#the only promising one i’ve seen so far is the 7th time loop one
flamingo-strikes · 9 months
idk if this is unpopular but can we pls stop turning manhwas (especially historical ones) into anime adaptations??? the beauty of the art DOES NOT translate well when it’s animated and you lose so many important details (like the jewel eyes in WMMAP), and also the studios who take on these projects don’t have very high budgets and it shows…like Raeliana totally got rid of the effort after the first episode and i’m still mad about it.
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lovemeleo · 4 years
New York State of Mind (Part 2)
I had planned to have this posted earlier but here I am, right before the end of our Peanut’s birthday. Whoops. Here is Part 1 if you haven’t read it yet.
These OCs and their world belong to @lumosinlove.
cw: mentions of food
It took the three of them around 30 minutes to finish getting ready with only minimal interruptions, which honestly wasn’t bad. Sometimes they could take an additional hour if they were distracted enough. But once Finn was reminded of the plans, he was not going to get off track. 
Finn knew people didn’t think he was good at presents. They honestly weren’t wrong, he was really bad at buying gifts. He never knew what to buy. But experiences. That he could do. He liked planning things that he thought the people he cared about enjoyed. And his boys. He knew his boys better than anyone. So when it got close to Leo’s birthday, him and Logan sat down and began planning. While Leo was easy to please, and would’ve probably been happy just having dinner at their house, this was 20th birthday. It had to be perfect. And it honestly had been so far.
He watched as his boys pulled on their jackets, tucking wallets and phones into pockets, “Don’t forget gloves. And a hat. Not a snapback, Lo. An actual keep your ears warm hat. We’re walking and I’m not gonna give you mine when you get cold.” Finn announced, pulling his own hat down over his hair. He also made sure to grab a small backpack, just in case they purchased anything while out and that way it was all easier to carry.
“How far we walking, Harz?” Leo asked as he pulled his gloves out of his suitcase, tucking them into his pocket as he followed the other two out of their room to the elevator.
Finn hummed, glancing up from his phone, “Ah, less than three miles. But we’re going to make some touristy stops on the way to the final destination.”
Raising an eyebrow, Leo glanced over at Finn, “Final destination? Sounds sorta ominous, mon rouge.” He said as they made their way out. A wall of cold air hit them as soon as they walked out of the hotel.
Finn began leading the way to 7th Ave, tucking his phone back into his pocket. This was his city, he knew where he was going. 
Him and Logan had taken turns planning days during the trip, and today was his day. It was probably his favorite one that he planned. He even kept most of it a secret from Logan.
As they walked down the sidewalk, Leo’s head was constantly on a swivel as he took in the huge busy city. He had been to New York for games, but he never really got to look around or do any of the fun touristy stuff that everyone talks about.
“I know where we’re going.” Logan shouted as he looked around, recognizing the area from when Finn had shown him around. “We’re go-” 
A swift elbow to the ribs cut him off as Finn gave him a look, “Don’t tell him!” He interrupted, hooking his arm through Logan’s as they kept walking. 
Letting out a chuckle, Leo looked up ahead to see tons of lights and people. His eyebrows furrowed before his eyes lit up with recognition, “That’s Times Square, isn’t it?” He asked, bouncing excitedly on his toes as he picked up the pace a bit.
Finn grinned, dragging Logan along as they tried to keep up with the giant speedwalker, “You got it, baby. We’re gonna do a longer stop here later in the week to look around and shop and such but I figured you’ve gotta get your tourist in Times Square photo to start out with.”
As they finally got into the square, Leo couldn’t help himself as he stopped right in the middle, spinning a bit to try and get a look at everything. He’s seen it in movies and pictures, but those could never do it justice. “This is insane! There’s just so many people.” 
Finn took a couple pictures as Leo looked around, a grin spreading across his face, “Peanut, this way. I’ve got the perfect place to take a picture.” He insisted before he began leading the way.
“The top of these stairs is the perfect spot. You can get like all of downtown in the background.” Finn explained excitedly as he led Logan and Leo up to the top. The two boys shared a look as they followed him up, a warm smile on both of their faces as they listened to him talk. “So first we’ll do Leo by himself for his birthday, and then we’ll ask someone to take one of the three of us, okay?”
Leo smiled, making his way up carefully, “Sounds good, sweetheart. This a good spot? Can you get everything in?” He asked, as he leaned on the railing. Finn leaned back with Logan standing behind him to make sure he didn’t fall.
“That’s great, Nutter Butter. Now gimme a big smile!” Finn said, unable to hide the giant grin behind his phone as Leo smiled. He loved that smile. It took over Leo’s face, lighting up whatever area he was in. You couldn’t help but smile right back at him.
Him and Logan both quickly looked at the pictures, smiling as they scrolled through to make sure they came out okay, “Perfect, Sunshine.” Finn said with a soft smile as he looked up at his boyfriend.
As he showed Leo the pictures, Logan found a lady to take the pictures for them. She followed him up the steps with a grin, “Alright, who’s phone should I take it on?” She asked.
Finn quickly switched over to the camera app and handed it over, “Mine please. Thanks so much.” The three of them moved to the top again with Leo in the middle as she situated herself to get the best picture.
“Alright, boys, smile!” She said with a grin. Logan couldn’t have picked a better person, as she seemed to take a bunch for them, moving to get better angles and everything. When she handed the phone back to Finn, there were at least 20 photos taken.
Finn scrolled through them, setting his favorite one as his background before looking back at her, “These are perfect, thank you so much.” 
She shrugged with a smile, “It’s no problem at all. Hope you guys have a good rest of your day.” They watched as she headed back to her group.
“Can you send me all of those please?” Leo said, resting his chin on top of Finn’s head as he looked at the cute shots of them. Finn had already created an album on his phone just for pictures from this trip, so he added Logan and Leo in so they would have access.
Looking at his boyfriends, Finn smiled happily, “Y’know, we’re pretty fucking adorable.” He said, holding up his phone background.
Logan shook his head with a laugh before pressing a kiss to Finn’s cheek, “Well yeah, mon rouge. I could’ve told you that.” He said with a smile. It was still weird to be able to kiss or touch in public without worry. They had only come out a month or two ago, so there was still that brief moment of panic of ‘Oh no, did anyone see?’ before realizing that it didn’t matter if they could. It was nice. 
“Alright, let’s keep moving. If you see anywhere you want to stop today, we can. We’re actually a bit ahead of schedule.” Finn said as he glanced at his watch. They made their way down the stairs and continued heading down the street.
They hadn’t even made it two blocks down 7th Ave when Logan let out a gasp, his eyes wide as he clutched at Leo’s hand. The taller boy followed his gaze before letting out a laugh. On one side of the street was Hershey’s Chocolate World. The other had M&M’s World.
“Guessing you wanna make a stop, Lo?” Leo asked, squeezing his hand.
Logan looked over at Finn, puppy eyes in full effect, “Pleeeeease, baby. You know how much I love chocolate and it’s Hershey and M&Ms, I promise I won’t be too long! Please please please!” He begged, his hands coming up to squeeze Finn’s cheeks.
Letting out a laugh, Finn nodded, “Of course, Lo. But what if we just do one today? We’ll be coming back this week and that way you don’t have to rush through both of them?” 
“Yes! Hershey’s it is! Let’s go!” Logan cheered, quickly making his way to the shop. Leo and Finn quickly walked after him, following his red hat as he ran through the doors. When they got inside, he had stopped in the doorway, eyes practically the size of saucers. The store was covered in different types of Hershey’s chocolate, as well as things like caramel apples covered in Hershey’s chocolate. 
Finn chuckled softly as he watched Logan’s face, quickly snapping a couple of photos of the awe on his face. Fingers intertwined with his as Leo came up next to him, snapping a couple pictures of his own, “I’m gonna send a picture to Loops. He’s going to be so jealous.”
“Lo, you okay? I think this might be the quietest I’ve heard you.” Finn asked, nudging his other boyfriend with his hip.
Logan turned to him, eyes still wide, “I think this is heaven.” He whispered.
The two boys couldn’t hide the giant smiles that formed as they watched the shorter man start to wander the store. After the fourth bag of candy was handed to them, they finally relented and grabbed Logan a cart.
“Lo. Babe. Love of our lives. My backpack is only so big. Where do you think we’re going to put all this chocolate?” Finn asked as he leaned on the cart.
Logan shrugged, putting an XL KitKat bar into the cart, “It’s alright, Harz. The nice Hershey’s lady told me I could leave it here and pick it up later.” 
Throwing his hands in air, Finn let out a laugh, “Of course she did. Is she gonna let us use the cart to carry it to the hotel?” He shared a fond look with Leo over the cart. In all honesty, he would carry all of the chocolate in the world on his back if it kept that smile on Logan’s face.
After around 30 minutes in the store, Logan had fully filled their cart as well as got on first-name basis with the ‘Nice Hershey’s lady’ who’s actual name was Liz. Now he was finally finished. They left his treasure of treats in the capable hands of Liz before heading back out to the road.
“Alright, now we’re heading to the surprise. It’s about 30 minutes, but it’s a nice walk. We go past part of the park.” Finn said, fixing his hat over his hair again.
They started their trek, stopping every once and awhile to take pictures at various spots like Strawberry Fields and The Dakota. Then they finally arrived, Finn stopping abruptly in front of a cool looking building. He was practically bouncing in place.
“We’re here!” He said, gesturing to the building.
Leo looked up, reading the name across the side of the building, “Rose Center for Earth and Space.” His eyes widened as he turned to look at Finn.
“C’mon then, it’s almost time for our turn.” Finn said with a smile, opening the door for them. 
As they walked in, smaller versions of the planets were above their heads. Finn walked up the front desk, talking quietly with the man at the desk who smiled. He looked back at Leo and Logan, “You guys ready?”
Leo was clutching Logan’s hand as he looked around before nodding, “I mean it’s hard to be ready when I have no clue what’s about to happen, but let’s go.”
The man behind the front desk led them to a dark room that had a theater set-up, “Welcome to the Hayden Planetarium. You guys can sit wherever you’d like.”
“Where’s everyone else?” Leo asked as they sat near the middle, staring up at the huge screen.
Smiling, the man shook his head, “This is everyone. You have it to yourselves. Enjoy.” He said before walking out.
“Mon dieu..” Logan said, eyes wide as he looked around. 
Finn fiddled with his shirt as he watched their faces, “They were advertising their newest show on the hotel website.. This one is called Journey to the Stars.” He shrugged before looking up at Leo. “Told you I’d bring you the stars, Le.”
Reaching forward, Leo quickly pulled Finn in for a kiss, “Sweetheart..” He murmured, resting his head on the other boy’s forehead.
They pulled apart as the show began to start, sitting back in their chairs. Logan smiled softly, reaching across the back of Leo’s chair to grab Finn’s shoulder, “I don’t think anyone can say you’re bad at gift-giving anymore, Harz.” He whispered. 
Leo sniffled softly as he watched the solar system spread around him, the planets and the stars right there in front of him. Finn really got him the stars. His boys took him to New York just for his birthday. The amount of love he felt for them was overwhelming while also never being enough. He would spend the next 20 years and all of the years after that giving his love to these boys. 
Watching as the entire universe flew in front of their very eyes, Leo smiled. 
Because he already had his entire world. Right next to him.
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hillywooddestiel · 7 years
Stranger Things Have Happened: Chapter Two
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Chapter Two: Where, Oh Where, Is Will?
Characters: Y/N Winchester, Nancy, Barb, Steve (mentioned), Sam, Dean, Cas (mentioned), Dustin, Lucas, Will (mentioned)
Warnings: A bit if angst, usual crossover crack
Word count: 1.7k
Series description: Hawkins, Indiana, November 1983. The Winchesters got out of hunting and decided to settle down in a small town. The youngest of the three, Y/N, just wants to get on with her somewhat normal life and go to a good college. But that's a little tricky when disappearances start occurring, including her friend Barbara Holland, and there's reports of a mysterious new girl in town. Can she balance boyfriends, teen drama and monster hunting?
A/N: This series is so much fun! And it's finally getting into the good stuff. The tag list is still wide open so if you'd like to be tagged all you need too do is ask. And all feedback is greatly appreciated xx Masterlist  Series Masterlist
Part 1
7th November 1983, Hawkins, Indiana...
Upon pulling into my usual parking space, I catch a glimpse of Barb hurrying through the school doors, arms laden with textbooks. She's too far ahead for me to shout for her so I gather my belongings from the passenger seat as quickly as I can and speed walk towards the school. Many groups of kids huddled together in tight clusters line the corridor leaving the path to the lockers relatively clear. Nancy is busy rummaging in her pile of books while Barb is leaning casually with get back resting on the lockers, a smile spread wide in her face.
"What did I miss?" I ask bemused.
"Oh, nothing. Just Nancy having some trouble keeping her lips off of Steve."
"Hey! We just made out a couple of times..." A blush creeps up Nance's cheeks as she looks down to the floor embarrassed.
"We just... Made out a couple of times..." Barb mimics with added flair sending us all into fits of giggles. I pause for a moment when I spot the slip of paper on top of the chemistry textbook in Nancy's locker.
"Hey Nance, what's that?" I nod my head in the direction of the note. Doing a terrible job at pretending to have not seen the note before, Nancy unfolds it to reveal a lovingly scrawled note from none other than Steve Harrington:
Barb and I share an amused look, very much aware of Nance rolling her eyes at us before she closes her locker and heads in the direction of the meeting place. Once she's out of sight I turn to Barb.
"Well I don't know about you but, I'm not gonna be late like she is. See you after math."
"Hey, I've been meaning to ask, did you two have power surges at your places last night?" I glance to both Nancy and Barb as I slide into my seat. My knife and fork clatter on the tray as I drop them onto the table.
"Yeah! I thought it was just because my dad was messing with the TV." Nancy swallows her mouthful of meatballs to answer me. Next to her, Barb is nodding in agreement. A small wave of relief washes over me from their confirmation; last night was a bit crazy.
"So if you get down there early, Laney promised to save you a slice this time. Although I don't see what the fuss is about, it's just pie." I land on the sofa unceremoniously, eyes fixed on the weather report.
"Just pie?!" Dean practically screeches, rushing into the room with a can of beer in hand.
"Here we go..." Sam mutters under his breath from the dining table, not breaking from his stacks of paperwork.
"Just pie?!" Dean repeats, possibly even higher pitched, "Oh Y/N, it's more than just pie. It's an explosion of sweet pastry and tangy fruit in your mouth. It's the perfect measure of cinnamon, sugar and apples. It's the warm filling mixing with the chilled cream. It's heaven on a plate Y/N. It's not 'just pie'." I just blink at Dean while he's lost in his own dreamland, a serene look on his face.
"Whatever! Just get to the diner earlier tomorrow."
Looking truly offended by my words, Dean goes to start another speech about dessert but he's stopped in his tracks by the sudden brightening of all the lights. The lamps, the overhead lights, even the TV screen. They all grow and grow in intensity, so much so that we have to cover our eyes to avoid being blinded. A sudden moment of darkness. When I open my eyes again, everything looks normal. All the lights are at their normal brightness level. But the three of us know better than to relax.
Immediately we all on our feet and rummaging in the kitchen cupboards for salt shakers. Sam and Dean retrieve their guns from their hiding places while I arm myself with an iron poker from the fireplace; since I'm the youngest, it's been decided (not by me) that I'm not allowed my own gun. We back up together to form a triangle so we're covered on all sides.
"You two see anything?" Dean barks over his shoulder.
"Clear!" Sam shouts back.
"Clear! What if it wasn't a ghost?"
"If it's a demon, it'll get stuck in one of the traps Y/N."
"I know that Dean, I'm not stupid. I mean what if it was nothing. Just a power surge."
"Maybe. But I'm not taking that risk." Dean breaks the formation to turn to us two younger siblings, "Sam, you cover the bathroom and the kitchen. Y/N, you come with me and cover the bedrooms."
"Hey! You don't need to watch over me, I'm not a kid. I can do the living room." I hold up my salt shaker to shake it encouragingly.
"No! You are a kid and your coming with me so I can watch over you."
"But-" I start to argue back but Sam's pleading face stops me. "Urgh fine!"
"Hmmf?" I break from my thoughts, turning to Nancy with a blank face.
"We lost you for a minute there. What were you thinking about?"
"Oh, nothing. Just homework and stuff. What were you talking about?" I shake all thoughts of hunting from my mind.
"I was saying that I heard that there's going to be a question on catalysts on the chem test and that it's going to be a lot of mark points." Barb leans in as though she's revealing state secrets.
"So?" Nancy tilts her head, eyebrows knitted together in a confused frown. Barb rolls her eyes.
"So I haven't done any revision on catalysts yet and the test is tomorrow!" She leans back in her chair, one hand rubbing her temple.
"Geez Barb! You've been revising for months. You're not gonna fail this test." I slam my hand down on the desk, perhaps a little too hard, and keep my voice stern. I instantly recoil, scared by how much like Dad I sound. Nothing I said was mean but I made a promise to myself to never ever be like him. Not to anyone.
"She's right Barb. You're the smartest in the class." Nancy encourages, unfazed by my slight outburst.
"I'm not the smartest. I'll just make some more flash cards tonight." Barb dejects, prodding at her food with her fork. We all finish our lunches with limited talking.
3 o' clock rolls around slowly but I'm just glad that the day is finally over. Absentmindedly, I spin my keys around my finger while making a beeline for my car. But, something catches my eye. With pad and pen in hand, two of the local police are stood near the entrance of school, stopping passers by to presumably ask questions. What would the police want with school kids?
In the distance, I spot Dustin and Lucas waking away from the officers.
"Dustin! Lucas! Wait up!" They glance at eachother while I run to catch up, a small smile on their lips.
"Oh! H-hey Y/N how's it... How's it going?" Dustin clearly fails at trying to act casual.
"Hey. What's goin' on? Why are the police here?"
"Uh... It's Will. He's gone missing." Lucas explains, making my heart pick up in my chest. No! This can't happen. Not round here. We're supposed to be safe.
"That's awful. When did he go missing?" I ask a little too eagerly.
"He never came home last night." Dustin tells me with a twinge of guilt.
"Oh God! I- I hope they find him soon."
"Yeah we all do. Well, we should go..." Lucas points over his shoulder.
"Right, yeah, of course. Stay safe you guys."
"Hey! I'm home." I yell into the house, kicking my shoes off and leaving them by the door in a pile with my bag- if Dean wants a tidy house he can tidy it himself. "Hello?" I shout again after getting no reply.
"Kitchen!" Both of my brothers yell in unison. I enter the kitchen to find them both sat at the dining table, the radio playing the local news.
'...Local boy, William Byers, had been reported missing as of last night. His family say that he never came home last night after visiting a friend's house. Police are not yet treating this disappearance as suspicious. If you see William Byers, please call...'
"See Sam, I told you it's not our kind of thing. Let's just stay out of it." Dean lets out a breath, getting up to grab a beer from the fridge. "We've stayed hidden for this long, let's not go ruin that."
"But we can't just do nothing Dean! We should at least do some digging and make sure it's not our kind of case." Sam protests, also getting up from his chair.
"Yeah. The police came to school today asking about it. We should at least try. I would hate to sit and do nothing when we could be out there saving Will. The family business and all." I join in, folding my arms across my chest. Images flash through my mind of Will getting taken by demons, tied up by ghouls and killed by ghosts. I shake my head to try and stop them from running on their nightmare loop.
"No! We've put our lives in the line too many times. If we start hunting again, we'd only be putting ourselves and everyone in this town in danger. I made a promise to keep you both safe and I intend to keep it." With a huff, Dean leaves the kitchen and heads up to his room, two more beers in his arm.
"I hate to admit it but he's got a point." Sam breaks the thick silence.
"What? How can you just agree with him on this? A kid is missing-"
"But he promised Cas, Y/N. If we started hunting again, Cas will have died for nothing. I know this feels wrong but, we can't. We just can't." Sam places one reassuring hand on my shoulder before heading upstairs himself.
Being brought up as a hunter, I was always taught to follow my instincts, trust my gut. And Dean just wants me to forget all of that? I can't! I can't forget years of being moulded into a soldier. Not when my instincts are screaming at me.
Everything tags:
STHH tags:
@marslovesme @bluedefundead @elenavaldez02
Published by @hillywooddestiel
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