#the only issue was i never really liked dolls and neither did my sister
wawataka · 2 years
bawling my eyes out bc the only man in my family who actually wanted a daughter got a son
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shinidamachu · 3 years
If sunrise tried to emphasize the love triangle, they did a terrible job! 😂 Like you said, even with all the nuances, it was so clear to me at least that Inuyasha loved Kagome and felt incredible guilt over Kikyo. When I was watching the anime for the first time, my sister was like "oh yeah the love triangle is not really in the manga" and I'm like, "wait, there's a love triangle?" 😂 I just didn't get it. My love for the anime will never die though, that's just me.
This is the part where you all boo me because I confess that I'm not really against love triangles in general. I know it's overused, I know it can be frustrating and I understand if it's not for you. I, myself, have a couple of tropes I always try to avoid. But I never had a problem with love triangles.
It's the way they are portrayed and then solved that dictates if they did or did not work. And by "work" I don't mean "the couple I was rooting for became endgame." I mean "the love triangle was essential narratively and, as a result, who the characters ended up with made total sense with the story, developing and finishing their arcs in a way that feels organic rather than forced.”
In my opinion, the love triangle in Inuyasha felt flat because it wasn’t really necessary. It looked like its main purpose was to refrain Inuyasha and Kagome from being together romantically so they could milk the “will they, won’t they” suspense. And I get why. However, there were more substancial ways to do that.
We’re talking about an interracial pairing, from (literally) different worlds, in the middle of an universe saving journey. After a rocky start, they finally managed to become friends. Oh, and the girl is the reincarnation of the boy’s former lover. How aren’t these more than enough obstacles to keep them from pursuing a relationship?
Maybe Inuyasha wanted to protect Kagome from the consequences of dating a half demon. Maybe they didn’t want to start a relationship knowing their days were numbered, since they didn’t belong in each other’s era and would eventually have to part ways when the quest was over. Maybe the time wasn’t right because they had bigger priorities. Maybe they didn’t want to risk the friendship. Maybe they weren’t sure if Inuyasha was truly in love with Kagome or just projecting the feelings he once had for his deceased lover into her reincarnation. Maybe all of that. But each and every one of those reasons could have been explored without the love triangle. It wasn’t needed. 
Because ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ was essential to the story, but her ressurection wasn’t.
Now, if they were adamant about it even still, the least they could have done was to give ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ a fighting chance. If she had to come back, then Takahashi should have done it for real. No clay and graveyard soil body. Give me human, flesh and bones ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ. Give ɪɴᴜᴋɪᴋ an opportunity to truly try again, to sort out their issues, to actually be a “threat” to Inukag.
But with the way ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ was brought back, there were only two ways for ɪɴᴜᴋɪᴋ to happen. She either drags the main character back to hell with her like she first intended or they stay together even though she’s basically a walking doll and wasn’t supposed to be there. The audience knows neither one is really an viable option and therefore doesn’t expect it to happen, anyway. 
It was never a choice between Kagome and ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ. It was a choice between love and duty. Love and grief. Love and guilt. Guilt for not trusting ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ enough, for failing her. But also guilt for being happily in love with Kagome while ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ is all alone, feeling angry, miserable and betrayed. Kagome doesn’t understand that and jumps to conclusions. To her, it means Inuyasha still loves ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ. She feels hurt and we’re compelled to empathize with her pain, but her jealousy makes her biased.
Inuyasha and Kagome were always making progress, while Inuyasha and ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ froze in time. Even the major problems in the ɪɴᴜᴋɪᴋ relationship were “fixed” in Inukag. ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ wrongfully put an arrow through Inuyasha’s chest? Kagome was the one to pull it out. ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ didn’t trust Inuyasha enough? Kagome trusted him blindly. ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ suggested to get rid of Inuyasha’s demonic side? Kagome told and showed Inuyasha she liked him just the way he was. Inuyasha put ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ on a pedestal? With Kagome, he never had trouble acknowledging her flaws and loving her all the more for it.
I’m not saying Inukag is perfect. I’m saying they had their own issues because they had their own dynamic because Kagome is not ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ. The difference is that they worked very hard to solve them, while we never really saw ɪɴᴜᴋɪᴋ doing the same even though they desperately needed to. So Inukag had great development and a fleshed out relationship while ɪɴᴜᴋɪᴋ kept running in circles.
How many times did Inuyasha run off to be with ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ? And how many times did those meetings actually brought meaningful changes to the so called triangle? It was always the same: Inuyasha goes to ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ, Kagome gets hurt because of it, nothing substancial happens between Inuyasha and ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ, Inuyasha goes back to Kagome. Repeat. It gets old real fast and when we know that drill by heart it becomes boring at best and annoying at worst.
It doesn’t matter how many times they make other characters say that Inuyasha and ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ are in love or that Inuyasha wanted to protect ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ forever, when the narrative itself shows us a different story. There was nothing stopping Inuyasha from going to ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ and staying by her side, but he deliberately always chooses to go back to Kagome because she’s the one he’s truly in love with.
And so, not only it wouldn’t have made sense for ɪɴᴜᴋɪᴋ to end up together with the way their relationship was portrayed, but is unfair to ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ’s character to be used as a source of angst for the endgame couple, dragged into a love triangle that brings nothing to the table when she had great potential to be way more than that.
What did Inuyasha get out of it? Letting go of his guilt and grief to get closure? What did Kagome get out of it? Realization that she was her own person and had her own place inside his heart? I don’t see how the love triangle was imperative for any of that to happen. 
What did ᴋɪᴋʏᴏ get out of it? 10 seconds of being an ordinary woman in Inuyasha’s arms right before dying again? That’s why they dragged her out of her resting place? It was a beautiful scene and I understand the symbolism but it just didn’t feel worth it after everything she went through.
The thing she wanted the most in the world was to live as an ordinary woman. And since they brought her back, they should have granted her that even if it wasn’t with Inuyasha, instead of killing her off the second she finally got it.
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vidalinav · 4 years
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but...
y’all need to accept the fact that ALL of these characters are and can be horrible people. This is not anti post, this is a let characters be morally grey post. They’re flawed, accept that already. 
I’m tired of seeing posts like but--but Nesta-- But Nesta what? We already know what her flaws are. They’ve been highlighted from day one. They’ve been acknowledged by every character including herself. They have never once been excused, nor empathized with though she needed that severely. She has made friends and no friends by being the way she is. She has made friends who understand her, and has a family who doesn’t understand her. Friends who take into account that she has been through horrible things, and a family who has not. A family who in her own POV has left her behind, because they did. I said this about Feyre, I’ll say this about Nesta, if in a POV someone says someone wronged them THEY DID. But she is not easy, and sometimes not nice. We know this, we accept this. I stan her for this because emotion often is not beautiful, but stop pointing out her flaws like we don’t know. We all know! We also know that she was aggressive for a reason, she was hateful for a reason, she was in a very low place, and she deserved healing and better, unjudgmental treatment by other people which she didn’t get. She helped in a war, she tried to get Feyre back, she talked to the High lord, advocated for the humans, showed she cared for Cassian in ACOWAR, etc, too. We know her perspective is biased and she’s never once been excused for her mistakes, but other character’s are not treated like Nesta is (like Lucien is, Like Eris is, Like Jurian is). 
So, let me go through the ways that all of these characters are imperfect and that you just have to accept as a reader. Okay? Okay. 
Elain is not going to be you’re pretty little doll that has done nothing wrong, because she has and she should. Elain was not a good character in ACOTAR, just as much as Nesta was not a good character. Elain does sometimes seem a bit oblivious to what is going on around her. Elain may be very nice and pleasant but that is and will not be all she is. She is allowed to make mistakes and she should be held accountable if she does. When she doesn’t do too much (because she doesn’t) or when she is not very helpful (whether by plot or by Feyre/Nesta’s POV-whether that is noted or not), we can be like okay, she’s in a bad way, because she was, she’s healing herself. But don’t be a hypocrite and please don’t make her victim of other people. Her narrative right now is that “Nesta coddles her,” but we already know that blame game. We’ve seen it in Nesta’s own POV. No one is in charge of anyone’s actions but themselves. If she wants to help, she can. Stop saying the IC won’t let her or Nesta won’t let her, if Elain wanted to help she can. She will find a way... or at least put her foot down, which we’ve already seen she can do. If Elain wanted to reject the bond right then with Lucien, she could, but she doesn’t.  And, If Nesta says she wasn’t there and she chose Feyre (no matter how skewed that perspective is), and Elain shows in Nesta’s POV that she didn’t show empathy either to Nesta or even love in a way that Nesta could see, or try to understand where she was coming from vocally in the scenes she was featured in regardless of whether she was capable or not of helping Nesta (because she didn’t (i.e scene in library, the treatment spiel, and the “did feyre pay you?”, and also never being around while Nesta was there, but also ACOSF when she took a drink like she couldn’t handle the situation, and then laughed like nothing at all was wrong)) then she wasn’t there for her. She’s a complex character just as everyone else. Let her be a complex character! Flaws are not bad, please stop trying to negate flaws like they shouldn’t exist. She’s great and she stabbed the King of Hybern to protect her sisters, she let the fae into her home, and she chooses to be kind in a world that’s not very kind to people like her, and she’s got a whole lot of story to tell, but she’s a normal character not a disney princess. She’s not close to anyone. Why? That’s not anyone else’s predicament except her own. Neither is her life nor her actions. Okay? 
Mor can be loved because she was very supportive to Feyre in Feyre’s POV, understood because she is the first LGBT character in this book and she lives in a world it seems where she has to hide who she is, and we as readers understand that she has been through also horrible things. However, this does not negate the fact that she is a horrible person sometimes, to both her friends and people outside of their little group. She was not good to Nesta on SEVERAL occasions, even when Nesta was not bad to Mor. This weird love-triangle kept happening because she didn’t want to just admit that she didn’t like Azriel romantically, whatever the reason was. She’s a complex character. Hate her/Like her, but acknowledge that no matter what you choose, she has fucking flaws. 
I see posts sometimes about how people don’t understand where this Rhysand came from, like “he’s so awful in ACOSF, SJM did this to make Nesta look better.” What? He’s been a dick always. He’s just not a dick to Feyre but that could be argued as well really. We as readers can acknowledge though that he like all the rest have gone through horrible things, and though the horrible things he has done are not excused (i.e. murdering children, killing people, his court still having so many problems and their solution being lets go to Vallahan, putting up an evil front to just keep people in line, not instilling any action to help those who need it or not treating people like subject who depend on him as a ruler regardless of whether he likes them or not (i.e the Hewn City/Illyria)) we acknowledge that he can be understood at the same time that he is also a hypocrite. Generally he’s not bad on an individual basis. but he’s not “good!” He’s morally grey. As they all are, but because he’s a ruler, he should be 10x more responsible for all of these problems and for all of his flaws. 
Azriel is a sweetheart and sometimes he’s understanding, and doesn’t seem judgmental. But he’s a psycho! I’m sorry. He’s got a lot of things to work through, I mean. We acknowledge that he has been through HORRIFYING things, but we also should not neglect the fact that he’s a creep and he tortures people on a regular basis. There’s no reason he should have had that insane long infatuation with Mor and now seems to have one with Elain. We understand why he does this, psychologically, but it does not excuse him for making Mor uncomfortable for 500+ years. Take all of him or none of him. 
Cassian. I love Cassian, but he does not think before he speaks, he does have his head up the IC’s ass, and he’s does not connect dots very well. He’s sweet and he’s supportive, and I have less of a problem with him than some other characters, but!!!! He’s got flaws and those are not bad. Those do not make him unlovable, but he’s got them and they’re not going away. 
Feyre has this same issue. She does what she needs to, she’s loving, she gives people a chance, and yes she was there when people needed her, she has also suffered a good amount, but Feyre’s suffering has been acknowledged by everyone. It has been given voice to, it has been reflected in empathy by every single character even when Feyre herself has not been a great character. She tends to be very one-sided in things, as in her own view is the only one that exists (though that’s everyone of them really as we’ve seen, there’s no nuance there) but she’s also not very emotionally intelligent and she does get into everyone’s business, when she should probably let people do their own thing (this has been her trait forever since ACOMAF I think). But she should also take more of a stance to be a ruler, because unfortunately she has that responsibility, and she should hold Rhys more accountable for the actions he does. It should not be a “let’s have sex and all is well” sort of situation. She’s a very biased perspective, but so are all of them. But she’s not perfect and we should never feel that she is. She is not the light of heaven that has glorified Prythrian, she is just an average human-to-fae girl trying to live. She deserves love, yes, but not more than anyone else and loving her should not mean hating other people, which this fandom and the book have a hard time realizing. 
Amren... sigh... I don’t like her too much but for the thread I’ll continue. Amren is probably the only reason anything gets done, realistically, because at least she’s always thinking about the logistics of things. She’s horribly rude, and doesn’t seem to care about anyone’s opinion, but she’s 15000 years old or what not. Emotions probably have to be beneath her at that point, but that doesn’t mean I have to love her, and that doesn’t mean she’s an unflawed characters. She’s very flawed and I think that’s acknowledged but I don’t think any character has really held her accountable for being who she is, they brush it off and are like “Amren’s Amren.” But she’s morally grey for sure, getting to be a darker shade if you ask me (i.e Tyrant Amren). But I acknowledge that even though I hate her, she’s not ALWAYS horrible. 
I don’t know what it is, maybe it is the narratives insistence that the IC are good that makes everyone go off their rocker, but my god, I think I would love all of these character’s more if there wasn’t this insistence that they’re the “good guys” and just have them make mistakes, have them eat their mistakes equally, and have them move on, learn to do better, maybe fuck up again. That’s life lol that’s interesting, morally grey characters. But I write this post not to say they’re all horrible, but to say that it is unnecessary to point out the flaws of other characters in defense of another one. They’re all horrible. Acknowledge it, breathe it in, love them or hate them anyway, but know (whispers for dramatic effect) they’re all horrible. And that’s okay, because that is not all they are. 
Have a good day. 
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masterswrd · 4 years
Hannibal Fashion Meta Pt. 3
Like our boy Will, this one took a while to come out and just like him, I’m valid.
So Will’s turn. I don’t what to talk as much about his clothes per say (yet), but more what he does with them. So I’m covering his person suit. Part 4 is going to melt better with the series and be closer to it’s usual comedic tone.
This one isn’t funny like the other ones because I made it to specifically stab people in the chest. I also got a brain so I put this one under a read more so the people who follow us won’t want to murder us.
Apéritif’s costuming gave us everything we need to know about Hannibal and it gave us everything we need to know about Will and I use a few episodes of season 3 to really twist the knife about it.
Will goes through life being deeply uncomfortable with who he is. Through this episode we see Hannibal slipping his person suit on and off while Will’s is slowly being pulled away by himself returning home to Wolf Trap.
Will Graham hates ties. He absolutely hates them. This is borderline canon, not my personal opinion. Ties can feel constricting and bothersome especially if you have sensory issues. As soon as class is dismissed he takes it off and aggressively shoves it in his bag. (He does this again in S1E7 Entree when he goes from class to his meeting with Freddie Lounds).
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Alone in his car he takes off his sport coat, rolls ups his sleeves and undoes a few buttons, before taking the shirt off entirely and replacing it with one of his white t-shirts.
Will’s person suit for season one was very much making people think that he was just a loner and harmless and awkward. He doesn’t like to socialize so wants to be unapproachable.But this suit was also a form of armor. The more Will is uncomfortable in a scene, he usually wears glasses and more layers.
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There’s plenty of evidence for Will using layers to shut people out. A great example is when Will is taking refuge in Maine during his marriage to Molly, who I can only assume he met on farmersonly dot com (did you know that’s a gay friendly site? neither did Will Graham. I think he might’ve tried talking a guy then went home and threw up and never tried again. Hannibal is kind of like how my sister ate a bad avocado and now insist she’s allergic to them. She isn’t and Will Graham is bisexual). After Jack comes, Will puts on an extra coat. I live in the northern united states and we rarely get a temperature drop so sudden that we need to put on an extra coat, especially with a hot cup of coffee and the sun shining.
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Will also slips his person suit off when he doesn’t care what people think. People, being being Bedelia, of course. When he chat’s with her, he takes off his glasses and has open body language. He knows what she is and she knows what he is. No need to hide the fangs and claws when they’re bound to just get into a cat fight anyways. Will is an asshole, anybody who says otherwise is lying to themselves and unless your Molly Foster Graham trying to hold together your crumbling marriage, you have no reason not to accept that.
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Person suits aside, Will is not going to wear things that make him uncomfortable unless it serves a specific purpose and love struck Hannibal won’t make him wear a tie to the opera. In their shared mind palace, Will is usually wearing the clothes he has on in real life, safe for the dressy little suit (no tie again take that). But this? That loving gaze? That’s nothing compared to Hannibal’s display of love in Digestivo.
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In Thomas Harris’ Novel, Hannibal, our cannibal saves Clarice from Muskrat farms like Hannibal does with Will in the show. I don’t think I need to prove anything about Will being a stand-in for Clarice Starling unless you’re new here. When Clarice wakes up, she’s need stitched up, bullets removes, cleaned, she’s given pain medication that makes her physically weak. Hannibal dresses her in a fine black dressing gown and gives her a pair of heels to wear to eat dinner with him.
In Digestivo, Will is put under very similar circumstances. When he wakes up in his bed he struggled to lift himself and needs to sit up and lean against the wall so that he can look at Hannibal at eye-level. Hannibal dressed Will in his own clothes. A grey undershirt and a soft flannel. Will owns nice clothing befitting a fancy dinner, but this is what he wanted Will to wake up in.
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Hannibal gave up trying to manipulate Will along the way is season two and Will never bothered putting up his walls since he knocked them down in season one, before he knew what Hannibal really was. There’s no point. He was already being seen.
After he tells Hannibal goodbye, he puts his armor back on for the rest of the world. Same flannel that Hannibal dressed him in, a sweater, a jacket, and his glasses. Keeping the love that Hannibal has for him kept out of sight from everyone and close to his chest.
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Another worthy mention of Will’s layering is in the following episode when he takes Hannibal’s letter out of his dresser. Despite being in front of a roaring fire, Will puts on a sweater, feeling too vulnerable being in his sleepwear. Probably afraid of what would happen if Molly walked in.
When chooses to talk with Hannibal in the red dragon arc, like the entirety of the show, Will never wears his glasses. He makes a show to the viewer of taking them off when he approaches Hannibal’s cell.
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Will removes another layer in Wrath of the Lamb, being his jacket. (This one probably doesn’t mean anything, they were inside for at least a few hours.) BUT! I see a lot of people write that Will found clothes that Hannibal bought for him when he thought Will would run away with him. That mirrors Clarice wearing clothes that Hannibal picked for her before running away with him.  I love to see it, but the last clothes we see Will in are canonically his clothes. The one’s he’d been wearing all day. Shirt unbuttoned, untucked, and very apologetically Will Graham. As much as I love reading about Hannibal dressing Will up like a ken doll, he’d never make this man wear a tie for him.
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Will might not be consciously doing the things he’s doing when it comes to Hannibal, but he’s doing it. He has no control over how Hannibal makes him feel, but time and time again he will peel over his layers in his presence in a way that he doesn’t do with any other character in the show.
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yozzers · 3 years
vexos hcs and random notes
ill update as i go, because yes i do update my masterlists every once in awhile, i should probably add them to my pinned... 
I sincerely hope they have a small living arrangement so I can inflict them with the pain of having to share almost everything with each other
I just want Shadow and Lync to share a bunk
Like to think that alongside Volt, Mylene and Lync were also recruited by Hydron
None of them officially joined until they were a bit older but probably trained to eventually join the Vexos; in the mean time they probably worked for Hydron or something like that
Volt recruited at 11; Lync a year later and Mylene following not long after (respectively 13, 8, 12 when they’re all gathered)
My reasoning to why Volt is patient with Lync’s antics and Mylene less so but doesn’t lash out as badly as you think she would around annoying little kids; grew up tgt moment
Spectra probably forced his way into the Vexos like “hiiii i see you dont have any Vexos members <3″ bcs obv he wasn’t using royal scientist dad privelages (i think, bcs Clay seems horrified abt Spectra being a Vexos and well, being Spectra) 
Shadow had an advantage of being a nobleman (in terms of him being accepted into the Vexos’ ranks)
the Vexos and their set of rules magent-ed on the fridge door or something and every time they go over a page they have to staple/tape a new page on
Joined in this order, Volt, Spectra, Shadow, Mylene, Lync, Gus 
Vexos being a “chance of death low but the chance is still there” type of job... they feel like idols girl help they are bakugan idol group who work for the government 
sorry the way the vestal kids talk about them... going to treat the Vexos like a kpop group now
Spectra Phantom / Keith Fermin 
[canon] son of a (royal?) scientist. definitely had it good and comfy
think it’d be REALLY funny if he already knew Shadow before he became Spectra, Shadow just doesn’t recognize him bcs of his stupid get up
throws childhood friends Shadow Spectra at you, just two weirdos 
Keith specifically keeps Shadow from ever meeting his sister which is why neither of them really recognize each other
Pre-Spectra; probably would’ve been really into bakugan biology and what not. Feels like the kind of person to talk w/ his dad about “do you think we could change their appearance if we messed w/ their mechanical ball form or would it not carry over to their released forms”
this mf looks like a biology major i feel it in my guts 
mom isn’t dead she just divorced Clay bcs he didn’t know how to balance family and work, good for her
probably lives in another city now, and it’s a bit more of a hassle to meet with her kids so they don’t see her as much but she is present in their lives (keep in contact in other ways) 
probably went a bit silent when Keith went missing
didn’t bleach his eyebrows bcs he didn’t want to harm the skin around there and he never thought he’d take the mask off around others, or about how stupid he’d look without the mask
please please please please draw him with his pink hair roots in his MS fit he should've grown out some of his bleached hair by then
daddy issues is truly the root of evil
Gus Grav
Just Some Gut background; middle class just living life
[canon?] was going on a route to being an “idol brawler”, because that’s kind of what their brawls felt like, since it was all purely for show with some competition. it felt less like a sport and more spectacle.
Gus wanting to be an idol brawler is actually such a funny string of words put together I’m making that a thing, if he didn’t join the Vexos he would’ve been an idol brawler
I like the Gus needs glasses hc (shoutout to @marmeladebois ‘s post on that) 
The hc of him being half human and Runo’s half brother is so good 
Cooks well but refuses to help cook fr the Vexos (unless Spectra specifically asks) --> that job is usually left to Volt
not related but reminds me heavily of yugioh vrain’s Spectre (or other way around... Gus was the blueprint) 
Shadow Prove
[handbook canon] a vestal nobleman 
has an older brother (oc; Lux- casual Haos brawler)
inferiority complex or whatever, the only thing he bested his brother in was Bakugan
the Prove family being typical prim proper noble family and forcing Shadow to be repressed is something, but the Proves having the same kind of wavelength as Shadow but in different variations is funnier. They’re just Like That.
Probably not a military family, does work closely with the government still; um im thinking somewhere under the Fermins but not by much
Considered running away from home several times 
Unwillingly has knowledge on Vestal classic literature/ music
hard clutching a wall whenever he wants to join in on discussions about it bcs he knows this stuff but no way is he going to make himself look like a nerd + hes not actually that interested
*debates you for fun and bcs i hate u <3* 
You know how he doesn’t take his job as a Vexos member super seriously, I wonder:
did his parents force him to be a Vexos since he wasn’t interested in the political side of his family and probably against taking up anything related to it, so they had him do something that’d still be beneficial to the family?  
joined to pursue a freedom he didn’t have as a nobleman and is now just taking it really easy?
has clowns > jesters debate with volt; obv he’s team clown, volt is team jester
incredibly irrelevant but if he was a human he’d be chinese, i’ve claimed him, prodigal son older brother and fail son dynamic is there 
Mylene Ferrow
While I like the idea of her being from a military family, I want to make her like Ling Wen (TGCF) in the sense she started from the bottom and climbed to the top... it fits her ambitious nature of grasping for more, she hasn’t reached what she considers the top just yet... 
[very Ling Wen specific but Mylene being put in jail fr crimes unknown to me and being recruited  by Hydron bcs she kicked serious ass is an entertaining thought] 
I like to think she’s closest to Shadow due to the fact he kind of forces his presence onto her so... not her choice in that matter. “annoying” to “endearingly annoying, you still aren’t getting special treatment though”
Ofc Volt and Lync are on the same level, but I think they all know when to give each other space so they’re more of a “we hold each other at a distance, but we’re aware of out closeness which is enough for us”
Then its Spectra and then Gus in the “closest to Mylene” scale; she just straight up hates Gus and it’s mutual
whoever made the “Mylene and Spectra were exes” hc I think it’s really funny so I’m adding it here 
terrible fashion, she’s the one who chose the outfits when she and Shadow went to earth; her fashionable armor look she usually has was designed with Volt’s help, she just voiced what she generally wanted 
Her red lipstick look was bcs she thought it’d make her look more serious/ intimidating (Volt and Lync approved, it rlly does work on her)
Shadow matches w/ her (via his red nails) after they get teamed up tgt several times bcs he thinks they’re basically the go-to duo matchup whenever they’re assigned work n it’d be cool
Very forthcoming about the fact she used to be considered a criminal and was from same rundown area Volt and Lync come from
She’s grateful she got out of jail but she still has no respect for Hydron and despite how much she tries to hide it she does make it pretty clear to him she doesn’t really like him
I wish I had more to say about her... but It’s all relationship esque, i think in general she’s enjoyable and good so what I want more out of her is character dynamics
Lync Volan
[eng dub] he has grandparents; whether they’re still alive or not is...? 
was part of the same area Volt is from
probably aware of each other but didn’t really know each other
you sound like you have mommy issues 
came from the same area as Volt, but lived further out and closer to those areas where there were some bits of nature left 
ill expand on why he got picked up by Hydron another day lazy rn
Volt Luster
[canon] he’s from an area that just straight up looks like yugioh 5ds’ Satellite, and Hydron was the one who pulled him out of there  
He says Hydron pulled him out of there when he was a kid? I’d assume at youngest it’d be like Hydron (8) and Volt (11)
has a neat collection of handmade jester dolls 
lot more artistic than he seems 
Had his guardian bakugan with him the longest; had Brontes even before he met Hydron
Would the others consider him weird fr having a talking Bakugan that acted friendly with him n cracked jokes? 
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chaotic-wanda · 4 years
Hope Of It All
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Prompt: “I need to know that it’s possible that two people can stay happy together forever.”
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: mentions of cheating, lots of angst, but I swear it ends fluffy (y’all should be proud of me for that)
A/N: Surprise! Here’s the Bucky fic I promised forever ago. Sorry for the delay, school and work is kicking my ass currently. So this is for @hopesbarnes​ 1k challenge (it’s super late, i’m sorry). Congratulations on the milestone!! If you’re not following her yet, you should be. This has not been proofread. 
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Y/N knew she was acting paranoid. She watched with close eyes as Bucky made the other agent laugh, the younger girl twirling her hair between her fingers and batting her eyes at him. He’s always been friendly with everyone he meets. So why was it bothering her so much now? And why did he have to make the girl laugh so much? Y/N tore herself away from the interaction playing out in front of her, opting to take a stroll outside instead. 
There had been an obvious shift in her attitude since she got back from visiting her sister. She thought she had been doing a good job hiding it, but, anyone who knew her could tell something was off, even Vision. Instead of the happy and bubbly personality they were used to, she had grown tremendously quiet, withdrawing more into herself with each passing day. Bucky had noticed immediately, but whenever he would ask her about it, she would simply shrug and say she was fine. 
As she walked, Y/N looked at the leaves that were already beginning to change color. Fall had always been her favorite holiday. The promise of change and being able to start fresh always made her feel rejuvenated. But as she kept walking, she pulled her cardigan tighter around herself, feeling bitter about the changes this time around. 
She’d been so excited to see her sister and her family. Her brother-in-law was the closest thing she had to a brother and she loved her nephews as if they were her own children. 
Bucky had laughed at how excited she was while she packed.
“You talk to your sister every day and yet, you’re acting as if you haven’t seen her in years.” 
He watched her from the bed as she ran back and forth in their shared room, looking for a particular sweater to pack. She rolled her eyes at his statement but still couldn’t seem to wipe off the neverending grin she seemed to have for him. “This is different! We get to have wine nights in person and I can dance around with my nephews while having our sing-a-longs.”
Grabbing her as she passed, Bucky pulled her into his lap while wrapping his arms around her. “I would gladly do all of that with you and then you wouldn’t have to leave me for a week,” he whispered softly, barely brushing his nose with hers. Y/N smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and softly brushed her fingers through the back of his hair. 
“Mmm as tempting as that sounds…” she started kissing up his jaw causing Bucky to shiver underneath her before leaning into his ear, “you’re not as cute as the 4 and 6 year old boys waiting for me.” 
She grinned as she tried to pull away from him quickly but he was always faster than her. He threw her on the bed effortlessly as she giggled. Caging her in, he peppered her face with kisses as she kept laughing. He pulled back slightly with a soft smile as he watched her catch her breath. 
“I’m trying very hard not to be jealous right now.”
Y/N grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pulling his lips down to barely meet hers. “There’s no reason to be jealous baby, I’ll always come home to you at the end of the day.” That’s all he needed to hear as his lips softly crashed into hers… 
Her excitement for the trip however had been ruined the moment she’d gotten to her sister's house. What she thought she’d be welcomed with were warm welcomes and hugs to go around for days. Instead, she found her sister alone, with tear stained cheeks and a look of heartache and exhaustion. Y/N quickly learned the kids were with their grandparents and her brother-in-law… well he had been staying at a hotel.
An affair. Y/N was still having a hard time grasping the truth. The harsh reality of her favorite couple coming down around her. They had practically raised her during her high school years and supported her with every endeavor she chose to follow after her parents divorce. They were the only reason she had believed in love to begin with after learning about her mother's cheating habits. It was the one healthy couple she’d ever had involved in her life, and it all turned out to be a lie. 
She’d stayed with her sister for longer than she had planned, only leaving when her sister swore that her best friend was coming to stay. But even as she left, she couldn’t help but feel like everything she had believed in was a lie. It had turned out that once your sister revealed the affair that many of the people in her friends group had one as well. Out of six couples, four had an affair that affected their marriage. Her sister and brother-in-law did everything right and always seemed so in love but it still didn’t work out. So what was the point of love if someone was always going to get hurt anyway? She’d lost her trust in anyone it seemed.
Y/N had always been wary of being in a relationship, the trust issues of her pass always seeming to build walls and keep people out. It had taken Bucky years to knock every obstacle down, but to him it had been worth it. Now the walls seemed higher than usual and he wasn’t sure how to bring them back down. Later that day, they silently got ready for bed, Y/N’s back turned towards him as she changed. The emotional distance made him feel sick to his stomach. 
He slowly walked towards her and reached for her hand. She visibly flinched and he quickly drew his own hand back as quickly as he’d reached out. He was trying to hide the hurt that was  evident across his face but she couldn’t even bring her eyes to look at him. 
“Doll… please tell me what’s going on. If I did something, I’m sorry but I can’t fix this if I don’t know why you’re so upset.” 
She stayed silent, leaving the room in a state of uneasiness as they both internally fought with themselves. She desperately wanted to tell him everything. About what happened and how scared she was that they would fall into the same fate. That one day he wouldn’t want her anymore. That she wouldn’t be enough. Bucky trying and failing to think of how to make this better. 
Slowly, he lifted her chin with his finger. Her eyes finally met with his and Bucky couldn’t help but feel his heart break as he saw the turmoil within them. Before she could push him away, he quickly pulled her into a heated kiss. She met him with just as much passion, teeth clashing and desperation mixed in. Suddenly, Y/N thought of everything that had recently happened. Between her sister, Bucky with the agent earlier, and all of her fear and insecurities that were consuming her, she came to her senses and yanked herself away, keeping him at arm's length. 
Keeping her eyes on the ground to hide the tears in her eyes, she hoarsely mumbled, “I think I’m going to go sleep in my old room tonight.” She made a quick exit and slammed the door before Bucky could even get a word out. The tears freely and swiftly ran down her face now as she choked back the sobs. She wanted more than anything to believe that Bucky truly loved her. He’d never given her a reason to doubt that. But she couldn’t help but think he’d leave her in the long run. It was better to have her heartbroken now than later down the road. 
Bucky stared at the door praying she’d come back any second now. He knew he could chase after her but it’s like his feet were stuck to the ground. He had hoped that maybe after the past couple of weeks she’d finally open up and instead, she had shut him out even more. Running both hands through his hair, he tried to calm his racing heart before letting out a frustrated yell. He dropped himself on the edge of the bed, cradling his head in his hands as he kept trying to figure out where it all went wrong. 
It had been over a week since their last exchange. Y/N opted for staying in her old room and every time he’d walk into the same room, she’d get up to leave. It broke his heart, but he didn’t want to be even more of a bother to her by chasing her down. The two of them moped around for days, always staring at each other longingly when the other wasn’t looking. The rest of the team was either concerned or annoyed by the lack of communication between the two. Sometimes a mixture of both. 
“Sam, you’ve got to talk to her. Figure out what’s going on,” Steve insisted. 
“How am I going to make a difference?”
“Are you kidding? You’re like a brother to her!”
“Yeah well you’re Bucky’s best friend. Why don’t you talk to him?”
“Because Bucky doesn’t talk when he’s upset.”
“Well neither does Y/N!”
The two bickered back and forth until Natasha finally snapped, “Enough! Sam, you’ll talk to Y/N and Steve you’ll talk to Bucky. It shouldn’t be this difficult.” Both nodded in agreement, not wanting to risk making her any more annoyed than she already was. 
That’s how Sam found himself at Y/N’s door, knocking lightly and waiting for a response. He heard rustling but still didn’t receive an answer so he knocked once more. When he still didn’t receive an answer, he threw open the door. He was met with a pouting Y/N.
“Go away, Sam.”
“Nope. You’re gonna get your infuriating ass out of bed and we’re gonna go for a walk.”
She pulled the covers over her head like it would tune him out. He watched her as he brought his hands to rest on his hips. “Really? You think I won’t drag you out of this bed?” When he didn’t receive a response he sighed before making his way to the bed and yanking the covers off.
“Get up and let’s go.”
She begrudgingly agreed, knowing she wouldn’t win this battle since he was so determined. 
They walked along the path just outside of the compound, words barely being spoken. Sam wasn’t sure what to say and she wasn’t sure where to start. They would mildly chat about random things until the tension grew too much for Sam’s liking. Once they reached the lake, he decided it was time to level with her. 
“Alright baby girl, what’s going on? You’ve got me worried. Hell, you’ve got everyone worried.”
She shrugged, not daring to look at him but instead out at the water. “I don’t know what you mean.” Sam couldn’t stop the full belly laugh that came out of him. 
“Y/N I hate to break it to you but the only person on this team who is good at hiding things is Natasha. You’re closer to the bottom of that scale.” The comment made her smile slightly before the tears overcame her as she remembered why they were really out here. So she told him everything. About how her brother-in-law cheated, how she started feeling hopeless about relationships and saw that agent flirting with Bucky right afterwards, and especially about how she started pushing Bucky away before he realized he didn’t want her anymore. 
After explaining everything, she looked up at Sam with tears in her eyes, “I just… I need to know that it’s possible that two people can stay happy together forever.” She then dropped her head into her hands in an attempt to hide her tear stained face.
Sam sat with her in silence for a while and tried to rub her back in comfort. He was upset that she had kept so much to herself, knowing she had a tendency to let things fester until it became too much, but even more upset that he didn’t push like he knew he should have. Letting out a sigh, he turned towards her and grabbed her hands, “I can’t promise that it’ll last forever. It takes a lot of communication and a lot of work. But what I can promise you, Bucky loves you. He loves you so much he would go to the end of the earths for you. Shutting him out won’t solve anything and you’ll lose him before you realize it’s too late.”
Y/N took in a shaky breath as she nodded her head. “I don’t want to lose him, Sam. He means everything to me” she whispered. 
“Then go get your man and tell him everything you just told me,” he stood up and pulled her up with him. She gave him the faintest of smiles and threw her arms around his neck.
“Thank you, Sam.” After releasing him from her grip, she rushed towards the house in an attempt to find Bucky. 
She looked in several rooms and even asked Steve if he knew without any luck. She finally made her way to their shared bedroom and slowly opened the door. She sighed in defeat as she found it empty but still made her way in, looking around the room. It was strange how it felt foreign to her at the moment. Seeing her favorite sweater of Bucky’s laying on the chair, she grabbed it and slipped it over her shirt, taking in the smell of him. She’d miss that scent and they way he’d hold her close. Y/N slowly sank to the bed and curled up on his side, thinking he’d come in eventually and she’d be there waiting. 
She waited as the seconds passed into minutes which turned into hours. Sighing to herself in defeat since Bucky still hadn’t shown up, she slowly pushed herself off the bed. She lost him and had no one to blame but herself. Herself and her stupid insecurities. Y/N wiped the tears off her face but they fell quicker than she could catch them. Once she finally collected herself enough to be seen, she briskly walked out the door and to her own room.
The second she made it in, she slammed the door and slid to the ground. Sobs racked through her at the realization of her mistake that she couldn’t hear the feet running towards her. She felt hands clutching her arms and a voice asking, “Y/N what’s wrong?” Finally clearing the tears, she saw that Bucky was eye level with her. 
She reached out her hand to softly brush against his cheek, “Bucky? What are you doing here?” 
He grabbed her hands to lift her up before slowly leading her to the bed. Once she was settled, he found her some tissues to help wipe away the tears before settling in next to her. “I wanted to talk to you and when I couldn’t find you anywhere, I figured waiting here until you came back was my best option.” Y/N let out a slight laugh as she used the tissues to dab the tears from her eyes. “What’s so funny?”
She slowly reached for his hand and as he worked to intertwine their fingers, she smiled up at him. “Would you believe it if I said I had been doing the exact same thing?” He slightly smiled back before turning back to their hands, rubbing his thumb along hers. It was always the slightest sign of his anxiety getting to him and it broke her heart knowing she was the cause of it. “Buck, I’m so sorry for the way I’ve been acting.”
“What have I been doing wrong?” the look in his eyes as he asked the questions felt like a knife running down her chest. 
“Nothing! I swear, it was all me.” She attempted to pull him closer without actually ending up in his lap. Bucky looked down once more, and she could tell he didn’t believe her. Letting go of his hand, she gently placed both of hers on his cheeks in order to get him to look at her. “Please… you have to believe me when I say it’s nothing you did.”
“Then why did you push away from me? You know I’m always here for you. And you even flinched when I tried touching you not even a week ago.” Her cheeks flamed up at the accusations. She knew he was right and she truly felt shitty for it. 
“I know I don’t have the right to ask... In fact you could walk out of this door and never speak to me again and it still wouldn’t be enough for the way I’ve treated you… but can you just hold me?” her eyes were pleading and she looked at him with such desperation. Bucky didn’t even give it another thought though as he laid back and brought her with him. With an arm wrapped around her, he pulled her in close so that she could snuggle up closer to him. She rested her head on his chest just under his chin then grabbed his free hand with her own, working to intwine their fingers. Bucky was calm and understanding, and she knew he deserved better than her. 
A few seconds passed as she gathered her courage. “When I went to my sisters house, it felt like everything had gone to hell. She told me how her husband had cheated on her and she just looked so… broken.” Her voice quivered and Bucky pulled her in even tighter if it was possible. He knew that they had been a role model of romance for her growing up. “It just made me believe that love was hopeless. If they couldn’t make it, then who could? And then I got home and I saw that agent all over you. Despite the fact it was obvious you weren’t flirting back, it’s like my mind just shut down. All of my fears and insecurities cruelly took over me and I was worried that we were destined for the same fate. As if you were already growing tired of me.”
Bucky adamantly shook his head despite her not being able to see then pulled away just enough that he could look her in the eyes. “Doll, I don’t want anyone else. You know I easily get sick of other people, but I’m not sick of you. Ever. I’m actually pretty in love with you.” Her eyes closed to let the words sink in and she couldn’t control the few tears that found their way out. He pulled her up higher so that they could be face to face, gently stroking her cheek with his thumb. “Out of everyone I’ve ever known, you’re the only person I want to spend every day of my life with and that’s counting Steve.” She laughed at his statement and the grin on his face grew at hearing that sound. 
Her eyes met with his own as she placed her hand over his. She took a mental picture, wanting to remember this particular moment in spite of the ugliness and hurt that had been caused because it also came with hope and love. “What are you thinking about, baby?” Bucky’s voice coaxed her out of her own thoughts. 
“I’m pretty in love with you too. I’m sorry I’ve been acting like an idiot.” 
He brushed his nose slightly again hers, hovering right about her lips. “Promise me you’ll always talk to me when doubt starts creeping in? I’ll be sure to knock it right back out,” he whispered against them. She nodded and not even a moment later her lips crashed onto his, letting go of everything that had held her back. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her on top of him as he kissed her back with just as much ferocity, tongues tracing each other as if they were trying to learn each other once more. They both pulled away once the burning in their lungs became too much. Letting out huffs of air, they still didn’t let go. Y/N began leaving soft kisses along his face before meeting at his lips and giving him a soft peck. 
They spent the rest of the night curled up into each other, catching up on everything that had happened from the past few weeks while sharing a few kisses here and there, only ceasing their discussion as eyelids grew heavy and sleep overcame them. And for the first time in what felt like a long time, she finally slept through the night while holding onto the man she loved and who she knew loved her just as much. All the fears and insecurities that once drowned her now easily had slipped away and was replaced with the hope of all they would become.
Tagging: @winterprincess-sky​ @bugsbucky​
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
Ofc I'm excited for the new chapter phoe, I am so starved for Jason content that even the suggestion that I'm going to get some (esp QUALITY Jason content like urs) makes me unbelievably giddy and I'm fr checking my phone to see when it's gonna be update time in ur timezone 🥺✨
Oh gosh, you're so sweet. Your messages always delight me a lot and since Jason took kind of a backseat today in favor of the build up of the secret reveal, yooou get a small, Jason-focused flash-forward into their future. ;) also because I actually have time to write again fdklghaöklh
Sky-blue eyes were large as they quickly flew over the words in front of him. His mouth was in a small oh-shape as he absorbed every little bit of information that was given to him. And then it just ended.
To Be Continued...
No, no, no. That couldn't possibly be! This was too exciting, it couldn't just end like that! His sister next to him made a squealing sound as she also reached the ending. She grabbed the comic book out of his hand and tried turning the page, hoping against hope there would be more.
"No, no, no," she whined frustrated and threw herself back onto the bed.
After a moment, her brother mirrored her. The two groaned and whined until their current babysitter walked in, a frown on his face. He brushed hazel-hair out of his face.
"What's gotten into you lot?"
"The comic ends, uncle Tyson! It just ends! And the next issue won't come out until next month, but it just got really, really exciting!" he heard his sister complain.
"Grace is right! This isn't fair. Cliffhangers are unlawful and inhumane!"
Tyson laughed and approached the bed to sit down between his niece and nephew. "I think I gotta talk to your parents about your definition of unlawful and inhumane, Jacky."
Jackson huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, pout in place and sky-blue eyes dark like a brewing storm. When it darkened in the room and rumbling could be heard from outside, Tyson frowned concerned and cleared his throat.
"You guys do know that you could just... ask your parents, right? They were right there. They know exactly how all of this unfolded," offered Tyson.
He took the comic-book - issue 13 of The Adventures of the New Olympians - and closed it to hold up the cover, where Jason di Angelo was standing heroically in his Blue Lightning uniform, fighting a giant space-octopus. Jackson frowned and turned to look at his sister.
"I dunno", admitted Grace. "Dad is like... dad. Not Blue Lightning. Dad sings bad old boyband songs in the shower and steals daddy's blue cookies and baby-talks to Mrs. O'Leary."
"Yeah. These comics are totally fiction, uncle Tyson", agreed Jackson seriously. "Dad's a total dork, not a superhero! He isn't like daddy and papa."
Tyson huffed a little at that, fond smile on his lips. "He isn't now. But when push comes to shove, he always got our back in a fight. Because he could never bear standing aside if his family gets hurt. Go and ask him about it, mh."
"Tyson? Where are you?", called his wife from somewhere else. "Jason is here to pick up the kids!"
"Ah, your cue, pipsqueaks", Tyson grinned and ruffled both their hair.
Grace quickly grabbed her Wisdom Warrior doll, while Jackson took the comic book, both kids quickly running out the room and downstairs. Grace just lept off a few steps before the end of the stairs, jumping straight into her dad's awaiting arms. Jason was smiling softly, hugging her tightly. Her blonde curls bounced as he whirled her around once.
"Hey there, kids. Had fun with uncle Tyson and auntie Ella?"
"Ye--es", chorused Jackson and Grace.
"Thanks for watching them, guys", Jason turned to offer Tyson and Ella a small, grateful smile. "With Perce and Nico still in Canada about that... maple syrup fuled robot apocalypse... it's been kind of stressful. And then Thabi got into trouble at school and-"
"No need to explain, or to thank us", assured Tyson, patting his brother-in-law on the back. "That's what brothers are for, Jay. We got your back. Besides, we love those two."
With a last smile aimed at the couple, Jason herded the twins out of the house and toward the car. He made sure their seatbelts were fastened before he got in the driver's seat and started the car. In the rear-mirror, he could see the twins whispering with each other, but neither speaking up. He decided against asking, for now. They'd tell him whatever was on their minds when they were ready.
Once at home, both of the kids ran off to their rooms and Jason was so busy with things around the house that he nearly forgot about the kids' strange behavior. That's what they got for having a ridiculously big house and stables, but then again, they did need the grounds to allow their companions enough space to roam free. He'd just finished feeding Tempest and Blackjack when the twins suddenly stood behind him, serious, matching frowns on their faces.
"We have come to the agreement that we should ask you", declared Grace.
A nine-year-old with pigtails had no right to look this serious. Jason smiled a little at that, nodding and waiting for more.
"We know that daddy and papa are superheroes", continued Jackson as the three headed back toward the house. "But you aren't! You're just... dad. Right?"
"Ouch", Jason huffed out a little laugh. "Just dad, huh?"
"I mean, you're normal, like us", corrected Grace with a frown, motioning at the posters at the walls when they entered the living room. "You're only a hero on the big screen! Not in real life!"
The smile on Jason's lips turned more nostalgic. His dorky, dorky husbands had decided to plaster every wall that wasn't filled with family pictures with posters of his movies. Right now, Grace was motioning very decidedly at The Twelve Tasks of Hercules. Hercules was his most popular role, a fictional superhero clearly supposed to be the son of Zeus but never actually name-dropping Zeus in the movie series. Or the spin-off TV show. It had spanned a whole cinematic universe about fictional superheroes after they had introduced Theseus, a water-powered superhero who was a thinly veiled homage to Percy, in one of the movies. Theseus got his own solo-movie, then a sequel and over the years, they had established more and more heroes in this universe. Jason was so incredibly proud of it, not just because he played the hero who started it all, but because he was also creatively involved; he had pitched the character of Theseus.
Sitting down on the couch, he let his eyes wander just a little. A poster of his first big breakout role as Jace Herondale in a TV show adaptation of The Mortal Instruments... naturally, Percy had chosen the poster where Jason posed shirtless, showing off the runes.
"What do you want to be when you grow up?", asked Jason softly.
"I wanna take over granny's bakery", declared Jackson with a puffed-out chest. "I'll learn all of her recipes and become the best baker in all of New York."
"I dunno, dad. I'm nine", huffed Grace with a pointed look. "Maybe I'll become a great fashion designer like auntie Silena! Or a teacher like auntie Annabeth. Or president. Or astronaut. Oh! Or doctor."
"Okay, okay", Jason interrupted her, laughing. "But neither of you wants to become a superhero like your dads?"
The twins exchanged a silent look before shaking their heads and Jackson answered. "No. It looks scary. It looks cool to watch but I'd be super scared."
Jason nodded slowly. "But if Gracie was in danger, like really, really scary danger, what would you do?"
"I'd help her!", exclaimed Jackson immediately, grabbing his sister's hand.
The smile on Jason's lips grew some. "Being a hero is really, really scary and really, really dangerous. And I never-ever wanted to be a hero. I'm not as brave as your dads when it comes to that. But when there is something very big and dangerous that your dads can't handle on their own, I'll put my own fears aside. Because you know what is just... so much scarier than being a hero? It'd be if something happened to your dads. And I couldn't help."
He knew their kids were under no illusions; they knew Nico and Percy led dangerous lives and they knew something could happen to them. Nico had already been hospitalized for a longer period of time a few years ago.
"So when they really need me, I'll be very brave to help them."
"So... So this is really real?", asked Grace softly, holding up the comic-book.
Jason snorted a little at the extremely overdone hero-pose he was striking on the cover. "It's... more or less real. There's some... made-up stuff there, because those who write these comics, they only had the news coverage to go by, they weren't actually there when we met in private and planned and talked. But yes, that happened."
Jackson straightened up at that and took the comic from his sister to open it on the last page, putting it down on Jason's lap and very decidedly pointing at the To Be Continued in the lower corner.
"How's it end!?", asked Jackson eagerly. "We don't wanna wait!"
"Ye--es! Did you save the day? Did you rescue daddy when he got abducted by the alien octopus?", wanted Grace to know, eyes large.
Laughing to himself, Jason leaned back against the couch and opened his arms, both his kids immediately snuggling up to him and eagerly awaiting the story. Jason wasn't the greatest story-teller in the family, Piper was the author, but he did his best to actually tell the story as exciting as possible. He talked and talked for over an hour and by the end of the story, both twins were deep asleep. Asleep on him, not giving him a chance to move from the couch either. Though he was tired too, so he closed his eyes, just for a second.
"I'm de--ead", groaned Percy softly and something shifted.
Jason blinked sleepily, turning his head toward the source of the voice. His face lit up when he saw Percy snuggled up to Grace from behind. When he turned toward his other side, he saw Nico behind Jackson.
"I'm sorry we were both gone, amore", whispered Nico as he leaned over to kiss Jason sweetly. "It was an all-hands-on-deck situation..."
"You don't have to explain", Jason smiled faintly. "You're the leaders of the Olympians. They rely on you. Especially now with all the newbies, they need your guidance."
"Yeah, but we promised you we'd step back some", Percy sighed frustrated.
"You can't control when a weird Canadian wants to start the robot- apocalypse", Jason chuckled amused. "I'm proud of you both. And you have been stepping back a lot."
Percy hummed in agreement, eyes slowly closing as he rested his head on Jason's shoulder. Within moments, he was out cold. So the entire family was going to sleep on the couch today, mh?
"How did your meeting go?", asked Nico, sounding sleepy.
"Good. I mean. Really good. The studio is still so stubbornly thinking that female superheroes won't sell, but we finally pushed through. We got the Helen of Troy spin-off greenlit", replied Jason with a puffed out chest.
Nico smiled at him, kissing his cheek. "Good. I'm proud of you."
And then he yawned and snuggled closer to Jason. It filled Jason with warmth to just sit here, with his husbands and children, in their home. Safe and happy. Yes, he worried for Nico and Percy when they were out there, but he also knew that this was their dream and they loved their job. And ever since the twins had been born, the two really had stepped back, leading from the headquarters and training new heroes, only going out themselves if it was an emergency and the others needed help. Jason couldn't be mad about that, wouldn't want to be either, because he could never resent his husbands for living their dream - they had, after all, always supported Jason and his dream. Even when Jason would be in another country for months filming a movie, they never complained, they took care of the kids and were proudly at his side during the premieres.
"I love you two", whispered Jason, carefully kissing the top of Nico's head on one of his shoulders and the top of Percy's head on the other. "My heroes."
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strangerobin · 3 years
Rue: Chapter 6 (Jasper Hale x OC)
Just know that, in another life where I was free of lies and deceit, I would move heaven and earth just to stay alongside you. To spend a lifetime with you. Body and soul.
Stolen away just nights before their wedding, Jasper had mourned the loss of his lover, Adeline, for centuries. Until a similar face showed up one day out of the blue, just as beautiful and just as youthful.
Part 6
A plan of sorts that leaves neither parties thrilled.
She was still waiting for a sign.
On occasions, Adeline felt watched and the unease in her heart refused to subside. Something was about to happen to break this faux peace, she was sure; but just what it was she had no clue. And the more time had passed, the more on edge and paranoid she got, going so far as to snapping at poor Loreen for the smallest of things. She hated herself more than ever.
In the end, the sign she had been waiting for came in the form of flowers.
Cornflowers to be exact.
A bouquet was left in the early morning on the doorsteps of their little shared house. No one had heard the deliverer. Anakin and Teddy were away, engaging in their own businesses. Loreen was still tucked safely in her little fort of plushies and rag dolls. Adeline had merely opened the door to enjoy some fresh air and was instead met with a bouquet of cornflowers arranged with utmost care.
Your eyes are the colour of cornflowers.
A man she loved once told her. So she was reminded of.
Holding the bouquet as far away from herself as possible, she chucked the bouquet straight into the trash and went about her day as if nothing happened. As if she wasn’t bouncing her leg non-stop while watching reruns on TV, or how distracted she was, or how Loreen kept shooting worried glances at her. As if she wasn’t practically vibrating anxiety off her being.
The flowers never stopped. Every morning a fresh batch was laid on the doorsteps, Loreen even managed to steal some and displayed them in a pretty little vase in her room. Out of spite, Adeline thought. She tried to stay vigilant and stand guard at the door, but then they would only appear elsewhere around the house. She knew then that there was no running from this.
Adeline would bet good money on who her secret admirer (stalker) was. She did not remember him as a stubborn man; but from the persistence of his action she had gathered what game he was playing at. This was an open challenge issued to her, a taunt, he wouldn’t confront her upfront. No, he was patient with his schemes and would strike only when the hour was ripe; he was the predator and her the prey now. And she was so so tempted to rise to the bait. But she must keep her cool, and not loose her mind. He might loose his interest in her yet.
In a century or two. Her treacherous mind taunted mercilessly.
Oh but how wrong was she.
The next taunt came the next day in the form of a book, Frankenstein.
Specifically, the exact copy of the cheap paperback edition she had left behind in Whitehorse months ago.
In a fit of hysterics, she threw open the front door and went all the way up to the front yard and bellowed into the empty countryside. “Leave me the fuck alone you sick bastard!”
Only later did she start to question.
How did he find her? How did he manage to track her down from Whitehorse to Minnesota and now Colorado? She was confident of her concealment ability.
So then, how?
From a distance, Jasper watched the girl sitting at the front porch, lacing up her roller skates. The child turned her heard, seemingly to answer someone inside the house before finishing up the rest of her laces. Then in trepidation she tested water with the first few step, before gaining confidence and propelling herself forward into the open road.
In her flowy sundress and a light cardigan, seemingly not minding the alpine chill, the child spread out her arms and laughed with her head thrown back, as if she were soaring amongst the wind instead. She seemed like any other child, if it weren’t for her scent, and that luminous skin in the morning light.
Jasper casually got out of his car and leaned against it, unsubtly observing the girl. That seemed to catch the child’s attention as she eyed him suspiciously while zipping past the first time; before turning round at the end of the drive and passing by again. If she was scared then she hardly showed it. After a few back and forth, she finally slowed a few meters from Jasper and regarded him cooly.
“Who are you?” Her asked in a sing-song voice. “If you’re here to sell cable or insurance or fire resistant something, we’re not interested.”
“Ah I see so you are the Madame of the house then, little lady.” Jasper chuckled and watched as the child pouted and crossed her arms, petulant at the name. Yes, she was like one of those children too smart for their own good, sharp witted but quick to anger. And much too trusting. “Fear not, I am only a friend. Tell me, do you live here with family?”
“Half siblings.” The child corrected.
“And is not your half-sister called Adeline?”
“And you are?”
“A long time... friend.” He hesitated after a second.
“Oh?” Now her voice was laced with suspicion.
Jasper smiled charismatically and exerted an air of reassurance over the child. “Do you think you can send a message from me to her?”
The child frowned, clearly reluctant. “Couldn’t you do it yourself? If you really are her friend. She’s in a mood these days and I don't want to cross anymore than I need to.”
“I don’t think she’d like to see me for now.” Jasper shrugged nonchalantly, as if he was not in fact stalking the said person, but simply had a disagreement with her over a conversation during bar night.
She narrowed her eyes at him again.
“What’s in this for me?”
Jasper bowed his head respectfully. “Of course there will be payment on my part. I shall be forever in your debt.”
She pursed her lips and pondered on the request thoughtfully. “If I am to be messenger,” She began slowly. “I’d like a year’s worth of Ben and Jerry’s. And a year’s subscription of Netflix!” She looked so haughty then, so proud of herself for striking a deal that he had to chuckle.
“Oh little lady.” He said in between laughs, somehow adoring the sweet innocence of the child. “You drive a hard bargain don’t you? Yes of course I promise.” He put a hand over his heart and bowed. “Cross may heart and hope to die.”
That seemed to satisfy the child and she grinned cheekily at him, no doubt pleased with her little bargain of free ice cream and Netflix films.
“Here.” He produced from his pocket a single map. And handed it to the girl. She eyed it suspiciously before taking in gingerly, their hands briefly touching. If she noticed his ice cold skin then she did not make a remark.
Instead her eyes flickered back to him and she chewed on her lips thoughtfully before finally opening her mouth. “I hope... I hope whatever it is between the two of you, all will be well soon.”
Momentarily caught surprised, Jasper straightened his stance and looked to the house in the distance with longing and tenderness.
“Yes I hope so too.”
“Oh Lorie you’re finally back. Fun time roller skating?”
Adeline was sitting on the sofa, in a bathrobe with blankets wrapped all around herself up to her head flipping through the channels at top speed.
“I met a friend of yours down the street.” Loreen announced.
“Friend? What friend-”
She froze at the name.
“Come again?”
“Jasper was here and he wanted me to pass on a message to you.” Loreen stated as-a-matter-of-factly and handed over the old map. She scrutinised her sister; watched as her face blanched before being replaced by red hot fury.
“What is the meaning of this?!” Adeline bellowed, crumpling the map into a tight little wall. “Where is he? Is he still out there now?!”
Loreen shrugged, trying to convey the message that she was just as clueless as the other was. “I’m sure he’s only just left.”
Adeline bolted out of the doors at once.
“Jasper!” She yelled like a lunatic, and searched frantically, not giving a fig what the neighbours would think. She had other pressing matters to be concerned of.
How dare he! How dare he approached her family, especially her innocent sister! He had already shattered her little peaceful life! That she could tolerate, and she supposed to some extent, she was reaping what she had sowed years ago. But preying on her young sister like that! He had no right! Absolutely no right! How dare he!
Hidden under the shades of the woods she took off in a blur, trying to locate the man. But the faint smell she caught whiff of indicated that he had long since been gone.
Still livid, she stomped her way back to the house.
First the flowers, then the book and now this map. Jasper; yes she was finally going to acknowledge this, that he was the same man she had met all those years ago, and that yes he was a fucking vampire now! And one with no fucking sense of boundaries! His message was clear and simple.
Don’t think that you’ve been forgotten. I know where you are and I will find you, whatever it takes. Or you can come to me, on your terms. You know where to find me.
She spread the crumpled map out.
It was a state map of fucking Washington!
Like a flame being doused with ice cold water, she finally realised her mistake all those months ago. The hybrid child she had met in the clearing… That was how he had come to know of her. There was no doubt of it now. The child must have told her coven of their meeting, and either he was part of the coven, or he was on intimate terms with them. Either way, she had damned herself that day when she had decided not to trust her instincts to stay inland. And like dominoes, a little push had unknowingly caused the whole system to collapse on its own, the shockwaves continuing to reverberate in the aftermath of the disastrous meeting.
Adeline cursed and screamed in frustration.
Stupid! Stupid! She was so stupid! What was she to do now?! Engage? And she would be falling right into his laps without a fight. Run? But for how long? He had proven himself more than capable of tracking her somehow, it would be all for naught. He had a coven; and she had only her siblings. Siblings whom never got involved with her affairs, nor did she wish to involve into the mess. And especially not her youngest.
Frustrated, she flipped the map to find an actual written message penned in impeccable cursive handwriting. Which got her blood boiling immediately.
Do you have what it takes?
Self-righteous bastard! Well she’ll show him!
Adeline was in and out of the house in a flash, clothes changed. “Addie where are you going?” Loreen was by the door, obviously concerned.
“I’m going.” Her reply was short, clipped.
“At least wait for Anakin or Teddy.”
“No Loreen. I have to go. You’ll be fine on your own right?” Adeline tried to smile to relieve the tension, but evidently the tight-lipped smile only succeeded in agitating her sister more.
“I suppose yes. But-"
“Stay safe dear. I’ll see you in a bit.”
And she was out.
She refused to address her other concerns; like what did he want by actively seeking her out, or how did he even find her when she had made sure all her tracks were concealed? What did it mean for the two of them now that the other was all along alive and well? What would it entail for either parties from here on? What would father even do should he learn of this?
All of the what ifs and hows and whys were all overshadowed by her high-strung emotions. Her action was spurred into motion and further fulled by her fury at her former lover. Really, she lacked even a concrete plan of engagement which she seemed to be forgetting repeatedly in favour of the raging anger within her.
One she had not felt in years now.
“Are you sure she’ll come?” Edward asked.
“I’m sure.” Was Jasper’s curt reply, even if the doubt was weighing heavily down on his heart. He was back in Forks, back with his family where there was still some semblance of safety and control.
For nights, he had sat outside of Adeline’s little house in his car, just thinking and formulating, the best ways to engage her. He could knock on her door right then and there, and no doubt she would lose her shit, and everything would be fucked. Or he could catch her attention and lure her out back to where he felt safest, and should she decide to come along with then he would engage accordingly. At that time it felt like a decent plan, but now that he was home, the plan seemed stupid. Either way seemed like it would end pretty badly. In the end, he had made his escape early, had not stayed to see Adeline’s reaction at his subtle message. For fear of rejection, for fear of being unable to bear the disappointment.
He was such a coward.
And now he watched as his brother grimaced and frowned, clearly hesitating whether to speak his mind out or not, before finally making his mind up. “It’s just… are you sure about this?”
“About what?” Jasper said feigning ignorance.
“You’re taunting her.” Edward stared him straight in the eye, somewhat sternly. “Is this any way to court the girl you like?”
“Well, says the man who stalked his then classmate in her bedroom every night.” He shot back with barb, clearly annoyed.
Edward’s face soured and immediately stalked off the other way.
Jasper sighed and ran a hand absentmindedly through his tangled hair, emotions all over the place. He knew he was an unwelcome presence in the house lately, practically vibrating off anxiety within a mile radius and affecting anyone within. It made the others nervous, stressed even. And everyone avoided him like the plague.
Bella and Edward had taken Renesmee to their little cottage so that the little one would not be affected. Carlisle had taken to working long hour shifts at the hospital and God knows where Rose and Emmett were.
And Alice... Alice was distancing herself from him.
She had taken to avoiding him, bluntly. She was never in the same room as he was. Had stopped being affectionate like she used to. Their interactions were reduced to light pats on his shoulder, fleeting hand touches, tight-lipped smiles that never quite reached her eyes. She was clearly hurting regardless of what she proclaimed. And to make matters worse, it was fracturing the family.
Emmett’s the-devil-may-care attitude can be reassuring, but Rosalie’s disdain at him was dully noted. Bella was torn and Edward was still suspicious of Adeline but somewhat more understanding of his predicament, although apparently he had just pissed off his last comrade. Carlisle and Esme were only concerned for the two of them, no doubt wanting the best for the pair of them.
And there was nothing he could do.
Alice had made the decision for the two of them.
But it tortured him as much as it killed her. She was the light in his pitiful life for years, his beacon in the dark night. She would never forgive him for all his betrayals just as he could never forgive himself for being the one to hurt her,
And now it pained him just as much to think of Adeline, of his plan to lure her out. He had known her like the back of his own hand then. Though what an irony that felt now. The one he had meant to share his life with, ended up being the one he had known the least.
While she can be sweet and lively, her temper seemed to have a mind of its own. And her heart always dominated in any decisions she made. She was open to persuasion, but would never bend to anyone’s will by force. Would react badly and lash out if forced.
And he had forced her hand.
Adeline would come, she must. Because if she did not, what then? He could go back to Alice and begged for her to take him back or he could continue hunting Adeline down, but then what? He could not force her into anything against her will, he would not. While he was no saint, he certainly was no monster to force himself onto her. She had only need to say the words, with steel in her resolve and he would begone as she requested, forever.
And should she have changed?
It had been more one and a half century since their parting, he had changed much. How did he expect her to remain the same? How did he expect her to remain steadfast in their love? Or its lack thereof?
He was torn between being content with simple ordinariness, or pursuing something more, something all encompassing and consuming, but also elusive which might end up being a gamble for nothing.
Either required him to make a blind leap of faith, though one was certainly more perilous than the other.
"I don't... I don't know what to do." He finally admitted aloud to Edward's retreating form, watched as the man turned to look back at him with narrowed eyes. "I have the choice... I have the choice to move on like she did, or I can continue to pursue her to the ends of the world, like some psychopathic stalker vampire..."
"But you don't want to be neither." Edward sighed sympathetically.
"And yet you don't want to let her go either."
"No, I don't either."
Jasper shot his brother a bittersweet smile before lapsing into silence. It felt embarrassing to tell Edward of his inner most thoughts, but at the same time there was something cathartic in finally sharing with someone what he thought.
"If there's anything I learnt from being with Bella," Edward said after a moment of thought. "It's that every relationship requires the investment of both parties. It's useless if she doesn't reciprocate your feeling."
Jasper quirked his lips ruefully. "Alice seems to think otherwise."
"Alice can't see the hybrid's future."
"No but I told her we might be soulmates."
"Well are you?"
"I don't know... I think so."
Jasper looked up to see Edward with a smug smirk aimed at him. "Well what do we have here? The cold and calculating Major Whitlock stumped for once because he's confused what to do with his lover-"
"Edward!" He protested loudly.
Ed laughed with mirth before holding up his hands in surrender. "I digress." Then his demeanor turned serious again. "Like I said, it requires two people to be in love. A soulmate bond doesn't automatically make her fall in love with you and vice versa. At the end of the day, it's just a bond. It ties the two of you together in this life, you can feel her, might even need her. But at the end of the day, it's for the both of you to decide if the both of you want to purse a more serious relationship, no?"
Jasper looked away, not wanting to meet his brother's intense gaze.
Had he considered what she wanted?
He loved her, still. But did she want him in the same way?
"I... tell me what I should do then?"
The proposition pained him physically and mentally and Jasper closed his eyes and swallowed harshly.
But Edward only looked at him with a tenderness and pity in his eyes.
"Do what's right, brother. Don't make it a regret of yours for eternity."
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americasass91 · 4 years
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This request is for my beautiful friend, @chuckbass-love​. I'm sorry you had a shitty day! I hope this helps! And remember that no matter what, Steve loves you💜💜
This is pure fluff, no smut. (I know, I must be ill) I hope whoever reads this enjoys it! It's short and sweet!
I just, *sighs dreamily*👇🏻
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Warnings: language, friend being a bitch
“I cannot believe you aren’t supporting me in this! You’re supposed to be my best friend! But I guess you being supportive is asking too much.”
You pull the phone away from your ear and just stare at it for a second. You can’t believe your supposed best friend is saying these things to you.
“I do support you! I just don’t think marrying this guy is a good idea Y/F/N. He’s cheated on you not just once but twice that you know of. And one of those people he slept with is your sister!  I just can’t understand why you’d want to marry him. You deserve better!”
“You’re right. I do deserve better. A better best friend. You just can’t accept the fact that I’m happily engaged with a handsome guy who loves me and you can’t even get a date. You’re jealous. Green isn’t a good color on you.”
Your mouth drops open in shock. That is so not the problem here.
“That is far from the issue here! I just think you deserve better. But if you’re happy then I’ll support you. You know that. I’m here for you always. I’m sorry for what I said about him. But you did ask me my opinion and I’m always honest. Especially with you.”
“Honest? You want to talk about honesty here? Okay how about we talk about how you’ve always been jealous of me and the attention I get from guys! I’m prettier than you. That’s always bothered you! Don’t deny it! That’s why it bothers you so much that he picked me instead of you in that bar 2 years ago. You’re so jealous!”
“What are you talking about? Of course you’re prettier than me. I’ve never denied that! I think you’re beautiful! I’ve always told you that! And I don’t care how much attention you get from guys! I just want you getting attention from the right ones!”
She scoffs into the phone. “He is the right one! You’re just so blind with jealousy that you can’t see that! You know what? I’m done. I don’t need someone toxic like you in my life.”
Tears start stinging your eyes. “What are you saying?”
She sighs irritatingly. “It means I’m over this friendship. I have other REAL friends who are actually happy for me. So I’ll be able to count on them. I don’t need you. I guess this is goodbye. No real loss.” Then the line goes dead.
You put your phone down on the counter and just stare at it in shock for a minute. She’d been your best friend since kindergarten. You’d been through so much together. Now she’s throwing away all those years of friendship for some cheating asshole.
You don’t even notice when the tears start to fall until you feel one hit your hand that’s resting on the counter. You quickly wipe the tears away on the sleeve of your hoodie.
You remember you’re in the communal kitchen in the compound and get up to head to your room.
As you’re rounding the island to head towards the exit, Steve comes in and about runs into you.
“Oh, Sorry Y/N! Almost didn’t see yo- Hey are you crying? What’s wrong, doll?”
You didn’t even realize the tears had kept falling. You go to wipe them away again when Steve stops you.
He cups your face and wipes the tears away with his thumbs. “You’re too pretty to cry, doll. Tell me what’s wrong.”
You feel butterflies erupt in your stomach at him calling you pretty. You think this is also the closest you’d ever physically been to the Captain. You can feel the heat radiating off of him. You can see just how blue his eyes are from this distance. Wow, he sure was pretty.
You quickly shake your head to rid yourself of the inappropriate thoughts you were having of your superior.
You take a step back and go to move around him. “I’m fine. Nothing important really.”
Steve grabs onto your arm to still your movements and furrows his brow. “It must be important to you if you’re crying about it. Please talk to me. I’m a good listener.” He gives you a hopeful smile.
You do want to talk about it and he just looks so willing to listen.
You give in. “Okay, I’ll tell you. Can we go sit on the couch?”
He nods and grabs your hand to pull you towards the communal living room.
You sit so you’re both facing each other. Steve smiles at you. “Okay, go ahead, doll.”
“Well, my best friend called to ask me what I thought of her boyfriend. I kinda thought that was an odd question. But she told me to be honest. So I was.”
Steve shrugs his shoulders. “Okay. What’s so bad about that? Isn’t honesty the best policy?”
You had to suppress your smile. Of course Captain America would say something like that.
“Yes, usually it is. But unfortunately her boyfriend,well now fiancé, is a total asshole and I told her as much.”
“What makes him an asshole if you don’t mind me asking?”
You can’t help the scowl that crosses your face. “They’ve been together 2 years. And in that time he’s been caught sleeping with 2 other people that she knows of. One of them being her own sister!”
Steve’s eyes go wide. “Why does she keep going back to him?”
You shrug your shoulders. “She claims she loves him and can’t live without him. And honestly I can see maybe forgiving him the first time. We’re human. We all make mistakes. But then once I found out he slept with my sister the second time? I’d be so done. She just deserves so much better.” You can feel the tears start to fall again. You really did love her. You just wanted the best for her.
Steve grabbed your hand and rubs your knuckles with his thumb. “So what happened after you told her all of this?”
You look at your entwined hands as you speak. “She told me I was just jealous that she was engaged. Said I’ve always been jealous with how prettier she is than me. Which I know she is and have always told her so. She told me I was jealous he picked her in that bar instead of me 2 years ago. Basically she said she doesn’t want me in her life anymore since I’m not being supportive.”
Steve gives you a sympathetic smile. “It sounds like you were just doing what she told you to do. Being honest. She’s just mad because she knows in the back of her mind that you’re right. Unless of course you are jealous and you did want him to pick you?”
You snap your head up to meet his gaze. “I’d rather be alone for the rest of my life than be with someone like that. Which is most likely what’s going to happen. It’s ok. I’m used to being alone.”
Steve once again furrows his brow in confusion. “Why do you think you’re going to end up alone? If you are then there’s certainly no hope for me. At least you’ve had relationships. I can’t even talk to a girl without sweating or getting tongue-tied.”
You giggle at him. “Oh please, Steve! You are Steve Rogers! America’s Golden Boy! You’re not only one of the most handsome men I’ve ever seen but you’ve got a kind heart. You’ll find the right girl. If anyone deserves happiness, it’s you.”
He blushes at your words. “You’re really being too kind. And what about you? You’re one of the sweetest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. You’d give anyone the shirt off of your back if they needed it. No questions asked. And I don’t believe for one second she’s prettier than you. Because to me, you’re gorgeous.”
You can’t help the roll of your eyes. “Please. I’m okay looking, but gorgeous? I don’t think so.”
He shakes his head. “Well I think you are and I have authority over you so you have to listen to me.”
You gape at him. “Oh, whatever! You may be my superior on missions but not here, not right now.”
He scoots closer to you and rests his hands on your knees. “Yeah? Then what am I right here, right now to you Y/N?”
You feel your breath hitch. Fuck. You can see how blue his eyes are again. You need to put space between you before you attack him. You try to back away but he tightens his grip on you. You can see him slowly leaning in. His eyes jumping from your eyes to your mouth. You know he can hear how fast your heart is beating. “What are you doing, Steve?”
He moves one hand and cups your face so he can pull you towards his mouth. “Kissing the most gorgeous girl I know.” At that he presses his lips to yours lightly, giving you a chance to back away if you want.
Fuck it.
You throw your arms around his neck and kiss him back with as much passion as you can muster. He smiles into the kiss and wraps his other arm around your waist.
After a few minutes he pulls away, breathless. You press your forehead against his. “I thought you were shit with girls, Rogers?”
He chuckles and pulls you onto his lap so that you’re straddling him, settling his hands on your hips. “I usually am. How am I doing so far?”
You giggle and lean in just until your lips are touching. “Not sure, think we need to keep going until I can give you a fair evaluation.”
He chuckles and pulls you in for another breathtaking kiss, neither one of you in a rush to pull away.
Permanent Taglist: @starggazingfangirl18 @drabblewithfrannybarnes​ @harrysthiccthighss​ 
145 notes · View notes
It’s Ok
Summary: Chris has been gone on a work trip related for a while. Reader has a complicated week, when she finds out that Chris is coming back, she is not able to welcoming him the way she wants.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Sickness, vomiting, fainted, fever, body issues (not to profound)
Word Count: 2,768
This was written for the Week 5 Weekly Challenge of @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho ​ @donutloverxo ​ @captain-a-rogerss ​
A/N: This was kind of proof-read so if there’s any mistake, please let me know, English is not my mother tongue, and I’m still learning. Enjoy the reading!
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You had to get ready, but you were still in bed. It was one of those days you wanted to stay in bed and do nothing. You weren’t feeling ok; you assumed that it was because you missed him, your dearest boyfriend. Today marked the second week since he left for work. It was supposedly to take just a couple of day, but it didn’t go as planned because he hasn’t come back yet.
You felt alone, empty. Chris wasn’t there with you, neither Dodger; Chris insisted on took him in with his sister, so you didn’t have to worry about him. You took a deep breath and decided to get up and get ready for the day.
Once on the kitchen, you were having just a tea, not coffee today, you weren’t in the best mood and the caffeine didn’t help you. You were lost in thought about all you had to do for the day when your buzzing phone brought you back to reality.
Good morning doll. Counting the days to be back with you.
I wish you a beautiful day
Love you
Suddenly a smile appeared on your face, and felt love, just pure love. Chris knew how sad and difficult is for you to be alone for so long. You decided to text a quick response and then get ready for work.
 Hello beautiful boy. I can't wait to have you with me.
Have a beautiful week.
Love you more
 The day at work started pretty good for your liking, but it ended up bad and it was just Monday. Someone did something wrong on important papers and your boss had to deal it with you. Being part of a group of assistants was difficult, you have to deal with the bad mood and yelling from the bosses and people who believed had a superior position than yours. You were really stressed, you needed a break to keep going but it was the beginning of the week and you still had the rest of the week ahead. You finished working around 4:30 pm and had to get ready for your classes. You’re on your third year of college with a major in Art History, your current job it doesn’t have any connection with what you’re studying but it helps the survival.
You have a few delayed papers, a few with close deadlines but still you have to prepare two final exams. The stress was starting to kick in.
 The same emptiness you felt yesterday today was there. You had barely slept; you stayed awake doing some papers and making flashcards to study. Last night after coming back from school, you started to cry, you were overwhelmed, and you needed Chris by your side. You had texted him but you put it aside afterwards because you didn’t want any distractions. You were starving; you didn’t have dinner yesterday, so you got up and went to have breakfast. You took the computer with you so you could update more papers. You had to checked the phone, probably some of the teachers had emailed you because you were late and the grades were coming down. You had a few texts from Chris, of course.
 Hi love! I’m sorry I didn’t answer back, I was busy.
How did your day go? I really miss you
 Babe, is everything alright? 
Pls answer me
I hope you rest well. I can’t wait to see you
Sweet Dreams, good night, I love you
You felt really bad because he wanted to talk to you, but you needed to update some of your essays. Your work was taking you more time than you had expected and because of that you were getting behind in the classes. You finished breakfast, got ready and went to work.
At lunch break, you decided to text Chris back and tell him what was going on. 
Hi honey! How are you? Sorry I didn’t answer I was catching up with homework
I hope your day it's better than mine :(
I really miss you. Can’t wait to see you
Love you
So far the day was stressful, but manageable. You had tons of work, and probably you had to stay extra hours to finish some papers that had to be delivered the following day. After the break you started to work on those papers when you got a phone call.
-Hello –I say not seeing who was calling
-Hi love –Chris said –How are you?
-Lost in work, you? –I say
-Missing you –he says
-I miss you too –I say –Look honey, I really appreciate you calling, but I have to finish this, and I’m already late with it –I mention with a sad tone
-It’s okay doll. I wanted to check on you actually –he says –but I’ll call you later
-I’m good, don’t worry –I say
-Ok. I love you –He says upset
-Love you too. Bye –I say and hang up
If you thought that your day was going to get better after that call, you were wrong. A really strong headache hit you and made you feel dizzy, probably it was because the late night working. You decided to take an aspirin, ignore the pain and keep working.
You had to stay almost four hours after work, your headache never left and you had missed the classes of the day. You wanted to get home and get into bed and wake up on the weekend. You decided to send Chris a quick text because he had promised you to call.
Hi love! I know you wanted to talk, but I’m leaving work right now and I have to finish an essay for tomorrow and I’ll probably ignore my phone.
I’m really really sorry
Talk to you tomorrow. I promise
Love you
 Once you got home, you took off your clothes, put some pjs and started the essays which were due date tomorrow and you haven’t started yet. It was going to be a long night with lots of coffee.
The pounding headache you had earlier got really worse, your eyes were watering making it really difficult to read and your body was really sore. It was the fifth cup of coffee when you got a text from your mom
Hello Y/N! I hope you remember our dinner tomorrow
It’s been a while since the last meeting.
I really miss you
As soon as you saw who texted you, you rolled your eyes. You’ve totally forgot the dinner with your mom, you were doing too many things but remember it wasn’t, but you couldn’t cancel it. It was the only time you were able to see her during the week.
 Hi mom! I’ll be there, don’t worry
I miss you too
When you send it the message, you realized it that was almost 6 AM and you haven’t finished your essay yet. You stop doing it and went to take a shower and then start the new day.
After your late night work and your shower, you still felt tired and sore. You prepared your breakfast and went to finish your essay. Luckily you were able to finish it just in time to go to work. You send a quick text to your mom and Chris and started your day.
Your day at the office went pretty well. Some stressful moments, but besides that, everything was normal. You were feeling really bad, being all night awake wasn’t your best decision but it was worthy, your essay was perfect, as your teacher said, and you were proud. You needed to go home and crash your bed; unfortunately you had dinner with your mom. You felt feverish but you didn’t pay much attention, probably was the lack of sleeping.
Hello my love! How’s your dinner with your ma going?
The producers told me that probably I’ll be back home by the weekend. I can’t wait
I love you
Your face lighted up immediately. It was the middle of the week, and Chris was coming back home. Nothing could ruin your day.
Dinner with your mom went terrible. She’d complaint about everything you have been doing since you moved on your own. Everything got worse when she started to criticize your body and your diet; and when she compared you to your sister you snapped. You had to kick her out of your house before something bad happened. Chris promised you to call, but you weren’t in the mood, not after what happened with your mom, so you turned off your phone, drank a beer and then you went to sleep. You deserved it.
Your alarm started to sound pretty loud, you got up and had to run to your bathroom, it wasn’t the cleverest idea to drink a beer before bed. Once you emptied your stomach, you laid on the cold floor. Today you had to stay in, so you emailed your boss calling in a sick day. You went back to bed and you fell asleep immediately. You woke up a few hours later feeling a little bit better from your stomach. You went to the kitchen; you prepared something light to eat and went back to bed. It was the perfect opportunity to finish all your essays you hadn’t hand in yet.
Some hours later, you were emptying your stomach on the bathroom again; you probably had caught a bug during the week. You should tell Chris about it, he shouldn’t get sick. 
You remembered that you’d turned it off the night before, probably you had several messages and missed calls, but you didn’t care. You didn’t want to deal with anything. Indeed, you had several phone calls from your mom and a bunch of texts saying she was sorry and she never meant to tell you such things. Before calling her you texted to Chris quickly to give him an update on your day and your health as well
Hi love! That’s great news! Sorry I didn’t answer back sooner, I was busy…
I don’t think you should come directly from the airport, I think I caught a bug, cause I haven’t been feeling well for a few days.
I hope your day is going good.
I miss you
And then you called your mom. She picked up after the first ring
-Y/N! Darling, are you ok? –she asks almost screaming
-Yeah, I forgot to turn on my phone –I say avoiding my health
-I’m sorry about last night, I shouldn’t have told you such horrible things –she says
-But still, you did it –I say –Look, I know you don’t like the way I’m living, but it’s MY life –I say
-I know sweetie, but I still feel bad about how everything ended –she told me.
“She was really excusing herself” you thought but your stomach had other plans
-I’m sorry mom –you say –I’ve got to go. We’ll talk later –I say and hung up
You run to your bathroom, lucky for you, you made it. You really needed Chris next to you. You heard your phone ringing, probably it was him calling you, but you didn’t have the energy to get up, you were really dizzy and you started to see black dots, and then everything went black. This wasn’t good.
You didn’t know how long you were passed out, but when you woke up, you felt terrible. You checked your temperature, the thermometer marked 100.4°; with all your energy you got up, and went back to bed to rest, you didn’t have enough energy to take anything or even cook something.
You don’t know when exactly you woke up, you emailed to your job calling in sick again. You didn’t realize what time it was or how long you were asleep. The only thought in your mind was that you needed to clean the house, Chris was coming tomorrow and everything was a mess, even though you warned him about being sick you knew he was going to come either way. You had to take your temp again; you were shivering, probably because it went up. Certainly it did, it was 102.2°; you knew it was bad, so you dragged yourself from bed and decided to run a bath, which was going to help.
After your bath, you went to the kitchen and prepared just a tea, and grabbed two crackers, you didn’t want to push your stomach, you were still weak; and you went back to bed.
You had a few emails from school, from work and some texts from your mom and Chris. When you were about to texted Chris back he called you.
-Hello my love –he says with his calming voice
-Hi –you answer
-How are you feeling?
-Really bad –you say pouting
-I’m sorry doll. Do you want me to call someone to take care of you?
-Don’t worry hun, I’m better now. With some rest I’ll recover –you assure him
-I’m calling you because I’m about to head to the airport so, I’ll probably don’t answer my phone until tomorrow –you heard him smiling
-It’s ok love; I can’t wait to see you again –you say smiling as well
-Me too love. Me too. I’ve got to go –he says upset
-Safe travel, I love you –you say
-Love you too. Bye –he says and hung up
You were crying already, you didn’t know why, probably was the fever. You finished your tea; you put some cozy clothes and went to the kitchen to start cleaning everything.
You finished cleaning pretty late so you took another tea and some crackers for dinner. You weren’t in the mood for food and neither your stomach. Once you finished your tea, you went to your room to clean it, when a wave of nausea hit you and you had to run to the bathroom again. You lay on the cold floor; it was a beautiful sensation against your heated skin. With all your strength you grabbed the thermometer and took your temp again, because you were pretty hot. You were running a temp of 103.1°. You needed help, you tried to get up from the floor so you could go to grab your phone, but you fainted before getting up. 
Chris arrived at dawn; he found the house clean although you told him you were sick. He noticed there was no dinner leftover, “have you been eating?” he thought to himself, he was worried
-I’m home baby –he calls but there’s no response
-Y/N? –he calls you a little louder
He thought that you might be sleeping, but his heart broke when he find you. He lifted you from the floor and put you in bed. He went to the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and pouring some cold water, grabbed a washcloth, a glass of juice and some ibuprofen and came back to the room.
When you woke up, you realized that you were on the bed, “did you make it to the bed?” you thought when you saw that Chris entering your room.
-Hey! You are awake –he says and you could barely smile
-When did you arrive? –you question
-Not long ago, I was worried –he admits -I found you on the floor –he sits next to you on the bed pulling the tray on the nightstand
-Oh –you say and you look your hands
-What is it love? -he asks caressing your cheek
-I think I fainted in the bathroom –you admit
Chris didn’t say anything; he went to the bathroom and picked up the thermometer. He came from the bathroom with a worried face
-Open –he commands
You did what he had told you and waited. He never stopped caressing your cheek. You were falling asleep when he woke you up
-Don’t fall asleep sweetie, I know you’re tired, but please, hang on –he sounded worried - Did you eat something? –he asked you but you just shake your head and the thermometer beeped
-104° .How high was the last time you checked it? -he asks you
-103.1° –you says
-We have to break this before it gets worse. How many times did you faint? –he was really worried
-Two times, I think. I don’t really know actually –you say disappointed
-When was the last time that you eat something solid? –he asks concerned
-On Wednesday, with my mom –I say –Probably that’s why I fainted the first time –I explained
-Don’t worry, doll. I’ll take care of you –he says caressing your face.
~Tag List (If you want to be part, let me know)
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crazycrackersworld · 3 years
Today at 1:30 p.m. my Aunt Theresa passed away. She had been in the hospital with pneumonia and covid for about 2 weeks they never could get her oxygen where it was supposed to be , and couldn't get her to keep food down they couldn't fix her.
Just a couple weeks ago we were all together in her house throwing her a birthday party for her 70th birthday my Uncle Mike came down from Colorado and had surprised her the place was full of family and friends and laughter joy and happiness and none of us knew what was right around the corner. None of us had any idea what events were going to be getting to unfold within a week or so and I don't think we would have believed it if someone told us.
She got sick thought it was pneumonia she was dealing with it and I'm one night my Uncle Jerrry couldn't get her up out of the bathtub she didn't have the strength to do it on her own and he couldn't help her so he called the ambulance and they took her to the hospital and that's where she stayed.
And in that amount of time Uncle Jerry spent two stays in the hospital of about a day or two each before getting sent home on cousin Tim went to stay with his dad to help him out but clearly he was sick right away he's been in the hospital since this past Monday hopefully he gets better.
My mom did not pick a real winner to be my biological father since I've never met him since he pretty much ran and disappeared as soon as he found out she was pregnant. So for the first few years of my life my mom's family stepped up and between my five uncles and my grandfather it was like I had six dads and between my mom and my grandma and my two aunts it's like I had four moms. Everybody helped, I learned different things from everybody and I consider myself very lucky to have had all those people in my life.
A lot of times people in the family made jokes all my Aunt Theresa not being The brightest bulb on the tree or the sharpest knife in the drawer it was always done out of love. In reality was she the smartest person no, she wasn't the dumbest either she did have a tendency to forget things or get things wrong and we just chalk that up to being Theresa.
But despite any of that or any shortcomings she was one of the kindest most caring most generous people I've ever met in my entire life. She truly had a beautiful soul and had a way of lighting up a room when she walked into it almost always in a good mood even when she wasn't in a good mood. I remember her smile and her laugh I remember how even as an adult when she would come back to Wisconsin to visit after moving here to Arizona and she would see me it was like just taking a look at me just brightened her day.
I had made the decision to not move back to Wisconsin permanently and and to stay here for the foreseeable future couple weeks before her birthday party and I only told a few people cuz I wanted to keep it a secret because I wanted to tell everybody else at her birthday party I wanted to tell her at her birthday party it was kind of my present. And I remember the look on her face when I told her she didn't look like a 70 year old lady she looked like like a little girl who had just gotten the doll she wanted for Christmas or the piece of candy she had begged for all day and she gave me the biggest hug and she was so happy that I was staying. And now I'm here and she's gone and it does not seem fair or right I am hurting more than I have in a very long time.
My cousin Jeanette lives in Maryland and Tim even though he's here obviously as I mentioned he's in the hospital. And so my Uncle Jerry who isn't in the greatest health in the first place is all alone in that house because he just lost the love of his life and I honestly don't know how long he'll last without her. I always thought my Uncle Jerry and Aunt Theresa would be one of those couples that once one pass the other one would just kind of give up and die of a broken heart soon after. Because they loved each other that much. I'm sure their marriage wasn't perfect, they had their problems and their issues with both of the kids but they stayed together through all of it neither one of them ever gave up on the other one neither one of them ever quit. They had the kind of marriage that I always hoped one day I would have.
Obviously my love life has not turned out that way, but seeing them together still always gave me hope and I guess it still does.
I can't list all of the things that I am going to miss about her so I guess the only proper way to say it as I'm going to miss everything about her, just everything. I'm going to miss everything about her.
There was a time in my life where I had moved out of Mayville didn't tell anybody where it went and I distanced myself for my mom and my dad and as I was slowly beginning to patch that relationship there were a few times that I did reach out to my Aunt Theresa for help for a ride somewhere you know maybe even a few bucks for some groceries and she never judged me she never lectured me she gave me the ride or she borrowed me the money she was always there for me.
I'm not saying other members of the family weren't I'm just saying the entries that was a little different she almost felt like a second mom sometimes let's face it I probably needed more than one mom i'm kind of a bastard.
So today at 1:30 p.m. I I lost one of the most beautiful people that I have ever known and I am here in what is still a foreign land and I feel so alone and I'm trying to be strong for my mom and she just lost her sister and I'm trying to be strong for my Uncle Jerry because he just lost his wife and he's worried about his son and I am trying to be strong for him because he just lost his mom and he's in the hospital sick with what most likely killed her.
So I try to be as strong and resilient in front of everybody else as possible when inside I am just falling apart cuz it's something I can't make better I can't fix this and I want to I want to fix it so bad.
So I will probably cry myself to sleep after drinking half of my jar of moonshine and I'll wake up tomorrow and I will try to hold him to tears so I can be there for my mom and everybody else because right now they need them more from me and I'll just have to keep my grief inside as much as I can and realize that other than family nobody really cares if I'm broken or not.
But for everything that she ever did for me, heck for me Lisa and Katana at the beginning, the least I can do is be strong for her sisters and her brothers and her children and her husband. The least I can do to honor her memory is to be there for everyone else like she was always there for me.
I don't know about everybody else in the world but she seemed to always see the Best in Me even when I was screwing things up left and right she always Saw the Best in Me. Two summers ago and her and my Uncle Jerry were up in Wisconsin they they picked me up from jail to take me to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription and then to basically break the law and take me to Sue's apartment so that I can give Sue some contact information and some other stuff cuz we really haven't been able to talk cuz I didn't have any money on my books. And even when I walked out of the jail and she's standing there I mean there was no judgment there was nothing she was just happy to see me and happy I was safe. I mean one of the most lowest points in my life where I'd screwed up just about as much as you can she just hugged me and told me she loved me.
And that was my entries I know her kids might have some criticisms and they might not think she was always the best mom and maybe Jerry might think she wasn't always the best wife and maybe my mom and my Aunt Margaret and my uncle's might not think she was always the best sister but I can tell you she was just about the best a screwed up kid like me could ever have and I thank God that she was in my life and I wish she was still here.
For me myself I can definitely say that my life has been better having had her in it and it's going to be a little emptier now that she's gone and I hurt so much I do I hurt so damn much I miss her already.
Oh God I hope I get some sleep tonight, some good sleep unbroken nightmare free but I don't see that happening.
Because of all the covid stuff I mean Uncle Jerry was able to get my Aunt Margaret and my mom in to say goodbye to her but that took a lot of arguing apparently. I was at work and nobody wanted to tell me what was going on because I wanted to make sure that I was safe and it was paying attention to where I was driving and I understand all of that I do but I didn't get a chance to say goodbye.
So I guess that's what I'm going to do right now I'm going to say goodbye. Auntie Theresa this is your nephew Sean, I am so sad to see you go and I am going to miss you so much. But I know you were really sick and I know you were really scared and I know you were in a lot of pain it is cliche as it is I am glad that you're not in pain anymore I really am. But the selfish part of me wishes you were still here because I don't want to say goodbye I don't want to lose you I don't want you to be gone forever because forever it's too long.
I'll do my best to keep an eye on Tim and Jerry and even Jeanette I'll do that for you because I love you so much I just love you so much. And it hurts so bad that you're gone. And I just hope that I can keep making the positive changes in my life that I know you were so proud of I'm so proud to watch me fix myself and I just want to know that you're looking down and you're still proud of me. That'll mean a lot.
So until we meet again someday goodbye my sweet sweet aunt I hope it's peaceful where you are, and that Grandma and Grandpa were waiting for you and that you weren't scared.
And in addition to goodbye, I love you Aunt Theresa I'm going to miss you....
Love Sean
May you rest in peace
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jjk-biased · 4 years
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*not canon or part of the storyline, sorry 😔✋🏽
smau masterlist
content that didn't make the cut:
— chapter 25 alt end:
𝗶𝗳 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗲𝗹 𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗮 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝗱
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“Daniel Y/L/N,” you gritted out.
“Long time no see, sister.”
The fucking nerve of this guy to even have the face to meet you. He somehow still upheld a small smile, which made you more livid.
“Why are you here?”
“To make amends. Is that too bad?” He shrugged lightly, too casual for your liking.
This was the asshole that had caused you a lot of years of suffering. He was the reason you had to shed blood, sweat, and tears to simply finish your degree in college. He was the root of your problems, the cause of why you had trust issues.
Mainly, he was the reason why the only people you could call your family was the seven best friends who took you in.
“You lost that chance years ago, Daniel!”
You tried your best not to let the anger within you take the wheel. If it did, you were sure you had to leave Seoul with a case of murder stained in your records.
“I’m leaving,” You murmured, snatching Jungkook’s hand and storming off to God knows where.
He followed you wherever you went though. No matter how many turns you took, he was hot on your tail. It took so much in you not to break Jungkook’s hand from the frustration you felt.
“Just give me a chance to explain, sister,” He pleaded.
You finally heard the desperation leak in his tone. Giving up, though not letting your guard down, you allowed it. You gave him yet another chance to redeem himself.
With reluctance, Jungkook left you to talk to Daniel. After reading his last message and texting Hoseok, you closed your phone.
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Let’s relive the years of anguish, you sarcastically cheered internally.
“Don’t call me sister. That title died with you three when you moved to America without even so much as telling me,” You breathed out, tears trying their best not to fall from your eyes.
Daniel visibly flinched at that jab. He was a shitty brother after all.
“I… I didn’t mean for it to happen…”
“What a shitty excuse. You didn’t mean for it to happen? What bullshit is that?”
“I never thought they’d take it too far,” He whispered, unable to keep eye contact with you. If he did, he would see how much pain he had caused you.
You chuckled rather sarcastically.
“Yet they did. And you never did anything, did you Dani?” You sneered, the nickname that left your mouth didn’t feel as warm as it did.
Growing up with a traditional family wasn’t something you both could escape from. Your parents had a love-less marriage, meant only to expand whatever business they had.
As first-born, Daniel was expected of a lot of things. Intelligence, charm, and any other business-related characteristic that should help them prosper. But he wasn’t any of those things. He didn’t take interest in the entire idea. Instead of stocks and investments, he wanted modelling. Instead of maths, he wanted fashion.
Neither your mother nor father were having it.
So while he was forced to sacrifice his childhood for your parents, you had the freedom to exercise yours.
He’d be gifted with various accountancy and business related textbooks and would watch as you played with your toys and dolls. He never had those.
Your parents didn’t pay mind to your hobbies. They didn’t mind that you often geeked out at every video game you loved. They were too focused on making Daniel the CEO he will be.
He was angry. He was envious.
But he would be lying if he said he didn’t love you.
You were an empath at heart and would often cheer him up when the pressure was too much. He could still remember when you discovered him breaking down after a certain scolding happened— you dropped everything to rush to his side and say “It’s okay, Dani. I’m here for you.”
The memory of the countless cupcakes you had attempted to make just to make him smile was still etched in his mind. They weren’t the best tasting cupcakes out there, but they were made by you. And it made everything okay.
However, every thread snaps when it reaches its breaking point.
He had reached his— his envy became far too strong than the care had for you.
It was supposed to be a light remark so their parents could give him some sort of leeway in life. But the anger rushed out of his mouth and he couldn’t stop the word-vomit from pouring out.
He watched your parents’ treatment change and had to witness you take the burnt for him. You were now the one they had criticized at every twitch of a finger. They suddenly turned against you, angry at how you “wasted” your life with videogames.
He regretted every single thing he had said.
Perhaps it’s too late now.
“I had no power over them, you know that,” he muttered, taking your silence after he had explained everything as a cue to speak.
“You know… I never really minded them moving to America. But even you left me, Dani,” you croaked out.
“I’m sorry.”
“I became broke when I entered college. I had to work different jobs and eventually stick with the career I have.”
“I’m sorry,” He whispered once again, hands clasped tightly.
“I had no one else to rely on for a few years until my friends showed up,” You sighed.
“I’m sorry.”
It seemed more like a mantra by now. While it wasn’t enough to compensate for each day you had to go by without anyone else, it eased your heart a little bit.
He had also mentioned that he was sent by his parents to fix whatever you two had for the sake of the company. Your fame would bring them benefits, they said. Your brother ignored whatever ulterior motive they had initially planned, and took this chance to finally own up to the shittiest fuck up he had done.
You were thankful for the honesty, sensing that he was true to his word.
“I can’t forgive you immediately, you know,” You reminded, fiddling your thumbs out of anxiety.
“I know. I don’t mind waiting.”
Your brother had finally returned to you.
Jungkook stood beside you as you two waved your brother goodbye. He insisted on holding your hand when you two bid Daniel adieu.
With a heavy sigh, you turned to Jungkook, who had been patiently waiting for you and Daniel to talk it out.
“I’m so—”
He cut you off by tightly engulfing you in his arms. Jungkook softly patted your head as he brought you closer with his other hand.
“I’m glad you’re okay, pumpkin,” Jungkook said ever so gently, resting his chin on your head.
Turning red at his gesture, you allowed yourself to melt in his arms and returned the hug by wrapping your arms around his waist.
“Thank you, kook. I can’t tell you that enough,” You murmured, feeling warm from his gentleness.
He had sadly broken up the hug soon after. It was the first time you’d seen his ears become red but you didn’t point it out.
Clearing his throat, he once again took your hand in his and led you to wherever the others were. He said you might get lost if he didn’t clutch one hand and it would be hard to find you because you were vertically inclined.
If everyone else heard his excuse, they’d definitely say Sure Jan.
You didn’t mind though, actually liking the feeling of his large hands encasing yours.
And if you did mind, you couldn’t actually speak. After all, Daniel decided to leave you with a few parting words that made you embarrassed and rattled.
“You seem to have a crush on your guard dog, N/N.”
Ah you should’ve smacked him when you had the chance. You? Have a crush on Him??? How ab...surd…
You honestly didn’t know anymore. But Jungkook’s hand in yours, you were certain that everything will now turn out fine.
Jungkook’s only problem now was how he’d be able to find the courage to say what he wanted to say earlier.
I like you, Y/N.
But he was content with whatever you two are now, your hands snugly fit with his.
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*note: the reason i didn't chose this path is because it seems illogical. don't you think?
i mean,,, it won't be easy to forgive Daniel for what he had done,,, so i made him the bad guy ;-;) but it gets better in the end i swear!
also another reason was i really wasn't happy with how it turned out ;-;) seemed too rushed for them to make amends doesn't it?
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this post is part of my special milestone event!
and another fate's game bonus is a q&a with the characters!! (but no one sent in asks throughout the week so it's still open) so if you have questions for the characters, send asks!!
taglist: @armymaknae @rjsmochii @chogiyeol-utopia @deolly @liitlefaiiery @patpus @br0ther-s @tyraparker @ancailinaerach @tae165 @cherrycolababie @nininek12 @atulipandarose @hannahdinse8 @hereforaus @thewariestofheads @thia-aep @diorhobii @seungcheoluwu @mipetronella @callmesenpaix @jungshookmeup @yoongisabby @parkchaeyoung1997 @alpaca1612 @bangtan-serendipity @karissassirak @fullsunkook @salty-for-suga @cholychi @smolbeaniejimin @netflix-batman-sleep @snickerdoodleeee @faeriegukkie @kpop4mysoul @crazylittlemay @theneighborhoodfangirl @ughtear @youurkryptonite @lovelyseomin @pureshinso @kawaiimusiccollection @aviwasabi21
permanent tag: @luvinseokjinnie @97faerie @amoreguk @bbyjoonies @borednia @tanumiki @taescake
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dontcare77ghj · 5 years
Steve x reader x Tony
Hey guys, I know I’ve been absent for a while, what a lot of you don’t know is I have a lot of issues with depression and anxiety and I’ve had some problems recently. And of course, when I decided to post Tumblr crashed. Got to love the universe but without further adieu I present Public.
The three of you didn’t have a lot of privacy. What with you all being avengers, Tony being Tony, Steve being Captain America and you being a mutant and the sister of Bruce Banner, privacy was very limited.
The press had made it clear that they would report on anything that the team did, but they seemed to have a keen interest on the three of you. So when you, Steve and Tony decided to have a relationship together, you all decided to keep it a secret. From everyone.
It was not that you didn’t trust the team, but the more people who knew, the higher the likelihood that the press would find out. So you kept it a secret because it was your relationship, and it was nice to have something just for you. As far as the world knew, you were all close friends and to them that was that.
"It's just two weeks." Steve promised as you helped him fold some clothes. "I'll be back in no time, you won't even notice I've been gone." He assured.
"Of course we'll notice that you're gone. Two weeks is an eternity." Tony complained, flopping his head down onto Steve's pillows. "You're leaving us all alone."
"Tony he's not leaving us alone, stop being so dramatic." You smiled, throwing one of Steve's shirts at him.
"And it's not like I'm doing it on purpose." Steve insisted as Tony threw the shirt back at you. "We have a job, sometimes we get called out individually."
"I know, I know." Tony said, waving a hand at the two of you. "But I swear Fury does it on purpose."
"He doesn't do it on purpose." You told him, shaking your head slightly. "He knows our skill sets and assigns the missions accordingly."
"No, he does it to ruin our lives. I swear the man knows everything and thinks it's funny to send one of us on missions at a time.” Tony whined, sitting up on the bed.
“Okay, you need to pick up some shirt and start folding.” You said, throwing the shirt Steve was holding at him. “I can’t believe you’re leaving me alone with him.” You sighed only half serious.
“Oh I know, life’s so cruel.” Steve teased, wrapping his arms around your waist. “How are you going to a survive left with only one boyfriend?”
“Speaking of surviving, you better come back to us alive.” You said, looking up at him seriously. “If you don’t, I’m going to kick your ass.”
“Language.” Tony said from the bed.
“I promise to come back alive as long as you make sure he takes care of himself.” Steve said, jerking his head towards the man on the bed.
“Yes sir.” You said teasingly.
“And you,” He continued, turning the two of you to face Tony. “Make sure Y/N takes care of herself.”
“You act as if neither of us know how to take care of ourselves.” Tony said, appearing mildly offended. “Relax Stevie, we can look after each other for two weeks.”
“I hope so.” Steve murmured as you sat down next to Tony.
“You need to not worry so much, honey.” You said, reaching a hand towards him. “It’s going to turn your hair grey.”
“I don’t get worried about my hair colour; I worry about the two of you. The two of you weren’t great at taking care of yourselves before and you still aren’t that good at remembering to look after yourselves.”
“We might be human messes but we can take care of ourselves for two weeks.” Tony said as Steve sat next to you.
“Exactly, now, all you need to worry about is coming back to us.” You said, kissing Steve on the corner of his lips.
“I love you two.” Steve smiled, pulling you into his side as Tony repositioned himself on Steve’s other side.
Neither of you said anything as you both burrowed further into his sides. You didn’t need to say anything as you and Tony took each other’s hand over Steve’s stomach. The message was clear enough for Steve as you all laid together.
You both loved him too.
“You’re a cruel bastard, Stark.” You groaned as Tony went through your closet.
“That’s what you said last night.” He said turning back to look at you with a shit eating grin. You took a pillow from next to you and lobbed it at the billionaire who dodged expertly.
“Different context, Tony.” You told him, shaking your head. “Do we have to go tonight?” You questioned once more.
“Yes, darling, we have to go.” Tony said, sounding unsympathetic to your unwillingness to attend. “Where are all your party dresses?” He asked, still looking through your closest.
A party. Something you would normally be excited to attend but tonight you just couldn’t find it i you to want to go. Steve had been gone for just over two weeks at this point and you were worried. You could tell Tony was also worried about your blonde boyfriend but he hid his worry easily.
Steve had only been permitted one call and that was on the day he’d originally planned to come home. He’d sounded tired when he spoke and was only allowed to speak for a short time. He had said that he had to stay there for another week at least, maybe longer if things didn’t go as planned.
You hadn’t heard from him since and the silence made you worry. As an Avenger you knew radio silence happened so no one caught wind of location’s or plans, but just because you knew and understood that did mean it calmed you.
“Hidden so you can’t make me go.” You told him, laying back on the bed.
“Found them.” He said, pulling the bag out from under your bed. “Even for you that wasn’t a great hiding spot, baby girl.” He teased
“Well you didn’t give me much time to hide them.” You huffed, rolling over to face your boyfriend. “Tony?”
“Hm.” He hummed, not looking up from the bag.
“You didn’t go to bed last night, did you?” You questioned, placing your hand on his face and rubbed the dark ring under his eye with your thumb.
“No.” He said, not wanting to lie. He looked up at you and smiled a small smile. “I’m sorry, I know I promised you that I would but I just didn’t.”
“I know you meant to. You were doing so well, Tone, you can’t stop now.” You said. You took his face in both his hands and kissed the bags under his eyes before kissing him. “You don’t have to do it for me or Steve but just do it for you, okay?”
“Okay.” He agreed. “Okay.” He repeated, kissing you once again. “Now, get up and put this on.” Tony added, placing a dress next to you and standing.
You groaned as you sat up. “We just had a moment and you want to go to a party?”
“Yep.” He said, popping the p. “Get dressed, baby doll.” He repeated, helping you stand and pushing you toward the bathroom.
After several minutes you left the bathroom, fully dressed and ready, and lifted your arms. “Satisfied?”
“Very.” He responded, wrapping an arm around your waist. “Let’s go.”
“Who is going to arrive first?” You asked as he pulled on his standard glasses. “You or me?”
“We’re arriving together.” He said firmly. “We can arrive at a party together without revealing it all.”
“Maybe when Steve gets back, we can talk about telling the team.” You suggested as you walked into the elevator.
“I think that sounds great, baby girl, even if your brother might kill us both.” Tony smiled, quickly placing a kiss to your forehead.
“I wouldn’t let him hurt either of you. Promise.” You smirked as the elevator arrived. You and Tony pulled away from each other and entered the party. You both walked over to the bar where you greeted Natasha and Clint.
“ ‘Bout time you two showed up.” Clint said, embracing you in greeting.
“Had to drag this one here.” Tony told him, taking a seat next to you. “She was adamant she didn’t want to come.”
“All I wanted to do was watch Harry Potter and eat some pizza. Is that too much to ask?” You questioned as Natasha placed a drink in front of you.
“You, me and Clint can do that tomorrow.” Natasha said. Apart from your boys and your brother, you were closest to the archer and spy. “Though I think Steve will kill us if he finds out we gorged on pizza.” She joked, making the three of you laugh.
“We finally found you all.” Bruce said as he and Thor arrived. “Why did we have to come to this, Tony?” He asked, hugging you in greeting.
“Don’t look at me, I didn’t plan this. I just got told to be here.” He said, taking a drink from his glass. “I am just as in the dark as you are.” He added, raising his hands in innocence.
“I organised this.” Clint piped up causing Natasha to hit him on the arm. “Nat and I organised this.” He amended.
“Usually you two don’t like coming to these things.” You commented, looking between the two. “What are you two up too?”
“Well I just wanted a reason to raid Tony’s stash.” Natasha smirked.
“And, we just wanted a reason for us all to have a causal, relaxing, night. Everyone’s seemed really stressed for the past few weeks and what better way to fix that than to get drunk.”
You shared a subtle look with the man behind you. You and Tony hadn’t been in the best of moods recently.
“Brother Clint, what a fantastic idea!” Thor cheered, clapping the archer on the shoulder. “Let us all partake of brother Tony’s liquor and be merry!” Thor’s enthusiasm was contagious and soon the team was enjoying themselves.
After dancing with some of the team and your brother for several songs, you stepped away and back to the bar. You’d just been given another drink when someone sat down next to you.
“Hi, I’m Andrew.” The man greeted, reaching a hand towards you to shake.
“I’m Y/N.” You responded, shaking his large hand in your smaller one. “You’ve come to a couple of these before, right?”
“Yeah, one of my friends always gets invited to these things, so they always drag me along.” He laughed. “Normally I’m not one to party but I never seem to have a choice when it comes to him.”
“Tony’s the same, always drags everyone to his parties.” You said with a smile.
You sat at the bar with Andrew, simply talking for a long time. He was very friendly and open, he was quite nice to talk to.
“Oh shit.” You cussed as your phone slipped through your fingers. You leaned down to grab the device before it hit the floor. “God I can be such a klutz sometimes.” You joked as you sat back up.
“Probably doesn’t help you’ve had a couple drinks.” Andrew joked.
“Tolerance has nothing to do with it.” You said, picking up your drink. “I could be the soberest person in the world and I would still end up falling down the stairs.” You continued, taking a drink.
You and Andrew continued to chat for another twenty minutes before your head began to pound.
“Are you feeling okay?” Andrew questioned, placing a hand on your arm.
“No, I’m feeling really dizzy all of a sudden.” You groaned, placing your head in your hands. Andrew placed his drink on the bar, which echoed loudly in your ears.
“Come on, let’s get you some fresh air.” He said, helping you stand. Andrew led you out of the room and away from the party. By the time he stopped, you couldn’t hear any sounds from the party and you were beginning to become more disoriented and felt worse.
“Andrew, I really don’t feel good.” You slurred, stumbling in your heels. Andrew gripped your forearms and pushed you into the wall.
“It’s alright, you’ll feel better soon.” Andrew said, running his hands up and down your arms. “You’ll feel better soon.” He repeated.
At his touch you began to weakly fight back but you couldn’t control your body. You couldn’t even use your abilities to heat your skin up slightly.
“I originally wanted the red head but I think you’ll do just nicely. I know you feel bad sweetheart but I know all about your little mutation and I wasn’t sure how you’d react to the drugs, I had to give you a lot bigger dose.” You heard him say over the pounding in your skull.
Your brain felt so muddled. You couldn’t comprehend what was happening. Your mind was unable to follow all that was happening. Your body wouldn’t listen when you told it to move and you couldn’t do anything.
“Hey!” You heard through the fog. Suddenly there was nothing holding you up and your weak legs were no longer able to support you as you collapsed.
“C’mon sweetheart, stay awake for me.” Someone said, tapping your face lightly. You groaned as you forced your eyes open.
“Tony.” You mumbled before closing your eyes again.
“Steve, leave him.” You heard Tony yell. “F.R.I.D.A.Y tell Bruce to meet us in the infirmary and lock the door behind us. Do not let this man leave.” He ordered as you felt yourself being moved.
“Doll, can you open your eyes for us? Please doll?” A familiar voice asked as you began to move. You couldn’t work out who was speaking to you or who was carrying you as you drifted off into unconsciousness.
A groan escaped your lips at the continuous sound. You reached a hand out in the direction of the noise but you felt a hand on top of yours.
“Baby girl.” Tony said, wrapping both his hands around yours. “Can you open your eyes for me?” After several minutes of trying, you let out a moan as your eyes opened to the blinding white lights. “There she is.” Tony said with a small smile.
“Please tell me I’m dead and not in the infirmary.” You begged.
“Sorry to disappoint you darling but you’re alive and in the infirmary.” Tony told you with a smirk. You groaned again and let out a sigh. “Do you remember what happened?” He asked, suddenly serious.
“Not much. It’s all fuzzy.” You said, your head starting to hurt as you tried to remember the events.
“You got roofied.” Tony said, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. “F.R.I.D.A.Y. alerted us to what was happening and the amount of drug in your system. Andrews being dealt with as we speak and Bruce is sure that your mutation is working double time to flush the drugs from your system.”
“ Did anything happen?" You asked, unable to remember. 
"No we got there in time. He didn't do anything like that. You're okay baby girl." Tony assured. 
"Thank God." You sighed, relaxing into the pillow. 
"Do you want me to call Bruce and Steve back into the room?" He asked. 
"Yes please." You said, not registering what he said for several seconds. "Wait Steve's here?" 
"He got back last night." Tony nodded. "He helped stop Andrew and carried you here." He told you before asking F.R.I.D.A.Y to alert the men that you were awake. You and Tony talked for a couple minutes before the door opened and Steve ran in, Bruce following closely behind him. 
"You're back." You said as Steve wrapped his arms around you. "You're okay." You stated, looking him over. 
"Shouldn't I be saying that to you?" Steve questioned, pulling back slightly. "How are you feeling?" He asked as Bruce began to check your vitals over. 
"I'm fine, a bit tired and I don't remember much of last night but fine." You assured. 
"Well according to your vitals, the drug is leaving your system very nicely and if you don't have any more reactions you can go back to your floor tonight." Bruce said. "And I mean your floor." 
"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked your brother, raising an eyebrow at him. 
"Don't go over exerting yourself, go to your floor and sleep. Sleep not sleeping with these two." He said, pointing at your boyfriends. 
"Sorry I forgot to mention, the whole team knows we're together now." Tony told you. 
"And the public, somehow last night events leaked as well as our reactions and now they all know." Steve added. 
"Bruce I was going to tell you at some point, I just didn't want you to go off at these two. Sorry." You apologised to your brother. 
"I'm not mad that you didn't tell me." Bruce assured you. "You couldn't have chosen two better partners but if they hurt you, I will hurt them." He assured, placing a kiss to your forehead. "I'll come back soon, I'll let these two have some time with you." 
"Love you Bruce." You said. 
"I love you too." He responded as he left the room. 
"I know this isn't how you wanted to tell everyone, doll, but and it wasn't in anyway how we thought they'd find out." Steve started but was cut off as you pressed your lips to his. 
"I don't care that anyone found out, I'm just glad you're home and safe." You said before panting your lips to Tony's. "I'm just glad we're together. We I love you both."
"We love you too." Both boys responded. 
It did not matter that the public knew, it did not matter how they knew. All that mattered was you had your boys and all three of you were safe and together. 
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@piper-koko-barnes-rogers @skeletoresinthebasement @hopingforbarnes @agent-barnes40 @rvgrsbrns @smilexcaptainx @starlingelliot
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revvnant · 3 years
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this is a wip of a tma-style statement, it needs a lot of cleaning up and it’s not actually done but it is rather long and i did say i’d post it. extreme cw for: bullying, abuse, unreality, gore, psychological horror
"I like to think that the first four years of my life were rather good. A loving mother. A loving father. Good health, a family with a relatively stable income, plenty of opportunities to explore and learn... you might even call it a charmed life. And I know that it's a bit hypocritical, to say all of this and then to complain immediately -- and I know that it's petty, maybe pettier than anything else, and more typical than anything else, to say that a baby ruined my life. But it did. And then a second one ruined it again.
"Let me say for the record that it wasn't their fault. It wasn't their fault that my parents should have gotten a divorce, it wasn't their fault that my father's business was just getting off the ground and he had to be away far more than he was here, and it wasn't their fault that my mother had issues of her own, and was too stressed to take care of them. It wasn't their fault that we only looked good in Christmas albums, and it wasn't their fault that we lived so close to the Emilies, and saw them every day, and that Henry Emily and his wife somehow always seemed to have time for their kids when my parents didn't. And Hell, maybe even that's an assumption on my part. Maybe Sammy and Charlie were in the same boat as us, behind closed doors. I wouldn't have known. If they were, they weren't in it long. And neither were Evan and Elizabeth.
"I told myself all this in the beginning. I was actually kind of proud of it. Four, then eight, and I felt like the head of the household. It felt good to be called 'little man', to be told they were my responsibility. It was fulfilling to bring them to and from the bathroom, and to help them with their homework. Even by the time I was eleven, my homework was easy. The work that mattered, anyways -- the math, the science, it came quickly to me. I thought I was so capable, at first. And Mum was still around, so it didn't matter when I slipped up. Sure, they'd get angry, they'd ask me what I was thinking or why I hadn't remembered to feed Liz or to pick Evan up from school, but... that didn't really matter to me. I was a kid. I was interested in dinosaurs, and astronauts, and Freddy's. More than anything, I was interested in Freddy's.
"We went there all the time, because Dad owned it, and Mr. Emiily was his partner, and they had made the most amazing walking, talking stuffed animals I had ever seen. When I learned what an animatronic was, and that I could make one, I was even more excited. I couldn't help but think that they were for me. Why wouldn't they be? They were made in my house, by my Dad. They were my bunny, they became my brother's bear, my sister's fox and dolls. How could I not feel a little possessive? A little-- it would have been okay if it was a little. If it hadn't gone to my head. Because I wanted to make them, and I wanted to be like the person who made them. When he shouted, I shouted. When he threw things, I threw things. I know that he didn't do it where I could see. And I know he didn't know that I was still watching from the stairs, or the crack in the door. My parents solved their problems by getting into fights, so I solved my problems by getting into fights, and that made them fight more.
"At first it was okay. And then they started fighting with me. I didn't get it. I was doing what I was supposed to be doing. And then I realized Mum wasn't looking at me the same way anymore. Not the way she looked at Evan, and Beth. Her eyes would always slide away from me. Like she couldn't stand to see me. I knew I was causing problems, but I didn't really get what it meant. I didn't get why it had to be a big deal if I hit someone on the playground, or kicked my teacher, or said a 'bad word' in class. They did it all the time. They did it to each other and they did it to me. And I did it back. And my father threw something at me.
"I don't know why she didn't just take us out of there. And I don't know why she never cared when I cried. She would run straight to Evan when he planted his butt on the carpet and turned on the faucets, but me? Get up, Michael. Set a good example. I wasn't a very good example. But I tried to be. And I sort of got where they were coming from. It felt good to make Evan cry. When I was upset, when English was too hard, when I didn't want to make them dinner or drag them kicking and screaming to the bathtub, I could just yell, and they would melt down right there. The path of least resistance, or something. Better crying than kicking me. That's probably what my parents thought about me. 
"It felt... really good. I'm not going to lie. It felt good to push kids on the playground. It felt good to know I could steal shit from them and they wouldn't be able to do anything about it. It felt good to know that Freddy's was my place, and anyone who came there couldn't mess with me or the people I liked. I chose three of them, to round us out. A set of four, just like in the cartoons. We didn't like each other much, but we hung out, and that was what mattered. You could say we didn't talk about important things, but maybe trading cards and TV shows were the important things to us. What was I supposed to do? Tell them that I couldn't hang out because my stupid brother couldn't get through a worksheet without throwing a fit? Or that I had to stay home and fix my sister's dolls that she left in front of my room, and it was somehow my fault for breaking them when I stepped on them? Hell no. They weren't going to listen to me in there, so I made everyone else listen outside, and yeah, I did it with my fists, and yeah, it wasn't good, but it got results. It-- got results until it... didn't. Or... it did. Too much at once.
"I know I hurt him before. I know I pinched him, and kicked him, and slapped him, and pulled his hair. I know I did everything I could to get him to fight shit. I know I threw my food at him, and splashed him with water, and chucked shoes at him, because that's how we talked in my house. I know it was bad. I know he-- wouldn't have forgiven me for any of that, even as it stood. But I didn't have to take it that far. I didn't have to-- I knew not to. But I thought it would be funny. He was so scared of them. Of the animals. My real friends, and my only friends. I wasn't thinking, I just wanted to make him cry more, because they'd set up this whole stupid party for him and he didn't even like it, and he didn't appreciate the fact that Dad still threw him parties, and didn't ask him to be grateful afterwards, and that sitting in front of the cake wasn't like being in a fucking electric chair because you knew he was watching your every move to make sure you knew that this came from him. No, he was crying. He was at the best place on earth, and the best person on earth still loved him, and he was fucking miserable. So I-- I thought I'd give him something to cry about. Something that would make my friends laugh, and make them remember not to mess with me. Three birds with one stone. A really solid throw. 
"I... didn't mean to. I really didn't mean to. I didn't know it would do that. They all think I meant it. Dad, and Beth, and my friends, and Mister Emily, and the whole town think I meant it. They think I murdered him. I-- did murder him. But it wasn't on purpose. And nobody would believe me. And then it wasn't just a matter of wanting attention anymore. I would have given... anything, to go back to that. To go back to Dad throwing stuff at me or ignoring me. To go back to Mum... being alive, to be with me in the hours that she was home and could get out of bed with a migraine or stand to be around my father. To have Evan again, and treat him better. But I couldn't. And from that point on I was-- waiting for him to kill me. And I think we have to talk about my father, and Freddy's. 
"I had... a complicated relationship with my father. Like I said, it was good when I was very young. He would talk to me for hours, take me everywhere with him, though part of me thinks that had more to do with his schedule than wanting to spend the time with me. But still, given that even that disappeared later, it was something. And like I said, as I grew older, he had his violent moments. I don't think he ever hit me directly. Mostly he yelled. Sometimes he threw things. Once he cut me across the face with the knife he was holding because I reached for something over his shoulder. To be fair to him, I gave as good as I got -- or as good as I could. He was bigger than me, very much so for the majority of my life. Heavier, stronger, mostly he could just push me or grab me and it was over. But I still tried. It felt like giving up not to fight back. After all, I knew I hadn't done anything wrong. I-- thought I hadn't done anything wrong. I mean, I know I got in trouble. But... I don't know. I had to do something. I was-- scared. 
"It just went on so long that at some point I thought, well, he's going to kill me someday. And I'm going to look like an asshole if I don't make it hard for him. So I did. Every day. Every time he threw something at me I was determined to throw it back. Every time he shouted I was determined to shout back. What was I going to do? Cry like Evan? He wasn't going to kill Evan. Crying wasn't going to make him feel bad for me. It never had. I could lie down and cry and he would stab me or smash my head in or whatever, and it'd be a really embarrassing death-- and I think you maybe understand why I wasn't talking about this with my gang in the junkyard. I don't think their parents wanted to kill them. Maybe sometimes, but they didn't act on it. He did. And I knew it was a matter of time before he succeeded.
"And then he killed my mother.
"I know it was him. I saw her go downstairs. She never came back up. But he did. I know they were fighting before that. I don't care that he cried. He could always do whatever the cameras wanted him to do, and he could make me do it too. All his stupid advertisements-- he said Henry was the personable one, and I guess that's true, but he was selling himself short. But I knew him, better than anyone. I saw him up close when he came upstairs. He knew something. He was hiding something. Her. Her body. I don't know where he put it. I mean-- I do now. Because I found it. But we'll get to that.
"So he had a body count. Which meant I was next. She may have hated me-- but I don't think she wanted me dead. And then... I had a body count too. And mine was public. Really public. And if I ever brought it up again, it was so easy for him to hit back that it just-- stopped having any weight. But I never forgot. I guess I just thought... we were the same.
"And we were alike in a lot of ways. It was more than just the face. His gift for math and machines, he gave that to me. It just came so easily. A wrench felt right in my hand. I could have tinkered for hours and been happy. Whenever he let me into the workshop, God, it was like a fantasy. I watched everything he did and tried to copy him, and then I started learning on my own. It was nice, to share that with him. I think he enjoyed when I was down there with him. We got along in there, because our minds just worked the same way. Oh. And the anger that was rotting away at him-- he gave that to me, too. 
"I know I said-- I fought back. I explained why I had to. Why I couldn't cry. Because he wouldn't care. But that doesn't mean I didn't... want him to care. I wanted him to care so bad, I-- I would've done anything. Anything... and after Evan, it was just... it was gone. I tried. We had good days, good weeks even. But there was no chance of him ever loving me again. I accepted that about as much as I accepted my death: I fought back. I tried to be sweet with him, tried to do everything he asked, thought maybe if I just rolled over for once, that would be the trick. I'd tried fighting and it hadn't gotten me anywhere. Maybe if I was nice, and did what he said... I don't know. I kept switching between one and the other, hoping to catch him, hoping it'd work and at some point we'd synch up. It never did. And I was so used to being angry, sometimes it still-- I didn't do a very good job. But I took care of Beth, I tried to show him that I'd changed. I tried to change. He didn't see it.
"I think... by that point... I was just sort of this amorphous thing that lived with him. I don't think he saw any of me, past a point. Maybe an annoyance. Someone to feed. Someone to... give jobs to. I was bad at keeping those. But I don't even think he registered me as a person enough to really be disappointed or embarrassed. Just a little bit, maybe? But not a lot. Unless we were in the workshop. Then he saw me. He called me smart, said I was his-- I was... 
"I worked at Freddy's for years because I had to. But I loved the animatronics, still. Even after all of that. And I loved how he looked at me when I figured them out. Like we were the only two in the whole world who knew those secrets. It was our place, and our time, and I just wanted to stay there, with him. Because he almost loved me, there. And I wasn't angry. 
"Then Beth died. I left her with him for one day-- fuck, I'd forgotten-- I'd been so busy trying to convince him to forgive me and let me back in that I'd forgotten he killed people. And he killed her. I didn't put the pieces together right away, I was so stupid. But he did. He killed her. He modified my designs and he used them to kill her. I guess he must have regretted it, decided he got the wrong kid, or did us in the wrong order. Or maybe she was just bait. I don't know. But he sent me down there, and they thought I was him. I told him everything that I saw in that place and he still told me to go and find her, and I did it, because I was an idiot. Honestly, just for being that stupid, I deserved what happened.
"They disappeared, one by one, night after night, these things that we had made together, the one that was my sister and the one that was my mother and crunched her bones when it spun on its stage. The fox, my fox, my bear, that he'd modified to lure them in and trap them, just like he had the others. I followed the trail of cables and breadcrumbs to the place they called the Scooping Room. It was her voice, you see. Hers, its, and then theirs. I didn't recognize them or realize the mistake that I had made until the arm of the Scooper had cracked open my skull and parted my stomach, and they pulled the intestines from my abdomen and strung them over the equipment like they were streamers, and it was a birthday party. Their birthday party. I died as they were born, as they took everything from me and then slipped me on like a suit. I felt the metal push and pull at my body that didn't fit them quite right, and they ground my skull down to make room for their own head, and they stretched my legs out past where they should have been, and they tore my throat and sewed it back together again with wires to fit all of their voice boxes and mine. And they spoke in my voice when we left that night. They'd left my eyes.
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yuxinbestgirl · 4 years
Exclusive Interview with the Girl Group that Debuted from "Youth With You 2" - THE9
We Don’t Define Girls, We Don’t Define Girl Groups
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New Weekly 2020.7.1 Issue 566
Translated by @yuxinbestgirl | twt | tumblr
Some people think that the birth of THE9 explores another possibility of Chinese girl groups, and others are just being bystanders, looking on to see how these girls’ future will be like. For these girls, rather than being a Barbie doll, they want everyone to see their hard work and personality.
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Girls should not be defined, and should not be bound to prejudices. Girl groups are not just “showcase idols”, and neither are they a job just meant for the young. At the beginning of summer this year, with the end of “Youth with You 2” (herein referred to as Youth 2), Liu Yuxin, Yu Shuxin, Xu Jiaqi, Yuyan, Xie Keyin, Anqi, Zhao Xiaotang, Kong Xueer, Lu Keran, these 9 girls, were suddenly thrust in the public eye, and debuted as THE9.
The public constantly expressed their opinions about them, and fans chased them enthusiastically. Some people think that the birth of THE9 explores another possibility of Chinese girl groups, and others are just being bystanders, looking on to see how these girls’ future will be like.
New Weekly approached THE9 with these questions.
In the interview in mid-June, the girls just happened to be in the midst of welcoming their first public performance after their debut. Many people were looking forward to this performance.
3 days before the performance, many fans waited at the hotel lobby, outside the performance venue. They waited for THE9 members, leaving their homes early and going back late, and only left when the 9 girls’ performance has ended, and they have left Changsha. Three days before the performance, many fans and sisters had appeared downstairs in the hotel and outside the performance venue.  They waited for the members of THE9, leaving early and returning late, and gradually dispersed until the 9 girls left Changsha after their performance.  A security guard on duty outside the rehearsal room initially didn't know who the girls who kept playing "Yes, OK" inside, were. He took out his mobile phone to look up the video and said, "Oh! These ladies are so popular!"
And the girls in question did not dare to slack off one bit for their first live show after their debut. A few days before the official performance, everyone stayed in the practice room until 1 to 2 am, practising the 2 songs that they were about to perform, dozens of times.
There will be a stage with a water performance. During the rehearsal, their shoes, socks and pants were almost all wet, but the 9 of them still continued to dance. After it ended, everyone walked barefooted, carrying their wet shoes off the stage, and after returning, they continued to refine their movements while watching the video shot by a staff member.
With regards to being watched and having expectations pinned on them, the girls feel pressure, but also take it as a motivating force to keep them moving forward. During the interview, we could distinctively feel that rather than being a Barbie doll, these girls would rather that everyone can see their hard word and personalities. Every one of them did not hesitate to show their ambitions, and express their thoughts.
In the face of the uncertain tomorrow, the 1 thing that each of them wants to do, deep down in their hearts, is to continue to work hard, to treasure the stage, and to be their true selves.
Liu Yuxin: I Rediscovered the Momentum Once Again
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What it means for me to re-debuting as a girl group, THE9, member this time is: I finally did it, we finally did it.
Previously, I posted on Weibo, to people who like me, saying “Wait for me.”, but I’ve also always been thinking, when should I keep asking them to wait until? I’ve also been waiting for this opportunity all these while.
For the past 6 months, I felt that I had a really strong support and backing that pushed me to give it my all, and to move forward. In the past 4 years, I rarely felt such a strong drive.
It may be because when I debuted in a girl group, girl groups weren’t popular yet, and it also may be because I previously used to be part of the underground scene, and never had the experience of being a trainee.
In Youth With You 2, I asked Teacher Yang Tianzhen a question, “Is having skills the most important?”. This was indeed something that had always been on my mind. In these past years, many people around me have given up, and there were also many people who made it, but I had always been trying to prove my worth with my skills, but I can’t seem to see a future, up to the moment I arrived at this stage.
It’s been a long time since I felt such a momentum. I felt it when I was 17 and went to Shanghai for a dance competition, and that momentum was something that I yearned for, because when I was young, I didn’t know anything, I was untainted, pure, I just wanted to pursue my profession properly, and let everyone acknowledge that it was a really good performance; I also felt such a momentum when I participated in a street dance battle 2 years ago, but it wasn’t enough.
In Youth With You 2, I regained momentum because my teammates around me were all very skilled, and I saw each of their strengths and charming points. This also motivated me to do better, and to not disappoint my fans. For example, for the theme song performance, I was selected as the centre, and during the performance, I would be elevated to the highest point. At that time, as I looked at the lights in front of me, I was thinking “Is this what I have to do to be worthy of this position?”
After so many years, I really treated Youth With You 2 as the last survival show that I would participate in. I thought about it, and decided that if I were to not be selected as part of the final debut line up, I would perhaps open a dance studio and a street apparel store later on. Because to me, a dance studio is also a stage, and to be able to pass down what I have learnt to the next generation, is also a happy thing.
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strawberrytheduck · 3 years
Belle Quacks-Chapter 13
(TW: Mental breakdown/self-esteem issues)
Quackerjack and Bushroot walked the girls home, Quackerjack still feeling protective and Bushroot just wanting to get to know Camellia better. “Thank you guys, for helping us.” The fox said, squeezing Bushroot’s leafy hand. Quacky gave a simple ‘no problem’ where as Bushroot stumbled over his words, saying how he was happy to help and that he was glad they were safe. “You certainly talk a lot, it’s cute. You’re sweet too.” She hummed, looking at the plant mutant. He blushed, his face turning a dark green. A smirk was present on the demented jester’s cheerful face, telling them to ignore him. Camellia asked him what plant he was and to tell her more about it, spurring a lecture that caused Belle to zone out and fall asleep. Quacky happily carried her, tuning out the plant nerds. Camellia seemed happy to talk to him, smiling warmly and running a hand through his petals once in a while. Bushroot never really got to talk like this for so long, not even with Rhoda. Camellia was a lot like her in some ways, smart, pretty and kind. She was also so different, being pagan, a mammal, multiple piercings, confident and strong. The florist was honestly the most beautiful person he’d ever seen and she didn’t mind him, she liked his company. “I really love your passion Reggie, it’s something I admire. This whole thing has been fast paced and chaotic but you’re definitely a highlight.” The mutant unlocked the door and opened it for her, opting to help with Belle. Camellia was fascinated to say the least, who could blame her? Bushroot was the closest being she ever met to a pagan deity, he was incredibly sweet and he was smart, she wanted more time with him.
Belle barely stirred when she was placed on to the bed, letting out a tiny yawn. Jack had to hold his beak shut to avoid squealing at his sister. Bushroot simply ‘awww’ed as he put the covers over her. She had a long day, she was entitled to some sleep. Quackerjack then pulled something out of his pocket, a plush version of himself and a note. He placed the note on the bedside table and the plushie in her arms. “I’m giving her a little me, that way she’ll always have a piece of me or something to cuddle during a breakdown or panic attack.” He stated, kissing her on the forehead. The small, sleeping duck pulled the plush closer to her, nuzzling it slightly. The taller woman chuckled fondly, smiling at the guys. Belle seemed happy and sleeping peacefully. Quackerjack then asked where she’d sleep, instantly pushing her closer to the bed when she said the couch. “I’m sure you’ve shared the bed before, just go to bed.” He insisted. She rolled her eyes, giggling. Bidding them goodnight, she kissed Bushroot on his forehead before joining Belle. The plant had to be dragged out by the other duck, who put the keys on the side, and shook him by the shoulders. “Earth to Reggie, I know you’ve been kissed by a woman you likely think is a goddess but get yourself together.” He said, tapping his friend. The botanist mumbled something, little flowers growing from his petals and around the base of them in a flower crown like formation. ‘Goodness, he’s helpless.’ The toymaker thought, giggling at his friend. Once Bushroot snapped out of it, he looked like a full on floral arrangement. “Well, you fell for her quick. So did Morgana when it comes to Belle. Come on, let’s go.” And with that, they left.
Camellia was already awake and gone when Belle woke up, not that she minded. She was admiring the Jacky plush in her hands, giggling to herself. It looked just like him, complete with a hat secured with Velcro and a very small Mr. BananaBrain in one of his hands. Naturally, she loved it, hugging it close and kicking her legs in the air. “My own little Jacky! Now I can ask you for advice! Cammy’s great but sometimes I think I overwork her.” She said to the cuddly jester. Her eyes caught sight of an envelope on the bedside table. She grabbed it, carefully opening it to retrieve the note. ‘Belle, I thought you’d like a cuddly version of me! A special, one of a kind toy from Quackerjack Toys, just for you! This way, I’ll be there when you need me, even if I’m not there in person. Little Jacky and his tiny friend are guaranteed to light up any dark times. Love Jackson.’ It read. The message was short but sweet, making her happier and love the little doll more. She never had toys growing up, then again, neither did Jack, making this one her first one. Belle swore she’d never part with it, it was her brother after all, just small and available. “So, I’m hanging out with Morgana later, does she actually like me?” The plush fell foward, which she took as a yes. The duck giggled happily, rocking side-to-side. She got up, flapping her hands a little before rushing over to her clothes in order to pick something nice to wear. Belle felt she had to impress Morgana and she didn’t understand why or why she always felt warm or that she had butterflies in her stomach when she was around the sorceress. Maybe she was coming down with something. But how could she from just standing in front of someone and be fine until she thought about them? “Is something wrong with me?” She whispered to herself, picking out a red dress with a black belt that she forgot she had. Morgana would love her in that outfit.
It was a little out of her comfort zone but she didn’t mind, it would impress the sorceress and that was what she wanted. She looked her new doll, a little confused. “Should I wear this? Would Morgana like it?” Jack fell forward again, cementing her choice. Maybe some red makeup? A little eye shadow would draw attention to her eyes Camellia would say. Once she had the dress on, she walked up to Camellia’s mirror and just stared. What is she thinking? This dress doesn’t look good on her at all, her hair is to childish and vibrant to make it look good. The dress was also more low cut and fitted than she was used to, drawing attention to her thin frame and collar bones. She looked sick. ‘This is a mistake, I can’t wear this. But nothing would be better, it’s too hot for my usual outfit. Morgana would want me to wear something like this, surely.’ Belle held back a sob, staring at herself still. ‘My arms look like sticks. Ugly sticks, not the cool ones. My ribs are visible, that won’t do.’ She was a little thinner than average, but not as thin as she thought. Her ribs didn’t stick out a lot, only slightly. But she couldn’t help but notice them and almost every detail of her body. Soon, Camellia came running in, asking what was wrong. The fox saw her friend, fists clenched, palm and fingers down on the desk. Tears spilled from her eyes as she bit her beak, her gaze on the mirror. “Oh Belle, come on, you look great.” Belle heard as she was pulled into a hug. “E-Easy for y-y-you to say, y-you always l-look beautiful.” She sobbed out. Camellia walked with her to the bed, sitting them down. She stroked her friend’s hair, whispering to her. Belle struggled to calm down, reaching for the plush of her brother.
Camellia handed it to her, kissing her forehead. “Hey now, you’re beautiful, wipe those gorgeous eyes, Sweet.” She cooed, tilting Belle’s head upward. The look on the duck’s face broke her heart, it was pure and utter despair. “M-Morgana would w-w-want me t-to wear this, r-r-r-right?” The poor, sweet little thing, she tried so hard. Camellia wiped Belle’s eyes for her, shushing her softly. “Oh Sweetheart, she’d want you to wear what you want, you shouldn’t wear something you don’t like.” She stood them both back up, holding Belle’s hand and bringing her to the mirror. The duck looked at her reflection, still slightly hazy due to left over tears. Camellia was out of the mirror’s frame, leaving her in it. She didn’t know what Camellia wanted her to see. “Tell me what you don’t like here.” Came the soft voice from next to her. “M-My arms, t-they’re twig-like. A-A-And my r-ribs are visible.” Camellia smiled sadly at her, explaining that it was on the inside that counts. That she, Morgana and the Fearsome Four absolutely adored her. That anyone staring was just jealous of her. She was gorgeous, inside and out in their eyes. “It is important, however, that you think you’re beautiful. Tell me, what do you think?” Belle took a deep breath before focusing on her reflection. ‘I shouldn’t wear form fitting clothes.’ A voice at the back of her mind said. “It’s different, that’s good.” She said, trying to ignore that voice. ‘You’re arms are sickly, you could snap them in half. And goodness, you look like a corpse.’ That was sort of true, she didn’t look all that healthy. Still, she didn’t look as bad as she thought. “I look kinda pretty.” She whispered. “I look pretty and confident in this dress. Does it go with my hair? No, but hey, I look good.” Belle said, steeling her resolve.
“See? You always look great, remember that.” Camellia said, hugging her. Belle hugged her back, giggling. She opted to skip the eye shadow, feeling it would spur another crying session and that she didn’t need it. She did put her hair in a ponytail though, putting on some obsidian and ruby earrings to match the dress. Morgana would love her regardless, she told herself. She walked into the main room and pouring herself some cereal, Plush-Jack sitting in her tote bag comfortably. Belle listened to the music from the TV as she ate, watching Camellia set up a spell of some kind. Apparently one that’s meant to bring happiness and overall good vibes if she remembered correctly. She picked up one of Camellia’s various romance books in order to not distract her friend from her daily meditation and also to stimulate herself as she ate. It was surprisingly easy to get into and the book was well loved, clearly one of Camellia’s favourites. A calming aura came over her, making her feel that despite the rocky start, today would be a good day.
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