#the reviews for Engage are also looking extremely promising
tamamita · 2 years
this might be the first time I've ever gotten interested in a fire emblem game. I didn't really try out 3houses, since I wasn't really into tactical role-playing games at that time, but I do know there is a big community of FE fans that do love it, so perhaps this will be a unique experience for me.
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aadamkempfitness · 2 months
HeroFX Review: A Comprehensive Look at the Alleged Forex Scam
In the vast and often volatile world of forex trading, the presence of unscrupulous brokers is a constant threat to both novice and seasoned traders. HeroFX, a broker that has recently come under scrutiny, is the subject of many discussions and concerns. This review delves into the various aspects of HeroFX to determine whether it is a legitimate broker or a potential scam.
Background and Overview
HeroFX claims to offer a comprehensive trading platform with a wide range of assets, including forex, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies. Promising competitive spreads, high leverage, and a user-friendly interface, HeroFX aims to attract traders looking for a reliable trading experience.
Regulation and Licensing
One of the primary red flags for any forex broker is the lack of proper regulation and licensing. HeroFX is reportedly not registered with any reputable financial regulatory authority. This absence of regulation means that traders are not protected by any governing body, increasing the risk of fraudulent activities and loss of funds.
Trading Platform and Tools
HeroFX offers its own proprietary trading platform, which is marketed as intuitive and feature-rich. While the platform appears to be functional, there have been numerous complaints about its reliability and execution speed. Some users have reported significant delays in order execution, leading to potential losses.
The broker also provides various tools and resources for traders, such as educational materials, market analysis, and trading signals. However, the quality and accuracy of these resources are questionable, with many users alleging that the information provided is often outdated or misleading.
Customer Support
Effective customer support is crucial for any forex broker, especially when dealing with complex financial transactions. HeroFX has received mixed reviews in this area. While some traders have reported satisfactory interactions with the support team, many others have experienced long wait times, unhelpful responses, and unresolved issues. This inconsistency in customer service further undermines the broker's credibility.
Withdrawal and Deposit Issues
One of the most significant concerns surrounding HeroFX is the difficulty many traders face when trying to withdraw their funds. Numerous complaints highlight delayed withdrawals, with some users claiming they never received their money. This pattern of behavior is often indicative of a scam broker, as legitimate brokers prioritize transparent and efficient fund transfers.
Additionally, the deposit process has also raised suspicions. HeroFX allegedly encourages large initial deposits and offers enticing bonuses that come with restrictive terms and conditions, making it challenging for traders to access their funds.
User Reviews and Complaints
A cursory glance at various online forums and review sites reveals a plethora of negative feedback from traders who have used HeroFX. Common grievances include:
Unresponsive or hostile customer service.
Manipulated trading conditions leading to unexpected losses.
Inability to withdraw funds.
Suspiciously positive reviews that appear fabricated.
These recurring themes paint a concerning picture of HeroFX and suggest a pattern of unethical practices.
In conclusion, while HeroFX presents itself as a reputable forex broker with attractive features, the overwhelming evidence points to the contrary. The lack of regulation, persistent withdrawal issues, and numerous negative user reviews all indicate that HeroFX may not be a trustworthy broker. Traders are advised to exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with this broker. In the unpredictable world of forex trading, it is always better to err on the side of caution and choose a broker with a proven track record of reliability and transparency.
For more check out this article: Herofx-review
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The importance of setting rules for your fictional universe
I talked about this a little in another recent post in terms of rules for character design (not any like…theory or rules for designing characters, but rather rules for WHY a character looks a certain way) and it made me think more about world building in general.
I’ll be talking mainly about Hellaverse stuff since it’s on my mind, at first because I rewatched HB and now again b/c the HH trailer dropped.
B/c I gotta be honest, I’m pretty sure the world of Hazbin Hotel is gonna fall flat for me the same way that Helluva Boss has.
And as a reminder, I’m not trying to bash Helluva and Hazbin. I enjoyed the recent Hazbin trailer, but I think it’s really important to examine and think about story stuff.
Critique/Review below!
I think one of, if not THE biggest thing keeping HB and HH from feeling like a fully realized world is that we don’t really have any rules or standards for what is considered “normal” in Hell.
And since there’s no baseline for what is considered moral and immoral in hell, characters and their reactions to violence, crime, verbal abuse, body shaming, etc. seem to switch rapidly between sharing an earthly human morality, where everything is mirroring our current day society, and an anything goes kill-steal-maim total anarchy ideology.
To me the HH/HB version of hell comes off like the purge, except actually there ARE some crimes that are off limits. Like murder is okay sometimes and of course there are assassins everywhere that’s just a normal freelance sort of business. But also there’s organized crime and if you steal from a bank you go to hell-jail.
For example, after “Exes and Oh’s”, I had assumed killing other Imps or hellborn must be considered a crime, the way that Crim’s behavior and killing of his underlings was portrayed as completely negative and horrific. But then remembered that Millie having a neighborhood body count due to getting too competitive is mentioned as a joke, and it’s pretty clear that her family thinks of it as more of an embarrassing incident than like…an actually terrible thing to do.
I thought, “Okay, we’ll, maybe it’s just Moxxie’s Mom that was against all the violence being taught to her son.” But apparently she’s from the Wrath ring, the same ring as Millie. So was Moxxie’s Nameless Mom seen as being particularly different or strange to the what a “typical” Wrath Imp is? We can’t know.
Like. We see that imps have romantic relationships and can care deeply about each other and fall in love, just like humans do. In reference to the neighborhood bodycount thing, were Millie’s neighbors not extremely upset with her? Wouldn’t they also grieve their loved ones? Is it sometimes socially acceptable to kill other Imps like in sporting events???
Are the rules for what is seen as socially acceptable for sinners different from what’s socially acceptable for hellborn? Are there different ideas of what is socially acceptable from ring to ring?
I worry that when I ask these questions about a fictional universe, people will think I’m TRYING to dig or look for things to tear that world apart.
I promise I’m thinking about these things so deeply out of curiosity and because I want to engage with the material.
I want to understand and have fun in the fictional universe the writers have invited us all to. But if the rules of your universe are not clear, it can make it much harder for audiences to navigate the story you are trying to tell in that setting.
The HH/HB universe just does NOT have that clarity right now. Since season 2 of HB I’ve noticed that the world building has become more and more inconsistent, and if it’s supposed to now SHARE that world with HH, I really don’t know how they’re going to make their world coherent.
As a final note these are just my opinions. They are not objectively right. If you love Hh and HB and firmly believe the story is clear and the world building makes sense that’s great!! Genuinely, I am happy that the story means a lot to you and you enjoy it. These are just my personal critiques and views.
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~ August's Books Reviewed ~
The month started out strong with me riding a Sanderson high, then I did a thing that I objectively hate and know will 9 times out of 10 have me reading less, which is started several books at once.... as of the end of August I was reading three books at once, yet none of them were finished so none of them get included in August's round up... look forward to that in September I guess!
The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson
(763 pages)
The stress I felt reading this was unreal... which is simply evidence of how good it is. It genuinely was pulling actual visceral reactions from me and I physically could not put it down at points. I know this is a shorter review than usual, but I can think of nothing else to say.
I gave this book 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson
(748 pages)
An amazing conclusion to a really really good trilogy. The twists and turns of this were so well executed and completely shocking in exactly the right way. The ending in particular I never could have seen coming. If this were a spoiler review I'd be able to go on more, but for now, I leave with simply the promise that if you love fantasy novels, Sanderson novels, epic twists and/or social/religious/political commentary then you should definitely give this series a try!
I gave this book 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
(585 pages)
I was gifted this book and admit to being a little wary before committing to reading it, as a general rule books that blow up exclusively on social media tend to be a let down to me after the copious amounts of hype they've received. I'm pleased to say that was not the case with this book. If anything, I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed it. It was extremely uniquely written; it was emotional, clever and beautiful. The characters were all so complex and felt genuinely so real. I would say that was the highlight of this book, the characterisation. Every character you could relate to a real person. You sympathised with their decisions, or at least understood them. Like real life, there was no villains and heroes. Bad people and good people and somewhere in the middle people, sure. But also like real life, the last group was the most prevalent, and the first two groups different to each individual's opinions. I would actually really recommend this book to almost everyone I know who reads, I'm pretty sure everyone could find something in it that keeps their focus, be it the mystery, the love story, the characters....
I gave this book 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The twist of a knife by Anthony Horowitz
(373 pages)
I am like 90% sure that this was not the first book in a series, however it stood well as a stand alone book too! Like the other Horowitz book I read earlier this year, I found this novel a little slow to pick up at first, however I did get into it in the end. I found it clever and quirky and I loved the meta elements. Ultimately, it was exactly what it was advertised as - a light, humorous murder mystery - and actually, I'm not mad about taking a break for something silly every so often!
I gave this book 3 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️
If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio
(422 pages)
After the success of The Seven Husbands, I felt brave enough to try another recent social media favourite book. I'd seen mixed reviews over this one, however my flatmate strongly recommended it and as usual, our tastes in books aligned and it was extremely good. Despite the predictability of the plot, I was fully engaged the entire way through which speaks to how well the characters were depicted that I was willing to look past the predictability of it all just to read more about the people. In fact, I would like to make this a formal call for more people to start writing fanfictions for this novel because I want to read even more about these characters and am being denied that currently based off the limited options on ao3 (if anyone has any good recommendations please let me know!) I think, if I had read this in another month it would have received five stars, however it was let down by the fact that it was read within the same weeks as Sanderson and The Seven Husbands which meant I could not in good conscience give it full marks when the plot was just a little too easy to see coming for me. Therefore....
I gave this book 4 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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bookwhimses · 2 years
People who still leave comments on Cheer Up Buttercup, I love you all and your reviews always seem to come in when I’m having a bad week. I honestly can’t begin to describe how much it means to me that people reread and still love that fic. It makes me feel so proud of it.
I have something around or possibly over twenty-eight DGHDA wips. I haven’t been able to write for a long time, and I went through a period where DGHDA in particular was weirdly triggering to engage in for ptsd reasons (don’t worry, there's no fandom drama or anything, I just had a traumatic event happen irl and my confused brain put the trauma in DGHDA). The fic I want to finish most though is a Farah introspec fic I wrote for a Big Bang partnered with Juniper, who was extremely understanding about me having a mental breakdown* and not finishing it. Every time I try to go back to it I feel paralysed by my own promise that it would be the first fic I published once I felt able to write again.
I’ve come to the conclusion that this is dumb. In June I was diagnosed with ADHD. Prior to that, if someone with ADHD told me, “Oh, I have this thing I feel stuck on, pathologically unable to finish; for a long time I was unable to look at it, and now I feel crushed by the weight of my own lack of action and the responsibility and the imagined failure I have projected onto myself, but I told myself I’m not going to do anything easy before I finish this incredibly difficult task,”
I would have said to them, “I’m sorry, but sounds insane. You have ADHD. I’m not a doctor, but from what I understand you don’t naturally produce enough dopamine to ram your head repeatedly into a wall of things that sound like the opposite of dopamine. You’ve set up a system wherein you have one very challenging objective, and you cannot engage in any of the behaviours that would make that objective easier for you until you finish that objective. This is not intelligent game design, and frankly it shows a total lack of kindness towards yourself. It is clearly not working. Try something else.”
It is very difficult to accept that what I would say to someone else is also what I deserve to hear and what is true for me. But every other month I still get comments from people from somewhere across the globe who read something I wrote and felt moved by it. And I think it's worth noting – it's vital for me to note to myself – that having the kind of brain I have does come with other skills.
When I wrote Cheer Up Buttercup I didn’t go into it with a grand plan, let alone conceptualise it as anything more moving or deep than “AU where everything is the same but Dirk works at Lush lol”. I wrote that first chapter fully expecting it to border on crackfic. I think to anyone reading it's obvious that it starts off matching the beats of a standard low-stakes shippy fluff fic. I got a lot of reviews that said things to the effect of "I thought this was going to be a dumb bath bomb store AU, then it got serious, what the fuck" and, honestly, that happened to me too as its writer. I followed that vein of joy of was something fluffy and silly and camp until I unexpectedly struck something more introspective that touched on heavier subject material.
And I have to stress, I don't mean that as "it started as cheap and stupid and then became a more worthwhile and meaningful fic", because the thing I love most about Cheer Up Buttercup is how it is both stupid and meaningful. It's fluffy and silly and camp, traits which are not easy or meaningless things to write, and it draws on very personal experiences, which can be exhausting to read. I still treasure reviews which say that the fluff made the serious less confronting and more accessible, that they didn't expect a Ted talk on mental health and cognitive behaviour patterns in the middle of their gay slowburn bath store AU but it had made them want to change the way they lived their life every day.
Since being diagnosed with ADHD I have suddenly had something to blame for traits I have that have been difficult to bear or highly inconvenient my whole life. I have had many days where I've broken down crying and said that I wished I didn't have ADHD and I could just Do Stuff Normally, With Planning And No Time Blindess. But Cheer Up Buttercup wasn't planned. It was entirely organic. I only sketched out the barest of plot outlines, which quickly spiralled into something completely different while I was writing the chapter where Todd decides to turn his life around. And I don't think I could have written it if I didn't have ADHD.
(I've also had multiple reviewers tell me that they love the way I write Dirk, particularly the neurodiverse aspects of his character. I write Dirk's neurodivergent expression partially based on my own feelings and experiences, and I always knew I had autism while writing Dirk, so I tagged "autistic Dirk" often. Being told that my Dirk seemed very ADHD was one of the first things that made me go, huh?? hmmm. uh-oh. nahhhh.)
I realise that I may sound here like I have a hugely inflated sense of self-importance and like I think my bath bomb store AU is a culturally relevant text soon to be studied in high schools across the nation. I promise I have no such illusions, it's one fic for a relatively small fandom, posted when the fandom was already losing traction and when hope of any further content was very slim. But I can't talk about that fic self-deprecatingly, I refuse to talk about it with anything other than affection and sincerity because it means a lot to me for many reasons, and chief among them is how much it means to other people.
I've had so many people leave comments or message me telling me that reading that fic made them want to change their life, or that they've reread it more than once and each time it motivates them to care for themselves. To me it doesn't matter if they're as successful as Todd is, or if the change is permanent, or even particularly long – and I definitely don't take credit for work that, ultimately, they and/or their loved ones do. I also know that I'm far from the only fic writer who's gotten reviews like that. But even then and either way, the value conferred onto that 100k ship fic by even one person telling me it has made them care about themself, even for just a moment, feels so immense to me that I can't picture the scope of it in my mind's eye.
By extension I feel a value has been conferred onto me, and my efforts, and my thoughts and feelings. And my brain, and the way it works. Because all of those things were put whole-heartedly into that fic. Again, I don't mean this in the sense of ego or importance but in the sense that it feels like being given a gift which in itself is the awareness of having a gift. Having it in the sense of being given it by others, having it in the sense of being born with it, having it in the sense that I want to give it to another person. It expands endlessly onto itself, precious and beautiful and startling. And a gift is something to be grateful for.
So, yes, alright, I may have not planned this post out either at all, as I very clearly start off saying that I can't describe how the reviews make me feel, then go on to try to describe how the reviews make me feel. And yes, this post may in fact have just been prompted by someone commenting on Cheer Up Buttercup and reminding me that I've written something worth rereading, and I likely would not have written this post this way if I knew how to Do Stuff Normal With Planning And No Time Blindness. But, thankfully, I have ADHD, so I just spent some uncertain amount of time realising that it's dumb that I'm imposing Do Stuff Normal People Rules on me, when I'm a Do Stuff At Total Random With Zero Planning But Golly Gosh, So Much Heart kind of person. And instead of waiting another two years for my brain to suddenly not have ADHD so I can finish my Farah fic and then, I don't know, become a bank clerk or something, I should just find a fic, any happy little fic, and write that. And trust that wherever it takes me will be more interesting than this.
And I miss the DGHDA universe. It is practically custom tailored for Do Stuff At Total Random With Zero Planning But Golly Gosh, So Much Heart kind of people. I miss finding a way to put a horse in a bathroom in every fic. I'll stop doing it once it stops being funny to me personally.
*As in I literally had a mental breakdown, that’s why I disappeared from the fandom. Not that I was a prominent person in any way I just mean that I used to interact with mutuals and friends a lot on Discord and Tumblr and then I just sort of disappeared.
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usergreenpixel · 2 years
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1. The introduction
Well, hello again, dear Citizens! Welcome back to Jacobin Fiction Convention because it is now back in session!
Okay, first I will get one thing out of the way. I’m doing much better than I did in summer, hence the decision to resume my reviews. And what better way to make a comeback than to get the promised things out of the way first?!
On that note, I introduce to you the topic of today’s meeting: “Napoleon’s Pyramids”, a novel in the adventure genre set in the Egyptian campaign. Now, Directory years don’t have a good reputation in the Frev community, but technically those years are still officially Frev, hence my decision to include this book in the Jacobin Fiction Convention category.
Anyway, I’m pretty sure some people in my audience already know it, but I LOVE adventure stories, so when I stumbled across this book on a quest to find more Frev/Napoleonic media to review, you can bet your ass that I got excited!
Also, its resemblance to an Indiana Jones story initially drew me in, as I used to like the first Indiana Jones movie as a kid (not so much now) so there is some nostalgia involved here as well.
Luckily for me, I managed to find the book in pdf format here:
Then I did more research and it’s available in Russian too, mainly online and sometimes in paperback form, so my fellow Russian speakers who aren’t good at English can find the Russian version!
Is it worth looking for though? Well, let’s find out.
This review is dedicated to @mamelukeraza .
2. The Summary
Here’s the summary from Amazon and, apparently, the back cover of the book:
What mystical secrets lie beneath the Great Pyramids?
The world changes for Ethan Gage—one-time assistant to the renowned Ben Franklin—on a night in post-revolutionary Paris, when he wins a mysterious medallion in a card game. Framed soon after for the murder of a prostitute and facing the grim prospect of either prison or death, the young expatriate American barely escapes France with his life—choosing instead to accompany the new emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte, on his glorious mission to conquer Egypt. With Lord Nelson's fleet following close behind, Gage sets out on the adventure of a lifetime. And in a land of ancient wonder and mystery, with the help of a beautiful Macedonian slave, he will come to realize that the unusual prize he won at the gaming table may be the key to solving one of history's greatest and most perilous riddles: who built the Great Pyramids . . . and why?
By all accounts, this book should have been right up my alley! I mean, we have adventures, ancient artifacts, mysteries and clues! What could possibly go wrong?!
(Spoiler alert: A LOT. More on that later.)
3. The Story
First of all, I didn’t really like the beginning of the book, mostly because the narrator (Ethan Gage) really takes his precious ass time to dive into his backstory and explain how he ended up at a table playing that fateful card game. I’m talking about two pages of backstory before finally getting to the fucking point!
Don’t get me wrong, a proper introduction is important to me personally, but maybe my problem is the fact that I prefer to receive a character’s backstory over time, bit by bit. Otherwise it gets a bit too distracting for me, especially when Gage stops narrating to crank out a few pages of his damn autobiography before returning to the actual events at hand.
Also, unfortunately for this book, the comparisons to Indiana Jones don’t imply anything good here. It simply reads like an extremely predictable adventure story that desperately tries and fails to be engaging and fun while treating really old orientalist tropes like a checklist (mysterious Egypt, hot slave girls…). Even the cliffhanger ending is predictable as shit.
Moreover, there is almost no suspense. Gage either conveniently shoots his target or gets conveniently rescued all the time. In short, he always wins, which is not what should happen in a good story because most people get bored with heroes who always win.
Last but not least, too many coincidences and everyone being connected to the point where my suspension of disbelief just went right out the window.
At one point Ethan Gage randomly encounters Sidney Smith, for example. Also he gets rescued by Nelson after a naval battle. And in a later chapter it turns out that the Romani with whom Gage had to hide at one point were the ones who alerted Gage’s future allies in Egypt about his arrival. Very fucking believable.
At this point, this book may as well be a soap opera where all the heroes are somehow connected!
Speaking of heroes…
4. The Characters
I don’t like Ethan Gage. He’s basically a knockoff Indiana Jones crossbred with a Mary Sue. Perfect sharpshooter, womanizer, spy, adventurer, apprentice of Benjamin Franklin. He has a lot of skills and connections and not enough justification for having them.
Trust me, even the fact that he’s a Freemason wasn’t enough for me to justify the fact that he just HAPPENS to know a bunch of important people.
Other than that, he starts out as a typical lone adventurer with no family who enjoys gambling and the company of sex workers. I was half expecting him to go full James Bond and be an alcoholic too, but luckily it wasn’t that cliché.
The Macedonian slave mentioned in the summary, Astiza, is a slightly more interesting character, even though she’s not free from clichés. Starting out as a beautiful mysterious slave girl, she is revealed to know more than she lets on and has a knack for practicing magic. Also she is later revealed to have known the villain of the book… Welcome to Santa Barbara, folks!
As for the villain, Count Alessandro Silano is presented as this master manipulator and a looming threat who wants to harness whatever secrets the ancient secrets and/or powers this medallion can potentially provide. In reality, however, he’s more of a hammy movie villain who likes to monologue, has no positive traits whatsoever has the same ability to survive the impossible as Gage does. Or maybe they both can just respawn, I dunno.
Unfortunately, “cliché” and “flat” are the best adjectives to describe most original characters in the story. Gage’s friend, Antoine Talma, is your typical intrepid reporter but at least he’s more relatable than Gage; Ashraf, a Mameluke Gage captures, is just a loyal servant who is there to conveniently swoop in and rescue Gage Deus ex machina style, etc.
It’s basically modern clichés served under the “sauce” of the Frev setting.
By the way, Napoleon is there as well and he gives me the same vibes as the Nazi villains in the first Indiana Jones movie. He only cares about people who are useful to him, doesn’t give a shit about his troops and also wants to harness the abilities that medallion potentially can provide so he can use those powers to CONQUER THE WORLD!
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Most other historical figures only have minor roles, but I’m glad we got cameos of people like Kléber, Vivant Denon and other military men and scientists who were actually part of that campaign.
5. The Setting
Unfortunately, even the descriptions of settings leave a lot to be desired. They’re just blander than stale bread and I’m not even sure how accurate they are. Probably inaccurate as fuck though, if I’m being honest…
Paris is this city of vices like brothels and gambling houses and this setting is hyperbolic like we’re in a noir detective story.
Egypt is a treasure trove of orientalist clichés - a land of mysteries, cruel people, beautiful women and wise scholars who may or may not dabble in magic. That being said, I liked the fact that the book took a sledgehammer to clichés about harems.
6. The Writing
Ooh boy, I have some complaints here too. Aside from the distractingly long backstory tidbits I already ranted about, that is.
For example, basic French grammar and spelling have clearly left the chat because there are characters whose last names are spelled d’Liberté and d’Bonneville (de is only turned into d’ before vowels or the letter “h”) and at one point there’s a hotel called Le Cocq instead of Coq (rooster). The book was written in 2007 so it’s not like the author couldn’t look up the words and basic grammar that I learned in fifth grade!
These may seem like tiny mistakes, but if the author didn’t bother to look up the basics, then this makes me concerned about other mistakes in the novel that I probably missed. So yeah, take everything in this with a grain (or a barrel) of salt.
Last but not least, this:
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This is where General Dumas and General Desaix make a cameo. Now, it seems fine… except there’s no prior mention of them being present in this scene at all before they speak their lines so… did these two just randomly poof into existence or something?
Also, these two suffer from Delayed Introduction Syndrome ™️, which means we don’t find out who the fuck these men are until a few chapters later and we don’t get any descriptions of them before that either.
Why is this an issue? Well, other minor characters in the book do get a proper introduction and a brief description IMMEDIATELY or SHORTLY after being mentioned, so there is an inconsistency here, especially since some minor characters get TOO MUCH time dedicated to their descriptions despite the fact that they are not part of the main cast (d’Liberté in particular gets too much attention).
Also, some descriptions in the book are unintentionally funny, like a part where Gage compares a woman’s nipples poking out of her cleavage to soldiers sticking heads out of a trench. Yes, this is the real comparison in the book and it fucking cracked me up.
One thing I appreciate, however, is the fact that the narrative doesn’t shy away from describing gruesome injuries like traumatic amputations and sometimes the author does have the balls to permanently kill off an important character (said characters has a really gruesome death btw). I don’t mind blood and gore like this, but trigger warning just in case you’re more squeamish than me.
7. The Conclusion
All in all, instead of being a cool swashbuckling adventure, “Napoleon’s Pyramids” comes off as an Indiana Jones ripoff with clichés stacked onto one another like Jenga blocks, a cast of bland characters, mistakes that could be easily corrected by a few Internet searches and inconsistent writing.
Do I recommend it? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Please don’t waste your time on this novel.
Okay, with that said, it’s time to conclude today’s meeting of the Jacobin Fiction Convention.
Please stay tuned for updates on future reviews and stay safe.
Citizen Green Pixel
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After enough digging, I've finally gathered enough information about a plausible Onlan Primarina, finishing the trio of starter Pokémon.
With the previous Pokémon, I've discovered how they managed to adapt to the new culture of Onla in order to survive. However, this Pokémon is an unfortunate example of one being unable to. Primarina strives best in warm environments with lots of water to swim in. It was already going to struggle with the cooler temperatures of the region, but engaging in land-based warfare was what caused the high death count that many records have written. But that wasn't where the papers ended.
Onlan Primarina (Water/Ghost)
Evolved from Brionne at Level 34
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Further digging caused me to unearth several stories of Primarina's inability to move on with death. Details were always sparse, but they described it lounging at the coast side, singing out loud as it bathed itself in the waters nearby. I've found little describing its appearance, as most of the recovered documents end right after they mention going to investigate it. Only one source was written by someone who survived an encounter, a journal belonging to a chef of all people.
All he was able to write about its body was how it shimmered with a red flare, almost as if its own anger manifested on its body. He also mentioned that it attacked with ferocious speed once he got too close. It was only with the bombardments of his Clawitzer that he managed to escape it.
Art drawn by @/YanpaiArt on Twitter! I'm happy he was so patient with me haha, since this drawing turned out really great! If you also want art like this, I really recommend checking him out, especially since he has commissions open at the moment.
As I mentioned in my previous post, I've been gathering this information from old documents, which many haven't bothered to skim through. Death records, personal journals, and more. However, a recent book I've uncovered described far more than just Primarina. It seems to be a work-in-progress documentation of the Pokémon in the region, almost like a prototype Pokédex. Not only does this seem to be the oldest Pokédex ever discovered (being thousands of years older than the recently recovered Hisui dex!), but the information inside it hints at the possibility of several other regional forms and evolutions!
Of course, one book isn't enough to prove the existence of said Pokémon. However, it does mean I have a lot more work ahead of me. That being said, researching these three Pokémon has already been stressful enough. I don't think I can tackle all of this alone. (Especially the fieldwork, I hate leaving the house.)
That's why I've decided to open up two job slots! I'm currently just looking for somebody to handle fieldwork as well as somebody to assist with research. I unfortunately can't promise that the pay will be extremely great, but you can live in my lab without needing to pay for rent! If this sounds like something you'd wish to do, I've opened up a form that you can fill out with your information! I'll be reviewing each application with extreme care.
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3dreamstudios · 3 months
Enhancing Design And Engagement With 3D Architectural Visualization
In the evolving landscape of church architecture and construction, 3D architectural visualization has emerged as a pivotal tool. This technology not only aids in the meticulous planning and execution of church building projects but also enhances communication and engagement with the congregation. By creating detailed, lifelike models of proposed architectural projects, 3D visualization helps bridge the gap between conceptual ideas and tangible realities, making it an invaluable asset for church communities looking to expand or renovate their spaces.
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1. Visualizing the Vision
The primary benefit of 3D architectural visualization is its ability to bring a church’s vision to life before any physical work begins. Traditional blueprints and sketches can be challenging for non-professionals to interpret, but 3D models allow church leaders and congregations to see and understand the proposed changes or new constructions in a realistic format. This clarity can generate excitement and support among the congregation, making them more invested in the project from the outset.
2. Enhancing Decision-Making
3D visualization offers church decision-makers a powerful tool to assess and refine architectural designs. By viewing a structure from various angles and experimenting with different design elements, church leaders can make informed decisions about aesthetic and functional aspects of a building. This process helps in optimizing the design to better suit the needs of the congregation, ensuring that the final structure is both beautiful and practical.
3. Facilitating Fundraising Efforts
When church communities embark on building projects, fundraising plays a crucial role. 3D architectural visualizations can be extremely effective in fundraising campaigns, as they provide potential donors with a clear picture of what they are investing in. These visual tools help convey the potential and promise of a project, making it easier to inspire generosity among members and stakeholders.
4. Improving Communication with Architects and Contractors
Effective communication between church committees and construction professionals is vital to the success of any architectural project. 3D visualizations act as a common language, reducing misunderstandings and ensuring that all parties have a unified vision of the project. This precision in communication helps in avoiding costly errors during construction, facilitating a smoother building process.
5. Incorporating Feedback Seamlessly
One of the dynamic aspects of 3D visualization is its adaptability. As church members review the proposed designs, their feedback can be incorporated into the model quickly and efficiently. This iterative process allows for the design to evolve in response to the community’s needs and preferences, ensuring that the final outcome reflects the desires of the congregation as closely as possible.
6. Planning for Sustainability and Efficiency
Modern church building projects often prioritize sustainability and operational efficiency. 3D architectural visualization tools can simulate different scenarios, showing how the building will perform under various conditions and helping to plan for energy efficiency. This can include the analysis of natural light, ventilation, and other environmental factors, which are crucial in reducing long-term running costs and minimizing environmental impact.
7. Serving as a Tool for Long-Term Maintenance and Management
Beyond the construction phase, 3D models can serve as detailed references for future maintenance and management of church facilities. Having a digital model helps in planning upgrades, renovations, or repairs, providing a detailed overview of every aspect of the church structure.
3D architectural visualization is transforming the way churches plan, build, and interact with their physical spaces. By offering a detailed and accurate depiction of architectural projects, this technology not only enhances the design process but also strengthens community involvement and support. For church communities considering new construction or renovations, integrating 3D visualization into their planning process can lead to more successful outcomes and a building that truly reflects the spirit and needs of the congregation. As we look to the future, the role of 3D visualization in church architecture is set to become more integral, bridging the gap between divine inspiration and earthly realization.
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enverracapital · 5 months
Bit Invest Ltd Review 2024
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Bit Invest Ltd Review - Report a chargeback against Bit Invest Ltd if you are scammed by Bit Invest Ltd
If you've fallen victim to the Bit Invest Ltd scam broker, don't hesitate to file a complaint. Read Bit Invest Ltd reviews take action and recover your lost funds with our assistance. While there are plenty of trustworthy brokers out there, traders should avoid fraudulent brokers to protect their trading capital. A shady broker may cause you to lose all of your money, even if you follow the best trading tactics and skills, so it's important to stay away from scammers. The Enverra Capital team can assist you if you were scammed by an Bit Invest Ltd broker and are unsure about how to get your money back. Read this Bit Invest Ltd review to know more. Bit Invest Ltd Website – https://www.bit-invest.org/ Address – St Andrews, SCOTLAND, 10 Queen Street Place, London, EC4R 1BE. Warning – Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom) Domain Age – Domain Name: bit-invest.org Registry Domain ID: b872cf940f82411fb3f6f9fd3cb1b784-LROR Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.namecheap.com Registrar URL: http://www.namecheap.com Updated Date: 2023-07-08T15:31:11Z Creation Date: 2021-05-24T15:31:05Z Registry Expiry Date: 2024-05-24T15:31:05Z
Signs of Potential Fraudulence in Bit Invest Ltd 
BITInvest, purportedly owned by BIT Management Ltd and established in 2009, operates as an online broker with offices in London, UK, and the US. Offering trading opportunities in crypto markets, financial futures and options, marginal shares, and other financial instruments, BITInvest's website touts consistently high profits for its members. However, the absence of licensing and regulation raises significant concerns about the legitimacy of BITInvest. Numerous reports from former investors highlight difficulties in withdrawing funds from their trading accounts, with the company providing no satisfactory explanation for the delays. The warning signs of a potential BITInvest scam are compounded by the Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) alert to the public. The FCA has cautioned potential investors that BITInvest operates as an unregulated broker, rendering its services illegal in the UK. As a result, investing with BITInvest is deemed risky, with funds potentially at stake. In light of these warnings and evidence, individuals are strongly advised to exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough due diligence before engaging with BITInvest or similar platforms to safeguard their investments and financial well-being.
Bit Invest Ltd Review: Conclusion
Investors who believe they have been scammed of their money are the biggest complainants to BITINvest; in most cases, this is because members were unexpectedly and suddenly prevented from accessing the money in their trading accounts. Although the broker's website states that all communications are answered right away, there are also many complaints of subpar customer service, with users reporting that they are unable to get in touch with BITInvest professionals.
Are you a victim of Bit Invest Ltd scam broker? Get help and a Free Consultation for Recovering lost funds.
If you are a victim of a scam broker like Bit Invest Ltd, you may feel helpless and frustrated. However, there are steps you can take to report the scam and get assistance to recover your lost funds. Here are some things you can do: - File a complaint report against Bit Invest Ltd. This can help to bring attention to the scam and potentially prevent others from falling victim to it in the future. - Contact us. We can work with you to navigate the complex process of recovering your lost funds and help you get your money back. - Stay vigilant and do your research before investing with any broker in the future. Look for reviews and ratings from other investors, and be wary of any broker that promises unrealistic returns or seems too good to be true. By staying informed about types of scams, you can better protect yourself and others from falling victim to fraudulent activities perpetrated by scam brokers like Bit Invest Ltd. Remember, you are not alone in this situation. With the right help and support, you can take action to recover your lost funds and protect yourself from future scams. Visit our Facebook page Visit Twitter Read our Latest Scam Broker Reports Read the full article
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Unlocking the Mysteries: How to Choose the Right Card Reading Nearby
Are you drawn to the spiritual and attracted to using card reading to consult the universe for guidance? Maybe discovering undiscovered facts and learning more about your life's purpose excites you. Regardless of your reason, getting the correct card reading nearby can have a life-changing effect. But how do you choose the right option when there are so many to choose from? This article will examine the key elements when choosing a nearby card reading service.
Research & Reviews
Nowadays, a fast internet search is frequently the first thing one does when looking for any kind of service. Look for out nearby card readers and take note of their websites and online presence. Do they provide the kinds of readings you're looking for, like angel card, tarot, or oracle readings? To assess the reader's reputation and the quality of their services, pay attention to any reviews or recommendations from prior customers.
Credentials & Experience
You want to be sure that competent hands are handling something as intimate and significant as a card reading. Look for readers who have important degrees or certifications in their industry. Experience may also play a significant role. A more experienced reader may provide a more sophisticated and nuanced reading, even though an inexperienced reader may still offer insightful observations.
Intuition & Connection
Whenever you choose a card reader, follow your gut. When you visit their website or engage with them in person, pay attention to how you feel. Do you sense a relationship based on trust? A good reading frequently hinges on the reader-client relationship, so it's critical to pick a person you feel at ease enough to discuss your ideas and worries with.
Range of Services
Think about the kind of reading you want to do and if the reader provides the services you want. Certain readers have specialised in readings related to love and relationships, career guidance, or spiritual development. Select a reader whose interests and goals for the reading coincide with your own.
Ethics & Professionalism
When choosing a card reader nearby, professionalism and ethical standards are crucial. Look for readers who respect a code of ethics and give their clients' empowerment and well-being top priority. Steer clear of readers who pressure you into buying more services or goods or who make extravagant promises. Your autonomy and freedom will always come first for a trustworthy reader.
Location & Accessibility
Think about the useful features, like accessibility and location, when selecting a card reading in the vicinity. Does the reader provide online readings for added flexibility, or is their location convenient for you to visit in person? To guarantee a seamless and stress-free experience, consider factors like parking, public transportation, or any accessibility needs you may have.
Gut Feeling
In the end, your gut might be the most important consideration when choosing the right card reading nearby. Have faith in your gut and choose a reader who truly speaks to you. Recall that the goal of a card reading is to provide guidance and insight into your current situation rather than making an exact prediction about the future. To sum up, locating the correct card reading nearby is an extremely personal process that calls for caution and intuition. Through thorough research, following your gut, and putting professionalism and ethics first, you can set out on a fascinating and life-changing journey that fosters greater self-awareness and empowerment. Thus, begin your spiritual journey now and use the art of to unravel the mysteries that lie ahead of you.
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calvinreadscomics · 7 months
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In Limbo by Deb JJ Lee was a surprisingly disappointing read for me. I found the story difficult to engage with. In Limbo covers a number of extremely worthwhile topics, from racism to child abuse to depression and suicide and grapples with them in the highly personal manner one expects from a memoir. In the telling though Lee's fraught childhood and its many potent events and struggles read more soap opera or angsty teen diary than anything else, so one note in its emotional state as to be boring in places where it should be gripping. The characters are mostly flat and uninteresting, which doesn't help. In general, in plotting and writing In Limbo is more unimaginative and dull than outright offensive or genuinely unreadable, but dull it is. Also disappointing, quite disappointing, for me, were the illustrations. It's apparent from the cover that Lee is an excellent illustrator with a great sense of color and shape, and the style of the cover along with a couple of reviews on the back suggest that In Limbo could be sold on beauty alone. From the very first page of the book though, I found Lee's approach to drawing characters to be bizarre and unappealing, especially next to their regular illustrations. Characters proportions are inconsistent in a way that suggests incompetence rather than deliberate decision making, face shapes sliding around from panel to panel, hands at times inhumanly dainty, other times normal, and they're drawn so flatly and with such little regard for anatomy or observation that they look weak even without comparing them from panel to panel. Lee is an undeniably great illustrator but no number of incredible renderings of backgrounds, everyday objects, and hair blowing in the wind could take my attention away from what I found to be amateurish and unconsidered approach to illustrating people. On the cover, now that I've read the book, something stands out past the beautiful colors and shapes. The hand reaching out towards the viewer: it's middle finger is too large, each of the nails is a different size in a way that doesn't relate to either the size of the finger nor its position in space, and their rendering doesn't seem to have been given as much care as that of the abstract sea of colors behind it, suggesting at best little tubes lit from a nebulous source. Perhaps, a sign of what was to come. I would have liked this story to have been told with a more consistent art style, less cloying angst, and another pass at dialogue. The story at its heart is undeniably powerful and the illustrations show an absurd amount of promise, but as it was executed, this book didn't work for me.
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la3destate · 10 months
Choosing the Right SEO Company in Ottawa: Key Considerations for Success
In the digital age, a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any business. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a pivotal role in ensuring that your website ranks high on search engine results, driving organic traffic and potential customers to your business. While Ottawa boasts a thriving business landscape, choosing the right SEO company is paramount for achieving success in the competitive online arena. Here are key considerations to guide you in selecting the ideal SEO partner for your business.
Define Your Goals and Objectives:
Before embarking on the journey to find an SEO company, clearly define your goals and objectives. Whether you want to increase website traffic, improve your search engine rankings, or enhance your online visibility, having a well-defined set of objectives will guide your search for an SEO partner. Different companies specialize in various aspects of SEO, so knowing your specific needs will help you find the right fit.
Assess Their Experience and Expertise:
The SEO landscape is constantly evolving, and an experienced company is better equipped to navigate the complexities of the digital realm. Look for an SEO agency in Ottawa with a proven track record of success. Assess their experience in your industry and inquire about the results they've achieved for similar businesses. An experienced SEO company will not only have a deep understanding of search engine algorithms but will also be aware of the latest trends and best practices in the industry.
Check Client Testimonials and Case Studies:
Client testimonials and case studies are valuable resources for gauging the effectiveness of an SEO company. Request references and take the time to read reviews from previous clients. This will provide insights into the company's communication, reliability, and the actual impact they've had on other businesses. A reputable SEO company should be transparent about its past successes and willing to share relevant case studies.
Understand Their SEO Strategies:
A trustworthy SEO company should be able to articulate its strategies for improving your online presence. Inquire about their approach to keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and content creation. Avoid companies that promise overnight success or employ questionable tactics that may violate search engine guidelines. Ethical and sustainable SEO strategies take time to yield results, but they ensure long-term success and avoid potential penalties from search engines.
Communication and Reporting:
Effective communication is crucial for a successful partnership with an SEO company. Inquire about their communication processes, reporting frequency, and the metrics they prioritize. A good SEO agency will provide regular updates on the progress of your campaign, detailing key performance indicators (KPIs) such as organic traffic, keyword rankings, and conversion rates. Clear communication fosters a collaborative environment and ensures that you are informed about the strategies being implemented.
Transparency in Pricing:
An open and transparent pricing structure is essential when choosing an SEO company. Beware of companies that are vague about their pricing or engage in hidden fees. A reliable SEO agency will provide a clear breakdown of their costs and the services included in their packages. Additionally, be wary of extremely low prices, as they may indicate subpar services or the use of black-hat SEO techniques that could harm your website's reputation in the long run.
Technical Proficiency:
SEO is not just about keywords and content; technical aspects of your website also play a crucial role. A proficient SEO company should have a strong understanding of website architecture, page speed optimization, mobile-friendliness, and other technical elements that contribute to search engine rankings. Assess their technical expertise to ensure that your website is optimized for both users and search engines.
Flexibility and Adaptability:
The digital landscape is dynamic, and SEO strategies must evolve accordingly. Choose an SEO company in Ottawa that demonstrates flexibility and adaptability to changing trends and algorithms. Inquire about their ability to adjust strategies based on the evolving needs of your business and the SEO landscape.
Choosing the right SEO company in Ottawa is a critical decision that can significantly impact the online success of your business. By carefully considering your goals, assessing experience, checking references, understanding strategies, emphasizing communication, ensuring transparency in pricing, evaluating technical proficiency, and seeking flexibility, you can make an informed decision. Remember that a successful SEO partnership is a long-term investment in the growth and sustainability of your online presence. Take the time to find the right SEO partner, and you'll reap the rewards in the form of increased visibility, traffic, and business success.
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sarveshr · 11 months
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Cosmetic Surgeon In Vadodara
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More people in Vadodara look forward to beautifying themselves, getting a boost of self-confidence, as well as having general energy. The wave of interest has opened up space for many experts in the cosmetic surgery field.
In case you are among people who wish to make a difference, then settling for the best cosmetic physician becomes key. Here’s your ultimate guide to finding the best fit for your needs:
Understand the Difference:
In addition, one should be aware that all cosmetic surgeons are not plastic surgeons. However, plastic surgeons in Vadodara operate with the aim of improving a person’s body and a specialist may engage in reconstruction processes. On the other hand, when it comes to plastic surgery professional usually performs Vadodara operations aimed at enhancing
Check Credentials:
The best plastic surgeon in Vadodara should be found only if he is qualified. Board-certified means that these specialists have taken numerous tests and met certain criteria.
Experience Matters:
The number of days a surgeon has practiced shows a lot about his skills. Ask for their experience number with the procedure that you want. A good surgeon may predict issues and deliver a good outcome.
Before-and-After Photos:
Indeed, visual evidence can prove to be extremely significant Look out for the surgeon’s portfolio in order to determine the nature of aesthetic outcomes and quality the doctor brings on board. This will enable you to have a better idea of what you are about to face.
Personal Comfort:
You should be able to work comfortably with your picked surgeon. Before making an appointment with a prospective doctor, analyze how he addresses your issues. Good surgeons listen to the patient’s concerns, answer the questions asked, and comfort the patient.
Read Reviews:
The experience of other patients could also be captured in online reviews. Although all experiences are different, your overall impression from other people’s testimonies about this specific doctor within the local community might help you get an idea about your chance for successful surgery results.
Hospital Affiliations:
Mostly, they tend to associate themselves with well-known hospitals and clinics. That speaks of their reliability and promises that you will have the treatment in a center of distinguished parameters.
Consider the Costs:
On the one hand, the cost should be considered because nothing is achieved if a product cannot be afforded by most customers.
Some surgeons may propose various payment options, including installment plans and patient financing programs that can help make the procedure easier on patients.
Ask About Recovery:
Knowing the recovery helps to set realistic expectations. What do you need to know concerning postoperative caring, possible complications, and how long will it take before resuming your routines?
Trust Your Instincts:
Lastly, trust your gut feeling. You are entitled to go for another option if you do not get the satisfaction you desire during your consultation procedure. Not without reason is this a significant decision and at each step of it, you have to be sure.
Vadodara however has many good cosmetic and plastic surgeons who are willing to help you realize your aesthetic dreams.
Therefore, you can follow the steps indicated above while ensuring that it is an ideal fit with regard to your expertise as well as personal comfort.
Just like that, you should always keep in mind that cosmetic surgery is more of an art than a science. It entails more than mere know-how it involves a natural sense of beauty. You will surely be in good hands if you choose carefully.
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arunrout123 · 1 year
The Role of AI in Trustpilot Negative Review Removal: A Look at Future Solutions
In the age of the internet, online reviews play a pivotal role in influencing consumer decisions. Platforms like Trustpilot have become essential tools for customers looking to make informed choices about products and services. However, the rise of fake negative reviews, often used as a tool for malicious competition or to tarnish a company's reputation, has emerged as a significant concern. To address this issue, artificial intelligence (AI) is gradually becoming a powerful ally in the battle against Trustpilot fake reviews and fake negative reviews. In this article, we explore the role of AI in Trustpilot negative review removal and the future solutions it promises.
Understanding Trustpilot and the Fake Review Dilemma
Before diving into AI's role in combating fake reviews on Trustpilot, it's crucial to understand the extent of the problem. Trustpilot is a well-respected platform where users can leave reviews and ratings for companies. These reviews serve as a valuable source of information for potential customers, helping them decide whether to engage with a business.
However, not all reviews on Trustpilot are genuine. The issue of fake reviews has plagued the platform for years. Fake negative reviews, in particular, can severely damage a company's reputation and, consequently, its revenue. These fake reviews may be left by competitors seeking to undermine a business or by disgruntled individuals with malicious intent. They can lead to a loss of trust in the platform itself, as users become unsure of the authenticity of the reviews they read.
The Emergence of AI in Review Moderation
In recent years, AI has emerged as a powerful tool in the fight against fake reviews on Trustpilot. Moderating the sheer volume of reviews posted daily on the platform manually is impractical and costly. This is where AI steps in, offering an efficient and scalable solution.
AI algorithms are designed to detect patterns, anomalies, and inconsistencies, which makes them well-suited to identify fake reviews. They can process vast amounts of data and analyze multiple aspects of a review, such as language, sentiment, and the history of the reviewer. These algorithms can help identify suspicious reviews that might otherwise slip through the cracks.
AI for Sentiment Analysis
One of the key ways in which AI aids in Trustpilot fake review detection is through sentiment analysis. AI can analyze the language used in a review to determine the sentiment behind it. For instance, fake negative reviews are often filled with overly negative language, and AI can identify these linguistic cues. Additionally, AI can consider the context of the review, comparing it to the average sentiment of other reviews for the same business.
Moreover, AI can also account for the history of the reviewer. If an account suddenly posts a series of extremely negative reviews, it raises a red flag. AI can spot these inconsistencies and bring them to the attention of human moderators for review.
NLP and Fake Review Detection
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is another powerful tool in the AI arsenal for detecting fake reviews on Trustpilot. NLP allows AI systems to understand and analyze human language. With NLP, AI can identify suspicious language patterns that are often indicative of fake reviews.
For instance, fake reviews may include specific claims or allegations that genuine customers typically do not make. AI can recognize these anomalies and flag them for further review. Additionally, NLP can help detect non-standard language or syntax, which is common in fake reviews.
User Behavior Analysis
AI can also analyze user behavior on the platform to identify potential fake reviewers. Fake negative reviews often come from newly created or low-activity accounts. AI can recognize these patterns and alert moderators to investigate further. By looking at a user's history, such as their review frequency, consistency, and the range of businesses they review, AI can pinpoint accounts that might be suspicious.
The Future of AI in Trustpilot Negative Review Removal
The role of AI in combating Trustpilot fake reviews and fake negative reviews is only set to expand in the future. Here are some key developments to watch for:
Improved Accuracy
As AI systems continue to evolve and learn from vast datasets, their ability to accurately identify fake reviews will improve. This means fewer false positives and more accurate detection of malicious reviews.
Real-time Monitoring
The future of AI in Trustpilot negative review removal will likely involve real-time monitoring. AI systems will be able to identify and flag potentially fake reviews as soon as they're posted, allowing for quicker response times and reducing the potential damage to a business's reputation.
Integration with Human Moderation
AI will not replace human moderators but rather complement their work. AI can sift through the vast number of reviews and flag potentially fake ones for human review, allowing moderators to focus their efforts on more nuanced cases.
Enhanced User Reporting
Trustpilot and similar platforms will likely integrate AI to improve user reporting mechanisms. AI can guide users on what information is most helpful for identifying fake reviews, ensuring a more efficient moderation process.
Collaboration with Companies
AI can also collaborate with companies to prevent fake reviews. By providing businesses with tools to monitor and report suspicious activity, AI can help prevent fake negative reviews from appearing in the first place.
The rise of Trustpilot fake reviews and fake negative reviews is a concerning issue that threatens the credibility of review platforms like Trustpilot. However, AI is emerging as a powerful tool in the fight against this problem. Through sentiment analysis, NLP, user behavior analysis, and more, AI can efficiently detect and flag potentially fake reviews, ultimately helping to maintain the integrity of review platforms.
Looking ahead, the future of AI in Trustpilot negative review removal holds great promise. AI's accuracy will improve, real-time monitoring will become the norm, and it will work in close collaboration with human moderators and businesses to create a more transparent and trustworthy environment for users.
So if you want to control your online reputation on Trustpilot here IBRAND tech is an Online reputation management company that provides the best Online reputation management service in India. Its job is to create/recover/revamp & manage the online reputation of the clients, and take their brand globally. If you want to boost your online presence and sales then you should contact IBRAND tech. This is the only company that permanently removes negative reviews from Trustpilot, Glassdoor, Google My Business, Indeed, AmbitionBox, Jobbuzz, Quora, Goodfirm etc.
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The Future of Solar Inverter Industry: ESG Trends
The global push for green initiatives and the energy crisis fueled by the Russia-Ukraine war have spurred the solar inverter industry growth. Implementation of ESG strategy has become pronounced to help companies update and assess their goals. Investors prioritize ESG criteria to screen possible investments and it helps companies build trust with stakeholders and foster a sustainability portfolio. Key players have exhibited increased traction for renewable energy technologies and net zero products to provide low-carbon power generation solutions at a reduced cost. Solar cell manufacturing is resource intensive and warrants a significant amount of industrial material and water. Besides, the manufacturing process may involve unsustainable mining practices and toxic waste. The issue of labor practices has also garnered headlines. The 2021 International Labor Organization (ILO) report suggests that 50 million people are in modern slavery every day. Moreover, the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report claimed the world’s richest 1 percent—those with over USD 1 million— own 45.8 percent of the world’s wealth. Stakeholders demand ESG discipline from companies, their value chain, regulators, investors and consumers.  Key Players:
• SMA Solar Technology AG
• SunPower
• Delta Electronics Inc.
• Siemens Energy
• OMRON Corporation
• Eaton
• Emerson Electric Co. Environmental Perspective
Enterprises and organizations with sustainable policies have exhibited increased inclination for the environmental aspect. The World Economic Forum ranked environmental risks as the five most critical long-term threats in its Global Risks Report 2022. Some factors, such as extreme weather, biodiversity loss and climate action failure, have made solar inverters promising investments for stakeholders with a focus on ESG portfolios. The unprecedented growth of digitization and the shift from fossil fuels to renewables have encouraged leading players to boost the environment. For instance, Eaton uses power management technologies and services to enhance the quality of life and the environment. The company aims to reduce GHG emissions by 50% from its operations by 2030 from 2018 levels. The multinational power management company asserts its 94% of manufacturing waste in 2021 was diverted away from landfills through recycling, reuse, waste-to-energy or composting. The company alluded to an infusion of over USD 3 billion in sustainability R&D over the next ten years in its 2030 Sustainability Goals.  Forward-looking players are leveraging their research and development activities and renewable energy to provide reliable, safe and efficient solutions to expedite growth in the energy transition. To illustrate, Delta Electronics is committed to using 100% renewable electricity and attaining carbon neutrality in the global supply chain by 2030. Meanwhile, in 2021, OMRON announced pouring 257 million yen (roughly USD 1.8 million) to minimize the environmental influence of its business activities. The company, having set the OMRON Carbon Zero project, contemplates minimizing emissions by over 30% by 2050. Besides, in March 2021, ABB announced it achieved the 5GW milestone of providing solar plant automation solutions in India. Stakeholders are likely to help customers avoid emissions through the modernization of grids, a smarter built environment and sustainable transport.  Is your business one of participants to the Global Solar Inverter Industry? Contact us for focused consultation around ESG Investing, and help you build sustainable business practices. Social Perspective
ESG standards have become paramount for viable working conditions, employee and stakeholder wellness and equal opportunities. Eaton has set up the Compensation and Organization Committee to oversee and review matters pertaining to social aspects, such as training and development, employee engagement, pay equity, inclusion and diversity and culture. Furthermore, Siemens aims for a 30% female share in top management by 2025. It vies for double digital learning hours by 2025 and a 30% enhancement in its globally aggregated LTIFR by 2025. The company poured €318 million (approximately USD 327 million) into employee education and training in 2021. Meanwhile, Delta joined forces with the Taiwan Architecture & Building Center in Well architecture course in 2021 to offer innovative courses. The company adopted the “Influencing 50, Embracing 50” slogan to boost teamwork and face future challenges in its 50th anniversary in 2021. Prominently, Delta Electronics was in the pole position in overall social performance with almost 80% score. Stakeholders are also poised to emphasize fun games, contests and music to bolster the identity and connection among global employees, products and the brand. Leading players are slated to prioritize social pillar in the ensuing period to tap into the global landscape and bolster their brand position. Governance Perspective
The need to achieve sustainability goals through robust corporate governance, underpinning social progress and balancing stakeholders’ interests has become instrumental to staying ahead of the curve. The demand for, including but not limited to, transparency, board diversity and disclosure has furthered encouraged stakeholders to focus on the governance portfolio. According to Eaton TCFD disclosure, its board comprises 12 members—one-third are U.S. minorities and another one-third are women. The company’s governance committee is tasked to prioritize matters regarding the governance and environmental pillars of ESG. While Eaton has exhibited a sound governance system, Siemens is at the helm with over 90% score. The Supervisory Board at Siemens set a bullish target stating that at least 25% of the managing board position would be held by women until June 30th 2022. The company also augmented the external sustainability audits. According to its Sustainability Report 2021, Siemens conducted 394 sustainability audits in 2021, up from 269 audits in the preceding fiscal year.  Emerson has upped its focus on corporate governance to foster diversity, equity, inclusion and performance-based ESG goals. To put this into perspective, 45% of Directors are persons of color or women, while 60% of the Office of the Chief Executive is diverse. The company has exhibited an increased focus on anti-corruption controls and other compliance factors, including conflict of interest, ethics allegations and data privacy. Emerson asserted in its ESG report that around 61,000 employees undertook anti-corruption training over the past three years. It alluded to its engagement with a third party to review its Ethics and Compliance program, which is in line with the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) framework and the U.S. Department of Justice.  An unprecedented surge in the demand for renewable energy, along with the rising footfall of solar power PV installation, has augured growth. The global solar inverter market size was pegged at USD 9.31 billion in 2021 and will observe a 6.2% CAGR from 2022 to 2030. Leading players are expected to expand their penetration across the Asia Pacific as China is poised to provide promising opportunities with a focus on minimizing solar power costs and bolstering incentives. Well-established companies are expected to prioritize organic and inorganic growth strategies. To illustrate, in May 2022, Eaton announced the acquisition of a 50% stake in Jiangsu Huineng Electric Co., Ltd.’s circuit breaker portfolio. Meanwhile, in February 2022, Siemens and Desert Technologies collaborated to roll out and infuse funds into solar and smart infrastructure in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. The project could have the aggregate capacity of over 1 GW and will offer reliable, clean and affordable energy in under-served areas. About Astra – ESG Solutions by Grand View Research
Astra is the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) arm of Grand View Research Inc. – a global market research publishing & management consulting firm. Astra offers comprehensive ESG thematic assessment & scores across diverse impact & socially responsible investment topics, including both public and private companies along with intuitive dashboards. Our ESG solutions are powered by robust fundamental & alternative information. Astra specializes in consulting services that equip corporates and the investment community with the in-depth ESG research and actionable insight they need to support their bottom lines and their values. We have supported our clients across diverse ESG consulting projects & advisory services, including climate strategies & assessment, ESG benchmarking, stakeholder engagement programs, active ownership, developing ESG investment strategies, ESG data services, build corporate sustainability reports. Astra team includes a pool of industry experts and ESG enthusiasts who possess extensive end-end ESG research and consulting experience at a global level. For more ESG Thematic reports, please visit Astra ESG Solutions, powered by Grand View Research
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validreviews · 2 years
FinancialGates.io review (Scammers!!)
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financialgates.io is an online trading platform that allegedly provides investors with a variety of financial instruments, including stocks, bonds, commodities and derivatives. Unfortunately, their services have been linked to fraudulent activity which has caused the platform to come under scrutiny by global financial regulators.
Investors who have experienced losses as a result of investing with financialgates.io should be aware that the company has been accused of deceptive practices such as making false claims about potential returns and engaging in high-pressure sales tactics. The company has also been found to use unregistered brokers and operate without proper licenses or authorization from authorities.
The reviews on financialgates.io are overwhelmingly negative, with many traders claiming they were deceived by false promises and suffered financial losses as a result of their investments. Investors should be aware that investing with financialgates.io carries a high risk and should proceed with caution before making any deposits.
It is important to do your research before investing with an online trading platform, as there are many scams out there that prey on unsuspecting investors. Make sure you read the reviews and conduct thorough due diligence to ensure the broker is legitimate and meets all regulatory requirements. Investing without researching potential risks can lead to substantial losses, so it’s always best to err on the side of caution when dealing with online brokers.
Overall, financialgates.io has been linked to fraudulent activity and investors should exercise extreme caution when considering using this platform. If you have experienced losses as a result of investments with financialgates.io, it is advised to contact the relevant authorities and report any fraudulent activity.
By doing so, you may be able to recover some of your losses and help protect other potential investors from falling victim to similar scams. With the right precautions, investing online can be a very rewarding experience. Make sure you do your research and look for signs of fraud before taking any risks. By following these guidelines, you can protect yourself from financial scams such as those associated with financialgates.io.
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