#the quarry official art
ghostradiodylan · 6 months
OKAY I was somehow unaware that the art team made more drawings for Abi’s sketchbook than just Emma.
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Source: Wes Nike Artstation
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GLASSES NICK! 🤩 Also Abi writing herself a note to remember to ask Ryan for his playlist is so cute! Art friends confirmed!
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sweetstxrr · 1 year
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worst summer job EVER
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lgbthequarry · 2 years
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FREE for a limited time!
Out Now!
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tmntkiseki · 4 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) Official Model Sheets and Concept Art Masterpost
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The Turtles and Splinter
Leonardo (Animal Transformations) | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Splinter | Turtle Tots (Scrapped Season Idea) | Turnarounds
Weapons | Turtle Vehicles | Gadgets, Gizmos, and Other Odds and Ends
Fast Forward Gear | Turtles Forever
Layout of the Second Lair | Bedroom Illustrations
Casey and April | Angel, The Professor, Mortu, Quarry (Sydney), and Nano | Silver Sentry, Nobody, and Other Superheroes | Honeycutt/Fugitoid, Leatherhead, and Klunk | The Daimyo, Gyoji, Ultimate Ninja/Ue-Sama, Usagi, Lord Simultaneous, and Renet | Hamato Yoshi, Dr Marion Richards, Kirby, Tyler, Turtle Master and Ninja Rat, Tomoe Ame, Jhanna, Sid, and Mrs. Jones | The Ancient One, the Acolytes, and the Ninja Tribunal
The Shredder (Utrom/Ch'rell and Tengu) | Baxter Stockman | Oroku Karai | Hun | Bishop | Chaplin, Khan, and the Foot Ninjas | Harry, Garbageman, the High Mage, Abigail Finn, Parker, the Mob Boss, and Weasel | Dark Turtles
Triceratons (Vehicles, Zanroman, Mozar, Traximus, Monza Ram, Zukko, and more) | Fast Forward (Cody, Serling, Darius Dunn, Jammerhead, Sh'Okanabo, Triple Threat, and Viral)
New York Outdoor Backgrounds | Identity Crisis Memory Illustrations | Desktop Wallpapers | The Peter Laird Files (rough designs, art tweaks, and accompanying comments)
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dduane · 8 months
Meanwhile, at the digital art end of things...
Here's another shot of that Magic Room set that I'm about to kitbash/rebuild into a bedchamber.
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I'll be stripping all the contents out before I get started. But let me add a couple of human figures first for scale...
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...as they're going to be the ones using this bedroom most. —Yes, other members of their marriage will be there often enough. But this is a working family, and the other spouses frequently have other places they need to be.
The initial problem becomes immediately apparent: this space is way too big for a bedroom, even for a king. And with ceilings that high, it'd be hell to heat with just one fireplace. Sure, there'll routinely be at least one magic-worker in the bed at any given time, but why should they have to constantly be spending useful lifeforce on room heating? (Or wasting power on anything besides the things one goes to bed to do.*)
So: time to throw everything out and deal with the scale issues of the main structure.
From the outside, here's what the room structure looks like.
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If there's a problem with this, it's that the maker has built it all in one piece. You can't pull annoying chunks off it and get rid of them, or substitute others in their place. But (the flip side of this coin) it is possible to rescale the structure as a whole.
So what I propose to do is squash the room flatter, thereby shifting the shape of those arches somewhat, but also lowering the ceiling. I can also decrease the length of the room somewhat. The combined reductions along the X and Y axes should render the room's proportions a bit more snug and liveable: roomy enough for a Middle Kingdoms family bedchamber, but not a great hollow echoing space that can't be comfortably filled except by sending out to USC or someplace similar for a marching band.
So let's throw all the extraneous furniture out. And (after this shot) the chandeliers. No need for them: this isn't a public space, and the intended resizing would screw up their proportions anyway.
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Now we start squeezing the structure into better dimensions. Reducing the room on the X axis (to about 80% of its original length)...
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... then on the Y axis, making the ceiling about 30% lower...
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... and then widening the Z axis out to 20% or so wider than previously.
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So that's a start.
Now about twenty different things have to happen to this space, including fixing the lighting (which got knocked out of kilter by the various resizings, as you can see), hiding unwanted objects like that staircase, changing various materials—such as the floor, which before has always been European-medieval style encaustic tile, so that's what it'll be again—reshaping the head of the bed into something more neo-Gothic (probably in Blender) to reflect the arches, installation of the necessary fireplace, and loading in much old furniture from other renders. (As it happens, this detail's canonical. The other main characters have started teasing Freelorn about Kynall castle's endlessly recycled furniture—especially those beds still equipped with mattresses so old that Héalhra Whitemane himself might have slept on them.)
Anyway, not going to bore anyone still reading this with any further process, except to say that the reworked room features the pale-colored marbles quarried all over that part of Arlen, as well as whitestave wood, used extensively in the Castle and nearby official buildings for its durability and its ancient associations with the Lion and Arlene royalty.
So this is what's in place at the moment, at least down at the bed end. Yet to come: more hangings, more furniture, better bed linens, clothes-presses and bookshelves, clothes thrown over chairs, etc etc...
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And at the fireplace end:
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More texture and detail work to do down at this end as well; as well as tuning the firelight (always a nuisance). ...A job for another day.
Meanwhile, turned around the bed-facing camera just in front of the fireplace, and found myself regarding a not-too-bad reverse angle.
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(eyeroll) These two idiots. :)
*Like sleep. ...Or, yeah, okay, other things. (shrug/grin)
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aidaronan · 1 year
Every Single Time
Eddie arrives at the empty field with a shoe box and a Zippo in his pocket, acoustic guitar slung over his back.
“Is that all?” Steve asks, nodding at the battered cardboard in his hands. He’s got on a pale blue polo, and his hair has about 10% less volume at this hour than usual.
“Yep. A few flash cards from Mrs. O’s class and some Hemingway.” Eddie had chosen simple too, a white tee and a flannel tied around his waist in case it cools off.
“Isn’t burning books, like, against the nerd code?”
“Usually, but consider this: I really, really hate Hemingway. Loathe. Abhor. Uh…”
“Um. Detest?”
“Detest!” Eddie drops the shoe box, giving it a swift kick midair. The lid is wonky enough that it stays on, the whole box and its contents spinning before hitting the ground and rolling a few times, thumping like tennis shoes in a dryer.
“I dragged a few sticks over already.” Steve glances at a pretty substantial pile of wood. It’s starting to take shape in the dark as Eddie’s eyes adjust, and it’s several feet high already, stuffed with leaves and twigs for kindling. Eddie starts to comment on Steve’s fire-building skills when it occurs to him that he’s probably done this before.
Officially unofficially, it’s Senior Bonfire Night in Hawkins. Every year, the elite upperclassmen get together the week after graduation to burn whatever they want to leave behind. Good riddance to algebra and the scientific method and letters from old flames.
Eddie wasn’t invited to the official-unofficial bonfire. Not his first time around, not his second. Especially not his third. Steve would’ve probably been invited even before he was a senior. He probably would’ve gone to other bonfires too, draping his arm around some pretty girl down by the quarry or out in someone’s pasture.
“You’re… I don’t know. You looked sad.”
“Just thinking, Steve.”
“How the hell we ever got here. You and me. Hanging out.”
Read the rest on AO3
So @sparkle-fiend and I went for the same prompt (bonfire) and I reached out about collaborating. Here's a link to SF's art on tumblr. For @thefreakandthehair's spring challenge.
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med-ex · 1 month
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This blog is mainly fallout, but includes content/edits of whatever else im playing atm. Here you can find my largest posts, tags of various scenery shots around the American Wasteland, links to my faux-magazine Wasteland Weekly, The Quarry edits, my oc's + more✨
♡Main Pinned Posts♡
→ Fallout Series In Colour
→ Fallout Official Colour Palette
→ Wasteland Weekly Magazine
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#piqtinmojave [my mojave shots]
#piqtinvirginia [my wastes of virginia scenery shots]
#piqtinboston [my wastes of boston scenery shots]
#wastelandaesthetic [real life renditions of fallout]
#falloutcanada [my fallout canada series]
#thequarryedit [all screenshots/scenes/edits ive posted of the game]
#medexfalloutedit [canva edits, moodboards, ect]
#arroyo2 [second fo76 oc/current]
✨OC Intro found here✨
#oxenfreeedit & afterpartyedit [what ive posted of Night School Studio’s beautiful games]
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*disclaimer on my "Fallout Canada" series made by AI: im more versed now in the dangers and theft of AI art than I was when I made it, and don't use it to make things anymore. This series is important to me in the realm of being a Canadian and always wanting to see my country represented someway in the series, which is why I've posted what I've collected from a year prior*
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Maglor + silence for the ask game.
Thank you so much @slightnettles!
Kanafinwë knew the rules. 
Be careful and quiet. Always always! Stifled, and no one liked it, but then neither did they like it when he spoke. 
A slow and careful youth. His parents loved him well unto the point of invention, made languages for him; they taught him well how to stifle his weeping, when he was sad or hurt. His brother half-deaf after the harrowing years of his infancy.
The ones after that - carefully beloved, taught the sign along with the speech. He was given little hand in their rearing, being so very near their age, and so much himself, which was to say - a small, a tender-hearted danger.
That care went to Maitimo, so much older and impossibly wiser, clever enough to read lips when his brothers tried to whisper, or Kána tried the xylophone and was stubborn about not keeping his hands empty and ready for speech.
Once, when running out to the garden, he had bumped his ankle and the yelp shattered his mother's work in progress. Black marble, thicker than the white or pink one of her usual official commissions, cuts by her own hand from a quarry on their last journey -  made unto slabs and splinters, fine dust.
Tyelkormo was delighted, spent many Minglings trying to pinch an earth-shattering out of him. 
That was not the first time he bent the rules, only he first Maitimo noticed. 
“Never,” his elder brother said. “Never again, Macalaurë. Dost understand? Art never to do this,  and twice-never upon thy brothers.” 
“Tyelko minds it not. He understands now, and he likes it now that he knows it.” 
“Now that he knows it Tyelko hears only bird-chat, and loves birds better than us; but Amil and Atar do not. They shall notice, and wonder how he learned such speech in infancy.” 
Kanafinwë signed passionately, “He was hurting me! And none said I could not speak to birds.”
Maitimo raised one of his very pale brows. “Dost suppose I did not notice how they teach you?”
Kanafinwë flushed with the shame of being so careless as to be caught.
Maitimo softened. “I would not have allowed thee to harm the birds. Understand? Canst use it on anyone, and certainly not us. But needst not be quiet always. Birds are well, and may speak with Tyelko in that language, if he likes. But there are bigger beasts in the world to learn from, and wiser brothers to sing with. Speak to, once thy voice is mastered.” 
Kanafinwë tapped his feet, rather than cross his arms. He did feel quite low - not the hidding, but the slips in caution. Caution must always be with him. “I knew you would not be hurt. Or Tyelko: I was only whispering, you know.”
“I know.” 
It was the best secret of his small, short life, the best offer. Still, he hesitated - 
“Thou wilst not allow me to be hurt,” Maitimo said, lying. “Thy voice is thy own, and thy silence ought to be thy choice. I shall make certain of it.”
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kawaiifryingpan · 2 years
"Drop a comment for your go-to Date Night movie 🍿"
To my great surprise, my Rylan fan art was featured on the official The Quarry acc on Instagram.(via visitthequarry) Thank you so much, 2K Games and SuperMassiveGames. I still can't stop being amazed…does this mean that the relationship between Ryan and Dylan is official? lol I hope after the incident they are boyfriends. Everyone, please write in your comments to Rylan💛 Perhaps our thoughts will reach the creators✨😊
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dailycallofduty · 9 months
Breaking: New MODERN WARFARE 3 Intel Drop showcasing the MP maps and some MP gameplay
As Call of Duty nears its 20th anniversary, veteran fans could have over 100 potential answers to that question, and that’s not including the 16 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer maps that debuted in 2009 — one of the greatest Day One Multiplayer offerings of all time. Afghan. Derail. Estate. Favela. Karachi. Highrise. Invasion. Quarry. Rundown. Rust. Scrapyard. Skidrow. Sub Base. Terminal. Underpass. Wasteland. As previously revealed, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare® III will launch with meticulously crafted, modernized versions of these 16 Core Modern Warfare 2 (2009) maps, constructed to maintain the authenticity and accuracy of the originals. Sledgehammer Games’ Art Director Matt Abbott and Design Director Zach Hodson detail what that means in the latest Intel Drop:
As mentioned in the video above, Matt explains that the excitement at faithfully modernizing 16 seminal multiplayer maps was palpable, with the studio’s designers calling dibs on who brought each Modern Warfare 2 (2009) map back to life in Modern Warfare III. And his colleague Zach emphasized the importance of giving players a new way to experience these classic maps. “We [asked], ‘What was good about the movement of older games? What was good about the gunplay of older games?’ And the same with the newer games,” Zach said. “So we tried to marry those things.” Or, as Matt puts it simply, “How are we going to make the best versions of those maps that people have ever played? Because that’s what we want as fans.”
Some stills from Activision showing remastered MW2 2009 maps:
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The Call of Duty community will experience a selection of modernized Modern Warfare 2 (2009) maps for themselves starting on October 5, where representatives from around the world will play Modern Warfare III Multiplayer as part of the Call of Duty®: Next franchise showcase. You can watch Next live on the Official Call of Duty Twitch® Channel or the Call of Duty YouTube® Channel, with more details on the event to come later in September. Following Call of Duty: Next, the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Multiplayer Open Beta begins with its first weekend exclusive to PlayStation®. Both the first weekend — October 6–10 — and the second Beta weekend — October 12–16 — will feature Early Access Days. as well as an Open Beta period. More details on the Open Beta can be found here. This all leads up to the game’s official release on November 10, where all 16 of the thoroughly modernized Modern Warfare 2 (2009) launch maps will be available to play as part of a robust Day One Multiplayer offering.
More details about the maps under the cut:
Fourteen years later, Sledgehammer Games and Infinity Ward have a wealth of game engine and design tech advancements at their disposal, such as variable-rate shading, and numerous runtime systems for better enemy visibility, to name a few. These new, ever-advancing technological tools are vital in faithfully re-creating the Modern Warfare 2 (2009) classic maps just as fans remember them. “There are places where the metrics of the level are adjusted to fit more modern gameplay,” Zach states, “but for the most part, it’s going to feel incredibly similar. The biggest changes are in a fidelity sense.” In other words, those who played Favela, Terminal, or Scrapyard in 2009 may expect a wave of nostalgia as they encounter the visual updates, and more experienced veterans may appreciate the modernization updates for gameplay flow purposes.  One example is the vehicles lining the streets in various locations throughout the map pool; these are different models compared to the 2009 versions. As you explore these newly modernized maps, you’ll notice other areas have received touches that both improve gameplay and enhance scenic detail and visibility. Buildings and other features may be a different color or material entirely, such as the old dirt-and-grass soccer pitch in Favela, which is now paved over with blue acrylic-coated blacktop.  And when it comes to lighting, this revision of the game engine truly shines. The game’s in-game illumination techniques noticeably brighten areas like Favela’s central alleyways, allowing players to see enemy Operators more clearly, rather than have targets blend into the shadows. However, the most important changes to the 16 Multiplayer Maps aren’t how they look but how they ultimately play. Because of technological advancements in Call of Duty’s animation and movement techniques over the past 14 years, Operators can Tactical Sprint and leap between rooftops, mantle, and navigate alleyways with Tac-Stance, giving players more confidence during these frenetic, close-quarters engagements. Essentially, a “modernized” Modern Warfare 2 (2009) map means an authentic Multiplayer experience with learnings from the Call of Duty franchise’s rich history.
Read more on Call of Duty's blog post
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neodarkdark · 7 months
Abigail, Jacob
"The Quarry"-inspired ask meme
ABIGAIL — is your muse artistic in any way ? do they consider themselves to be a shy and quiet individual ? 
🤔 I have thought about giving Svern some kind of hobby for art in terms of drawing, but I haven't committed to it yet... so it's undecided. As for other sorts of artistic affinities, he is a musician (violin). It's not his favourite thing, but he doesn't mind it. He also likes theatre. He prefers watching theatre performance to cinema, actually. He may not be an official performer, but he probably could be if he wanted, and if it worked better with his life. And he also likes fashion and playing around with and coordinating outfits!
Svern doesn't consider himself shy - he's reserved, but not shy. He does consider himself to be a naturally quiet person, but he will rarely describe himself as such, since it's at odds with his usual persona. He will never portray himself as quiet unless he's very comfortable with the company / situation, or there's some other reason for him to.
JACOB — is your muse into sports at all ? additionally, are they a hopeless romantic ? if so, would you consider it to be detrimental to them sometimes ? 
He's not typically invested in other people's competing, besides watching them for learning / inspiration purposes, but he has done gymnastics. Obviously, he particularly likes parkour. I think he knows more about some sports than he cares to, mostly because of having been around other people who were into them more than him. He's not really interested in competitive Pokémon battling, either. I haven't decided on this yet, but it's also possible there was at least one sport he was expected / suggested to participate in, that he didn't care for.
Svern... is definitely not a hopeless romantic. He's more like, whatever the opposite of a hopeless romantic is...
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lgbthequarry · 2 years
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Check it out! Abi's tattoo!! It's so pretty! 😍
(The offical game renders and original tattoo design provided by the Character Art team over at Supermassive and 2K)
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minecraft-mayor · 1 year
Harrison: Hey there! My name is Harrison and I was wondering if there's a trading post of sorts here in this town? Me and my friends do a lot of jewelry crafting and was wondering if people would be interested in trading them for... well, just about anything to be honest, hah
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[ID: Mayor Rose standing in front of a map of the village. She's saying, "As a matter of fact, here's a color-coded map!"]
Rose: The village is seperated into seven districts.
Rose: The Trade District is where most of the shopping and trading gets done with each other and visitors from beyond our gates!
Rose: The Residential District is where most of our citizens live. Most of us like to have our own little gardens where we grow our own food and raise our own livestock, but there's several actual farms beyond the wall there with plenty of water supplied from the river through underground aquaducts!
Rose: I think the Fishing District is self-explanatory. A lot of the fishermen actually prefer to live here instead of either of the Residential Districts so they can be closer to the fish I guess?
Rose: The Official District is where various government buildings are located, like the Mayors Office and the Bank.
Rose: The Industry District is where stuff like wood and stone and other stuff gets processed. There's a lot of forest beyond our walls to supply our woodcutters and an extensive quarry and mine to the south west.
Rose: The Art District is home to a bunch of theaters, art galleries, museums, that sort of thing. It's all very cool but a little over my head to be honest.
Rose: The Affluent Housing District is.... well it's basically a second Residential District. Just fancier because that's where all the rich people live. ... I actually live there right now because that's where the Mayors House is. If someone else gets elected I'll have to find a new place to live so they can move in.
Rose: Ah, but you only wanted to know about trading... Well we mostly have fish, wood, and stone if that's something you're interested in. I'm sure our citizens would love to trade for some jewelry! The rich folks might even pay extra for custom stuff, and I know someone that works at the theater who's always complaining about getting allergic reactions from the cheap costume jewelry.
[[Mod here. Before this I had no idea what the town layout was like, just that there was a river. Thank you for finally making me figure this stuff out! And sorry that it's so long...]]
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Little life update. It’s officially my last week at P*kemon, last day is this thursday. I’ve never left a job before (been laid off, but never left of my own volition) so it’s been a weird and surreal experience, a little bittersweet in some ways. 
I’ll be starting a new job as senior graphic designer for core marketing at 2K games in July. I’m excited but nervous. I’m honestly a little scared they’ve overestimated me, they’ve been pursuing me since last september and since I had no opportunities at P*kemon, and they made me a very good offer, I decided to take the leap. 
I am at least relieved and excited to finally be able to do art full time again, just knowing that has already made me feel like i can breathe again. my current job was kind of killing me a little bit, i hate to say....the people were so nice, and i tried so hard but i was honestly so angry with myself the whole time i was there and felt guilty for feeling that way. I felt like i didn’t fit and just wanted to be doing creative work again. It really was not the right job for me. 
I fell into a pretty bad depressive episode because of it. So i am glad things are looking better in terms of career even though it couldn’t be at P*kemon. Idk if this will be the perfect job or anything like that, but I’ve already done some work on midnight suns and the quarry as contract work for 2K, so I know I like the work and the team seems very cool. And very happy to be able to work with a couple of people from my old team that are there now too. I have missed my big fish family so so so much, i’m looking forward to having at least a little piece of it back and i’m looking forward to working on some really cool and really big games that I never thought I’d ever be able to work on. 
I’ll try my best, wish me luck! 
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italianporphyry · 5 months
The Versatility of Italian Porphyry Stone in Various Applications
Porphyry stone, particularly of the Italian variety, stands as a geological masterpiece with volcanic origins and a distinctive layered structure. The interplay of these characteristics creates a rock of unique identity, highlighted by striking, light-colored crystals—predominantly composed of quartz or feldspar—within its layered strata.
In the realms of construction and design, Italian Porphyry Stone finds noteworthy applications. Extracted from natural quarries in the form of flat porphyry slabs, its raw aesthetic takes center stage. Renowned for rugged textures, these slabs play a pivotal role in various architectural endeavors.
Their significance lies in the ability to pave floors with enduring grace, offering a blend of visual allure and robust longevity to surfaces. The inherent irregularities and textural nuances found within porphyry slabs bring an authentic and distinctive character to any space. Consequently, they rightfully claim their place as a preferred choice for indoor and outdoor flooring, seamlessly merging durability and aesthetics.
Porphyry stone also proves itself as an exceptional material for cladding walls. The artful utilization of its layered structure results in visually stimulating facades capable of transforming the mundane into the extraordinary. Whether integrated into contemporary urban design or adorning rustic countryside retreats, porphyry stone's versatility knows no bounds.
With its volcanic origin, layered composition, and the presence of light-colored crystals, porphyry stone emerges as an exceptional choice in the fields of construction and design. From its rough-hewn slabs to its elegant contributions to wall cladding, this geological marvel continues to make an indelible mark on the ever-evolving world of architecture and aesthetics.
The Historical Majesty of Imperial Porphyry: A Regal Narrative
The term 'Porphyry' originates from Ancient Greek, denoting the color 'purple.' Yet, in the annals of Ancient Roman history, Porphyry stone transcended its linguistic roots to become a symbol of prestige and royalty. This extraordinary stone found diverse applications, gracing columns, statues, floors, official edifices, and other regal embellishments.
During the later years of the Imperial Roman era, Porphyry assumed a role of exclusive imperial significance. Its rarity not only elevated it to the status of a coveted treasure but also served to distinguish emperors as unequivocal superiors to their subjects. The very essence of Porphyry stone bestowed upon emperors an aura of unassailable power, aligning them with the divine realms.
Across centuries and cultures, Porphyry Stone has maintained its status as a steadfast choice whenever construction demands an exquisite blend of aesthetics and durability. The Romans, renowned for their engineering prowess, incorporated Porphyry stone into the construction of their highways. Many of these ancient roads, instead of succumbing to wear and tear, endured the test of time due to their remarkable strength and beauty. Consequently, people salvaged these roadways after the fall of Rome to adorn their homes and town squares.
This enduring robustness positions Porphyry Stone as the epitome of suitability for a range of modern applications. Its inherent durability finds purpose in paving pedestrian walkways, enhancing recreational areas, gracing town squares, and reinforcing road infrastructure. In doing so, it perpetuates a legacy of beauty and resilience that has transcended time and culture, firmly establishing Porphyry Stone as an enduring testament to the confluence of aesthetics and endurance in the world of construction.
Enduring Strength in the Face of Wear and Tear Challenges
Porphyry stone, especially its Italian variant, garners widespread acclaim for its exceptional resistance to wear and tear. This remarkable attribute arises from its high compression breaking point, allowing it to withstand the test of time in diverse and demanding environments. Its capacity to resist wear not only ensures longevity but also positions it as a reliable choice for a broad spectrum of applications, prominently showcased in the widespread use of Porphyry cobblestones in hardscape design.
Porphyry cobblestones, crafted from the same durable material, have been the preferred choice for centuries in creating enduring and aesthetically pleasing pathways, driveways, and road surfaces. Their rugged texture and resistance to wear make them ideal for enduring heavy foot traffic, vehicular loads, and the challenges posed by changing weather conditions. Whether adorning historic city streets or enhancing modern urban landscapes, Porphyry cobblestones bring both functionality and charm to outdoor spaces, illustrating the versatility and enduring attributes of this exceptional stone.
Beyond its wear resistance, Porphyry stone showcases an impressive ability to withstand exposure to chemicals, making it particularly valuable in settings where contact with various substances is inevitable. Whether in industrial facilities, laboratories, or outdoor installations, Porphyry stone's resistance to chemical corrosion ensures the preservation of structural integrity and aesthetic appeal over time.
Furthermore, the stone's capacity to endure high-temperature variations stands as a testament to its robustness. In areas subject to extreme temperature fluctuations, such as outdoor pavements or building exteriors, Porphyry stone remains resolute. Its ability to weather the challenges posed by changing weather conditions ensures it retains its original form and beauty even in the face of nature's elements.
Porphyry stone's remarkable resistance to wear, chemicals, and temperature variations makes it an exceptional choice for a wide array of applications. Its enduring durability and the ability to preserve its structural integrity and aesthetic appeal over time firmly establish it as a versatile and reliable building material. Whether employed in outdoor landscaping, incorporated into architectural elements, or utilized in demanding industrial settings, Porphyry stone stands as a testament to the enduring fusion of strength and resilience.
With its timeless charm and enduring durability, Porphyry has left an indelible mark on some of the world's most iconic and beautiful squares. Its versatility and aesthetic allure have established it as a favored choice across various continents, from Europe to America and beyond.
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go2goio · 1 year
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