#the real hero here is ramin djawadi
harrowscore · 2 years
sooooo, yesterday i watched hotd s1 finale. here are my (semi-coherent) thoughts:
i've had one (1) day to simmer down my instinctive "wtf??" reaction and ponder on some writing choices - actually, two notable writing choices. first, this is no got s8 levels of disaster, but i'd already noticed a couple of red flags in ep9 and so i was - i am - guarded, though my emotional investment is nowhere near as high as my peak asoiaf/got era. i'm way more detached, and if i came off as pissed in some prev posts it was more of a general 🤷🤷 feeling concerning old disappointments in correlated or different media. (having said that, the larys/alicent feet thing is atrocious.)
i see they're still going strong with the childbirth from hell saga - i've already written about it in an older post, and i quite liked it, however gory and heartbreaking it was.
i don't buy the daemyra choking (not in a kinky way) scene. there's nowhere near enough build up for that. yes, daemon killed his first wife (which btw wasn't in the book) but they hated each other and she wasn't a targ. from d. pov's that's quite an important detail. (not that i’m excusing it, you know.) i don't even buy that "he's grieving that's why he acts (more) irrationally and with 0 impulse control (than usual)" because while he's ready for war and legitimately angry at the thought of his brother being murdered (tho viserys had been rotting away for years, last time they saw each other he could barely stand/talk, it was only a matter of weeks, maybe a couple of months at best before he died, they should have been prepared for this & the greens response) he doesn't act that out of control. let's be honest here: daemyra was always problematic and people shouting ~grooming! weren't completely wrong, but the writers also sold it as High Romance. the Stupid Fangirls weren't that blinded by their silly girly brains: d&r were framed as being genuinely in love despite the painfully obvious problematic elements. (& the incest is the least problematic thing here, since this is westeros and they're targs.) i think one of the directors even compared their love to what she feels for her own husband. so no, we weren't dreaming it up, they just couldn't find a balance between Toxic Incest Couple & Soulmates Being Soulmates, and obv they had to put a ~Bad Man is Very Bad, Girlies, Don't Try At Home~ bs Morality Play that seems so damn popular in this day and age. mind you, we all knew shit was going to hit the fan with nettles' appearance (i'm still worried about her portrayal, she's just a young girl and daemon is so much older than her, and i have no idea how they’re going to develop/frame their relationship) but somehow i had not foreseen him being physically abusive to his wife (who just gave birth to their stillborn daughter and lost her father btw). i was expecting him to lash out but... not like this. after their (fabulous ngl) wedding i haven't been much invested in daemyra anyway (i thought their decades long budding romance was much more appealing) but despite what i said above, one thing d/r fans were wrong about was expecting that hbo could actually make a medieval fantasy wuthering heights 2.0 and deliver lmao. no mainstream media would do that, not in the current ~think of the girls!!! climate. this is like believing that the star wars sequels were a gothic female-gazey romance that featured rey's sexual awakening + happy ending with the local parricidal ex darksider - the romance was there, don't get me wrong, but no hollywood-made pop culture piece of media could ever deliver. we also know d/r history from f&b, it's not all sunshine and rainbows... tho it's not comparable to jaime&cersei either. this is no valonqar situation - if and when that happens in asoiaf, motives and characters can't be compared only because d. and jaime share a love for poor impulse control and incest; the framing for their ~love affair and the choking act is also radically different. this feels like a punishment for the girls who tend to romanticize daemon and his feelings for his niece, as a "sharp reminder" of who he is and what is capable of (and that women, even dragon queens who are more than mere consorts and childbearers, can be victimized and have shitty husbands ig). except that however awful and poor little meow meow he may be, he didn't do any of this marital abuse bs in the book as far as we know. which brings me to:
i have a small problem with the people who say "f&b is no real account of the dance, these characters can't be written as ooc because we basically don't know them! it's all headcanons and bias!". theoretically i agree: there are at least 3 different versions of any major event, and what intrigued me the most about this show was the premise of Unreliable Narrator Extraordinaire. which path would these writers follow? because logically one should also say: "is this what really happened in the dance?" like, aren't these people (hired by hbo, paid a shitton of money, apparently asoiaf fans themselves) also writing down their own interpretations? unless grrm himself is behind everything (foot fetish and wife-choking included) who are these people to say this is what actually happened? they didn't create the characters and the plot etc., we're seeing them through their eyes and bias as well. why are the Poor Naive Girls who romanticized the Bad Dark Prince (aka they knew he was a big asshole but didn't think he had it in him to actually assault the woman he loves) the ones to be so awfully biased and affected by media illiteracy, to the point i’ve already seen the usual crowd online gloating over it like “ha ha the bitches had it coming”? one could say this is just another version of the dance... which would actually be more compelling imo. this also brings me to:
grandma vhagar being nostalgic of her war crimes era and gnam gnam lucerys to the oblivion. i have... very mixed feelings about this. i agree that making aemond more than an evil cackling anime villain is a good choice but idk about this tbh. idk how they could have spin it differently either tho, so i give up. people say "at least he doesn't actively seek war out so he doesn't look like an idiot" except he looks like an even bigger idiot because no one in their right mind would chase down their four-and-ten nephew and his dragon (said to be “five times smaller” than vhagar) through the sky while they're riding a huge ass fucking beast that could dwarf a mountain and actually fought in the conquest just to pick out his eye, and not expect it to horribly escalate. like, if you make two dragons face each other (especially if one of them is as powerful and ancient as vhagar is) what do you think is going to happen? realistically, i mean? maybe aemond didn't want to go that far but omg he should have foreseen this from a mile. like, sweetie maybe you didn't study your history and lore so well. and for the "he's just a teenager he doesn't know what he's doing" crowd: in a short span of time this ~poor baby~ is going to burn down the riverlands, hundreds of people will die. the incident that sparks the dance being an actual accident, tho... lmao sorry but that sounds like a joke. like, no matter how you spin it, if you like or love or hate it, it still robs the character of his agency, and therefore the story of poignancy. and i'm not even 100% sold on ~the dragons randomly eating people alive even when their riders strictly forbid them too~ because yeah, i can see that, a dragon is no slave and of course they're not mindless beasts but actually quite intelligent etc. but on the other hand i for one can't wait for drogon to fire up kl of his own free will - maybe he'll just hate that fugly city, who knows - so that ~dany (aka an actual 16 year old victim of rape and abuse who liberated thousands of slaves in a continent she was exiled to as an infant) is going to burn children alive and be put down like a mad bitch because that's somehow comparable to lotr shire chapter!!1~ disk horse can finally die its miserable death.
so, yeah, mixed feelings about these two (2) plot points, particularly the ~daemon is physically abusive now~ thing. also dk about whitewashing the blacks anymore, rhaenys killed a fuck ton of civilians in ep9 for no conceivable reason (something that in the books and in peaceful times only the worst of the worst are willing to do, no matter how much these elite assholes don’t care about the smallfolk) and now daemon is even more evil than he was in the book. aegon ii may be... well, aegon ii, but with aemond being somehow more humane and whatever they're doing to alicent the blacks are the ones that actually wreak more havoc - and i’m not even touching the blood and cheese thing. at least aemond's fuck-up kinslaying was accidental lol. jokes aside i overall liked this ep more than i did ep9 and while it’s not bad bad... no mistake, this is no high television either. i’ve seen what great tv can do (it’s exceptionally rare tho, more than people think) and this doesn’t look like it except for some acting choices + scenes.
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hopelesstvaddict · 5 years
The Last of the Starks - Random thoughts on Episode 4
It started so promising though
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This fourth episode opened with the aftermath of the Battle of Winterfell and a tearful funeral to bid farewell to the departed characters. Ramin Djawadi offers some more of his genius to score the scene… and that’s about his only meaningful contribution to the episode. What a shame after the mastery he displayed in the previous episode. The rest of this one is underscored with reused bits and pieces that sometimes work (Brienne and Jaime were scored by an unreleased cue that worked - but strangely previously accompanied Tyrion, Shae and Sansa at their wedding and later during Tyrion’s trial; Littlefinger’s theme reappears as Sansa makes the decision to tell Tyrion about Jon’s parentage) and frankly sometimes are total misses. Take the scene where Cersei and Dany’s forces face off at the gates of King’s Landing. It’s scored by a mashup of a cue that was previously used for the Boltons and a snippet from The Spoils of War intertwined with I Choose Violence. And to top it off the credits that roll right after a scene that should be deemed as tragic are accompanied by Shall We Begin, the same that ended Dany’s arrival at Dragonstone in 7x01. Hardly fitting, right ?
I have read that Missandei’s death reminds the viewers of Ned’s death. Well, Ned’s death was followed by Goodbye Brother, a sorrowful and quiet variation of the Stark theme - proper for mourning. Finishing here with this triumphant variation of the Targaryen theme removes any occasion to mourn for Missandei; some other episodes even finished off without any music at all. And if they really wanted a triumphant cue, the triumph is all for Cersei here so a variation of The Rains of Castamere would have worked better than Dany’s theme. This is absolutely not a victory for Dany here
Please do yourself a favor and go listen to I’m Sorry For Today by Ramin Djawadi. Then tell me this is not a better cue to end this episode. Wanna know something else ? It’s Greyworm and Missandei’s love theme. So… I just want to say a big no-no to whoever was in charge of music here
And then it spiraled down
Time constraints are back and it makes everyone worry about the rest of the season. The show already struggled during its entire seventh season with these problems of days/weeks spanning within minutes of an episode not to mention characters maddeningly being able to teleport literally anywhere they were needed to be. Well, it’s back on and it hurts everyone from the audience to the story to the characters themselves. While the first three episodes seemed to have learned from the previous mistakes by allowing the gravity of the situation at Winterfell to be really felt - giving the battle against the dead and the loss of characters much more impact - this installment reverts to what drew audience away from S7 by trying to pack too much in an episode that suffers from the lack of impact these developments should - in theory - have on viewers. In previous seasons, this episode would probably have been divided into two or even three episodes. I’ll say it again, I still don’t understand why HBO allowed the seasons to be shorter when 10 episodes per season was clearly a good rhythm. This decision to cut S7 and S8 down did nothing good to the show
Anyway we lose more characters here and that’s the big problem. It seems that the previous episode pulled back its punches and restrained from killing too many just to create an effect of surprise and shock in this one. But that’s just about it. There’s shock but no lasting emotional punch. We lose Rhaegal and Missandei but we hardly feel anything other than pure shock. There is no sadness, no real emotion. They’re just gone and on we move. It’s like the whole Viserion situation all over again only worse. Losing Rhaegal so soon and in such an unceremonious way serves in theory to create shock. Except the fact is, it only comes off as writing off an asset that is not needed anymore. And very poorly at that. What use was Rhaegal then apart from having Jon fly him for a few cool scenes ? In this case I’d have preferred him to die in the Battle of Winterfell
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Since Dany lost Rhaegal, I don’t really see any point in her losing Missandei as well. Her dragon is largely enough to make her tip over the edge. Unless Missandei’s death furthers Greyworm’s story instead. Dany is already on her way to end up completely alone, having lost Jorah, most of her army, now her confidante and it remains to be seen how her commander will react to the death of his love. That was even confirmed by the producers as something very intentional. Varys is also lost to her and on the verge of taking Tyrion with him. On a positive note, Lena Headey continues to shine but I think Emilia does a tremendous job as well in portraying Dany’s descent into darkness
Jon and Dany are sinking and drag everyone with them
In any case, Dany and Jon seem headed for disaster. He still cannot say I love you back and what little faith I have left in Jon compels me to think he at least will not participate in the mass murder Dany seems to be leaning into. This at least is an aspect I am glad was not rushed over. The gradual transition of Dany from hero to tragic and morally questionable protagonist (to avoid the V word) is not - as some claim - too sudden to be credible; we have seen the seeds planted firmly in S7 and even earlier. Dany has my sympathy because I can still recognize her story as a tragic one and I feel for the losses she suffered. But in terms of ruling and politics, she’s no match to Sansa whom the remaining players still seem to take no notice of, as one of the best fitted rulers around (if not the only one)
Notice that Jon and Dany’s one-on-one scene is silent. There’s no music there, no Truth variation (thankfully!) to underscore it, a big contrast to the Jaime/Brienne scene. There was no romantic context to read here. Another observation : she uses touch as a means to get to Jon, just like Sansa did
Then there’s the Jon problem. I don’t know what to say about him because I hardly recognize the character. Who is this man who doesn’t even pet his direwolf ? Now I’m happy that Ghost gets a better ending than Rhaegal but this is a big disservice to a character that used to be much more important not just for the story but to Jon as well. Plus he keeps pushing his allegiance to Dany on his siblings and I bet Sansa was THIS close to blurt out loud that this was HIS allegiance, not HERS
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And I can’t even begin with Jon still constantly shutting Sansa down. Anyone can literally understand the benefits of letting soldiers rest. And it’s not ‘provoking’ as Tyrion later states. It’s basic human concern mingled with a touch of military savvy. I wonder why everyone misinterprets literally what comes out of her mouth. It doesn’t take an A++ military strategist to come up with this kind of suggestion. Yet BOTH Dany and Jon shut down this basic guideline from Military 101. Sansa can’t even be bothered to argue with Jon anymore and honestly I don’t blame her. It’s up to Arya to call him on his bullshit
On a positive note, once again, Arya and Sansa synchronize themselves by holding their hands behind their back at the war council - a nice way to present a united front. Notice however that this time around, Arya is better at hiding her displeasure at Dany than her sister when in S7 she was pretty vocal about the Northern lords. Usually Sansa is the more diplomatic one, yet this season she can’t help but speak up to Dany. One then remembers Sophie Turner’s comments on a ‘more passionate fight’ this season than a political one. Sansa ‘loses it’ because she is triggered about Jon and Dany
And for an episode called The Last of the Starks its pivotal scene feels a lot underwhelming. First let this fact sink in : this is the FIRST AND ONLY time that all the Starks share some screen time alone and speak as a family. Yes these kids have never interacted onscreen before. Anyway, Arya and Sansa finally learn the truth of Jon’s parentage. Yet we’re denied the actual telling and their reactions. Jon doesn’t even do the deed himself; instead Bran does it. Was Jon ever really needed then ? I’ve seen speculation that Jon specifically refrained from telling them himself so that he could technically keep his word to Dany. Why not but still frustrating
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The next time we see Arya, she’s on her way south. So is Jon. Only Sansa seems really affected by what she has learnt. And for a house that places so much importance on the pack as family, you have once again a family that is not only divided because of Jon’s parentage, his allegiance to someone all of his siblings haven’t praised a single time but also geographically as two head south - possibly to never return - and two stay home, one of whom is not really part of the family anymore. So what happens to 'The pack survives’? Are they even a pack anymore ? Were they ever ? Sansa alone seems to still cling onto this futile notion. Jon leaves everything that ties him to the North behind, from Ghost to Sam and Tormund, not to mention his cousins. And yet, there’s still NO GOODBYES
I’d speculated before that Jon and Sansa might argue more over his Starkness. That seems unlikely now since the two haven’t had any one-on-one scene since the first episode. Given how Jon treats her I kind of stick by my point that he doesn’t deserve her. With only two episodes left, even if Jon magically reveals that he was playing some kind of game, this late in the endgame would feel cheap and effectively rendered less impactful
And on Sansa, again the time jumping does a great disservice to her - but that’s not the only time her character is dealt a poorly with. The framing of this installment makes it like Sansa couldn’t wait to snitch on Jon to Tyrion. Instead, a lot of time has passed per the producers who told us that this was a very thoroughly thought decision on her part. Well, that wasn’t what transpired on screen and if really some time has passed, then her onscreen upset appearance is not even a reaction to Jon’s secret
Anyway Tyrion asks her if she is alright. She is not. Cue the parallel to Littlefinger’s ‘what do you want that you do not have ? Why aren’t you happy ?’ This episode clearly points out Jon as the answer. And it’s not just her protectiveness over him - also, wasn’t HE supposed to be the one who protects her? - it’s the look of pure unaldultered adoration and fondness she shoots at him during the celebrations only to be tarnished by what everyone interprets - rightly - as jealousy over Dany. Notice that when she’s had enough and goes, Jon notices. Why she keeps being so faithful to him is a bit beyond me honestly but hey I don’t have Sansa’s patience with everyone else’s bullshit
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On Jaime and Brienne : I was happy they got together and then mad at Jaime for going but I can’t blame him really. Sitting out the rest of the war was never a viable option for him and I like to think that Sansa subtly prompted him to go with her comment on Cersei
Logics fly out of the window
As many pointed out, the logistics of I-Can-Magically-Teleport-Myself -And-My-Fleet-Euron are all but credible and the odds of hitting a flying dragon not once, not twice but three times in a row and then miraculously miss one dragon with a dozen simultaneous arrows are downright ridiculously low. But then again… a flying Dany could not spot the Iron Fleet when she was airborne. So let’s just not dwell too long on this one
Sansa did not catch on PolJon. When Arya tells Jon she respects his decision to kneel in order to bring Dany’s forces north, Sansa is stunned. But previously, we thought that she had understood why Jon did it when she was conversing with Dany. Apparently not
Not a bad episode really. But clearly, the lesser of S8 so far and one that’s very worrying over the final two that have so much to wrap up.
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chid-sen-gan-blog · 5 years
My Reaction to GoT 8.03 (”The Long Night”)
Hello! I’m back for another recap/review! 
I’m so sorry this took so long, but I was a bit… uninspired. But it’s here now, and I hope you enjoy! 
Once again, featuring running commentary from my Dad and Brother because I love them and their witty remarks. (all thoughts and quotes are from our first time viewing it, per usual)
WARNING: Spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen the episode yet, though this warning might be irrelevant at this point.
WARNING 2: My family and I (namely me) weren’t really fans of this episode, so things get… pretty snarky at some points. Also, there’s a lot of shade - no pun intended - thrown at the lighting throughout. A lot. All these are just the opinions of three people, however, and not meant to offend anyone. If you enjoyed the episode, then lucky you more power to you - you do you! :)
And last, but certainly not least, a huge thank you to everyone who supported the first two installments! Now, time for part three!
So… the new opening credits still haven’t grown on me. But the inclusion of the crypt for this episode is a nice touch
(I have a sinking feeling that taking refuge in the crypts is going to backfire for those hiding there and really hope I’m wrong)
Yay! Sam! Please don’t die on me. Please…
Pre-battle preparation montages always puts me on edge. Now is no exception
Another Alys Karstark shot and I’m still not sure why the crew keeps including them…
“So, the showrunners keep giving us glimpses of Alys Karstark, but do they actually plan on doing anything with her, or…?” - My Wonderful Brother; so I guess I’m not the only one curious
“With D&D at the reigns, she could be there for anything from the kidnap theory to a faceless man revival.” - My Wonderful Dad
“True. Let’s hope they get their story right right tonight, though.” - My Wonderful Brother
“I don’t see how they couldn’t. They already have all the pieces in place. All they need to do is not try anything random.” - My Wonderful Dad
Awwww. My children! D&D, don’t you dare kill off Jaime, Brienne, or Pod. I will find you if you do!!! And no CGI dragons will be able to save you!
(I’m super worried about Pod. He’s right up there at the top of my list with Theon and Grey Worm. And possibly Jorah, but I’m 50/50 with him)
(Maybe 60/40; if Dark!Dany’s a possibility, she needs to suffer a huge loss in this battle. And considering Jorah’s her morality pet/conscience, he would fit the bill)
(basically if Jorah dies this episode, then my confidence in the show going the Dark!Dany route rises)
Tormund! I’m guessing you’ll live. The writers need some fan favorite B characters to make it through the night…
Ooh, Beric. Yeah… you’re probably not one of them… 
And the Hound will be needed for Cleganebowl, so he’s safe. No way they’re writing off the guy with all the hype surrounding him and his bro’s one-on-one
Actually, he’s one of the few people I’m absolutely sure will live past this episode
Gendry… 50/50 on you, too, sadly. I hope you make it, though
Darn it, knowing I’m never going to see some of these characters again is making me emotional. And it’s not even ten minutes into the episode!!!
Awwww. Poor Edd. You’re definitely a goner, since you essentially doomed yourself last week
Aaaaaaaand now I”m tearing up. Darn it!!! It’s too early to cry!
My new mantra: Please let Sam live
Wow, that shot is… dark. I wouldn’t have known those were horses if not for the whinnying 
GHOST!!! Are we going to see him fight this episode? Because Im so here for it!
My wonderful Dad and Brother are just as pumped to see him as I am. Bless them
“But, seriously, why is Ghost with Jorah and the Dothraki and not with the Northerners in the crypts? Wouldn’t that be more practical” - My Wonderful Brother; taking time from his celebration to ask the tough questions
And here’s Dany to ruin my mood. Absolutely spectacular
“So, do you think she’ll abandon Jon and co during the battle?” - My Wonderful Dad
“Nope, she still wants the North to see her as their hero. It’s more likely she’ll rush in at some point and ruin the plan.” - My Wonderful Brother
Sansa!!! Arya!!!
Hey, remember when Dany stans said that Sansa’s S8 hairstyle was based on their kween’s? Good times, good times
Oooooh. A rider in the night? But who? The gang’s all here, except for Cersei and Euron
Is it Bronn? Kind of bad timing if it is…
No, wait, Carice von Houten was in the credits. It’s Melisandre, isn’t it?
They’re zooming in on Davos, it must be…
“So, let’s none of us question why she’s here or how she got around the undead army marching on the North. Deal?” - My Wonderful Dad
“Deal.” - My Wonderful Brother and Less Wonderful I
And, once again, everything’s super dark, even for this show. Is it supposed to be intentional, or…?
I love how Jorah’s like: “I don’t know who the heck you are or what you want or why you’re here, but sure I’ll do what you ask, weird pretty red lady” 
FINALLY!!! LIGHT!!! Thank you, Melisandre! 
I’ll admit, that was a beautiful shot
I have a real affinity for how Liam Cunningham portrays an angry Davos. I’m not really sure why, but I do
Okay, so Melisandre’s going to die before the dawn. Why do I feel somewhat emotional about it?
(I’m still not over Shireen, so I really have no clue)
Ooooh, that look shared between Melisandre or Arya. Is Arya going to kill her? Maybe because of what happened to Gendry?
Ummmmmm…. Dothraki. What are you doing?
Seriously, what are you guys doing?
Don’t tell me these knuckleheads are actually charging at an enemy they can’t even see…
Oh, shoot. That’s exactly what they’re doing.
………… and now were’s firing the catapults. Umm, hello, don’t we kind of need our supplies for later?! What are you dimwits doing?!?!
No, really, this is idiotic. Why are they lighting things up and charging all gleefully like it’s a 4th of July cookout?!?!
“No, Ghost. Turn around. You’re too smart for this.” - My Wonderful Dad
Well lookie there. The Dothraki charged right into the army of the dead. Who could’ve possibly predicted that? *sarcasm, sarcasm*
“And just like that, the Night King’s added tens of thousands more soldiers to his army. Everyone say “thank you, Dany” for bringing your men who apparently have zero impulse control.” - My Wonderful Brother
“So this is why God didn’t give cavemen fire.” - My Wonderful Dad
You just know that Jaime’s watching this display thinking “why did my men have such a hard time fighting those guys again?”
Aaaaaand the screen’s nearly pitch black again. Dandy 
Oh, look, slow-mo Jorah. At least I think it is. It’s kind of hard to tell…
Ugh. Dany. I’m not in the mood for you
Wow, astounding. She’s not going to stick to the plan. I’m sure this will work out just fine
“Told ya’.” - My Wonderful Brother
Nothing screams true love quite like yanking your arm out of your boyfriend’s grasp and snapping at him. 
(Anyone else ever get CerseixJaime vibes from these two? And I’m not just talking about the incest…)
Grey Worm putting on his helmet is somehow one of the best parts in this episode so far. And I don’t think that’s a good thing
But still, it’s too early to judge, so I’ll shut up
Why hello, Army of the Dead. How was that 4th of July cookout the Dothraki ran into?
And now it’s time for my favorite game - count the fallen red shirts! Let’s see… 1, 2, oh, there’s a third…
And there’s one red shirt who just realized his name’s never been said on the show and booked. I respect his genre-savyness
Meanwhile, back with the important characters…
No!!! Brienne!!! No!!!
Jaime’s “wench sense” prevails again. That’s my boy
Dany’s “ruin-my-mood sense” is also as strong as ever, apparently
Well, at least the dragonfire shone some light on things
Sansa looking awed at Jon on a dragon is so far one of the best shots in the episode
I will forever hate Jonerys, but Ramin Djawadi always knocks it out of the park with his score - even with their theme.
I wonder if he’ll have anything new to present for this episode…
Jon’s gotten a lot better at riding Rhaegal. That could be very useful in upcoming conflicts… *grins wickedly*
Lovely, now Jon’s stuck in a snowstorm. *sighs* Really, I give him one compliment… 
“I just hope that Dany remembers she has to light the trench and doesn’t follow him in.” - My Wonderful Dad
“You’re asking for way too much, Daddy.” - My Wonderful Brother
Aw, Sansa. I’m so proud of you. And this is why I love the Starks - no matter the dangers they face, they’re loyal to their people first and foremost
… Arya, no offense, but your sister’s not much of a fighter. Don’t you think you should give her more than just one tiny dragonglass blade? 
Ah, callbacks. But, seriously, give Sansa another weapon 
Seeing Jaime, Brienne, and Pod together in any capacity gives me all the feels. All of them. Even when they’re fighting literal zombies
And now Dany’s also lost in the snowstorm. Well, on the bright side, at least she didn’t fly directly into it
Theon!……… yeah, you’re a dead man. I’ll sincerely miss you
And we’re back to the battle. That was… interesting editing
16 red shirts… 17 red shirts… 18 red shirts… 
So it’s twenty minutes in and no named characters have died yet. I’m surprised…
And there goes Edd. *cries* Why did I think I was safe?!?! Why?!?!?!?!?!
So that’s one death I guessed. I wonder who else…
Okay, is it even possible for Sophie Turner to look anything but beautiful? I mean, even with this episode’s lighting…
I forgot Tyrion was alive Oops
Still have a sinking suspicion the crypts are going to be overrun with wights…
I honestly admire how calm Tyrion is. If my brother was out fighting an army of undead popsicles, you could bet I would be anything but
Jon and Dany bumping into eachother on dragonback is really making me smile. Even though I know it wasn’t intentional this time
If Jorah doesn’t die, Lyanna Mormont will. I’m calling it now
Grey Worm is so far the MVP of this battle. Now I’m really worried about his survival odds…
Soooooooo… are the dragons just going to be lost in this snowstorm the entire episodes? I mean, they have to play a bigger part than that, right?
(if they don’t then Jon really went through some serious guff for nothing)
Jon calling Dany by her nickname again despite knowing she doesn’t like it gives me life. So what if I’m petty?
And back with Theon and Bran after… nothing really happened
“Is it just me, or does the editing this episode feel a little… off?” - My Wonderful Brother
“Not just you. It has been so far. Strange, considering that’s usually one of D&D’s strong points.” - My Wonderful Dad
Aaaaaaand back to the battle after nothing really happened
“….. really?” - My Wonderful Brother
Brienne checking on Pod is what I live for. Honestly, I’m so far more interested in my J-B-P Family Trio than the actual battle 
(Though I don’t think I’m supposed to be)
And the lighting is pitch black again. Huzzah
Unsullied don’t feel fear, huh? Welp, Grey Worm’s quickly realizing that most Unsullied don’t usually fight dead men
Really, though, this scene is on-point. Kudos to everyone involved
And now Dany can’t see the signal to light the trench. Yippee…
“YOU HAD ONE JOB, DAENERYS!!! ONE!!!” - My Wonderful Dad
On another note, I think I finally figured out why Melisandre conveniently strolled back into the picture when she did
 And there we go
You know, everything has played out so predictably thus far that I feel like D&D are going to pull a huge, random move at some point
One that likely won’t make any sense, knowing them
Oh, I hope that’s not the case
Alright, that shot when Melisandre finally light up the trench is beautiful. I must admit
…………………………………………………………………………. wait, so Jon was just chilling right next to the trench when he could’ve lit it up this whole time?!?!?!?!
Ugh. So far he’s been utterly useless this battle. I mean, I love the guy, but really?
Please tell me they’re just saving his potential for when he fights the Night King. Or, even better, fights him so Bran can take him down
(D&D wouldn’t honestly butcher my boy like this without a reason, right?)
Oh, great. I forgot the Hound has PTSD when it comes to fire. This should be interesting. With any luck, he’ll overcome his fear this episode
Back in the crypts which are still somehow safe
And it’s times like these, when Tyrion touts his own greatness, that I remember he’s much more like Tywin than I’d care to acknowledge
Yes, Tyrion. You would make all the difference out there in the battle. When not even your swordsman brother should, logically-speaking, be near it, given his one hand situation. But, sure. You keep on thinking that. 
Sansa laying some truth down. I stan 
I really do enjoy her and Tyrion’s chemistry. And it’s actually nice to take a bit of a break from the battle
Oh, look at that. Sansa and Dany aren’t besties after their talk last episode after all. Odd, I could’ve sworn some stans said they were
One of which was, apparently, Missandei
Gee, I love you, Missandei, but that comment was totally uncalled for. They weren’t even talking to you
“And maybe if it weren’t for the dragon queen, the wall would still be standing and the dead wouldn’t even be here.” - My Wonderful Brother
“The girl didn’t even light the trench. Which was, again, her one job!” - My Wonderful Dad
*sighs* I really hate brainwashed Missandei. But I’m sure Dany’s stans will find a woman of color being blindly devoted to a white woman totally empowering
(And, before anyone bashes me, I’m speaking as someone who’s got the blood of all walks of minorities in my veins) 
Ad back to Theon and Bran. Are they actually going to do something this time?
Oh, they are! 
So, Bran’s “home” quote was said to Theon. Odd, and here I thought he was supposed to have said it to Dany… oh, well
Ooooh, warging Bran. With any luck, he’ll warg into a dragon at some point in this episode
I don’t even care anymore, just let the poor guy be useful in this battle somehow
So… when the army of animated corpses have better battle plans than your armies, exactly how screwed are you?
Jorah ushering Sam to the walls is actually really heartwarming
As is surrogate dad Jaime checking on his adopted son Pod en route to their battle stations
…… Jon has been sitting on the walls of Winterfell for who knows how long doing absolutely zilch. Not burning wights, not guarding Bran, not even brooding. And I’m ticked about it
What the heck, D&D? I thought you loved CGI dragon stuff
Well, finally. Yes, go fight the head popsicle, even if you don’t kill him. Go, my boy, and redeem yourself
The J-B-P Family Trio dynamic is my favorite thing in this episode thus far. Fight me 
And Sam and Jorah. I want a spin-off named “Mormont and Tarly” with these two just hanging out
So, it’s almost halfway through the episode and only Edd has died out of the named characters. I have a feeling things are about to get bloody
Well, there goes another red shirt. What was I up to? 42?
No no no no no no no no. Bad wights. Not Jaime. Get off my problematic child! Get off him, darn you!!!
Brienne has “Kingslayer sense” confirmed
Who needs plot armor when you have your totally platonic not girlfriend watching your back? 
My children fighting together… *tears up* I’m so proud…
And who needs plot armor when you have your totally platonic not boyfriend watching your back?
Jorah saving Sam with Heartsbane is all kinds of right. That is all
And the Hound is not making any sort of progress with his PTSD. I’m rooting for you, Sandor
Aaaaaaaaaaand…. I’m really tired of ninja!Arya already. I’m sorry. Unpopular opinion, I know, but it seems like the show’s going out of their way waaaay too much recently to make her seem all BAMF. I don’t know, call it personal preference, but I like it when there’s some vulnerability to a fighter
And maybe that hit to the head will take her down a peg. Knowing D&D, though… not likely
Oh, boy. The Hound’s really got it bad. I feel for him….
The fact he cares so much about Arya takes me back to S4, and I couldn’t be happier about it. Ah, the great seasons…
My wonderful Dad and Brother have taken to trying to adjust the brightness on our tv…to  limited success. And this isn’t even the darkest the episode’s been…
Okay, I got over Lyanna Mormont in S7, but I have to say, she got the coolest death ever in the show by far. And I’m glad
Also, another predicted death. Makes me wonder about Jorah’s fate now…
So… the dragons above the clouds is a pretty shot and all, but are Jon and Dany just playing hide&seek with the Night King at this point, or…?
Oh, there’s the head popsicle!
(oh, if only fire could burn the unburnt…)
(speaking of which, how does Wightserion manage to breathe fire if he’s a wight and fire kind of kills them all over again? I’ve been wondering…)
“And after less than a minute of the dragons looking like they’d actually do something, we’ve now transitioned in to a game of tag, you’re it.” - My Wonderful Brother, getting fully annoyed with this episode
“At this point you could put Little Sam out in the field and he’d do more than the dragons.” - My Wonderful Dad, getting fully annoyed with this episode
And now Arya’s playing hide&seek with the wights. What is this, buy none get three day?
So… this scene is going to contribute something other than more bad lighting, right? Please say it is…
And nothing’s really happening…
And nothing…
Okay, so I have a feeling this is supposed to come off as a horror movie kind of thing, but it reads more like Tom&Jerry, imo
Wights have better hearing than me. I’m a little jealous
*shudders* Alright, the way that wight re-died (coining that term as of now) when Arya stabbed it was really gross. I tip my hat to the special effects and make-up team
Arya’s running like mad. And I’m happy she seems human again
(On another note, all this focus on Arya is really making me wonder what D&D are planning on doing with her. I can guess it’s something important…)
Too dark to see too dark to see too dark to see too dark to see…
I’m still surprised the crypts are safe. Maybe I’m wrong and they won’t be taken over by the dead after all
“This episode needs more Sansa. I said what I said.” - My Wonderful Brother
The Hound and Beric’s buddy cop adventures continue
Sweet move, Beric. We should enter you in javelin-throwing
Arya fighting just fine with a head wound. Even though I’m pretty sure she must have a concussion. Oh, what the heck, it’s a fantasy show
Beric sacrificing himself for Arya and the Hound in an honestly brilliant scene… that I could hardly see… -_-*
Beric dying to protect them also means that I was probably right before when I said Arya’s going to play an important role in this fight. Or the Hound
But my money’s on Arya. They’ll want a girl power shield in case their plans fall through
Really, the lighting on this episode looks like the contrast effect I add to my Sony Vegas-made AMVs before filtering the colors
So… Melisandre’s alone in this room surrounded by a bunch of doubly dead wights. Did she kill them all herself? Did she flambe them? I would really like to know
And blue eyes. Wait… no.
“They’re going to have Arya kill the Night King. That’s their big twist” - My Wonderful Brother
“But that wouldn’t make any sense. I mean, what about Bran? Doesn’t his whole story revolve around taking down the Night King?Didn’t Uncle Benjen say in no uncertain terms that without Bran they lose everything?” - Me
“Yep. But it’s still going to be Arya.” - My Wonderful Brother
“But what about Jon?! Doesn’t 90% of his arc center around facing this guy, too?! What about their stare down in “Hardhome”?” - Me
“Maybe Jon gets a crack at him, but it’s going to be Arya who finishes him off.” - My Wonderful Brother
“They wouldn’t!” - Me
“Remember Joffrey’s funeral  scene in “Breaker of Chains” and how they changed it?” - My Wonderful Dad
“……… oh, no. They would.” -Me
And now I’m worried
I mean, I love Arya, I really do. And I love girls being great. But something like that would just feel so… out-of-the-blue
Please don’t let that be the case
(But then again, my wonderful Brother’s always right)
Theon and the red shirts going to war and I can’t even try to appreciate it
Oh, well, I couldn’t see much of it anyway
And there goes Rhaegal and Wightserion fighting in the sky. And I can’t even see what’s happening. Wondrous
No! Not the cloak Sansa made for Jon! Bad dragon, bad!
*more squinting*
… did Drogon just bite Rhaegal? It looks like it. But I won’t jump to any conclusions just yet because I CAN’T FRICKING SEE!!! 
Jon has to be hurt after that fall. There’s no way he only got a few scrapes
Then again, the damage to his body is probably far less than the damage my eyes have taken straining to see the screen
And back to the battle. Time to see if anyone I love is still alive…
*even more squinting*
Ya’ know what, I can’t tell
Oh, great. Dany and the Night King. Well, let’s see if she’s going to kill him and become the heiress of a million more prophecies
Bet you ten bucks she’s going to smile when she burns him
And knock knock I’m here to collect my money
Well, Jon’s staggering around like he’s hurt, at least. That’s good enough for me (at least someone seems to be affected by bodily wear-and-tear)
And the Night King’s not burnt. Oh, this is great!!!
AND THAT SMIRK!!! I CAN’T!!! *falls off chair laughing* 
“Can we stan the Starks and the Night King at the same time? Is that even possible?” - My Wonderful Dad
“Well, Dany, your purpose here is done. Time to go back to Meereen.” - My Wonderful Brother
“Excuse me, but what did the people of Meereen ever do to you to have you wish such a thing on them?” - My Wonderful Dad
“Nothing. I just really want Demanding Tourist out of Westeros already.” - My Wonderful Brother 
Yes, head popsicle. Get the dragon brat!!! Yeeeeeeeees!!!!!!
Aw, darn it. He missed
Oooh, Jon running at the Night King. Here we go! One-on-one!!!
Oh, shoot. He’s running towards him as the guy’s reanimating the corpses?! Is he really planning on sacrificing himself?!??!
(you know what, never mind. It’s Jon - we already know the answer is yes)
Okay, sweetie, all you need is a few good jabs and I’ll be happy. Just get a couple hits on this guy and I’ll be satisfied
Immediately has “Satisfied” from Hamilton play in my head and chooses to ignore it
Ummm… Jon. Why are you stopping? The path is still clear? Just run through!
Oh, shoot, everyone that was killed is coming back
Oh, hey, look, Jaime and Brienne are still alive… and they’re probably not going to be in two more minutes so I better enjoy it. Good thing I have both Wench and Kingslayer sense, or I might not have been able to tell it was them in the dark
Now where’s Pod? *activates Squire sense”*
And there’s the crypts not staying safe. I fricking called it and I wish I hadn’t
Don’t you dare touch Gilly or Little Sam or Sansa, wights!!!
On another note… how did the wights manage to punch through solid stone with their skeletal hands?
My boy Theon still stepping up. *sighs*  I’m really going to miss him… and back from a quick cut, Jon squinting at that dragonfire is me right now, after nearly a whole hour of watching an almost fully-black screen
Giving credit where credit is due, Dany just saved my fav. Thanks for that, but don’t get used to it
Ooooooooh Dany stuck in the middle of nowhere without her dragons surrounded by wights… *pulls out White Walker paraphernalia and foam finger* Team Wights forever!
(What? I did say don’t get used to it)
No Jorah! Nooooooo! Why?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
“WE COULD’VE HAD IT ALLLL!!!!” - My Wonderful Brother
Also, kind of hate how the sword belonging to the family Dany burnt alive is now being used to defend her, but who cares what I think, right?
Jon running past Sam is so wrong on so many levels
On another, however, it shows that he prioritizes Bran - his family - above all else. So, maybe I’m giving D&D too much credit here, but if that’s what they were trying to convey, I can see where they’re coming from
This tunnel run is the most fighting Jon’s actually gotten to do in the episode thus far, which is actually pretty dissapointing
Y’know, considering he was all gung-ho about fighting the Army of the Dead and all
Theon , my boy, you make me proud
Also, what is Bran actually doing? Something important, I hope…
Wow. Dany can magically wield a sword. Where did this sudden skill come from, I wonder…
Are Sansa and Tyrion taking refuge behind Ned’s tomb? *heart breaks into a million pieces*
*scene cuts away*
“Hey, I said in action, not inactive! I want to see my girl kill some wights!” - My Wonderful Dad
He’s been a full Sansa stan for only a week yet he gets how awesome she is. I’m so proud of him
Oh, great, Wightserion almost killing Jon
Oh, great, wights almost killing my J-B-P Family Trio
Yet I’m already loving this score. Let’s see just how much of a next level Ramin Djawadi takes it to
No, bad wights! Don’t kill my children!
No! Don’t make Sam cry!
Noooooooooooo! Don’t say thank you, Bran! Now he’s really going to die!
NOOOOOOO! THEON!!!!!!! *cries hysterically*
Jon… just can’t catch an awesome break this episode, can he? Now he’s got to deal with the dragon he already faced again… *sighs*
And yep. Ramin Djawadi outdid himself with this score. And that’s the hill I die on
Jon, sweetie… why are you randomly screaming at a dragon? Did you hit your head when you fell off Rhaegal? Has the stress of obsessing over the undead finally caught up to you? Did Dany finally break you?
Okay, a white walker’s hair has suddenly turned into a Maybelline commercial
And it’s…
Arya. Oh, boy. Here we go…
Aaaaaaaaand… it’s over. Just. Like. That.
We never even got to know anything about him and that’s it
They Snoke’d him
And Bran was utterly useless, to boot
*left eyes strained from too much squinting twitches*
“They really did it…” - mMe
“Called it.” - My Wonderful Brother
“Well… I guess good for Arya. Right?” - My Wonderful Dad
“No. Not good. Not good. I’m glad she got a chance to shine and I don’t even care about her hitting the final blow. I don’t care who hi it, honestly!!! But Jon and Bran were both completely useless?! EVEN BRAN?! ARE YOU  KIDDING ME?!?!?!?! BRAN’S ENTIRE STORYLINE WAS THE NIGHT KING!!! NOW WHAT’S HE ANY GOOD FOR?! TELLING HIS FAMILY THAT JAIME PUSHED HIM OUT A WINDOW?!?! DON’T GIVE ME THAT! I DID NOT SIT THROUGH SEVEN ENTIRE SEASONS OF GAME OF THRONES AND PUT UP WITH SIX OF THEM WATCHING BRAN’S BORING-AS-ALL-HECK VISIONS JUST FOR HIM TO BE PLAYING WARG THE RAVENS THROUGHOUT THIS ENTIRE EPISODE AND HAVE NO SAY IN TAKING DOWN THE POPSICLE!!!” -  Me, with an unpopular opinion that will get me in so much trouble later
“True. His lack of involvement was… dissapointing.” - My Wonderful Dad
“You know, there’s a way it all could’ve worked. All they had to do was have Bran warg into the Night King to try and keep him at bay to give Arya the chance to finish him off. Show a bit of struggle between all three of them and ultimately have Bran be the deciding factor. Maybe throw in a bit of flashbacks to the guy’s past, while they were at it” - My Wonderful Brother
“Yeah, but that would require making the guy look like a legitimate threat in terms of fighting.” - Me
“Oh, that’s an easy fix. They should’ve let Jon fight the Night King before and get royally owned. That would’ve established him.” - My Wonderful Brother
“Not only that, but it would also heighten the expectation that Jon would make a huge comeback, which would really throw the viewers for a loop when Arya comes to save Bran instead.” - My Wonderful Dad
My family, everyone. Also known as my bright spots in the abysmal world
To be fair, the one thing I like about this is that the knife originally intended to kill Bran eventually saved him. Bravo
Welp, there goes Jorah. My heart is already in pieces, so a few more breaks won’t do anything
*cries anyway*
Guess Dark!Dany is probably coming. At least I hope so. And then we’ll have Bronn fight her or some other nonsensical decision. Who cares anymore?
I can’t bring myself to feel a shred of pity for Dany or an ounce of compassion. Yet even I know Emilia Clarke’s acting in this scene is fantastic
And now at the end of the episode we finally have light. And my eyes actually are having a hard time adjusting to it
So long, Melisandre. I’m surprisingly emotional about this but maybe that’s just because I’m still crying from Jorah
That’s it? Huh. That’s it. Who lived? Who died? Don’t ask me.
I’m going to go work on my AU now. It may suck, but at least I put real effort into it. Maybe I’ll be a screenwriter. It seems to require very little
I’m bitter and ready to be unfollowed
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kittensartswriting · 5 years
Character Development Tag
Thank you for tagging me @danceny! As promised I’ll go with one of the girls!
Rules: Pick a character from your wip, tell us their role (hero, villain etc.), and give a brief visual description. Then answer the questions below!
I decided on Cassia, mainly because I know exactly who would play her in adaptation! Cassia is one of my protagonists and POV characters. She is very long, like more than 180 cm, has almost black hair, very pale skin, big grayish blue downward tilting eyes and downward tilting eyebrows too and she has very wiry body.
Tell us, in one sentence, what your character’s ultimate goal is.
Kill the imperial family, destroy the empire and that way gain vengeance for her family and herself.
What actor could you envision playing your character in a movie? (faceclaim)
This is the one face claim I actually know: Eva Green. (Also she is so good actress and I love and adore her.)
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What is their theme song?
Light of the Seven - Ramin Djawadi (from Game of Thrones)
Cinéma - Erik Satie (the song starts from 34:00)
Fysiikka ei kestä - CMX 
Which character trope do they fit the best?
Femme fatale, the Powerful Sorceress and Spy Master. 
Are they physically fit? What sport would they play?
She is very fit. She doesn’t exactly do sports, but she does opera and their opera includes acrobatics and martial arts. Also she has learned martial arts for her real job as a spy. She has hard and wiry body.
What is their spirit animal?
Her spirit animal is an arctic fox.
How about their Hogwarts house?
She would have gotten the choice between Ravenclaw and Slytherin and she would choose Slytherin.
What is their greatest character flaw? How does it affect their journey?
It’s her pessimism. She doesn’t have any hope for the world nor herself, so she sees no reason why she wouldn’t go to extremes when pursuing her revenge. She has nothing to lose, not even ethics, and world is already so terrible place that a couple of other terrible deeds are only drops in the ocean. It’s her coping mechanism. If she has no hope, then she won’t hurt again, right?
What scene with them are you looking forward to writing the most?
Oh so many. She has a lot of drama going on and I’m here for it. I probably wait most her scenes with Julie. I love their chemistry and dynamics.
Have they undergone any emotional trauma? How does it affect them/their choices?
When it comes to cor Mantgamia siblings they have all gone through a lot of emotional trauma. First and foremost because of the Fall of cor Mantgamia. During the Fall she was 13. She saw her mother being killed. She thought she left her two younger brother to die, when she escaped with her twin sister, Tacita, into a forest. She was chased down by assassins and almost killed in a forest fire. She and Tacita were lost in the biggest forest in the whole Empire. Two young noble girls without food, map, compass or anything that would help them. They were there alone for months. Starving and scared. Her sister died. She survived with the help of a forest spirit and after being in the wilderness for many months, she was rescued by Ahinian spies.
Her trauma didn’t end there though. She went thought a harsh training to be Ahinian spy and after that she gain a mission to infiltrate Imperial society as a courtesan. In their society sex workers doesn’t have very good standing.
All she has gone through has left her with PTSD and shaped her pessimistic view on the world. She has deep hatred for people in power using that power to hurt weaker people and as deep empathy for those who are hurt and powerless. And she never wants to be weak and powerless again, she can’t.
Do they use magic? What type is it and why is this the magic you chose for them?
She has shamanic abilities, like separating her soul from her body, entering the spirit realm, interacting with spirits, using her helper animal as a vessel, infiltrating other’s minds etc. Her magic is very specialized into spying, since it was part of her training. She can “wear the skin” of several other people, which transforms her appearance completely. She has a contract with a wind spirit, who can make her float by turning winds. She also has enchanted things like dagger enchanted with soul eater demon, an enchanted diadem that gives her better hearing etc. The magic system is pretty soft, so you can basically do anything with magic, but doing anything with magic is dangerous, hard and costly. In other words possibilities are endless, but what realistically one can do is pretty limited.
Tagging: @teacupwriter @doro-writes @dotr-rose-love @ardawyn @contes-de-rheio
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Rules: answer 11 questions, ask 11 questions, tag 11 people Tagged by: The sweet and artistic @peachyjareth. Thank you for the tag AND I’M SORRY FOR THE DELAY.  Questions: 1. Top three ships? 1 - Daenerys Targaryen x Jorah Mormont 2 - Kate Noonan x Jack Taylor 3 - Skye/Daisy Johnson x Phil Coulson (not as active now due to canon) Runner-ups: - Victoria x Lord Melbourne - Martha Dunstable x Thomas Thorne (their love story is in only a handful of chapters but they’re worth the read)   2. Which fictional character do you relate to the most? Hmm can’t name one. There’s a little bit from the characters above. My mind  dwells on Sadness from Inside Out lately. I’m a loner so I am left with my thoughts for many hours, and there are many things out there that could really make a person sad. To compensate, I try to look for little things that make me happy and, hopefully, I am able to pass that joy to others. 3. Favourite melancholy, cheery and angry song? Melancholy - Roslin and Adama / So Much Life [BSG] by Bear McCreary
“I laid out the cabin today. It's gonna have an easterly view. You should see the light that we get here. When the sun comes from behind the mountains, it's almost heavenly. It reminds me of you.”
Runner-up melancholy - Forgive Me [GoT S4] by Ramin Djawadi Cheery - Ever After by Bonnie Bailey Angry - In The End by Linkin Park (RIP Chester...)
4. The first career you wanted to do? Oh dear. Singing! Dancing! Acting!  5. How many shows do you currently watch? But which is the best? Phew... around 16? (The Good Doctor, Designated Survivor, The Walking Dead, The Good Place, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Lucifer, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, The Last Ship, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Orville, Fresh Off The Boat, Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Riverdale, Stan Lee’s The Lucky Man, Last Week Tonight). Currently, the one I look forward to most is The Good Place. 6. Who’s the prettiest celeb? I feel I should say Iain Glen / Emilia Clarke because those two are adorable, but now I’m crushing on Adan Canto who plays Aaron Shore from Designated Survivor. (Or Belle from Beauty and the Beast because of this fanart by Fernanda Suarez. I cannot help but stare and admire her take on Belle.) 7. Favourite animated film? Definitely Beauty and the Beast. Treasure Planet and Prince of Egypt still make me cry, as well as Makoto Shinkai’s Koto no ha no niwa (The Garden of Words) and Kimi no Nawa (Your Name). 8. The best family and bromance dynamic/s on TV? Brooklyn Nine-Nine. 9. Ice-cream or smoothies? Ice cream! no... smoothie! no... ICE CREAM ON A SMOOTHIE! 10. Favourite movie genre? Romantic comedy. I feel they are dwindling in Hollywood. Or maybe I should look elsewhere - like the Korean dramas my mom love to marathon. 11. If you had to pick a season that would last all year long, which would you choose? Autumn. (If we had autumn lol!) I prefer our cold seasons... but no typhoons, please. My questions: 1. What is your ideal place to work (describe your ideal working place)? 2. Favorite book / comics / magazine to read? 3. Which fictional character would be the most boring to meet in real life? 4.  What quote or saying do people spout but you think is complete BS? 5. What cheers you up? 6. What’s the closest thing to real magic? 7. Which song(s) would you put on repeat for an entire day? 8. If you could bring a dead fictional character back to life, who would it be? (possible spoiler warning) 9. Who is your hero? 10. What is the reason behind your pronunciation of “GIF”? :) Tagging: @inspieos @jorahssquire @abearnamedwinnie @2raggedclaws @iain-glen @swietek93 @serjorahandhisqueen @katecarletonillustration @timmyisokay @myloveiainglen @heartofalifer
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timedecor · 7 years
Unravelling the clues behind the Game Of Thrones Season 7 Soundtrack, hours before the finale
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The countdown ticker on r/freefolk doesn’t have to remind anyone who isn’t living under a rock, or crypt in Winterfell, that it’s 10 hours to go before the epic finale of the penultimate season of Game Of Thrones! Book-readers, show-watchers, and semi-interested passive listeners have all waited years for this. Despite all the hacks and leaks, HBO’s managed to keep finale episode safe from getting out until the very end. 
We’ve spent ages theorising, debating, and meming our the way to this finale and now we’ve got one last trove of clues from Ramin Djawadi’s phenomenal Season 7 soundtrack. I haven’t been this enchanted by soundtrack music since Michael Giacchino’s work on LOST. Thrones wouldn’t even be half as epic a show it is without Djawadi’s scores. Throughout the series, and this season, the score has followed moments of triumph and tragedy - and done a damn good job at that.
Since this post is specific to the songs that we’re expecting to hear in the finale, I’m going to focus on that. You can check out the rest of the 24-track OST on WaterTower Music’s YouTube playlist here.
Tracks 17, 18 and 19. Casterly Rock, A Lion’s Legacy, and A Message For Cersei
I’m clubbing these three because I’m almost certain we’re going to see the fall of Casterly Rock - the Lannister house. Also because I’m not that invested in the Lannister storyline anymore - apart from our boys Jaime and Tyrion.
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At one minute and forty-three seconds, ">Message For Cersei is a short one. Based on the title and melancholy strings, I’d wager this is Cersei probably hearing either about the fall of Casterly Rock or knowing that her enemies have her surrounded (as seen in the trailer and promo pics). There’s also the possibility that this message might be the wight that our Fellowship of the North captured in the last episode. Maybe the sad ending is Cersei maintaining her stand and Jaime realising he’s on the wrong side of the war?
Track 20. Ironborn
Please let this be a Theon redemption track! I’ve really enjoyed following Theon Greyjoy’s bitter arc as he tries to find his place in the war of five kings, a world he was thrown into. Ironborn takes a minute to properly kick off from desolate strings filling the air into an almost heroic charge which builds for another minute before it cuts off - not giving away too much or too little. Theon did the right thing by jumping off the ship instead of saving his sister Yara in 7x02 - Stormborn, even though he was pretty much universally hated for it. We need to see Theon redeeming himself in front of Yara - one final moment in his arc as a redeemed hero.
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Track 21. No One Walks Away From Me
Major throwbacks to Light Of The Seven from last season’s 6x10 - The Winds Of Winter (easily the greatest single track and moment on the show). There’s really no one aside from Cersei Lannister who can deliver this line and judging by the trouble in paradise level interactions we’re seeing between Jaime and Cersei throughout this season, this track is most certainly about that.
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Track 22. Truth
For an episode named The Dragon And The Wolf, there’s really not a lot of Daenerys and Jon tracks apart from this one - but give it a listen, it’s certainly more than enough. We’ve already heard swooning Jon and Dany motifs earlier this season in Tracks 8 and 11 - Dragonglass and See You For What You Are. We’ve seen J and D stare longingly at each other in the past episodes for this moment to finally come down. Truth, of course, is the on-screen revelation of Jon Snow’s real parentage (R+L=J!) and most likely how Jon and Dany choose to deal with that truth... ahem, on a boat.
Tracks 23 & 24. The Army Of The Dead and Winter Is Here
It’s happening, oh god it’s happening. 
This here is exactly why Ramin Djawadi is the one true hero of this show. There’s nothing more menacingly heart-pounding than this one. It’s a track that’s most definitely the episode closer and I’m hoping we get a massive battle scene out of this. Honestly, this song is just so terrifying to hear. It starts already with hype volume turned at 11 and just keeps on giving. There’s no doubt that Maisie William’s reaction on reading the season 7 script last year what about this. Seriously, read this reaction and go listen to the track. That wall is done for.
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Winter Is Here is most definitely the season closer as the credits roll. It’s a frosty cold take on the main titles that we’ve come to know and love, almost as if the show reminds us one last time that winter has actually come and taken over.
Anyway, I’m all out of time and clues to hunt. Now begins the long wait. The show airs 7:30 am in India and now I must prepare for the long night. See you next week. Long live the hype.
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newstwitter-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on News Twitter
New Post has been published on http://www.news-twitter.com/2017/02/09/la-times-thursdays-tv-highlights-inside-the-actors-studio-on-bravo-8/
La Times: Thursday's TV Highlights: 'Inside the Actors Studio' on Bravo
The History of Comedy The premiere of this new documentary series profiles groundbreaking comics, including George Carlin, Dick Gregory and Lenny Bruce, who embraced the risqué side of comedy and risked their careers, prison and more to battle censorship. 7 and 10 p.m. CNN
The Big Bang Theory When Sheldon (Jim Parsons) interferes with the progress of work on their invention, Leonard and Wolowitz (Johnny Galecki, Simon Helberg) divert his attention by treating him to a railway trek in this new episode. Also, Raj and Stuart (Kunal Nayyar, guest star Kevin Sussman) babysit when Penny and Amy (Kaley Cuoco, Mayim Bialik) take Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) out for a night on the town. 8 p.m. CBS
Superstore Swept up in the Valentine’s Day spirit, Amy and Glenn (America Ferrera, Mark McKinney) try to play matchmaker, while Jonah (Ben Feldman) goes under cover to catch a chronic shoplifter, only to wind up getting way too close to her. Lauren Ash also stars in this new episode. 8 p.m. NBC
Supernatural Dean (Jensen Ackles) gets hit by a spell that is gradually wiping away his memory, and Sam (Jared Padalecki) must turn to Rowena (guest star Ruth Connell) to track down the Old World clan of powerful witches behind the curse. 8 p.m. KTLA
MasterChef: Junior Edition A new season gets under way as 16 of the finest junior home cooks in the United States compete for eight of the Top 20 spots. Gordon Ramsay is host and head judge. 8 p.m. Fox
Inside the Actors Studio “Girls” creator, co-executive producer and star Lena Dunham is joined by fellow cast members Jemima Kirke, Zosia Mamet and Allison Williams to discuss their Emmy Award-winning comedy series with host James Lipton. 8 p.m. Bravo
Powerless Emily (Vanessa Hudgens) wants the staff to focus on work, but they can’t take their minds off Fantasy Super Hero League. Danny Pudi, Christina Kirk and Ron Funches also star. 8:30 p.m. NBC
Riverdale In light of new information surrounding Jason’s death, Cheryl (Madelaine Petsch) is forced to come clean about the last time she saw her brother as she becomes a person of interest. KJ Apa, Lili Reinhart and Cole Sprouse also star. 9 p.m. KTLA
My Kitchen Rules Kelly Osbourne and her friends host the next dinner party, at which Lance Bass and his mother, Diane, go head-to-head against Andrew Dice Clay and Valerie Vasquez in the same kitchen. 9 p.m. Fox
Project Runway: Junior The young designers must create a look inspired by street art murals before a double elimination determines who will be in the two-part finale. 9 p.m. Lifetime
Training Day Kyle (Justin Cornwell) is trying to be fair in his assessment of Frank’s (Bill Paxton) methods, but he starts to fret that the unconventional tactics may put a kidnapped girl’s life at greater risk. Katrina Law and Drew Van Acker also star. 10 p.m. CBS
The Blacklist A sophisticated and adept criminal (guest star Melora Hardin, “The Office”) begins targeting Red’s (James Spader) businesses in this new episode. 10 p.m. NBC
Colony Will (Josh Holloway) returns to a workplace that feels very unfamiliar to him while Katie (Sarah Wayne Callies) does everything she can to stay on her best behavior. 10 p.m. USA
CBS This Morning (N) 7 a.m. KCBS
Today Dr. Mehmet Oz; Christina Tosi; Brett Young performs. (N) 7 a.m. KNBC
KTLA Morning News (N) 7 a.m. KTLA
Good Morning America Will Arnett; do-it-yourself expert Nicole Farb. (N) 7 a.m. KABC
Good Day L.A. Bill Payton and Justin Cornwell (“Training Day”); Ross Mathews; composer Ramin Djawadi (“Game of Thrones”); Joe and Jennifer Montana (“American Heart Month”). (N) 7 a.m. KTTV
Live With Kelly Will Arnett (“The Lego Batman Movie”); Zosia Mamet (“Girls”); Jeffrey Dean Morgan. (N) 9 a.m. KABC
The View Priyanka Chopra; Will Arnett. (N) 10 a.m. KABC
The Doctors A mother-son duo become a viral beauty sensation; fighting crime with sex toys; vitamin D. (N) 11 a.m. KCAL
The Talk James Corden; Piers Morgan; Maren Morris performs. (N) 1 p.m. KCBS
The Dr. Oz Show Personality quizzes reveal new things about oneself. (N) 1 p.m. KTTV
Steve Harvey Tamron Hall helps survivors of domestic violence; the cast of “Ghosts in the Hood.” (N) 2 p.m. KNBC
Harry Ricky Gervais (“David Brent: Life on the Road”); Justice Smith (“The Get Down,” “Yen”). (N) 2 p.m. KTTV; midnight KCOP
Dr. Phil A woman is six months pregnant with her third child and addicted to heroin. (N) 3 p.m. KCBS
The Ellen DeGeneres Show Nicole Kidman (“Big Little Lies”). (N) 3 p.m. KNBC
The Real Anthony Anderson (“blackish”; “Animal Nation With Anthony Anderson”); Remy Ma. (N) 3 p.m. KTTV
To the Contrary With Bonnie Erbé Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch. (N) 5:30 p.m. KOCE
Charlie Rose (N) 11 p.m. KVCR; midnight KOCE; 1 a.m. KLCS
The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Laura Jane Grace. (N) 11 p.m. Comedy Central
Conan Newscaster Lester Holt; Kat Dennings. (N) 11 p.m. TBS
Tavis Smiley Professor Michael Eric Dyson. (N) 11:30 p.m. KOCE
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Alec Baldwin; JoAnna Garcia Swisher; Future Islands; Nathan East performs. (N) 11:34 p.m. KNBC
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert David Oyelowo; Taran Killam; Rae Sremmurd performs. (N) 11:35 p.m. KCBS
Jimmy Kimmel Live Kerry Washington; Alicia Keys. (N) 11:35 p.m. KABC
Late Night With Seth Meyers Drew Barrymore; Joe Rogan; Viet Thanh Nguyen. (N) 12:37 a.m. KNBC
Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m. KABC
Last Call With Carson Daly Bella Heathcote; Triptides performs; Raoul Peck. (N) 1:38 a.m. KNBC
Customized TV Listings are available here: www.latimes.com/tvtimes
Click here to download
TV listings for the week of Feb. 5 – 11, 2017, in PDF format
This week’s TV Movies
This post has been harvested from the source link, and News-Twitter has no responsibility on its content. Source link
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newstwitter-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on News Twitter
New Post has been published on http://www.news-twitter.com/2017/02/09/la-times-thursdays-tv-highlights-inside-the-actors-studio-on-bravo-7/
La Times: Thursday's TV Highlights: 'Inside the Actors Studio' on Bravo
The History of Comedy The premiere of this new documentary series profiles groundbreaking comics, including George Carlin, Dick Gregory and Lenny Bruce, who embraced the risqué side of comedy and risked their careers, prison and more to battle censorship. 7 and 10 p.m. CNN
The Big Bang Theory When Sheldon (Jim Parsons) interferes with the progress of work on their invention, Leonard and Wolowitz (Johnny Galecki, Simon Helberg) divert his attention by treating him to a railway trek in this new episode. Also, Raj and Stuart (Kunal Nayyar, guest star Kevin Sussman) babysit when Penny and Amy (Kaley Cuoco, Mayim Bialik) take Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) out for a night on the town. 8 p.m. CBS
Superstore Swept up in the Valentine’s Day spirit, Amy and Glenn (America Ferrera, Mark McKinney) try to play matchmaker, while Jonah (Ben Feldman) goes under cover to catch a chronic shoplifter, only to wind up getting way too close to her. Lauren Ash also stars in this new episode. 8 p.m. NBC
Supernatural Dean (Jensen Ackles) gets hit by a spell that is gradually wiping away his memory, and Sam (Jared Padalecki) must turn to Rowena (guest star Ruth Connell) to track down the Old World clan of powerful witches behind the curse. 8 p.m. KTLA
MasterChef: Junior Edition A new season gets under way as 16 of the finest junior home cooks in the United States compete for eight of the Top 20 spots. Gordon Ramsay is host and head judge. 8 p.m. Fox
Inside the Actors Studio “Girls” creator, co-executive producer and star Lena Dunham is joined by fellow cast members Jemima Kirke, Zosia Mamet and Allison Williams to discuss their Emmy Award-winning comedy series with host James Lipton. 8 p.m. Bravo
Powerless Emily (Vanessa Hudgens) wants the staff to focus on work, but they can’t take their minds off Fantasy Super Hero League. Danny Pudi, Christina Kirk and Ron Funches also star. 8:30 p.m. NBC
Riverdale In light of new information surrounding Jason’s death, Cheryl (Madelaine Petsch) is forced to come clean about the last time she saw her brother as she becomes a person of interest. KJ Apa, Lili Reinhart and Cole Sprouse also star. 9 p.m. KTLA
My Kitchen Rules Kelly Osbourne and her friends host the next dinner party, at which Lance Bass and his mother, Diane, go head-to-head against Andrew Dice Clay and Valerie Vasquez in the same kitchen. 9 p.m. Fox
Project Runway: Junior The young designers must create a look inspired by street art murals before a double elimination determines who will be in the two-part finale. 9 p.m. Lifetime
Training Day Kyle (Justin Cornwell) is trying to be fair in his assessment of Frank’s (Bill Paxton) methods, but he starts to fret that the unconventional tactics may put a kidnapped girl’s life at greater risk. Katrina Law and Drew Van Acker also star. 10 p.m. CBS
The Blacklist A sophisticated and adept criminal (guest star Melora Hardin, “The Office”) begins targeting Red’s (James Spader) businesses in this new episode. 10 p.m. NBC
Colony Will (Josh Holloway) returns to a workplace that feels very unfamiliar to him while Katie (Sarah Wayne Callies) does everything she can to stay on her best behavior. 10 p.m. USA
CBS This Morning (N) 7 a.m. KCBS
Today Dr. Mehmet Oz; Christina Tosi; Brett Young performs. (N) 7 a.m. KNBC
KTLA Morning News (N) 7 a.m. KTLA
Good Morning America Will Arnett; do-it-yourself expert Nicole Farb. (N) 7 a.m. KABC
Good Day L.A. Bill Payton and Justin Cornwell (“Training Day”); Ross Mathews; composer Ramin Djawadi (“Game of Thrones”); Joe and Jennifer Montana (“American Heart Month”). (N) 7 a.m. KTTV
Live With Kelly Will Arnett (“The Lego Batman Movie”); Zosia Mamet (“Girls”); Jeffrey Dean Morgan. (N) 9 a.m. KABC
The View Priyanka Chopra; Will Arnett. (N) 10 a.m. KABC
The Doctors A mother-son duo become a viral beauty sensation; fighting crime with sex toys; vitamin D. (N) 11 a.m. KCAL
The Talk James Corden; Piers Morgan; Maren Morris performs. (N) 1 p.m. KCBS
The Dr. Oz Show Personality quizzes reveal new things about oneself. (N) 1 p.m. KTTV
Steve Harvey Tamron Hall helps survivors of domestic violence; the cast of “Ghosts in the Hood.” (N) 2 p.m. KNBC
Harry Ricky Gervais (“David Brent: Life on the Road”); Justice Smith (“The Get Down,” “Yen”). (N) 2 p.m. KTTV; midnight KCOP
Dr. Phil A woman is six months pregnant with her third child and addicted to heroin. (N) 3 p.m. KCBS
The Ellen DeGeneres Show Nicole Kidman (“Big Little Lies”). (N) 3 p.m. KNBC
The Real Anthony Anderson (“blackish”; “Animal Nation With Anthony Anderson”); Remy Ma. (N) 3 p.m. KTTV
To the Contrary With Bonnie Erbé Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch. (N) 5:30 p.m. KOCE
Charlie Rose (N) 11 p.m. KVCR; midnight KOCE; 1 a.m. KLCS
The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Laura Jane Grace. (N) 11 p.m. Comedy Central
Conan Newscaster Lester Holt; Kat Dennings. (N) 11 p.m. TBS
Tavis Smiley Professor Michael Eric Dyson. (N) 11:30 p.m. KOCE
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Alec Baldwin; JoAnna Garcia Swisher; Future Islands; Nathan East performs. (N) 11:34 p.m. KNBC
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert David Oyelowo; Taran Killam; Rae Sremmurd performs. (N) 11:35 p.m. KCBS
Jimmy Kimmel Live Kerry Washington; Alicia Keys. (N) 11:35 p.m. KABC
Late Night With Seth Meyers Drew Barrymore; Joe Rogan; Viet Thanh Nguyen. (N) 12:37 a.m. KNBC
Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m. KABC
Last Call With Carson Daly Bella Heathcote; Triptides performs; Raoul Peck. (N) 1:38 a.m. KNBC
Customized TV Listings are available here: www.latimes.com/tvtimes
Click here to download
TV listings for the week of Feb. 5 – 11, 2017, in PDF format
This week’s TV Movies
This post has been harvested from the source link, and News-Twitter has no responsibility on its content. Source link
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newstwitter-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on News Twitter
New Post has been published on http://www.news-twitter.com/2017/02/09/la-times-thursdays-tv-highlights-inside-the-actors-studio-on-bravo-6/
La Times: Thursday's TV Highlights: 'Inside the Actors Studio' on Bravo
The History of Comedy The premiere of this new documentary series profiles groundbreaking comics, including George Carlin, Dick Gregory and Lenny Bruce, who embraced the risqué side of comedy and risked their careers, prison and more to battle censorship. 7 and 10 p.m. CNN
The Big Bang Theory When Sheldon (Jim Parsons) interferes with the progress of work on their invention, Leonard and Wolowitz (Johnny Galecki, Simon Helberg) divert his attention by treating him to a railway trek in this new episode. Also, Raj and Stuart (Kunal Nayyar, guest star Kevin Sussman) babysit when Penny and Amy (Kaley Cuoco, Mayim Bialik) take Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) out for a night on the town. 8 p.m. CBS
Superstore Swept up in the Valentine’s Day spirit, Amy and Glenn (America Ferrera, Mark McKinney) try to play matchmaker, while Jonah (Ben Feldman) goes under cover to catch a chronic shoplifter, only to wind up getting way too close to her. Lauren Ash also stars in this new episode. 8 p.m. NBC
Supernatural Dean (Jensen Ackles) gets hit by a spell that is gradually wiping away his memory, and Sam (Jared Padalecki) must turn to Rowena (guest star Ruth Connell) to track down the Old World clan of powerful witches behind the curse. 8 p.m. KTLA
MasterChef: Junior Edition A new season gets under way as 16 of the finest junior home cooks in the United States compete for eight of the Top 20 spots. Gordon Ramsay is host and head judge. 8 p.m. Fox
Inside the Actors Studio “Girls” creator, co-executive producer and star Lena Dunham is joined by fellow cast members Jemima Kirke, Zosia Mamet and Allison Williams to discuss their Emmy Award-winning comedy series with host James Lipton. 8 p.m. Bravo
Powerless Emily (Vanessa Hudgens) wants the staff to focus on work, but they can’t take their minds off Fantasy Super Hero League. Danny Pudi, Christina Kirk and Ron Funches also star. 8:30 p.m. NBC
Riverdale In light of new information surrounding Jason’s death, Cheryl (Madelaine Petsch) is forced to come clean about the last time she saw her brother as she becomes a person of interest. KJ Apa, Lili Reinhart and Cole Sprouse also star. 9 p.m. KTLA
My Kitchen Rules Kelly Osbourne and her friends host the next dinner party, at which Lance Bass and his mother, Diane, go head-to-head against Andrew Dice Clay and Valerie Vasquez in the same kitchen. 9 p.m. Fox
Project Runway: Junior The young designers must create a look inspired by street art murals before a double elimination determines who will be in the two-part finale. 9 p.m. Lifetime
Training Day Kyle (Justin Cornwell) is trying to be fair in his assessment of Frank’s (Bill Paxton) methods, but he starts to fret that the unconventional tactics may put a kidnapped girl’s life at greater risk. Katrina Law and Drew Van Acker also star. 10 p.m. CBS
The Blacklist A sophisticated and adept criminal (guest star Melora Hardin, “The Office”) begins targeting Red’s (James Spader) businesses in this new episode. 10 p.m. NBC
Colony Will (Josh Holloway) returns to a workplace that feels very unfamiliar to him while Katie (Sarah Wayne Callies) does everything she can to stay on her best behavior. 10 p.m. USA
CBS This Morning (N) 7 a.m. KCBS
Today Dr. Mehmet Oz; Christina Tosi; Brett Young performs. (N) 7 a.m. KNBC
KTLA Morning News (N) 7 a.m. KTLA
Good Morning America Will Arnett; do-it-yourself expert Nicole Farb. (N) 7 a.m. KABC
Good Day L.A. Bill Payton and Justin Cornwell (“Training Day”); Ross Mathews; composer Ramin Djawadi (“Game of Thrones”); Joe and Jennifer Montana (“American Heart Month”). (N) 7 a.m. KTTV
Live With Kelly Will Arnett (“The Lego Batman Movie”); Zosia Mamet (“Girls”); Jeffrey Dean Morgan. (N) 9 a.m. KABC
The View Priyanka Chopra; Will Arnett. (N) 10 a.m. KABC
The Doctors A mother-son duo become a viral beauty sensation; fighting crime with sex toys; vitamin D. (N) 11 a.m. KCAL
The Talk James Corden; Piers Morgan; Maren Morris performs. (N) 1 p.m. KCBS
The Dr. Oz Show Personality quizzes reveal new things about oneself. (N) 1 p.m. KTTV
Steve Harvey Tamron Hall helps survivors of domestic violence; the cast of “Ghosts in the Hood.” (N) 2 p.m. KNBC
Harry Ricky Gervais (“David Brent: Life on the Road”); Justice Smith (“The Get Down,” “Yen”). (N) 2 p.m. KTTV; midnight KCOP
Dr. Phil A woman is six months pregnant with her third child and addicted to heroin. (N) 3 p.m. KCBS
The Ellen DeGeneres Show Nicole Kidman (“Big Little Lies”). (N) 3 p.m. KNBC
The Real Anthony Anderson (“blackish”; “Animal Nation With Anthony Anderson”); Remy Ma. (N) 3 p.m. KTTV
To the Contrary With Bonnie Erbé Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch. (N) 5:30 p.m. KOCE
Charlie Rose (N) 11 p.m. KVCR; midnight KOCE; 1 a.m. KLCS
The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Laura Jane Grace. (N) 11 p.m. Comedy Central
Conan Newscaster Lester Holt; Kat Dennings. (N) 11 p.m. TBS
Tavis Smiley Professor Michael Eric Dyson. (N) 11:30 p.m. KOCE
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Alec Baldwin; JoAnna Garcia Swisher; Future Islands; Nathan East performs. (N) 11:34 p.m. KNBC
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert David Oyelowo; Taran Killam; Rae Sremmurd performs. (N) 11:35 p.m. KCBS
Jimmy Kimmel Live Kerry Washington; Alicia Keys. (N) 11:35 p.m. KABC
Late Night With Seth Meyers Drew Barrymore; Joe Rogan; Viet Thanh Nguyen. (N) 12:37 a.m. KNBC
Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m. KABC
Last Call With Carson Daly Bella Heathcote; Triptides performs; Raoul Peck. (N) 1:38 a.m. KNBC
Customized TV Listings are available here: www.latimes.com/tvtimes
Click here to download
TV listings for the week of Feb. 5 – 11, 2017, in PDF format
This week’s TV Movies
This post has been harvested from the source link, and News-Twitter has no responsibility on its content. Source link
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newstwitter-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on News Twitter
New Post has been published on http://www.news-twitter.com/2017/02/09/la-times-thursdays-tv-highlights-inside-the-actors-studio-on-bravo-5/
La Times: Thursday's TV Highlights: 'Inside the Actors Studio' on Bravo
The History of Comedy The premiere of this new documentary series profiles groundbreaking comics, including George Carlin, Dick Gregory and Lenny Bruce, who embraced the risqué side of comedy and risked their careers, prison and more to battle censorship. 7 and 10 p.m. CNN
The Big Bang Theory When Sheldon (Jim Parsons) interferes with the progress of work on their invention, Leonard and Wolowitz (Johnny Galecki, Simon Helberg) divert his attention by treating him to a railway trek in this new episode. Also, Raj and Stuart (Kunal Nayyar, guest star Kevin Sussman) babysit when Penny and Amy (Kaley Cuoco, Mayim Bialik) take Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) out for a night on the town. 8 p.m. CBS
Superstore Swept up in the Valentine’s Day spirit, Amy and Glenn (America Ferrera, Mark McKinney) try to play matchmaker, while Jonah (Ben Feldman) goes under cover to catch a chronic shoplifter, only to wind up getting way too close to her. Lauren Ash also stars in this new episode. 8 p.m. NBC
Supernatural Dean (Jensen Ackles) gets hit by a spell that is gradually wiping away his memory, and Sam (Jared Padalecki) must turn to Rowena (guest star Ruth Connell) to track down the Old World clan of powerful witches behind the curse. 8 p.m. KTLA
MasterChef: Junior Edition A new season gets under way as 16 of the finest junior home cooks in the United States compete for eight of the Top 20 spots. Gordon Ramsay is host and head judge. 8 p.m. Fox
Inside the Actors Studio “Girls” creator, co-executive producer and star Lena Dunham is joined by fellow cast members Jemima Kirke, Zosia Mamet and Allison Williams to discuss their Emmy Award-winning comedy series with host James Lipton. 8 p.m. Bravo
Powerless Emily (Vanessa Hudgens) wants the staff to focus on work, but they can’t take their minds off Fantasy Super Hero League. Danny Pudi, Christina Kirk and Ron Funches also star. 8:30 p.m. NBC
Riverdale In light of new information surrounding Jason’s death, Cheryl (Madelaine Petsch) is forced to come clean about the last time she saw her brother as she becomes a person of interest. KJ Apa, Lili Reinhart and Cole Sprouse also star. 9 p.m. KTLA
My Kitchen Rules Kelly Osbourne and her friends host the next dinner party, at which Lance Bass and his mother, Diane, go head-to-head against Andrew Dice Clay and Valerie Vasquez in the same kitchen. 9 p.m. Fox
Project Runway: Junior The young designers must create a look inspired by street art murals before a double elimination determines who will be in the two-part finale. 9 p.m. Lifetime
Training Day Kyle (Justin Cornwell) is trying to be fair in his assessment of Frank’s (Bill Paxton) methods, but he starts to fret that the unconventional tactics may put a kidnapped girl’s life at greater risk. Katrina Law and Drew Van Acker also star. 10 p.m. CBS
The Blacklist A sophisticated and adept criminal (guest star Melora Hardin, “The Office”) begins targeting Red’s (James Spader) businesses in this new episode. 10 p.m. NBC
Colony Will (Josh Holloway) returns to a workplace that feels very unfamiliar to him while Katie (Sarah Wayne Callies) does everything she can to stay on her best behavior. 10 p.m. USA
CBS This Morning (N) 7 a.m. KCBS
Today Dr. Mehmet Oz; Christina Tosi; Brett Young performs. (N) 7 a.m. KNBC
KTLA Morning News (N) 7 a.m. KTLA
Good Morning America Will Arnett; do-it-yourself expert Nicole Farb. (N) 7 a.m. KABC
Good Day L.A. Bill Payton and Justin Cornwell (“Training Day”); Ross Mathews; composer Ramin Djawadi (“Game of Thrones”); Joe and Jennifer Montana (“American Heart Month”). (N) 7 a.m. KTTV
Live With Kelly Will Arnett (“The Lego Batman Movie”); Zosia Mamet (“Girls”); Jeffrey Dean Morgan. (N) 9 a.m. KABC
The View Priyanka Chopra; Will Arnett. (N) 10 a.m. KABC
The Doctors A mother-son duo become a viral beauty sensation; fighting crime with sex toys; vitamin D. (N) 11 a.m. KCAL
The Talk James Corden; Piers Morgan; Maren Morris performs. (N) 1 p.m. KCBS
The Dr. Oz Show Personality quizzes reveal new things about oneself. (N) 1 p.m. KTTV
Steve Harvey Tamron Hall helps survivors of domestic violence; the cast of “Ghosts in the Hood.” (N) 2 p.m. KNBC
Harry Ricky Gervais (“David Brent: Life on the Road”); Justice Smith (“The Get Down,” “Yen”). (N) 2 p.m. KTTV; midnight KCOP
Dr. Phil A woman is six months pregnant with her third child and addicted to heroin. (N) 3 p.m. KCBS
The Ellen DeGeneres Show Nicole Kidman (“Big Little Lies”). (N) 3 p.m. KNBC
The Real Anthony Anderson (“blackish”; “Animal Nation With Anthony Anderson”); Remy Ma. (N) 3 p.m. KTTV
To the Contrary With Bonnie Erbé Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch. (N) 5:30 p.m. KOCE
Charlie Rose (N) 11 p.m. KVCR; midnight KOCE; 1 a.m. KLCS
The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Laura Jane Grace. (N) 11 p.m. Comedy Central
Conan Newscaster Lester Holt; Kat Dennings. (N) 11 p.m. TBS
Tavis Smiley Professor Michael Eric Dyson. (N) 11:30 p.m. KOCE
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Alec Baldwin; JoAnna Garcia Swisher; Future Islands; Nathan East performs. (N) 11:34 p.m. KNBC
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert David Oyelowo; Taran Killam; Rae Sremmurd performs. (N) 11:35 p.m. KCBS
Jimmy Kimmel Live Kerry Washington; Alicia Keys. (N) 11:35 p.m. KABC
Late Night With Seth Meyers Drew Barrymore; Joe Rogan; Viet Thanh Nguyen. (N) 12:37 a.m. KNBC
Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m. KABC
Last Call With Carson Daly Bella Heathcote; Triptides performs; Raoul Peck. (N) 1:38 a.m. KNBC
Customized TV Listings are available here: www.latimes.com/tvtimes
Click here to download
TV listings for the week of Feb. 5 – 11, 2017, in PDF format
This week’s TV Movies
This post has been harvested from the source link, and News-Twitter has no responsibility on its content. Source link
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newstwitter-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on News Twitter
New Post has been published on http://www.news-twitter.com/2017/02/09/la-times-thursdays-tv-highlights-inside-the-actors-studio-on-bravo-4/
La Times: Thursday's TV Highlights: 'Inside the Actors Studio' on Bravo
The History of Comedy The premiere of this new documentary series profiles groundbreaking comics, including George Carlin, Dick Gregory and Lenny Bruce, who embraced the risqué side of comedy and risked their careers, prison and more to battle censorship. 7 and 10 p.m. CNN
The Big Bang Theory When Sheldon (Jim Parsons) interferes with the progress of work on their invention, Leonard and Wolowitz (Johnny Galecki, Simon Helberg) divert his attention by treating him to a railway trek in this new episode. Also, Raj and Stuart (Kunal Nayyar, guest star Kevin Sussman) babysit when Penny and Amy (Kaley Cuoco, Mayim Bialik) take Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) out for a night on the town. 8 p.m. CBS
Superstore Swept up in the Valentine’s Day spirit, Amy and Glenn (America Ferrera, Mark McKinney) try to play matchmaker, while Jonah (Ben Feldman) goes under cover to catch a chronic shoplifter, only to wind up getting way too close to her. Lauren Ash also stars in this new episode. 8 p.m. NBC
Supernatural Dean (Jensen Ackles) gets hit by a spell that is gradually wiping away his memory, and Sam (Jared Padalecki) must turn to Rowena (guest star Ruth Connell) to track down the Old World clan of powerful witches behind the curse. 8 p.m. KTLA
MasterChef: Junior Edition A new season gets under way as 16 of the finest junior home cooks in the United States compete for eight of the Top 20 spots. Gordon Ramsay is host and head judge. 8 p.m. Fox
Inside the Actors Studio “Girls” creator, co-executive producer and star Lena Dunham is joined by fellow cast members Jemima Kirke, Zosia Mamet and Allison Williams to discuss their Emmy Award-winning comedy series with host James Lipton. 8 p.m. Bravo
Powerless Emily (Vanessa Hudgens) wants the staff to focus on work, but they can’t take their minds off Fantasy Super Hero League. Danny Pudi, Christina Kirk and Ron Funches also star. 8:30 p.m. NBC
Riverdale In light of new information surrounding Jason’s death, Cheryl (Madelaine Petsch) is forced to come clean about the last time she saw her brother as she becomes a person of interest. KJ Apa, Lili Reinhart and Cole Sprouse also star. 9 p.m. KTLA
My Kitchen Rules Kelly Osbourne and her friends host the next dinner party, at which Lance Bass and his mother, Diane, go head-to-head against Andrew Dice Clay and Valerie Vasquez in the same kitchen. 9 p.m. Fox
Project Runway: Junior The young designers must create a look inspired by street art murals before a double elimination determines who will be in the two-part finale. 9 p.m. Lifetime
Training Day Kyle (Justin Cornwell) is trying to be fair in his assessment of Frank’s (Bill Paxton) methods, but he starts to fret that the unconventional tactics may put a kidnapped girl’s life at greater risk. Katrina Law and Drew Van Acker also star. 10 p.m. CBS
The Blacklist A sophisticated and adept criminal (guest star Melora Hardin, “The Office”) begins targeting Red’s (James Spader) businesses in this new episode. 10 p.m. NBC
Colony Will (Josh Holloway) returns to a workplace that feels very unfamiliar to him while Katie (Sarah Wayne Callies) does everything she can to stay on her best behavior. 10 p.m. USA
CBS This Morning (N) 7 a.m. KCBS
Today Dr. Mehmet Oz; Christina Tosi; Brett Young performs. (N) 7 a.m. KNBC
KTLA Morning News (N) 7 a.m. KTLA
Good Morning America Will Arnett; do-it-yourself expert Nicole Farb. (N) 7 a.m. KABC
Good Day L.A. Bill Payton and Justin Cornwell (“Training Day”); Ross Mathews; composer Ramin Djawadi (“Game of Thrones”); Joe and Jennifer Montana (“American Heart Month”). (N) 7 a.m. KTTV
Live With Kelly Will Arnett (“The Lego Batman Movie”); Zosia Mamet (“Girls”); Jeffrey Dean Morgan. (N) 9 a.m. KABC
The View Priyanka Chopra; Will Arnett. (N) 10 a.m. KABC
The Doctors A mother-son duo become a viral beauty sensation; fighting crime with sex toys; vitamin D. (N) 11 a.m. KCAL
The Talk James Corden; Piers Morgan; Maren Morris performs. (N) 1 p.m. KCBS
The Dr. Oz Show Personality quizzes reveal new things about oneself. (N) 1 p.m. KTTV
Steve Harvey Tamron Hall helps survivors of domestic violence; the cast of “Ghosts in the Hood.” (N) 2 p.m. KNBC
Harry Ricky Gervais (“David Brent: Life on the Road”); Justice Smith (“The Get Down,” “Yen”). (N) 2 p.m. KTTV; midnight KCOP
Dr. Phil A woman is six months pregnant with her third child and addicted to heroin. (N) 3 p.m. KCBS
The Ellen DeGeneres Show Nicole Kidman (“Big Little Lies”). (N) 3 p.m. KNBC
The Real Anthony Anderson (“blackish”; “Animal Nation With Anthony Anderson”); Remy Ma. (N) 3 p.m. KTTV
To the Contrary With Bonnie Erbé Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch. (N) 5:30 p.m. KOCE
Charlie Rose (N) 11 p.m. KVCR; midnight KOCE; 1 a.m. KLCS
The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Laura Jane Grace. (N) 11 p.m. Comedy Central
Conan Newscaster Lester Holt; Kat Dennings. (N) 11 p.m. TBS
Tavis Smiley Professor Michael Eric Dyson. (N) 11:30 p.m. KOCE
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Alec Baldwin; JoAnna Garcia Swisher; Future Islands; Nathan East performs. (N) 11:34 p.m. KNBC
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert David Oyelowo; Taran Killam; Rae Sremmurd performs. (N) 11:35 p.m. KCBS
Jimmy Kimmel Live Kerry Washington; Alicia Keys. (N) 11:35 p.m. KABC
Late Night With Seth Meyers Drew Barrymore; Joe Rogan; Viet Thanh Nguyen. (N) 12:37 a.m. KNBC
Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m. KABC
Last Call With Carson Daly Bella Heathcote; Triptides performs; Raoul Peck. (N) 1:38 a.m. KNBC
Customized TV Listings are available here: www.latimes.com/tvtimes
Click here to download
TV listings for the week of Feb. 5 – 11, 2017, in PDF format
This week’s TV Movies
This post has been harvested from the source link, and News-Twitter has no responsibility on its content. Source link
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newstwitter-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on News Twitter
New Post has been published on http://www.news-twitter.com/2017/02/09/la-times-thursdays-tv-highlights-inside-the-actors-studio-on-bravo-3/
La Times: Thursday's TV Highlights: 'Inside the Actors Studio' on Bravo
The History of Comedy The premiere of this new documentary series profiles groundbreaking comics, including George Carlin, Dick Gregory and Lenny Bruce, who embraced the risqué side of comedy and risked their careers, prison and more to battle censorship. 7 and 10 p.m. CNN
The Big Bang Theory When Sheldon (Jim Parsons) interferes with the progress of work on their invention, Leonard and Wolowitz (Johnny Galecki, Simon Helberg) divert his attention by treating him to a railway trek in this new episode. Also, Raj and Stuart (Kunal Nayyar, guest star Kevin Sussman) babysit when Penny and Amy (Kaley Cuoco, Mayim Bialik) take Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) out for a night on the town. 8 p.m. CBS
Superstore Swept up in the Valentine’s Day spirit, Amy and Glenn (America Ferrera, Mark McKinney) try to play matchmaker, while Jonah (Ben Feldman) goes under cover to catch a chronic shoplifter, only to wind up getting way too close to her. Lauren Ash also stars in this new episode. 8 p.m. NBC
Supernatural Dean (Jensen Ackles) gets hit by a spell that is gradually wiping away his memory, and Sam (Jared Padalecki) must turn to Rowena (guest star Ruth Connell) to track down the Old World clan of powerful witches behind the curse. 8 p.m. KTLA
MasterChef: Junior Edition A new season gets under way as 16 of the finest junior home cooks in the United States compete for eight of the Top 20 spots. Gordon Ramsay is host and head judge. 8 p.m. Fox
Inside the Actors Studio “Girls” creator, co-executive producer and star Lena Dunham is joined by fellow cast members Jemima Kirke, Zosia Mamet and Allison Williams to discuss their Emmy Award-winning comedy series with host James Lipton. 8 p.m. Bravo
Powerless Emily (Vanessa Hudgens) wants the staff to focus on work, but they can’t take their minds off Fantasy Super Hero League. Danny Pudi, Christina Kirk and Ron Funches also star. 8:30 p.m. NBC
Riverdale In light of new information surrounding Jason’s death, Cheryl (Madelaine Petsch) is forced to come clean about the last time she saw her brother as she becomes a person of interest. KJ Apa, Lili Reinhart and Cole Sprouse also star. 9 p.m. KTLA
My Kitchen Rules Kelly Osbourne and her friends host the next dinner party, at which Lance Bass and his mother, Diane, go head-to-head against Andrew Dice Clay and Valerie Vasquez in the same kitchen. 9 p.m. Fox
Project Runway: Junior The young designers must create a look inspired by street art murals before a double elimination determines who will be in the two-part finale. 9 p.m. Lifetime
Training Day Kyle (Justin Cornwell) is trying to be fair in his assessment of Frank’s (Bill Paxton) methods, but he starts to fret that the unconventional tactics may put a kidnapped girl’s life at greater risk. Katrina Law and Drew Van Acker also star. 10 p.m. CBS
The Blacklist A sophisticated and adept criminal (guest star Melora Hardin, “The Office”) begins targeting Red’s (James Spader) businesses in this new episode. 10 p.m. NBC
Colony Will (Josh Holloway) returns to a workplace that feels very unfamiliar to him while Katie (Sarah Wayne Callies) does everything she can to stay on her best behavior. 10 p.m. USA
CBS This Morning (N) 7 a.m. KCBS
Today Dr. Mehmet Oz; Christina Tosi; Brett Young performs. (N) 7 a.m. KNBC
KTLA Morning News (N) 7 a.m. KTLA
Good Morning America Will Arnett; do-it-yourself expert Nicole Farb. (N) 7 a.m. KABC
Good Day L.A. Bill Payton and Justin Cornwell (“Training Day”); Ross Mathews; composer Ramin Djawadi (“Game of Thrones”); Joe and Jennifer Montana (“American Heart Month”). (N) 7 a.m. KTTV
Live With Kelly Will Arnett (“The Lego Batman Movie”); Zosia Mamet (“Girls”); Jeffrey Dean Morgan. (N) 9 a.m. KABC
The View Priyanka Chopra; Will Arnett. (N) 10 a.m. KABC
The Doctors A mother-son duo become a viral beauty sensation; fighting crime with sex toys; vitamin D. (N) 11 a.m. KCAL
The Talk James Corden; Piers Morgan; Maren Morris performs. (N) 1 p.m. KCBS
The Dr. Oz Show Personality quizzes reveal new things about oneself. (N) 1 p.m. KTTV
Steve Harvey Tamron Hall helps survivors of domestic violence; the cast of “Ghosts in the Hood.” (N) 2 p.m. KNBC
Harry Ricky Gervais (“David Brent: Life on the Road”); Justice Smith (“The Get Down,” “Yen”). (N) 2 p.m. KTTV; midnight KCOP
Dr. Phil A woman is six months pregnant with her third child and addicted to heroin. (N) 3 p.m. KCBS
The Ellen DeGeneres Show Nicole Kidman (“Big Little Lies”). (N) 3 p.m. KNBC
The Real Anthony Anderson (“blackish”; “Animal Nation With Anthony Anderson”); Remy Ma. (N) 3 p.m. KTTV
To the Contrary With Bonnie Erbé Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch. (N) 5:30 p.m. KOCE
Charlie Rose (N) 11 p.m. KVCR; midnight KOCE; 1 a.m. KLCS
The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Laura Jane Grace. (N) 11 p.m. Comedy Central
Conan Newscaster Lester Holt; Kat Dennings. (N) 11 p.m. TBS
Tavis Smiley Professor Michael Eric Dyson. (N) 11:30 p.m. KOCE
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Alec Baldwin; JoAnna Garcia Swisher; Future Islands; Nathan East performs. (N) 11:34 p.m. KNBC
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert David Oyelowo; Taran Killam; Rae Sremmurd performs. (N) 11:35 p.m. KCBS
Jimmy Kimmel Live Kerry Washington; Alicia Keys. (N) 11:35 p.m. KABC
Late Night With Seth Meyers Drew Barrymore; Joe Rogan; Viet Thanh Nguyen. (N) 12:37 a.m. KNBC
Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m. KABC
Last Call With Carson Daly Bella Heathcote; Triptides performs; Raoul Peck. (N) 1:38 a.m. KNBC
Customized TV Listings are available here: www.latimes.com/tvtimes
Click here to download
TV listings for the week of Feb. 5 – 11, 2017, in PDF format
This week’s TV Movies
This post has been harvested from the source link, and News-Twitter has no responsibility on its content. Source link
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newstwitter-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on News Twitter
New Post has been published on http://www.news-twitter.com/2017/02/09/la-times-thursdays-tv-highlights-inside-the-actors-studio-on-bravo-2/
La Times: Thursday's TV Highlights: 'Inside the Actors Studio' on Bravo
The History of Comedy The premiere of this new documentary series profiles groundbreaking comics, including George Carlin, Dick Gregory and Lenny Bruce, who embraced the risqué side of comedy and risked their careers, prison and more to battle censorship. 7 and 10 p.m. CNN
The Big Bang Theory When Sheldon (Jim Parsons) interferes with the progress of work on their invention, Leonard and Wolowitz (Johnny Galecki, Simon Helberg) divert his attention by treating him to a railway trek in this new episode. Also, Raj and Stuart (Kunal Nayyar, guest star Kevin Sussman) babysit when Penny and Amy (Kaley Cuoco, Mayim Bialik) take Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) out for a night on the town. 8 p.m. CBS
Superstore Swept up in the Valentine’s Day spirit, Amy and Glenn (America Ferrera, Mark McKinney) try to play matchmaker, while Jonah (Ben Feldman) goes under cover to catch a chronic shoplifter, only to wind up getting way too close to her. Lauren Ash also stars in this new episode. 8 p.m. NBC
Supernatural Dean (Jensen Ackles) gets hit by a spell that is gradually wiping away his memory, and Sam (Jared Padalecki) must turn to Rowena (guest star Ruth Connell) to track down the Old World clan of powerful witches behind the curse. 8 p.m. KTLA
MasterChef: Junior Edition A new season gets under way as 16 of the finest junior home cooks in the United States compete for eight of the Top 20 spots. Gordon Ramsay is host and head judge. 8 p.m. Fox
Inside the Actors Studio “Girls” creator, co-executive producer and star Lena Dunham is joined by fellow cast members Jemima Kirke, Zosia Mamet and Allison Williams to discuss their Emmy Award-winning comedy series with host James Lipton. 8 p.m. Bravo
Powerless Emily (Vanessa Hudgens) wants the staff to focus on work, but they can’t take their minds off Fantasy Super Hero League. Danny Pudi, Christina Kirk and Ron Funches also star. 8:30 p.m. NBC
Riverdale In light of new information surrounding Jason’s death, Cheryl (Madelaine Petsch) is forced to come clean about the last time she saw her brother as she becomes a person of interest. KJ Apa, Lili Reinhart and Cole Sprouse also star. 9 p.m. KTLA
My Kitchen Rules Kelly Osbourne and her friends host the next dinner party, at which Lance Bass and his mother, Diane, go head-to-head against Andrew Dice Clay and Valerie Vasquez in the same kitchen. 9 p.m. Fox
Project Runway: Junior The young designers must create a look inspired by street art murals before a double elimination determines who will be in the two-part finale. 9 p.m. Lifetime
Training Day Kyle (Justin Cornwell) is trying to be fair in his assessment of Frank’s (Bill Paxton) methods, but he starts to fret that the unconventional tactics may put a kidnapped girl’s life at greater risk. Katrina Law and Drew Van Acker also star. 10 p.m. CBS
The Blacklist A sophisticated and adept criminal (guest star Melora Hardin, “The Office”) begins targeting Red’s (James Spader) businesses in this new episode. 10 p.m. NBC
Colony Will (Josh Holloway) returns to a workplace that feels very unfamiliar to him while Katie (Sarah Wayne Callies) does everything she can to stay on her best behavior. 10 p.m. USA
CBS This Morning (N) 7 a.m. KCBS
Today Dr. Mehmet Oz; Christina Tosi; Brett Young performs. (N) 7 a.m. KNBC
KTLA Morning News (N) 7 a.m. KTLA
Good Morning America Will Arnett; do-it-yourself expert Nicole Farb. (N) 7 a.m. KABC
Good Day L.A. Bill Payton and Justin Cornwell (“Training Day”); Ross Mathews; composer Ramin Djawadi (“Game of Thrones”); Joe and Jennifer Montana (“American Heart Month”). (N) 7 a.m. KTTV
Live With Kelly Will Arnett (“The Lego Batman Movie”); Zosia Mamet (“Girls”); Jeffrey Dean Morgan. (N) 9 a.m. KABC
The View Priyanka Chopra; Will Arnett. (N) 10 a.m. KABC
The Doctors A mother-son duo become a viral beauty sensation; fighting crime with sex toys; vitamin D. (N) 11 a.m. KCAL
The Talk James Corden; Piers Morgan; Maren Morris performs. (N) 1 p.m. KCBS
The Dr. Oz Show Personality quizzes reveal new things about oneself. (N) 1 p.m. KTTV
Steve Harvey Tamron Hall helps survivors of domestic violence; the cast of “Ghosts in the Hood.” (N) 2 p.m. KNBC
Harry Ricky Gervais (“David Brent: Life on the Road”); Justice Smith (“The Get Down,” “Yen”). (N) 2 p.m. KTTV; midnight KCOP
Dr. Phil A woman is six months pregnant with her third child and addicted to heroin. (N) 3 p.m. KCBS
The Ellen DeGeneres Show Nicole Kidman (“Big Little Lies”). (N) 3 p.m. KNBC
The Real Anthony Anderson (“blackish”; “Animal Nation With Anthony Anderson”); Remy Ma. (N) 3 p.m. KTTV
To the Contrary With Bonnie Erbé Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch. (N) 5:30 p.m. KOCE
Charlie Rose (N) 11 p.m. KVCR; midnight KOCE; 1 a.m. KLCS
The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Laura Jane Grace. (N) 11 p.m. Comedy Central
Conan Newscaster Lester Holt; Kat Dennings. (N) 11 p.m. TBS
Tavis Smiley Professor Michael Eric Dyson. (N) 11:30 p.m. KOCE
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Alec Baldwin; JoAnna Garcia Swisher; Future Islands; Nathan East performs. (N) 11:34 p.m. KNBC
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert David Oyelowo; Taran Killam; Rae Sremmurd performs. (N) 11:35 p.m. KCBS
Jimmy Kimmel Live Kerry Washington; Alicia Keys. (N) 11:35 p.m. KABC
Late Night With Seth Meyers Drew Barrymore; Joe Rogan; Viet Thanh Nguyen. (N) 12:37 a.m. KNBC
Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m. KABC
Last Call With Carson Daly Bella Heathcote; Triptides performs; Raoul Peck. (N) 1:38 a.m. KNBC
Customized TV Listings are available here: www.latimes.com/tvtimes
Click here to download
TV listings for the week of Feb. 5 – 11, 2017, in PDF format
This week’s TV Movies
This post has been harvested from the source link, and News-Twitter has no responsibility on its content. Source link
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newstwitter-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on News Twitter
New Post has been published on http://www.news-twitter.com/2017/02/09/la-times-thursdays-tv-highlights-inside-the-actors-studio-on-bravo/
La Times: Thursday's TV Highlights: 'Inside the Actors Studio' on Bravo
The History of Comedy The premiere of this new documentary series profiles groundbreaking comics, including George Carlin, Dick Gregory and Lenny Bruce, who embraced the risqué side of comedy and risked their careers, prison and more to battle censorship. 7 and 10 p.m. CNN
The Big Bang Theory When Sheldon (Jim Parsons) interferes with the progress of work on their invention, Leonard and Wolowitz (Johnny Galecki, Simon Helberg) divert his attention by treating him to a railway trek in this new episode. Also, Raj and Stuart (Kunal Nayyar, guest star Kevin Sussman) babysit when Penny and Amy (Kaley Cuoco, Mayim Bialik) take Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) out for a night on the town. 8 p.m. CBS
Superstore Swept up in the Valentine’s Day spirit, Amy and Glenn (America Ferrera, Mark McKinney) try to play matchmaker, while Jonah (Ben Feldman) goes under cover to catch a chronic shoplifter, only to wind up getting way too close to her. Lauren Ash also stars in this new episode. 8 p.m. NBC
Supernatural Dean (Jensen Ackles) gets hit by a spell that is gradually wiping away his memory, and Sam (Jared Padalecki) must turn to Rowena (guest star Ruth Connell) to track down the Old World clan of powerful witches behind the curse. 8 p.m. KTLA
MasterChef: Junior Edition A new season gets under way as 16 of the finest junior home cooks in the United States compete for eight of the Top 20 spots. Gordon Ramsay is host and head judge. 8 p.m. Fox
Inside the Actors Studio “Girls” creator, co-executive producer and star Lena Dunham is joined by fellow cast members Jemima Kirke, Zosia Mamet and Allison Williams to discuss their Emmy Award-winning comedy series with host James Lipton. 8 p.m. Bravo
Powerless Emily (Vanessa Hudgens) wants the staff to focus on work, but they can’t take their minds off Fantasy Super Hero League. Danny Pudi, Christina Kirk and Ron Funches also star. 8:30 p.m. NBC
Riverdale In light of new information surrounding Jason’s death, Cheryl (Madelaine Petsch) is forced to come clean about the last time she saw her brother as she becomes a person of interest. KJ Apa, Lili Reinhart and Cole Sprouse also star. 9 p.m. KTLA
My Kitchen Rules Kelly Osbourne and her friends host the next dinner party, at which Lance Bass and his mother, Diane, go head-to-head against Andrew Dice Clay and Valerie Vasquez in the same kitchen. 9 p.m. Fox
Project Runway: Junior The young designers must create a look inspired by street art murals before a double elimination determines who will be in the two-part finale. 9 p.m. Lifetime
Training Day Kyle (Justin Cornwell) is trying to be fair in his assessment of Frank’s (Bill Paxton) methods, but he starts to fret that the unconventional tactics may put a kidnapped girl’s life at greater risk. Katrina Law and Drew Van Acker also star. 10 p.m. CBS
The Blacklist A sophisticated and adept criminal (guest star Melora Hardin, “The Office”) begins targeting Red’s (James Spader) businesses in this new episode. 10 p.m. NBC
Colony Will (Josh Holloway) returns to a workplace that feels very unfamiliar to him while Katie (Sarah Wayne Callies) does everything she can to stay on her best behavior. 10 p.m. USA
CBS This Morning (N) 7 a.m. KCBS
Today Dr. Mehmet Oz; Christina Tosi; Brett Young performs. (N) 7 a.m. KNBC
KTLA Morning News (N) 7 a.m. KTLA
Good Morning America Will Arnett; do-it-yourself expert Nicole Farb. (N) 7 a.m. KABC
Good Day L.A. Bill Payton and Justin Cornwell (“Training Day”); Ross Mathews; composer Ramin Djawadi (“Game of Thrones”); Joe and Jennifer Montana (“American Heart Month”). (N) 7 a.m. KTTV
Live With Kelly Will Arnett (“The Lego Batman Movie”); Zosia Mamet (“Girls”); Jeffrey Dean Morgan. (N) 9 a.m. KABC
The View Priyanka Chopra; Will Arnett. (N) 10 a.m. KABC
The Doctors A mother-son duo become a viral beauty sensation; fighting crime with sex toys; vitamin D. (N) 11 a.m. KCAL
The Talk James Corden; Piers Morgan; Maren Morris performs. (N) 1 p.m. KCBS
The Dr. Oz Show Personality quizzes reveal new things about oneself. (N) 1 p.m. KTTV
Steve Harvey Tamron Hall helps survivors of domestic violence; the cast of “Ghosts in the Hood.” (N) 2 p.m. KNBC
Harry Ricky Gervais (“David Brent: Life on the Road”); Justice Smith (“The Get Down,” “Yen”). (N) 2 p.m. KTTV; midnight KCOP
Dr. Phil A woman is six months pregnant with her third child and addicted to heroin. (N) 3 p.m. KCBS
The Ellen DeGeneres Show Nicole Kidman (“Big Little Lies”). (N) 3 p.m. KNBC
The Real Anthony Anderson (“blackish”; “Animal Nation With Anthony Anderson”); Remy Ma. (N) 3 p.m. KTTV
To the Contrary With Bonnie Erbé Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch. (N) 5:30 p.m. KOCE
Charlie Rose (N) 11 p.m. KVCR; midnight KOCE; 1 a.m. KLCS
The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Laura Jane Grace. (N) 11 p.m. Comedy Central
Conan Newscaster Lester Holt; Kat Dennings. (N) 11 p.m. TBS
Tavis Smiley Professor Michael Eric Dyson. (N) 11:30 p.m. KOCE
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Alec Baldwin; JoAnna Garcia Swisher; Future Islands; Nathan East performs. (N) 11:34 p.m. KNBC
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert David Oyelowo; Taran Killam; Rae Sremmurd performs. (N) 11:35 p.m. KCBS
Jimmy Kimmel Live Kerry Washington; Alicia Keys. (N) 11:35 p.m. KABC
Late Night With Seth Meyers Drew Barrymore; Joe Rogan; Viet Thanh Nguyen. (N) 12:37 a.m. KNBC
Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m. KABC
Last Call With Carson Daly Bella Heathcote; Triptides performs; Raoul Peck. (N) 1:38 a.m. KNBC
Customized TV Listings are available here: www.latimes.com/tvtimes
Click here to download
TV listings for the week of Feb. 5 – 11, 2017, in PDF format
This week’s TV Movies
This post has been harvested from the source link, and News-Twitter has no responsibility on its content. Source link
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