#the shipper khet
akkpipitphattana · 1 year
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Watching Fluke in today's A Boss & A Babe unlocked a core memory to support @firstkanaphans's statement that GMMTV doesn't know how to write brothers:
The Shipper exists
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In case you haven't watched it or need a refresher, those two kissing above are BROTHERS!
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It's a mess, but after a traffic accident, a girl's soul was incorrectly placed into Kim's body (First), and she falls in love with Kim's brother, Khet (Ohm), while inhabiting Kim's body even though she wants the actual Kim to be with his best friend, Way (Fluke).
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A fucking mess. Honestly, Way and Khet made more sense together but that is neither here nor there.
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GMMTV really tired to make us feel better about Khet falling in love with the girl, Pan, who was in Kim's body but....
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Khet was looking at his brother's body and being hella jealous!
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Cupid's Last Wish at least gave us the brother, Win, ending up in his sister's body, Lin, and the love interest, Korn, being aware of what was happening and never pulling any stunts he couldn't come back from while Win was in Lin's body AND it served as a plot point because Win thought Korn liked Lin romantically, so he couldn't trust that Korn's kindness was due to liking Win or liking Lin and wanting her back.
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Woah! That was a lot. *shakes head from exhaustion*
GMMTV tests my morals and my suspension of belief every day.
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"Brothers," amirite?
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cornflowershade · 10 months
Bless you for putting The Shipper content on my dash in 2023. Such a lovely show! I take it you enjoyed it?
OMG I DID. Like, where to start. First of all, I appreciate any show that doesn't take itself too seriously or seem afraid how it'll come off, and this is one of them. It is WACKY (and funny) and strange, and I enjoyed every minute of that. But there's drama as well, which I'm a sucker for too, and we will get to that.
Of course, I also lovedddd the cast. First was freaking amazing in this role, the way you can see him switch roles and covey Pan, like??? In fact, everyone did an amazing job. The acting was so good. Also loved Jennie as the angel of death, haha. And Ohm as Khet was so cute. Soda was adorable. And yeahhhh, Way ended up bringing emotions.
Going into the series, it was this great fun adventure body swap situation —always a good time— but obviously there was a million twists, and one of my favorite things about this show was how unpredictable the path always was. Being a show about life (and death), I think that unpredictability kinda suits it.
I like the idea of how it start with Pan, who has an idealized like, wattpad fanfic reading of the world around her—or at least of Kim and Way. Then we place her in Kim's life—via a total fanfic scenario (side note I love how everything feels so fanfic, even down to the wild shipping vibes between literally everyone at various points. the chemistry just chemistry-ing 24/7) and from there everything only gets more complex as she discovers that no, she doesn't know everything about this boy. We discover more about Kim through her, and over time through the other characters as well, and by the time we realize Kim is gone (following an ongoing mystery of Uh Oh Where Is He??) we finally have a fuller picture of him. A picture painted through the choices he made, the lives he impacted, and what he meant to people, etc. And Pan has a better understanding of both Kim and herself. As well as having to face some moral quandaries on how to handle situations linked to this extremely wacky circumstance.
She learns not to judge so quickly (like she did at the start with WayKim or at the point where discovers Kim's secrets. She continues learning this all the way to when she realizes how Khet feels.). I also liked that by the time she realizes WayKim was real, it's something that is able to hit her with gravity? By then it means something more than "ooooooh look at them, look at my ship." Because she feels the implications. Because she knows them better. Because she knows the weight of what it means after living Kim's life and after discovering that he's gone. After we learn that he's dead, it actually makes things make a lot more sense. 1) that he didn't wake up and 2) why the show gives such an investigation into his life [beyond the obvious reason, which is Pan trying to get her bearings and fumble through]—it's almost retrospective.
Speaking of the weight of things (yes this has turned into a full blown show review/meta haha) I again enjoyed how the series becomes something weightier as it goes on. Not to say there wasn't weight at the beginning, but the tone got more grounded as it progressed. Like I said before, it's a show about life and death, and the impact of both. I'd say it's also about loss and learning from experiences (even the angel of death ends up learning a lesson—double check those names!!—and being impacted by a relationship, by someone's life, as she develops a fondness toward Pan.)
Those themes start all the way back at the beginning, with Pan's body being in a coma. With her friends and stepdad worrying if she'll come back to them, and Pan being unable to tell them she's okay (ugh the drama yes). We see the impact that her absence has (and yet she doesn't truly realize until later that her absence is just as important as Kim's. That her presence is just as important his his.) That loss theme is kind of continued through the plot with Way and his girlfriend, actually. And then there's everything with Khet and Kim (yeah that made me cry), and Kim and Way (also made me cry). As The Shipper progresses, we see more deeply into every relationship and motive until we're finally able to understand the character's hearts. And by the time we do, that's why everything hurts so darn bad. It comes together so well.
The balance of lighthearted and heavy was actually really enjoyable to me, though I see from skimming through the tag that not everyone agrees here lol. But personally I liked the plot and the ending and think they worked pretty harmoniously. The series is definitely sad but I wouldn't call it a "sad show?" A reflective one for sure (not saying it's the deepest show on the planet but still) and kinda cathartic. I think it's interesting that, despite all the fantasy and off-the-wall elements, this show had a huge sense of realness to me?? While yeah, still being that fantasy story with wacky elements and lovable characters, which adds such a vibe and really makes the show xD
(Sidenote I laughed at the last line, 'so this is what it's like having a yaoi girlfriend' lmao. sorry khet. i'm not always keen on like, humor last lines—they sometimes feel out of place after sad things— but this one fit well and lifted the mood and seemed full circle. they brought it back to comedy without it being clunky. that whole last scene with her and khet was nice. now I just need to understand the after credit voiceover bc youtube didn't subtitle it AGH)
Honestly, no notes. Idk how common this take is, but: this was probably one of my favorite Thai dramas so far???
Anyway, looking forward to putting more of this show on your dash in the future xD
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hexenmeisterer · 2 years
The Shipper is actually filled with such a sense of melancholy I love it. stupid screwball comedy with an underlying tone of unspeakable sadness. I eat that shit up every time.
like, Pan gazing down at her own unconscious body, seeing her friends and family react to her being in a coma but being unable to tell them she’s ok?? and she doesn’t know/we don’t know this yet but (from what I hear) she’s pretending to be someone who’s already dead, discovering who he was to those around him layer by layer?? and these goofy interactions she’s fumbling her way through become his loved ones’ last memories with him???????
ok unrelated but also I love that Khet is like “hey girl that’s cool that you’re constantly writing gay porn about my estranged brother and it’s all you talk about,, wanna make out with me?” AND THEN proceeds to have romantically charged moments with that girl WHILE SHE’S INHABITING HIS BROTHER’S BODY like. oh my lord.
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the-iron-queen · 2 months
I finally finished The Shipper and maaaan does this show have tone problems.
I mean I was generally aware of that through the whole process, but I actually thought they were about to stick the landing, and then they had Kim's groomer at his freaking funerary, whose grooming of her students was played as another joke a few minutes later.
And Pan and Soba happily went back to shipping Kim who is dead and most of whose life and struggles Pan was supposed to just have gained a deeper understanding of, but nope, yay, back to shipping it is, and Khet is just fine with it and even says "Hah guess that's just what is like having a yaoi girlfriend" and ugh ugh ugh I can't with this epilogue. I had made my peace with Kim's death and the weird brother kiss between Khet and Pan in Kim's body in advance because I knew about it, but that epilogue really killed it for me (derogatory).
So, sum up, First is an absolutely stellar actor and basically carried the majority of this show, overall the main cast was pretty well acted, but the story. Oh. The story.
Also I love Jennie. Please Jennie in everything ever.
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dramadeer · 2 years
I just finished watching The Shipper and OKAY!!!
I decided to watch it because I had heard WILDLY different takes on it and nothing makes me want to watch something like seeing completely polar opinions about it. I went in pretty much unspoiled except for being told not to expect a BL because this show was not a BL. I totally agree! It's not a BL!
That out of the way, I did however think it was a good show. There were some storylines and narrative choices I could have lived without for SURE (the teacher thing was gross, for starters, but I understand why it was framed the way that it was) but I think the show was deeply effective in expressing its main ideas: 1) loving someone means seeing them, acting upon it, and, most importantly, telling them and 2) no life is expendable. The second one is pretty obvious throughout the show and it's the lesson Pan learns by the end, but I think the first one was maybe subtler and the theme that I enjoyed the most.
My favorite examples were Pan's admiration for Kim and Khet and Kim's relationship.
Pan "loves" Kim, dedicates so much time out of her life writing about him, admiring him, but she doesn't see him, not really. She only sees the image Kim tries to project and when she finally realizes he's a complex person, who has done bad things, it changes her attitude completely. She needs Khet and Way, the people who really saw Kim, who really loved him, who really Knew him, to contextualize these actions to finally allow herself to hold Kim's whole image in her head. To stop thinking in terms of "deserving love" which obviously become relevant again towards the end.
Kim and Khet, we know from Way, kept seeing each other, kept tabs on each other, protected each other, but they could never really talk to each other. And that's the tragedy of their relationship, that in the end Khet never got his chance to talk to Kim in any way that really matters. Our, and his, only consolation is hoping that Kim knew anyway.
But also I can think of Way not seeing his love until too late. Phingphing's love being often stated but rarely acted upon. Khet's inability to tell Pan several times.
Anyhow, before I start bawling again (what can I tell you, weddings and funerals, man). Here are some more thoughts:
I would have tightened the direction of the story a bit, sometimes it did feel meandering.
First was absolutely having the time of his life and I really hope to see him again one day a) in a comedy and b) playing opposite Jennie Panhan, all their scenes were INCREDIBLE. Also this feels stupid to even point out, but Ohm and First had incredible chemistry. Was is the weirdest chemistry I've ever seen? Absolutely! But that's not on them! That's on whoever cast them to play siblings/love interests.
I would have leaned harder on the framing device of shipping culture. Have fun with it! Deconstruct those tropes or play them straight, but PLAY with them!
At one point it almost feels like the show is gonna finally get into how our perception of celebrities doesn't match with their public persona and fans aren't entitled to these people's private lives, but uhm. Nope, no. They never do. It feels more like something they accidentally stumbled upon rather than a plot point. But at least we get that one scene between Way and Kim at the end.
I wanted more of Kim haunting the narrative! I wanted more of Kim and Khet (re: weird but effective chemistry)! Selfishly I wanted them to have their moment, even though it wouldn't have made sense narratively (but what is fanfiction if not wish fulfillment?).
Anyway. This show really leans heavily into the candy-coated teen drama cutesy aesthetic and that's how it gets you before it kills you. And no! The ending's dance number didn't make up for it!
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luanapawatt · 4 years
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The Shipper Icons Ep 7 (Khet)
More Icons here & here
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svnsetlayouts · 4 years
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𝙊𝙝�� 𝙋𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙩 — 𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘵
𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 @luanapawatt 🤍
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part-time-y-girl · 4 years
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soda & khet being petty 🤭
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mybabybright · 4 years
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-So much work to do! But...if I get a little more encouragement...it would fill up my energy! -Jeez! You just got a lot from him!
The Shipper - episode 9
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solariconsblog · 4 years
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Wallpapers The Shipper ep9
☆Please like if you save☆
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akkpipitphattana · 1 year
great 😐👍🏼
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urluwu · 4 years
A Character Analysis on Pan
A small character analysis/defense on Pan (spoilers up until EP. 11) 
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Before I begin talking about Pan, who was also crying buckets after EP. 11 aired?? SERIOUSLY, the actors in this show are ALL phenomenal. Every single character that cried this episode, made me want to fcking CRY A RIVER. 
After watching this episode, I honestly loved how well thought-out every single character was written, including Pan. However, when I was scrolling through the comments I was actually quite surprised that there were a handful of people who actually disliked Pan. I think everyone is pretty much entitled to their opinion, but I would like to take a closer look at who Pan is and why she does the thing she does. 
To start, let’s focus on Pan’s insecurities.
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Pan is someone who feels like she is undeserving of love. Someone who feels like she’s not enough. I think at one point in our lives, we all felt this way. The feeling of never being enough to anyone, lacking the courage to do what we really want to do because we feel as though we are inadequate.
It’s also the key reason why I think Pan escapes to the fantasy world. A world where she can freely ship the person she likes with anyone she wants - her small happy space. The crazy fanfics, the over the top shipping, isn’t it to distract herself from her own pain?  When you break it down, isn’t that like most of us? Watching movies, reading fanfics, reading books, it’s like a break from our own mind and immersing ourselves into something else. Yes she’s a crazy fangirl, but she’s, as cliche as it sounds, very human. 
It’s also why I love Pan (and in extension Soda). Fangirls in films (AND IN REAL LIFE) are always displayed as crazy lunatics with absolutely no brain cells, and yes, there are people that are extremely intense, however that’s NOT the majority. Yes, Pan and Soda can be over the top with their imagination, but their intentions were never to hurt anybody. So, the moment their fanfic caused a problem, Pan apologized to whom it directly hurt. 
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I think this scene in particular showcases one of Pan’s strong points but also one of her weak points. She is someone who wants to do the right thing (note on the word: want). However, what she thinks is the right thing to do can very much backfire on her. 
This leads to one of the main reason, I think, people don’t like Pan. The way she makes decisions in Kim’s body without his consent. 
This is where people’s opinions diverge, while you can state that Pan is a selfish character for doing whatever hell she wants in his body, I would argue otherwise. 
Let’s be clear: Pan never asked to be put into Kim’s body. 
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From the start, she didn’t want it. She actively protested against it and continually said it throughout the series. 
You could argue that just because she never asked for it, doesn’t mean she should do the things that could hurt others. 
And, I would say you’re right.
In EP. 10, Pan decides to reject Way’s confession as Kim. In retrospect, she shouldn’t do that because the person Way confessed to was Kim, not Pan. 
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However, Pan thinks this is right way to handle this affair. Dating a guy that dates his teacher while also cheating on various exams, isn’t exactly someone she pictured her crush, Way, to be with. 
In all honestly, she’s doing this because the good guy she believed Kim to be, wasn’t all that squeaky clean. From the very start, Pan has stated she wanted Way to be with someone good.  
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After she finds out Kim isn’t exactly a good guy. She becomes persistent in rejecting him.
until...she’s proven wrong.
This is one of Pan’s greatest trait. The ability to reflect on her mistakes and making attempts to make amends. 
The moment she realized that her perception of Kim was wrong, that she doesn’t have the whole picture, is when she corrects herself. 
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She does what she thinks is right. She gets it wrong. She works to make it right again. 
I admire this about Pan. 
When I was a teenager, the amount of things that I got wrong, the things I didn’t correct, but should’ve still linger on my mind. If you’re still a teen and think that you haven’t made mistakes or that the morals you hold now will forever be the same, I would say - wait. The more your world broadens, the more you realize that you were being quite small-minded. When I think about my past, I think there were people I should’ve apologized to properly, people I should’ve treasured more dearly and people I should’ve tried to understand better. 
And Pan, a teenage girl manages to do just that. 
Pan is not a flawless character by any means, but to call her a character that is selfish and stupid undermines her strengths. If she was truly a selfish character, she would’ve rejected Way even when she found Kim wasn’t as bad as she thought he was. 
Pan is someone who cares, she cares a whole lot. 
EP. 11 hits on this point even further. 
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Khet, our resident observer, says this about Pan. 
“You should stop thinking about other people.” THIS. 
If you don’t believe Pan is actually someone who is selfless from ME, at least believe it from our resident softboi-goodboi-deserves a happy end boi, KHET. 
When we get to the climax of the story, Pan has to choose whether to be in her own body or pretend to be Kim for the rest of her life. 
And she is conflicted, extremely conflicted. 
Sure, it’s easy to say, “she should just go back to her own body”...but the reason she decides against it is all the more heartbreaking. 
The first reason being Kim’s family. 
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Kim has a family that needs and loves him. Something Pan notices firsthand. She watches Khet suffer, believing fully that his brother is gone and that he can no longer rectify the relationship he has with his brother. 
Pan has stated prior that Khet was always someone that was by her side when she was troubled. 
Even in this particular episodes, he tries to hold a calm front in front of her, only to bawl when she’s not looking.
Pan recognizes this and seeing the person who’s been comforting her this entire time is something she doesn’t think light of. 
The second reason...is her own family. 
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This part had me on the verge of tears. 
Pan’s only family, is someone that’s not even blood related to her. Her mom and dad aren’t around anymore and the only person she can call family is her step-dad. 
However, she never fully acknowledges him as her dad...because of her guilt. The guilt that she’s a burden and someone who shouldn’t exist. Knowing that her existence is causing everyone to suffer, isn’t an easy pill to swallow. 
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The moment Pan realizes that her step-dad is suffering and that he’s in debt because of her medical fees, the guilt only gets worst. 
The only person she can call family, is the person she’s hurting the most. The feeling that if you didn’t exist would make things better for the people you love is one of the most painful realizations. 
Even if you know that they care, even if you know they’d want you alive. That doubt, even that 10% chance that they’ll live an easier life if you weren’t around, will always be in the back of your mind. 
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And that’s exactly what Pan thinks. 
She can’t help but think that if there’s a chance she could stop being his burden, maybe he’ll get a second chance a life.
A life where he doesn’t have to hold back for her. 
This leads to her conclusion: 
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She sees that Kim has a reason to be alive. 
He has a family to take care of. 
He has a brother to make amends with. 
He has someone who is waiting for him. 
And Pan? 
If she returns in her body, the only thing she’ll be is a burden to the one person she calls family. 
Through her confliction and confusion, Pan has determined that Kim has more reasons to live than her. 
Fortunately, there is one person in her life that argues otherwise. 
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Khet (I love him so much and whoever doesn’t like him, I don’t get you on a personal level. I can make another post abt him too), calls Pan out on her insecurities. 
He asks her if she thinks she’s not important. 
This topic has been touched upon throughout the series. Pan’s lack of self-confidence and believing that she isn’t good enough. 
Haven’t most of us been there? Feeling insignificant, feeling pathetic and just...plain ol’ useless. 
Again, Khet reiterates this...
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Pan...is thinking about what’s right for everyone. 
She really is.
A selfish act is something you do for yourself, but is giving up on her body to be Kim something a selfish person does? 
Khet instantly recognizes this and calls her out on it. 
But that’s not what gets Pan to do anything. It’s when he says this: 
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It’s when he says this, that she thinks about what she should do for Kim. 
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Her next action was to rectify the situation between Kim, Way and her. To make sure Way understands what is happening (and boy is this boy clueless LOLL). 
Let me clearly point out that her next point of action was not for herself, but to figure out what is the right thing to do for Kim. 
Again, solidifying her selfless nature. 
I would even go as far to say that the two selfless characters in the show are actually Pan and Khet. The way those two try to look out for one another is quite sweet. 
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To end this rather long character analysis (i swear i was going to make it short LMAO), Pan is a well-written character. 
From her wild antics to her insecurities, the writers clearly depicted a life of a fangirl. 
A little intense, but sweet nevertheless. 
Pan, I believe is a self-less character, doesn’t know her strengths or self-worth but always tries to do what she thinks is right. It’ll go wrong, she’ll fuck up, but her heart is always at the right place. 
I love her a lot and I hope more people appreciate the character that is Pan! 
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wjmild · 4 years
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The Best Roles of My Favorite Thai Actors:
Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee as Khet in The Shipper
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aylinaliens · 4 years
we all can agree The Shipper is a shit show but a bitch is soft as hell for Khet. a bitch is EMO just thinking about him pining for Pan for who knows how long and constantly being ignored by his own brother like I’m sorry he is the best boy who deserves the world
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dittapisit · 3 years
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Ohm Pawat in The Shipper
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