#the quran its a great scene) and then the next time he mentions him hes like “oh did guy die? i hope guy died”
themyscirah · 10 months
You guys when YOU think of "you've become the very thing you once sought to destroy" and green lantern: hal jordan and the parallax arc
Me when I hear that phrase: remember when simon met jess for the 1st time and he said the same thing Barry (who he doesn't like) said to him their 1st meeting talking abt guy gardner being dead? Yeah.
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lifeofresulullah · 6 years
PROPHET MUHAMMAD: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad: The Assignment of the Duty of The Prophethood and First Muslims
The Second Phase of the Call:
Addressing Makkans on Safa Hill (Part.3)
Wood Carrier of Hell
Umm Jamil was the wife of Abu Lahab, the most violent opponent and enemy of the Islamic cause. This woman, referred to as the “wood carrier” in the interpretation of the Holy Quran, had become so mad and so wild in the face of the Islamic cause that she would sprinkle hard, spiked shrubs every day on the path that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) walked without showing the slightest sign of boredom; in fact, she derived great pleasure from this action.
An incident related to Umm Jamil is as follows:
While our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was on Mount Safa and openly delivering the Divine invitation to the Quraysh for the first time, she and her husband, Abu Lahab scolded him and even affronted him. Abu Lahab shamelessly said, “'May you perish for this! Is this what you have summoned us here for?” and hurled a rock that he had lifted from the ground towards our Holy Prophet (PBUH). Upon this incident, Allah revealed Surah Tabbat, which mentions the ugly behavior and aftermath of Abu Lahab and his wife.
Umm Jamil could not contain herself once she heard this surah. She carried a rock and went to the Masjid al-Haram. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was sitting there with his loyal friend, Hazrat Abu Bakr. Umm Jamil saw Hazrat Abu Bakr but did not notice our Holy Prophet (PBUH), who was sitting there right next to him. She said to Hazrat Abu Bakr: O, Abu Bakr! Where is your friend? I heard that he has satirized me. I am going to smash his mouth with this rock when I see him.”
Since Umm Jamil’s eyes could only see Hazrat Abu Bakr and failed to notice our Holy Prophet (PBUH), she had no choice but turn back since she could not achieve her goal.
Of course her eyes could not see!! How could a “wood carrier” of Hell dare to see our Holy Prophet (PBUH), who was under Allah’s protection and grace?
Abu Jahl’s Hands Remain Suspended
Abu Jahl also had a similar experience.
One day, he made a promise to his tribe:
“By God, if I see Muhammad prostrating I will smash his head with this rock!”
The next day, he carried a huge rock that was difficult to lift. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was in prostration. Abu Jahl’s arms stiffened and froze in the air right as he was lifting the rock and about to hit our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) head. They stood there until the Master of the Universe (PBUH) finished his prayer… When his prayer finished, Abu Jahl’s arms loosened; since there was no longer any need for them to remain frozen.
Another Attempt by Abu Jahl...
Despite everything, Abu Jahl did not cease his attempts at disturbing our Holy Prophet (PBUH); and on another day, he swore, “By God, if I see Muhammad in prostration, I will step on his neck and rub him against the floor.”
Right then, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) appeared. When Ibn Abbas explained the situation to him, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) became angry and without waiting to go through the door, he climbed (jumped) over the wall to enter the Masjid al-Haram. He recited Surah al-Alaq till the very end and prostrated.
Those who were around him immediately said to Abu Jahl, “O Abu Jahl there is Muhammad!”
As soon as Abu Jahl started to walk toward our Holy Prophet (PBUH), he returned. Those who were watching were puzzled and asked, “What happened? Why did you return?”
Abu Jahl responded in an even more puzzled manner:  “Do you not see what I see?” and then added, “By God, an enflamed rift opened between him and me.”
In this manner, Allah protected His Beloved Messenger (PBUH) from the torture and murder attempts made by the polytheists’ leading figures!
The Prophet refers the Quraysh to God Almighty!
The torment, insults, and murder attempts that the Quraysh polytheists subjected upon our Holy Prophet (PBUH) took place in various forms.
One day, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was praying in the Kaaba in a very reverent manner. A group of polytheists had gathered around the Kaaba and were talking with one another; Abu Jahl was also in this group. He leaped forward and asked the group, “Which of you will go and bring the stomach of so-and-so’s slaughtered camel and bring its rumen and placenta in their bloody state and place them on top of him while he is prostrating?”
Uqba bin Abi Muayt, who had been blinded with rage, came forward, said “I will do it” and left. Sometime later, this man, whose soul had been darkened, appeared next to our Holy Prophet (PBUH) with a camel’s rumen in his hands.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was unaware of anything and had already gone into prostration.
The raving Uqba placed the camel’s rumen between our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) shoulder blades.
The polytheists, whose souls and consciences were buried in darkness, watched the scene as they laughed loudly.
Hazrat Fatima came running when she heard that her Honorable Father (PBUH) was being subjected to the polytheists’ despicable cruelty. She held the rumen and tossed it towards the group of polytheists.
When our Beloved Prophet (PBUH) completed his prayer the words, “My Lord, I leave the Quraysh to you” spilled from his holy lips and were repeated thrice.
Afterwards, he recited the names of the ringleaders individually and referred them to Allah, who is the Possessor of Infinite Power. 
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quranreadalong · 6 years
#182, Surah 37
We saw a brief little scene of some Muslims in jannah doing fun things like watching their disbelieving companions burn in the fires of hell yesterday. Today, we will explore a topic that the Quran hasn’t mentioned yet, namely the Zaqqum tree I talked about in the intro to this surah.
37:62-68 sets the scene:
Is this better as a welcome, or the tree of Zaqqum? Lo! We have appointed it a torment for wrong-doers. Lo! it is a tree that springeth in the heart of hell. Its crop is as it were the heads of devils And lo! they verily must eat thereof, and fill (their) bellies therewith. And afterward, lo! thereupon they have a drink of boiling water And afterward, lo! their return is surely unto hell.  
Lo! All that is bad, clearly, but more jahannam worldbuilding is always welcome. We’ve seen the boiling water part before, but the tree of Zaqqum has only been referenced up to this point--it hasn’t been named.
Zaqqum’s appearance (and the appearance of the “heads of devils”) varies in medieval Islamic artwork. I found this colorful one attributed to a Timurid-era Persian book (featuring Jibreel, Buraq, and Mo on the right), which I thought was at least visually interesting:
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The etymology of the proper noun zaqqum is unclear. Some scholars assumed it was some real Arabian plant that produced nasty fruit, which is possible, though there isn’t any reputable narration stating this. Ibn Kathir records a very shaky hadith in which Abu Jahl (one of Mohammed’s opponents from among the Quraysh) connects it to a dish made of dates and butter that he enjoyed. That hadith suggests that Abu Jahl was just mocking Mohammed by saying that, though--not that Mohammed literally meant that this was a tree made of a butter and date spread. So that doesn’t help. And there just isn’t any reputable tradition that tells us where the name comes from.
Regardless, the Quran and the ahadith tell us enough about the “Zaqqum tree” found in the fires of hell to create a mental image of it. As we’re told above, its fruits are like the “heads of devils”, and they are a “torment” to eat. In a later surah, we’ll see that the fruits scald the disbelievers’ internal organs. And in a hadith, we’re told that if even a drop of liquid from those fruits fell upon the earth, “it would ruin the livelihood of the people of this world”. So it’s nasty stuff! All of the above also qualifies as a very long kuffar hell counter (1) hit, as the following section makes it clear that the “wrongdoers” are disbelievers: “They indeed found their fathers astray, But they make haste (to follow) in their footsteps”.
That line is our cue to start talking about the damn prophet stories again. People in ancient times went astray, Allah sent prophets to them. Naturally it never worked, and the residents of those cities were made to face “consequences”, unless they were Muslims. I’ll put that consequences line down as bad, the rest as neutral. Let’s get this show on the road.
Noah’s up first. As we’ve heard, Allah sent a “great distress” to punish the disbelievers, but saved Noah and his family (the dead son and wife aren’t mentioned). They became the ancestors of later generations, so Noah should be praised, peace be upon him etc. That’s neutral, the next ayah (saying that Allah saved Noah’s family for being “the good”) is good, while 37:82--specifying that while Noah was a Muslim and therefore saved, the rest of Noah’s people were all drowned--is bad.
That takes care of Tedious Prophet Recap #1. Tedious Prophet Recap #2 is Abraham, whose story goes on for quite a while, so we’ll deal with that tomorrow. After that, we’ll be over halfway through the surah, praise Allah.
NEXT TIME: Child sacrifice!!!
The Quran Read-Along: Day 182
Ayat: 21
Good: 1 (37:80)
Neutral: 11 (37:69-72, 37:74-79, 37:83)
Bad: 9 (37:62-68, 37:73, 37:82)
Kuffar hell counter: 1 (37:62-70)
⇚ previous day | next day ⇛
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god-hunter · 7 years
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X-Men: Gold #1
This was very good.  Maybe not quite as groundbreaking as Prime, but for a new direction, I can definitely say that Guggenheim has got it covered.
[Spoilers and thoughts]
Right off the bat, you’re not gonna like what I’m gonna say.
I was so annoyed to see that Kitty cut her hair.  Why?  What’s the point??
Less hair does not equal strength.  At this point it’s a really stupid cliched trope that nearly EVERY female character falls into and I’m kinda sick of it.  And before anyone goes off toting that I’m a misogynist prick, let it be known that I only bring this up because Kitty’s always had an iconic look with her long hair in a ponytail.  And we were JUST re-introduced to her as such in Prime.  If they really wanted to take this new direction with her look, they could’ve made a point of her doing that in the Prime issue.  They showed just about every other transitional aspect in that regard...
But anyway.  That’s a minor annoyance.
This issue starts with Kitty, Old Man Logan, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Storm and “Prestige” investigating an issue with Terrax right at the heart of New York City.
[...Prestige?  The name threw me off on the character re-cap page, but it’s explained later that it’s Rachel Grey, which made me feel better.  Because at first I was hoping and expecting Rachel Grey.  Then they throw a new name at us, and I got scared, because you never know with Marvel.]
So.  Terrax is terrorizing the city for reasons unknown to us.  I should’ve said that the very first thing we see before this, is someone toting Mutant Hate on the news.  Someone who seems important.  A Ms. Lydia Nance.  I’m sure we’ll be hearing and seeing that name more in this book.
But back to Terrax.  Its unexplained why or how he got there, but the action is pretty great.  Storm tornadoes him away, clashes him with a bolt, but damage was done to a nearby building, which is about to fall and crash onto another building, hurting hundreds of innocents.
Kitty makes an impressive call to have Kurt teleport her up to the top of the building, where she can phase the entire place [and presumptively its inhabitants], so that when the building crashes down to the ground, it actually goes THROUGH the building and no one is hurt.
Logan and Colossus aided in this process too.  Logan taking on Terrax in mid-air and Colosses helping to hold the building from falling, probably softening the landing.
A whole crowd of people are now outside and staring at them in fear.
“You know, if the Avengers or the Champions were here, they’d be cheering right now.” Rachel throws in her 2 cents.
Kitty addresses the crowd and asks if everyone is okay.  A little girl speaks up, and the mother immediately says, “Don’t talk to it, dear.”
I loved Kitty’s reaction.  “’It’? Really?”
Then she tells all of them, “I think the word you’re searching for is ‘Person.’  ‘Human being,’ even. If you’re feeling charitable.”  “...You’ve never exactly trusted us... and I know that to the extent you ever [had], we have a long way to go to rebuild that trust.  But we’re starting today.”
I really appreciated that.  And I love that back-sass.  Definitely missed that.
[Now... I would be remiss not to mention something shitty in the art, done by Ardian Syaf, since its all over Tumblr today.  But apparently Kitty’s head was placed very close to the word Jewelry, which kind of only looks like the word “Jew” is prominently featured.  Also the number 212 on the store seems to take significance.
[Neither are things I noticed, but this is where I will sign on to something being amiss, for real.]
In the very next scene, the X-Men are once again playing Baseball, only this time it’s at Central Park, and I’m beginning to realize that maybe this is a thing the X-Men do in their downtime after all.  So maybe there was something to that last game in Limbo after all...
But Piotr is up at bat and wearing a very strange white shirt that reads QS 5:51. I didn’t understand it at first, and Tumblr blew up about it today, mentioning that this, and the 212 and the Jew thing are all references to the Quran.  That all of this is some sort of Muslim warning or something.
[I’ll be honest.  I didn’t read the post.  I was disgusted that a Muslim Artist would do such a thing in the first place, and I just kinda... don’t need to read on any of the hate.  Marvel apparently made a public statement saying that this artist is receiving disciplinary action and that future prints of the book will not feature this at all.]  - But holy shit man.  How crafty do you have to be to get passed the editors in the first place?  That’s fucked up man.  These guys are giving you work.  Don’t be subtley passive aggressively political.  What the fuck is that???  I just want to read an X-Men comic and enjoy it.
And of all issues, it had to be the most important Restart Issue??  ...This guy’s an asshole.  And his art is good.  [I never mention artwork in reviews unless I really don’t like it.]
So...  after/during the Baseball game, some lawyer guy comes looking for Katherine Pryde, and he slams her with legal paperwork, regarding their communities relocation to Central Park.
[Logan was being really annoying here btw.  I kind of hope Guggenheim fixes his voice for Logan.]
“I signed about a Phone book’s worth when the Mayor agreed to let us relocate here.” Kitty said.  Oh good.  So they didn’t just teleport in and expect to just.. inherit the territory.
So she reads the booklet and asks what it is.
“Just an invoice.  For the first, six months’ lease payments as well as property taxes for the parcel you’re occupying.”
She frowns.  “This is for Eighteen Million Dollars.”
“This is Central Park.” He smiles.  “Arguably, the most valuable residential real estate in the entire World.”
Her eyes widen with fear and shock.  [I kind of liked this realism a lot actually.  But I have no idea how they’re gonna get that kind of money or funding.  They’re gonna have to do a really good job with the public or something.  We’ll see.]
I did enjoy Logan’s quick, “Want me to claw him?” to her.  It added much-needed levity to the moment.
That night, Storm and Nightcrawler have a nice bit of downtime.  They’re watching that asshole Lydia so-and-so taut off her mutant anti-trust.
“The more things change, the more they stay the same...” Kurt says.
Storm decides to quote Magneto and says that, “The past is prologue.”
Kurt corrects her and says that it’s Shakespeare.  Then he asks what she means.
“That, perhaps we’re returning to our roots...  Perhaps, after all the trials and tragedies, we are returning to what we were.”
I enjoyed that.  There was a little bit of her getting down on herself about IvX.  As Lydia brings up the fact that the world is unsure of the long-term effects of their war against the Inhumans, Storm feels like they’ve not only lost the war, but they’ve lost any sort of good reputation they might have had.
It was refreshing to see Rachel train with newer students, Armor and.. a stone guy. [I forgot his name.]   She explained why she’s going by “Prestige” now, which I really appreciated.  And it seems that they will go by new code names too.  Kitty wants everyone to move forward, not backward.  That’s pretty cool.
Kitty has a moment in her office, where she’s trying to go through files and work.  Narrative moments of self-doubt or just being in awe of it all occur.  I appreciate this.  Then Piotr walks in and asks her to have dinner.  I love that she worries about this internally and then tells him that she doesn’t want to eat with him.
“I mean, as friends sure. Always. No problem.  But you didn’t mean as friends, right?”
[Yes!  Thank you.]
She tells him she moved on, but she’ll always love him.  [The difference here than with Jean and Scott, is that Piotr and her HAD their past.  Multiple times.  And they’re both adults.  Jean... just knows a past that occurred between them.  And she’s fucking young and all over him.  Then saying, not interested when Scott makes a move?  That’s bullshit man.  It’s very Teenager.  And that’s why I reacted the opposite way, when this same exact thing happened between her and scott in the last issue of All-New X-Men.]
Thankfully, this awkward moment gets interrupted by Rachel, who tells them that someone’s attacking the city.  
Kitty feels both relieved and like the worst person ever for hoping for that sort of out.
They take the Blackbird Jet over to the UN Headquarters in Manhattan, and teleport directly to whoever is causing the problem.  It turns out to be a 5-person team, in which I only recognize Pyro and Avalanche.  And a fire-woman tells them, “We’re the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.”
-To Be Continued-
Aw man.  Well, here we go.
Thrust into a new thing.
I like it.  I wouldn’t say any of the outlying conflicts are groundbreaking.  We’ve seen this kind of politics before in Fraction and Gillen’s run a lot.  Probably Bendis’ too.
I do like the newness of Kitty making a conceited effort to have the Public know and Trust them though.  And I’m definitely looking forward to a day where this public looks to the X-Men and actually asks for their help and appreciates them!
We saw it in San Francisco very early in Fraction’s run.  So much that it almost didn’t make sense at first.
I’d kind of like to see that level of respect happen in New York.  But I would appreciate if it was gradual, if Guggenheim took it in that direction.
Looking forward to X-Men: Gold #2.
But I’m looking forward to X-Men: Blue #1 more.  That’s coming out this next week.
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newsnigeria · 6 years
Check out New Post published on Ọmọ Oòduà
New Post has been published on http://ooduarere.com/news-from-nigeria/world-news/hezbollah-at-war/
Hezbollah at War (3): Missiles on Haifa (July 16, 2006) / Saudi Arabia Unmasked
An Algerian publicly unmasks Sheikh Al-Sudais, Imam of Mecca
Translation: unz.com/sayedhasan
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Following a conference in Geneva on June 27, 2018 devoted to “Security, its importance, and the means for its realization and its preservation”, the Imam of Mecca, Sheikh al-Sudais, who had affirmed that Trump and Ben Salmane “were leading the world and mankind to a haven of peace and security”, was long questioned by a one-legged Algerian, who eloquently denounced the criminal Saudi policy, aligned with that of Washington & Tel Aviv.
Despite the servile efforts of the promoters to silence him, and especially to prevent anyone from filming the scene, it made the buzz on social networks and Arab media not controlled by the Saud, including Al-Jazeera. Sudais pitifully retreated without making a single reply, except the affirmation, without the least embarrassment, that there was no embargo against Qatar (sic).
While only a few years ago, Muslims, both in the East and in the West, were widely hypnotized by the great Sheikhs of Saudi Arabia, of whom, thanks to the petrodollars, almost every Muslim household had recitations of the Quran, their aura is greatly degraded today, as evidenced by the sparse audience of this conference, and the reactions of solidarity that have manifested themselves on both video and social networks. Henceforth, the Wahhabi Saud are no longer assimilated to Islam, of which they only constitute a heretical and barbaric cult perfectly embodied by ISIS, but to what they have always been, namely an artificial entity created of all pieces and maintained by imperialism (formerly British, now American), a Western Trojan horse in the East, just like Israel.
The forthcoming announcement of the so-called “Deal of the Century”, supposed to definitively liquidate the Palestinian cause, by the triumvirate Trump-Netanyahu-Ben Salman (an archetypal Team of Losers, if ever there was one), will certainly sign the death sentence of the Saud dynasty, already moribund because of its defeat in Yemen and the monumental failure of the American project in Syria. Apart from Washington, Tel-Aviv (and their satellites, agents and mercenaries) and Islamophobes of all stripes, the world can only welcome such a development.
Sayed Hasan
Hezbollah at War (3): Missiles on Haifa (July 16, 2006)
Speech by Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah, on July 16, 2006, the fourth day of the war against Israel, in which Haifa was hit for the first time.
Translation: unz.com/sayedhasan
“We concentrated our missile / rocket strikes exclusively on military positions, without striking any Israeli settlements or urban centers in the north of occupied Palestine. But the enemy’s army, unable to face Hezbollah fighters, started from day one to target cities, villages, civilians and civilian facilities, as well as Lebanon’s infrastructure. […] So we had no choice but to keep the promise we made ourselves, and we hit the city of Haifa. [..] Our weapons are not weapons of vengeance, but weapons of deterrence, weapons whose purpose is to bring back some reason and common sense to the madmen in the Olmert government, so that they put an end to their arrogance, hubris, and I can even say their very peculiar imbecility and stupidity.” Hassan Nasrallah, July 16, 2006. Unsurprisingly, in the first days of the war, Israel poured out its destructive fury on Lebanon and the Lebanese population, purposely striking the infrastructure (bridges, power plants, airport…) in order to paralyze the country, as well as the urban centers to inflict a collective punishment on the Lebanese people –especially the Shiite-majority areas of the southern suburbs of Beirut, to exact the highest price from the Hezbollah base–, sparing neither homes nor convoys of civilians fleeing the areas bombed and in particular the south, nor the ambulances, the refuges, nor the food industry, subjecting the country to a real blockade. Robert Fisk had reported the war crime of Marwaheen, a particularly vile and spiteful act of vengeance, mentioned by Hassan Nasrallah in this speech:
“[Lebanon] is being vandalized and smashed up by a country which says it believes in purity of arms. And these civilian deaths, I don’t believe that they’re by chance. I don’t believe it was a mistake when they hit that army barracks of logistic soldiers, who are trying to repair [a bridge and restore electricity in] their own country, which they have every right to do.
And Marwaheen is a particular — this is a village in Southern Lebanon, where Mossad, the Israelis, ordered the villagers out. I should add that this is a village closest to the scene of the killing and capture of the Israeli soldiers on Wednesday. They were ordered to leave the village. They did so in a convoy of cars, 20 of them. They went to the United Nations, who ordered them away — Ghanaian Battalion, shamefully — and set off to Tyre. And an F-16 came down and burned them all alive with bombs. Outrageous massacre.”  
In a few days, there were more than 300 dead, almost exclusively civilians, thousands of wounded and nearly one million displaced. The Lebanese army, scandalously neutral in this conflict –we would learn much later that Prime Minister Fouad Siniora, who called on  Hezbollah to return the soldiers to Israel, making the Resistance de facto responsible for the war, had given instructions for the army to hinder Hezbollah activity–, was not even spared in its civil engineering actions. Anxious to maintain as much as possible the national cohesion and not to play the game of the enemy, Hassan Nasrallah would not evoke these facts until 2008, nor the collusion of the Gulf monarchies, and Saudi Arabia in particular, with the Israeli aggression.
But while Israel emerged as the criminal army it has always been, Hezbollah, for its part, demonstrated its ethics, targeting Israeli civilians only after several days of restraint. having no other choice to protect its own population (the final civilian / military ratio of Hezbollah victims will be the reverse of Israel’s, 1/10 versus 10/1), as well as its great military expertise: while the Lebanese guerrillas achieved success after success (Israel corvette destroyed, military bases of the north localized and hit…), Israel revealed to all the incapacity of its infantry, whose attempts of incursion were immediately stopped, and even of its services intelligence, essential auxiliaries of the air force. On the first day, Olmert had pompously announced the destruction of almost all of Hezbollah’s ballistic capacity, but he received a stinging denial from the ever-increasing rocket and missile strikes that hit Israel daily, until the last day of the confrontation, up to Haifa and, as the next stage will show, well beyond Haifa. This discourse, where victory and reconstruction are evoked as soon-to-be and certain perspectives, clearly shows that Hezbollah always was in a position of strength in this conflict.
Sayed Hasan
In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
“– Say: Nothing (bad) can happen to us except what God has decreed for us. He is our Protector: and on God let the believers put their trust. – Say: Can you expect for us (any fate) other than one of two glorious things (victory or martyrdom)? But (as for us), we can expect for you either that God will send His punishment from Himself or by our hands. So wait (expectant); we too will wait with you (the outcome of our battle).” (Quran, IX, 50-51)
God the Almighty and Most High has spoken the truth.
Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings.
In this speech, I wish to speak to you again on this day, Sunday [July 16], shortly before 1pm, to discuss with you some points relating to the battlefield and the political (situation), that I must evoke in this particularly sensitive and important situation we are living today.
First, regarding the events on the ground. From the beginning, we tried to act with calm, precision and without precipitation. We announced clear positions and clear warnings. The first day, we focused our missile/rocket strikes exclusively on military positions, without targeting any Israeli settlement or urban center in northern occupied Palestine. But the army of the enemy, unable to face the mujahedeen (Hezbollah fighters), started from day one to target cities, villages, civilians and civilian facilities as well as (Lebanon’s) infrastructure.
Despite this, we have waited and continued our struggle (targeting only enemy) soldiers and military forces, and military positions in the north of occupied Palestine. And very important strikes took place successfully, especially one that targeted several Command centers of Brigades in the north (of Israel), whether the Command of the northern zone, the Command of the naval forces or the Command of air operations in Meron, and the impact and damage caused by these unprecedented strikes were considerable. But in spite of that, we saw that the Zionists concentrated their strikes on civilians and civilian facilities.
(The enemy) tried to advance in the area of ​​‘Ayt al-Sha`b, but the mujahedeen (fighters) faced him and destroyed an Israeli tank that is among the strongest that exists to this day in Israel. A second tank approached and was also destroyed, and a third came forward and was damaged. And this event was an opportunity to humiliate the Israeli infantry at the Mount Amel border.
The main cities of Lebanon were hit by Israel, as well as villages, and they killed civilians in their homes. In several villages, civilian homes were destroyed, and the husband, the wife and children (whole families) got killed. Here, there are 10 martyrs; there, 8 martyrs; there again, 7 martyrs, etc. (Their crimes went as far as) the terrible and atrocious martyrdom of refugees of the city (South Lebanon) of Marwaheen, mostly women and children (fleeing the combat zone at Israel’s request), and destructive strikes against a number of towns, and especially against the southern suburb of Beirut.
It seems that the enemy has misinterpreted our restraint of the early days. In truth, we have been patient against this aggression and retaliated by hitting only military (targets), to confirm that our battle is with them, even if we consider that all (the Israelis) are accomplices (of the attack). But as long as we were not forced to hit civilian targets, we had no reason to do so. We waited (patiently) and achieved a great success when we hit the Israeli military corvette (who operated) off the coast of Beirut, as a clear sign that we punish those who strike our cities and infrastructure, and assault our people.
But the Zionists continued (their widespread strikes) regardless of our warnings, and their false reading of (our restraint) lead them to continue their wide aggression against southern Lebanon, the Bekaa, especially against the cities of Baalbek-Hermel, up to the north, and always target more civilian facilities and infrastructure. We didn’t have a choice today but to keep the promise we had made ourselves, and we hit the city of Haifa. We know the importance of this city and its particular sensitivity. And if we had launched our missiles on chemical and petrochemical plants, a major disaster would have hit the inhabitants of this city. But we have deliberately avoided these plants, which are within the range of our missiles, due to our care not to push things to the unknown, and to ensure that our weapons are not weapons of vengeance, but weapons of deterrence, weapons (aiming to) bring back some sanity and common sense to the madmen in the Olmert government, to put an end to their arrogance, their hubris, and I can even say the idiocy and stupidity by which they truly stand out.
But the fact that we have avoided (hitting chemical installations, cities or settlements) does not mean that this is an irrevocable decision: at any time, we consider that we are responsible to defend our country, our people and our families, and therefore all means in our power to ensure that defense will be implemented. As long as the enemy will lead its aggression without limits or red line, we also (have every right to) organize our Resistance without limits or red line.
O noble Lebanese people to whom I address this speech, I also want to confirm some points after the presentation of the situation on the ground. We still have, thank God, our full power and our full strength. It is we who have the initiative of the time and place (of confrontation), and the enemy cannot force us to resort to any means of defense, nor can he impose the time at which we use them.
We continue to carry out our Resistance in a precise and organized way, something the enemy did not expect: Israel assumed that in the first days, his violent strikes would lead to a dismemberment of the (Hezbollah) Command and of our (military) base, but no such thing happened, and I will get back to this issue later. And one of our major strong points is that the enemy does not know our power and our capabilities. And when they announce their position or make their calculations, they base them on erroneous data and false information. For example… And this is why the enemy also resorts to lies.
For example, the first day, all the targets hit in the villages of southern Lebanon are civilian homes, civilian houses in which there were no launching pads nor storage of missiles/rockets, nor anything resembling what the Israelis alleged to have targeted. Then the Israelis announced that the largest portion of the ballistic (missiles/rockets) power of Hezbollah was destroyed on the first day. I tell the Israeli Army that these information are false and unfounded. The people you killed are civilians, women and children. And the houses you destroyed are civilian homes, empty of any missile or rocket you mention. (Hezbollah’s) arsenal that you dread so much and consider very thoughtfully in all your calculations is still intact, and what we have launched so far is only a small part of this arsenal. We always have the ability to launch a large number of rockets/missiles.
Today, the Zionists based all their plans and calculations on the assumption that the number of rockets or missiles in the hands of Hezbollah able to strike Haifa, Acre, Tiberias or beyond Haifa does not exceed a few dozen. If your battle is based on this postulate, then I bring you good news of your defeat (to come), by the grace of God. It only makes us more optimistic and enthusiastic, stronger and more confident in our ability to defeat you.
And I say to the Zionist people that your government and your army deceive you. During the operation “Grapes of Wrath” (1996), they organized their entire battle on the (erroneous) assumption that all what Hezbollah actually had in terms of Katyusha rockets did not exceed 500. Then they were surprised to find out that this information was false. On this point, I can confirm that the enemy is completely unaware of (the full extent of) our ability. He ignores what we have at all levels. And this is our most important strength, and we have always prided ourselves of it within the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon (Hezbollah). We take pride in the fact that we are not infiltrated by the Israeli intelligence services. We are proud to have built our strength, in every respect, with the required concealment and secrecy as we were preparing carefully for the day Israel would try to avenge the defeat Lebanon inflicted on it (in 2000).
For the next stage, we will keep behaving as we do now, since it is they who have opted for this open war, and we will be careful to avoid targeting civilians as much as possible, except when we are compelled to it. In the previous step, even when we were forced to target civilians, we focused our strikes on main cities and large settlements, though we had the ability to hit every settlement, every village and every city, at least those in the north of occupied Palestine, but we chose to keep things in the limit required to pressure the government of this enemy. But as I have said, even in this context, when the Zionists act on the principle that there are no rules, no red line and no limit to their aggression, then we also have the right to behave the same way in return.
Today, Israelis speak of a violent bombardment (from them), as if what happened in the early days was a light bombardment. Many towns and villages of Lebanon have suffered these (massive) strikes, including the southern suburb of Beirut last night, which suffered a methodical destruction of certain neighborhoods. The world will see the reality of it all, and although during the first stage, we wanted some scenes (particularly atrocious) not to be broadcast, the world is beginning to see the extent of the destruction inflicted by the enemy to the buildings (and of the massacres). But can it alter our determination, our will or our decision? Never, under any circumstances.
We will continue to fight, and we have very, very large abilities, and we are only at the beginning. And the Zionists will infallibly see, I repeat it again and again, that what I say and promise is the absolute truth (and will certainly happen).
Today, we also hear in Zionist circles (military / media) about the idea of launching ​​a ground incursion towards certain places. They already tried to advance on the Raheb position located west of Ayt al-Sha`b, and tried again last night (in vain). We heard today that they would use weapons prohibited by the international community. Anyway, we are present in the south, our mujahedeen (fighters) are just as ready (to fight) as one can conceive, they have a passion for combat and an enthusiastic desire to inflict a (stinging) defeat on the enemy. This is not a desperate people seeking martyrdom, but an optimistic people certain of his victory, who wants to offer Arabs a new example (of victorious Resistance). And therefore, as we have surprised them at sea (with the destruction of their corvette), as we surprised them (when we hit) Haifa, and as we will surprise them (when we strike) beyond Haifa, I also promise them a surprise with their ground offensive. And we look forward to it with great hope, because it will give us the opportunity to directly hit the enemy tanks and soldiers, who are currently hiding in fortified retreats and planes; and obviously, as their Air Force is the most powerful in the region, they may be out of our reach because they strike us from very high locations in the sky. Any ground incursion will be very good news for the Resistance because it will get us closer to victory and allow us to humiliate the Israeli enemy, as we humiliated him in recent days. This prospect does not worry us.
I have a word to say to the (Lebanese) people, this generous people, enduring, honorable, pure, from which we heard these days in the media expressions of patience, support, assistance and love (for the Resistance ). You are truly a great people, and these are not (vain) bragging words, exaggeration or embellishment (of reality). You are a historical people, on which rests the hope to get Lebanon and even all this (Arab-Muslim) Community, the whole Community, out of the state of submission and humiliation in which it is today, and to reinvigorate it with hope. I assure you once again that with your support, your embrace, your love, your patience and endurance, we will be victorious.
The houses and buildings that are destroyed will surely be rebuilt, with our cooperation and that of the institutions of the Lebanese State, but in this respect, I declare to you: do not worry at all about all that is destroyed by the Israeli war machine (because we will rebuild everything). We only wish recovery to the wounded, and long life to all the Lebanese in health and well-being; and as to what is bombed and destroyed, with the help of God Almighty and Exalted, with the help of the Lebanese State and also with the help of Hezbollah, which is an interested and concerned party, we are determined to be serious and effective in rebuilding all that was destroyed; and I tell you, without going into details now, that we have friends (Iran) seriously engaged in this issue, who have a great ability to help us with clean, pure and honorable money, without any political conditions. Do not worry about the reconstruction of our country. The importance today is to resist, and to emerge victorious from this battle.
I also have a word to say on some points currently raised by the media of the enemy, and I will conclude with a word that I will address the peoples of the Arab and Muslim worlds.
The enemy today resorts to lies and strong psychological warfare, which is quite natural, especially with an enemy like this. For example, they first tried to say that no Zionist warship was destroyed at sea, then they eventually recognized it. And I can confirm, and we also have elements that confirm this: a corvette was hit by two missiles. That’s the first  point. And as for the fact that they have tried to make people believe that the missiles of the Resistance struck a commercial vessel or something like that, the days have shown that this was part of the Israeli lies. In the event that a commercial vessel would indeed have been targeted or hit, certainly, it would be the action of Israeli warships.
Another point in this regard, the fact that they talk of Iranian soldiers, and that it would be Iranians who have launched or helped to launch the two (ground-sea) missiles (that struck the corvette). Israeli reconnaissance aircraft were present above the area where the missiles were launched and watched every move. How could this confined area contain Iranian soldiers? Anyway, I categorically deny the presence of any Iranian soldier, either during this operation or any other. Those who have the comprehensive expertise and themselves use these (military) capabilities present in Hezbollah’s hands are Lebanese, children of Lebanese and belong to Lebanese families since hundreds of years. The Israelis speak of Iranians and Iranian soldiers, and could speak tomorrow of North Koreans, Japanese, Russians or Chinese in order to lessen (our abilities) and insult us, as they always have done with us, the Lebanese and Arab peoples, considering that we are at a lower level, and that we are not sufficiently developed, capable or do not have the necessary expertise for a confrontation of this nature. This is part of the lies that the Zionists resort to in this war. I really wanted to clarify that. And therefore, by the grace of God, in the next stage, through the arms of the mujahideen (fighters) and honorable Lebanese Resistance, we will continue our struggle and defeat our enemy.
Finally, I wish to address the Arab and Muslim peoples. Of course, I am speaking to them to clarify things and make them face up to their responsibilities. I am not going to implore, call for help or request anything.
Since the first moments of Operation “Truthful Promise” and the confrontations that ensued, we resolved and we are bound by common consent, me and my brothers, to ask nothing to any man in this confrontation. And many people have contacted us and offered assistance, but we said we do not need anything, and we never took the initiative to ask for anything, whether at the material, political, media, popular, military levels, etc. Of course, we pray, we ask, we invoke and we intercede only to God, the Almighty and Exalted, because we believe in Him, in His abilities, in His omnipotence, that He embraces all things, and He is true to His promise of victory addressed to (true) believers. And “God suffices us and He is the best of Protectors.” (Quran, III, 173).
And today, when I address the Arab and Islamic peoples, it is certainly not to tell them to come to our rescue, to save us, absolutely not. We’re perfectly fine, thank God, and we are in a position of strength, and at the beginning of a confrontation on which we pin great hopes. But I wish only to make them face up to their responsibilities.
Yesterday you saw, especially the Arab peoples, the results of the Council of Arab Ministers, and what the Arab League can do. They talk themselves of the failure of what they refer to as the “Peace process”, and it has also become clear that they are unable, as governments, leaders and regimes, to do anything at all. Anyway, we never counted on them.
You, Arab and Muslim peoples, have the duty to take a stance, for the sake of your (life in the) Hereafter, in case you do believe in Heaven, and for the sake of your mortal life, your fate, your dignity, your honor, your future and the future of your children and grandchildren.
Here is the situation today: if, in this confrontation, God forbid, Israel managed to defeat the Resistance in Palestine and the Resistance in Lebanon, then all the Arab world, both governments and peoples, would be drowned forever in humiliation, without any way of salvation. The arrogance of the Zionists against Arab governments and peoples would only grow, as well as that of their US masters, who stand behind them, American and Israeli interference in the affairs of our peoples and governments would grow, and therefore, the looting of our resources would continue and worsen, as the trampling down on our civilization and culture. This region would be dislocated and dismembered, and pushed into internal sedition, etc.
Today, the Arab community and the Muslim community have an historic opportunity to unite, to get out of the division, sectarian strife and civil wars in which the United States are pushing our region and our peoples. The peoples of the Arab and Muslim worlds are now facing a historic opportunity to achieve a major historic victory against the Zionist enemy. It is not the question of who will impose his conditions on who. Today, an exceptional opportunity of this nature is before us, and I do not exaggerate.
In Lebanon, in 2000, we have offered, with limited capacity, modest efforts and a very limited number of fighters, equipment and weapons, a true example of Resistance that can defeat the army of occupation. Today, we offer an example (of Resistance), alongside the Lebanese people and all of Lebanon, even if we (Hezbollah) are the spearhead of the war, with the villages, towns and neighborhoods where our popular base is strongest, these being most heavily subjected to death and destruction. Even if no Lebanese is spared, it is mainly on our popular basis that the strikes are focused.
We also try to offer another example (different from the traditional Arab submission) in terms of endurance, power, patience, strength, courage and ability to inflict a defeat on the enemy. And in fact, this battle is not an equal battle in terms of material means (weapons and technology, where Israel clearly has the upper hand), but with regards to the soul, the spirit, the will, reason, wisdom, planning, perseverance and confidence in God the Almighty and Exalted, it is unequal but in our favor.
Where are you, O Arab and Muslim peoples? What are you doing ? How will you behave? That concerns you. As for us, when we started the Resistance in 1982, we were not looking beyond the borders (of Lebanon for any help), no. We were not expecting anything from anyone, except from God, and we relied (solely) on our people and our mujahedeen (fighters). Today we do the same.
But what I wanted to say in this sensitive time, and after several military exploits in recent days, after several surprises befallen and coming by the grace of God, I tell you this: No, today, Hezbollah is not leading Hezbollah’s battle nor Lebanon’s battle. Today, we are leading the battle of the whole (Arab and Muslim) Community. Whether we like it or not, whether the Lebanese like it or not, today, Lebanon and the Resistance in Lebanon are leading the battle of the Community.
Where is the (Arab and Muslim) Community in this battle? This is a question that I address you out of concern for your mortal life and for your life in the Hereafter.
O my brothers and sisters, and above all, O our enduring Lebanese people, O our enduring  people in occupied Palestine, O honorable Resistants, put your trust in God, and ask Him for His help because He is the Best of Helpers and Assistants to achieve Victory.
Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings.
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