#the silmarillion discord server
ofmiceandwomen · 1 year
I posted a poll on what I should draw next and based on the popular demand, happy Maedhros won (I see you, Silm discord folks!)
Have a relieved Mae!
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I didn’t go for exactly cheerful moment, but I choose to pick a scene of our RP AU where the Fifth Battle never became the Nirnaeth Arnoediad (well unless you’re counting the Orc tears). The most powerful Noldorin singers have seemingly beaten the Dark Lord, unaware that it was the Dark Lord’s deception.
In order to secure the Union’s victory, Maedhros engaged Morgoth in another duel, finishing Fingolfin’s mission to cripple him, which almost costs his life. This is the moment he is finally awake, healers doing their job and he finally received the message that Fingon is alive and they won.
He is badly injured and in pain. Yet, he would call this day the best in his entire life.
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camille-lachenille · 2 months
After the war of the last alliance and Gil-Galad’s death, Elrond is in a pretty bad mental state. The healer in him recognises deep depression and ptsd but he shoves everything in a box locked deep within his heart, the box where he keeps memories of his brother and parents, and plows on as he builds Rivendell.
He is happy when Celebrían returns his affection and accepts his courtship, he really is happy, or at least he convinces himself that he is, that everything is fine and will get better with time.
Some time right before their wedding, Celebrían starts to worry that Elrond doesn’t love her anymore, bc he avoids her and acts strangely. She manages to sit him down and really talk about how he is feeling. Elrond rushes to reassure her he is still madly in love and wants nothing more than wed her but then, at Celebrían’s insistence, he confesses how scared he is. He is scared to taint her with his darkness and that she desserves better than him and that he must be wrong in his head if he can’t be fully happy with her. He cries a lot, like he has’t in centuries, and Celebrían holds him through it. And then, when he is coherent again, she asks him if he loves her.
“More than anything, I would die for you!” comes the rushed but deeply sincere answer.
And Celebrían looks at Elrond in the eyes, more seriously than she ever has, her hands resting on his shoulders and she tells him “You say you’d die for me. But would you live for me, if I ask you so? ”
Elrond can only nod as he starts crying again, because he will do anything for Celebrían, even tasks that seem impossible. And so, he starts to live again. It is painful, gruesome work but he sees it to the end for the love of his life, if not himself at first.
And for a time Elrond is well and truly happy. He and Celebrían get married at long last, and have first two beautiful sons and then a wonderful daughter, and the sadness seems banished far away.
Until Celebrían nearly dies at the hands of orcs.
Elrond isn’t a husband then but a healer, locking his feelings behind the professional mask again until he is sure Celebrían will live. And then, behind the locked door of their -his- room, he lets the tears come. He cries until he has nothing left and then some more. He failed to save his wife, because even he cannot mend a broken soul.
Elrond and his children see Celebrían to the ship that will bring her to Valinor and, hopefully, healing. There are tears and embraces and, before parting, Elrond presses a kiss to Celebrían’s forehead and whispers to her “Promise me you will live, for me, just as I promised I would live for you all those years ago. And I promise I will live for you forever.”
And Celebrían smiles weakly and nods. She knows what it looks like, to cling stubbornly to life and happiness. “I will live, I promise,” she whispers back.
And live she does, until she can be reunited with Elrond.
The Celebrían who greet Elrond in Valinor is happy and full if life but, in her eyes, he can see his grief mirrored. She healed, ans he knows he too will heal in time, but he is also deeply grateful they can share this grief until the happy memories become stronger and they can remember Arwen, they sweet, wonderful, stubborn, brave daughter without the pain. The memories will always be a little bittersweet but the happy time they had together as a family is stronger than grief.
Until one of their sons sails. Alone.
Elladan sails, bringing news that Elrohir will not come. He stayed with Arwen until the end, spending more and more time in Gondor and with Men in general. He was so happy, Elladan explains between his tears. He was carefree and full of a delight for adventure and hunger for the unknown so proper to Mortals. Elrohir didn’t choose mortality because of love of a person but for love of life itself. He was bright and curious and wanted to know all the unknown answers. He died like he lived, with passion and happiness and mischief. And Elladan cannot begrudge his twin’s choice because he saw just how peaceful Elrohir was on his deathbed, grey haired and face lined by time and laughter, as he slipped out of the bounds of Arda and into his next adventure.
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catgirltnrprogram · 12 days
18+ Tolkien Discord Server!
Tiberth's Hall is an adults-only discord server centered around everything Tolkien! Discuss your favorite characters, OCs, fanworks, and much more! We are LGBTQ+ friendly and BIPOC friendly.
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bluepickle36 · 1 month
anybody know of a decent lotr or silm (or both) discord server?
and if you do can you get me an invite?
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I have a discord server amd you guys are welcome to join! The topics of discussion are lotr, the hobbit, and the silmarillion. You can post your fanworks (art, fics, edits, etc) or just post crack. I'll honestly just post crack. I have a few rules, though
Be kind to others! This rule, though simple, is what most rules come down to. Be considerate and respectful
No hateful things. If you threaten another user, say a slur, or insult someone with the purpose of harm, you will be kicked from the server. If you see one of these things, dm me (bilbo_swaggins on discord)
Make it a safe space. We want everyone to feel accepted, no matter gender, orientation, religion, skin tone, or culture
Do not plagiarize other people's work! Ever! If you do post someone else's work, make sure it's clear that it's not your own and specify who did make it
With these rules in place, we'll have a nice little discord server for anyone in the Tolkien fandom!
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lindirbeloved · 5 months
Join my everything Tolkien discord server!
We are 18+, anti-racist, LGBTQ+ friendly, and are mostly SFW with dedicated NSFW channels.
Come join, whether it's to share your fanart, writing, or just to hang out, all are welcome!
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sindar-princeling · 1 month
LOTR Newsletter 3 Shire Drift - FAQ
Hello everyone!
Just like last year: for those of you who are already familiar with The Lord of the Rings Newsletter, this serves as an announcement that I'm doing it again; and for those who aren't - an introduction to the project :)
What is LOTR Newsletter?
I'm one of the people who subscribed to Dracula Daily in May 2022, and immediately thought, "Hey, I can do this too but with XYZ!" - XYZ being The Lord of the Rings. Because the events of LOTR also have specific dates ascribed to them, we're gonna be reading LOTR as it happened.
When does it take place?
Because of the way the beginning of LOTR is structured (read: because I don't want to leave six-month-long breaks between the first entries), we're gonna start on September 15th - a week before September 22nd, when the main events start to take place. It's also the publishing date of the Silmarillion, but that's just a fun fact for my own enjoyment.
From September 15th to September 19th, we'll read the prologue, and the fragments preceding Frodo's departure from the Shire. From September 20th, we'll be reading according to the dates in the book until April 8th. Then we'll be reading last parts of the book - which are stretched over a long time - once a week, to once again avoid lengthy breaks in delivery.
The Newsletter will last from September 15th to May 26th.
Where do I go if I want to post/talk about something related to the Newsletter with other readers?
We discuss current (and not only current) entries in the #lotr newsletter tag, and we have a Discord server set by the amazing @k-she-rambles! (I really hope this time I managed to generate a link that never expires...)
How do I subscribe?
Since the original platform I was using (TinyLetter) was shut down halfway through the second year of the newsletter, I had to figure out an alternative way to execute this project.
For the lovely people who joined the last edition of the newsletter, just a short announcement - I weighed all the pros and cons and decided to continue carrying out the newsletter the way I did after TinyLetter shut down.
For the new folks, a lengthier explanation: check out this post if you want to learn the details, but long story short: I can't send the newsletter as e-mails anymore, so instead I decided to provide you with a ready copy of the entire thing. I prepared formatted copies of the whole newsletter - September 15th to May 26th - as an .odt file, as a .pdf file, and most importantly as an .epub file, because I assume most of you are reading on your phones (if you don't already have an .epub reader, I use FBReader, and everything worked fine on my phone). At the beginning you'll find the whole table of contents with hyperlinks, so the navigation inside the document should be easy!
The MEGA folder can be accessed right here, and it's available for everyone!
In the folder linked, you'll also find a calendar file made by @none-ofthisnonsense that you can download on your phone and import into your calendar app so that all days when we read are marked in your calendar!
If you want to receive notifications about when there is an entry to read, you can also follow @is-today-a-lotr-newsletter-day and turn on notifications! This is a blog created solely for notifying you all when we're reading a new fragment of the newsletter, so all notifications you'll get will be about new entries, and nothing more. The notifications are meant to be the equivalent of sending e-mails.
Anything else I should know?
Please don't rat me out to Tolkien Estate/j, and have fun reading!
(And as a PS.: Thank you very much if you join - or join again! Last year was very tumultuous because of all the changes in the format, and I know the new way is not for everyone - but introducing more changes again felt like once more creating new chaos, so I decided to stick to a solution that mostly worked. I hope you understand!)
See you on September 15th!
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elvinye · 5 months
already inflicted this on the discord server and decided to make everyone suffer here too
assigning silmarillion elves bad driving habits
feanor: speeds, unless you tailgate, in which case he will slow down until you back off. if he has to stop in the middle of the high way, that's your fault for entering a battle of wills with feanor
fingolfin: tailgates
finarfin: does 5 below the speed limit in the outside lane
maedhros: chronic backseat driver
fingon: incapable of using turn signal unless he has explicitly been reminded by maedhros in the past 15 minutes
maglor: plays music so loudly he cannot hear sirens if an emergency vehicle needs to pass
celegorm: explicitly ignores those special speed limits around schools (either they learn or they die)
curufin: has modified the shit out of his car so the engines are super loud because he thinks it makes him look cool
caranthir: knows the location of every speed and red light camera in tirion. abuses this knowledge.
celebrimbor: on his phone
nerdanel: thinks stop signs are a suggestion (see also: red flags)
finrod: incapable of recognizing when he is too drunk to drive. very insistent he gives his drunk friends a drive home because they're to drunk to drive and he wants them to be SAFE
turgon: tells everyone to get an electric car while not actually having one himself
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fellowshipofthefics · 1 month
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"THAUC" is BACK for 2024 after the success and interest of last year, we knew this year was a must! Whether you participated last year, or are a newcomer this year, the FAQ (linked at the bottom) will be your best friend as there are a few minor changes to the event guidelines. We’re excited for another fun filled event!
✨As this post will be pinned to the blog throughout the THAUC event, you can find our FOTFICs masterpost → here!
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Collaboration is a fandom event meant to celebrate the wonderful world of The Hobbit - be it the film adaptation or the book, we want to spread the love for our favorite characters, places, and scenarios. ⚠️This is a HOBBIT event, which means we are focused on the characters/events focused around The Hobbit - this is not a Lord of the Rings, Silmarillion, or Rings of Power event, though mentions and vague ties to these are allowed, so long as the sole focus is of that of The Hobbit.
2024 Schedule
Sept 1 - Sign-ups open
Sept 15 - Sign-ups close
Sept 22 - Partners/Prompts Assigned
Sept 29 - First Check In
November 17 - Final Check In/Requests for Extensions due (if you don’t ask for an extension by this date, you don’t get one. This is also your last chance to drop out.)
December 1 - Projects Due
Dec 8 - Extensions due
Dec 15 - Reveals
→ Sign-up form → Suggestion form → Discord server
Have questions? → check out the FAQ! 
Send us an ask or feel free to reach out to one of the moderators for further clarification! @mithrilhearts @ahufflepuffhobbit​ @fantasyinallforms​
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mirkwoodest · 9 months
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After interpreting the signs and omens I have decided to finally, after 14 years of failed attempts and procrastination, read the Silmarillion this February. Because I thrive off of peer pressure and making stupid jokes, I'm also going to make a discord server for anyone who would like to join me. It's open to both first-time readers as well as powerful beings who have read and reread the silm more than once. Let me know if you're interested! If you're nervous about your ability to keep up or haven't used discord before, please don't let that stop you, this is going to be a chill as hell. Maybe there will be 3 of us and maybe there will be 30, but either way we are sure to yell about some elves together.
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ofmiceandwomen · 1 year
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I have challenged @mersilisk for the “Two artists, one palette” challenge.
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We agreed on these colours, also because it quite corresponds with our beloved Strampunk!Silmarillion.
My piece focuses on Fingon’s melancholia, that accompanied ever since his beloved pen-more-than-a-friend Nelyafinwë disappeared.
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independence1776 · 2 days
-whispers curiously- SWG?
The Silmarillion Writers' Guild! It's a Tolkien fandom archive, focused primarily on the Silmarillion but in recent years has a non-Silmarillion subarchive. It accepts all kinds of fanworks: fic, art, podfic, meta, etc. Fanworks do not have content or rating restrictions, save for no explicit art due to webhost requirements. There is a reference section and weekly newsletter. There is also an associated Discord server.
There are monthly challenges in a variety of formats and themes. They are always available for use, even after the challenge officially closes.
Beyond the Silmarillion is the subarchive for fanworks based on the rest of Tolkien’s works, including the non-Middle-earth stories like Roverandom and adaptations such as the movies or show. To post in this subarchive, you must first have on SWG either a minimum of five fanworks or 10,000 words of writing, whichever is reached first.
The SWG was started by @dawnfelagund in 2005 and the original version of the archive opened on eFiction in 2007. It is my Tolkien fandom home.
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tanoraqui · 2 years
the real problem with The Silmarillion is that the creative sandbox is SO big, from the literal world map to the many-millennia timeline to the characters who are half historical figure constructed from 6 different half-contradictory drafts, half mythical archetype, and don’t even get me STARTED on the theological philosophy… that there is NO chance anyone else will remotely properly write the fic in your head. In other fandoms, I can be pretty sure that at least the people in the carefully chosen 12-person discord server I belong to all have the same fic in their heads that we jammed together at 2am, with the same interpretations of character and theme which we’ve debated and discussed at length. But The Silmarillion? You can spend 3 hours discussing a single character in like a 5-year period and walk away completely happy with shared headcanons BUT SIMULTANEOUSLY certain that their interpretation of the character is fundamentally different than yours, such that any fic they write would suffer from notable if not severe “he would not fucking say that” disorder…and that both your and their interpretations are completely reasonable reads of the text, so you can’t even be mad.
So you HAVE to write ALL your own fic or it’s AGONIZING.
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tatiyatesuli · 16 days
Is there any haladriel discord servers that's friendly for ppl who haven't read the Silmarillion and it's taking new members? Asking for a friend
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sunfyresrider · 2 months
✨Hiii everyone✨
I recently made a discord server for the Silmarillion/Tolkien!! It’s very small as it is brand new. It’s a place that **i hope** people will join and be able to connect with others who enjoy JRR’s works as much as I do>,< It’s a welcome space for everyone! There is also a little section for avatar/asoiaf since I could not help myself! If the link does not work feel free to message me<3
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Silmarillion Rock Opera Weekend
Finrod’s Song- 19th November, 2022
Lay of Leithian- 20th November, 2022
Здравствуйте, друзья! Hello, friends!
Two Tolkien rock operas, one weekend! The Last Homely Server never gets tired of sharing these shows with English-speaking Tolkien fans. Want to experience some new Tolkien adaptations? Come join me and some other fun Silmarillion people as we watch these together!
Finrod’s Song- Elven King Finrod Felagund faces an impossible choice when the mortal Beren summons him to fulfill his oath. In a tangle of love, loyalty, and ancient curse, Finrod takes up the doomed quest, and steps into a battle against fate itself.
Lay of Leithian- Two different fates are woven together when Lúthien, an elven princess, falls in love with Beren, a hero of mortal men. To win her hand, Beren is sent on an impossible quest- to cut a legendary gem from the crown of the Dark Lord. So begins this battle between light and darkness, love and duty, in the most enduring tale of Tolkien’s Middle Earth.
Where: Discord (link posted 1 hour before)
When: 19th - 20th November, 1pm EST / 10am PST / 19:00 CET
Run Time: Finrod’s Song- 2hrs. Lay of Leithian- 1hr, 40m. Both will have a 15 minute intermission.
Performance Details: Finrod’s Song- 2014 extended concert. Lay of Leithian- June 2022 recording reedit.
Language: Russian, English subtitles
Additional Material: • Finrod recording (Youtube, English CC) • Finrod VK page • Leithian libretto (English) and link to the recording • Lay of Leithian VK page
See you soon! 🤘
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