#the picture was taken by atsushi's mom
originalaccountname · 5 months
Remember when I made a bunch of bsd characters into Tomodachi Life miis?
Well one month later they've been doing a lot of things: finding best friends, trying to set each other up on dates, getting into fights, asking each other out... and even getting married!
I try to meddle the least amount possible in their social lives, only answering yes or no when they ask for my blessing in asking someone out or trying to set their friends up. I mostly say yes, with very few exceptions. Note that I am only sharing the funniest events.
That being said, here are some highlights of the dumb things they've been doing, featuring some of your favourite guys:
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since this game is hetero relationships only, I purposefully made Dazai into a girl so he would have most of the men roster to choose from (something something Dazai's collection of boyfriends). Well, he lost no time setting his sights on his neighbour Kunikida (everyone's laid out by organization affiliation). Kunikida accepted.
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Ango had a hard time maintaining friendships at first, getting into fights with them a few days, if not literal hours, after befriending them, and the fight failing to be resolved. One time, after a failed apology, I tried to cheer him up with a mobile, and the game randomly selected these miis to put in the mobile:
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Atsushi befriended Akutagawa, and a few days later, decided to confess his feeling to him. Akutagawa said yes.
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While at the café with some of his friends, Chuuya confessed to some concerns:
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At the hilarious timing of right after chapter 113, with the infamous ADA-ensemble-but-missing-Dazai panel, Dazai and Fukuzawa had a fight, and Fukuzawa did not accept Dazai's apology. This seemed to be the end of their friendship, but Fukuzawa decided he wanted to save their relationship, and went to apologize too:
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Then, Dazai and Kunikida had a fight. They managed to make up and keep their relationship going. I didn't take screenshots, but Chuuya mentionned it during Fitzgerald's pity party:
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Flash round! Many characters tried to set their friends up on a date, or to confess their feelings, but ended up in failure. Ranpo tried to set up Higuchi and Tsujimura. Ango tried to ask Oda out, but Oda didn't even show up. Gin went for Kunikida even if he was already taken. Tachihara tried to set up Fukuzawa and Hirotsu. Mori tried to set up his two mafia spies. And...
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I was peer-pressured (❤) into letting Fukuzawa confess "because Dazai could make 'your mom' jokes to Ranpo then". Mid-confession, someone yells "Not so fast!" from out of frame. The camera turns, and reveal... Ranpo, who also has feelings for Dazai! Who is still, may I remind you, in a relationship with Kunikida!
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Love was in the air after that, and Atsushi decided he was ready to ask Akutagawa the big question! He asked him during fireworks.
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They had a wonderful wedding with their friends (the game picks their guests based on friendship levels with the bride and groom)
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And here they are now, the first married couple of the island!
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There's still a bit more that has been going on, but I hit the picture limit and this is already long enough! I also have a bunch of silly isolated events where a mii did or said something funny.
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12 + 13 for the fanchildren ask, hehe 🤍🥰
Ah @nameless-shrimp 🥺🤍 thank you for sending the ask! I truly appreciate it! 🥺🤍 the way I gasped when I saw this. I’ll go ahead and talk about both AtsuDany and DanyJay kids as per current ref. Of your recent ask 🥰
Hope you enjoy some cubs and pups! 🥺🤍
12. Tell us a cute and/or embarrassing story about your kid(s)!
For AtsuDany: Ah there is so many cute and silly moments with just Haruko alone, they are a frantic and excited little cub full of energy and no where to release it much ;;;w;;; they showed a lot of their tiger ability pretty early on much like Dany had so it made them more of a handful by the time they were like 2. They are also very clumsy, one time Haru wanted Atsushi to go with them to run around in their abilities and to show him how much they have improved! Though was a bit too excited and may have slipped and tumble rolled down a bumpy hill.
Of course, AtsuDany was ✨frantic protective parents ✨ to catch them but arrived to them laughing and giggling like “Am okay! 😃🐯 that was fun! Can I do it again?” Bless them but like no you stressed mom and dad ;;;;0;;;; Haru does kind of get away with their clumsy nature as their healing gets better, so not much scars or bruises. Doesn’t mean Dany and Atsu don’t fret over them.
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Also like cute little tale of Haru and Yuki bonding over when their sister, Ezra, arrives and excitedly talking to her when Dany was expecting her. Haru mostly babbling random things, while Yuki was listening to her and mumbling things every so often. Needless to say the two only did the same thing when she was born. A cute little bundle of AtsuDany kids together brought us to tears 🥺🤍 like ah —
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For DanyJay: Honestly, Isabelle is always getting herself into some sort of trouble, she finds a way to spring herself up from messy situations and make a laugh at the end of it. Despite the youngest with Kayla (Lidia/Tom Pup) and Alik (Sora/Yama pup), she is the little leader of the small pack and is the one to convince them to follow her and explore~ of course neither of the other two reject the idea, maybe Alik is a bit 🤔 “Idk” but follows behind them anyway. I feel like when Lucy is in the picture, he doesn’t follow as much lol.
Despite the trouble of wondering off, Dany and the others find them napping away and cuddled up in a small patch of bushes. Snoozing away from an adventure, Isabelle does get some scolding for it but honestly it’s not the first or last that it happens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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13. How does the family celebrate the kid(s)’s birthday(s)? 
Omg birthdays UwU well it’s always a sweet and nice time! Atsushi and Dany try to keep their birthdays relatively consistent so neither of them have a better birthday than the other. It always starts with a loving awakening by them and the other siblings before making them their favorite breakfast!
If it falls on a week day they try to arrange a small party with the Agency after schooling! Nice festivities all around especially on the roof, much like the ending of Wan! If it’s during the weekend, they try to treat them with a small family outing and visit to their favorite place for a treat with a surprise party with the Agency again UwU. At the end of it all, all of them are tired out and don’t make it to midnight 🥺🤍 but they got to feast on their favorite sweet and make their wish is what counts! Needless to say, Atsushi and Dany do cry a bit to themselves that their kids are getting a year older 😭 especially Atsushi with Ezra 🥺
As for DanyJay ✨ honestly party’s at the Forest of Dreams are always grand, magnificent even. Has Isabelle thoroughly enjoyed being cheered by the masses? Yes. But it definitely wears down after the years, so ~ and Lucy never found them enlightening and too overwhelming~ Isabelle and Lucy have definitely asked for smaller celebrations together with their parents and the close-nitness of the other warriors/family unit. Often times being taken to places in the human world they haven’t been too before. Exploring and eating new food never tried before!
So in a sense, Isabelle and Lucy have fairly grand birthdays since they technically are exploring somewhere different that isn’t the Forest of Dreams. It’s the simple moments that also matter to them, having a chance to just be together with their parents really and maybe having a chance to explore more of their powers with them such as flying and such. Every so often a nice party is thrown for them, but they enjoy just having a chance to just be with Dany and Jay more than anything. Both of them always proud of their girls being humble about it, especially Isabelle lol.
Ah! Thank you so much again for the ask dear Shrimp! I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more of my babies 🤍🥺 Atsushi and Jason love our kids very much UwU 🤍✨They all would love you and Dazai lol (Ezra is a bit iffy on the hyper bandage man tho lol, may have cried too much when he held her the first time 🥺)
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drangues · 4 years
I’m right though!!! The man looks like he can temporarily cure depression if you just kinda. Squish him a bit. And I’m glad you think Dazai liking photography is a nice idea!!! It feels like a nice way to give him something that incorporates his observational tendencies, his patience, and an appreciation of life, and even if having so many pictures of him being taken made him flustered, I think Atsushi would be really happy that Dazai found another hobby! (Nyanon, 1/7)
He’d be like a proud mom or something and hang all of the pictures Dazai gets him everywhere and Dazai teases him about Low Standards but he can’t stop smiling and aaahhh I’m sorry I’m very soft for themmm (Also I wanna see the scrapbook). And! I find true crime super interesting as well! Atsushi being his first victim, and it being a crime of passion, makes sense to me- Obviously he’d have already been abusing Atsushi, but he takes it Too Far and suddenly has a body on his hands... (Nyanon, 2/7
Oh, maybe that’s kinda how Fukuzawa gets involved? Like, he manages to get custody of Atsushi somehow when he’s like, seventeen or eighteen, and the Headmaster is a possessive, abusive bastard when it comes to him, so he tortures him to death in a fit of “if I can’t have you, no one can” kinda rage? And obviously Fukuzawa isn’t gonna let that stand, and he recruits some help (Oda and Ranpo, maybe?) in tracking his son down, only for one of them (Oda) to go missing as well? (Nyanon, 3/7)
And then it just spirals... Am I rambling or making sense here??? But anyways, listen, if it was “just” a wine shop Dazai would pitch a fit purely to piss off Chuuya, and if it was “just” a beer or liquor shop, Chuuya would pitch a fit because wine is, according to him, the superior drink. Hilariously, their arguments over it are half of the appeal to their customers- They get a drink and a show. As for Fukuzawa, the resident bakery dad. (Nyanon, 4/7)
Look, he wouldn’t have such a big issue with it if Dazai would have some damn shame and also the sense to just talk to Atsushi, as opposed to ordering what must be the cakes that he probably doesn’t even eat a week so that he can moon at him. Doesn’t he realize that so many custom orders gives his son anxiety??? And don’t worry, big brother Odasaku is on the case to embarrass Dazai in front of his crush at any possible moment. (Nyanon, 5/7)
Look, he just wants his best friend to ask the guy out already, okay? Also they have really good pastries and he wants an excuse to take some treats home to his kids, and teasing is the best of excuses. But, I’ll stop chattering and move on to another AU Concept: Have you heard of the game Raft? Because I’d imagine this is kinda like that, but with Atsushi, Dazai, Kunikida, and Kyouka as the “main characters,” so to speak, and they don’t start off on a tiny four-by-four. (Nyanon, 6/7)
They get stranded in a world covered by water and debris somehow- Possibly via ability- And now they have to survive with only a giant, abandoned cruise liner they have no control over and the food and supplies they can scavenge from the world. This is more of a “imagine the chaos of all four of the, trying to tough it out together” AU than a super serious one, though I suppose it could go either way? (Nyanon, 7/7)
OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHITTTTTTTT FUKUZAWA BEING INVOLVED IN THE INVESTIGATION FUCK Y E A AA  DADZAWA IN THE HOUSE and yes youre making sense!! either way the others would definitely find hints and clues that furthers the investigation and somehow alert fukuzawa to go find it himself.
chuuya and dazai’s customer service is them bickering and fighting in front of their customers and them finding it very entertaining their yelp reviews would be like 
“amazing shop with good liquor and amazing customer service- the two owners cuss and yell at each other a lot, i barely know their names and i know the tall one is called suicidal maniac bastard and the short one is called hatrack.” 
“when i tried getting their attention as they were fighting with each other they yelled at me and then realised i was a customer and started bowing and apologising and punching each other. i love it here”
ive never heard of the game raft!! but it sounds like a really interesting au owowowo i can just imagine them having to try out different plants and whatnot to see if theyre edible or not and dazai is the only one with enough balls and lack of life to actually try it
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awkwardbsd · 5 years
Summary of this post: I’m tired and recovering from the surgery. I’m in a really upset and bad mood. I will be trying to get the awkward pics from the new episode sometime soon once I can get myself together. I explained the rest of my thoughts on the episode beneath the cut.
I completed my surgery!
With that being said, I’m in a really rough place right now. The side effects of the anesthetics and surgery are hitting me hard. I wrote a complete summary here.
I got my adenoids taken out. Since I couldn’t eat past midnight the day prior to the surgery, I didn’t eat for around 15.5 hours and didn’t drink around 6-7 hours and was absolutely miserable because of it. I wore hospital clothes and was miserable.
The surgery room was blasting “Teenage Dream” by Katy Perry which is strange considering my surgeon was a 60-something-year-old Indian man. Before going, I was injected with an IV, then during the surgery, I was put to sleep using some other injected stuff and a mask. It was fun. I fell asleep so fast.
I woke up and said, “I’m tired, I’m hungry, and I want to watch anime.” Then proceeded to ask a lady to talk quieter, asked for my clothes because the hospital gear was torture, and kept nodding off to sleep. I was wheelchaired out (felt really tired but could walk technically). My mom almost pushed me down the stairs in the fricking wheelchair.
My throat is now very sore, I can’t do anything too physically strenuous because of the risk of bleeding, mucus, I’m really upset because of a multitude of reasons, and that might be affecting some things later on.
I watched the new episode!
As I said, I’m very drained. I will try to get more awkward pictures later and queue them up, but I ask for patience since I’m really feeling terrible. I can assure you they will come eventually! Just give me some time!
With that being said, I did watch the new episode, and it’s my favourite one of the season! I’M GOING TO REWATCH IT FOR DAYS. I LOVED THIS EPISODE SO MUCH. I can go on for days, but as I get into more spoiler territory, I will put it under the cut!
Seriously, I loved it. I really fricking loved it. Kyouka and Lucy are both my favs. I liked seeing all these scenes animated even though they kind of put some things aside to save time. There were so many awkward faces, the humour was still there, and yet it was so emotional and angsty, and I loved it so much!!! 
Kyouka’s backstory was heartwrenching, and the reveal of Kouyou at the end was so heartwarming, and I was practically crying on the inside. I was so happy. When she said that she spent the money to make Kyouka’s entry gift, I was just filled with joy. I was ecstatic. Despite my really bad rut and low energy, that gave me a minute of happiness. Reading the manga didn’t give the same emotional impact, so seeing it was magical. I did find some moments rushed and some just skimmed, but the voice acting and the presentation (outside of that) made it worth it anyway. Kyouka’s mom saying “I will always be with you” just resonated so much better. 
Lucy’s introduction with Kana Hanazawa’s voice acting was just amazing. The whole thing with them was great. I don’t think anime-exclusive viewers are missing out on too much with this. They did it well enough that you can be satisfied even without the source material (unlike Fifteen for me)
The Atsushi part was so well acted. THANK YOU YUUTO UEMURA!  The message of it that it’s okay to not forgive someone for things they’ve done in the past, with the ending to his life, with him trying to see Atsushi again (with indicated good intentions), Atsushi’s raw and understandable reaction, and with the reassurance of Dazai saying that it’s okay to cry and grieve and not forgive the man who put him through such hardship, my head’s fuzzy (if you can’t tell with this rambling post I made) but it was just so beautifully acted even if it felt a little rushed at times.
Due to bias, I will be going on about Kouyou and Kyouka. I love them too much.
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writingknb · 7 years
Since the requests are open, can I request some gom fluff with their s/o a day before their wedding ? x) If that's okay of course !
 Oh, it’s more than okay! Cause who doesn’t love GOM fluff? 🌸
Thank you for requesting! 💋
“This is so unfair!” she complained, crossing her arms and leaning on her seat as she glared at the chess board in front of her. Akashi moved a piece. 
“Checkpoint.” he smiled, earning a scowl from (Name). 
“Yeah, who wouldn’t expect a victory from you?” she stood up, eyeing the huge living room Akashi has. There was so much space, you could ride a bike around here! The window was huge, too, so it wasn’t too dark. “Come on, let’s do something else!” 
Akashi sighed and walked over to her. “Very well.” for a while, comfortable silence roamed them, until an idea popped in Akashi’s mind. He grinned and walked in front of her, lending out his hand.
“Seriously?” she puffed out her cheeks. “Here?”
Akashi shrugged humbly. “And so? It’s just the two of us.”
Before she even got to protest again, Akashi gently grabbed her hand placing it on his shoulder and intertwining the other with his. 
An irresistible smile crawls it’s way up to her lips. “I wish everyday was like this. I wish I could always be with you, I wish things would always be this comforting.” she said, as they waltzed around the living room. 
“You’ll always be with me.” he reassured, tightening his grip on her hand. “I’ll always love you. I’ll show you everyday how much I do.” 
She smiled. “I can’t believe we’re getting married tomorrow. Being with you was the best 5 years of my life.” 
Akashi stopped so suddenly, she almost tripped on her own foot. Luckily, she maintained her balance and looked up at him. “(Name).. let’s.. stay like this for a while.” he said, locking eyes with hers. 
Their faces were so close to each other, sooner or later, her heart was going to fly out of her chest. His hand made it’s way to caress her cheek, then he inched closer and laid his head on her shoulder. 
“I’m never going to be used to how beautiful you are.” he whispered, his voice low. She blinked a few times, before placing her hand on the back of his head. 
Akashi looked up and pulled her into a kiss. Though surprised, she kissed back with no hesitation. 
“Never leave me.” 
♥︎ KISE:
“Oi, Ryouta, slow down!” she laughed, trying to get her hat from flying away. Kise smiled widely, but didn’t slow down. 
“Hurry up, (Name)cchi! Look, the castle’s so close!” he excitedly pointed at the Kijo castle in front of them. She smiled but pulled him to a halt. 
“Really, we’ve been running for 10 minutes straight. Let me rest.” she breathed out, sitting on a nearby bench under the Sakura blossom path. Kise sat beside her, admiring the place, 
“Neh, Akashicchi was right about Kyoto being so.. gorgeous!” he exclaimed, snapping pictures here and there. Then he cocked an eyebrow at (Name). “But really, it’s nothing compared to you.” 
She laughed, waving her hand. “There you go again with your flirtations.” 
“Are you still tired?” Kise asked, opening his lockscreen just to look at her photo, displayed on his phone. She sighed and stood up, a competitive smirk on her face. She inched away from him. 
“Ryouta, stay there.” she instructed as the blonde stood up from the bench. Then she sprinted off at full speed. “Race you there!” 
Hey, that wasn’t technically cheating, right? If she didn’t get some kind of booster, she’d obviously lost to Kise. She ran as fast as she could to the tower, she was so close, yet so far. 
Then she felt arms wrap around her waist from behind, and she gave in, knowing she had lost. She laughed, trying to get out of his grasp. “It was a race, idiot. Not tag.” 
“Whatever.” Kise said. His face was so close she could feel his breath right up against her ear. He rested his chin on top of her shoulder. “Let’s stay like this for a while.” 
She didn’t complain. There were times wherein Kise was extremely hyper and joked a lot, and there were also times when his voice lowers and suddenly becomes this really honest guy, talking about his feelings and outlooks and all that. 
“Ryouta.. some are staring..” she trailed off, placing her hands on his arms as she eyed the people that glanced at them. They didn’t seem to be too annoyed, though. 
“So what?” he gritted his teeth, twirling her around so she was facing him, and without any warning, pulled her into a kiss. 
Like she had a choice but to kiss him back. And she swore she heard people taking pictures. 
She was aware that they weren’t taking pictures of the attractions, too. 
“Agh, you didn’t even smile here, Shin-chan!” she flashed her fiancé a visible glare as she pulled up the picture printed out of the photobooth. 
“You didn’t have to cling unto me while you were posing.” he defended, earning another look from her. Though she had to admit it was a bit cute, since Midorima was blushing the whole time. She tucked it in her bag and dragged him to the cotton candy stall. 
“Don’t eat too much sweets, or else you’ll get cavities.” he warned as she started nibbling on her cotton candy. She scoffed. 
“Wow, can’t you just let me eat silently?” she joked. “But whatever. Can you actually believe it, though? I wanted to go to the amusement park! And oha asa told you to come with me!” 
“I was more interested on dinner than this, nanodayo.” he said, pushing up his glasses. She groaned, lightly hitting his shoulder. 
“God, you’re so salty. What’s up with you?” yeah, the guy was bitter and all (what’s with all these tastes?), but he wasn’t usually this annoyed. 
Midorima grabbed something from his pocket and pushed it to her chest, looking away and pocketing his hands into his jacket. “Open it. Don’t ask me anything about it once you do.” 
She cocked an eyebrow at his attitude, then followed his orders and opened the velvet box. She smiled widely, looking at that necklace she wanted so bad when they had to buy something else in the mall. 
“You really got this for me? This was so expensive!” she exclaimed. 
He scowled. “I don’t look at prices too much. I have my savings, it wasn’t too expensive in my perspective.”
(Name) smirked. “Wow, Shin-chan, when did you become so rich? Buy me a house!” 
“Shut up, nanodayo.” he growled. “We’ll be living under the same roof tomorrow, I don’t see why you would want another house.” 
“But you’re so distant, it makes me feel like you’re living next door than being in the same house as me!” 
“Stop overreacting.” 
“I’m not!” 
“At least grab ahold of your manners and thank me, nanodayo.” 
“So you’re mad now?” she laughed, obviously having fun on teasing him. She inched closer and raised her heel to peck him on the cheek. “Whatever, thank you.” 
“I want to go to space someday!” their 3 year old daughter smiled widely, raising her arms as if trying to get ahold of the stars. (Name) laughed, placing a hand on top of her daughter’s head. 
“Isn’t that pretty dangerous?” Aomine muttered under his breath as he looked up at the sky, trying to figure out what suddenly made his daughter go crazy interested in them. 
“Don’t corrupt her dreams at such a young age, Daiki.” (Name) chastised, earning a groan from the male. “I’ve told her all about constellations while you fell asleep on our backyard.” 
“But you guys plan it so late at night!” the blue head reasoned. She laughed and shook her head, planting a kiss on top of her daughter’s head. 
“Is it true, is it true?” Aiko beamed, jumping from her mother’s lap and unto the grass, as if it were more comfortable. She stole glances at both of her parents. “That mom and dad are going to be married to each other tomorrow?” 
“You’re right about that.” (Name) winked at her daughter. 
“What happens after that?” she asked curiously, dropping to all fours and inching her face closer to her father’s. 
Aomine shrugged plainly. “You get a sibling.” 
“O-Oi!” (Name) growled. But Aiko was far from annoyed. In fact, she even stood up and started jumping up and down from excitement. 
“Neh, neh? Is it true, Mom? I want a sister! Or a brother! Anything would be fine.. I’ll love them just as much as I love you!” she encouraged. “Wah! I want mom to have them as soon as possible!” 
“Heard that, mom?” Aomine teased, turning to his fiancé with a naughty gleam in his eyes. She scoffed. 
“It’s still going to take some time, Aiko. Calm down.” (Name) chided, taking her daughter in her arms. Aomine sat up from the grass, scooting closer to his two favourite people. 
“Well, let’s savour this moment since it’s the last night both of us are boyfriend and girlfriend.” Aomine said, placing a hand behind (Name)’s head, pulling her in kiss. 
Aiko stood up again, giggling and smiling at her parents. “Ew!” 
“Oi! Really now?” Aomine complained, as he heard a picture being taken. 
“You’re gonna have to chase me before I send this to all of your rainbow friends, dad!” Aiko teased, running away. (Name) laughed as she watched her husband and daughter chasing each other in the field. 
Sighing, she stood up and joined them. 
“Aiko, mommy’s coming after you!” 
“It smells really good..” Murasakibara smiled warmly, resting his head on top of her shoulder as they waited for the satisfying ‘ding!’ of the oven. Unfortunately, it’s only been 10 minutes since it’s been in there, which mean they had to wait 30 more minutes. 
“Ne, let’s do something while we’re waiting, Atsushi.” she suggested. 
“What? But I want to take a nap..” Murasakibara’s eyes fluttered, and she stood up to avoid him from sleeping on her.. again. 
“Come on, it’s our last day being a couple, let’s at least do something fun and memorable!” she encouraged. But the stubborn purple head didn’t listen. He seemed to act like: ‘Left me? Fine! Then I’ll just lay my head on the table while you’re up to something else.’ Cause that’s exactly what he did. 
“Ah, you’re no good!” (Name) complained, walking around the kitchen, her mind wandering off to what to do. Wether it’s on her own or with Murasakibara, she hated being bored. 
Sighing, she leaned against the counter and tilted her head, an idea popping in her mind as her gaze dropped to the icing they had to put on the cupcakes later. 
Sneakily, she put some icing on her fingertip and walked over to Murasakibara, then quickly wiped it on his face. Since the icing was still cold, the giant was triggered enough to be awoken. 
“That was mean, (Name)-chin.” he frowned, blinking a few times to get the sleep out of his eyes. 
She scoffed. “Yeah, and you fell asleep on me. Talk about mean.” 
Murasakibara didn’t like to have things end like this though. he walked over to where the icing was and grabbed it. Luckily, (Name) already had some of the icing with her, so she had an advantage too. 
“Run while you can, (Name)-chin.” 
She laughed, sprinting off upstairs. “Oh, I’m running!” 
Halfway up the stairs, Murasakibara caught up with her and wiped a handful of icing on her face. She took the opportunity and wiped plenty on his face too. 
“That’s so many!” 
“You started it.” 
Pretty soon, they were covered in sweet, colourful icing. 
The oven chimed, catching the attention of the two. 
“Oh whoops, I guess we ran out of icing.” she laughed awkwardly. 
Murasakibara turned to her and pulled her into a long, passionate kiss. “You had some on your lips, (Name)-chin.”
She rolled her eyes. “You really grab unto every opportunity you get, do you?”
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It’s embarrassing, the last three written entries on here have mostly been about people passing away as if I’m surrounded by the all-encompassing grim reaper everyday at every turn. I mean, this is what happens when you write about the past and naturally the people who are no longer with us will get a bit of extra space because all we have from them now are memories, but for fuck sake, I’m not mister doom and gloom all the time. If anything, it seems as if I’m surrounded by a self-contained bubble of early 90s Japanese wrestling, 70′s power-pop, Radio Garden, this Oliver Sacks book that I’m hoping to finish before the end of the week and curling. No really, curling. Seriously, curling rules.
I haven’t written that much about music in the last several years mostly because of burnout and if I’m not careful, it’ll start to feel like a job and I’ll want to put it off until my non-existent deadline creeps up on me which I can push back to infinity without any consequence (hell, it’s taken me a week and a half to finish this pointless exercise anyway). Besides, critiquing music as a serious profession, I’ve come to realize as the years have past is, well, kind of stupid; like if you don’t have anything nice to say, just ignore it and all the bad music will all hopefully vanish, right?  
That being said, I do wonder why a lot of bands from yonder past never never got the credit or recognition they deserved. Usually from a DIY perspective, I’m quick to blame poor distribution deals from a company run out of their mom’s basement, or a local band who never played beyond the same 20 people at the same club for their entire existence, (this plagued almost every Detroit band from the early-80s until the late-90s) or just plain old self-destruction that still bites people back, whether if it’s drug addiction or a fear of failure/success. My personal favorite --and I can’t find it on the internet to save my life right now, was when a jilted ex destroyed all but a hundred copies of her boyfriend’s first and only EP of his band, thus making it an instant collector’s item with their tracks being discovered fairly recently on a Killed By Death bootleg.
I also think my own opinions on music have always a been a bit left of center as I get bored way too easily and I quickly turn into a crotchety old man whenever Pitchfork creams their jeans over another Garageband produced dance track that sounds as boring and milk toast as any song put together from laptop bloops and bleeps.* Feeling this old out of touch makes one resort to the jazz or country section of any used record store, or when anyone asks me what I listen to these days, I usually say “podcasts.” But something about the aforementioned 70s power-pop obsession has arrived after a brief yet expensive summer of Northern Soul collecting that got put on hold as I have a hard time paying more than $20 for a 45; yeah, this phase didn’t last very long. Before that, it was Sun Ra who has literally hundreds of releases under his always spotty discography and after awhile, it became overwhelming search through scores of, I’m sorry, no disrespect, bin fillers, to eventually find a reissued gem like Sleeping Beauty or Lanquidity. Before that, it was electronic, sci-fi synth soundtrack sounding 70s prog made by the guy who use to drum for The Shadows. Did I mention that I get bored way too easily?
Even by record nerd standards, I know I have some unpopular opinions on popular unpopular music: Big Star weren’t going to be next Beatles ever and they probably have five good songs top. As much as I love The Jam, Style Council have a handful of tracks that blow away anything else Paul Weller’s ever done (oh snap, fighting words). With a few exceptions, The Yellow Pills comps are wildly overrated with a lot of tracks sound more like a second rate Rick Springfield --even if it was the point for a band to be the next Rick Springfield. Also, it still bothers me that The Fastbacks, mostly ignored for their entire 22 year career, got more recognition when they opened for The Presidents of The United States of America when “Peaches” was in heavy rotation. Seriously, I’ll take Answer The Phone Dummy over any 90s Sub Pop release any day.
The Keys: I Don’t Wanna Cry
Produced by Joe Jackson and still managed to have only found a recent audience from the depths of obscurity thanks to a Youtube hero. Not bad, but probably too nice and squeaky clean as The Buzzcocks and Undertones already did this way better and louder. Still, the singer hits those high notes with ease and could have easily been a hit if it was written for, I don’t know, Elvis Costello or someone else a bit more angsier. 
The Letters: Nobody Loves Me
Again, way too wussy and self-hating even by pop-punk standards, but I still love this track as it’s bouncy pogo energy and raw production more than make up for the shitty lyrics. One and done, never heard from again until a 2002 CD reissue of their mostly unreleased discography, or is it a reunion record? I don’t know.
The Tours: Language School
Another one and done from the UK who got plenty of hype from John Peel, signed to Virgin and imploded within a year never to be heard from until Cherry Red reissued their unreleased album a few years ago which is now also going for a steep price on Discogs. Nice short, poppy number here that if anything, makes you realize how much (again) the Buzzcocks influenced a generation of UK bands in the late 70s-early 80s.
20/20: Remember The Lightning
I first remember hearing about these guys from the well meaning Radio Heartbeat Records who reissued a single that quickly went out print along with the rest of the labels discography --some moved on to form Captured Tracks who eventually went on to re-release all of Milk ‘n Cookies output on a (sorry) completely unnecessary 2xLP box set, huge picture book included. 20/20’s first album got lost in the shuffle of another busted label (notice a trend here) that got swallowed up by Epic Records, which is a shame because we could have had a punkier younger brother of the Knack.
De Cylinders: I Wanna Get Married
Spontaneously heard a live set of these guys on the always fantastic, very missed Cherry Blossom Clinic on WFMU and rushed to see their record release/only American show ever in front of a dozen others at a random Brooklyn bar. The wonderful Sing Sing Records reissued this single and naturally, there’s a way out of print CD discography compilation  that’s only available in Japan for like $40 bucks on Discogs. Uh, I have to find a job first.
Nasty Facts: Drive My Car
God, I love the internet. This gem would have never been discovered if it wasn’t for some Youtube hero who posted a vinyl rip of a bootleg as the original pressing is long gone --cheapest one I found on Discogs going for $70 and it’s tough being a cheapskate and a record collector at the same time. Anyway, punky rocky from New York with a singer who sounds like less gruff but equally badass Joan Jett; America’s answer to the Rezillo’s! Get on it, weirdo!
Ail Symudiad: Garej Paradwys
Probably never made it farther out than Cardiff because everything’s in Welsh, but they put out a surprising number of singles that were all pretty consistent throughout the 80s --I’m pretty sure this is their third one. Full of energy despite the weird guitar effect pedals used throughout the song and if you’re curious, they’re called Second Movement and according to Google Translate, this songs about partying in their garage. I don’t know, I didn’t go farther than their “Paradise Garage” song title.
The Elevators: Your I’s Are Too Close Together
The least punky song on here, but it did make me laugh out loud the first time I heard it. I mean, of all the reasons why he won’t go out with her, and he lists everyone one on here, her facial structure was the final straw. Probably a wee mean spirited, but the lyrics go perfect with the chorus, high notes on the lead guitar and all.
The Records: Starry Eyes
Saving the best for last. There’s no excuse, this should have been a huge hit. I mean, it’s great that we have our own song to share with our closest friends --for example, a heartbreaker of an ex or whatever it was you want to call it when we had an on and off again thing in 2012 introduced me to this and well, all it did was prolong some coulda-woulda-shoulda feelings that lasted a bit longer than it should have. Anyway, this song’s a power-pop masterpiece that, unintentionally or not, sounds like an unreleased Big Star track and it makes me angry that these guys got swept under the rug for whatever reason.
I’m tired and I’ve run out of adjectives, just like how I use to back when I (barely) made a living writing about music, no benefits, no thesaurus. Will try to write more about something like Atsushi Onita or how much I love The Great British Bake Off or something. 
*Nothing made me feel more out of touch with underground/contemporary music when I had a hard time understanding what the big deal was with The Fiery Furnaces, but when I couldn’t get away from Animal Collective, that’s when I get up and settled into a WFMU k-hole. I can tell you the exact moment sometime around the end of 2007, on the 7 train heading into Long Island City for work, reading The Metro --I’m a sucker for free daily newspapers no matter how badly written, and came across their best album of the year list with Strawberry Jam being number four or something. “This album rules” the brief review started and once again, I just didn’t get it. I don’t always take part in any schadenfreude, but I’m glad significantly less people give a shit about them these days.   
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ask-kinatsuen · 9 years
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((Fear not I am indeed alive and still continuing this blog! As of tomorrow, I am free, so I’ll get started on some asks, but here’s a picture of a cute idea i’ve had since I’ve been gone so long~ Because En didn’t really formerly meet Atsushi or Kinshiro until all three were in middle school, I assume he never got to see that super cute little schoolboy outfit Kinshiro wore when he was younger (I assume the flashback it’s shown in is from elementary school,  it looks like an elementary school uniform to me), and to be honest I think his reaction upon finally being shown would be pretty similar to mine... so here it is! Atsushi had asked his mom to email the picture to him once the realization struck him and he thinks its hilarious, and also kinda cute. Kinshiro is confused.))
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