#the third doctor x rose tyler
mylifeiscomics · 5 days
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Something Human - Pt.20 Previous - Next
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angelic37 · 2 years
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TENTOO DAY GIFT EXCHANGE ► romantic date being interrupted for @angryrabbit42
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Timepetals is my favourite Doctor Who ship for many reasons but I just know that if I met them it would be a weird and awkward situation because I’d feel like such a third wheel lmaoo
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the-doctor-3000 · 1 year
𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 {Doctor Who Fanfic}
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Chapter 1: An Unearthly Child
Emma Jones. A nineteen year old girl with a great sense of imagination and sometimes with a head over the clouds. Currently, she was in her family's home. It was night time and they were all going to have a series marathon, Doctor Who, and since Emma hadn't seen the classic. 
The raven haired female was making some popcorn and poured the soda on seven glasses. She then carefully took them to the living room and placed them on the coffee table. Her necklace dangling around her neck; it was a clock pendant with Latin numbers. 
Her arctic blue eyes scanned the room, colourful pillows laid on the wooden floor and the sofa had opened and was now a bed with many heavy sheets with floral designs on them. Once she finished setting everything up, her four foster older siblings and parents walked in. Each of them carrying bags with snacks and candy. Mostly jelly babies. All for the marathon. 
Her foster mother, a soft featured woman with deep green eyes and strawberry blonde hair, dressed in hipster clothing, smiled at her as she set a plastic bag from the supermarket down. This was Jocelyn 
"Ready to see the best classic show of all times, Ems?" Paul, the eldest of the siblings, asked her with a grin.
"I'm, uh, kind of terrified to be honest." she responded meekly. At his confused look, she continued. "I mean, until the sixth season, it's in black and white. What if I don't like it?"
"Because it's Doctor Who, Em Universe!" he exclaimed with a chuckle, his grin never leaving his face. "If you loved the 2005 series, then you'll like the classic too!"
Her foster father, a man with sharp features and grey eyes, sighed at his son. "For goodness' sake, Paul! Leave the poor girl alone."
The poor girl. These words echoed in the noirette's mind as she held her smile. People sometimes would call her that because of the way her parents, her biological parents, had abandoned her on the orphanage's stairs with only her name and the pendant. Of course, Mike, the father, didn't mean any harm. He knew that she could get overwhelmed easily, especially when someone was urging her too much.
Not long after this little conversation, they all had sat down on their seats and the first episode of the show had begun. Emma was sitting on one end of the couch, her head resting on the palm of her hand as she watched carefully. 
It was odd seeing the Classic Who. So far she liked the plot and dialogues, but what she found weird was the special effects. Which was natural since she was used to the 2000s'. 
As she watched Barbara and Ian entering the junkyard, she heard something crashing outside the house somewhere near the forest. Mike paused the episode as he and the others turned to the direction of the sound. Emma sighed, standing up. "I'm going to check it out."
"Be careful, sweetie!" Jocelyn's voice called out to her like the protective mother that she was. The light reddish-blonde turned to her sons with a stern look once she listened to the door closing. "Paul, Jax, go with her."
"Ma!" Jax whined as he threw his head behind. "Why me? Emma is a big girl."
"True, but it wouldn't be right to leave your sister go out alone. In the dark."
Jax scoffed as he stood up and made his way out. "She's not even our sister, I don't understand why bother." He muttered, but Jocelyn heard him and bit her lip. "Going after that freak."
Paul, who was standing by the main door, also heard it and slapped the back of his head. "Jerk." And the two exited the house with a flashlight each.
Meanwhile Emma was carefully stepping over large branches. She tripped on some rocks and scraped her hands and knees. Emma cursed under her breath and dusted her clothes off as she stood on her feet again. It was far too dark to see, so she turned on the flashlight on her smartphone. She looked around. Nothing. Just as she was about to return, she stopped when she heard some high-pitched sound coming from deeper into the woods. A part of her said that she should go and not investigate, but another was curious.
The latter won. Emma sighed and followed the sound. Soon she could also see; a faint burnt orange with a small tint of silver light glowing. Her curiosity increased and became more eager to find the strange glow. For a moment she felt like a character from the stories she read. Strange wasn't exactly the word she would use to describe this feeling. Warm, friendly and even hypnotizing were the words that seemed more appropriate to use.
Finally she reached her destination, the light was coming from what seemed to be a floating ring. Squinting her eyes, she took note that there were some strange symbols on it. Shapes. Curiouser and curiouser, Emma instinctively reached out to it. The light was warm as it brushed her fingers.
"Emma!" Paul shouted from far away. Emma snapped out of her trance as she looked towards the direction of the voice. She looked back at the ring and quickly grabbed it. The glow stopped and revealed the ring to be silver with baby blue on the inside. She inspected the symbols on it carefully, not noticing the two boys sliding down the hill and to her. "There you are! We've been looking for you!" But Emma did not respond. "What's that?"
She shrugged. "Just a ring."
She said plainly, not bothering to add that it was levitating or that it glowed. He wouldn't take her seriously and would say that her head played games. Maybe it did, but maybe it didn't. 
Jax hugged himself, shivering. "Let's go back home! It's freezing here!"
Paul rolled his eyes at his younger brother and then lent his biker's jacket to Emma, putting it gently around her shoulders. He gently led her back to the house by the hand. Her eyes were glued on the ring even when they were back. Jocelyn offered to give her a chain and use it as a necklace. Emma accepted and then Jocelyn helped her to wear it. The black haired female touched the ring with the tips of her fingers as she made her way upstairs to her room.
She told the family that she wasn't feeling well and would watch the show some other time. Jax and the others, excluding Mike, Jocelyn and Paul, were annoyed that they'd have to postpone it. Emma ignored it since she couldn't do otherwise. 
As she laid on her bed, her hands rested on her pendant and on the ring. She huffed and took yet another look at the strange band of unknown metal. The symbols on it seemed familiar. She shifted to her side and pulled under her bed a laptop, she opened it and started searching it on the internet. At first, she typed on the search box 'strange circular symbols' but it only showed her pictures from Doctor Strange's symbol. She rubbed the bridge of her nose, deleted the words and thought for a moment. Where had she seen them before? Emma looked down at the ring around her neck. 
She set the laptop away and laid on her back. She took a look at her phone for any calls or texts, and the put it into her pocket. She the looked up at the ceiling until she felt her eyelids getting heavier and drifted into a dreamless sleep. 
After what seemed to be like hours, Emma woke up at the sound of something falling. She yelped in surprise as she sat up. What the. . .? The black haired female thought as she stared around at her surroundings. Not only wasn't she in her room but everything was in black and white. She rubbed her eyes but nothing. This has to be a dream. . .
"Blast! I dropped it!" a male voice said, Emma stood up abruptly in shock as she stumbled backwards.
"What?" another voice, a female, asked.
"The torch!"
"Well, use a match!"
"No, I haven't got any. Oh, never mind."
Emma slowly walked backwards, now seeming hard to breath, until her back bumped into something. She let out a small screech. The two people in there heard it and continued searching for the voice into the junkyard - now somewhat in darkness. Emma stared behind her to see the TARDIS.
"Susan?! Are you alright?"
"Susan? Susan?" The man started up a short flight of stairs which led to the building at the back of the yard. Emma placed a hand on her mouth, trying not make any sound as she also tried not to cry. This must be a nightmare, or a cruel joke. "Susan?" He came back down. "Susan! Mr. Chesterton and Miss Wright!" Emma tensed at the mention of the names. No. This can't be real. It's impossible. He looked behind the stairs then, quietly to himself. "Can't have got out without us seeing her?"
"Ian. . . look at this!"
Emma quickly hid at the side of the blue box. Barbara had found the Police Box, which stood next to the stairs.
"Well, it's a police box! What on earth's it doing here? Well, these things are usually on the street. . ." Ian put his hand on the box's side whilst saying this but he stopped dead in surprise. He touched it with his full hand, more firmly. "Feel it! Feel it!" Barbara quickly put the back of her hand on and off the side of the box. "Did you feel it?"
"It's a faint vibration. . . ."
He took a step back from the box as he said. "It's alive!" Ian quickly walked around the back of the box as Barbara waited. Emma, unfortunately, wasn't fast enough to hide and he saw her. "Barbara, there's a girl here!"
"A girl?"
"Yes." Emma shuddered back in shock and fear as she instinctively hid the necklace and ring into her hoodie's pocket. Ian let out his hand toward her. "Hello, there's no need to be afraid." She did not respond, she simply stared at him, unsure whether this was a dream, a prank or worse. "What's your name?" Again nothing. "Listen, we are not here to hurt you. We want to find a student of ours. Susan. Have you seen her?"
"I. . ." Her voice came out like a small squeak. "No. . ." She shook her head, not knowing how she should even reply to that. Should she tell them the truth or would that have bad consequences? "Who. . . Who are you? The both of you."
"Ian Chesterton," He gestured to himself and then to the woman. "Barbara Wright." He turned to the younger female again. "Can you tell us your name?"
"That's not possible." she muttered, ignoring his question for the moment, trembling in the meantime. "You can't be real. You are not real."
The teachers shared a look. Ian spoke again. "I assure you, miss, we are very real. Now, care to enlighten us with your name?"
"My name is Emma." she replied reluctantly. "Emma Jones."
As she stepped into the light, and the two adults could see her better, they stared in slight shock. She tilted her head to the side in confusion until she looked at what she was wearing; shorts, a hoodie with a logo which read 'BOSS' vertically, converse shoes and plain shocks. From their perspective, she was completely out of her time and she could see why.
Her cheeks grew hot from embarrassment and decided to change the subject. "Uhm. . . You were talking about the, uh, Police Box."
"Oh right! It's not connected to anything, unless it's through the floor."
Barbara sighed. "Look, I-I've had enough. Let's go, get miss Jones out of here and find a policeman."
"Yes, all right. . ."
A coughing sound echoed through the junkyard from outside the gates.
"Is that her?"
"That’s not her. . ." The gate creaked open. Ian grabbed Emma's hand. "Quick!"
They hid behind the stairs. An old man walked into view. Seemingly in his mid seventies or late sixties, with straight, slightly long white hair, wearing an Astrakhan hat, cloak and scarf. He coughed and waved a handkerchief to clear the air. He walked up to the box, pulling out a key and, holding a slim pen flashlight in the other hand, started to insert the key into the lock set into the box's door.
A cheerful feminine voice exclaimed. "There you are, grandfather!"
"It’s Susan!" Barbara whispered but was shocked, Ian hushed her.
The old man heard them. He pocketed the key and shined the torch on the stairs as Ian came out of hiding. "Excuse me. . ." He said sheepishly.
The old man shined the pen torch at his face. "What are you doing here?"
"Uh, we're looking for a girl."
Barbara stepped into view as she gently held Emma's arm. "Good evening."
"What do you want?"
"Um. . . . one of our pupils, Susan Foreman, came into this yard." Ian responded. "And we found miss Jones here too."
There was a smile on the elder's face. "Really? In here? Are you sure?"
"Yes. We saw her from across the street." said Barbara
"One of their pupils. Not the police, then. . . ." the old man muttered to himself.
"Er…I…I beg your pardon??" asked Ian
The old man fixed Ian with a stare. "Why were you spying on her? Who are you?"
"We heard a young girl's voice call out to you. . . ."
"Your hearing must be very acute. I didn't hear anything."
Barbara pointed at the box. "It came from in here!"
A flash of fear crossed the older man's face. "You imagined it."
"I certainly did not imagine it!"
The old man pulled Ian by the arm to one side. "Young man. . . Is it reasonable to suppose that anyone would be inside a cupboard like that, hmm?"
"Would it therefore be unreasonable to ask you to let us have a look inside?"
The elder's attention was suddenly drawn to a painting amid the junk. He picked the painting up. "I wonder why I've never seen that before. Now, isn’t that strange? Pretty damp and dirty. . . hmm. . ."
"Won't you help us? We're two of her teachers from the Coal Hill School. We saw her come in and we haven't seen her leave. Naturally, we're worried. . . ." Barbara said, trying to reason with him.
But he wasn't paying attention and then muttered to himself. "Have to be cleaned. . ." He suddenly seemed to notice her again. "Mmm? Oh, I'm afraid it's none of my business. I suggest you leave here."
He put the painting back down and walked back to the Police box, the TARDIS.
"Not until we're satisfied that Susan isn't here and, frankly, I don't understand your attitude. . ." Ian said
"Oh, yours leaves a lot to be desired."
"Will you open the door?"
"There's nothing in there!"
"Then what are you afraid to show us?"
"Afraid? Oh, go away!"
Ian turned to Barbara. "I think we'd better go and fetch a policeman."
"Very well." said the old man
"And you're coming with us."
"Oh. . . am I?" He chuckled. "I don't think so, young man. No, I don't think so..."
Barbara whispered to Ian. "We can't force him!"
"But we can't leave him here! Doesn't it seem obvious to you he's got her locked up in there?" Ian whispered back, Barbara nodded. "Look at it!" The old man was standing away from them again, now seemingly examining a small jug but his real attention was occupied by the teachers conversation as Ian examined the box's door. Emma, on the other hand, was far too stunned to even utter a word as she stood aside. She still couldn't believe that there was the slightest possibility that this was real. She refused to believe it. "There's no door handle. . . must be a secret lock somewhere."
"That was Susan's voice." said Barbara
"Of course it was! Susan. . . Susan? Are you in there? It's Mr. Chesterton and Miss Wright, Susan!"
The old man, the Doctor, spoke. "Don't you think you're being rather high-handed, young man? You thought you saw a young girl enter the yard. You imagined you heard her voice. You believe she might be in there. It's not very substantial, is it?"
"But why won't you help us?" asked Barbara
He put the jug back down and faced the teachers. "I'm not hindering you. If you both want to make fools of yourselves, I suggest you do what you said you'd do. Go and find a policeman. Also, why aren't you taking an example from her." He pointed at Emma who yet again tensed. "She is the only one who minds her own business."
"While you nip off quietly in the other direction." said Ian
The older man momentarily closed his eyes. "Insulting." He faced them again. "There's only one way in and out of this yard. I shall be here when you get back. I want to see your faces when you try to explain away your behaviour to a policeman."
"Nevertheless, we're going to find one. Come along, Barbara. Miss Jones."
The two teachers turned their backs on the old man while dragging the other female along, toward the gate. They've taken only a step when the door of the box opens.
"What are you doing out there?" Susan's voice was heard.
Ian then shouted. "She is in there!"
Suddenly the old male rushed at the two teachers, trying to hold them back. "Close the door!"
As Ian struggled with the elder, Barbara dashed through the box's open door and into a large brilliantly lit white room. The walls were covered with circular, indentations. A hexagonal-shaped control console with a cylindrical tube inset in the centre with machinery visible inside. Various antiques decorated the place. A monitor was set into the upper wall. A shocked Susan walked from behind the console. The old man, Emma and Ian walked inside behind Barbara.
"Close the doors, Susan." The girl, Susan, activated a switch on the console, and the large double doors behind the group closed with an electronic hum. "I believe these people are known to you."
"They're two of my schoolteachers! What are you doing here?"
Barbara looked around in wonder as she asked, "Where are we?"
"They must have followed you. That ridiculous school - I knew something like this would happen if we stayed in one place too long."
"But why should they follow me."
"Is this really where you live, Susan?" asked Barbara
"And what's wrong with it?" the old man asked
"But it was just a telephone box. . . ." Ian said
"And this is your grandfather. . ?" asked Barbara
"Yes." replied Susan
Barbara addressed the old man. "Well, why didn't you tell us that?"
"I don't discuss my private life with strangers."
"But it was a police telephone box. I walked all round it! Barbara, you saw me!" Ian said
Emma remained quiet, not wanting to draw any attention to herself as she felt this could just be a silly prank plotted by her adoptive brothers. The old man looked very much like the first Doctor, just like the others looked like the actors from the classic show. The Doctor crossed to an antique ormolu clock on a nearby stand. "You don't deserve any explanations. You pushed your way in here, uninvited and unwelcome."
"I think we ought to leave...." Barbara said
"No, just a minute." said Ian and he crossed to the the strange elder.
The Doctor muttered to himself as he examined the clock. "Dear, dear, dear, this is very…."
"I know this is absurd, but I feel. . . I walked all around it!"
The Doctor's attention was still occupied by the clock. "It's stopped again, you know, and I've tried. . ." He took notice of Ian. "Hmm? Oh, you wouldn't understand at all."
And he walked back to the console. Ian followed him. "But I want to understand!"
The Doctor was uninterested. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes." He removed his cloak and scarf over an old chair, keeping his hat on. "Oh by the way Susan, I've managed to find a replacement for that faulty filament. Bit of an amateur job, but I, er, I think it'll serve."
The Doctor took an electronic object out of his pocket and walked to the console. He started to insert the object into the console, effecting repairs. 
"It's an illusion. It must be. . ."
"What is he talking about now?"
Susan asked her teachers again. "What are you doing here?"
The Doctor coughed quietly to gain their attention. "You don't understand, so you find excuses. Illusions, indeed? You say you can’t fit an enormous building into one of your smaller sitting rooms?"
"No." Ian responded
"But you've discovered television, haven't you?"
"Yes. . ."
"Then by showing an enormous building on your television screen, you can do what seemed impossible, couldn’t you?"
"Well. . . yes, but I still don't know. . ."
"It’s not quite clear, is it? I can see by your face that you're not certain. You don't understand." He laughed. "And I knew you wouldn't! Never mind." He turned back to the console. "Now then, which switch was it. . . ? No, no, no. . . . Ah yes, that is it!" He flipped the switch. "The point is not whether you understand. . ." He turned back to Ian. "What is going to happen to you, hmm?" He turned to his granddaughter. "They'll tell everybody about the ship now."
"The ship. . .?"
"Yes, yes, ship! This doesn't roll along on wheels, you know."
"You mean...it moves?" asked Barbara
"The TARDIS can go anywhere." said Susan
"TARDIS? I don't understand you, Susan."
"Well, I made up the name TARDIS from the initials."
Emma couldn't help herself as she blurted out in excitement. "It stand for Time And Relative Dimension In Space!" Then all eyes fell on her, as if now noticing her presence. Her cheeks heated up while she stared at her feet. "Sorry."
Susan grinned at her. "Yes! That's right! Don't apologize! You understood when you saw the different dimensions inside from those outside, correct?"
"Something like that."
Ian shook his head. "So. Let me get this straight. A thing that looks like a police box, standing in a junkyard. . . it can move anywhere in time and space!?"
Susan exclaimed, "Yes!"
"Quite so." said the Doctor
"But that's ridiculous!"
Susan, exasperated, turned to the Doctor. "Why won't they believe us?"
"Well, how can we?" asked Barbara
The Doctor put his hands on Susan's shoulders. "Now, now, don't get exasperated, Susan. Remember the Red Indian. When he saw the first steam train, his savage mind thought it an illusion too."
"You're treating us like children!" exclaimed Ian
"Am I? The children of my civilization would be insulted."
"Your civilization?"
"Yes, my civilization. I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it. Have you ever thought about what it's like to be wanderers in the fourth dimension? Have you? To be exiles?" He motioned to himself and Susan. "Susan and I are cut off from our own planet, without friends or protection. But one day. . ." He gazed into the distance, his arm around Susan. ". . . we shall get back. Yes, one day. . .one day. . ."
Susan was a little distraught as she faced the teachers and Emma. "It's true. Every word of it's true. You don't know what you've done coming here. . ." She turned to the Doctor. "Grandfather, let them go now, please! Look, if the teachers don't understand, they can't. . . they can't hurt us at all! I understand these people better than you. . . their minds reject things they don't understand. . ."
The old man's icy look was his answer. The girl's words seized up in her throat. "No." He walked to the back of the room.
"He can't keep us here. . ." Ian said
"Susan, listen to me, can't you see that all this is an illusion? It's a game that you and your grandfather are playing, if you like. But you can't expect us to believe it." said Barbara
"It's not a game!' said Susan
"But, Susan. . ."
"It's not! Look, I love your school. I love England in the 20th century. The last five months have been the happiest of my life. . . ."
"But you are one of us. You look like us, you sound like us. . . ."
"I was born in another time. Another world."
"Now look here Susan, you. . ." Ian finally gave up and grabbed Barbara's and Emma's arms. The latter let out a surprised yelp. "Oh come on, Barbara, miss Jones, let's get out of here."
They walked towards the wall, the teachers were trying to find the doors.
"No, you two can't get out. He won't let you go."
A high pitched whining sound echoed through the room. At the console, the Doctor was laughing. Emma's head started spinning, she held it with both her hands, she rested her back on the wall and slid down to the floor. Ian pointed at the console and said, "He closed the doors from over there." He moved toward it. "I saw it. . ." He looked over the console. "Now which is it. . . ? Which is it?" He turned to the Doctor. "Which control operates the door?"
"You still think it's all an illusion. . ." said the Doctor
"I know free movement in time and space is a scientific dream I don't expect to find solved in a junkyard!"
"Oh, your arrogance is nearly as great as your ignorance!" laughed the Doctor
"Will you open the door? Open the door!" The Doctor laughed again. "Susan, will you help us?"
"I mustn't! I mustn’t!" Susan replied
Ian sighed and faced the console. "Very well then. I'll have to risk it myself."
"I can't stop you. . ." said the Doctor with suspicious acceptance. The old man's hand brushed a switch just as Ian's came down on a button.
Susan tried to warn Ian. "Oh, don’t touch it! It’s live!"
The shock flung Ian to the floor. "Ian!" Barbara exclaimed, she helped him up and shouted at the Doctor. "What on earth do you think you're doing?"
"Grandfather, let them go now! Please!"
"And by tomorrow we shall be a public spectacle. A subject for news and idle gossip."
He resolutely turned to the console. Susan moved to stop him. "But they won't say anything. . ."
He clapped hands on the girl's shoulders. "My dear child, of course they will. Put yourself in their place. They're bound to make some sort of a complaint to the authorities - or at the very least talk to their friends." He wagged his finger at her. "If I do let them go, Susan, you realise of course we must go too."
"No. Grandfather, we've had all this out b…"
"There's no alternative, child."
"I want to stay! Look, they're both kind people and the girl looks trustworthy too. Why won't you trust them? All you’ve got to do is ask them to promise to keep our secret and. . ."
"Ιt's out of the question."
"Can't you see that this girl--" Susan pointed at Emma who was still holding her head in her hands. "--Is terrified?"
"That's not my concern."
"I won't go, grandfather. I won't leave the 20th century. . . I'd rather leave the TARDIS and you!"
"Now you're being sentimental and childish."
"No, I mean it."
The Doctor looked at her, the teachers and Emma's form and seemed to reach a decision. "Very well. Then you must go with them. I’ll open the door."
He turned to the console. Barbara asked the girl, "Are you coming, Susan?"
The Doctor started to activate switch after switch on the console.
"Oh no grandfather, no!" exclaimed Susan and she grabbed at him, trying to pull him away.
"Let me go!" shouted the Doctor
He kept activating controls despite Susan's best efforts. The room started to shake as the lighting within pulses. Instruments and dials on the console burst into life.
"Get back to the ship’s side! Hold it. . ."
The shaking worsened, and the teachers were flung across the room, Barbara into a chair, Ian onto the floor and Emma slid on the other side of the room- a raucous grinding engine sound rose and fell through the room, the cylindrical column begun to rise and fall. And on the monitor, an overhead view of London was shown, that shrunk, faded and was replaced by a blinding vortex of light and energy. 
Hello! As you guys can see, I am going to start the fanfic from the first series. Of course, I am not going to do EVERY single episode (as I mentioned on the description) but the events would still occur. I might do twenty/fifteen episodes of the first 6 seasons because they are like 60 episodes each. I am crazy but not that crazy.
Also, I originally wanted this to be a Doctor x Reader but I realized that my plans (for the future chapters mostly) may not match the reader. I know that it's a lame thing to say since most of the content I write is x reader but I had to do this in this fanfiction. I promise that I'll try write a somewhat similar fanfiction if you guys want to. 
About Emma. . . I know that I made some stuff a bit too dramatic with her family (especially with emphasizing the fact that she is adopted and some of the members do not accept her) and that I added too much information too soon but it was a necessary way to introduce her character and have a better understanding of her personality as the story goes.
Emma's and the Doctor's relationship will take a long time to develop into something more than friendship but there will be some signs that one of the two has a crush on the other a bit later on the show. In other words, this is going to be one of the longest slow burns.
Anyway, that's all for now! Hope you have an amazing day/night!!!💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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cerezsis · 2 years
How the Doctor feels about the ways things taste
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legok9 · 2 months
Friendship is Universal
Official Doctor Who x Star Trek poster by Dusty Abell
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Top: Yasmin Khan, Kira Nerys, Clara Oswald, Spock, Amy Pond, Data, Rose Tyler, La'an Noonien Singh, Sarah Jane Smith, Bill Potts, William Riker, Cleveland Booker, Donna Noble
Middle: Jonathan Archer with Porthos, War Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, Sixth Doctor, the Guardian of Forever, the TARDIS, Fugitive Doctor, Eighth Doctor, First Doctor, Leonard McCoy, Beverly Crusher
Third Doctor with a tribble, Michael Burnham, Kathryn Janeway, James T. Kirk, Thirteenth Doctor, Christopher Pike, Philippa Georgiou, Fifth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Second Doctor, Benjamin Sisko, Twelfth Doctor
Fifteenth Doctor, K9, Jean-Luc Picard, Fourth Doctor
Bottom: Weeping Angel, Wirrn, Goblin, Khan Noonien Singh, Morbius, V5, Gorn, Beep the Meep, Cyberman, Maestro, Locutus of Borg, Vashta Nerada, Robot Yeti, Ood, Sil, Dalek, K1, Zygon, Kruge, Silent, Missy, Dukat, Ruk
The Seventh Doctor, Ninth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor are conspicuously absent. Also disappointed that Voyager's Doctor didn't make the cut!
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Bonus fact: Peter Capaldi auditioned to play Benjamin Sisko. Great to see them side by side.
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evenstar0600 · 2 years
greetings name twin! loved your Tom riddle fic. it was super good :) could I humbly request some headcanons for how different doctor who characters would react to you cupping their face??? thank you :)))))
hello, my lovely. and fellow Jace. thank you for your kind words!
PLOT: the request
PAIRING: various!doctor who characters x gender neutral!reader
WARNINGS: biting, the master (they are a warning by themself), mentions of the time war, angst, fluff etc
AUTHOR'S NOTES: reader is female in bill's part and is half time-lord btw. and reader is female in yaz's part.
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mans is shocked
like 100% will freeze and just awkwardly stand there
he'll eventually melt into your touch
since the time war, he's closed off his emotions
upon cupping his face, he'll become emotionally vulnerable around you
ngl, he'd probably say 'fantastic!' or something like that.
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bless this sweet baby's hearts
since he's the polar opposite of his previous incarnation, he'll be all for it
i can picture him blushing and smiling (like in the gif)
you'd have him twirling his hair and kicking his feet
100% would give you forehead kisses and cuddles
would be a bit confused as he's got a thing with rose but y'know, for the sake of fanfic they're not together
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baby. baby boy.
he'd be all smiles and shit like that
he loves you to the edge of the universe and back
in turn, he'd cup both your cheeks too
100% would catch feelings for you after this
deffo would snog you
amy ships it
river, who knows what happens in the future, just smiles contentedly and knowingly
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"what the hell are you doing?"
i can picture him saying that
like nine, he'd be frozen solid
for at least a minute or two
he melts into your touch
he comes off as a grumpy old man but he yearns for affection
he'll even kiss your palm softly and brush his nose against your thumb
like with clara in face the raven, he'd retract your hand and softly kiss it
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she's gonna say shit like "brilliant".
also, since she's fruity asf she'll blush
much like her previous incarnations, she'll blush
and smile
this bby is made of sunshine and rainbows
i love her sm
might pull a chris chibbers and not kiss you (# we were deprived of a thasmin kiss)
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would bite your hand
like 10000000% would bite your hand
depends on his mood
he'll either nip your hand or maybe its a full-on chomp
we've seen him in "the end of time", he ate two whole ass people that episode
he's either biting you or straight-up killing you.
there is no middle ground
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it depends which part of capaldi's era
if it's in series 9, then she'll do to you what she did to osgood.
if its in series 10, she'll freeze.
she might cry
will need cheering up
so cuddles
she might shrug you off but then a couple hours later, she might cuddle with you.
either way, its death or cuddles.
your choice
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crazy ass fucker
like simm, he gives bitey vibes
instead of having half a mind to eat you or some shit, he'll nip your hand
or he'd scoff at your and push you away
third case scenario, if he's feeling vulnerable, he'll demand a hug
and god, if anyone hears about it, they're dead
canon, i'm his eyebrow
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she's so pretty <33333
given the era she's from, she'd probs say "i'm not gay"
for the sake of fanfic, i reckon she'd smile and give you a hug
i can imagine her giving really good hugs
will take you out for chips after
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she's stunning <33333
would be a bit awkward given her crush on the doctor
for the sake of the fic, she doesn't fancy the doctor
she might cry
but its happy tears
melts into your touch
would probably develop feelings for you
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^what she's realistically say
given that her ex-fiancee tried to kill her or something, she's a bit wary
would probably say something like "you wot mate?" or "not my type, sunshine" idk
the doctor is probably standing in the background like "miss girl what is going on here"
wilf might smile or something. (love wilf sm)
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would be so awkward it's cute
he's so sexy in the roman uniform
given he's married to amy, he'd be like "no thanks"
or he'd say like "i'm flattered but i'm happily- moderately- i'm married"
(again for the sake of fanfic, he and amy aren't together)
he'd 100% blush
river is, once again, smiling the background
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she knows all
when you first met the infamous river song, she told you that both of you were, quote on quote, "close" in the future
after the ordeal with the weeping angels, you were terrified.
she comforts you and you cup her cheek
she smiles, knowing that this is the start of something brilliant
would maybe cry a little but would kiss your forehead
years down the line, you'd both reflect on how that was the starting point of your marriage
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100% would flirt with you
like i'm not even kidding
rory would be like "wtf" in the background"
theres an episode where she started flirting with herself so i'm not even suprised
maybe, just maybe, would give you a smooch
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your impossible girl
would be a tad shocked but would smile
bisexual queen
kisses your hand
then kisses you
no middle ground
melts into your touch 100%
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bill is a sweetheart and one of my favourite companions
if you cupped her face after a stressful adventure, she'd pause
time would literally stop for her
she'd smile
since loosing heather to the sentient oil, love had been off her mind
then she met you: the doctor's great-granddaughter, the daughter of susan foreman.
might, just might, end up in a kiss.
the doctor smiles, missy deffo takes a picture and nardole cheers.
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yaz is SO pretty and you can't tell me otherwise
sapphic queen
if you cupped her cheek, she'd hesitate before metling into your touch
her face would heat up and her heart would beat at a million beats a minute
might develop budding feelings for you
sapphic queen (#we were deprived of a thasmin kiss)
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ophelia-writes-fics · 10 months
please read!!
here are some rules/info for this blog to read before you follow!
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firstly, please don't follow/interact if you're under 18! this blog is gonna be mostly smut if i'm being honest, so i'd rather people only follow if they're of age.
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second, my requests are open! a quick list of fandoms and characters i write for is below.
the ones in bold are the characters i'll write nsfw content for! all characters are open for either platonic or sfw romantic requests, though.
(if you don't see a fandom or a character and you're curious, send me an ask! I mostly write character x reader, but I do certain ships as well. again, send an ask for specifics!)
bad samaritan (cale erendreich)
broadchurch (alec hardy, ellie miller)
doctor who (all doctors, donna noble, martha jones, rose tyler, amy pond, river song, the master/missy, bill potts)
good omens (aziraphale, crowley, beelzebub, anathema, muriel)
hannibal (hannibal lecter, margot verger)
jessica jones (kilgrave)
prodigal son (martin whitly)
takin’ over the asylum (campbell bain)
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third, absolutely no terfs or radfems allowed. this blog is a safe and inclusive space for trans people and people of all genders.
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thank you so much for reading, and i hope you enjoy!
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blueoakshusband · 2 months
I feel like rambling about my top 4 fav ships lol, I suppose they count as comfort ships haha (they do, they really do)
To start off, this ramble is a multifandom ramble, the ships are namelessshipping (pokemon), makoharu (persona 5), ninerose/tenrose (doctor who), and souyo (persona 4)
I just feel like rambling and I haven't posted my own content/rambles on this acc in awhile
I wanna ramble about headcanons that most of my friends know for at least namelessshipping, and add to hcs for the other ships
Red x Blue Oak (namelessshipping) from pkmn, they get married early at age 19 lol, they're 24 currently in my hcs and run/own the Battle Tree in Alola, they DID go on a honeymoon in Alola, but that was a couple years before they decided to move there and start the Battle Tree (I changed up the timeline in the sumo/usum games a bit lol)- both of them are gay and transmasc (both using he/him), Red took Blue's last name, his old last name was 'Shade' lmao (I have SOOOOOOOOOO many hcs for them but I'll save those for other days) (I have more hcs for all of these ships tbh but like yeah, saving my typing for now, mostly) audghshsh okay fine some more, they love cuddling, Red usually shows affection through actions (he's selectively mute in my hcs) and Blue loves it- Red is actually just slightly more clingy than Blue, tho, even tho they tease each other and Blue acts snarky and Red quietly confident during the day, at home they're affectionate and love to cuddle at the end of the night in each other's armssssss AUGHHDHDHHSHSHSHSHSH sorry the idea of them cuddling has comforted me SOOOOO much, haha it's a bit funny but it really does, they're my top ship ever (tho I support other ***SAFE*** ships) and yeah, ahdghdhdhs
Makoto Niijima x Haru Okumura (MakoHaru) from persona 5/persona 5 royal- Makoto is transfem (using she/her), and is bi and demisexual, Haru is a demigirl (using she/they), and a lesbian- they get together after the events of specifically third semester in p5 royal happen, Haru asks Makoto out on a date lol, Makoto is shocked cause she was growing feelings for Haru and was worried she wouldn't give her a chance, but yeah, they start dating- they combine their last names methinks, also Sae approves of Haru right away LMAO, since Makoto (when home for university holidays) brings Haru over all the time
The 9th/10th doctor x Rose Tyler (ninerose/tenrose) from modern doctor who- ohhhhhdggdhs my god, they make me soooo happy, yes I know it's a bit cliche to like the first (modern) companion from Dr who with the doc but like??? Their story is soooo tragic- and we don't leave out the ninth doc in this place, he is so silly and funny and it's great to see his development as Rose shows him how to be a bit happier again, and then regenerating into a younger looking person for her- yes I don't mind other doctor ships I just have a huge soft spot for Rose w the doc- I like to think the Doc (any regeneration) uses no labels lol, he uses any pronouns "what ya think, today!" and Rose is soooo pansexual (cis and uses she/her, btw)- I also give the Doc (any regen) different looking eyes and teeth (fangs hehehe) to make her look diff from humans a lil bit, secretly
And lastly, Yu Narukami x Yosuke Hanamura (SouYo) from persona 4/persona 4 golden- just finished p4 golden like last week and I immediately got attached/hyperfixated (I have adhd lol) on these two- most recent comfort ship of mine for sure, even tho I enjoy other ships ofc! I just tend to get favourites from games/shows/etc. Anyways Yu is transmasc (he/him), and Yosuke is cis (he/him), both are gay lol- Yosuke definitely must have some typa internalized homophobia- that or I think he projected his worried feelings onto Kanji (don't worry, he very much apologizes to Kanji eventually)- idk how Yu and Yosuke got together yet tbh, maybe after the golden and arena ultimax (I just started playing it) events? I also hc that uh, Yu's parents passed away somehow (idk how yet for sure) and he moved back to Inaba for senior year permanently, and like yeah, sometime within there is when him and Yosuke get together- either I wanna make it sweet or angsty before they get together lol, dunno yet but yeah, gay ppl
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whoficky · 3 months
Until Morning - Chapter 6
Rating: T (for now)
Pairing: 10th Doctor X Rose Tyler
Work Summary: As a weary Doctor, Martha Jones and Jack Harkness prepare to take on the Master, they find their hideout isn't as secure as they thought.
In a burst of blue light, a dimension hopping Rose Tyler finally finds the Doctor, but time is still not on their side.
What if you only had one night to spend with the love of your life?
Chapter summary: About a thousand different thoughts were vying for her attention, but she pushed them back, trying to hold on to the peace she’d just found up on the roof.
Chapter 6
Up on the roof, Rose had drifted into something like a trance.  She leaned into the Doctor’s chest with his arms tight around her, and basked in the sensation of finally feeling safe.  For the first time in years, her mind was blissfully blank.  She could have stayed with him like that for hours.  For forever.  
But eventually even the Doctor’s embrace wasn’t enough to ward off the damp chill.  She cursed her traitorous body when it shivered.
“C’mon.  Lets get inside,” the Doctor said softly, loosening his arms from around her.  
“Not ready to,” she mumbled, digging her fingers into his coat.  But after another gust of wind left her teeth chattering, she relented, letting him take her hand and lead her back towards the steps.  She didn’t want to join the others, didn’t want to have to share him just yet, but hypothermia didn’t sound particularly appealing either.  Rose sighed and followed him down the stairs.  
About a thousand different thoughts were vying for her attention, but she pushed them back, trying to hold on to the peace she’d just found up on the roof.  The effort must be teaming up with the fatigue and chill because she was caught completely off guard when the Doctor stopped on the first landing.   
“Oi missed the brake lights,” she laughed as she stumbled into him.  
“Sorry,” he chuckled, turning to steady her.  “Saw this when I was securing the building.” He soniced open a door she hadn’t noticed before. “Should be warmer in here out of the breeze.”  
Rose looked between the dark interior and the Doctor, biting her lip.  They had been alone up on the roof just now, but this, a secluded spot with a door they could close on the rest of the world?  Now that was something altogether different.  Something she’d wished for many times in the past couple hours.  She studied the Doctor, wondering if this was just about accommodating her human temperature needs, or if he was imagining the same sorts of possibilities that were bringing a slight flush to her cheeks despite the chill.  Of course, he was giving nothing away.  The git.  With a sense of nerves and anticipation, she paused just a second before stepping into the small room.      
Rose rubbed her arms as she glanced around the space.  Dim moonlight streamed in through the windows and illuminated a small rusted stove, a row of stained cupboards, and stacks of battered cardboard boxes that took up a good third of the room.        
  “Lovely,” Rose snorted, joking to hide the nervous butterflies that tickled just below her stomach, “You really do take me to the most amazing places.”
“Oh, hang on, you,” the Doctor said, rolling his eyes.  “Been wondering what kind of factory this was?” 
“Mmmm, had other things on my mind, actually.”  
When he smirked at her, it was her turn to roll her eyes, “Shut up!”
The Doctor smacked a kiss to her temple and ran a hand across her back before loping over to the boxes, “If my deductions from previous reconnaissance are correct, I’d wager that it’s…” he let the sentence hang as he soniced through the packing tape on one of the boxes, “Ha!” He said triumphantly, “Jackets!”
“Jackets?” Rose laughed.  
“Jackets!” He repeated as he tore through some plastic wrap and threw a handful of them at her.  “We’ll get you warm in a jiffy, Rose Tyler,” he said, continuing to throw clothes at her even though her arms were already full.  The puffy, down-filled garments started to overflow her arms and pool around her feet until finally one hit her smack in the face. 
“Oi!” She dropped all but one of the coats which she wadded up and threw back at him.    
“How dare -” the Doctor sputtered, “You are grumpy when you’re tired!  Rose Tyler, you just declared WAR!” 
She squealed and dove behind a row of boxes as he came after her with a barrage of fluffy projectiles.  She armed herself with a few that had dropped on the floor and then charged back at him, throwing and dodging and tripping over trampled fabric. 
Over the next several minutes the two of them tore through the rest of the boxes, throwing the jackets at each other and making a mess of the room all while laughing like maniacs.  Mock insults and challenges were exchanged as feathers from the manhandled garments swirled around them.  
Sooner than she would have liked, her arms grew heavy as this long day, god, these long bloody years, caught up with her.  When she didn’t think she could manage one more throw, she sprawled out on one of the piles they’d made, still laughing hysterically.  
“Do I detect a surrender?” The Doctor asked, standing over her, poised to throw another jacket.  
“Never,” Rose laughed breathlessly, “But perhaps…a peace treaty?”
“Oh, I suppose,” he sighed.  He dropped the coat and plopped down next to her, sending a fresh wave of feathers puffing up into the air.
They amused themselves for a few minutes trying and utterly failing to make snow angels in the fabric and loose down.  When she stopped to catch her breath, Rose was surprised to find the little nest she’d made herself was rather comfortable.  Well that wouldn’t do.  Fearing she’d fall asleep if she remained laying down, Rose pushed up to a sitting position and took stock of the complete mess they’d made of the space.
“Hope no one is going to need to use this room anytime soon.”
“Nah,” the Doctor assured her, “This whole block will be demolished to make room for condos next year.  My seventh self will help a lovely family of Terthen assimilate to Earth in one of the units while their planet is undergoing atmospheric renovation.  Assuming the continuity of time remains in tact and there is a next year, of course.”
“Of course,” she agreed mildly.  They shared a tired smile.   
“Come here, you,” he entreated scooting back to rest against the far wall.  She clamored over a few small mountains of jackets to snuggle into his open arms.  He covered their legs with a few of the discarded garments.    
“Warming up?” he asked as he wrapped his arms around her torso.
She hummed and nodded, playing with one of his buttons.  At some point during their mad jacket war, he’s shucked his damp coat.  She took her time tracing her fingers over the sleeves of his pinstriped suit, trying to re-familiarize herself with each stitch and wrinkle.
For a time neither of them spoke.  All she heard was the distant sounds of the city and the breeze blowing against the windows.  With his arms snug around her and his legs bracketing hers, it was easy to feel like they were in their own bubble isolated from the rest of time and space.  The feathers still making their lazy way to the floor made her think of a snow globe.  Their own little snow globe.  She smiled.  
But as the silence stretched on, what started as contentment changed into something else.  Without any distractions, Rose was finding it harder and harder to stay in the moment.  Her smile slipped as her thoughts turned on her.                
“It’s mad,” she said when she couldn’t stand the silence any longer, “being here with you now, after so long, and knowing I have to leave again.”
“I’m sorry,” he said in a tone that told her his thoughts had been going a similar direction as her own.  His grip on her tightened, taking on an edge of desperation.    
“Yeah, me too,” she sighed.  Oh and she was sorry.  Sorry she had to leave, sorry that he felt the need to apologize for something they’d both agreed on, sorry that she’d brought tomorrow into the room.   She thought about how much thinner the Doctor was, the frightening look in his eyes when he’d thought she was an imposter, the almost careful way Jack had treated the Time Lord earlier…They may have been snogging and romping about a few minutes ago, but what would happen later?  What would happen after the sun rose on tomorrow? 
“Doctor,” she asked softly, “will you be ok?”
She expected him to deflect, to reassure her that he was always alright, to jump up and start throwing jackets at her to bring back the silly joy from minutes before.  Instead he rested his chin on her shoulder for a few breaths before replying in a rough voice, “It’s been…hard without you.  It will be again.” 
Before she could respond he returned, “What about you Rose Tyler?  Will you be alright, defending the multiverse back in Pete’s World?”  Multiverse, huh?  He’d given her a promotion.  She’s much rather just have him. 
She thought over the last few years - the sleepless nights, the things she’d seen walking through dead and dying worlds, the terrible ache of loneliness, and her hand, always missing his.  She thought about having to do it all over again, a kind of endless running with none of the joy and only the relentless exertion.  When Rose opened her mouth to answer, she found her throat was too tight.  She took a few deep breaths trying to steady herself but the edge of tears was still in her voice when she replied.
 “It’s been hard without you,” she parroted, “It will be again.”  She hoped that it wasn’t as big of an understatement for him as it was for her.  She suspected it might be.
Rose suddenly felt the weight of time pressing in on her, could feel each second ticking down to when they had to go their separate ways.  Was this what the Doctor felt all the time - This horrible sensitivity to the passage of time, the inexorable pull towards endings and goodbyes?  How did it not drive him mad?  She supposed maybe it did, a bit.  
Rose wanted to make it better, make it hurt just a little bit less for him.  If their parting was a fixed event, she was desperate to give him something to take with him after she left.  Something more than just a memory drive filled with the next wave of impending doom he’d have to deal with.  Her mind whirred and stuttered but her lips found the words before she had formed any concrete idea of what that could be.
“I love you,” she said.  She wondered if she’d ever be able to say that when it didn’t come out so tearstained, when it didn’t shatter her heart to say it.
“Rose,” he breathed her name and it was easy, so easy to tilt her face up to brush her lips against his jaw.  He turned his head and she shifted slightly so that he could capture her lips in a kiss that she felt down to her curling toes.  
“I’ll find you again.  I promise I’ll find you again,” she whispered against his lips.
“I know,” he soothed, brushing her wet cheek with his thumb. “I know you will.”
“Doctor…” she didn’t know what was going to come after his name, but it didn’t matter anyway.  His lips were back on hers and suddenly the most important thing, the only thing on her mind was him and more.  
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musicals-and-mushrooms · 10 months
so it was technically yesterday for me bc australia but the 23rd of november is the one year anniversary of me seeing six for the third time with chiaragon and also doctor who day! So heres my silly little doctor who x six drawing i did in class today because its been floating around in my head for a while
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Im only up to start of season 6 so havent done any companions i havent met yet! Anyway heres my reasoning for my silly thoughts
River Song/Aragon - mostly spoilers that i havent actually got to but shes the doctors wife, pretty sure the night on that planet was 24 years, she also has - quoting the 11th doctor in my timelord book- the biggest bestest hair in the whole world! Her intro would be like my name is melody or river song spent over 24 years im a paragon etc
Jack Harkness/Boleyn - i mean dont lose ur head face of boe anyone? Also hes that harkness guy hes up next see he broke the whole universe by becoming an immortal being yeah hes that sexy
Rose Tyler/Jane Seymour - yeah the only one he truly loved (rude), and also stood by his side with a heart of stone . Martha could have got this part because she stood by him as well when he was a jerk and did the fire comparison as well from memory but this is rose
Donna Noble/Anna of Cleves - again this could have been martha because martha actually got a happy ending (martha should be the swing lol) but i see donna as cleves because of the general sassiness and outlook on life like shes having a great spa day while 10 is going through one of the most terrifying experiences ever
Amy Pond/Katherine Howard - Amy was pretty sexualised by the writing and the medias view of her, and her attempted seduction of eleven showed how she was still hurting from having to wait for so long. But amy, once you get through the defensive layers can be quite bubbly, like k howard in reverse. Cant put it into words but its just the vibes.
Martha Jones/Catherine Parr - Saving the best for last, we have the ultimate queen martha jones herself. Shes the survivor, she doesnt need his love, she deserves to be remembered for so much more than her interest in the doctor , like the fact she WALKED THE EARTH AND SAVED THE WORLD and shes a beautiful, smart compassionate person who is actually a qualified doctor. Can you tell i feel very strongly about this?
Anyway hope you enjoy this!!
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mylifeiscomics · 3 months
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Something Human - Pt.8 Previous - Next
Read the next part now by joining my Patreon for $1 You will also get previews, WIPs, and there's other exclusive content there as well. No pressure though, as this comic will eventually be posted here too and be fully posted on my website for free when it's done.
Thank you so much for reading! If you want to join the tag list just let me know. @deardiary17 @mizzingyou @i-belong-in-a-retirement-home @kittenwhodidntwanttogiveup @septic-dr-schneep @queenlovett @theoncomingdoo-dah @thethickofitt @jicklet @ginshoujo @samsrosary @confusedwhovian23 @icouldntthinkofanythingclever @the-wolf-among-the-roses @ducki-52 @shannaniganss @mcsquared1313 @bobcatblahs
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a-wolf-at-the-door · 1 year
“The Boy Who Cried Wolf” [AO3]
Pairings: Tenth Doctor & Martha Jones (completely platonic), Tenth Doctor x Rose Tyler (past), The Doctor x The Master (past, toxic)
Words: 111,211
Chapters: 29/29
Rating: Teen for like 90% of it, Mature when it gets to the Year That Never Was starting with Chapter 24
Series? Yes! Third in “The Howling” (series in-progress)
Summary: After losing Rose, the Doctor has to rediscover how and why to carry on, even as his oldest enemies and worst nightmares continue to resurface. Meanwhile, medical student Martha Jones gets a whole lot more than she bargained for when her hospital ends up on the moon. But will she ever get back for her exams?
Notes/Warnings: content warnings available with each chapter, edited trigger-free versions available for certain chapters (linked in chapter notes). As with the rest of the series, not Moffat-friendly, not 50th anniversary compliant. Follows a dark AU twist on Doomsday from my previous work, “Something of the Wolf.” Not a fic for Martha haters, not a fic for TenMartha shippers, not a fic for Rose haters or Donna haters either. Radically alters the dynamic between Ten & Martha to give her different emotional arcs. No unrequited love between them. Will take a deep and intense look at certain moments during the Year That Never Was and the messed up relationship between the Doctor and the Master. Will occasionally AU episodes to try to spare Martha at least a little bit of the misogynoir from canon. Individual work doesn’t really have a happy ending for the Doctor but the series as a whole absolutely will. Certain chapters of this work deal seriously with grief, suicidal ideation, past experiences of intimate partner violence and relationship abuse, Time War traumas, etc. but all are HEAVILY SIGNPOSTED and alternative summaries/excerpts are available.
Selected Review Excerpts:
“I have chills. Jeez louis, Lia, what in the devil? How did you write an incomprehensible concept in a way I could comprehend?”
“I am so utterly *thrilled* that you are doing away with the unrequited romance aspect of Martha's time with the Doctor!”
“*Screams incoherently*”
“I am entertained in a messed up way”
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Things We’ve Yelled About This Episode #3.5
Guards! Guards!, Terry Pratchett
Who Let The Dogs Out, Baha Men (youtube)
Guards! Guards! official synopsis
Monty Python
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Baldrick; character from Blackadder (1983-1989)
Chris Evans (imdb)
Chris Evans is a dorito - Buzzfeed explains here s
I’m not mad i’m just disappointed (tvtropes)
Himbo (urban dictionary)
Drinking your respect women juice (urban dictionary) e
Blackadder (1983-1989)
Thin Blue Line (1995-1996)
This scene from Shrek 2 (2004)
Rose Tyler; character from Doctor Who (2004-) - referencing this post specifically
Beowulf (our episode here)
Square-cube law (wiki)
How To Train Your Dragon, Cressida Cowell
How To Train Your Dragon (2010)
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Separating vortices (wiki)
Supersonic shockwaves (wiki)
Reynolds number (wiki)
Greebo, Tiffany Aching; Discworld characters, Terry Pratchett
“All witches are selfish, the Queen had said. But Tiffany’s Third Thoughts said: Then turn selfishness into a weapon! Make all things yours! Make other lives and dreams and hopes yours! Protect them! Save them! Bring them into the sheepfold! Walk the gale for them! Keep away the wolf! My dreams! My brother! My family! My land! My world! How dare you try to take these things, because they are mine!
I have a duty!”,  The Wee Free Men, Terry Pratchett
Vimes as an urban witch courtesy of this post
Headology, Discworld (wiki)
Klatchian Foreign Legion, Discworld (wiki)
Night Watch, Terry Pratchett
Jingo, Terry Pratchett
"There was a clink as Vime's badge was set down neatly on the table.
"I don't have to take this," Vimes said calmly.
"Oh, so you'd rather be a civilian, would you?"
“A watchman is a civilian, you inbred streak of piss”.
Rust's brain erased the sounds that his ears could not possibly have heard." p. 169, Jingo, Terry Pratchett
Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett
Rincewind the Wizzard; Discworld character, Terry Pratchett
Swords and sorcery (wiki)
The Mended Drum/The Broken Drum, Discworld (wiki)
Raymond Chandler
"Of all the gin joints in all the world," Casablanca (1942)
Unable to find the origins of the "x o'clock and all's well" formula but the wikipedia page for "Watchman (law enforcement)" mentions that part of their job was to call out the hour. Also see this scene from Disney's Robin Hood
Robin Hood (1973)
The Horse and His Boy, C. S. Lewis
Aladdin (1992)
Alas, there does not appear to have been a Carry On Robin Hood film (Carry On Robbin'! it practically writes itself!)
Robin Hood (2006-2009)
Errol Flynn (imdb)
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
Death on the Nile, Agatha Christie (our episode here)
Murder on the Orient Express, Agatha Christie (our episode here)
Language localisation (wiki)
" "One of nature's wonders, gentlemen. Mother and children dining upon mother and children. And that is when I first learned about evil. It is built into the very nature of the universe. Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being, I told myself, it is up to all of us to become his moral superior." " Unseen Academicals, Terry Pratchett
Lady Sybil; Discworld character, Terry Pratchett
"And Susan was bright enough to know that the phrase 'Someone ought to do something' was not, by itself, a helpful one. People who used it never added the rider 'and that someone is me'. But someone ought to do something, and right now the whole pool of someones consisted of her, and no one else." , p.115, Hogfather, Terry Pratchett
Reaper Man, Terry Pratchett
Wyrd Sisters, Terry Pratchett
Macbeth, William Shakespeare
Elon Musk Neuralink (wiki)
Mansplain, manipulate, malewife (meme)
You are like little baby, watch this (meme)
Temeraire, Naomi Novik
Star Wars
The Clone Wars (2008-2020)
Coruscant Guard (wiki)
Epistolary genre (wiki)
Kubernetes (official website)
Whine About It (youtube)
The Lion King (1994)
To Be Or Not To Be, Ryan North
Dinosaur Comics
Gesta Danorum, Saxo Grammaticus (wiki)
Our planning episode here
Cat Rating
What Else Are We Reading?
Harrow the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir
Daisy Jones and the Sixth, Taylor Jenkins Reid
Daisy Jones and the Sixth (2023)
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, Taylor Jenkins Reid
Shadow and Bone (2021 - )
Six of Crows, Leigh Bardugo
Next Time On Teaching My Cat to Read
Hamlet, William Shakespeare
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the-doctor-3000 · 1 year
𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 {Doctor Who Fanfic}
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Chapter 3: The Forest of Fear
The Doctor was sitting, and muttering furiously as he worked at his bonds. Emma, on the meantime, tried to remain calm as she looked around for anything that could release her and the others from their bonds.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, It’s all my fault. I'm desperately sorry. . . ." said the Doctor.
"Oh, don't blame yourself, Grandfather."
"Even so. . ." Emma started, still looking around. "It happened now. We cannot change that. So instead of apologizing and blaming yourself, I say help us to leave." She noticed something. "Look at those, look at them. . ."
A skull lied next to them with a hole smashed in at the top of its head. Ian noticed it as well and said, "Yes, they're all the same. They've been split wide open. . . ."
Ian started using one of the many small rocks on the floor to try and saw away at Barbara's binds. Susan crawled over to him, carrying another rock. "I've found another piece with a rough edge. . ."
He eased off with a sigh of relief and took the rock. "Oh, thank you." He tried it on Barbara's bonds, then groaned and tossed it aside. "Oh, it's no good! It keeps crumbling. . ."
"Oh, it's hopeless. Hopeless. Even if we do get free, we shall never move that stone."
Emma remained quiet for a couple of minutes before she realized something. "Where. . . There's air coming in here from somewhere."
Ian took her words into account and begun scanning the cave with his eyes."Miss Jones is right!"
"Yes, there is! I can feel it on my face!" said Barbara excitedly and Emma stood up and went to help the two.
"It may only be a small opening. Don't count on it. . . ."
The Doctor scoffed, "Oh, you obviously are."
The tips of Emma's ears grew hot and glared at the Time Lord. "You are the smartest being in the universe! But it's beyond me that you don't know that even the slightest bit of hope is better than none! So I suggest you to stop criticising us and do something! Help us all to get out of here." She tried Barbara's bonds, then threw the rock away with an angry huff. "Blast it!"
"Oh, the stone's no good!!" Ian said, also frustrated.
"Well don't give up, you two. Please." Barbara said.
After a pause he responded, "All right."
He and Emma started searching the ground again.
"No, no, don't waste time. Try those bones. They may. . . t-they're sharper, perhaps." the Doctor said.
"That's a good idea."
"Oh Grandfather, I knew you'd think of something!" Susan praised her grandfather.
Emma gave him an odd look. "We just wasted precious time on trying with the rock, why didn't you that sooner?!"
"Oh, I didn't think you'd have cared." he said, feigning guilt. "This is, after all, a dream to you. Why do you care if you wasted time when this isn't real to you?"
There was another pause. The Doctor was taunting her but Emma did not think much of it and said, "Good point."
The Doctor sighed, "We must all take it in turns and try and cut his hands free."
"But surely we should get the girls. . ." said Ian.
"No, no, no, we've got to free you first! You're the strongest, and you may have to defend us." The Doctor, using a fragment of bone, was starting to make progress on Ian's binds. He stopped, panting. He handed the fragment to Susan. "Susan, you have a go. My arms are tired."
Susan nodded. "All right."
She started on the binds as the Doctor lied back with a groan. "And don't think of failure."
"What?" Barbara asked him.
"Well, try to remember, if you can, how you and the others got here. Concentrate on that please."
"Yes, yes, I'll try." She blinked and realized something. "You're, you’re trying to help me."
"Yes. Well, fear makes companions of all of us, Miss Wright."
"I never once thought you were afraid."
"Fear is with all of us, and always will be. Just like that other sensation that lives with it."
"What's that?"
"Oh, your companion referred to it. Hope. Hope, Miss Wright."
Sometime later Barbara was working at the cords on Ian's hands now. The younger girls were trying to bite theirs off. Theirs gazes fell upon a hollow in the cave wall - Susan cried out in alarm and Emma yelped. Some bushes and twigs in the hollow were moving, with a shadow visible within. With a grunt of effort, the Old Mother pushed aside the small portcullis of branches that had covered her secret entrance.
She stared at the five. You. . . .will not. . .make fire. I will set you free, if you will go away and not make fire. Fire will bring trouble and death to the tribe."
The Doctor nodded. "There will be no fire."
Suddenly, grunting sounds came from outside. The five travellers were freed from their bindings, Susan last of all.
"Hurry. Hurry!! You must go across the top and into the trees. . ."
The five climbed through the secret entrance, Emma helped Susan out.
Through the dark forest maze, the group ran toward the TARDIS and safety. Barbara was in the lead, with Susan, Emma and Ian following and the Doctor bringing up the rear. But the old male was losing breath, and he sagged against a tree.
"Stop. . . stop. . . just a minute. . . let me get my. . . ." the Doctor breathed heavily.
"We can't stop here!" said Ian.
"Just a moment. . . ."
"Look, we've got to go further on."
"I know, I know that but I must get breathe. . . I must breathe. . ."
"Try, try! I shall have to carry you."
"Oh, there's no need for that! Don't be so childish - I'm not senile - just let me get my breath for a moment. . . ."
Susan moved to take the Doctor's arm over her own and helped him on his way. "Oh, Grandfather, come on. . ."
"Yes. . . I'm not so young, you know. . . . ."
"I know."
As they started on, a very nervous Barbara got by Ian and Emma. "Are you sure this is the right way?"
Ian nodded. "Yes, I think so."
Barbara's voice started shaking. "I can't remember. I. . .I simply can't remember. . . ."
She broke down, sobbing on Ian's chest. He pat her back reassuringly. Emma gave her a small comforting smile, "Oh, Miss Wright, it's going to be alright! We're free! That's something, right?"
"I believe you're right, yes. . ." Emma thought that she wasn't going to say anything else and started walking forward until. . . "Emma?" She stopped at the sound of her name and looked over her shoulder to Barbara. "Do you. . . Do you happen to know if we make it or not?"
The noirette thought about it for a moment and replied, "Considering that this show has been running for nearly sixty years, I believe that we'll make it!"
That brought some comfort to Barbara and she calmed back down. Still holding on to her, Ian started back after the Doctor and Susan and Emma - but an echoing bellow stopped the two schoolteachers cold. They forced themselves to go onward.
Some time went by and our travellers were dirty, sweaty, and exhausted. Yet still they forced themselves through the thickets. And their pace was growing more uncertain.
"I'm sure I remember this place. . . but we didn't come round it. We went across it." said Susan.
"Yes, th-th-there was a sort of trail. . . ." said Barbara.
"If that's true, we must be quite near the ship.' said Ian and he turned to the male Time Lord. "How are you feeling?"
He simply waved him away. "Oh, I'm all right. Don't keep looking upon me as the weakest state of the. . ."
Barbara suddenly stopped, gasping in terror. Ian grabbed her, looking where she was looking. "What‘s the matter?"
"I don’t know. I don’t know. Something over there, in the bushes. . ."
The Doctor was trying to hide his own fright. "Oh, what nonsense!"
"The bushes moved! I saw them! I saw them! Oh, we're never going to get out of this awful place! Never, never, never. . ."
Ian hugged her, trying to calm her down.
Susan turned to the Doctor, "What do you think she could have seen, Grandfather?"
"No! Sheer nonsense, child. Imagination."
". . .no we won't. We're going to get back to the ship, and then we'll be safe." Ian said to Barbara who was sobbing.
"Oh Ian, what's happening to us?"
"Look, Barbara! We got out of the cave, didn't we?"
A growl rumbled through the forest but nobody seemed to have heard or they were far too tired to concern themselves with this. Emma was rubbing her legs as an attempt to stay warm. It was a bad time for her to wear shorts.
"I’m so cold." said Susan who was also trying to warm herself.
Emma, knowing that she would probably regret it, sighed as she removed her hoodie and gave it to Susan. "Here, this will do for now." And she was right, she already regretted her choice. Not only was she wearing shorts but also a sleeveless shirt. The hoodie was the only thing that was keeping her warm from her waist and up. "Just-- Just, if you can, make sure my stuff won't fall out the pocket. 'Kay?"
Susan accepted the hoodie gratefully with a weak smile. "Thank you, Emma." She held the younger girl's coat and helped her put the hoodie on. Then she gave her the coat. She asked her if it was alright. Susan nodded, "Yes. Thanks."
Mopping his head with a handkerchief and slightly ignoring the conversation between his granddaughter and the strange female, he said. "Oh, I'm hot with all this exertion."
"We'll rest for a couple of minutes." said Ian.
"Oh, good. Is there any chance of them following us?" asked Susan.
"I expect so./Certainly." both the Doctor and Emma said simultaneously.
"Yes. That's why I don't want to stop here too long." said Ian.
"Do you think I want to?" said the Doctor.
"No. We'll change the order - you and Susan go in front, Barbara, Emma and I will bring up the rear. Susan seems to remember the way better than any of us."
The Doctor snorted. "You seem to have elected yourself leader of this little party."
"There isn't time to vote on it."
"Just as long as so you understand that I won't follow your orders blindly. . ."
"If there were only two of us, you could find your own way back to the ship!"
"Aren’t you are a tiresome young man!"
"And you're a stubborn old man! But you will lead, the girls in between, and I'll bring up the rear because that's the safest way! Barbara was probably right. I thought I heard something when we stopped back there."
"Oh, sheer imagination."
"Why are you so confident about it!?"
"Cause I won't allow myself to be frightened out of my wits by mere shadows. That's all!"
"Oh alright!"
He stormed away from Ian and back to the three huddled women who were sat on the ground. Ian followed. Susan put her hands into Emma's hoodie and felt the items which were in the pocket. A part of her wanted to take them out and see what they were but she thought it'd be best if she didn't. Though she planned on asking Emma later about it. Speaking of Emma, Susan looked at the female in question.
She blurted out, "Emma?" She looked at her and hummed in acknowledgement. "Why do you still believe that you are dreaming?"
She did not respond. Not at first at least. "It just doesn't make any sense to me. I mean, as I said, this is a television show. . . It can't be, well, real. I grew up watching the series. Well. . . The 2005 one and on but still." Susan pinched her on the arm. Emma winced and rubbed the place where she had been pinched. "Ouch!" She looked at Susan with wide eyes. "What was that for?"
"Sorry, but some humans say that if you pinch yourself when you're dreaming then you wake up."
"It hurts!"
"If it were a dream would it hurt?"
Emma opened her mouth to respond but realization dawned on her and she closed it with a distraught look. She looked down at her hands, she rubbed her legs, and did not speak again. What could she even say? 
Many things were going through her head, but she had to sort them out later. When they weren't in this situation. 
An hour passed and the travellers were still resting. Chesterton was the first one to get to his feet. "I think we'd better get going. Doctor, will you lead?"
The Doctor, still fanning himself with the handkerchief, got up. "Yes, yes yes yes."
"Come on, Barbara." He helped her up but as they started onward, Brabara stumbled and fell with a groan upon a bush. Right in front of the blood-splattered warthog. She screamed at the sight and Ian helped her to her knees, and held her. "Barbara, Barbara. . ."
Susan touched the creature gingerly. "A dead animal."
"It's just been killed. And by a larger animal too!" said the Doctor.
The rustling of branches alerted Ian and Emma. Ian turned to the group, "Shhh. That must be them. They've followed us - quick, quick, over there!" The party rushed across the path and out of sight. A few moments later, Za and Hur appeared. The travellers were perched behind a tree, watching the two cautious tribes-people. "Keep down, and not a sound. . ."
Za and Hur turned in a complete circle, scanning the shrubbery for any sign of the four strangers. The sound of a growl could be heard. Hur squinted at something and started forward but Za stopped her. "Wait! There is danger. I will go."
Hefting his axe, he started in the direction Hur had indicated. He moved slowly, toward a rustling bush that suddenly moved. Both tribes-people screamed as the creature pounced on him. The party watched in horror as the sounds of struggle and terror reached them. They climbed as one to their feet..
"Quick, now's our chance! Let's get away! Run!"
"We cannot just let them die!" Emma protested. "We have to help them."
"Miss Jones, this is not the time---"
Barbara grabbed at Ian. "I agree with Miss Jones. I don't care what they've done!!"
"Barbara!" Hur was sobbing nearby. "Barbara, Miss Jones, come on!"
She shook her head violently. "I think he's dead. . .there isn't any danger."
"Barbara! For heaven’s sake!"
Emma helped Barbara to rip free of Ian and they ran towards the cavepeople, Ian lunged after the two female.
"I'm going too. . ." Susan said but the Doctor tried to hold her back.
"Susan, you stay here with me. . ."
"No, Grandfather, we can't le. . ."
"Silence, we're going back to the ship!"
She also pushed herself towards the wounded tribesman.
"What are you doing!? They must be out of their minds!!"
The battle was over, and the creature had retreated back into the wood. Za was lying prone, moaning, his chest criss-crossed with jagged claw wounds. Hur was hunched over him, howling sounds of grief. She reacted as Ian approached, knife in hand. "No, keep away!"
"Let me look at him."
"I am your friend, you understand? Friend. I want to help you."
Hur looked uncertain. "Friend. . . .?"
"I want water."
"Water. . ."
"Go and fetch some water for his wounds." said Emma as she knelt beside Ian.
Hur paused for a moment, she decided and pointed behind her. "Water is there."
"Please, show me." said Barbara. She turned to Ian. "Give me your handkerchief."
He got his handkerchief out. "There you are."
Barbara took it and led Hur with her out of view. Ian and Emma opened the caveman's furs wider to take a better look at the wounds. The Doctor still stood by their hiding spot. A pleading look from Susan finally brought him up to the rest of the party. Hur and Barbara returned with the now wet handkerchief.
"Is he all right...?" asked Susan in worry.
"I think so." said Ian.
Emma pulled the stone axe out of Za's hand. The stone blade was noticeably missing. "He must have buried his axe-head in the animal." She took the handkerchief from Barbara. She looked at Ian. "I'll give it back, Mr. Chesterton."
He nodded and Emma squeezed it over Za's chest, dripping water down on the wounds. Barbara had wet down her own handkerchief and used it on Za's forehead.
"Water comes out of the skin!" Hur said in amazement.
Ian laughed. "Yes." Emma wiped away at the chest wounds. "I think most of this is the animal's blood."
"Oh, good." said Susan.
"There's a scar on the side of his head. . ." Barbara said.
"Well, we've lost our chance of getting away." Ian said, then, amused, he turned to Barbara. "Your flat must be littered with stray cats and dogs. . ."
"They are human beings, Ian."
He touched a raw spot, making Za moan loudly. The two schoolteachers and Emma tried to keep him still as Hur whimpered. The Doctor stepped forward. "What exactly do you think you're doing?"
"Have you got any antiseptic in the ship?"
Susan nodded. "Yes, lots."
"One minute ago, we were trying desperately to get away from these savages---" said the Doctor, only to be interrupted by Ian.
"All right. Now we're helping them. You're a doctor, do something!"
He scoffed. "I'm not a doctor of medicine."
Susan piped in, "Grandfather, we can make friends with them.
"Oh don't be ridiculous, child!"
Emma and Barbara were fuming with rage. The latter was about to speak but the former was far angrier that she beat her to it. "Will you stop that?! Why do you treat everybody and everything as something less important than yourself!?"
"You're trying to say that everything you do is reasonable and everything I do is inhuman. But I'm afraid your judgement's at fault here, Miss Jones. Not mine."
"I can't believe it." scoffed Emma with a dry laugh and looked into his eyes as she continued. "I am not saying what we do is logical. Me, Mr. Chesterton and Miss Wright are just doing what is humane. This is humanity! You--- You have two hearts! What's the point in having them if you can't show a little compassion?!"
Ian and Barbara froze at the news. Wait, two hearts? The Doctor was momentarily stunned by her response, his breath shaking a little but he quickly collected himself and said rather coldly, "Haven't you realised if these two people can follow these, or any of these people can follow us, the whole tribe might descend upon us at any moment?"
"The tribe is asleep!" Hur said.
"And what about the old woman who cut our bonds, hmm? You understand?"
Hur thought about it but couldn't add it up. She looked at Ian in confusion. He responded.  "He's right. We're too exposed here." He got up "We'll make a stretcher and carry him."
"You're not going to take him back to the ship?" asked the Doctor, appalled.
Ian took off his coat. "Take your coat off, Barbara. Susan, Emma, try to find me two poles. Long ones, fairly straight."
"The old woman won't give us away. She helped us." said Barbara to the Doctor.
"You think so? They have logic and reason, have they? Can't you see their minds change as rapidly as night and day? She's probably telling the whole tribe at this very moment!"
The efforts to construct a makeshift stretcher continued, but. . . "It's not going to work like this. . ." said Ian.
Susan got up and took off her own coat. Bundling it up into a pillow, she started to put it under Za's head. Hur jumped at her. "Noooo! He is mine!"
Susan jumped back, yelping. She huddled near Emma. "I was only trying to help!!"
"It's alright Susan." Emma said as she gave her a reassuring smile. "You did good." She looked at Hur. "She just doesn't understand that. She is, uh, jealous of you."
"I don't understand what you are doing! You are like a. . .like a mother to the child. Why do you not kill??" asked Hur, sounding rather demanding.
"How can we explain to her? She doesn't understand kindness, friendship. . ." Ian said.
"We will make him well again. We will teach you how to make fire. In return, you show us the way back to. . ..to our cave." said Barbara to Hur, slowly and gently.
Hur was uncertain. She looked down at Za and he spoke very weakly, "Listen to them. They do not kill. . ."
She thought again. Ian decided not to wait for the answer. "Come on, let's get on with this stretcher. Let's try the sleeves inside. . . .that's it. . ."
"Water" Za's voice was hoarse as he spoe.
Hur murmured in the affirmative to him. She got up, only to face the haughty stare of the Doctor. Matching the stare, she went on toward the pool.
"How about giving us a hand, Doctor?" asked Ian who noticed the stare.
The Doctor turned his back on the party. Susan said, "He's always like this if he doesn't get his own way."
Unseen from the rest of the party, a faint smile whispered across the Doctor's face. He turned to face the party again.
"Well, the old woman won't give us away. And now that we've got these two on our side, we should get back to the ship." said Emma though she did not sound certain.
The Doctor knelt down and picked up Za's stone knife but Ian grabbed the Doctor's wrist. "Get your hand off me!"
"What are you doing?"
"W-well, I-I-I was going to get him to draw our way back to the TARDIS."
Glaring suspiciously at the Doctor, Ian let go of him. "We've been too long as it is. Is the stretcher ready?"
"Yes." said Barbara.
"All right." He turned to the Doctor. "You take one end of it."
"You don't expect me to carry him, do you?"
"Do you want the women to do the job for you?"
Snarling, he replied. "Oh, very well!!"
The party gathered around Za. "Right, move him over very carefully. . ." Za groaned as they turned him. Hur cried out in sympathy. "Now, back again, gently. . ."
"Carefully. . ." said Barbara.
They deposited him on the stretcher, using one of the furs to wrap him in.
"Good, good. Right, now Susan, Emma, you get in front with her."
The party had finally reached the end of the forest. They were now in the desert and the sky was now as dark as ink. 
"Hold the branches back, girls.
The two pushed away the last of the tree branches, to a welcome sight which caused Emma to grin widely in relief. The two girls cheered, "The TARDIS! There's the TARDIS!"
Suddenly, several of the tribe rise from places of concealment, their spears ready.
"Back! Get back!" Ian warned them
They turned to face Kal and several cavemen at his side. Barbara screamed.
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yeonchi · 2 years
Kisekae Insights #28: Queen Fifi
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Fifi Forget-me-not just won’t stay dead. The reason why I wrote out Fifi in 2013 was to allow for the relationship between Hiroki and Akari. Aside from her involvement in Three Kingdoms (which was justified due to it being a flashback series), Flowertot Garden reappeared in Kamen Rider Decade, with Fifi herself reappearing in the third Age of Riders post-series movie.
In the first half of Soulbound Series 4, the supercomputer housing Fifi’s data ghost is wiped and turned off, with no way of turning back on. This storyline teases something that will be explained in Kamen Rider Zi-O. The second half of the series, however, introduces a bombshell new character, namely Queen Fifi Forget-me-not, queen of Never Land.
This story takes place in a three-parter that introduces the final arc of the series. Queen Fifi is actually from a parallel universe where she didn’t die of cancer. When she and Hiroki broke up in 2011, Hiroki encouraged her to be strong and follow her own heart, leading Fifi to stop pining over Hiroki and agreeing to apply for divorce. Over the next decade, Fifi would become the queen of Never Land; when Fifi appeared in Soulbound Series 4, I saw her as a badass queen, wearing something that’s a cross of her dress in Belle of the Ball (image left) and the raincoat that came with the talking Fifi doll (image right) while wielding a sword that resembles Xiahou Dun’s scimitar (podao) in Dynasty Warriors.
In the first part, Hiroki seals himself in a shopping centre as he fights parallel versions of himself, preventing them from heading outside. This leads Akari to break in and save Hiroki; as the two hide in a department store and are about to be found by the parallel Hirokis, it is Queen Fifi who steps in to save them, much to Hiroki and Akari’s surprise.
In the second part, Queen Fifi is blandished along with the other interdimensional aberrants thanks to Betti and Silvia’s watermelon bomb containing blandishing water. The third part begins with the words “Bad Wolf” appearing everywhere (because back in 2008-09, Fifi acted as the counterpart of Rose Tyler in my version of Doctor Who). Of course, this catches Hiroki and the Doctor’s attention, leading them to make contact with Fifi in her universe, where she used a Void Beacon to send a message to every parallel universe.
Now, back in #2, I said that there were no plans for a “Jenova reunion theory”, but things had changed by this point as the Doctor and Parker use Hiroki as a main conduit to connect with his prototypes in their respective parallel universes (since they had been imprinted onto the universes of the people they were constantly around), using them as anchors to help the Doctor and the others find the right universes. Naturally, Queen Fifi is brought back to the main universe as well.
Queen Fifi is next shown a few episodes later helping our heroes defeat Hiroki, who had become the Supreme Ego Monster, Hokkinlai, due to the side effects of what happened previously. She and Karen Brewer, alongside Akari, are shown wielding the Weaponrisers to perform attacks on the monster. Soon after in the finale four-parter, Queen Fifi helps Parker with the Harmony Signal that would prevent the Ultimate Dimensional Merge and restore all universes to normal before they join the battle against Metallic 5 and Crestor Calandia in New Hayasaka alongside our heroes. In one of the battles, Parker and Queen Fifi utilise Decade Complete Form and Diend Complete Form with the original Beltmorpher and Gunmorpher while Hiroki and Kayley fight as Decade and Diend with their Beltmorpher X and Gunmorpher X.
After the entire multiverse is destroyed and restored with the Harmony Signal, Queen Fifi returns to her universe. When Parker asks Queen Fifi if she managed to find someone else after leaving Hiroki, she reveals that she is married to Bumble, who rules as the king of Never Land, though she chose not to reveal this to Hiroki. Also, Karen Brewer heads back to Stoneybrook. Why did I mention Karen here? Because this is also low-key a part-sequel to #22 and I didn’t feel like mentioning her in the beginning since she doesn’t have that much focus in this instalment.
Queen Fifi and Karen Brewer do make appearances in Kamen Rider Zi-O, but as their counterparts from the timeline where that series is set in. Their main involvement is in the ninth and tenth episodes, the final two-parter of the first arc that adapts fight scenes from Heisei Generations FOREVER. They do have interactions with Sougo, who thinks that he did meet them in his past, but after revelations that are revealed in the second half of the series, it’s not quite true but also true at the same time.
So that’s the story of how I milked Fifi Forget-me-not for a few more stories in the past couple of years. I’m so glad it’s all over now and I don’t have to keep milking the nostalgia cow anymore. I hope you liked this quick instalment. I’ll see if I can do something bigger for the next one.
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