#the scene they showed in aftermath he was literally talking about courtney
Anyways real talk though I just feel like his 'jokes' throughout island and world tour (I'd say all stars but didn't watch it yet sooooo) sucked balls like,, his whole character in island was 'oooh im such a bad boy!1! I do such bad things because I'm a bad boy!1!' I mean you can have preferences towards characters but honestly I just thought of him as bland. He felt like a nothing burger to me, like him and Courtney were... ehh I dint really like it. (He didn't deserve to be in the final 5 just saying......)
And him in action was just bullying Harold and cheating on Courtney. And the whole oo I'm bad boy stuff too ig. Like. Through out action it felt like the first few episodes was him hogging on harold. I mean it's alright but I did wish he did more through out that time. And in the middle was him cheating on Courtney with gwen... like the harold situation I felt like he should've done more than THAT... and in the end he just felt like he didn't really do much other than make fun of other people and basically cheated on Courtney. That's it.thats all he did. It sucked. (Also I'm glad Beth was in the finale she deserved it)
And in world tour he was at his worst in my opinion. It felt like he did the same thing in island and action but more annoying. I can't wait untill he got off my screen when I was watching some episodes. And the whole love triangle made me hate him even more. Like he treated cheating like a joke... and to me it felt like he treated like gwen and Courtney like toys in a way,,, (Courtney deserved to kick him in the balls even worse who knows......)
So what I'm trying to say is that he's a one dimensional character in a bad way,, like I like total drama characters like that but honestly he felt so boring to watch, and also just a shitty character aswell, like I'm just saying he's unlikable. Like yeah he had some moments where he was nice but it didn't feel like much. Hopefully I'm making sense. So basically he's a boring shitty unlikable character. Thank you for reading all of this if you did.
-coolguy anon
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forwantofamohawk · 4 years
What's your opinion on Slap Slap Revolution? Today I was thinking about this episode in particular and came to one conclusion, first, the episode is too mean spirited, and second, there was a lot of wasted potential.
I dislike how everyone is too mean with Heather, sure she did wrong getting rid of the meat grinder, but their reactions were disproportionate (specially Courtney's, calling her a "self-involved, lazy, useless, formerly bald dimwit" was unnecessary), not to mention the scene in which LeShawna out of nowhere decided to beat the crap out of her. That was completely uncalled for and destroyed LeShawna's character as a way to justify her elimination, it's even worse when she reveals on the aftermath that she feels absolutely no remorse, their firenship from TDA was completely destroyed in a few seconds and is awful, I'm not saying that they should never argue or anything, but knocking each others' teeth and not apologizing is just brutal character assassination. Also Cody gets punished with the lederhosen for no reason, he did nothing wrong here and it shows how the writers think making him suffer misfortune is funny. Just give that guy a break, he's had enough.
I think there was also a lot of wasted potential with Sierra, the challenge was something important for her, she literally reveals that slap dancing "kept her alive in the school playground", but is one of the reason she doesn't have friends. I'm still can't understand how they could put that confesional in the final episode, yet not do absolutely nothing with it, it could have been the perfect excuse to have her not focused on Cody and maybe talk about her past.
In general I don't think is the worst TD episode, not even the worst WT episode, as it has funny jokes, memorable scenes and the cultural representation is not that bad (on TD standards), but those flaws hurt are way too visible for me to enjoy it.
Sorry if it's too long, I was writing my opinion got a little carried away.
Your points are well-made, even if they got a little rambling at the end I still agree 100% with everything you said. In terms of what it takes to fix an episode, I think Slap Slap Revolution needs a lot of work compared to most. Leshawna and Heaather’s TDA friendship being thrown out the window was a grand travesty, yes. Their friendship was always really rocky because they didn’t like each other personally, but it seemed founded on mutual respect based on how Heather showed Leshawna she could be supportive and a good teammate. They’re never going to be BFFs or really close friends, so I think it’s entirely possible that a wedge could be driven between them, but the way it happened in SSR is kinda contrived and, like you said, mean-spirited. Leshawna makes googly eyes and Alejandro and all of a sudden hates Heather again. There’s nothing actively undermining her trust that would make her reasonable for turning on Heather. I won’t say anything more because it’s a plot point in my fic and I don’t want to post spoilers on my blog.
I have nothing more to say on the Cody part except yeah. I mean on one hand he’s really creepy to Gwen during the season but like, instead of just torturing him for laughs maybe let him develop as a character and move on? Idk seems cheap and mean to me too. All I’m going to say about Sierra is that with that point you’ve singlehandedly managed to convince me to keep the dance-off part of the challenge in my fanfic. Like, seriously, I never thought of it until now, but it sounds like a great way to give us a window into Sierra’s childhood and why she came to be so socially isolated. I was going to completely scrap the dance-off but, now I just can’t. 
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