#shifty gravity falls
theflashjaygarrick · 2 years
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badwaves · 7 months
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got shifty on da brain tonight (first comic inspired by this post)
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tazmiilly · 2 months
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retrovrt · 2 months
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Fiddleford and Shifty's relationship when Shifty was a baby is so funny to me why are you beefing with an actual child
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gayford · 23 days
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ms paint doodle based off that one blobfish image
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mossswald · 5 months
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A continuation of this
Original images x x x x
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candycatstuffs · 2 years
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i kno i just posted, but-
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ultravioletqueen · 1 day
Reading journal 3 and seeing the relationship that Ford had with Shifty (the shapeshifter) made me think of an idea that involves Ford's partner with this creature.
I imagine that Reader follows the investigation of this creature very closely, but unlike Ford and McGucket, Reader treats Shifty in a similar way to a human baby, even playing games with him and trying to teach him to speak (reader was very excited hearing him speak even if his first words were "beans").
At some point Reader would try to teach him to read and write, first with the name Ford, then McGucket and then Reader, but something quite funny and cute at the same time happens when he tries to write their name, and it is that shifty writes "dear" instead of reader's name.
Ford laughs and corrects him by telling him that Dear is not Reader's name, The creature proceeds to write "honey" with all the confidence in the world, When Ford corrects him again, Shifty is very confused and begins to write several words, all of them being nicknames that Ford calls his partner (sweetie, darling, my love, sweetheart, etc.).
The poor creature is so confused that they decide to leave him alone and agree with him so he doesn't get stressed😅
Imagine that when Dipper, Mabel, Wendy and Soos go to the bunker, Reader decides to accompany them and that when they meet Shifty, Reader goes into angry mother/father/parent mode and Shifty, very afraid, tries to tell Reader that he was just joking while he is dragged by the ear (or whatever his ear is) by reader like a child being scolded by his mother after doing a prank.
leyendo el diario 3 y viendo la relacion que tenia ford con formy(el cambiaformas) me hizo pensar en una idea que involucra a la pareja de ford con esta criatura.
me imagino que lecto@ sigue muy de cerca la investigación de esta criatura, pero a diferencia de ford y mcgucket, trata a shifty de forma similar a un bebe humano, llegando a hacer juegos con el y tratando se enseñarle a hablar(se emocionó mucho al oirle hablar incluso si sus primeras palarbas fueron "frijoles").
en algún momento lector@ trataria de enseñarle a leer y escribir, primero con el nombre de ford, luego mcgucket y luego el de lector@, pero pasa algo bastante gracioso y tierno a la vez cuando trata de escribir su nombre, y es que shifty escribe "cariño" en vez del nombre de lector@.
ford se rie y le corrije diciéndole que cariño no es el nombre de lector@, la criatura procede a escribir "dulzura" con toda la seguridad del mundo, cuando ford le vuelve a corregir shifty esta muy confundido y empieza a escribir varias palabras, todas siendo apodos por los que ford llama a su pareja(tesoro, querid@, mi amor, corazon, etc).
la pobre criatura queda tan confundida que deciden dejarlo en paz y darle la razon para que no se estrese😅
imagina que cuando dipper, mabel, wendy y soos van al bunker lector@ decida acompañarlos y que cuando se encuentran con shifty reader se pone modo madre/padre enojad@ y Formy con mucho miedo trata de decirle a reader que solo estaba bromeando mientras es arrastrado por la oreja(o lo que sea su oreja) por lector@ como un niño siendo regañado por su madre tras hacer una travesura.
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hill-art02 · 29 days
So if you remember my last post, you'll know I came up with a Gravity Falls X Sweeney Todd Au that's I'll called "Sweeney Pines"
Stanford as Sweeney Todd
Bill Cipher as Mrs Lovett
Dipper as Anthony Hope
Mabel as Tobias Ragg
Wendy as Johanna(it used to be Pacifica, but I think Wendy fits better)
Fiddleford as Lucy/the beggar
Preston as judge Turpin
Bud as Beadle Bamford
Shifty as Adolfo Pirelli
This Au is still a WIP, but it's mostly the same from the original, except there won't be SA or child marriage because I think it's a little tasteless for a Gravity Falls Au.
My inbox is open if you wanna ask questions or suggestions, but don't be rude, and please be patient, okay :)
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cheemscakecat · 27 days
I think I solved the “That six-fingered nerd hasn’t been himself in 30 years” line.
People have been wondering for years if Shifty had somehow met Stan during the 30 year gap, or what else that line could possibly mean. But if he could have left the bunker, I doubt he would still be living down there. I think there’s a different explanation.
By that point in the episode, Dipper had already said they were looking for the author, that he had gone missing.
Hear me out: Shifty’s in denial about Ford’s disappearance.
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Stanford was so preoccupied with Bill’s betrayal and trying to block him out that he didn’t have time to go back to the bunker. He had been planning to go back after the portal was finished, but obviously the threat of possession and Bill invading the dimension kept him away. Fiddleford certainly wouldn’t come back, even if he had his memories intact.
And then Ford got pushed into the portal.
Shifty wouldn’t be privy to this information, especially if he was trapped in the bunker. Even if there was something wrong with the cryogenic chamber and he unthawed a few months after the initial freeze, he wouldn’t have known.
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I think he spent those decades in the bunker trying to dig a way out, but being blocked by the metal lining. That’s why he was still down there by the time Dipper and crew investigated.
It must have felt like the slightly nicer scientist, the one that at least found him entertaining, had abandoned him. Either he meant so little to Ford that he forgot all about the bunker [a possibility if they were only keeping him to be frozen], or Stanford intentionally left him to starve should he ever unthaw.
So imagine someone telling you that the scientist has been missing all this time. For 30 years you’ve been resenting this person for how he treated you and threw you away in a glorified tomb, but now that’s being challenged.
Blaming the scientists for everything was easy to process:
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The only time he saw the sun was when he hatched, then Ford put him in a cage underground. With no intention of ever letting him see the sun again, or any live animals.
The only food was canned, and it wasn’t even designed for pets. They just fed him baked beans.
They wouldn’t trust him to look at their faces. Fiddleford hated him and wanted to freeze him. Ford only seemed to like him because he was a “pet”.
It was easy for Shifty to tell himself that these neglectful men left him to die in a metal box underground. That they hated him all along, or saw him as an animal and forgot they left him in the ice chamber.
But Ford’s disappearance called that into question. He knew Ford was the author of the journals, from begging to get to read them. The nicer of the two scientists. The one that was at least hesitant to freeze him in a tube for all eternity, just for being a shapeshifter. The one that was interested in his powers, instead of repulsed.
It would be painful to admit the possibility that Stanford planned to come back. That he might have died 30 years ago, and that was the real reason why Shifty was left alone in the bunker. The possibility that Ford died was a heavy one already. Shifty never saw his parents. This scientist was the first face he saw when he hatched, for better or for worse, Ford was the closest thing to a parent Shifty had.
“That six-fingered nerd hasn’t been himself for 30 years!”
He couldn’t have died, he just… He changed. That’s why he never came back, he just stopped acting like himself!
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ckret2 · 9 months
I don't know if anyone asked, but how do you think about the Shapeshifter? Especially in Bill's perspective you can think of.
P.S. You gotta find this comic interesting. The problem would be, how to access Shifty's Mindscape?
So here's the story of Shifty as I see it:
A baby hatches alone on an alien planet, and is immediately seen as a wild animal and caged.
The only "parents" it's ever known keep it locked alone in the dark when they aren't around.
Even though its nature is to transform into anything it sees—and as a baby, with its mind still growing, it probably needs to be exposed to new forms for its developmental health—it's kept contained where it has very little fresh stimuli.
One of its "parents" wears a mask over his face so it can't learn what he looks like. Its other parent wants to just freeze it and leave it underground.
Even after it learns to talk and its parents know it's a sentient, intelligent being, nothing about its captivity changes.
Shifty has learned how to speak! A few words at first, but every day he’s been learning longer sentences. Increasingly, he asks “Who am I?”
It's searching for a sense of identity. It's asking for help from aliens who don't know what to tell it, and who give no indication that they want to help it find out.
It's only allowed to learn new forms from pictures in books. It knows one of its parents has several journals full of wondrous shapes it's never seen before. It's not allowed to look at them. It isn't given a good reason why. It's treated like a threat that can't be trusted with new forms—even when it's given them no reason to think it's untrustworthy.
And if it's going to be distrusted no matter what—for nothing except its born nature as a shapeshifter—why should it be trustworthy?
In desperation, it ties up its other parent (without hurting him) to fool its main parent. In return, they freeze it underground—and it's left there, abandoned and forgotten, for thirty years.
I truly believe Shifty became a monster because it was raised like a prisoner. Isolated, under-stimulated, inadequate enrichment for a child of any species; treated with academic curiosity, suspicion, and fear rather than with affection and care. Why wouldn't it have become a monster? What in its environment could have led it to become anything else?
Ford and Fiddleford weren't equipped to handle a new, living person; they treated it like an animal, and when they learned it was an intelligent being, they didn't change their treatment. As much as Ford sympathizes with "freaks," I think occasionally Ford forgets to respect the sentient ones as people—too caught up in his research to think about anything else. And I don't think Fiddleford's ever seen personhood in non-humans as anything but unnatural and a threat.
(As far as Bill is concerned—if anything, seeing how Ford interacted with Shifty may have made him underestimate just how strongly he'd fight against Bill's plans for his dimension. After all, he might not like Bill's plan, but it isn't like he really cares about anyone else in his dimension, right? Except Ford does care. He just... never really thought through what he was doing with Shifty.)
I think Shifty should be given a heartfelt apology and unleashed in Gravity Falls. Sure, it might commit murder and mayhem! But it was treated like a criminal when it was a baby who'd done nothing wrong. It deserves a second chance and a fair shot at living a free life. The humans don't have the right to keep it in indefinite cryogenic solitary confinement until it's actually proven such extreme measures are necessary.
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badwaves · 6 months
Please tell baby Shifty I love him. Also adore your art! It's nice to see two old men being in love! Hope you have a great day.
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love this weird fucking thing!!!! Also, thank you so much!! i spend like 75% of my day thinking about old men being in love so i'm glad people like it when i manage to transfer my vision to the canvas
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tazmiilly · 2 months
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best friends......
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ollythepikman · 3 days
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nocophobia · 27 days
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If it can talk and it can move who’s to say it can’t have daddy issues?
In this au shifty is so desperate for like. Normal parental affection that he shifts into a young Stan after finding a Polaroid.
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mayadoesfandomstuff · 9 months
The Pines Family Tree
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i hyperfocused on this the whole day it's now 2:30 am
Also, I put an x mark on Stan because he was technically disowned and his dad (presumably) still hadn't accepted him back when he started impersonating Ford. I also put "Jewish and Jewish-descent" because I know Stan, Ford, Shermie, Caryn, and Filbrick are Jewish but idk about the twins if they're Jewish too even if i do headcanon it so uh yeah.
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