#the orginal one is my profile photo
septiccoffeefreak · 10 months
Anyone know anything about this Tumblr User (or his petition)???
got followed by a guy I didn't recognize who liked three of my posts, which isn't too bad, but he messaged me out of the blue.
I check his account, and he says he is a refugee in kenya who is trying to support lgbtq rights for himself and others. he has one reblogged post of lgbt art, and then some original posts. One of presumably himself and another man in pride merch, a ruined building that he says was ranmsacked by homophobes, and then a fundraiser. I don't think there's anything else although I already blocked him so there could be one more post i'm forgetting. regardless, few posts. okay, i think. I go to the petition. check it out, maybe reblog. the petition is run by a man in sccotland who suspiciously has the same last name Jones, when "Joe" is the FIRST name of the guy who messaged me, which seems odd to me? The description is written in first person from the man who messaged me, saying that they need food and water. The man in scottland says he is supposedly sending them these donations. Through...something. He doesn't clarify how he knows this guy, just, "a friend", or how he's sending the money, or if he knows any actual teams or orginizations who are doing work on the ground. there is not a single donation. not one. I check the tumblr account again. the profile picture and banner are just...generic pictures of "people in africa" that you see online a lot, although the banner is cut so you can't see faces. the profile photo is some kids(?) and isn't centered on any one person.
he keeps linking a paypal of a "shop owner", who I assume is, of course, the scotish guy running the petition.
He's following a lot of people, most of whom I also, again, do not recognize. it is still possible that this is legitimate, but it seems incredibly suspicious to me, so if anyone else has further information on it I'd love to hear your two cents. Regardless, this is the account in question: both for anyone who can confirm information and also just so you can recognize it if you see it around.
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For now though, since it's giving big scam vibes, I'm blocking him just in case, making this post, and leaving it there for awhile. Thanks to anyone who knows more about it
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: DC × 40s & Shorties Strapback Hat.
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stoop-girl · 5 years
I knew it was coming, but damn...
Pledis wasted those girls' time...
They did 2 albums as a full group and two songs as a subunit...
Before just giving up...
It's 5am est and I should be sleeping...
There's a fucking reason they're only asking for male trainees and if my phone does not stop capitalizing male, imma be pissed.
I'm actually really pissed because they did NOT give a single FUCK about that group, or girl groups as a whole, do you see the shit going on with After School?
Nayoung was supposed to debut in After School and her and Kyulkyung debuted in I.O.I and did Produce 101 to drum up some support and gain some fans before their official group, their permanent group.
Roa was considered the sub-leader, she only trained for about 3 years before Pristin debuted. Pledis couldn't even spell her name for shit because everytime she wasn't called Roa, but rather her actual name, it was spelt a different way. Maybe that's just romanization, but damn you couldn't even pick one and go with it?
Yuha was the shortest training member of Pristin at 3 years. 3 years is probably the average of all the kpop idols someone do the math I'm an arts major not a STEM major. Can you imagine being in a group where the average training period of the group is twice as long as the average for every kpop idol out there?
According to her, Eunwoo's dad doesn't express himself that well, so when she debuted and he wrote her a congratulations text. He was proud of her finally achieving her dream. Again, a trainee since 2013.
Rena, y'all... she was my bias, like I would love to be best friends with this girl. 2011! She was there staring in 2011 and she tried to orginally go for TS entertainment, so maybe she has a shit company finding superpower. But anywho, 6 years before she debuted. She was on SMTM and she said she was traumatized because what happend, but she's okay now.
Kyulkyung, I guess, said fuck this shit and she yeeted herself back to China and did a solo debut over there and everything. But 2009... 8 years working her ass off for this bullshit. She went through I.O.I. with Nayoung, as someone on reddit pointed out, the only two girls in kpop history to win Rookie of the Year twice.
Yehana was a trainee for around 4 years, she even was a backup dancer for Hoshi during a Seventeen concert. It felt like Pledis really didn't care for her or Kyla, but more on that later, because there isn't much about her, like looking at her profile, her and Xiyeon had been attending SOPA and that's pretty much it. She is another member staying and again, I hope it's to fulfill her contract.
Sungyeon did the Johnny method, she trained during the summer and did school I. America during the school year. Another girl who was there staring in 2009... Two thousand and nine.... that girl dedicated TEN YEARS of her life to this shit for Pledis just to be like "left on read... lol." She is the third member and I hope it's to fulfill her contract and not because Pledis has something against her.
Xiyeon trained for NINE YEARS?! SHE WAS CONSIDERED THE PRINCESS OF PLEDIS! The opening line of Wee-Woo was literally "I'm the Princess." She was in After-School videos as a trainee, if there was a little girl in an A.S. video, it was most likely her. She was 8... eight years old when she started training, she essentially gave up her childhood because of this fuckery.
Kyla.... they just flat-out didn't care about her. From the fucking family drama with her asshole of a brother to being called fat by people when she was far from it. A little chub constitutes death threats?! Goddamn, people are allowed to have a little thigh and some ass. For Pledis to hide Kyla behind "oh, she has a concussion" only for fans to discover she might have had a job at a local fair (but apparently that photo was taken during We Like era) and for them to say JACKSHIT about it... that's bullshit.
BUT WHAT WE'RE NOT GOING TO DO IS BLAME SEVENTEEN AND NU'EST! We already know they look at comments on Instagram and with Bang Chan and Felix pretty much confirming idols know about tumblr and may even have one, the only people we can blame is Pledis.
Support each and every girl as she continues on her own adventure. I'd link their instagrams and everything, but it's ass o'crack in the morning and I should probably go back to bed.
This may be the end of Pristin, but hopefully they are all still friends and they can pull something out of their hats and do a giant fuck you to Pledis
And one more for the road...
Fuck Pledis.
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maplecatra · 4 years
i am back for a brief moment!!! so, i live in the USA, if you are curious about the current political situation, here’s what’s going on:
several politician figures who are running for elections for positions have been using social media to say that the blm organization should be caterogized as a terrorist orginization, using the fact that the website says they are looking to disrupt the nuclear family idea and raising their kids in “villages” of friends and family. this way of raising kids, by the way, is very good for them because it gives them a strong community of role models that will help raise the kids and give them a more varied experience with people early on.
antifa, or antifascist, has now been classified as a terrorist orginization.
president trump is continuing to send armed police to peaceful protests, it has been appearing less in the media now. the peaceful protests for justice that aren’t disrupted by the police are not reported on making many americans who haven’t actively been following in support of the the cause believe that there are no longer any protests and that the only protests that happened were turned into riots by bad civilians supporting blm. in truth, most of the violence and rioting is started by either undercover cops or people who came to make the movement look bad.
the current black lives matter protests spurred by the death of george floyyd and pushed on by the police brutality that has killed many innocent black people is now the biggest civil rights movement of all time. there are protesters in most places now, and even the news channels, which are largely supportive of the police and avoid supporting anyone that is a victim of the police recognized the death of george floyyd as completely unwarranted and an outrage. some news channels who had not suported other innocent black people who died from police because of an excuse the cops made have taken a complete 180. others have used the chance to take videos of the riots and censor them to not show what the police have done. at one point, the news broadcasted a video that was cut off of the protests. it cut off right before the police car drives through a group of civilians.
police so far, both in past riots and current peaceful protests have:
blocked ambulances from areas in the riots where people have set up first aid kits.
driven past peaceful protests with a gun out their window
killed a black shop owner who had supplied them with free food previously and left his body in the streets for over 12 hours
gotten extremely physical with peaceful protesters, grabbing people who have done nothing wrong aggressively and forcing them down, or in painful positions.
used excessive force even with a crowd and many people recording, using violent action of protesters not resisting arrest and only not causing possibly long lasting injuries because another cop or another person the cop seems to deem an ally lifts them off at least 2 times
have taken photos with protesters faking peace for the media and tear gassing them immediately
shootig rubber bullets into crowds, which are lumps of rubber a little less than the size of your palm with metal shrapnel designed to ricochet outward. these prices of metal shrapnel have enough power to go through a persons leg, and are lethal as they are. in close range, however, they become even more dangerous and cause more damage and also panic.
used teargass to clear out an area where trump was scheduled to have a photo shoot. after teargassjng all the protesters out he took photos and said some things about how proud and brave he was.
they have gone to the supply tents of some peaceful protests and have broken all the water bottles and ruined the food so they had no supplies
currently, the US is becoming a facist nation. our president has stated that he is against antifa, has quoted hitler in a speech, has set up borders that send immigrants back into dangerous conditions or just take their kids into dangerous conditions. ICE has begun spraying harsh chemicals on and around the detention camp that is irritating the eyes, lungs and skin of the immigrants inside sometimes 3 times a day or more.
closer to the start of donald trumps term, he had disbanded the pandemic response team, and now refuses input from actually doctors and scientists. when they suggested they pause meat plants, donald trump refused and stated that they should keep working. after people started suing meat companies because of covid cases, they brought up an article with a subsection that they stated allowed them to keep working. millions have been wasted on this. upon closer inspection of the article, which was implemented by donald donald trump who stated that meat plants would keep running, does not say that meat plants are legally allowed to stay open.
our current political climate is incredibly right leaning, and bernie sanders is the only current candidate who has somewhat centrist ideas. most people in power are right wing, which means that many ideas donald trump proposes will be approved and anything that the other branches proposed will be approved by trump.
trump has a past of sexually harrasing women. it was leaked by a well known hacker that donald trump had been prosecuted for raping a 13 year old girl. he and jeffery epstein, a pedophile who ran a child sex trafficking ring for high profile people on a private island, had been fighting over who would take the virginity of the young girl. it was said that jeffery epstein killed himself before he could go to jail, but the leading theory and the most likely as well is that one of his high profile clients had him killed so he wouldn’t tell anyone their name.
trump has consistently harmed and mocked many race minorities in the US, and while parading that he has many avid minority supporters. the reality of it is that if you attend a single trump rally you will find only white people.
donald trump has made people feel more confident about being open in their racism. this appeals to many white people who believe minorities want to actively harm them when they try to gain justice for themselves, and especially for white people who were shoving these feelings down because they recognized that it was not a popular opinon but who still felt constantly motivated to share it. trump supporters are always bigoted, even if they don’t believe they are. they believe their opinion is not biggoted despite it showing incredible hypocrisy. for example, some say they support the lgbt community but don’t think they should be in kids media. that shows that they believe that only cishet characters are appropriate. and even if you haven’t heard them say anything biggoted or they say “i don’t support him but he shares my political alignment so i have to vote for him” they are bigoted. simply by supporting a person like donald trump you are supporting his ideals, his action, and a person who acts like that in a seat where he can access much more people who can become victims and can use his position to spread his biggoted opinions on every inch of news
as a result of the protests, donald trump now has a bunker. he has called trump supporters who were yelling and acting rudely “nice people” and peaceful blm protesters “savages”
the government is currently trying to make it harder for local post offices (the USPS) to function. they’re trying their best to pass things and many people haven’t noticed. taking out the USPS would take out local newspapers, which are a very reliable source. they share the voice of the people and do not have a reason to not give unbiased information. this means we will be fed mostly propaganda if this happens.
to bring up old news, i would like to take a moment to remember the time donald trump put the government in lockdown (?? he just basically pressed pause) for i think 60-70 days till the officials were begging him to stop. i don’t remember what happened to spur that on but i certainly still think that the response was inappropriate.
the US is becoming a facist nation. donald trump is putting markers on his supporters by giving them a free gift and mass emailing how to get them. the US is becoming a facist nation and it feels like my world is burning down and collapsing in on itself. people often ask why no one noticed that hitler was a horrible disgusting monster, but the reality of it is that they don’t show it until they’re in power, and then they slowly start to coax people into the idea that he is not bad. even if many americans recognize that donald trump is horrible, a devoted group of many aggressive registered voters just keep falling for it because they are tired of holding their ugliness and hatered toward others in check. no one noticed until minorities started to be put in camps and be killed by the people in power.
i’ve lived in the US my entire life and was always fed on the idea that places in the middle east were always poor and less than the US, that they were pitiful and needed the protection of our armies. i know that’s not true now, but action movies and media keep on circulating the idea that the USA is better than everywhere else and that everywhere foreign (other than canada, no one talks about canada really, and russia, the uk and australia are pretty safe) is strange and gross and any food that comes from them is censored and dulled to fit into one aisle. it’s not right, and young children are still constantly being fed these harmful ideas that they have to unlearn later in life.
the US is becoming a facist nation and the older people in my life, even if just by 2 years, refuse to recognize it.
if your outside of the US, ask any friends there if they have a plan to leave if they need to. it’s heading into a direction where it might become dangerous, the best thing to do is to be prepared.
if you can add on anything about the situation, please do. If youre from the US you can share your feelings on the situation and ways to help as well
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stillheresanctuary · 5 years
dont get me wrong, it looks nice but is twitter really the look you want for a rescue center. Its your shop but i think both the orginal and the second one you changed it too looked alot better tbh? hope i dont offend
It’s totally okay, I understand the trepidation.
I’m looking at the theme now after having slept and I’m seeing it’s not IDEAL, but it’s a LOT closer to the what I’m looking for, especially with the separated box for links and easy to find search bar that follows as one scrolls. All of the pages load quickly, the links all work correctly, and it’s extremely easy to navigate.
I will say I’m not the biggest fan of not being able to have a full photo for the background, I like the wood paneling and it provides a good contrast, but I’m not as up on my html coding as I used to be so it’s so going on figuring out how to apply that. I also want to see if I can create custom page settings within the theme style or if I’m going to have to make do with something else, I’m trying to create a sort of ‘file’ system for the Crew and Residents that would be easier to read and access, but it’s slow going.
If all else fails, I may end up making side blogs specifically for the Crew and Resident profiles so I can update them more seamlessly, but that’s a last resort.
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kenfox784 · 3 years
Control Mac With Iphone Free
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Recent several years should be an era of VR (Virtual Reality) which has triggered an incredible storm around the world. Virtual reality has the power to let you interact with some devices for an immersive and sensory experience. With its breakthrough in core technology, worldwide manufacturers are rushing to compete against each other in this emerging field.
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Due to the rising craze of VR, various VR devices like Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PlayStation VR, Samsung Gear VR, Google Cardboard, VR Box, etc. are springing up to meet different levels of requirements for customers. However, popular forms used for watching VR videos, SBS (Side By Side 3D) and 360-Degrees, are not supported by many platforms and devices currently. To fix the issue of how to watch VR videos on PC and mobile devices, you need a virtual reality player. So here are the best free VR video players for multi-platform and a simple guide for VR and 360 degree video download.
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Platform: iOS/Android/Windows
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Cons: Sometimes you may come across some performance issues with Oculus Rift DK2, but it's still a good VR player.
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Access 2016 download for mac. Platform: iOS/Android
For iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/homido-360-vr-player/id909196467?mt=8
For Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.homido.homidoplayer&hl=en
Pros: It is used for the Homido HMD headset. You can watch 360° spherical videos as if you were seated in an IMAX theater. The first ever HMD internet browser allows you to watch any VR content directly from YouTube or other VR video sites in the headset. Also, you can record SBS videos from your headset.
Cons: Again, to fully enjoy this app, you will need a Homido virtual reality headset.
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Platform: Android
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Pros: AAA VR Cinema Cardboard 3D SBS is a free and great VR video player Android app. Except for the wide ranges of options to play 360 as well as normal 3D VR videos, rotation killer mode and pure gyro mode are added to head tracking option in the newest version 1.6.1. This player only supports MOV, MP4 and M4V format. You may need some VR video converter app if your video format is excluded.
Cons: Pay attention, this app will crash when you open a file that contains '%' in the file name. Please rename before open the file. And Bluetooth mouse is disabled temporary in the current version 1.6.1.
4. Mobile VR Station
Platform: iOS/Android Windows 7 dmg file download.
Pros: Mobile VR Station is a free VR player which is designed for iOS and Android users and it works with every headset. It's an alternative to Homido 360 Player and even better, you can view your Photos, Panoramas, Videos & Files projected onto a virtual screen floating in space for a unique heater experience. You can watch HTML5 videos from mobile safari with Micro VR Station extension and get better viewing experience on 3D content, 360/ Spherical movies.
Cons: But remember, the app won’t display any content that are DRM-protected, for example the content you bought from iTunes.
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Platform: Windows/Mac
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Cons: You can only download it free for Mac OS X 10.9 and Windows 7/8 so far. There’s no version for windows 10 currently.
Platform: Windows 64bit/Mac/Android/Steam.. https://kenfox784.tumblr.com/post/654752863501893632/mac-os-catalina-disk-image-download.
Pros: Like Kolor Eyes, Skybox VR Player is a great and free VR video player on Windows 64bit/Mac/Android/Steam.. computers. You are able to stream local videos from PC to mobile devices with zero quality loss when connecting to Wi-Fi network. It also supports watching one video with multiple devices and can play nearly all video formats. You can experience HD, full HD, and 4K playback on this one.
So, these are the best free VR players for multi-platform to watch VR videos with ease. And there are more VR players like FreeVRPlayer, Delight VR Player that can also do a great job when playing VR videos. They may have their own pros and cons, but all of them aim to provide the best experience to users. Depending on your platform and preference, just choose the best VR player as you wish.
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Download VR videos from YouTube and other 300+ sites at fast speed. Convert VR videos to MP4, AVI, MKV, iPhone, Android, Samsung TV, LG TV and more other formats and hot devices.
A Simple Guide to Download VR Videos and Convert
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Step 1: Run the freeware and open Downloader. Click 'New Download' button on menu bar;
Step 2: Paste the YouTube VR video’s link to “Add URL” box, then press the analyze button;
Step 3: Choose one preferred resolution and format and click OK to add the download task. Then press the “Download All” icon.
Download VR Video
Note: You can also download 4K video or download hot videos from YouTube here. Try analyzing the URL again if you don't get the wanted resolution that the orginal video resource should have.
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Optional – To fix some compatibility issue, you can convert the VR videos to your devices supported formats via this freeware. And the format conversion steps are as follow:
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Open Converter > Load the VR videos you download > Select your device supported format on the Output Format section > Press “Run” button to start the conversion
Additionally, Free HD Video Converter Factory can do more things for you, such as change video resolution, reduce video size, add subtitle, or compress 4K video and more.
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Hope this article has helped you figure out what's the best choice for you. And if it works, feel free to share it to help more people.
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Aside from downloading VR resources, you can use the freeware to upload your recorded videos in right formats to online site including YouTube, Myspace, Facebook, and your blog. The software has provided ideal format profile beforehand, so that you don't have to be clear of what are the best video audio specs for uploading to a video-sharing site.
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Hello Friends, Welcome and Good Morning,
Today Let’s talk something different. My today’s topic is something very different but I feel it is important things to share with you all.
In today’s world of technology, it’s so easy and comfortable to do things instantly and conveniently.
Like, If I  want to travel to someplace I have to just go online and can book my tickets and book a room to stay without going to that bus service provider. We will also get good discounts. So useful.
If I want to pay bills I can simply go to online and can pay my bills without standing in long ques. SO many things like online recharge, fund transfer, sending important documents, sharing photos with my friends. Well, let’s not waste to time in discussing all this. let’s come to point.
Yesterday I got one message from my friend saying just click this link and you will get 50 rs Paytm cash. And one more sentence added to that thing that “I got it. must try it”
There are so many messages like that and we get various links of fake news or promotions in WhatsApp messenger. All these things are great risks. Via those methods, You phone or bank account or profile may be hacked. You have no idea but your every action can be tracked.
So let me share some tips and websites links that will help us to be more secure and safe.
Never Ever click of links that show fake promotion like one I shared above. First, check on the orginal website or you can mail to its customer care. Its a best and common hacking trick used to get all your details.
Never ever open links from unknown sources and I request you to don’t be in hurry to forward such links to your friends and family members. always check on google or original site for validity.
Always open links that have HTTPS: written on it and not HTTP only. Here “S” stands for Secure. Still before sharing or opening check its validity.
A secure website has its name written on the address bar. For more details click here and look at the address bar.
Never share your personal details on phone saying that we are calling from so and so the bank or company. Especially your card number, PIN number, CCV, bank account number etc.
Always change your password for your Net banking, Email, Social Media account, Cards periodically. And Never use simple passwords like Birthdate, mobile number, your name like that. In hacking, there is a subject called Social engineering that deals with getting your details from social media.
If possible never use Cracked versions of software it is the most common way to infect your pc or mobile phone.
Always have antivirus installed and keep it updated for the latest virus update definition.
For mobile phone never install application for an unknown source. Always see reviews and vendor of that software.
Especially for Girls never ever check your social media account from workplace computer or from someone else’s mobile phone. Never accept a friend request from unknown person although you have so many mutual friends. Have a habit of logout from the end of the session and always a clear history of your browsing.
Never save password on browsers of important websites like social media and net banking. always set a mobile alert for each time you log in.
while installing application always check what permissions they ask and never ever blindly allow it. Like if software wants to allow your gallery or messaging or want to access your location always think twice before allowing that application. if the application has nothing to with your gallery or messaging or location simple deny it.
If possible encrypt your mobile. will write a short blog on that soon.
Never share your live location on Facebook or Instagram. One incident of theft in one city occur and thief confessed that we knew that they were not home by seeing their post on Facebook. So be aware.
If I forgot to write down something very important kindly comment it below and help in spreading awareness
In case if any day something bad happens or you will be a victim of the cyber attack immediately go to police and cybersecurity specialist to help you.
Important Sites to Visit:
Some of the very important Documents to download and read
    Day 4 08/12/2018 Cybersecurity Tips Hello Friends, Welcome and Good Morning, Today Let's talk something different. My today's topic is something very different but I feel it is important things to share with you all.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: DC × 40s & Shorties Strapback Hat.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: DC × 40s & Shorties Strapback Hat.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: DC × 40s & Shorties Strapback Hat.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🆕️ DC × 40s & Shorties Strapback Hat.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🆕️ DC × 40s & Shorties Strapback Hat.
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