#the overused motif of gloves for the ‘developed’ character
noragaming · 11 months
i love chokers and gloves. they’re very sexy. but like almost EVERY bsd character is wearing either gloves or chokers. like dude.
do i thirst over all of them? do i thirst over none of them? mori also has gloves. gin-chan also has a choker. help
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Leo my love...
I do distinctly remember you, back in the day, answering some asks about if the RO's appearance will change too during the series, with your answer being yes.
My question is if this plan has changed ? Hopefully not.
And if not, would you be willing to share with us what kind of changes you have planned for our dear RO's ?
Oh yeah, that hasn't changed haha, depending on the path the ROs will change appearance, powers, and in some cases shift personality a little. I have plans to execute a time skip of sorts, where you'll be reintroduced to the ROs as their evolutions.
For the sake of spoilers, I won't really go too in-depth on my plans for everything, but I can talk a bit about the general design concept of each ROs path that I want to take with them since it's probably a long way until that point anyway haha.
Good Influence E: They remain relatively unchanged, doubling down on their more heroic nature to protect people. Their power focuses on speed, so their hairstyle becomes more windswept in the process. Wears casual top and shorts.
Bad Influence E: They're much more jaded and wear a greyscale zip-up hoodie and jeans (stubble if they're male). They focus on the destructive nature of their power to rid the world of evil. Unlike their counterpart, they mostly walk and aren't in a big hurry, casually deleting whoever gets in their way.
Rebellion R: They have a robin hood mentality, using their elevated luck to pull off heists gentleman-thief style, calling card and all. To fit, they wear a simplistic gold masquerade mask and business casual.
Reclamation R: Based on a mafia motif with a gold-lined suit and tie and trilby hat. Their eyes also glow gold in this pathway from the general use of his power to cause misfortune to others.
Peace L: They have a fortune teller motif with slight gypsy inspiration, wearing more robe/yukata style clothing. They learn how to focus their premonition and see further and clearer into the future.
Resolve L: They've evolved to have more Hospian shinobi attire, and their power has evolved into very in-depth clairvoyance of the immediate area.
Soldier V: They've specialized into a Sniper utilizing a long-range bolt-action rifle and wearing a tactical vest and shemagh. Their hair has turned from silver to stark white. They utilize their power to create smokescreen and artillery.
Civilian V: They've learned how to fly a refurbished Spitfire plane from the pre-collapse era and can materialize one at will, though they've lost most of their arsenal doing so. They wear a loosely decorated bomber jacket, silver scarf, and have styled/pinned their hair.
Cooperation P: has a thin red jacket and fireproof bandages covering burn marks on their hands and partway up their arms. Their power has evolved to carry them on burning wings and used in tandem with their spear.
Competition P: Has fireproof bandages covering the majority of their burn-marked body and replacing their upper clothing. Most of their skin has developed a reddish tint and their hair has an ember glow when they use their power without regulation.
Masochism M: They have a slight reaper motif. Their skin is spotted with hints of frost and their breath has a constant mist. They use their power against the blade of their spear to create a scythe and drastically drop the temperature of the immediate area. Their hair now has subtle white highlights.
Alternate M: They use their power to summon spears of ice and have more of an ice-mage motif. Their hair has more broad strokes of white and blue frost. They have a constant need to wear gloves and an arctic coat.
Insanity Raven: They wear an open black cloak/long coat that shows black markings etched into the side of their abdomen and snaking up to their neck made by the overuse of their power. Their hair is longer and they've developed a subtle red glint in their eyes whenever they use their power to steal people into a pocket dimension and condemn them to their fate.
Therapy Raven: They wear moderate dress wear and a blank mask that covers their entire face. They use their power as more of unlimited storage space for items and teleportation platforms than their counterpart. They're generally a lot more cleaned up in appearance on this path.
Speed demon S: They wear a leather riding jacket decorated with numerous colorful patches, a checkered scarf, and their token riding goggles. They use their power in tandem with Sandrider to create extremely fast dust devils and sand storms to boost their speed.
Troublemaker S: They wear cargo jeans and dusted tank top along with a dark bandana they use to cover their face and neck. Their hair has subtle red and yellow highlights. They use their power to cause persistent sandstorms and locus swarms while keeping a small arsenal of Molotov's and spray paint on hand.
Royal F: They've obtained a stylish crown and generally dress lavishly in expensive silken black/dark green suits/dresses with floral motifs etched into them. Their power is used to create debilitating toxins and poisons, utilizing the worst of nature for their purposes.
Commoner F: They specialized their archery, and wear a simplistic hemp tunic and archer's cowl interwoven with leaves for camouflage. Their hair is grown out and undone, dotted with the occasional flower or twig. They use their power to create a forest hunting ground along a wide area.
As a little bonus, I'll say there's two additional protagonist characters that have yet to be introduced that are also applicable to this time skip change.
One is a Hospian sword user with a samurai motif that has wind-based powers.
The other is a Vestian assassin with a jumping spider motif that uses garrote-like threads
Hopefully that helps to give you a little idea of what direction I'm going with these characters! I try to make the evolutions as interesting as possible while still sticking with the general foundation of the character. Some of these evolutions may not really make sense, but keep in mind there's a lot of in between stuff I have planned to make these changes a much more subtle and natural thing haha.
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