#the rei sakuma expert
reisakumaproducer · 9 months
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anjuyn · 2 months
I've been looking at Rei's updated profile for a long time and at the things that have changed in it.
It's not that something has appeared in the profile that has not been mentioned in this blog before, but it's always fun to watch, compare and reflect on this topic.
For example, this child gained one kilogram in weight and grew one centimeter (how fast old men grow lol)
but most of all, I like the way the number of his hobbies has increased!!
previously, only "walking in the garden" was indicated in the "hobby" item, when now it says "languages, wine, reading and watching movies".
(oh no, he traded one red drink for another, but stronger💀 my thoughts on the character of the tipsy rei sakuma are still relevant. I want to know that.)
he overcame his long-standing dislike of reading, for which he previously lacked motivation and concentration. as a child, he read a lot, so it's nice to realize that this activity is no longer associated with something boring and does not evoke unpleasant memories.
Also now we have received clear confirmation that he knows many languages. I dare say he speaks the native languages of every country he has ever visited before.
And I remember that he said that he likes to watch movies in winter or autumn, so now it is also indicated in this column as something significant for him. how sweet <3
and the special skills now indicate "an expert in playing musical instruments." (I'M SO GLAD TO SEE THIS, BECAUSE REI, WHO PLAYS THE VIOLIN ON WEDNESDAYS DURING ACADEMY, HAS IMPRINTED IN MY HEAD FOREVER).
but... jazz dance... where.....
and the lines in his description "despite the fact that he is thoughtful and calm, has an amazing power that attracts people" and "a brilliant and refined singing voice" still causes inexplicably pleasant sensations.
(this silly girl is just happy when her precious old man is complimented)
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mephinomaly · 7 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Rei: Umu. I did some research regarding it, and I found that no one in RhythmLink requested that we take part in the experiment.
Koga: Huh? W-whaddya mean!?
Rei: I asked and it seems that it was a machine we spoke with. No real person knows about the experiment— that is the story they are sticking with.
It is unusual for myself to put on a serious face, but this time I feigned total ignorance…
It was rather bold of me, to tell a lie.
Kaoru: Yup. The higher ups thought we were behaving recklessly and were all up in arms about it.
Adonis: Umu. We were flooded with messages asking what HELLSING was.
Koga: I-I’m startin’ to feel kinda scared…
Guess I’m speakin’ with hindsight but we was probably too hasty ‘bout gettin’ involved with a questionable experiment.
Rei: So it seems… We realised we were losing popularity and tried to regain as much control as we could as quickly as we could.
And it all snowballed from there. In reality, I am as much of a fool as I thought I was— I must reflect on this.
Kaoru: You can reflect later, but first we need to focus on the problem at hand.
Rei 2: Eh? Where’s the problem?
Ain’t this turnin’ into a good thing for you guys?
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Kaoru: Okay? Fake Rei-kun, can you shut it? We’re having an important conversation right now, alright?
Rei 2: Haha, someone’s in a bad mood~! If your lack of sleep is gettin’ to ya, why dontcha sleep with me, Kaoru-cha~n ♪
Kaoru: Wa, nononono….You’re just being creepy and gross now. Adonis-kun, you deal with him.
Adonis: I’d rather not either. Please don’t pass him to me.
…Despite his appearance, the fake Sakuma-senpai is nothing like him.
As things are now, fake me probably has a different personality too.
Adonis 2: ...
Rei 2: Our recall ain’t perfect yet, ‘n we still got a long way t’go. But hey, we’re still collectin’ data from you as we speak—
Sooner or later​, we’re gonna be so similar to you that even your parents won’t be able t’tell the difference.
Adonis: Is that your purpose?
Rei 2: You oughta be usin’ keigo, kohai. Even though we’re brand new, you still gotta pay respect to us.
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Rei: I actually feel rather lonely when someone speaks to me in keigo. It's distant.
Rei 2: You’ve gotten soft, real me.
Well whatever. Becomin’ ‘real’ is instinct, but not our purpose.
We don’t have a sense of purpose.
Like I said earlier, we’re machines, wooden dolls, puppets. We ain’t got a heart, jus’ programmin’.
To feel, to think, to desire—
And dreamin’ too, is an annoyin’ flaw unique to you humans.
Rei: I believe that is what makes humans so fantastic.
We should move on. Questioning these fakes is not worth our time. Let us leave these machines behind and begin exploring the inside of the facilities.
Though it seems they have already disposed of any evidence, perhaps we can locate some documents here and there. Then we can discover why this has taken place.
And before you ask, I have already reported what we know so far to ES and the RhythmLink higher ups, and have been given permission to search the facilities.
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Adonis: As always, Sakuma-senpai is fast at covering all his bases.
Rei: That’s one of my strong points. Of course, we are far from experts, and I don’t expect to find much–
But what else can we do in this moment?
Rei 2: Whilst you���re doin’ that, we’ll carry on with idol activities in your place.
Koga: Haa? Get over yourselves, you ain’t real.
The fans are confused ‘cos of you. They don’t wanna see fakes that only look like us from the outside, you bastards.
Rei 2: Confused? But from what I saw, there were a lot of really happy fans?
It’s pretty funny once you realise but–
When fans saw what HELLSING was up to, they was so happy, cryin’ too, goin’ “The real UNDEAD are back!”
Can you guys even afford a detour by checkin’ out the facility?
Whilst you’re worryin’ ‘bout things that don’t matter, we’re replacin’ you ♪
Koga: ...
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
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jewwyfeesh · 8 months
The Detective's Banquet 1
Writer: Mitsuki
Character(s): Shino Hajime, Mashiro Tomoya, Hidaka Hokuto, Sakuma Ritsu, Isara Mao, Hasumi Keito, Sakuma Rei, Kazehaya Tatsumi, HiMERU, Shiina Niki
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Hokuto: Analysis result: no signs of life have been detected.
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Season: Autumn Location: Luxury Hotel Room
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[A dark and stormy night, in a certain hotel room…]
Tomoya: How did it end up like this…
At first, it was meant to be a one-off banquet with inference and logical reasoning as its main theme, but… suddenly, there was a real case to be solved.
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Due to the unexpected rainstorm, the once comfy holiday spot became an island isolated from the outside world. Everyone’s stuck here, unable to leave.
We were like beasts trapped in a cage – despite looking for clues all over the place, wracking our brains trying to reason it out, we still couldn’t find the killer hidden amongst us.
As time went by, I had an ominous premonition. That’s why I’m here, recording, narrating my side of the story as truthfully as I can.
Afterwards, I’ll hide the memory card away. If something unexpected were to happen to me, I hope that there would be someone who’ll find the clues I’ve left behind, and bring the truth to light.
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I remember that—
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W-who…? Who’s there!
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???: It seems like you didn’t close your door fully, ‘High School Student Detective’.
Location: Dead End Cafe
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[The afternoon before, in the holiday resort’s main cafe area]
Rei: Dearest detectives, welcome to this island, an island far away from any hustle and bustle. I have prepared a banquet to welcome you seven, and of course, in this feast of inference… mysteries do run aplenty.
While we are to temporarily stay within the boundaries of the hotel due to the sudden storm, I assure you that the service here is the best of the best.
As the owner of this island, as well as the organizer of the banquet… Without further ado, kindly allow me to introduce the detectives that have gathered here today.
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First of all, we have my little brother, Ritsu. The media has bestowed upon him the title of ‘Vampire Detective’, but I sincerely doubt those reports that shower him with praise have sufficiently showcased Ritsu’s unparalleled intellect and cuteness—
Ritsu: Haha, anija really loves to joke, doesn’t he? There are other skilled detectives here as well, and I don’t intend on making a fool of myself in front of the real experts. Please pay him no mind, and enjoy the banquet.
Rei: I’m sure everyone’s heard of this person — possessing superb reasoning ability and the ability to solve a case without stepping foot on scene… we have the aptly named ‘Armchair Detective’!
HiMERU: Thank you for the invitation, Sakuma-san. HiMERU is very happy for this opportunity to engage the other detectives in discussions of reason.
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Tatsumi: I didn’t expect to see you here, HiMERU-san; I really do look forward to working on solving these with you ♪
HiMERU: Likewise. HiMERU wasn’t expecting to bump into you here either.
Tatsumi: Aah, I almost forgot to introduce myself to you all. I’m Kazehaya Tatsumi, a pastor from a nearby church. I happened to have helped solve a few cases while working. As such, I was referred to as the ‘Clergyman Detective’.
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Mao: Both an idol and a detective, I am Trickstar’s Isara Mao ☆
Despite being called the ‘Idol Detective’, I only helped to investigate a case before a concert, which allowed the event to proceed as planned… it’s not really something worth boasting about…
Hajime: I’m the ‘Part-time Detective’ Shino Hajime. If you need anything, please feel free to approach me ♪
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Tomoya: Erm… I’m the ‘High School Student Detective’, Mashiro Tomoya… Nothing special about me.
(Why are all the acting roles I get so plain… At the very least, I would’ve liked a higher rank or title of some sort… something like ‘Super High Schxxl Detective’, maybe. That does sound way cooler.)
(Ah, Hokuto-senpai’s about to do his introduction! I better pay attention.)
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Hokuto: Hidaka Hokuto. ‘Bionic Detective’. Serial Number 3A1217.
Tomoya: (I nearly forgot that Hokuto-senpai’s character is an android who uses arithmetic calculations to emulate personalities… It does sound very difficult to pull off, but Hokuto-senpai definitely won’t have a problem!)
Rei: Now that everyone has gotten to a little more about the companions you’ll be embarking on this analytical journey with… Before we kick start the competition of brains and observational skills, let us first enjoy a pleasant banquet ♪
As wine will inhibit the brain’s precision and function, kindly allow me to use this cup of blood red tomato juice to prevent that—
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Ritsu: Anija?!
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H-how could this happen? W-why did he suddenly collapse?
Hokuto: An anomaly has been detected. Automatically running the body scan—
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Analysis result: no signs of life have been detected.
Commencing further testing—
Analysis result: fingernails are pink, complexion is cherry red, and there’s a smell of bitter almonds near the lips. Cause of death tentatively determined to be cyanide poisoning.
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Ritsu: Wh-what…?! No, no! I don’t believe it…
Mao: ……
Hajime: Ritsu Onii-chan… Wait no, ‘Vampire Detective’-san, please restrain your grief…
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HiMERU: That’s right. HiMERU reckons that the most important thing right now is to ascertain the identity of the killer. According to what Sakuma-san said earlier on… due to the raging thunderstorm, everyone is to stay within the boundaries of this hotel for their own safety. That’s to say—
Tatsumi: That person may very well be hiding amongst us.
HiMERU: ……Yes.
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Tomoya: (Whatever happened was really unexpected, yet everyone’s quick on their feet to react! I need to keep up!)
If he was poisoned after consuming the tomato juice, that means that the poison must’ve come from either the juice or the cup, right?
​​Mao: Indeed, these methods of poisoning are more convenient than others. May I ask who has previously handled these items?
Niki: I was the one in charge of the food and drink for this banquet, but I wouldn’t think of poisoning such holy food!
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Keito: The cutlery was prepared by me. Sakuma-san and I grew up together, close like brothers[1]. I have no motive to kill him.
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Ritsu: I was the one who handed him that glass of tomato juice… if I had known earlier…
Hokuto: Analysis complete. Lethal doses of toxins were not found in the juice nor the vessel.
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Tomoya: —EH?!
Translator's notes: [1] 情同手足 - an idiom that directly translates to "as close as one's hands and feet", which means like brothers / with a brotherly love for each other
Chapter 2 →
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herri-writes · 1 year
Ritsu Sakuma x Reader
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Note: OKAY an another Ritsu fic but this time, it's a songfic. Pls kill meheuheuehuehuheu
Okay lemme try writing for (!) era starting this year after writing a few fics that are in the (!!) timeline (Spoiler: Already did). Brainworms coming to rot my brain since I'm being productive af rn.
Translated lyrics here btw.
HEUEHUEHDHEUEHS anyways, why does the sakuma brothers have the most attractive voices I'm about to get an auralism atp. Herri not falling for the chara's voice challenge failed.
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"(Name)? Why are you still... here...?" He yawned between his words. You just thought of the sleep expert you referred to and not even said his name.
Or so you thought when a sleepy, serene voice called you from the doorstep of the music room.
"Ritsu...? And why are you here...?" You asked him back and he answered, "I just woke up."
'Right... It's night time after all.'
He look at you with a questioning look. "I'll ask you again, what are you doing here?"
"I'm just... here to finish everything before the Repayment Fes." You tiredly answered. Ritsu looked at the stack of documents on your desk and wondering which are the ones you finished and are not. "That much? You'll lose yourself at this point, (Name)." He said and dragged you away from your seat. "I'll let you sleep on my coffin bed and rest. You're supposed to be with Knights by tomorrow."
Tired and sleepy, you yawned as the night arrived. How many paperworks have you done today? You've lost count. You could see the unfinished stack thanks to the moonlight's gentle glow entering the transparent glass from outside the window. Even though the unfinished ones seemed lesser than the ones you had done, you groaned in frustration and the deadline is a few days away— specifically a week before the said deadline.
An early passer you are seemed to be productive due to your insomnia. Oh how much you wanted to rest but the remaining energy and adrenaline is still coursing through every single fiber and cell of your being. As much as you wanted to get out of your overworking state weeks before the Repayment Fes, you couldn't.
"Ritsu... I'm almost done..." You tried to reach the desk but his strong grasp on you won't let you go. "Give me few more minutes... I'll be done after this..." Your body has not much strength remaining that you surrendered. "Fine... have it your way..." Ritsu grinned in victory.
He carried you on his back and brought you to his coffin bed in the music room. You somehow noticed that it was close to the piano in the room. You do know well that this is one of Ritsu's favorite napping place and the reason why the music room is one of his favorites it's because there's a piano. He placed you on the bed gently and remembered something he told you this afternoon.
"So, Ritsu, you said that you wanted to see me after Knight's live, right? But why bother seeing me to—" He immediatly laid on top of you and hugged you, making you cuddle with him.
"Good night."
That was the last thing you heard from him after he cuddled you and fell asleep on the coffin bed Rei made specifically for him. You on the other hand patted his head comfortably and lulled him to sleep.
He hugged you tightly as if he didn't want to let you go. His fear of being abandoned triggered in his sleep. He nuzzled closer and you could feel his warm breath fanning the crook of your neck. He is like a cat wanting your attention, from annoying you, interrupting your work, or cuddling you until he sleeps and never let you move as it's a golden rule for every cat owners known in the face of the earth— never move when a cat is on you.
Repayment fes is coming to a close and you've been overworking as usual. It's supposed to be special for the graduates of this year. It'll be the last time you'll get to see your senior in their green neck tie and their blue blazer. Especially Izumi and Leo, the only third years of Knights. Not to mention, you'll be the same as them next year, becoming a third year and graduate as a student of Yumenosaki Academy.
Ritsu knows you've been overworking a lot and it concerns him. He's grown attached to you ever since you became Knights' producer. Other than Mao, you were closest to him by bond that he's comfortable of sleeping with you near him. He felt safe ever since the first time he laid his head on you to rest.
The last thing Ritsu wanted is you abandoning him. He didn't want anyone to abandon him all alone when he needs you the most.
You could hear a faint humming, probably from Ritsu. You thought he's asleep but he is half-asleep. You felt your eyelids gettung heavier and closed tightly shut. Your breathing is light and slow. Your body finally felt rest after a few days of suffering from insomnia.
Your hand stop patting his head and he smiled. He didn't want you fainting in the middle of the day. Not to mention, he always want your blood fresh and sweet which it actually translates into "Go to sleep. You don't want to get an insomnia or die from blood loss." in Ritsu's language. He didn't want you to know what it actually means or he'll bite you without warning.
He continued to hum his own nocturne in midnight.
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The next night, he caught you overworking again that he dragged your hand to the music room once again. Reason? It's because he wanted to show you something. That something he wanted to show you is sheets of papers, written in sloppy yet neat handwriting. Some of them are written in scribbles and random writings but most of them are understandable to read.
"Seriously?" You raised your brow. "Lyric and music sheets?" He hummed at your question. "Another Knights song? Did you steal this from Senior Tsukinaga?"
"More like I wrote that." He retorted and you chortled. You read the lyrics and let out a smug smirk. "This seemed like it's written for Isara. That dedicated?"
"I rather bite you than admitting for who I wrote the song for." He looked at you annoyed and you ignored it with a hum.
'Midnight Nocturne...' You read the name of the song written on the lyric sheet. You turned the page behind the lyric sheet and what was revealed to you is a music sheet for piano. 'I couldn't even read this...' You received a few lessons from Leo and tried to understand the music sheet from the genius but as a result, all of those went out of the window.
"I'm going to play." Ritsu said and sat on the piano stool. "If you fall asleep, I'll have you as my pillow until we graduate."
"Alright. I won't sleep. I promise." You hummed in response and ignored him. For sure you'll be punished by him if you provoked him too much. But Ritsu, this time, he'll let it slide.
He placed his fingers on the piano keys and pressed it with grace. A melody came out of the piano and it caught your attention. It sounded gentle and comfortable, just like the pianist.
You remembered him humming the same song before cuddling you to sleep every late nights. Somehow, it became your lullaby from him.
The moonlight shines upon my fingertips, the stave whirling into the night
Trapped in the forest of sleep, I think of you whom I can't be with
He can see himself in the middle of the forest, where the moonlight shined upon him. He can see himself reaching his hand to the gentle rays that peeked through the leaves of the trees and cupped it as if he held it like the knight he is.
His body asleep, yet his soul awake. He is trapped in there while you remained in his deepest thoughts in the midst of his sea of memories. The only thing he felt in his sleepy journey is your presence, where he can only feel even without you near him.
I feel you beside me, in this darkness where there is no one else
He pressed the keys, releasing a beautiful melody from the piano. All he could think of is you whenever he sang this song. You beside him, you sleeping with him, and him in your arms, where he felt safe from all of his worries in his sleep.
He sounded like he longed for someone, someone he couldn't see but he felt their presence. Though alone, he will always feel that someone is beside him.
Your beautiful smile, it's like it could melt into the sun
Ritsu can only think of your smile. Your smile brightened his sleepy nights. Whenever you wake him up, he only thought of your smile. He only search for your smile when he wakes up and it happened when you saw him awake from his slumber.
"Ritsu..." You quietly muttered his name. You are listening to... his song. A song made by him and him alone.
Even in a world where we cannot intermingle
I am not alone right now
Though close by distance, you are too far for him to reach. It's as if you're worlds apart.
In the dead of night, with my sleeping breath, Song for you
Because I'm singing a melody that brings us together
He glanced at you and the moment he was about to, you are sitting beside him and laid your head on his shoulder. He smiled at his own progress. He was far from ending it yet he knows it touched your heart. It's just like how Knights' songs touched heart
And how your presence touched his own.
His voice sounded like a lullaby, calm and gentle, like a mother lulling their baby to sleep. But him, it's in his quiet nature. It left you in a daze, letting you enter your own reverie.
Just my piano, the moon and you, in a transparent sky
You can imagine yourself leaning on the piano as he played it under the starry sky. The water rippling at your every movement and mirroring the sky. It feels like a dream. You held out your hand as if to reach the stars. You are on your toes, aiming higher to reach it. A shooting star showed up on your view and your eyes sparkled more than the starry sky.
They simply kept existing kindly in the depths of my heart
The way he saw your smile made his night even more beautiful. His serenade made you wander in his dreams. His nocturne made you dance as your feet on the water created ripples in its wake.
While the tedium persists, by letting my fingers dance
His fingers danced on the keys. It so graceful that it speaks out, "It's my music, my song, and my piano. A melody that I own alone."
I come to know a sadness that resembles feelings of unrequited love, but
A drop of water fell from the sky. You held out your hand and it became a light shower. You felt like rain existed in your imagination. It touched your heart. It felt that sorrow and loneliness embraced him and you.
Even in a world that we cannot share, I won't lose sight of you
You felt like your body was swayed by the wind. You realized that it's Ritsu dancing with you. He turned you for a spin and held you close to him.
His first dance is his last in your reverie, but it will remain as a memory.
No matter where you are, an unchanging Song for you
He cupped your cheek and held you tighter on his embrace, as if he didn't want to let you go. You held the hand that cupped your cheek and let out a sigh of content, which you let out in your dreams and in reality.
Because I'm singing an eternal promise
You felt your eyelids became heavy and your heart beating loudly, loud enough for him to hear. Your souls are dancing but you remained there right beside him, listening to his nocturne.
Even if you can't hear me, I'm right here
Because even if I can't reach you, we're always together
'I know, Ritsu...' You answered him in your thoughts, hoping that he knew the same.
The pale blue moon connects us
Now, close your eyes and let us sing
"Even in a world where we cannot intermingle," You sang while he continued to play the piano. He let out a smile and continued for you. "Once again, towards the night you see somewhere."
"In the dead of night, with my sleeping breath, Song for you," He heard you hum along as he sang. He could hear you sing clearly. You remembered the very last line that etched in your mind for this very moment.
"Because I'm singing a melody that brings us together..."
Ritsu let out a finishing set of notes and his hand left the piano keys. He heard light breathing from beside him. He turned his head to see you're sleeping on his shoulder with a smile.
He chuckled lightly and patted your head.
"Sweet dreams, (Name)."
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phantasmwar · 10 months
Please bid your warmest hello to the 𝘵͟𝘩͟𝘳͟𝘦͟𝘦͟ 𝘫͟𝘶͟𝘥͟𝘨͟𝘦͟𝘴 who are in charge of considering whether or not you are qualified to win over the other contestants and take home the ultimate prize. Go wild and let them see your 𝘱͟𝘳͟𝘰͟𝘸͟𝘦͟𝘴͟𝘴.
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The 𝘋͟emon 𝘒͟ing who lures one into the dead of night.
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The triple S. 𝘚͟uper 𝘚͟adistic rapper with a 𝘚͟miley face.
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The second-in command of 𝘠͟-𝘊͟𝘐͟𝘛͟𝘠.
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scarletlion94 · 3 years
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Rei’s new Gate of the Abyss SPP literally made my brain go dead 🤣😂
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reikeip · 3 years
Ushimairi P. 1 | Chapter One
Season: Summer
Location: Rhylink Office
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One day in July
Keito: ...Another productive day under my belt.
(Once more I've realized that life at ES has turned out much better than I had anticipated—so long as I keep myself focused on one thing at a time, that is.)
(I've left the Summit to Sakuma, so now I have more time I can spend working as an idol. And Akatsuki’s activities are calm and uneventful, without any trouble stirring up.)
(If I had to raise a complaint, it would be Rhythm Link's terrible structure.)
(The veterans who do a shoddy job but continue to greedily indulge in their vested interests remain in a position of power, while we, the younger generation of idols, lose the most in terms of the company's support.)
(Improving this structure will in no way be a simple matter.)
(Back when I was a student I was often preoccupied with political activities, and while I'd prefer to keep going as an idol now, I—)
Tomoya: (Sigh), this sucks...
I really wish Nii~chan was here right about now.
...No, I can’t keep relying on Nii~chan all the time. This is something I should be doing on my own.
Keito: What's the matter, Mashiro? You’re mumbling to yourself—Did something happen?
Tomoya: Uwhoa, Hasumi-senpai. When’d you get here? 
Keito: Don't go talking about people like they’re ghosts. I was lost in thought, but I've been here the whole time. 
Tomoya: Ah, I'm sorry!
But this is perfect timing, actually! I have a few things I'd like to talk to you about...
Hasumi-senpai, your family lives in a temple, right? So would you happen to be familiar with ghosts, curses, and other things like that?
Keito: Hm? What do you mean?
My family does perform prayers to ward off evil. But I'm not the eldest son, which means I haven’t been trained to take over the temple. So I'm no expert with the occult.
Tomoya: Ah well, I submitted a proposal for a summer horror special, but it's turning out to be more trouble than I expected. If it’s okay with you, would you mind helping me out?
Keito: Horror special…?
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A few days later
Keito: Whew… this mountain is much steeper than I thought it was.
Kuro: Y’already givin’ up, Hasumi-danna?
You gotta build up your endurance if you wanna survive the summer, yanno? Now that you're in a position where you can actually focus on bein’ an idol, shouldn't you put more effort into building up stamina?
Keito: You and Kanzaki are just muscleheads. Honestly, you're so incorrigible.
Rei: Kukuku. Is scaling this mountain not part of your idol activities, though?
I'm the one who's shouldering RhyLink’s affairs behind the scenes for you, so I must say I’m disappointed by your lack of stamina, Hasumi-kun.
Keito: Ugh. You sure woke up the moment night fell, Sakuma. Weren’t you the one who was wailing while the sun was still shining?
Rei:The sun was rather intense today. The heat I experienced while trapped inside that shuttle was akin to the depths of hell—but now I'm left with no such enemies as heat ♪
Tomoya: Woah, looks like Sakuma-senpai’s really getting into the swing of things. This should be perfect for our special…!
Should I have recorded more parts of the vampire act like the agency asked me to? Maybe something about Hasumi-senpai being born in a temple, too?
Keito: That's nothing more than idle gossip. Don’t get so worked up over that stuff. Sakuma's vampire act aside, I'll have you know I'm not exactly up for being marketed as a "priest" either.
Tomoya: Oh, I didn't mean it that way. I have a relatively average personality, so I'm actually pretty jealous of you guys! My family's so normal it's almost too normal, y’know~?
Keito: The grass is always greener on the other side. Well, more importantly—is this a good place, Mashiro?
Tomoya: Yeah. It's a somewhat open area, so it’s perfect!
All right, let's start recording.
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"A Special Summer Horror Project: The Shrine Visit at the Hour of the Ox—Does it Really Exist?! Let’s Listen for the Sound of Driving Nails in the Dead of Night!"
"So, with that said: We, the newest idols on the Rhythm Link scene, present to you a video from the nearby Black Ox Mountain!"
“Lately there are rumors that you can hear the sound of nails being driven into straw effigies in the dead of the night—And we’re here to find out the truth!”
"Today we have me, Tomoya Mashiro from Ra*bits, and these three!" 
"First off, we have RhyLink’s young genius, he who presides over Demons—Undead's leader, Sakuma Rei!"
Rei: "Thank you for the introduction; It is I, Sakuma Rei~♪"
"The ways of the occult are a favorite of mine. I hope that I can make you more intimate with it, as well~"
"To those who lay curses night after night, I do hope we can get along ♪"
Tomoya: "Up next, we have Kiryuu Kuro from the unit—Akatsuki! They're a Japanese-style group known for honoring the traditional arts." 
Kuro: "Oh, ’Sup. I'm Akatsuki's Kuro Kiryuu. If it's ghosts and ghouls you're talkin', just leave it to me."
Tomoya: "And last but not least, Hasumi Keito, also from Akatsuki!"
"Hasumi-senpai's family owns a temple. Temple Boy Mr. K was rumored to be a psychic back in his hometown!"
Keito: "Who are you calling Temple Boy Mr. K?"
"…I'll have you know, me being born in a temple doesn’t mean that I can see ghosts any more than I can see rays of light."
Rei:"Ohh. Are you saying you can’t see this Rei, either~? Am I nothing more than a thin shadow to you?" [1]
Keito: "Not that kind of Rei. You may be superhuman, but you’re not supernatural in the slightest." [2]
"Pardon me, we got sidetracked. I'm not sure what else there is to say, so nice to meet you."
"And, not by any means due to my family situation, I'm used to dealing with troublesome things like Sakuma."
Tomoya: "All right then, let's keep going into the mountains! Let's enjoy ourselves and see if we really meet whoever’s been hammering away at those cursed straw effigy!"
all | next →
jp proofing: 310mc eng proofing: ciel
Keito uses 霊 (rei) to mean spirit here, and because it's a homophone of 零 (rei) which is in Rei's name, Rei is playing off of that in his line.
Keito calls Rei 超人 here, which is the same word that can refer to the superhero Superman. You can look it up if you don't believe me.
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awesomeuchuu · 3 years
Fade Away - Rei and Eichi?
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Fade Away: Your muse is starting to fade away, becoming more and more transparent as time goes on. The only thing that can save them is a kiss.
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It started with a strange sort of dizziness that was unlike anything Eichi had ever experienced before. And he had had a lot of dizzyspells over the years, so he thought himself a bit of an expert on the subject. This was... Something else. And it was disquieting. 
Next... Next he found himself unable to grasp things properly. Things just... Started to slip through his hands. This furthered the vertigo, to the point that he thought he was seeing things, because to him it seemed like his hands were almost... Transparent. At times. 
He held no desire to bother Aira with this, so instead he approached his other roommate. “S-Sakuma-kun...? I think something’s wrong with me... I don’t feel good.”
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hiraeth-academy · 7 years
[ I hope everything is okay! I am resubmitting my blog now hoping that this is fine? ]
   Dear Gladious Amicitia,
Welcome to Hiraeth Academy. You have been summoned here by a great force of power, as a chosen one to attend our facility. It is within these halls that we hope you learn to better yourself and become more in-tune with the abilities you have been given. We hope that you are able to reach an even further understanding of your ability: Survival, First Aid, and Strength, with the help of our expert-level teaching staff.
You have been assigned to Dorm 516 with your roommate Rei Sakuma. Please find your way there using the map located on the backside of this letter. Afterwards, you will be asked to attend a brief orientation where you will be given your class schedule and appropriate uniform.
   Sincerely,                     » School Counselor ✧ *
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hiraeth-academy · 7 years
Mmm, what is this? I see ... ♪ Sakuma Rei of "UNDEAD" has arrived (app is under /a and uh please forgive me for always submitting right before the inbox closes o/)
    Dear Rei Sakuma,
Welcome to Hiraeth Academy. You have been summoned here by a great force of power, as a chosen one to attend our facility. It is within these halls that we hope you learn to better yourself and become more in-tune with the abilities you have been given. We hope that you are able to reach an understanding of your ability: Shadow Generation, with the help of our expert-level teaching staff.
You have been assigned to Dorm 516. Please find your way there using the map located on the backside of this letter. Afterwards, you will be asked to attend a brief orientation where you will be given your class schedule and appropriate uniform.
    Sincerely,                       » Headmistress ✧ *
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