#the only reason this looks good is bc i drew the sketch at school
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I DREW THE HIM!! HE!!! im so normal im so calm and collected
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swingxilly · 4 years
2020 art summary
I was tagged by the great and only @sapphicvalhallas! Thanks buddy, I can always count on you!
I tag @sapphicmadameumbralis if you want to, but no pressure
Artworks 2020 in total: Good question... 33? If I didnt miss any... Theres probably a few sketches on school notes that arent counted.
26 of the total amount of artworks are in my sketchbook! Had a major art block but I do all the time haha. Nonetheless, Im still happy that I managed to create at all!
New things I tried this year
Oh well, I did finish a digital drawing! I also tried shading it but didnt like the result. The flat colour turned out great tho! Other than that nothing major?
Artwork I spent the most time on
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Definitly this one. Lets see if I can figure out how much... A bit over 6 hours for the digital stuff probably, maybe 7. The pencil sketch I did during a school lesson (best time to sketch, hands down)... I still love it a lot! I remember how much I struggled with the mouth haha. But it looks perfect now!
Favourite thing I drew
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Thats a tough one bc if I like a drawing I cant really rank them! Buuut Ill think Ill go with this one. The drawing of Enialis I did today and the Regalia one from a few days? weeks? ago are up there too however. But idk!
For Hasad here there only existed a little sketch from years ago. Its always great to give a character from my imagination a definite look. And Im really pleased with her expression bc its EXACTLY what I wanted to draw!
Also its the first time this year that I drew a more? well not dynamic but... less simple pose? The perspective being from the top and the head turning into another direction than the body works really well. Also I did really good on the body and head!
I remember the centipede legs were a struggle bc they always ended up looking kinda goofy in the beginning. And finding a good reference was hard for some reason. It may not be the most polished piece I made this year but I like it a lot anyway.
First artwork of the year
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I still kinda hate it. It just looks off... Some pieces of it on their own look fine, but they just dont fit together? And dont get me started on the head!
Had a hard time drawing Veles for a while now I wonder if Ill figure it out in the future!
Anyway! It does get bonus points for effort. It IS a character interacting with (sitting on) furniture and I dont draw that often (if at all)!
Last artwork of the year
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Fresh from today! My Cyberpunk OC! Her name is Indiana Lovelace, codename "Myriad", is what I decided btw!
My friend said it looked dynamic and I agree! Maybe she stole sth (the chip shes holding in her hand?)? Shes definitly up to no good >:)
Honorary mention
(I made that category up)
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Enialis says peace out and to a creative 2021! 🥂
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mgnifiqueyoo · 4 years
“Run Away” - THEORY
TXT Storyline - Part 2 of ???
(a/n: I rewatched the Run Away mv and im confused. I will literally sacrifice my brain for TXT fhkdjcdk. This is the second part of my theory series for TXT's mvs and im pretty sure it will not end early since there are more mvs to come and more migraines to attack me.)
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(another a/n: I will clarify things in here better than my theory before because I theorized that thirty minutes after I woke up lmao help.)
0:08 - 0:22 - In the first scene, we see Beomgyu looking all troubled. His facial expression showed a mixture of being confused, lost, and frustrated. As I stated in the previous summary, Beomgyu is a sociopath but he also has the real side of him that rarely ever showed up. In this scene, he shows that side (lonely, regretful, lost, etc.).
0:22 - 0:28 - In this scene, Yeonjun is cutting up a square-shaped hole in his notebook. It also shows that he has a cut on his thumb and he also owns a small stuffed toy that was lying beside his notebook.
This particular scene honestly made me confused but in my understanding, I think the toy was like a symbol of his youth.
Or for some reason, it made me think that the toy was representing either him or Beomgyu.
0:29 - 0:37 - Hueningkai is vandalizing the school road with a yellow and blue chalk = representation of his youth. The sketch somewhat represents a lightning.
My dumb ass knows that yellow and blue are like TXT's colors for that album but I JUST HAD TO RESEARCH WHAT DOES THE TWO COLORS MEAN? (I'm an overthinker, I know)
Yellow = mind, intellect, optimism, and cheerfulness. But it also meant impatience, criticism, and cowardice.
Blue = trust, peace, loyalty, and integrity. But also means conservatism and frigidity.
The meaning of the colors reflects to Hueningkai's character in the "Can't You See Me?" MV perfectly.
0:37 - 0:44 - Soobin (like in the CYSM MV) is alone in the classroom (probably with Yeonjun). I took a long ass glance at the whiteboard Soobin was drawing on.
We see the stuffed toy = Yeonjun (or Beomgyu dhcbjcb) Cats = reference to previous song "Cat and Dog" A shark = ??? A door = the concept lmao Fire = The thing that will happen later on (or BTS jvfhj)
Something tells me that Soobin knows what's about to happen...
0:45 - 0:55 - We see Taehyun flexing his airpods bc tXt rIch aND priVilEGED- I MEAN jkdfnj
lmao back to the topic, Taehyun takes off his airpods and stands in the middle of the school halls. He closes his eyes as if he was vibing to music or he sees a vision...
Could it be a vision from the future?
0:56 - 0:59 - Soobin takes a look at his drawing and puts on red filtered glasses. He, then, sees symbols that move around his sketch of the "door".
It's either Soobin knows the other world or Soobin knows what the future beholds.
1:15 - 1:21 - We see Beomgyu putting a band-aid over Yeonjun's cut.
mHm- This was Beomgyu's pretentious act of kindness towards Yeonjun since this clearly connects with the idea of Beomgyu's sociopathic intentions.
It is said that when a person is manipulative, they most likely don't physically appear scary.
They appear as the nicest and softest people.
Very much alike with Beomgyu's character. (ARE WE SURE HE SOCIOPATH THO???)
1:25 - 1:29 - In this scene, Taehyun stares at the camera all the way up until Yeonjun and the others came.
If you took this the "mETapHOriCal" way, Taehyun is staring into the eyes of something that cannot be seen by others.
1:32 - 1:37 - Yeonjun's glasses caused the fire in the room. The other boys noticed but they did nothing until Beomgyu came with a fire extinguisher. How did Beomgyu know about the fire when he was floors away from their classroom? Yeonjun looked worried and hopeless like it was all his fault.
Why does he looked so panicked? Why does it feel like he knows what's about to happen and what he was doing?
1:52 - 1:53 - In this scene, Beomgyu failed to stop the fire from burning Yeonjun's notebook EVEN with the fire extinguisher. Beomgyu gives that same look he gave Taehyun in the "CYSM" MV (Time stamp: 2:14 - 2:16//CYSM MV) and also from the start of the this MV (Time stamp: 0:08 - 0:22)
2:09 - 2:17 - In this shot we see the boys hanging out in the school's balcony, the symbols outside the school, and a magical fire extinguisher.
Symbols outside the school = also the symbols Soobin saw with his red filtered glasses.
The fire extinguisher Beomgyu brought was the reason why the fire was never prevented. The fire extinguisher had something to do with the world Soobin saw with his glasses, the world Taehyun saw in his vision, or the future that Beomgyu wanted to prevent from happening.
2:21 - 2:28 - Here we see Taehyun reading a book titled "Put Out The Fire" while Soobin and Hueningkai were trying to help Taehyun. In this scene, the lighting changed to red again as we see Beomgyu resting his head on a sleeping Yeonjun.
This scene showed that Beomgyu was trying to distract Yeonjun from helping the three find a solution to stop the fire from spreading throughout the school.
This is a sign of manipulation as he is forming a deep connection with Yeonjun throughout this MV.
2:38 - 2:59 - Yeonjun finally wakes up from his sleep as the fire started spreading more quickly. The five of them ran outside of the library, clearly failing to put out the fire.
They arrived at the school's gym pool and if you look closely...
there's an art of a shark deep down in one of the pools.
I think this is proof that either Beomgyu or Soobin knows about the future events or the other world.
3:06 - 3:13 - The five boys are playing together again, clearly distracted from the fire that's spreading through campus. Then, we see a shot of Taehyun and Soobin doing a handshake together.
Taehyun = seeing the future (???) Soobin = seeing a different dimension (???)
3:27 - 3:35 - Soobin watches the other members play together lovingly as he finds out there is a door in the pool. He wondered who in the world could've put a door in the pool?
Then, he realizes that he is near it.
3:37 - 4:16 - The five of them went underwater, discovering a new world and the door Soobin has been sketching.
I forgot to mention earlier that the sketch that Yeonjun was cutting up on his notebook was the exact same door Soobin drew on the whiteboard.
Does this mean all of them know that there's a new world/dimension?
Yeonjun pulls out the same glasses that caused the fire earlier and guess what? The door was on fire again.
4:18 - 4:20 - They started to have fun while Beomgyu gives the look of victory, knowing that he won and that he distracted them from the fire that was occuring outside the world/dimension they were in.
4:20 - 4:27 - It showed Taehyun and Soobin staring at the camera during different times = they have visions.
It also showed a glimpse of Yeonjun's keychain/stuffed toy as it transitions to them running from the fire.
Lastly, it shows that Hueningkai is still in the water. Hueningkai's face expressed both confusion and worry.
There is definitely something off.
4:31 - 4:35 - This scene showed glimpses of the past events
~Yeonjun causing a fire ~Taehyun reading the "Put Out The Fire" book ~Them arriving at the gymnasium pool ~Yeonjun cutting the sketch of the door in the notebook ~Them seeing the fire spread as the notebook Yeonjun drew on continued to burn
4:39 - 4:51 - The five of them looked at the burning door in amazement since they discovered a whole new world underwater. Yeonjun looked at it like he's seen this door before and HE WASN'T EVEN SURPRISED. Then, he removed the band-aid and the cut he had earlier was completely gone.
4:54 - 5:16 - The five of them decided to leave. Weird thing? It was like they were just casually leaving a place and not A WHOLE NEW WORLD. The MV ends with Taehyun being left with Yeonjun's stuffed toy.
Summary/What I found out through listing every scene with details:
Soobin and Taehyun were the only members who were seeing visions about the different world. However, Soobin sees visions of future events while Taehyun only sees visions about the other world.
Beomgyu, on the other hand, turns into a NEUTRAL CHARACTER. A different creature? Could be. A good person? Could be. For me, his character is very hard to read and understand due to MY LACK OF SOURCE. He is either protecting Yeonjun from the different world or he is trying to blind Yeonjun from seeing the truth. Also, Beomgyu clearly knows what goes on in the future so we don't really know who's the bad guy here.
Yeonjun is a resident of the other world. HOW DID I CONCLUDE THIS? The last part really got me, okay? The four other members were amazed but he was just keeping up this blank face... like he has already seen it before. He was also the one who lead the members to the gymnasium pool like he knows what's there.
If you think Hueningkai is the only one who doesn't know anything, you're wrong. (Time stamp 4:20 - 4:27) In my guess, I think Hueningkai either has telepathic abilities...
or he sees visions, too.
The symbolism in this MV is too much for my brain to handle so I might do that next time. There might be a part two of this Runaway MV Theory and Analysis.
The question: how does this story line piece up with "Cat and Dog"? Does it also piece up with "Crown"? How does this even piece uP wITH THE NEW COMEBACK???
//the end//
stream “Can’t You See Me?” folks :D and y’all are free to message me when I forget something to take note of- :’)
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opendoorlorien · 7 years
I’m going to go through my digital art WIP folder and see if I find anything cool
#blatherings#most of it is trash garbage#I found a good Gallade sketch that would look pretty cool with only minimal touch ups#generally I felt like abandoning drawing as a kind of passion#although I've actually been doing art longer than I've been writing#I've been drawing consistently since kindergarden and I was one of those kids who drew on the margins#backs and sides of every single school work sheet and blank piece of paper I had#I only realized recently drawing is a stim for me#this is what happens when you dont get diagnosed I guess lol you never know these kinda things#but the reason why I drew so much wasn't bc I was necessarily good at it but bc it was a stim#I didnt get into writing until around high school when my teacher thought I had potential#I forget if it was grade 9 or 10#but at the start of almost every class she made us write a one page journal that could be literally about ANYTHING#and most people hated doing this and they probably just wrote about boring shit like 'this is how my weekend went leleleolol'#but I just wrote whatever came off the top of my head like the craziest gd shit lol#one time I even wrote the entire journal in handwriting and I Have some of the UGLIEST gd cursive writing ever like its super bad#and I didnt even fix the mistakes and somehow she still read it and gave me a checkmark on it lol#she said she liked reading my journals bc mine were probably the fkn craziest#and the rest is history#part one of my biography stay tuned for the rest lol#I've been drawing a bit more at work these days when I have nothing to do#idk how far I can follow it tho
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peytonains · 5 years
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( madelaine petsch ⊹ twenty-two ⊹ cis-female ⊹ she/her ) is that PEYTON AINSWORTH i see over there? huh. last time i heard, they live in FAIR LANE and are an EVENT PLANNER. people are starting to notice that they were actually a SECRET HOOK-UP to nate beauchamp. i also heard they’re afraid of AUTHORITY? interesting. anyway, lets hope they can survive what’s to come….. penned by haley, 20, she/her, est.
 peyton hasn’t live in rosefield all of her life. in fact she is one of the town’s newer residence. she moved there a little under a year ago with her mom and sister.
* peyton was born and raised in san francisco in a neighborhood called pacific heights, commonly known as billionaire’s row.
* her mother is from the town but in fear of being a townie, she went to san francisco and never looked back until now.
* she was born into wealth, her father owning a chain of five star hotels for as long as she could remember. she spent a ton of time in the beautiful hotels her father owned, learning her work ethic from him. her father was stoic man who put more value on a dollar than substantial relationships with his family. your typical rich dad.
* her mother was a trophy wife, spewing meaningless side projects like perfume lines and eye shadow palettes that enviably made their way into departments stores alike.
* peyton’s fondest childhood memories was helping set up for the weddings in the hotels. watching the flowers be arranged, the chairs be strategically placed, the wait staff setting the champagne flutes. this lead to her taking an interest in doodling wedding dresses and small flower arrangements.
* she has a small wildflower tattoo going along the curve of her breast that she drew, fun fact.
* when she was five, her little sister was born. the two grew up inseparable, running amuck in their house together, pranking the nannies but most importantly: ice skating. there were obviously no ice rinks in california naturally but their nanny would take them to an indoor skating rink for lessons. peyton and audrey were quite good skaters.
* in high school, peyton won a ton of awards in art contests and even got scholarship to attend art schools across the country. her dad insisted there was no money in being artist, he urged her to take over and be a hotel tycoon like him. peyton and her father fought a lot towards the end of high school about this but at the end of the day, she was her fathers daughter and was stubborn.
* she attended rhode island school of art and design, earning a degree in interior design and a minor in illustrator. after graduating, she returned home and expected to have a job in the hotel that could suit her.
* as she expected, her father got her a job in his business planning the events and having creative control over how each other ballrooms looked as well as the lobbies. working in close quarters with her father made their relationship grow quite strong. the two did everything together and suddenly their stoic walls were crumbling, only for each other.
* this was until one night when police knocked on the door of their home late at night and arrested her father for laundering money and other organized crimes. this broke peyton’s heart and forced her to become cold to the world once more.
* in fear of their family name being slaughtered, peyton’s mother sold the hotel and assets to the highest bidder and moved back to her home town.
* peyton was definitely not born for the suburban life style but she enjoys being close to her grandparents and loves all the opportunities for her work.
* she lives in a wealthy neighborhood In rosefield. her home is the closest thing to having a mansion that rosefield has to offer, a very old money feel.
* when peyton moved to rosefield before the first murder occurred, she didn’t have many friends. she’d mostly hang out with her family.
* about a month in, she downloaded tinder the way any lonely 22 y/o would.
* her and nate hooked up several times but peyton didn’t want any of the high school drama that came with sleeping with an eighteen year old so she wanted to keep it secret.
* the two would swim in her pool and talk for hours about life. he’s the only person in rosefield that knows how her family is rich or knows about her dad.
* the girl suppressed any blossoming feelings for nate despite the likelihood they both had feelings.
* peyton has becoming a known face in the nate beauchamp tragedy because she has organized every event in his honor. fundraisers, swim-a-thons at the community pool, and so on.
* nobody knows about peyton and nate’s relationship besides thempersonality / fun facts:
perfectionist!! detail oriented!!
the problem child bc her sister is an angel
big bitch but has a heart sometimes
super afraid of cops because of her father’s arrest, super paranoid driver, gets shaky around authority. prob makes her look suspicious
will literally come over and marie kondo ur entire life
evil genius and luvs revenge
a legit psycho when it comes to loving people like has hacked her exes phones even though she seems calm and collected on surface level
will force u to watch home videos of her skating and u will watch
don’t ask to see her sketch books she will blush and change the subject
could ruin your life
wanted connections (more wanted connections & plot drops)
a no homo friendship: a really close female friendship that peyton has a crush on the other and is super flirty towards them but acts like she doesnt have feelings for them bc fear of rejection and like acts she’s joking (but maybe it’s one sided/unrequited or maybe it’s mutual???)
clients: people she’s planned events or is going to plan events for
partner in crime: someone who is just as crazy as she is and they do the absolute most together PSYCHO BESTIES
fwb!! guys gals non binary pals, peyton’s a hoe & a freak
someone who thinks she killed nate, the reasoning is rly up to you
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peytonainsworthh · 4 years
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{ madelaine petsch ♔ twenty-five ♔ she/her } well, well, well if it isn’t peyton ainsworth running around peach hollow. legend has it, they come from oliver avenue and have lived here for eight months. if you’re wondering what they are up to, i hear they’re an event planner for a living. they have been known to be vicious yet loyal. a word of advice to them, always look over your shoulder. you never know who is watching. { haley ♔ twenty ♔ est ♔ she/her }
hello everyone and welcome to peach hollow!! as an admin i am so excited to get this party started. us admins are five ppl who love to write and have been through way too many failed rps. soooo we put in all of our love in effort into making this one!!
 this is my bby peyton she’s def an acquired taste bc well she’s a bitch but you’re gonna love her i promise!! anyways i’m haley and we should plot!
peyton hasn’t live in georgia all of her life. in fact she is one of the town’s newer residence. she moved there a little under a year ago with her mom and sister.
peyton was born and raised in san francisco in a neighborhood called pacific heights, commonly known as billionaire’s row.
she was born into wealth, her father owning a chain of five star hotels that had been passed down through the generations for as long as she could remember. she spent a ton of time in the beautiful hotels her father owned, learning her work ethic from him. her father was stoic man who put more value on a dollar than substantial relationships with his family. your typical rich dad.
her mother was a trophy wife, spewing meaningless side projects like perfume lines and eye shadow palettes that enviably made their way into departments stores alike.
peyton’s fondest childhood memories was helping set up for the weddings in the hotels. watching the flowers be arranged, the chairs be strategically placed, the wait staff setting the champagne flutes. this lead to her taking an interest in doodling wedding dresses and small flower arrangements.
she has a small wildflower tattoo going along the curve of her breast that she drew, fun fact.
when she was three, her little sister was born. the two grew up inseparable, running amuck in their house together, pranking the nannies but most importantly: ice skating. there were obviously no ice rinks in california naturally but their nanny would take them to an indoor skating rink for lessons. peyton and audrey were quite good skaters.
in high school, peyton won a ton of awards in art contests and even got scholarship to attend art schools across the country.
her dad insisted there was no money in being artist (even if money was never a problem for them), he urged her to take over and be a hotel tycoon like him. peyton and her father fought a lot towards the end of high school about this but at the end of the day, she was her fathers daughter and was stubborn. peyton knew the key to happiness was chasing you passion instead of the dollar.
she attended rhode island school of art and design, earning a degree in interior design and a minor in illustrator. after graduating, she returned home and expected to have a job in the hotel that could suit her.
as she expected, her father got her a job in his business planning the events and having creative control over how each other ballrooms looked as well as the lobbies. working in close quarters with her father made their relationship grow quite strong. the two did everything together and suddenly their stoic walls were crumbling, only for each other.
it seemed as though everything in peyton’s life was coming together. she was the head event coordinator at the hotel, her father was her boss and allowed her to have free range. her sister was around so they could goof off at work.
this was until one day peyton was bringing her father lunch from their favorite mexican food truck in the city. she then walked in on her father sleeping with his assistant which put a stake in their relationship.
peyton couldn’t keep the secret from her mother. she’d rather her mother walk away with dignity rather than stay with a man who had no respect for her. but her mother did not have the same respect for herself.
peyton made the decision to take her funds and move to georgia to be near her grandparents, that’s how she ended up in peach hollow.
now, in peach hollow:
peyton enjoys living in peach hollow. she likes being close her grandparents and she enjoys being surrounded by wealthy and like minded people, due to being a bit prissy.
the redhead can’t seem to shake her bitterness about her father’s affair and paid people in her father’s company to teach her how to hack.
she started using hacking to see her father’s finances and text messages but has graduated onto hacking other people’s phones, nobody’s really safe.
her father tries to reach out but she doesn’t offer any forgiveness. but she pays him little mind.
her mother often sends her checks and peyton will occasionally cast them in times of desperation but peyton is pretty well off living in a nice home on oliver avenue. 
peyton is an event planner and works with some of the richest people in georgia. she works mostly at the caledonia in their grandiose ballroom, throwing gatsby scale events. 
the redhead loved the thrill and pride of hosting such events: weddings, birthday parties, company gatherings, new years eve bashes and so on. but most importantly, she loved meeting people in networking the way a true socialite does. 
this networking lead her into the lifestyle of being friends with richer families in peach hollow. and more than friends with the men. peyton persued being an escort for a few reasons.
to maintain social status
get a nice paycheck
get back at her father
perfectionist!! detail oriented!!
the problem child bc her sister is an angel
big bitch but has a heart sometimes
she will not go get mexican food w u don’t even ask but she really just wants a damn burrito
will literally come over and marie kondo ur entire life
evil genius and luvs revenge
a legit psycho when it comes to loving people like has hacked her exes phones even though she seems calm and collected on surface level
will force u to watch home videos of her skating and u will watch
don’t ask to see her sketch books she will blush and change the subject
wanted connections:
ex bf/gf: peyton met them shortly after moving to nyc. they showed her the ropes to the east coast and they did everything touristy you can think of together. they were super toxic because peyton is CRAZY. we can plot how they broke up and when.
a no homo friendship: a really close female friendship that peyton has a crush on the other and is super flirty towards them but acts like she doesnt have feelings for them bc fear of rejection and like acts she’s joking (but maybe it’s one sided/unrequited or maybe it’s mutual???)
clients: people she’s planned events or is going to plan events for
escorting client: some rich ass secretive people
ride or die: the person that peyton is closest too and has seen her soft side. she is a super bitch so this is a rly big deal. they are an unbreakable bond.
a rival cousin: someone who is in constant competition with peyton because they’re related. they have made beef & are rivals. but at the same time they would kill each other & kill for each other.
friends turn enemies: were friends up until a certain point, but either realized they never really liked each other or one just dropped the other or maybe something happed idk lets plot
friends w. benefits: peyton be a sexual ass hoe so bring her ur guy, gals, and non binary pals
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this-new-me · 7 years
Note taking tips
Okay so...not exactly a lot of followers on here, but I'd like to share my tips, if not for anyone else than for me bc I am taking a break for summer & don't want to forget all of my strategies. SO! I personalize my note taking strategies for each & every classroom. For example... -in my classical music study class, I use OneNote & my laptop to record the class because it's an audio class, but my teacher (most of the time) gives out guided notes, so I mark, write, & highlight all over those. Then, when it comes time for reviewing, I make a Quizlet of the practice test he gives us. Try to use the cornell method to revise important info after class. -I don't take notes in my comms class -I kept spacing out in my bio class when I was trying to just type my notes into onenote bc the class is 2 hrs 20 mins, so I got a notebook & still record the class, but I also make my own notes. I don't really have time to revise a lot in between classes. I also mark the time I'm out of class to walk around a bit, stretch, use the bathroom, fill my water bottle, etc because I won't be able to concentrate when I don't. When it comes down to studying, he gives out a study guide but it's usually heckin long & maybe 35% of the info is actually on the test so I'll look at the topics I don't remember/know & write down info about these. Other than that, I look at the chapter review at the end of the chapter, ignoring the topics we didn't talk about, & my labs- especially if it involved drawing some sort of diagram or if it was related to the chapter. I would read all of the book, but I simply don't have the time (working full time & going to school full time) plus he doesn't really care about a good deal of the info, especially the detail the book goes into. There's a lot of info but I don't have a lot of time to review & revise between classes so I go into a lot of detail in my notes during the lecture (I once drew out a rough sketch of the brain & went through & highlighted everything); however, the only reason I can do this is because my professor stammers/stutters & repeats the same info a lot. That's the only time I'd ever recommend doing that, because you're supposed to spend 80% of your time/attention listening. -for my psych class, he uses nothing but a PowerPoint so I just type my notes directly into onenote while recording the class. I already know a lot of the info from my high school psych class, so I write down the new info & mention any changed definitions for his class but otherwise don't stress about it. Some things I have learned while working full time & going to school full time: 1. You really need to be good at managing your time. I am not the best. On my days off, I procrastinate doing my work because I want to sleep, do fun stuff or, on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, have the luxury of doing absolutely nothing all day. 2. Sometimes, it's best to just turn an assignment in late. There have been a few times where I could choose to sacrifice the little sleep I have to try to get an assignment done- & if I can sleep the whole day the next day, I do it. However, it's usually not my best work, & that's usually not what happens, so I just send it in late- because I usually have a day off in between my class days, so if it's due Tuesday I send it electronically Wednesday or turn it in Thursday. Speaking of... 3. Sometimes, I try to load myself up on Mountain Dew before I go home so I can ~get stuff done~ later at night (I get out of work at 1:30 am, at the EARLIEST). I'd say that 95% of the time, that turned into me procrastinating on my phone for an hour, getting tired, & going to bed- only to be kept up by the Mountain Dew. I've learned to combat this by cleaning my apartment so I work off the caffeine while also doing something remedial (not requiring much brain power so I'm not waking myself up even more) & productive...but it probably would've just been better if I went to bed so I could get up at an earlier time. 4. Communicate with your boss. I work in fast food, & telling my boss my schedule way ahead of time has helped me, ESPECIALLY writing it down somewhere. Sometimes it gets lost, but if I already told him verbally as well he usually remembers & asks me again if he needs to. I'm really lucky- my boss knows how important my schooling is for me & does his best to not mess with my hours, although if he forgets, I can usually remind him & just get it altered slightly. However, a big part of this is being flexible in return. On days I don't have classes, if I see a certain part of a shift is short, I offer to work a split. He cut my hours a little so I could study for finals, but I've still been picking up extra hours on short shifts here & there- & offering BEFORE he has to go asking around. I've told him I don't really mind only having one day off opposed to two days if two of my shifts are half-shifts (4 hours) anyway. It's all about being flexible in return :) 5. Let your professors know! They're usually a little lenient (or at least sympathetic) when they know, & may cut you some slack. I'm not saying go crying for attention, but just offer some explanation for some of your behaviors. Just saying "I'm sorry, my paper was late because I'm working full time & I have classes [time to time] & my next day off wasn't until [today/yesterday], I didn't realize it was due this day, etc." may not get you any points back but at least they'll understand that you're not just being lazy. 6. Study when you can! Sometimes I make notecards so I can look at them while I'm order taking at the drive through (because customers often "need a moment" but you don't know when they're going to start talking again so you stay near the order-taking bubble) or paying out at the drive through so I can duck out of sight of any customers & study during a particularly long order. That being said, I usually try to help bag up everything, but if they already have a bagger, there's not much I can do. Don't let this hinder your job performance (AKA don't do this if there's more to be done like making drinks), & if your bosses get mad at you just study on your break, but if they don't mind or don't say anything then do it. Hope this has helped some of you!
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ask-jungshook · 8 years
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// HEYO! :D Here’s my version of the Meet the Artist meme that’s been going around! I got several admin asks as well, so might as well knock out two birds with one stone! 
Fun Facts & Q&As under the cut!
Sup! I go by Dissu! It’s my art/gaming nickname that was given to me by friends and pretty much just stuck with me to the extent that I respond to it as much as my real name haha
FUN FACTS! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
My corgi’s full name is Lucas GNAR (the latter being League of Legends inspired-- his nickname is Lulu tho ;o) I’m a total nerd and gamer if you haven’t guessed by now HAHA
I carry backpacks over small purses because I easily lose/misplace small things. (Bags with shoulder straps always slide off my shoulders too) My other two bags are a winged backpack and a small crossbody.
I carry a pillow in my backpack so I can sleep on the bus on my commute to work (I have no more shame LOL) Lucas ate an eye off it when he was a puppy, so that’s why it has one eye LOL
I doodle on post-its because they’re easier to get rid of/scrap if it comes out looking bad. I don’t have any sketchbooks because for some reason I’m really bad at drawing in books??
I have a slight case of RBF, so I will most likely look :| even though I’m :D on the inside
I dye my hair because my hair is usually extremely oily and dyeing is usually the only way to counteract it. (But mad respect to kpop groups because holy shit bleaching your hair pretty much fries it 2/10 would recommend -- also grey hair is rly hard to maintain zzz) 
My average sleep time on weekdays is 5 hrs, but on weekends it’s 12+ hrs. 
I am a self proclaimed sparkling rock (because I’m really bad at expressing my emotions irl lol)
ASKS! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅
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BTS: JIMIN by a narrow margin, JK and NAMJOON are tied for a close second (Yoongi is forever my spirit animal though)
For other KPOP groups I follow currently:
Big Bang: TOP
Sechskies: Eun Jiwon
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I mainly use SAI! (and PS for animation)
And it’s ironic because I’m like 99% sure I messed up my brush settings yesterday lol but here’s what I have right now. I pretty much use the default brush for all my sketches, lineart and coloring. (The only difference is just brush size) 
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I’ve been playing around with my settings more and more just for fun/ trying out new things since I already messed up my settings /weeps (I should have had a screenshot of my original settings in hindsight . . . rip me)
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Q__Q omgsjakhgsdlkg thank you guys so much (●♡∀♡) <333 You all give me motivation to keep on drawinggg! <3 (I’m also rly bad at expressing thanks but tytytytyty x100000, it means a lot)
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Disclaimer: Just wanna add really quickly, take what I say with a grain of salt bc what worked for me might not work for everyone.
Don’t give up & practice A LOT!
I’ve never had any ‘legit’ art classes in the sense that the only art I got from school was one elective class in high school. The program I was in during HS and the field I’m in now are both devoid of creativity lol (Which is why people at my workplace are usually surprised to see that I draw) That being said, most of my art is mainly trial and error! But it’s a hobby that I enjoy a lot, so I don’t mind the trial and error aspect of it. I also really like the fact that you can like graduallllly see improvement the more you draw! :D Only recently, I’ve been actively trying to get better and improve since I have more time to do things now. (Legit school was probably the main reason why I couldn’t draw a lot -- exams man)
To elaborate a bit, overall I think I’m an average artist at best because there’s simply so much that I still need to learn. I feel like for me, I never fully grasped the foundation for drawing (mainly anatomy), so I’m trying to relearn that now that I have free time. (I think previously, all I drew was still-life, so I . .  . can draw fruit???? LOL) Like if you look at most of my older pieces, you can see that I have no clue how to draw clothing, body structure, or color theory. (The good thing is, that I know my weaknesses, so it’s a good starting block! haha)
But for art in general, it’s all about your foundation and how you build on it. If you don’t know how to break the body down by body parts, then there’s no way that you can free draw a person that looks perfect. So at this point, for me, it’s just a quest for learning & self improvement! :D
Another important thing is to step outside of your comfort zone! I strongly believe that you learn from failure especially for art. Like I think this year was the first time I drew a full body picture because I forced myself to step away from just drawing faces only. (LOL LEGIT I’VE ONLY DRAWN HEADSHOTS OF PEOPLE FACING LEFT FOR LIKE 99.9% OF THE TIME) While it wasn’t perfect, I definitely learned from it.
I also highly suggest iterative drawing! Which is basically drawing the same thing over and over, but changing small things with every repetition. That way, you can compare and see what worked and what didn’t and carry that forward!
Also, don’t expect like change overnight! That’s one of the things I think people have a misconceptions of-- especially something that new artists can get a bit down on, because they don’t ‘see’ improvement. But JUST KEEP ON DRAWING! Because improvement will always be gradual. (It’s very similar to working out -- like you’ll gain muscle tone over time & not overnight)
Like this is probably one of the first CG pieces I drew like YEARRRRS back (maybe 2009????) when I first tried digital art vs a WIP of what I’m currently working on right now (yes, dat’s a jimin) :
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So clearly, getting from point A to point B for me happened over a lot of years and not right away, but just know that it IS possible if you’re willing to be patient -- and that improvement is there even if you don’t see it! 
Also I just wanna throw out there that improvement isn’t always going to be a upwards curve, it might stagnate/plateau occasionally and that’s OK! I think when I was still in school, I took A LOT of art hiatuses that spanned months so when I would get back into drawing, my art probably looked worse LOL 
But for me personally, what it comes down to in the end, is that:
1) You’re making art because YOU enjoy it. If you go into drawing with the intention of getting famous or having a lot of notes, then there really isn’t that much personal sense of joy if you’re basing your accomplishments by how many notes you receive. Draw for the sake of yourself instead of for the sake of others -- it’s a lot more liberating.
2) You’re basing your improvement against yourself, not against other people. Everyone is different and everyone learns things at different rates, so don’t feel discouraged if someone else is improving at a different rate than you are. I know a lot of people get discouraged when they see how fast others may be improvement-- I mean there was a point where I was like that, but ultimately, improvement will always be a battle against yourself only. (This applies to like self improvement lol not just art improvement)
3) Have a positive outlook & be patient. Basically going back to point 1, art should be something that you enjoy doing/something that makes you happy! Personally for me, I don’t see a point of calling something a hobby if you find no joy in doing it. I feel like in the past my main struggles were that I was unhappy about my art because I kept on comparing it to like REALLY good people HAHAHA & because I had like no improvement in the beginning, but then I realized that there’s not point of being sad over something I can’t control. Because all artists have their own story and all artists have to start out somewhere. (tbh sometimes, all you have to do is just change your mindset a bit) 
TLDR; Lots of practice, seek improvement, try new things, have a positive outlook (BE HAPPY!!!) & don’t give up! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و HWAITING!
 >___> I just realized that I wrote a lot in no particular order, so I’m sorry that it turned into one very messy essay LOL but hopefully that was kinda helpful? igotlazierastimewentonthololsosorryifthelastsectionmadenosense 
BUT I THINK I’M FINALLY DONE LMFAO! (Also bless, this cleared out several asks from my inbox) :D If anyone’s curious about anything else, feel free to message me (or ask me stuff once my askbox re-opens) -- I’m always free to chat! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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