#the shape shifter gravity falls
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theflashjaygarrick · 2 years
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ollythepikman · 4 days
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sexymonsterotd · 3 months
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sexy monster of the day: shape shifter from gravity falls
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thelowerdecker · 10 months
Wild Blue Yonder:
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all-lars-bars · 5 months
What would happen if the Shape Shifter shifted into Bill during Weirdmageddon? Like would it just implode or something or would it turn into a Bill vs. Bill face off?
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brightdrawings · 2 years
Sticky Solution
my first writing commission for @hubbabubbagumpop featuring everyone's favourite ship Fiddstan!
Fiddleford's work with Stanford has gotten him into trouble with his boyfriend Stanely. Now Stan is rightfully upset. Can Fidds find a way to make it up to his boyfriend?
(Also on ao3!)
Fiddleford gave a sigh. He knew that today would be difficult, but that didn’t prepare him for dealing with it. Before him, sitting on the opposite side of the kitchen was a very obviously pouting Stanley Pines. A plate stacked high with pancakes stood in front of him, syrup lovingly poured on top, and despite that he still made sure to turn away from Fiddleford every time the southerner tried to make eye contact with him. 
Fiddleford flipped another pancake and hummed to himself. Stanley always was a tough nut to crack. Even getting the stubborn man to confess to having feelings for him felt like trying to wrestle a pig while covered in grease. The man was all flirtatious to hell and back, not even being cornered had him confess. It took the combined effort of Stan's twin brother, Stanford, along with Fiddleford to get Stan to finally confess his feelings for Fiddleford. 
When Fiddleford had come to Gravity Falls to help Stanford Pines with his research on [redacted] he hadn’t expected to fall in love with his employer’s brother. This added a spanner to his schedule. Normally Fiddleford wouldn’t have minded losing most of his free time to work on the project. That was before he would find himself leaving Stanley’s warm bed in the early hours of the morning for the cold basement of the shack. Odd working hours would normally not be an issue, however, when one is at a restaurant with his boyfriend, you don’t normally want to be dragged out for some lycan-moth research.
It was one thing after another, and Fiddelford could see it on Stanley’s face. Their first dates were full of racked nerves, awkward banter and playful teasing. Now Stanley could hardly muster the effort to suggest leaving the house, lest he have to drive home on his own again. It weighed heavily on Fiddleford’s chest knowing that his choice of his work over his love had lowered his Stanley’s cheeky grin to a sour frown.
Fiddleford tightened his grip on the frying pan before flipping the last cake into a plate next to the stove. He put away his apron and joined Stanley at the table. The other man was still giving him the cold shoulder, but this didn’t discourage Fiddleford. He knew that wounds this deep would take time to heal, and having been raised on a farm, Fiddleford knew a thing or two about being patient.  
“Are you enjoyin’ breakfast Stanley?” Fiddleford asked.
“Is fine.” Stanley said bluntly. He didn’t look up from his food. 
Taking the hint Fiddleford finished eating in silence. He finished his breakfast and left the room. He wondered how he could get his boyfriend to speak with him again. It wasn’t until he confronted him in the living room about his behavior that he got a chance to properly speak with Stan.
“Stanley, I've been trying to make it up to you all week.” Fiddleford said, throwing his arms down. “I know you’re pissed but you could at least talk to me.”
“You’re damn right I’m pissed Fidds. Three months. Three months we’d been saving up, planning, fuck we even got those stupid suits for that restaurant.”  Stanley threw up his arms. “And then you just fucking left me. For what? Some stupid fairies?”
“I…” Fiddleford stared at the floor.
“And this ain’t the first time Fidds.” Stanley continued, his voice growing louder with each word. 
 “You’ve been running to Ford all the time. When we’re in town, when we’re having lunch.” His eyes began to well up with tears. 
There was a moment of quiet as Stanley tried to catch his breath.
“Do you know how shitty it is to wake up alone in bed every day for a month?” Stanley let out a pathetic sniffle.
Fiddleford felt weak in the knees. His cheeks were burning and there were hot tears starting to form under his eyes. How could he have been so blind. 
“I didn’t know. I’m so sorry Stanley.” Fiddleford said quietly.
“Yeah? And?” Stanley stared him down. “Just cause you’re sorry don’t mean you won’t go back to work. You’ve been saying sorry every time but that doesn’t change anything, does it?”
Fiddleford gulped. “Can I have a second chance? Please.” he raised his gaze to meet Stan’s. “I’ll make it up to you, I swear.” 
“Fine, sure.” Stan sighed. “‘S not like things can get worse.”
Fiddleford paced around a clearing not too far from the shack. With the awkward tension between both twins, he needed the time alone to gather his thoughts. Plus the fresh air was something he was sorely missing. At least that was the plan, however as he was walking out the door, he was cornered by Stanford who handed him the shape-shifting alien they had found a few months back and had taken in as a pet.
“Shifty needs some fresh air.” Stanford said quickly before disappearing into the basement.
Fiddleford sighed and carried the slimey sprog in the baby harness that the three of them had bought for it. On his way out the door Fiddleford grabbed a newspaper for Shifty to read and scurried to the nearest clearing in the woods.
“Okay, so Stanley needs something big to cheer him up.” Fiddleford said, tapping his chin. 
Shifty made a squelching noise. Its harness was taken off and left on a rock so it could move but couldn’t escape. Beside it was the newspaper. It would flick over a page every so often, making baby-like giggles at the bright colours it saw.
“Right, and I can't just do that overnight.” Fiddleford gesticulated as he spoke. “Can’t grow a tree in a day, but I have to try.”
“Ugh, you’re right. Even if I give him a date to end all dates that won’t mean anything if Ford comes running. And that’s not considering future endeavors.” Fiddleford sighed. He walked over and took a seat on the rock next to Shifty.
“Coo-Woo!” Shifty cheered. It had turned a page of the newspaper.
“What are you even saying.” Fiddleford shook his head. 
“Coo-Woo!” Shifty repeated. They stuck their tiny arms in the air.
Fiddleford picked up the shape shifter and took a look at the page it was staring at. It had a picture of several clowns with sharp teeth and brightly coloured blasters chasing after some people. On the other page was an advert for some promotional decaffeinated coffee. “Killer Clowns from Outer space?” He read.
“Cloon…” Shifty tried repeating after Fiddleford. 
“Well, he does enjoy clowns. If that recent home invasion arrest is anything to go by.” Fiddleford said under his breath. “Plus this looks schlocky as anything. But how do I deal with Stanford?”
“Stafford!” The shape shifter cheered, wiggling in Fiddleford’s hand. 
“You know, you might be onto something.” Fiddleford looked at the shapeshifter, an idea forming in his mind.
Stanley held his armrest in the car with a white knuckle grip. It wasn’t unusual for others to drive cars. In fact many would argue that that was in fact a normal part of real life. However, there was a difference between other people driving in different cars, and someone else driving his car. But Fiddleford had promised him that this was important, and despite their argument, Stan couldn’t say no to his boyfriend.
He was so distracted by Fiddleford driving that he hadn’t noticed where they were driving to. It wasn’t until they had parked and walked past the sign listing the films playing at the cinema that he pieced it together. 
“Killer Clowns?” Stan smirked. “How’d you know I wanted to see that?”
“I’ll never tell.” Fiddleford winked.
“Well you probably drank some science juice from Ford’s lab and read my mind.” Stan dug his hands into his pockets while fiddleford paid for their tickets. “Speaking of the nerd, you said you found a way to stop him from cutting our dates short. Wanna spill the beans on that? Or is that also part of your magician act?”
“We’ll see by the time we get back.” Fiddleford promised. “Now lets see how many snacks we can pocket without having to pay.”
“God I love you.” Stan said, following Fiddleford with a spring in his step.
Meanwhile, back in the shack. Stanford was laying deep asleep at his desk. His usual coffee mug had been spiked with decaf. However, the reason he truly would not be able to move was the shapeshifter, sleeping on his lap like a cat. Weighing him down with the weight of a thousand suns.
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laurasnewnightmare · 2 years
"Thirty years ago the author vanished without a trace. But according to this new clue, we may have found his secret hiding place..."
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absolutesomp · 10 days
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my guy so mortal he can't handle specs's ~+30 stash. story and concept details under the cut
Originally I was trying to fill in the space between bill coming back and the events of the handyman au, but it got away from me. It's also what happens when I slap that au and Misery by Stephen King together, sort of. #miserabill au i guess
Anyways, in this au/future in order to hopefully lure some of the henchmaniacs that are still at large, bill is released back to his body, completely powerless and weaker. His immediate order of business is to destroy the ankle tracker, unfortunately because he got nerfed his body doesn't instantaneously heal. He ends up getting chased by gnomes (?), loses his hat, and runs to the mystery shack which is temporarily run by Melody since Soos is away for a week or 2 for reasons. Bill passes out because of unfun pain, and Melody takes the life size triangle in. From there its just... idk plot, maybe some inversions of the gf episodes.
Melody would 100 % try contact the Pines about it but due to winter weather (yea its winter) it gets delayed. When she does I think there would be some kind of argument about whether to shoot him with a space gun or not cause it might "release him" from his flesh (?) prison. So he's just stuck there plotting his way to power. Also they have read the Book of Bill, but the theraprism part was not in it for them.
A couple plots I have in my head are bill doing the drunk transcript thing with the Pines on a group call and gets bullied, the shape shifter is back and wants that sweet sweet monster knowledge bill has, the Stans try to take a interdimensional short cut to the shack but end-up running into a few of the henchmaniacs who are lying low (for now) they're running a little middle-of-nowhere diner ig, the swap carpet is back, melody just generally having to keep track the oldest child in the universe, and everyone and everything in gravity falls wanting to fight him. Abuelita is there too.
Also, Bill doesn't have crack on his physical form, but has them on his dreamscape/nightmare realm/astral projection form.
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browniefox · 1 month
And of everything he expects to find on his porch in Gravity Falls, Oregon, the very last on the list was Stanley Pines.
Stanely, on his own part, looks a little surprised.
“You’re actually here,” he says.
“Stanley,” Ford responds. Part of him still hasn’t quite realized that Stanley is really here. Already, he’s running through explanations. Maybe some kind of shape-shifter? Something that could reach into Ford’s mind and pull out the image of Stanley? But that can’t be right, because Stanley has grown and changed. His jaw is more defined, his hair is long and ratted, he’s wearing threadbare clothes. This is a Stanley that Ford has never seen before.
For a moment, the two of them are justs staring at each other. Finally, Ford cough and tries to figure out what to say to his brother. Stan gets to talking first.
“You’re still into all the science sh- stuff, right?” Stan asks. It’s such a strange question to start all of this off at that it takes Ford a moment to answer. He also, distantly, notes how strange it is that Stan has apparently deigned to sensor himself.
“No thanks to you, but yes, I am,” Ford replies, asthe shock starts to wear off enough that his feelings towards his brother are beginning to rise up. What does Stan think he’s doing here, coming to Ford’s house, reminding him about what he’d cost Ford?
“Great, perfect. I need your help.”
“And why should I-” Ford begins to says, anger rising, before somehow, Stanley manages to shock Ford once again as he reaches behind him and pushes a kid forward from where he’d been hiding behind him.
A kid.
A child, really.
A kid who looks a little familiar. That hair, something about the shape of his nose. It reminds Ford of his mom, in a way. And the hair reminds him of his dad. And Stanely has this kid. That is with him. Right now. On Ford’s porch in Gravity Falls.
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pinkyshy10 · 2 months
So I've been working on an Octonauts Gravity Falls human AU right now all you need to know is that Shellington is a grown-up Dipper and Inkling is a mostly sane ( he's never going to be completely sane because of what he's been through) Fiddleford McGucket and I thought what if I make the Vegimals shapeshifters but not evil because unlike Ford Shellington actually showed them kindness but I'm wondering if that would be way too chaotic
If you've never seen Octonauts the Vegimals are these really cute plant fish creatures and they're so sweet
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scooburst · 20 days
Actually no I have some poll
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...okay, i have a lot of questions, but yeah, sure, i can drive.
[mave climbs over to the driver's seat.]
...so, if ya don't mind me asking... you're used to, what did you say, especially weird phenomenon? and this is related to some bill person? is that what you were saying? this is so absurd...
This “Bill” is an infuriating otherworldly entity hell-bent on making my life miserable just because he can’t handle that I said no to him ONE time! All he cares about is “having fun”, “causing chaos”, and “torture”—What sort of one-dimensional hobbies are those?!
But I’m getting distracted here, there’s plenty of other interesting beings that exist within Gravity Falls. Gnomes, zombies, ghosts, shape shifters, fairies—I’ve been studying them all.
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scoovent · 18 days
If I have to die in an abnormal way I’d want to be frozen like the shape shifter in gravity falls.
I don’t want to die for the record
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agentem · 1 year
Early reviews of Secret Invasion are encouraging (but not perfect). Of course it was hard for me to believe Samuel L. Jackson and Olivia Coleman would deliver bad performances. (I have seen SLJ give amazing reads to the worst dialogue ever written.) I worry that Marvel has some of the best talent and often lets the characters down.
And this was does feel a bit "forced" because the Skrulls have long been villains in the Marvel Comics, and are famous for the "Secret Invasion" run in the comics where a key member of the Avengers was revealed to be a Skrull shape-shifter.
But Captain Marvel made them refugees. Maybe not perfect, but sympathetic. So how do you do you adapt that famous run without the Skrulls being total dicks?
Apparently they are made because Captain Marvel and Fury never did find them a new planet to live on (this seems odd. If they couldn't find a planet certainly there could be something like Knowhere where a group could live? Why did they come back to Earth? They love our gravity?)
Things will have to be a bit more nuanced than comics fans are used to. Talos (Ben Mendelsohn), his wife Soren and their daughter Gi'ah (Emilia Clarke) are all known as nice and helpful, but also as reasoning species. (Oftentimes in the comics, it's like "our queen is evil so no we all are. That explains everything you need to know.")
I'm glad I don't have to root against Emilia Clarke though. There had been rumors she was playing Veranke (the aforementioned evil queen who makes the evil Skrulls do evil things) and I was very relieved when it was confirmed she was playing adult Gi'ah (the child appeared in Captain Marvel). And I don't want to see my queen destroy any more cities.
I also demand she and Monica Rambeau hang out in the future.
IDK. I am cautiously optimistic about this.
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kiwinatorwaffles · 2 years
dr. pines' guide to multidimensional travel- chapter 1
the gravity falls x hermitcraft season 9 crossover is here! :D
word count (chapter 1): 5767
characters (chapter 1): ford pines, cub, scar, xisuma, grian, cleo (briefly)
fic summary:
ford looks towards cub before answering, but instead of seeing the same black-haired man, ford now finds an uncanny copy of teenage stan staring right back at him. “yeah?” the teenage stan-imposter says with cub’s voice. “go on!” it takes ford about a second of gawking before realizing that if cub now has his brother’s body, then that means cub must be a— “SHAPE SHIFTER!” ford shouts, pulling out his ray gun and pointing it at cub — or whatever creature he is. “i thought i contained you! how did you get here?!”
in which stanford pines jumps into a rift to escape trouble and lands in the strange, bizarre world of hermitcraft season 9.
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