#the outsider head canons
outsidersstuff16 · 29 days
Head Canons I have abt them (anon request!)
Order: Ponyboy, Johnny, Dallas, Soda, Darry, Steve, and Two-Bit
there will be ten each
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Ponyboy seems like the type of person who will read the book before he watches the movie on the book to compare them and show the gang what's different about what.
2. Ponyboy seems like he would struggle to find writing creativity and when it comes to him, he goes into this writing zone and doesn't want to be bothered by anyone for the next 2-3 hours.
3. Ponyboy gives off this feeling that he's nice to everyone as long as they haven't badmouthed the gang or did any of the gang wrong. Like he would stop and help old people across the street because no one else would, You now?
4. I don't think that Ponyboy is a dog or cat guy rather a ferret guy who likes to dress up his fur noodle in things he's crocheted in his free time.
5. I can defiantly see Ponyboy being into what my family calls "grandma hobbies"; things such as Knitting, Crochet, Pottery, and Quilting.
6. Ponyboy is probably hella clumsy, like I could see him messing around on a table at bucks and falling off trying to jump to another table.
7. I feel like if the book was placed in the mid 70's he'd definitely listen to Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen or in his current time period he definitely listens to The Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash, he just seems like that type of guy.
8. He definitely treats Johnny to Fast Food when he has the extra money. It's not in a relationship kind of way just a hang out type of thing.
9. I can definitely see Ponyboy having a good 9 or 10 first place medals for track. He's probably what's carrying his schools track team too.
10. Ponyboy definitely helps people who can't get their lockers open at school and it's more than likely his pride and joy. I dare you to convince me otherwise.
1.He is a respectful king and no matter what everyone else says, he is not and innocent bean. Let's be so fr. He literally killed a man for his best friend and hangs out with Dallas Winston and y'all are gonna tell me he's innocent? Yeah right.
2.He has definitely picked up some really dirty jokes from hanging out with Dallas but will only use them in the appropriate setting. If there is something serious going on than he won't let out a joke. A party on the other hand, oh shit he's gonna be saying a dirty joke every 5 minutes.
3.He loves the rain and thinks it's a gift from God. He loves to dance in it alone or when he's feeling depressed or sad he'll just sit in the rain and let it comfort him. He thinks it's prettiest out when it rains. (and I Agree)
4.He loves helping mutts he finds on the streets. He has a best friend German shepherd he named Houston, and he follows him around a lot. I can also see them sleeping and cuddling in the lot together to protect each other.
5.Johnny has definitely influenced Pony to get his Ferret so Houston can play with it for funzees. He has also shown up to like 80% of Ponyboy's track meets.
6.Johnny goes home on Monday afternoons because he knows his parents are at work and he will go into his room and find entertainment for a few hours, shower, change his clothes, and then leave.
7.before his parents started fighting, they would do family outings on Wednesdays and go to restraunts, amusement parks, and fairs together and Johnny still keeps polaroids of those outings.
8.Johnny really doesn't drink but I can see him drinking on those big occasions when school gets out for the summers, or if its someone's birthday, but I think that'd be about it.
9.You can fight me on this in the comments, but I don't care. Johnny definitely has a summer job every summer. He'll work at the movie theater, the drive in, the dingo, or try for cashier at the DX. He always finds a job for the summer.
10.When Johnny's mom and dad started fighting Johnny was his mom's therapist and his dad's shit talking listener. So, like after a fight, Johnny would consol his mom and get her to bed and then listen to his dad talk shit about his mom until he was black out drunk.
1.Dallas has been around his parents fighting a lot and he definitely has mommy issues because of it. His mom has definitely left him for weeks or months at a time to starve growing up which destroyed his relationship with her growing up.
2.Dallas and Tim Shepherd definitely get drunk and sing stupid karaoke together and Ponyboy keeps polaroids of it to give to Dallas later when he's sober and Dallas keeps them in his wallet.
3.Dallas is definitely scared of spiders because he was bit by one when he was like 11 and has never let it go and so the gang will mess with him on occasion and scare the shit out of him with a rubber or plastic spider or some shit.
4.Dallas got his St. Christopher necklace from a preacher in New York after telling him all that is mother had done to him and him and that preacher still keep in contact. I can just see it man.
5.Dallas definitely smokes the 7-leaf clover, let's just face it, he's probably been to jail for it too. I could see him taking a weekend trip every other month to another state just to get the shit too.
6.He's broke a chair over Two-Bit's back to see if the chair was indestructible. It was not and the gang never let Dallas or Two-Bit forget it. Two-Bit and him do the dumbest shit together all of the time.
7.Dallas has beef with this one cat out in the streets of Tulsa because he was trying to be nice and pet it and it scratched his face all to hell and has been look for it for revenge ever since.
8.Dallas was trying to give Johnny a piggyback ride wearing socks on a hard wood floor and he slipped and fell into a metal chair and broke his pinky and ring finger and kicked the damn chair after he got up.
9.Dallas loves bon fires because it makes him feel like a fire master and he likes to stick sticks into the fire to catch them on fire as if they were torches and will pass it around to tell a spooky story.
10.If this man were to have a pet, he'd have a bearded dragon because he'd find them cool as fuck and he'd scare Ponyboy with it when he mouths off.
1.Soda gets extra tips at the DX from middle aged women or high school girls and he's never complaining about it because bitch he's broke! He does however split the tips with steve.
2.When Soda's mom and dad passed, Soda got most of her pictures and also got a silk duvet and pillow and he won't use it because he's scared to ruin it.
3.When Soda is mad, he'll go work on cars at the DX and won't come back home for a couple hours till he's calmed down and talks to Darry about his situation. Soda is really car smart too.
4.Soda at some point fixed and rebuilt and engine and everyone went out to celebrate it because it was Soda's equivalent to graduating and it was the happiest day of his life and have about 20 different polaroids of the engine and celebration in his work shirt.
5.He picks on Steve ALL of the time at work and Steve almost always gets him back with a really fucked up prank for example, wrapping the staff urinal with Surran wrap and 9 times out of 10 you'll hear Soda yell "Steve, You FUCKHEAD!"
6.Soda and Steve at some point were dealing with a rude customer and Dallas Walked in and they all just started making fun of this person with no chill and everyone was laughing about it for the next 3 days after it happened.
7.Soda love to watch the nearby rivers flow. It's like free therapy to him and it became his obsession when he was 12. His mother showed him that spot. Soda goes there to think when he's really upset. When his dad and mom died, he went there and camped for 2 days.
8.him and Steve will make extremely offensive jokes about each other but will refuse every single time to crack a joke about the Death of Soda's Mom and Dad and I mean refuse.
9.Soda will steal Soda he's never tried during his shift and give a review to Steve so Steve will know what he should try when he goes in. Sometimes on their day off on the way to a rodeo, Steve will stop for drinks and buy one that Soda rated poorly, and Soda almost threw hands with Steve because of it.
10.Soda likes to give each rodeo trip a nickname like if someone got flung into a wall by a bull, he'll call it the the bull-wall rodeo for the rest of his life and everyone will know what he's talking about.
1.Darry is a prankster at work. He just is. I can see him putting charcoal paste on his boss's radio announcer and he put it right up to his lips and was practically making out with the thing and everyone was laughing at Darry's boss the whole day.
2.Darry wanted to go to college to do Physical Therapy on people but when his parents died, he had to use his college funds to pay for the caskets and funeral service and he cries about it often.
3.Darry and Dallas have man to man talks about stuff that upset them over the week and nobody knows about these talks because it's like their therapy that they can have for free, and they can both trust each other to keep it unknown.
4.At some point Darry went to work incredibly sick and passed out while finishing a roofing job and he was taken to the hospital and when Soda came to see him Darry broke down because of stress.
5.Darry tries to participate in church with his brothers every other Sunday and it always makes him feel like his week will be better. He finds it as a good reset.
6.Darry likes to make faces at babies at the store and when the baby starts giggling excessively Darry runs for it. He did this one time when he was in the store with Soda and Soda told everyone.
7.Darry likes to put Steve in a headlock as his hi to Steve and when Darry doesn't do this, everyone questions if he's ok and if something happened at work for him to not do that to Steve.
8.Darry won't get a dog till Pony turn 17 and more mature because then the responsibility of the dog can be split more even, and he'd get it as a gift for Pony.
9.Darry has tripped Ponyboy down the stairs for being mouthy and Ponyboy will never let him live it down and Darry is still very proud of his actions to this day.
10.Darry was definitely the quarterback for the football team and his dad was more than proud of him for it. They celebrated with Darry the night he was announced quarterback.
1.he's very insecure of his nose. Like people who walk into the DX will make fun of him and mock him for it. At some point it got so bad Steve had to start working exclusively in the back of the DX on cars.
2.He loves rodeos because his mom used to work at them when he was little, so he became very accustomed to watching them he, at some point, got so close with one of the rodeo stars that he was allowed to ride his horse and do some of the jumps.
3.Stevie boy here does not like chocolate cake as much as everyone in this fandom thinks. He likes it enough to eat it. Like Two-Bit ate chocolate cake in one scene and everyone kinda looked over it but Steve eats it and everyone's all like "OHHHHHHHH".
4.Steve had a rough childhood and he had to get close with his male neighbor to learn basic 'dad' tasks from him. So, Steve and his neighbor are really close and have a really good relationship and respect for each other.
5.Steve enjoys drinking on Friday nights at bucks and more often than not Buck will let him have the beer or shots on the house. Steve doesn't get black out drunk but just enough to get buzzed and feel nice.
6.Steve saves up for his own car. He has a separate job where all of the money he earns goes towards buying his first car all on his own and his mom knows of it and is really impressed with Steve's financial decision.
7.If Steve were to have a pet, he'd have a cockatiel named Fred (My sister's idea) and this damn bird would piss Soda, Pony, and Dally so much it's actually crazy. Dallas and this damned bird had a roasting competition, and everyone was judging the shit out of them.
8.Steve likes to bully and I mean bully the shit out of Two-Bit for the fact that he watches Mickey Mouse. However, Steve calmed down on it because Two-Bit doesn't even watch Mickey Mouse all of the time.
9.Steve trips up the girls that make Soda uncomfortable with their comments on Soda's physical appearance. At some point one girl was tripped so hard her face go like 30 scratches on it and it was hilarious.
10.Steve and Two-Bit will do extremely dumb shit together all of the fucking time. Literally Steve tried to do a backflip off of the front porch of the Curtis house and Two-Bit tried to catch him and they both tripped and hit their heads harder as fuck and then blamed Ponyboy.
1.Well, it's Two-Bit he's a wild card. Unless someone died, he's saying the most random shit ever. The boys were at the drive in and all Two-Bit had to say was "damn I took the longest piss ever yesterday I pissed the new Mississippi River, man."
2.Two-Bit likes to blame Ponyboy for anything and everything he can and everyone finds it so funny because it makes them seem so much alike siblings and its actually so unreal and funny.
3.Whenever Two-Bit is upset, he'll talk to Soda or Steve about it and 9 times out of 10 they can help him out with it. He's really good at getting help when he needs it.
4.Him, Steve and Dallas are some hyper motherfuckers around each other and will all do some dumb shit that will end up hurting all three or two out of the three on one of the three and they can't help but act like total crackheads around each other.
5.Two-Bit isn't actually as obsessed with Mickey Mouse as everyone makes it seems he just happens to enjoy it but that doesn't necessarily mean he has to be absolutely obsessed with it.
6.If Two-Bit had a pet I'm pretty sure he'd have a Raccoon, tell me those bitches don't give off the same energy I know he'd be feeding the raccoon hotdogs 24/7 365. That raccoon is probably fat as fuck man.
7.Two-Bit likes to take walks around Tulsa with Tim or Curly Shepherd and crack the corniest jokes ever with them and wave down cops just to tell them that there was 'trouble' at the dingo.
8.Two-Bit likes to go and volunteer at vet clinics and somehow can always get at least 15 dogs adopted in 1 day and he calls it his big boy charm and use that information as you will.
9.Two-Bit likes to pick berries for Darry so he can make pie, fruit salads, and other deserts. He also has a designated basket for it and unless he has that specific basket, he won't go, he'll just stay home.
10.Two-Bit steals the ingredients for smores and makes a bon fire to roast them with the gang and I already know he likes his mallow burnt and that's ok because that's when they're best and him burning the mallow grosses Dallas out so so so much.
The End
A/n thank you sm for requesting this let me know if you would like more head canons or one including Y/n or spicy ones. Love y'all see ya next time!❤😘
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ramennoodlezzzao3 · 2 months
I feel like when Ponyboy gets a girlfriend/boyfriend, Darry is the type of brother to demanded the door stay open, check on them every thirty minutes , sit in between them with popcorn on the couch, or all of the above 😭🙏
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otrtbs · 4 months
one thing about me is that i'm gonna make remus and james besties every time.
"oh that's literally sirius' job" you say?? WRONG.
to me, sirius and james can meet at any age. any time. any place. and they'll click instantly because that's who they are. they're cut from the same cloth. they can read each other's minds. they're linking pinkies down the hallway. their souls are made of the same stuff.
but remus and james??? REMUS. AND. JAMES???
they're besties. they are best friends. they aren't cut from the same cloth. it's harder for them to figure each other out but james looks for remus first in a crowded room because he can already feel sirius' presence. it's james' constant "are you okay? do you need anything? i'm here for you" that he doesn't have to do with sirius because sirius just knows. it's remus giving james the steady constant in his life that james gives so many others.
james and remus are the sun and the moon people! the sun and the moon!!!! like, the sun is also a star. you get me? this is why james and remus bestieship is so special to me. this is the relationship. this is the way.
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thecraziness · 2 months
when pony got braces, steve called him metal mouth and dally called him train tracks for 3 weeks
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14dayswithyou · 9 months
Is there a scent in particular that Ren/Redacted prefers? Y'know apart from anything Angel-scented lmao. Just something they themself like?
WARNING... minors/ageless blogs: do not interact. please read my pinned post before you send in anything !!
Your deodorant, your skincare products, your hair products, your clothes, your laundry, your laundry softener, your blankets, your bedsheets, your pillowcases, your plushies, your dishwashing liquid, your bag (specifically the inside), your phone case, your laptop when it hasn't been opened after a while, your chair after you've sat in it, your shower, your
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ghstsrock · 2 months
I love the idea of everything about the outsiders being in Ponyboy’s head
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sicc-nasti · 2 months
How much chuck could a chilchuck chuck if a chilchuck could chuck chil
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seaglassdinosaur · 4 months
I know we collectively agree that Hiccup isn’t romantically inclined, and his getting married and having kids didn’t make sense in the epilogue, but consider: Hiccup getting married for political reasons.
It’s a marriage of alliance, which is recognized both by him and his partner, and they enter it without expectations of romantic involvement. Since they’re now married, they live in the same castle, spend time together, and Hiccup finds he really likes his spouse. They’re funny, get along with his friends, and has the same interests and values. They both probably speak multiple languages. She understands why Hiccup is so dedicated to making the Wilderwest better, and holds similar views. She’s a good politician (her job after all, was to be an ambassador). Hiccup likes spending time with them, and the feeling is mutual. They’re not in love, they have their own lives, but they’re dedicated to each other and eventually decide to raise children. They teach their kids how to train hawks and hunt with dragons, riding, history, the Languages, and all the necessary skills of their world. They’re not in love and they’re happy together.
#pushing the aromantic hiccup agenda and also the queerplatonic agenda#as much as the idea of hiccup getting married was always a little off to me it was more the romantic angle#which I why I like the idea of a marriage of alliance and a partner who understands that#and then of course the montage of them being a good team and getting along#and going ‘yeah I like this person. I think this is the person I want to spend my life with.’#also a) a lot of arranged political marriages did have the foreign spouse function as an ambassador#b) polyglot hiccup is canon and I think it would be neat if his spouse was as well. it is a marriage alliance after all.#she isn’t from the small area of berm#(actually give all the Vikings regional accents. I think it’s neat)#c) she/they because I didn’t feel firmly about the partner’s gender and the nords were pretty gender diverse#anyway I think the partner would probably be fond of the library and admire hiccup got it open way back when#get along with Fishlegs and camicazi well enough#and enjoy dramatic stories of their adventures. maybe have some of her own#also: normalize people having their own lives outside their partners. hiccup and they are happy together but also have their own friends#oh and you know hiccup would be a great dad. he loves Stoick but he would so much be the dad he wished he had growing up#are the kids bio related? are they adopted (cast off and No Names)? who knows!#I could build in my head what hiccup’s spouse is like but I’ll leave it here#they exist as we construct them#httyd#httyd books#my post#book!hiccup#hiccup the third#hiccup horrendous haddock iii#book hiccup
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imwithstupid7 · 4 months
can you do dally with somone who talks a lottttttt plssses🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️
of course ! ♡
౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆ ⋆ ౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆ ౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆ ౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆ ౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆ ⋆Dally x Reader Who Yaps A Lot ⋆
-listens but gets annoyed after a while
-like your voice, it kinda soothes his nerves and takes his mind of things
-he pretends to not pay attention to when you talk and acts tough but he hangs onto everything you say
-he’s a cunt and would interrupt you
-you guys could be yapping about a pen then it would end up on a totally different subject in less then 10 minutes
-you guys definitely get yelled at in class for talking and get moved
-or get moved just because Dallys doing something stupid
-when chilling in bed he likes it when you yap because it helps him fall asleep
-when he can’t sleep he rings you up so he can fall asleep, even if it’s over phone your voice helps him sleep
-when you two find a new fancy word it’s repeated none stop for weeks
-the gang gets tired of it after a while
-he laughs so hard when your voice cracks or when you stutter
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maxaroniiiii · 1 year
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scoliosisgoblin · 3 months
Which version of Rick is your fav?
it's so hard for me to choose tbh. HOWEVER, I'd say Evil Rick
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then I'd say it's C-137 and Memory Rick
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I love how pathetic™ Evil Rick really is tbh. love that he's being controlled by his Morty. can you guess who my favorite Morty is?
#the only reason why Evil is above C-137 and Memory is because#Memory's design is something I don't really like in the style of the show#his fanart makes him look so much cooler but in the show he just looks.. unfinished?#idk it's weird to me. I love him outside of that though#and with C-137. I'M SICK OF HIM LMAO I AM SO SORRY#there are too many fucking episodes dedicated to this man. pushing everyone else aside just to have him yap about his dead wife#I love him so much but there's only so many times we can bring Diane up and not really develop her as a character but rather to boost Rick#and the show is Rick and MORTY yet all I see is Rick 😭😭 don't get me wrong I love this man#I just feel like we know more about Rick than the rest of the family#WHICH IS FINE IF THAT WAS WHAT THEY WERE GOING FOR#and if they wanted to go in that direction so be it! it's fine!#I just feel like he needs less screen time or at least balance episodes among the family#cause even the most recent Morty episode is about Rick. it was so frustrating watching it cause it's literally MORTY'S fear hole experience#yet we're watching Morty's head canons about his grandparents#I also hate the narrative they took with Diane. only ever having Rick talk of her or others bring her up#it just doesn't make her a character but rather an extension off of Rick. that's how I'm feeling rn with the family#they're all just there to prop up Rick or something. super annoying#but that's about it. I'm not gonna continue my rant#unless you want me to?#idk if I even made sense but that's all good#rick and morty#rick and morty fandom#rick#memory rick#evil rick#C-137#Rick Sanchez
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lemons-bittersweet · 10 months
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Dating Darry Curtis Head Canons
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What it would be like dating Darry!
Reader is referred to as a girl once but otherwise GN
✮ He probably wouldn’t introduce you to the gang until he definitely knew you two were serious
✮ He wouldn’t want any of them to feel bad if you broke up
✮ Especially his brothers
✮ So lots of
“When am I going to meet your friends?”
✮ Or
“Can I meet your brothers yet?”
✮ He just tells you that it’ll happen soon
✮ And it does!
✮ The gang ends up bullying him for a week before getting used to you
“Darry’s finally got a girl.”
“He’s goin soft”
✮ I’m sure someone sings that kissing in the tree song that Elementary kids sing
✮ It almost makes him embarrassed
✮ In the beginning, he’d take you to different restaurants for dates
✮ But that gets expensive :(
✮ So after he introduced you to his brothers he’d just cook you dinner himself
✮ He’d make your favorite or if he knew you were craving something he’d make that
✮ He’d probably also make a nice dessert
✮ I feel like he enjoys baking :)
✮ He’d try to have the dinners when no one was home
✮ But it would occasionally turn into a family dinner
✮ He’d still save up to take you to restaurants but it’s not very often
✮ He’d probably only get you gifts for special events (anniversary,holidays,birthday)
✮ But they’d be really nice
✮ Like he’d save for months to make sure it was something you would like
✮ He’d probably take note every time you mentioned wanting something and keep an eye on it to see if it went on sale so he could get it for you
✮ Mans broke but he really wants to spoil you
✮ Forehead kisses <3
✮ He’s super tall, it makes sense
✮ Always has to have a hand on you
✮ Like he’s not big on PDA
✮ But he likes holding your hand
✮ Or puts his arm around your shoulder
✮ Or your waist
✮ Simple things, nothing big
✮ He loves when you wear his clothes
✮ He’s just a little possessive and it makes him feel like people will know you’re his girl
✮ He calls you pet names like “darling“ and “love”
✮ He’d so fight someone for you
✮ Only if he had too
✮ But he wouldn’t hesitate if he felt it necessary
✮ He just wants to keep you safe
✮ Randomly picks you up
✮ Just scoops you up and carries you around
✮ Man is strong and wants to show off
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thecraziness · 26 days
do they listen to music while they work
pony- yes. and he listens to the radio- mainly pop but if the gangs around rock turns on
johnny- no the boy can barely focus as it is im sorry the kid failed a grade?? he cant focus no
darry- no. his roofer friends would make fun of him, but he would if he could
soda- yes. doesnt not care what he listens to, just hopes its clean.
steve- hates that soda puts it on, but would listen.
two bit- lmao the man doesnt work
dally- ABSOLUETLY NOT. music while u work? thats some lil kid soft type thing. he does like rap tho.
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maulfucker · 2 months
we never see much of Dathomir, and what little we see is usually connected to Mother Talzin's side of the planet - the side where she ruled as a powerful witch, where a clan of nightbrothers is submissive to her clan and just as ready to die at her order as her nightsisters. but we do also see hints that she is just as megalomaniacal and tyrannical as Palpatine, so why should we believe this is the default?
in the better Dathomir that lives in my head if a clan is submissive to another, it is something political between them, not a reflection of the entire planet's power dynamics. the "Nightsisters keep the Nightbrothers as slaves and breeding stock" is a malicious misunderstanding by outsiders who wanted to paint dathomirians as savages. it is blatantly racist, but so is a lot of the galaxy, so no one really questions it.
in the better Dathomir that lives in my head the Nightsisters and Nightbrothers are equals, and it's not that the men are kept isolated, but that every clan lives mostly isolated from each other, possibly for safety reasons - this is the planet where rancors are originally from, it's entirely possible that in the old times wild rancors used to raid and destroy villages, and living near each other put them at risk of successive attacks. by isolating from each other they minimized the risk of losing entire generations at the same time, even if it creates a highly fragmented society and culture.
in the better Dathomir that lives in my head magic is not exclusive to the Nightsisters, it's just something some clans (of both Nightsisters and Nightbrothers) practice and others don't.
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
fuckign obsessed with sabigiyu... sabito's tough and snarky and brash when hes around people but then see him with giyuu and hes the biggest fucking puppy... constantly touching and being affectionate whenever he can, harshly stopping/snapping at anyone who tries to badmouth giyuu or even looks at him wrong, always glancing back when hes talking looking for giyuu's attention and recognition- he so freely displays his love and its just so sickeningly sweet to anyone around as witness
giyuu's a youngest child too, you know he'd eat that shit up. he fucking loves how much sabito spoils him- the occasional time sabito tries to be stern or ignores him all he has to do is bat his eyes and raise the corners of his mouth and sabito near immediately caves to whatever he wants. anything to see giyuu's full smile, and giyuu never hesitates with him
they know exactly what the other wants at a given moment, know when to be soft and sweet or when to be rough and wild- quietly sitting together close enough for their thighs to touch and enjoying the warmth of eachother's presence to playfully pushing buttons until the other snaps and gives their full attention to grappling the other to the ground. they'd both stop at the drop of a dime for the other for whatever reason needed, lovingly teasing and calling the other an idiot the whole way out
#loserboy giyuu posting#fratboy sabito posting#sabigiyu#sabito x giyuu#i found Anything You Want(JAWNY ft. dojacat) and i just asfdghgjhykdsfghjkyj sABITO#he fucking loves giyuu sm. theyre both utterly obsessed with eachother but sabito's more outgoing abt it so its#way more obvious to outsiders. anyone who actually knows how giyuu is see how down bad he is- hes a different person when sabito's#way more obvious to outsiders. anyone who actually knows how giyuu is see how down bad he is- hes a completely different person when#sabito's around vs when hes not and everyone thinks they're ridiculous#sabito got in a fight one time bc he called someone pathetic for being scared to openly love their partner#giyuu had to drag him out like a cat carrying an angry kitten. he was staring them down with death in his eyes then as soon as line of#sight broke he looked to giyuu with a proud little smile and giyuu dropped him on his ass for getting into a fight for such a stupid reason#sabito tried to defend his superior opinion but stopped when giyuu kissed the top of his head and started walking off. scrambled to get up#and follow- whatever he was gonna say forgotten and no longer important#ough...#sorry im unwell about them#i like thinking of what they'd be like if they hadnt lost eachother and turned cold in eachother's absence like they did in canon#sabito asshole & giyuu spoiled brat supremacy#also this is ambiguous as to whether its canon-setting or modern its just Them#'youve got the funk- gets me stupid gets me drunk- ill do anything that you want- anything that you want want want'#its just oUGH
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