#kanata’s lover
reisakumaproducer · 1 year
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can we do this on tumblr
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idleminds · 3 months
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lovelyangelxxx · 1 year
hii! I saw that you accept requests :0 well I wanted to ask for hcdns about 'boys being overprotective with their partner' for ryoga, kanata, shogo and hajun, thanks you *hug*
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caim | various paradox live characters x reader
caim; (n.) an invisible circle of protection that reminds you that you are safe and loved, even in the darkest times.
→ characters being overprotective of their partners
→ fluff, g/n reader (overprotectiveness can be toxic though, so i’m not sure if this is still fluff💀)
→ ryoga tosa, kanata yatonokami, shogo yamato, yeon hajun
~ hii, thank you so much for requesting!! i’m not sure if this is exactly what you’re looking for, but i hope it meets your standards :D
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
ryoga tosa ♡ 
~ ryoga is a man who is aware of his inability to speak to others and often resorts to violence as a result. he was previously a member of a gang, following orders and built up blind rage. when he sees you in an uncomfortable position, something snaps within him and he automatically rushes to your side. a protective arm over your shoulder, glaring down at the person who has caused you trouble. he might even go out of his way to make that person wish they were never born for what they’ve done, but no matter how violent he is at nature, ryoga will never hurt you and will promise to protect you. 
“what do you think you’re doing to them?”
kanata yatonokami ♡
~ kanata is known to be harsh, rude, and unpleasant to be around. he also struggles to display affection and his emotions, leading to him expressing overprotective behavior. kanata often won't let you go outside when it’s dark unless he’s with you and constantly asks where you are. he cares for you too much and believes that his behavior is virtuous protection of you from danger. he tries too hard to protect you without consulting you first which causes trouble along the way; but kanata will always love you and is simply unsure of how to handle his feelings. 
“don’t ever leave my sight again.”
shogo yamato ♡
~ shogo understands that his role as an idol interferes with his relationship with you; however he always makes an effort to help and protect you when you need him. sometimes, he does go a bit overboard. shogo is away most of the day, considering his busy schedule, so when he is around he always walks you home, has an arm around you, and constantly worries about your well-being. he has an elevated sensitivity to your distress and will continue to keep you from harm or discomfort. 
“please be more careful next time, love.”
yeon hajun ♡
~ everyone knows hajun has a bit of a sadistic streak going for him, even you. his sadism definitely partakes in the role of his overprotectiveness as well. no one dares to touch you or make you uncomfortable. he displays aggression and even cruel behavior to those who hurt you or cause you even the slightest discomfort. his protectiveness is always out of love for you, although it can be seen as extreme. he also has trust issues which make his behavior even more over the top; however he loves and cherishes you so much, despite his flaws and overprotective nature. 
“i will never let you go.”
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kanatajelly · 2 years
general yandere headcanons - kanato
kanato sakamaki - diabolik lovers
warnings: general yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, physical abuse, verbal abuse/humiliation, guilt tripping, mental and emotional manipulation, biting, forced isolation, delusional behaviour, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of murder (both others and darling), brief mentions of trust/attachment issues, brief mentions of kanato’s doll collection, honestly kanato is his own warning
word count: 1742
what kind of yandere are they?
Kanato is a lot of things in one package honestly, but the most prominent of his yandere traits is his possessiveness. His darling should only be looking at him, no exceptions. If they aren’t, he will make them. He also has a tendency to be intensely jealous, which ties in with his possessiveness. 
Kanato is also a very violent yandere. His emotional volatility makes him quick to anger, and when he is angry, he doesn’t hold back at all. He also gets rather violent when he’s jealous. Another trait that ties into the violence is sadism, which shouldn’t be surprising considering that it’s Kanato we’re talking about.
Some other traits that can be used to describe Kanato are clingy and manipulative. His clinginess is self-explanatory, really, as he’s always hanging onto his darling in some way or another. On the other hand, his manipulative side can be expressed in a variety of forms. The one he uses most often is guilt tripping, but he does do a lot of other manipulation as well.
Finally, Kanato is a dependent yandere, which means that his mental stability greatly depends on the presence of his darling. He is a very damaged person and has serious issues surrounding attachment and abandonment, so once he gets close to someone, he really latches on and doesn’t react well at all if they try to pull away from him.
how do they treat their darling?
Goodness, Kanato is just a mess when it comes to his darling. He treats them horribly a lot of the time, so much so that to an outsider, it may seem like he hates them. But despite that, if his darling ever tries to leave him, he lashes out and desperately drags them back. There’s a saying that hate and love are two sides of the same coin, and I think that describes Kanato pretty well.
Kanato expects his darling to go out of their way to do things for him, and gets upset immediately if they don’t meet his expectations perfectly. His darling is eating something and didn’t make any for him? How dare they, they should cook him something right away! They didn’t offer to cuddle with him and make him feel better after one of his mood swings? Well they’d better reconsider that decision unless they want his mood to get even worse.
It’s also worth mentioning that Kanato never voices these expectations out loud, almost like he’s expecting his darling to read his mind or something like that (spoiler alert, they can’t). From his perspective, it makes perfect sense that he’s getting angry with his darling for not doing things that he wanted them to; but from his darling’s perspective, it just seems like he’s blowing up at them out of nowhere. 
Kanato is just so abusive almost all the time. Even when he seems to be in a cheerful mood, he’ll still throw some humiliating comments into his speech. Of course, when he’s in a bad mood the abuse gets physical. Kanato is a vampire, so he has strength several times that of a human’s; he knows this, yet does absolutely nothing to control himself. 
One of Kanato’s favourite things to do is leave marks on his darling, especially bite marks. It’s the perfect way to publicly declare that they belong to him, especially to his brothers and the Mukami/Tsukinami vampires. Since vampires have very keen senses, Kanato makes sure to leave any and all kinds of marks on his darling so that no other vampire gets any funny ideas.
Another thing that Kanato does very often is manipulating his darling, particularly by guilt tripping them. He has a talent at producing really believable crocodile tears, so if his darling is on the empathetic or kind side (even a little bit), he’ll often use fake tears to get them to do what he wants. In the case that his darling doesn’t fall for his fake crying, Kanato has other tricks up his sleeve. I think he’d be very skilled at using pain/fear as a medium for “educating” his darling. He’s not afraid to punish them until they understand what he wants.
Kanato has no hesitation when it comes to kidnapping and other forms of isolation. If his darling is a sacrifice like Yui, there’s no need to kidnap them… but he still needs to make sure that his brothers don’t touch them. If his darling isn’t a sacrifice, they’re getting kidnapped pretty quickly. In public situations such as school, Kanato makes an effort to socially isolate his darling too. They’re not going to be able to make any friends without him getting in the middle; and even if they somehow manage to make a friend, that friend is going to be dead soon.
Speaking of murder, that’s also something that comes naturally to Kanato. He has no patience whatsoever for interference, so he immediately gets rid of any outsiders by killing them. 
However, when it comes to his darling, it depends. If Kanato hasn’t known them for that long and isn’t as attached as he could be, he wouldn’t be shy to kill them if they overstep their boundaries. There’s also a feasible chance that he’d make them into one of his wax dolls after killing them, because of course he would.
On the other hand, if Kanato is in the deeper stages of his attachment where he becomes emotionally dependent on his darling, he would absolutely never kill them… well, not purposefully, at least. 
On a lighter note, Kanato is quite physically affectionate, especially in a relationship where he has developed a dependence on his darling. He’s incredibly touch-starved, but he’s also a bit of a cuddle bug at heart. He’ll probably never overtly ask for cuddles because he simply just expects to receive them; but he always appreciates being cuddled, and can also get frustrated if his darling doesn’t give him hugs when he wants them to.
what kind of person would they obsess over?
Kanato is a person who craves affection and comfort deep down, so I think he’d be most attracted to someone who has a naturally kind or sympathetic character. Despite how horribly he acts towards others, he does want to be loved as well. That’s why I think that an empathetic darling is the type he’d most easily fall for.
Moreover, Kanato would probably like someone who’s physically affectionate or who is accepting of physical affection from others. As I mentioned earlier, he’s very clingy and often expects hugs without asking for them, so it’s easier for him if his darling doesn’t have a problem with skinship; even more so if they are the type of person to initiate physical contact out of nowhere. 
Despite his sadism and more dominant tendencies, I don’t think Kanato would like someone who’s extremely pliant, because then they’re just boring. He appreciates a little fight, but not so much that they become disobedient.
I can also see Kanato falling for someone who’s a little on the eccentric side. He has his odd interests, like his obsession with Teddy and his wax dolls, and he’d be ecstatic if his darling isn’t the type of person to be disgusted or weirded out by that kind of thing. It’s even better if his darling actually shares his interests, or at the very least responds positively whenever he talks about them.
are they aware of their actions? how dangerous are they?
Kanato is a bit odd in terms of awareness. At times he can be lucid, and at times he gets completely lost in his delusions. It really depends.
His lucid side is more likely to come out in the earlier stages of his obsession, where he’s still getting to know his darling, and when he’s in a particularly negative mental state or a bad mood. In this state, he has some sort of awareness that his behaviour is unhealthy, but he doesn’t really care that much.
However, I think Kanato is more often delusional than lucid, especially when he becomes dependent on his darling. He really wants his darling to love him back, so much so that he’d take any gestures of kindness from them - no matter how small - and add it to a mental list of evidence that “proves” they return his feelings. Something worth mentioning is that it’s not a very good idea to try and snap him out of his delusions. That’s like inviting him to explode in anger.
Kanato is undoubtedly very dangerous. Pretty much all the Diabolik Lovers boys are (except Azusa), but Kanato stands out as one of the worst. His uncontrollable emotions and paper-thin patience make him almost impossible to deal with, and it’s incredibly difficult to get away from him without dying. He’s also extremely dangerous towards others, of course, mostly due to the lack of hesitation he has when choosing to kill anyone who interferes with him.
what is their most dangerous trait? how far would they have to be pushed to bring it out?
It may seem like Kanato is at his most dangerous when he’s still distant enough from his darling to entertain the thought of murdering them, but I actually think he’s at his worst when he’s emotionally dependent on his darling.
Getting away from Kanato without throwing your life away is already an ordeal, but it’s basically impossible if he’s developed a dependence. He would never let his darling out of his sight, and he would never fully trust them even if they claimed to love him back and did everything the way he wanted them to. Any attempts at escape would absolutely set him off, but it wouldn’t be much worse than his regular bouts of violence. There is something that his darling could do that would be even worse than simply trying to leave him.
There is a certain boundary that one should never cross with Kanato, and that boundary is betraying his trust. He doesn’t have much of it in the first place, but that doesn’t mean it’s nonexistent. For example, if his darling was taking advantage of his dependence on them to control him, and he found out about this somehow… He would just break. No, Kanato wouldn’t kill them, lest his mental state fall apart completely. But he would make their life a living hell, so much so that they wished they were dead.
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mihai-florescu · 5 months
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Kanata... i must confess i liked the previous summer outfit better... but im so scared for his winter one. He has the best sweater in the whole game there... they cannot top that off but i'd like to see them try
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orcelito · 6 months
Manic after the FMA:B anime, thinking about rewatching Naruto again, getting excited thinking about Naruto, getting excited thinking about the elaborate p3/naruto crossover daydream I concocted back in 2018 ish that will never actually become a fanfiction, BUT it's making me think of the possibility of making a trigun/naruto crossover fic, Specifically with vash & co in naruto world
Would anyone be interested in that 🥺🥺🥺 it wouldn't be for a long time 🥺🥺🥺 but I have loved naruto anime for approximately 60% of my entire life. It's only natural for me to gravitate back to it and make more elaborate crossover aus fhskhfkshd
Just think about it.... just Think about it........ I am Thinking about it.....
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letixnina · 5 months
⤷ OCs x s/o
Oc meaning: Original Character (+ they are NOT canon characters)
s/o meaning: Significant other
𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐤 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐎𝐂𝐬
Aya Hayashi:
Natsuki Chimori:
Sakura Chimori:
Hana Chimori:
𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐎𝐂𝐬
Mei Mukami Hayashi:
Kira Sakamaki Chimori:
𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐎𝐂𝐬
Eve Tanaka:
Mizuki Chimori:
First Meeting
Edward Chimori:
Albert Chimori:
Ichiro Chimori:
Katsuki Chimori:
Akumu Chimori:
Kanata Nakamura:
Cho Watanabe:
Rachel Watanabe Nakamura:
(by her only like a parent! s/o or best friends!! Cause she is a child!)
Ren Aikawa:
Bloom Aikawa:
we hope you will like it! ^^
Begin: 15. April.2024
Edit: 19.April.2024
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koumeowkami · 1 year
haju.nayu is the proof some people really do base their ships over Nothing... idk man /nm
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idleminds · 3 months
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mocha-tapioca · 2 years
may i request nanami asari from imas 👁️
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she's so cute i love her dearly
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lovelyangelxxx · 1 year
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catch me… | various paradox live characters x reader
→ a beautiful relationship that comes to a sudden end
→ angst, g/n reader, tw; mentions of death and blood
→ iori suiseki, kanata yatonokami, yohei kanbayashi, yeon hajun
i apologize for this one being so terribly written…it was better in my head😭
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iori suiseki ♡
~ the words “catch me” came from your lips as you were dancing on the stage. you were happily dancing when you decided to lean towards the edge of the stage and fall. iori caught you while thinking you were the most beautiful and bright person in the entire universe. the happy incident had occurred on the first night that you met him, however those same words would forever haunt him as he heard you mutter that phrase once again on a hospital bed. in that moment he heard nothing else but your melodic voice and unstable breathing, but watched the electrocardiogram go flat in agony and heartache, once again feeling the pain of losing a loved one. 
kanata yatonokami ♡
~ kanata never needed nor wanted a relationship until he met you. you lit up every room you walked in and (literally) fell into his arms. you came to a paradox live concert and walked through the crowd only to trip and fall, crying out for help, and asking someone to catch you. by happy coincidence, kanata had caught you and surprisingly, that moment would bring him something he never imagined he could ever obtain. unfortunately, only happy endings occur in fantasies. walking home together on a cold, dark night, you see a shadow creeping towards you, then feel them brush past you. you suddenly feel your vision start to go blurry and your legs go numb. you calmly glance at your beloved, asking him to catch you as he sees a dagger and the crimson liquid pouring from your chest. he sees the light fade from your eyes while holding you in his arms, with those same words running through his mind. 
yohei kanbayashi ♡
~ yohei remembers seeing your figure run up to him as he entered your shared apartment. the words he heard as you leapt into his arms. “catch me.” he had never felt so happy in his entire life, to be with someone who trusted him and loved him. however, those happy moments did not last forever. while climbing up a flight of stairs, someone had rushed by you, causing you to lose your balance and fall over the rail. the same words that had brought him so much happiness would also cause him to feel immense pain and guilt. his hand barely brushed yours as he watched you fall, tears of sadness and regret pouring out of both of your eyes, knowing that this is your last moment together. 
yeon hajun ♡
~ it was your first date with hajun where you were skipping around a flower field and lost your balance. you asked him to catch you which led to him also losing his balance and tumbling down a hill with you in his arms. the occurrence ended in much laughter, happiness, and peace. however, that sentence would not just end in a happy accident, but a fatal tragedy as well. a terminal disease had plagued you for the past few months without you knowing, and it had finally peaked. you suddenly lost balance and with the fall, lost your consciousness too. whispering that same phrase which would leave hajun devastated and empty. after hearing the news from a doctor, hajun held your hand only praying that this was all just a bad dream. 
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seangelfish · 1 year
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I love you Kanata Shinkai, my lover… :’( 💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖 I need to write more fics about you…
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dollwrites · 10 months
𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 — 𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚 𝐲𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐢
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!suiseki!reader, noise control, finger sucking, king of tsundere himself, all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ i didn’t plan on writing this, but i can’t get the idea of kanata shoving his fingers in my mouth out of my head. please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading < 3
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“You’re being too loud again.” Kanata was panting out a ragged whisper in your ear, but you could hardly hear it over your own, loud whimpering and the table thump-thumping to the rhythm of his greedy thrusting. he may have been a self-centered lover, a learned selfishness from years of neglect or, perhaps, because he had to steal everything else he’d ever had. but, you’d be damned if you didn’t love the way he stole you, too. “You trying to get me killed?”
there’s a tinge of amusement lacing the sarcasm dripping from his husky voice, but the threat was a very possible outcome if anyone found out that he claimed you like this. quick, needy, disrespectful fucking. against the wall, in a closet, or — like this time — on a table. whenever and wherever Kanata could get his hands on you, usually on the way out after meeting with Iori and picking up his pay. “Shh…”
“K, K! H—harder, oh god, harder!” he was already pounding hard, the legs of the table you’re boosted on to grinding into the floor, leaving skid marks, and he was hilt deep already. his sweatpants shoved down around his thighs, his balls were heavy with need for you, and made a deliciously wet slap due to the way you squelch when he pushes deep. Kanata made you so wet that you couldn’t help but erupt like a geyser when he hit your sweet spots, and thankfully he didn’t mind the mess you always left on him. you knew it’d be the same today, he’d pull the frayed hems of his hoodie down to cover the wide, damp stain that smelled like you on his crotch. his clothes weren’t the only ones that suffered, though. your panties, pulled to one side for the quickest access to your cunt he could get, were soaked, too.
“Shut up,” he grunted, thin brows furrowing close together and teeth grinding when you grasp a handful of lavender locks, skewing his lazy side pony further, and jerking hard. expelling a heavy breath into your neck before pulling back, his head tilted upwards to accommodate your vice, lips parted, amethyst gems sparkling and pupils blown out with lust as he watches you squirm and cry out for him, against his demands to quieten down. “They’ll hear you.”
you couldn’t keep quiet, anyways. you couldn’t stifle your pleasured whines or the way you wanted to scream his name until your voice went hoarse. with your trembling knees dug into his ribs, your manicured nails biting at his shoulder and his scalp, your voice was your last line of defense against the haphazard way he fucked you. you didn’t care about the other boys in the building, the ones that you called your family, the ones that could — at any moment — hear you scream for Kanata and come running to ruin this beautiful, depraved moment with him.
all you cared about in this moment was Kanata, and how fucking good his cock felt inside you.
“Gonna cum!” you yip, your eyes threatening to roll back, toes curling. your knees tighten against his ribs, trying to lock him in place so you could ride out your high, “G—gonna c—!”
Kanata cut your mewling short, his middle and ring finger pushing into your mouth, muffling the sounds. they reach to the back of your throat in an instance, teasing your gag reflex as the rough, calloused pads press down hard on your tongue. your first instinct is to gurgle, eyes widening and flitting to look up at him. he was so close to you, his breath tickling the apples of your cheeks as his thumb anchors itself under your jaw, keeping you from pushing his fingers out as he fucked you into bliss. “Spoiled brat,” he spat, but there was a subtle yet undeniable fondness in his degradation. “I said shut up… You’re just gonna make me shut you up myself?” he moves them in your mouth, back and forth, to the reckless rhythm in which his hips snap to yours, and your eyes start to water as his digit tips prod at the opening of your throat each time, but this new way to keep you quiet had your pussy clenching, clamping down in his cock until he was breathless and struggling to keep his composure. “That’s— it… come on, princess,” the nickname sounded more like an insult coming from him, but it only made you wetter, “just keep… milking me… fuck, suck my fingers, baby.”
you obey, but only to keep as quiet as you could, sealing your glossy pink tiers around his fingers, you tasted the salt in his skin, your moaning turning to muffled vibrations as you struggle to keep your eyes open and on him.
but, you knew he was close and you wanted to see him cum.
his lip twitched, as if he were about to bare his teeth, his eyes glazing and falling out of focus as he becomes solely zeroed in on reaching his peak. his free hand grips tight on your hip, pulling you in to his movements, as the last few, erratic thrusts send you into your own tizzy. Kanata lets out a raspy moan, pushing you back and separating your bodies just in time for him to cum. wrenching his hands away, he uses them to pry your knees off of him, holding them far apart so he can pull out. as soon as he does, with a strangled cry from you, he releases, painting your panties and netherlips, the glaze dripping on to the table under you.
your chest was heaving for a moment, and you stare down at the mess he’s made of you, too, until you notice he’s staring at your face. it was only then that you felt the thin strings of saliva that he’d pulled from your mouth as they dribble on to your chin and leave little, damp patches on your top. you look up at him and smile. it was a half-dick drunk, silly grin, but it was enough to at least soften his gaze with a hint of adoration. “How the hell do I keep ending up here?” he asked in a low voice, pulling away to tuck himself back into his pants.
you sit up, and lean forward to catch him in a tight back hug, nuzzling your face in his shoulders. “Maybe you like me?” you ask, before adding, “I like you.”
Kanata’s silent, but he also doesn’t push you off for several moments, as if he’s deep in thought about something, before he scoffs and mutters, “I just fucked your brains out. You don’t even know what your own name is, much less what you like. You’ll think better of it later.” with that, now he does shrug you off, but he keeps his face partially hidden, trying to conceal the faint pink blush to his cheeks. “I gotta go. You know to clean up before you come out, right?” his eyeline falls to your ruined panties and the puddle of his spunk on the table. Iori would lose his mind if it left a stain, and the last thing Kanata needed was Zen on his ass. you make a face, scrunching your nose at his curt nature, even after doing something so intimate, but nod, and he heads out. you can swear, however, that you hear him murmur under his breath. “See you again… princess.”
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seasidefallenangel · 4 months
game au: voicelines
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notes: fluff, paralive game au, no content warnings, kinda brainrot
who else remembers when they lied to us about a paralive game? anyway here's some theoretical lines the characters would have about their significant other
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༄ kanata yatonokami:
⁀➷ about their lover:
“ha? the fuck does that have to do with you? 
… did they say something about me?”
⁀➷ fleeting memories:
“nayuta and i didn’t have shit growing up as kids, and they were always annoying about it. dropping by snacks, workin’ extra shifts to help us out - not like i asked for anything. i hate owing people though, so - … oi. get that damn smile off your face. they’re the one that wouldn’t leave me alone.”
⁀➷ quality time:
“mhm, i’ll be by later. love you too.”
[phone clicks]
“geez, you ever mind your own business? you can turn in that job yourself. i promised them i’d go by their house today and they won’t quit naggin’ me about it. huh? that’s not what i fucking mean! if i didn’t like em, i wouldn’t even be dating them. they just like sitting at home and talking to me. it’s weird but… makes em’ happy, so whatever.”
⁀➷ the future:
“nayuta won’t get off my case about marriage and all that shit ; says i should hurry up and give them a ring. doesn’t he know how old we are?! ‘sides, i don’t need some asshole with a bible to tell me we’re gonna be together forever. it’s either them or nobody, and they know it.”
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༄ iori suiseki:
about their lover: 
“i know it’s tempting, but that one over there ain’t one of my hostesses, so try not to stare so hard. my dearest deserves more respect than that, dont’cha think?”
⁀➷ fleeting memories:
“honestly, i thought everything was over after the suiseki massacre. my family helped out a lot, but they were the one to really drag me out of my slump. it’ll be hard as hell for me to ever repay em’ for that, but ‘m still tryin’ to this day.
speaking of, can ya run out and grab em’ for me? it’s been an hour since i’ve seen em, and i’m goin’ through withdrawals.”
⁀➷ safety:
“i’d like to think we’re pretty guarded these days, but i can never be too sure, yanno? honestly, in an ideal world i could just keep em’ in the house forever to make sure nothing can even come close to harming them. hm? is my face that scary?”
⁀➷ the future:
“oi, c’mere for a sec? i want your opinion. the band on this ring is nice, but the diamond cut on here is much more suited to their taste. ahaha, pick up yer jaw! ‘m not proposing anytime soon. just weighin’ out my options for now. i got too many things goin’ on to give em’ the real life they deserve, but one day i’ll be able to make em’ mine forever.”
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༄ shion kaida:
⁀➷ about their lover: 
“hmm? sorry to disappoint, but i’m not really doing stuff like that anymore. my angel might kill me if they catch wind of this, so you can go find someone else to please you, right?”
⁀➷ fleeting memories:
“i can’t blame you for wanting to come back - everyone always does. they were the first time i was the one to go back, though. so cold hearted towards me, i couldn’t help but want to see them crack. ah, but i wouldn’t advise you to try the same with them. i’m not a fan of sharing.”
⁀➷ bad habits:
“it’s hard not to fall into old ways, if i’m being honest. they’re understanding enough, given the… unique circumstances of my situation, but have enough of a backbone to put me in my place. 
though, just between us, i do it on purpose sometimes. seeing their angry face gets me all sorts of riled up. i’m falling in love at quite the unhealthy pace, fufu.”
⁀➷ the future:
“stability isn’t exactly my thing - i’m sure you’re not surprised. the two of us haven’t talked about that sort of thing yet, so i’m avoiding it as long as i can. i’d hate to see their disappointment when i tell them marriage isn’t in the cards for me.
… is what i’d like to believe, but they’re so cute i just might find myself caving into their charms. maybe they’re the manipulator between us after all.”
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༄ ryu natsume:
⁀➷ about their lover:
“yaho~! have you seen my alien commander? last i saw they were UP IN SPAAAACCCCEEEE - oh! there they are! WAHAHA, ATTACK TIME!”
⁀➷ fleeting memories:
"hm hm hmmmm - aha! that cloud looks like my rice ball! one time they shot me with a HUUUGGGEEE love beam and GAH! i was their slave for the next ten million years! ryu-kun doesn’t mind though - we can rule the whole world together.”
⁀➷ haunting thoughts:
“ryu-kun doesn’t want to be around anyone right now. they’re the only one who can make the monsters go away - but i don’t want them to see me the way i am. i like them so much… it really hurts.”
⁀➷ the future:
“d’you think they’d get mad if i wear a cat suit to our wedding? of course we’re getting married! everyone in japan is invited! we’ll have lots of cheese and takoyaki, shiki-kun will be the maid of honor, and we’ll be carried down the aisle with pigeons!”
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༄ toma hikage:
⁀➷ about their lover:
“hey, hey! which selfie is cuter? i like their hair in this one, oh - their smile is so bright here! but they’re irresistible when they’re annoyed at me! and then this is one where they’re sleeping, but this one’s filter is pretty, and this one -”
⁀➷ fleeting memories:
“long before visty was even a thing, they were always by my side. honestly, i doubt i would’ve become an idol without their encouragement. even with that horrible old face of mine, they always talked about how beautiful i was. haaa, i miss them so much! i need to call them right now!”
⁀➷ overbearing fans:
“maybe saying i’m everyone’s idol was a bad idea, haha. they get kinda jealous sometimes when we’re approached too often, but if i’m being real with you, it’s so hot! the way they call me theirs and grip my hand… totally heart pounding!”
⁀➷ the future:
“i hate to think about the day when visty isn’t a group anymore, but the idea of living a normal life with them is kinda nice, you know? waking up late, going grocery shopping, picking up the kids from school, family vacations. not anytime soon, obvs, but i can’t imagine ever wanting it with anyone else.”
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gentaro-kinniecom · 1 year
『Best friends to lovers trope + first kiss』
Characters: Souma Kanzaki, Yuta Aoi, Suou Tsukasa, Himeru, Kohaku Oukawa, Kanata Shinkai, Arashi Narukami, Hiyori Tomoe, Ritsu Sakuma and Ibara Saegusa.
C/w: fluff, jealousy (?), somewhat angst depending on some parts like (i can’t really specify since it’s up to the readers pov 🥲) , long post ?? (Ten characters meaning more scrolling if you see it that way?), Madara’s a chismoso in Kohaku’s part (snitch; I swear he did it cause Kohaku wasn’t making a move LMAO) it’s just cute and kisses rahh i love fluff (not proofread my bad) [WHY IS HIYORI’S PART SO LONG HELLO im not biased i swear] ugly cried making Ritsu’s part help. 3.5k words woah-
A/n: hello everyone :3 first off I wanna say tysm for the support in my last post!! I didn’t think it a lot of people would like it but im glad you guys enjoyed it, it made my day seeing all the support <3! And second, I’m working on those requests I PROMISEE (atp spam me to motivate me pls /hj), and I will be posting the remaining parts of the series “Kissing/Making out + hcs” soon as well, writers block really is making me not post 😭 but anyways!! Hope y’all enjoy this super cute trope >:3
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Souma Kanzaki✰
Your absolute best friend in the marine bio club, he loves researching about cute creatures and taking care of them too!! Souma isn’t really focused on romance, he’s really glad to have found friends like you and Adonis. But, why was he feeling some sort of way around you? Your smile was so soft, he felt his heart beat at the thought of it, and how warm your personality was with him. He was scared to even confess because you’ve been such a good friend to him that he really doesn’t want to ruin that friendship.
But its not like you have hinted anything towards him. It’s always been Adonis or Kanata, hell, even Kaoru, he wants you to look at him for once, just once and say you love him. Souma started to doubt whether or not to tell you, when suddenly as he opened his locker, saw an envelope with your name in it, addressed to him. He decided on going to the place you mentioned in your letter, seeing you there with a smile.
“Y/n…do you feel what I feel? I really enjoy your presence, but I can’t help but feel I want to be more than your friend, perhaps a partner? If you want to stay as friends then I understand-“
With that, you kissed him, he felt like his world was just surrounded by you and just you both. As you parted away, Souma blushed a bit, smiling brightly but slightly embarrassed as you spoke
“I love you too Souma, I’ve been waiting to say those words to you”
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Yuta Aoi✰
Let’s face it, you’re friends with Yuta and best friends with Hinata. He hates feeling like a second option towards you when Hinata isn’t there. Of course, you share moments like any good friend would, talking and spending time together. But it was all about Hinata; Hinata this, Hinata that. Yuta started growing feelings of jealousy for a while, but he couldn’t just go to his brothers best friend and admit of their crush, opening his heart out there and waiting for it to be held or acepted, anything but crushed.
Yuta knew he had to act one day or another, it can’t stay like this when you’re just there, being so kind to him even if he felt like a filler for when Hinata wasn’t there. Until one day, his brother found out about his crush, and promised him that he wasn’t interested in you, after all, Hinata felt like you were the sister they never had. After that day, Yuta saw things clearly, not blinded by the silly jealousy towards his brother and now focusing on winning your heart. Eventually, he invited you out to hang out together, which could be considered a date but he liked saying they were only going out as friends. Right after ending the date, Yuta held your hands softly, sighing before speaking.
“So, I wanna thank you for accepting my invite um to go out..but I also want to say something important-“
You cut him off by kissing him, he stood still, a bit in shock while his heart felt like it was about to burst.
“I like you too Yuta..sorry if I made you feel in any way less than your brother, you’re very important to me, you both are”
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Suou Tsukasa✰
Your friendship began with your father’s company partnering up with Tsukasa’s. You both instantly clicked having somewhat same interests, going to cafe’s around japan whenever your families traveled to other cities. Suou loves going to Yumenosaki Academy with you, it’s a routine going in and out and after school, taking you to the sweet fan club. It’s no surprise when the members of the club ask if you’re dating, to which Suou just blushes and denies it. Perhaps he was developing feelings for you?
No it couldn’t be, you were his best friend, and childhood one too. Kohaku had seen Suou doubtful at times and comforted him, encouraging his cousin to give it a try if he truly loved you. Even if things wouldn’t be the same after, Suou was really going to give this a try. The following days consisted of him acting more affectionate and close with you, gifting you small things like your favorite sweets even jewelry as well. To the point where you confronted him about all the sudden coddling.
“Okay Suou listen I appreciate the gifts and the kindness, but..is there a reason why you’re doing this? I mean- wait, you’re definitely hidding something right? Come on I know you and I’ve done so my entire life, it can’t be that bad-“
Suou leaned forward, kissing you softly as he had felt brave in that moment, soon pulling away muttering a small apology as he sighed
“I-I’m sorry, I really love your company and your sweet personality, you’ve showed me how to love and feel loved. I truly hope you feel the same as I do”
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After the incident regarding his brother, Kaname, Himeru learned everything about his brother. People didn’t find him strange, or acting weird when referring to himself in third person, after all Himeru knew how to blend in well with the crowd. Except for one person, you. Knowing Kaname well had it’s things, like predicting what things he wanted to do or talk about in the moment, even sharing class schedules with each other, so you knew he was not Kaname, but instead his brother who he had mentioned briefly before Himeru had come in as ‘him’. Still, Himeru had that side of him that made you look at him in another light.
Of course, he was portraying as his brother but, something about Himeru was just so different, he was more mature, rationalized everything and serious in a way that made you like him? He was kind and gentle with you, almost sickening, but in a good way. A year passed by and Himeru invited you to see his brother, how the incident had left him in a state of coma, tears were shed that day, and a lot. But you knew how much trust and care he had in you. So when he pulled you aside as you walked towards the place he’d ask you to meet him at, you weren’t surprised at what he said.
“Himeru hopes this is enough appropriate to aproach you this way. Himeru asked for you to meet him here, Himeru is thankful for that…would you be willing to give Himeru the opportunity to show you how much ‘I’ love you?”
You smiled, one he loved seeing so frequently. He placed his arms around you in a comforting way, kissing you softly while smiling
“Yes Himeru, I love you, not because you’re ‘impersonating’ your brother but, because i fell in love with the real you, the real Himeru thats under that façade”
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Kohaku Oukawa✰
Being part of whatever Madara dragged him into, wasn’t easy, especially with making acquaintances rather than his unit mates and Madara himself, not to mention his cousin Suou who is somewhat friends with you. He can’t even recall the time you both met, perhaps his cousin introduced you or he had seen you around the Reimei dormitories. Even if Kohaku didn’t attend school, he looked forward in meeting you in the hallways of the dorms. His conversations being short and direct but well mannered, he seemed to have taken a liking to you.
Or more like a slight fling of trust towards you since you knew his cousin and friends well. It wasn’t like him when he offered you to join him and share some of his favorite sweets or chatting online when you didn’t have time to hang out, always ending up with photos of Kohaku and the thing he was so busy at. Sometimes it would be photos of him at the practice studio or helping Madara out with something, they were really cute, but he didn’t have to know that, right? Then he suggested you both went out, taking you to his favorite shops and cafe’s filled with pastries from around the world, sharing a bite of the (favorite pastry) you were eating as he spoke, now having the opportunity to do so since you were both in a much more secluded area.
“Hey so..would it be alright if I..confessed? Okay no I’m not gonna beat around the bush, I like you, a lot. I talked this with Madara and he said i should tell you since honesty is important and”
He stopped, looking at you briefly after you had kissed him momentarily on the lips, he stared for a bit before snapping back into reality, coughing a bit as he averted his eyes across the room, trying to hide the embarrassment he felt because you liked him back and kissed him, even though he wanted to do so first
“Perhaps a little birdy might’ve told me something like that before…however the answer is still the same, I like you too Kohaku, thank you for being honest, I really like that about you too”
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Kanata Shinakai✰
You both met thanks to Madara and Ryuusetai. Since you worked with Madara on some missions, you actually knew Kanata when he was proclaimed to be a ‘god’. The shinkai cult was a very harsh one but, after Madara had saved Kanata, he was in your ‘debt’. But it never felt that way to either of you, Kanata is your best friend, one that always drags you towards any nearby water or anything you both enjoy. He really likes spending time with you and will not back off if you tell him he’s “too clingy”. People always say you were like platonic soulmates, but you’d always denied it with a small blush on your face.
However, feelings started to develop when he would always go towards you in need of help or advice, even saying good morning before anyone else, you were first and it made you feel something whenever he smiled at you or dragged you into the cold water of the fountain. Kaoru was the first to notice your feelings whenever you came by the marine bio club, cheeks a bit pink as Kanata hugged you. It was kinda obvious of how much you liked each other but were oblivious to it. Till one day, he invited you out to meet him in one of his favorite spots, laying out a blanket with some of your favorite snacks, looking at the ocean in front of you as he held your hand under the afternoon sun.
“I think I’m developing ‘feelings’ for you~ Y/n~, do you ‘like’ me too~?”
Smiling, he knew to take that as a sign to kiss you, his lips soft against yours as you parted away slowly, taking the time to admire his features and how the wind moved his hair slightly
“I love you Kanata, it feels like we’re destined to be with one another”
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Arashi Narukami✰
The cool stylish best friend you were so proud to have. Arashi knew the best skin care products and even gave you tips from time to time. She was the best to go to if you had any problems about anything. You both met at one of her regular make up stores to go to in the daily, she just so happened to love your fit and exchanged numbers. Arashi invites you to a couple of her shootings sometimes, looking your way when she’s posing or winking and the staff is quite positive that you’re dating each other. To which Arashi has no objection to but you’re almost sure she’s teasing you.
Besides you both have been friends for a couple of years, it’s nothing serious…or so you thought. Arashi had arranged a dinner after her regular model shootings and invited you, alone. Which caused some doubts because she would normally invite the rest of the Knights with you to eat together, especially for dinner. Upon entering the restaurant, placing your orders and sitting down, Arashi took out what seemed to be a box, you almost thought she was asking you to marry her but as she opened it, there were two rings, almost equal, she smiled and seemed a bit bashful as she spoke.
“You know I’m not really used to any of this but, I like you Y/n, I saw these rings and thought why not use them as promise rings? I hope you like it~!”
You smiled and held her hand as she kissed your cheek softly, then moving to kiss your lips briefly. Arashi then placed the ring on your finger as you did to her’s too. Many people thought it was an engagement and congratulated you both, even if it wasn’t, you ended up getting free dessert and a wonderful time with her
“I like you too Arashi! What just happened feels like something out of a fairytale, it was so romantic, thank you for the wonderful time~!”
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Hiyori Tomoe✰
Your 'archnemesis’ that turned into your best friend. Hiyori really didn’t get along well with you, especially when you hanged around with Jun most of the time, talking about similar interests as he watched you both from the sidelines while he waited for Jun to finish his conversation. It wasn’t fair whenever Jun opt to spend more time with you rather than him and his dog Bloody Mary. However one time, Jun went off with Makoto, leaving you alone with Hiyori and his dog, he then realized how kind you were with everything, especially Bloody Mary. After that day you both became the most inseparable of friends. Always giving you tips on your wardrobe and going out to get lunch or a cup of coffee to start the day. When he invited you to his concerts and events, you were always there, first row cheering him on as he looked at you from the stage. Something about seeing you so cheery in the crowd made his heart flutter, he felt so loved and cherished by his best friend.
Although he wouldn’t consider that anymore, it had developed into a crush throughout the weeks, leaning into your touch more as you both linked arms or his arm around your shoulder. He trusted you with some of his worries and inquires, always looking forward to your advice whenever he felt down or lost. He eventually ranted towards Nagisa and Bloody Mary, to which Nagisa pretty much replied with “be honest with them, you never know unless you say something”. Nagisa was right, he had to do whatever it took to say how he was feeling and Hiyori wasn’t backing down on this. It was when he had the idea to confess after one of his concerts with Eve, after briefly finishing and the majority of the people had left, he requested for your presence in his dressing room, escorted by one of the bodyguards Ibara had hired for the concert. Soon entering his dressing room and seeing flowers everywhere, even a small rose petal line leading directly towards Hiyori as he smiled and held a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers.
“Hiyori! Wow it’s so beautiful..but, why all this commotion? I mean I love it but-“
You felt his lips against yours briefly, a soft giggle leaving his lips as he leaned towards you once more, catching you by surprise again
“My dearest Y/n! I must admit you’ve caught my eye, and I have developed feelings for you, I hope you truly feel the same”
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Ritsu Sakuma✰
Ritsu had admired you from afar for quite some time now, noticing how happy you were with his brother and unit, too busy to even notice his presence whenever he was sleeping nearby, but that all changed once his brother had invited you over to dinner at their home. That’s how the friendship became to grow, you both shared similar tastes, music and even things like sleeping. He was your best friend since then and has been for a couple of months. Unfortunately, since he still holds a grudge against his brother Rei, you were kinda forced to choose between them, although not necessarily since you’d seen Rei almost everyday and Ritsu too, separated from each other. He opened himself up to you, telling Y/n how he felt like his brother had abandoned him at one point and how he didn’t want to feel that ever again, to which you had promised to stay by his side no matter what.
Soon, friendly cuddles were a thing under his favorite spot at the garden before going to the tea club. It felt like a routine; waking up, going to school, spending time with Ritsu and so on. Whenever he saw you with his brother, he really wasn’t jealous, just annoyed and bothered at the sight of Rei touching your arm slightly, whenever that happened he always approached you and placed his arm linked with yours as he waited for you both to finish said conversation. Feelings started to grow when he saw you waking up from one of your usual naps together, the way you slowly opened your eyes and how the sun softly graced your face, you looked like a sleeping angel, quite literally. He took it upon himself to confess the very day you both graduated, the last time you would’ve seen each other if it weren’t for his plans. Ritsu had pulled you aside, taking you to your usual spot as you both smile, a bit tearful at the sight of not being able to come back and share moments with each other but that’s when Ritsu held your hand softly
“Y/n..I want to apologize for how late this confession came to be but..I love you, I don’t want to let go of you just yet, or ever..please stay with me”
Ritsu asked as you smiled, his hands now on your cheeks as you pulled him in for a kiss, it felt so right to share such intimate moment with your now lover as he pulled back, looking at you dumbfounded for a moment as you spoke
“I love you more Ritsu~ I can’t wait to find more spots under trees so we can spend all the time in the world cuddling together”
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Ibara Saegusa✰
The protective best friend who doesn’t like anyone coming near you. He’s always been like that, since day one of your friendship. Ibara at first offered you to work with him since the job was open to be his assistant. Then it turned into late night talks and drinking some coffee in the morning before attending to important stuff that he realized he had actually found a friend for the first time in ever. Apart from Eden and Adam if that counts, he really felt at ease around you. His work became less heavy and less dull, thanks to the help of a kind friend like you and the company he had every day, he seemed to be in a better mood each week. In business meetings or Eden/Adam practices, he’s always keeping an eye on you, if anyone makes you uncomfortable or your well-being overall. Even attending his lectures, he felt happy seeing you taking notes and being so attentive when he told his speeches.
It’s so weird seeing that he prioritizes your friendship over his work a few times like taking you to lunch or spending time doing whatever you both want. It caused some curiosity between the members of Eden since Ibara would always be swarming in work and the progress of their units. They sincerely have to thank you for letting him see his soft spot, his sweet side to all that workaholic Ibara. It was quite refreshing to be honest, seeing him so at ease and the strees and burden from over the years were at much calm now beside you. It was love, he couldn’t imagine a life without you, Ibara imagined the day where he would wake up beside you, smiling softly as he kissed you so dearly in the morning. He thought that those “daydreams” of you both spending time together was normal, but he was just really catching feelings. After a long time of consideration, he decided to take you out to a very exclusive dinner, one which the entire restaurant was worth more than the entire ensemble square. He sat in front of you, letting you choose a variety of dishes before grabbing your hand and speaking
“I’ll keep this short and simple, I really love your company, and I can’t help but wish more of it, more of your touch..if you catch what I mean..please don’t keep me waiting, the thought of being rejected is harsh but I’d rather know that- mmmphf-!”
He felt himself turn red, cheeks flaired with a pink hue as he felt your lips against his, his face was priceless. Chapped but so soft against yours, he didn’t want to let go, even for a catch of air, however when you did, your hands linked as you smiled
“I love you as well Ibara, don’t stress over something that was already expected from the both of us~”
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