#the only good matria
underdome-times · 10 months
Civis Hardship Continues
By Province Harris
After role call at Glibson County Jail last night, it was discovered that the criminal mastermind Rubio has escaped. It is rumored that he used the brief period of panic and thinned police forces caused by the explosion in Tieflingtown. His life sentence was cut short to just three days. Although his whereabouts are currently unknown, a police ship has also gone missing so it is likely he has fled Civis.
Rubio is a human man pictured below that is known to be responsible for a long series of robberies and, on one confirmed occasion, murder. Not only that, he frequently raises young criminals as his own. While it does not quite meet the legal definition of a gang, this “family” is collectively responsible for an estimated 3,000,000 gold worth of damages over the past 15 years.
[mugshot of Rubio. A human with blond hair, stubble, and scarring on his jaw. He has a partially robotic prosthetic arm]
As mentioned in our most recent post, the presence of Azeraxian Portal Wardens on Civis is set to ease the nerves of citizens, and prevent the police force from being spread too thin. Surprisingly, Matria herself made a brief statement when informed of the situation: “One must focus first on the children and where they go. When they have nowhere to go, someone will take advantage of them. That is how criminals like this are made”
I hope to have good news next time I write. I’ve been Province Harris.
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I've been a fan of manhwas for a while now, particularly the villainess and isekai genre, but there's something I'd really like to see more of.
Now, you don't have to agree with me, we're all allowed to have different tastes, but there are scenarios where the MC has transmigrated into a different world where (most of the time it's family) the people are just the absolute worst, and I really wish the MC was just allowed to permanently hate them.
Like, I genuinely like wmmap, but Claude is an absolutely atrocious father (and just a shit person all around). Athy's plan was literally to manipulate Claude into liking her in order to avoid being murdered by the guy. I don't know about most people, but parents who kill their kids are shit people in my opinion. At the beginning of the story Claude watched as Athy nearly drowns, and then several chapters later, it was a big, dramatic moment for Claude to ✨not let his daughter drown✨ as if that's not baseline behaviour from a parent. And the fandom acts like Claude doing the bare minimum makes him Best Dad Ever, and it's really scary how people are fanning over something really toxic. Athy didn't have parents in her previous life, that's why Claude's miniscule actions mean so much to her, but to the average person who has an Actually Good Dad, the man is quite honestly pathetic. (Gallahan superiority). Most people in Athy's situation would hate Claude, and they have every right to, because the smallest action that displeases the man would get you executed. A relationship where love is based on fear isn't healthy at all. If I was the MC in a story like that, my dad would literally astral project himself across universes just to sucker punch him.
And you've got other series, like The Strongest Characters in the World are Obsessed With Me, The Villainess is a Marionette, or Daughter of the Emperor, among many others, where the MC's family is just shit, and treats them horribly. And the plot is always that the MC grows to genuinely love them, as if those people actually deserve it.
I'd love for a story where the MC knows that they have to manipulate their family to love them in order to prevent themselves from getting fucking Murdered, and the knowledge that "this person will 100% kill me if I piss them off", combined with their general shitty attitude toward the MC, means that they continue hating them throughout the whole story. Just internally roasting them and talking shit the entire time. Because I for one know my worth, and I'm not going to settle for some emotionally constipated homicidal asshole who treats me like utter dogshit 99% of the time, but oh, he loves me because he gave me his hand to help me on a carriage. It's bullshit. It's unhealthy. And it's scary how so many people seem to idolise relationships based on this dynamic. And don't make me get into the utter shitstorm that is the male lead love interest in these stories.
That's why stories like Death is the Only Ending for the Villainess, the Villainess Reverses the Hourglass, Cheating Men Must Die, Untouchable Lady, The Villainess Imprints a Traitor and The Only Way to Protect the Female Lead's Older Brother are so great, because the MCs are women who know their worth, know they're being treated poorly, and know that they don't deserve it. And it's good to see. It's fine to hate people who treat you wrongly, and it's okay not to love people who claim they love you but have hurt you. It's okay to have self-worth, and to put yourself first, I promise. The sad part is just how rare these stories seem to be. There are thousands of manhwas on these genres, and the fact that I can only list six of them, makes me really worried for the majority of girls who read these stories and think ✨he tried to kill me but I can fix him ✨ even in a platonic or familial setting, is a healthy relationship.
Sidenote: thank god to stories like Into the Light Once Again (second life I will fistfight her original relatives) and I'll be the Matriarch in this Life. I love seeing actually good, not just decent, fathers. I feel like a lot of people who are into some of these stories have daddy issues, so read these if you wanna see what being a Dad means, check these out. There's also Father I Don't Want to Get Married, where the MC's dad realises that he's fucked up, and actually takes steps to amend it. He feels realistic, and not just a pure garbage heep. My dad is better though.
In conclusion:
1. Most of the families (prominently fathers and older brothers) suck
2. The MC should be allowed to just hate them and feel no affection for them whatsoever because they're awful people and in order to be genuinely loved at the very least you shouldn't be a cunt
3. I love my dad. He is awesome, showed me how a good dad should be, and would either stab half the fathers on this list if they treated me like in canon, or by god he'd go down swinging
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nemowritesstuff · 5 years
Wingless Dragon Race Introduction: Tichon
Wingless Dragon Taglist: @malaykawrites @madammuffins @kaatiba @mvcreates @starlitesymphony @dove-actually
Tichon are giant isopods from the planet Tich. They are a sociable and religious people and a common sight in the Galactic Federation.
As the story is on its first draft, all content is subject to change. 1800 words under the cut, because describing a non-humanoid race requires a little bit of talking.
The home planet of the Tichon, Tich, is covered by roughly 87% water, and with small islands scattered throughout the singular ocean. Most life lives in the water, either completely or partially.
Tichon have an overall length of about 5 meters from head to tail. Tichon can also stand, reaching over 2 meters off the ground. Their standing posture is hunched over, while the back half of their body is still close to the ground. Their shell coloration is determined by the water where they were born. Dark blue shells come from deeper water, sea green come from shallow water and rivers, and a grey shell come from Tichon who spent most of their early life out of the water.
Tichon have 10 limbs, each limb having two elbows and ending in claws. The 2 foremost pairs of limbs end in claws comprised of 3 pincers arranged in a tripod. The 2 rearmost pairs only have 2 pincers on opposite sides of the claw. The middle pair is a mixture of the front and back pairs, having 3 pincers, but two of the claws are directly opposite each other with the third pincer halfway between and towards the front. A crawling Tichon will use all of their limbs to move. While standing, only the rear 4 legs will be used to walk, while the front 4 limbs act as arms. The central pair can be used as either legs or arms.
A Tichon's shell is an exoskeleton that is stronger than many manmade substances. The shell is composed of thirteen distinct plates, starting with their head plate and ending is a small plate that fans out into a spined tail. The underside of a Tichon is not as indestructible, only resembling a single length of flexible cartilage-like material that, while strong, is not as touch as the outer shell.
A Tichon's head is shaped like a triangle, with two sets of superposition compound eyes on the top left and top right. Two sets of antennae also stem from the head; the first set is hypersensitive and used to smell and touch, while the other acts as a set of whiskers. Two sets of jaws are at the front end of the head, one set on top of the other.
Tichon are primarily scavengers, capable of eating anything. Their lack of taste buds and a bite strength that can bend steel means that nothing is excluded from their diet. The Tichon's digestive system can break down most organic and synthetic materials, including many diseases and toxins. The only limit on what a Tichon can eat is how nutritious the food is.
Tichon are amphibious, originally living underwater but fully capable of spend their entire lives on ground. They are not powerful swimmers, preferring to scurry along the ground. Their shell coloration helps with camouflage, and most creatures interested in eating Tichon do not travel along the ocean floor. On land, Tichon can either scurry normally or walk upright.
After hatching, a young Tichon can fend for themselves. Newborn Tichon only have 11 plates, and over the course of 20 years, they grow the last two to form their tail. Once a Tichon has a formed tail, they are considered an adult and must take a social role. Tichon can live to be over 150 years, but the harsh conditions on Tich brings the lifespan down to 60 to 80 years.
Tichon are an incredibly social species, and their entire social system is based around four social roles. Ti, those that carry and defend the eggs, Ch, those that gather food, On, those that build new structures and defend other Tichon, and Yuct, the outcasts and martyrs. Tichon are not bound to a single social role and are quick to switch from one role to another if needed.
Ti are the Tichon who take care of the eggs and younglings. Some carry the egg sacks, some teach schools, and some guide them on short trips out of the community and into the wider world. In times of danger, the Ti are the last line of defense, protecting the children and eggs from all threats.
Ch are the gatherers and farmers. Some go on long expeditions and bring back whatever they can carry. Others stay with the community, farming and supplying a constant stream of food. A few Ch monitor the food as it comes in, making sure the nutritional needs of the community are met while also preparing for famines or preventing overhunting.
On are the builders and protectors. If a building is damaged, On repair it. If some Ch are going on an overnight hunting trip, several On go with them. If a predator decided to attack a Tichon community, On are the first ones to fight back.
Yuct are the Tichon that have no role and exist outside of a Tichon community. While some Tichon become Yuct by a grievous error in their duty, most voluntarily become Yuct. For example, if a community is facing a famine, one or two of the largest Tichon will become Yuct. After leaving a community, Yuct may travel large distances. If enough Yuct decide to gather in a new place, they can form a new community and take a new role.
As society has expanded and the Tichon took to the stars, every Tichon is considered a part of the intergalactic community. Tichon as a whole follow the old social roles, but in modern ways. Some Ti are trained as teachers, Ch can become merchants, and On seek trade skills and higher education.
Religiously, many Tichon subscribe to their religion, also called Tichon. Tichon is a belief that dead Tichon ascend to a Spiritual Plane that exists parallel to the current physical plane. The Tichon on the Spiritual Plane can lend their strength and experience to the Tichon on the physical plane, allowing the living to do amazing feats. However, the Spiritual Plane drains the living Tichon, calling to their souls for as long as they are assisted. A Tichon calling for the help of the ancestors is risking his life for the greater good.
The religion of Tichon is filled with stories of past heroes and mythical figures. Many Tichon pass on stories of their ancestors, and some stories are known by almost every Tichon. Tichon constantly reference these stories in conversation, and you can always tell you've bonded with a Tichon because you start to understand their myriad of references.
In the Galactic Federation
Tichon serve as a strong backbone to the GF. Ti teach at many multiracial schools, Ch help on farms and in businesses, and On are seen on nearly every cargo ship.
Tichon are interested in other species' religions, and many decide to convert. Christianity, Judaism, Shinto, Pagan, Matria (Sheta), and Duty (Amiriad) are the most interesting to the Tichon. After converting, Tichon will still exclaim references from their native stories, but will also include references to their new religion as well.
The Tichon are one of the three original races in the Galactic Federation, alongside the Olgoth and Yur. After the Amiriad made first contact, the Tichon were the first to vouch for them to join the Galactic Federation. They continued this friendliness when the Sheta joined, and happily worked alongside Humanity.
After the Human-Amiriad War, the Tichon negotiated with the Galactic Federation on behalf of the Amiriad. It's thanks to the Tichon that the Amiriad did not leave the GF, despite retreating to the far reaches of known space. When Humanity started to struggle after the war, Tichon aid groups offered assistance constantly, though most offers were turned down.
Currently, Tichon are a constant presence in the Galactic Federation. While most prefer to stick within the galactic Tichon community, some do seek jobs working for other races. Their ability to change jobs and sheer physical size and strength makes them greatly coveted among cargo and repair ships.
Bonus Facts
When Humanity made first contact, the Yur provided the initial translations for Yur, Virfu, and Tichon. However, the translation for Tichon was not a direct translation, but was a translation of Tichon after being translated to Yur. Tichon language divides objects and creatures into categories three categories - aquatic, terrestrial, and amphibious - but the incorrect translations accidently associated the categories to genders, much like the old Romance languages. As such, Tichon aquatic translated to Inglo-Russian "she/her", terrestrial translated to "xe/xir", and amphibious translated to "he/him." This incorrect translation was patched in later iterations of translation software.
Tichon do not breath, instead getting their required nitrogen through consuming nitrogen-rich food. While this isn't an issue on Tich, as most plants and animals produce or consume nitrogen, Tichon are prone to nitrogen deficiencies when traveling or working in multi-race environments. Any location where Tichon are expected to work must place small stations that distribute nitrogen enriched cubes for Tichon to take whenever they want.
The "spiritual assistance" Tichon get has been proved to be an adrenal response, with the "spiritual plane calling to the Tichon's soul" actually a nitrogen deficiency. While this is a scientific explanation, some feats in recorded history still defy logic, and many Tichon - and people from other races - choose to still believe in the Tichon receiving help from the Spirit Plane.
Thanks to joining the Galactic Federation, there has been a religious crisis among the Tichon. Yuct have always been revered as martyrs and heroes, giving their life for the greater good. When the Tichon joined the GF, most Tichon called themselves Yuct as they sought employment by other races. As the Galactic Federation grew, those Yuct realized they were not outcasts, but a part of a community. Many Yuct shed the title and regained their communal titles once again.
As the Yuct shed their titles, many Tichon started to associate Yuct with uselessness. If a Tichon could not even find employment from other races, they must truly be a worthless worker. Yuct changed from being revered to ridiculed, and the association between Yuct and failure grew as the media began to associate the two.
Many of the old stories star heroes that either became or were Yuct. And due to the modern interpretation of Yuct, the old legends were in danger of having their stories altered or forgotten. Among the most devoted Tichon priests and scribes, this has caused a mild panic as they try everything to preserve the stories in their originality.
Wingless Dragon introduction here (mobile)
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love-stone · 7 years
Gender-Neutral Linguistics Rambling...
So, I was bothered by the fact that there really isn’t a good gender-neutral term for “aunt/uncle”. Sure, we have “pibling” by analogy from “parent” and “nibling” (itself a portmanteau of “niece/nephew” and “sibling”), but that sounds awful. Other options are “ancle”/”unt” which either sound wayyy too close to one of the original words, or just sound...weird.
For my genderqueer linguistics nerds @mirandatam, @marrella-splendens, and others
tl;dr: I propose one of the following terms as a gender-neutral alternative for “aunt/uncle” in English:
“hyrne”/”hyrnie” meaning “corner” in West-Saxon/Old English (indicating the diagonal relationship one has to their hyrne). 
Alternately, “oblique”/”oblie” from Latin, having essentially the same meaning. 
“emodrie” as a portmanteau of “eme” and “mordie”, each an archaic Middle English term that refers to one’s maternal sibling. 
Alternately, some version of “parenum”/“parennie” (options include “renum”/“rennie”, “rena”/“rennie”, “ren”/”ren-ren”, etc.) from Latin “parent” and modeling after unused “patruus” (father’s brother) and “matertera” (mother’s sister)
“olkin” as a portmeanteau of “elder” (”old”) and “kin” from West-Saxon
Alternately, some version of “parent consociate” from Latin. 
(Explanations/frustrations/6 hours of etymological research summarized under the cut...)
I did some etymological digging, and found that both Old English and Latin had separate terms for matrilineal and patrilineal kin, even though today there is no longer a distinction. Thus:
One’s patrilineal uncle was a “patruus”(L)/”fædera”(OE)
One’s matrilineal uncle was an “avunculus”(L)/”eam”(OE)
Note that we still have “avunculus” in English, meaning “having to do with one’s mother’s brother”
One’s patrilineal aunt was an “amita”(L)/”faþu”(OE)
One’s matrilineal aunt was a “matertera”(L)/”modrige”(OE)
“avunculus” eventually became our modern “uncle”, and “amita” became our modern “aunt” in English today. 
This didn’t help me, as my plan was to essentially change the distinction from "aunt/”uncle” (with the focus on the gender of the person) to “X/Y” where the distinction was instead on which parent the family member was related to (as if “aunt” referred to all your mother’s siblings, and “uncle” referred to all your father’s siblings--regardless of gender). The hope would then be to combine both combinations into one word meaning “parent’s sibling”, but alas, I wasn’t able to come up with a good combination...
So, I decided to turn my sights elsewhere--looking at the etymology of our existing gender-neutral kinship terms, and see if I could find a different pattern to exploit. And so, I discovered:
“parent” comes from Latin “parere” meaning essentially “to bring forth” (a fitting derivation if I do say so myself...). It’s Germanic/West-Saxon equivalent would be “elder”. 
“spouse” comes from Latin “spondre” meaning essentially “to be betrothed to” (also very fitting). It’s Germanic/West-Saxon equivalent would be “gifted” or the archaic “hæmed” meaning “cohabitation/intercourse”
“sibling” comes from West-Saxon “sibb”, meaning “related” (both as a noun and an adjective), and the suffix “-ling” meaning “a follower or resident of X” (consider “underling”, “earthling”, “changeling”, etc.).
Unfortunately, Latinate kinship terms are incredibly gendered, so there is no direct translation for “sibling” in Latin. However, we could refer to one’s sibling as their “shared” or “connected” (since they share the same parents & bloodline) and use the verb “consocio”, giving us one’s “consociate” (kind of like “associate”).
“child” is a direct cognate from Old English “cild”, meaning “child”. It’s Latinate equivalent would be “infant”
“offspring” is another direct cognate with Old English “of-/æf-” (off) and “springan” (to spring-forth). It’s Latinate equivalent would be “fetus” (lit. “to be preagnant”, “to be fertile”, “to be young”)
“cousin” is weird. It’s a combination of Latin “com-” meaning “with” and “sobrin-x” meaning “matrilineal (a.k.a ‘second’) cousin”, or, more preciselly, the offspring of one’s “avunculus”: your mother’s brother’s children (where the ‘-x’ ending behaves just like in “latinx”--it takes the place of the gendered ending denoting a male cousin or a female cousin). Over time, “comsobrin-x” became “cousin”, and stood for all bilateral (meaning having to go in both directions familial relations of three persons or more (which we now have a much finer grain of distinction for: consider “great(-great-...etc.)-aunts/uncles” and “#th-cousin (x-times removed)”)
We unfortunately can’t make a direct analogous word for this in West-Saxon, since we don’t have any sort of terms for any kin past two persons of relation (including things like “grandfather”, though “ealdfæder” works okay for that...). However, we could refer to them as “X’s child” using “bearn”, thus giving us “fædræbearn/faþybearn” for partilineal cousins, and “eambearn/modri(ge)bearn” for matrilineal cousins. 
So, it seems that Latin likes to derive its gender-neutral kinship terms from verbal participles (which are still actually gendered in Latin iirc), whereas West-Saxon simply had nouns for them. This doesn’t really help, as I couldn’t really think of a good verb that embodies “the sharer of your bearer” (which despite being a bomb-ass rhyme, is simply too long to use on a regular basis...RIP), and there wasn’t any sort of established word in West-Saxon that could get the job done...
Compounding this issue is the fact that English makes no distinction between “my parent’s sibling” and “my parent’s sibling’s spouse”, despite the fact that one’s parent’s sibling’s spouse is the other parent’s “sibling-in-law”. Technically, by this logic, my father’s sister should be my “aunt”, and her husband should be my “uncle in-law” since he is my mother’s “brother-in-law”, and, unlike my mother’s brother, he shares no blood with my family. 
Turkish makes this distinction in it’s kinship terms, where one’s “enişte” is the husband of a parent’s sister, and one’s “yenge” is the wife of a parent’s brother. However, Turkish also distinguishes the gender of one’s parent and their sibling in addition to these terms (plus things like an older/younger brother/sister distinction), so you can imagine that kinship terms in Turkish are pretty overwhelming to a native English speaker. Also, this still unfortunately doesn’t help solve the problem at hand, since Turkish adds this distinction, instead of substituting it...
The reason I bring this point up is because a lot of appealing candidates for a gender-neutral term for “aunt/uncle” would involve some form of portmeanteau of “parent’s sibling”, but this is only half the story, unless we want to attach “-in-law” to all of our parent’s sibling’s spouses to remedy this fact. 
So, what was the point of this? Mostly to rant/waste the past 4 or 5 hours looking up etymologies to solve this problem, but I did come up with a couple etymologically sound options for a gender-neutral term for “aunt/”uncle” based on the above evidence:
One idea would be to consider that one’s aunts/uncles sit diagonally from you on a family tree. By this logic, we could incorporate the idea of “across” or “diagonal” into our term. 
Latin offers us “trans” and “oblique”, the former already heavily in use (and giving the diminutive “trannie” which is a big no-no), and the latter sounding odd, and borderline rude (but having the adorable diminutive “oblie”). 
West-Saxon, on the other hand, offers us the word “hyrne” meaning “corner” or “angle”, which actually seems pretty fitting, though “hyrnie” sounds a little too much like “ernie” or “hernia” for my taste...
Another option would be the classic “parent’s sibling” approach
Here, Latin gives us “parent” and “consociate” to work with. “rencon” and “renkie”? “renso” and “rensie”? “parcon” and “parkie”?...
West-Saxon, on the other hand, gives us “olkin” and “olkie” as a shortened form of “old/elder’s kin”. This has a very Anglisch-y feeling to it, but I like that it rolls off the tongue in a similar way to “auntie/uncle”. 
This one may or may not need the “-in-law” additive for spouses, since “kin” somewhat encompasses both “blood” family and “water” family (as in “blood (of the convenant) is thicker than water (of the womb)”), but “olkin-in-law” (or “olkin-law” by haplological processes, possibly eventually leading to one’s “olk” when related by blood) or “olkingif” (if you want to keep Saxon etymology) would still be acceptable
Finally, there’s the option to re-purpose/morph archaic kinship terms:
For Latin: “patruus”, “avunculus”, “amita”, “matertera”
Of these, “avunculus” and “amita” are already now “uncle” and “aunt” respectively. “patruus” and “matertera” have the Latinate roots “patria” and “matria” for mother and father, which we could simply substitute “parent” for, giving us ”parenum” (keeping in mind Latin neuter declensions). 
For West-Saxon: “fædera”, ”faþu”, “eam” and “modrige”
"modrige” (ME “modrie”) and “eam” (ME “eme”/”eem”) are still in dialectical use, and  “fædera” and ”faþu” have too much of “father” in them. However, a portmanteau of the former two would be “emodrie”, which could be a fitting option I suppose?
Of these, I suppose my favorites in descending order are “hyrne”, “emodrie”, and “olkin”.
Summary (copypasted from tl;dr at the top): I propose one of the following terms as a gender-neutral alternative for “aunt/uncle” in English:
“hyrne”/”hyrnie” meaning “corner” in West-Saxon/Old English (indicating the diagonal relationship one has to their hyrne). 
Alternately, “oblique”/”oblie” from Latin, having essentially the same meaning. 
“emodrie” as a portmanteau of “eme” and “mordie”, each an archaic Middle English term that refers to one’s maternal sibling. 
Alternately, some version of “parenum”/“parennie” (options include “renum”/“rennie”, “rena”/“rennie”, “ren”/”ren-ren”, etc.) from Latin “parent” and modeling after unused “patruus” (father’s brother) and “matertera” (mother’s sister)
“olkin” as a portmeanteau of “elder” (”old”) and “kin” from West-Saxon
Alternately, some version of “parent consociate” from Latin
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zoolinguistics · 6 years
‘Dancing the Six’
Being a sort of crossroads town, the Wildwalk village was no stranger to outside traditions, and a well beloved one came from a Maira village that was only a week or two’s journey away. According to urban legend, many generations ago the then-Matria of the Moonpool village had traveled to meet with the then-matria of the Wildwalk, and in good spirits taught them a call-and-response style dance. One dancer in the middle would be decked in bells, and would move their feet and hands in response to a designated ‘ringer’ on the fringe of the circle. The dance was notoriously difficult, for the dancer in the middle not only had to keep their movements graceful, but do so without ringing the bells out of time with the leader. The dance lasted for six turns of tempo, then a seventh ‘cool-down’ at a slower pace.
Over time, the Wildwalk have since adapted a version of the dance into a fun-spirited game, where the goal was to manage to dance for six rounds without missing a beat and being playfully jeered out of the circle. Much like the Moonpool dancer, the participant in the middle would have large bands of bells around their ankles (sometimes even their wrists and/or tail), and one or more ‘ringers’ would be at the edges of the circle with a large stick of bells. The ringers would set a pattern of chimes that the dancer in the middle would have to repeat, keeping the same pace and rhythm while at the same time dancing (moving just your feet was considered wimping out). Managing to last six rounds was notoriously difficult, as each round had a tempo increase and the ringers employing more complex patterns to try and trip the dancer up, and a dancer that managed to successfully ‘dance the six’ was rewarded with one last slower call-and-response round before exiting and letting the next person go.
Dancing the six was a common game at parties and festivals, and hours would go by with people trying their hands (and feet) at going six rounds for bragging rights. Before his untimely death, an eika bard by the name of Falar Beastweave was notorious for managing to successfully dance the six and playing a lyre-like instrument at the same time.
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nexusadventures · 6 years
So I’m trying to organize my writing documents in my computer, and came across this gem! This was my Secret Santa present to the OC matria Ira, and I messaged a bunch of people to get their headcanon’s to incorporate into the story also. It’s such a delight to read this and remember my time of RPing and how it got my creative writing juices flowing again. I really am a bit impressed with how I integrated all these different OC’s into my story!
           The Aurin straightened her matria crown as she stood at one of the lower levels of her treehouse. I have to be brave, she thought, I am a matria said one voice. But another crept in, they will all be looking at you, listening to you, watching you…waiting for you to mess up. She shook her head from side to side, as if to shake that voice out of her mind, her hair swinging around her ears. I must do my part for the community if I want the Aurin to be connected like we were back home…She took a deep breath, pulling on her ears. Before another bad thought could come up, she drowned it out with one last encouraging one; they are desperate for someone to gather them together, and I am one of the only Aurin stepping up to the plate…I-I must… She gave one hard tug at her winged ears, before letting go and stepping down the stairs.
           When she stepped out of her quarters, all of her anxious feeling dissipated as she took in the beauty. Before stepping fully out the door, she could feel the cool air; raising little goosebumps on her blue skin and awakening her body. She closed her eyes as she stepped out of the door, taking a deep calming breathe of the cool crisp air. The sharpness pierced her lungs and made her feel alive and alert, strengthening her soul. When she opened her eyes, the sight took her breath away. The entire Village was blanketed in a light layer of snow, as small and fluffy snowflakes were falling merrily from the sky. Although the air was chilly, there was certain warmth to it; it was cool enough to nip at you but not enough to cause discomfort. An excited smile creeped over the matria’s face, and she rushed across her grounds and towards the main area of the Village. As she stepped, snow crunched beneath her feet with a playful sound; causing her to squeal in delight. It’s like a magic spell has fallen over the Verdune Village, she thought to herself as she took it all in. The lights from the candles flickered against the freshly fallen snow, causing it to sparkle and shine with glittery wonder. All anxieties banished, Ira rushed down the steps and towards the sound of happy Aurin playing in the square…her square.
           When she reached the square, she noticed it was no longer just the open concrete area that it usually was…a layer of ice lay over it, glittering and shimmering much like the snow. There were more than just Aurin here too; there were humans, and even a Granok or two sliding around this newly formed rink on her plot. Stopping at the edge of it, the matria was overcome with a wave of anxiety as a few of them began to turn their heads to look at her. She fidgeted at the leaves on her dress and bit her lip, as she watched the bodies slide past her in a blur.
           “Over here! There she is!” She heard a voice call out, and she looked and saw that young green Aurin…Meeri was it?, waving excitedly to her from the rink. “Join us Matria Horizonwalker!”! she squealed as she happily skated by with her brother Calean, giggling in joy at the bat-eared aurin.
           Ira wrung her hands nervously, “Th-thank you Meeri…I-I’m glad-d-d that you-you m-m-made it…” Ira spotted many of those from the Verdune Village, as well as lots other friends she had. Taulin and Lilaac were spinning together on the ice, Lonari was skating by full speed. She saw Ivar clunkily moving about the rink. Valkirius and Neithe were standing on the edge as well, watching everyone go by. Rigena and Tanwyn brushed passed them, arm in arm with one another. Reeder was fiddling with some skates, and just then Toadie flew by recklessly; causing some snow to splash up into his face. Kyrize stood a little ways from Ira, looking unsure of whether to join the fun or watch on the sidelines like some of the others.
            Just then, the matria felt a reassuring hand lightly placed on her shoulder; she turned and saw her first consort, Teraak. “Oh, th-there you are,” she said with a sigh of relief.
           “Here I am, and I’ll be by your side all night” his blue eyes looked at her with encouragement, and she returned it with a warm smile. Suddenly, his look turned playful, “But you should join the rest of us, come on…give it a try!” he urged, giving her a gentle push towards the rink.            “B-but wait! I-I don’t have th-th-the special shoes!”            “Got ya covered” he beamed at her, reaching down to his left where a pair of ice-skates stood in the snow. The male squatted down, putting his knees in the snow to assist the matria, “Just lift your foot and I’ll take your shoes off and slide these on, I don’t want you to get wet from stepping in the snow…”
           Ira nodded, as Teraak squatted down in the snow; sacrificing his own comfort for Ira’s. He didn’t mind though, and it brought him great joy to be able to help make the matria more comfortable; especially when he knew she would be very nervous. He gingerly slid her foot-wrap off, and slid the skate on as quickly as possible so as to not allow her feet to get too cold. After sliding them on, he laced them both up nice and tight. Giving the tops of the skates a pat, he finally looked up at her. “How does that feel? You ready?” he asked with a smile.
           “A-as good as it-it’s g-g-going to get…” the matria responded, with a small giggle.
           Teraak stood up, and wiped the snow off his hands, “So let’s go then!” he exclaimed, sliding out onto the rink with Ira.
           The Aurin swirled past them in a dizzying way, and the matria had to close her eyes; getting slightly overwhelmed. “I’m right here next to you…” her consort had said encouragingly, “it’s just like dancing, just dance across the ice with me.”
           At that, Ira’s eyes shot open. Dancing was something she could do. Looking at the others, she realized how much like dancing it really was. They slid in and out of each other’s paths in such flowing and intersecting ways. As she watched the paths everyone was taking around the ice, it reminded her of the way in which everyone’s Weave strand is connected and intersecting. Taking another deep breath of cool air, the matria felt some more bravery enter her lungs. Brushing her snow-flaked white hair out of her eyes, she leaned forward; and suddenly started. Teraak was caught off guard, and could only watch at first.
           Ira moved swiftly across the ice, gaining speed and momentum at first. As she did her first turn about the rink, everyone there smiled at her encouragingly; waving excitedly as she passed. He could see her take a deep breath and close her eyes quickly again. She then began to glide gracefully across the shimmering rink, extending her arms elegantly as she flowed among the others. Teraak had said it was like dancing to encourage her, but the matria showed him how much like dancing this sport really was. Her grace and beauty dominated the rink, and everyone slowed to a halt to watch her spin and sway. Her bright blue skin and white hair offset the scene around them with the falling snow and ice. The matria truly seemed at one with her surroundings, and they only enhanced her beauty.
           She was lost in her movements across the ice, not even noticing the many eyes upon her. Ira felt so connected to the weave, as she twirled and swirled in elation.
           “Come on everyone, don’t just stand and watch; let’s all join in!” Teraak had shouted, before rushing out to meet her on the ice. The crowd at Verdune Village nodded, and joined them.
           After a good time on the rink, the Matria skated towards the middle and stopped. She looked around nervously, wringing her hands before piping up to get everyone’s attention, “Ex-excuse m-m-me…” she stuttered out, only a few noticed. Taking a deep breath she raised her voice so everyone could hear, “Excuse me ev-ev-everybody!” she finally exclaimed. Suddenly, all of those skating around her skid to a stop. Meeri fell down and crashed into Calean at the sudden stop.
           With everyone’s eyes on her, the Matria began to be overcome with anxiety. She closed her eyes, took another deep breath, and brushed her hair off her face. Clearing her throat, she mustered up the courage to address the crowd again: “I w-w-would n-n-now like to mo-move us all t-t-t-to the lawn in front of the-the treehouse, by the fire” She gave a curt nod, and skated out and off the little rink that had formed.
           Clumping through the snow, Ira went through the gates towards the treehouse and the fire: lined up behind the wall were many lanterns. The matria and Teraak stood on either side of the entrance to this area of the village, and as everyone walked in and towards the fire they handed each attendee a lantern to hold. Once everyone was in front of the fire, Ira walked towards the front of the group with Teraak; each holding their own lanterns.
           As Ira approached the front of the group, she bit her lip nervously and looked to Teraak with pleading eyes. He understood that at this point, the Matria’s nerves had overcome her and it would be best for him to take over. “Hello everyone, and thanks for coming!” boomed the matria’s consort. “Ira has always celebrated this time by releasing a lantern and reflecting on the year, and with hopeful wishes for the year ahead. We thought it would be nice to include the Village and our friends in this ceremony and celebration, as well as hear from all of you what your traditions have been during this Winter Solstice.” He paused and looked to Ira, who gave a meek but satisfied nod; indicating that he was saying the right things. Before continuing, he looked at the crowd to gauge their response. Everyone’s eyes seemed interested and excited, so Teraak continued. “For me, I like to spend this time enjoying a nice feast…which we have prepared for everyone afterwards…and spending time with my loved ones.” At this, Teraak reached over with his free hand and grabbed Ira’s, giving it a loving squeeze. He then looked back over the crowd, and closed his eyes in a reflective moment. Looking up towards the treetop, Teraak released his lantern. As it floated up he addressed the crowd at the Village again. “Would anyone else like to share with us what you like to do at this time, or how you had celebrated this solstice period in the past?”
           Looking over the crowd, Teraak and Ira noticed that this was not an easy request of many of the attendees. As they looked across the faces of the aurin, humans, and others there; there was much pain and hesitation in the eyes of many. The Exiles were after-all: Exiled. All of the Aurin in the village share a loss of their old life and planet, and with that many of the traditions and experiences that are linked with such a celebration. The memory of what was lost was inevitably painful and difficult for many to think about, let alone share. For those whose faces were plagued by sadness (and a few even tears), they stayed silent and seemed to drift off into long ago memories. Some released their lanterns, while others seemed to reflect more on their past; even closing their eyes.
           For others though, this opportunity to discuss their past was an exciting endeavor, and a way to keep their traditions alive.
           It seemed that one Aurin in the crowd though, displayed a mixture at both. Kyrize raised his hand, and started making his way towards the front a bit. “I would like to share my tradition…” he spoke up, and as he made his way to the middle of the crowd they all parted and formed a disjointed circle around him to look and listen. “Well, in my village we really valued and worshipped the sun in a way. The sun cycle is very important when it comes to plant life, after all. At this time of the year, when there is the least sun; it becomes even more important to appreciate the harvest that is grown with the aid of the sun, and all that the sun provides us with. This helps us appreciate it properly, and hopefully bring in some much needed sunlight to the season. So, at this time my community would celebrate by hosting a huge feast representing the bounty the sun has provided. We didn’t just eat though, dance circles with singing and chanting was just as important to our celebration as the food!”  The tawny Aurin stopped and smiled to himself, lost in a happy memory of a celebration long gone by. Suddenly, his smile faded and a solemn look spread across the Aurin’s face. “Yes, that is how my family and my village celebrated back home on Arboria.” Kyrize’s ears drooped and he gave a deep sigh, before looking up towards the sky and holding up his lantern. “Hopefully I will be able to celebrate with my daughter like that again someday…” he released his lantern, and it floated upwards lightly; contrasted the suddenly heavy mood. He looked down and put his hands in his pockets. Kicking at the snow he then looked up and around for the next to share.
           At that, another male Aurin spoke up. “I’d like to speak about my village’s tradition!” the voice exclaimed, and purple ears began making its way through the crowd and towards where Kyrize had been standing. Tanwyn reached the middle of the crowd, and looked around eagerly. “While all the Aurin share many traditions, we all had some things that were specific to certain regions. In the Evershade where I’m from, our forests are covered with large trees whose canopies let very little sunlight to the forest floor. So, during the solstices and equinoxes we had a large celebration at the Glade of the Sun, the largest area in the Evershade where the canopy allowed Arboria’s sun to reach the forest floor. At noon on these days the Glade was brightly filled with sunlight and the aurin of the Evershade bared their fears and worries to allow the light of the sun aid in seeing things anew. These were also days of cleansing and celebration of the newborns. But that wasn’t all we did to celebrate. Leading up to the days we gathered at the Glade of the Sun, we also had the Rites of the Hunt.” Tanwyn smiled, barring his fangs as he continued, “Hunting was an honored tradition and hunters were held in high regard, entrusted with the sacred task of taking life to uphold the Balance. The days and nights leading up to a hunt were filled with ceremonies that revered the hunters ending in the community gathering what supplies they could spare to help the hunters fulfill their hallowed duty. These supplies were sacrifices from the community that not only displayed their respect for the hunters that would bring food but also a representation of the sacrifice of the animals that provided the food. There were also celebrations at the hunters’ return as well as rites held for those that the Weave took during the Hunt for not all the hunters always returned. While these rites held some sadness for the losses they also encouraged rejoicing for those who passed, for they were considered blessed to be chosen by the Weave.” At this, an expression of mournful pride overcame his face. “During one of the Rite’s, my father was killed by a beast of the Evershade on a Hunt…” Tanwyn stopped and held up his lantern. “We are still all connected in the Weave” he added with a proud smile, as he let his lantern go and float up towards the tree top.
           Quite a few of the other Aurin nodded in agreement; some even repeating the words as they released their lanterns as well. Suddenly, another voice pierced the tranquility of the moment. “Oh rot, guess I’ll share mine too!” A female Aurin with white cat ears poking out of a headwrap was seen crunching her way through the bit of snow towards Tanwyn, from the same section he was standing in before. He stepped over, allowing his mate Regina to speak. “Well what ya gotta understand about where I’m from on Arboria, is that it’s very different from alotta the villages yer from. I lived far up North, in a part of the world where winter would mean six months of night-time, more or less. We would only get an hour or so of daylight durin’ the winter’s. Except for the equinox, durin’ then it was solid night for a whole week! Piss the sea, bet none of ya’ ever seen nothin’ like that! Well, when that happened we called it the Long Night and had a vigil to hold back the darkness.” Rigena suddenly stopped and looked at her lantern with a fascinated expression, “Not too much different than yer lanterns here Matria!” she exclaimed with a nod to Ira. Chuckling, Rigena continued. “So, durin’ these vigils we made it a real meery celebration; lots of laughin’, singin’, and all ‘round merrymakin’ to warm up our frozen spirits. And that it did.” Rigena smiled a happy and warm smile, as she looked into her lantern. The flickering flames reminded her of the flames from her vigils so long ago, and she released the lantern into the air fondly.
           By this time, many of those gathered had released their lanterns as well; but some were still holding onto theirs, including Matria Horizionwalker.
           “Th-th-thank you for sharing, it wa-wa-was truly wond-der-der-ful to hear all….all of your traditions,” the Matria finally spoke up. Clutching at her lantern, the aurin bit her lip nervously. “Al-although we have...have…all suff-suffered many losses, that which we…we…we have lost is st-still a p-p-p-part of us in the Weave.” Taking a short pause, Ira gave Teraak’s hand another squeeze for reassurance. “By-by re-remembering that, and gath..gath…gathering together, we c-c-c-can keep our ol-old traditions alive, and…and m-m-make new ones!” The Matria squeaked her last statement happily, and looked at all of those gathered in her village she beamed brightly and released her lantern. Taking the Matria’s cue, those whose lanterns remained nodded and released theirs as well. Ira turned to Teraak smiling widely, and her consort clasped his hands together and exclaimed, “And now to the feast!”
           The various races within the village cheered, and began making their way towards the food and drink as a very light snow began to fall once more upon the village. It was a happy day, and a wonderful celebration for all. The first winter solstice on Nexus may have been difficult and painful for many, but there was hope in it as well. They were all here on a new planet finally, and starting to repair and restore their broken lives. Though things were no longer the same, all of these Exiles were able to reflect and relive their past lives for this one night. Though much was lost, much was gained as well; and new traditions were beginning to take root for the Aurin of the Verdune Village and all of their friends.
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smiegrin · 7 years
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I present: my fantroll for @trollprom!
Name: Lanton Lasius
Blood color: Olive (#295503)
Orientation: Red for Girls, and maybe black for boys... kind of. (More on that later)
Relationship status: All open, but he's recently lost his moirail.
Appearance: Sort of scrawny. Eats like a bird. He can lift a surprising amount, but that's mostly because most people would be surprised he can lift anything at all. He is well groomed but mostly adheres to traditional alternian values of usefulness before appearance. Cargo pants are his favorite accessory. He wears corrective lenses that balance his otherwise overwhelmingly powerful nearsightedness.
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Personality: Lanton is SUPER exiteable and enthusiastic, but he tries to reign it in -- he's really self-conscious about it. He's also really, REALLY into the hemocaste and the society that has raised him. He knows that bad stuff happens, and really he's not too keen on some of the leaders, but you would never hear him say that out loud. Or... really believe anyone who said he had those kind of feelings. He readily bows to anyone of higher blood who demands it of him, and really he'll bow anyway if they're at least a purple blood. While he's internalized a lot about the blood castes, he strives to be decent about it. While he does sometimes come off a bit demeaning sometimes ("Careful t}{ere, rusty! You could }{urt yourself. Let a midblood s}{ow you }{ow it's done."), ultimately it's because he wants to serve his society in whatever fashion he can; whether it be obeying the whims of his superiors or trying to be the best leader he knows how to be for everyone else. Concerning romance, Lanton's luck hasn't been so great. He used to have a really, REALLY great moirail, but she left for her rites last sweep, and most of his romantic endeavors have suffered as a result. At least he's a great auspistice and moirail -- almost TOO good. Historically, by the time he feels a little red for someone, they've already gone off with another troll. He respects that, though. Black feelings, on the other hand, come a LOT harder for him. Between not having much animosity to share in the first place and having some REALLY unhealthy expectations of what spades-love is all about, he hasn't really found anyone. Like, ever. He expects some kind of "Hate at first sight" experience where some ninja makes an attempt on his life and frames him for some kind of seditious plot against the highbloods or something. He doesn't get that that kind of hate-love takes WORK and TIME. In terms of occupation, Lanton is a cellular automatist -- a troll who essentially makes computers using living creatures' cells. He used to dabble in making game grubs, but his latest and most successful work in Insect Sector Vectors has landed him in a pretty solid track to become a lead cryptographical engineer. He looks forward to using his knowledge to help crack codes used by the most seditious of rebels and the hardiest of galactic opposition.
Special notes: Lanton has two ant lusii: Matria and Patria. He considers himself particularly lucky for it, but he's quite embarrassed for the untraditional home he's been raised in. They respect his wishes, though, and try to only let anyone see one of them at a time. His horns look like these things -> }[ His whole thing is ants: }0oO He speaks with frequent gasps, and has a tendency to overcomplicate things when under pressure: "}{ello! }{ow are you today?" "I.thought(you.said("It was going to work out fine"));this != FINE; //!!!!!!" He also tends to refer to nouns in camelCase.
Intro clip: Your name is LANTON LASIUS, and boy are you LONELY. You are facing this challenge, as you do with others, by seeking refuge, solace, and solution in the PURE STUDY OF KNOWLEDGE. This latest bout has you horn-deep in the study of NANANT technology which shows GREAT COMPUTATIONAL POTENTIAL. This has only put off the looming dread, however, that much sooner than later, you will need to FILL YOUR FIRST PAIL. You speak in rather regular terms with most trolls, but your typography is "allOfList(}{orrendous, Convoluted(), DifficultToRead)" ESPECIALLY "when(you.become(very*FLUSTERED))"
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Older Matria meeting or at least hearing about the scout?
You’re young, momma says, so it makes sense that you don’t remember much of the scout. The last time she was at your encampment was almost a year ago, according to Aunterezi. Really, all you CAN remember about her is hair. Just. A messy, messy mess of hair attached to a body. You know she’s missing an arm and eye, but that’s only because mother told you she is. Mother tells you that you’re related to the scout, but personally you don’t see it. Momma says it’s because the scout doesn’t really help raise you, but last time she was here she brought you candy she had found. You wish she would come again soon because you don’t remember what candy she brought, and you want more of it, whatever it was.
Momma says it’s rude to only want to see her because you hope she’ll bring you candy but mother seems endeared. She teases momma by saying she hopes the scout will bring her another treat as well and when you ask why momma swatted her because she said that she says that you’re the greatest treat she’s ever been given. You like the sound of that. You’re mother’s greatest treat ever! But you’re not sure what that has to do with the scout. 
The scout is a source of idle fascination for you, trying to figure out how you’re possibly related to her. Aunterezi says you’re loud like she is, with Nepeta leaning on her shoulder and licking at her jaw in the mead hall that Gamzee made only just a year ago. You hope the scout comes back soon so she can see Gamzee’s mead hall, cause it’s really warm in there. Warm enough that you don’t even have to wear long sleeves if you didn’t want to! Mother still makes you though, because she’s fussy. Momma’s friends tell you that you have the scout’s nose, which doesn’t make sense because you have your nose! Kurloz signs that it’s the same bone s-t-r-u-c-t-u-r-e but you don’t know what that means. Firevoice says that you’re nosy like the scout is and you both ask too many questions, and you tell him he’s just stingy with his answers. He ruffles your hair and tells you to get out of his fucking sight, but you know his tone and don’t buy one lick of his shit. He’s proud of you for sticking up for yourself, you think, because he always seems to like you best when you put your foot down, much to momma’s huffing.
One day she does come back, and you dog her for a little while. Uncleridan says you have good eyes and Dirk praises your quiet feet, so she doesn’t even notice you on her tail!
She IS loud. Very showy, you think, and you want to walk up to Nepeta and tell her that the scout is good Vulrupture bait since she’s so noisy she must attract a lot of attention, but you don’t because you’re being sneaky! The scout seems a little surprised that Aunterezi is dating Nepeta, but they’ve been dating for ages so you don’t know why she doesn’t know. You tie one of Auntie Jade’s ribbons on your thumb so you remember to ask mother about it later. She laughs at them though and knocks her elbow against Aunterezi’s and Aunterezi snaps her teeth at her in return, underneath her face mask so her lips don’t freeze off. 
The scout annoys Firevoice and gets shouted at it a bunch for it, which you think is fair, because even you don’t intentionally annoy the Firevoice. Dumb scout! You think you’re done being related to her now. She’s stupid dumb. You also think you’re done shadowing her. You’ve learned enough.
“Hey sugar,” Auntie Feferi greets with one of her big grins. Even when she’s wearing her face mask, you can see her eyes underneath her goggles and you know she’s giving you one, which makes you smile back. She asks you if you’re done stalking your third mom, and you tell her she’s not related to you anymore. Feferi is a very smart person and always listens to you, so you’re sure she’ll understand.
“Oh is that so?” she asks, her shoulders shaking just a little with laughter. You tell her you decided so a minute ago because she’s dumb and makes the Firevoice yell at her even when he didn’t start out yelling at her, which gets you more laughter but it’s okay because Auntie Feferi’s laughter is the best. You tell momma and mother too and they also seem humored, and you remember to ask them about Nepeta and Aunterezi which makes momma snort. Mother tells you that after she had her thing with mother the scout used to date Aunterezi and they had lots of fight sex and you’re not sure what that means but you guess the scout got dumped from not showing up for a whole year. You like Aunterezi dating Nepeta better anyway, and momma asks you if you only think that because Nepeta is the only person you can remember Aunterezi dating, and you think about it and the conversation ends with you sticking your tongue out at her.
At dinner that night, the scout sits at the wide table with the Firevoice and the Builder and Dave and Tavros and mother and you. Momma is sitting with Kurloz and Aradia, but you kind of wish she was up here with you because the scout is talking to you and you don’t know how to feel about that. She asks you if you remember her and you tell her you remember her hair and she laughs and gives you something she found on her travels. It’s a giant chocolate ball with a toy inside, and you’ve never had chocolate before but you guess you can be related to her again, now. Even if she does make Firevoice yell for no reason. 
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floral-and-fine · 7 years
The Matriarch part 1
General Armitage Hux x Female OC, Matria Vix
Summary: After the death of Supreme Leader Snoke, his first apprentice returns to the First Order. After witnessing Hux being mistreated, Matria is ready to protect him at all cost, and her return poses a threat to Kylo’s new position. 
A/n: I’ve had this done and ready to post since like New Year’s day... I’m working on a drawing of my OC and wanted to post it with this, but who knows when I’ll finish it. 
 Anyways, I hope y’all enjoy part 1 :)
Thank you so much @mandalorian-slut for all the help with editing :D
Warning: smut
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“Kylo!” Matria’s voice roared. “Don’t you ever hurt him again.”
General Hux remained suspended in midair after Kylo Ren tried to throw him across the room.
The sound of her boots echoed throughout the cockpit as she entered. Kylo’s head snapped in her direction, his eyes narrowed, however, his arm remained high up as he honed his force abilities.
Matria’s robe dragged behind her as she strode toward Kylo and Hux.
Armitage felt a wave of relief wash over him, she had finally returned. Matria lowered the ginger-haired man back on his feet, easily taking control of the force previously manipulated by Kylo.
Most of the First Order had deemed her dead after going MIA on her last mission. Supreme Leader Snoke, however, had remained adamant that she was alive and would return successful. Snoke had always shown an uncharacteristic amount of trust in Matria, beyond anyone else.
Kylo snarled, obvious disgust with how she always came to Hux’s aid. He didn’t understand why she made such a fuss over a weakling like General Hux, a bastard weakling.  Constantly protecting and defending the snake even when it pitted her against everyone else, even himself - Snoke’s newest apprentice.
Matria’s return was the last thing he needed. In all honesty, Kylo had hoped that she had died, or at least abandoned the First Order.  Matria Vix was Snoke’s first apprentice, and nothing he ever did was good enough in the bask of her light. It never failed that in the eyes of the supreme leader that she was more promising than him.
“Snoke is dead,” Kylo stated coldly, though the raw emotional distress was evident in his dark eyes. It may not have been evident to most but to her, it stood out like a bright red cruiser in an armada or gray tie-fighters.
“So I’ve been informed upon my arrival,”  Matria clasped her hands in front of her as Hux stood behind her. He stood up straight with royal posture but his breathing was still strained as he recovered from his previous assault.
“Coward,” Kylo hissed through gritted teeth. “Always hiding in the shadow of those more powerful than you.”
Matria gripped her fist tightly, evidently growing more irritated by his emotional outburst. She’d kill Kylo before he had a chance to hurt Hux again.
“Don’t you have more pressing matters to deal with right now?”  
That scavenger had escaped, again, and it was Ren who captured her, just like last time. Seems like it was becoming a trend. Rumor had it that this girl was quite powerful with the Force, but only Kylo had faced her battle. Matria could only imagine the shame he must have felt when that girl defeated him.
“So that’s Crait…” Matria mused, her eyes lighting up, obviously intrigued. All that was left of the resistance was there. She could easily snuff them all out. But now wasn’t the time, Matria needed something to keep Kylo out of her hair.
Kylo turned his head in the direction she was looking.
“Prepare your fleets, find the scavenger girl, and kill her! The more time you waste the better prepared they’ll be,” Matria ordered.
She turned her heel to leave.
“Where are you going?” Kylo hissed.
“To see the supreme leader.”
“I am the supreme leader now,” The black haired man practically shouted.
“Kylo,” she sighed. “I literally don’t give a fuck who you think you are.”
“I’d watch your mouth-”
“-Go, kill the rebel scum who did this,” she cut him off. “Don’t fail the Order, Ren.”
Matria lifted her hand shooing him out. Kylo huffed, gritting his teeth. The nerve. She was always testing him. She was aware how badly he wanted to scream at her for her blatant disrespect but he had the last of the resistance to exterminate.
Matria Vix watched Kylo Ren leave and wanted to laugh, how could a bratty boy like that become the next supreme leader? A part of her wanted to linger, watch Kylo feel the sting of embarrassment this scavenger was about to serve him. The girl had already bested him twice.  But Matria had to see for herself that the Supreme Leader was dead.
Hux followed her out of the cockpit. He was obviously still shaken up. She hadn’t noticed earlier, but he had dark circles under his eyes and he pale skin looked sickly under the harsh lights.
“Are you alright?” Matria asked a subtle concern in her voice that many wouldn’t pick up on. Armitage, however, did.
Hux grimaced, he must look terrible for her to even bother asking. “None of this has been ideal, but it is fortunate that you have returned to m-.. us.” He took in a deep breath. “The First Order appreciates your loyalty, Matria Vix.”
The woman nodded, at least he had survived. From what she had heard between losing Starkiller base and his failure to exterminate the rebels he was lucky to still be alive. Snoke must have been furious.
“The Republic was destroyed, the galaxy won’t be recovering from that for a long time,” she attempted to remind him of the positive.
“We did… probably the only thing that went right,” he responded still looking and sounding bitter.
“Heard you were able to track the resistance through hyperspace?” she added, a positive tone laced in her normal stoic voice.
Hux snorted as if he found her positivity humorous, “Does that really count towards anything?”
“It’s never been done before,” Matria acknowledged. “Maybe it’s a sign that you’ll accomplish even more impossible feats.”
Hux looked thoughtful for a moment, maybe she was able to get through to him just a little.
“Were you successful?” he asked after a brief moment of silence, Hux didn’t know the specifics of her mission, just that Snoke had requested her to retrieve something.  
“Depends on how you measure success,” she replied. “Did I follow orders and complete my mission? Yes.”
Her hands balled into tight fists. “But, I’m left having to question whether it was worth it, compared to everything we lost during my absence.”
“Still… You being here means a great deal to the First Order.”
She was thankful Hux couldn’t see the smile playing on her lips through the mask she sported, it felt good to be back.
“Commander,” an officer approached them. “The bodies have been successfully recovered and have been transferred to another ship.”
“Good, prepare a transport ship for me immediately,” Matria ordered the officer.
She turned to face Hux.
“I am going to see the Supreme leader, stay here, come find me if anything comes up.”
Lying on the cold metallic surface of an observation table, was Snoke’s corpse.  Whoever was in charge had tried to make the body look as ceremonious as possible, considering that he had been cut in half.
She removed her helmet, setting it aside on an empty table. Looking around the room she felt her heart stop. A saddened melancholy setting in.
Seeing all nine bodies, or at least what remained of them, disturbed her more than she had predicted. Matria Vix had certainly seen her fair share of corpses, plenty of which had died by her hand, but what shocked her was that none of these skilled fighters had survived.
How could a scavenger defeat the Supreme Leader and kill all eight of the elite praetorian guards?  The very same guards she assisted in training. Without hesitation, they would’ve used any means necessary to kill this girl.
With a gloved hand, she touched Snoke’s lifeless arm.
Matria had felt it when he died.. his death surprised him. Moments before, he felt like he had won a delicious victory. Everything playing out just like he wanted. Then, his sudden death. He never saw it coming. Through the Force she felt his death, and most importantly she felt his betrayal.
She had rushed back to the fleet immediately, Matria knew she was too late to intervene with his death, but she had to return.
Upon arrival when she saw the damage to Snoke’s ship and the others in the fleet, Matria was close to panicking. But when she remembered her training she was able to maintain a calm composure.
The first person she thought of was Armitage. She reassured herself, that he was a survivor, he’d still be alive by the time she reached him.
So much had been lost. She refused to accept that he too had been a part of such tragedy. Matria should’ve been there, she could have intervened, helped to defend against the scavenger and the resistance.
These guards had been the closest thing to equals she had, other than Kylo Ren that is. She scoffed at the thought, Kylo’s constant inner turmoil would always keep him beneath her. He was a raging storm, while she was the delicate light of a peaceful sunset.
Looking down at the limp lifeless body, she shook her head, there was something that wasn’t adding up here. Even with the Force, all eight of them attacking this girl at once, the odds still would’ve been in their favor. It doesn’t matter how strong with the Force she supposedly was.
It was through that same very Force that Vix knew something was wrong.. The mass amount of feelings that had pledged her mind at the moment of her Master’s death… He felt betrayal… Why?
‘Kylo was there too,’ a voice in her head reminded her. ‘He somehow survived.’
Her eyes narrowed, why did this girl leave him behind alive?
Could it be that Kylo watched as she slaughtered them, not daring to help his Master? Or did he help kill them all and then allowed her to leave? It would make more sense that Kylo was the one to kill the Supreme Leader himself, much more than some nobody.
There was no proof for the hunch she had. But she trusted the Force.
Matria closed her eyes, diminishing the spark of anger before it could fully ignite. She would not allow hatred to fuel her like it did Kylo Ren.
If she found any evidence supporting her suspicions, then she would expose Kylo as a traitor, and then execute him for the sake of the First Order.  But for now, there was the remaining threat of rebel scum. They were low on numbers, so close to being wiped out.
The door slid open.
Her head jerked up to see who had entered. It was General Hux and Kylo Ren, both of them looked worn out. The galaxy should consider itself lucky that the two of them have never created a true alliance. They tolerated each other but never truly worked hand in hand. The fact they were constantly competing with one another, held them back.
Neither of them spoke right away, they both looked stunned.
For a moment she stared back at them, waiting for someone to speak. It’s not until Armitage glanced over at her black helmet on the countertop did she realize what their curious reactions stemmed from. This was the first time either of them had seen her without her helmet.
She wanted to laugh, both men were speechless upon seeing her face to face. Matria could only suspect that she wasn’t what either of them imagined. A fair-skinned girl with soft eyes. Master Snoke had always advised her to keep her helmet on, saying that conventional beauty was a weakness.
Kylo stared at her for a few more baffling seconds before averting his gaze like he had walked in on her in a compromising position. This was an insult, Snoke’s favorite warrior, his star pupil, underneath the helmet was just some pretty girl?
Hux’s adam apple bobbed as he gulped, his blue eyes unwavering as he stared at her. He was mesmerizing her face, afraid that this would be the only time he’d ever see it. She was exquisite.
Hux had often wondered what was underneath the helmet of his protector, but he never dared to imagine her to be so beautiful. Like Phasma she had always remained masked, never showing her face to a living soul.
“Am I needed?” her voice broke the silence as she cocked a curious brow at the two men.
Hux almost choked hearing her voice for the first time unfiltered. He blinked a couple of times completely aghast, as he regained his composure. He straightened his posture and cleared his throat.
“The remaining higher-ups want to speak with you,” Hux finally announced, his hands placed professional behind his back as he spoke.
“Lead the way, General.”
As Matria Vix entered the comm room, she was greeted by blank stares. It was obvious they had no idea who she was without her signature helmet. She sat it on the table and watched as it dawned on each of them who she was.
“Commander Matria Vix, allow me to be the first to welcome you back-”
“You have been missed.”
“Surely, you would have been able to eliminate that damn scavenger.”
The boggled officers continued to talk over one another, showering her with praise.  She could sense Kylo’s anger build as she met his dark eyes, even without Snoke’s influence Matria Vix remained the favorite.
She took a seat and faced the men and women who seemed so eager to hear from her. Both Kylo and Hux remained standing.
“My priority has always been the First Order, I cannot relay how much it angers me that I arrived too late,” she said while looking at what was left of the First Order.
“We all understand your circumstances,” one of them said. “You were fulfilling the last orders the Supreme Leader had given you.”
“I’m looking forward to continuing my work with the First Order. Was there anything else?”
“Ah-hm,” one of the admirals coughed, all eyes going to him, “There is something we wanted to discuss with both of you present.” The man looked at Kylo Ren for a brief second and then back to Matria Vix.
She nodded her head encouraging him to continue. For years, despite having always been behind the helmet, Vix always had a friendly aura that felt much more welcoming compared to Ren’s emotional mess. This was reason enough for the commanding bodies choosing favorites. It was like choosing a rabid feral animal over a trained domesticated one, the choice was simple.
“Kylo Ren has assumed the position of Supreme Leader,” his voice shaky, his eyes shifting side to side. She noticed how he glanced at General Hux, who stood behind her chair, ever so briefly before he continued speaking.  “H-However, with your return, there have been some questions as to who is rightfully Supreme Leader Snoke’s predecessor.”
“I am,” Kylo hissed, the man shrunk away at the outburst.
“I’d like to hear what they have to say,” She snapped back, turning to glare at the black haired man.
“Well… Matria Vix was the Supreme leader’s first apprentice,” the officer explained, none of which was new information to anyone. “Not to mention she had completed her training before Kylo Ren even arrived.”
“That doesn’t mean anything!” Kylo yelled, feeling his new position slip through his fingers. The respect, the power! She hadn’t even been back for an entire day and she was already taking everything he had gained.
“I am the Supreme Leader! I was meant to take over-”
Having enough of this tomfoolery Matria Vix decided to remind Kylo why she was the favorite student. She barely lifted her index finger, willing the Force to do her bidding, and sent Kylo flying across the room. Matria was tired of listening to him whine like a spoiled Coruscantian child not being given the most expensive toy in stock.
“We… “ the man glanced at Kylo as he landed on the floor, “We were thinking perhaps you would be interested in the position?” He gestured towards her.
She sighed, they had a point. Perhaps she was rightfully Snoke’s heir. Despite her uncertainties, one thing was clear, Kylo Ren wasn’t the right one to lead.
“Kylo Ren is too volatile to lead the First Order, his motivations are selfish and his judgment remains clouded by his own ambitions.”
Kylo scrambled off the floor, baring his teeth. “Then are you suggesting that you are more capable?”
“We all know that I am,” she answered, a knowing twinkle in her eyes. Her hand hovered above her lightsaber just in case he decided to try anything really reckless.
“Then you’ll become the next Supreme Leader?” a hopeful sounding officer asked.
“I lack the vision of a true leader. I am merely a tool to be implemented to help shape someone else’s vision.”
“Then there is no one else!” Kylo hissed. “You and I are the only ones powerful enough to lead.”
“It takes more than raw power to rule!” Matria Vix countered, the annoyance very evident in her tone, standing from her seat the chair hit the floor.
“Then who do you suggest?” Kylo questioned, inching towards her.
“General Hux,” she answered immediately.
“Captain Hux,“ her master acknowledged the young man who just entered, a facade of casual respect that was easily seen through. He waved his hands in the air before presenting the armored girl at his side.
“This is Matria Vix, my apprentice,” he introduced her, pushing her forward. “She’s just returned from a mission and will be staying on Starkiller base for the meantime. You’re close to her in age, show her around so she may get acquainted with her surroundings.”
“Of course, Supreme Leader.”
Armitage looked up at her, there was no way of telling whether she was girl or how old she was. Matria Vix was quite an intimidating sight, resembling the Sith Lords of the Empire in her black attire and helmet.
She followed Hux. He appeared irritated that he had been bothered to do something trivial like this.
She walked behind him as he talked rapidly about what was what, and who was who. It was apparent he was intelligent. At such a young age he had moved up through the ranks of the First Order.
The base was absolutely massive, Stormtroopers hustled passed her oblivious to almost everything but their objective. She admired the organization that obviously was followed in this vast organization. Having a very limited knowledge of the internal workings of military or political processes she was excited to learn of this from Captain Hux.
"This is the briefing room-” The slender ginger-haired man gestured into a room. Vix glanced in, thinking nothing special of a few tables and chairs. What did catch her attention was the older man who sat at one of the tables, holopad in hand.
Captain Hux seemed keen on ignoring this individual but she was curious to know who he was. Snoke had told her to try and memorize as many faces and names as she could, at least in reference to the higher-ups in the First Order. It was important for his star apprentice to be knowledgeable of his organization.
“Who is that?” She asked Hux, who seemed to cringe slightly.
The wavered voice of the helmet echoed through the briefing room and caught the attention of the uniformed man. He was burly and older, one of the first members of the First Order, you assumed.
To her surprise, the man stood up, holopad in hand, as he stamped out of the small room and into the hall. His expression furious as he marched forward, begrudging eyes fixated on Captain Hux.
“Just because you’re the bastard son of Brendol Hux, doesn’t mean kriff!” the geezer spat, his voice angry but hushed to keep things personal.
He subtly yanked hard on Hux’s arm, earning a deathly stare from the younger man.
“You have the audacity to disagree with me again during a briefing again. You have no right! the only reason you’ve climbed the ranks instead of being shoved into Stormtrooper conditioning is because you’re too weak to fight and your father seems to care for you.” He sneered. “You know what they used to do to bastard boys like you on my homeworld?” He raised his hand to Hux, as if he was about to hit him.
Hux flinched as the older officer threatened him.
Matria was utterly disgusted, the old man was being petty, feeling insulted that a boy more than half his age had already surpassed him.
“This is clearly the best option,” Hux countered, standing by his decision. "I wouldn’t disagree with you if you made the best decision by the First Order.”
“Listen boy-” The officer slammed Hux’s back against the wall, making sure to peer around to confirm no one of importance was watching. With a swift moment he took a fist to the younger man's jaw, he seemed to take great pleasure on the fear he inflicted.
The man suddenly released his grip on Hux and dropped to his knees, his fingers clawed at his throat in desperation.
“Don’t touch him again, do you understand?” Matria Vix muttered through gritted teeth, her voice sounding almost scary through the modulator in her helmet.
The man’s face started to turn purple as he vigorously nodded his head, not taking her words for granted.
“Well?” she asked, looking at Captain Hux for a reaction.
The man was aghast, tears swelling in his blue eyes and his pale face red with disbelief. His life was in Hux’s hands now… whether he lived or died?
Captain Hux stood up, brushing himself off before smirking. He didn’t understand why she had helped him, but he wasn’t going to question it now. He watched intently as the man squirmed beneath him.
“Let him go,” The young Captain finally muttered, a smug smile pulling on his lips.
The older man fell over, holding himself up by his hands. He was still breathing raggedly, as the color to his face returned to normal.
“I think my associate here agrees, that my plan will succeed,” Hux kneeled down so he was face to face with him. “Let me introduce you to Matria Vix, the Supreme Leader’s apprentice and my new ally.”
Kylo’s face fell in disbelief. This couldn’t be real.
“Does anyone, other than Ren, disagree?” Matria asked, still looking at the dark haired man and hand on her lightsaber.
General Hux was the only choice. His nature as a strategist and survivor would take the First Order far. Kylo was far too brash, all his actions leading to the same destructive end.  As expected, no one objected, Kylo looked utterly appalled that they would rather have Hux as a leader than himself.
She glanced over at Hux, he tried to hide his excitement under a stoic expression.  Most might not have picked up on this excited shimmer but she knew him well enough.
“I live to serve you, Supreme Leader,” she pledged to Hux as she rose from her chair, going to his side.
Hux watched eagerly as Matria got on her knees and bowed her head. The sight of her before him and the words that left her lips made the blood rush to his cock.
He couldn’t have imagined a more ideal situation, with her by his side the galaxy was at his disposal. Plus, Kylo would think twice about attacking now that he had Matria Vix and the First Order behind him.
Hux stood tall with his hands clasped behind his back as the rest of officers followed Matria’s example, with the exception of Kylo, who stayed standing, perplexed by what just happened.
“You expect me to accept this?” Kylo asked with disdain evident in his voice.
Matria looked up at Hux, he knew what she wanted.
He nodded his head.
She rose up, placing a hand on the hilt of her lightsaber. “It doesn’t matter if you accept it or not, Hux is the Supreme Leader.”
At once, all the seats and the large table were pushed to the sides of the room, leaving empty space between her and Kylo Ren. Everyone else scurried away to avoid getting hit.
“So, is this the day I finally kill you?”
Both ends of her lightsaber ignited.
She twirled her lightsaber, preparing for the next wave of battle droids. She’d be lying if she said fighting didn’t give her a rush.  It was intoxicating, slicing through opponent after opponent. With each enemy defeated, Matria became that much more precise and deadly.
The Jedi fought for peace in the galaxy and balance within themselves. She had discovered peace on the battlefield, when she was fighting everything became so clear.  Snoke often commented on her connection to the Force and her skills as a fighter, comparing her to the Sith Lords of the Empire.
Matria dipped low cutting through the first droid right through the middle, then swung around slashing the next one through its legs. Its torso fell forward, she stood back up and stabbed the head, sparks flew.
Matria clenched her fist causing one of the others to crumple like a can.
“Matria Vix,” her master’s voice rang throughout the training room.
In a swift motion, she turned around and knelt before the Supreme Leader on one knee.
“I see you’re training harder than ever,” he praised, a wicked smile taking over his deformed face.
She looked up at Snoke and noticed the guest with him. A tall young man with dark eyes and hair. Just by being in the same room as him she could feel his Force sensitivity.
“This is Ben Solo,” Snoke spoke placing a hand on the man’s shoulder. “My new apprentice.”
Matria wasn’t sure how to feel about this. Another Force user, and this one also had Jedi training. She felt her center waver slightly as doubts crept into her mind. She took a deep breath, she had proved her worth, this boy wouldn’t change that.
“I’d like to see a demonstration of his skills if you would be so kind?” Snoke asked.
Matria stood up before lifting her hand then waving it, all the debris and droid parts were cleared from the center of the training room and set aside.
Anxious to show off in front of the Supreme Leader, Ben lunged to attack her immediately. With ease, she dodged all his attacks, not even bothering to use her lightsaber.
He striked forward with his entire body, she swiftly moved to the side and jabbed him in the ribs with the hilt of her lightsaber. The metal cod would easily cause him to bruise.
Kylo hissed in pain but striked again. This time she stepped aside at the last moment, then smacked the back of his head with the same metal hilt.
His blood began to boil. She was just toying with him, not even trying to strike like a true warrior of the Force.
Ben wasn’t used to being upstaged by someone close to his own age. The other Padawans, Luke was training, were nowhere near his level. But he was beginning to see that he was nowhere near her’s.
“Don’t feel discouraged, she is an exceptional talent…” Snoke spoke up with a chuckle. “I have raised her myself and have honed her skills since the beginning.”
Kylo and Matria locked eyes. It felt like an eternity had passed since that first time she and him had sparred. Snoke never had the two of them face each other again.
Matria never made the first move in a fight, finding it beneath her.
She waited to see what he would do. He broke eye contact and looked down at the floor. Kylo wanted to make her pay, to make her hurt for taking his power. But she had the upper hand, she always did. Her mind was clear and the Force flowed easily through her.
Plus he was already worn out from his previous battles. He hated looking so weak, but fighting Matria Vix right now would surely end with his death.  His hands fell to his side in defeat. Kylo Ren left without a word.
“Well then, that was anticlimactic,” Hux stated, disappointment evident in his voice.
“He’s not giving up,” Matria muttered, “He’s just choosing his battles.”
She cracked her neck. It would’ve been easiest to kill him now and get it over with.
Kylo would always be a threat. There’s no way he’d accept Hux as his leader, a man he clearly had no respect for. But she’ll be ready. In fact, she looked forward to crushing him. He’d regret all the times he trespassed against Armitage Hux.
Over the next few days, Matria followed her new Supreme Leader everywhere.
While Hux was in meetings, she was making selections about who had potential to become a warrior worthy of protecting the new supreme leader.  Until she had trained more guards, there was no one else to protect him. However, even with a new set of elite guards, Matria Vix would still prefer to be at his side.
But that wasn’t realistic. She was beginning to feel the fatigue of it all already and it had only been a few days. Even now she was sitting beside the door to Armitage’s personal quarters, instead of sleeping. In fact, she hadn’t actually slept since she had been back.
Suddenly the door slid open and she looked over to see the slim red-headed man in his bedclothes.
“Armitage,” she greeted Hux who was standing in the doorframe of his room, a relaxed expression that suited him well on his face.
“You’re going to work yourself into an early grave, Matria-”
“Treslyn,” she stated, interrupting him. “It’s my birth name… I’d like you to use it, at least when we’re alone,” she added.
He was taken aback slightly, she rarely shared personal information about herself, especially if it had to do with her life before the First Order.
“Treslyn,” Hux repeated testing it out with a quiet tone.
She smiled, she liked the way he pronounced it. It had been years since she had heard the name spoken aloud.
“You’re going to work yourself into an early grave, Treslyn,” Hux said, leaning into the door frame of his room.
“When’s the last time you had any rest?” Hux inquired.
“It’s fine-”
“Come,” he gestured for her to follow him back into his chambers, his gaze friendly. She faltered for a moment, debating his offer for a short time before following him inside.
“Take off your gloves,” Hux commanded.
Out of reflex, she lifted an eyebrow at the odd request.
Hux smirked, “Don’t question your Superior, Treslyn.”
He stood in front of a large leather chair waiting.
Reluctantly, she did what she was told, Matria was curious to see where this would go. Tugging at the fingers of her gloves, she removed them and laid them on a nearby table.
“See? Not so hard to do what you’re told.”
Hux sat down in the chair across from her, his elbows resting on the armrest, and his legs crossed.
“Now take off the rest,” he commanded with more confidence. He rested his chin in his hand, his index finger covering across his lips.
“What?” Genuine surprise in her voice.
“Take off your clothes,” he reiterated. “I’m going to get you to rest one way or another.”
Matria felt blood rush to her cheeks. This was unexpected, but not entirely unwelcome.
First, she removed her lightsaber, setting it down carefully in a place where she still had easy access.
Then, she removed her boots. The rest came off rather easily, just a few buckles here and there and then the zippers.
Color rose to his cheeks, as her clothes hit the floor. His eyes took in the sight of Matria’s bare skin.
“Stand closer in front of me,” Hux ordered. He sighed, taking his time admiring her frame.  Her skin looked so soft, and her body was so supple.
Under his predatory gaze, Matria involuntarily rubbed her thighs together as her excitement grew. He smirked, noticing her reaction. He reached out with a single finger and traced it down the middle of her torso starting between her breasts and stopping at her navel.  
Matria sucked in a breath of air and shivered at the sensation. When was the last time she was ever this intimate with another person?  Armitage stood up, both his hands cupped her face, he leaned in kissing her lightly. He parted before she had a chance to really react.
Hux moved so he was standing behind her. His slender fingers wrapped around her throat, as he nuzzled against the crook of her neck.Through his pants, she could feel his hardening cock against her backside.
His other hand roamed her body, starting at her upper arm slowly creeping its way over her breast, then down her abdomen, his hand ghosted past between her legs, tickling her lower lips. Matria bucked forward, and he chuckled in response.
“Tell me,” he hissed. “Tell me how badly you want this to happen.”
He grabbed her ass, giving her cheek a hard squeeze.
“I-I want it. I want you,” she begged in a whisper.
Hux kissed her shoulder and low chuckle expelled from his lips at her stutter.
His hand finding its way to her breast again, he squeezed it and teased her nipple with his thumb.
He sighed, sliding his fingers back down towards Matria’s pussy.
"So excited,” Hux muttered, feeling how wet she was between her folds.
Matria moaned as he rubbed her clit.
“How unexpected, that you’d be such a whore,” he commented, looking at his glistening fingers.
“Get on the bed, on your hands and knees,” he instructed her.
She heard the rustling of his clothes behind her. God, she wanted him desperately. The anticipation was killing her. Matria wanted to feel him, for him to make her his, and to fuck her nice and hard.
Hux groped her ass and thighs. He gave Matria a firm smack.
“I wanted to fuck you that very moment,” he panted heavily, “when you called me supreme leader.”
Yanking a fist full of her hair forcing her head back, she could feel his warm breath tickling her ear.
“Say it again,” he demanded.
“Supreme leader,” Matria whined.
Hux growled. His teeth dug into her shoulder as he bit down while slamming his cock into her cunt. She gasped gripping the sheets tightly.
“So fucking wet and tight,” Hux hummed, it felt so good just to be inside her.
“This cunt is mine, do you understand?” he asked thrusting in and out of her.
She bit her lip, he filled her so well. The walls of her sex greedily clenched around his cock. Sounds of his flesh hitting hers filled the room.  He shoved Matria down on the mattress. His hands held her hips in place. His pace picked up.
“Cum,” Hux demanded. “Cum for your Supreme Leader.”
She was so close.
“I said cum, cum now!”
Hux’s fingers bruised her hips, as he fucked her harder.  She cried out, her cunt spasming around him as she came.
“Blast..” Hux murmured before he slapped her ass. “Get on your back.”  
He stared down at Treslyn, enjoying the sight of her breathless and sprawled out before him. He positioned himself again between her legs and buried his cock back inside her. Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist.  His hand gripped around her throat.
“You’re mine,” Hux whispered, as she gasped for air.
He continued to relentlessly fuck her. Each thrust felt so good. Hux closed his eyes and his face turned red as he came inside of her. He then leaned his head down on her shoulder as he caught his breath.
“Get some rest, Treslyn,” he mumbled.
She nodded. Exhaustion finally took over, she passed out with Hux’s cum still dripping out onto her inner thighs.
After meeting Armitage Hux the first time, Matria thought about him a lot. He was intriguing. For someone born without any power, he had found ways to make up for it. He was resourceful and used his intelligence to rise through the ranks.
She took a deep breath, and tried focusing on her meditation.  Closing her eyes, she was surrounded by endless darkness and silence. Suddenly, it all changed… a vision? It was hazy, as nothing was entirely clear through the force. She found herself aboard a ship, facing a planet she had never seen herself before, Arkanis.
Matria recognized the man standing before her as Brendol Hux. Armitage took after his father but was much more attractive.
“Go! fetch my son,” he ordered one of his officers. “Don’t save anyone else.”
It was apparent from the chaos that Arkanis was in danger. The officer had to pry the boy’s fingers that were clutching his mother. Brendol’s orders specified not to save her or his wife. He was such a disgusting man…
Matria felt anger on the behalf of Hux’s, his own father left his mother to die.
Hux standing beside his father witnessed his homeworld be destroyed, knowing full well who had been left behind as they fled for safety.  Young Hux didn’t show any visible reaction, aware that his father would only criticize him for openly showing weakness.  But at the same moment, young Hux was also internalizing this pain and anger, and plotting the end of Brendol Hux.
That was a quality she appreciated about Armitage, he thought ahead. He knew all his actions would lead somewhere, and he ensured everything he did would later lead to a more promising end. He deserved better. He deserved recognition for his genius and innovation instead of being overshadowed by the monster who he called father.
Matria woke up, body still aching but feeling more rested then she had for months. She sat up, the sheet slipping off her torso.
“Can I ask you something?” Armitage spoke in a soft tone, noticing that she was finally awake.
Still groggy, but mostly coherent she nodded.
“Will you serve me as well as you did Snoke?”
Treslyn stretched her arms above her head. Hux was already fully dressed and stood above her as she laid in bed.
She looked at him, “More so, because you are the supreme leader I chose.”
He didn’t say anything but didn’t look convinced. Matria then got out of bed and walked over to him.
“With Snoke, he had my loyalty only because I felt like I owed it to him. You have my loyalty because…” she wanted to say how much she cares for him but hesitated. “Because you are the only person I want to follow.”
“Thank you,” He muttered. “I needed to hear that from you.”
He stood in front of the window, looking out into the vast galaxy. “There’s so much that needs to be done,” he murmured. “I can’t do this without you, Treslyn.”
Tags: @skellingtonbatz @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @starfirette @captainbvckfire @zuni21798
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propertyli · 5 years
8 Goa - Palolem Palolem This beach is a great place for independent travelers, surfers and kiters. Diving is very popular here and there is a special diving center, boat trips, swimming with dolphins and fishing. Among the many attractions, beautiful beaches attract people most of all. Palolem beach has a crescent shape, and it is quite long, 2-3 kilometers, but it is one of the most favorite holiday destinations for tourists. In search of freedom, in Goa everyone finds what they were looking for. Due to the local nature and a very calm gentle sea, this place is the most popular for a beach holiday in India. Life here is in full swing, especially in the season, all hotels are filled to capacity, and on the promenade along the beach there is practically no crowding. Like many other beaches in Goa, at night near the sea fun is in full swing, music plays, and people dance until morning in reggae, rock and live music, enjoying nature. Local nightlife is famous for the fact that among them there are so-called quiet noisy parties when people on the beach dance with headphones in which music plays. Many tourists consider India the best country for a beach and at the same time a club holiday.
7 Canaries - La Gomera La gomera This island is almost round in shape, with an area of ​​372 square kilometers and a population of 20 thousand people, located near the bustling Tenerife. Homer Island is different from most Canary Islands. It is as if created for a perfect pacifier. Tourists come here only to relax on the ocean coast with black volcanic sand, away from any civilization. Those who come here usually surf and live on the beach for several days. The highlands of the island turned into a giant greenhouse, sheltering almost 400 species of plants that disappeared in Europe and Africa millions of years ago. Among them there are those that you will not find anywhere else in the world.
6 Bora Bora - Matira Matira Matira Beach, located on the south side of Bora Bora, is the best and most popular beach on the island. Its white sand stretches from the Bora Bora Hotel to Matria Point. Here sunbathing topless travelers enjoy the tranquility and serenity of the beach. This place is well cooled by the trade winds. At low tide, you can get from the end of Matira Point to the barrier reef. It is this shallow water that prevents yachts from sailing around the island or inside the reef. The shallow lagoon of Bora Bora is great for snorkeling. Another distraction that you can enjoy on Bora Bora is kayaking or canoeing, which you can swim near the coast. Here you will discover a coral garden filled with amazing tropical fish.
5 Fiji - Wakaya Wakaya The Fiji Islands group comprises more than 300 islands in the South Pacific. Only one third of the islands are inhabited, other islands are corners of untouched nature. Wakaya is one of the most beautiful places in Fiji, combining new standards of hospitality with an incomparable relaxation by the Pacific Ocean. This is a private island of the Lomaiviti archipelago, with an area of ​​8 square kilometers, located west of the main island of the Fiji archipelago - the island of Viti Levu. Picturesque landscapes with rocky cliffs and lush tropical forests, rich flora, beautiful sandy beaches of Wakaya Island, excellent diving conditions attract tourists from all over the world.
4 Mauritius - Paradis Paradis The coast of Mauritius is famous for its coral sand and chic hotels. From all sides the island is protected by coral reefs, so that the water near the beach is always clear and calm, which creates ideal conditions for diving and yachting. Morna Beach is located immediately behind the Paradis Hotel, many consider it the most beautiful on the island of Mauritius. Amazing nature, not yet touched by the ubiquitous hotel business: luxurious vegetation, a transparent lagoon and a grand spectacle of rocky cliffs in the sea at sunrise and sunset.
3 Maldives - Cocoa Island Cocoa island This small private island is created for lovers of solitude and walks in the sand. Small houses are taken out into the ocean, and you literally sleep on the waves. When you wake up, you can walk 3 meters and find yourself in crystal clear water, through which you can see the cleanest ocean floor. On the island you can do yoga, use spa treatments, diving, boat trips. In general, this small island with its amazing beaches is the dream of any person who wants to have a good and calm rest.
2 Seychelles - Anse Source D`Argent Anse Source D`Argent Perhaps this is the most famous Seychelles beach - it has been recognized several times as the best beach in the world and is considered the most photographed beach in the world and one of the most beautiful places on earth. Almost all Seychelles postcards and desktop wallpapers are photographed here. The beach is located in the territory of the L’Union Estate park, the entrance there is paid - 100 rupees (260 rubles), every third visit is free.
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Exactly how Can easily You Be actually A Good Friend By Robert Swayze In Assistance At Isnare.
It is regularly wonderful to become told from just how great a friendship is. Bestfriends are actually an other type of species from a close friend. Roosevelt was completely pleased along with Riis' derring-do as well as fearlessness, and also with his exposés from shadiness and also social ills, that he remained a long-lasting good friend from Riis, which I am actually lured to get in touch with the most effective American I ever before understood, although he was already http://markandsport.info/ a boy when he came hither coming from Denmark". While they are actually not all urban or even hip-hop focused, Morrow details that there is actually a larger quantity of black vocals at the workshop thanks to ideas coming from series like Brilliant Morons" and also The Close friend Region," hosted through Dustin Ross, Assante Smith and also Francheska Medina, a writer and individuality known passionately as Hey Fran Hey. As an ambitious player, you must actually recognize along with the 10/90 rule: for each excellence, merely 10% from that stems from skill, however the continuing to be 90% stems from job you invested in that. Football is actually no various compared to this, as well as despite how careless you are actually, or exactly how you're presently really feeling, you only need to invest those few extra hrs. May 2007: With Petit fielding calls about a potential purchase from his company, he moves on to discharge each of the Matria stock that he earlier got for his pal - liquidating the entire setting at a loss - and also instantly quits exchanging in the IRA profile completely. If your pal has actually been actually giving you commonts or even remarks that you located painful or made you feel unpleasant as well as baffled, at that point you are actually managing a harmful manipulative your intestine reaction is informing you that something mistakes however you can't specifically point it out take that as well as a reputable indication from do not must reason poor habits of not pay attention to their words, but to their actions and also your feelings/gut notification of intestine feedback is actually coming from God to defend yourself. Do not get me wrong, guys ought to indulge and pay attention to their companion if they really want compatibility in the relationship, yet when that ends up being unmanageable, like requesting you in order to get her some delicious chocolate potato chip gelato at two in the early morning given that she thinks negative that her outdated friend did not accept her friend ask for in Facebook, after that you simply must draw the line. You close friend could believe that the grieving needs to finish given that everybody is active with their lifestyles again, yet when your friend receives your card many times later in the email, there is actually an understanding that this is actually alright to grieve a bit longer as well as you will certainly be there if your friend must speak a full week eventually or even a month eventually to cry some a lot more. You must take a look at your friendly relationship as well as work out whether she will desire you to claim something or not - this might damage your companionship, however if she really is a correct bestfriend at that point she'll find that you were attempting to protect her and stay your good friend. However, as the economic climate broken down and also the reality of being able to spend the loan back ended up being entirely unreal, unfortunately no mater exactly how I comforted my close friend all was actually okay, she stopped bring in call and the friendly relationship split.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 2 years
Mater's Heart (Part 1)
Hello again! I had to split this into 2 parts since it was way too long. After that I want to write one more post to end this saga of mine.
Send me your ideas because I am officially creatively bankrupt on dad vader. May not write anything but I like seeing them :)
TW: slight infantilism, slightly possessive behavior, references to legal drug use and effects
Summary: Mater persuades Vader to allow Luke to visit her planet for a special week. Sequel to "Dance With Me".
Mater was not a picky woman. As long as her loved ones were cared for, she was content. But it was a relief to have Luke again; she missed his friendship. Also, she did appreciate his efforts of reconciliation. Considering his seclusion, there was little wooing he was capable of but he was creative. She was lavished with beautiful clothes and jewelry, and other pricy gifts. Luke also treated her to more sentimental gifts such as corny, but heartfelt, poetry and picnics in the royal gardens. She felt treasured, yet deprived. However, she promised to respect his boundaries and she intended to follow through. Even though swallowing each pill made her feel emptier inside.
As usual, dinner with her parents was a quiet affair, but it was tense. She tried to block her discomfort from her parents' staring as she shakily raised her spoonful of stew and slowly chewed. After a few more bites, she set her utensils aside and fixated on her lap.
Her father broke the silence, "Princess, are you alright? You hardly touched your food."
Her shoulders hunched at her father's soft concern but they tensed at her mother's sharp tone, "You're wasting away like this."
She could feel her mother's fierce glare, "His Highness may be a great catch, daughter, but no man is worth your health. Letting some spoiled royal control you like this is disgraceful!"
The fist pounding on the table punctuated her mother's frustration and she flinched, still refusing to raise her eyes.
Quick to defuse the rising tension, her father pleaded with her, "Mate, please we just want the best for you. Does the prince mean that much to you?"
She felt tears prickle her eyes and she met his gaze and nodded slowly. Her mother muttered under her breath and her father gripped her hand.
Her father's face lit up, "Why not invite him here for upcoming bonding week then? It's always a good time to mend relationships."
Mater smiled gratefully at her father. At her father's hard look, her mother sighed and reluctantly nodded.
A few days later in Luke's bedroom, the pair enjoyed a moment of intimacy. Luke sat in her lap and she had her arms wrapped around his waist as they kissed hungrily. Mischievously, she lowered a hand to grope his backside causing Luke to groan into their kiss. Her spicy scent flared. She smirked and moved onto sucking his neck. While the nurturer in her ached, it was nice deepening her romantic connection with Luke. With a lingering kiss, she rested her forehead against his and returned his smile.
Mater carded her hand through his hair, "Luke, I want to ask you something."
Her boyfriend, maybe fiancé but she was uncertain, groaned, "No talking! Who knows when Father is going to show up to put me to bed?"
Mater chuckled, "Quick then. I want to invite you to my home planet, Matria, for bonding week."
Passion taking a backseat to his curiosity, Luke sat back on her lap and cocked his head. Mater explained, "Bonding week is the week in which my species' instincts peak. There are many festivals and such but the main focus is to strengthen familial and romantic bonds."
She kissed his forehead, "I wanted to ask you before I ask your father."
Luke's eyes were bright with excitement but he eventually sighed, "You know my father, Mater. He hardly lets me leave the royal chambers."
Luke's disappointment was palpable and that only bolstered her resolve, "He just needs the right persuasion, little prince."
Vader may rule the galaxy with an iron fist, but he was a doting father. Speaking of the devil, he appeared then, armed with a bottle of warm formula, and promptly lifted Luke into his arms despite Luke's fervent protests. She felt a twinge in her chest and she pushed down her flare of jealousy. Instead she focused on Vader's soft smile as she prepared to make her request.
"No," Vader's stony expression did not deter her.
She kept calm, "Matria is very loyal to your empire. He will be safe-"
"Luke is not leaving. You are free to stay here but nothing else is acceptable," Mater frowned but squared herself.
Time for the direct approach. "With all due respect, My Emperor, your love for Luke is admirable but you are delusional."
Vader's face darkened but she did not back down, despite her racing heart, "How is keeping Luke sheltered like this supposed to benefit him as prince? If you died right now - hypothetically - Luke could not handle a coup. Not that the wider galaxy would care since they hardly know he exists."
The air was heavy now and her throat tightened. Vader snarled, "You test my patience girl. I suggest you pick your next words cautiously."
Mater's gasped as the pressure was relieved from her throat. With a slight rasp she continued, "Luke is very caring and your citizens will love him. They just need to know him. He will be well cared for on Matria."
Vader's scowl was still fierce, but his eyes momentarily flicked to the holo frame on a nearby wall. A picture of the royals at Luke's coronation. Just one more push, "Luke loves you, but he is already beginning to resent you for trapping him here." Mater lowered her voice, "Do you want him to end up hating you?"
Vader's eyes flashed and he growled dangerously at her. She barely restrained herself from fleeing her seat in terror. However, he eventually calmed and massaged his nose bridge. He stared at her and slowly smirked, "Well played girl." She remained passive but the edge of her lips twitched.
He slowly towered over her and glared at her maliciously, "If anything happens to my son-" "My life is forfeit I know," Mater rolled her eyes, then beamed angelically at Vader. He huffed.
Facing death at Vader's hand was definitely worth Luke's exuberant screaming and tight hugs when Vader expressed his permission. Even with her present, Vader did not mask his joy when his son leapt into arms and snuggled into his chest, endlessly expressing his gratitude. They both had the same weakness after all.
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