#the signs keep adding up is what im saying :
yerimbrit · 2 days
on my mind (all the time) : k. haerin
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synopsis: is it love? and if it is, was it platonic? or romantic? does haerin even like girls? ...you give her a headache.
# : pairing ! nonidol!kang haerin x fem!reader
# : tags ! requested, haerin pov, self-discovery, bbangsaz mention, hanni appearance, complicated feelings, pining, but in a haerin way yk, so sorry this is short(er than most of my stuff), they're watching mean girls (2004) , THIS TOOK SO LONG, IM SORRY
# : wordcount ! 1.7k
# : warnings ! none
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there is no name to put to these feelings that haerin holds for you. probably.
well, at least no name that haerin knows. she knows that it's different from what she feels for, say, danielle. or minji. or hanni, or hyein. she doesn't have it in her to play tom and jerry with you, because you amuse her, in a different way.
you're an interesting individual. (sometimes) high-energy. proud member of the go-home club. procrastinator. (haerin wonders how you still manage to get top marks in exams despite only studying the night before.)
there's just something about you that draws her in, seizing her attention with whatever you do.
"hello? earth to kang haerin, are you there?" oops.
when haerin looks up, she's met with hanni, who's sitting in front of her waving her hand back and forth. they're currently sitting in the new boba shop which opened two weeks ago. hanni's been begging everyone to go with her, but the other girls came up with excuses on the spot except haerin, who was zoning out at the time. this is not where she was planning to be on her saturday afternoon, usually reserved for her regular napping session.
but, well, there's barely anyone here and hanni opted for an even quieter corner and paid for haerin's slice of red velvet cake, so who was haerin to complain? the cake does well to make up for the energy she could've restored with her very-necessary-not-to-be-disturbed-4-hour-nap, anyway.
"thinking about y/n?" the older girl wiggles her eyebrows, but her smile drops at the sight of haerin's brow twitching, a telltale sign of something about to come out of her mouth that would have hanni regretting she ever spoke up.
"why worry about what i'm thinking, when you should be thinking about if minji's even picking up on your signs?"
the receiver of the comment pouts and blows her bangs out of her face. "i hate when you're right."
haerin takes another bite of her cake. done and dusted. this is a frequent interaction between the two—hanni is the only one who knows about her infatuation with you (though only because haerin accidentally said your name out loud as she was zoning out one day), and haerin is the only one hanni has confided in for her feelings for her best friend.
the only thing haerin hates about this is that it's hanni, of all people. hanni, who keeps insisting that whatever she's feeling for you is romantic. that part, she hasn't really figured out but she doesn't think it's romantic. or if she's interested in girls. haerin isn't the type to have many crushes, that or it was so minor that she doesn't remember. she wonders if the random boys she used to pick to be her "crush" count, because it was mostly to satisfy the nosey girls in her class that wouldn't take "no one" as an answer.
"she came over yesterday," haerin muses, taking the last bite of her slice of cake and setting the silver fork neatly on the empty plate. she stares disappointedly at the lack of sweet delights. hanni should owe her another slice for the unsolicited therapy session she's about to go through.
at hearing her words, hanni slams her hands on the table as she leaned forward. the fork is slightly pushed from its perfect position on her plate, and haerin frowns. +1 slice added to hanni's tab.
"and? what happened?" the girl asks after settling back down into her seat. the few people that were also in the shop are staring at the pair. she mouths a 'sorry' as she looks around, bashfully scratching the back of her neck. this, too, is one of the frequent happenings in haerin's life.
haerin takes a sip of her unsweetened iced tea. "nothing in particular. nothing that would interest you, anyway."
she gets a push to the shoulder from across the booth table. it doesn't make her budge, no, hanni is too soft on her for that, but it does make her frown. in retaliation, she steals a bite of hanni's castella, earning her another push to the shoulder.
"well, tell me anyway. i need all the details."
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"it's not my fault you're, like, in love with me or something!" you passionately exclaim, following along with the movie. you and haerin are sitting on your bed, watching mean girls on your beat up laptop that you got from your sister. the movie has been one of your favorites even before haerin met you.
'it's funny,' haerin thinks, resting her head on top of yours when you lean on her shoulder. she's been thinking a lot since the last time she has seen you. she's so, so close to figuring out why her heart speeds up automatically at the sight of you, or why your smile is so much more contagious than usual. but... she just can't put her finger on it. 'what if hanni was right?'
she just needs one more push in the right direction to pinpoint the answer she's looking for.
"oh," haerin grins, "we're almost at my favorite part."
incredulously, you smile up at her. "regina's about to get hit by a bus."
you burst out into a fit of laughter, shaking your head. haerin is so peculiar.
you're always so sure of herself. maybe that's why haerin's interested in you. she's never been unsure of herself until you showed up.
"you're so warm. and pretty," you look up at her through your eyelashes. "so pretty, kang haerin, did you know that?"
haerin is blushing. but she only nudges your shoulder.
you snuggle more into her neck. a warm feeling spreads through haerin's body, and it only furthers her confusion. you've always liked skinship with her, not that she minded. she's never admitted to it (declaration is unnecessary) but she does enjoy it. again, it's different from hugs from hyein, hanni and minji, or holding hands with danielle. your touch is electrifying. in a good way, of course.
"do you know what everyone says about you?" she mumbles, a smile overtaking her face as it is made clear that regina george's "death" is imminent. you smile as well at the sight of hers.
you bury your head further into her shoulder, the both of you reciting the lines, "they say you're a homeschooled jungle freak, who's a less hot version of me."
at one point, haerin's smile breaks and disperses into giggles, starting to uncontrollably laugh when the girl on the screen gets absolutely wrecked by the bus.
you stare dumbfoundedly at her, even though this has happened before. "there's seriously got to be something wrong with you."
despite your words, you let out a couple of giggles too, joining haerin in her fit of laughter. look at you two, bonding and laughing over the (not) death of regina george.
you watch the rest of the movie. you laugh as regina socks jock girls in the face with her lacrosse stick, boo when kevin gnapoor shows up with janis in tow, and bop your head along to the ending credits music. haerin observes you closely with a smile. 'so interesting.'
abruptly, you stand up and away from haerin's shoulder. she frowns at the loss of warmth, but watches you stretch out your arms and smile towards her. then, you offer out a hand.
"dance with me?"
you weren't expecting her to join you, but hum in content when she does. your hand is warm in hers as she allows herself to be pulled up by you. the credits song of mean girls isn't really a song to sway to, but you sway to it anyway.
"why are you looking at me like that?" haerin asks. your arms are wrapped around her neck, hers wrapped securely around your waist. you're so close that she can smell your lavender-scented shampoo.
"like what?"
"you're looking at me weird."
you bury your head into the crook of her neck. it's a bit awkward because you had to bend your knees to do it, but haerin lets herself bask in your warmth.
your head is still buried in between her neck and shoulder as you smile. "hmm?"
haerin pauses, wondering if she should ask her question. "how did you know you liked girls?"
it's obvious you weren't expecting her to ask when you stiffen, and she's about to take back her words until you sigh.
"i'm just curious."
there's another pause, and the silence is enhanced by the music on your laptop fading out. it switches to a more mellow song, and you start swaying again.
"i guess i've never really liked guys that way. and i realized that i've only ever had a crush on girls, but it never came to mind that i just wasn't attracted to guys. you know?"
you tap the back of haerin's neck with the tips of your fingers. haerin doesn't really get it, but she nods along.
letting out a lighthearted laugh, you slightly pull away to look the cat-eyed girl in the eyes.
"what i'm trying to say is that i've always known. but it's only recently that i've come to terms with it."
ah. there it is. an epiphany came to haerin, and her eyes light up. hanni was right. she's never been more sure of herself since meeting you. all the clues, connections, and reflection time has led up to this moment.
and without thinking, haerin blurts out, "i like you."
well! there's no going back now is there? "i wasn't sure if i liked you or if you were just a good friend. i didn't even know if i liked girls. but, i think i know now."
and now it's overwhelming, all five senses coming at her with full force. your lips are warm against hers, and they taste like lifesaver gummies. on your end, you can taste a hint of red velvet mixed with castella from earlier. haerin feels it all. your bangs falling over your face, the sound of your soft breathing in between kisses, the faint smell of your perfume.
the two of you go back to swaying to the beat. neither you nor haerin say anything, but all the words have been said through the kisses you shared.
...hanni's cake debt has reversed.
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a/n : sorry if it is not what you were looking for; you can request again if you'd like!! i had a lot of fun writing this so thank you for suggestion :-) i'm also so very sorry this took me like three months and you had to wait that long 😭
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szayelapowo · 2 years
uuuugh i fukked up my hip last night chasing a scorpion around the house and now my whole leg is sore and its giving me rly bad anxiety
like i was born with my entire pelvis tilted forward which causes my hips to not sit right in the sockets and makes me walk weird. it also makes my spine curve out on top and in at the bottom, it just generally makes my whole posture weird and painful. my mom asked the doctor abt it when i was a baby but they said it was fine, itd sort itself out
so then a few years ago i had xrays done and was told i have hip dysplasia, but its just been steadily getting worse. originally it was just the left hip that would randomly feel like it was trying to slip out with just normal walking, but now its both and it happens multiple times a day. fkn hurts. doesnt help that i basically have no muscle mass to hold everything in place bc i never get out of bed due to chronic pain, headaches, nausea, heart issues, etc...
i know i need to get screened for eds but i dont think my doctor even knows what that is or its relation to autism. i doubt ill be able to convince her to order the tests...
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gibbearish · 5 months
"can bi nbs say dyke" "can trans men say tranny" "can this specific identity reclaim this slur" ENOUGH !!! ALL that matters is whats in your heart when you say it. is there love for your community or is there hate for people not like you. are you saying it to hurt someone or to give a hurtful thing new love-filled meaning. theres your answer.
terfs are finding this now so just to head this off at the pass my tranny ass will not be debating you, you are going to be instantaneously blocked so you may as well save us both the trouble of typing out whatever long rant youre planning about how im an evil transsexual betraying the community by daring to call myself a faggot or w/e. also go fuck yourself
edit 2: hey terfies do you think perhaps that the fact you had to block me before purposefully starting fights with randos in my replies says something about the kind of people you are? do you think that's the kind of thing good people do? can you look yourself in the eyes and genuinely tell me that deep down you don't know that if you constantly have to lie and infiltrate and block evade to harass people, that just means youre a shit person? can you with a straight face say that doing these kinds of things actually feels morally sound, that there's no tiny sliver of yourself in there that knows youre acting like a piece of shit all the fucking time which is why everyone leaves you when they find out about your beliefs? could you honestly tell me that a person who acts like that is good, and that behaving like this actually makes you feel like you're adding something positive to the world? or is it just the rush that comes with punching a wall in rage?
you harass trans people for the same reason parents beat their children: it feels good to hurt other people when youre mad. it feels good to take your anger out on someone else. and so you find people you can hurt and you convince yourself youre doing it because theyre stronger than you, that youre fighting back, you punch and you punch and you keep punching on and on forever. because that anger is addicting and trans people have always and WILL always exist, so we will always be available as a target.
look at the way youre behaving and ask yourself if this is what you want to be doing with your life. and google the signs of a high-control group. and if youre going to be a piece of shit in my replies then at least don't be a major fucking coward about it. unless youre literally 12 you should not be arguing like a middle schooler starting fights about steven universe. grow the fuck up and get real problems
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sixosix · 1 year
'cat' the son | itoshi rin
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( a/n ) when i came back the poll was 50/50 so i got bribed and it’s now decided that rin is the winner + little highschool au bc we all know they dropped out:/ idk what to title this im ngl
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there’s a cat on the sidewalk.
you have about six dollars in your hand, a faltering mission to treat yourself to a cold drink, and an aching heart at the sight of the little animal seated like a king on concrete, looking up at you with blank eyes.
its dark fur and near-teal eyes remind you of someone. of a back facing your seat, dark hair always kept neat and looking like it’s conditioned meticulously, and the sharpest eyes you have ever seen on a high schooler.
it has been a long day, long enough for you to have stormed out of the room as soon as classes ended to rush to the nearest shop that would sell what you’re craving. alas, there is a cat on the sidewalk, and you can’t just ignore it.
“stay here, kitty,” you say before rushing off with the six dollars in hand and a new goal to head straight to the nearest sign with an animal cardboard cutout printed on it.
eventually, you find one; eventually, you come out of the store holding cat food and a tiny cat bowl because you were worried about letting the cat eat straight from the can. it’s baby blue with little fishes added as design, though you think it’s rather gruesome to put that there, considering the canned food you bought is made from fish. still, you hope the cat will appreciate it.
the cat is still there as if it’s understood and blessed you with patience. the unimpressed look it has on its face says otherwise, though. grateful, you kneel beside it, slightly mesmerized by the fact that it hasn’t run away yet.
maybe other people are feeding it, too? it doesn’t look worryingly thin. needs a little cleaning, but looks well-fed. you’re relieved.
“here you go,” you coo, ignoring the strange looks of the passersby. you place the bowl down and crack open the can. the smell has the cat walking over, meowing all crankily. “i know, i know.”
the cat doesn’t dig in until you’ve finished shaking off its contents, staring at you in the same way the itoshi guy in your class would. the resemblance is uncanny.
you spend the rest of your afternoon keeping the cat company. its face speaks as if it’s far from amused, but the way it rubs against your ankle contradicts it.
cute. the cat is cute.
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another student comes to visit the cat, carrying two cans of cat food. it’s been sitting in the plastic for a little while because as he had been going in the same routine he usually has, he spots you, his classmate, bent to the knees next to his cat, and paused.
rin thinks you’re scared of him because everyone in the class is. he lets you have your moment, choosing to come back later when you’ve finished so you don’t freak out and scare the cat. he thinks he can strike up a conversation tomorrow where there are no cats to frighten.
the cat walks up to him, instantly familiar. he doesn’t even meow up at rin impatiently, which confirms rin’s suspicions.
“y/n fed you well,” he mumbles. “i guess you can have this tomorrow.”
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you’re suddenly all too aware that rin sits in front of you. he’s right there, uniform stretched over his broad back, most likely because he’s the prodigy of soccer in your school.
the neatness of his hair reminds you of the cat from yesterday, with its silky dark fur despite being a stray. you resist the urge to touch it, missing the cat already. you make a mental note to refill your water bottle so the cat can drink after.
while left thinking about the fact that you’re three dollars shorter than yesterday's budget, you fail to notice that class has ended and rin has his arm slung over the top of his chair to turn to look at you.
rin’s eyes flicker down to the paper bag next to your feet. “what’s that for?”
startled by the smoothness of his voice directed at you, you choke out a: “t-this?” you gesture lamely at the bag containing the gruesome bowl.
“what else am i referring to?”
you scrunch your nose. “okay, no need to be so rude. maybe i won’t tell you what it is.”
rin stares, and you’re intensely reminded of piercing eyes looking up at you, patiently waiting for the canned tuna.
“it’s a cat bowl,” you murmur, defeated.
“cat bowl,” he repeats, a gleam in his eye. he probably thinks you’re weirder than he already thinks you are.
“for a stray. i don’t want to bring it around because some other cat owner might steal it. i can’t have that.”
“show me,” he demands.
a little terrified by the fact that the class grump is actively maintaining a conversation with you; you obediently show him the bowl, spinning it around to show all sides. rin hums, contemplative. your classmates are starting to stare. “it’s weird, right? fishes for the print and fishes for dinner. do you like it?”
“what does that even mean?”
“it’s too small. buy a new one.”
“...you think?”
rin nods, standing up. the chair screeches while he says, “i’ll come with you.”
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this is how you end up in the same pet supply store with a companion this time. rin picks the most expensive one for the bowl and the canned cat food, which makes you think he must really like cats a lot.
but as you two leave the store, you belatedly realize he’s leading the way even though you never told him anything about the stray you meet.
it doesn’t hit you until the same cat meows and purrs at rin, rubbing against his pants with its entire body.
“hi,” rin says, his voice uncharacteristically soft.
you gape. “wait, the cat’s yours?”
rin bends down, knees to his chest while he sets the bowl down and cracks the can open with one finger. “no. dad’s allergic. he doesn’t follow me back home anyway.” while he does that, the cat comes to greet you, and your heart aches on rin’s behalf.
so he just comes to feed him every day, huh… you muse, gently scratching the cat who purrs at your attention but still looks as if he’d rather be anywhere but here.
“do you have a name for him?”
rin pauses, having finished pouring everything. “...no.” he squints at you as if you’ve just asked him the exact coordinates of his birthplace: sincerely confused.
“what do you call him, then?” you watch as the unnamed cat starts digging down on the food, content. you wonder why no one else has already kept this cat to themselves. he’s so cute and polite.
“ah, of course.”
you two watch ‘cat’ eat, content with the silence. it starts to drizzle moments later, but rin is quick to pull out an umbrella and cover all three of you. the cat grumbles unhappily at the splatter of rain hitting him.
“do you always visit him?”
“do you like cats?”
a shame that allergies are the only thing keeping itoshi rin from getting a cat.
while you’re distracted, the cat goes back to rin. rin wastes no time bending down to pick him up, looking awfully domestic in the middle of a sidewalk in front of a busy coffee shop. your hands twitch to reach for your phone, but you’re too stunned to do anything but stare. they look so much alike.
cute, you think, horrified, rin looks so cute holding the cat.
while engulfed in rin’s arms, the cat meows at you. and you, with a too-tender heart, can’t resist.
“i’ll keep him,” you declare with newfound determination. “i’ll take care of him. if you let me keep the bowl you bought.”
rin’s eyes light up, though it wouldn’t have been evident if you hadn’t been his classmate and witnessed his varying expressions of death. (as if it was varying in the first place.)
“i’ll buy everything else he’ll like,” he says, like a true cat mom, his face glowing with barely concealed excitement.
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since then, rin accompanies you home. you tell him that you’ve saved up three dollars from yesterday and now you have more than enough to buy a nice, cold drink and maybe catnip for the cat, but rin insists that he’ll pay for everything, including your beverage.
“you feed our son.”
“our son?” he repeats curiously.
“yes. he lives with me. he looks like you,” you explain absentmindedly, setting up the water dispenser on the new food bowl rin ended up buying. it no longer has fish for design or the painful lime green he bought the second time—instead, it’s a nice blue that compliments the cat’s eyes.
“and what are you implying is going on between us?”
you nearly spill water all over the floor. “i…” you honestly did not think about that, “—nevermind. don’t make it weird, itoshi!”
you think you heard rin chuckling, but you’re too busy being embarrassed to bother.
(during class, you will find that rin is far from intimidating. in fact, he’s actually a little bitch to deal with. you’re starting to think that he’s more of a pain to deal with than an actual grumpy cat.
“don’t forget to buy food for our son,” rin says after class, in front of students who gossip like there is no tomorrow.
“for our son,” rin says, nonplussed at the sight of your haunted expression.
someone who has overheard the conversation pipes up, “you two have a son?”
“we don’t!” you hiss, face burning with embarrassment at the sudden influx of attention from your classmates.
rin frowns. “don’t lie.”
“you two are starting to act like a married couple recently…” another comments offhandedly.
“itoshi walks y/n home, i saw!”
“we have a son,” rin agrees, and you’re starting to think that he’s doing it on purpose.
“stop saying that!”)
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thank u art aanobrain for giving me the idea of rin just naming the cat ‘cat’. that idea is so special to me.
anyway. RIN IS SO HARD TO WRITE HELPPPP. this was an excruciating process i genuinely did not know if i did anything right but WHAT’S DONE IS DONE. thx for reading <3
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toxic! Ellie actually making reader leave drabble
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Used to be loser!ellie then passed by a rly fucked up girl and became that kind of "nerd" that everyone has a crush on but is actually a fucked up playgirl.
"you know i would never do that!" She said loudly, har hands in the air and an annoyed look on her face
"trust me! I've never done that! She just said that because she wants us to break up!" She added, she knew you weren't believing her little shit talks, at least not this time , and she was trying her hardest to change that.
Yeah, she stopped doing all that bullshit after you got together but not immediately, the only thing she did in this relationship was fucking manipulate you. Did you love her? Yeah , did she keep on fucking girls until the second month of your relationship? Fuck yeah.
"we're done Ellie, there's no going back" you went to the bedroom and picked up Ellie's things, this house was still yours after all
"hey! No believe me! Im literally your girlfriend!" She said as you pushed her out along with her things
"Where am i even supposed to stay? On the streets?!"
"With Tiffany!"you yelled behind the door, you headed to the bedroom and fell to the floor, bursting in tears
This definitely was the right choice and the best for you, but did you want that? No for sure
And you both went to the same university
You saw Ellie from afar sometimes, not really helping with everything and you felt some eyes on you , was it Ellie?
"i didn't understand shit Mr -..."
"can we talk? " Ellie said, fidgeting her fingers
"I'll catch you up later" your friend said, tapping her phone signing you to text her later, to which you just nodded before going to an empty classroom with Ellie
"listen.. i was a bitch in the past but i really do love you... I- ... I shouldn't have done that and it's completely my fault i understand if you hate me to my soul but i cant stop thinking about us ,and you" she was full on crying, stuttering with words and her fingers rubbing against each other. She wouldn't dare to look at you in the eyes
"so by that you mean?" You really wanted to give her another change, you knew her past and you still loved her, but she made a real mistake
"i love you"
"say it again looking at my eyes"
"... I love you. Really" she looked at you with a serious look, her pupils slightly shaking
You: "promise not to get mad"
Friend:"no fucking way, you did not"
You: "at least she's not moving in yet"
Friend: "i cant believe this, you still remember what she did right?"
You: "she seemed so honest, plus what could she want from me? She's got it all"
This is so long lmao, there used to be smut in this but i was cringed out by it so i took it out .
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ceciliasxx · 1 year
—:: Secrets in plain sight ?
cl16 | instagram au
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
summary: you and charles prefer to keep your relationship private, so when you start posting a little girl on your instagrams, it leaves people questioning whether or not you may have been hiding a big secret
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 629, 924 others
tagged: charles_leclerc and carlossainz55
yourusername core memory watching charles teach her to play piano + special feature from dumb and dumber (charles and carlos) 🤍
charles_leclerc she’s almost as good as me at piano, and it’s only been a few days
— yourusername she’s a natural protege
— view 73 more replies
livelaughloveleclerc need to see the picture from carlos’s pov
— astrid.olin it’s prob his blackmail material
— carlossainz55 don’t expose my secrets
— ferrari4life LMAO he actually replied 😭
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leleleleclercfan okay but who’s the kid in the pictures?? and why is no one talking about them
— selene.daska no because what
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f1fanforevss babe wake up, new y/n and charles conspiracy theory dropped
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liked by yourusername and 834, 274 others
tagged: yourusername
charles_leclerc enjoying the short weekend before the next race.
yourusername so happy we get to spend these small breaks together during breaks between the races <3
— charles_leclerc 🤍
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16isthebest stopppp you guys are literally the cutest igh im so jealous
— ferarrarrarrari when will it be my turn
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grandgrandprixfanxoxo going to the next grand prix, hope they’re both there so I can get a picture with them ahhhh
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user8495103 yall the little girl is in the pictures again, i’m telling u that conspiracy going around rn is true
— carlosleclerc highkey agree tbh
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485, 384 likes
tagged: charles_leclerc and yourusername
f1wags is there a new kid in the paddock? fans have begun speculating that @/charles_leclerc and @/yourusername may have a little girl they’ve been keeping secret based on recent photos posted to their instagram accounts. what do you think?
sienna.layi honestly would be so happy for them not like it’s any of our business anyway
— user83773 right it’s only their business
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ferrarif1xxxx i wanna say it’s their kid but like how would they of been able to keep it a secret this long ??
— khloeponta probably had ndas signed tbh
— charles161616 oh definitely
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keepingupwthewags okay hear me out, maybe they’re babysitting because you know y/n wouldn’t want to miss out on posting cute pregnancy pictures
— user2375 the only voice of reason so far
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liked by charles_leclerc and 748, 489 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
yourusername behind the scenes if the paddock during a race 🏎️
livinlifefastt y/n i desperately need an answer to this, what’s your favorite charles moment so far this season?
— yourusername the vegas videos <3
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kimiii.ohonnn lmao istg charles just does duck lips in every photo at this point 😭
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ferrarrigofastt sooooo are we just gonna completely ignore the whole secret kid thing
— liliannaalmaa literally like c’mon
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scuscuderia y/n marry me
— yourusername sorry, i’m already taken
— livetheleclercss sobbing crying
— view 42 more replies
yourusername added to their story
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foervraengd · 3 months
me: i need a tutorial on how to draw X thingie
youtube video labeled “How to level up your X drawing game in 3 simple steps!”:
*3 minutes of B-roll footage with lo-fi music in the background* “hey whats up youtube! Today i thought about talking about an issue that i often think about when drawing X thing, and im sure a lot of you do as well. So in this video i will break down how to get better at drawing X thing in just 3 simple steps! Before we begin i just gotta remind y’all to hit that like and subscribe button, you know the drill haha, if you like this video you should check out my patreon where you can see the full recording of my art tutorials as well as join our wholesome little art community discord server. I also would like to thank today’s sponsor BetterYelp, because we all know that artists got a lil depression after all. And i find that betterWhelp has helped me combat the dark thoughts and prevented me from throwing the printer out of my window soooo many times lol. Use my code “DrawXThing” when you sign up for a 3 hour free trial :). So whenever i draw X thing i first make sure to start with STEP ONE: use a reference! It might be hard to believe but references helps sooo much when you dont know how to draw X thing, ever since i started using references it’s like a light switch haha. You can easily use sites like pintereest or gooogle to find references of X Thing. STEP TWO: practice! I know i know everyone says this, but it’s true. You actually have to draw X thing more than once, and it might not be easy at first. But i assure you that you will get there :). 3 UNSKIPPABLE ADS. and finally STEP THREE: Self reflection. This one is the hardest to me, because in times like these it’s easy to lose focus and think about other things in life than drawing X Thing. So i started a bullet journal where i wrote down three thoughts i had everyday related to my art. Sorry about my messy desk haha, can you tell i love washi tape and funko pops?? Thank you so much for watching, and i especially want to thank all my patrons who support the work i do and keeps this channel alive. If you watched to this part comment “puppies!” down below!
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bueckerslover · 3 months
tag, you’re it - m. sturniolo
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pairing: stalker ! Matt x OC
warnings: stalking, cursing, pictures being taken without consent.
summary: daisy just moved to a new home in a new town what happens when matt takes interest in her?
the triplets live in boston and aren’t famous during this.
ALL OF THIS IS FAKE! THIS IS PURE FICTION! matt will never do anything that is written in this.
PASSWORD: ********
open up file 5521?
yes no
NAME: Daisy Rose Larson
BIRTHDAY: July 10th, 2004
SIBLINGS: one sister. Alison Larson(12 years old)
PARENTS: Violet and James Larson
Daisy just moved a few houses down from me, she currently lives alone and moved here for college. She is nineteen years old, she loves to read and write she graduated from high school as a valedictorian. from what I could gather she has never had a boyfriend, she takes her studies very seriously.
matt looked away from his screen just in time to see her running around the block like she usually did every day in the afternoons, he ducked down a little to keep a closer look at her without letting her see him.
“MATT!” screamed Nick from the kitchen making matt quickly get up close his laptop and get out of his room “what?” he said looking at nick “i realized that we never properly introduced ourselves to the new girl that moved in a few houses down so we were wondering if you wanted to join us on saying hi” spoke chris while putting on his shoes “yea, i’ll go” replied matt putting his shoes on.
knock knock
the knocking grabs the girls attention as she pauses the show she’s currently watching and heads to the door to check who’s there, three figures are standing outside.
“hello?” she said softly as she opened the door to the three boys in front of her “hi, sorry to show up like this but we’re your neighbors we live a few houses down” nick spoke as he stretched out his hand for her to shake “hi, im daisy nice to meet you…” “nick!” he finished with a smile “these are my brothers matt and chris” he continued pointing at each one “nice to meet you guys come in!” she said opening her door more for the boys to walk in “your house is nice” spoke matt as he took in the layout of the house.
“thank you, i’m still decorating and what not but i’m glad you like it. would you guys like water? lemonade?” the girl asked making her way to the kitchen. “water is fine” matt and nick spoke at the same time “do you have pepsi by any chance?” asked chris getting a glance from matt and nick “what i really want a pepsi right now!” whisper chris to his brothers.
the girl made her way back to them with two waters and two pepsis giving them a smile “here you go water and pepsi”
friday march 16.
her house is beautiful she said she needed to decorate more but i genuinely think it looks fine the way she has it right now.
matt added more and more information about the girl as he progressively learned more about her. always keeping his eyes on her every time she left her house he would follow her “to make sure she was safe.”
he would also constantly take pictures of her, she went out for a walk? he was a few steps behind with his camera in hand snapping a photo, she was checking her mail? he was by his window sneaking pictures of her and looking around to make sure nick and chris didn’t catch him.
matt quickly made his way into his room locking the door behind him as he made his way into the foot of his bed pushing the floorboard down making it pop up, he pulled out a box with all the pictures he’s taken of her and the pictures of things she’s showed interest in. he added a few more photos he had taken earlier that week before placing it back to its original place.
as the girl opened her door about to leave for work she saw a box no mailing address and no sign from who it was from just her name on the top. she brought it inside deciding she’ll open it after her shift.
i have a spare minute she thought as she grabbed some scissors to open up the box. she gasped once she saw what was inside, a perfume she saw at the mall the week before. but who would buy this for me? i didn’t even mention it to anyone.. she thought. she let it go thinking maybe she let it slip awhile ago. she put it on and headed to work.
and that’s how it was for weeks any time she saw something she liked a week later it will show up on her doorstep. it weirded her out at first but she thought it was probably her parents sending her those things.
april 15.
she seems to really enjoy the gifts i’ve been giving her, she obviously doesn’t know it’s me who is giving them to her. she can’t know. no matter how much i want to tell her it can’t happen. i don’t need another incident like eliana. she seems different tho i don’t think i’ll have a problem with her.
daisy was taking one of her usual afternoon walks when suddenly matt’s car appeared next to her slowing down “hey, i was going out for ice cream wanna join?” he ask her as he kept looking to the road and back to her “um sure todays my cheat day anyway!” she laughed as he stopped for her to get in.
“so where are we going?” she asked as she paused her music “we’re going to tipping cow” “holy shit i’ve heard about that place but never had the opportunity to go!” she said with a smile.
the time they spent together the girl had a smile the whole time making the boy fall even more obsessed in love with her.
during that night once she got dropped off by matt she realized she needed to go grocery shopping. the clock read 10:30pm there’s nothing like going grocery shopping at night. she made her way to the grocery store since it was just a few blocks away from her neighborhood.
she was walking out of the grocery shop with a few bags worth of groceries when she heard footsteps behind her, ignoring them thinking it was her own she continued walking. but her gut feeling made her look behind her to see a man in all black following her. she ran as fast as she could throughout the whole parking lot until she got home.
weeks passed and she always had the feeling of being followed even if she wasn’t being followed. things stopped after weeks she finally felt free and not paranoid about constantly being watched.
or so she thought one certain day she was taking one of her usual walks around the neighborhood when she saw him again, the man in all black in front of her she quickly turned around and started running towards her house that was a couple blocks away. as she got in she locked her door and closed her curtains hoping that it would make her invisible.
ring ring
“h-hello?” she hesitantly answered
“you think you could run away from me? think again daisy you can never run away from me.” he spoke his voice deep and hoarse.
before going to sleep she made sure all her doors and windows were locked, she had her curtains closed. she took out the bat her dad had given her as a ‘safety weapon’ in case of emergencies like these.
that night everything was normal. the next morning she went out to check her mailbox when looking at them a certain envelope caught her attention “Daisy Larson” was in bolded letters when she opened it she found weeks worth of pictures of her. from her going on her daily walks to her being in class. she flipped the polaroid and in the bottom was written in red ink “say cheese”.
“say cheese?” she repeated in a whisper when suddenly she felt someone grab her from behind and put a cloth into her mouth. she struggled for a moment before knocking out.
when daisy woke up she couldn’t move her arms and legs were tied up she tried screaming for help but the bandanna tied around her mouth prevented her from making any noise. she looked around the area analyzing it, it looked like an old basement or something similar to that she looked around for anything that could help her get out when her eyes landed on the wall in front of her in thick red bold letters was written:
hope y’all enjoy this um it was based off tag you’re it by melanie martinez (love her to death)
and hopefully this was good idek i feel like it’s rushed iddkkkk 😣😣😣
tags 🏷️: @breeloveschris @sturniolobendystrawsposts @hearts4chris @patscorner @lexisecretaccx @tubl-mc @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloblogs
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eternalfics · 8 months
hi, this is the anon who sent regarding the elysia!reader x saiki ask!!
elysia!reader is an elegant, sweet, calm and cheerful person who is always positive, they're described as someone who "enjoys everything", they often flirt and tease their peers here and there + they're a little egoistic (knows that they're pretty, cute n shit like teruhashi for example)
when they don't like someone she passive aggressively and lightheartedly insult them in a way
so they're basically like teruhashi except that they're a really selfless person + is aggressively kind to everyone!! it's only a summary of elysias character but i hope this cleared it up to you!!
saiki with a sweet! reader
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summary: saiki with his annoying true love 😘
a/n: okay, anon. I know I’ve been lazy lately but yk ur girl she just had to snooze for a bit 😴 BUT IM BACK AND READY TO FEED UR SAIKI BRAINROTS 😜 (a bit hyper too)
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okay like the angel you are, your very nice to saiki (why wouldn’t you be? 🤨). as saiki’s s/o, it’s your job to- AHEM
compliment him every second of his life
be the extroverted partner in this relationship 😊
be the definition of an angel
bond with his parents 😉 (might aswell leave you if you don’t)
and many more! so let’s make headcanons for those erm- ✨rules✨ that I made perfectly for you.
COMPLIMENTS: who likes compliments? I do! anyway, compliments are a sort of good and bad thing for your relationship. there’s times where saiki feels down and his insecurities take over which is where you come in! instantly hyping him up. (ur amazing) and there is also times where saiki’s in his ✨confident era✨ (that’s what you call it, I think he’s getting tired of it 😭) and maybe he just wants a little bit of getting spoiled (rarely). but!! there’s also times when you are down and kinda upset. he’s used to your cheerful and happy personality! and he’d rather keep it that way too. so sometimes he just does a little bit of ✨speaking into ur mind✨ (ik I added too many sparkles, stop)
“Did you do something with your hair?” the voice randomly ringed in your head. You jumped, and looked around only to see Saiki putting his elbow on the table while he rested his head on his hand. You instantly move your hand up to wave at him cheerfully. “You noticed! You aren’t looking so bad either,” you thought back at him. You swear you saw the side of his mouth turn up..
MBTI: yay, we’re on personality! fun fact: saiki is an INTP I am too, this is a sign we’re supposed to be together 🤫 . it’s expected to you to be the extrovert of the relationship right? well it’s right! 🤪 but sometimes it’s a struggle-
saiki often panics (mentally) in public if he loses you. you’re like the fan in a hot place, the light in the dark to him, so you can’t just leave him!
sometimes, you encourage him to try something new! e.g: maybe a new outfit when you guys are going out/ going out with friends. he wonders how does he say yes every time 🤔
Note: Ik this isn’t enough soo I’ve decided prob tomorrow or something that I’ll edit my post and you guys get more! Deal? 🤓
Update: so.. it’s been like more than 3 months.. I don’t think I’m ever gonna finish this ❤️❤️🥰
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hatsunemiku-official · 11 months
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hi! im miku and welcome to Internet! you can do lots of fun things here. like look at my blog! ok im gonna hand the mic over to the omnipotent being that watches my every move
thanks miku. here are some things to remember before you send an ask:
- I am not associated with crypton, sega, or the official miku twitter! im just a guy making funny post
- miku lives in a computer. i probably won’t answer anything referring to her doing things in the real world, since saying “I am in a computer what are you talking about” is only funny the first five times
- I use my askbox as a jumping off point for jokes! if I don’t answer your ask it’s not because I didn’t like it, I just probably couldn’t think of anything funny to respond with
- I love receiving art!!!!!!! please send me your miku art!!!!!!! you can even send me a link to your art posted on your own blog and I’ll reblog it so you still get the notes!!!! I LOVE ART!!!!!! (also the ai training toggle has been turned off for this blog so. you’re safe here.)
- there are some things you should speak to a mental health professional about ( ie “i just can’t go on” “my life is terrible” ect) and you should not send these things to hatsune miku. i understand and empathize with you but I cannot help you and it’s very upsetting to receive things like this !
- anything written in parentheses for the most part is an ooc comment from the person running this blog (that’s me!). I don’t like doing this very often though, so if you have a question that can only really be answered ooc then please ask it off anon so I can respond privately!
- please remember I am just one person and sometimes I make mistakes! im a pretty busy person and also disabled so sometimes things slip through the cracks when im low energy. I do my best though so please let me know if you think i’ve made a mistake and i’ll do my best to fix it :]
- sometimes I like to reblog miku art from other people! please be respectful in these artists notes. I know this is a silly jokes blog but these people have not necessarily signed up to be goofed at on their posts. please be kind and keep the clowning to a minimum on posts that aren’t made by me!
- no TERFS allowed. hatsune miku loves trans women
Q: can I make a vocaloid-official blog too???
A: yes!!!! anybody can!! please let me know if you do so I can add you to the masterpost and interact with you! I would check the masterpost first though to make sure there hasn’t already been a blog made for that character :]
Q: do you also run [insert other vocaloid-official blog]?
A: no! I can barely think of funny things to say here do you really think I could manage being funny on two blogs at once. I am friends with the people who run the teto, luka and una blogs so if our posts seem coordinated it’s because I asked them really nicely
Q: who runs this account?
A: secret
Q: miku what’s your opinion on [insert queer identity]
A: I don’t like answering these because I don’t want to open myself up to shitty comments and I can’t think of anything funny to say that wouldn’t just sound like “ally twitch streamer smiling at the camera and saying trans rights”. this blog is run by a queer person and miku is whatever you want her to be, if that helps.
Q: i made a vocaloid-official blog! how do I get added to the masterpost?
A: adding people to the masterpost has gotten really overwhelming for me so I won’t be doing it anymore. sorry! feel free to still make a vocaloid-official blog and interact with me if you want, I just won’t be updating the masterpost anymore. the current list will stay up as it is as sort of like. a memento or something.
Q: do you know anything about PJSK???
A: no <3
these are my Official Friends! go say hi to them!!
🥖 @kasaneteto-official
🐟 @megurineluka-official
🐙 @otomachi-una-official
🍷 @hanakomeiko-official
💛 @neruakita-official
🍌 @kagaminelen-official
🍊 @kagaminerin-official
🐢 @ryuto-official (RESURRECTED)
💜 @vflower-official
🥕 @gumi-official
🖤 @zatsunemiku-official
🍡 @tohokuzunko-official
🩹 @fukase-official
🔌 @utatanepiko-official
🐰 @yukari-official
🩵 @ringsuzune-official
⚓️ @oliverv3-official
🌷 @nekomurairoha-official
🥢 @vocaloidcul-official
☕️ @rukoyokune-official
🥂 @meiko-offical
👑 @galaco-official
🐱 @seeu-official
🌸 @meikahime-official
🪻 @meikamikoto-official
🍆 @gakupo-official
🎀 @utanekoe-official
🌹 @sakinemeiko-official
🔪 @mayuofficial
🛰️ @moonbase-alpha-tts-official
🍺 @yowane-haku-official
🪐 @ia-official
🎹 @namineritsu-official
☁️ @tone-rion-official
🎤 @maika-official
🌈 @kawaiine-official
🍏 @macnenana-official
🌻 @dex-official
💗 @garnetvocaloid-official
💿 @yohioloid-official
🌺 @zhizidongfang-official
🤍 @kokone-official
🐸 @vocaloidrana-official
🌟 @xingchen-official
🍎 @yuki-official
🌿 @fionetheutau-official
💫 @sfa2miki-official
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romana-after-dark · 6 months
Room's on Fire Masterlist
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Dark!Santiago Garcia x Fem!Reader Dark!Francisco Morales x Fem!Reader Dark!William Miller x Fem!Reader Dark!Benjamin Miller x Fem!Reader
Years after the world fell apart, various communities have established themselves, one of which is ran by four men who claim to be divine.
When they decide it's time to and heir to be born, they chose a virgin from their cult and make her their wife. Reader is offered a choice, of course. She doesn't have to marry them. But if she doesn't, the savior won't be born. She choses to become the Madonna. She is wed to all four of them, and moved into their home where her body is open to use whenever her husbands desire (free use au), in the hopes of getting her pregnant. It doesn't matter whose baby it ends up being, because they are all part God, so it doesn't matter... right?
Warnings for full fic, if anything is added or really emphcized it will be in additional warnings.
DUB CON MOSTLY but there WILL BE NON CON. Major character deaths, forced breeding, physical abuse, brainwashing, manipulation, violence, gore, alcoholism/addiction, BIG OLE BLASPHEMY WARNING like this cult appropriates a lot of religious themes and they call reader their Madonna, Santi is called the Pope, like all that stuff. However, this is a cult so I mean. It happens. None of it are my thoughts on religion or meant to make fun of religion or demonize religious people. Disgusting views on virginity. Attempted rape outside the boys. T*m warning. Age gap. Creepy terrible men. Non-reader rape, dub con, violence. Covert incest, massive mommy issues, sexual abuse all around, past grooming by parental figure. no CSA but the victim isn't much older. some Bates Motel type shit. I cannot properly warn you for everything, without just telling the story but consider this a major warning that there are dark dark themes. No one involved here is morally clean, and who you perceive as the good guy cannot be relied on. Don't come to my story and say im romanticizing these things until at least the story ends.
Unknown amount of chapters right now.
Chapter 1: Pilot: Delta finds their Madonna Chapter 2: The wedding Chapter 3: Aftermath of the wedding FishBen: Symptom of Being Human Chapter 4: Pope is not pleased. Chapter 5: Jonah lore, Madonna gets through to Frankie Chapter 6: Madonna gains Frankie's heart, Santi is jealous Iris: Rey and Iris find pockets of time Chapter 7: Fun with Ben: wining Pope back Chapter 8: big announcement to the community
Non canon Frankie Madonna Chapter 9: Madonna’s blissful ignorance to the world around her. Chapter 10: There's a lot Madonna doesn't know.
Chapter 11: Things start to crumble around Madonna
Chapter 12: It's all too much for Madonna
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Bonus Content
not necessary for the series. Pieces in the main list are suggested as they add depth and sometimes small plot points.
"Can you peel my orange?" Jonah smut
Jonah Hanson character ai
ROF characters Star signs
Jonah x non-Madonna reader x Marcus flashback commission
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By @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
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By @survivingandenduring
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Lil comic by @my-secret-shame
As I said, a lot of themes and dynamics ended up accidentally similarly to Watch Your Step by the amazing @charnelhouse Some was because that fic is what developed my characterizations of the boys. Some was totally incidental, like Pope and readers relation to art. It's different though, a much different series, but I wanted to tell y'all that she s PUBLISHING WYS AS A NOVEL NOW, Its called Cardinal Sin's and I'll link it right here!
How to keep up with the story!
Comment on this masterlist that you want to be tagged and I'll tag you in updates
Follow @romana-updates and/turn on notifications
Follow the tag Rooms on fire
Please remember to reblog, and I love comments/asks, anon or not, and would love to see engagement and theories!
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astrxq · 1 year
heyy so i had this spiderman!ethan idea for daysss now, i absolutely love your writing, i don't know if i already sent this to you or not. if i did im sorry😭😭
reader and ethan having huge crushes on eachother
ethan is so oblivious and clueless, he believes a girl like her would never like him
reader tries really hard to get his attention and send him hints that she wants him but in vain. she ends up thinking he doesn't feel the same.
until spiderman comes to rescue her one day, they talk, and from this day spiderman takes the habit to give her a visit or two once in a week.
they begin to form a friendship of some sort, ethan behind his mask is so happy he can finally talk to her without getting nervous, he's confident with his suit on and flirts with her.
she is flattered but her mind keeps going back to ethan.
one day ethan as spiderman decides to make a move on her, she hesitates and ends up stopping him, confessing that her heart is already taken by the landry boy.
ethan still hidden behind his mask is shocked, confused but oh so happy to hear her say those words.
for a moment they stop talking, reader is worried thinking she hurt his feelings, but ethan is debating inside on whether he should take his mask off or not.
"fuck it", he takes it off revealing himself, she is completely astonished, but without a word he cups her face and gently kisses her.
a study date?
spiderman!ethan x fem!reader
words: 4.3k
notes: spiderman ethan is my favorite thing ever
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Liking Ethan Landry was a nightmare. Every single interaction with the boy left you unsure of whether he liked you or not. His shy persona left you searching for answers, desperately seeking signs that might show the truth of his intentions.
The way he stumbled over his words, the fleeting glances he stole when he thought you weren't looking, and the gentle blush that painted his cheeks made you question if he liked you back, or if he was just very awkward. Probably the second one, right?
You found yourself analyzing every interaction, parsing every word and gesture for hidden meanings. You pondered the countless possibilities, teetering on the precipice of hoping that your feelings were reciprocated. But it all came back to him not feeling the same way.
Mindy's rant about the horror movie she had watched the night before shook you away from your thoughts, your eyes fleeting up to your friend as she moved her hands around in excitement while you all listened to her. From the corner of your eye, you could see Ethan's leg bouncing up and down right next to Chad.
"I mean, the jump scares were insane! I practically jumped out of my skin." You forced a smile, trying to feign interest in Mindy's movie review while your mind kept drifting back to Ethan. It seemed like an endless loop, your thoughts consumed by him. You wanted so desperately to know what was going on in his head, but his quiet nature only added to your confusion.
Tara bumped her elbow into yours, earning your attention. "You okay?" She raised her brows as she whispered to you, quietly enough for the others to still be focusing on Mindy's monologue.
You hummed, nodding your head at her with a forced smile. It's not like you hadn't tried to hint that you liked Ethan, but his responses were always confusing, leaving you in a constant state of uncertainty.
As the group chatted and laughed, you couldn't help but steal glances at Ethan. His eyes were fixed on Mindy, seemingly engrossed in her storytelling. The questions swirled in your mind. You must have looked at Ethan for too long because Tara let out a small, quiet chuckle.
She leaned in closer, her voice still barely audible. "Sometimes guys are just clueless." You shrugged before uncomfortably shifting on the couch. "Maybe he just doesn't like me, I don't know," you started.
"It just feels like... sometimes, he does?" Tara nodded, understanding before setting her hand on yours, squeezing it just a bit. "I get it," she replied softly. "But trust me, guys can be really clueless sometimes. They might not even realize that their actions are sending mixed signals. And you have been giving hints."
You sighed, leaning back against the couch. "Yeah, maybe I'm just overanalyzing it. But this is driving me crazy." Mindy finished her rambling once Anika raised her hand to ask a question, changing the subject. Tara glanced at Mindy and Anika, then turned her attention back to you with a soft smile.
"Maybe be more direct with him? Ask him out?"
"I have! He just always invites Chad along." Tara raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. "Well, have you considered that maybe Ethan is just too nervous to go on a date with you alone?"
You groaned, frustration evident in your voice. "I don't know, Tara. It's like he's intentionally avoiding being alone with me. Every time I suggest something, he finds a way to include Chad or someone else in our plans. He's definitely not interested."
Tara tilted her head, contemplating your words. "Or maybe he's afraid of making things awkward between you two. Some guys just have a hard time expressing their feelings, especially when they really like someone."
You sighed, "Please don't feed into my delusions, Tara." She chuckled and squeezed your hand reassuringly. "I'm not trying to feed into your delusions, I promise. But maybe Ethan is just as confused as you are."
You rolled your eyes playfully. "I doubt that. I've been very obvious about it." Tara smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Obvious, huh? Maybe he's just blind, then."
You glared at her playfully. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."
"Alright, maybe you're the blind one." She motioned towards where he sat with her head with a smirk, making your eyes trail to where she was pointing, catching the boy staring. Ethan gulped a bit before looking away, down to his lap. "See?"
"Maybe he heard us talk about him," you panicked, looking at Tara for help, "or... he was just staring at you," she said, raising her eyebrows in amusement at your nervousness. "I don't know, Tara, I'm getting tired of wondering if he likes me or not all the time."
"Come on, don't give up. I'm sure he likes you." Tara's words offered a glimmer of hope amidst your frustration. You let out a sigh, contemplating her reassurance. "You really think so?"
She nodded, her eyes filled with sincerity. "Absolutely. I've seen the way he looks at you when he thinks no one's watching. There's something there, trust me."
You couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in your chest at Tara's words. Maybe there was a chance, after all. "But what do I do? I've tried dropping hints, and it hasn't really worked."
Tara leaned in closer, her voice laced with mischief. "Well, if subtle hints aren't getting through to him, then maybe it's time to be more direct. Take matters into your own hands."
Your eyebrows furrowed in uncertainty. "You mean… like, confessing my feelings to him?" She snorted, "Yeah, sure. You'd kill yourself before doing that. Just ask him out, make sure you make it very, veeery obvious that you want it to be just the two of you. No Chad."
You chuckled nervously at Tara's teasing remark. "Okay, fine. I'll ask him out and make it crystal clear that it's just the two of us. No Chad in sight. I can do that, right?"
Tara grinned mischievously. "Absolutely! You got this." As she spoke, Mindy and Anika had finished their conversation, and the group's attention had shifted to different conversations, Chad and Ethan deep into a talk about some video game they'd bought for their dorm. The girls' attention shifted back to you and Tara. Mindy, noticing the seriousness on your face, chimed in, "What's going on?"
"Y/N's gonna ask Ethan out," Tara whispered back, and Anika looked just as confused as Mindy. "Again?" they both said. "See?" you turned to Tara, an 'I told you so' look on your face.
Tara shrugged, a smirk still playing on her lips. "This time, she's gonna make it crystal clear. No room for misinterpretation."
Anika leaned closer, her eyes widening with excitement. "Oh my god, this is getting interesting! How are you gonna ask him?"
You took a deep breath, feeling a mix
 of nervousness and determination. "I have no idea. Maybe a study date?" Tara made a gagging sound, "Nerds."
"There's no way he will think that's a date. He's very stupid with girls, we've gone over this," Mindy added. "Make it obvious." She shifted so her hand was atop her girlfriend's, lacing their fingers together. "A study date is a good idea, I think," Anika added.
Mindy raised an eyebrow, a sly grin forming on her face. "And how exactly are you going to make it obvious so it doesn't look like a regular study session?"
You glanced at Tara, who couldn't hold back her laughter. "Oh, it's gonna be fun. Just... flirt a little, touch his arm, eye contact..."
Anika clapped her hands, unable to contain her excitement. "Yes! I can already imagine it. The two of you, it's like a romcom!" You blushed at the thought of turning your study date into a romantic movie-worthy moment.
"I don't know if I can pull that off," you admitted, feeling a surge of nerves build up inside of you. Anika nudged your shoulder with her hand, smiling at you. "Don't say that! You got this. And if he's as clueless as you think, maybe you'll have to go in for the kiss."
You covered your face with your hands, feeling it heating up. "Oh god. No, no, no."
"You don't wanna kiss him?" she asked, "Of course I do! Just- don't say that."
"Say what? That you wanna kiss the guy you have a crush on?" Mindy chimed in, holding back a laugh at your very obvious embarrassment. "Please stop it, I'll explode, I can feel it."
"That'd be fun to see," Chad said, having moved from his spot on the couch to standing behind you, his hands leaning on the back of the couch, Ethan next to him. "Why are you exploding?"
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment as you tried to collect yourself. "Uh, no reason, Chad. Just… figurative exploding, you know?" You stammered, hoping to divert the conversation away from your crush on Ethan. But just as you seemed to focus on Chad, Ethan spoke. "What's wrong?"
You glanced at Tara, silently pleading for help. She chimed in, saving you from further embarrassment. "Oh, it's nothing, just some inside joke. Don't worry about it, Ethan."
Chad, ever the teasing friend, leaned in closer, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Come on, are we missing any gossip? You know I love gossip, don't do this to me." He pretended to beg as he nudged Ethan playfully.
Ethan's cheeks turned a shade of pink as he shrugged, his eyes briefly meeting yours before he looked away. "I… I don't know. They were talking about… exploding?"
"Y/N's just been struggling with a business assignment, that's it," Anika said, winking your way as she tried to ease in the study date idea. "Oh, I can help you with that if you want," Ethan said, his hand slightly fidgeting with one of the couch pillows nervously as Chad grinned from next to him.
You couldn't help but feel a surge of hope as Ethan offered to help you with your assignment. Maybe this was your chance to spend some quality time together and make your intentions clear. You took a deep breath, gathering your courage.
"That would be amazing, Ethan," you replied, a hint of excitement in your voice. "I could really use some help." You smiled, and Ethan lingered for a second before asking, "Uh, you could come by our dorm tomorrow? Chad needs my help with biology anyway."
You could scream, you could actually feel that fake explosion building up inside of you. Trying to hide your disappointment, you nodded eagerly. "Yeah, that sounds great! I could definitely use your help, and it'll be nice to hang out with you guys."
You swore you heard Mindy groan, and you felt her eyeroll from the back of your head. Ethan blushed, his eyes avoiding yours for a moment before he managed to speak up again. "Yeah, it'll be fun. We can order some pizza too," he suggested, a nervous smile playing on his lips.
You chuckled nervously, glancing at Tara for a supportive look. She gave you an encouraging nod, silently telling you to make your move during the study session. "Pizza sounds nice." You tried your best to make your voice sound cheerful, seeing the way Chad looked at Ethan before shaking his head a bit.
"I can just... ask someone from my class for help," Chad trailed off, "It will be more productive if we just do it all at once, right?" Ethan said, widening his eyes, as if trying to communicate with Chad, trying to tell him that he needed him there so he wouldn't freak out. But you felt your chest heave at the thought of Ethan wanting Chad to be there so badly.
Anika quickly changed the subject, talking about how her parents were going to be in town for the week. And you felt Chad give your shoulder a small reassuring tap before following behind Ethan to sit down on their old spot.
Chad kept tapping on the table with his pencil as you bounced your leg up and down, waiting for Ethan to appear. He'd agreed to meet up at seven; he had even texted you earlier to confirm the time. But now, it was almost thirty minutes past, and there was still no sign of Ethan.
You tried to hide your disappointment, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. Chad noticed your unease and leaned in, whispering, "He's probably just caught up with something. Don't worry; he'll be here soon."
"Yeah, probably," you hummed, deciding to start the assignment on your own. A few minutes went by, and Ethan was still nowhere in sight. Chad, sensing your growing impatience, glanced at his phone and let out a small sigh.
"I'll shoot him a text, see what's taking him so long," he offered, his fingers quickly typing a message to Ethan. You appreciated his gesture and continued to fiddle with your pen, trying to focus on the assignment, but your mind kept wandering back to Ethan's absence.
After what felt like an eternity, Chad finally looked up from his phone with a perplexed expression. "He's not answering," he revealed, his brows furrowing. "That's weird. Ethan always has his phone glued to his hand."
"Maybe he just forgot," you murmured. "Are you any good at biology?" he asked, biting the inside of his cheek as he looked over his homework once again. "Because I'm not getting this." You shook your head but still reached for the paper in his hands, reading it over before pointing at one of the questions.
You smiled, grateful for the distraction and the opportunity to help Chad with the assignment. "Actually, I think I can help you with this one. It's a bit tricky, but let me break it down for you." You began explaining the concept, your focus shifting from Ethan's absence to the task at hand. Chad listened intently, nodding along as you explained.
An hour ticked by, and Ethan was still nowhere in sight. Your initial anticipation had turned into frustration and a tinge of hurt. You couldn't help but feel disappointed by his absence, wondering what could have possibly kept him from showing up.
"He does this sometimes," Chad explained, "he'll disappear for a few hours and come back late." You hummed once again, checking the time. "I think I'll get going." You stood up, gathering your things as Chad grabbed your papers. "Thanks for helping me, Y/N."
You sent a small smile his way before he offered to walk you to the door. "You like him a lot, huh?" he asked, teasing. You felt your cheeks burn, and you chuckled before pushing him gently. "Shut up." You turned to leave, a huge smile playing on your lips as you heard Chad laugh from behind you.
On the walk back to yours and Tara's dorm, you heard people yelling from afar. Curiosity piqued, you picked up your pace to check what was going on. From a distance, you could see a group of teenagers, all wearing masks that covered their faces, and a woman clutching her grocery bags with some items on the floor.
In front of her stood a guy dressed in spandex. You carefully took some steps closer, quickly recognizing the masked hero from the news you'd seen many times. They called him "Spider-Man," and you'd heard Chad geek out about him too many times.
You couldn't resist getting closer, wanting to catch a better glimpse of Spider-Man. You moved closer when the group of teens scattered around, leaving the hero with the woman. Once you were close enough, you picked up some of the food containers that had been dropped to the floor. "Thanks, honey," the lady said.
Spider-Man looked up, his big white bug eyes fixating on yours. He cleared his throat and messily handed the woman her groceries before fully standing up. "Thank you," he said, his voice clearly deeper as he tried to make it unrecognizable to you.
You couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as you stood face to face with Spider-Man, the legendary hero you had heard so much about. His presence was both thrilling and intimidating, and you couldn't believe that you were actually interacting with him.
"You're welcome," you managed to say, a mix of awe and disbelief in your voice. "It's amazing to see you in action, Spider-Man."
Spider-Man chuckled behind his mask, a sound that was both lighthearted and reassuring. "Well, it's all in a day's work. Just doing my friendly neighborhood Spider-Man duty," he replied, Ethan's voice still poorly disguised by the mask and his attempt to deepen it.
Soon enough, all the containers were back in the woman's bags, and some of the streetlights had turned off due to the lateness of the hour. You started to make your way back home, holding onto your bag that hung on your shoulder, still thinking about Ethan.
You almost jumped when the hero dropped to the floor in front of you, his bug eyes widening a bit. "Would you like me to walk you back?" you blinked, momentarily taken aback by the offer.
"Oh, um, that's really nice of you, but it's not necessary," you replied, a hint of uncertainty in your voice. Spider-Man tilted his head, his masked face unreadable. "Are you sure? It's late, and you never know what might be lurking around."
You glanced around the dimly lit street, feeling a chill run down your spine. The idea of walking home alone suddenly seemed less appealing. "Well, if you insist," you said, mustering a smile. "I would appreciate the company."
As you walked side by side, you couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. You stole glances at Spider-Man, trying to catch a glimpse of the person behind the mask, but his identity remained a mystery.
"So," Spider-Man began, breaking the silence, "how did you end up at that scene earlier? It's not often I see civilians lending a hand."
You chuckled, feeling a flush of embarrassment. "I just left my friend's dorm a few minutes ago; I was just walking by." He hummed and seemed to think for a second, a small "shit" leaving his lips once he realized he'd practically stood you up.
"This late?" he tried to seem nonchalant. "Well, it's a funny story," you said, trying to brush off the situation. "I was actually supposed to meet someone there, but he never showed up."
"I'm sorry that happened. He must be an idiot."
"He isn't. He's very sweet," you said, chuckling a bit at the thought of Ethan, "it's just... I thought he liked me, I don't know." Spider-Man nodded, his mask concealing any hint of surprise. "I think he's an idiot if he doesn't." He adjusted his web shooters, feeling guilty for hurting your feelings.
You glanced at Spider-Man, who had unknowingly taken the place of Ethan in your evening plans. His words brought a small smile to your face, appreciating the support from a stranger. "That's really kind of you to say."
Spider-Man scratched the back of his head through his mask, a gesture that seemed strangely familiar. "Well, sometimes guys can be clueless."
You nodded, feeling a mixture of validation and disappointment. "Yeah, you're right. It's just… confusing. Sometimes it feels like he does like me, and then..." you trailed off, "God, I don't even know why I'm telling you this, sorry."
Ethan chuckled softly, the sound muffled by his mask. "No need to apologize. Sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger about these things. I guess that's the advantage of the mask," he said, trying to lighten the mood.
You couldn't help but smile, "Yeah, I guess. It's just frustrating, you know? Mixed signals and all that." He nodded again, slightly frowning under his mask.
As the two of you walked, the tension in your shoulders seemed to ease a bit. You felt comfortable with Spider-Man, as weird as it sounded, even if his true identity remained a mystery.
You approached your dorm building, and you couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment that your time with Spider-Man was coming to an end. He reminded you of Ethan; their mannerisms were very similar. But the thought of them being the same person didn't come to mind as you talked.
"Well, this is me," you said, gesturing toward the building. "Thank you so much for walking me back. It was really nice talking to you, Spider-Man."
Spider-Man nodded, "The pleasure was all mine, Y/N. Stay safe." He made a salute sign with his fingers, letting out an awkward laugh as he embarrassedly walked away.
Ethan sighed once again, adjusting his mask as he stood in front of your dorm's door. He was nervous that you'd hate him for showing up at your door dressed as Spider-Man and about to reveal his biggest secret to you. He had been standing there for about five minutes, overthinking it.
When he knocked, though, Tara opened the door with a confused look on her face. "What the..."
"Is Y/N here?" he asked, trying his best to deepen his voice. Tara's eyes widened as she took in the sight of the masked hero standing at the door. She glanced back at you and called out your name. "Y/N, Spider-Man is here to see you."
You looked up from your laptop, confusion evident on your face. Putting it away, you walked towards the door, your gaze shifting from Tara to Spider-Man. As you approached, you noticed nervousness in the masked hero's posture. "What are you doing here?" you said, your voice laced with surprise.
Tara moved out of the way, staring attentively at the stranger at the door. Ethan grew more nervous under her gaze. He turned to face her and then back to you. "Uh... I was hoping we could talk? Alone?"
You furrowed your eyebrows, and Tara walked out of the dorm, her eyes still wide. "Chad is gonna freak out," she mouthed to you before closing the door, leaving you and Ethan alone in the dorm room.
"What's going on?" you asked, confusion evident on your face. "That guy... you like him, right?"
His question made you stop and think, not really understanding. "Uh, yes. Sorry, why are you here exactly?" Ethan took a deep breath, the nerves apparent in his voice as he began to speak. "I... I wanted to apologize for not showing up last week. It was completely my fault, and I understand if you're upset with me. I can't make any excuses for my behavior."
Only then did Ethan realize he messed up the order of the plan he'd practiced hidden in his dorm's bathroom. He was supposed to take the mask off first. "Oh, uhm," he reached for the hem of his mask, struggling.
With a slightly awkward tug, Ethan managed to remove the mask, revealing his familiar face. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he looked at you, his eyes filled with both apprehension and hope. You stood there, stunned, as you processed the revelation. The pieces started falling into place, connecting the dots between Ethan's absence, Chad's mention of him disappearing, and the familiar mannerisms you noticed while walking with Spider-Man.
"You're Spider-Man," you stated, trying to process it. "I'm so sorry I stood you up. I lost track of time. And—" you cut him off, waving your hand up to shut him up. "I'm sorry, you're Spider-Man?"
"Yes? Yes," he said, stumbling over his words at your slight rejection of his apology. "But... I wanted to hang out with you, I just... forgot. I'm sorry." You were baffled at how quickly he'd moved on from the fact that he was the masked hero of New York.
He sighed, "I really like you." He nodded to himself, slightly smiling at the fact that he'd finally gotten the courage to confess. You stayed silent, overwhelmed by the amount of confessions Ethan had just dropped on you.
"I... I need to sit down."
He raised his eyebrows, pulling out one of the chairs at the lunch table for you to sit on, then another one for him. A smile tugged at the corners of your lips. "The guy I've been crushing on turns out to be a superhero. It's like something out of a movie."
Ethan's smile grew wider, relief washing over his features. "I understand if you're upset." You took a deep breath, letting the initial disappointment fade away. "I was."
"I won't tell anybody," you promised, reaching for his hand on his knee, your legs bumping into each other's.
His hand nervously reached out from under yours, gently cupping your cheek. His touch was warm and tender, causing a shiver to run down your spine. You could feel the electricity in the air, the undeniable connection between the two of you.
The kiss was hesitant at first, as if both of you were exploring unfamiliar territory. But as the seconds passed, it deepened, growing more passionate and fervent. Ethan's hand on your cheek caressed your skin, his touch sending sparks through your entire body. Your hands instinctively found their way to his chest, holding onto him as if afraid to let go.
Tara's knocking on the door made you pull back, her voice loud through the door. "Can I come in? I think they're throwing a party across the hall, and I don't wanna be here right now." You jumped to stand up.
Ethan widened his eyes, pulling his curly head inside of the mask again before standing up to hug you and quickly pulling at your window, waving at you right as you nervously opened the door for Tara.
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crown-of-roses-thsc · 2 months
@rarestdoge - I don’t know how to say this- these aren’t in any particular order but this blog has my favorite THSC art…EVER. E V E R. RARESTDOGE IS SO TALENTED HIS ART IS JUST- AAAAA?!?!?! THE EXPRESSIONS THE POSING THE E X P R E S S I O N S AAAAAAA **explodes**
@frazzledazzlin the biggest mistake I ever made was forgetting to put frazzledazzlin on this list. The apology video will be out soon but no matter how genuine it is it will never make up for the BIG FRICKIN MISTAKE OF FORGETTING TO PUT THIS DORK (/pos) ON HERE AAAAAAA??? AAAAAAAAAA??????? THEIR ART IS SO FFFFFREAKIN GOOD I LOVE IT SO MUCH *kicking and screaming*
@terrence-unsuaved I’m adding them to this list before I scream about the art they just sent me I gotta make sure not to forget because it is a CRIME THEY WERENT ON THIS LIST BEFORE THIS IS THE GRAVEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA???????????????????????EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MY CHEST IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE
y’all this is also a list of people I want to do art trades with please hit me up
And I’m trying to stick to people who were active in the fandom as of me putting them on the list hehe
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allhappyandgay · 1 year
The bedroom scene was undeniably flirtatious and romantically coded and whoever says it isn’t is specifically filtering out the signs so they don’t see it
(because we all know if they were straight everyone would clearly view it as what it is: an intimate moment)
here’s why:
Mike’s (and will’s) body language
The shots and cinematography (I was planning on linking @byleranalysis’s video on this scene cuz it’s great but I can’t find it, still though the shots are very telling. edit: t'was found! x)
Labeled ‘intimate moment’ in the script
Interruption trope
It inspired will to take his painting which is a symbol of his love for mike
Mike enters the room, completely shutting the door behind him (no matter the reason), leaving the two of them alone. He sits down on the bed, letting his bottom lip audibly slip out from under his teeth and nervously drums his legs while looking will up and down from behind. he let’s out, “thanks by the way,” which he knows Will will have to question (re: “I didn’t say it”). mike is aware will doesn’t know what he’s referring to, adding clear design to his approach.
Now this could just be me but starting a conversation with something like “thanks by the way,” regarding what you know the other person is unaware of, is intentionally setting them up for a surprise appraisal, which I think is very flirty.
This allows mike to make a joke out of his shitty behavior as a means to lighten the mood because admitting you were wrong and being able to make fun of yourself is hot, sorry not sorry! this is mike giving will permission to laugh at his behavior with him, which seriously throws him off and he looks mike up and down before turning away in excitement, denial, self preservation, vulnerability or most likely all of the above lol, poor flustered will. once he turns away mike draws in a deep breath to wipe the smile off his face so he can focus on apologizing to him. he shakes himself out of whatever trance he was just in so he could get to his point, squinting one eye and stuttering as he changes the subject. “hey, also, but, uh, about the last few days,” he starts, exiting flirting territory.
He tells will his home isn’t the same without him despite having all their other friends, and doesn’t mention his girlfriend until suggesting he was worrying too much about her, followed by “I don’t know, maybe I feel like I lost you or something,” bringing the two right back into a flirtatious standpoint.
This again could just be me, but asking “does that make sense?” is such a… I don’t even know the word, it’s just, such a thing to say lol. there are some situations where it’s annoying to hear, like a parent trying to confirm their child knows what they did was wrong. but the way mike asked will if what he’s saying makes sense low key gives me butterflies. he paused to make sure he’s on the same page in such a soft way and will immediately nods his head, holding back tears. Idk maybe Im making it a bigger deal than it is but I love that simple line from mike so much.
Mike and will both nervously gulp down air, unable to take their eyes off each other. the tension rises as the camera gets closer to both their faces, removing any physical distance you might’ve thought was there at one point. mike tells him that whatever it is that happens next, he thinks it will be easier to go through if they have each other, if they work as a team. quiet moments linger on their teary eyed expressions with every heartfelt addition from mike. he quickly looks will up and down again, emphasizing his desire to be “best friends,”—reciprocating wills own previously stated desire brought to light at rink o mania—his lips slowly parting with anticipation.
Will responds finally with a quiet “cool,” trying to keep his cool lol. you can see his excitement despite the stillness of his body, and there’s a calm steadiness to his eyes, glistening with tear beads. mikes eyes are also shining, the sunlight from the window illuminating his own teardrops sitting comfortably, refusing to fall. he raises one eyebrow as a smirk forms from his lips, looking him up and down once again but slower this time, before completing wills ‘cool’ with his own. he chuffs as his smirk grows into a smile, and they gaze at each other in silence for a couple moments.
This is a huge contrast to how mike was acting before their scene in Jonathan’s room, which tells us something changed for him because of it. mike was reminded how much he loves being with will, how much he missed his company. and without will having to tell him, mike realized he was being an idiot. of course this was seemingly because will reassured him about el, but quite honestly I think it was mostly by will flirting with him. he literally waltzed into wills room—without even knocking first—to get some more of whatever that was between them two scenes prior. and neither of them are fully aware the other is flirting or what that could mean (otherwise we’d be in very different territory by now), which tells us it’s intentional from both parties.
I also think it’s important to mention that what made them start flirting in Jonathan’s room was will reminding mike (and the audience) of their history and how they used to be, saying “that was you guys who saved me, that was you guys.” this is what made mike all giddy and what inspired him to address everything so they could be close like that again.
Based on this logic, will flirting with mike was what “knocked some sense into him”that he was being a “self-pitying idiot,” because mike apologizes to will by following the same energy that inspired him to, flirting. making fun of a situation. joking around.
All they had done since mike got to lenora was fight and ignore each other. then suddenly every moment they get alone they find themselves giving each other heart eyes and hiding stupid grins. they don’t even seem to question it, this is just how they are now. it comes naturally. so when mike realized how good it felt to be in wills presence again without arguing and being petty, just themselves, it probably gave him a huge confidence boost and made him feel better about the entire situation. yes will told him he would have another chance to tell el what he didn’t get to (which is what the GA thinks he wanted to hear), but what really lifted his spirits was having will back in his life, which inspired him to confront and apologize to him. he got a taste of what they could be like, and decided he needed that. he couldn’t go back to fighting and being awkward after their moment in Jonathan’s room. when he confidently swung the door to will’s open, and skipped straight into flirting, that was mike implementing his decision to turn back the clock, make things go back to how they were. but this time with slightly different intentions in mind.
Mike suggesting they be friends (best friends) again is also a callback to, canonically, “the best thing [he’s] ever done,” I might add. that holds a lot of weight, they didn’t need to remind the audience of mikes (also teary eyed and intimate) monologue in s2 but they did. mike basically relived the best thing he’s ever done in this scene.
After mike and will have their “intimate moment,” as the script itself calls it, a tire screech dramatically breaks their eye contact. we are brought back down to earth, where the two of them are actually several feet apart and not face to face. if you felt like they were supposed to kiss, you were quickly reminded that they physically couldn’t lol.
The tire screech wasn’t even that loud and yet their demeanors both changed drastically in less than a second, as if they’ve been caught doing something they shouldn’t. Jonathan hadn’t even barged in yet, but they were so focused on each other that a loud noise basically jumpscared them out of it lmao.
This is, as we all know, the interruption trope, which is used most commonly for ‘will they won’t they,�� tension reliant, slow-burn romances to keep you on the edge of your seat, only to make you throw your arms in the air and yell “oh, come on!”
The last part of the scene mike gets up and goes to the window with Jonathan, but we keep our eyes on will who gives mike one last pineful look before quickly grabbing his painting—a symbol of his love for mike—and stuffs it into his bag.
This is intentionally showing the audience that their conversation gave will either the confidence to give it to him—which he seemingly has been going back and forth between based on mikes behavior toward him, proving that’s what made him decide to take it in the end—or hope that it could go well, possibly implying he thought mike might feel the same, or at the very least was flirting with him (which he was).
The fact this moment was deliberately focused on says “hey! will got an idea from this interaction—one that specifically made him decide to take the painting—so you should too!”
In conclusion, gæ.
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agaypanic · 7 months
Headcannons on being the Davenports bestfriend 💗
Being Best Friends With the Davenports Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: this is probably asking for being best friends with all of them at the same time, but i’m gonna do individual headcanons. also even tho it says davenport, im also adding leo (i know he’s technically a davenport but idk i dont see him as a davenport i see him as a dooley)
You always enable and encourage his silly ideas
Which his family doesn’t like much
But you and Adam have fun, so you don’t care much
You help him with his homework a bunch
He doesn’t like asking Chase for help bc he makes him feel really dumb
Your favorite activity is probably going to the zoo bc he loves all the animals
You peeked through the front door of the Davenport’s house. When the coast was clear, you opened the door wider and waved for Adam to come in. How he was gonna hide this when his family saw, you didn’t know.
“What is that?” Leo’s sudden voice made the two of you jump. He had come from down the hall, and was staring at you with an incredulous look and pointed finger. 
“Lunch,” Adam answered, pointing at the bag of food in your hand. Leo rolled his eyes, furiously trying to make where he was pointing more obvious.
“No, that!” 
You and Adam looked at the alpaca that Leo was pointing to, knowing you were unable to avoid it any longer.
“Oh my gosh, how did that get there?” You asked dumbly, as if you didn’t help Adam break it out of the zoo and bring it home.
“This is definitely the first time I’ve seen this,” Adam said in a faux shocked tone, petting the alpaca’s head. “But since it’s here, we can keep it, right?”
You guys become extremely close extremely fast
Being surrounded by guys all her life, you’re very refreshing to be around
The two of you love to gossip
About who’s with whom, her siblings’ antics, everything and nothing
You guys like going to the mall to shop, eat, and catch up
Even though you hang out literally every day
“Oh my gosh, did I tell you what happened with my brothers this week?” Bree asked as she looked through a rack of shirts.
“You probably have, but tell me anyway.” You laugh, looking at the clothes with her.
“So Leo likes this girl, right? And Chase comes up with some plan to get her to fall for him- oh, this is cute. Well, anyways, it completely backfires, and she ends up going after Adam.”
“No.” You gasped.
“Yes! And that’s not even the craziest part.” Bree took something off the rack and held it up to you, wanting your opinion. You nodded furiously at the sight, and she grinned, adding it to the try-on pile of clothes she was carrying. “So Chase tells Leo that he’ll talk to the girl for him, and guess what.”
“What? Does she start liking Chase?” You ask jokingly. Bree raised her eyebrows at you and pursed her lips, signaling you were correct. “No!”
Yall are that duo at school
Smart, sassy, and pretty
You guys sign up for extracurriculars like science fair and debate club together
Even though he’s literally the smartest man in the world, he likes having you go over his work
Very occasionally, he’ll miss a detail, and you’ll point it out
But he mainly just likes the validation
But you also never hesitate to put him in his place when needed
“Hey, can you read this over for me?” Chase asked as he handed you his laptop. You decided to come over to watch a movie when he suddenly remembered he needed to revise one of his papers for a class. 
Pausing the TV, you set the computer on your lap and read the essay. You didn’t comment until you were finished, handing the laptop back to Chase.
“Pretty good.” You said, playing the movie again.
“I knew it.” Chase gloated, reclining on the couch next to you. “Perks of being the smartest guy ever.”
“Yeah, well, you also misspelled ‘and,’ genius.” You laughed as you watched him scramble for his computer, looking through every word to find the mistake. “Perks of not knowing how to type, I guess.”
“Shut up.” He grumbled, fixing the error and crossing his arms with a pout.
The blind leading the blind
You encourage all of his delusions, mainly because you think it’s funny
You two are a comedic duo tbh
You guys bounce off each other really well
Before the bionic trio, you always defended Leo from bullies
You still do sometimes
Leo was currently talking your ear off about his current crush, some girl named Danielle. This was part of your guys’ routine. He’d tell you about someone he liked, you’d tell him that the two of them were meant to be, something would go wrong, you’d laugh about it, and then Leo would find someone new the next week.
“We’re so close to being boyfriend and girlfriend; I can feel it!” He said excitedly.
“Oh yeah.” You nodded, trying to suppress a laugh. “I know that if I had a boyfriend, I’d want him to be my human footstool because it’s what I deserve.”
“Exactly! You’re like the only one who gets it.”
“Ooh, there she is now.” You said, looking over his shoulder to see his girl of the week at her locker. “She came into the same hallway you’re in, so she clearly wants to see you. You should go talk to her.”
“Really?” Leo asked, slowly standing up. You nodded and pushed him in Danielle’s direction, waiting for everything to unfold. 
Leo somehow found the courage to talk to Danielle, but it was a pretty short conversation. When she walked away, she looked at him from over her shoulder and said goodbye.
“See you later, Lenny!”
The name made you bust out laughing, almost weak in the knees to stand up and go over to the now somewhat sad boy.
“Better luck next time, Lenny.” You said, patting his shoulder and laughing some more.
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dimepdf · 1 year
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? synopsis. when you initially asked Neteyam, the eldest Sully son who also happened to be smitten for you, for more assistance with your Na'vi knowledge, he was happy to help with a more hands-on approach.
─── ☆ notes. saw the new avatar and the way i had to pause and react and take in every detail cause it felt so short,, i cant wait for the 3rd movie to come out while im pushing fucking 40 or something with kids. | — feedback is always welcomed & don't forget to reblog 🤍
─── ☆ length. 2.8k (21 min read) .
─── ☆ genre and warnings. +18 nsfw under the cut. minors dni | mutual pining | friends to lovers | fem reader | pwp | porn with feelings | not movie canon | size kink | height difference | stretch marks | body worship | fluffy | confessions | monster fucking(?) | handjobs | fingering | grinding | manhandling | oral sex(f) | cute aftercare | not beta'd | title inspired by this song.
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"You can't, Tuk!" Only grumbling at his two most annoying younger siblings who had been following closely behind him, Neteyam dismissed the two in the typical older sibling tone of irritation. 
Both of them were curious, like cats, to find out where he was going when he broke his patrolling routine and made the error of asking both their father and mothers for permission to spend the rest of the day helping you at the labs with your studies that you had been struggling with.
No matter how much he tried to pull both parents aside, at least one sibling had managed to eavesdrop, and then his plans of keeping it on the down low had fallen through like a domino effect. 
This was why Tuk was bouncing on her heels, trailing after her two bickering brothers, Neteyam and Lo'ak. "No fair!" She tantrums, adding to the chattering back and forth, "I want to see y/n too, how come you're the only one that gets to go?" 
With your parents being loyal scientists passionate for a change, standing alongside Jake Sully were a group of good hearted human beings that were allowed to stay on Pandora to live alongside the Na'vi colony. 
Given that you were the second less rogue lab baby, it was the story that set the stage for your loving and extremely intelligent life. 
Maybe it was the fact that you still had your two loving parents, ending up more bubbled and growing up to be more of a homebody constantly wrapped up in some sort of new experiment scattering around the lab despite working with people twice your age. 
Everyone had grown to feel like one big nerdy family within the lab walls. 
Neteyam tightly inhaled with his hand wrapped tight around the leather hand grip from the holster for his Ikran. He was starting to grow thinner and thinner with the patience of telling the little girl every excuse under the sun other than flat out saying that he just wished to spend time with you alone. 
Lo'ak, of course, had been no help in calming Tuk down; his motormouth only added fuel to the flame as he continued to pester him alongside her. 
"He doesn't want us to come so he can finally make a move on his girlfriend." The youngest boy teased. Lo'ak flinched away from his brother's attempt at kicking him in the shoulder with a knowing chuckle, the comment only made Tuk whine more in disgust.
Muttering an insult as he mounted his ride, Neteyam ignored the tightness in his stomach at just the mere mention of your name beside his hinting towards a romantic relationship; it was an odd pretty relationship you had with the eldest son.
“I won't be fawning, I'm just going because she asked me for help with her research.” Neteyam gave his siblings one more stern glare.
“And she's not my girlfriend.” 
Lo’ak doubled in laughter, fuel only added as Neteyam showed more signs of annoyance. “Research? For what, exploring each other's bodies?” Neteyam had only rolled his eyes at the lewd question, taking off just in time for Tuk to ask what the joke had meant. 
Neteyam had been to the labs a handful of times, whether it was to hang out with Spider, accompany Kiri to see her mother, or just keep a close eye on Lo'ak to make sure he would stay out of trouble.
But he felt like this visit was just different from all the others—more intimate, greeting the few familiar faces as you guided him by hand through the lab rooms. Ducking through doorways and crouching through cramped human sized halls to your quarters that had been cleared out for a separate space all to yourself. 
It had been an old rec room redesigned and rearranged to your liking to hold all your personal belongings and decor. What was notable to Neteyam was the lack of boring control panels, odd techy devices, and bland white furniture all over the rest of the lab. 
The usual white and blue alien sleeping pod had been swapped out for a netted hammock similar to the one he would use at home, making your room appear completely disconnected from the rest of the sterile and overly organized aesthetic. 
A long desk piled high with books and paperwork was located across from your resting place next to the hatch entrance door, taking up its own space next to the large window overlooking the forest below the cliff. Your desk served as a clear confirmation to Neteyam that you were as intelligent as you appeared.
To enter Neteyam had to duck down enough to fit under the sliding door frame. As he did so, he peered around your messy bedroom with big curious eyes, soaking up as much information as he could about the space you loved to lock yourself up in all day rather than with him. "Okay, so this is what I've got done so far."
He followed the slight gesture of your hand, following towards the splattered spread of canvas against the once white wall now covered in layers of small paintings and scribbled wordings, but there was once a portrait that had caught his eye the most, a towering blue warrior posed with a bow. 
You had painted him on your wall.
Neteyam exhales as his long fingers run against the textured wall, his ears folding back, expressing his hidden bashful feelings as he comes face to face for the first time with a beautiful mural of himself.
"Ah, don't touch it," The gentle grasp of his elbow draws his attention back to you, "it's still drying, dummy."  
Your entire hand could only manage to wrap around two of his large fingers as you used the bottom hem of your shirt to wipe away the smudged paint on his fingertips, the view allowing Neteyam to look down at you while swallowing at the peak of your midriff.
In a good way, your body was very different from his. In contrast to his towering frame, you were much shorter with skin a warm shade of brown rather than the light sky blue he was used to seeing around.
It was more enticing to Neteyam, you weren't like anyone else he was used to, not even similar to Spider. You were a woman for one, he couldn't help but find himself entranced by you just so soft and plush looking, especially as you stood before him collecting your art supplies from around your bedroom.
He liked the way you always seemed to exude confidence with every step you took. How whenever you were concentrating on a task, your expression would soften, biting at the skin at your lip enough to draw his attention to the shape of your lips.
“Okay, so sit for a moment.”
He does as you say and sits with his legs crossed in front of you while kneeling on the ground. He had managed to have a height difference that reached your collarbone even while he was seated while you stood in front of him. Neteyam felt a bit insecure under your studied, silent gaze, watching your eyes move down his body with an uncomfortable exhale.
It didn't help his anxieties much that you were a more hands on learner, blinking as your hand reached out to caress his face.
A shiver ran up his spine at the gentle brush of your fingers against his cheek. "Your marks are so distinctive, pretty," you complement breathlessly with the trace of your pointing finger against his temple.
His ears twitched, and before he could react, his tail wrapped itself snugly around the middle of your thigh and drew you closer to him.
He murmurs timidly, "Yeah, they're kind of just all over," Before his hands could rest flat on his lap, he gestures while briefly puffing out his chest.
His eyes were looking anywhere but yours, as he was almost close to purring under your gentle touch. He just couldn't trust how his body would react to anything else. It was a mental war, trying not to make it seem as if he was completely gawking at your body.
The lift of your shirt exposed that same part of your stomach that his eyes could only see but his hands longed so desperately to trace. Neteyam’s fingers twitched, making a fist before hesitating in his grasp on your hips, his palm engulfing your sides.
The sight of his thumbs not being able to touch caused him to let out a shaky breath.
You nearly fell over when he suddenly wrapped his strong hands around you. The only thing you noticed was the curious look in his large, yellow eyes that were raking up from your waist as you used his shoulder to help you ground yourself. "Can I see it?" he asks.
You took a moment to process what he was trying to ask before your other hand could instantly cover the pudge of your stomach. "Hm, sure." You finally nod, lifting your shirt just enough to reach the midsection of your torso. 
You had your marks in the form of a scar, a healed claw mark that stretched just below your rib, and a memory of the first time Neteyam nearly saved your life from a rogue Thanator that had wandered too far from its territory. 
His face winced as he tried to push back the dreaded feeling he still would get in his chest thinking back on that horrible day. His fingers stroke against the rough skin, gentle enough as if he were afraid that he would crush you between his fingers by accident.
"I'm sorry," he mutters shamefully. "I let it leave a mark on you." He felt as if he had taken an arrow to the chest, the clench that he felt nicking in his ribs with every flooded memory of having betrayed your parents and his trust by being unable to truly ensure your safety in his hands.
"I told you to stop apologizing. You saved my life, Neteyam." You reassure him, yet he would fail to feel the same way, his fingers continuing down the scar tissue low enough to reach the waistband of your pants. 
Neteyam’s fingers brush more towards your sides, his interest lingering at the hints of stretch marks on the skin of your hips. 
"And what about these?" Foreign were the marks embedded against your hips and the dance of his fingers as they dragged down the jagged lines under them, hidden under the waist of your pants. 
It was a daring request, meeting eyes with a soft gaze that had a flaming heat feel as if it were flowing through his veins. 
Peering down at him with a dark look that made the tug of his tail more inviting, you closed the distance, falling against him with enough reaction time to straddle his waist. “Aren't I the one supposed to be the one studying you?” you whisper 
“I don't mind, go ahead.” Your back arches as you encircle his shoulder with your arms and tuck yourself closer as Neteyam watches how you react. 
His hands had taken the place of his previous grasp on your thighs, his tail wrapped possessively around your midsection. “Ohe think ohe'm keye’ung love.”
The beating in his chest was dangerous, but so was the way you looked at him before your lips could meet.
Neteyam didn't consider himself to be much of a romantic, the closest he had come to experiencing true love was through the example of the close bond his parents shared.
But as he kissed you, suddenly it all just made sense.
When you pulled away, exhaling hard, all he could do was chase after your mouth. The proportions were only a bit off—not too much that either of you had any objections against—as he swallowed each moan and whine that would pull from your throat.
Neither Neteyam nor you have ever kissed anyone before, maybe it was the way it felt so right to just let each other's instincts take over, grasping and tugging each other tightly as if there were any possible way you could get any closer.
Pure lust was what had taken over as Neteyam felt you shiver under his fingertips, the tangle of your hand in his braids had sent a new, inexperienced spark through his body.
Neteyam hissed at the odd feeling that struck him like a wave. "Oh, sorry," you mutter with a lick of your lips, your arms still laced around him.
He hadn't understood what you were apologizing for at first until he had followed your pointed stare to his crotch. 
The feeling that had waved through him was now all too clear as you both glanced shyly at his bulging situation—that you had the guts to reach out and fondle before he could even process how to breathe once more. 
With a sigh of breath, Neteyam practically whines at the contact, too caught up with the pit forming in his lower stomach to feel the embarrassment he would have felt at the pitch of the noises that parted from his lips. 
You readjust yourself in his hold, wincing slightly at the death grip he had on your thighs. The small space you created was enough for you to fully get a better grasp on his length, disregarding the cloth that held his privacy and rubbing your thumb over the dark blue tip of his dick, smearing the precum that he oozed.
Neteyam doesn't know whether he wants to watch or squeeze his eyes shut, his expression pained, yet his body felt everything but. 
His breath was shaky, and his limbs were tensing with each fisted stroke. 
All he could do was tremble and moan as you jerked him off. "Ah, hold on, p–please." As he sagged forward and whimpered, Neteyam attempted to catch his breath.
His sudden deadweight forced you to fall backward onto your back, where you then caught yourself lying beneath him. You followed suit to the small moment of mercy, mostly for your own sake at the dull tiredness in your wrist.
Now that the position had not helped much to ease whatever was building up inside, Neteyam sighed at the newfound feeling of rutting himself against the soft skin of your leg that his dick was pressed against.
Wanting more of the skinship, Neteyam’s hands wandered to whatever they could grab, hearing you giggle slightly from the ticklish sensation. 
It was the guide of your hand wrapping around his wrist, guiding his hand lower past the waistband of your pants. He felt drunk watching the way your expression shifted at just the mere feeling of his long fingers finding just the spot where you needed him most. 
It was an otherworldly sensation that Neteyam was experiencing, feeling you tight around his fingers and pistoning in and out of you at a careful, almost unbearably slow pace with each thrust.
Even as you finished with your tense muscles clenching around him and a broken moan that made him shiver, a noise of encouragement would make him never want to stop praising you.
Once Neteyam got a look at his slick covered fingers, it was like a lightbulb had switched on.
Before you could even process the end of your orgasm, Neteyam had crawled down closer to your legs, leaning down desperately and tugging off your pants. Both of you still found the atmosphere light and comfortable enough to humor each other's eagerness. 
Your laughter faded into small gasps at the strength with which Neteyam had elevated you enough to bury his face into your pussy sitting crouched on his knees as if you weighed absolutely nothing.
The same tongue he used to shyly babble to you with is now showing its true talent as his fingers probe you open the twitch of your hips shift against his mouth, directing him straight to his tongue sucking at your clit. 
It doesn't take much strength for him to hold you in place, your entire lower half is lifted in his grasp, knees bent and held up against his shoulders, and you use your elbows to perch yourself up as your muscles clench from the pleasure of your orgasm.
Neteyam, who hadn't had much of a grasp on the ecstasy of climaxing, continued to suck and finger until you trembled all over and were begging out his name for mercy. 
He was practically boneless, and tears threatened to roll down your cheeks as he finally allowed you to collapse into a heap of putty mess flat on the floor.
You push out your arms lazily, beckoning Neteyam into your embrace as you tug him down to lay on his chest with each other's legs tangled together, panting the same breath. 
It was a comfortable moment of silence, listening to the matched rhythm of each other's heartbeat.
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