#the perfect photoshop doesn’t exist
ourtubahero-blog · 11 days
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The perfect edit doesn’t exist…
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paluding · 1 year
Introducing... The Tattooer!
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[This version is OUTDATED! Please, check the new version here. I updated the workflow, skipping a lot of unnecessary Photoshop editing. It's way faster! I'll leave this old version and files up though, for archiving purposes. But yeah I still totally recommend you use the new version!]
Finally! I’ve been working on this for so long and I couldn’t wait to share it. This is a series of Blender template files already set up to quickly bake textures from The Sims 4 to The Sims 2. Really neat for cc creators! The different Blender files will allow you to:
-Bake body textures from TS4 to TS2 (Female) -Bake body textures from TS4 to TS2 (Male) -Bake body textures from TS4 (Female) to TS2 (Male) -Bake body textures from TS2 (Female) to TS2 (Male) [Bonus!] -Bake head textures from TS4 to TS2 (Face + Scalp) [Experimental]
Check the file names to see which one is which, and the resolution of the baked texture it will give. Download! SFS / GD
Everything you see in the render above was converted using those Blender files. I only did a couple tiny edits to the eyes and lips to fix them. These templates were made mainly to bake and convert tattoos, but there’s more you can do with them if you get creative. I have to say, these are NOT perfect. Check out the eyebrows on the render above. They look a bit wonky compared to the original, don’t they? I left them as is to keep your expectations with these as realistic as possible. Results may vary depending on what you are trying to convert, so! With that in mind, this is all the stuff you will be able to convert almost seamlessly from TS4 to TS2:
-Tattoos. -Other body details such as body hair, scars, freckles, supernatural/occult details… -Body painted underwear and swimwear, as well as some other clothing that’s mostly painted on the body. -Socks, stockings and maybe leggings. -Even skintones! In some areas they will look weird, so I recommend editing and blending them with other existing TS2 skins. -Makeup. Kinda bad but hey it works! Eyeliner and anything that is around the eyes looks terrible for now, but other stuff like blush may look just okay. -Eyebrows and maybe beards. A bit of hit or miss with those. -Hair scalps. Very useful when converting some hairs! Although keep in mind part of that texture might also need to be baked on the face mesh, you know, that hairline makeup stuff.
Got your attention? Nice! Editing some of the textures from TS4 to match the UV mapping in TS2 using a 2D editing program can be incredibly hard. That’s where texture baking in Blender comes to the rescue!
It is recommended you download Blender version 2.91.0, which is the one I use. Don’t worry, it’s free! There’s also 3 Photoshop actions you will need to set up the textures for baking and then putting them back together, because unfortunately Blender doesn’t support transparencies in that baking process, so that takes a couple extra steps to make it work, but I think it’s still pretty fast and easy. And just in case Tumblr manages to blow up or something, I decided to include a pdf with the upcoming tutorial that will guide you step by step with all this process, so if this post gets deleted somehow (I really hope not!), you will still have that pdf as a backup archived.
You can download Blender here. Personally I recommend picking the fourth option, “blender-2.91.0-windows64.zip”, which is a portable version and doesn’t need to be installed. You will also need Sims 4 Studio to extract the original Sims 4 CC textures you want. As for Photoshop… I’m not going to tell you to buy that subscription service and give Adobe some undeserved money, so… yeah, there might be some other options out there to get it (very legit, yes yes).
So, before we begin, let’s clear out some questions you might have. What the heck is this texture baking thing and what does it do? Well, let’s imagine you have a projector and point an image into a blank wall. Then you pick up some brushes and start painting and copying that projected image in that wall. Texture baking is kinda like that when it comes to 3D models. You align two models and match them as closely as you can in shape and form, and once you adjust some parameters and values, Blender does the rest for you: it will give you a new texture for a new model with a different UV map. These files I’m sharing have everything already set up, so it’s a matter of plopping in that Sims 4 texture and you will get that new texture for TS2 in just a few clicks.
This tutorial assumes you know literally nothing about how to use Blender, so if you feel uncomfortable with it, worry no more! This will guide you with pictures showing where you need to click and explaining what is happening. For Sims 4 Studio and Photoshop the process might be a bit less detailed, but still this should be pretty beginner friendly. For this tutorial, I will use some tattoos as an example. Alright, enough with the rambling. Let’s get started!
·EXTRACTING TEXTURES AND EDITING THEM WITH PHOTOSHOP: First things first, you will need to extract as pngs all the textures you want to convert from TS4 using Sims 4 Studio. Once you’ve done that, open them up one by one in Photoshop and run the “No transparency” action. This will remove the alpha channel from the image, getting rid of all the transparency. Go ahead and save a png copy of it. Then run the “Make Alpha” action on those same swatches (from the beginning, make sure you’re not running the action on an already edited swatch!), which will only show the alpha channel of the image in black and white, and save another copy of that. You should have 2 textures for each tattoo swatch. For the “No transparency” action I like to name it BASE (And your swatch number or name), and for the “Make Alpha” action I usually name it ALPHA (And that same swatch number/name). I recommend saving them in different folders named BASE TS4 and ALPHA TS4 respectively to keep it organized. If you want to make this much faster in Photoshop, there’s an automation option in it that allows you to run an action through a batch of files in a folder and then saves it all. I won’t cover how to do it in this tutorial, but you should be able to find it easily on Google by searching something like “Photoshop automate batch”. It’s really powerful and will make your workflow with actions much faster. Definitely recommend learning about that!
·BAKING THE TEXTURES IN BLENDER: PRELIMINARY STEP 1: CONFIGURING BLENDER’S GRAPHICS SETTINGS: Open your preferred Blender file depending on what you’re going to bake and the desired resolution (in this example I’m going to use the AF-body-4t2-1024 file). Before we start messing around in Blender, there’s one thing you should set up. It is a onetime step, and once it’s done, you won’t need to do it again. So, does your computer have a dedicated graphics card? If you don’t know or you’re not sure, just skip to the next step. Configuring Blender so it uses your graphics card instead of your CPU will make the baking render much faster, so it is recommended you set it correctly. If your computer has a dedicated graphics card, click File (1) > Preferences (2) > and on the window that pops up click System (3) > and select CUDA and make sure your graphics card is there and tick it (4). I have an Nvidia Graphics card but your case may vary. Once you’re done, click on the tiny button on the bottom left corner and Save Preferences (5).
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PRELIMINARY STEP 2: CHOOSING THE RENDERING DEVICE: Click on the tiny camera button on the right, called Render Properties (1), and on Device (2) select GPU Compute if it’s not already selected. If you’re not sure if you have a graphics card or not, just select CPU. Then select the Material Properties tab (2) and Save your changes, either by pressing Ctrl + S, or clicking File (4) > Save (5). Okay, time to get into the good stuff!
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·STEP 1: LOADING YOUR TS4 BASE TEXTURE: In the Material Properties tab, click the folder icon that says Open (1) and on the window that pops up, navigate through your folders and select your first texture. For now we’re going to bake the BASE texture, so go to that folder where you saved the edited “No transparency” image. To navigate easily, the 3 buttons on the top right (2) are for the display mode. They will show your files in list mode, vertical and horizontal, and the one on the right will display the file thumbnails, pretty useful if you want to easily see your images. And the icons on the left side (3) will let you go one folder back and forward, go to the parent directory, and refresh the folder in case you just dropped something new in there. Double click on the image you need and that will load it into the Sims 4 body model, named “ts4 body”.
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·STEP 2: SETTING UP YOUR SELECTION AND BAKING THE TEXTURE: On the top right of the screen, you will see the names of the 2 models in the scene. Hold the Ctrl key in your keyboard and left click on the “ts2 body” model (1). If you did it correctly, you should see “ts2 body” in a yellowish orange color, and right down below, “ts4 body” should look more like a red orange. If not, try again by clicking first on ts4 body, and then while holding Ctrl click again on ts2 body. Then switch to the Render Properties tab by clicking the tiny camera icon (2) and click Bake (3). Depending on your screen resolution, you might need to scroll down a bit with your mouse to see the Bake button. Wait a few seconds for it to finish. You will see the progress percentage down on the bottom of your screen. Don’t panic if you notice your computer fans start ramping up, that’s completely normal! As I said in the beginning, using your GPU will bake the textures much faster than the CPU.
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·STEP 3: SAVING YOUR NEW TS2 TEXTURE: Once it’s finished, switch to the UV Editing Mode by clicking “UV Editing” on the top of your screen. And there it is: your new texture! You might have to scroll up your mouse wheel a bit to zoom in and see it in all its glory on the left side of the screen. We’re still not done yet though. You need to save it to yet another new folder (always try to keep your stuff organized!).
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You can save it by pressing Shift + Alt + S, or clicking on Image* (1) and then Save As… (2). That will pop a window where you’ll need to navigate again and save it somewhere. Give it a proper name (3) and hit Enter to save it… well, Enter doesn’t always work for me for some reason, so if that happens just click Save As Image (4). In this case, I personally like to call it something like “BASE TS2”.
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·STEP 4: GOING BACK TO STEP 1: Alright! So you have your new baked base texture, but we still need to bake the alpha channel to give it its transparency. In order to go back to step 1 and start the process once again, click Layout (1), go back to the Material Properties tab (2), select “ts4 body” (3) and click on the folder icon (4) to open and load the alpha texture you did in the beginning in Photoshop.
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Then it’s just a matter of repeating the process from step 2: bake the alpha channel and save it again as a new image (watch out, don’t overwrite your previous image!). This one I like to name “ALPHA TS2”. When you’re ready to move on, close Blender without saving. If you see a small check telling you it will save some images, make sure you uncheck it, so you will be able to use it again in the future from the starting point with no issues. I don’t think it really matters if you accidentally save your progress in these files, but I like to keep it clean and fresh so I can do the process where I left it from the beginning the next time I open it. And in case you mess up and save somewhere, you can always just delete the .blend file and download the template files again.
·FINAL STEP: PUTTING EVERYTHING BACK TOGETHER IN PHOTOSHOP: We’re almost done! Open Photoshop and drop in both your 2 new baked textures, “BASE TS2” and “ALPHA TS2”. Keep both layers on top of each other and aligned. For that you can enable the snapping in View > Snap to… > All. Rename these layers so the Alpha layer is “ALPHA” and the Base is “BASE”, and make sure ALPHA is on top.
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Then run the “Final Baked” action and now for real, it’s finally over! You just fully baked and converted these new textures. Congratulations!
So, to summarize, here’s a small guide with all the steps of the workflow I developed. Once you get the hang of it, baking and converting one swatch of a texture just takes a couple minutes. It really is that easy!
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One small note though, some of the baking blend files save the textures with a resolution of 2048x2048 pixels, as clearly stated at the end of their file name. That’s way too overkill, because TS2 only properly supports up to 1024x1024 for most of its textures and you should always resize your final product to that max resolution. I just made those 2048 versions because there might be some really tiny and slim details on some tattoos that may look a little too blurry when baked into a 1024 resolution, so for those cases use that if you want and then resize them in Photoshop. In the Resample mode of the Image Size menu, there are a few options to choose. For the fine details, I like the Nearest Neighbor (hard edges) option, which, even if it looks a bit pixelated, it still preserves most of the texture and quality.
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For anything else, I would just directly bake them using the 1024 versions in Blender.
And for the folks who feel comfortable playing around in Blender, this is just the beginning! Texture baking opens a LOT of possibilities, so feel free to move stuff around and edit the models to your liking! If you notice the baked textures look warped or stretched somewhere, or don’t like where some textures are placed in the S2 body, poke around that area moving stuff and then give it another try. The main objective of the baking process is keeping both overlapping models as close in shape as possible. You may also edit and save new copies of the templates, or make new ones from scratch using mine as a reference (keep a close look on those Baking settings and values, I think they work pretty well) and share them if you want to. Go ham, do whatever you want with them! I have plans on making templates to convert body textures from Sims 3 to Sims 2, but for now it’s not on my priorities, so we’ll see when that happens.
Whew! Hope none of this was too confusing. Need help or have any issues with these? Please ask/message me and I’ll be glad to help when I’m able to!
Credits for the CC used in the render demonstration: -Skin by Sims3Melancholic -Eyes by Northern Siberia Winds -Eyebrows by PeachyFaerie -Tattoos by xtc -Top by SerenityCC
And the Tattoo I used for the tutorial can be found here, by ValhallanSim
Last but not least, a huge, special thanks to @elvisgrace for all her help testing this for me. I’ve never shared Blender files, so hopefully everything works as intended and everyone can use them with no weird issues. Fingers crossed! And thank you for reading! Hope you have fun playing with this new toy hehe.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Dumbass stalker - Prologue
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Summary: You’re the worst stalker ever.
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x Plussized!Reader
Warnings: stalking, obsession, almost no dialogue in this chapter, a short chapter to get into the story
A/N: I have no self-control. SB didn’t leave my mind so here we go with a mini-series. Also - I love a dumbass reader. :)
Dumbass stalker masterlist
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He’s back in town again and you’re at ease. 
After being absent for a few weeks for a mission, Soldier Boy is back in town.Your hero. The knight in shiny armor you admire so much.
You have to follow him through town. There is no way you can go home and focus on even breathing before you don't see him up close.
He’s like a drug running through your veins.
Only seeing him on TV or stalking his social media is not enough. You’re an addict willing to take more of his drug; more of him.
He doesn’t know you exist, but this doesn’t matter to you, or the life you imagine having with him. Soldier Boy is a shiny star, and you wouldn’t dare grasp him.
However, keeping your taps on your man, and following his every step is another story.
“Soldier Boy is here,” some fangirls scream as your wet dream on long legs walks out of a store. He rolls his eyes as the girls crowd him to get an autograph. “Soldier Boy, we love you.”
The girls distract Soldier Boy long enough for you to snap a few pictures of him. You sigh deeply as you’ll have to use your Photoshop skills to cut the girls out of the pictures.
“Where are you heading now? Do you have a girlfriend? How do you like your pasta?” The girls throw question after question at Soldier Boy. He grits his teeth, and you know, he’s about to explode.
He shakes his head and groans as the girls continue to pester him. Soldier Boy dips his head, eyes drifting toward the other side of the street.
“I should go now,” you mumble to yourself as you check the pictures you took of Soldier Boy. A beautiful addition to your collection. “He looks so good today.”
When you lift your eyes off your phone, the girls and Soldier Boy are gone. It doesn’t matter. Your job here is done. With twenty new pictures of your dream man saved in the cloud, you will have a great day.
You press the phone to your chest, sighing as you were so close to Soldier Boy today.
If only he knew you were his greatest fan.
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“Perfect,” you smile to yourself.
After downloading the pictures to your laptop, you used Photoshop to remove the girls crowding Soldier Boy.
“I’ll print and frame this one. What do you say, snowball?"
You whip your head toward your sleepy furball. “Snowball, show a bit more enthusiasm when it comes to your daddy. I’m telling you, one day he’ll see me.”
Your cat is unimpressed. She lifts her head, meows, and goes back to sleep.
“One day, snowball,” you swoon as you look at the pictures again. “I know he will see me one day…”
Part 1
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Soldier Boy Tags/The Boys Tags
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warmfaerie · 28 days
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magical skin serum ✦‎۟    ࣭   ⊹ ◝꒰ ´ ˘ `✿ ꒱
forced, exaggerated affirmations + booster ♡
affirmations ✦‎۟    ࣭   ⊹ ◝꒰ ´ ˘ `✿ ꒱
layer one - detailed, forced and dramatic ✿
♡ the skin on my face and body is plump, glossy, crystal clear, glassy, clean, pure, hydrated, flawless, perfect, moisturized, blurred, smooth, buttery, unblemished, glowy, healthy, soft, godly, ethereal, supple, beautiful, sparkly, lovely, unreal
♡ the skin on my face and body is 999999% free of and immune to acne, acne scars, blackheads, redness, hyperpigmentation, lines, wrinkles, dark circles, texture, large pores, excess oil, sensitivity, eczema, i’m literally immune to any skin issue that exists
♡ i always look like i have a filter on, i always look like i’m wearing luxurious, expensive makeup, i look like i’ve been photoshopped, i look youthful, i definitely won the genetic lottery, people are in disbelief when they see how perfect and unreal my skin is, skincare companies want to work with me because i’m simply the perfect model and advertiser for their products due to how unrealistically beautiful my skin is, i look like i bathe in holy water, my skin smells like vanilla, i look like an anime girl
♡ it doesn’t matter what i eat, drink, if i drink enough water or not, whether i get enough sleep or not, it doesn’t matter if i’m stressed, it doesn’t matter what phase of my cycle i’m in, circumstances are completely irrelevant, my skin has always looked perfect, it always looks perfect and it will always look perfect, period
♡ i have access to every skincare item i desire, i own a pink skincare fridge, sheet masks, hydrating eye patches, frownies, satin sheets and pillowcases, superfoods shots, a humidifier, a face steamer, foreo brushes, the best korean skincare, products from the ordinary, drunk elephant, cosrx, cerave, beauty of joseon, bioderma, youth to the people, byoma, glossier, glow recipe, there’s nothing i can’t afford and on top of that animal testing has been completely abolished everywhere in the world
layer two - simple and straight to the point ✿
♡ i have clean, healthy skin
♡ i eat healthy fats, like almond butter, organic eggs and avocado everyday
♡ i have soft, buttery skin from head to toes
♡ i am glowing
♡ i always look like i’m wearing makeup or a filter
♡ i have a pastel pink skincare fridge
♡ i always use the best skincare products
♡ i use brands like glossier, pixi, sunday riley, drunk elephant, korean brands, the ordinary…
♡ my pores are tight and my skin is smooth
♡ i am immune to aging and wrinkles
♡ i am immune to acne no matter what i eat, how much sleep i get and regardless of the state of my hormones
♡ i take care of my beautiful skin for pleasure, because it is effortlessly lovely and clean
♡ i never feel the urge to pick at my skin or pop my pimples
♡ i eat clean, beautiful foods everyday, which contributes to me having perfect skin
♡ i have lovely, porcelain skin, with no wrinkles, pimples, acne scars, redness, or any other skin issues
♡ the skin on my body is pure perfection
♡ i’m always glowing and moisturized
♡ i look youthful and cute
♡ people still ask me for my id because i simply do not age
♡ my skin is plump, smooth and moisturized, and my cheeks and lips are pretty and pink
♡ i have no dark circles and the skin around my eyes is buttery soft and free of wrinkles
♡ drinking water and staying hydrated comes naturally to me
♡ water tastes delicious to me, i’m obsessed with drinking it
layer three - booster for instant manifestation and ultimate detachment ✿
♡ my desires manifest instantly
♡ i only ever need to listen to a subliminal once and my desires instantly materialize
♡ i don't have to wait for my manifestations to come to fruition, i don't have to lift a finger either, it's done, creation is finished
♡ i get to live the life of my dreams starting now
♡ my desires have no choice but to manifest, my assumptions have no choice but to harden into facts, it's the law
♡ even if i see something in my 3d that upsets me i still remain in the new story
♡ even when i'm feeling down or having doubts my desires still materialize
♡ i'm completely detached from my 3d
♡ imagination is the only reality
♡ circumstances are completely irrelevant
♡ everything i have ever dreamed of already manifested, it all materialized months ago
♡ i don't have to wait, it's here, i get to live my dream life right now
♡ i accept the life i deserve
♡ i show no resistance
♡ i'm open to receiving countless blessings
♡ i let go of the old story
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starryeyedadmirer · 10 months
I think it’s so funny when people take issue with the content that I share on my page, because they’re pretty much expressing their frustrations in a huge vacuum.
God forbid that you see a post where one of your celebrity crushes isn’t bearing a set of perfectly chiseled abs. Oh, the horror!!! It must be so hard for you😢. People really act like I’m out here fat-shaming these guys… like that picture I posted of Shawn Mendes a few days ago, where his stomach is a little rounder than usual. I’ve gotten a handful of messages from these crazy tumblrs, with pages solely dedicated to Shawn… like they’re truly obsessed with him… acting like my post was some kind of attack on him😂. Y’all do know that people with abs don’t have insanely defined abdominal muscles all the time, right? Like, you have to relax your stomach at some point… and, the stomach has a naturally rounded shape to it. Most of the time, when these guys’ abs do look super indented, it’s not even real😭. Welcome to 2023! We’ve had professional photoshop for years now… and Shawn has been a victim of that for ages. I would’ve thought you guys could tell the difference between real and fake by now, this many years into his career… but I guess I should’ve known better. Maybe he was a little bloated, just relaxed, or taking in a breath when someone took the photo of him… but the happenings of that moment have nothing to do with me. The picture exists, IT’S REAL, I saw it, and I liked it… so I shared it😂. Simple and plain. Not once did I call him fat, or say anything discouraging about his body. I did agree with the person that sent in the ask, and express my shared belief that he does look a bit thicker in the photo… and I gave my two-cents on why I thought that was, but I never framed it in a negative way.
I think the real issue, especially for pages like those, is that you guys have this perfect image of him in your heads… and that image is so far detached from reality that it’s scary. You see a candid photo of him and lose your minds, like I’m trying to make him look unattractive, when you’re the ones who associate NORMAL BODIES with being unattractive. That’s not a reflection of me, and you’re wasting your time projecting your own feelings onto me. Not that he has anything to do with Shawn, but I’ve seen so much love from fans of Harry Styles… like, the hardcore ones. From my experience, they see his tummy as something of beauty… and actually appreciate it whenever it doesn’t look “ideal.” Harry gets bloated, just like the rest of us… he gains and loses weight, just like the rest of us… and he doesn’t always have crazy muscle definition. Bodies change — even from minute to minute — and a great deal of his fans, like myself, seem to understand that. Like I said, he has nothing to do with Shawn, and he’s far from my only example… but there’s such a stark contrast in the ways that I’ve been addressed in conversations that I’ve had about the two.
I really don’t have to explain myself to you any further, but if you READ anything on my page, you’d know that trying to twist my intentions/reasons for sharing the content that I choose to share, just to sound as though you’re morally superior, is a waste of time and energy. There are plenty of pages out there that are actually being negative, and attacking people for their appearances… and my page IS NOT one of them. If you’re going to be a loudmouth, or be a performative activist behind a screen, go do it someplace where it actually matters.
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dizzyrobinsims · 2 years
50 Simolean Couch- A Werewolves GP Add-on
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You ever just have been dying for a COMFY looking couch in the sims, that looks worn in and slouchy? You ever despaired at the stiff, picture perfect couches that look like 3 kids and 2 dogs and 3 cats never piled onto it to watch a movie?
And then did you see the mesh for the new werewolves couch, went PERFECT, only to realize it went too far in the other direction and was filled with patches and stitching?
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After messing with the textures, crying over the shadows, and shaking my fist at the details- I bring to you a cleaned up version of the Patched-Up Old Couch from the werewolves GP. Lovingly named after my thrift store couch I got for 50 bucks 3 years ago and looks just as lived in.
This version (as I have a more werewolf themed one coming up) has 16 swatches, both in simple colors and in a couple fun plaids and patterns. I made sure to include a couple pillows with no wolf detail in case you wanted a simple swap out that can be done in paint, and also available for recoloring are a .kra for those cheapskates like me who use Krita, and a .psd for you lucky peeps with Photoshop. (Though unsure if it will work as I do not have photoshop. So.)
TOU: Please credit if you use it in an upload or something, NO PAYWALLS, and keep the Sims 2 CC spirit of “If it doesn’t exist then GOSH DARNIT I WILL MAKE IT MYSELF” alive and well!
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into-september · 2 years
If S5 is going to have Adrien realise his feelings for Marinette because the S4 bs “made him realise Ladybug’s not perfect” then I’m sorry but
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if you’re going to try and tell me
that “Kuro Neko” 
was the breaking point that made him fall out of love with her
after all the rest of it
that the boy who from the very beginning 
thought that she was perfect in all her imperfections 
fell out of love with her over that
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do you realise
how much of the appeal is that he loves her imperfection
that he knows that people are fallible
that Ladybug is, too
because the boy whose life is a public performance of perfection
knows better than anyone
that perfection doesn’t exist
do you realise
how much of the appeal was the contrast 
to the girl who swooned over his fabricated images
covered her room in professionally photoshopped pictures of him
from the performance that made him miserable
that projects to the world an image that does not correspond 
to the real self he never tries to hide
the girl who fell in love with that sincerity
but in her love failed to tell the difference between what is real and what is factitious
and so she is blind to his imperfections
unlike him, who saw her real and imperfect self
do you realise
that your story was always for her to realise
for her to learn to see past the image
for her to recognise him
not the teen idol not the model not the son of her idol not the boy in the ads not the classmate whose fabulous life she needed a hundred and three episodes to realise he didn’t find fabulous at all
not even the super hero, who she always saw clearer anyway
do you really mean to tell me that your moral will be
that this boy’s love could not survive disappointment
that friendship survived partnership survived loyalty survived
but love didn’t
because the boy who is a prisoner to his father’s demand for perfection
couldn’t love that
which refused to be what he wished it would be?
nota bene I belong to the “Adrien’s been in love with Marinette all along and just never realised” club, and YOU KNOW. Have him give up on Ladybug ever returning his feelings, have him pursue Marinette for the same reason he did Kagami - lovely! Carry on, throw a party! But have him fall out of love with Ladybug because she had other friends than him?
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petitprincess1 · 2 years
I appreciate your posts responding to hazbin and helluva antis quite a lot, they were super refreshing to see after I went down the critical rabbit hole! That being said, do you have any words for those who are still on the fence about Vivzie? It always seems like there’s no clear narrative and it’s really difficult to gauge who’s really telling the right story about her. She’s definitely not perfect but it doesn’t seem like she’s the demon people make her out to be.
Honestly, if you're feeling wary about Vivzie, that is perfectly fine. As long as you don't drag her name through the mud, I don't think anyone's gonna care. Like you said, she's not perfect, but she's definitely nowhere as the monsters antis and criticals make her out to be.
A good way to know if people are making shit up is if you just look it up. I almost sucked in like early 2019 because I saw people SAYING she was transphobic, but when I looked it up, I found more people talking than SHOWING. Even the stuff that they show, easily do a reverse image search. Someone was making it seem like Viv tweeted the N-word, but nope. It was just photoshop...because some people have no lives.
Plus, when it comes to the fabricated stuff, you'll notice that they'll be incredibly vague when it comes to certain points. They'll say Vivzie has so many "victims" that she has hurt with her "actions". Or she has left "so many people hurt". They're vague because they know they don't have the evidence. Also, making it vague will cause people to fill in the gaps, causing what was minor or non-existent to be tons worse than what actually happen.
You can also just ask around. My inbox is always open if you need something to be explained or debunked or whatever. I am more than happy to clear up confusion ^^
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ourtubahero-blog · 8 months
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The perfect Photoshop doesn’t exis….
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sagarcloud · 5 months
The Best Shadow Creation Service
 Get the best photoshop shadow creation services like drop shadow, natural shadow, existing shadow, and floating shadow from Cloud Retouch. Professional Photoshop Shadow Creation Service from us will make your images look professional as our expert team adds the shadows to your image as per your requirement.
We are a one-stop solution to all your Photoshop editing needs, be it basic or advanced level editing. We excel in providing Photoshop shadow creation services with great accuracy and unmatched quality, which always brings out the best of your images. Our skilled experts use the latest Adobe Photoshop software to enhance the look of any photo according to the client’s requirements. With years of experience behind us, we have gained expertise in handling different kinds of images and Photoshop shadow creation is something we do best. 
Cloud Retouch offers professional photoshop shadow creation services like drop shadow, natural shadow, existing shadow, and floating shadow to make your photo look realistic. Our team has exceptional expertise in this field and they will add the shadows to professionally edit your photos in such a way that they will enhance their value rather than go against them.
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Professional Photoshop Shadow Creation Service
Professional shadows can make your product look realistic. We provide your high quality shadow creation services also we provide all kinds of clipping, multi-clipping, and background replacement using highly trained and skilled professionals. Multiple clipping paths allow to you perfectly remove image backgrounds and allow you to customize colors and designs.
Cloud retouch provide all kinds of clipping, multi-clipping, and background replacement using highly trained and skilled professionals. Multiple clipping paths allow to you perfectly remove image backgrounds and allow you to customize colors and designs. We provide all kinds of clipping, multi-clipping, and background replacement using highly trained and skilled professionals. Multiple clipping paths allow to you perfectly remove image backgrounds.
Benefits of Shadow Creating Service
The benefits of a shadow-creating service range from a cut in the budget to an enormous decrease in the time it takes to render a photo. When you choose to hire a professional shadow-creating service, the process will be much faster and will give you the results that you’re looking for in a fraction of the time it would take otherwise. In addition, if there’s something wrong with your images, such as if your drop shadow is not rendered correctly or does not fit into your photo seamlessly without any gaps or overlaps, then it can be fixed through this service.
Because this type of service offers high-quality work at a low cost, anyone who uses this service is getting more value for their money than they would have received by doing it on their own. This means that photos created using our shadow creation services are going to look professional and amazing because we use industry-leading equipment and top-of-the-line software that only a professional shadow-creating service would be able to offer.
Cloud Retouch is a company that offers a full range of post-production services, including shadow creation services. It doesn’t matter if you’re reprinting old photos or creating new ones from scratch; we can make sure that your images look absolutely perfect and give them the professional touch they deserve. Through our experience with this service.
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jcmarchi · 5 months
TriCaster Mini Go is Simplest Setup with Professional Features for Liv - Videoguys
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/tricaster-mini-go-is-simplest-setup-with-professional-features-for-liv-videoguys/
TriCaster Mini Go is Simplest Setup with Professional Features for Liv - Videoguys
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The easiest way to start your TriCaster journey; the TriCaster Mini Go offers creators anywhere the simplest setup yet with a wealth of professional level video production features.
TriCaster Mini Go TriCaster Mini Go doesn’t pull any creative punches, despite its size, it comes with the powerful Live Link feature as standard. Live Link allows users to render web pages directly into TriCaster and pull any web page elements into a production without the need for a 3rd party application. From graphics or images on a web page to videos from your organization’s internal training platforms – Live Link offers the ultimate in production agility and freedom. $4,995.00
Simple TriCaster Mini Go is the most affordable TriCaster ever. Not only this, but by offering USB and NDI connectivity, creators can use existing devices like mics and cameras and low-cost apps to be able to bring sources into the TriCaster. Mini Go is quick and easy to set up and can be easily taken wherever your stories take you. 
Skillful TriCaster Mini Go is just as perfect for a gamer who is thinking about streaming for the first time as it is for a small business wanting to produce their first live event – with supplemental audio, HTML Graphics capabilities and the ability to import photoshop files and use them, Mini Go can help create the most professional of productions without the price tag. 
Scalable Built with NDI at its core, the Mini Go is an easy to use, yet scalable solution that can be simplified or expanded, as necessary – even just by using Viz Connect Solo Converter. Once part of the Vizrt ecosystem of products, users can take advantage of the many ways to scale-up their productions to suit any need
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All The Connectivity You Need The TriCaster Mini Go offers all the connectivity you need in one desktop box including 4 external sources with 2 x 2.5 Ghz network connections and 11 USB connections with a mix of USB 3.2, 2.0, and type C supporting resolutions up to 1080p/60
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         Live Link for TriCaster® Live Link allows users to render web pages directly into the TriCaster and pull any web page elements into a production without the need for a 3rd party application. From graphics or images on a web page to videos from your organization’s internal training platforms – Live Link offers the ultimate in production agility and freedom. Available now on all current TriCasters – ensure you have the very latest update to take advantage of this exciting feature.
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    Simplified IP Connectivity with NDI
Say goodbye to the tangled mess of bulky video cables and take advantage of the plug and play simplicity of NDI® IP video protocol. Connect to a wide variety of NDI®-enabled products, along with the world’s largest ecosystem of third-party IP video products using a single network cable for video, audio, key, control, tally, and in some cases power over Ethernet
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    Social Media Publication
Share real-time updates and on-demand content across your social media accounts, uploading images and video directly to Facebook, Imgur, LinkedIn, Twitter, Vimeo, YouTube and more—complete with comments and hashtags.
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     Multichannel Audio Mixing
Set the tone for your production with comprehensive audio integration, including a software-based audio mixer, support for digital, analog, and USB audio devices, audio over IP networking with NDI®, Dante™, and AES67, professional DSPs, fader control, VU metering, Talk Back communication, and 2 x 2 x 2 stereo audio with two audio mixes.* *Dante™ and AES67 require compatible virtual sound card licenses (sold separately)
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    Real-Time Monitoring and Multiviewers
See everything happening during your production with fully adjustable single-screen or multi-screen monitoring. With three customizable multiviewers, configurable windows and workspace layouts, operator confidence monitors, visual indicators, scopes, and more, you can easily personalize the environment to your preference.
       TriCaster® Mini X gives producers at any level the freedom to create and share video wherever and whenever they want using anything from a smartphone to a 4K camera – truly demonstrating the power of software defined visual storytelling.And yes, the cameras support NDI® 5 natively.
Take it anywhere, it’s small and light weight. Plug-n-Play NDI, no external networks. Just add your NDI device and its live! Stream to all your favorite social channels with the push of a button. Ensure your content is available & accessible with one of the most complete video production systems.
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empressofthesunwriter · 11 months
Friendly Faces Everywhere
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Codename Dovahkiin Part 2
Now that the Stick of Truth RPG is over it's time for N.K. to face the normal everyday life of South Park.
She should have known nothing in South Park is ever normal!
Day to day the craziness of this supposed quiet little mountain town she has to combat now.
Thank god, she has Tammy, Wendy, her boys, and her Social Media/Magical Girl Powers on her side.
This gonna be a wild ride!
Main Pairing: New Kid/Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
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Chapter 1: Photoshops sucks!
I hated the episode in Canon so much, maybe that’s why I couldn’t write more than what you will read now.
I just wanted to have it done in give it the conclusion it should have gotten.
You will see what I mean.
Hopefully, the next chapter will be better.
Happy reading, my loves.
Since I began school in South Park all had been calm and, dare I say it normal.
After what I experienced last week with the whole Stick of Truth RPG I’m really…surprised.
Don’t get me wrong.
I lived through some traumatic shit, but it’s fascinating how all in South Park just got over that Nazi Zombie nearly eat them and a secret government organization wanted to blow us all up.
As Tammy said, they are used to it.
Will I one day be used to it too so that it doesn’t matter to me anymore? I would like to live this day.
My therapy bill is already high enough.
No more traumas, please.
Or at least make me indifferent to them.
“What do you think, you got on our math test?”, ask me, Tammy.
She is standing with me by my locker, as I get the Math book, we need for our next lesson.
Sadly our lockers are not even close to each other. Would be too convenient if we were also locker neighbors.
Deadpanning I put the Math book in my pink backpack.
“A great disappointment. Math is so stupid. Like we will need this shit in real life. For what purpose do calculators exist?”
“You say it sis.”
“Big sis!”, cries the familiar voice of Leo.
I turn in time and catch the crying boy.
“Leo?”, I rub his back soothing. “Are you hurt? Do I need to kick someone in the balls?”
“What’s wrong, Butters?”, ask him Tammy also worried.
Leo sniffles, holding into me like I’m his only anchor in the world.
Who fucked up my baby bro so bad?!
They will pay!
“What’s with Wendy?”
“S-She s-said m-my g-g-girlfriend is a-a-a h-h-hobbit!”, he lets out a loud wail.
I shush him softly, while Tammy and I look confused at each other. None of us even know that Leo has a girlfriend.
“Now, now Leo. You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend, was she with you when Wendy said that?”
Leo gulps and dries with one hand his tears.
“W-Well she said it to a picture of her. It’s Kim Kardashian.”
I let go of Leo.
“Little Bro explain please from the beginning.”
And he does.
Apparently, Lisa Burger, a little chubby girl, asked him out on a date and he said no. This is his right if he doesn’t want to date her, but he said to the poor girl’s face he doesn’t want to because she is fat. Wendy heard about that and confronted him. So Leo told her he likes women like Kim Kardashian and Wendy explained to him that people like Kim Kardashian photoshop their photos and she actually looks like a hobbit in real life.
He came then running to me because I promised him I would help him against bullies and Wendy has been a big ol’ meanie to Kim Kardashian.
Speechless Tammy and I stare at him.
Is he actually serious?
“W-Will you talk to Wendy, big sis? She was so mean!”
He is!
So I do what I never thought I would need to do with Leo.
I flick his forehead.
The younger boy whines confused, rubbing his hurting spot.
“Leopold Stotch, I’m very disappointed in you!”, I begin my lecture. “Not only did you say to a poor girl in her face she is fat, you also rather take a fantasy than someone real. Wendy is right! Kim Kardashian uses Photoshop, she doesn’t look like this perfect in real life. Also, she had a bunch of plastic surgery! There is nothing natural anymore about that woman. How can you be so vain? Would you like it if some girl you like told you she doesn’t want to date you because you have this huge and ugly scar on your left eye and she rather wants Zac Efron?!”
Tammy nods in agreement and Leo looks at me like I destroyed his world.
Good, he needs a wake-up call.
Better from me than from someone else.
The school bell sounds, meaning it’s time for our next lesson.
“I want you to think long and hard about all this and that you say sorry to Lisa Berger. Do I make myself clear?”
I don’t wait for an answer, since our Math teacher is a huge dick if we are not punctually at his lesson, take Tammy’s hand and go to our classroom.
At least Tammy and I sit beside each so we can whisper, while we should solve Math problems.
Math can suck my dick.
“Can you actually believe, Leo?! I thought he was better than that.”, I whisper to Tammy.
“All straight men are the same.”, she signs. “They want this perfect body, but we should lower our standers.”
“Sis, did I tell you I’m so proud of you? You are becoming a real feminist.”
“Thanks to your lessons.”
There is a knock on our door and Mr. Taylor calls for the person to come in.
It’s Mr. Mackey.
Wonder what he wants.
“Hello, Patrick, mkay. Can Novella-Karin come with me for a sec? Mkay.”
“Campo, you heard Mr. Mackey, go with him.”
Surprised I follow Mr. Mackey to the school counselor’s room. Ah yes, I remember it. Here was the gold key to the Cafeteria.
My surprise gets bigger as I see Leo already in the room, still crying.
…Why do I get this bad feeling in my stomach.
“Mr. Mackey, what’s wrong?”, I ask him.
“-N.K. is totally okay Mr. Mackey-“
“N.K., mkay. Please sit down. We will talk when the other person joins us. mkay.”
I do as I’m told and mouth to Leo what is going on, yet he refuses even to look at me.
Yeah, the bad feeling gets worse.
I hear how the door opens.
“Uh, take a seat, Wendy. I guess some mean things were said and I need to get to the bottom of it.”
Wendy and I stare at each other.
Since the Battle of the Dark Fortress of Clyde, we haven’t seen or talked with each other.
“What is she doing here?”, we both ask at the same time.
“Girls, please. I will explain, mkay.”
Confused Wendy takes a sit too and notices Leo.
“Oh, good. Lisa Berger told on you? Good!”
“Uh no, Wendy.”, corrects Mr. Mackey. “Apparently, you called Butters' girlfriend a hobbit. Then when he went to you N.K. to be consoled, you agreed with Wendy and even said that she had plastic surgery.”
My chin meets the floor.
Leo fucking sold me out to Mackey? For the Kardashian?
I say what, what the fuck?!
“Are you serious?”, says Wendy in the same disbelieve I am feeling.
“You did! You said Kim was short, fat, and hairy with big feet and she's a hobbit!”, yells Leo. “And my own big sister agrees with you and said she even had plastic surgery!”
“Because it’s true?!”, I shout throwing my hands in the air. “I can’t even believe that we have this conversation right now!”
“Also that's not his girlfriend! It's Kim Kardashian!”, adds Wendy.
“Uh, but, but, Wendy, N.K. Kim Kardashian is considered to be extremely beautiful, mkay?”
“Right, but she's not in real life. She's a hobbit.”, argues Wendy.
I can’t help but snort.
“Hah! I know like 100 people in real life who are way hotter than Miss Fake-Tits. I like natural tits on my woman more than these fake hard ballons.”
“Oh, Wendy said it again! And N.K. is calling her fake again!”
“Leo, I will flick your forehead harder, next time, maybe then your synapses will actually work probably and you don’t pull and think shit like this!”
“Now, now N.K. I won’t tolerate any threat of physical harm, mkay?”
“It’s just a flick. Any other boy would taste my fists.”
“Can’t you just hit him? Maybe it will do him good.”
“Enough, girls!”
Mr. Mackey hits them with a fist on the table.
I can see how Wendy frowns like me.
“Now, Wendy and N.K. Kim might be, uh, full-figured, and had some operations but a woman's outward appearance isn't all that matters, mkay?! Have you stopped to consider that maybe, just maybe, you're jel?”
Okay, I can’t help it I laugh so hard and loud that I nearly fall from my chair.
“Me? Jealouys? Hahahahahah! That’s the best joke over! I know I’m a hot piece of ass in my age group and I fucking love the way I look. Hahahahaha! Me jealous of someone so fake like Kim Kardashian? Oh my god, I can’t! Hahahahahahaha!”
I wipe away my laughing tears, while all stare at me.
“What?”, I wonder. “Never meet a pre-teen with sane self-love? Oh sorry right of course not because the damn patriarchy wants us to be insecure about anything so we don’t rise up against it as we should be.”
“Big sis…”
“I’m with N.K. I'm not "jel", and I happen to be the biggest feminist at this school! Or the second one as it seems. You are like a real-life Amazone.”, compliments me, Wendy.
I side-eye her.
“You could learn some more things about Feminism, young Padawan. The girl I met last week, hunted down, as you said, a two-faced manipulative bitch and didn’t want to be labeled as slut if she was seen at Unplanned Parenthood.”
At least she blushes in shame, playing with her fingers.
Mr. Mackey is back on track after my declaration made him probably regret having me here: “Uh that may be true, but there is a very fine line, Wendy, between being a feminist and being a hater, mkay? And you're gonna have to find that line because nobody likes a girl who's jelly!”
“Why aren’t you saying this to N.K. too?”
“Believe me Wendy someone who laughs like that and says what she said so death seriously, isn’t jelly. That’s the epitome of self-confidence.”
“Wasn’t always this way.”, I need to tell Wendy this. Hey, if I can turn another girl into a real Feminist then we can overthrow the patriarchy. “I worked years on it and did some stupid shit too. But since I’m Bi I found a lot of amazing friends in the LGBTQ+ community who helped find me and love me for who I am.”
Wendy nods slowly, but in aww.
“Are we done here, Mr. Mackey? I need to return to Math class, we are getting back our test soon.”
“…. All right, go along kids, but think about my words, mkay.”
Yeah, like I will actually do this.
The school day is finally over and Tammy and I make our way home.
I have my Math test in my hand, glaring at it.
“If you keep staring, you might set it on fire.”, sasses Tammy.
“That stupid D needs to burn like the Dick it is!”, I counter.
“N.K., Tammy, wait!”, calls for us Wendy.
Surprised we stop and wait that the younger girl reaches us.
“Hello Wendy, what’s up?”, greets Tammy.
“I just want to say…N.K. you were really cool earlier at Mackey office. You have so much self-confidence it’s admiring.”
“Like I said worked hard on it.”, I repeat.
She nods, seeming a bit nervous.
Mmh, I think I know what she wants.
I give Tammy a look and she nods. She understood too.
“Wanna hang out with us Wendy?”, I ask her. “We can do homework together and after that watch a movie.”
The black-haired girl smiles brightly like the sun.
“Oh, that would be wonderful.”
So we three make our way to my home.
“…And that’s why Boruto sucks ass and anyone who says otherwise can suck my dick!”, I end my rant.
I’m sitting with Tammy and Wendy in my room. We had a really fun afternoon.
Together we helped each other with homework and then we just started talking.
Since I have so much anime merchandise in my room Wendy got curious. I explained what anime they were, what the story is, and all that.
Somehow we ended up talking about Boruto, this underserving sequel to the masterpiece of Naruto.
“Sis, but Himawari is queen.”, reminds Tammy.
“Himawari is the only light in whatever Boruto is.”, I agree.
Wendy is holding the only copy of Boruto I have in her hands, looking trough it.
“From what you told me about Naruto it didn’t handle a lot of things god either, but a 13-year-old girl dressed like this…what’s her name again?”
“Sarada, right. Is really not okay. They turn a child into a sex fantasy.”
“Reminds me when this whole Stupid Spoiled Whore bullshit that Paris Hilton had started.”, I tell them. “God! I hated it so much. I’m all for women can wear what they want, but little girls should be little girls and not sex symbols. Also, men should be banned forever from designing woman character and their clothes because they will ALWAYS sex it up somehow.”
“And if the Bi girl who read Yuri says this, then it’s legit.”, can’t Tammy help herself.
“Hey! That’s my internal battle the feminist and the thirsty hoe inside me!”
“Is it really so hard?”, wonders Wendy.
I nod.
“Well yeah, one part of me is always like damn, naked woman or sexy skinny clothes me like, but the other screams in outrage.”
We discuss this hours later, till it’s time that Wendy and Tammy to go home.
It’s nice that Wendy has become our friend. I have a feeling with the right example she will be an awesome feminist and don’t fall into the patriarchy mindset she had going on during the Stick of Truth.
I go to bed with a satisfied smile.
My school day was going pretty boring till Wendy catches me at lunchtime.
“Hold on a minute. You are saying you wanted to show Leo how Photoshop works on the girl he didn’t want, that backfired so hard, that he send her Photoshop photo to everyone in school, and wanted to date her, but Clyde is going out now with her. Then you get sent again to Mackey office because you tried to explain to Stan and Jimmy that the photo is just a fake and the real deal doesn’t look like this.”, I repeat what she told me.
Tammy can just roll her eyes.
“That’s South Park for you sis, it always goes a fucked up way.”
“N.K., what should I do? I mean, can we do something about this? This can’t escalate.”, declares Wendy.
I rub my head, thinking.
“For now you have your cheer performance I will think of something.”
The cheer performance of the fourth graders is an eye-opener. I just sit there with Tammy not believing what I see. This Lisa Berger or more her Fake-Photo is the newest hot shit that she even gives out autographs.
But it gets better as Wendy tells me later that her friends wanted her to Photoshop their photos too. Of course, she didn’t do it!
Didn’t stop that next day at school it’s swarmed with photoshopped pictures of nearly all girls.
And all the boys, even my two crushes, act like the horny horndogs they are.
Tammy holds me back before I started swinging. She said that wouldn’t help our situation and we better talk with Wendy.
Well, we found her with Stan, yelling at him for his imperfection and then randomly pointing them out on other people.
No surprise she got sent to Mr. Mackey again.
We catch her after school.
She looks ready to go to war.
I ask her what she is planning. Wendy wants to go to the news and try to get Photoshop photos to be marked as what they are fake.
I have a bad feeling about that.
So I tell her to wait till I come up with a plan, but Wendy isn’t ready to stop.
Tammy and I can only watch how in the Morning News Wendy gets labeled as a hater and not taken seriously.
Okay, this has to end now!
I never thought I would use my powers for this…but what use have them if I don’t use them for the good?
Tammy and I catch Wendy the next day in the computer lab, ready to edit her photo.
“Wendy, don’t do it!”, I shout. “Stop!”
“Why? Why should I stop?”, she cries. “I thought you would help me, but I fought all alone and now I can’t anymore.”
“That’s not true Wendy. Me and N.K. worked on something.”, disagrees Tammy.
Wendy wipes away a tear.
“Oh really on what?”
“Didn’t you check Twitter, do it now.”
Confused she does as I say. Her chin meets the floor as she sees it.
“W-What is this?!”
“This is #NaturelBeauty and #DownWithPhotoshop.”, I explain. “I made beside my Facebook profile, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Tumblr, and TikTok accounts just to spread this message. I’m totally using my powers for this, but it’s for a good cause.”
In disbelief, Wendy sees the growing number of retweets.
“Over 3 billion retweets already and all countries in the world want to actually make a law that will label Photoshops photos as what they are? Fake?”
Slowly she turns around and looks at me with wide eyes.
“What kind of power do you possess N.K.? This…this is unbelievable! You changed the mind of people with two hashtags.”
I can’t help but flex a little. I put on some cool shades, get my phone out and show her how many followers I have on social media.
“It’s a social media power. I make friends and followers faster than anyone else on Earth. So I used it to spread our right agenda.”
“Come and look at this Wendy!”, says Tammy waving her over.
We three step out of the Computer Lab.
All around as kids and teachers talk about my two Hashtags, how woke and progressive they are. That they agree with the message of it.
They celebrate their imperfection.
The Photoshop photos get deleted or ripped apart.
Wendy is now full-on crying.
But these are tears of joy.
She formally jumps into my arms.
“Thank you!”, she cries hard. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
I hug her back and Tammy joins our hug.
I have a feeling this is the start of a fantastic girl trio!
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mi5018-mez · 1 year
Compositing tests with real footage
I decided to do some experiments to see how I could implement some of my existing 3D models into real scenes, so to do this I took some photos of real world places and then went into to photoshop to start adding my 3D models. This is not how I will end up making my final animation but it should help me get a rough idea of what composited footage might look like with some of my ideas. 
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Then I tried added and shadows and changed the colours to make it look like it fits into the environment more. It still doesn’t completely fit into the environment but it it looks more fitting than the first image before.
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This time I used an image plane to help place the 3D object in the right place, I used my rig from last semester so I could introduce a character into my scene. This time I was able to get the object to fit into the right position
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I really like how this one turned out, it’s not perfect but it’s given me a much better understanding of how 3D elements can interact with real world footage. Using the image plane is a great way to make sure that you are able to place the character in the correct place and by attaching an image plane to a camera view you can understand exactly where to place your objects.
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aastscpot · 2 years
Cheap Web Design - Affordable Ways of Marketing
It's no secret that the internet is a powerful marketing tool. It's also no secret that web design can be expensive. In this article, we'll show you some affordable ways of marketing your business online.
What is Cheap Web Design?
Cheap web design is a term used to describe a type of web design that is typically less expensive than more traditional designs. This can include using free or low-cost tools and services, as well as working with cheaper or smaller designers.
There are many reasons why Jaipur Web Design can be a good option for businesses. For one, it can be a cost-effective way to create a new website or update an existing one. It also can help businesses reach a wider audience by making their website more accessible and user-friendly.
While there are many affordable options for web design, not all of them are created equal. To find the best option for your business, consider the following factors:
1) Budget: The first thing you need to consider is your budget. How much money are you willing to spend on Web development? What services do you want to use? Are any of the services free? Do you have any restrictions on what services you can use?
2) Design Standards: Once you have your budget figured out, you need to decide what design standards you're comfortable with. Do you want a custom designed website or will some low-cost template work fine? 3) Design Services: Next, determine
Types of Cheap Web Design
When you are looking for a way to save money on your web design, you have a few options. You can find cheaper services or use cheaper tools. Or you can try some of the following tips to get cheap web design:
1. Use Free Websites
Many websites offer free content, including blogs and eBooks. Search for websites that are relevant to your business and see if they offer free content. This way, you don't have to pay for web design services or tools, but you still get the benefits of quality content and a professional appearance.
2. Use Free Social Networks
Many social networks offer free accounts, which give you access to limited features. You can create a website using these free platforms and then use social media to promote it. For example, Facebook has an easy website builder that you can use to create a website quickly and easily.
3. Use Free Apps and Tools
There are many free tools available that can help with web design tasks. For example, Adobe Photoshop Elements is available for free on many platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. This software is perfect for creating simple websites without needing any additional software.
4. Use Free Templates
Many web
How to Find Affordable Web Design?
There are a number of ways to find affordable web design. One way is to look for freelancers who can provide you with a design at a fraction of the cost of hiring a full-time designer. Another option is to use free or paid online tools that allow you to create your own website. And finally, you can look for web design agencies that offer affordable rates and services.
Web design can be expensive, but that doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune on your website's visuals and functionality. There are plenty of affordable ways to market your business online without sacrificing quality, and in this article, we've outlined 10 of them. Whether you're looking for an easy way to create a basic website design company or want to go all out with some stunning features, these tips will help you get the most out of your web presence. So what are you waiting for? Start shopping around today and see how much money you can save!
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polhph · 2 years
Easycanvas drawpile
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(It's waiting forĪ message in the new format that will not arrive.) The client will just sit there until the connection times out. If you try to connect to a 1.0 server with the 2.0 client, When you connect to a server, that means you're running version 1.0.6 and the Will continue to accept announcements from the old version.Ĭompatibility notice: If you get an error saying "this is not a drawpile server" Privately runġ.x servers will of course continue to function, and the public listing server The public server will be switched over to version 2.0 later today. Require installation, so that it can be used in parallel with the new version.
For this reason, versionġ.0.6 is still available on the download page as a ZIP package (Windows) that does not Version 2.0 is unfortunately incompatible with 1.x versions. Level of quality where I feel it is ready to replace version 1.0.6 as the official Very light weight and a good blender, but largely superseded by clip studio unless you require something that light weightĪn infant of a really good brush sim, it runs better then painter, but at the same time has issues you wouldn't think it would have that painter largely unfucked a few versions ago.The 2.0.0 stable release is finally here! Version 2.0 has finally reached the I had one where I couldn't put paint down, and when I tried to screen record it, because that lowers my desktops frame rate, the issue went away. Good if it works for you but jesus does it have bugs that show up and disappear at random. Whenever I feel down or art blocked i'd doodle on ms paint, I've drawn whole pieces on it even, best ever.
Pros: opensource, pen sensitivity and pressure are perfect, very comparable with photoshop in performance but with more artist friendly interface, better for working on more complicated pieces, animation.Ĭons: user interface can be not very user friendly but you'll get used to it quickly, can be buggy since it's the second heaviest software in this review. Krita was trash but it's got so much better recently >krita ( a few months, my current software ) Pros: free, very light-weight, works with most styles, gets the job doneĬons: no animation, drawings always end up looking cheap so it's better suited for simple pieces.
Pros: top tier pen sensitivity, brush customization is a breeze ,very sophisticated photo editing features, animation, custom working spaces.Ĭons: expensive, heavy, not designed with artists in mind so you'll be paying for and using a program that has many features you'll never use unless you're a photographer on the side.įirealpaca and medibang are one and the same one is lightmode and the other is darkmode with one exception, firealpaca has onion skin option for animation. Pros: inexpensive and easy to get pirated, lightweight, user friendly interface, you can still use if even as a mouse user, if you're an anime artist, this was made with anime style art in mind, anything else can work but not ideal.Ĭons: no darkmode, no animation, a lot of the tools in most modern softwares are missing, brushes are too soft and doesn't really work if you're trying to draw anything that's not super blended anime boobs and thighs it's not the program for you. I'll rate softwares i've worked with for at least a month, I'll state the amount of time I've used them for in brackets. I’ve been considering switching to CSP though because I wanted to get a Tabmate but they only exist for CSP and there isn’t an analogous device for other programs. I eventually figured it out and I do use Illustrator for some things, but mostly I try to practice my jittery hand control instead of going for a nice clean mechanically sanitized contour. It was a big paradigm shift for me at a very late age to stop thinking of drawings in terms of raster and pixels but as shapes. The only other art program I’ve used has been Illustrator, which is a nice program but I sorta dislike vectors. I’m really not sure what the program offers that other legitimate art programs don’t tho. I’ve come to appreciate the personal touch my shitty jagged lines get from not being perfectly smoothed. I’ve been using it for a decade now and know almost all its functions and even prefer that it doesn’t have line corrections now.
The Mac I use now had the entire Adobe Suite installed and I’m scared knowing one day the computer is gonna break and I’ll have to consider getting the PS subscription thing which I will not do. every computer I’ve owned) has had it already installed. I use PhotoShop but mostly because every computer I’ve bought from friends (I.e.
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justcellphone · 2 years
Topaz mask ai 1.3.9
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#Topaz mask ai 1.3.9 serial key#
#Topaz mask ai 1.3.9 full version#
#Topaz mask ai 1.3.9 license key#
#Topaz mask ai 1.3.9 serial key#
Topaz Mask AI Serial Key uses advanced modules and functional design, with precise masks and less refinement. Users can perform masking tasks on any drawing or photograph. All the user has to do is trace the outline of the drawing, then click on the desired area, then click on the area to cut out, then select the calculation mask to complete.
#Topaz mask ai 1.3.9 full version#
Topaz Mask AI Full Version Crack is a simple solution with professional and advanced masking and selecting environment. Make sure you are using existing software. If you need tools to automatically detect and change the background of your photos. and many studios and artists use this method to create modern images. This technique is widely used in the creation of new images. The software we have developed for you allows you to easily cut or modify the background of your photos. As you know, the only way to edit or remove background images right now is to use tools like Photoshop. It uses advanced artificial intelligence to let you customize your background images. Topaz Mask AI Crackis an innovative new tool with the Kelly series to change the background of images.
#Topaz mask ai 1.3.9 license key#
Supported OS: Windows 10 / Windows8.Topaz Mask AI Crack 3.5.0 With License Key Updated Version 2022.
System Requirements and Technical Details
2-screen or 4- screen viewing for mask accuracy.
Auto-create layer and auto-create mask options.
Ability to save and load tri-map and masks.
Color selection brushes for complex objects such as trees and veils.
Ability to handle certain types of transparent objects.
Refining Toolset for fine-tuning masks and foreground color.
Desaturates the edges of your mask to help with color contamination and bleeding.
This can be an excellent tool for fur, whiskers, or wispy hair.
Revives the color of your foreground in weaker or more transparent areas.
Shifts the mask edge in either direction.
It comes in handy if you want to add more sharpness to a rocky landscape, or perhaps soften the edges for a portrait.
Mask AI incorporates machine learning for a more accurate mask with less refining required!.
Read And Download Book Also Features of Topaz Mask But when nature gives you a less than perfect sky or an undesirable background, Mask AI’s background replacement lets you take back control of your work. You’ve planned and executed with military precision to get the shot. Our neural network has been trained to distinguish harsh edges so that you can get a great mask on the first attempt.īeing a great photographer requires a lot of techniques and tools at your disposal. With Mask AI, you only need to outline your subject in blue roughly, one-click fills what you want to cut, one-click fills what you want to keep, and press “Compute Mask.” It’s that simple. And there’s no need to learn complicated icons and tools. Our neural network has been trained to distinguish harsh edges so that you can get a great mask on the first attempt.Ĭompared to Photoshop, Mask AI doesn’t need tedious brushwork to get a high-quality mask. Topaz Mask AI Full Crack Compared to Photoshop, Mask AI doesn’t need tedious brushwork to get a high-quality mask. Download Setup & Crack Topaz Mask AI 3.5.0 Crack Full Free Overview
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