#the scar pair are ridiculously powerful together btw
totallyseiso · 6 months
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PA-15 looking like the main character of my lead echelon
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thxngam · 3 years
Do you have any favorites in terms of s7 fics or post-canon/future fics in TWW? thank you :)
I really have become a rec blog huh? This is the most fun thing ever lmao, please keep asking for recs!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27898720--glory is that bright tragic thing by shesmyplusone: a very very cute fic of josh talking to leo’s grave with a visitor. mentions all the s7 cast with some of josh’s own thoughts. ngl, almost cried
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28259976--Send a Postcard From Down the Street by @cauldronoflove: one of my favorite s7 fics! maybe my absolute favorite idk that’s a hard spot to be in. it’s mostly donna and sam being besties (which, btw, the best friendship ever) and talking about sam’s decision to leave but also them worrying about the new administration, and also donna being an absolute badass with helen santos (who i love, fight me), and...you know, i’ll stop here, but this is definitely something to read!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28096008/chapters/68838846--she might just be my everything and beyond by romanovaly: a donnajosh fic! this advances their relationship very very quickly and it’s an adorable two chapter fic with the entire bartlet gang! i agree with the author; i will always be salty that we never got a complete family reunion 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28030764/chapters/68668905--In The Beginning by spamtotz: another donnajosh fic! ngl most postcanon fics are donnajosh, but no complaints from me lol. Unlike the last fic, this one focuses on their fledgling relationship feat. Josh Being An Entire Idiot
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27537739/chapters/67347088--And the Pursuit of Happiness by @welcometo-yourworld: samjosh being idiots postcanon! this one is still being actively updated, but it also features Josh being an idiot but with company! it’s so so so good, and not a single character is OOC. i don’t really know how to describe this other than good lol, but definitely worth the read!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/150951--Out at Sea by tosca1390: cj & Danny! i should read more of this ship...hm. Either way, this is such a good fic, and makes me feel nostalgic for some reason though the show is obviously fictional? it also features toby and cj, which was one of the best pairs, idc if you ship it romantically or platonic. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/150944--April(Again) by tosca1390: a moment between josh and sam with their new roles, but their friendship is so funny. also mentions of donnajosh, so samjosh is entirely brotp here, but i love this slice of life!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/549156--Cupcakery by tosca1390: literally plotless, but so so so good! idk its ainsely and sam being cute with a side of bram. i think it also mentions rory gilmour from gilmour girls but I've also never seen gilmour girls so idk lol. i mostly love it for the sam/ainsley 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/687863--Giving in to Ainsley by fluffernutter8: another sam/ainsley fic! (there should be a ship name lol I’m getting tired of typing that out) this one is like 50% sam and josh just talking but it’s not like boring or anything, it’s mostly sweet with a little bit at the end that makes my heart flutter with the p o s s i b i l i t i e s 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/10724649--Transitions by shanegray: josh introspection post series! it also includes snippets of some cute stories post story. 10/10, have and will probably read again
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2444471--The Human Spirit by brutti_ma_buoni: a moment between sam and josh talking about leo post series.  this one is only available to archive users tho, but if you have an account, definitely log in and read!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27898720--glory is that bright tragic thing by shesmyplusone: a josh fic mostly, but with mentions of all the season characters. it’s very very sweet, might give you cavities!
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11454501/1/Key-Square?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=f8cebedafcafdf27e34fc2c951981d4b1c4faacf-1610378507---Key Square by Every Shade of Blue on FF.net: (not a fan of FF.net and I shortened the link, so you have to click on it, not copy and paste bc it was really long) set way post series, but absolutely wonderful. another seaborn for president fic! i include it in this list bc it covers the ending part of the santos admin
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11782078/1/Brotherhood--Brotherhood by Every Shade of Blue of FF.net: (this link is fine) I, like the author, was disappointed that we never got a sam/toby reunion, so here it is lol
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1077955--The People’s Servants by Speranza: Big Block of Cheese Day in the santos admin! isn’t that wonderful?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28442229--Balancing on Breaking Branches by @slightlyraspberry: s7 but different! this was also on my favorite fics ever list, but it is s7 centric so here it is
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27752194--the elephant in the Whitehouse by shesmyplusone: a donnajosh fic but featuring toby and josh talking about the events of The Cold (the kiss heard round the world!) donna is only mentioned, it’s really just toby and josh centric, which btw, was a ridiculous relationship that i LIVE for
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25931149--Sensual Politics by @slightlyraspberry: (idk if you can tell but their one of my favorite authors lol) Not strictly s7 or post canon, but a large part of it is post series, so here ya go! donnajosh endgame, but it covers other relationships and takes their bumpy road and makes it even bumpier. Hard to describe, but definitely worth reading!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/872511--Week one by Jackie Thomas: samjosh in the santos admin! i have a thing for josh struggling with trying to live up to what leo was for them, and it’s fantastic. absolutely fantastic
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21242702--Those Who Show Up by nitpickyabouttrains: (you know what this has made me realize? how strange AO3 usernames are) an au where josh goes and gets sam a little earlier! well he doesn’t actually go, but a scene that totally could’ve taken place canon. their relationship is platonic but it’s so so so well written! 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17140226/chapters/40308749--Scar Tissue by ballonballon: the santos admin + rosslyn! what else is there to say?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18586651--Five to Four by arborealstops: MY ABSOLTUE FAVORITEEEEEEEEE. josh and sam once gay marriage is legalized with a dumpster fire (but an adorable one) of a marriage proposal 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21838909--Power Coupling by theycallmethejackal: amy gardner/sam seaborn in the santos admin. an interesting couple but one i like lol
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21930001/chapters/52341781--Upon My Sleeve by theycallmethejackal: another amy gardner/sam seaborn fic! comes with a sequel too, but takes place in the santos admin!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18852391/chapters/44743792--Obergefell v. Hodges by Charowak: gay marriage is legalized with samjosh! also feat. bi matt santos
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24916270--A New Friday Night Ritual by Chinesepapercut: girls night in the santos admin feat. donnajosh, helen santos, and the old crew!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18281033--save me a place by @iwasfollowingyou: MY FAVORITE THING EVER!!! transition but samjosh and so so so sweet it might give you cavities!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27977637--What Would Leo (Or Andrew Jackson) Do? by mlea7675: another big block of cheese day in the santos admin!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27072835/chapters/66102826--JigSaw by spearquint: another samjosh in the santos admin! this covers them getting back together after sam left tho
I hope you try all of these out! They are so so so good!
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kneel-begyourpardon · 5 years
Boy In The Crowd
Pairing: Loki x reader
Summary: you never thought you would find your saviour in the crowd.
Warning: ANGST, physical and phycological abuse, rape, human trafficking, Statutory rape, smoking, drinking, violence, some bad parenting, paedophilia, mention of suicide, vomit, implied smut, pregnancy, childbirth, fluff? well somewhat happy ending.
Word count: 3813
A/n: this was for our lovely @writingsoftheloser​‘s 1.5k writing challenge. I’m so proud of you hun! you deserve so much more! (BTW I’m always right.) and huge thank you to @simam12 for putting up with my whining. hope you enjoy and please tell me anything I missed in the warnings.
Prompt:  Dill- powerful again evil. (I hope it goes with it?)
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The first time he saw you, you were five. He still remembers it as clear as a day. The first time his father ever showed interested in spending time with him. The first time he stepped in that terrifying place. Full of darkness and wicked. The smoke-filled his lungs as he sat down next to his brother. His feet dangled from the edge of the couch as the laughter of drunk man reached his ears. The disturbing smell of alcohol was giving him a headache and he wished he stayed behind, with his mother. 
A woman appeared on the stage and clapping begun. Her ridiculous costume and the smile, made him think they came to the show but the moment the woman opened his mouth his brows furrowed in confusion. He wanted to ask what was going on, but when he saw his brother’s excited face and how proud his father was of him, he shut his mouth and focused on the woman.
“We have a new one!” she yelled and catcalls and whistles filled the room. The banging on the table made him flinch as he looked around. The men looked like animals. Starved for days, only to be fed and it scared him. It scared him to his core. 
A little girl appeared on the stage dressed in disgusting garments. Described with the words that were only told to him that was disrespectful. With the words that he had never heard before. The words that only made the crowd go crazier as they began yelling. 
Men looking at you like you were a prize. Their eyes sparkled as they licked their lips, warmed their hands, counted their money. They ordered you around and you couldn’t help but shake. This all was new to you. What was happening? You had no idea. 
Your little legs trembled as you were ordered to turn around. Ordered to bend over. Ordered to open your mouth. Your tiny fingers fiddled with the hem of your white, see-through top, as they started bidding. 
The shouting got louder as the numbers he hadn’t learned yet were yelled out and he looked around. The money got to millions and the woman clapped her hands from the exhilaration of payment as she announced the winner.
Back then he didn’t understand. Why were you treated like that? Why were you looked at as if you were a piece of meat and nothing else? When you were just like him. A child. An innocent child, that was supposed to be loved and cared. Not dragged around like a doll. 
He remembers looking into your eyes. When you scanned the crowd and your gaze settled on him he felt pain. He felt guilty and he didn’t understand why. He didn’t even know what was happening. But something in your eyes made him want to cry. 
Maybe It was your small smile or small wave with one finger. Maybe it was the fear in your eyes when one of the men stood up and sneered at you. Or maybe it was just his heart that kept telling him to come up there and take you back home to his mama. Keep you safe. Keep you away from these cruel men.
But he didn’t move. Didn’t say a word when a drunk middle-aged man, dressed in fancy clothes grabbed you but your upper arm and dragged you out of the room as other men whined. 
Your little legs couldn’t keep up with his enormous strides and you tried to look back. Look back at him. But the man just kept going and you had to follow. You had to do as they said. You had to make them feel better or you were useless. You were taught well and that’s all you knew. Don’t fight them. Do as they say. Make them feel good. Make them pay. So what if you didn’t understand what they said? You did as they say.  
The second time he saw you, he already knew what was going on. As he walked into the room he was met with the familiar sight. Nothing had changed. Everything was the same. Almost half a decade and it felt as if he was still five years old, lugs burnt from the smell of cigars and alcohol. 
The atmosphere was the same. The people were the same. Disgusting and vile. The same woman took the stage and it started the same way but this time you weren’t the first one. The shouting and screaming, once again filled the room as the money went up. The same thing. 
Men on the stage. Scared girls. Leaving the room. Next one.  
Everything was identical until you stepped on the platform.
He looked at you but he couldn’t recognize you. You had changed. You had turned into a completely different person. Ten years old and your eyes held sadness and sorrow he had never seen before. The expression you looked over the room with, made him look away. Made him feel ashamed. 
There he was, sitting comfortably, fully dressed in dear attire, while you stood there in front of hundreds of revolting men looking at you. Judging you by your body. By how small your waist was, how shiny your legs were, how much your corset was stuffed and he felt his stomach turn.
And as if you were looking for him, your eyes landed on the raven-haired boy and the hatred he saw in your gaze made a lump form in his throat. That small smile you had gifted him was replaced by a glare. 
How could you smile at him when he was one of them. When he was sitting all happy while you were forced to please the men. Please the monsters. They didn’t care how old you were. They didn’t care how hurt you were. They paid the money so you belonged to them for the night. They could use you the way they wanted and then throw away you like you meant nothing. Leaving you in the bed or on the floor.
And every night was a crack to your soul. A step to shuttering. A move to finally giving up. But you still held your head high. Still fought. Still trying. You knew there wasn’t much time left for you. There was a reason there weren’t many older girls at the place. The thought of ending this sounded much better than bearing a child from one of them. Giving her the same faith as you. You weren’t going to leave her in this hellhole. You weren’t going to let someone else suffer like you.  You weren’t going to give them another toy. Another doll to play with. 
You shot last glare and two men took a hold of your shoulders, leading you out of the room.
He followed with his gaze, praying that you would look back and would see how sorry he was. How he wished he could help. But you didn’t. You just made your way without a glance and that’s when he excused himself from the table. 
He stumbled into the washroom. Kicking the door open, he fell to his knees. Heavy breath. One, two and there it was. He clutched the edges of cold marble as he took out everything he ate. Closing his eyes tightly, the picture of your cold glare appeared in front of him. The two men standing behind you and just the thought of what they would do to you made him take out everything that was left in his stomach. The sob escaped his lips as he thought how many nights you went to sleep with tears in your eyes but not being able to cry because of the gruesome man sleeping next to you. And God knew, what he would do to you if you woke him up.
With trembling hands, he wiped his mouth. With shaky knees, he stood up and washed his hands. With hatred in his eyes, he looked in the mirror and that was the first day he felt ashamed for being a man. 
Seventeen. What have they done to you? What have they turned you into? 
Your eyes, they were dead. They held no emotion.  No joy, no fear, no hatred. Nothing. 
Your body was degraded from all the sickening roles you had to play to please the men. Your soul was degraded from all the unholy things they have done to you. Your pride was degraded from all the times they have touched you with you begging to be released. They finally broke you, those cracks finally came together and tore you apart.  
For a second he thought your legs would give out. You would finally give up. Your heart would finally stop as your lungs would breathe out last time. You would fall and the peaceful sleep would take over you, for forever. Part of him hoped that’s what would happen. At least you’d be safe. At least you would be out of this cruel, dark world. At least nobody would touch you after that. 
The Bidding begun and he felt the familiar urge to stand up and scream, to shout, to take your hand and run away. Run and don’t look back. They broke you! They took a life away from you! The only thing that was left from you was a dead body. The body they would use and throw away. 
He tightened his hands on his stomach, as tears filled his eyes, his body shook but he couldn’t move. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you. 
What have they done to you?!
“You want her?” his father’s voice reached his ears and his eyes flickered to him for a moment. When he saw the smile oh his face, he was sure he wouldn’t make it to the restroom this time. So he tightly closed his eyes and nodded. Nodded and he couldn’t help but wish to be dead. 
The bidding continued but he couldn’t hear anything. He couldn’t see anything, except you. You and your frozen figure. Your slumped shoulders and your dead eyes. Your fragile body and your faded scars. He couldn’t look away.
The sound of applause woke him up as his brother’s patted him on the shoulder. The laughter, clapping, whistling and blinding lights. As if he just won a prize. As if he did anything. His father smiled at him and he hurried him up his feet. Suddenly everyone was looking at him. Every pair of eyes were on him and he felt the blood leave his face as he looked around. Was this how you felt? Of course not. They watched him with proud smiles on their face while eyeing you like a prey.
He slowly made his way towards the stage. The weight on his heart made it harder to breathe as he stumbled up the stairs. There you were. Still standing unmoved. And for a second he doubted himself. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe he should just go back, sit down and keep his head down just like you. 
And as if the crowd sensed his hesitation, another applause roared and it took everything in him not to double over, taking out everything, one more time. 
He took another step in your direction and you finally looked up at him. You looked at him and the look of recognition ran over your face. The disappointment in your eyes made him want to fall to his knees and assure you he wasn’t like other. Assure you that he wouldn't touch you. Promise you that all he wanted was safety for you. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t while everyone was watching.
He gently took a hold of your arm and led you to the direction he has seen you disappear before. The door closed and the crowd was left behind. He let go of your hand and took a step back.  This time was different. You had to lead the way as he followed behind you, hesitation clear in his steps. 
Others this time would grab you roughly, drag you to the room and have their way, but not him. Maybe he was waiting for you to be completely alone before doing anything. Maybe he was shy because it was his first time with you. You didn’t know what was running through his head but you couldn’t help but feel disappointed. 
You thought he was different. Different from his brother. From his father and from his men. Well, at least you hoped he was but you were wrong. Naive to believe his kind could be any better. They were men after all.
You opened the door and stepped in first, the boy hot on your trail. He closed the room and you turned to face him. His beautiful eyes looked over the room. You had to admit he was attractive but you had seen too many nice faces with ugly souls. You weren’t going to fall for it this time.
He didn’t make a move as his focus stayed on a fancy room. It was too fancy for this kind of situation and he realised why the men paid so much for a night. The room had two more rooms and he assumed one of them was washroom but another he didn’t even want to find out because of your quick, fearful glance towards it.
You stood there waiting for him to do something. anything. To make a move. To order you around. To ask you how this goes but nothing happened. His eyes finally settled on you but he didn’t look over at your body like every other. He didn’t lick his lips. He didn’t regret spending money on you. No, all he did was look you in the eyes. There was something in them that made you want to smile. Smile for him. You didn’t know what it was. Maybe the remorse. Maybe the pleading. Maybe the sadness in them. You didn’t know but you liked it.
“Loki,” he whispered, disturbing the comfortable silence. “Name? Your name?” he breathed out, as if afraid to ask.
You shrugged. You weren’t given the name. The name meant that you had something they couldn’t take away from you. The name meant that you were a person. The name meant that you were just like them.
And how were they going to treat you like nothing, if you were just like them? How were they going to control you fully, if you had a name they couldn’t change? How were they going to imagine you were someone else if you had a name? 
As if you had burnt him, he took a step back. The heavy breaths and tears were usually your roll, not theirs. So you tilted your head, looking at him with curiosity and even though what you have been through. He saw innocent in your eyes. And the next words brought a smile to your face as tears rolled down his cheeks.
“I’m sorry.”
They all said the only thing that could save you was an angel. An angel of death. Coming down from the clouds. Swiping you off your feet and taking you far away from everyone. Keeping you safe. 
You have been waiting for that day since you were five. That’s all you wished for. An angel. Kind angel but you never thought if you’d find that angel in the crowd. The crowd that destroyed you. The crowd that took everything from you.
But here he was. Wrapped around you like a safety blanket as a little girl slept next to you. Her tiny hand clenching around one of his long, thin fingers and you smiled as tears pulled in your eyes.
You never thought you would have this. This family. The family that you felt safe in. the family that wouldn’t be taken away from you. 
The feeling of safety was addicting and you didn’t want to let it go. Didn’t even want to think about it being gone. Being taken away from you. 
All you could do was thank Loki. Thank him for being different. For being a real man. 
Four years since you left that hellhole. Since you escaped and you didn’t even want to think back. Remember your past. You don't even know where you would be if it wasn’t for Loki. he was so gentle with you, so caring. 
He thought you how to read. How to write. He would pay an insane amount of money every night, since the first one and sneak in the books and papers for you to learn. He wouldn’t make you do anything you weren’t comfortable with and for the first time in seventeen years you were excited for nights to come. You stepped on that stage with a smile and sparkling eyes. Searching crowd every time until your eyes would settle on your Loki. the fear of him not being there would creep it’s way to your heart but he was always there with a small smile on his face, waiting for you to notice him. 
Nobody cared enough to see your falling in love with a charming boy in the audience. As long as you were paid for they couldn’t care less what you did in that room. It made easier for both of you. He would tell you stories outside this building, what it looked like. How people treated each other. 
It took a little time for him to convince you, that not every man was like ones in the audience. Not every man was cruel and evil. This word wasn’t only filled with darkness. You believed him. You believe him because he was standing in front of you. A different man was standing in front of you. Doing everything you wanted to do, and not him. 
The day he told you, he had a plan for you to escape was the day you first cried in front of him. Tears streaming down your face and him holding you, saying you didn’t have to. But the tears were from happiness. From actually having the opportunity to live a somewhat normal life. That was the day you were happy, for the first time that somebody touched you. That somebody was holding you and you didn’t want it to change for anything. 
You escaped and Loki bought a little place for you. He knew you couldn’t live on your own in a completely different world. So he helped as much as you could. 
It was the first time you had your own room. Which you didn't have to share with anyone. Not with a bunch of girl or man that would disappear in the morning. 
Loki thought you how to cook, how to dress, how to act in front of people. And in no time you were ready to live on your own. You got a job. It didn’t pay much but enough for you to survive. You haven’t even thought about Loki leaving until he brought it up. Until he asked you if you’d like for him to leave. You could hear the sadness in his voice and could see the pleading in his eyes to let him stay. That was the first time you realised you were finally independent. Able to make your own decisions.  You could choose what you wanted. And your first choice was Loki.
A man that did everything you asked. A man that made all of this happen. A man that saved you. You found your angel and you weren't going to let him go.
The excitement, the huge smile and his small thank you made butterflies erupt in your stomach. Your heart started pounding and all you wanted to do was to touch him. And you did. The small embrace you gave Loki was all he needed. All he ever wanted. It was all he ever wished for. You, not being afraid to touch him.
Life with Loki was the best thing that had ever happened to you. The light touches and shy smiles lasted for two years. Both of you knew how much you liked each other but you weren't ready and Loki wasn’t about to push you. He waited patiently. You being next to him was enough. More than enough. It was a blessing for him and he wasn't going to ruin it.
The first kiss was as tender as your feelings and as loving as Loki's. You had never been touched that way. That caring, passionate way. Never before have you thought that touch could be this gentle. Never before thought you would enjoy being kissed this much. Leaving you craving for more. This was something new. Something exciting. And your giggles were full of life after small kisses or ones full of adoration. 
Like the kiss was your first time with him. You didn’t plan it but you weren't going to stop. Every time he looked at you for permission your heart would swell and you did everything in your power not to start crying right then and there. You had never in your life being more in control than that night. Loki only did things you wanted. Pleasing you the way you didn’t even know excited. Making you fall for him harder every time he looked you over to see any sign of discomfort but there was none. 
You have been blessed and the little precious gift that was left in you after that night made your life perfect. 
Thoughts about having a child completely changed in you as you couldn’t wait to see your little baby. A baby of a man you loved and actually wanted a family with. Not some wealthy disgusting stranger. But a caring, loving man that you knew would be with you no matter what. No matter how you changed.
The baby came and your life had never been more flawless. If this was what everyone else felt outside than no wonder they loved living so much. The happiness that settled in your heart was permanent and you wouldn’t trade it. For anything. 
If those years were the price you paid for this amazing life, you were more than grateful you went through it. It was hard and ruthless. It made you question everything. It made you want to stop living but this. This thing was beautiful. And you were thankful for your hard years because the man you found it that audience was the reason to live.
“Thank you.” you whispered trying not to wake the crybaby up. 
“No.,” he said as a light kiss was planted on your shoulder. “Thank you.”
You smiled as the tears slid down your cheeks. Turning around, you hugged him tightly. He rubbed your back as you buried your head in his chest.
He was really here. Your angel was here. And you were saved.
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Fem!Todoroki x Bakugou
This is not a drabble or anything (it’s 700 words long btw, what), it’s just the beginning of a smol fanfic I started long ago but gave up. Thought it’d be nice to post.
It was getting… unsettling, Shōto mused. 
She was not arrogant enough to think she was the center of someone's attention, but it was becoming hard not to think she was being observed. 
No, not observed. Actually it seemed like someone has been trying to glare a hole on her back.
With that said, such someone’s identity was fairly obvious. One for the glare, two for the unmistakable blonde hair which followed it.
Ok, so Bakugou had been staring at her. Shōto knew that he really wanted her to fight him all in, left side and such, so he could prove some personal point. Still, in no case that meant he would give her such attention.
She respected Bakugou as a rival and fellow hero in training. They both were known for being the strongest in the class, so Shōto could guess, considering Bakugou’s fetish for winning, that he would want to crush her or something. She didn’t want to “crush” him, but victory against the genius that was Bakugou Katsuki was something to be proud of. 
In any case, Shōto would certainly have the opportunity to ask why Bakugou had been trying to obliterate her with his eyes, because Aizawa-sensei gave the class an assignment and he made sure to choose the partners himself. And for some reason, he thought it was a good idea pair Todoroki and Bakugou up. Okay.
When Shōta said their names, Bakugou looked backwards at Todoroki as if she had just insulted him out loud. Good, he didn’t say anything though.
“Bakugou.” She called. 
“The fuck do you want, Icyhot?” Was the automatic response. Was she about to comment on his new obsession on staring?
“Can we make plans for the assignment? It is best to finish it as early as possible.” Oh. Ignoring the rudeness, Todoroki placed a hand on her waist, looking at him like he was the most boring painting she's ever seen.
“Hah? I don’t need your damn help, I’ll do it myself! Now piss off!”
Shōto did not piss off. Instead, she followed him, which didn’t make Bakugou any happier. “Fuck off, Half n’ Half!”
She had to go for the throat, then. “You know Aizawa-sensei only assigned us together because he knows you refuse to cooperate. We will both fail if you throw a tantrum." 
Katsuki had been troubled.
He did not sign up for this, okay?
Yes, he had been staring at Todoroki. And there was a fucking good reason for that. 
Rewinding the tape, about two weeks earlier, they were sparring. Sometimes that happened, because they were the best - even though Katsuki was better. Although the halfie refused to use both sides against him (probably just to get on his nerves), she was still one ridiculously powerful bitch. Not that he would admit that.
So far, so good. The point was that instead of the usual ponytail, Todoroki was wearing two low pigtails, splitting her heterochromatic hair in half, and it was satisfying to see, like those perfectly balanced images people posted on the internet. 
The second point was that the spar became more physical than “quirky”, and somehow, the Half n’ Half asshole ended up pinning him down, with two goddamn boobs pressed against his chest and two-coloured hair on his face. 
She was fucking hot, okay. Katsuki was a teenager. So yeah, he got a (involuntary) boner from that.
The fucking dead-fish eyed AC looked so monotonous and unfazed while Katsuki’s dick was up alive because he had fucking hormones. 
Thankfully, nowhere in her body was touching that region, so she didn’t notice it. “My bad.” was all she said before getting up and leaving, as the classes’ time was up.
Since then, he would stare at Todoroki. The first few times were unintentional. As mentioned, her hair was so perfectly split, it was satisfying to see, and it did not caught only Katsuki’s attention, thank you very much. It was no overstatement saying that every guy in that school wanted Todoroki’s naked body. Even what was supposed to be a fucking ugly scar fit her face nicely. The ocular heterochromia (he thought that only happened in cats or something?!) made her pretty. Ew. Katsuki was not about to be one of those guys. he wouldn’t.
(He was though.)
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statierogers · 7 years
You know  - Steve Rogers
Title: You know 
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Steve is keeping secrets from the reader, trying to protect her. But (Y/N) is not having that. (btw: the reader has mind powers)
Words: 4267
Warnings: None
Genere: I don’t even know. Fluffy?
A/N: Something that was supposed to be short but I got waaaaay into it. I really love the reader's powers. Thinking about writing an imagine with a reader with powers like this and Bucky. wouldn’t that be interesting? 
((AN 22.11.2021 - I have slightly rewritten this and changed the title, It was called “Stop Protecting me” before))
- Katie xx
My Masterlist
(Y/N) - Your Name
(Y/L/N) - Your last name
Your name: submit What is this?
Tumblr media
The noise of (Y/N)'s steps on the floor were the only sound to be heard in the kitchen of the Avengers compound. It was unusually empty. She wasn't sure how that could happen. She just came back from a mission yesterday. So she may have let herself sleep until 10. Usually, her Teammates came in motion around 8 a.m. Tony would be somewhere in the lab. He probably even slept there. He tended to work into the morning hours on some new Gimmick and barely made it home, which would piss Pepper off. 
Bucky and Sam would be back from their morning run, and Wanda and Vision would be having breakfast. But (Y/N) didn't even meet one Avenger on her way here. Not even Steve, and he was always around somewhere. He would greet her good morning, give her a gentle smile and would basically spend his whole day with her. Steve and (Y/N) liked each other. A lot. It wasn't a secret. Both knew there was more than a friendship between them. They practically already acted like a couple. They fought like an old married couple and they sometimes slept in each others bed when the others needed comfort.
"FRIDAY? Where is everyone?" she asked while she poured herself coffee into her favourite mug. It was an Iron Man Mug that Tony gave to her for Christmas. 
"I'm not supposed to say," the robotic voice sounded guilty.
(Y/N) shook her head confused and stopped mid-movement.
"What? Why? Tell me!" she said.
"I'm afraid it's classified Miss (Y/L/N)," Friday answered. 
(Y/N) put the cup down on the counter forcefully. Tony must have tinkered with the system, and Friday had a bug. She was ready to walk down to the lab and yell at him, just as Tony's assistant entered the kitchen. She had a tray full of empty coffee cups in her hands and looked strangely guilty when she spotted (Y/N).
"Oh, Julie. Where is everyone?" (Y/N) asked her.
The slim woman put the cups down on the table next to her and turned around. As fast as she came in, she walked out again. (Y/N) frowned and shook her head to herself. 
"What the Hell?" (Y/N) mumbled and followed her.
What was going on this morning? She wasn't sure if she should be angry or worried. They were either keeping secrets from her, or something happened to them. She hated either of these options. 
"Julie? Why are you walking away?" she yelled, catching up with the woman, who looked torn.
"I am not supposed to say," she said and sped up.
Did they brainwash people to say that sentence to her? First FRIDAY and now her. Even in her heels, Julie could walk really fast. (Y/N) would have been impressed if she wasn't really irritated by her. (Y/N) stepped around her and looked deeply into her eyes. 
"Who told you not to tell me? I'd prefer you would tell me yourself instead of me looking into your head," (Y/N)'s voice was daunting.
She had the power to read minds or control them. It was a scary power for everyone. Even (Y/N) was scared of what she could do. And it was hard to get close to people in an honest way. She had to control herself to not take a peek into peoples heads. But it was a valuable skill to have in battle if it wouldn't exhaust her so much. It didn't take long for her to find something out on an untrained mind like Julie's. But there could be trained minds. They were harder to crack. Just like really stubborn people, for example, Steve. When she came here, she tried to have a look into his mind. As soon as she reached out, Steve had turned to her with an angry look. It's like he felt it. He felt her advance. She didn't try further because she was intimidated by the soldier. It's funny how people were usually uncomfortable around her, but Steve never seemed to care.
Although (Y/N) had threatened Julie, she still didn't say what was going on.
"Miss. I am certainly scared of you, but he scares me more," she mumbled. 
(Y/N) furrowed her brows. Not quite so sure anymore. But her aggressive stance flattered. She didn't want to force her way into an innocent girls head. Even though she had no idea what was going on or what exactly Julie meant. She didn't want the girl to be scared and quit her job. Tony couldn't afford to lose another one. 
"What?" (Y/N) just mumbled, furrowing her brows. 
That moment the door to their left opened, and Natasha and Clint stepped out. As soon they saw (Y/N), they lowered their eyes. 
"Don't lower your eyes at me!" she scowled. 
They didn't want her to see into their heads. Although she knew Tasha and Clint would fight her off. Before they could say a word to the young woman, Tony, Sam and Wanda interrupted by following them out of the room. Great, then she would just do it on one of them. She hated using her power on her friends. But (Y/N) decided to go for the weakest of the trio and grabbed him by his shoulder. His face had a shocked expression as (Y/N) starred into his eyes to look for the answer. She only picked up some shreds of Tony's memories. Enough for context. She sighed and closed her eyes.
"He is in there," Tony mumbled and pointed at the closed door.
She didn't even want to have this fight with Steve, but his recent behaviour was ridiculous. She let go of Tony and stormed into the room. It was one of the main mission meeting rooms the compound had. There were still some mugs and random papers spread out on the big table in the middle of the room. The screen on the right wall showed a map with a few red dots. They were having a meeting for a mission that apparently required most Avengers. Well, all except her, apparently. Or at least that is what Steve thought. Said man was currently sitting on the glass table discussing something with Bucky. The Cap's muscular back was facing her. Bucky looked generally shocked when she entered. Steve just turned in his seat slowly. He looked like he knew who was there before even laying his eyes on her. 
"(Y/N)," he said calmly.
Steve didn't even look ashamed. He didn't look like he'd done something wrong. He also didn't move up from his chair. No smile, no good morning. (Y/N) felt hurt, and she missed her soft Steve. Those blue eyes that looked at her adoringly just yesterday when she had returned. Bucky, on the other hand, who had recovered from his surprise, rose from the office chair. He walked over to the girl to give her a hug. She shifted her focus from one soldier to the other. For (Y/N), it was always weird how smooth Bucky was. He had the strut of dangerous men but the most boyish smile in the world. She most definitely understood how the women fell for him. He was polite, handsome and charming. 
"Hi. Have you slept well? How was your mission?" he asked and hugged her.
(Y/N) smiled. She couldn't hide it. Buck was one of her closest friends. They met about a year ago. (Y/N) knew Bucky like no one else. That was only because she fixed his mind. She was the one who pulled Bucky out. She removed the trigger words. This was a long and exhausting procedure for both of them, which brought them really close together. They had seen each other worst moments. (Y/N) hadn't seen Bucky in a few weeks. He was one of the few Avengers who didn't live here, like Tony, Clint and Natasha. Bucky was really fun to be around, so she had missed him. 
Steve didn't like it at all when Bucky did that. When he acted that way around his girl. Well, she wasn't his. He wanted her to be, though. Before she even met Bucky, Steve knew the girl. She was there when they had the first mission as Avengers. She was there when SHIELD fell. In the beginning, it was just a strong friendship he felt for her. But after a while, it transformed into love. She was there as soon as he entered this century, and she hadn't left him since. Even when he tore the Avengers apart, even when Thanos rained down hell on them, and both of them barely survived. (Y/N) stayed. Fought with him. And when she healed his best friend, he was there every step of it. He sat at her bed when the exhaustion took over, and she had to take a break. He had smiled down at her. It had pained him seeing her this way, but she saved his best friend, and he was forever grateful for that. 
"Hi, James. Well, I got a new scar," she said, letting him go. 
She took her hair to the side and showed him the scar on her shoulder. Bucky raised his eyebrows at the still fresh red flesh. 
"An Arrow. Probably would have ended worse if T'Challa wouldn't have been there," she mumbled, letting her hair fall again.
Steve remembered frantically touching that scar over and over again yesterday. She had told him so many times that she was okay, but he didn't believe her. He even had the Doctor check her over again. And when she crawled into his bed because he insisted on not leaving her side for a while, he had starred at it and decided that he hated it. Steve knew she had a few scars here and there, and he didn't mind them at all. He loved them like he loved her, but he still hated it when another was added to the collection. Steve was angry at himself for not joining her on the mission. He was thinking about it before she went, but she had assured him she would be fine with T'Challa by her side. But if that arrow had been only an inch closer, she could have died. He wanted to protect her, which was also why he didn't tell her about today's mission meeting. Yes, they would need every member for this. But he was too scared for her safety. There was nothing he loved more than her. And so he didn't want her to go. To get hurt, again. And he knew she could take care of herself, but what about him? He wouldn't be able to concentrate with her out there. What an incredibly selfish thought of him that actually was.
"Yea, I know those. They suck. I have a scar from one on my leg," Bucky mentioned pointing at the spot.
Steve furrowed his brows. He couldn't believe he actually felt jealous. That was the first time he felt angry over not scaring. The serum took that from him. Not from Bucky, though. He didn't like how much in common they had. He knew it was stupid. But his heart overruled his head, and before he could stop himself, he interfered. 
"Bucky, you can go now the meeting is over," he said and rose from his chair.
His friend and the girl both turned to him. (Y/N) pretty pissed at his behaviour, but Bucky just smiled. He knew. He knew what exactly Steve had on his mind. And not because they just talked about it. But Bucky knew Steve. He knew he was in love with the girl. He also understood how jealous he was. And Bucky was really annoyed about the fact that they didn't just tell each other how they felt. But maybe today was the day they would. So he turned to the door, giving them the chance.
"Well, I guess I'll let you two talk. Just bare in mind we have to leave in 10," he said and left.
(Y/N)'s eyes followed Bucky out of the door. Only as the door closed, she turned around to face Steve. Her stance was defensive. She was angry at him. He could see that. 
"What is this?" she asked, making a gesture tracing the room.
Steve crossed his muscular arms over his chest. (Y/N) was sure she heard him huff.  
"I don't know what you are talking about," he said.
His voice was dripping with authority. He would only use that voice when he was talking about missions or when he was talking to new recruits.
"Steve. You held a mission meeting without me," she complained.
Pretty much stating the obvious. She knew he was playing innocent; he wasn't stupid. Steve was just a thing coy he must have known this would bother her. What was up with him?
"Well, I don't need you for this mission. Your abilities are not required," he answered and moved to the iPad.
He was typing on something now. Trying to look busy. So he didn't have to see that face. Those intensive eyes of hers. 
"Don't talk to me like I am one of them. Like I am just one of your recruits. It's me (Y/N)... It's us, Steve. Now look me in the eyes and talk to me" (Y/N) yelled, now throwing her hands into the air.
She hated when he acted like this. So stubborn. It hurt. It hurt that the person, that meant so much to her would act so cold and disinterested towards her. 
"I don't know what you mean. You got hurt from your last mission. You are still in recovery. If I l let you on that field now, you will be over-exhausted after reading one mind," he just said, lazily lifting his arm to point at her shoulder. 
This time glancing into her direction before lowering his gaze again. This action confused her. Steve was never scared to look at her. 
"Rogers, I am going on this mission if you want to or not."
Anger laced her voice. She would not let him do this, not to her. He would not bench her. She was an asset to them, and a tiny fresh scar wouldn't stop that. Steve was overreacting. Yesterday his worried seemed endearing and made her heart flutter, but she would have never thought this what it would come to. He turned to her now, looking up from his tablet. His eyes were angry. (Y/N) didn't need to see into his head to know he was just as pissed as her. But she just challenged him. Steve was a leader, a soldier. He was her boss in a way. And her not listening, refusing his order made him angry. In his mind, she was the stupid and immature one. She would endanger herself. Her recklessness was always pointed out by Steve. But this was (Y/N) and Steve; they talked about their issues and made up; they never just yelled at each other for no reason. But today, he didn't seem to wanna listen or talk to her. She sighed, remembering that they had to leave soon. 
"I'll see you at the jet," she mumbled and tried walking past Steve.
But he stepped in front of the door. His hands to his hips. (Y/N) was sure his tight blue shirt would explode if he decided to flex his muscles more. He tried to intimidate her. She knew that. His need for control was too big for his body. She sucked at this authority thing. She never listened to people. She was stubborn and proud, just like Steve. Their Characters had clashed before, but never like this.
"Stand down. That is an order," he said firmly.
(Y/N) just raised her eyebrows and lifted her chin. He knew he couldn't make her. No one could make her do anything. And that was not only because of her powers. She wasn't sure if she could take on Steve, but she would go down trying.
"Try and make me Captain," her voice was close to a whisper and her smile cold.
She would use her powers, she wouldn't like it, but she would do it. Two could play that game. If he treated her like his recruit, she would treat him like Captain America. Not like the person she knew and loved. The person she would always stand by. But no one could stand by someone who pushed them away. He could see for himself if he enjoyed that. Steve didn't say anything. He just looked into her eyes. The blue of his Iris now seemed cold and like Ice. (Y/N) shook her head and walked past Steve after he didn't make a move to stop her. As soon as the door closed behind her, Steve's defensive statue flattered. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. 
"So you guys are fighting?" Bucky asked (Y/N) while kicking a man in the stomach.
He flew against the wall and slid to the floor, staying there unmoving. They were currently on a Hydra base in some remote location. The mission was easy. At least they thought. But after they got the Intel they needed, (Y/N) found out there was a bomb here from looking into someone's head. And if it would go off, it would take down the small town a few miles away. Steve, Bucky and (Y/N) were trying to get to said bomb. (Y/N) didn't want to be paired up with him on this mission, but Steve insisted. And the rest of the team followed his rules. He was still Captain America and in charge of the missions. A small part of her was still glad that he was here. She might have lied to Steve yesterday, and her body felt more exhausted than she led on. (Y/N) also had hurt her foot while fighting an agent. Steve had seen it the moment it happened, but he was too afraid to step closer. But since then, he seemed to try to take all the fire on him and away from her. 
"Well, Captain America is being an asshole," she said and grabbed an Agent around the neck.
(Y/N) turned him around so he would look into her eyes. She started searching in his head for the location of the bomb. She had been trying with the last five men she touched. All of them seemed to have something in their minds blocking her. Steve knew she had weakened already. That didn't help his worry. But he still rolled his eyes at her answer. Bucky looked at him reproachfully. He didn't like it when they fought. Steve would get all broody, while (Y/N) would only complain about Steve. And he wouldn't be able to take sides, unlike the rest of the team. Tony and Natasha would automatically side with (Y/N) while Sam and Clint would choose Steve. 
"I was only doing my Job," Steve said with gritted teeth and threw his shield at a guy coming closer to them.
All three of them knew that Steve was a jerk. He knew he caused this whole fight, but Steve wasn't good at holding back. And after he fucked up, he was too stubborn to admit it to anyone. At least he could put all his frustration into beating up the bad guys. Bucky and Steve were circling (Y/N), who was still trying to get the information, blocking the agents trying to get to her. The shield flew between the men like they had practised it. 
"(Y/N). Uhm, how long is this going to take?" Bucky asked, now raising his gun.
They were under time pressure. (Y/N) just furrowed her eyebrows more. She had gone pale over the last minute. Steve knew she was pushing herself. She had already shifted all her weight on her right foot, and he wasn't sure how much longer she could take it.
"Give me a second. He has few walls around his mind," she mumbled.
Her hands had begun to shake rapidly. Steve never saw it like this before. Maybe once when she tried to fix Bucky. This was the moment he would usually interfere and stop her when she was in Buck's head. Steve's focus shifted from fighting to her ever so often. 
"(Y/N) that's enough. We'll find another way," he said with a stern voice.
But (Y/N) didn't listen. She was determined to get it right. To show Steve, she was not useless or meant to be benched. He had hurt her pride so she would show him.
"No, I can do this," she said, her teeth grinding together.
 Steve had now turned around fully to her. Trusting Bucky to cover them. He needed her to stop now. They didn't know what would happen, and if she fell into unconsciousness, she would be a liability. Not just because they would have to take her out of here somehow, but also because Steve couldn't think straight anymore then. 
"(Y/N)! I said enough," he reaped sternly.
Seeing her getting weaker, her skin colour fading, hurt him inside. He felt it in his heart. It was aching for her. God, he just wanted to protect her. But maybe he was going about this the wrong way. Maybe he should have tried it with tenderness. He should have known that sternness wasn't going to work with her. His worry stopped him from thinking straight.
"Darling, please don't," his voice was quivering by now. 
He had placed a hand on her shoulder. (Y/N) took one deep breath before she let the man go. Both of them fell backwards. The man to the floor, but (Y/N) was caught by Steve. He looked down at her softly. He pushed a loose strand of hair out of her face.
"Second floor. Electricity room," she mumbled.
Her body was like a puddle in his arms. Steve shook his head at her. Astonished and worried at the same time. He touched her forehead with the back of his hand. She felt hot, too hot.
"Romanov?" Bucky mumbled into his earpiece, still battling the agents. 
"Yea, got it. Tony and I are on the move," she said.
Steve sometimes forgot that all his teammates could hear him. But now, he didn't care at all. He just looked at the girl in his arms.
"Told you I could do it. Go, team," she said to him weakly.
Her eyes were half-lidded, and she was obviously fading in and out of consciousness. But a smile graced her lips. A proud smile. He would have laughed at that if the situation had been different.
"I know…You did well. But please, can I get you out of here now?" he mumbled, giving her a forced smile.
Steve tried to be nice. But even the nearly unconscious (Y/N) could see that he was worried like hell. She hated being incapable of things. But maybe she would let him take care of her, for once. He didn't move even f every fibre of his being wanted to run out of here. But he was going to respect her wishes now. She nodded weakly. And the moment Steve caught that movement, he started moving down the hall. Bucky followed him. He had only paid attention with one ear, but he knew (Y/N) didn't seem well. She looked like they had sucked her life force out of her. And this time, it wasn't his mind that did this.
"Sam, can you get her please," was the last thing she heard and the feeling of flying.
After that, she went fully unconscious. 
She woke up from the sunlight coming through her curtains. It took (Y/N) a while to open her eyes. The first thing she saw was Steves face next to her. She smiled lazily. She loved this sight. The soldier had his hands under his pillow. Her eyes travelled from his chin to the sharp cheekbones, then to his long lashes. Steve always looked like he thought really hard about something when he slept. A frown covered his face. (Y/N) reached out her hand and touched the folds between his eyebrows with her tump, then she placed a hand on his cheek. Seconds after, she was starring into beautiful blue eyes. A smile graced the Captain's face as he saw her awake.
"Glad to see you waking up," she mumbled.
Steve covered her hand with his and took it from his face, shaking his head at her. He stared at (Y/N)s hand a bit before he spoke. 
"Me? You have been out the last couple of days," he mumbled. 
His smile flattened. The memory of her pale face and hollow cheeks haunted him. Even though she seemed better now. They had wrapped her foot up. It wasn't broken, just a torn ligament.
"Bruce said there was nothing wrong with you. You just overused your power. And all you would need is sleep. But 3 days is a long time," he continued, lost in thoughts.
(Y/N) was searching for Steve's eyes. He sounded so pained. He looked up at her abruptly.
"Please be careful on every mission from now on. Just think before you do stuff. I… If something happens again...," he trailed off. 
His face only showed worry. (Y/N) titled her head to the side. She new he was worried about her, but there had to be another way for him to deal with this. 
"Steve…Your worry can't stop what I do. I am just like every other Avenger," she mumbled. 
The Captain sighed and took a deep breath. He grabbed her hand and put it to his heart. 
"Not to me, you're not," his voice was quiet.
Steve needed her to know. To understand how he felt. How he loved her. How he needed her. He wanted her to feel what he felt.  
"If you'd look into my mind, you would know..." he began thinking out loud.
He didn't know if he would like her to know it all, but at least she could see what he had been struggling to put into words for so long. But she shook her head with a tired smile.
"I don't need to know it all, Steve. I think we just finally need to tell each other how we feel," she said.
Steve looked at her, and it seemed like his words were stuck in his throat. He was usually so good at giving emotional speeches, but when it came to declaring his love, he seemed to suck at it. (Y/N) had her head propped up in her elbow, and the other still lay on his chest covered by his bigger one.
"I know you already know how I feel. But maybe I do need to tell you just once," Steve said. "I love you. I have for a while."
He laughed a little; it's funny how they were dancing around each other, actually never telling each other. Maybe they had never felt the need to tell each other before. (Y/N) turned around her hand and held his. She stared at their intertwined hands for a second before she dipped down and kissed him softly and slowly. It was their first kiss, but it felt so familiar. Because it was them, they had known each other for over ten years now. She only moved away from him slightly. 
"You know I love you too," she answered.
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