#the pink marker looks like in anime when a character is happy and little flowers or smth pop up by their face
crumpetz · 2 years
ahhh saw ur answer right before I went to bed 😎 Here they are (ignore the pink marker oops)
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Best wishes to u my friend. Sending good vibes!! (And also crying abt ur comments abt my art tysm ;v;)
so sweet!! thank you so much! as soon as i saw this, i went and worked on Big Road Home for two hours :D it gave me a boost!
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hollyhomburg · 3 years
Color me pretty
(Bts Little space au)
Summary: When it came to the littles, the caregivers knew there was no better activity than coloring. 
Tags: SFW, implied bts x reader, pure fluff, little space, little! kookie, Little! m/c, Caregivers! bts, 
W/c: 1.5k
A/n: If you don’t like this kind of content please just skip over it and pay it no mind! this is very sweet and fluffy. this can be read alone, but i did use the characters from my other little space ask au titled ‘the peanut butter to my jelly’ it’s linked at the end of the fic!  i wrote this drabble in one sitting! 
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- On the nights that Koo and the m/c are non-verbal but still feeling energetic enough to need stimulation the caregivers have a special little ritual that they like to do. 
- it’s something tucked away, always ready to have on hand when they need it, it never fails to calm an overly excited or sugar high little; the blanket made out of a special material that can be washed after it’s doodled on, painted, and made new. 
- On those special days, the caregivers bring around all their ‘messy blankets’ the fort making supplies that no one minds if they get ruined, if koo gets his apple sauce on it or if a sippie mistakenly gets it’s lid taken off. they make a nest in the living room with markers and crayons and they’re allowed to get the blanket as colorful as possible. 
- The blanket is magic in the littles eyes! filled with simple flowers that they can color in as many times as they want! All the laundry fairy (Taehyung) has to do is pop the blanket in the washer and voila! it’s all ready for more coloring! no more marker marks. 
- I just picture her and Koo stretched out on it with half of their stuffed animals for “moral support” while cartoons play in the background coloring to their hearts content. Koo gets a little younger in his headspace sometimes than the m/c though they’re pretty equal in general.
- Eventually koo just gets so small that he forgoes coloring all together, instead busying himself with sucking on the end of a marker. while the m/c just giggles with her tongue hanging out, swinging her feet, the picture of adorable concentration as she struggles to keep her pink marker inside the lines.
- Occasionally one of the caregivers will come in to check on them. And they’d come pet over their heads and koo and the m/c just excitedly gesture to the mess they’ve made! their brains too cottony to make many words other than “flower! made’ pink!!!” koo in his little sing song voice going “flower flower flower~” 
- And whichever caregiver who is on “baby duty” will praise them, today it’s yoongi who takes a second to sit, each of the littles tucked under an arm. yoongi leaning in close and tracing his finger along their pretty lines. “you guys got so far today! almost all of them are filled!” he loves how puffed up both of your chests get at the praise. 
- He can almost tell how far down they were when they first started coloring. on the outside border the flowers are carefully patterned, but the ones just under where you where sitting are full of wilds scribbles. Yoongi reminds himself to take a picture before they wash it, wanting to save a memory of today. 
- “Oh did you make this for us little ones? I bet Joonie’s going to love it you know how much he loves nature! and you even gave each of them little stems.”
- And of course, eventually they find the m/c and koo are asleep in their little puddle of markers. Maybe the m/c has a little bit of purple splotch on her cheek. After they wake them up to put them to bed she whines softly when they clean it off her cheek “oh you poor fussy baby, don’t worry it will only take a second” her cute pout demanding a kiss for every rub.
- Eventually she presses into bed and koo kisses the faintly red spot on her face. his kiss a little wet and open mouthed but so innocent it makes the caregivers bookending them on either side coo. it’s as much of a sorry as koo can articulate right now. his mind feels like marshmellows and stuffed animals, like a too squeezed juice pouch and an empty packet of fruit snacks. totally devoid of big scary thoughts. 
- The caregivers are glad they made the decision to throw out all and every permanent marker in the house after the last little incident when Koo decided that people were a viable canvas. I think their whole house would be full of little doodles from the two littles. When they get big they always blush and say that they don’t need to pin them to every available surface. But the caregivers just shush them because they honestly love their drawings. 
-To the caregivers, their collection of drawings is a representation of the love they have for their two youngest. A mark of a healthy relationship- that they can give love in a way that matters to the two of them. Maybe jimin gets a tattoo of one of their flowers, a little purple one for koo and a pink one for the m/c on his hip at once point. 
- Maybe one day the m/c has what they affectionately call a ‘tiny day’ where she’s small and can’t seem to snap out of it. she tries valiantly, but after that catch her pouting down at her coffee and staring wistfully at her stuffy on the bed they tell her it’s okay. she can be small today and they’ll handle all of the big thoughts. 
- Of course they can’t stay home because they have a track due soon, and alas they are adults, so certain things have to be accounted for. There have been many times that the m/c has had to pretend to be at least a little big in public, luckily for the caregivers their littles are always remarkably well behaved. 
- They treat it as a game, today, bunny is a secret agent and cannot be discovered by anyone, sent to protect the princess. Nothing can happen to her as long as bunny’s there. But no one can see bunny- or else his powers are nullified. It does the trick. They love to see her nodd seriously when Tae weaves the story for her. it makes their heart hurt when they catch her talking to the bunny. “i gots you.” it makes it so hard to seperate from her for the day. 
- Seokjin packs up a day bag and gets her in the comfiest clothes possible and she spends the whole day quietly coloring in the corner of Joonie’s studio with her favorite bunny stuffie in her lap. She’s always careful to tuck him under her blanket and hide him whenever someone comes knocking, pretending to tap away on Namjoon’s tablet, but luckily no one pays her much mind, used to her presence. 
- When the noise and the stimulation gets too much for her namjoon puts her in a pair of noise canceling headphones that play soft nature sounds and pretty soon when he turns around to check on her he finds she’s nodded off in his couch. And he gets up to fix the blanket around her before he goes back to work for a few more hours. 
- She’s still asleep when the others finish up and decide to pry joonie away from work (a feat in itself) and when the others softly knock at the door she gets up, all bleary-eyed and honestly half-asleep rubbing at her eyes with a closed fist. almost tripping in happiness when she sees jungkook. hitting into his chest with a little ooof, almost tripping to get out of her blanket. So excited to see him- her favorite playmate “Koo play now!? koo get tiny!!!??” 
- Already the stress is weighing on Jungkook’s shoulders, his eyes getting all misty when he sees her bunny and the blanket and just wants to regress so bad. He starts to help her clean up the day bag but seokjin and Namjoon ease him away from it.
-  “You’ve got to watch her for us Kookie, can you do that? can you be a good boy?” by now they know how to softly nudge Jungkook into his headspace and it does the trick, lets him have a task before he can truly let go. they end up giggling softly with their foreheads pressed up against each other, telling stupid little jokes that are no doubt from jin and playing with each others hands. 
- On the ride Home, they both hold onto one of bunnies ears in the backseat of their car. Their heads loling by the time they pull into their safe underground parking garage ready for some snuggles and probably a nice relaxing bath for kookie because he hates feeling sweaty from practice when he’s little. He Just wants to sit and play with some bubbles and bath toys while someone runs shampoo through his hair, the soft-smelling kind that's meant for babies.
- Inevitably Koo always looks up from his bubble bath and points at himself and says “baby?” Hobi nods sagely while smoothing his hair into a goofy mohawk, “baby” he agrees.  
- But that’s not exactly true- the better term would be ‘their babies’
Please reblog and comment! Likes are nice- but they do little to support content creators! 
(You can find more little space content here)
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realcube · 3 years
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characters ❥ mikey, draken & baji 
tw ❥ the beach, bad driving, mentions of murder and cursing 
cr ❥ requested by anon
a/n ❥ i’ve not read the manga yet :’(
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♥ his love language is shoplifting for you <33
♥ like okay.. in writing it kinda sounds pathetic compared to all the other shit he does but like.. he goes through the effort of personally picking up your favourite snack from the grocery store —instead of getting his toman underling to do it for him — and hiding them under his shirt 
♥ and he thinks about you the whole time he is sprinting away from security 
♥ if that isn’t true love idk what is 
♥ today wasn’t any ol’ day tho, snacks and sweets were going to cut it 
♥ instead, he went for the big shiny rock on a ring he keeps seeing the window of the rock shop on the high street
♥ it was pretty, for a rock, but not pretty enough for anyone in their right mind to think it’s worth £10,000/$14,000/ ¥1,500,000!!!
♥ however, after hearing that price from a salesperson, he knew that stupid rock ring was exactly how he’d win your heart <3 
♥ it was a challenge and it had him working overtime, but after pulling some strings, doing a couple favours, and maybe even inadvertently killing some people (you never know 🤷‍♂️), he managed to get his hands on the pristine stone, which he had come to learn was called a diamond, which was why it was so expensive 
♥ the guy who did him the favour of stealing it initially asked if mikey was planning on proposing and mikey said yes —since asking you out on a date is technically a proposal — and the dude didn’t even question it, he just said good luck
♥ and that sort of energy was exactly what mikey needed right now as he stood behind a wall near your lunch table as he mentally prepared himself for what he was about to do 
♥ all your friends had left yet you were still sitting there alone since mikey texted you and asked for you to wait behind, and the fact you actually did filled him with hope from the get-go
♥ “(y/n)! there you are!” mikey greeted as if he didn’t know exactly where you were this whole time. why was his heart thumping so harshly in his chest? and why did he suddenly feel overwhelmingly embarrassed? i mean, he’s not done anything worth being awkward about.. yet.
♥ he didn’t understand. he never usually gets this way around people. but then again, he shouldn’t be surprised since he knew you were an exception from the beginning
♥ “hi, mikey.” you hummed, head propped gently on your arm while you slipped your phone away, “why did you want to see me? is something wrong?”
♥ the slight concern he detected in your voice was enough for him to immediately blurt out, “oh, no! nothing like that! everything is great; i am great and i, erm, hope you are too.” he announced, somewhat glad that your only reaction was a blank stare as it meant he doesn’t feel inclined to explain himself 
♥ “so, uh, i was just wonder if you..” he started, clenching his jaw as he mentally reassured himself. the fact that he felt embarrassed about feeling embarrassed made things infinitely harder from him. he took a deep breath, and spilled
♥ “do you want to go out on a date with me sometime?” he basically screamed, squeezing his eyes shut tight and emptying his left pocket onto the table in front of you so that his special gift would accompany his proposal 
♥ he closed his eyes as if that was going to protect him from rejection, but before he was able to silently rebuke himself, he heard faint sobbing from where he dropped his present 
♥ upon opening his eyes, the shock from the sight before him was enough to give him whiplash
♥ in an unfortunate turn of events, he must’ve emptied the wrong pocket because sitting on the table in front of you was not a diamond ring, but rather a sherbet dip he bought to share with you if you said ‘yes’ to his proposal 
♥ and his suspicions were correct, you were the one crying 
♥ ....
♥ waIT WHY ARE YOU CRYING mikey panicked, frantically looking around for someone who might’ve hurt you, or perhaps someone he’d have to send to A&E
♥ “are you okay?”
♥ “yeah.” you whispered, your light chuckle enough to prevent mikey from worrying any more, “i’m just..” you stuttered, smiling fondly at the blonde, “i’m just really happy. i thought you’d never ask.” 
♥ it was impossible for mikey to conceal the sigh of relief he breathed as he slumped down next to you on the bench, “thank god. i thought someone had threatened you or something.”
♥ “threatened me? why would they do that?” you innocently cocked your head to the side, rubbing your eyes as you did so. 
♥ oh, yeah. mikey hadn’t been fully transparent with you about his.. current employment. as far as you knew, he was a full-time student at ‘toman academy’ and he had a part-time job babysitting (which was hardly a lie, in his opinion)
♥ so you didn’t really know about how he was the leader of the tokyo manji gang or any of that
♥ originally he thought it was fine to keep it a secret, but now that you were officially his partner it would be immoral to not let you know about his affiliation with the gang 
♥ so he decided to tell you over a sherbert <33
♥ “so, are we official?” he cooed, ripping the lollypops out of the bag and popping one in his mouth while offering you the other by tapping it against your lips lightly 
♥ “yep.” you smiled, taking the lolly into your mouth with a smile, glad that he didn’t bring up your little waterworks a few second ago 
♥ but in all honesty, he was preoccupied wondering what the most appropriate way to phrase ‘i am the leader of a gang of delinquents’ would be 
♥ poor little mikey brain working on overdrive 
♥ he decided to pull out the ring, since he still had to give that to you, so while you were entranced by the fat gem glistening under the light in mikey’s possession, he began, “so, babe, do you think being a gang leader is hot?”
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♥ he honestly didn’t have a clue how to ask you out
♥ in fact, he didn’t even know that he had a crush on you until mikey pointed out all of his weird behaviours around you 
♥ so his first instinct was to go to mikey for advice when thinking of ways to ask you out 
♥ but the only idea that mf was to get ‘will you go out with me, (y/n)?’ tattooed onto his ‘thick skull’ and ofc draken wasn’t about to do that
♥ although he did consider it for like.. a minute
♥ (he was like.. hmmmm... well, the tattoo guy does owe me a favour so... maybe i could get it for free?)
♥ (or permanent marker might work???)
♥ anyway, he eventually decided to ask you out the good ol’ fashion way!! by just telling you how he feels
♥ however, once he explained this plan to mikey, he was scoffed and said ‘good luck with that’ in the most condescending tone of voice
♥ draken’s initial instinct was to simply beat up mikey and go ask you out anyway, but this conflict ran deeper than just him and mikey bickering about trivial issues- his whole relationship was on the line! 
♥ so after hearing the leader out, he finally decided on the most appropriate way to confess — just like how all the dudes in the animes mikey and him and watched did it 
♥ by giving you flowers and chocolates <3
♥ and mikey even offered to come into the store with draken and help him choose the goods since mikey was a self-proclaimed ‘love-expert’
♥ draken obviously denied his offer but he came along anyway 
♥ “ooh, ken-chin! look at these ones, they’re on sale.” mikey gasped, happily grabbing a pack of heart-shaped chocolates off the shelf, ripping them open and stuffing his face, “and they are delicious too!”
♥ paying no attention to the fact that mikey had essentially already committed a crime since there was no way he intended to pay for those chocolates, draken mused while eyeing up the rest of the sweets, the bouquet of flowers he had already chosen tucked under his arm, “valentine’s day was a week ago, that’s probably why they are on sale.” 
♥ “draken?” 
♥ a familiar voice from the end of the aisle caused draken to avert his gaze from the chocolates displayed in front of him and instead search for the source of the voice, which happened to be you standing innocently with your basket in-hand
♥ “ah, (y/n),” draken tensed, immediately shoving the bouquet of flowers behind his back at hopefully out of your sight as he put on a forced smile to distract from them too, “what a nice surprise seeing you here.”
♥ “hm?” mikey chimed in, unable to vocalise his curiosity through the chocolates stuffed in his mouth, but that didn’t stop him from trying, “is that the (y/n) you were talking about? the one you were going to conf--” 
♥ “that’s enough outta you.” draken hissed through a fake smile, shoving mikey into the next aisle, which happened to be the snack aisle so, entertained, he decided to stay put
♥ “oh, is that your friend mikey?” you inquired, having only ever heard about mikey through rumours up until now. though none of them exactly matched the image you saw just there
♥ “yep, he’s pain sometimes, but he’s still cool.” draken muttered, awkwardly rolling on the balls of his feet as he waited for a deity to save him from this interaction —  not that he didn’t want to talk to you, it’s just that every second you spend with him, the less likely it becomes that his confession will go as planned
♥ and you only confirmed that with your follow-up question
♥ “i see you’ve got flowers, and you’re looking for chocolates. who’s the special someone?” you teased, poking draken’s cheek playfully (which is one of the many things he only finds comfort in when you do it)
♥ “oh, no one.” he hummed, his coy smile doing a number on your heart rate
♥ “how about you? who is that card for?” he inquired casually, gesturing to the classic pink ‘i have something to tell you... <3′ confession card that was only in-stock during valentine’s day season, that was sitting atop the groceries in your basket
♥ a cocky smirk tugged at his lips — as if to say ‘i won’ — while he watched you become increasingly flustered right in front of him. it was adorable
♥ but he thought it would stop there; stop with him winning the teasing battle, you getting all sheepish then leaving but that apparently wasn’t your plan
♥ instead, you lowered your head and outstretched your arms to give him the card (which was still in the wrapping plastic) 
♥ “red-handed. i bought these with you in mind, draken.” you said, voice barely above a whisper, “but if you don’t accept then that’s fine too, have a nic--”
♥ “who said i don’t accept?” draken grumbled, almost as if he was annoyed, as he took your card and examined the card thoroughly for a couple seconds
♥ then suddenly, he froze. the shock of the realisation leaving him stunned to the point where the only thing he could do was shift his eyes from the card on to you and utter in a terrified tone, “this isn’t, uh, this isn’t a confession, is it?”
♥ you shrugged, “i guess, it is.” 
♥ “damn it.” draken cursed, glaring at the snack aisle and hence mikey, for giving him this stupid idea
♥ “is there a problem?” 
♥ “no.” draken said through gritted teeth before pulling out the bouquet his had hidden behind his back, “but i was meant to confess first.”
♥ your jaw dropped, leaving draken concerned for a second until you instantly pulled him in for a tight hug; another thing he admired about you was that you gave hugs like you were in the mafia, strong enough to cut off his airflow
♥ “double confession!” you squealed, absolutely delighted that draken not only wanted to confess to you, but he had the same idea to come to the shop and buy stuff beforehand
♥ “i guess so.” draken chuckled, handing you the bouquet of flower as soon as you pulled away, “these are for you.” 
♥ you gasped, smiling at how he managed to remember your favourite kind of flower after a single off-handed comment you made ages ago, “thank you!” you hugged them to your chest, “have you already paid for them?”
♥ “no.” draken replied simply. “but they are still yours.”
♥ sometimes it slipped your mind that draken was part of a literal gang since.. he just seemed so normal and humble 
♥ but on some other occasions, it was painfully difficult to consider draken anything close to ‘normal’
♥ and one of those moments was when he was trying to convince security he was pregnant with a flower-baby, and when that evidently didn’t work, he just made a run for it with mikey, whose pants pockets were filled with sweets that trailed behind him where ever he ran
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♥ he didn’t even ponder about how he was supposed to confess to you for over a second
♥ the idea just came to him instantly and he went with it
♥ the only question he asked was ‘how can i show them how badass i am without bragging?’ and he immediately came up with an answer and rolled with it, no questions asked 
♥ and there was no planning or anything done beforehand either, he literally just texted you ‘where are you?’ at like 7PM and when you replied ‘the park’, he hopped on his bike and sped over 
♥ like he didn’t even ask which park.. he just guessed.. but he guessed correctly 
♥ your heart almost stopped as you watched a chunky motorcycle come speeding towards you at such a rate that all you could do was brace for impact and kiss goodbye to your relatively peaceful live
♥  however, at the very last second it swerved around you and came to a halt, allowing the rider to extend his free hand to you, “hop on.”
♥ the voice was all to familiar and you weren’t surprised at all to see baji with his signature ‘i could kill you’ grin plastered on his face 
♥ as your heart rate slowly began to return to normal, you cried, “what do you mean ‘hop on’? you almost ran me over!”
♥ he unclipped his helmet and tossed it to you, “safety first.”
♥ “did you even hear what i just said?” you grumbled, putting on the helmet anyway 
♥ “i think you said something about how excited you are to finally go out with me.” he mused, shuffling forwards slightly to give you more space to sit on behind him, like a true gentleman /s
♥ “no.” you replied simply. 
♥ though you initially had no intention of going anywhere with him, you still found yourself reaching your leg over his bike to take a seat behind him, “where are we going?”
♥ baji shrugged, chuckling slightly as he felt you gently wrap your arms around his hips, “don’t know, but hold on tight.” he warned, revving his engine and taking off without another word
♥ perhaps you were the fool for getting on a motorcycle with baji and letting him take you to an undisclosed location, but you trusted him enough to know that he wouldn’t try to drive you off a cliff or put you in danger.. or at least, that is what you hoped
♥ however, if it wasn’t a rival gang that kills you, baji’s driving definitely would
♥ he drives like a madman and left you with no other choice but to cling onto him for dear life, since if you didn’t bury yourself into his side, you’d probably fly off with all sharp turns he does around the other cars/bikes
♥ it was like being taped to the top of a vehicle in mario cart
♥ eyes squeezed shut, you yelled over the harsh blaring of the wind, “slow the fuck down! where are you even taking me?” 
♥ baji was having fun, but he was getting the feeling you weren’t..
♥ usually he doesn’t care about what other think but this was the first time he was taking you out, he didn’t want you to think of him as a maniac driver, or else you might not want to come with him ever again
♥ “if you open your eyes, you’ll see.” he uttered, slowing down slightly so the noises weren’t as harsh 
♥ taking his word for it, you hesitantly pried open one of your eyes and turned your neck so your face was no longer pressed against his shoulder
♥ and honestly, you were glad you did. passed the edge of the road, you had the perfect view of the beach below, the sea gently glistening under the orange sunset 
♥ now that your nose was free from only breathing in baji’s sickeningly strong, wild spice body spray, you finally able to enjoy fresh ocean air 
♥ “the beach.” you mused, smiling down at the completely deserted sandy shore, which looked so beautifully peaceful in contrast to how busy it was when you usually come 
♥ “no shit.” baji chuckled, his eyes remaining glued to road, despite how much he wanted to see your reaction
♥ you let out a defeated sighed, leaning against his back, “but it’s closed.”
♥ baji nodded, “yep, that means we’ve got the whole place to ourselves!”
♥ before you could question what baji meant by that, he steered off the edge of the road and down the steep hillside which led to the beach, though it definitely was not meant to be drove on as there were several warning sign at the side of the road, warning drivers about the hill
♥ “baji, what the fuck?!” you screamed over baji’s amused laughter, similar to the way you’d laugh if you were playing GTA, rather than playing with actual human lives
♥ “isn’t this fun?” he yelled back, enjoying how the wind felt against his skin as he maneuvered his bike down the steep hill 
♥ honestly, you weren’t sure whether you enjoyed it or not, but as soon as the bike came to a smooth landing upon the soft sand of the beach, you found yourself silently wanting to do that again
♥ “well, how was that?” baji asked, immediately hopping off the bike on his own only so he could offer you a hand
♥ accepting his hand, you stepped off the cycle only to notice that your legs were shaking, yet you oddly liked it, “that was.. okay.” you murmured, not wanting to feed his ego but also unable to lie to him.
♥ “great.” he uttered, leaning forward to carefully unclip your helmet for you and sling it over the handle of his bike
♥ “so,” he started, looking around the beach for any stray cops or surveyors, “what do you wanna do?” 
♥ he felt a light tug on his jacket sleeve, causing him to look down and meet your pleading gaze, “do you think we could go out again? some other time, maybe?”
♥ all baji did was laugh, resulting in you become sheepish for a moment, until he wrapped his arms around you picked you up for a hug, “obviously!”
♥ you smiled, your cheeks heating up slightly, “nice!”
♥ “anyway,” he started, placing you back down and dashing off towards the sea, “loser owes me lunch!”
♥ ignoring how he gets lunch either way, you immediately sprinted off behind him, watching as he dramatically fell over a large shell and face-planted into the the sand
♥ being the kind friend you are, you ignored him and continued running towards the water, only for him to grab your ankle and trip you up too
♥ “ha!” that is how he shows affection <3
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ghostboybabies · 4 years
Just a Little Bratty || [JATP Agere/CGLRE Oneshot]
Julie Molina wasn't a bratty little. At least, that's what she'd say if you asked. But if you asked anyone else, everyone would tell you the same thing: She was simply a toddler who didn't like rules. Or cleaning up messes. Or bedtime. Or veggies. Luke Patterson was the only person in the world that could get her to behave. Just a few words in a certain tone and she knew that she was pushing it. Every time Julie refused to follow a rule, or threw her little temper tantrums, he was always the one left in responsible of dealing with it. But, she was still his princess. And he loved her.
A/N:I'm currently experimenting with writing the JATP characters as littles and caregivers, so I hope you guys like my first Little!Julie Molina fic. It's also *the* first Little!Julie Molina fic in existence, but y'know...
anyways, I hope y'all like this! Julie cries but I PROMISE that everything turns out fine in the end. Lmk what you think in the comments!
{Ao3 Link}
Everyone else was gone. It was just Julie and Luke.
Just how she liked it.
When everyone else was there, Julie felt like it was crowded, and being openly little felt so much harder. But Luke always made her feel safe and small,without making her feel uncomfortable in any way. Luke was almost perfect.
Except for one thing.
He said that they were there to keep her happy and healthy, but following them wasn't very enjoyable. And there was just so many of them! There was bedtime, and 'no sweets before dinner', and even a rule against making messes and leaving them!
Crazy, right? Who likes cleaning up messes? Definitely not Julie.
This specific instance of rule breaking started with Arts and Crafts in the studio. Supplies were neatly organized on the coffee table, set out by Luke for Julie's entertainment. 'What'cha working on, Jules?" Luke looked over her shoulder, trying to see whatever she was creating. She sat up, allowing his to see her page. On it, was a doodle of a flower, which she was working on coloring in. "It's so cute, princess! I'm sure it'll look perfect on the fridge once it's done."
Age regression is something that Julie started doing after her mother passed away, recommended by Dr. Turner himself. So of course, Ray and Carlos knew about it. And they were completely okay with anything that helped her heal in a healthy way. So things like hanging up her coloring pages or carrying around a stuffed animal were pretty normal in the Molina house.
Though, Ray had been pretty freaked out to learn that Julie's caregiver was a ghost boy that had been living in his house for months. But that's a story for another time.
"Really?" Julie asked curiously, adjusting herself so that she was looking back (and up) at Luke. Luke nodded, smiling at her softly. Julie took the comment as praise, letting the pride and happiness bubble up in her chest as she returned to working on the childish artwork. She hummed songs as she decorated the page, switching out her markers for another color every here and there.
After a while, Julie capped a dark pink marker and set it with the others, picking up the paper and handing it to Luke. "Lukeee," she whined, pushing at the table it front of her. She had been sitting on the ground, so that she was at level with the coffee table. Luke sighed, putting the paper down on the couch next to him and holding out his hands above her.
She reached up, letting Luke pull her up from behind, laughing a bit as she came to stand on her feet. "Can I go play outside now?" she asked, twirling around so that she was facing him.
"Of course. You just have to help me clean up this-" Luke stopped talking once he saw Julie trying to run off to leave the studio. "Hey! Come back here." he shouted, causing her to stop in her tracks and face him. "You know the rules. I set up the craft stuff, and you help me put it away when you're done. You can't just leave this all here." Luke crossed his arms, giving her a look that said 'don't push this'.
"Yes I can," Julie tilted her head. "And I will. Bye bye!" she turned around quickly, making it almost all the way out of the door before Luke's voice sounded again.
Julie liked to pretend that Luke being strict with her didn't faze her in the slightest, but really, that tone of disappointment coming from Luke felt terrible. She turned around quickly, rocking on her feet again. She had a light pout on her face. In a soft, small, and childish voice she said..
"But I don't wanna clean! I wanna play."
"I know, kitten. But if we play and just leave everything out, then everything would become a mess!" Luke explained, making a motion that instructed Julie to come back over to him. She hesitantly did so, stopping on the other side of the coffee table. "And, cleaning won't take to long! Will you be a good girl for me and do this?" he spoke softly, giving her a hopeful look. Julie thought for a moment, debating her choices. Right now, Luke seemed a little upset with her. If she did this, maybe he'd be proud!
He had said that she'd be a "good girl" if she listened to him. But she didn't wanna!
"No!" she crossed her arms, stomping her foot harshly on the ground with a huff. Luke's eyes went wide. Even thought she did stuff like this often, he was never prepared for it in the moment.
"Julie, calm down. Come sit," he instructed, trying to prevent anything more then a little temper tantrum from happening. Maybe it was all the conflicting emotions, maybe it was just stubbornness, but Julie did not calm down.
"No, no, no!" she shouted, using her arm to swipe some of the art supplies off of the table, as if the bratty act would prove that she wouldn't take his orders. She didn't even know why she had gotten worked up so quickly, but she did know that what she just did was gonna land her in trouble. She stepped back, hugging herself and glancing nervously between the mess she just made and her caregivers shocked face.
She was ready to cry before he even said a word, feeling a familiar drop in her chest as the childish anger faded from her demeanor. The 'drop' was a mix of guilt and anxiety, pooling in her stomach. "Why did you do that?" Luke spoke up after a moment of shock, giving her a strict look, speaking in a confused, but obviously not-happy tone.
"Don't know." Julie looked down, avoiding his eyes.
Luke realized that yelling wasn't going to get him anywhere with the little, her emotions had changed quickly and he could tell that she felt bad enough at the moment. Yelling and being to harsh would only scare her. He took a deep breath, patting the spot next to him on the couch. Julie obeyed immediately, sitting close to Luke.
She wanted to reach out for comfort, but she didn't know if she deserved it. She knew that she was in trouble. She hadn't been a good girl. Only good girls got cuddles and praise from their caregivers, right?
"Baby, you know you can't do things like that. I understand that you don't like cleaning but throwing a fit and making a mess doesn't solve anything." he adjusted himself so that his whole body faces her, and she did the same thing to him, nervously looking up at him with glossy eyes.
"I know...m' sorry." her words were reduced to mumble as her eyes casted downwards. She blinked hard, tears running down her face.
She hated crying! Her face got sticky and uncomfortable, and she had all these icky emotions. She just wanted to play, and be a little girl for as long as she could. Why did she have to be sad?
"Why're you crying, princess? I'm sorry that I shouted at you, I shouldn't of done that," Luke apologized, cupping the side of her face and forcing her to look up. Julie sniffled.
"Don't be mad at me, please. m' sorry!" she repeated herself, choking on her her words and pulling her face away from his hand.
"I'm not mad at you, kitten. I never was, okay?"
Julie didn't reply in any way, only blinking blankly up at him. Luke sighed, continuing to speak in his soft voice. "I'm just trying to get you to listen to me, alright? I promise, I'm not upset."
Julie looked at him, trying to determine if he was lying, or hiding something. She decided to believe him when he opened his arms. She might have been hesitant to believe that she deserved the affection, but right now, she needed the comfort. She began to babble apologizes into his chest, cuddling close to him as her tears dried up. "I love you, princess. You know that, right?"
Luke didn't speak again until Julie pulled away from the hug, wiping at her eyes. Her tears had left wet spots on his shirt, but Luke didn't say anything. Julie nodded a bit. That reassurance, along with the hug, made her feel a lot better. "Love you too." she replied, trying to rub the stickiness off of her face.
Luke went quiet, trying to work out an internal conflict. Usually, when stuff like this happened, after comfort came the punishment. A short timeout usually did the trick in teaching Julie a lesson about whatever she had done. But she usually didn't break down as badly as she just did there. Luke had to remind himself that she was only apologizing because she thought he was mad at her, she probably didn't understand what she had done wrong. And, if he just let her get away with that, she might just go back and do it again. He knew what he should do, but he really didn't want to.
"I feel better now," Julie admitted, looking at Luke in a way she did a lot. With her innocent eyes, blinking up at him.
"What do you mean, sweetheart?"
"Felt bad. But now I feel better." She spoke as if her words explained everything, leaving Luke to remain confused. It didn't take him long to come to the conclusion that she must of felt guilty about the whole situation, and that he had helped her feel better. He smiled lightly, nodding a bit. Julie's facial expression dropped into a sad one once again. "Am I still in trouble?"
Luke hummed, hoping he wouldn't regret his next words. "Well, I can't just let you get away with this. How about you go sit on the loft steps for a few minutes, and when your punishment is over, you can help me clean all this up?" Luke motioned to the table, and the mess that still sat there. His statement wasn't really a question, but rather an instruction.
"B-but I don't want timeout!" Julie pouted, crossing her arms. Luke chuckled, rolling his eyes.
He was secretly glad to know that she was back to her usual bratty self. He preferred a bratty baby over a sad one, any day. "You know the rules, baby. Go sit." he instructed again.
She huffed, but she stood up and make her way over to the ladder. Instead of sitting on of of the steps facing away from Luke, like intended, she climbed up a bit and poked her legs through the other way carefully. She rested her head on her arms on the step closest to her head level, swinging her legs a bit (as she was off of the ground) and looking around. Luke didn't bother with telling her to face the other way, even though that was usually a requirement of a timeout.
Luke watched as Julie pulled many pouty faces. Not the guilty kind, the kind that were meant to convince him to end the punishment early. Maybe it worked, but that wasn't the point.
Luke could only handle the pouting for a few minutes, before giving in and telling her that her time was up. She got out of her position on the ladder as fast as she could without hurting herself, jumping up and running over to the side of the coffee table. "Can I go play now?" she asked, bouncing on her feet.
"No yet, darling. We still have a mess to clean up." Luke reminded, getting off of the couch and pulling a few colored totes from under the coffee table. Julie huffed, seemingly annoyed, but she complied. Luke had given up a while ago on getting her attitude in check. She was going to complain and pout and whine about everything, he only really cared if she actually ended up doing the thing.
While they picked everything up, Luke noticed that Julie was a little tense. She was also over exaggerating the 'I'm mad at you because you put me in timeout' thing, acting a lot more upset about it then she'd usually be. Almost like...
Almost like she was trying to mask another emotion. Like guilt.
It was possible that Julie still felt like Luke was mad at her after he punished her. Luke didn't know if he was correct in this conclusion, deciding to look into it farther before doing anything. He didn't really have to, though, because the evidence presented it itself.
When they were done, and Julie helped put the totes away, she looked at him hopefully. Like she was waiting for something that would help reassure her that she was okay. Luke realized what she was probably waiting for.
"Good job, princess. I'm proud of you." he smiled lightly, deciding to offer another hug. He opened his arms, and she filled them quickly. She seemed a lot less nervous, and tense. Like his simple words of praise had managed to wipe away any worry in her mind.
"Really?" She asked, just to be sure. Just to hear it again.
"Mhm. You did such a good job helping me, baby!" he swayed in place, squeezing her tight. She giggled, before speaking in a confused voice.
"But...I didn't listen?"
"I know, but you did eventually, right? You learned your lesson and everything is okay now. I promise," He spoke softly, kissing her head. Julie hummed, snuggling into his embrace.
Everything really did feel better when she was wrapped up in Luke's arms. Everything was okay again when the caring ghost held her close. Luke cared about her, and being reminded of that always made her day better.
Luke loved his princess, even if she was a little bit bratty.
A/N: Please leave feedback in the reblogs/replies/my askbox, whether that be something you liked, something that could be improved, or maybe even a request (I can't guarantee that I'll write it, but I'd still love to hear ideas!)! And please, if you write for JATP, maybe try/consider writing agere content! People seem to really like it but there's not much of it yet, and I really wanna see what people come up with!
Reblogs especially would be VERY appreciated, so that more people can discover this!
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mysticsparklewings · 4 years
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The Dream Crosser
Surprise! NaPoWriMo didn't kill me (and I'm not abandoning dA because of the incoming Eclipse update either, more on that situation here), I just needed a week off to recuperate...and obsessively play Animal Crossing: New Horizons... Admittedly, I actually drew this well over a month ago (and wrote up the majority of the description!), not just before NaPoWriMo but before I actually had New Horizons in my grasp. The plan was to post it the day I got the game. Which was supposed to be much closer to the game's launch (March 20th). That ended up not happening and the day I got the game was the first day of NaPoWriMo, but 1. I messed up with the non-uniform prompts and spent all of the day trying to catch up so I couldn't even play the game yet, and 2. As a side effect, I ended up having two posts that day and a lot of work to do to catch up the second, and I hardly had time to think about posting this. And even if I had posted it, it would've been drowned in the incoming NaPoWriMo posts. And so, here we are. Really, really, I do have to mention that I truly feel for anyone else still waiting on the game for whatever reason. You have my deepest sympathy and I'm so sorry I can't just give you the game right now and make it better.  I know the wait was hard enough for me, being this is the one game I highly anticipated in over a year and I essentially had the rug yanked out from under me. But I'll save that story for after I talk about the art itself since I'm sure that's what most people are here for and not my pre-order frustrations. So in case you don't know or couldn't tell, this is the lovely Luna from AC: New Leaf's Dream Suite. From what we've seen of New Horizons since it's release, the Dream Suite's functions and purpose have been mostly absolved into the Airport and Dodo Codes, and so I'm very doubtful Luna will actually be in the game in any capacity, which makes me sad. A typical player (including me) wouldn't even necessarily interact with Luna that much in New Leaf unless you really enjoy visiting other towns using Dream Codes, so I'm not sure what it is, but for some reason I just really like her. That's why I picked her to draw to celebrate. I very nearly drew her a long time ago when I was on an Animal Crossing kick in 2018, but at the time I didn't like the idea of pressuring myself into drawing all and/or multiple AC characters just because I wanted to be "fair" to them all (much the same reason I don't draw Pokemon very often), so I ended up drawing One Little Spark, a crossover of the Disney character Figment drawn in the New Leaf style, instead. So in a way, she's had this coming for quite a while. At the time I started working on her, (way back in early March, because I was hoping beyond hope my pre-order would arrive to me actually on launch day, but ha ha ha look who's got egg on her face for that ) I was running a bit dry on artistic motivation, and so while I tried to draw her in my usual manner: Making a sketch, transferring the sketch onto different paper with finalized lines, then picking whichever coloring method I was most into at the time), I was struggling with the sketch. I've had days where I have to work on a sketch for a really long time before I can get something I'm happy with, but this day I was just so not into the whole sketching process. I wanted to create, but I wanted it to be quick and easy and simple. I didn't want to have to poke at it for hours and hours and then still maybe not be happy when I was done. So when I got discouraged enough, I broke away from trying to draw Luna and just drew mandalas instead. (As had become my art-block crutch for a little while.) Somewhere in me, as I worked on other things, I kept going back and forth on what to do about Luna, though. I did still want to draw her, but my usual formula just wasn't working for me. Not for her. I even tried briefly to draw her linelessly, digitally, as what was supposed to be a quick and simple experiment, but that went downhill even faster than sketching did. Although, for some reason, the lineless idea wouldn't leave me alone after that. Finally, I decided to try something completely different. I was going to try and free-handedly draw her, without lines, traditionally. With, primarily, alcohol markers. Honestly, the thought minorly horrifies me now just as much as it did before I started. And yet, here we are and I actually like how it turned out. Allow me to explain how this came together: So, since I wasn't sure how this was going to turn out once I decided to try it, I opted to use my not-so-great mixed media paper so I wouldn't feel guilty about wasting better paper if I ended up hating it. Naturally, this did lead to some notable limitations, but not enough to discourage me from trying. I dove right in with the dark brown for her head and body, focusing on getting the general shapes down. I'd noticed some glaring mistakes in my mostly unproductive sketching when it came to Luna's body proportions, so I tried to keep those things in mind and adjust accordingly as I went. It was scary because there is no erasing this way short of using white paint and because this paper feathers pretty noticeably with markers. Then once I got to a certain point, I had to switch and bring in some pink and off-white markers to draw in parts of her dress so I knew where to put her other arm and her legs. And here is where I technically cheated; I did use my "clear" Stardust Gelly Roll pen to do most of the outlines for her dress. I needed some kind of guideline, but pencil tends to get yucky when you put markers on top and at the time I couldn't really think of a better option. (The joke was kind of on me because somehow I still got a nasty gray line that looked like pencil under her bust that I had to gently edit out later in Photoshop, but I digress.) As I went with the markers, I was also doing some light shading. Not too much, because this paper is really fussy with layers and blending, but enough that I felt like it didn't look completely flat and I could tell where one shape ended and another started. Though, for her nose (trunk? I believe Luna is supposed to be a Tapir) and her raised arm, I had to get a little creative and I used a white brush pen meant for glass/ceramics to put in the lines so you could actually see them. And later I would use the same pen in 3-4 layers to add the white back in for her eyes. With the base for her body, dress, and the bun part of her hair done though, then I had the task of figuring out what to do for her shoes and the details of her face. (Without having to mix and use specific paint for those tiny details.) In the end, I opted to mostly use my classic red Gelly Roll pen for her shoes, and a little bit of a dark red alcohol marker for shading. And then I got to experiment with mixing the classic red and one of the Moonlight Gelly Rolls for her lips so that the color would be visible and not just a dark lip-shaped "what is this." This was because the classic Gelly Rolls don't show up super well on dark surfaces and the Moonlight ones do, but I didn't have the right color straight out of a Moonlight pen. It did take 2-3 careful layers, but I think I managed well enough in the end. I used just one black pen, a Prismacolor brush-tip fine liner, for her eyes, though in-person the white base underneath makes her pupils look about a shade or two lighter from certain angles, which was a very unintentional nice touch. My answer to everything else ended up being gouache, although I did try to come up with pen colors for her eye shadow and the blue dots on her cheeks before admitting defeat that I just didn't have the colors I needed. Originally, I had actually been thinking of trying a lineless art piece with gouache, as I think it would work particularly well for that look, but I wasn't ready to fully commit to the idea, mostly because I seem to be even worse at mixing a non-excessive amount of a specific color with gouache than I am with acrylics, and that sounds like a fantastic way to waste a bunch of palette space because I mixed too much but it's gouache so it can be re-wet and re-use it and I don't want to just throw it away...  (Although I suppose this could be half-way solved by getting a bigger palette specifically for mixing gouache, but I also don't want to have to buy yet another palette when I have some perfectly good ones...If I could just use up all the paint in them already...) Anyway. Point: This is kind of a step between a full lineless gouache piece and not doing one at all. Baby steps, yes? I knew from fairly early on that I was probably going to have to use gouache for the front part of her hair/bangs, since I did not thoroughly plan ahead enough and didn't leave a gap there to do it with markers. Fortunately, I didn't have to do much mixing since my gouache already has a nice yellow ochre color included, and I could use a bit of the other two browns and one I had some leftover mixed already from Roses in Your Eyes for shading. (White for the flowers, too, thank goodness.) And I actually ended up going over most of her bun with gouache too since, by comparison, the marker didn't look like it had much shading and it was bothering me. I did have to mix my own blue and pinky-purple for her makeup, and I ended up with a lot of leftover pinky-purple. But it's kind of okay because by itself it's such a pretty color I'm sure I'll find an excuse to use that one. After that, I just had to do some minor tweaks where the gouache had gotten a bit away from me and then I went ham on the shading for the dress based on my reference photo. Then I realized I wanted some kind of background because this seemed awfully boring without one. And, naturally, I hadn't really planned ahead for that, me being me and being in habit of doing the background last... At first, I wanted to do something hot pink, since her official Amiibo card has a hot pink background, but then I thought that might be a little too loud and I wasn't really sure the best way to apply one without potentially messing her up. And also, this isn't watercolor or paper thicker than 140 lb, which immediately threw watercolor out the window unless I wanted a very uneven paper when I was finished. I'd already pushed my luck with the gouache and been very careful about not using much water with it; I decided it was best not to push my luck any farther. Also, I couldn't use my pink PanPastel, despite that being maybe my best option, because it is still perpetually screwed onto the little Pan Pastel stack with no hope of getting unstuck anytime soon. (One of these days I swear, I will order either another set like the one I have or an individual Pink one to solve this problem, but until then, I am going to bring it up every single time as a caution to others to please be very careful when screwing and unscrewing your own Pan Pastels if you store them screwed together.) And I didn't feel like dragging out some of my drawing pastels and/or makeup that's too expired to use on my face and very slowly building up color and hoping it'll do what the Pan Pastels do. With no better ideas coming to me, I decided I'd leave the drawing for the night and come back to it the next day. After yet more brainstorming the next day, I finally settled on doing a glittery rounded rectangle and filling it with washi tape stripes. This plan did change a little as I figured out which tapes I wanted to use (a purple-y, champagne gold, and light pink ones, the latter two of which look more different in-person than they do on the scan) and as I actually started applying the lines. Partially because this tape is a bit thin and partially because I'm not used to cutting tape around very specific shapes, it took a very long time to both place strips of the tape and then get them cut to fit right up to Luna without looking strange. Once I got to a certain point going in one direction, I realized my next couple of cuts were just going to be too hard for me to stand. I had a choice: Ditch the tape, or figure something else out. Taking a risk, I decided to try and salvage it by doing an almost-plaid/checkerboard with the tape, specifically leaving out certain areas where I knew it would be too tricky to cut the tape. This also turned out to be a good way to use up some of the pieces of tape I'd already cut off that were too small to be used the other way. It's still not the greatest background solution I've ever come up with, but it does the job of making it look less empty, and that's really all I wanted anyway. And you know, compared to official images her proportions look wonky, but by herself (meaning, without comparing the two) I think Luna looks pretty good, actually. (Though, I admit I did have to tweak her right ear in Photoshop because it came out entirely too long and there wasn't really a good way for me to fix it by hand.) To think, this piece started out as such a mess. Or rather, I was such a mess when I started. And yet, here we are, and it looks kinda okay. Okay enough that I finished it and am posting it, at least.   I have no idea if I'll be returning to this style/method for art-making in the future, but even if I don't it was a nice experiment to try, and that's what art is really all about isn't it? Experimenting, trying new things? Speaking of experimenting though, about those pre-order frustrations I mentioned now that I've covered everything about the art itself...(in small text for those that don't care to easily skip over) Back in February I tried twice to pre-order New Horizons from Target, since they were running an ad where if you pre-ordered the game you'd also get an AC themed journal with it, and that combined with my family member's employee discount made it the cheapest/best value way for us to buy the game. As I said, I tried to order it twice. Both times, it was sold out. My family member had even tried to go to the store and have them order it before then, to no avail. After the second time, which was the day after Target sent out the sale paper with the new ad in it, while I was still frustratedly wondering how on earth do you sell out of a pre-order?? I kept refreshing the page every so often just to see if by some fluke it would miraculously not be sold out. I got very lucky around 3 in the afternoon and we managed to get the order in before it sold out again. Now, we're a relatively cheap family, so we didn't pay for the "express shipping" or whatever. Although, this was a $60 game and we were ordering it three whole weeks (on March 2nd) before release. If you ask me, the least they could do is have it shipped out either on launch day (March 20th) or the day after. Especially if I can pre-order a book on Amazon with three days' notice and they can still get it to me on release day. But, okay, I could live with waiting an extra day or up to maybe three if I had to. (And, to be fair, this was all before a certain virus exploded into chaos here in the US.) Much to my dismay, a week before NH release day, I checked the order status with Target only to be told I wouldn't get it until the 26th. A week later. That was pretty disappointing at the time, but it didn't really bother me until the day before and the day of launch when some people were getting their pre-orders early from places like Amazon and Best Buy (and some of them didn't even pay for the express shipping option from their selected source). If those two companies could plan around virus constraints to do that, why in the heck couldn't Target? But, okay, fine. Maybe the virus had something to do with it and they were really doing the best they could. Whatever. A week. Fine. I'll wait a week. A few days later though, we got an email saying: Surprise! Don't expect your dumb video game until April 3rd because we couldn't get our act together! (Okay, that's not what it really said, but that's what it felt like.) And I know, I promise I so know there are much more serious issues going on in the world right now and a video game about talking animals isn't exactly a priority shipment. I know. But it was still massively upsetting after I'd already waited so long. And, honestly, I feel like they had plenty of time and notice to take care of the game before everything else exploded and messed it all up. Again, especially if other companies already had time to even ship orders early and/or get the games to people on launch day. Or the day after. TWO WEEKS after launch, and you don't tell me about the secondary delay until the week I started expecting the game to already be in the mail on it's way to me? The only tiny silver lining is that as I was checking the order to make sure it didn't miraculously get pushed back to sometime in 2021 (because I really had no faith in Target's time estimates at this point) is that it did get bumped back up to April 1st. Although, I did think that it would be the absolute least funny April Fools' Day Joke ever if the day came and it was late because screw me.  But it did arrive to me on April 1st as promised; I just had a million other things to do before I could play it. ) And I will say, I know I could've just canceled the pre-order and bought the game digitally, but it was enough of a hassle to order it in the first place, and if I did that I'd also lose my pre-order bonus. And all that aside, I specifically wanted a physical copy to begin with. I always prefer that when it's possible. So people on the internet that want to eat me alive for not canceling when the shipping got screwed up, there are my reasons. Take 'em or leave 'em. (Seriously, I've seen some people be really rude about this just because they didn't like hearing people upset that they didn't have the game yet...when they already had it themselves or didn't care about AC in the first place...) Moral of the story: Don't pre-order from Target. Or, at least, don't expect the item to actually get to you right around release day. Account for at least two additional weeks of not having the thing. ...Seriously though, how do you sell out of a pre-order?? At least, when it's a highly anticipated game and you're a big company and not some small indie company with limited resources! Sheesh! Anyway. I have the game now, I've been playing it as much as possible and enjoying it. I still have a ways to go before my island is "complete" per se, but it's coming along nicely and I feel more comfortable now taking some more time away from it to get back into the swing of making art and things like that. So hopefully I'll be getting back into a regular posting schedule and you'll have that to look forward to. 
____ Artwork © me, MysticSparkleWings ____ Where to find me & my artwork: My Website | Commission Info + Prices | Ko-Fi | dA Print Shop | RedBubble |   Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram
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jekkiefan · 6 years
A Wound to Heal
A commission for @wombatking
Fandom: Gravity Falls
Word count: 5,017
Ship: Mabifica
Summery: Mabel and Dipper are spending their second summer in Gravity falls. Both Mabel and Pacifica are excited to see each other in person again, and it seems like nothing could ruin this perfect season. That is until Mabel brakes her ankle.
The school year was finally over. Ten months of lectures, bullies, and homework… lots of homework. All of it could be left in the past of the colder months. Now the mystery twins looked forward to spending their summer in the sleepy town of Gravity Falls. Or at least that’s what they thought a year ago. This summer the twins knew of the towns secrets and weirdness.
Dipper, equipped with the journal Mabel have given him, planed on uncovering more of the town’s mysteries. Meanwhile Mabel could hardly contain her excitement. Not only would she get to see her two BFFs, but she’d get to see Pacifica!
During the school year the girls had been texting each other. At first they talked about school, hobbies, daily life, and such. But after a while Mabel began showing off her new sweaters, and in turn Pacifica would send her pictures of her new jewelry. Eventually Pacifica would sometimes get a midnight text from Mabel asking questions like “If I spin fast enough with my arms out, will I fly like a helicopter?” or “Do you think it hurts the characters when I close a book too fast?” Talking to each other quickly became highlights of their day. And when they weren’t talking, they thought about one another. Mabel would often find herself wondering what Pacifica would think of her outfits. Likewise Pacifica would see a baby animal, and wonder what Mabel would name it.
And now they would finally see each other in person again! As soon as Mabel passed the Gravity Falls sign, she took a picture and sent it to Pacifica.
Mabel: Almost there!!! :D
Mabel: Can we hang out today?
She looked out the window of the bus, and watched the trees go by in a green blur. Waddles snorted sleepily as she pet his head. Then Mabel heard the phone ping.
Pacifica: No, I’m at a golf tournament right now. How about tomorrow?
Mabel sent a picture of a cat giving a thumbs-up, and smiled. This is going to be the best summer ever, she thought.
“Ow!” Mabel cried as she clutched her ankle.
An uncaught Frisbee fell as Dipper ran to his sister’s aid. “Are you okay?”
Tears began to pool over her cheeks as she shook her head. Through her watery vision she saw that the culprit was an un-seen gopher hole. She then looked to her bruised and swelling ankle as Dipper called for help.
One night in the hospital, then Mabel was back at the shack. Only this time a pink cast was attached to her foot, with orders that she was to keep it on for two months. Two months! That was all of summer!
Mabel sat in the TV room, orange juice in hand, uninterested in the show that flashed on the screen. Her foot itched and felt like it had a rock tied to it. Not to mention that her armpits hurt from using her crutches. She took a drink from her cup then frowned at her cast.
Dipper sauntered in and sat on the dino-skull. “Whatcha watching?”
Mabel looked up at the screen to see… sports? But with fire?
“Hmm,” Dipper pondered. “What’s the goal in death-ball? To not die?” He chuckled a bit at his own poor joke.
Mabel watched as Toby Determined ran across a field with a flaming, spiked bat. Then she glared at her cast with a sigh.
Dipper took note of this. “Pretty cool that they gave you a pink cast, right?”
His sister shrugged, “Yeah, I guess. But now my entire summer is ruined!”
“Don’t you think you’re over exaggerating?”
“Maybe,” Mabel pondered. She looked out the window, and saw a gnome dash into the bushes. What was she doing? Sitting inside when she could be out having an adventure. She needed to do something to get her out of this funk. “Ugh! You’re right.” Mabel stood up and leaned on her good leg.
“That’s the spirit, Mabel!” Then with a worried look, “Do you need your crutches?”
Mabel plopped back down on the recliner, and held her now sore ankle. “Yes, please.”
A few moments later Mabel was outside trying to figure out how to play hopscotch with crutches. After an hour of hopping and then falling, she gave up and tried dancing with Waddles. This proved slightly more fun, but only because for a second it looked like Waddles was waltzing. Then Mabel thought about doing cartwheels, but felt it best not to try. With head hung low, Mabel walked back inside to the TV room. There she watched the Why You Ackin’ So Cray-cray marathon until she heard a knock at the door.
“I got it!” Dipper called from the stairs.
When he opened the door, much to his surprise, Pacifica was there. She was dressed nice, maybe a touch nicer than usual. Then again Dipper wasn’t sure what “nicer” clothes looked like for a rich person.
“Is Mabel here?” She said.
“Sure, but...” Dipper thought of his sister still moping on the recliner.
Pacifica narrowed her eyes, “But what?”
“Well, Mabel’s really put out…” He thought about telling her to come back another time. “She told you what happened, right?”
“Yeah, she sent me a text yesterday. But she said we could still hang out.” Pacifica shifted her weight and put her hand on her hip.
“Come in, but Mabel might not want to do anything today. And I’m not sure what to do for her.” Suddenly a spark of an idea came to him. “But maybe you do!”
Pacifica stopped mid-walk and turned to Dipper. “Me?”
“Yeah! Mabel was super excited to see you. It was all she talked about on the bus here.”
Pacifica felt her face grow warm. “What can I do? Just hang out with her?”
“Yeah, just make sure she’s happy.”
Pacifica tried to think of how to help Mabel, but her mind went blank. She didn’t know how to make sweaters and scrapbooks like Mabel. Pacifica wasn’t that into crafts… wait “Hey, did Mabel bring her craft stuff?”
Dipper smirked, “This is Mabel we’re talking about.”
Pacifica looked to a bit of dirt on her shoe. “Well, I’m going to go decorate her cast.”
“She’ll love that!”
“And you go do something about those holes in the yard.” Pacifica pointed out the window, “I almost tripped.”
Dipper looked and saw that the lawn was now filled with gopher holes. “Where did they all come from?” He felt his journal in his jacket as curiosity filled his mind. “Hmm, seems like a mystery.”
“Okay, so where’s Mabel’s craft stuff?” Pacifica crossed her arms.
“Upstairs on her bed,” said Dipper not removing his gaze from the lawn.
The two parted their ways. Pacifica went up the stairs while Dipper walked outside with journal in hand. A few minutes later Pacifica was holding a big, pink bag of yarn, glue, glitter, flowers, and just about everything craft related. Objects shifted and clonked in the bag as she walked to the TV room. There she saw Mabel slumped over the arm of the recliner. Pacifica’s heart dropped at the sight. She had to make her happy again. She can’t have this sadness defeat her.
“Hey, Mabel,” Pacifica said setting down the bag.
Mabel looked up. Her eyes brightened a little. “Pacifica! What are you doing here?”
“We planed on hanging out today. Remember?” Pacifica sat down on the floor next to her.
“Oh, right.” Mabel then noticed her craft bag. “Why did you bring that down here?”
“To decorate your cast.”
Mabel turned starry-eyed. “Really!? With you!?”
Pacifica looked to the plain pink cast. “I’m surprised you haven’t decorated it yourself yet.” She then opened the bag, “So what do you want to do first?”
Mabel sat herself on the floor, and eagerly pulled out the bag’s contents. A bezazzler, stickers, glitter glue, markers, and just about everything else that one could consider crafty. Then she pulled out some blue and purple ribbon. “What about this?”
Pacifica looked at the ribbons then to the pink cast. “If you put it around the top, like a trim, that wouldn’t look half bad.”
Mabel reached in her bag and pulled out a hot glue gun, which was decorated with stickers. “Plug this in for me.”
Pacifica curiously held the device in her hand. After plugging it in, she turned around to find Mabel looking through rhinestones and fake flowers. “What about the ribbon?” Pacifica asked.
The other girl looked at Pacifica with confusion, “The glue needs to heat up first.”
“That’s how they work?”
Mabel chuckled. “It’s called a hot glue gun for a reason.” She glanced at the other objects around her. “Oh! Look!” Mabel grabbed a sticker and showed it to Pacifica.
Pacifica leaned in, and saw that the sticker depicted a giraffe saying ‘Reach for the Stars!!!’ while holding a star in it’s mouth.
Mabel place the sticker on her cast. “What flowers and jewels do you think would go with the cast?”
With a keen eye Pacifica looked at the flowers. There were pinkish ones with a yellow middles that looked nice. When it came to the rhinestones she thought that it would be best to pick ones that matched the ribbon and flowers.
Peering over Pacifica’s shoulder, Mabel gasped, “Pacifica! That looks great!”
Pacifica’s hands froze. “Uh, thanks. Anyway, how do you want them on your cast?”
Mabel looked at the pink plaster that surrounded her ankle. “Hmm… flowers. Oh! The jewels can look like stems!”
Pacifica nodded in agreement.
Mabel grabbed the bezazzler, “Let’s put the jewels on!”
“Uh, Mabel,” Pacifica said in a worried tone, “maybe we can just glue the rhinestones on.”
“Yeah,” Mabel looked at the bezazzler skeptically, “it did kinda hurt when I bezazzled my face.”
“You what?”
“Oh nothing. Hey, I think the glue gun is hot now,” Mabel pointed over to the device. A small blob of glue was now stuck to the carpet.
Pacifica pick it up and saw the glue, “Should we be worried about this?”
Mabel waved her hand, “Pfft, no, it’s fine.” Once handed the glue gun, she got right to work on the ribbon.
Pacifica helped hold the fabric in place as the glue dried. As well as help with tying a cute bow on the back for Mabel. After the bow came the flower design. Pacifica handed Mabel the rhinestones and flowers so the latter could glue them on. A few times Mabel burnt her finger on the hot glue, but assured Pacifica that she was fine.
“Done!” Mabel declared. She then turned to Pacifica, “What do you think?”
Pacifica looked at the floral design and smiled. “The rhinestones look pretty good for being plastic.”
Mabel seemed dissatisfied. “Hmm, it’s missing something.” She rubbed her chin in thought, then snapped her fingers. Mabel reached down and grabbed a marker. “Sign my cast.”
“What?” Pacifica felt her face grow warm again. She took the marker in hand, and carefully signed her name on the side of the hot pink cast. When she was finished Pacifica surveyed the pile of craft stuff, then glanced to Mabel.
“What is it?” Mabel asked.
She felt herself smile as she said, “Maybe we can complete the look.”
It took a moment for Mabel to process what was just said. Then her eyes got wide and she gasped with joy, “A makeover!”
If only Dipper was having as much fun as his twin was. He’d been spending his afternoon following the trail of gopher holes. A trail that started at the shack and led into the surrounding forest. Many a time Dipper stumbled on the holes and almost met the same fate as his sister. Suddenly the trees gave way, and Dipper was surrounded by gopher holes.
“Whoa.” He stood still, afraid that if he took a step further the hole-filled ground would collapse. “No normal gopher could do this.” Dipper took out his journal and began writing down his discovery. After writing he surveyed the clearing once more, and found another trail of holes. He would have followed it had it not been for the fading light, and his lack of a flashlight. Dipper made note to visit the clearing later. He then headed back to the shack.
Once he arrived, Dipper opened the door to the smell of… oatmeal? He turned to the TV room and saw it littered with craft supplies, dresses, and beauty products. In the middle of it all was Mabel and Pacifica. Mabel was wearing her pink and yellow flower dress. Meanwhile Pacifica was wearing Mabel’s old robin-egg blue dress with a matching blue ribbon in her hair.
Mabel turned to her twin. “Hey, Dipper! Pacifica and I are having a makeover.”
Dipper lightly kicked some sparkly fabric that was on the floor. “I see. Why does it smell like oatmeal in here?”
Pacifica held up a bowl. “It was for our face masks.”
“Do you want one too?” Mabel grinned.
Dipper took a defensive step back. “What? No, I don’t want oatmeal on my face.”
“Come ooon, Dipper!” Mabel teased.
“Nope,” He said backing out of the room, “I’m just gonna anywhere that not here.” And with that he left the room.
“But Dipper!” Mabel giggled. She stood up to chase her brother, but quickly met the floor with a thud.
“Mabel!” Pacifica ran to her side.
Mabel sat up and sadly looked to her cast.
“Are you okay?” Pacifica said, her voice filled with concern.
Mabel brought her knees to her chest. “No,” her voice mousy.
Unsure what to do, Pacifica sat down next to her. There was a long moment of silence. Pacifica felt helpless to the situation. She sensed the waves of sadness coming from Mabel’s curled form. There had to be something she could do. She couldn’t let the sadness win. Pacifica saw how Mabel’s long hair covered most of her body like a cocoa-colored blanket, and got an idea.  “Hey, do you want me to braid your hair?”
Mabel sniffed and rubbed her eyes. “Okay.”
“I think a side braid would look good with this dress.”
“Yeah, but nobody will be able to see it because I can’t walk anywhere.”
“What about your crutches?”
Mabel sniffed again, “But they hurt my armpits.”
Pacifica felt her heart ache. What could she do? Mabel was usually so bubbly, but now she looked so broken. Pacifica handed her a pillow.
Mabel looked up. Then took the pillow, and buried her face in it. “Thanks.”
Pacifica pulled back Mabel’s hair when another idea came to her. “I thought you’d like crutches.”
“Huh?” Mabel responded with curiosity.
“Wouldn’t it be like a personal swing?” Pacifica took out a hairbrush, then began working out the small tangles in Mabel’s hair.
Mabel sat up a little. “I didn’t think about that.” She rested her head back down on the pillow.
As Pacifica quietly brushed her hair, Mabel began thinking about how much faster she could be with her crutches. All that could be heard was the soft shushing of the brush that lulled Mabel into a half-sleep. Pacifica felt the smooth strands slip through her hands as she began braiding Mabel’s hair. The calmness that filled the air made Pacifica want to sleep too. A few minutes later, the braid was finished.
“Hey, Pacifica?” Mabel mumbled.
“Thanks for doing this.”
Pacifica’s heart skipped a beat at the kind remark. “It-it’s nothing.”
Mabel looked to her and saw her pink cheeks, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just happy to see you in person again.” Pacifica wanted to say more. She wanted to tell Mabel about this weird but nice feeling in her heart. The feeling had begun not long after school started. Pacifica opened her mouth to speak, “Hey, Mabel?”
“Do you want to-” her voice caught in her throat. “Do you want me to come back next week?”
A soft blush covered Mabel’s cheeks, “Sounds great!”
Pacifica stood up and surveyed the mess around them. “Do you need help with...” she gestured to the pile of crafts and makeup.
“Don’t you need to go soon?”
Pacifica thought of her parents, but then saw Mabel. “I can spare a few minutes.”
With that said the two of them shoved the ribbons, rhinestones, glue sticks, and more back in the bag. After putting away the dresses and makeup, Pacifica said her farewell and left.
Leaving Mabel alone in the TV room.
The next week seemed to go by agonizingly slow for both girls. Both felt trapped in their own house. Pacifica by her parents, and Mabel by her cast. Dipper tried his best to make Mabel feel better. He usually got a smile out of her, but as soon as he left the room, Mabel became melancholy once more.
One day Dipper took her to the park. Mabel sat on the bench watching the other kids play tag. Dipper had been sitting with her, but had decided to walk around. Mabel tried to keep her mind busy. She thought about what she and Pacifica could do when she visits in a few days. Mabel wanted to see her sooner, but Pacifica sent a text saying that her parents are having a dinner party. Maybe they could have a dinner party. But not like the boring ones Pacifica’s parents have. They could have a breakfast for dinner party! Everyone loves breakfast for dinner, Mabel reasoned. So Pacifica will love it! What breakfast foods does Pacifica like?
Mabel pondered Pacifica’s likes and dislikes. The she remembered how Pacifica smiled when they decorated her cast. How rosy her face was…
Now that she thought about it, had Pacifica been blushing. Mabel felt her face grow warm. Containing a happy squeal, she threw her head over the bench, and looked up at the tree above her. A bird flew off the tree, causing a leaf to fall.
Mabel sat up and saw Dipper standing in front of her. “Hey,” Mabel said.
“There’s a slide on the other side of the jungle gym.” Dipper said with a smile.
Mabel looked out, thinking of climbing up the ladder. She sighed, “I’m not in the mood.”
“Do you wanna go to the shack?”
Mabel nodded.
Dipper handed her the crutches, and soon the two left the park.
When Saturday finally came, Mabel had everything ready. A new box of her favorite cereal, two cartons of eggs, all the bacon a person could ever want, and most importantly pancake mix and a newly cleaned waffle maker. Just when the last bottle of syrup was set out, Dipper came dashing through the kitchen.
“Where are you going?” Mabel asked.
Dipper stopped and excitingly turned to his sister. “Yesterday I discovered that the gopher holes all lead to the bunker. And I was thinking ‘wasn’t there something about a mole-man in the third journal?’ But I just remembered that Grunkel Ford found a mole-man skeleton in there! So I’m going to go find it!”
Excitement filled Mabel’s heart. But then she remembered her ankle. There was no way she could go on a mystery adventure in her state. She’d just slow everyone down. “Well, have fun,” she said with a forced smile.
Dipper noticed the change in his sister’s mood. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she lied. “You go on your adventure.”
Dipper didn’t believe a word of it. But he decided not to press the issue too much. “Well, I’ll keep you updated.” He handed her a walkie-talkie. “Have fun with Pacifica.” Dipper gave Mabel a quick side hug and was off.
Not long after Mabel heard a knock at the door. Swinging her good leg between her crutches, Mabel dashed to the door. She opened it, and saw Pacifica standing there fixing her new skirt.
“How was the dinner party?” Mabel asked.
Pacifica rubbed her forehead and groaned. “Boring as always.” Then she turned to Mabel, “But how was your week?”
Mabel shrugged and avoided Pacifica’s eyes, “Boring as always.”
Pacifica crossed her arms. “What happened?” She looked around and noticed Dipper’s absence. “Where’s your brother?”
With a sigh Mabel replied, “Nothing. He went out on an adventure thing.”
Pacifica saw Mabel saddened face. She had to do something to make her happy. Pacifica decided to change the subject. “So you’re having a breakfast for dinner party?”
Mabel immediately perked up. “Yeah! I got everything set out.” She began walking into the kitchen, and Pacifica followed.
“Um,” Pacifica stuttered once she saw that every raised surface was covered in various foods. “How much food are we making?”
“As much as you want!” Mabel declared.
Pacifica surveyed the area, and spotted the waffle maker. “What’s that?”
Mabel gasped. “You don’t know what a waffle maker is!?”
Pacifica walked to the device and opened it. “How does it make waffles?”
“Well,” Mabel said pulling out a box of pancake mix, “you follow these instruction, pour the mix in here, smoosh it, and voila! A waffle!”
Pacifica looked at the box. “It says ‘pancake mix.’”
“The shape is what makes the waffle,” Mabel said setting down the box.
Suddenly Dipper’s staticky voice came through the walkie-talkie. “Dipper to Mabel. Dipper to Mabel. Can you hear me?”
Mabel grabbed the walkie-talkie from the table. “Mabel to Dippingsauce. I hear you loud and clear.”
“Is Pacifica there yet?” came his response.
Mabel tilted her head in confusion. “Yeah, we were just about to make waffles.”
“Good, she can help.”
Pacifica leaned in. “Help with what?”
There was obvious excitement in his voice, “Just come to the bunker. Over and out!” And with that said Dipper signed out.
“The bunker?” Pacifica questioned.
Mabel was shaking with enthusiasm. “It’s a mystery adventure! Can you help me climb down into the bunker?”
Pacifica smiled. Even if she wanted to, there was now way she could say no.
As they approached the hole a pebble was kicked away and fell. The echoing plunks faded, and ended with a clank. Mabel looked to the old wooden stairs, then to her crutches. Pacifica glanced at the dirty cobwebs and shivered. Then she looked to Mabel’s curious eyes. Pacifica opened her mouth to speak, but Mabel dropped her crutches and hopped onto the first step.
“Mabel!” Pacifica grabbed her arm.
Mabel teetered until she got her balance. She glanced at the stairs again, “Maybe I shouldn’t do that.”
“Don’t do that! Let me help,” Pacifica said putting one foot on the step.
Together they walked down the creaky wooden stairs. Pacifica lead with careful steps. Each wooden step creaked under the pressure, filling the area with an eerie echo. Pacifica held tight onto Mabel, making sure she didn’t fall. Every now and then she’s think about how close they were. She’d give a slight smile. But then the black abyss they were descending into quickly brought Pacifica’s attention back to walking. Finally they reached the bottom. Pacifica gazed at all the steps she and Mabel just journeyed down.
“That wasn’t too bad,” Mabel grinned.
Pacifica dusted off some cobwebs off of her skirt. “Yeah. Let’s just go see what your brother found.”
Mabel hopped to a large tunnel, pulling Pacifica along. “C’mon, the bunker is this way. Hopefully Dipper tripped all the boobie-traps for us.”
“The what!”
“Let’s go!” Mabel hopped into the tunnel with Pacifica close behind.
Once inside Pacifica noticed that she and Mabel were in what looked like an old bedroom. In one of the walls was a large un-man-made hole. And there was Dipper, examining his discovery.
Dipper turned to them. “Great! You made it.”
Mabel looked at the tunnel, “What did that?”
“I think my theory is right. It’s the mole-man I talked about.”
“A mole-man?” Mabel chimed in, “shouldn’t we call up a group of superheros?”
Pacifica peered into the tunnel. “So what are we going to do?”
“Meet him of course! Let’s go!” Mabel called as she started to crawl into the hole.
“Mabel!” Dipper yelled. “Your ankle!” then he started to crawl in after her.
Pacifica looked down at her nice clothes, but narrowed her brows and followed. It was a very long and dark tunnel. Not being able to see was really getting to Pacifica. Was that her hair that brushed past her face, or a bug. Honestly she wasn’t sure if she wanted to know. But it wasn’t long until she found the rest of the team.
“Hey, Dipper,” Mabel called, “I see two different tunnels.”
“How can you see anything in this pit?” Pacifica said.
Pacifica heard some distant cracking followed by Mabel saying, “Here!”
There was a silence, until Pacifica saw a purple glow coming towards her. As her eyes adjusted, Pacifica saw that it was a glow stick necklace. She put it on, and noticed that she could actually see.
“Now,” Mabel said, “which way do I go?”
“Uh...” Dipper stammered.
“Left,” Pacifica called.
“To the left!” Mabel declared.
Soon the trio was back to their adventure. Making rights and lefts, downs and ups. Dipper became worried that Mabel’s directing would get them lost. However they eventually reached a stop.
“You guys!” Mabel said. “I think I found a cave!” There was some shuffling followed by a plop. “Ow.”
“You okay?” Pacifica and Dipper called.
“Yeah, come in here!”
Dipper and Pacifica made their way forward into the dark and spacious cavern. Mabel was sitting down with a pink glow necklace. Pacifica was quick to her side, and helped her up. Dipper took off his blue necklace, and used it to examine the rest of the cave.
“How far down are we?” Pacifica wondered out loud.
Dipper knocked on the wall. “Hard to say.” His curiosity grew, so he went off to inspect the rest of the cave.
Mabel gasped quietly, “Pacifica! Your skirt is torn.”
Pacifica looked down to see her nice skirt, the skirt her parents just bought, torn. She thought of coming home looking like she did. And of how disappointed they would be.
“It’s okay,” Mabel smiled. “I can sew it when we get back to the shack.”
Pacifica looked down at Mabel’s cast, then to her skirt. No, this is all wrong. Mabel’s hurt, she shouldn’t be... Pacifica became lost in her thoughts.
She looked up to see Mabel’s worried face. “What’s wrong?” Mabel said putting a hand on Pacifica’s shoulder.
“Mabel” Pacifica said with self frustration in her voice, “I’m fine. You’re the one with a broken ankle.”
Mabel made a face. “But your feeling look broken.”
Pacifica couldn’t help but smirk at that. But it was quickly covered up by her internal frustration. “I’m worried about what my parents will think-- But that’s stupid. You’re the one with a broken ankle.”
Mabel tried to look into Pacifica’s downcast eyes. There was confusion and irritation in her eyes. “You problems are real too.”
“No, I’m supposed to be cheering you up.” Pacifica couldn’t let Mabel’s sadness win.
“You’ve been trying to make me happy?”
Pacifica sighed. “Yeah, I tried to do things to make you happy. But now you’re the one trying to make me feel better.”
A quiet chuckle came from Mabel’s smiling mouth.
“What’s so funny? I’m trying to be a better person,” Pacifica said feeling offended. “Why are you laughing?”
Mabel shook her head. “No it’s just...” she looked at Pacifica with twinkling eyes, “I am happy.” In one fluid motion Mabel wrapped her arms around Pacifica. “You helped me go on an adventure, and you were there for me.”
Pacifica felt her heart beat next to Mabel’s. She accepted the hug by holding her close as well.
“Thank you,” came Mabel’s muffled voice from Pacifica’s shoulder.
Pacifica hid her blushing face in Mabel’s hair. “It’s nothing.”
Then an echoing scream pierced the air.
Dipper came running into view. “I found the mole-man!” Behind him a giant man-like creature with large teeth crawled towards them.
“Run!” Pacifica yelled. She dashed into the tunnel, Dipper and Mabel close behind her. Leading the group, Pacifica crawled away. Suddenly the tunnel forked. “Which way!?”
“Any way!” the twins yelled.
Pacifica took a right which sent her sliding down headfirst. Roots and rocks hit her face. At the bottom she caught herself, only to have Mabel and Dipper come crashing in.
“You okay, Mabel?” Pacifica called.
“Yeah,” she said spiting out dirt, “just go!”
The mole-man’s roar echoed throughout the tunnels. Pacifica dashed into another passage. Making lefts and rights and ups until she finally began to see light. Her hand met fresh grass as she pulled herself into the sunlight.
“A little help!” Mabel said from the tunnel.
Pacifica grabbed Mabel’s arm, and pulled her up. Dipper followed soon after, coughing up dirt as he did so. He looked around, and spotted the bunker’s metal tree. They had come full circle.
“We made it!” Mabel declared.
The corners of Pacifica’s mouth turned up, “That was kinda… fun.” She turned to Mabel, “Do you need help walking back?”
“Yeah,” Mabel turned around as if looking for something. “I thought I left my crutches somewhere around here.”
Dipper walked up to Mabel and Pacifica, holding the crutches. “Found them.”
“Thanks, Bro-bro.”
“I’m gonna close up the bunker,” he said pointing to the tree.
“Meet you at the shack,” Mabel replied. Using her crutches, Mabel stood with a smile on her face. “Hey,” she said to Pacifica, “when we get back to the shack, I’ll fix your skirt for you.”
Pacifica looked down to her torn skirt, then to Mabel. Her heart fluttered in her chest. Words wanted to be said. But how could she say them? How would she start? “Hey, Mabel?” Pacifica’s mouth said before she was ready.
“I was thinking that--” Pacifica stuttered.
“Thinking about what?” Mabel questioned. After observing Pacifica’s pink face, it didn’t take long for Mabel to know what was up.
“That,” Pacifica continued, “we should hang out again.”
Mabel smiled, “Of course we can, silly!” She gave Pacifica another hug. “It’s a date!”
Pacifica looked to Mabel’s grinning face. “Yeah…
“it’s a date.”
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creeket · 6 years
Not tagged by anyone
But stolen from @catherinecreates cause it's early and I'm bored
Nicknames?: Mary is technically a nickname; Watson; not saying the more stupid ones-
Height?: 1 m 64 cm
Orientation?: Stright or ace
Favorite Fruit?: cherries and oranges
Favorite Season?: Autumn
Favorite Flower?: cornflower?
Favorite Scent?: that perfect, chill smell of home that brings back memories of bingeplaying minecraft with my cousin when I was 12 and yelling at endermen... ;v;
Favorite Color?: Dark purple, dark blue, marine green, silver
Favorite Animal?: Cats. Want something more exotic? Panthers
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?: Hot chocolate in water. Aka literally liquid chocolate.
Cats or Dogs?: Cats, o'course, though I like dogs too and will rarely, but sometimes prefer to be around a dog over a cat because they are way more energetic and can play rough
Favorite Fictional Character?: In ever? The Puppet from Fnaf. In LN? The Lady. In Warrior Cats? Hollyleaf and Leafpool.
Number of Blankets?: Well that's a weird question... one? xD Two when I'm really cold.
Blog Created?: Wut
Dream Trip?: Hmm... Right now I just wanna see people in America and another place. Otherwise, London... London all the way. And Egypt to see the pyramids if it ever gets less dangerous around there.
Number of Followers?: 25 I believe? I thank you all for being here though I've no idea what you expect to see ;v;
Random Fact?: I thought a lot about this and I've no idea. What should I write? Hidden talents? I don't know..! Likes? In what category? ....Your random fact is I always overthink things I guess
Phobia?: Mild trypophobia; fear of heights though weird fascination with scaring myself by sitting on high ledges; a fear of huge, empty places - the opposite of claustrophobia. (I love tiny crammed spaces; they feel safe, like I've got cover :'>)
Favorite Movie?: Cocoooo
Favorite Music?: Remix/ techno; music with tons of emotion into it; epic piano pieces.
Favorite Games?: Little Nightmares bish
The walking dead, sims, minecraft, Amnesia, a ton of other horror ones, Until Dawn... list goes on and on
Favorite Book?: Warrior Cats. Harry Potter... and a few other non-series smaller books
Favorite Dinosaurs?: Er. q-q' Those tiny ones that look like small Blue's and teamwork to take down the larger ones
Favorite Food?: Sweet anything... Normal food I am pretty indifferent about. Sweets. >:]
Favorite Drink?: Mojitos!
Favorite Style?: Vintage, don't know exactly what kind. The London kind or the mountain cabin kind.
Favorite Climate?: Chill-air mountains with pine forests.
Digital or Traditional?: Traditional... though I am trying, it's just... why and how does one not look at the pencil while drawing. My digital lining sucks.
Favorite Medium?: Black markers and pencils + paper
Hobbies?: Drawing, small crafts; reading sometimes; a whole lotta watching youtube; walks in the park looking at trees and contemplating life :']
Favorite Subject?: Maths, informatics, english.
Nationality: Just Romanian, though half moldavian and half capital girl ;]
Favorite Mythical Creature?: Unicorns. ...what?
Morning Person?: Yep. Even when I try I can't wake up later than 9.
Favorite Outfit?: Skinny jeans and a big sweater.
Eye Color?: Tin blue.
Hair Color?: Dark blonde.
Skin Tone?: Pale af, slighty yellow, slightly pink.
Overall Personality?: Quiet around new people, never showing anything, often leaving people thinking I can never get angry, and that I'm a responsible collected person, which I doubt. With friends, always swearing like a sailor, a good listener, trying to solve everybody's problems, being a general mom friend. People easily get under my skin though I'm working on that to change it... Will never, neither around friends nor strangers, suggest that I want to take the lead in a project, but if I'm voted to it, I'm pretty happy about it, and enjoy myself. Generally needing way too much attention and being too shy to hint to it a lot. Huge ego, always bringing myself down to keep that in check xD
A hug or any sort of affection (physical or through words) usually means to me way more than it should.
Are You Done With These Questions Yet Could Still Go On For Hours?: Another random fact? I love rambling. :>
3 notes · View notes
handmade4cards-blog · 8 years
Card is the best way to express your love for the other because it show how much the person is attached to you .gift is best way to feel the other happy  and handmade card is most special thing for the other because on it you have spent your  precious time  and then design it.
Handmade cards  are not so difficult but you  should be something creative  and different from the others. New year is  start a d the people are  very happy because they are wishing something  new and different from the previous  year the things which they had lost in their past  at the place of  these happiness  they will find more achievements.
The benefit of the handmade card is that you can use the favorite color of second person in the cards and cards can make according to the season. All the gifts and things become expire and spoil but the card remain save because on it the name of that person is written  on the cards you can use the colors , crepe paper , foamy sheet , glitter, wire , and the paints are required so with these things make the cards for your dear ones.
Red color handmade card:
Red color is the good sign of love you can give it  to your lover and the  wife  or husband because with the red color you  can show your love. Take a printed white color card and  then paste the red color  crepe paper on it  make two flowers on it means the couple of you  and write happy new year on it  you can give it to that person whose wedding is near and you are going to attend  give this card and wishing for they will remain together always for the formal look you can add the glitter glue .
Handmade card for friend:
After your family  the friends are the  important person for you  because you can share your ideas  and the secrets with your friend so  never forget your friend  make a card for her take the purple color soft sheet and cut it in the shape of card and then use  tissue roll card on it for designing  in the floral style and write the happy new year in the center  the pink  Is paired with purple  is nice choice for the formal look stones are used on the flower you can apply the glue glitter paste for the  shining .
Card for kids:
On the celebration the kids are properly engaged because they want to do fun  so for the kids use the dark and blush colors because they like the bold colors  so make the green color  card with different characters and the animal pictures on it and the tie is attached with the card if you will give the card to our kids then this habit is developed in them to wish the birthdays happy new year and the  Christmas and other events  if you include the kids then  he or she become habitual to  celebrate the little happiness to the others.
Card for your parents:
On the new year you  should include your family and the parents because they  feel happy in our happiness  so make the cards  in the  skin color  and use the little pictures of your family  on the card  with  the flower and use it on the card that is in the crepe paper  make the portion on the card and count the members of your family  and then cut the pictures of every person and paste it on the  card at the place of pictures you can use the different flowers charts and write happy new year on it.
Funny handmade card:
When the new year is start too   much coldness the frost  and the mist snow falling ,raining etc are  in the weather  then yo0u can wish the other in the winter and snowy style because  all the dull and  blush colors are used normally in the card so the winter card is different from the other cards  take the  hard card  in purple color and paste the blue color crepe paper on it  and then give a snowy touch with the help of markers and the paint  then penguin who are the king of the snow make on the card you can give it to your friend ,cousins , sister, brother and your any love one .
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    Latest and beautiful handmade New Year cards ideas Card is the best way to express your love for the other because it show how much the person is attached to you .gift is best way to feel the other happy  and handmade card is most special thing for the other because on it you have spent your  precious time  and then design it.
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