#the program exchange
newgabeorder · 4 months
SAILOR SAYS Restoration Failure!
I found the DISC to the first 26 DiC-dubbed SAILOR MOON (1992) episodes, but I was unable to separate the giant chunk of video footage into individual episodes. As a result, you will have to wait until the next DiC episode shows up on T3 Express if you want to learn some (in-depth) life lessons from Sailor Moon. At least some is better than none.
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zephyrchama · 12 days
Does anybody in the Obey Me! cast know that MC's phone is special and can basically see other people's text chains at random? Would anyone ever pick up on this?
Imagine hanging out with Beelzebub when Belphegor starts messaging him. Your phone, wholly unrelated to their chat in any way, starts dinging every single time Belphegor sends a message. It buzzes at the exact same time as Beelzebub's phone. Maybe he'll laugh it off as coincidence at first, but in time of course he'll get suspicious.
Imagine chilling with Leviathan when your phone starts blowing up with notifications because Mammon and Satan are having an argument. Leviathan becomes envious. You must be so popular, you must have so many people vying for your attention. He starts getting upset.
You try to tell him the messages aren't important (they're not even for you!), but you can't exactly admit that your phone is constantly spying on the conversations between him and his brothers. How you watched him teach Diavolo how to play Mononoke Land in real time.
Does this system only work with people you know? With the people currently registered as contacts in your D.D.D.? Do you ever see the random thirst messages people DM Asmodeus? Do you ever see Mephistopheles message private matters to his family? How often are surprises ruined due to this? How difficult is it to watch Simeon repeatedly message Solomon with questions he clearly intended to text Lucifer? Can you keep your mouth shut when two people are privately discussing juicy gossip that's too good to ignore?
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bruciemilf · 1 year
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I reject your "Dick is the only responsible sibling" agenda, and bring you it's superior.
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madspeed · 1 month
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twewy in persona 4... think about it .. .............. (I'm run over by 15 semitrucks)
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jackshiccup · 11 months
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some modern hijacks for the soul (and bumping shoulders as a love language)
shoutout @midoristeashop for these swag brushes <3
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Monster Exchange Program(Lamia Girl Au)
*Out in a city like town was no normal place. For in this town lived monster and creatures of all kinds living among humans as part of a Exchange Program by a special group of agents that protect them and help them blend into society.*
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wrynrambles · 2 months
I am a simple player. I get the guest interaction wrong, they look at me funny... I exist the game and either don't log back in for a day out of sheer embarrassment or exist without saving so it never happened.
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handweavers · 8 months
i've been so fucked up for months i haven't been able to go downtown to pick up my work from last spring from my school's textile studio and they always have a cutoff date like if you don't pick up your old work by x date they toss it and they're pretty strict about that unless you arrange with the studio tech beforehand, and the studio tech doesn't like most people she's pretty curt with most students. not rude but just keeps things professional and a bit distant, a very serious person. but i know she grew to like me over the past few years/warmed up to me a lot and we'd chat a lot about different textile things and she would say really kind things to me a lot which felt rare and special, and she let me have special treatment with some of the equipment because she trusted me to use it properly. and i haven't seen her in nearly a year and i expected her to have tossed my work out when i didn't come to pick it up last fall and emailed her to explain why and dropped off the face of the earth, i made my peace with losing that work and accepted it, it is what it is, i will survive, etc.
but she emailed me earlier this week and said she didn't have the heart to toss my work and has kept it safe in her office for me if i'm ever able to come pick it up and if not she's going to keep it as an example piece to show other students when teaching weaving because it's too lovely to get rid of and my heart swelled like 10 times its size bc she didn't have to do that and it meant so much to me that even a year from seeing her last she was still thinking about me and being kind to me. and i emailed her back and picked it up today and saw her and we chatted for a bit and it was so nice. I love her I miss my school's textile studio and weaving in there and talking craft with her... sigh
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starwarsanthropology · 2 months
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The tragedy of ur boyfriends not letting u bite them just a little. As a Treat.
A Tup from @trudemaethien’s excellent fic Edeemi, Baby, One More Time that I drew back in May! I didn’t have a Star Wars tumblr at the time and wasnt planning on posting it anywhere so I forgot about it until now, but I had such a fun time playing around with lighting effects and his expression!
I really love their mer universe and I’m especially fond of Tup’s POV in this fic. It’s such a good job of expressing the confusion and frustration of communication barriers and reasonable, best-intent misunderstandings between all of them, while still leaning into the positive aspects of discovering the world and representing it from slightly different perspective than people normally take 10/10 highly recommended
Closeup of the sketch for his expression under the cut because I was super happy with it
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spirngakawening · 1 year
UKsies Spot sends her transmasc newsies over to Jack and Jack sends his transfem newsies over to Spot
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satangcrush · 1 month
diavolo once made all the exchange students put on a performance as part of a cultural exchange (he just wanted to see them perform)
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day 16
so instead of a drawing todays art is Babys First Embroidery
it will eventually be a patch for my Cool Patch Jacket once i get the border all filled in
it is in reference to the fact that i recently found out my state has a program that provides free naloxone to anybody who wants to carry it, no prescription necessary.
if you aren’t familiar, naloxone (brand name Narcan) is a medication that can be used to reverse an opioid overdose almost instantaneously in an emergency. in my state it is provided in the form of a nasal spray, but similar programs in other areas might offer auto-injectors, or other subcutaneous delivery methods.
BUT what i want to get across is that there are A LOT of these programs out there! if you’re curious, just google “free naloxone [your location]” and you might be able to get your hands on free or extremely reduced cost doses of naloxone to carry with you. most programs will train you how to administer the medication, and how to recognize signs of overdose.
harm reduction for drug users is important to me, regardless of who is using them, or for what purpose. and you can be part of that effort in your community SO easily by adding this to your first aid repertoire. it’s a bit like getting cpr certified! only literally so fast and cheap and easy like in my case i was in and out of the pharmacy in 15 minutes!!! you can literally save somebodys life with this, it is so so worth it.
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666writingcafe · 8 months
A Surprise Visit
Author's Note: This is the official start of my season three rewrite. To quickly recap how I ended season two, MC basically convinces Solomon to live with them in their home instead of the two of them going their separate ways. That's number one. Number two is I'm axing the whole babysitter gig setup, because I feel like it's a bit unnecessary (and weird).
So, without further ado, the first part of lesson 41 is under the cut.
Solomon looks over my shoulder and examines the potion I prepared in the cauldron.
"Nicely done," he remarks. "Just the right shade of blue."
"Thanks," I reply, quickly glancing up at him.
"You know, you've done a nice job keeping up with everything I've taught you. You're certainly one of my better apprentices." I chuckle.
"I mean, I would like to not destroy my home."
"Or any surrounding ones." I turn my full attention to him, confused as to why he would say that. He merely shrugs as he adds,
"It's happened before."
"I see." Should I be worried?
"Anyway, you almost have the fundamentals down. Pretty soon, you'll be able to get your Sorcerer's License, and I can begin teaching you summoning magic."
"I'm sure the brothers would appreciate that."
"Oh, probably. They like you alright." His smirk indicates that he wants to start bantering with me. He does it on a daily basis, and I've gotten pretty good at coming up with good responses on the fly.
Suddenly, someone knocks on my door.
"I'll get it," Solomon states, patting me on the shoulder and kissing me on the temple before leaving the room. I take the opportunity to begin pouring my potion--a serum that causes people to change size--into the bottles Solomon set up in front of me.
Just as I finish filling the first bottle, Solomon returns.
"It would seem as though the brothers got tired of waiting," he tells me.
"What do you mean?" I ask, setting the cauldron down.
"Surprise!" Asmo pops his head in the room and waves excitedly at me.
At least, I think it's Asmo. His hair's a lot longer than usual, and his choice of makeup makes him look rather feminine.
As he steps into full view and reveals his outfit--a spaghetti tanktop, a denim miniskirt that barely covers his crotch, and strappy high heels--I realize that he's in drag. And it looks good.
Has he done this before?
"You alright, MC?" Solomon asks, walking over and touching my shoulder.
"I'm sure they are," Asmo answers before I can open my mouth. "They're just in awe of my beauty."
"Just the same as always," Solomon quips, causing Asmo to stick his tongue out at him.
"What are you doing here?" The question comes out a lot more quietly than I was expecting. Maybe it's because I can't stop staring at Asmo. For once, he's right; I am in awe.
"Here in your home, or here in the human world?"
"B-Both, I guess." Asmo clasps his hands together.
"Well, after you left, Diavolo started making plans for us to come visit you in the human world. He and Lucifer bought a property nearby, and we've been working on making it our own for a few months. We just finished last week." He briefly pauses. "I've actually been sent to pick you up and take you over there. That is, if that's alright with your teacher over there." He smiles at Solomon, who nods his head.
"I think we've reached a good stopping point for today," he replies, glancing over at me.
"Great! I'll help you pack." Huh?
"Asmo!" I call out before he can go too far.
"Yes, MC?" He bats his eyes at me, and I have to force myself to focus.
"As much as I appreciate the enthusiasm, I can't spend the night. I have to work tomorrow." Asmo stares at me blankly. "You know...the job that helps me pay my bills?"
"Oh right! You don't have to worry about that for a while." That can't mean what I think it means.
"Asmo...what did you do?"
"I didn't do anything. It was all Diavolo." He didn't...
"MC isn't like you guys," Solomon pipes up. "They rely on their job to make ends meet. It's not like they can just leave at will." This makes Asmo widen his eyes.
"No, no, no! It's not like that at all!" he exclaims. "MC, you still have your job. Diavolo just arranged for you to be on vacation until we returned to the Devildom." He walks over and clasps my hands. "I am so sorry for worrying you like that, MC." I sigh.
"That only covers part of it. What about--"
"Check your bank account."
"I got it," Solomon states, leaving the room and returning with my laptop. Once he pulls up my online account, he shows the screen to me, revealing...
"Is that four zeros?"
"It appears so, yes." He clicks on the checking account to view transaction details. "It looks like Diavolo's been transferring money to your account. At least, I assume that's who 'David Prince' is." Asmo nods his head.
"We thought it best to adopt human alias while we were here." Well, that explains the drag. "I decided to go with Azzy."
"The name suits you," I tell him, still staring at the screen.
I can't believe that Diavolo went out of his way to do something like this for me. It's not like I've ever expected him to provide for me or anything.
"So, am I good to start packing?" Asmo asks.
"Sure." I make sure to follow him as he enters my room. If I leave him unsupervised, there's no telling what he'd do in there.
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lunar-jewels · 1 month
@vee-week day 7: demon realm-human realm exchange program
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she likes the shirt!
YIPPEE I COMPLETED VEEK time to sleep for One Thousand Years
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zyrafowe-sny · 1 month
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Demon Realm Human Realm Exchange Program Headcanons
for @vee-week Day 7: Demon Realm Human Realm Exchange Program
Gus' brainchild, of course
Gus really wanted to bring in Vee since she's a demon who (mostly) successfully masquerades as a human
(unrelated, but Gus and Vee have had friendly competitions pitting shapeshifting against illusion magic)
Vee needed time before she felt comfortable enough going back to the Demon Realm, but 1) wanted to reunited with Number Three and Number Four and 2) her Cabin 7 friends wanted to see where she came from
members of the Human Appreciation Society, Number Three, Number Four, and Vee's Cabin 7 friends were among the first program participants (Masha is very interested in oracle magic)
Vee co-authored the guide for demons and witches visiting the Human Realm; Luz wrote most of the guide for humans visiting the Demon Realm
Eda had some suggestions for the guide for visiting the Human Realm, but some major corrections were necessary
both guides include sections about edible foods/nutrition
the new Boiling Isles government now has a protocol in case any humans accidentally find their way there through random Titan blood (with the stipulation that it should be updated at least every 10 years)
developing the Human Realm Demon Realm Exchange Program gave Vee, Gus, and Luz some internship credit at Hexside
Boiling Isles President Raine Whispers is a big supporter, and with Vee and Luz's help, has successfully brought some bards (and Eda) to Human Realm concerts
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the-acid-pear · 5 months
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Exchange I forgot.about but brought me to tears
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