#the quadfather
topperscumslut · 2 years
the rest of the quads telling nicky the quadfather wasn’t real was lowkey some fucky shit let the man live u little shits
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giganyte · 2 years
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first zack and cody now this...                                                                                                                                  these bitches will never escape the brother allegations.
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alfred-e-neuman · 2 years
Hello Tumblr,
I deadlifted 405 lbs today.
Four hundred and five!!
That is all.
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esta-elavaris · 11 months
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Been doing N.O. training this month (because I have to make a real effort to workout considering I spend the rest of my time hallucinating about fictional characters at a keyboard) - just finished week one. I’ve done almost 800 squats this month 💀 they call me the quadfather.
I’ve never been more sore, or more tired, but the results are amazing!
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thefauxsport · 7 days
The smaller bear aka nick
Let's talk about the Quadfather! What do you wanna talk about
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ultimatebodybuilder · 6 months
The Quadfather Tom Platz Reveals the Ultimate Truth About Ster**ds in Bodybuilding: Don't Turn Volkswagen Into ... - EssentiallySports
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mobilehorrorcompanion · 10 months
The Gutterverse Press Conference
Shuli Egar hosted a press conference on Aug. 2 to talk about whether Ray DeVito's 'Rock Bottom Podcast' should be tossed off The Shuli Network YouTube channel.
Various bottom-feeding podcast hosts acted as the press corps, including Quadfather Derek, Lil Mir, Dr. Chow and, from this podcast, Carlos Danger.
Check out this episode!
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s7evendaysageek · 11 months
Drinking Through Rose Colored Glasses with Neighbor Cole
Taking a pause in the "Summer Series" but we'll be back next week with more of that, in the meantime, here is the second half to an episode that began on Deconstructing Dad this week called "Binge Eating and Post Urination Drip with Neighbor Cole" In that episode we discuss among many things, Cole's relationship with food and his fast food order that shouldn't be laughed at... but it's us... so it is! 
Go listen to Part One over at Deconstructing Dad firstly. 
In this episode, after a few more drinks, we talk about the slow and quiet death of 7 Days a Geek when he decided to quit the show. Ginger takes blame, Cole just wants to know he was missed. A brief conversation about his time on FACPA and Matt being the Meme God is discussed before we spend the bulk of this episode going down the Weekly Watch Party memory lane. Thank God there's still a spreadsheet cuz we're 17 sheets past 2 sheets in the wind. Quadfather is missed but we wouldn't have changed anything with that reboot.
Thanks so much for listening. Please Rate and Review this podcast and if you've not subscribed you can do that as well so you won't miss the return of the "Summer Series" next week! 
Love you and Thankful for you! 
Check out this BRAND NEW episode of 7 Days a Geek. Share it with your fellow tumblrs!
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topperscumslut · 1 year
ok it’s 2am and i can’t sleep and am going feral i have both my jobs tomorrow; my main one (running shoe store) from 10am to 5pm and then my side job (taco bell) that used to be my main job but i fucking hated it and put my two weeks in cuz i was closing til insane times in the morning 5 nights a week but they begged me to stay for just one night a week for a few hours a night so i reluctantly agreed, from 10pm to 2am probably 3am tbh and i spent the weekend at my sister’s house an hour away from where i work and live so imma get no sleep but i have many thoughts so here’s my in depth analysis of when the Harper quads were born that i spent HOURS trying to figure out
im surprisingly sober but i took a shot of pickle juice and am ready to go insane let’s GO
so let’s start with the basics - we know for a fact the quads were born between february 2004 and november 2004. how do we know that? bcuz of the Valentine’s Day episode (Valentime’s Day, s1e15) where the quads find an old tape from Valentine’s Day of 2004 that shows their parents finding out that they’re having quadruplets. now for some reason most of the fandom likes to think that Valentine’s Day is their birthday bcuz of this episode which makes NO SENSE bcuz a. why would they only find out they’re having quadruplets when Anne goes into labor and b. there was already a birthday episode (The Quadfather, s1e11) in the first season separate from the Valentine’s Day episode. even if they wanted to be surprised about the gender of the baby, Anne would’ve had an ultrasound at some point during the pregnancy to find out that the baby is healthy and would’ve been informed that it’s actually four fetuses instead of one.
which leads to me researching quadruplet pregnancies in a desperate attempt to find out at what point during the pregnancy this information would have been revealed to find out when their birthdate would logically be, where i learned that the earliest this would have happened would be 6 weeks in. not only that, but apparently quadruplet pregnancies usually only last about 30 weeks instead of 40. this SIGNIFICANTLY cuts down our range of dates by 16 weeks (6 weeks for the minimum of how far along Anne would have been, and 10 weeks for the decreased gestation period). if we take exactly nine months after february 14, 2004, we get november 14, 2004, and when we subtract those 16 weeks we get august 1, 2004. now while the NRDD fandom wiki lists all of the quads’ birthdates as february 14, 2004, if we go to the wiki for Avery, a classmate of the quads’ introduced in season 3, her birthdate is listed as june 1, 2004, and in the trivia section it’s included that she has the same birthday as the quads, which i’m 99.9% sure is never actually mentioned as canon in the show, but considering it fits in our range of dates, i kinda just rolled with it.
here’s where things get tricky - the ordering of the episodes. in season 1, the quads’ 10th birthday episode aired on January 10th, 2015 between the Christmas episode (Santa’s Little Harpers, s1e11) and the aforementioned Valentine’s Day episode, which would imply that they were born January 10, 2005, but we’ve already determined that that is impossible. it’s exponentially unlikely that Anne Harper was pregnant for a little over a year, this would make the quads the longest recorded pregnancy of all time. it’s also not possible that they were born in january 2004 as they were not yet conceived. in The Quadfather, if we look at the outfits worn by the characters it seems to reflect that it’s set sometime in spring or maybe a cool summer. so we kinda have to take the episode ordering out of the picture bcuz the writers clearly have not put as much thought into this as i have, but it’s still bothering me. in season 3, we encounter another slight problem in the ordering of the episodes’ releases, as s3e16 One Quadzy Summer (a summer vacation episode), s3e17 Quad for Teacher (an episode that shows the quads back at school), and s3ep18 Quadpendence Day (presumably a Fourth of July episode, which would still be during the summer) are all back to back. so the quads went on summer break, went back to school, and now suddenly it’s the Fourth of July? okay. the only possible explanations for this are a. Quad for Teacher is set in summer school… for some reason or more likely, b. the Independence Day episode isn’t actually set ON Independence Day, but rather as soon as they got back from summer break.
now while the june 1 date originally made sense, Ricky makes an interesting comment in Quad for Teacher. he comments about how many days the quads have been alive for, and i don’t remember the exact number, but i did the math and it would place said episode at 17 days after their 13th birthday. this further cements the fact that the quads were born summer of 2004, but early june would no longer make sense. there’s no way they would have been going back to school as early as june 18th. since this episode is preceded by a summer episode, it makes sense that this would be from when they were starting the school year rather than ending it. this raises another interesting topic - the birthday of Mae, Dawn’s best friend. on wikipedia, Mae’s birthday is listed as January 21, 2005, which i originally didn’t understand where that was coming from until i realized that in s3e3 Keeping Up with the Quadashians, it’s mentioned that it’s Mae’s birthday, and the episode aired on January 21, 2017. if this is indeed Mae’s birthday, it would place her in the graduating class of 2023, and considering Mae and the quads are in the same class, they would have been born in late summer or even early fall of 2004 for this to be possible. however, there are a few issues with this. first of all, just bcuz the episode featuring Mae’s birthday was released on this date doesn’t mean she actually was born on that date, as we know from the previous issue with the quads’ birthday in season 1. second of all, even if that is Mae’s birthday, we don’t have much reason to believe it would be her 12th birthday as it’s never stated in the episode. it’s much more likely that since the quads turned 13 in season 3 that she did as well and her birthday would be January 21, 2004. third of all, if Avery was born June 2004 and Mae was born January 2005, how the hell would they be in the same class?
this is the point where i realize that my theory is quickly unraveling and that it’s nearly 3am and im going to get a Power Nap instead of a full night of sleep before an 11 hour work day and am regretting all of my life decisions
so by this logic, the quads would most likely be the graduating class of 2022, or even possibly 2023 if they were born later in 2004. however, in s3e19 Cementing the Quad’s Legacy, released July 8, 2017, it’s revealed that the quads are graduating middle school as the class of 2017, which raises the question - what the fuck? if they’re graduating middle school and starting high school in 2017, they would have graduated high school in the class of 2021. i was class of 2021 and was born in july of 2003 and was already one of the youngest in my class. so how are you barely 13 and already going off to high school? and if this is the case, the previous summer only a FEW EPISODES BEFORE, where they turned 13, would be the summer of 2016, meaning they were born in 2003, which is SCIENTIFICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. at this point my brain started to hurt and i ended up giving up on trying to make it fit into the episode timelines and instead turned to the scientific explanation and what we already know about Anne’s pregnancy with the quads.
so we already know the earliest Anne could have found out about her quadruple pregnancy is 6 weeks along, but after thorough research, apparently the average time after conception when this information is available over ultrasound would be 7-8 weeks. so if we subtract 1-2 weeks from our estimated latest possible date of august 1, then we get the most likely range of july 17-24, which checks out with Ricky’s comment as it’s logical for them to be back to school around early august.
in conclusion, the Harper quads were most likely born late july of 2004, and i need to go the fuck to sleep as it is 3:08am. thank you for coming to my ted talk.
update: it’s come to my attention thru further research that finding out about quads would likely happen closer to 12 weeks, which pushes our date back further to june 19. however, considering the flighty nature of Tom and Anne Harper, it’s very possible and potentially even more likely that they didn’t end up finding out until even further along, and the quads could’ve have been born in mid to late may of 2004, meaning One Quadzy Summer could still be set in the summer of 2016 but Quad for Teacher, Quadpendence Day, and Cementing the Quads’ Legacy could all be set in may of 2017, though it would be strange that the show would skip almost a year ahead from summer of 2016 to late spring of 2017. it’s also possible (but weird af) that the quads are in an extremely unconventional schooling system where they graduate middle school after 7th grade, and start high school in 8th, making them still the class of 2022. idfk im very confused and sleep deprived and my brain hurts again.
my best guess is anywhere from mid may to early august of 2004 but im just baffled at this point.
another update: god whoever is editing the fandom wiki clearly wasn’t paying attention to the show. i was wondering where the “fact” that Avery and the quads share a birthday came from, but i just watched s3e13 Quadspiracy Theory where the foreign exchange student Britt throws a surprise party for the quads on Avery’s birthday, but it’s CLEARLY stated in the episode that it’s not a birthday party and Nicky even says that their birthday isn’t for another 5 months. that episode aired on august 4, 2018, which once again brings us to the january 2005 date, which as we’ve covered is scientifically impossible. also kinda irrelevant but Nicky is shown eating meat during some of the final episodes after deciding to be a vegetarian in s4e8 Quadentity Crisis. god the plot holes run DEEP.
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wetinthepit · 2 years
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The Quadfathers
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newzzhub · 4 years
Ibrahim reacts to news of father Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor expecting second child
Ibrahim reacts to news of father Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor expecting second child
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Congratulatory messages poured in for Saif Ali Khan and his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan as they announced that they were expecting their second child together. Ibrahim Ali Khan, Saif’s son from his first marriage with Amrita Singh, has also reacted to the news.
Ibrahim commented “Abba,” followed by a fire emoji on his aunt, Soha Ali Khan’s post. Soha had teased her brother Saif, who is…
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dasanie813-blog · 5 years
Self care ❣️
Made a pumpkinspice latte with my keurig this morning! Made it all by myself. Happy anniversary to me!!! Finally, I have an idea for a blog! Coffee with God!
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thefauxsport · 20 days
And Nick B had a major glow down (still a great body though). I don’t think i’m the only one who noticed it too. I think it’s the hair and that he’s less shredded than before.
I'm sure he'll bulk back up again, the Quadfather will ride again
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ultimatebodybuilder · 6 months
Watch a Bodybuilder Attempt the 'Quadfather' Leg Workout - Men's Health UK
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