#the seventh doctor x rose tyler
your-own-scifi-nerd · 2 years
Rose Tyler And Classic Who
The First Doctor- a fight and flirt relationship. they would fight so much so often, yet strangely Rose would flirt with him and leave him completely flustered
Susan- they would be besties. Rose would introduce her to modern day fashion, and they would end the patriarchy together. all in one day. (because Susan deserved better and we all know she and Rose are both feral wolf raised children)
Ian- they would talk shit about the Doctor together. and he would hold her back from fistfighting a sexist/racist/homophobic dude then punch him in the face immediately so she doesn’t get in trouble. they would totally have a sibling relationship.
Barbara- they would have a love hate relationship. Rose would constantly fight with her, but they would both make up and be girl bosses over everyone else. she would also help Ian and Barbara get together.
Vikki- two words. feral. children. they would physically get into fights with anyone who dared treat other people lesser.
Steven- they would sit together and talk about cute men, while they get thrown in jail on every planet they go to.
Dodo- Rose would definitely treat her like a younger sister, and Dodo would hate and love it. they totally give each other fashion advice and do the other’s hair.
Ben and Polly- Ben would treat her like his sister, and Polly would help her take over the world.
The Second Doctor- joking and singing. These two would sing together everywhere, with the Doctor playing the recorder. they would also be joking and flirting everywhere they go, yet wouldn’t acknowledge it at all.
Jamie- you can’t not tell me they would absolutely joke about the Doctor, make fun of him, and beat people up together.
Victoria- automatic mother/older sister role. doesn’t matter which one, she automatically takes her into her care with a mentor figure affection, and Victoria would be hesitant at first but eventually come to see her as one of the two.
Zoe- they fight a lot, more than Rose and Barbara would, but it’s more of two extremely strong women with similar personalities that, once they stop fighting and finally click, makes everyone wish they kept fighting.
The Third Doctor- would call her “my dear Rose” and take her out on car rides very often. she would love to help him in his lab, singing along with him when he sang. they would flirt, but it’s seems old fashioned, and less joking
Alistair- would fight in a fatherly daughter way, but drink tea together every afternoon no matter what.
Mike- talk about cute men together, and spar together, and are almost tied at the hip whenever she’s at UNIT
John- chills with Mike and Rose, and has a very brotherly relationship with her.
Jo- they flirt with everyone, wear mini skirts and kick ass together all the time. they would absolutely be besties.
Sarah Jane- same with Zoe, except when they do click the entire world shakes in it’s boots.
The Fourth Doctor- they have a very jokingly relationship, flirting and teasing each other almost every time they see each other. she also will constantly wear his scarf whenever they’re out.
Harry Sullivan- he would become the older brother she never had, and she would help him with coming to senses with more modern views. he always tries to sacrifice himself for her, of which she always patches him up afterwards.
Leela- Rose would beg her to teach her some of the fighting skills, just like how Rose would teach her a bit of stuff from her time on earth, and they would have a shit load of fun together.
K9- calls her Rose, with her insistence. best dog/girl duo ever.
Romana- in her first body they would fight. a lot. Rose would think of her as too posh and stuck up, and Romana would think of her as below her. her second body, however, they would slowly start to become friends, and by the time they separate would be extremely close.
Adric- he acts like a brat to her, which she quickly puts a stop to and they become a sibling duo, constantly bickering with each other and driving the Doctor mad. but, they have that true sibling relationship where it’s “only I can insult them and we’ll insult you together”
Tegan- fashion and music buddies. they constantly share and talk about their taste in fashion, music, and women(because nobody in Doctor Who is straight) 100% gossip buddies
Nyssa- like Victoria, Rose becomes an older sister sort of figure to Nyssa after her planet dies. but, Rose also loves to learn about things from Nyssa about science, and Rose also loves to teach her about earth during her time.
The Fifth Doctor- puppy love. that’s what it is. they would have an almost childish love, the type that just gives and gives freely. they would argue very little, yet when they do they make up almost immediately.
Turlough- Rose would definitely figure out what he was doing with the Black Guardian, and change him earlier than cannon. they would have a fun little sibling bond, making fun of each other and making jokes a lot.
Peri- gossip and joke buddies. the two make fun of the Doctor, that random dude who was rude, you name it. they share fashion advice, and Rose beats people up while Peri yells at them. it’s a nice little match.
The Sixth Doctor- they would absolutely have the same relationship as Rose does with the Ninth Doctor, that joking around one with the undertones of something completely serious between the two.
Mel- Rose would definitely eat shit food just to spite her off, then feel bad about it and either do one of her workouts or eat something she made. it’s a daily occurrence.
The Seventh Doctor- they would have a mix of Three and Two, a very old fashioned type of love but the mix of flirting everywhere they go. all the time. it pisses of Ace a lot.
Ace- an older sister type of role, Rose constantly blowing up stuff and beating people up with her. they would take down the government using nothing but their brains, their fists, and Ace’s homemade explosives.
The Eighth Doctor- very flirty-touchy-close romance. he constantly tucks her arm in his, or wraps an arm around her, or hugs her randomly. it’s more of Tenrose with a more innocent tone to it.
Grace- they would be friends. not terribly close, but when the Doctor would do something weird or stupid they would exchange a glance of shared amusement and tiredness.
And I know there’s more, but I haven’t heard the audiobooks yet so I don’t want to make any assumptions.
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the-doctor-3000 · 1 year
𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 {Doctor Who Fanfic}
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Chapter 1: An Unearthly Child
Emma Jones. A nineteen year old girl with a great sense of imagination and sometimes with a head over the clouds. Currently, she was in her family's home. It was night time and they were all going to have a series marathon, Doctor Who, and since Emma hadn't seen the classic. 
The raven haired female was making some popcorn and poured the soda on seven glasses. She then carefully took them to the living room and placed them on the coffee table. Her necklace dangling around her neck; it was a clock pendant with Latin numbers. 
Her arctic blue eyes scanned the room, colourful pillows laid on the wooden floor and the sofa had opened and was now a bed with many heavy sheets with floral designs on them. Once she finished setting everything up, her four foster older siblings and parents walked in. Each of them carrying bags with snacks and candy. Mostly jelly babies. All for the marathon. 
Her foster mother, a soft featured woman with deep green eyes and strawberry blonde hair, dressed in hipster clothing, smiled at her as she set a plastic bag from the supermarket down. This was Jocelyn 
"Ready to see the best classic show of all times, Ems?" Paul, the eldest of the siblings, asked her with a grin.
"I'm, uh, kind of terrified to be honest." she responded meekly. At his confused look, she continued. "I mean, until the sixth season, it's in black and white. What if I don't like it?"
"Because it's Doctor Who, Em Universe!" he exclaimed with a chuckle, his grin never leaving his face. "If you loved the 2005 series, then you'll like the classic too!"
Her foster father, a man with sharp features and grey eyes, sighed at his son. "For goodness' sake, Paul! Leave the poor girl alone."
The poor girl. These words echoed in the noirette's mind as she held her smile. People sometimes would call her that because of the way her parents, her biological parents, had abandoned her on the orphanage's stairs with only her name and the pendant. Of course, Mike, the father, didn't mean any harm. He knew that she could get overwhelmed easily, especially when someone was urging her too much.
Not long after this little conversation, they all had sat down on their seats and the first episode of the show had begun. Emma was sitting on one end of the couch, her head resting on the palm of her hand as she watched carefully. 
It was odd seeing the Classic Who. So far she liked the plot and dialogues, but what she found weird was the special effects. Which was natural since she was used to the 2000s'. 
As she watched Barbara and Ian entering the junkyard, she heard something crashing outside the house somewhere near the forest. Mike paused the episode as he and the others turned to the direction of the sound. Emma sighed, standing up. "I'm going to check it out."
"Be careful, sweetie!" Jocelyn's voice called out to her like the protective mother that she was. The light reddish-blonde turned to her sons with a stern look once she listened to the door closing. "Paul, Jax, go with her."
"Ma!" Jax whined as he threw his head behind. "Why me? Emma is a big girl."
"True, but it wouldn't be right to leave your sister go out alone. In the dark."
Jax scoffed as he stood up and made his way out. "She's not even our sister, I don't understand why bother." He muttered, but Jocelyn heard him and bit her lip. "Going after that freak."
Paul, who was standing by the main door, also heard it and slapped the back of his head. "Jerk." And the two exited the house with a flashlight each.
Meanwhile Emma was carefully stepping over large branches. She tripped on some rocks and scraped her hands and knees. Emma cursed under her breath and dusted her clothes off as she stood on her feet again. It was far too dark to see, so she turned on the flashlight on her smartphone. She looked around. Nothing. Just as she was about to return, she stopped when she heard some high-pitched sound coming from deeper into the woods. A part of her said that she should go and not investigate, but another was curious.
The latter won. Emma sighed and followed the sound. Soon she could also see; a faint burnt orange with a small tint of silver light glowing. Her curiosity increased and became more eager to find the strange glow. For a moment she felt like a character from the stories she read. Strange wasn't exactly the word she would use to describe this feeling. Warm, friendly and even hypnotizing were the words that seemed more appropriate to use.
Finally she reached her destination, the light was coming from what seemed to be a floating ring. Squinting her eyes, she took note that there were some strange symbols on it. Shapes. Curiouser and curiouser, Emma instinctively reached out to it. The light was warm as it brushed her fingers.
"Emma!" Paul shouted from far away. Emma snapped out of her trance as she looked towards the direction of the voice. She looked back at the ring and quickly grabbed it. The glow stopped and revealed the ring to be silver with baby blue on the inside. She inspected the symbols on it carefully, not noticing the two boys sliding down the hill and to her. "There you are! We've been looking for you!" But Emma did not respond. "What's that?"
She shrugged. "Just a ring."
She said plainly, not bothering to add that it was levitating or that it glowed. He wouldn't take her seriously and would say that her head played games. Maybe it did, but maybe it didn't. 
Jax hugged himself, shivering. "Let's go back home! It's freezing here!"
Paul rolled his eyes at his younger brother and then lent his biker's jacket to Emma, putting it gently around her shoulders. He gently led her back to the house by the hand. Her eyes were glued on the ring even when they were back. Jocelyn offered to give her a chain and use it as a necklace. Emma accepted and then Jocelyn helped her to wear it. The black haired female touched the ring with the tips of her fingers as she made her way upstairs to her room.
She told the family that she wasn't feeling well and would watch the show some other time. Jax and the others, excluding Mike, Jocelyn and Paul, were annoyed that they'd have to postpone it. Emma ignored it since she couldn't do otherwise. 
As she laid on her bed, her hands rested on her pendant and on the ring. She huffed and took yet another look at the strange band of unknown metal. The symbols on it seemed familiar. She shifted to her side and pulled under her bed a laptop, she opened it and started searching it on the internet. At first, she typed on the search box 'strange circular symbols' but it only showed her pictures from Doctor Strange's symbol. She rubbed the bridge of her nose, deleted the words and thought for a moment. Where had she seen them before? Emma looked down at the ring around her neck. 
She set the laptop away and laid on her back. She took a look at her phone for any calls or texts, and the put it into her pocket. She the looked up at the ceiling until she felt her eyelids getting heavier and drifted into a dreamless sleep. 
After what seemed to be like hours, Emma woke up at the sound of something falling. She yelped in surprise as she sat up. What the. . .? The black haired female thought as she stared around at her surroundings. Not only wasn't she in her room but everything was in black and white. She rubbed her eyes but nothing. This has to be a dream. . .
"Blast! I dropped it!" a male voice said, Emma stood up abruptly in shock as she stumbled backwards.
"What?" another voice, a female, asked.
"The torch!"
"Well, use a match!"
"No, I haven't got any. Oh, never mind."
Emma slowly walked backwards, now seeming hard to breath, until her back bumped into something. She let out a small screech. The two people in there heard it and continued searching for the voice into the junkyard - now somewhat in darkness. Emma stared behind her to see the TARDIS.
"Susan?! Are you alright?"
"Susan? Susan?" The man started up a short flight of stairs which led to the building at the back of the yard. Emma placed a hand on her mouth, trying not make any sound as she also tried not to cry. This must be a nightmare, or a cruel joke. "Susan?" He came back down. "Susan! Mr. Chesterton and Miss Wright!" Emma tensed at the mention of the names. No. This can't be real. It's impossible. He looked behind the stairs then, quietly to himself. "Can't have got out without us seeing her?"
"Ian. . . look at this!"
Emma quickly hid at the side of the blue box. Barbara had found the Police Box, which stood next to the stairs.
"Well, it's a police box! What on earth's it doing here? Well, these things are usually on the street. . ." Ian put his hand on the box's side whilst saying this but he stopped dead in surprise. He touched it with his full hand, more firmly. "Feel it! Feel it!" Barbara quickly put the back of her hand on and off the side of the box. "Did you feel it?"
"It's a faint vibration. . . ."
He took a step back from the box as he said. "It's alive!" Ian quickly walked around the back of the box as Barbara waited. Emma, unfortunately, wasn't fast enough to hide and he saw her. "Barbara, there's a girl here!"
"A girl?"
"Yes." Emma shuddered back in shock and fear as she instinctively hid the necklace and ring into her hoodie's pocket. Ian let out his hand toward her. "Hello, there's no need to be afraid." She did not respond, she simply stared at him, unsure whether this was a dream, a prank or worse. "What's your name?" Again nothing. "Listen, we are not here to hurt you. We want to find a student of ours. Susan. Have you seen her?"
"I. . ." Her voice came out like a small squeak. "No. . ." She shook her head, not knowing how she should even reply to that. Should she tell them the truth or would that have bad consequences? "Who. . . Who are you? The both of you."
"Ian Chesterton," He gestured to himself and then to the woman. "Barbara Wright." He turned to the younger female again. "Can you tell us your name?"
"That's not possible." she muttered, ignoring his question for the moment, trembling in the meantime. "You can't be real. You are not real."
The teachers shared a look. Ian spoke again. "I assure you, miss, we are very real. Now, care to enlighten us with your name?"
"My name is Emma." she replied reluctantly. "Emma Jones."
As she stepped into the light, and the two adults could see her better, they stared in slight shock. She tilted her head to the side in confusion until she looked at what she was wearing; shorts, a hoodie with a logo which read 'BOSS' vertically, converse shoes and plain shocks. From their perspective, she was completely out of her time and she could see why.
Her cheeks grew hot from embarrassment and decided to change the subject. "Uhm. . . You were talking about the, uh, Police Box."
"Oh right! It's not connected to anything, unless it's through the floor."
Barbara sighed. "Look, I-I've had enough. Let's go, get miss Jones out of here and find a policeman."
"Yes, all right. . ."
A coughing sound echoed through the junkyard from outside the gates.
"Is that her?"
"That’s not her. . ." The gate creaked open. Ian grabbed Emma's hand. "Quick!"
They hid behind the stairs. An old man walked into view. Seemingly in his mid seventies or late sixties, with straight, slightly long white hair, wearing an Astrakhan hat, cloak and scarf. He coughed and waved a handkerchief to clear the air. He walked up to the box, pulling out a key and, holding a slim pen flashlight in the other hand, started to insert the key into the lock set into the box's door.
A cheerful feminine voice exclaimed. "There you are, grandfather!"
"It’s Susan!" Barbara whispered but was shocked, Ian hushed her.
The old man heard them. He pocketed the key and shined the torch on the stairs as Ian came out of hiding. "Excuse me. . ." He said sheepishly.
The old man shined the pen torch at his face. "What are you doing here?"
"Uh, we're looking for a girl."
Barbara stepped into view as she gently held Emma's arm. "Good evening."
"What do you want?"
"Um. . . . one of our pupils, Susan Foreman, came into this yard." Ian responded. "And we found miss Jones here too."
There was a smile on the elder's face. "Really? In here? Are you sure?"
"Yes. We saw her from across the street." said Barbara
"One of their pupils. Not the police, then. . . ." the old man muttered to himself.
"Er…I…I beg your pardon??" asked Ian
The old man fixed Ian with a stare. "Why were you spying on her? Who are you?"
"We heard a young girl's voice call out to you. . . ."
"Your hearing must be very acute. I didn't hear anything."
Barbara pointed at the box. "It came from in here!"
A flash of fear crossed the older man's face. "You imagined it."
"I certainly did not imagine it!"
The old man pulled Ian by the arm to one side. "Young man. . . Is it reasonable to suppose that anyone would be inside a cupboard like that, hmm?"
"Would it therefore be unreasonable to ask you to let us have a look inside?"
The elder's attention was suddenly drawn to a painting amid the junk. He picked the painting up. "I wonder why I've never seen that before. Now, isn’t that strange? Pretty damp and dirty. . . hmm. . ."
"Won't you help us? We're two of her teachers from the Coal Hill School. We saw her come in and we haven't seen her leave. Naturally, we're worried. . . ." Barbara said, trying to reason with him.
But he wasn't paying attention and then muttered to himself. "Have to be cleaned. . ." He suddenly seemed to notice her again. "Mmm? Oh, I'm afraid it's none of my business. I suggest you leave here."
He put the painting back down and walked back to the Police box, the TARDIS.
"Not until we're satisfied that Susan isn't here and, frankly, I don't understand your attitude. . ." Ian said
"Oh, yours leaves a lot to be desired."
"Will you open the door?"
"There's nothing in there!"
"Then what are you afraid to show us?"
"Afraid? Oh, go away!"
Ian turned to Barbara. "I think we'd better go and fetch a policeman."
"Very well." said the old man
"And you're coming with us."
"Oh. . . am I?" He chuckled. "I don't think so, young man. No, I don't think so..."
Barbara whispered to Ian. "We can't force him!"
"But we can't leave him here! Doesn't it seem obvious to you he's got her locked up in there?" Ian whispered back, Barbara nodded. "Look at it!" The old man was standing away from them again, now seemingly examining a small jug but his real attention was occupied by the teachers conversation as Ian examined the box's door. Emma, on the other hand, was far too stunned to even utter a word as she stood aside. She still couldn't believe that there was the slightest possibility that this was real. She refused to believe it. "There's no door handle. . . must be a secret lock somewhere."
"That was Susan's voice." said Barbara
"Of course it was! Susan. . . Susan? Are you in there? It's Mr. Chesterton and Miss Wright, Susan!"
The old man, the Doctor, spoke. "Don't you think you're being rather high-handed, young man? You thought you saw a young girl enter the yard. You imagined you heard her voice. You believe she might be in there. It's not very substantial, is it?"
"But why won't you help us?" asked Barbara
He put the jug back down and faced the teachers. "I'm not hindering you. If you both want to make fools of yourselves, I suggest you do what you said you'd do. Go and find a policeman. Also, why aren't you taking an example from her." He pointed at Emma who yet again tensed. "She is the only one who minds her own business."
"While you nip off quietly in the other direction." said Ian
The older man momentarily closed his eyes. "Insulting." He faced them again. "There's only one way in and out of this yard. I shall be here when you get back. I want to see your faces when you try to explain away your behaviour to a policeman."
"Nevertheless, we're going to find one. Come along, Barbara. Miss Jones."
The two teachers turned their backs on the old man while dragging the other female along, toward the gate. They've taken only a step when the door of the box opens.
"What are you doing out there?" Susan's voice was heard.
Ian then shouted. "She is in there!"
Suddenly the old male rushed at the two teachers, trying to hold them back. "Close the door!"
As Ian struggled with the elder, Barbara dashed through the box's open door and into a large brilliantly lit white room. The walls were covered with circular, indentations. A hexagonal-shaped control console with a cylindrical tube inset in the centre with machinery visible inside. Various antiques decorated the place. A monitor was set into the upper wall. A shocked Susan walked from behind the console. The old man, Emma and Ian walked inside behind Barbara.
"Close the doors, Susan." The girl, Susan, activated a switch on the console, and the large double doors behind the group closed with an electronic hum. "I believe these people are known to you."
"They're two of my schoolteachers! What are you doing here?"
Barbara looked around in wonder as she asked, "Where are we?"
"They must have followed you. That ridiculous school - I knew something like this would happen if we stayed in one place too long."
"But why should they follow me."
"Is this really where you live, Susan?" asked Barbara
"And what's wrong with it?" the old man asked
"But it was just a telephone box. . . ." Ian said
"And this is your grandfather. . ?" asked Barbara
"Yes." replied Susan
Barbara addressed the old man. "Well, why didn't you tell us that?"
"I don't discuss my private life with strangers."
"But it was a police telephone box. I walked all round it! Barbara, you saw me!" Ian said
Emma remained quiet, not wanting to draw any attention to herself as she felt this could just be a silly prank plotted by her adoptive brothers. The old man looked very much like the first Doctor, just like the others looked like the actors from the classic show. The Doctor crossed to an antique ormolu clock on a nearby stand. "You don't deserve any explanations. You pushed your way in here, uninvited and unwelcome."
"I think we ought to leave...." Barbara said
"No, just a minute." said Ian and he crossed to the the strange elder.
The Doctor muttered to himself as he examined the clock. "Dear, dear, dear, this is very…."
"I know this is absurd, but I feel. . . I walked all around it!"
The Doctor's attention was still occupied by the clock. "It's stopped again, you know, and I've tried. . ." He took notice of Ian. "Hmm? Oh, you wouldn't understand at all."
And he walked back to the console. Ian followed him. "But I want to understand!"
The Doctor was uninterested. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes." He removed his cloak and scarf over an old chair, keeping his hat on. "Oh by the way Susan, I've managed to find a replacement for that faulty filament. Bit of an amateur job, but I, er, I think it'll serve."
The Doctor took an electronic object out of his pocket and walked to the console. He started to insert the object into the console, effecting repairs. 
"It's an illusion. It must be. . ."
"What is he talking about now?"
Susan asked her teachers again. "What are you doing here?"
The Doctor coughed quietly to gain their attention. "You don't understand, so you find excuses. Illusions, indeed? You say you can’t fit an enormous building into one of your smaller sitting rooms?"
"No." Ian responded
"But you've discovered television, haven't you?"
"Yes. . ."
"Then by showing an enormous building on your television screen, you can do what seemed impossible, couldn’t you?"
"Well. . . yes, but I still don't know. . ."
"It’s not quite clear, is it? I can see by your face that you're not certain. You don't understand." He laughed. "And I knew you wouldn't! Never mind." He turned back to the console. "Now then, which switch was it. . . ? No, no, no. . . . Ah yes, that is it!" He flipped the switch. "The point is not whether you understand. . ." He turned back to Ian. "What is going to happen to you, hmm?" He turned to his granddaughter. "They'll tell everybody about the ship now."
"The ship. . .?"
"Yes, yes, ship! This doesn't roll along on wheels, you know."
"You mean...it moves?" asked Barbara
"The TARDIS can go anywhere." said Susan
"TARDIS? I don't understand you, Susan."
"Well, I made up the name TARDIS from the initials."
Emma couldn't help herself as she blurted out in excitement. "It stand for Time And Relative Dimension In Space!" Then all eyes fell on her, as if now noticing her presence. Her cheeks heated up while she stared at her feet. "Sorry."
Susan grinned at her. "Yes! That's right! Don't apologize! You understood when you saw the different dimensions inside from those outside, correct?"
"Something like that."
Ian shook his head. "So. Let me get this straight. A thing that looks like a police box, standing in a junkyard. . . it can move anywhere in time and space!?"
Susan exclaimed, "Yes!"
"Quite so." said the Doctor
"But that's ridiculous!"
Susan, exasperated, turned to the Doctor. "Why won't they believe us?"
"Well, how can we?" asked Barbara
The Doctor put his hands on Susan's shoulders. "Now, now, don't get exasperated, Susan. Remember the Red Indian. When he saw the first steam train, his savage mind thought it an illusion too."
"You're treating us like children!" exclaimed Ian
"Am I? The children of my civilization would be insulted."
"Your civilization?"
"Yes, my civilization. I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it. Have you ever thought about what it's like to be wanderers in the fourth dimension? Have you? To be exiles?" He motioned to himself and Susan. "Susan and I are cut off from our own planet, without friends or protection. But one day. . ." He gazed into the distance, his arm around Susan. ". . . we shall get back. Yes, one day. . .one day. . ."
Susan was a little distraught as she faced the teachers and Emma. "It's true. Every word of it's true. You don't know what you've done coming here. . ." She turned to the Doctor. "Grandfather, let them go now, please! Look, if the teachers don't understand, they can't. . . they can't hurt us at all! I understand these people better than you. . . their minds reject things they don't understand. . ."
The old man's icy look was his answer. The girl's words seized up in her throat. "No." He walked to the back of the room.
"He can't keep us here. . ." Ian said
"Susan, listen to me, can't you see that all this is an illusion? It's a game that you and your grandfather are playing, if you like. But you can't expect us to believe it." said Barbara
"It's not a game!' said Susan
"But, Susan. . ."
"It's not! Look, I love your school. I love England in the 20th century. The last five months have been the happiest of my life. . . ."
"But you are one of us. You look like us, you sound like us. . . ."
"I was born in another time. Another world."
"Now look here Susan, you. . ." Ian finally gave up and grabbed Barbara's and Emma's arms. The latter let out a surprised yelp. "Oh come on, Barbara, miss Jones, let's get out of here."
They walked towards the wall, the teachers were trying to find the doors.
"No, you two can't get out. He won't let you go."
A high pitched whining sound echoed through the room. At the console, the Doctor was laughing. Emma's head started spinning, she held it with both her hands, she rested her back on the wall and slid down to the floor. Ian pointed at the console and said, "He closed the doors from over there." He moved toward it. "I saw it. . ." He looked over the console. "Now which is it. . . ? Which is it?" He turned to the Doctor. "Which control operates the door?"
"You still think it's all an illusion. . ." said the Doctor
"I know free movement in time and space is a scientific dream I don't expect to find solved in a junkyard!"
"Oh, your arrogance is nearly as great as your ignorance!" laughed the Doctor
"Will you open the door? Open the door!" The Doctor laughed again. "Susan, will you help us?"
"I mustn't! I mustn’t!" Susan replied
Ian sighed and faced the console. "Very well then. I'll have to risk it myself."
"I can't stop you. . ." said the Doctor with suspicious acceptance. The old man's hand brushed a switch just as Ian's came down on a button.
Susan tried to warn Ian. "Oh, don’t touch it! It’s live!"
The shock flung Ian to the floor. "Ian!" Barbara exclaimed, she helped him up and shouted at the Doctor. "What on earth do you think you're doing?"
"Grandfather, let them go now! Please!"
"And by tomorrow we shall be a public spectacle. A subject for news and idle gossip."
He resolutely turned to the console. Susan moved to stop him. "But they won't say anything. . ."
He clapped hands on the girl's shoulders. "My dear child, of course they will. Put yourself in their place. They're bound to make some sort of a complaint to the authorities - or at the very least talk to their friends." He wagged his finger at her. "If I do let them go, Susan, you realise of course we must go too."
"No. Grandfather, we've had all this out b…"
"There's no alternative, child."
"I want to stay! Look, they're both kind people and the girl looks trustworthy too. Why won't you trust them? All you’ve got to do is ask them to promise to keep our secret and. . ."
"Ιt's out of the question."
"Can't you see that this girl--" Susan pointed at Emma who was still holding her head in her hands. "--Is terrified?"
"That's not my concern."
"I won't go, grandfather. I won't leave the 20th century. . . I'd rather leave the TARDIS and you!"
"Now you're being sentimental and childish."
"No, I mean it."
The Doctor looked at her, the teachers and Emma's form and seemed to reach a decision. "Very well. Then you must go with them. I’ll open the door."
He turned to the console. Barbara asked the girl, "Are you coming, Susan?"
The Doctor started to activate switch after switch on the console.
"Oh no grandfather, no!" exclaimed Susan and she grabbed at him, trying to pull him away.
"Let me go!" shouted the Doctor
He kept activating controls despite Susan's best efforts. The room started to shake as the lighting within pulses. Instruments and dials on the console burst into life.
"Get back to the ship’s side! Hold it. . ."
The shaking worsened, and the teachers were flung across the room, Barbara into a chair, Ian onto the floor and Emma slid on the other side of the room- a raucous grinding engine sound rose and fell through the room, the cylindrical column begun to rise and fall. And on the monitor, an overhead view of London was shown, that shrunk, faded and was replaced by a blinding vortex of light and energy. 
Hello! As you guys can see, I am going to start the fanfic from the first series. Of course, I am not going to do EVERY single episode (as I mentioned on the description) but the events would still occur. I might do twenty/fifteen episodes of the first 6 seasons because they are like 60 episodes each. I am crazy but not that crazy.
Also, I originally wanted this to be a Doctor x Reader but I realized that my plans (for the future chapters mostly) may not match the reader. I know that it's a lame thing to say since most of the content I write is x reader but I had to do this in this fanfiction. I promise that I'll try write a somewhat similar fanfiction if you guys want to. 
About Emma. . . I know that I made some stuff a bit too dramatic with her family (especially with emphasizing the fact that she is adopted and some of the members do not accept her) and that I added too much information too soon but it was a necessary way to introduce her character and have a better understanding of her personality as the story goes.
Emma's and the Doctor's relationship will take a long time to develop into something more than friendship but there will be some signs that one of the two has a crush on the other a bit later on the show. In other words, this is going to be one of the longest slow burns.
Anyway, that's all for now! Hope you have an amazing day/night!!!💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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legok9 · 2 months
Friendship is Universal
Official Doctor Who x Star Trek poster by Dusty Abell
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Top: Yasmin Khan, Kira Nerys, Clara Oswald, Spock, Amy Pond, Data, Rose Tyler, La'an Noonien Singh, Sarah Jane Smith, Bill Potts, William Riker, Cleveland Booker, Donna Noble
Middle: Jonathan Archer with Porthos, War Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, Sixth Doctor, the Guardian of Forever, the TARDIS, Fugitive Doctor, Eighth Doctor, First Doctor, Leonard McCoy, Beverly Crusher
Third Doctor with a tribble, Michael Burnham, Kathryn Janeway, James T. Kirk, Thirteenth Doctor, Christopher Pike, Philippa Georgiou, Fifth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Second Doctor, Benjamin Sisko, Twelfth Doctor
Fifteenth Doctor, K9, Jean-Luc Picard, Fourth Doctor
Bottom: Weeping Angel, Wirrn, Goblin, Khan Noonien Singh, Morbius, V5, Gorn, Beep the Meep, Cyberman, Maestro, Locutus of Borg, Vashta Nerada, Robot Yeti, Ood, Sil, Dalek, K1, Zygon, Kruge, Silent, Missy, Dukat, Ruk
The Seventh Doctor, Ninth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor are conspicuously absent. Also disappointed that Voyager's Doctor didn't make the cut!
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Bonus fact: Peter Capaldi auditioned to play Benjamin Sisko. Great to see them side by side.
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whywhatswrongwithblue · 11 months
can you recommend some mia fics
yesss i can! love me some mia fic (these are all exclusively tentoo x rose)
1. hush now to sleep, on the wings of a butterfly by @nostradamus0 (the freaking MASTER of mia fics btw)
Mia pretends to fall asleep in the car so she'll be carried inside.
2. little heartbeat, let me tell you about the bush called honeysuckle by @nostradamus0
Snapshots throughout the early childhood of Mia Tyler, usually revolving around her father’s increasingly bad nicknames.
3. One & Precious Life by @metacrisisdoctor (also a freaking master of mia fic)
A little one shot slice of life based piece on a panel of Empire of The Wolf. Just tooth rotting fluff.
4. The Sweetest Gift by @metacrisisdoctor
Mia comes down with a cold a few days before her sixth birthday and has some big feelings about it, but her parents know just how to make her big day special nonetheless.
5. Getting Home by @nounpolycule
Drabble featuring Eleven, the Ponds and Mia
6. once more unto the breach by @naaer
The Doctor bumps into a not-so-familiar face following an unexpected landing (Thirteen and Yaz meet Mia)
7. adventure of a lifetime by @naaer
Her tired, slightly intense expression softened at the sight of him. “Yeah, of course. She’s yours, after all."
8. everything smoky-smelling by @lordy-lou
The first year that Mia sees the woman is on her seventh Halloween. Her papa had taken her trick-or-treating—talking the entire time about how it’d been very boringly different in the universe he’d been born in (she didn’t believe his stories half the time, but she knew at least this part was true)—and she’d been so very occupied with jumping from perfectly crunchy leaf to leaf that she didn’t realize she’d wandered away from her father’s watchful gaze.
and if you don't mind a little self rec xD...
9. Dimorphous Expressions of Positive Emotion
The Doctor wrestles with a bad case of cuteness aggression
10. One Day Closer to Death
The Doctor stumbles into Pete’s World. Twenty years later, saying goodbye is still hard. (Ten meets Mia)
pretty sure i'm forgetting a few but these are ten fics off the top of my head!
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its-neopolitan · 4 years
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Was inspired to do this via @vi-the-former-seaturtle was just going to do the 5th doctor but fell down the rabbit whole and ended up doing all doctors with more than one Rose picture.
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ineffablebadwolf · 6 years
Rose: *exists*
Doctor: so blessed. so moved. so grateful. cannot believe this is my life. never going to take it for granted. always going to give back. thank you.
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trubie74 · 7 years
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Just a quick little something I threw together because there’s a serious lack of Rose/Seven content on this site lol
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ultranerdygirl · 6 years
Tag Game!
Got tagged by @plaidcheesecake! Thank you! :D
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag 10 followers who you would like to get to know better.
Star Sign:
Put your playlist on shuffle and name the first 4 songs that play:
(From my “Memories” playlist on Spotify)
“Stitches” by Shawn Mendes
“Castle on the Hill” by Ed Sheeran
“My Shot” from Hamilton
“Who Knew” by P!nk (there’s a really sweet Ninth Doctor x Rose Tyler video that uses this song and I love it.)
Grab the nearest book next to you, turn to page 23. What is line 17?
So the book I grabbed was “Still Here” by Rowan Blanchard (which is a very depressing book, btw) and pages 22 and 23 are just a wide shot picture of someone standing on the beach.
Ever had a song or poem written about you?
We had to write poems about ourselves in seventh and eighth grade, but that’s about it. No one’s ever written one for me that’s about me.
When was the last time you played air guitar?
Idk about air guitar, but I was playing air drums while we listened to Taylor Swift’s “Reputation” album today. Does that count? 
What’s a sound you hate? You love?
I hate anything remotely related to ASMR. Hate it. It gives me bad tingles.
I love the sound of my cats purring because it means they’re usually sleepy and really happy.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Heck yeah, dude!
Do you believe in aliens?
As much as I’d love for the Doctor to be real and sweep me away in the TARDIS, I don’t really think there’s any extraterrestrial life besides bacteria on other planets.
Do you drive? And if so, have you ever crashed?
Yep. I’ve been driving since I was a sophomore in high school. I’ve gotten in three accidents, but none of them totaled my car *knock on wood*, so that’s good.
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
What’s the last movie you’ve seen?
We re-watched Into the Woods at home yesterday, but the last movie I saw in theatres was Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and I absolutely loved it. Spider-Man Noir is my favorite.
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
I don’t think I’ve ever had a serious injury *again, knock on wood*, but I did have to have surgery on both of my big toes because the nails were ingrown pretty badly. 
Do you have any obsessions right now?
I’m still obsessed with Deltarune, of course. I just recently started listening to The Adventure Zone (I also read the graphic novel and fell in love.)
Do you tend to hold grudges?
Yes. I hold grudges especially if you’ve done something shitty to me in the past. I’m usually pretty forgiving if it was something minor, though.
In a relationship?
Nope! I’m single and I plan to stay that way (can’t believe my first celebrity boyfriend Nick Jonas got married. Priyanka and I need to have some words, lol. I hope they’re happy, she seems really nice.)
Tagging: @snow-dwight @montanaskye27 @partcatpartartistpartpersonifier @theneonmushroom @shootingstarsora @blueaga @lazybean29 @thistrashcant @hamiltonfan4ever @softopix
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U, X, Y for the fandom asks :)
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Nick Stokes (CSI): Ohhhh man where do I begin? Outside of being physically attractive, he has such a great personality but still has flaws and grows through his mistakes and traumas. CSI was just one of those cornerstones in my life, since I got into it when I was in seventh grade, and Nick had the biggest impact on me. 
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who): When I started watching Doctor Who, I was in a spot similar to Rose. Living day by day, no clear direction in life. I still am, but being able to go on that journey with the Doctor with her and watching her develop through her travels with the Doctor let me view life through a new perspective. 
John Reese (Person of Interest): I went into that show ready to hate Reese because I figured he’d just be the typical action genre tough-guy character but when he ended up being a complex character with a heart of gold and suffering from depression (which I was also suffering through pretty hard at the time) I just...connected with him. 
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Whump. (Does that count as a trope?) Idk why, but my favorite episodes of tv shows tend to be the ones where my favs are in grave danger (...pun not intended.) Oddly, it’s only with the male characters though. 
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
I tend to end up getting involved with those types of fandoms at some point, but I’ve been seeing a lot of The Good Place on my dash lately and will probably end up watching it at some point soon. I used to also see a lot of OuaT on my dash as well, so I have a vague idea of what goes on in that show as well.
Gimme a fandom and letters! (or letters and and I’ll answer for multiple fandoms)
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raindownforme · 6 years
The Bachelorette
Thirteen x Rose
(Prompt from @badwolfxoncomingstorm )
She sat up quickly and felt a rush go to her head. She flopped back down and waited for the room to stop spinning.
When it finally did, she propped herself up on her elbows and looked around. She was in a room the six of a college dorm, with a single bed and a vanity. No windows, and one over head light. The walls were painted a lilac-ish color, and there was a black dress laid out on the vanity chair. She slowly swung her feet over the mattress, and stepped into a pair of black strappy heels. She kicked them across the room and got up.
Her legs hurt a bit, but that didn’t compare to the pounding headache she had. The last thing she remembered was being in her room on the T.A.R.D.I.S., and Jack knocking on the door.
She reached for her neck and felt the key hanging just below her collar bone. She gave a sigh of relief and walked over to the dress. It was silk and had a slight train, no sleeves. She held it up against herself and it fell only centimeters from the floor.
Someone knocked from the other side of what she assumed was the door, and yelled “15 minutes. Better be ready Ms. Tyler.” She hesitated a moment, before deciding it was best to play along.
Ten minutes later, Rose slowly opened the door to her room. There was a wide hall on the other side, with what looked to be about fifteen more doors. She was about to go back in when the one across the hall opened.
A woman in a similar black gown stepped out. The dress had lacy sleeves that covered her arms, and cropped right above the knees but flowed back down behind. She had on a pair of two inch wedges, making her probably an inch taller than Rose.
“Hello!” Her face was bright and her Yorkshire accent was thick. “I’m Jane smith!”
Rose was taken back. All this time she thought she had fallen for the Doctor and... damn. There she was.
“Uh R-Rose. Rose Tyler.”
Jane froze and a blush came to her cheeks. She was about to say something when some important-looking dude-with-a-clipboard walked over and told them to go down the hall and to the left. Jane smiled at her and gestured for Rose to follow.
When the got down the hall, the found a set of double doors that opened to a grand ballroom. In a back corner there was a set of steps surrounded by roses that a bunch of other girls were waiting on. Thirteen other girls.
The pair took a place on the top row of the stand. Music started playing and someone made announcements over a loud speaker. A floating camera panned around the room and Rose took the time to peer at the other girls. Two were green, one was orange with two heads, one had eighteen eyes and no mouth, three were seemingly human, one was about three feet tall, and the rest she didn’t even know how to describe. It started raining flower petals and Rose watched as someone quite familiar walked out on stage.
“Hello ladies!” Jack harmless announced as he gave a generous wink to their group.
They both whispered “Jack!” under their breath, and Rose turned to look at Jane. But she wouldn’t meet her gaze. The announcer did some more talking and Jack pulled down girls from the stands to waltz with. Jane went second, and had a face of pure hatred the whole time. They quickly whispered about something as they danced, and Jane left the floor as soon as possible. Rose tried to pry, but Jane wouldn’t budge.
Jack pulled Rose out of the stand seventh, and hurriedly pulled her onto the floor.
“That woman you were talking to, she knows us.” Jack whispered in her ear as he spun her around, making it almost hard to focus.
“What do you mean ‘us’?”
“Rose, the Doctor can change. He can change face, voice, shape, species, all of it. But only when he’s inches from death. It’s a healing mechanism his body has.”
“So he... changed.”
“So that’s the Doctor we were just in the T.A.R.D.I.S. with?”
“No, she’s much older than our Doctor.” He dipped Rose back and she saw that Jane was glaring with a deathly stare. “Her eyes are so much older.”
“Then where’s our Doctor?” Rose asked when he pulled her back up. Jack shrugged as the music came to an end.
“Don’t let her know you know. You’re not supposed to.”
“Gee thanks.” Rose walked back to her place as he began picking through the crowd again. Jane said nothing to her the rest of the night.
This continued for roughly a week. Some days Rose wouldn’t leave the room, others it was just her and Jack for the whole day. He had almost explained the game to her, but he didnt quite know everything either. From what he knew, it sounded like an alien version of the bachelor, and Jack’s heart was the prize.
On the final day, someone knocked on Rose’s door and gave her three dresses. She picked the gold cocktail dress and the nude wedge heels. The dress cut low enough that the T.A.R.D.I.S. key was fully visible around her neck.
She walked out to the dance floor again, and noticed all of the girls were wearing different colored dresses. She went to stand by Jane, and she took Rose’s hand.
“This doesn’t seem right.”
Before Rose had the time to comment, Jack walked out and the announcer started to talk. He went on about how it was a fair game, and then told everyone to line up against the wall. Spotlights shines on everyone, and Rose found it difficult to look anywhere. But when she looked over to the right, she saw something hiddeous. One of the human girls had a spotlight that turned red, and then she was shot.
Her body crumpled to the ground.
Rose looked frantically towards Jack, and he started to run to her. A security guard grabbed him by the waist and pinned him down.
Jane grabbed Rose’s hand as another girl was shot down. Rose flinched and squeezed tighter. Then her light turned red.
A crash came through the opposite wall and Rose ducked down just in time to save herself. The Doctor stepped out do the T.A.R.D.I.S. and started blowing everything up. People ran around screaming and Jane grabbed Rose right.
“I know you’re the Doctor, I know-“
Jane don’t let her continue. She grabbed Rose by the face and hurriedly kissed her. Rose felt herself melt for a moment, but Jane let go to soon.
“I love you Rose Tyler. And so does he.”
“I love you.”
“Don’t forget to tell him.”
She missed her quickly one more time, then ran. Jack pulled Rose up and into the T.A.R.D.I.S. , and they flew off.
Rose wing her feet underneath her. Jack was off in some other part of the ship, and the Doctor was standing right I don’t of her, tinkering with the ship.
“Doctor, I have to say something.”
“Doctor I...”
He turned to her and smiled she shook her head and looked down.
“...Thanks, for saving means stuff.”
“Is that all?”
He furrowed his brows. “Well of course I did. Why wouldn’t I? Goodness knows I can’t control jack on my own.”
She laughed and jumped down from her perch. “How’s about we go somewhere I won’t get killed next time, alright?”
She smiled at him and he turned away hurriedly. “Somewhere safe it is.”
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ktrosesworld · 7 years
7-7-7 Meme!
I was tagged by a truly awesome writer @natural--blues 
The game: go to page 7 of your WIP, then go to the seventh line, then copy/paste seven sentences. And then tag 7 more writer friends.
I only have one WIP that is currently over seven pages ... it’s my Dave Tyler x Rose Tiler story that I’ve been working on for a couple of years ... as for this excerpt all I can say is you asked for it
“Hey Rose.” Jake wrapped her up in a smothering hug. “It’s so good to have you back with us. Of course, we need to get that skinny arse of yours back into shape so be prepared to sweat, lady.” Rose agreed that concentrating on their fitness routine would be a great way to ease back into the Torchwood life. What she didn’t count on was finding the note. The Doctor had developed a habit of randomly hiding notes in her locker, or handbag, or other places she’d find them at unexpected times. They had always brought a smile to her face, with their silly dad jokes, or drawings of things from their past adventures. Tentatively Rose picked up the note and slowly opened it. The Doctor had drawn a beautiful rose and had written the words “I love you Rose Tyler.”
Jake found her on the locker room floor crying big ugly tears into her knees, and quickly pulled her into a hug. “I can’t do it Jake. There are just too many reminders of him here and at the flat, I can’t do this without him.”
so to the tagging ... @whoinwhoville @chiaroscuroverse @lastincurableromantic @caedmonfaith @rishidiams @jellyneau-xo @lostinfic ... i’m also tagging @natural--blues because I needs more snippets from your other stories
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thyevilqueen · 7 years
Fic recs : Doctor/Rose fics (2017)
I’ve been rather busy most of the year, but now I have some time to add Doctor/Rose fics to my calibre library, so I’m compiling a list as I pick & download them via calibre. 
These are fics posted/finished/updated on Ao3′s Doctor/Rose tag from 15th January 2017 until present 10 May 2017 hat I have read and loved; and I want to keep these fics forever.
The cut-off date of 15th January 2017 is because apparently that’s the last time I downloaded fics to my calibre library properly (yeah it’s been awhile).
Anyway, here’s the list !
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In Between by justbygrace - (and everything else by justbygrace) - historical AU based on true story
A Fight for Love and Glory by Chocolatequeen - "They keep trying to split us up, but they never, ever will." That's what the Doctor had said a few weeks ago, during the Olympics. Now they were going to find out if his words were a prophetic claim, or a dare the universe couldn't ignore.
Perfectly Matched series by HiddenTreasures -  There's a universe where people can find their soulmates through writing messages to each other on their arms. This is how James McCrimmon and Rose Tyler find each other and fall in love.
Your Touch by ofhopesanddreams -  (WIP) - The Void doesn’t pull Rose through, but something comes out. Rose is trapped in her mind with a creature intent on consuming her, and the Doctor’s touch may be the key to stopping it.
blinking by Lvslie - (WIP) - In the middle of investigating the case of Will Byers, the Doctor and Donna make contact with ... Well, exactly, what?
A Sexuality by Cherazor - Tonight is the night. The Doctor prepares himself for his first night -together- with Rose.
Kallisti* by JessaLRynn - The Doctor assures her this is the weirdest planet they will ever set foot on. A truer statement has never been made, as Rose soon finds out.
*Kallisti is actually an old fic and I already have a copy of it, but since it was posted for the first time on ao3 on 6th February, I’m adding it to this list anyway. It is excellent, and includes a Doctor x Rose wedding.
Taking Time by Chocolatequeen - in fact, the entire “Being To Timelessness” series is my personal favourite series re-write with Rose. 
Anywhere You Are by Chocolatequeen -  If home is where the heart is, then...
An Ever-fixed Mark by Chocolatequeen - The Doctor had had plans, once. Plans that had been derailed in a barren room in Canary Wharf. But Time has plans of her own, and has brought Rose home. Now, after the slightest deviation from the timelines, it’s time for the Doctor to carry out his plans.
The Same Old Story by Chocolatequeen - Together, the Doctor and Rose have defeated the Cybermen and Daleks. They’re ready to go home and celebrate their close call, but then Rose remembers that they still have a few things they need to tell her mum.
Ain't No Vunos High Enough by gingergallifreyan -  Rose wanders through the woods one day when she happens upon a strange cave. She doesn't expect to find another world - or a handsome man - within.
The Magic Teapot by mountaingirlheidi -  Rose makes a new friend in an alien market while the Doctor takes care of some business, and this chance meeting has the potential to change her future. Will she let it?
Lab Mates by WhoInWhoville -  Rose has this gorgeous physics professor. But he’s also her psych partner. And he has her tied up in knots.
That Fruit & Veg Fic by WhoInWhoville -  It's been said that the produce aisle is a great place to meet new friends.
Death Cannot Stop True Love by Chocolatequeen -  It's a familiar scene. Cybermen and Daleks, and a lever that won't stay locked. But this time, Rose holds on just a little bit longer. This time, she does something no one expects. This time, he'll discover that she made her choice a long time ago, and she's never going to leave him.
The Doctor, the Face, and the Bad Wolf by WhoInWhoville * -  France, 1940, and three Allied operatives are stuck deep behind enemy lines, pursued by the notorious Master. Will the Doctor be able to get himself, his friends and the game-changing secret they are keeping safely back to England before the Master gets to them first?
* another old fic that I already have a copy of, but worth a re-read
The Rogue and the Rose by WhoInWhoville -  He comes to her by moonlight, and they rendezvous in secret, away from the all-seeing eyes of her fiancé.
Child of Earth by Lumendea -  Rose Tyler is in her final year of uni. but the universe isn't going to make it easy for her. Too many enemies know that this is their last chance to destroy her before she vanishes with the Doctor and have plans in motion that threaten not only Rose but her entire planet. Thirteen full episodes and seventh in the Guardians of the Universe series.
The Thing About Pears in Agadoo by mountaingirlheidi, SelenaTerna - The Doctor takes Rose to Black Lace for a special concert, and there's a situation with a pear. Because of course there is.
ain't no sunshine by Lvslie -  “I’m not a hallucination,” she repeated, eyebrows drawn together. “I built a dimension cannon and ripped my way through a rift. I came back.”
Old Friends, New Promises by Chocolatequeen -  Two weeks after Rome, the Doctor and Rose are just settling into their newly confessed love when a phone call from Mickey pulls them back to London. When they run into an old friend of the Doctor's, the reunion sparks a promise to Rose that will bring them even closer together.
Precious by naturalblues - (WIP) -  It's the high Sixties, and Ronald Laing has made a mistake -- his loneliness and fear make him cling to a loveless relationship that's about to go too far. Suddenly, the only woman he has ever been in love with comes back into his life. Somehow, he's got to set things straight for himself; especially if he hopes to continue to help others.
That Mother-of-The-Bridezilla Fic by WhoInWhoville -  Sylvia Noble: Mother-of-the-Bridezilla. But Donna, Rose, and Jonathan Smith are quite adept at standing up for themselves.
Frustrated Inspiration by SelenaTerna -  Rose and the Doctor try to find a missing prince, but Inspiration seems to get in the way.
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Up to 10th May 2017. To be continued.
As I went through ao3, I realised that I have missed out on many fics by brilliant writers that I haven’t yet read, so I’ve bookmarked those too! And suddenly I have a long to-read list again :)
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the-doctor-3000 · 1 year
𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 {Doctor Who Fanfic}
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Chapter 3: The Forest of Fear
The Doctor was sitting, and muttering furiously as he worked at his bonds. Emma, on the meantime, tried to remain calm as she looked around for anything that could release her and the others from their bonds.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, It’s all my fault. I'm desperately sorry. . . ." said the Doctor.
"Oh, don't blame yourself, Grandfather."
"Even so. . ." Emma started, still looking around. "It happened now. We cannot change that. So instead of apologizing and blaming yourself, I say help us to leave." She noticed something. "Look at those, look at them. . ."
A skull lied next to them with a hole smashed in at the top of its head. Ian noticed it as well and said, "Yes, they're all the same. They've been split wide open. . . ."
Ian started using one of the many small rocks on the floor to try and saw away at Barbara's binds. Susan crawled over to him, carrying another rock. "I've found another piece with a rough edge. . ."
He eased off with a sigh of relief and took the rock. "Oh, thank you." He tried it on Barbara's bonds, then groaned and tossed it aside. "Oh, it's no good! It keeps crumbling. . ."
"Oh, it's hopeless. Hopeless. Even if we do get free, we shall never move that stone."
Emma remained quiet for a couple of minutes before she realized something. "Where. . . There's air coming in here from somewhere."
Ian took her words into account and begun scanning the cave with his eyes."Miss Jones is right!"
"Yes, there is! I can feel it on my face!" said Barbara excitedly and Emma stood up and went to help the two.
"It may only be a small opening. Don't count on it. . . ."
The Doctor scoffed, "Oh, you obviously are."
The tips of Emma's ears grew hot and glared at the Time Lord. "You are the smartest being in the universe! But it's beyond me that you don't know that even the slightest bit of hope is better than none! So I suggest you to stop criticising us and do something! Help us all to get out of here." She tried Barbara's bonds, then threw the rock away with an angry huff. "Blast it!"
"Oh, the stone's no good!!" Ian said, also frustrated.
"Well don't give up, you two. Please." Barbara said.
After a pause he responded, "All right."
He and Emma started searching the ground again.
"No, no, don't waste time. Try those bones. They may. . . t-they're sharper, perhaps." the Doctor said.
"That's a good idea."
"Oh Grandfather, I knew you'd think of something!" Susan praised her grandfather.
Emma gave him an odd look. "We just wasted precious time on trying with the rock, why didn't you that sooner?!"
"Oh, I didn't think you'd have cared." he said, feigning guilt. "This is, after all, a dream to you. Why do you care if you wasted time when this isn't real to you?"
There was another pause. The Doctor was taunting her but Emma did not think much of it and said, "Good point."
The Doctor sighed, "We must all take it in turns and try and cut his hands free."
"But surely we should get the girls. . ." said Ian.
"No, no, no, we've got to free you first! You're the strongest, and you may have to defend us." The Doctor, using a fragment of bone, was starting to make progress on Ian's binds. He stopped, panting. He handed the fragment to Susan. "Susan, you have a go. My arms are tired."
Susan nodded. "All right."
She started on the binds as the Doctor lied back with a groan. "And don't think of failure."
"What?" Barbara asked him.
"Well, try to remember, if you can, how you and the others got here. Concentrate on that please."
"Yes, yes, I'll try." She blinked and realized something. "You're, you’re trying to help me."
"Yes. Well, fear makes companions of all of us, Miss Wright."
"I never once thought you were afraid."
"Fear is with all of us, and always will be. Just like that other sensation that lives with it."
"What's that?"
"Oh, your companion referred to it. Hope. Hope, Miss Wright."
Sometime later Barbara was working at the cords on Ian's hands now. The younger girls were trying to bite theirs off. Theirs gazes fell upon a hollow in the cave wall - Susan cried out in alarm and Emma yelped. Some bushes and twigs in the hollow were moving, with a shadow visible within. With a grunt of effort, the Old Mother pushed aside the small portcullis of branches that had covered her secret entrance.
She stared at the five. You. . . .will not. . .make fire. I will set you free, if you will go away and not make fire. Fire will bring trouble and death to the tribe."
The Doctor nodded. "There will be no fire."
Suddenly, grunting sounds came from outside. The five travellers were freed from their bindings, Susan last of all.
"Hurry. Hurry!! You must go across the top and into the trees. . ."
The five climbed through the secret entrance, Emma helped Susan out.
Through the dark forest maze, the group ran toward the TARDIS and safety. Barbara was in the lead, with Susan, Emma and Ian following and the Doctor bringing up the rear. But the old male was losing breath, and he sagged against a tree.
"Stop. . . stop. . . just a minute. . . let me get my. . . ." the Doctor breathed heavily.
"We can't stop here!" said Ian.
"Just a moment. . . ."
"Look, we've got to go further on."
"I know, I know that but I must get breathe. . . I must breathe. . ."
"Try, try! I shall have to carry you."
"Oh, there's no need for that! Don't be so childish - I'm not senile - just let me get my breath for a moment. . . ."
Susan moved to take the Doctor's arm over her own and helped him on his way. "Oh, Grandfather, come on. . ."
"Yes. . . I'm not so young, you know. . . . ."
"I know."
As they started on, a very nervous Barbara got by Ian and Emma. "Are you sure this is the right way?"
Ian nodded. "Yes, I think so."
Barbara's voice started shaking. "I can't remember. I. . .I simply can't remember. . . ."
She broke down, sobbing on Ian's chest. He pat her back reassuringly. Emma gave her a small comforting smile, "Oh, Miss Wright, it's going to be alright! We're free! That's something, right?"
"I believe you're right, yes. . ." Emma thought that she wasn't going to say anything else and started walking forward until. . . "Emma?" She stopped at the sound of her name and looked over her shoulder to Barbara. "Do you. . . Do you happen to know if we make it or not?"
The noirette thought about it for a moment and replied, "Considering that this show has been running for nearly sixty years, I believe that we'll make it!"
That brought some comfort to Barbara and she calmed back down. Still holding on to her, Ian started back after the Doctor and Susan and Emma - but an echoing bellow stopped the two schoolteachers cold. They forced themselves to go onward.
Some time went by and our travellers were dirty, sweaty, and exhausted. Yet still they forced themselves through the thickets. And their pace was growing more uncertain.
"I'm sure I remember this place. . . but we didn't come round it. We went across it." said Susan.
"Yes, th-th-there was a sort of trail. . . ." said Barbara.
"If that's true, we must be quite near the ship.' said Ian and he turned to the male Time Lord. "How are you feeling?"
He simply waved him away. "Oh, I'm all right. Don't keep looking upon me as the weakest state of the. . ."
Barbara suddenly stopped, gasping in terror. Ian grabbed her, looking where she was looking. "What‘s the matter?"
"I don’t know. I don’t know. Something over there, in the bushes. . ."
The Doctor was trying to hide his own fright. "Oh, what nonsense!"
"The bushes moved! I saw them! I saw them! Oh, we're never going to get out of this awful place! Never, never, never. . ."
Ian hugged her, trying to calm her down.
Susan turned to the Doctor, "What do you think she could have seen, Grandfather?"
"No! Sheer nonsense, child. Imagination."
". . .no we won't. We're going to get back to the ship, and then we'll be safe." Ian said to Barbara who was sobbing.
"Oh Ian, what's happening to us?"
"Look, Barbara! We got out of the cave, didn't we?"
A growl rumbled through the forest but nobody seemed to have heard or they were far too tired to concern themselves with this. Emma was rubbing her legs as an attempt to stay warm. It was a bad time for her to wear shorts.
"I’m so cold." said Susan who was also trying to warm herself.
Emma, knowing that she would probably regret it, sighed as she removed her hoodie and gave it to Susan. "Here, this will do for now." And she was right, she already regretted her choice. Not only was she wearing shorts but also a sleeveless shirt. The hoodie was the only thing that was keeping her warm from her waist and up. "Just-- Just, if you can, make sure my stuff won't fall out the pocket. 'Kay?"
Susan accepted the hoodie gratefully with a weak smile. "Thank you, Emma." She held the younger girl's coat and helped her put the hoodie on. Then she gave her the coat. She asked her if it was alright. Susan nodded, "Yes. Thanks."
Mopping his head with a handkerchief and slightly ignoring the conversation between his granddaughter and the strange female, he said. "Oh, I'm hot with all this exertion."
"We'll rest for a couple of minutes." said Ian.
"Oh, good. Is there any chance of them following us?" asked Susan.
"I expect so./Certainly." both the Doctor and Emma said simultaneously.
"Yes. That's why I don't want to stop here too long." said Ian.
"Do you think I want to?" said the Doctor.
"No. We'll change the order - you and Susan go in front, Barbara, Emma and I will bring up the rear. Susan seems to remember the way better than any of us."
The Doctor snorted. "You seem to have elected yourself leader of this little party."
"There isn't time to vote on it."
"Just as long as so you understand that I won't follow your orders blindly. . ."
"If there were only two of us, you could find your own way back to the ship!"
"Aren’t you are a tiresome young man!"
"And you're a stubborn old man! But you will lead, the girls in between, and I'll bring up the rear because that's the safest way! Barbara was probably right. I thought I heard something when we stopped back there."
"Oh, sheer imagination."
"Why are you so confident about it!?"
"Cause I won't allow myself to be frightened out of my wits by mere shadows. That's all!"
"Oh alright!"
He stormed away from Ian and back to the three huddled women who were sat on the ground. Ian followed. Susan put her hands into Emma's hoodie and felt the items which were in the pocket. A part of her wanted to take them out and see what they were but she thought it'd be best if she didn't. Though she planned on asking Emma later about it. Speaking of Emma, Susan looked at the female in question.
She blurted out, "Emma?" She looked at her and hummed in acknowledgement. "Why do you still believe that you are dreaming?"
She did not respond. Not at first at least. "It just doesn't make any sense to me. I mean, as I said, this is a television show. . . It can't be, well, real. I grew up watching the series. Well. . . The 2005 one and on but still." Susan pinched her on the arm. Emma winced and rubbed the place where she had been pinched. "Ouch!" She looked at Susan with wide eyes. "What was that for?"
"Sorry, but some humans say that if you pinch yourself when you're dreaming then you wake up."
"It hurts!"
"If it were a dream would it hurt?"
Emma opened her mouth to respond but realization dawned on her and she closed it with a distraught look. She looked down at her hands, she rubbed her legs, and did not speak again. What could she even say? 
Many things were going through her head, but she had to sort them out later. When they weren't in this situation. 
An hour passed and the travellers were still resting. Chesterton was the first one to get to his feet. "I think we'd better get going. Doctor, will you lead?"
The Doctor, still fanning himself with the handkerchief, got up. "Yes, yes yes yes."
"Come on, Barbara." He helped her up but as they started onward, Brabara stumbled and fell with a groan upon a bush. Right in front of the blood-splattered warthog. She screamed at the sight and Ian helped her to her knees, and held her. "Barbara, Barbara. . ."
Susan touched the creature gingerly. "A dead animal."
"It's just been killed. And by a larger animal too!" said the Doctor.
The rustling of branches alerted Ian and Emma. Ian turned to the group, "Shhh. That must be them. They've followed us - quick, quick, over there!" The party rushed across the path and out of sight. A few moments later, Za and Hur appeared. The travellers were perched behind a tree, watching the two cautious tribes-people. "Keep down, and not a sound. . ."
Za and Hur turned in a complete circle, scanning the shrubbery for any sign of the four strangers. The sound of a growl could be heard. Hur squinted at something and started forward but Za stopped her. "Wait! There is danger. I will go."
Hefting his axe, he started in the direction Hur had indicated. He moved slowly, toward a rustling bush that suddenly moved. Both tribes-people screamed as the creature pounced on him. The party watched in horror as the sounds of struggle and terror reached them. They climbed as one to their feet..
"Quick, now's our chance! Let's get away! Run!"
"We cannot just let them die!" Emma protested. "We have to help them."
"Miss Jones, this is not the time---"
Barbara grabbed at Ian. "I agree with Miss Jones. I don't care what they've done!!"
"Barbara!" Hur was sobbing nearby. "Barbara, Miss Jones, come on!"
She shook her head violently. "I think he's dead. . .there isn't any danger."
"Barbara! For heaven’s sake!"
Emma helped Barbara to rip free of Ian and they ran towards the cavepeople, Ian lunged after the two female.
"I'm going too. . ." Susan said but the Doctor tried to hold her back.
"Susan, you stay here with me. . ."
"No, Grandfather, we can't le. . ."
"Silence, we're going back to the ship!"
She also pushed herself towards the wounded tribesman.
"What are you doing!? They must be out of their minds!!"
The battle was over, and the creature had retreated back into the wood. Za was lying prone, moaning, his chest criss-crossed with jagged claw wounds. Hur was hunched over him, howling sounds of grief. She reacted as Ian approached, knife in hand. "No, keep away!"
"Let me look at him."
"I am your friend, you understand? Friend. I want to help you."
Hur looked uncertain. "Friend. . . .?"
"I want water."
"Water. . ."
"Go and fetch some water for his wounds." said Emma as she knelt beside Ian.
Hur paused for a moment, she decided and pointed behind her. "Water is there."
"Please, show me." said Barbara. She turned to Ian. "Give me your handkerchief."
He got his handkerchief out. "There you are."
Barbara took it and led Hur with her out of view. Ian and Emma opened the caveman's furs wider to take a better look at the wounds. The Doctor still stood by their hiding spot. A pleading look from Susan finally brought him up to the rest of the party. Hur and Barbara returned with the now wet handkerchief.
"Is he all right...?" asked Susan in worry.
"I think so." said Ian.
Emma pulled the stone axe out of Za's hand. The stone blade was noticeably missing. "He must have buried his axe-head in the animal." She took the handkerchief from Barbara. She looked at Ian. "I'll give it back, Mr. Chesterton."
He nodded and Emma squeezed it over Za's chest, dripping water down on the wounds. Barbara had wet down her own handkerchief and used it on Za's forehead.
"Water comes out of the skin!" Hur said in amazement.
Ian laughed. "Yes." Emma wiped away at the chest wounds. "I think most of this is the animal's blood."
"Oh, good." said Susan.
"There's a scar on the side of his head. . ." Barbara said.
"Well, we've lost our chance of getting away." Ian said, then, amused, he turned to Barbara. "Your flat must be littered with stray cats and dogs. . ."
"They are human beings, Ian."
He touched a raw spot, making Za moan loudly. The two schoolteachers and Emma tried to keep him still as Hur whimpered. The Doctor stepped forward. "What exactly do you think you're doing?"
"Have you got any antiseptic in the ship?"
Susan nodded. "Yes, lots."
"One minute ago, we were trying desperately to get away from these savages---" said the Doctor, only to be interrupted by Ian.
"All right. Now we're helping them. You're a doctor, do something!"
He scoffed. "I'm not a doctor of medicine."
Susan piped in, "Grandfather, we can make friends with them.
"Oh don't be ridiculous, child!"
Emma and Barbara were fuming with rage. The latter was about to speak but the former was far angrier that she beat her to it. "Will you stop that?! Why do you treat everybody and everything as something less important than yourself!?"
"You're trying to say that everything you do is reasonable and everything I do is inhuman. But I'm afraid your judgement's at fault here, Miss Jones. Not mine."
"I can't believe it." scoffed Emma with a dry laugh and looked into his eyes as she continued. "I am not saying what we do is logical. Me, Mr. Chesterton and Miss Wright are just doing what is humane. This is humanity! You--- You have two hearts! What's the point in having them if you can't show a little compassion?!"
Ian and Barbara froze at the news. Wait, two hearts? The Doctor was momentarily stunned by her response, his breath shaking a little but he quickly collected himself and said rather coldly, "Haven't you realised if these two people can follow these, or any of these people can follow us, the whole tribe might descend upon us at any moment?"
"The tribe is asleep!" Hur said.
"And what about the old woman who cut our bonds, hmm? You understand?"
Hur thought about it but couldn't add it up. She looked at Ian in confusion. He responded.  "He's right. We're too exposed here." He got up "We'll make a stretcher and carry him."
"You're not going to take him back to the ship?" asked the Doctor, appalled.
Ian took off his coat. "Take your coat off, Barbara. Susan, Emma, try to find me two poles. Long ones, fairly straight."
"The old woman won't give us away. She helped us." said Barbara to the Doctor.
"You think so? They have logic and reason, have they? Can't you see their minds change as rapidly as night and day? She's probably telling the whole tribe at this very moment!"
The efforts to construct a makeshift stretcher continued, but. . . "It's not going to work like this. . ." said Ian.
Susan got up and took off her own coat. Bundling it up into a pillow, she started to put it under Za's head. Hur jumped at her. "Noooo! He is mine!"
Susan jumped back, yelping. She huddled near Emma. "I was only trying to help!!"
"It's alright Susan." Emma said as she gave her a reassuring smile. "You did good." She looked at Hur. "She just doesn't understand that. She is, uh, jealous of you."
"I don't understand what you are doing! You are like a. . .like a mother to the child. Why do you not kill??" asked Hur, sounding rather demanding.
"How can we explain to her? She doesn't understand kindness, friendship. . ." Ian said.
"We will make him well again. We will teach you how to make fire. In return, you show us the way back to. . ..to our cave." said Barbara to Hur, slowly and gently.
Hur was uncertain. She looked down at Za and he spoke very weakly, "Listen to them. They do not kill. . ."
She thought again. Ian decided not to wait for the answer. "Come on, let's get on with this stretcher. Let's try the sleeves inside. . . .that's it. . ."
"Water" Za's voice was hoarse as he spoe.
Hur murmured in the affirmative to him. She got up, only to face the haughty stare of the Doctor. Matching the stare, she went on toward the pool.
"How about giving us a hand, Doctor?" asked Ian who noticed the stare.
The Doctor turned his back on the party. Susan said, "He's always like this if he doesn't get his own way."
Unseen from the rest of the party, a faint smile whispered across the Doctor's face. He turned to face the party again.
"Well, the old woman won't give us away. And now that we've got these two on our side, we should get back to the ship." said Emma though she did not sound certain.
The Doctor knelt down and picked up Za's stone knife but Ian grabbed the Doctor's wrist. "Get your hand off me!"
"What are you doing?"
"W-well, I-I-I was going to get him to draw our way back to the TARDIS."
Glaring suspiciously at the Doctor, Ian let go of him. "We've been too long as it is. Is the stretcher ready?"
"Yes." said Barbara.
"All right." He turned to the Doctor. "You take one end of it."
"You don't expect me to carry him, do you?"
"Do you want the women to do the job for you?"
Snarling, he replied. "Oh, very well!!"
The party gathered around Za. "Right, move him over very carefully. . ." Za groaned as they turned him. Hur cried out in sympathy. "Now, back again, gently. . ."
"Carefully. . ." said Barbara.
They deposited him on the stretcher, using one of the furs to wrap him in.
"Good, good. Right, now Susan, Emma, you get in front with her."
The party had finally reached the end of the forest. They were now in the desert and the sky was now as dark as ink. 
"Hold the branches back, girls.
The two pushed away the last of the tree branches, to a welcome sight which caused Emma to grin widely in relief. The two girls cheered, "The TARDIS! There's the TARDIS!"
Suddenly, several of the tribe rise from places of concealment, their spears ready.
"Back! Get back!" Ian warned them
They turned to face Kal and several cavemen at his side. Barbara screamed.
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shadowsprodpresent · 5 years
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May 2019
“Step into a scene and let it drip from your fingertips.” - MJ Bush.
The idea came from @lastbluetardis. I've seen a lot of people doing this lately and I thought that it was a pretty good idea for authors.
► Ghost of you - Human!Nine/Rose Tyler, Human!Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
► First volume of the Ghost of you story.
► AU verse, Mature, WIP.
Twenty-seventh day of September 2017. Day 1741 since the infection. Maxence Spitz video log. Still no remarkable results in our researches for a cure to the noctiuagus virus that had spread across the world five years ago. On the 20th of this month, we received twenty new subjects to another variant of the cure. Only five of them are currently being used. Subjects J and K had been inoculated with the virus with the virus yesterday at 8pm. L and M were the sane patients. L was left in K’s cage and J’s in M’s. Subject J died thirteen hours after it got infected and subject M was infected only two hours after it got in contact with J. Subject K is clearly infected but it’s struggling hard against the virus. L doesn’t show any symptom so far. Our patient zero still doesn’t show any symptom though the virus is in his system as the last blood test revealed. Subjects A, E and F have died in the night after days of struggle. The virus is getting more violent and contagious with the time passing and we don’t know how it spreads from one person to another.
► Total of words: 4,076 + 455 = 4,531.
► The woman who fell - Thirteenth Doctor x Rose
► Third one-shot of Chronicles of a better (wo)man.
► DW verse, Teen.
► "Wolf of humankind".
Rose Tyler was done with her boyfriend’s bullshit. She might have been head over heels a couple months ago for this sweet so-called bad boy that was bragging about stealing in shops and running from the police multiple times. She had fallen for the seemingly unreachable guy smoking menthol cigarettes and drinking strong alcohol and sharing with everyone even if they weren’t legal. She had been seduced by his beautiful words and unlikely promises. All of this had led them straight to that miserable insalubrious flat: there was no heating, the wallpaper was torn and hanging low revealing the cracks in the concrete of the walls, hot water was a luxury and you were lucky if you could shower without ending up electrocuted.
► Total of words: 1,149.
► Pheline's chair
► Fourteenth article for Shattered Thoughts.
► "Pheline".
We all have that one thing related to someone that’s gone, to someone we miss, in a corner of our house, of our mind, of our heart. For some, it’s just precious memories perfectly classified in a part of your mind like a bubble of nostalgia you’re visiting when you feel like it. For others, it’s a song they keep in their music player and playlists no matter how much time had passed since they listened to it just because this very song is reminding you of someone. And there are those objects. They seem forgotten in their corner of the house, gathering dust, missing their glorious years because you can’t touch it anymore in fear that it might erase the mark of the person that used to use this particular thing. It seems almost stupid when you write it like that, but we all have one of those things don’t we?
► Total of words: 595.
► Total of words: 6,275.
0 notes
its-neopolitan · 4 years
Could you do the RosexAllDoctors "our son" thing?? Please and thank you ♡
Ask and you shall receive. So i wanted to use the same photos as the one for the daughters but it kept giving them the same kind of hair styles so mixed up Rose's picture a bit.
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Gonna have to do this in 2 parts since it wont let me post more than 10 pictures.
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Number of parts: 7 / 9.
Pairings: Nine x Rose.
Synopsis: "Of course, after Rose fainted in her room, Jackie has insisting on staying around until the end of the pregnancy and she warned me: no more traveling. I can’t even disappear for even a minute."
  The situation can’t be any more critical than it is right now. Both Rose and I thought she could have gone through that pregnancy without any other major incident but we are both wrong. I have thought that the Wolf would stay into her a bit longer, that it would be enough until the day Rose would have to give birth, but I had overestimated the power that has been left into Rose, and I really hate myself for this. She was left defenceless and only has her weak human body to face the growth of a half alien, half human baby. Which is clearly not enough. And everyone can see it now. There’s no way to hide it anymore. Rose has felt pretty good for a few days after the Wolf was gone. She could still walk around a bit, and the baby seemed to be pretty quiet, leaving its mummy in peace. But it didn’t last. One morning, she felt so weak she couldn’t even get up from bed.
Of course, after Rose fainted in her room, Jackie has insisting on staying around until the end of the pregnancy and she warned me: no more traveling. I can’t even disappear for even a minute. She’s in the TARDIS almost all the time and barely leaves Rose’s room except for taking a shower and eating a bit. She sleeps with Rose in her bed and glares at me if I have the idea of slipping into bed or to even touch Rose. I can only get near Rose when I have to give her medication to her or when I have an exam to do. Jackie takes care of Rose for all the rest like the food, and drinks, and rubs… She holds me responsible for all of this and doesn’t want to see me more than necessary. She keeps me away from Rose, from her room and even if I’m allowed to go anywhere else in the TARDIS, I feel like I’m stuck into a tiny room which is too far from Rose and that’s driving me mad.
Another thing that’s making me absolutely crazy is the fact that Jackie is insisting on knowing the gender of the baby when Rose and I still don’t know it. Rose haven’t told me that she wants to know about the gender. She hasn’t said she wanted to wait either. But it doesn’t matter in any way. Until she tells me that she wants it, I won’t look at the baby’s gender, even if, as the only doctor on board, I’m the one taking care of the ultrasounds. Even if I see it, I won’t say anything. No matter how hard Jackie will insist on knowing. It isn’t her decision. It’s Rose’s. And maybe mine too since I’m the father. Who would have thought about it? Me becoming a father again. I’ve never thought that it would happen to me again, and to be honest, I don’t feel ready at all to have a little one on board, even if that child is a part of the woman I love deeply.
And hear me talk like the future daddy I’m supposed to be. I guess Rose’s optimism is getting to me, tough everything seems to go wrong for her right now. She stays in bed all the time and barely moves or talks, which is very unusual of that very chatty woman. I don’t think Jackie’s overprotecting presence is good for her, but who am I to judge a mother who’s just worried about her only daughter? And who am I to decide who’s gonna live or who’s gonna die? The day when ‘everybody lived’ is so far away now, and it is either Rose’s life or our child’s life that I have to sacrifice. I know her choice, I know my choice and when I talked to Jackie about it, she begged me to save Rose over the child. That’s understandable. Her only child. Barely twenty. There’s still a lot of things she has to live before the end of her life. She should have a longer life, but the baby do have a life to live too.
So, today, I have to do the ultrasound of the seventh month, and that one is making me anxious. The baby is almost fully formed now. I don’t need an ultrasound to know it. In the rare moments when I’m able to touch Rose, it almost always tries to communicate with me and I can see its growth and its thoughts. It’s not very clear but it’s enough for me to see, to understand, to love that child. I’m almost sure of the gender thanks to those small stolen moments of communication and only the ultrasound will be able to confirm my guess, but once again, it’s up to Rose to decide if she wants to know or not. And I’m pretty sure that Jackie has bothered Rose and convinced her to ask for the baby’s gender. I won’t tell anything unless I know that it’s her decision, and not Jackie’s. I don’t want to fulfil any of Jackie’s wishes, not when she’s treating me so badly. She’s playing with my nerves, with my limits, and I’m trying my best not to snap back at her because I don’t want her to take Rose away from me. Rose needs me and I need her. It never has been so true until now.
  The Doctor hadn’t expected to find Jackie pacing in the corridor in front of Rose’s room. She looked particularly angry and the Doctor didn’t know if it was because of something he had done – or not done. He’d rather not know at this point. Jackie was already making her life a hell and he needed a small break from her fury, but it was too late to go back now. Plus, he had to run that exam on Rose. Well, it wasn’t exactly an important exam, just a check-up to see how far the baby was in his growth, if everything was going fine for it. Just a way to reassure Rose about their baby, while she was struggling to hold on long enough to give birth. She was glad to see how his mind was changing about the baby, even if he kept refusing to give her an answer on the why. Maybe he could tell her today. Maybe he could show her. If they kept Jackie out of the room long enough.
  “You did this,” Jackie immediately attacked him, pointing a finger on his chest. “That is all your fault.”
“What are you talking about exactly?”
  He was keeping his voice polite and calm. No need to snap back and make things worse. He thought that she was gonna repeat over and over again that it was his fault if Rose was pregnant, if she was dying because of that baby of his. Of course, she wanted to be a grand-mother, but not now. It was far too early to her taste, and she certainly didn’t want a half-alien baby in the Tyler family. How was she gonna explain all of this to the neighbours? To their friends? No way she could tell them, and no way the baby could be a normal one even with a half human genetic heritage. There would be things, abilities that definitely wouldn’t be human.
  “You tricked her mind! You made her go against me!”
“And when would I have had the time to do such a thing?”
“You’ve spent your time disappearing with her and not giving any news. I should have known you would be a bad influence on her.”
“I did nothing else but show her the wonders of the universe. I’m not the best of men, I give that to you, but I would never make her go against her own family, not when she needs it the most.”
“She threw me outside her room.”
“Did she?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Don’t you dare joking with me, alien boy!”
“I’m not.”
  He bit his tongue not to ask the ‘what have you done again’ question that was burning his lips, but Jackie could see it in his eyes. She didn’t slap him, or punch him. She didn’t snap at him again. She just glared at him, her arms folded over her chest. More than angry, she was hurt. He wouldn’t know the final word of that story. Not yet.
  “I know you’ve got the ultrasound to do today. Can you… Can you talk to her?”
“What am I supposed to say?”
“I don’t know. You’re the only one who can bring some senses into her.”
The Doctor snorted, “Oh, believe me I’ve tried.”
“Then, try again!”
  The Doctor nodded just to get rid of her but he knew that it was useless. Whatever the argument was, he knew he wouldn’t have the last word on it. Rose had it, and she wouldn’t allow anyone else to have it. That’s just how she was and the hormone disorder caused by the pregnancy was making that part of her worse. He knew it, because he had faced it so many times before. He walked past Jackie without a word and entered Rose’s room. Nothing had changed since the last time he came. It was a mess of medical stuff combined with Rose’s stuff and it was kinda sad for him to see what he had never wished to see: Rose decaying and him trying so hard to save her.
He kneeled down close to her bed and cupped her cheek with his hand. She was cold again, but so was he. It was a normal thing to him, and he wondered if the baby wasn’t forcing Rose’s body to adjust to its Time Lord nature. She didn’t seem to suffer from her temperature lowering though. She opened her eyes slowly and a small smile appeared on her dry lips. She was happy to see him again. She hadn’t had the chance to see him much lately, because Jackie was keeping him away.
  “Hey there,” he murmured to her, softly kissing her forehead.
“Hey,” she replied weakly to him. “Long time no see.”
“Trying my best to come around, but you know how’s your mom.”
  Her whisper and her eyes betrayed the anger she had against her mother right now. An anger the Doctor knew wouldn’t last. It couldn’t last. Rose just needed time to calm herself down, to forget about the argument. A pointless argument he was sure of it. Or Jackie had tried again to make her change her mind about her decision. She wouldn’t. No one would. Rose wanted that baby, even if that was killing her. The Doctor couldn’t make her change her mind, Jackie couldn’t either. That baby was gonna live, whatever they would say. They just had to find a way to save Rose too.
  “She just wants you safe.”
“She wants my baby dead.”
  She slipped her hands on her belly and another smile crossed her face when the baby kicked. The Doctor put in his free hand on hers. He felt the now familiar bond running through his mind. The baby was happy to see him again too. The Doctor could feel it.
  “Our baby is gonna live.”
“What made you change your mind?”
  That was a question she had been burning to ask him, but never dared to, and since her mother wasn’t allowing him in the room except for the medical stuff, she hadn’t been able to talk much to him over the last month that had passed by. She was glad to have him back by her side. Jackie had been stifling her and Rose had gotten sick of it. She wanted her Doctor, she wanted the father of her child. So, she had thrown Jackie outside before the moment he would come so it would just be the two of them.
  “I can show you. You’ll understand better.”
“Do it, then.”
“Alright. Close your eyes.”
  She did as she was told. The Doctor moved one of her hands and gently pressed her fingers against his temple. His other hand never moved from her belly. He just intertwined their fingers. He helped Rose to open her mind so she could get receptive to the telepathic bond he was sharing with the baby. It was easier than he had thought and soon the baby could communicate with its mother through the Doctor. It filled her mind with so much love and comfort that tears fell down on Rose’s cheeks. It was so beautiful and so warm and it made her love that child even more.
  “You’ve been communicating together when I was sleeping,” she murmured slowly, enjoying her small contact with their child.
“It surprised me the first time, but then, I put my hand on your belly every night because it felt so good to be able to communicate that little being. I’ve never felt so much love before. No one, except you, ever show me so much love before and, little by little, we’ve built a bond.”
“Oh, Doctor, this is fantastic.”
“That doesn’t help with the choice I have to make though.”
  He slowly broke the bond and put her hand back on her belly. He avoided her look, knowing what she was gonna say to him. She wanted him to let her die, but he couldn’t do that. He just couldn’t.
  “I don’t want to die. I don’t want our baby to die. I don’t want you to make another choice that will break you, that will shatter your soul. And you don’t have to make that choice.”
“That’s what the prophecy is saying.”
“Since when,” she started, taking his hand in hers, “does my Doctor listen to those bullshits? We’ve survived the Bad Wolf. You can save us, the baby and I. I can feel it, deep down. You’ll find something. You’ll save me, you’ll save our baby. You’ll find something, Doctor. You’re not gonna let anyone die, you’re not gonna have to make any bloody choice.”
  The Doctor first fought that she was babbling deliriously but he soon realised that she was perfectly coherent. No sign of fever or delirium in her eyes. It was just her faith in him. She trusted him with her life when he had proven her so many times that he wasn’t trustworthy on that point. She might be blinded by her feelings for him, but that didn’t change much. She trusted him, and he had to be worth that trust. He had to save them both.
  “What the hell are you doing?”
  They both raised their heads. Jackie had found her way back into the room since none of them was coming out or asking her to come over. At first, the Doctor thought she was talking about the fact he hadn’t done the ultrasound yet but then, he followed her look. She was staring at his hand on Rose’s belly, his hand that was glowing with a golden light. The baby couldn’t have that energy through Rose so it was taking it from his father and the Doctor hadn’t even felt it. He smiled at Rose.
  “Looks like our baby is giving us the answer to our problems.”
  I think that no one understood what I meant when I said so, but that was the truth. The solution has been under our eyes since the beginning and I haven’t seen it though the baby has already done this. It was showing me it since I found out about Rose’s pregnancy. I am the answer. I always have been the answer. That was so obvious none of us has thought about it. I just have to give a bit of my blood, not too much because there are still some risks of reject, for the baby to have the Time Lord things it needs for the end of its growth. Simple as that. I still can’t believe I haven’t thought about that solution instead of going through all the possible books and creating all the possible cures I could. The cure is in my blood, and all I have to do is fill plastic pocket with it and do a blood transfusion to Rose. Just enough blood for the baby. I think Jackie half forgave me because there’s now a good chance for Rose to survive.
So, I’ve started filling plastic pockets right after I did the ultrasound – this is what I came for in the first place. The sound of the two hearts beating filled me with an indescribable joy, and the fact that the baby is perfectly healthy despite the troubles of its mother relieved me more than I would admit it. I really do love that child in the end. Maybe just as much as I love Rose. Maybe just as much as that child loves me. I did find out what the gender of the baby is too, and I couldn’t help but smile when I did, and because of that small smile, because of the tears of joy running down my face, both Jackie and Rose wanted to know what was going on. Both of them have asked for me to tell them what the gender is. So, it’s official: we’re gonna be the parents of a little girl. Rose is already arguing with her mother about the name our baby girl is gonna have, and I don’t think I would have a word to say, even if I already have a name in mind.
A girl. I’m gonna be the father of a baby girl. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy since the Time War. Rose was right: that baby is a gift. A gift of life. A gift of hope. The hope that I’m not totally lost, that I can be saved, that I’ve been saved. The gift of love and redemption. And if I can save both Rose and our baby, I will definitely deserve all that love and redemption they’re already giving me.
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