#the past two-ish month from me and mars having the idea for the site
monarchisms · 2 years
the achievement times website is so, so incredible, and really inspirational for what can be done with a fansite! it’s so sophisticated and pretty and informative, i hope you guys are super proud of it, because you’re doing an amazing job :)
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crimsonophelia · 3 years
hello basil!!! i’m the anon that sent the original request of reader being a big dumb dumb and accidentally mailing their love letters to childe in liyue—i personally just wanted to tell you that i absolutely LOVED what you wrote and that i’m so happy and grateful you did my request justice. keep up the good work!!!
if you wouldn’t mind, could i request for a hurt/comfort angst with kaeya and a gn reader? the reader is a fellow knight of favonius that regularly gets dunked on by their friends for their crush on the cavalry captain—but every time their friends insist they confess to him, they joke that “sure, i’ll tell him when i die.” and then they actually nearly die.
while on a mission with kaeya, something terrible happens that seemingly pushes the reader to the brink of death. they’re in his arms and convinced they’re about to die, so with their “dying” breath, they tell kaeya that they’re in love with him before the world goes black.
but then they wake up. 👁 (you know the drill—what happens next is completely up to you!!!)
featuring: kaeya x gn!reader
warnings: good ol' angst, some descriptions of blood, lots of typos lol
published: may 27, 2021
form: imagine
a/n: hi anon!! i'm glad you liked that imagine www and thank you for sending me ideas again! you know how much i love angst and kaeya lol~ also please forgive me for making it so long, i tried to challenge my writing abilities a bit more.
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You came into this mission knowing that it would be quite a bit more difficult than the ones you typically took on. You were merely a B-rank knight, working on your certification to reach A-rank status, which definitely was not an easy feat. Yet the open commission to investigate a newly-uncovered set of ruins in Dadaupa Gorge was requiring one more member of the dual-member expedition team. When you saw who had occupied the first position for the mission, you threw caution to the wind and signed your name for position two, despite the mission being ranked A-level, at the very least. The occupied position? Filled by none other than Kaeya Alberich, captain of the Knights of Favonius cavalry, S-rank soldier and swordsman, and your former mentor. Who also happened to be the man you had hopelessly fallen for. 
The mission was assigned by the headquarters of the Knights, specifically for fully-trained Knights only, as the nature of the mission would be too dangerous for your run-of-the-mill adventurer team, and the Knights did not want to be held accountable for any potential casualties or injuries as a result of a mission gone wrong. You and Kaeya had been assigned to go investigate a newly-uncovered set of ruins in the Whispering Woods, supposedly already showing signs of being an Abyss rendezvous point. Apparently, the team of archaeologists who uncovered the ancient rocks from behind a thicket of trees had had many difficulties even making it back to the city of Mondstadt alive. You were frightened, no doubt about it, but you also knew that this was your chance. Your chance to prove yourself and your capability as a knight. Back in your training days before you took the certification exam to become a knight, you were Kaeya’s favorite pupil, a star student. Also possessing a Cryo vision, like the captain himself, certainly did not hurt your reputation in his eyes. Now, having taken on and excelled at countless dangerous B-rank missions, you felt confident in your ability to take on a mere A-rank mission, especially with the captain of the cavalry at your side. 
You had almost forgotten about the icy presence at your side, lost in your own daydreams of ambition. After following the paths leading out of Mondstadt, weapons and supplies ready at hand, you and Kaeya had finally made it to the edge of the Whispering Woods. It was starting to get dark, even though the two of you had left reasonably early in the day. The woods seemed so much more vast when their shadows grew longer, waning by the last seams of daylight. Faint howling moaned through the leaves (”Wolves? In the Whispering Woods?”, you thought to yourself), and you felt yourself tremble in the slightest. You couldn’t tell if it was due to the fear or the overwhelmingly strong Cryo aura that Kaeya emitted.
The tall man seemed unaffected by the ominous surrounding, forever carrying himself with an unwavering assuredness. He looked onwards, into the woods, eyes darting back and forth, exhibiting the remarkable surveying skills of a seasoned knight. 
“Well, [y/n]”, Kaeya turned to you, with that smug yet rather comforting voice of his. “Are you ready?”
Kaeya’s unshakeable confidence was rather spiriting, you had to admit. Nothing like traipsing into a wild forest, overrun with archons-know-what, with only your own wits and a cunning, distractingly handsome knight to guide you. 
“Ready as I’ll ever be, I suppose”, you replied, trying to hide the rookie anxiety from trembling your voice. Damn it, you weren’t even a rookie. You were one of the more experienced knights in the entire Knights of Favonius. You could handle this. Plus, Kaeya has your back. In all the years you had known him, Kaeya had never dropped that rogue-ish grin off of his delicate countenance--he had the face of a prince, but marred with the implications of his mysterious eyepatch (he had never told you how he had lost that eye) and the pierce of his sly smile. It made him all so painfully attractive. 
You hate to recall the very first day you met him, the two of you only teenagers, barely adults grown into their own skin, yet he stood at the front of the training yard like the prolific swordsman he was, tan skin gleaming beneath the summer sun, hair tied behind his neck, sinewy muscles stretching as he maneuvered the sword in his hand like it was an extension of his own being. That day, you swore that you would become like Kaeya, that you would learn all you possibly could from him. That was also the day you had fallen hopelessly for the charismatic boy, though you were not aware of it just yet. 
Trudging into the forest, you made sure to clutch the weapon at your side a little tighter, wary of any potential threats that could appear in front of you at any moment. You never know how much the Abyss mages could use their magic--they are always using the spirits of Teyvat for evil. Although you had only encountered Abyss mages a small handful of times in your past B-rank missions, you already knew how perilous an interaction with any of them could be. The last time you and a partner engaged with a Pyro mage, you left the site with severe magic burns to your side, which took at least three months to fully heal. Looking at Kaeya, he appeared to be as relaxed as ever, both hands loosely tucked into his pockets, his steps led by his elegant hips. The eerie silence of the woods didn’t seem to bother him at all, a comfortable void between the both of you.
“So, captain”, you begun, doing your best to break the proverbial ice a bit, trying not to let the emptiness of the whole forest get to your head. “How have you been? It’s been a while since we last took an assignment together, I believe. 3 months already, isn’t it?”
Kaeya chuckled. “Oh, drop the formalities, [y/n].” He looked at you with his singular, unobscured eye with a teasing glance. “You’ve always known me as just Kaeya, havent you?”
Blood rushed to your face, although not entirely unwelcome, due to the chilliness of the forest. You hoped that the twilight shadows could hide your red cheeks from the man beside you.
“To answer your question, I am doing exceptionally well, thank you”, he smirked. “Although, the last time I did see you was only about a month ago, at the Windblume Ball. Not sure if you remember it all though—you were rather... intoxicated, it seemed.”
Oh, archons. You didn’t know if your face could possivly get any redder from the embarassment. The Windblume Ball was a month prior, hosted by the Knights for all citizens of Mondstadt to attend, to end the Windblume Festival with a night of wine, music, and dancing. Your group of friends within the Knights convinced you to attend along with them, though they didnt quite succeed at convincing you to finally confess your attraction to the captain of the cavalry himself. You acquiesced only on the condition that you would not have to interact with Kaeya at all that night. The anxiety was simply too much and you did not want to deal with the potential situation of seeing Kaeya in formalwear and absolutely losing your mind, let alone Kaeya seeing you dancing and drinking.
“Oh, come on, [y/n]”, your friends had whined. “If you don’t tell him now, when will you ever? He most definitely finds you attractive, as well.” Chuckling, you took a sip of the wine lrovided by the Dawn Winery. You cringed at the sourness of cheap grapes. “I’ll tell him when I’m dead.” You took another sip of the wine, but over the rim of the glass, you saw the one person you were hell-bent on avoiding.
Kaeya Alberich stood across the room, talking to one of the other knights. He was dressed to the nines, in clothing you had never seen him don before. His hair was parted neatly, his long lovelock secured by a large sapphire band. His lean, upper body was covered by a three piece suit, fitted perfectly around his narrow waist, tailcoat resting neatly by his thick, carved thighs. His pants were pressed tightly, without a wrinkle, and he had brought along his usual white fur cape, giving him the sophisticated look of a king.
In awe, you spluttered in your drink as he caught your eye from across the room, clearly noticing you were staring at him. You turned the other way, seeing that your friends were making fun of your oblivious gawking, and they now excitedly pointed behind you, mouthing the words he’s coming! You tried your best to smooth down your hair and pat down your outfit, before turning back around to see that the captain was standing in front of you, face-to-face, with his hand outstretched.
He looked even more sparklingly glamorous up close, an image of old-world elegance that you never knew him capable of portraying. You suddenly felt more drunk than any cheap wine could possibly make you. Kaeya looked at you, a gleam in his eye, and asked
“May I have this dance, [y/n]?”
The rest of the night was a blur, what with your continued consumption of alcohol, convincing yourself you needed to periodically top up your liquid courage. Kaeya had asked you for a few more dances, as far as you remembered. But from what you could recall, he was just as elegant and charismatic as you had always remembered him to be. He never made you feel out of place.
It was awful that Kaeya only seemed to remember how disgustingly drunk you were, but you were thankful at least that he didn’t seem to recall the perpetual state of flusteredness you were in that night, by his mere presence beside you, and his hands guiding yours as you both danced to the upbeat music of the band.
“Archons, I assure you that I am not the unabashed drunkard I may have seemed to be that night”, you chuckled.
Kaeya let out a hearty laugh, his voice reminding you of the sounds of the bells ringing atop the Cathedral. “Of course not, my dear”, he drawled. “I’ve met many a drunkard in my day—you are far from one; I promise.”
You and Kaeya kept on your way in this manner, making pleasant small talk to fill the silence. You didn’t dare tell him for fear of seeming a coward, but hearing his voice and reminiscing with him diminished the fright you initially felt, entering the woods and taking on this assignment. Kaeya was a master conversationalist, and diplomat too, no doubt, always knowing what to say at what time. His warm remarks and playful banter took your mind off of the imminent danger of your situation, and you didn’t notice the path you were both on narrowing. The sun had already set, and the woods were doused in an eerie darkness, and as you and Kaeya approached the vicinity of the ruins, the thickets grew denser and the tree branches hung lower. Not a sound could be heard--
Until suddenly, Kaeya stepped in front of you, blocking your path with an arm outstretched. Shit. You smelled Abyss magic. How could you have possibly missed the putrid scent of sulfur before? 
Kaeya’s grin had fallen. His attention was now beyond only you, as if trying to detect something he sensed nearby. Out of nowhere, a hum grew, louder, until an earblasting pop rang out in front of you and Kaeya, and in its place were three Pyro Abyss mages. Three. You could handle one, if you had a partner with you, but three? 
Terror ran down your spine, knowing how difficult your Cryo vision could be against a Pyro mage. Your hand unsheathed the sword at your side with blinding speed, just like you were trained, but before you could even take a step forward, Kaeya was already charging at the mages, ice blasting forth from his swordtip, smashing up against the mages’ shields.
“Aren’t ya glad I caught that, [y/n]?” Kaeya teased, sword cutting through the air and the force fields surrounding the mages, as their strained groans pierced the night air. His movements were swift and effortless; at times his movements were so fast that it looked like he teleported from one spot to the next. This was the grace, the beauty of a true prodigy. “If I hadn’t stopped you, we would’ve been roast boar by now!” 
You jumped into action, assisting Kaeya with his assaults against the mages, doing your best to dodge the onslaught of fireballs. You felt the heat of the fire magic graze your extremities more than once, counting your blessings that it was nothing critical. The way the two of you moved in unison, one complementing the other, like an avalanche of piercing ice, was a testament to the years of experience you gained in under Kaeya’s expert tutelage. One sword piercing the left, the other the right, until you both had broken down two of the Pyro mages’ shields. You had never gotten through their force fields in such rapid succession before, you thought, in awe. Swinging your sword calculatedly, whilst utilizing your vision and shooting out ice crystals, you defeated the mage, dealing a killing blow, piercing its side with your sword. You watched the creature groan out gutturally, and eventually dissipate into ash, drifting away. 
Turning around, you noticed that Kaeya had already taken care of the other mage, already breaking down the final one’s shield. He dodged each blast of Pyro magic with grace and ease, not even showing any sign of fatigue. 
“Hey, good work rookie!”, Kaeya teased, activating his ultimate Cryo weapon, sending a halo of ice crystals about his body, knocking into the mage’s shield with every swing.
You huffed. “I’m not a rookie”, you called back, joining him in his siege upon the last enemy. Exhaustion was quickly catching up to you, although you tried to hide it. You couldn’t let Kaeya down. 
Over and over, the pair of you banged upon the force field with your swords, with more difficulty than any of the previous mages. This one was different, somewhat stronger. The grass surrounding the two of you was already lit up in flames, licking at your ankles. If you even so much as tripped, the heat would probably damage you more than a fireball could. 
“Watch out, rookie”, Kaeya yelled in your directions, trying to be heard above the cackling of the mage and the raging flames, already beginning to catch onto the trees nearby. The night was filled with a reddish glow--hellish and suffocating. “I think it’s about to activate it’s ultimate.”
The cackling grew louder, as you worked yourself into a frenzy, shooting more and more ice crystals, trying to break it’s force field. Three, dragon-like heads began to emerge around where the mage floated. Fuck. The fire-breathers were out. You had only ever fought a Pyro mage that could use fire-breathers once before--that also happened to be the instance that caused you to be an invalid for several months, healing from a deep flesh burn. But Kaeya was here this time. Things would be okay, right?
You could tell Kaeya was growing panicked as well, his swings becoming a bit more hurried and erratic. You didn’t know, but he was deathly worried about you. He had no idea how experienced you were with dodging the fire-breathers, and he knew he had to make quick work of the blasted mage before things could escalate, Archons forbid you get hurt. Kaeya activated his ultimate once more, and, finally, the mage’s shield broke. 
You heaved a sigh of relief, closing in on the Pyro mage. Kaeya’s strength and incredible reliability in battle did not fail to impress you, even beyond just the prowess he had demonstrated as a trainee and a mentor. You finally activated your own ultimate, summoning a boulder made of hard ice. Approaching the mage as you saw it struggle to get up off the ground, the ice in your boulder began to form, and you willed it to hurl towards the mage, intending to finish it off. Finally, you would show Kaeya your true strength, your capability. He could depend on you. Hell, you were his star student. Even if you were afraid to tell him about how he had stolen your heart, you could at least show him that the time and effort he had dedicated to you wasn’t for naught. 
The seconds slowed down, as the blinding white ice made its way through the air, aimed straight at the pathetic mage, groveling in the dirt. But beyond the ice, was something even brighter, not making its way to the mage; no, it was headed straight at you. A fireball. 
You felt an excruciating pain on your left side, right below your ribcage. A scream in the distance--the mage? No; it was Kaeya’s voice. The white-hot pain blinded you, as you felt your back make contact with the hard ground beneath you. Dammit. Dammit, dammit, dammit. Archons, what will Kaeya think? 
Vaguely willing your arm to press into your side to assess the damage, you felt warm, sticky liquid pooling on your waist. Lifting a hand, you saw it drenched in crimson blood, dark in the moonlight. You heard another scream again nearby, this time coming from the guttural squeaks you knew was the mage, the dying cries of a pitiful monster. At once, a pair of arms lifted you from the ground, supporting your head. What a damned disappointment you were. 
“[y/n]! [Y/N]! DAMMIT!” You had never heard Kaeya this worked up before. The pain of hearing the panic in his voice was also tinged with a selfish gladness that he cared, that Kaeya Alberich gave a damn if you died. Because, in that moment, you were certain you would die.
Straining out a chuckle, your chest racked up a wet cough, sticky blood now staining the edges of your lips. I’ll tell him when I’m dead, you once said. Well, isn’t this all quite ironic.
“Fucking hell, [y/n], I need you to keep your eyes open”, Kaeya commanded. He was using his captain voice, the one that only comes out when a new recruit wasn’t following orders. “Rookie, don’t you dare pass out on me.” His voice wavered.
Would it be worth it to tell him now? Did you want his last memory of you to be a pathetic, wishful fantasy spilling forth from your bloodstained lips, like the nonsense uttered by a mere child? Your vision spun faster, losing sight of Kaeya, hovering over you. You couldn’t make out his features too clearly in the darkness, but something about the wet drops of water landing on your cheeks told you that it wasnt more blood. You supposed that you should do yourself justice and at least keep the one promise you made that night in Mondstadt.
Straining to open your mouth, you uttered, “Kaeya, I—”
But before you could muster the strength to speak another word, your vision went dark.
The first thing you heard when you woke up was the sound of birds chirping. The second was a silent snoring sound coming from somewhere to your right.
Cracking your weary eyes open, you sensed the faint light of the early morning coming in through an nearby window. Getting your bearings, you realized you had woken up in the Knights of Favonius headquarters hospital. Your damaged adventurer’s clothes were gone, and instead you could feel bandages dressed around the wound at your side. Oh, right. You thought you had died.
Trying to sit up, you fekt an excruciating pain burn through the side of your body that had been hit, setting your nerves on fire. You hissed, and the snoring beside you abruptly stopped.
“Archons, you’re awake.”
Kaeya sat up from the chair he had apparently been sleeping in, still dressed in his captain’s armor, just as dirt-covered and singed as when you last saw him. Was that only last night? You figured Kaeya must have hurried you back to the city before your condition could get any worse.
Fuck. As all your memories of the prior night came flooding back, your eyes pooled up with salty tears. Not only had you cone closest to death than you’ve ever had, you had completely disappointed Kaeya and made a fool of yourself in front of him.
“Kaeya, I’m so sorry—”, you started.
Your words were interrupted by the man next to you leaping into your embrace, arms wrapping your shoulders where you were not injured. “Dammit, [y/n]. When won’t you just shut up.” His voice was muffled by his face buried into your neck. “You don’t have to say a word.”
It scared you, seeing him vulnerable. The ever-cocky and cunning captain of the cavalry, the man who always had a plan and was never caught off-guard. Now, a man bearing his innermost emotions to you, little old you. Had he heard what you begun to tell him last night? Or were things going to return back to the way they were, you admiring his dazzling beauty from a distance, comfortable yet agonized at the degree of separation.
You hoped to the archons for the latter. You hoped that it wouldn’t take another instance where you almost lost your life for the love you felt for him to spill forth. Archons, even if you had to die, it would still all be worth it, if it were with him at your side.
Kaeya trembled as he pressed himself deeper into you, desperately clinging on. “Don’t you dare open your mouth, rookie”, he chided. “I don’t want to hear something you’ll only tell me when you’re almost gone. Please just let me do the talking.”
Pulling back, you looked at him in confusion. His hair was disheveled, eyepatch slightly askew, yet his face was full of an almost childlike wonder, akin to the gleam he possessed when you had first met him, however many years ago.
“Do you think I did it all for nothing?” Kaeya looked at you. “Do you think all those years of training together, eating together, soarring together, was all because I thought you had potential as a soldier? The private walks through Windrise, the nights spent at the tavern, the dance, that damned dance we shared—what did you think that was?” Desperate and exhausted, Kaeya’s eye began to shimmer with tears. “Fucking hell, [y/n]. I’ve always loved you. Since the very beginning, you idiot. Why else would I dedicate all my time, all my energy to you and only you?” He grasped your shoulders tighter. “If you think that I haven’t been madly in love with you since I first laid eyes upon you that day, then you’re fucking wrong.”
You cut him off, burying your hands into his hair—pain be damned—and kissed him. It was bitter and metallic, the taste of both of your blood on your tongue. Kaeya’s neck was ice cold, but his cracked lips were thick and warm, and when you pulled away from them, you suddenly felt like you could take on the world.
“Well”, you remarked. “I’m glad that we got that out of the way.”
a/n: uhuhuhu this is pretty long but i hope you like it! i wanted to improve my writing a bit and elaborate on descriptions a bit more, so i hope i did your request justice!
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fesahaawit · 7 years
Net Worth Update: $802,949.84 (+$93,000)
Welcome to week #2 of the new year! Woop woop!
My apologies for being a bit late publishing this net worth here, but honestly I’ve been kinda nervous to share it, just because there really isn’t a good way of doing it without coming across as an asshat, haha… Who gets an increase of $90,000 in a month and then broadcasts it to the world??
But hopefully y’all know by now that boasting isn’t my style, and we share both the goods and the bads here no matter what goes down in my financial world as part of our super-transparency mission here at the site. So while I am proud of how far we’ve come over the 10 years doing this, please know this is all for informational purposes and to hopefully inspire others to keep on hustling their hearts out too as it really does pay off in the long run!
So with that, let’s get started! But first, a look at how the past 12 months have gone overall to put things in perspective more:
And then here’s a breakdown per month, along with links to each report if you want to dive into any further. All of which shows just how powerful consistency (and a great market run!) can be towards the growth of your wealth… And most of the returns come from your MONEY doing all the work for you as you go about your life! It’s a wonderful thing.
Dec: $802,949.84 (+$93,000)
Nov: $709,372.08 (+$21,000)
Oct: $688,210.30 (+$12,000)
Sep: $675,681.17 (+$16,000)
Aug: $659,786.34 (-$600)
July: $660,442.69 (+$12,000)
June: $648,316.94 (+$5,000)
May: $643,155.75 (+$6,000)
Apr: $636,893.40 (+$4,000)
Mar: $632,301.91 (+$700)
Feb: $631,547.73 (+ $20,000)
Jan: $610,770.25 (+ $10,000)
A total increase of $190,000, or 30%. Not too bad at all… And doing my best to soak it up as I know it’ll be one of the only times I’ll see something like this, haha…  To think we had a total of $50,000 banked just 10 years ago is crazy! And really a testament to this *community* here as there’s no way I’d be close to any of this had I never stumbled across it.
Now to December’s Numbers!
(Net Worth Report #110)
CASH SAVINGS (+$61,908.38): This is the biggie right here – at least in terms of dollar amounts – and is where I parked a bulk of our profit from last month’s website sale just to enjoy it a little before we start spreading it around. Though as you’ll see in the areas below, I have already made a few moves just because I couldn’t help myself :) And keep in mind this is all profit after taxes and paying out my team @ Rockstar, etc too… If only you could keep 100% of your gains!
SPAVINGS FUND! (+$2,078.42): A record percentage increase right there! 1,619.21%!! Haha… Though this has nothing to do with the sale of the site or any hustling at all. In fact, it’s actually something pretty embarrassing!! I forgot about a $2,000 tax refund owed to me – FROM LAST YEAR! – and it magically appeared in my account last month??! Apparently one of my quarterly payments never made it over to the great state of Virginia, and therefore they held onto my refund until I guess they were tired of holding onto it and wanted to close up the books. So basically I completely forgot about TWO GRAND and woudn’t have ever missed it had they never sent it over – wow…
That being said, it was a pretty nice surprise to see when it hit my account, and of course the first thing I had to do was xfer it over into my Spavings Account to make sure it really counts as saved money :) Not the same as spaving a $0.50 coupon, but hey – this is my game and my rules! And now the shot at hitting $5,500 by the end of the year to max out next year’s IRA is looking even better – woohoo.
(Other spavings from the month totaled $5.39 – everything from discounts off at coffee shops to spare change found on the ground… Even found a quarter the other week! And had to be sly about it as it was laying in a pretty precarious position :)
THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN (TSP) (+$588.80): Another nice increase from my wife’s automated contributions every month… Nothing too special going on outside of that yet (one day we want to up her %, but not until she’s more settled with her career, as well as our living situation as we’ve decided to move this Summer but not quit sure *where* yet…. Turns out her gov’t job may not be as secure as we had thought with this administration!!)
ROTH IRAs (+$12,590.57): This one we DID add too, and a total of $11,000 at that ($5,500 into my Roth IRA, and then $5,500 into my wife’s IRA to max out the year for the both of us). Felt good to utilize some of the profit this way to get a quick rush :)
SEP IRA (+$6,318.56): Nothing new added in the SEP as yet, but once we settle up our taxes over the next month or so I’ll be taking a big chunk of the new money to max out this puppy as well… And initial estimations point it to being around $20,000’ish (SEPs are based on total profit from your business over the year, vs a flat maxing # like 401(k)s and the like).
Here’s how our investments have fared though since going “all in” with Vanguard three years ago (It’s 100% invested in VTSAX – my favorite “lazy” portfolio!):
CAR VALUES (-$1,577.00): A big drop here, but mainly because I lowered the “condition” of our cars on KBB to get a little more conservative… And also because KBB changed the way they present their values now, so I just went with the *lowest* in the range they provided and called it a day ;)
Here are the present values of them now:
Lexus RX350: $10,084.00
Toyota Corolla: $3,493.00
CAR LOAN: (-$11,670.03): On the flip side of the equation, we’re now completely debt-free as I wiped it all away last month! Woo! The very FIRST thing I did with the site’s profit :) And still cracking myself up with what I was going to send over to those guys when asked “why” I wanted to get it all paid off, jeez… Is the only way to do it these days by picking up another loan??
(I didn’t send that, of course, as tempted as I was ;))
We’ll see what we end up doing when it’s Minivan time, but for the time being we’re 100% debt-free since being a teenager! Pretty wild to think about!
And that’s it for December! And the whole 2017 year, for that matter…
Here’s an even broader picture covering all 110 net worth reports since publicly publishing it in 2008:
Again, this stuff isn’t fast, but if you put in the time and hustle you do eventually get there! And now we move on to the ultimate milestone – the $1 Milly mark :) Though something tells me this is still quite far away as I’m running out of websites to sell, haha…
Oh, and then here are the kiddos’ updated net worths too. We threw in an extra $100/each into their 529 accounts that they got from grandma (God bless her soul), but looks like our $50 monthly deposits hadn’t hit yet. I don’t plan on jacking any of this up with our profits, but I have set aside $5,000 for Baby Dime when he/she finally comes… Gotta keep things fair, right?
Lastly, a Life Update!
This is the part where I usually sign off and ask you how YOUR month/year went financially, but last month I was asked if I could share some updates on our *lives* too to help balance out all the $$$$ talk with these reports, and I loved the idea so that’s what we’ll do here real quick :) After all, money is worthless if you’re miserable every single day, right? So this is for you, Lily!
Baby Dime continues to bake nicely and is healthy all around, as well as mom!, and the due date is still set for May 3rd. Though we predict a 1-2 week early departure due to complications that came around with the last pregnancy.
My other kids are doing great too and really loving school!! Baby Penny rides the bus all by himself and doesn’t even need me in the least (*tear*) and his younger brother, Baby Nickel (this is starting to get confusing – the coins are going in the opposite direction?!), is flourishing as well and getting more adult-like by the day. God help me though if I have another boy – they are such a handful together!
Speaking of… my wife still very much knows the sex and I still very much don’t ;) Although it’s getting harder and harder to enjoy the days knowing she’s fully ready to start planning now and slowly losing patience with my antics, haha… I fear it’s either find out by my own accord, or “accidentally” find out when she slips by design – womp womp.
In work/life balance news – so far so peaceful! It’s amazing what happens when you quit filling every nook and cranny of your time with something to do, haha… it’s like my brain can finally just “be.” And I’m finding I spend much more time looking for areas to *improve* upon in my life/work vs always just *adding to it*. It’s been pretty eerie seeing Rockstar Finance live on without me, but I can’t say I’m missing any of the thousands of decisions that came along with it!
In hobby world, my love of coin collecting still roars on! In fact, I just published my first post in months over at CoinThrill.com and it felt great! I stumbled across this new “coin box” subscription where for $X/mo they’ll send you a new box of coins right to your door step and now I fear for my wallet, haha… Super clever though, and I even did some of those “unboxing” videos like the wannabe millennial that I am ;)
Lastly, I’ve been building out JMoney.biz more. It’s really only a “portfolio” site right now, but I’m tinkering with the idea of sharing thoughts on life and blogging/entrepreneurship and such things over time… I’ve never really brain dumped all my thoughts/advice on blogging before, and thinking it may prove pretty helpful for others to just lay it all out there? The goods and the bads? I’ve never done it here because I don’t want to annoy anyone who couldn’t care less about blogging, but I am interested in hearing your thoughts on it if you have any :)
So that’s life! Should we make this a new section each month here, or are you already tired of hearing me talk??
Either way, we’re wrapping it up now and I turn it over to you to hear how your $$$ has been going :) Anyone else have a banner year? Anyone cross into that glorious Million Dollar Mark??
As always, you can catch all the net worth reports we’ve done over the years here, or you can continue your financial voyeurism and scan the reports of 300+ other bloggers who share here. Whether you have $10.00 banked or $10,000,000 though, I hope you are indeed tracking it as it’s one of the best moves you can make for your money! “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest!” (Benny Franklin)
See ya back in a couple days :)
Questions, comments, concerns – drop them in the comments and we shall chat!
Net Worth Update: $802,949.84 (+$93,000) posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
0 notes
fesahaawit · 7 years
Net Worth Update: $802,949.84 (+$93,000)
Welcome to week #2 of the new year! Woop woop!
My apologies for being a bit late publishing this net worth here, but honestly I’ve been kinda nervous to share it, just because there really isn’t a good way of doing it without coming across as an asshat, haha… Who gets an increase of $90,000 in a month and then broadcasts it to the world??
But hopefully y’all know by now that boasting isn’t my style, and we share both the goods and the bads here no matter what goes down in my financial world as part of our super-transparency mission here at the site. So while I am proud of how far we’ve come over the 10 years doing this, please know this is all for informational purposes and to hopefully inspire others to keep on hustling their hearts out too as it really does pay off in the long run!
So with that, let’s get started! But first, a look at how the past 12 months have gone overall to put things in perspective more:
And then here’s a breakdown per month, along with links to each report if you want to dive into any further. All of which shows just how powerful consistency (and a great market run!) can be towards the growth of your wealth… And most of the returns come from your MONEY doing all the work for you as you go about your life! It’s a wonderful thing.
Dec: $802,949.84 (+$93,000)
Nov: $709,372.08 (+$21,000)
Oct: $688,210.30 (+$12,000)
Sep: $675,681.17 (+$16,000)
Aug: $659,786.34 (-$600)
July: $660,442.69 (+$12,000)
June: $648,316.94 (+$5,000)
May: $643,155.75 (+$6,000)
Apr: $636,893.40 (+$4,000)
Mar: $632,301.91 (+$700)
Feb: $631,547.73 (+ $20,000)
Jan: $610,770.25 (+ $10,000)
A total increase of $190,000, or 30%. Not too bad at all… And doing my best to soak it up as I know it’ll be one of the only times I’ll see something like this, haha…  To think we had a total of $50,000 banked just 10 years ago is crazy! And really a testament to this *community* here as there’s no way I’d be close to any of this had I never stumbled across it.
Now to December’s Numbers!
(Net Worth Report #110)
CASH SAVINGS (+$61,908.38): This is the biggie right here – at least in terms of dollar amounts – and is where I parked a bulk of our profit from last month’s website sale just to enjoy it a little before we start spreading it around. Though as you’ll see in the areas below, I have already made a few moves just because I couldn’t help myself :) And keep in mind this is all profit after taxes and paying out my team @ Rockstar, etc too… If only you could keep 100% of your gains!
SPAVINGS FUND! (+$2,078.42): A record percentage increase right there! 1,619.21%!! Haha… Though this has nothing to do with the sale of the site or any hustling at all. In fact, it’s actually something pretty embarrassing!! I forgot about a $2,000 tax refund owed to me – FROM LAST YEAR! – and it magically appeared in my account last month??! Apparently one of my quarterly payments never made it over to the great state of Virginia, and therefore they held onto my refund until I guess they were tired of holding onto it and wanted to close up the books. So basically I completely forgot about TWO GRAND and woudn’t have ever missed it had they never sent it over – wow…
That being said, it was a pretty nice surprise to see when it hit my account, and of course the first thing I had to do was xfer it over into my Spavings Account to make sure it really counts as saved money :) Not the same as spaving a $0.50 coupon, but hey – this is my game and my rules! And now the shot at hitting $5,500 by the end of the year to max out next year’s IRA is looking even better – woohoo.
(Other spavings from the month totaled $5.39 – everything from discounts off at coffee shops to spare change found on the ground… Even found a quarter the other week! And had to be sly about it as it was laying in a pretty precarious position :)
THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN (TSP) (+$588.80): Another nice increase from my wife’s automated contributions every month… Nothing too special going on outside of that yet (one day we want to up her %, but not until she’s more settled with her career, as well as our living situation as we’ve decided to move this Summer but not quit sure *where* yet…. Turns out her gov’t job may not be as secure as we had thought with this administration!!)
ROTH IRAs (+$12,590.57): This one we DID add too, and a total of $11,000 at that ($5,500 into my Roth IRA, and then $5,500 into my wife’s IRA to max out the year for the both of us). Felt good to utilize some of the profit this way to get a quick rush :)
SEP IRA (+$6,318.56): Nothing new added in the SEP as yet, but once we settle up our taxes over the next month or so I’ll be taking a big chunk of the new money to max out this puppy as well… And initial estimations point it to being around $20,000’ish (SEPs are based on total profit from your business over the year, vs a flat maxing # like 401(k)s and the like).
Here’s how our investments have fared though since going “all in” with Vanguard three years ago (It’s 100% invested in VTSAX – my favorite “lazy” portfolio!):
CAR VALUES (-$1,577.00): A big drop here, but mainly because I lowered the “condition” of our cars on KBB to get a little more conservative… And also because KBB changed the way they present their values now, so I just went with the *lowest* in the range they provided and called it a day ;)
Here are the present values of them now:
Lexus RX350: $10,084.00
Toyota Corolla: $3,493.00
CAR LOAN: (-$11,670.03): On the flip side of the equation, we’re now completely debt-free as I wiped it all away last month! Woo! The very FIRST thing I did with the site’s profit :) And still cracking myself up with what I was going to send over to those guys when asked “why” I wanted to get it all paid off, jeez… Is the only way to do it these days by picking up another loan??
(I didn’t send that, of course, as tempted as I was ;))
We’ll see what we end up doing when it’s Minivan time, but for the time being we’re 100% debt-free since being a teenager! Pretty wild to think about!
And that’s it for December! And the whole 2017 year, for that matter…
Here’s an even broader picture covering all 110 net worth reports since publicly publishing it in 2008:
Again, this stuff isn’t fast, but if you put in the time and hustle you do eventually get there! And now we move on to the ultimate milestone – the $1 Milly mark :) Though something tells me this is still quite far away as I’m running out of websites to sell, haha…
Oh, and then here are the kiddos’ updated net worths too. We threw in an extra $100/each into their 529 accounts that they got from grandma (God bless her soul), but looks like our $50 monthly deposits hadn’t hit yet. I don’t plan on jacking any of this up with our profits, but I have set aside $5,000 for Baby Dime when he/she finally comes… Gotta keep things fair, right?
Lastly, a Life Update!
This is the part where I usually sign off and ask you how YOUR month/year went financially, but last month I was asked if I could share some updates on our *lives* too to help balance out all the $$$$ talk with these reports, and I loved the idea so that’s what we’ll do here real quick :) After all, money is worthless if you’re miserable every single day, right? So this is for you, Lily!
Baby Dime continues to bake nicely and is healthy all around, as well as mom!, and the due date is still set for May 3rd. Though we predict a 1-2 week early departure due to complications that came around with the last pregnancy.
My other kids are doing great too and really loving school!! Baby Penny rides the bus all by himself and doesn’t even need me in the least (*tear*) and his younger brother, Baby Nickel (this is starting to get confusing – the coins are going in the opposite direction?!), is flourishing as well and getting more adult-like by the day. God help me though if I have another boy – they are such a handful together!
Speaking of… my wife still very much knows the sex and I still very much don’t ;) Although it’s getting harder and harder to enjoy the days knowing she’s fully ready to start planning now and slowly losing patience with my antics, haha… I fear it’s either find out by my own accord, or “accidentally” find out when she slips by design – womp womp.
In work/life balance news – so far so peaceful! It’s amazing what happens when you quit filling every nook and cranny of your time with something to do, haha… it’s like my brain can finally just “be.” And I’m finding I spend much more time looking for areas to *improve* upon in my life/work vs always just *adding to it*. It’s been pretty eerie seeing Rockstar Finance live on without me, but I can’t say I’m missing any of the thousands of decisions that came along with it!
In hobby world, my love of coin collecting still roars on! In fact, I just published my first post in months over at CoinThrill.com and it felt great! I stumbled across this new “coin box” subscription where for $X/mo they’ll send you a new box of coins right to your door step and now I fear for my wallet, haha… Super clever though, and I even did some of those “unboxing” videos like the wannabe millennial that I am ;)
Lastly, I’ve been building out JMoney.biz more. It’s really only a “portfolio” site right now, but I’m tinkering with the idea of sharing thoughts on life and blogging/entrepreneurship and such things over time… I’ve never really brain dumped all my thoughts/advice on blogging before, and thinking it may prove pretty helpful for others to just lay it all out there? The goods and the bads? I’ve never done it here because I don’t want to annoy anyone who couldn’t care less about blogging, but I am interested in hearing your thoughts on it if you have any :)
So that’s life! Should we make this a new section each month here, or are you already tired of hearing me talk??
Either way, we’re wrapping it up now and I turn it over to you to hear how your $$$ has been going :) Anyone else have a banner year? Anyone cross into that glorious Million Dollar Mark??
As always, you can catch all the net worth reports we’ve done over the years here, or you can continue your financial voyeurism and scan the reports of 300+ other bloggers who share here. Whether you have $10.00 banked or $10,000,000 though, I hope you are indeed tracking it as it’s one of the best moves you can make for your money! “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest!” (Benny Franklin)
See ya back in a couple days :)
Questions, comments, concerns – drop them in the comments and we shall chat!
Net Worth Update: $802,949.84 (+$93,000) posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
0 notes
fesahaawit · 7 years
Net Worth Update: $802,949.84 (+$93,000)
Welcome to week #2 of the new year! Woop woop!
My apologies for being a bit late publishing this net worth here, but honestly I’ve been kinda nervous to share it, just because there really isn’t a good way of doing it without coming across as an asshat, haha… Who gets an increase of $90,000 in a month and then broadcasts it to the world??
But hopefully y’all know by now that boasting isn’t my style, and we share both the goods and the bads here no matter what goes down in my financial world as part of our super-transparency mission here at the site. So while I am proud of how far we’ve come over the 10 years doing this, please know this is all for informational purposes and to hopefully inspire others to keep on hustling their hearts out too as it really does pay off in the long run!
So with that, let’s get started! But first, a look at how the past 12 months have gone overall to put things in perspective more:
And then here’s a breakdown per month, along with links to each report if you want to dive into any further. All of which shows just how powerful consistency (and a great market run!) can be towards the growth of your wealth… And most of the returns come from your MONEY doing all the work for you as you go about your life! It’s a wonderful thing.
Dec: $802,949.84 (+$93,000)
Nov: $709,372.08 (+$21,000)
Oct: $688,210.30 (+$12,000)
Sep: $675,681.17 (+$16,000)
Aug: $659,786.34 (-$600)
July: $660,442.69 (+$12,000)
June: $648,316.94 (+$5,000)
May: $643,155.75 (+$6,000)
Apr: $636,893.40 (+$4,000)
Mar: $632,301.91 (+$700)
Feb: $631,547.73 (+ $20,000)
Jan: $610,770.25 (+ $10,000)
A total increase of $190,000, or 30%. Not too bad at all… And doing my best to soak it up as I know it’ll be one of the only times I’ll see something like this, haha…  To think we had a total of $50,000 banked just 10 years ago is crazy! And really a testament to this *community* here as there’s no way I’d be close to any of this had I never stumbled across it.
Now to December’s Numbers!
(Net Worth Report #110)
CASH SAVINGS (+$61,908.38): This is the biggie right here – at least in terms of dollar amounts – and is where I parked a bulk of our profit from last month’s website sale just to enjoy it a little before we start spreading it around. Though as you’ll see in the areas below, I have already made a few moves just because I couldn’t help myself :) And keep in mind this is all profit after taxes and paying out my team @ Rockstar, etc too… If only you could keep 100% of your gains!
SPAVINGS FUND! (+$2,078.42): A record percentage increase right there! 1,619.21%!! Haha… Though this has nothing to do with the sale of the site or any hustling at all. In fact, it’s actually something pretty embarrassing!! I forgot about a $2,000 tax refund owed to me – FROM LAST YEAR! – and it magically appeared in my account last month??! Apparently one of my quarterly payments never made it over to the great state of Virginia, and therefore they held onto my refund until I guess they were tired of holding onto it and wanted to close up the books. So basically I completely forgot about TWO GRAND and woudn’t have ever missed it had they never sent it over – wow…
That being said, it was a pretty nice surprise to see when it hit my account, and of course the first thing I had to do was xfer it over into my Spavings Account to make sure it really counts as saved money :) Not the same as spaving a $0.50 coupon, but hey – this is my game and my rules! And now the shot at hitting $5,500 by the end of the year to max out next year’s IRA is looking even better – woohoo.
(Other spavings from the month totaled $5.39 – everything from discounts off at coffee shops to spare change found on the ground… Even found a quarter the other week! And had to be sly about it as it was laying in a pretty precarious position :)
THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN (TSP) (+$588.80): Another nice increase from my wife’s automated contributions every month… Nothing too special going on outside of that yet (one day we want to up her %, but not until she’s more settled with her career, as well as our living situation as we’ve decided to move this Summer but not quit sure *where* yet…. Turns out her gov’t job may not be as secure as we had thought with this administration!!)
ROTH IRAs (+$12,590.57): This one we DID add too, and a total of $11,000 at that ($5,500 into my Roth IRA, and then $5,500 into my wife’s IRA to max out the year for the both of us). Felt good to utilize some of the profit this way to get a quick rush :)
SEP IRA (+$6,318.56): Nothing new added in the SEP as yet, but once we settle up our taxes over the next month or so I’ll be taking a big chunk of the new money to max out this puppy as well… And initial estimations point it to being around $20,000’ish (SEPs are based on total profit from your business over the year, vs a flat maxing # like 401(k)s and the like).
Here’s how our investments have fared though since going “all in” with Vanguard three years ago (It’s 100% invested in VTSAX – my favorite “lazy” portfolio!):
CAR VALUES (-$1,577.00): A big drop here, but mainly because I lowered the “condition” of our cars on KBB to get a little more conservative… And also because KBB changed the way they present their values now, so I just went with the *lowest* in the range they provided and called it a day ;)
Here are the present values of them now:
Lexus RX350: $10,084.00
Toyota Corolla: $3,493.00
CAR LOAN: (-$11,670.03): On the flip side of the equation, we’re now completely debt-free as I wiped it all away last month! Woo! The very FIRST thing I did with the site’s profit :) And still cracking myself up with what I was going to send over to those guys when asked “why” I wanted to get it all paid off, jeez… Is the only way to do it these days by picking up another loan??
(I didn’t send that, of course, as tempted as I was ;))
We’ll see what we end up doing when it’s Minivan time, but for the time being we’re 100% debt-free since being a teenager! Pretty wild to think about!
And that’s it for December! And the whole 2017 year, for that matter…
Here’s an even broader picture covering all 110 net worth reports since publicly publishing it in 2008:
Again, this stuff isn’t fast, but if you put in the time and hustle you do eventually get there! And now we move on to the ultimate milestone – the $1 Milly mark :) Though something tells me this is still quite far away as I’m running out of websites to sell, haha…
Oh, and then here are the kiddos’ updated net worths too. We threw in an extra $100/each into their 529 accounts that they got from grandma (God bless her soul), but looks like our $50 monthly deposits hadn’t hit yet. I don’t plan on jacking any of this up with our profits, but I have set aside $5,000 for Baby Dime when he/she finally comes… Gotta keep things fair, right?
Lastly, a Life Update!
This is the part where I usually sign off and ask you how YOUR month/year went financially, but last month I was asked if I could share some updates on our *lives* too to help balance out all the $$$$ talk with these reports, and I loved the idea so that’s what we’ll do here real quick :) After all, money is worthless if you’re miserable every single day, right? So this is for you, Lily!
Baby Dime continues to bake nicely and is healthy all around, as well as mom!, and the due date is still set for May 3rd. Though we predict a 1-2 week early departure due to complications that came around with the last pregnancy.
My other kids are doing great too and really loving school!! Baby Penny rides the bus all by himself and doesn’t even need me in the least (*tear*) and his younger brother, Baby Nickel (this is starting to get confusing – the coins are going in the opposite direction?!), is flourishing as well and getting more adult-like by the day. God help me though if I have another boy – they are such a handful together!
Speaking of… my wife still very much knows the sex and I still very much don’t ;) Although it’s getting harder and harder to enjoy the days knowing she’s fully ready to start planning now and slowly losing patience with my antics, haha… I fear it’s either find out by my own accord, or “accidentally” find out when she slips by design – womp womp.
In work/life balance news – so far so peaceful! It’s amazing what happens when you quit filling every nook and cranny of your time with something to do, haha… it’s like my brain can finally just “be.” And I’m finding I spend much more time looking for areas to *improve* upon in my life/work vs always just *adding to it*. It’s been pretty eerie seeing Rockstar Finance live on without me, but I can’t say I’m missing any of the thousands of decisions that came along with it!
In hobby world, my love of coin collecting still roars on! In fact, I just published my first post in months over at CoinThrill.com and it felt great! I stumbled across this new “coin box” subscription where for $X/mo they’ll send you a new box of coins right to your door step and now I fear for my wallet, haha… Super clever though, and I even did some of those “unboxing” videos like the wannabe millennial that I am ;)
Lastly, I’ve been building out JMoney.biz more. It’s really only a “portfolio” site right now, but I’m tinkering with the idea of sharing thoughts on life and blogging/entrepreneurship and such things over time… I’ve never really brain dumped all my thoughts/advice on blogging before, and thinking it may prove pretty helpful for others to just lay it all out there? The goods and the bads? I’ve never done it here because I don’t want to annoy anyone who couldn’t care less about blogging, but I am interested in hearing your thoughts on it if you have any :)
So that’s life! Should we make this a new section each month here, or are you already tired of hearing me talk??
Either way, we’re wrapping it up now and I turn it over to you to hear how your $$$ has been going :) Anyone else have a banner year? Anyone cross into that glorious Million Dollar Mark??
As always, you can catch all the net worth reports we’ve done over the years here, or you can continue your financial voyeurism and scan the reports of 300+ other bloggers who share here. Whether you have $10.00 banked or $10,000,000 though, I hope you are indeed tracking it as it’s one of the best moves you can make for your money! “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest!” (Benny Franklin)
See ya back in a couple days :)
Questions, comments, concerns – drop them in the comments and we shall chat!
Net Worth Update: $802,949.84 (+$93,000) posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
0 notes
fesahaawit · 7 years
Net Worth Update: $802,949.84 (+$93,000)
Welcome to week #2 of the new year! Woop woop!
My apologies for being a bit late publishing this net worth here, but honestly I’ve been kinda nervous to share it, just because there really isn’t a good way of doing it without coming across as an asshat, haha… Who gets an increase of $90,000 in a month and then broadcasts it to the world??
But hopefully y’all know by now that boasting isn’t my style, and we share both the goods and the bads here no matter what goes down in my financial world as part of our super-transparency mission here at the site. So while I am proud of how far we’ve come over the 10 years doing this, please know this is all for informational purposes and to hopefully inspire others to keep on hustling their hearts out too as it really does pay off in the long run!
So with that, let’s get started! But first, a look at how the past 12 months have gone overall to put things in perspective more:
And then here’s a breakdown per month, along with links to each report if you want to dive into any further. All of which shows just how powerful consistency (and a great market run!) can be towards the growth of your wealth… And most of the returns come from your MONEY doing all the work for you as you go about your life! It’s a wonderful thing.
Dec: $802,949.84 (+$93,000)
Nov: $709,372.08 (+$21,000)
Oct: $688,210.30 (+$12,000)
Sep: $675,681.17 (+$16,000)
Aug: $659,786.34 (-$600)
July: $660,442.69 (+$12,000)
June: $648,316.94 (+$5,000)
May: $643,155.75 (+$6,000)
Apr: $636,893.40 (+$4,000)
Mar: $632,301.91 (+$700)
Feb: $631,547.73 (+ $20,000)
Jan: $610,770.25 (+ $10,000)
A total increase of $190,000, or 30%. Not too bad at all… And doing my best to soak it up as I know it’ll be one of the only times I’ll see something like this, haha…  To think we had a total of $50,000 banked just 10 years ago is crazy! And really a testament to this *community* here as there’s no way I’d be close to any of this had I never stumbled across it.
Now to December’s Numbers!
(Net Worth Report #110)
CASH SAVINGS (+$61,908.38): This is the biggie right here – at least in terms of dollar amounts – and is where I parked a bulk of our profit from last month’s website sale just to enjoy it a little before we start spreading it around. Though as you’ll see in the areas below, I have already made a few moves just because I couldn’t help myself :) And keep in mind this is all profit after taxes and paying out my team @ Rockstar, etc too… If only you could keep 100% of your gains!
SPAVINGS FUND! (+$2,078.42): A record percentage increase right there! 1,619.21%!! Haha… Though this has nothing to do with the sale of the site or any hustling at all. In fact, it’s actually something pretty embarrassing!! I forgot about a $2,000 tax refund owed to me – FROM LAST YEAR! – and it magically appeared in my account last month??! Apparently one of my quarterly payments never made it over to the great state of Virginia, and therefore they held onto my refund until I guess they were tired of holding onto it and wanted to close up the books. So basically I completely forgot about TWO GRAND and woudn’t have ever missed it had they never sent it over – wow…
That being said, it was a pretty nice surprise to see when it hit my account, and of course the first thing I had to do was xfer it over into my Spavings Account to make sure it really counts as saved money :) Not the same as spaving a $0.50 coupon, but hey – this is my game and my rules! And now the shot at hitting $5,500 by the end of the year to max out next year’s IRA is looking even better – woohoo.
(Other spavings from the month totaled $5.39 – everything from discounts off at coffee shops to spare change found on the ground… Even found a quarter the other week! And had to be sly about it as it was laying in a pretty precarious position :)
THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN (TSP) (+$588.80): Another nice increase from my wife’s automated contributions every month… Nothing too special going on outside of that yet (one day we want to up her %, but not until she’s more settled with her career, as well as our living situation as we’ve decided to move this Summer but not quit sure *where* yet…. Turns out her gov’t job may not be as secure as we had thought with this administration!!)
ROTH IRAs (+$12,590.57): This one we DID add too, and a total of $11,000 at that ($5,500 into my Roth IRA, and then $5,500 into my wife’s IRA to max out the year for the both of us). Felt good to utilize some of the profit this way to get a quick rush :)
SEP IRA (+$6,318.56): Nothing new added in the SEP as yet, but once we settle up our taxes over the next month or so I’ll be taking a big chunk of the new money to max out this puppy as well… And initial estimations point it to being around $20,000’ish (SEPs are based on total profit from your business over the year, vs a flat maxing # like 401(k)s and the like).
Here’s how our investments have fared though since going “all in” with Vanguard three years ago (It’s 100% invested in VTSAX – my favorite “lazy” portfolio!):
CAR VALUES (-$1,577.00): A big drop here, but mainly because I lowered the “condition” of our cars on KBB to get a little more conservative… And also because KBB changed the way they present their values now, so I just went with the *lowest* in the range they provided and called it a day ;)
Here are the present values of them now:
Lexus RX350: $10,084.00
Toyota Corolla: $3,493.00
CAR LOAN: (-$11,670.03): On the flip side of the equation, we’re now completely debt-free as I wiped it all away last month! Woo! The very FIRST thing I did with the site’s profit :) And still cracking myself up with what I was going to send over to those guys when asked “why” I wanted to get it all paid off, jeez… Is the only way to do it these days by picking up another loan??
(I didn’t send that, of course, as tempted as I was ;))
We’ll see what we end up doing when it’s Minivan time, but for the time being we’re 100% debt-free since being a teenager! Pretty wild to think about!
And that’s it for December! And the whole 2017 year, for that matter…
Here’s an even broader picture covering all 110 net worth reports since publicly publishing it in 2008:
Again, this stuff isn’t fast, but if you put in the time and hustle you do eventually get there! And now we move on to the ultimate milestone – the $1 Milly mark :) Though something tells me this is still quite far away as I’m running out of websites to sell, haha…
Oh, and then here are the kiddos’ updated net worths too. We threw in an extra $100/each into their 529 accounts that they got from grandma (God bless her soul), but looks like our $50 monthly deposits hadn’t hit yet. I don’t plan on jacking any of this up with our profits, but I have set aside $5,000 for Baby Dime when he/she finally comes… Gotta keep things fair, right?
Lastly, a Life Update!
This is the part where I usually sign off and ask you how YOUR month/year went financially, but last month I was asked if I could share some updates on our *lives* too to help balance out all the $$$$ talk with these reports, and I loved the idea so that’s what we’ll do here real quick :) After all, money is worthless if you’re miserable every single day, right? So this is for you, Lily!
Baby Dime continues to bake nicely and is healthy all around, as well as mom!, and the due date is still set for May 3rd. Though we predict a 1-2 week early departure due to complications that came around with the the last pregnancy.
My other kids are doing great too and really loving school!! Baby Penny rides the bus all by himself and doesn’t even need me in the least (*tear*) and his younger brother, Baby Nickel (this is starting to get confusing – the coins are going in the opposite direction?!), is flourishing as well and getting more adult-like by the day. God help me though if I have another boy – they are such a handful together!
Speaking of… my wife still very much knows the sex and I still very much don’t ;) Although it’s getting harder and harder to enjoy the days knowing she’s fully ready to start planning now and slowly losing patience with my antics, haha… I fear it’s either find out by my own accord, or “accidentally” find out when she slips by design – womp womp.
In work/life balance news – so far so peaceful! It’s amazing what happens when you quit filling every nook and cranny of your time with something to do, haha… it’s like my brain can finally just “be.” And I’m finding I spend much more time looking for areas to *improve* upon in my life/work vs always just *adding to it*. It’s been pretty eerie seeing Rockstar Finance live on without me, but I can’t say I’m missing any of the thousands of decisions that came along with it!
In hobby world, my love of coin collecting still roars on! In fact, I just published my first post in months over at CoinThrill.com and it felt great! I stumbled across this new “coin box” subscription where for $X/mo they’ll send you a new box of coins right to your door step and now I fear for my wallet, haha… Super clever though, and I even did some of those “unboxing” videos like the wannabe millennial that I am ;)
Lastly, I’ve been building out JMoney.biz more. It’s really only a “portfolio” site right now, but I’m tinkering with the idea of sharing thoughts on life and blogging/entrepreneurship and such things over time… I’ve never really brain dumped all my thoughts/advice on blogging before, and thinking it may prove pretty helpful for others to just lay it all out there? The goods and the bads? I’ve never done it here because I don’t want to annoy anyone who could care less about blogging, but I am interested in hearing your thoughts on it if you have any :)
So that’s life! Should we make this a new section each month here, or are you already tired of hearing me talk??
Either way, we’re wrapping it up now and I turn it over to you to hear how your $$$ has been going :) Anyone else have a banner year? Anyone cross into that glorious Million Dollar Mark??
As always, you can catch all the net worth reports we’ve done over the years here, or you can continue your financial voyeurism and scan the reports of 300+ other bloggers who share here. Whether you have $10.00 banked or $10,000,000 though, I hope you are indeed tracking it as it’s one of the best moves you can make for your money! “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest!” (Benny Franklin)
See ya back in a couple days :)
Questions, comments, concerns – drop them in the comments and we shall chat!
Net Worth Update: $802,949.84 (+$93,000) posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
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