#the redeemed | face
fereldensheroes · 3 months
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I'd let her murder me a lil.
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nikutsuneart · 6 months
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Day 2: Ragnarok | Rebirth
An empty start and a false end.
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My controversial opinion about Hob Gadling is that I believe he’s absolutely the sort of guy that “puts things behind him”, and tries to wash his hands clean of the things he feels icky about. This is implied pretty well in the show, with him blithely moving from soldiering and robbery to printing, from slaving to… whatever it was he was doing in the 19th century instead. That being said, this is not at all the same as actively trying to atone, or even making a concerted effort to be a better person, and I really wish fandom could tell the difference!
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regal-bones · 3 months
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Happy trans day of visibility lovely gay ppl! 🏳️‍⚧️🩷
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shaykai · 3 months
Something something Gortash pointing his crossbow (gun) at a redeemed Durge and saying “I already mourned you”
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mabbbish · 10 months
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red son rising
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megatraven · 1 year
"gabriel got redeemed" no he did NOT that is not what a redemption looks like stop calling it that. he made one not-completely-shitty-choice that's not a redemption, that's the last shred of humanity he possessed okay thank you
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nico-tines · 4 months
“oh max is more redeemable than grace”
“uh no, grace was a product of her upbringing max is an asshole”
hey uhhh maybe they’re both bad people and both can still be redeemed?
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fellsoleander · 1 month
uh oh watching xxi and im so fucking unwell…. NEED to kill the director of this episode because that sequence of flint breaking down in his cabin is SOOOO fucking good. how 3/4 of the scene is shot from behind flint so he’s left in shadow and the only time we see his face it’s only half of it… as if his grief and rage and pain is still something only he can see… and even at the end, when we are so close to seeing his full face, the camera slowly backs away and hides him from view with the table, as if warning us that this view into flint is not for us. we hover so close to the edge— we are right over his shoulder, we see his shaking hands, we see him slump, we hear him sob— but we are not allowed in. the cinematography really reinforces the message that no one, not flint’s crew, not silver, and not even us, the audience, gets to see the shattered man underneath, because that undoes it all. that breaks the illusion of the monster of the high seas. and that’s the last thing they can afford to do now.
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thebrainrotsreal · 2 months
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FINALLYYYYYY. My guys of the jury, this has a tracked 30 damn hours and boy does it feel like it. ANYWAYS, I return for more AU shenanigans because Get Redeemed Loser AU lives in my head rent free. Felt like a nice way to experiment with more vertical style comics? Which is SM EASIER TO PANEL THAN CLASS LAYOUTS. I get why they're so much more common nowadays. Comic,,, so satisfying but at what cost,,, i'm tired. So proud of the top half tho :3.
Okay back to AU brainrot, Mark and Wasp fighting over one of their core differences! I think this is early in their relationship where Mark still thinks Wasp can at least understand what it's like being Nolan's son, only to get smacked in the face with how pride Wasp holds in that title. Anyways, look below to see my suffering made into video.
local artist redoes like 4 damn panels 8 bajillion times and screams into the sky ♡ also if you want fic of this au you should read the fic that @avisisisis wrote about it, ooooo you wanna read it so bad, it's good :3
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parasolemn · 4 months
doodle of Authority? it is my fav skill...
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ehe. whoopsies! sorry anon it's been. A Month. and no end in sight
anyways images for you
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you can probably already tell some of these are. Older. but yea. there was a lot of "well it's just a doodle I don't need to go super hard on these" and then "this is awful we need to start over" so. there's. a lot of images. most I've drawn this freak ever actually
deserved though. big thanks to my New Buddy who made me see the light like two months ago. he [LONG RAMBLE I DELETED] 🤨 UUGHHH I can't go off on a ramble about authority rn I'm unnormal about him sadly but I have so many words in my brain about him and all the other skills ue ue ue
i should post images...
i did some doodles in my book too when i was working but. eeeh? wasn't really sure if this was what you were after either... also I always take an opportunity to draw encyclopedia hi ency hi. i love throwing ency at the other skills i love thinking about skill interactions
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don't mind the date on the last image I accidentally dated it 1st jan instead of 1st feb and couldn't be fucked to fix it. as I said, Old (can i even say stuff is old if it's a month old. uhm. wll i changed my art style so it counts)
parcark: nobody else is autistic about DE skills like you are they won't want to see them blorbified in an ooc but funny way. also parcark:
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this was not worth a month's wait. oops.
COUGHCOUGH BY THE WAY . volition design is from @tubrasko (this wasnt the image i asked you abt btw i'm doing a larger one than this RN!!!! grins) suggestion design is from @vesli1 sorry for butchering your boy a bit I only had a pen my pencil broke 💔 empathyyy i stole from @trialofasphodel waves at you Hi ! i know both of u have seen these imgs b4 btw srry for re @ ing you the auth and drama designs are froommmm spilledkaleidoscope I won't @ that's scary.cough
love him. ok bye anon !! i hope you don't mind i know these aren't the best quality o7
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fereldensheroes · 4 months
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Okay but if this isn't Durge yelling at Bhaal, what is?
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whipbogard · 6 months
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My version of old man Harvey ☺️
Maybe an epilogue for the Redeemed Harvey AU where he’s working as a public defender or something 🥲💕
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drawer-ghost · 11 months
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I am sorry.
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hanadoesstuffwrong · 4 months
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Sokka: This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them
Kiyi is the only addition from the comics that I'm willing to acknowledge, however, I will happily ignore everything else abt her story. Instead she is Ozai's daughter and protecting her was what kept Ursa in hiding, at least until a year after the war when Zuko and Katara show up for The Southern Raiders pt 2: Electric Boogaloo.
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smhalltheurlsaretaken · 6 months
i just find it weird that in a movie where the villain does forbidden magic to corrupt himself and had a whole song with the protagonist about sharing the same passion we're meant to accept that the villain was always comically evil from the start. I don't get it.
there's a very 'and nothing of value was lost' vibe to his final defeat but... why? If he WAS comically evil from the start and there's nothing to mourn about losing who he used to be, then why did he even need a corruption storyline? And why give him an earnest and touching moment with the main character in the beginning? But if he DID meaningfully change post-corruption, why is nobody even slightly upset at how far he has fallen and they all act like his actions are completely unsurprising?
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