to get Brandon to #leave while he was still in one piece.
4- Frost #groaned, something in her face gave him the funny feeling in his gut again.
5- When Tweet, Runta, and Ally came out from their fix up, it started with one #whistle, which turned into more and soon had the girls blushing at the reaction.
6- The #gravelly tone wasn’t lost on either of them, "Tonight's lesson- don’t start anything you can't control."
7- He seemed to lose himself in that thought; mindlessly working the bottle around, as if #twisting it would #twist him free of whatever plagued his mind.
8- He didn't stop until she looked much more alive, and likely to melt and #drip right out of the car.
9- Not that Bebe on her side of the bar would be outdone. She would make her own group #gasp at her antics and outbursts, Nira at her hip, egging her on.
10- She could still see and remember all the ugly things she believed of herself, but now she couldn’t touch it, couldn't revel in it like a pig in #mud.
11- Woods smiled again, already figuring out how to #rock out as a version of Wolverine.
12- "If it's a pole you want luv, I'm ready and willing to be of assistance anytime." He chuckled, her eyes #rolled in exasperation, yet her face said she loved it; even her lips twitched warring not to smile.
13- Woods' gaze #drifted to the stage, and a smile stirred his face for the first time in what felt like a long time. "Do you mind…?"
14- A #chill went down Tweet's spine, she could have done without music now, and certainly never wanted to hear that song ever again.
17- "Ok, ok I'm sorry I snore, but you kick. If either of us should #cry over bad sleeping habits, it could be me."
18- She first needed to wash away the sweat and #grime that came from his violent sleep.
19- "It's just that he's a big ladies man, #spent most of the day getting all kinds of attention from the ladies, probably thought he could get you to do it too. Roger's not a bad kiddo, just not smart about his manners."
20-  It had been so long ago, but now he clearly remembered #Grandma Jeanie.
21- They even coaxed a guy into trying out as a chef. He'd been #sweet talked into whipping up some lunch, even if it was sandwiches, and somehow he was grateful for the opportunity.
22- She hated the battle, but knew in her #heart, it was right to worry about the complications of leaving and untangling things.
23- Her father sounded similar when he was drunk, and her mother usually #bore the bruises to prove it.
24- "I spoke the truth doll face; it does look like your #closet exploded." She stuck her tongue out at him, and he made the pinching motion at her.
25- Most of the surrounding clubs were #seedy and their names tried to sound respectable, but you could see it from the street how they operated.
26- Smiling to himself, his randomness started to sound like Bill #Withers to his own ears. Use Me came to mind and he went with it, making sure to pay more attention on Tweety.
27- The band started playing on the stage; the cymbal #crash and reverberation out of the guitar were perfect attention getters.
28- the one time she would enjoy having a silent sort of boyfriend was also the time he decided to talk..."I swear to god, if you open your mouth, it better be to #sing or to simply use your lips. Anything else and I will walk out right now."
29- She moved to strapping on the mask, a pretty purple piece, with lines of glitter around the eyes and the mask edges. It had slight points at the top edges of the mask, and on them were a line of gems; in amethyst, ruby, and #sapphire blue.
30- He had too many hopes and dreams for one night. If she was as good as he hoped she was, a #month wouldn't even be enough to scratch the surface.
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1/9- *Looks around before stepping up* “I believe I am to volunteer for this round of questions, as education is my strong suit. While you may have heard me called a Thesaurus, I prefer Sly, your night time bartender.” (in the Red Letters series)
2/9- Sly- “Currently, I am a college student, but I have an education from books. Well read is an understatement for me...”
3/9- Sly- "I'm a transplant. An Aussie originally, these classes abroad are amazing, but the hours are rough on me. So what if they joke I'm a vampire? At least I have all sorts of foreign educations…"
4/9- Sly- "Up until recently, I preferred to be a lone wolf if you will. Maybe I had a friend outside of school that shared my hours and moods, but usually only one at a time."
5/9- Sly- "The subjects that were not my best, they had a tendency to bore me or be harder. In my favorite classes, I did get much further ahead. Certain classes were practically finished in months."
6/9- Sly- "I do prefer my solitude yes. Only now am I learning to embrace the education from interesting people."
7/9- Sly- *The verbose bartender pauses* "I do not like talking about that with anyone."
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8/9- A strange woman walks on stage, dressed in mismatching items with a pink wig on. "Oh honey, if you don't know who I am, you're in the wrong bar. You may have the privilege of calling me Lady Sophia."
9/9- Lady Sophia- "What education do you think you deserve? I have many teaching styles…" (So, not your Ivy League grad here…)
10/9- Lady S- "This is a toss up. I personally loved music classes, as I AM a singer. But I did attend nearly every gym class… Between the health classes and all that physical movement? Best thing to study and then put into practice, usually behind bleachers."
11/9- Lady S- "Of course. History already happened, so who cares? Only reason I kinda went to math and economics class was because of a guy. Really if there wasn't something to stare at, I picked and chose."
12/9- Lady S- "Define popular? Like rah rah shove a pom pom up my (bleep) popular? (bleep) no darling, but I did develop my own following and acclaim, for my talents…"
13/9- Lady S- "Bothering is such a simple word. I had my share of "stalkers" and "can't get enoughers" but there were people who considered me a "bother". Inappropriate is really in the eye of the beholder, you know?"
14/9- Lady S- "As much as that does not matter now, I actually had great grades in economics and decent ones in business related electives. No wonder where my business owner skills came from."
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1- Just your average bar for crazy people. Little history, little future building, lots of music and dreams...
2- It's a woman's fiction genre because it's more than just a romance or slice-of-life story.
3- The challenges are the characters mostly! Some go off the rails and it's hard to get them back… Others think I am writing SFF, or something more X rated. Mostly it's just "how to host/run a bar while antisocial."
4- This WIP is something I've been working on for a long time, and I can never get it out of my head. This story wants out and it's pursuing me to no end, challenges and all.
5- I wouldn't say my world is very harsh, but there are some bad elements that make it less than pretty...
6- There are multiple levels of evil, some you can see, others are working in secret together.
7- Besides the fact that it's a bar, therefore full of alcohol? Well, there is a sort of brothel thing going on in the background that Tweety doesn't care for...
8- This one's a toss-up. Remmy is in a broken relationship from the start. Tweety is in a relationship, and yet not….
9- Remmy is aware, though that doesn't make it hurt any less. Tweety wasn't to start, but does realize, and it makes it harder to work.
10- Remmy is at a 9, while Tweety is at about 4. One is more likely to leave than the other, and Tweet has far more than a budding relationship to worry about.
11- For Remmy's hellmaker, she's aware she just doesn't care. For Tweety, Woods doesn't realize her inner workings. Woods can be kind of clueless...
12- Remmy does, in Long Island Iced Teas made by Tweety. Tweety can over flirt when her feelings are hurt or she's trying to pretend...
13- Oh definitely. The third parties are endless, including the bar owner Sophia, bandmates like Brandon, and just general other patrons in the bar. Can't forget Tim too...
14- In a relationship likely to cheat? Has to be Raven. The rest of the group have sort of fluctuating relationships where you can't tell if they're together or not so you really can't call it cheating.
15- Tweety is to blame for some of what she's gotten herself into, but not all of its her fault, some of its circumstance from the job she's in...
16- Oh all the time. Tweety isn't known as a Trouble girl for no reason, and you don't hear them calling Double or Triple Trouble without her friends.
17- They are in both kinds of hell. It's a lot of psychological stuff, until it becomes physical. Breaking things both mentally, and the furniture too.
18- It's likely a lot of characters won't come out the same. But they will survive, just changed, and scarred...
19- Oh yeah the lusty people are the original bar workers, with the exception of Frost.
20- As it says in the book, nobody would be hanging out in a bar if they didn't have personal stuff too. At least our bar workers, patrons are different story.
21- Generally it's not very gory, except for the scenes that are meant to be. Try to keep them to at least one really graphic thing a book...
22- I hate editing, it's harder for me to fix things when I'm still not seeing the problem.
23- Now I do, some software, an actual editor (mine's @scribecat check out her awesomeness!)… makes this process a little easier.
24- A lot of the time it's binge-watching something and getting away from writing.
25- if it's a long weekend, and I know I don't have to work the real job, sometimes there's alcohol...
26- My problem characters are always the smart ones. Like Sly, who's nicknamed the human thesaurus; or Nira, who's like a crazy genius… Sometimes they are smarter than I am.
27- I hold on to a lot of stuff, so worst memories are critiques- school writing stuff long before I knew I was to be a writer.. stuff I should be over but still haunts me. Or the times I tore out notebook pages with "failed" first chapters. Never get those back..
28- #FF
29- Tim hits almost all of them, like Pride, Lust, Greed, Envy and Wrath. They pair up, like pride and greed, but especially lust, Envy, wrath working all together...
30- Tim? Oh he's depraved enough to revel in it, and I doubt he'll be redeemable… Can't make the leopard change his spots.
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