#the people who are like “my viewing experience of this show is SOO elevated because I actually KNOW what it’s about
castielmacleod · 2 years
Run-of-the-mill flagrant w* shippers are awful and disgusting of course but god those Kripke era purists who literally salivate over how fucked up the Sam + Dean + John dynamic is and act like the most intellectual people on earth for doing so. And are quietly but very obviously into w* but not in a typical shipping sense and rather in the sense that they have a real and perverse enjoyment of abuse and emotional incest. Those people are truly one of the most disturbing and terrifying types of people on here.
#Tw incest mention#Tw abuse mention#Do you ever open a blog to block someone and end up glimpsing directly into hell#Like don’t get me wrong a w*ncestie is a w*ncestie is a w*ncestie but#I almost respect the people who are like “I ship w* because it’s hot” or “I ship w* because it’s obviously canon” more than#the people who are like “my viewing experience of this show is SOO elevated because I actually KNOW what it’s about#and what it’s about is an inc*stuous abusive family and that is the ONLY theme in the show and if you don’t agree#you are so beneath my intellect and will never know how good this show is if you don’t engage with the inc*st”#To be clear I flat out don’t respect anyone who enjoys fictional inc*st even slightly but somehow even within that#there are people who manage to earn even MORE of my disrespect than they already automatically had#Furthermore I don’t care if Eric Crimp Key literally tells me the show was supposed to be about inc*st to my face I will literally#never acknowledge or engage with that. And by the way I watched all 15 seasons and not once did anything#between salmondean make me uncomfortable in that sense. Maybe I just wasn’t paying close enough attention because I can’t stand them#But irrespective of that I really think you have to be a certain type of person to look at a sibling trauma bond and immediately#have your brain go to inc*st. Like. Could not be me#Never mind having your brain go to inc*st and then being like ugh I love that. How in the hell do you get like that#Anyway enough about that because I feel gross talking about it this much#But these people who think they watched the show the smartest but literally having nothing to say about the racism#or any of the other bigotries in the show and ESPECIALLY in the early seasons that they exalt so much#They literally only care for raving about and getting off to abusive character dynamics#Or so it would seem.#Anyway though#My posts
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atopearth · 4 years
Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 1 - Avalanche, Flower Girl & Childhood Friend (CH 1-8)
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The long awaited remake!! Jessie is sooo pretty btw, I love it! I’ve always liked Jessie since the original because of how nice she was to Cloud, so it’s nice to see that they put so much effort into her looks. Biggs looks pretty cool too, but he’s such a silly guy haha. Most of the first chapter was pretty much like the demo so nothing much to say about it besides that I like the Japanese dub much more than the English haha. Btw, I’m playing on normal mode~ Barret is so aggressive and a bit annoying now that you can hear him though LOL. I have to say though, the camera is soo annoying in this game lol, it frustrates me so much. And the boss in the reactor has so much life, it was a tiring battle lol. Otherwise, great nostalgia! I still remember so well in the original when Jessie gets her leg stuck and you have to free her~ In the original, you kinda had to go to her to yourself, whereas in this remake, they force you into the scene of freeing her which is good!! Because lmao, I legit didn’t realise she was stuck in the original game and totally ignored her and went back up the elevator, and what happened?! I was stuck and couldn’t get out of the reactor without her, and I couldn’t go back to save her because it didn’t let me backtrack!! So yes, nice memories, I felt so bad though, I legit left her there to die LOL. Anyway, despite Heidegger and them contributing to the destruction of the sector, it is true that it was because of Avalanche’s actions that made all these people die or get injured, since Heidegger probably wants to pin on them how much of a terrorist they are to the masses.
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Sephiroth appearing is so awkward btw, but I think what irks me is that the menacing part of him isn’t shown very well. Doesn’t help that Those Chosen By the Planet (what I think to be Sephiroth’s theme) doesn’t have the same threatening feel to it imo. Aww I felt like the train scene with Barret shooing off the Shinra people was done more seriously than the original, and I feel like it also shows how rash and sometimes naive the Avalanche group is. I felt like the scene was funnier in the original because Barret was being aggressive and scared them away lol. Anyway, not sure what those things flying around Aerith are (dementorssss!), but nice flower lol. I found it sooo cuteee how Cloud so naturally gave the flower to Tifa though, like dang, my heart swooned! Tifa is so beautiful btw~ Interesting that she rented a room for Cloud, guess it was unnecessary in the original since you’re running around everywhere already, whereas in the remake, Cloud is going to be earning money joining the neighbourhood watch (killing monsters) and doing odd jobs haha. Honestly though, seeing Barret dote on Marlene was so sweet, I always found it heartwarming how much he loved and cherished her. Lmao when she ran away from Cloud since he was a “stranger” lol. Nice to see all these different materia though, looks like it’ll be fun to try them!
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Okay, the side quests were pretty useless but I guess it helped to gain experience and get me used to the combat system a bit more. Honestly though, playing as Tifa is much more fun than Cloud haha. Doesn’t help that Tifa is such a cute beauty~ Am I the only weirdo taking non-stop screenshots of her because she looks so good in every angle? LOL. When Tifa asked what kind of clothing suits her best, I wasn’t really sure, but I guess I would like to see something mature haha. I can see why Tifa would have doubts about what Avalanche is doing though. I mean, sure she agrees with their ideals and goals, but the way they’re doing it isn’t exactly the “best” way to do it since it involves a lot of casualties. So, I’m kinda glad that Cloud kinda advised her in his own way that she should really follow her heart and to not do it if she isn’t able to. Oh and that darts game at Seventh Heaven? Yeah, I sucked at it LOL. Anyway! Jessie feeling bad about the bomb she made causing such unprecedented destruction on the city is understandable, so going to grab a weaker reagent is something she’d do. Nice that she got Cloud to come along with her, but it was also pretty cute that Biggs and Wedge kinda knew what she was up to. Didn’t think about the idea of the Avalanche members having families, so knowing that Jessie seems to have a warm family that would turn on the light every night waiting for her to come home is kinda sweet yet saddening. On the other hand, that motorcycle chase lmao, I was so terrible at it, I legit nearly died hahaaha. Roche was a crazy guy man, it felt so difficult to catch up to him and deal some damage lol. Like how does he do all these crazy stuff with the motorcycle?! Honestly, it makes me think of a motorcycle version of SSX (that snowboarding game where you do tricks) because, I’m surprised he and his bike are intact lol.  Although, in a sense, it did seem easier than the original game though, I mean, I used to legit miss the targets reallyyyyyy badly in the original hahahah. But yeah, it was nice to have that mini game I guess, I just didn’t expect it right now lol. BUT, the highlight of the motorcycle chase here was definitely Jessie hugging Cloud from behind on the motorcycle and feeling so comfortable and safe with him around. I honestly felt it, but then again, who wouldn’t feel safe with Cloud?! He’s so reliable and cool!
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Honestly, I never would have thought Jessie would be an actress at the Gold Saucer! That’s an interesting back story. Kinda saddening though, that when she finally got a starring role, her dad collapsed in a Mako storage (since he was a maintenance supervisor for Shinra) for half a day and got Mako poisoning, so now he’s in a comatose state. I guess it’s understandable how one thing led to another for Jessie to join Avalanche, but I feel devastated for the mother. It’s a tough life but there’s still the hope and happiness of seeing Jessie return home when she can, but��that’s not going to happen forever.. Well, well, that diversion Cloud had to do alongside Biggs and Wedge was not fun! But it was cool to see Ifrit haha. Honestly think the highlight was seeing Cloud warm up to Biggs and Wedge after this little mission, not only did he get to see that Wedge is willing to put his life on the line for Cloud even though they just hired him for these missions, he also got to see how passionate they are about their reasons for being in Avalanche. They really should count themselves lucky that another sub group of Avalanche was there to bail them out though! Anyway, Cloud smiling was so cute. Lmao when Wedge called Cloud “aniki” after the mission hahahah, it’s so adorable. I love how Cloud tells Wedge not to call him that every time he does it hahaha. And it was so cuteee when Cloud quietly said he hopes Jessie’s dad will get better soon, he cares!! It’s so sweet! 
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Oh, btw LOL at the random grandma that noticed all the commotion from Cloud/Avalanche and thought it was Wutai attacking Shinra again, so she said she’d join in since she used to fight against them when she was young loll, chill grandma!! It’s quite cute how Biggs and Wedge can tell that Jessie is interested in Cloud, so sweet how they look out for Cloud instead and say she’s not serious though hahaha. Omggg, Jessie giving him a hug as extra payment for helping out on the mission was so cuteeee, I love her. She’s so forward and honest, but so cuteee. I loved how she said she’d make pizza for him. Biggs overthinking was really adorable, but Cloud telling him to prioritise resting up for tomorrow was nice to see. He has such a soft spot for them all now, it’s so heartwarming. It was so considerate and kind of Cloud to offer to listen to Tifa’s worries, I loved how casually he said it.
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No idea what those spectres are, but OMG!! CLOUD PRINCESS CARRYING JESSIE?! Yes, my heart squealed🥺🥺🥺 That Shinra Middle Manager guy on the train is so passionate and loyal to them, it’s pretty admirable tbh. He’s obviously scared of Barret but he’s unafraid to voice his opinions and views to him, Shinra sure has passionate workers. I loved the jumping out of the train part!! Cloud held Tifa close and protected her🥰 On the other hand, I really didn’t need the corny part where the Shinra Middle Manager was shocked that Barret and them would protect the others on the train though, I think if we just see him being impressed and kinda acknowledging them, it would have been fine lol. Anyway, is it just me or are the normal monsters harder than the bosses?! Like seriously lol! Or maybe I’m just too reckless tbh because I legit just roll around and attack hahahah. Yes, that’s how I roll. Oh btw, I forgot to say, but I’m kinda sad that we never got to go downstairs at Seventh Heaven!! That’s like my favourite part! I loved the interactions between everyone at Avalanche there, oh well I guess… We kinda got the interactions through Jessie’s story instead I guess.
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Going through Sector 5 was legit tedious lol, but it was cool to see holograms of the President and Heidegger, and the boss!! I’m not sure if I really weakened the boss by taking away the right stuff, but I just kinda took all the big bombs and some programming cores and it was relatively easy. Btw cowboy Tifa is adorableee! Aerith and Cloud reuniting at the church and squashing his flowers wasn’t as magical as it felt in the original imo (even though it was HD T_T). And I also feel like Aerith was more cooler in the original in my memory haha. Reno definitely looks better as a bunch of pixels than in HD LOL, I’m sorry Reno, you’re my favourite boy ever in FFVII but I hate his close up look here hahaha. Although I think it’s mainly because his open shirt look is very...ugly LOL. Make him cool not tacky! The Turks theme wasn’t as clicky sounding(?) as well so I think it kinda lost how cool the soundtrack was imo, but oh well~ And dang, I legit found the battle so difficult with him hahahah, I probably should have used more magic etc to deal with him but far out, his lightning attacks lol. I’m kinda sad they kicked out rolling the barrels to save Aerith from the Shinra soldiers though, I used to just let Aerith fight them, and I think it would have been cool if they let Aerith fight them, since it kinda showed that even though Aerith is physically weak, she’s still got a lot of guts and resolve to fight against people stronger than her imo. Instead, we get that stupid chandelier thing and the hand bars that had superrr clunky controls, it wasn’t fun at all! 
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Cloud and Aerith talking and bonding throughout their little trip on the rooftops to escape was cute, I love how she answered that the Turks might have been after her because she would be a great SOLDIER candidate (since the work Turks does includes scouting for SOLDIER) hahaha. The princess carry Cloud did to catch Aerith when she fell was cute, but it was done so purposefully that I couldn’t like it as much as I wanted, Jessie’s one was much more natural and sweet. But it’s Aerith so I’ll take it, because dang is it beautiful~~ I wish they showed how Aerith was trying really hard to catch up to Cloud and was like out of breath by the time they got to the sector lol, I found that cute in the original. Anyway, I also miss Aerith using her staff to smack monsters, the sound was so iconic lmao. I guess it’s understandable that they changed her skillset to be shooting magic out of her staff but still🥺 Rude on the other hand looks pretty cool! I wonder if they’ll mention how he likes Tifa and they’ll add it into the battles so that he won’t attack her hahaha. Oh yeah, forgot to mention it, but did Cloud see Aerith die in those visions he had? Not sure if I’m into how it’s all going right now, but hmm kinda weird.
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Elmyra doesn’t look as gentle as she did in the original, kinda sad~~ But I still think it’s hilarious how pushy Aerith is and how much she does things at her own pace lol. I hope we get to do the tiptoe thing at night like in the original where Cloud tries to run off in the middle of the night when she forces him to stay at her house for the night haahha. Shiva was pretty easy! I’m proud of myself hehe! Legit just Fira her to death until I could summon etc hahaha. Not sure how I feel about that intern being able to make summon materia though, I always felt like summons were spirits of nature that you kinda make a contract with, so artificially creating them feels weird. I honestly feel like more effort was put into Tifa than Aerith when it comes to the expressions and their faces imo. I always imagined Aerith to look very energetic, happy and kind, but in a lot of the scenes, her face looks very stern and you can’t see the kindness in her eyes, whereas with Tifa, there’s lots of details in every expression she makes. Sigh, it’s pretty saddening since Aerith is my favourite girl… Btw lmao at the Leaf House drawings of the cactuar, tonberry, chocobo and moogle hahaha, so cute but ugly lmaoo. Hahahaha there’s such a thing as fat Chocobo candy🤣🤣🤣 Moggie is weirdddd looking lol, did not expect that. Whack-a-box was a pretty boring game tbh, Gunners Gauntlet in FFX-2 is way better imo. Maybe there might be more stages later? I do appreciate how easy it was to get 30,000 points though haha, I’m still salty over the jump rope in FFIX lmao, no way could I ever do more than 50 of those jumps hahaha. Okay, don’t judge me, but I farmed moogle medals with the game by leaving it on while I played other games on my phone lmao. Man, those side quests were difficult to do with Aerith, I really hate her skillset right now lolll. I guess that’s normal though? Since, in the original, I found this part really difficult at times because she was so weak lmaoo. The fight with Rude was much easier than with Reno though! Maybe it’s because Aerith was there just to heal me hahaha. Anyway, I really like how careful and protective Rude and Reno are with Aerith. I feel like you can feel that a lot of it is related to their work as the Turks, but at the same time, they honestly feel that Aerith should take care of herself better by not running around so much lol. Btw lmao at Cloud carrying that flower basket hahaha. When Aerith was talking to the flowers and saying that they don’t respond to her no matter how much she talks to them, I found it really cute that before they left, Cloud asked to the flowers to respond to her some time since she’s so sincere haha. Cloud is such a big softie, it’s adorable. Just saying, but Aerith running up the stairs to clean the guest room for Cloud was so cute, I’m dying. Cloud’s mum looks pretty! Lmao, the tiptoeing out of the house is actually hilarious. I just took one step and hit a bucket and it made the loudest noise ever hahahaah, of course Aerith could hear! Lmao, I failed twice and they removed the buckets so you don’t need to dodge anything hahahha. I’m sorry I suck okay?! Although I always found it hilarious in the original that you can actually see Aerith jump out of bed and run super fast to push you back into your room hahaha.  I’ve always loved how Aerith pops out and surprises Cloud that she noticed him leaving without her. Does Cloud’s tears mean subconsciously he remembers her death? Is this FFVII 2.0? A sequel? Are we reliving FFVII alternate universe so we can save Aerith this time?
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Overall, the remake has been relatively fun so far. The camera is rather clunky at times but it’s okay I guess. The story is pretty linear and won’t let me walk around and explore unless it wants me to though, I swear that warning sign is so obnoxious I want to punch it! So yeah, it can be rather frustrating when I’m looking for treasure chests, like I’m constantly being called out for going to the wrong way hahaha. Let me live my life, guys! Everything looks great and I really enjoyed the extra bits with Jessie tbh, I think that was my highlight for these 8 chapters haha. I hope everything will continue to be as beautiful and interesting. I’m not a fan of the soundtrack though, it feels a little too electric? Techno? I don’t know how to describe it but it feels weird haha. Also weird to see/hear different theme songs and stuff at vending machines, because it just..doesn’t suit the atmosphere lol, anyway I’m just picky, it’s still cool. I really like Jessie’s Theme though!
But yeah, I really loved that the remake added the part where they go to back to Jessie’s home etc. I found it really sweet and comforting to see that Jessie had a family, and that Biggs and Wedge got along with her mother so well. I think the extra bonding and interactions between Avalanche and Cloud will really make the lost of them that more painful and dramatic. I think some people think Jessie seems too “thirsty”, but I think she’s great because of how forward she is, and how subtle but also honest she is about her feelings. She’s never completely direct about it, but she’s obviously attracted to Cloud and I think it’s really cute, mainly because she can see how cold he may be on the surface, but also how soft he is on the inside. I think my favourite moment with her was when she hugged Cloud on the motorbike so comfortably, it honestly felt like (from her perspective) that she found someone she could really rely on and believe in when she’s in trouble and I thought that was really heartwarming. Otherwise, wow, the shipping with Cloud and the girls is SO STRONG, I’m starting to think it’s a visual novel where I can pick the girl I like lmao. Honestly though, you can tell how much it’s catering to older fans who love the girls. The fanservice is blatant! But it makes for great screenshots so yay~! But seriously, the dementors and Sephiroth appear too much, it’s frustrating, especially the ghosts/spectres.
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jahishon · 5 years
In 2019, I made a goal to start putting my content skills to better use. Giving a home to the photos that overload my phone and getting my crazy thoughts out of my head. ( the thoughts include swear words. Consider this your WARNING! Sorry Mum!)
For those that don’t know me, I am Jennifa, a thirtyish gypsy who recently moved to from Ontario to Halifax, Nova Scotia. My partner got his dream job, so we decided to move our two children across the country on the pursuit of happiness and Cannabis.
I have the privilege of having too much time on my hands, having quit my job to stay home with my babies. This has given me the opportunity to explore my new city, talk to  random strangers and see cool shit.
I feel like I did TONS of research, on what it takes to move 4 people from point A to point B. I took into consideration normal things, I believed would come in handy. From finding a new home, registering my kid in school, Insurance, ETC. But nothing will ever prepare you, for feeling like a complete moron, getting lost 24/7 and causing a lot of scenes.
For the record, I would like to say I am medium in the planning and organizing department. I really, really try, but sometimes I fall short in this department of being an adult.
So, I may have overlooked a few things in the move….Such as the first day of school. For the record no one directly told me the date . And I know you are thinking, “isn’t that important Information”?! Well it is, but I assumed it would be the same. The day after labour day, Kids across the country go to school.
We showed up at school bright and early, on time . For a tiny second, I was proud of us… WRONG DAY. A teacher in the parking lot; told us, school in fact started the next day. The Wednesday after the LABOUR DAY!
This moment will never be forgotten. As much as you can plan every detail of life, you can miss somethings. We need to have space in our life for these moments. We need to laugh at the fuck up and move on. Lesson learned. TRIPLE CHECK DATES. WRITE THAT SHIT DOWN. BE A GOOD GROWN-UP!
The Maritimes is a very distinct place in Canada. They have a different landscape, culture, weather, attitude. When we left Ontario, I didn’t realize we were leaving a huge part of what we were comfortable doing. Our brains in “autopilot”.
I can now say, things have settled down and I am in the driver seat ready for what is next.  Change is good, we just need to be open and I don’t get lost as much.
Tim Horton, must have been from Nova Scotia.
I think all Canadians love the coffee of our homeland. Tim’s is even MORE loved here. The Scotians, have additional language for their coffees. This is something, I have not even experienced in Orillia, ON, (which I thought was the Tim Horton Capital)
So I think, we all know a DOUBLE, DOUBLE and TRIPLE, TRIPLE…
Two cream, one sugar. WORD…
Nova scotia loves donair. FYI: Donair is a meat. You can find in a wrap, on a plate,  pizza, or egg roll. I have even seen on a DONAIR cupcake on TV. (I am just really into the sauce. It comes in a CUP!
DONAIR SAUCE goes with the meat. It’s soooo fucking good. Dipping pizza in it….is LIFE CHANGING.
I am currently on a pizza jurney, ordering pizza from a new shop each chance I get. There are a TON of pizza shops. All privately owned and amazing!!!! I would not even eat dominos again, if you paid for it.
Soo, what the FUCK is your problem ONTARIO?!  Just kidding 😆
Get this, random people will smile and say hello to you in the streets, elevator and stores. EVEN if they don’t know YOU!!!! Crazy right!?
I can sense that people genuinely care about each here, they are nice, just because. There is no reason, no motive. They are just KIND. It’s a simple fact that the entire province, loves the Pittsburgh Penguins, only because Mr. Crosby is the CAPTAIN.
I guess I feel the warmth of the people, because I am loner.You know those weird people that talk to you for no reason in public. And you think…whhhyyyy me?! Well, I have become that annoying person…
Lucky for me, people enjoy having random conversations about nothing all the time. They will even start one with me out of nowhere, it does help my baby is the cutest ever.People have been so kind to me,
I make friends all the time. Especially when I take the bus; simple smiles and conversations. It is nice to be acknowledged by someone. It can turn a really annoying long bus ride with an out of control toddler, into bearable.
Without going too deep, maybe you have felt this if you have lost someone. When I talk to a Senior; that would’ve been my grandparents age. I feel them with me. That connection may seem crazy, but it helps with being homesick in a weird way.
So, talk to weird-o’s, like me and the 90-year-old at the grocery store, because you should. WHY NOT? Are you to cool to to talk about nothing?
I have become an avid weather watcher these days. The weather predictions here are very accurate for the most part, thank you CTV Atlantic. When they say it’s going to rain like crazy… it rains HARD and at almost the exact time they say it will. You actually need to purchase proper equipment to handle the weather here. Like umbrellas and raincoats!
As for the winter, I was warned from everyone about it. WELL , I am still waiting for the bad shit to arrive. I mean it is wintery but nowhere near as bad as I thought, (I have most likely cursed myself). Or being from the Snow belt of Ontario has really prepared me to face CANADIAN WINTERS.
I have a feeling this bad winter weather curse, is really a trick to keep the others out.  Ssshhh don’t tell anyone.  Apparently, it is longer, then Ontario’s but we will see, it is March.
New Brunswick, different story. Go there for the SNOW! And a true CANADIAN winter if you DARE.
NO offence, Barrie, but culture does not really exist here.  I mean, you try. However, you will always be to me, the white trash capital of Ontario. I can say this, because I am from HERE. I escaped, but Barrie has shaped me into the white trash gypsy I am today. And for the record, in my new chapter, I say I am from, North of TORONTO.  It’s weird because a lot of people know, Barrie too well. So it will never leave me.
Now back to CULTURE, it’s very beautiful to see all different types of people, cultures living in one place. I love it. I love to people watch (not stare), and I truly believe our differences can really bring us closer.
My son has more knowledge of other cultures than I ever did, till maybe University (I was dumb). At almost 8 years old. My son has a classroom of friends that speak languages, other than English. The children learn and grow together and share about their faiths and cultures. My son knows, that some people believe in Allah, as their god. And some families speak Arabic at home, or Mandarin.
FACT: Our friend just celebrated the Lunar New year. The school shared the importance removing “Chinese” from the phrase. This is because in fact many Asian cultures celebrated this holiday, not just CHINA. DUH!
mind blown…Barrie Jennifa says THANK YOU!!!!!
They really do, me included. A lot of the drivers  make me look good on a regular basis. I tend to naturally drive like a 98 year old  with road rage. The things I have seen, keep it real and hands are always at ten and two.
The roundabouts are interesting for me, considering Park Place is a mini roundabout; and my only first hand experience. I have had to learn how these “real” roundabouts go. I believe the best way to approach them, is the “follower” approach and copy the car directly beside you .( if you can) And yell OH FUCK , WHILE you do it. You should be fine.
Highways: the exit lanes are the same as the entrance lanes here…and NO lights , it’s dark. 😒
It seems for the most part, people do what they want, when they want while driving motorized vehicles. SO move bitch, get out the WAY!
Duhh, right… I honestly had not seen the true beauty of Canada, until recently. I mean Ontario, is pretty medium when you compare it, to what’s on either side if the coast. Before this past summer I had never made it past the Eastern Townships in Quebec.  FUN FACT: The first time I ever visited the East coast, was when I moved my family here in August.
The east coast is stunning, I try and capture the landscape, my phone can’t even do it justice. The historical and environmental views can take your breath away. Literally, its’ windy as fuck here.
I love this amazing country even more, I feel prouder to be Canadian in a non-weird cheesy way. Having had the opportunity to see and show my children the other provinces that make up our great country. New Brunswick, PEI, I see you other beautiful places. (NFND to come)
Grade 9 geography comes to life, it’s magical. I encourage ALL CANADIANS to travel within our country;  at one point in your life. You will not be disappointed.
Don’t wait for them to call or message because it’s not your turn or whatever bullshit you feed yourself.
I did it too, trust me. I actually don’t really like talking on the phone, it can be annoying. Hearing someone’s voice you love, is something very special.  It has taken me a move across the country, to stop being an asshole and pick up the dang phone from time to time
When you think of someone you love, I believe, it is the universe telling that you are lucky enough to have these amazing people in your life. Like your Best friend or Mum. There are so many ways to connect but we are lazy or just waiting for the other person to do it, but they are waiting for YOU!
An unexpected text or phone call from an old friend is a magical thing. It makes your heart smile and can change your day or even week. We live at a time with greatest ability to connect to the people we love, however, many of us feel lonely.  Stop being an asshole and call your mum, I know she would love to hear your voice.
Events happen in our journeys at different time for different reasons. I am very grateful for where my journey has taken me and looking forward to what is next.
I am accepting new friend applications- HOLLA At your girl – MUST LIVE IN NOVA-
  .the nova way. In 2019, I made a goal to start putting my content skills to better use. Giving a home to the photos that overload my phone and getting my crazy thoughts out of my head.
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flightykickback · 5 years
Before BTS in Chicago, I didn’t believe in post-concert depression.  Clearly, I was wrong.
If you thought some of my other posts were long, you’re in for a treat! This one is longer!
  ~ 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 ~
  I spent four, long, arduously stressful months trying to get tickets to see BTS in New York or Chicago.  My friend and I combined devices to become a tiny force to be reckoned with, only to lose out on tickets for New York AND Chicago!
October was coming around the corner.  I had set-up dozens of Facebook and Twitter notifications for various BTS groups and one extra special gem, BTSTicketBOT.  Eventually, I had to make a decision on one location instead of being bombarded by notifications for two, so I picked Chicago.  I started to search for BTSxChicago hashtags and various keywords in search engines until I hit the jackpot! I found LoveYourselfxChicago, a BTS fanbase in the Chicago-area that organizes fan events and charity drives.
DO NOT buy from unreliable websites such as Craig’s List.  You WILL be scammed.  No matter how tempting and how desperate you may have become during your search, DON’T DO IT! There will be tickets, just keep reading! (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
LoveYourselfxChicago was selling tickets for a suite ($250 each), at the tip-tip-tippy top of the arena with a full meal plan and semi-private bathrooms.  I told them, “I do.”
K, I was at peak gambling mode at this point before I had to look at the time and stop taking chances.  Originally, I told them NO! I wanna see sweat dripping from Namjoon’s forehead from P1 seating! Then I crumpled my wish on a piece of paper (seriously, I wrote exactly what I wanted multiple times on several slips of paper), before I meekly asked to be put on a waitlist.  (*≧▽≦)ノシ))
Luckily, we had already booked an Airbnb and THE cheapest transportation through Megabus ($13 total with tax, for two tickets)…..but you ought to know I’m never on time, so we missed it and had to drive (LOL!).
Yoooooo, my friend and I wanted to enjoy those charter seats and avoid the erratic Chicago traffic so bad that I called my niece to see if I got ahead of the bus, would she keep my car at her college over the weekend, just gas it up.  We didn’t make it.  Which…worked out for us later…We stocked up on flavored soju at Joong Boo Market and got some awesome food at San Soo Gab San Korean BBQ *cackles*
Finally! We’re in Chicago! We go to Mecca and it’s a barricaded parking lot across from United Center with people dancing it out to BTS music blaring from BigHit speakers.  Choreo, cheers, screaming over biases, everyone was just having so much fun! Hanging out in a parking lot was a bit of a let-down considering how much money we ARMY deliberately and emotionally give BigHit, but at least the Love Yourself banners and images were displayed everywhere.  It was nice seeing the block decked out for BTS:
    Right at the entrance of the barricade was the lightstick help desk, so I made a beeline!
HERE’S THE ULTIMATE V3 LIGHTSTICK FIX!…put a little cushion on the bottom of the battery pack to boost it up.  There’s an issue with the battery not completing the circuit, so the light doesn’t come on.  The cushion eliminates that issue.  o(≧∇≦o)
There was NO line for merch.  Everyone came and went.  (I meeeaaaan, if you’re going to line up all night for first dibs, you shouldn’t have to wait all day right?).  Luckily, I had found a GO and we got merch without having to wait in line! We were able to meander over to the merch table after getting my lightstick fixed and lazily check off the order ballet whatever we wanted.  Merch availability was posted on banners.  The more popular items like the photo book, slogan, certain t-shirt sizes, premium photos, etc., were sold out, but there was a ton of lightsticks, mini lightstick rings, and photo cards, left over.
Legit. We were in and out in minutes.  The longest part was making up my mind.  I even purchased more PCs after a change of heart while still staring at the cashier (I needed at least two packs!).
Next, we were on the prowl…to sell fanmerch! This was our first time.  We had created some Love Yourself themed pocket mirrors and were hoping to recoup some of the concert costs.  We almost got bounced by BigHit Staff (LOL!).  This lady came over to us like, “this is your final warning.” My friend said to her, you mean our first?! Cause, we ain’t never seen this chick or spoke to her before.  She pursed her lips a bit cause she knew that was dumb to say.  Meanwhile, fansites and savvier fan merchants were stealthily dodging BigHit Staff and United Center Security, just making a KILLING!
I friggin love fan merch so much.  I buy from fans all the time online and it’s my favorite thing to do at a kpop concert. Fan merch can be beautiful and are usually the better things the band’s company doesn’t sell.  Since they’re unique, you’ll never find it anywhere else and if they’re discontinued, it’s once in a lifetime, so it was a bit disappointing that BigHit had the place on lockdown.  It was greedy, especially with how they’re pummeling us fans with various collaborations and activities (Mattel dolls, Funko Pop Vinyls, UNO cards, BTS World, The Notes Books, etc.)  Support your fandom family!
Honestly, there’s not much more to do and since I didn’t enter the photo booth lottery, I don’t have more to describe. I realized the set-up is more of a dip-in and dip-out scenario.  Buy merch, see some sights, get pictures, then bounce (although, I’ve seen posts from fans in Asian countries where it’s a whole damn festival, but whatever America.  Capitalism sucks.).  We tried to sell more merch while fans were lining up at the entrances, then made our long walk back to the bus stop (I was not driving or paying for parking) and turned in for the night.
The lines into the United Center were extraordinary…because people wouldn’t listen.  Granted, everyone had to form a line prior to the doors opening, but eventually, security was telling people to exit the lines and enter through any of the other doors.  One whole section, with multiple entrances, had no lines, but fans were so damn scared to lose their place that they didn’t trust to leave their spot.  Most had reserved seats!  Swear, fans must have PTSD from how they have to fight for everything.  Security was checking bags and scanning people through the metal detectors very quickly, so there was no need for the uncertainty.  ¯\_(⌣̯̀⌣́)_/¯
The next day was CONCERT DAAAAAAAY! I’m gonna skip a bunch of stuff because it’s redundant and I pretty much talked about security.  How. Ever.  We did sell more fan merch (Thanks!), made mutuals, spoke to some great people, and even met Dee Skelliton.  Eventually, it was time to check our bags and ride that evasive elevator to the sky-I mean, our suite.
Kudos to the people that handed out free stuff.  I got a couple of PCs and lyrics to Seesaw in support of Yoongi’s solo stage.
Word of caution.  Don’t overexert yourself.  We brought water, snacks, a hand fan, extra batteries, charger, and other necessities.  I thought we were ready, but that walking! Ugh! We must’ve walked the equivalent of 10 miles from the bus stop to United, around United several times, to Subway for grub, back to United.  We were tired AF, so when we got to the suite, we wanted to chill, but there were 20 other people already there and not enough seating with a view (suites can accommodate 20 people, but only have 10 stadium seats.  There were barstools and couches, but the TVs were not broadcasting the show).
But we had fooooooood, baby!  *raps* I’m a big girl, that likes big things, and I keep a plate, for my big dreams.  There was hotdogs, ciabatta sandwiches, meatball subs, fruit, a bunch of other stuff and champ-angia.  I was so stressed from low sales and so many people around me, I really needed a breather so when the attendant cracked that bottle open, I didn’t shy.  I got lit.
Music videos were blasting.  Snapchat Geofilter was on! We had our fan project banners ready (Day 1 and 2)! Fans were singing along with their lightsticks on.  And then, THE LIGHTS DIMMED! Our lightsticks went crazy colorful! BTS popped up from beneath the stage and I blacked out.
Swear, I remember screaming my head off, trying my best at the Korean lyrics, crying a shitload, streaming to my closest BTS friends (shhhhh! (*≧艸≦)), hopping from our suite to the practically-empty-suite these beautiful, magnificent, gracious girls were willing to share, but otherwise, I don’t remember a lot.  Luckily, there’s film….but I’m too embarrassed by my screeching to post it (and it’s taking forever to upload!), so enjoy these photos instead!  Mind you, we reached the last summit when we walked off the elevator.
  We also got some amazing scenes:
Jungkook’s abs
Jimin’s abs
Namjoon getting emotional at all the love he was receiving and thanking everyone for coming to the concert.
Baepsae was a biiiiiiitch!
If I were to describe the euphoric feeling I had seeing the boys in person, I’d never do it justice.  They were marvelous, engaging, funny and oh-so-sweet.  Hence why I’m pissed that I’m missing their stadium tour.  I told myself, I’m definitely seeing them next time…who knew they’d drop tickets this week?! This sounds weird, but I was extra upset that I won’t be able to go to one of the stadium stops and see the awesome light show.  Up to 80-90,000 lightsticks flickering and forming multicolored art in unison! Have you seen those videos? Wow. It would be such a breathtaking experience.
If you’re looking to get BTS Tickets, check out my other post.  The title is a little misleading, but my Plan B for getting tickets after they’re sold out is there.
If you’re banking on getting tickets direct from Ticketmaster…it’s all luck.  You can do everything correctly according to fans:
Have multiple devices
Recruit friends with multiple devices
Have the fastest internet service
Have multiple browsers and tabs open
Not refresh the page
For certain platforms, refresh the page
Log-in hours in advance and wait to be placed in the queue
Even Ticketmaster provided a preparation guide.
You can do all that and some (I did) and still not score a single ticket.  Remember, based on the stage set-up, only 2/3s of the stadium’s seating will be sold, part of the tickets are already reserved for BigHit, Ticketmaster or another broker, and season ticket holders.  That means even fewer tickets will be available! Not only are you competing with each other but also scalpers with dedicated servers to snatch up tickets.
I’m not trying to scare anyone, just stating facts.  If Plan A doesn’t work, don’t give up hope! Plan B may be your best option. Just keep storing your coins and be flexible.  A couple of things on my previous post in the bonus section actually happened:
Ticketmaster released additional tickets, unannounced, a week or two before the Chicago concert date.
United Center sold extra tickets both nights of the show
People were posting last-minute ticket sales in various groups
It pays to keep checking the website, staying tuned to social media and just waiting in the box office line at the venue.
Another thing I learned while talking to various fans at United Center and also from social media posts, is that sometimes people with extra unsold tickets may just give them away! *screams*
If you choose to purchase resale tickets, do it through StubHub or Vividseats.  Both sites guarantee similar tickets if the ones purchased are fake or will refund your money.  Last year, StubHub realized how popular BTS is and created a dedicated customer service hotline (too many people were calling lol!).  Also, if you call into Vividseats, they might give a discount (the rep offered me 15%).  Lastly, if purchasing resale tickets from another fan, ask for proof and have someone else look at the proof with you.  You can even ask in groups if other people know of the account selling the tickets.
  ~ My Last Humble Opinion ~
  Last year, Love Yourself tour tickets for Metlife Stadium had a decent resale price on StubHub because many ARMY had already purchased tickets: extremely overpriced resale tickets and multiple face value tickets in hopes for the right seats.  I’ve seen many ARMY say they might sit this tour out because they’re broke like me, they’re saving for other kpop concerts, or they’re unsure how different the Speak Yourself concert will be from Love Yourself stages.  That ups the chances for tickets and, if the demand isn’t as high as last time, the resale prices will go down about two or three days from the concert date and they’ll become lower the day of.  Hell, Ontario wasn’t a popular destination and those tickets were nuts.
Just don’t buy tickets because you can and then hold them in hopes of better tickets.  There will be more chances.  There were lots of tickets that were unclaimed.  Some of the top tier levels. Were. Not. Full.
So anything is possible! Believe it and stay fighting!
  There you have it: This behemoth posting that tired me out enough over the weeks that I had to just publish the sucker and get it over with! LOL! Hopefully, this is useful.  I wanted to get it out sooner than the day Speak Yourself tickets go on sale.  I also forgot about DPR! Oh well. (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ω˂̣̣̥)੭
Experience: #LoveYourselfInChicago where I learned first hand what PCD is and the overwhelming disgrace of blacking out. Before BTS in Chicago, I didn’t believe in post-concert depression.  Clearly, I was wrong. BE FOREWARNED!
0 notes
travelinghermit · 7 years
Huayna Potosi Summit
12:30am Friday morning. I awaken by the sound of rumaging noises from someone packing a bag in the corner of the hostal room. I try to ignore this but then the faint drone of a phone alarm begins to go off. It was time to get up. By this time I had a little less than one hour of sleep and yet I considered myself lucky just to have this much. Trying to go to sleep at 7pm at high altitude is no easy task. Your heart pumping insatiably, your breathe cannot assume a normal pattern, clamoring for each breathe. at 5130 meters elevation every part of your body is forced to work harder than normal. Sleep is an impossibility for me yet I did manage to get a power nap in. Ten minutes after the lone phone alarm from somewhere in the hostel everyone is out of their beds getting themselves prepared for the next seven hours of climbing straight up 957 meters to the icey summit of Huayna Potosi at 6088 meters elevatio .There are two very different groups sharing this hostel for the night. The first consisting of me the lone Canadian, two Dutch, two French, and a German. All men of very similar age with the same aspiration for the next three days to get outside of our comfort zones and achieve something we all have never done before which was to climb higher than 6000 meters. The other group was about six or so French men and one woman. Our groups never interacted much as the French didnt speak much English and we not much French yet we were all going to the same spot this morning. I was the second or so to get up. I knew I am not the fastest to fully gear up with all boots, harness, gear, etc without forgetting something so I knew I had to get up fast so I could leave ahead of the other groups. I may have been dropped into this group with the other Europeans but for the climb itself this morning it was just Andres my very experienced guide of twelve years and I tied together for the next seven hours as we ascended and descended the summit. We left the hostal at ten after 1:30am into the dark of night with only the three quarter moon to brighten the snowy mountainous landscape around us. I was fully geared out with everything I rented from the Climbing South America agency including a heavy fleece, heavy jacket, snow pants, boots, helmet and crampons - the spikey soles you attach to your boots to tread ice and snow. Then without saying a word to each other we began the climb one slow monotonous step at a time directly up. For the first two, three hours I was running purely on survival instinct mimicking each step of Andres not caring about lack of sleep I just wanted to reach the summit with body intact. Just to back up two days prior. My group of six arrived at the basecamp of Huayna Potosi which sits at 4720 meters elevation on Wednesday morning, being delivered by a shuttle from the tour agency early that morning. First day was for aclimatizing, practising with crampons, along with spontaneous ice wall climbing with ice picks that I had no idea was on the itinerary yet was one of the highlights of the trek. I had no idea ice climbing was so technical but I was able to pick up all the do's and don'ts from the pro Andres like how to properly walk up a steep ice/snow face by walking sideways one leg over the other safely, how to use the ice axe by using it as a walking stick and stabilizer for normal trekking and then using the axe by forcefully sinking the blade into the ice for getting up the more steeper faces. After the crampon practise we began the ice climbing which is no different from rock climbing other than your wielding dual ice axes, and theres no holes or rocks to climb on you just have your crampons to kick into the ice for leverage. I first practised on an easy wall and then the second was a true challenge as it was nearly 90 degress straight up maybe 8 meters high. All six of us made it to the top of the wall but I was the only one who touched the top bolt soo ya take that for what you will. The spirit of competition was felt in the group or maybe I am just projecting. None of us had done any of this before so it was all for fun. The second day was quite boring but necessary. At 9am we walked 410 meters to High Camp which sits at 5130 meters elevation then for the remainder of the day was for rest and aclimatizing for the big climb at 12:30am that night. I climbed the rocks in the area to enjoy the view around camp, read my book, there wasnt a whole lot to do up there. By 5pm we ate dinner and then broke up into your small groups with our guides to discuss the climb then it was on to bed where I tossed and turned all night. Back to the climb. Andres and I were making good time up the mountain. I didnt like how there were so many people doing the climb as we were but I understand how everyone wants to get to the summit for sunrise. It was just annoying how we would end up behind a very slow group and couldnt get around them thus forming a train of other group's. Our pace was good but everytime Andres wanted to take a break I just wanted to keep going. I had zero skill in the art of ice climbing yet something in me wanted to be first on the summit but we had to take breaks for aclimatizing and to to make sure we wouldnt get to the summit before the sun. By the last push for the summit when it was right before our eyes yet still a good distance away by chance we were among the leading three teams to the goal. I wasnt very tired as we were going a slow pace, and I wasnt at all suffering from altitude sickness (I think im impervious). The worst I was feeling was due to the lack of oxygen; never able to keep a straight breathing pattern when I wasnt even tired. The slope to the summit now became very steep and one by one we were treading a very narrow icey ledge with desolation below leading to the top. This is where things got a little sketchy because I was in no way anticipating this. We were all still tied to our guides and I was so thankful it was just me and my guide because if I were to be tied to another I dont think I could trust anyone that much who I just met in two days. I eventually got passed the ledge safely and finally was standing ontop of the 6088 meter high summit of Huayna Potosi. Streaks of orange and yellow beamed from the horizon in front of me. We were the third or probably fourth team up at the summit which was incredibly gratifying. I took a seat at the tip of the summit then looked all around me satisfied. Mountains in every direction with the Royal Range tall and snowy to the left with the lights of La Paz behind me. I then reached into my backpack and grabbed my camera as everyone was to remember this incredible occasion. *It was at this moment when Brett unzipped his camera from its holder, turned it on, and was in complete dismay when the screen read "Please Recharge Batteries". He recalled the camera was at full battery on the first day, and then on the second day it had 2 bara. There was no reason for the battery to be drained. He then looked around with a shaky nervous smile just as the bright red and orange sphere of the sun began to rise and thought "Oh well this is a moment to truelly remember now" and tried to analyse all his surroundings the best he could". Yea that happened. I thought it must have turned on in the case and I didnt know it. Oh well these things happen. There actually is photo evidence as the Dutch and German guys and I took a photo of us on one of their camera, who knows if that will ever show up. When I got back to La Paz I turned on the camera just to see what would happen and what do you know it worked just fine. Turns out it was so cold that night that it temperarily malfunctioned the camera battery leaving me with no photos. Ill take this as the universe telling me to enjoy the moment but all the potential photos were absolutley killing me. I was only on top to enjoy the summit maybe fifteen to twenty minutes than had to go down again because of the many people wanted to enjoy it themselves. The walk down the mountain hurt me far more than the walk up, my knees were in bits when I got back to High Camp around 9am. My experience climbing the snowy and icey mountain to the summit of Huayna Potosi was truelly a unique and very rare experience that I can never forget. It was a much different experience from my Everest basecamp and Kala Pathar summit experience which is a very good thing. The Everest basecamp was a nine day adventure trekking through the foothills of the Himalayas to finally sdand on top of one of its 5500 meter summits. Huayna Potosi was purely mountain climbing with all its technicalities including icey terrain and the use of specialized equipment to reach the highest I have ever been 6088 meters. I hope I can do more like this but for now im in a cafe resting my weery body, drinking coffee. I am resting here for the next few days till Monday and then setting off on the infamous "Death Road" by motorbike. The journey never sleeps.
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