#the stage crews also shut the curtains on them before they took their bow!
ainawgsd · 4 months
Last show choir competition of the season. So far this one seems kinda unorganized. Anyway, I'm glad a second middle school is competing (they just signed up this week).
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-–Empty Blogs Are Blocked On Sight–-
Hey lovelies!
As you can probably tell, I post conversations from shows/rehearsals/theaters I've worked at.
I am also taking your submissions! Have a weird/unusual/funny interaction? Please send it in! Submissions are not just limited to text, either. Videos/pictures/sound are welcome as well, I just don't post those myself. Additionally, I work on a queue and tend to mass prep posts, so it may take a bit to pop up.
If you don't have things to send in, but you've got questions about smth or just want to say hi, I am pretty much always down to chat about theater and theater-adjacent stuff, either through asks or dms, just don't be weird about it. (If I am not cool with your message, I will not respond and you may be blocked)
I do my best to tag everything right when I post it, but am by no means perfect. If you think I've missed something (or I've horribly misspelled something) let me know. I also will not shut up in the tags lol, so check those for jokes/complaints/more context. If you'd like anything specifically tagged, send me a message :)
Tags I use are under the cut:
The Fun Ones
the struggles of being short: I am short. This comes up a lot.
backstage bois: inside joke from a running crew i was on
flannel saga: they're lesbians harold (series of related posts)
bring your child to work week: this six year old can run the board better than i can, now with more children!
yee yee kids: (series of related posts)
chicken saga: fried chicken?????? idk this was a thing for like a day but i got a couple quotes from it (series of related posts)
movie night: deeply moving films that backstage could not keep a straight face about (series of related posts)
don't worry! it all gets worse from here!: an organizational train wreck experienced vicariously
glow in the dark frisbee: if I leave before having played this I will be greatly upset (series of related posts)
swedish fish: fun facts out swedish fish that may or may not have been discovered fifteen minutes to curtain
the fun family business: anyone ever tell you theater is a family? yeah. we are the toddlers.
The Topic Ones - more specific areas of theater relating to the post
theater tech: any type of technical theater
stage management: bow before the all knowing stage managers
theatrical lighting: lights (also tagged 'lighting')
theatrical sound: the sound board and related things
lighting/sound design: used with the last two when relevant
foley artists: live sound effects, as opposed to the sound board (i'm open to other suggestions on this one. another not commonly used)
costuming: costume department!
theater class: quotes from classes as opposed to shows
the pit: quotes from the band
improv: pulled from improv scenes
acting: i started this blog with acting quotes and it only took me five years to give them a tag oops
props: props to these people I never work with oof
children's theater: things to do with children and theater and children in theaters
the box office: quotes from the box office
front of house: quotes from the folks on the other side of the curtain
choreography: dance! dance! we're falling apart to half-time!
directing: its the directors!
the scene shop: stuff from the scenic department
scenic construction: sub-tag of the scene shop for the build-y parts
scenic design: sub-tag for the design-y parts
special effects: its the magic bit (recent addition, not used super often)
pyrotechnics: sub-tag for pyrotechnic effects
haunted house time: haunted house events (not commonly used, as I am no longer at the theater that put this on)
The Generic Ones -
not a quote: not a quote
ask and ye shall receive: asks
[word] mention: warning tag for things. I try to err on the side of too much, but I may miss things (tagged: death, animal, food, violence)
[show title]: posts having to do with a particular show (tagged: Medea, Kochenderfer's Dracula, Midsummers Night Dream, Crimes of the Heart, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, Schoolhouse Rock Live!, Into the Woods, The Hobbit, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Godspell, Stupid Fucking Bird, Arsenic and Old Lace, A Little Night Music, Oedipus At Colonus, Wizard of Oz. Elf: The Musical, I will not be tagging this cats)
submission: what it says on the tin
reblog: yeah.
techblr, lxblr, smblr: hi folks!
The Old Ones - a lot of my older posts are tagged with these, but I don't typically use them now
costume crew
tech crew
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jimlingss · 5 years
The Colour of Our Voices [2]
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
➜ Words: 4.8k
➜ Genres: 98% Fluff, 2% Angst, Slice of Life, Broadway!AU
➜ Summary: He wasn’t supposed to hear. He wasn't supposed to know. But the instant Jimin came into your life and pulled the curtains back, you couldn't hide backstage anymore. You were no longer merely a phantom of the opera.
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There’s something about the spotlight that scares you.   It blinds your vision in a way where you can’t see the audience. They become a faceless crowd. Yet you can feel the weight of their eyes on you. It’s in the spotlight where you can’t see them, but they can see you — where you have all the attention as hordes of strangers wait for you to do something impressive, wait for you to do something that will amaze them.   The thought has your palms clammy.   In a day, you do small things. Nothing no one ever notices. Nothing that ever has any attention. You sweep, sing behind the curtain, go on coffee runs, paint sets, and work the lights. You don’t get to be on stage. But when everyone’s gone for the night and no one’s watching — you try.   Today, the lighting technician fiddled around with the lighting of the auditorium and left for the night, forgetting to switch it off. So you emerge from backstage, tugging yourself free from the curtains, trying to face the spotlight. You comfort your fears by reminding you that no one’s here to scrutinize and criticize you.   “Hello?” Your own voice echoes back to you. The stage might be small, but it resonates the sound of your tone. You clear your throat. “Think of me, think of me fondly when we've said goodbye.”   You sing timidly, shutting your eyes and bracing yourself. You try to imagine that you’re actually performing.   “Remember me, once in a while. Please promise me you'll try.” It’s been long since you’ve tried singing in the soprano range, and you wince when your voice cracks. But you keep your throat loose, removing the tension. “When you find that once again you long to take your heart back and be free. If you ever find a moment, spare a thought for m—”   There’s clapping. You’re startled to death, the note turning into a muffled scream as you stumble back. The boy at the top of the stairs in the auditorium stops at once, wide-eyed. “S-sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” His volume is so quiet, you can barely hear. “It was just so beautiful.”   “H-how’d you get in here?” You’re stiff, embarrassed that he caught you singing. You don’t know what your neighbour is doing here. It’s terribly awkward. Befuddling. But you suppose it would be better than the director finding you — he’d just laugh at your sad attempt and tell you to focus on sweeping.   “T-the door was open.” Jimin hitches his thumb over his shoulder, tilting his body. “I guess someone forgot to lock it. I was just stopping by...since this is where I’d love to be one day. I-uh...saw the show a week ago here. I wasn’t following you or anything. Not that I would ever. It was a coincidence. I didn’t mean to intrude, I’m so sorry.”   You nod slowly, swallowing hard. Your footsteps begin to shuffle backwards to go behind the curtain. But you’re halted when he pipes up with a piercing question.   “You’re the phantom, aren’t you?”   His voice resonates all around you, hugging your frame. You can’t avoid or pretend that you didn’t hear.   “What?” His quick-wit makes your blood run cold. You feel your face drain. He doesn’t respond, gazing at you from below the stage with an unreadable expression. You shake your head. “What makes you say that?”   “The fact that you’re here. And I heard you sing in your apartment. The…t-tone quality is the same.” He goes quieter and mumbles, “It’s not hard to put two and two together.”   You’ve been ousted.   You wanted acknowledgment but not in this form. “You can’t tell anyone.”   “I won’t!” He rushes to say at your concern and he lifts his palms. “Promise. I wouldn’t even know who to tell.”   You bob your head. “Thank you.”   You’re sure he has questions. Jimin smiles at you — genuine and sincere — in a way that doesn’t make you tense. So you grab your bag and coat, joining your new neighbor as you lock up and join his side in the bustling metropolis.   “So how’d you start with that gig? It’s really….”   “Pathetic?”   He smiles kindly at you. “I was going to say different.”   “The main actor for the Phantom production can’t sing very well, so they made me sing in his place. But I’m just an intern.”   “And you’re okay with that?” Jimin asks and explains, “You don’t get the credit for it.”   “It’s fine by me,” you say and frantically switch the topic. “Are you getting settled in well?”   “Yeah, it’s not too bad. I have a few more boxes left to unpack. I’m kind of procrastinating on it though. But for the most part, I got the furniture I need.”   “That’s good.” You’re trying your best to muster up small talk, and it’s surprisingly not as difficult as it usually is. You’re used to feeling uncomfortable around strangers, but maybe it helps that Jimin’s friendly, despite being awkward and constantly tripping over his own tongue. “You can let me know if I ever make too much noise or bother you with my singing. I’ll try to practice during the day.”   “Oh, it’s not a problem. Trust me. Your singing is really, really nice.”   Your face feels warm, shy under his attention. “Thanks…”   Jimin swallows hard — he doesn’t want to come on too strong like before, though he decides to spit it out. The question he’s been meaning to ask. “Will you teach me?”   You blink at him. “Pardon?”    “I know it’s a lot to ask,” he says, “I actually came here because it’s my dream to go on Broadway.” His gaze meets with yours, unknowing that the two of you share the same ambition. “I went through my local theater program and performed in community theater, but the director always told me that if I wanted to achieve my dream, I needed to improve my singing. So now I’m here.”   You’re overwhelmed.   It’s hard to say no, especially when you understand where he’s coming from, when you and him share more similarities than initially thought. But you don’t really want to say yes.   “Why don’t you hire a teacher?”   “I want to study from someone who I personally admire, not because they got a certificate to teach. I want someone I have a good connection with. Not that we have a good connection.” He quickly realizes the implication of his words and stumbles again. “Or a bad one. I mean….I just...really love your voice. I don’t even know how to describe it. But it would be an honour if you could teach me. I would try my hardest to learn.”   “I’ve never taught anyone,” you admit. “I don’t know how. And I don’t think I’d be very good.”   “It’s okay.” Jimin smiles into his rounded cheeks. “I’ll take whatever you’ll give me. I don’t mind.”   You shift uncomfortably, not sure what to say. “Ummm...I’ll...think about it…?”   “Okay!” He grins. You start to sweat.   //   You avoid Jimin entirely for the next week.    You book it to the stairwell in the morning, run when you come back home. When you see him and he says ‘hi’, you offer a smile and walk in the opposite direction. You don’t know how you’re going to word your rejection yet, especially with his persistence and determination.   So your surprise is insurmountable when on Monday morning, you see him in the basement of the studio.   “Hey, Y/N!”   “Wh-what are you…”   “Oh, I got hired here as an intern, just like you. It took a lot of persistence, but here I am! I think this is a good place where I can grow before deciding what my next move should be.”   You’re at a loss for words. But there’s no need to muster them up because—   “Interns!” The director shouts, interrupting the conversation. “You’re not here to chat. Go get the orders.”   “Yes, sir!” Jimin salutes, and then grins at you. Unfortunately, you can’t muster up laughter.   Was this guy out for your job or what…? You just don’t understand what could possibly be his ulterior motive. Perhaps he was angry that you hadn’t responded to his request and this is some kind of revenge plan. Maybe it’s a passive aggressive thing and he’s trying to take your job from you.   “Man, do you always have such long orders?”   Jimin takes a tray of drinks from your left hand, grabbing the heavy bag from your right hand. He holds it, alleviating the strain on your wrist without needing to be asked, and you mumble a word of gratitude.   Once the pair of you make it back, he helps you hand them out with a smile and positive attitude that’s overwhelming as it is infectious. He leaves the crew members smiling, actresses and actors with their brows raised in pleasant surprise.    “Thank you.” — “Thanks!” — “What’s your name again?”   He gleams. “I’m Park Jimin.”    “Intern! What’s this?!” The director suddenly approaches and sighs. You wince, preparing yourself when you can already see that expression on his face. “I said three vanilla lattes and four chai tea lattes. You got the order wrong!”   You bow your head. “S—”   But the apology never comes out.   You're interjected by the boy beside you. “But we didn’t get the order wrong.”    He frowns and you’re alarmed that he has the audacity to talk back to the director. But Jimin doesn’t seem intimidated and pulls out a folded piece of paper from his pocket. “You said and I quote, ten americanos, six hot and four iced, four vanilla lattes, three chai teas, six espressos, seven cappuccinos, and a green tea. I wrote it down. See?”   Jimin’s cheeks are pink, proud that he was so diligent.   The director opens his mouth, closes it, and clears his throat. “Well alright then—”   “Also, the company card didn’t work. It kept on getting denied, so we had to split the costs between ourselves. Here’s the receipt so you can reimburse us.” Jimin ends his spiel by flashing a bright smile.   You blink twice. Jimin was going to get fired right in front of you. On his first day too.   You’re more terrified than anything. But to your surprise, the director merely clears his throat and pulls out something from his wallet. He slaps a wad of cash at Jimin and then walks away in complete silence.   The director doesn’t apologize — Jimin laughs once he realizes.   “What?” He grins at you when he finds your incredulous expression, unable to stop his smile. “Why are you looking at me like that?”   “N-No reason…” You divert your eyes elsewhere.   It’s unbelievable. He’s amazing.   //   You’re working tirelessly, arms aching, and you still have half the studio left to sweep.   But then you notice Jimin humming and wearing a smile, carrying a broom too. He stops in front of you. “I already finished the rest, so after this section, we’re done.”   “O-oh.” It didn’t occur to you that with Jimin around, you’d be done twice as fast. “Thanks.”   “No problem. We’re in this together, right?”   “Right….”   //   “What’s this?”   You’re in the middle of repainting some cardboard, palms covered in splotches of blue, but you’ve paused as Jimin comes over with a cool water bottle, pressing it to the back of your hand to relieve your cramps.   “It’s water, silly. You weren’t looking good — I mean you always look good, wait, no, what I mean is you looked dehydrated. Can’t get sick, can you?”   “Thanks.”   Jimin smiles, and you suppose that maybe he’s not out for your job…   Otherwise, why would he be helping you so much? Unless this was his tactic to lower your guard. Or perhaps it’s more plausible that he’s trying to butter you up so you can teach him.   But you don’t get that either. Why go so far? You’re not even that great at singing.   //   While you munch on a ham sandwich, you consider that you’ve never liked ham much. You only eat it because it’s on sale so often, and you can’t really afford anything else…   Then your inner monologue is stopped as someone suddenly plops down across from you at the table. Jimin is humming as he pulls out his stack of tupperware, noodles and cut fruit, cantaloupes and strawberries, and a metal fork to use.   “Did you do anything fun last night?”   “Just...practiced and watched some T.V.”   “Oh? Are there any good shows on? I can never follow through with any series — I end up forgetting that I’m even watching them and then I never finish.”   Usually, you eat lunch by yourself in silence. You’ve never had someone keep you company before. Somehow, it’s not unpleasant. “Do you want some strawberries, Y/N?”   He pushes his tupperware towards you while your eyes flicker up to him. “Is it...okay?”   “Yeah, go ahead. By all means. I have a ton at home. I always end up with too much produce in my fridge anyways — it’s like I’m running my own grocery store.”   You grab one that’s been sliced meticulously. Jimin watches your reaction as you chew and you make a sound at the back of your throat. “It’s really good.”   A smile spreads into his cheeks. “I’ll make sure to bring some more for tomorrow then. You should try my noodles. It’s my mom’s recipe! I can’t say I make it half as good as she does, but it’s not bad.”   You’re too scared to call Jimin a friend. You don’t know if he’ll stick around long enough to forge a platonic relationship with you — and you’d rather not be disappointed. But you think this is what a friend is called.   //   It’s not only you that Jimin’s affected. Many others have taken an interest in him, particularly the females. One of them being Taeyeon.   “Jimin, right?”   “That’s me.” He points to himself proudly. “What do you need?”   She laughs, a cute sound bubbling from her throat, and she hits his arm gently. “Nothing, at least nothing yet. I just wanted to say hi since I’ve seen you around. When did you start this job?”   His lips are pouty as he thinks. “Around two weeks ago?”   “Oh, wow. I can’t believe I haven’t had a proper conversation with you then. We should grab din—”   At that exact moment, Jimin catches you walking by. He hadn’t seen you all day ever since the director sent you to the second floor to print a stack of scripts. He accidentally ignores everything Taeyeon’s asking him. “Oh, sorry I have to go.”   He dismisses the Broadway actress to flock to your side. She watches you offer him a small smile and she rolls her eyes, strutting off to ignore the sting of obvious rejection.   //   The routine naturally falls into place. It’s like clockwork day in and day out.    Jimin waits for you outside of his apartment every morning, leaning on the wall and smiling when you exit. He welcomes you warmly and joins you on the way to work, keeping you company while standing at the train platform. He helps you complete your tasks — sweeping, coffee runs, running errands on the director’s whims, painting sets, managing the lights. Jimin eats lunch with you as well, eagerly sharing his snacks and fruits. And when it’s time to clock out, he comes alongside.   On especially exhausting evenings, sleepiness gets the better of you on the train and Jimin notices when your head begins to bob. He always nudges you gently, taps his shoulder, and says—   “If you want, to use my shoulder, it’s okay to borrow it. I won’t mind, promise.”   You smile, shaking your head and rubbing your eyes. “No, it’s okay.”   He eases your stress and workload. Sometimes by simply accompanying you and other times, he stares — making you nervous as if there’s something on your face — and then he asks, “Are you tired?”   “Just a little.”   “Here, let me do it.”   Maybe it’s easy to read your face, or he knows you well enough now that he can tell your energy is low. But he aids and supports you. Even the director yells less nowadays at the improved work results and Jimin’s optimism that frequently renders him speechless.   You wonder if Jimin’s an angel who descended from the Heavens to make your life better, and you find yourself staring at him often too.   //   The curtains draw.   It’s typical for you to peek out and watch Seokjin recite his lines. His acting is mesmerizing as he dominates the attention, taking the stage for himself. But when the music begins in your headphones, you focus again and hold the mic close to your mouth, beginning to sing.   “You have come here in pursuit of your deepest urge. In pursuit of that wish which till now has been silent. Silent.”    Your voice draws out of you, deep in your chest and it warps into a lower baritone pitch. It emits from an expensive speaker taped into Seokjin’s clothes and he mouths the words perfectly like they’re his own.    “I have brought you. That our passions may fuse and merge. In your mind you've already succumbed to me. Dropped all defenses, completely succumbed to me.”   What’s even better about singing at such a safe pitch is that you don’t have to worry about your voice cracking against your will. The lower tone is safe, comfortable…   “Now you are here with me, no second thoughts. You've decided, decided….” Your timbre vibrates throughout your body. The violins echo your voice, following your tone. It’s a fun piece, thrilling, and a smile spreads into your face at the crescendo. “Past the point of no return. No backward glances….”   But it’s hard to sing this time around when you can feel someone’s piercing stare, their gaze heavy on your body. You open your eyes and it connects to Jimin’s. He’s the only one watching you in the entire auditorium, when it’s your voice ringing through the dazzled audience. Behind the curtain as it billows in the wind, his irises are pinned on yours as if he’s bewitched.   His focus makes you sweaty, palms clammy, but you sing anyhow.    When it’s over, he shakes his head slowly like he can’t believe it and a grin plasters into his face. Jimin hasn’t witnessed someone sing so passionately. “That…..was so beautiful.”   You’re embarrassed at his excessive praise, smiling softly. “Thank you.”   “No, seriously,” Jimin emphasizes. “That was breathtaking.”   The director suddenly barks at you, breaking the intimate moment and you go running. But Jimin’s gaze follows your form, excited for the shows coming up. He wants to take every chance to see you sing again.   The show eventually comes to a close and everyone holds hands to bow to the audience. You peek out from backstage to watch the curtains being brought down.    “Good job everyone as usual! Taeyeon, sweetheart, you’re delightful as usual.” Director Kang continues with his praise as the actresses playing minor roles flock to Taeyeon’s side, parading to the dressing rooms. “Kim Seokjin! I don’t know how we would pull this off without you!”   “You wouldn’t,” he grins and the other man bellows with laughter.   You don’t know why you haven’t given up inside. Why you haven’t accepted that this was the way it was going to be. But all you wish is for him to tell you that you’ve done a good job — maybe hand you an agent’s card and give you the referral you’ve wanted….   You wait as they come closer.   Your breath is held. Maybe today, you did a good enough job that he’ll acknowledge you.   But then the director walks past you like you’re a plant. Wallpape—   “Let’s be honest here, they wouldn’t be able to do it without you,” Jimin scoffs with his arms crossed, suddenly beside you.   “Jimin!” You call out in surprise, and he sighs, shaking his head.   “They’re missing out on the real star. Here.” He passes you a broomstick, one in his other hand, and he smiles mischievously. “Let’s clean up quickly and then go out and eat.”   “Eat?”   “I’ll treat you to dinner, anything you want. I saved up from this job, y’know. And the director always takes out the actors and actresses after a show. They should technically take you out too, but I’ll do the honours instead.”   You almost want to cry. But you bob your head instead, and it’s the fastest you’ve ever swept.   //   Jimin’s in the middle of stuffing his cheeks with steamed dumplings. His chopsticks are in the air as he makes grand gestures and angrily rants, “I just don’t understand. Why would they get someone like him if he can’t sing?”   “Well, he’s handsome.”   “Yeah, but so what? There’s plenty of handsome people out in the world.”   But Seokjin’s really handsome. Though you’re not in a place to defend his honour. Plus, Seokjin’s only ever acknowledged you when you accidentally gave him the wrong coffee order. “The director thinks that the only reason why people even go is because of Seokjin and Taeyeon.”   “What do you mean?”   “Well, we don’t get very good reviews. Taeyeon can’t sing either. She’s still better than Jin, but her songs are turned down a few pitches.”   “Yeah.” He frowns. “I noticed.”   “Phantom of the Opera should be really popular since it’s in the mainstream, and a lot of people know about it. We should be selling out every show.” You dip your fried dumpling into the sauce and throw it into your mouth. “But we’re not. We have terrible funding and management and the terrible reviews make advertising useless.” You list out the thousands of problems, sharing the industry secrets over the table. “I don’t know how they divide their finances, but we never make a profit.”   “Never?”   You shake your head. “Not enough people come. I don’t know why the show goes on year round, and it has really sporadic dates too. We’ve never been on tour either because of the bad funding.”   “Huh.”   “We’re in the basement for a reason.” You point out and you can physically see the enlightenment on his face. It all makes sense. “Most people don’t know there’s even a basement. The elevator doesn’t go down there. We have to take the stairs.”   You continue, “So naturally, the director believes that the only reason people even go to the show is because of Seokjin and Taeyeon. They have gorgeous faces, don’t you think so?”   “I guess….but is that really enough to keep the show running?”   You shrug. “Don’t underestimate people’s superficiality.”   “Broadway is supposed to be about talent.”   “Not always.” You hate to shoot down his idealistic views of what it’s like to be here, especially when you were once wide-eyed and hopeful as well. But it’s the cold, hard truth. You should be happy to even have a job — it’s a privilege. “No matter what, Director Kang has to keep them on board. Even Raoul’s role is replaceable. But if he loses Seokjin and Taeyeon, then it’s all over. He has nothing left working for him.”   Jimin rolls his tongue in his cheek. He goes quiet and eats until he finishes another plate of four and puts it on top of the stack that’s been building on the small, square table. “Why are you still there? They treat you badly,” he points out all the facts like you had, “you have to be Seokjin’s voice and you don’t get acknowledged for it all.”   “Well I can’t be acknowledged. It’s supposed to be a secret.”   Not many people know — not the audience, not the critics. The crew members don’t care enough to spread rumours since no one pays much mind to the Phantom production in the first place. But it still shouldn't be exposed out there that the main actor has a ghost singer.   It might be the last nail in the coffin to shut down the whole show.   You don’t want to be held responsible for such a thing.   Jimin sighs. “Seokjin’s face is useless if he can’t sing properly.”   “Seokjin’s is a good actor. He makes a good Phantom.”   “But that defeats the purpose if he can’t sing. He shouldn’t be on Broadway,” Jimin criticizes. “The whole production team owes you — you’re the reason that the show can even keep running.”   You smile, appreciating the sentiment but… “They could easily replace me if they wanted to.”   People can replace voices. They can’t replace a well-known face.   Though Jimin seems to adamantly disagree and even bitterly scoffs. “No, they can’t. There’s not a voice like yours out there. You’re amazing. Even if they did replace you, you’d probably be accepted into a production with a role on stage right away.”   He eats another dumpling, not paying much mind to your reaction. He says it so casually like it’s the blatant truth and you feel your face go warm. You try your best not to take it too much to heart. After all, Jimin’s probably buttering you up to get what he wants.   You mull over the thought and it expands, putting pressure inside your head. The silence suffocates you, and you lower your gaze away from the brunette boy who’s rather talented in sweet-talking.   “I don’t know how to teach you how to sing, so...you shouldn’t be so nice to me, Jimin….I don’t want to waste your time any more than I already have…I appreciate it….but your time is better spent elsewhere. Not on me.”   “What?” His eyes are rounded, cheeks full. He swallows it all down painfully in one go. Jimin takes the fragments of your sentences and puts two and two together. “Wait. You think I’m doing this because I’m trying to bribe you?!”   He’s offended and you begin to retract. “Well….”   “I’m insulted.” Jimin puts down his chopsticks, but isn’t too angered or upset. He softens when he sees your expression twist into distress at the misunderstanding and turns playful to lessen the strain in the air. “You really think I would go this far to try to convince you? I’ll be honest, I became an intern here because you were one and I thought I could persuade you, but I gave up after the second day. You already told me no, so I was planning on looking for someone else.”   “Oh.”   “I wouldn’t help you out with so many things if I didn’t actually like you, Y/N,” Jimin explains with a gentle smile, “I wouldn’t be making coffee runs nine in the morning, painting candle stands, coming with you to and from work, and eat lunch with you all to try to get something different out of it. I’m just not that sort of person.”   “Sorry. I didn’t….”   “And here I thought we were becoming friends.”   “We are,” you shout instinctively. People in the restaurant turn and he laughs at your embarrassment. The confrontation makes you quickly realize that he is in fact genuine and you were rude enough to be suspicious of his intentions. You’ve wrongfully accused him, slandering his name in your mind. You don’t even know where to begin with the apologies. But Jimin doesn’t take them, he merely shrugs and gets across the point he’s been trying to make.   “I just think you deserve some recognition, Y/N. It’s not too much for you to ask.”   You nod. The words sink in. They’re not heavy on the shoulders — they make you feel light, like you’re soaring through the sky. It’s hard not to get emotional, to prevent the thick lump in your throat, to stop your eyes from stinging in the middle of the cozy restaurant.   It’s all you’ve wanted to hear, yet he said it so simply, syllables slipping off his tongue as his truths. He means it, and you allow the sincerity to reach you instead of deflecting.   “I’m….a strict teacher.” You exhale a shaky breath, meeting his gaze. “My aunt taught me how to sing and she was strict, so that’s the only way I know how to teach. If you’ll...still take me as your teacher.”   He smiles, his eyes crinkling. It gives him a boyish look as his teeth peeks out, cheeks becoming even rounder, his brunette hair covering his forehead. You don’t make mention of the soy sauce stain on the corner of his plump lips. “As long as you don’t think I’m using our friendship. I wouldn’t want you to think I’m taking advantage of you.”   You giggle and Jimin decides he likes the sound of that. “Don’t worry, I won’t. You should be more concerned about if you’ll be able to handle my teaching. You might not even want to be my friend anymore after we’re done.”   “You can’t run me off that easily, Miss,” Jimin assures and points his chopsticks at you. “I’ll always want to be your friend.”
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Victory and Peace
Scorpia's kingdom is rebuilt and hosts the first celebrations of peace.
Ships: Adora/Catra, Bow/Glimmer, Perfuma/Scorpia, Entrapta/Hordak, Mermista/Sea Hawk 
It has been a year since they defeated Prime. A year of rebuilding, planning, and most importantly, freely exploring themselves. The crew, or as Bow would call them “The Best Friend Squad” had finished rebuilding most of Etheria, and identified the planets that needed help. They were ready to go after the celebrations of the one-year anniversary of the Rebellion’s victory.
It has been a year since they defeated Prime. A year of rebuilding, planning, and most importantly, freely exploring themselves. The crew, or as Bow would call them “The Best Friend Squad” had finished rebuilding most of Etheria, and identified the planets that needed help. They were ready to go after the celebrations of the one-year anniversary of the Rebellion’s victory.
They decided that the annual celebrations would take place in different kingdoms each year. And because Scorpia’s kingdom was rebuilt, that’s where the festival would take place. People of all kingdoms traveled to the old "Fright Zone".
Adora was wearing the long white dress from her vision with golden shoes to match her hairpiece. Glimmer had it made after Adora told her about it. She also had a matching jacket made for Catra. Perfuma made Melog a flower crown from daisies. Scorpia was showing the members of the Rebellion around her castle.
"What is she going to name it?" Adora asked her girlfriend. She had been asking Catra what was going to be the kingdom's name every day since she heard about the change.
"I'm not telling you, Adora. It's a surprise, remember?" Catra responded.
"But I want to know." she pouted.
Catra held Adora's hand, "You are going to know, very soon."
Catra, Entrapta, and Perfuma had helped Scorpia redesign her kingdom. They picked red as the kingdom's main color, with black and white complementing it. They repurposed most of the metal buildings with new coats of paint covering the ugly green color, turned smaller ones into houses, and larger ones into factories.
They opened large windows and decorated them with thin white curtains. They changed the throne room quite a lot, to get rid of its gloomy atmosphere, they gave it an open-ceiling so that the sun itself was the main source of light at day and stars became scenery at night. They put the throne at floor level because Scorpia did not feel comfortable looking down at her people, especially since those people were going to be ex-Horde members who worked very hard for the rebuilding of the kingdom.
“It is so beautiful now.” Adora was enchanted by everything. She could not help with the construction because she could not stand being in the Fright Zone so this was the first time she saw it in months, “It doesn’t look like the Fright Zone, even a little bit.”
Scorpia overheard them, “Well, it’s because it isn’t the Fright Zone anymore. Right, Catra?”
Catra agreed.
The castle was in the center of the houses and shared the kingdom’s color scheme. They walked out of the small castle to see the beautiful vegetation, some formed by She-ra a year ago and some planted by Perfuma. The Black Garnet was at the center of the castle’s garden, instead of being hidden in the building. Everywhere was decorated with rainbow colors, star-shaped ornaments, and different types of flowers. There was so much food that Adora could not believe her eyes. People from all around Etheria arrived and Scorpia took the stage, “Hello, everyone. I’m Scorpia, well, Princess Scorpia. And it is an honor to be your host today. First of all, happy one-year anniversary of the Rebellion’s victory and the peace it brought, may your sacrifices be honored.”
Everybody clapped and she continued, “When we decided to rebuild the Fright Zone, I realized that the most important thing we had to change about this place was what it reminded of people. I think we reached that goal because nobody can say that this place looks like the Fright Zone anymore. That is why I wanted to give it a new name as well.” the crowd cheered.
“The feeling that we needed the most in this fight was hope. And even in peace times, we need hope. That’s why this is now called the Kingdom of Hope, to remind all of us that we can change for the better if we don’t lose hope.” Scorpia smiled, “Now, please, have fun!”
The festival started and the upbeat music persuaded everyone to dance. Even Hordak and Entrapta were dancing to the tune. Entrapta seemed really happy, this was the first time Hordak was allowed to something like this. After she had done her part at Scorpia’s kingdom, she went to Beast Island with Hordak to clean it up and uncover its mysteries. They still had a lot to do but Entrapta was happy to be around so much First Ones’ tech. She had plans for using all the knowledge she gathered to build a new spaceship.
Catra watched Mermista ask Sea Hawk to dance “to show him affection for this one time of year” and laughed at how she blushed and groaned when he got overly excited. Glimmer and Bow were a little more restrained than the rest because of her position as the queen while Scorpia and Perfuma were dancing with joy. Catra had never seen Scorpia this happy before.
Catra took Adora’s hand, “I bet I can beat you to the dance floor.”
They laughed and rushed to the dance floor. Adora looked beautiful in her floor-length white dress, could not help but imagine a different type of celebration. Adora interrupted her thoughts, “You guys have done a wonderful job here. I wish I could help at the time.”
“To quote you, this was ‘a place full of bad memories’ and we did okay without She-ra. You don’t have to help everyone.” Catra responded.
Adora smiled, “You’re right.”
“I always am.”
“Bold statement for someone who fought against her girlfriend for years.”
“Shut up.” Catra laughed. She was happy that jokes like these did not hurt her anymore. She still struggled but she had been getting better. Their communication was getting better. When something bothered them, they knew they should not hold it in and that they should just say it.
After they got tired of dancing, they sat down next to Micah and Frosta as Netossa and Spinnerella left their seats to dance.
“You’re leaving tomorrow, ha?” Micah asked.
“Yeah,” Adora replied. She looked at Glimmer who finally seemed to let go and have fun, “Are you worried about her?”
“No, she’ll have you two and Bow. I know you’ll do everything to keep one another safe.” he took a breath, “I’ll just miss her, you know?”
“Thank you, we'll miss you too." Adora smiled, "She’s lucky to have you as a dad, Micah.” Catra nodded in agreement.
“Well, just remember I’m here for you two as well.” Micah replied, then turned to Frosta, “And you.” Frosta pretended to not care but could not hide her smile, “Are you too old for the dance floor or not?” she grinned.
Adora watched everyone dance. The loud music, the familiar but different place, the friendly faces, and the yellowish bubbly beverage that was served made her feel light-headed, so she put her head on Catra’s shoulders. She took Adora’s hand and brushed her knuckles. Adora closed her eyes to Catra’s whispered “I love you.” and soft purring.
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ukulelecal · 6 years
On Broadway
In which you’re a part of the Broadway production, Hamilton, and Calum surprises you after your show.
Warnings: just fluff
Pairing: Calum Hood x Reader
Requested By: Anonymous
“ok like something w calum where you’re on broadway in hamilton (just bc that’s my SHOW BITCH but it could be any show ahsjns) and he comes to see it and visit u bc he’s on tour either alone or with the rest of the guys and he visits u after and it’s just like pure fluff“
A/N: can you tell i know nothing about hamilton or broadway or anything
Requests are OPEN!
*Gif not mine*
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A beaming smile took over your face as you stood on stage with the rest of the cast of Hamilton. Your eyes looked over the large audience, all of them standing from their seats and applauding. Everyone looked happy, in awe of the incredibly talented cast you were lucky enough to be a part of. Although you performed the show nearly every night, it never failed to give you an unbeatable rush of adrenaline, and make you feel immense pride that you had the opportunity to be included in something so special.
You all took your final bows, waving and grinning at the crowd in appreciation, before the curtain shut. Everyone made their way off the stage, and the people in the theatre started to head for the door. The cast all exchanged hugs and congratulations on yet another successful show as you walked to the dressing rooms; this was one of your favorite parts of being on Broadway. You all were very close and loved each other a lot, and you shared a mutual feeling of gratitude and excitement for the opportunity you were all given.
Upon your arrival to the dressing room, you quickly changed out of your costume and into your regular clothes, then plopped yourself onto your chair in front of the brightly lit mirror. You fixed up your hair to look a little more casual, and decided to just leave the stage makeup on until you got to your apartment. Frankly, you were pretty excited to get out and go home. Calum, your boyfriend, happened to be in town, just for a couple of nights, on tour. You offered to get him tickets to see your show the night he didn’t have one of his own, but he sadly had to decline. He was doing promo all day and couldn’t make it in time, was what he told you when you asked. You wished he could have seen it, seen all the effort and practice you and everyone else put in to making the Hamilton production come to life, but you didn’t want to get too down over it. He was always extremely supportive of your career, and you of his, and you knew he would have been there if he could. Besides, he was staying with you in your shared apartment during his time in the city, so it wasn’t like you didn’t get to see him at all. You missed each other dearly, having not been together for quite a few months since he left to go on tour, and you were thankful you could be with him, even just for a couple nights.
You just slung your bag over your shoulder, getting ready to head out, when one of your castmates tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around, grinning.
“Hey,” you greeted, adjusting the bag.
“There’s someone here to see you; one of the guys from lights told me to let you know. They’re by the side door,” she said, a sly smirk on her face. The smug expression made you slightly concerned,  but nonetheless, you were curious to find out exactly who this surprise visitor was. You nodded in response, eyebrows slightly raised.
“Okay, thanks for telling me,” you said, giving her another grin. She shot you a wink before walking away, leaving even more confused and more intrigued than before. Why would she be winking and smirking like that? There was a certain person in the back of your mind that you were hoping it was, but it seemed unlikely. He was busy. The only way to find out the truth was to go to the side door, so that’s where you took off to.
You left the dressing room and weaved through the backstage area, exchanging final goodbyes and kudos with other cast and crew members that were also on their way out. When you got out of the winding hallways and onto the main floor, you snuck around to the side door, instead of the back where you usually exited the theatre.
There was a security guard standing there, like there was at every door. He gave you a nod, and pulled open the large metal door for you. You uttered a thank you to the man, scurrying past him outside into the air that had definitely cooled off since you first arrived at the theatre hours ago. Your eyes scanned the area, searching for whoever was there to see you.
It was kind of hard to see in the dark evening, but you recognized him as soon as you laid eyes on him. Calum was standing there, despite that he told you he couldn’t make it, with three other guys that you recognized to be Michael, Ashton and Luke. The fact that he told you he wouldn’t be there, but here he was, hardly even crossed your mind. He was here, and that’s what currently mattered.
“Cal!” You exclaimed, immediately dropping your duffel bag on the ground. You took off running the short distance towards him, and he opened his arms wide. There were bright smiles on both of your faces, making your eyes crinkle in pure joy. You threw your arms around him and he gladly returned the gesture. Your head was buried in his chest while he rested his head in the crook of your neck, pulling you as close as humanly possible to him. It had been far too long since you’d seen each other, and this very hug was what you had been waiting for since he first left for tour months ago.
“I missed you so much,” Calum mumbled, hands finding the ends of your hair and gently tangling his fingers in it.
“I missed you, too,” you said softly, gripping the back of his shirt as if he was going to disappear forever if you let go. He was home.
You eventually pulled away from the hug, and he left his hands on your waist while you kept yours locked around his neck. You couldn’t stop smiling, and neither could he; he was the best surprise visitor you could have asked for.
“Did you see the show?” You asked, hope lacing your voice. Your first thought was that his promo ended a little early, but not early enough to make it in time, and just waited outside for you, but it was possible that he saw it. But how would he have gotten tickets so late?
Calum nodded, and your smile grew bigger, if that was even possible. His eyes twinkled at the sight of you, glowing and fresh off the Broadway stage. He frequently found himself questioning how he got so lucky to have someone like you.
“I wouldn’t miss it, baby,” he mumbled, moving one hand to run it down the back of your head. “And you were absolutely amazing. Everyone was cheering for you.”
You felt your cheeks go hot, but you still had no idea how he made it to the show, and you were dying to know.
“But what about your promo? H-How did...how did you…” you trailed off, eyebrows furrowing as you tried to piece everything together. Calum chuckled, shaking his head softly at you.
“We finished promo earlier this afternoon. I’ve had tickets for tonight for months, and I just told you I couldn’t come so I could surprise you,” he explained, a mischievous look on his face. Your mouth formed an ‘o’ shape as everything finally came together in your mind. The realization quickly turned to adoration, and you were back to smiling like an idiot. He really went out of his way to surprise you and come see you. You were more than happy that he got to see the performance.
“Thank you,” you muttered sheepishly. Calum raised one shoulder in response, and leaned his head down to capture your lips in a blissful kiss. You contentedly kissed him back, moving your mouth against his with grace.
The kiss came to a stop when one of the boys cleared his throat. You had completely forgotten they were standing there, too lost in reuniting with your boyfriend to notice. You pulled away from Calum, rushing over to the boys you had become close friends with over the course of your relationship with Cal.
“Sorry,” you apologized, giving each one a quick hug. “Got a little distracted.”
They laughed in response, shaking their heads and complimenting you on the show. You eventually made your way back to Calum, leaning into his side as he wrapped his arm around your waist.
“We’ll drop you guys off at your place and then we’ll head to the hotel, sound good?” Luke offered, flipping the car keys in his hand. You shook your head, gesturing to the other side of the parking lot, where cast and crew parked.
“I’ve got my car,” you answered, shrugging. “You guys go, Calum can come with me.”
They nodded, not having even thought of you having your own car there.
“We’ll see you around, then!” Ashton cheered, grinning.
“Thanks so much for coming!” You said sincerely, waving at the boys as they walked off towards wherever Luke was parked. You then lead Calum to your car, you hopping in the driver’s seat while he took shotgun, and you tossed your bag into the backseat.
The ride back to your apartment was comfortably quiet. The radio played softly in the background as you drove, one hand on the steering wheel while the other held Calum’s hand in the middle. You didn’t need to talk; finally being together was enough.
When you approached the apartment building, you climbed out of the car, still, without a word. That’s just how it was with Calum, sometimes. Quiet. And you were okay with that. You grabbed your bag from the back and met him on the other side of the car, lacing your fingers with his.
You walked into the building and stepped into the elevator. You rested your head on Calum’s shoulder as you stood in the elevator, the adrenaline rush wearing off and the exhaustion starting to hit you.
When you finally made it to your apartment, you dramatically threw your arms out as you walked in.
“Welcome home, babe,” you announced, turning around to face him. He laughed, his beautiful laugh that never failed to make you swoon, and took a step towards you. His hands cupped your cheeks, giving you one quick, tender kiss on the forehead.
“Want to have a late dinner?” He asked softly, caressing your cheek with his thumb. You nodded in response.
“Let me just take all this makeup off, and I’m down. Pick something out.”
He grinned, kissing your forehead once more before letting go of your face, and you made your way to the bathroom. You fished your package of makeup wipes out of your bag, pulling one out and scrubbing all the makeup off. You would definitely need to wash your face later, but this was good enough for now.
You walked out of the bathroom to find Calum leaning against the kitchen counter, phone to his ear. Based on him asking for pepperoni and spinach, you could assume he was ordering a pizza. Sounded good to you. You made your way over to him, wrapping your arms around his torso and leaning your head against his chest. He put his free arm around your waist, still holding his phone to his ear with the other.
“Thank you. Bye,” he finished the order, sticking his phone back in his pocket and wrapping his other arm around you.
“I really am glad you came,” you mumbled, glancing up at him. “It means a lot that you could see the show.”
“And I’m glad I got to come. You’re so fuckin’ talented, Y/N,” he whispered in awe, a cheesy smile tugging on his lips. You smiled back, overjoyed.
“So you liked the show?”
“Loved it.”
You buried your head back into his chest, relishing in having him home. Suddenly, a thought popped into your head, and your eyes went wide.
“Wait, what about your concert tomorrow? I have a performance, but I wanted to come see you,” you blurted out, looking up at him again. Your eyes were wide, eyebrows furrowed.
Calum shook his head, gently rubbing his hand over your back.
“Don’t worry about it, baby, you’ve come to see my shows before. You can’t miss your performance,” he answered softly. As much as he loved it when you came to see him perform, he knew that you’d have other chances to in the future, and you needed to go to your own show. He never wanted you to put off your career for his own.
You shook your head frantically, guilt washing over you.
“You came to see me, Cal...I have to go,” you mumbled, reaching into your back pocket for your phone. “I’ll see if my understudy can-”
“Y/N,” he cut you off, pulling your hand away from your phone. “I don’t want you to miss your performance to come to the concert. You can come to another one in the future, okay? It’s fine, I promise.”
You sighed, mulling it over in your head. Although you knew you were going to feel guilty about it for the next week, you knew he was right. Seeing you in Hamilton was more of a one chance type of thing for him with his schedule, but he’d play plenty more concerts in the future for you to attend.
“Okay,” you mumbled in defeat, giving in to him. He kissed your cheek, and put his hands on your waist to hoist you onto the counter with a smirk.
“Now let’s make up for lost time, yeah?”
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thewildheroine · 6 years
The Flower Collection
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Warnings: Cleaning wounds
Word Count: 2935
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
A/N: This was just meant to be a quick little free write I started in my free time during school so I’m sorry if it is a little choppy or cheesy. I just decided to post it to test out the picture thing above and also since I didn’t write anything else today. Speaking of the picture thing really quick I’m thinking of doing that instead of gifs because trying to find just the right gif to go with a story is hard and I prefer the collage much more. If anyone dislikes it just let me know! Anyways enjoy the one-shot (and sorry once again if it is very crappy quality)!
For some of the most important occasions in my life for the past half a decade, Peter was there with a flower.
Five years ago, as I was walking down the street, staring absentmindedly at my phone I ran into him. Despite the hard collision we were both still standing. The only thing that had fallen at that moment was my phone, which I would later find out was hopelessly broken. I gaped while staring up at him dumbfoundedly, unable to disconnect my hands from his sturdy shoulders. He stared down at me as well and I could see the thin sheen of sweat on his velvety skin.
Peter smiled awkwardly, muttering an apology. He mixed his words together and it took him three tries to get, “I’m sorry,” right.
When he offered to walk me home I shyly agreed. Even though I should have been lamenting about my ruined phone and how my parents would react, I was completely focused on Peter. It’s hard to find boys like him in Queens. Ones who would happily make sure you got home safely in spite of the fact that he seemed to be rushing to get somewhere too.  
We carried on a calm conversation, discussing how we both went to the same school and had somehow never managed to meet, though I did begin recognizing him by the time we were almost to my front yard. However, I did remember Ned when he mentioned him. It was mainly because we were in two of the same classes and usually worked as partners on projects.
Right before I stepped towards my driveway Peter stopped my foot, suddenly yanking me backward. He leaned down and picked up a weathered and limp carnation that must have been ripped out of our front garden earlier. I studied him curiously as he looked the flower over. His kind fingers gently pushed at one of the peals, making it perk up the smallest bit.
“Uh,” he laughed, realizing he had spent a whole minute staring at the white flower while I patiently waited to say goodbye. “Here you go. I know you can’t do anything with it now but-”
“No, it’s totally okay. I can put it in a vase, maybe try to save it for a little bit,” I told Peter reassuringly and let him place the carnation in my hand. “Let's call it a nice to meet you gift,” I giggled flatly at myself, automatically feeling stupid because of the unnecessary comment. Peter beamed at me though, and it diffused my anxiousness a little.
“Yeah,” he chuckled back and extended his hand towards me. I took it reluctantly. “Nice to meet you,” he recites. I nodded my head demurely as I turned back to my house, quietly saying goodbye.
One of the next, most memorable times he gave me a flower is at my first high school play.
I had played one of the main characters regardless of my fear of performing in front of hundreds of people, and it was because of Peter. By that time in our relationship, we had both become each other’s best friend and Peter was dedicated to encouraging me to do the things I wanted to do. He even sat with me for hours on end, practicing my dramatic lines. At times I almost thought he got even more into the acting than me.
Then we had reached the final show, and as I stepped up to the front of the stage to bow, the bright spotlights lighting up my face, I saw him in the midst of the cheering crowd, holding a bouquet of dahlias. Our eyes stayed on each other the whole time and I let a bright smile take up the entirety of my face. I reached for the hand of the person next to me and bowed eloquently, just like how Peter and I practiced the week before.
As the stage lights blacked out and the curtain closed I sprinted through the backstage area, ignoring the requests of one of the managers to take out my microphone. I burst through the doors and into the hallway that was already crowded with the parents of the actors and crew. They all held flowers, but my eyes were searching for the cotton candy ones Peter had been holding. It took me a second to adjust to the number of people until my eyes landed on him.
Peter stood at the edge of the hoard, grinning up proudly at me as I jogged towards him and lept into his open arms. We laughed together excitedly, our hearts filled up to the brim with joy. After a moment of enjoying each other’s embrace, I broke away from the hug and set my feet flat on the ground. The hair on top of my head had gotten a little messy then but I couldn’t care less. I watched blush bloom across Peter’s cheeks and I realized how lucky I was that I had a thick layer of stage makeup on to cover the flurry of pink roses appearing on my own face.
“Thank you, Peter,” I said. “They’re beautiful.”
“You deserve them Y/N,” he asserts in an especially soft way. “You were incredible up there. I loved watching every moment.” I didn’t realize I was gaping up at him until it was too late, and I had to cast my eyes downward so I could compose myself again.
“Well-uh-I better go and get changed,” I inform him. “You wouldn’t mind holding onto the flowers while I do that, would you? And we can go to dinner later?” He nodded and quickly took the flowers from my hands.
As I walked off into the dressing rooms I ran a hair through my stiff hair, pushing through the mousse so that it wouldn’t look so rigid later. I had to keep my head parallel with the ground to hide my wide smile. In my right hand was a thin, light pink pedal of a dahlia. Silently, I took another peek at it and tucked the small thing into the pocket of my jacket where it would be safe for the time being.
Yet another time Peter Parker gave me a flower was at dinner that night.
Our waiter sat us at a table with a miniature glass bottle that held three branches of lavender. It made the quiet, streetside diner seem brighter somehow. My eyes were stuck on them as I ate and talked with Peter who continued complimenting me on my acting. The only time I really shifted my focus away from them is when I heard Peter whisper something shocking.
“You’re just stunning Y/N.” I looked up from the purple flowers quickly, wanting to immediately verify if he had really said that. Just one look and I knew he meant it. His eyes were on mine as he slid his hand across the table and placed it on my own. I let my mouth open for a second, wondering if I should say anything. It snapped shut just as quickly as it opened though and I waited patiently to see what Peter did next.
My heart beat fast while he leaned across the table and all of the sudden I realized I was drawn to him almost as if he is was a magnet. Without my permission my own body began moving on its own accord, placing my hands on the table so that I don’t lose my balance. Not refusing the pull I take a deep breath and let myself get closer to him. When I’m close enough I instinctively shut my eyes. Right before our lips connected though I heard the little bottle holding the lavender fall over and Peter moved back immediately as he cleaned up the mess.
He winced frustratedly while keeping his eyes away from my own and used his napkin to wipe up the water. I grimaced and dropped my eyes to see none other than the stem of lavender I was looking at earlier.
Some of the little flowers had fallen off, making a perfect outline. I smiled contently down at it. A piece of me wanted to pick it up and hide it in my jacket, along with the dahlia pedal. The side of me that wins though is the one that says to be patient and see what it does, like the lavender can move around on its own.
“I’m sorry Y/N,” Peter murmured and went to pick up the last flower. I feel the urge to reach out for it and place it in the exact same spot as before but I stay seated. He held onto it though, not putting it back into the vase. I watched Peter, enamored by him again and began wishing that the vase hadn’t been there. Had it even been moved an inch over his mouth would’ve found my own and we would’ve shared our first kiss
All of the sudden, like he was reading my thoughts, Peter flew forward, planting his lips on my own with absolutely no warning. It was easy to melt into it, however. My hand went up to the side of his face and I adoringly felt the soft skin of his cheek. We stayed connected for what felt like forever, only it was the sort of forever I would’ve been gladly willing to get lost in.
Before he separated from me Peter tucked the lavender stem into my hair and that night I slept with it in my hands so that it could be pressed against my heart.
Last year Peter gave me a single red rose. It was my very first apology flower that was ever given to me.
The day before I had discovered he was the Spider-Man despite how much he tried to refute it. I’m sure he would’ve told me on his own sooner or later. I would’ve have preferred it that way.
At the time we had been together for two years and I was hopelessly in love with him. I was getting scared for him though. He came to school having to hide purple and yellow bruises, barely keeping his head up, and limping through the hallways. I knew May couldn’t have been doing any of this. They adore each other. Flash definitely couldn’t have been the culprit. He knew how to talk but he’d never ever make any of those threats true.
That left only the idea of Peter getting mixed up with the wrong people in my mind. All that week I tried to pull it out of him. I suggested the idea to try and get a reaction, but every time his face was just as tired and blank as usual. Ned gave me absolutely no good insight either. Soon enough he was distancing himself from me and I began to fear that he may leave me more than he already had.
Then one night he appeared outside of my window, bloody and barely able to walk. When I threw up the latches and slid the window open he fell into my room. I had to patch him up that night, and when I was forced to take off his hoodie, even though he tried to refuse me in his weak state, I saw the suit. Everything came to me at that moment. How he would disappear during our dates without so much as a word and then come to school the next day, tired and suffering. Or how insufferable he’d be on days something big went down in Queens.
I continued cleaning his cuts, only this time I worked silently. Every peep that came out of his mouth was ignored, and right when I knew he would be okay I stood up, opened the window, and told him he needed to leave.
Peter got to his feet slowly, zipped up his jacket with the crimson stains blossoming even after I made sure he wasn’t bleeding, and came close to me, giving me insistent apology after insistent apology, begging that I forgive him for not telling me. I looked at him for a moment and then I saw the suit which forced my head to look away from Peter again. I frowned numbly and shook my head.
“I told you to go Peter.” He lifted his hand to my face but I swerved out of the way of its touch. Finally, getting the message, Peter went through my window and disappeared into the cold night air. I took a sharp breath when I thought he was gone, one I felt was long delayed, and collapsed to the ground to weep. Without the comfort of his arms anymore I pulled my legs up to my shaking chest. Only did I stop crying when I fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up to a single red rose lying right in front of my face. I stared at it, confused and worried that someone had come into my house through the window I left open obliviously. My fingers slithered like snakes across the hardwood and wrapped my hand around the flower’s stem, wincing when I felt a lonely thorn puncture my skin.
“Y/N,” I heard Peter say and turned around to face him, setting down the rose on my floor gently. He was seated on the edge of my window, still in his Spider-Man suit with the mask in his hand. I stood slowly, hesitant to even talk to him after the night before.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked him, not wanting to get within a three-foot radius of him for the time being.
“I’m so sorry-”
“I don’t want an apology,” I asserted to him with anger boiling up in my throat. “I want and deserve a reason. I’m your girlfriend Peter and, I’m sorry, but I feel like I have a right to know about these things.” Tears stung my eyes but I managed to keep my aggressive glare. Peter stared at me solemnly for a moment before looking down at the mask he was clinging to desperately.
“I was scared,” he confessed to me. “I wanted to tell you so bad Y/N, but there’s something that looms over my head every day. The more you know about this part of me, the superhero I hide from the world, the more danger you’re in and I can’t lose you Y/N. I couldn’t imagine waking up in the morning, knowing that you’re not apart of this world. Or looking at a flower without feeling sick.” Peter took a deep breath and wrung his hands nervously. “I’m in love with you Y/N.” I listened to his explanation attentively and once he was done my arms dropped limply to my sides. Peter’s frightened eyes stayed on me as I walked towards him.
I wasn’t angry anymore; I was actually the opposite. In my head, I couldn’t help but think how terrible a fate it is to be afraid of telling someone something so important because it may just hurt them.
My fingers effortlessly flowed into the back of his hairline and I hugged his head against my chest. Peter seemed to stall for a moment, so to let him know I wasn’t mad anymore I kissed the top of his head. He promptly relaxed. His hands ran across my waist and his fingers trickled past the hem of my loose shirt while they skimmed across my spine and Peter pulled me even closer to him
The rose he gave me that day remained on my desk for a whole two months before I hid the flower somewhere the hardened red pedals wouldn’t break so easily.
All these flowers and the many more that Peter gave me aren’t eternal though. Sooner or later each of them dried up, and to try and keep them around for as long as possible I crushed the pedals and stored them in a bottle like relatives will store the ashes of their loved ones in urns. Now I have a dozen of them lined along a shelf in my house. If I were to look close enough I may be able to identify where each colored speck originated from and the memory it holds.
Today, however, Peter gives me my very first immortal flower. The stem is a small golden hoop, meant to stay around my finger for the rest of time itself and the pedals are made of diamonds that sparkle beautifully in the sunlight. The vines secure the flower in place so that I know I will never be forced to lose any part of this gift.
Peter holds this one different from the other flowers as well. Instead of it being in a bouquet or tied with a ribbon or even just plainly plucked from the cement, it is in a little wooden box and Peter is down on one knee, waiting anxiously for an answer. In his eyes is all the hope in the world, trapped in a sea of sweet, warm honey brown that glimmers just as brilliantly as the gemstones in the sun. While I gape down at him I understand the purpose of all the flowers before.
They were all meant to be preparation for this one. The most infinite and precious flower in the world which Peter has offered me. It is meant to tie it all together; from every soft pedal and hurtful thorn, every sweet smelling perfume and snapping stem… from every eternal memory to the ephemeral flakes of my long dead flowers. All I need to do to embrace the everlasting bouquet Peter has offered me in the form of his love is to say one word.
I smile and lean down, pressing a kiss to his forehead and whispering the word into his skin. “Yes.”
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ornament-of-rhyme · 7 years
Anderperry fic - Sap But True
Summary: On nights like these, if only for that short time, his life was absolutely perfect.
Notes: Smut. Todd Anderson/Neil Perry. Post-Welton. I’m serious it’s sappy as hell.
A/N: Better late than never, right? Have a sinking feeling about the quality of it, to be honest. Something just doesn’t feel right...But hopefully someone gets some enjoyment out of it! I love this fandom. You guys are fantastic!
You can also read this on AO3!
The velvet red curtains fell together, and Neil let out a deep, fulfilling sigh. With a broad smile, he flitted around to congratulate his castmates, patting them on the back or passing out hugs.
“Wanna go get a drink with us?” Jessie asked over the chatter. Kay was at her side, stony as usual. Already, the latter had shrugged off her role's heavy coat and abandoned it somewhere.
“Thanks, but I've got a date.” When Jessie rolled her eyes, his pep remained obstinate. He returned the taunt with a wrinkle of his nose.
Glancing into the wing, Neil zeroed in on said date.
Todd was there, out of the way but noticeable. He had his jacket draped over his arm, and his hair was swept to the side like he had been running his fingers through it. It was a nervous tick he had. That, and the blinking. For the first time, Neil wondered if his stress over the show had been impacting Todd as well.
“I'd go wipe that makeup off your face before Danny mistakes you for a lady,” said Kay, straight-faced.
Neil grimaced. Danny was creepy to anyone of any gender, but his particular brand of sleaze was directed at all beings wearing makeup, it seemed. There was a rumor going around that he was the one who stole that mannequin head a few weeks back.
Strolling off stage, he called back, “Talk to you later.”
“Call me!” Jessie commanded at his back.
Todd's eyes were on him the whole time, and a fond little smirk quirked his mouth. Giddy with the heady success, the joy in the air, Neil loped over to the blonde.
“My dearest Toddrick,” he greeted. Gallantly, he took up Todd's hand, bowed, and stamped a kiss on the knuckle.
“You were fantastic,” Todd told him. “I told you you could pull it off. Everyone was raving when the curtains closed.”
“I'll have to thank them,” said Neil, releasing the hand in his.
Briefly, Todd's brow furrowed as he looked down at his knuckle. “You got lipstick on me.”
Neil grinned and shrugged. “Oops.” Then he made for the dressing room, but not before smacking a kiss onto Todd's cheek, leaving a puckered purple lipstick stain behind. “I'll go clean it off.”
He heard Todd's unimpressed snort behind him.
ϟ ϟ ϟ
Some time after the play was dedicated to wrapping up with the cast and crew, and then to visiting with others, but eventually Neil was back in his own clothes and out in the crisp night air. With Todd at his side, they set for home, which was only a few blocks away.
Slick with hour old rain, the road glittered under the street lamps. Petrichor was on the breeze, instilling a strange and familiar heartache, but it was beautiful in its way. After shows, he found the smallest things would trigger the feeling, leaving him in a kind of rapture. His life, if only for that short time, was absolutely perfect.
Now, he looked over at his partner with that thrill in his heart. Todd looked back curiously.
“I can see it,” the blonde said.
Neil grinned at him, then the deep sapphire sky. “If only you could feel it with me.”
Todd bumped elbows with him, drawing his eyes back down. Only half of his face could be seen from Neil's angle, but he seemed to mirror the look the actor felt on his own face. “It rubs off on me,” Todd said to the ground. “You shine so bright, it's impossible to avoid the radiation.”
There was the poet in him, Neil thought. Weaving words, even so few, into a charming sentiment. Each time it happened, Neil found himself falling just a little more in love with him. And each time, it surprised him; he didn't know there was any further to fall.
Soon they crossed the empty street, coming upon a fenced off field. Nearly home.
It was here that Neil caved to the pressure in his chest. He backed Todd against the chain link fence until their breath mingled. Todd went willingly, even grasping the open sides of Neil's coat. The dark shadow of a fence post fell across one half of his face.
Neil curled his fingers into the cold wire, effectively caging the other in. Stray raindrops slithered down his palm and under his sleeves, chilly but ignored. It took everything in him not to close the gap between them. Especially at the challenge Todd's eyes leveled at him, humor in their depths, as though expecting him to cave to the tension.
But they didn't do that. Not here. Not out in the open, exposed to the judgments of others. It was a near thing, though. Not just in this instant, but many before. Sometimes they were so wrapped up in each other, they forgot to mind themselves until the last minute. Neil wished he could forget--or better yet: that he didn't have to worry at all. Todd was such a temptation, besotted as Neil was with him. It amazed him that the other man didn't seem to know this, even after these last few years. It wasn't until Todd's eyes crinkled at the corners that he realized he had been staring into them. "You seem lost," Todd commented. Neil easily slipped back into the moment. "You do that to me.”
A light laugh. “Sorry.”
“No, it's great. I love it.” Neil pushed off of the fence, pulling back. “Shall we?”
Despite his pulling away, the tension in the air did not dissipate. In fact, it only seemed to strengthen, as they devolved into playful shoving and, eventually, a race. They dashed down the sidewalk, each trying to overtake the other before they reached their stoop. Neil could have crowed into the night, overjoyed as he was, but settled for echoing Todd's unbridled laughter.
This was what they lived for. The two of them grew into adulthood side by side, taking on the challenges of becoming men of their own, but each able to lean against the other. All the while, they learned how to keep themselves sane; keep them young at heart, unjaded by the world's oppressive demands. They often explored the boundless art of getting safely lost in the here and now together, as lovers and friends and brothers in mind.
Of course, their neighbors didn't understand that. They shushed each other as they passed Mr. Jay's door.
Trotting up the steps, Todd bit back his laughter as best he could, and Neil aimed for something similar, but somewhere, almost distantly in the rush of their race, he could still hear himself snickering.
Ultimately he forgot to pay attention to who won. Todd unlocked the door and they poured inside.
Before the door could latch again, Neil had the other man spun around and crowded against the wall beside it. He toed the door shut.
Todd laughed at his enthusiasm, but still beat him to the kiss. Neil's hand rose to cup Todd's cheek reverently. They stood there in a timeless embrace, lips meeting lazily, then fevered, and back again. It was quickly becoming apparent where they were headed as their hips rocked together.
It took more effort than he would have liked to drag his mouth away from Todd's. He settled for easing out of it by pecking on a few softer, more chaste kisses like appeasements or apologies for the parting.
It was almost worth it when he could focus on Todd's face. There was a flush high on his cheeks, a lustful haze to his eye, and his lips came away red from the activity.
“What?” Todd asked, the only sound but for their faint panting.
Neil couldn't look away, not even down to consider the sight of their hips hitched together, and the sudden tightness of their pants. But they were not to be ignored. He leaned back into Todd, dropping a kiss on the square of his bare jaw.
“I want inside you,” Neil breathed at last.
Just as usual, Todd seemed almost embarrassed by the insinuation, but said, “I—I want you inside of me.”
Neil rolled his hips against Todd's once more and stepped away to discard his coat and shoes. Todd did the same before disappearing into the bedroom. All too eager, Neil followed.
He couldn't keep his hands to himself as Todd began to undress, holding the blonde by the hips and pressing into his back. Todd chuckled and elbowed him a few times, because apparently Neil's body right up against his wasn't conducive to taking off his shirt and undershirt.
“You still have some makeup on, you know,” Todd said.
Lost in the act of nosing at the fine hairs on the back of Todd's neck, Neil didn't process the words right away. Once they got through to him, he dropped his forehead against the spot on which he'd been lavishing attention. Then he made for the bathroom down the hall.
“I’m on it. You get ready for me,” he said.
“Someone's impatient,” teased Todd without looking back.
“Oh ho ho, don't pretend like you don't feel the same.”
This made the man laugh outright, but he didn't disagree.
ϟ ϟ ϟ
“Neil!” Todd cried from the other room. Dropping the towel, Neil hurried across the hall, only to find Todd sprawled out on the bed, bare and writhing around the fingers he was using to prepare himself. Before he could ask what was the matter, Todd's head lolled his way and he panted, “Hurry.”
Darting back into the bathroom to ensure the effectiveness of his cleaning job, he turned off the sink and returned to the bedroom, tearing at and tossing off his clothes as swift as possible. Nude, he knelt onto the bed, crawling over Todd, who had since turned to lay on his chest.
Neil asked, “Did you grab a—“
“Don't worry about it. Just—please—“
“Someone's impatient,” he echoed Todd's earlier jest.
“S'your fault.”
“Hmm. Strangely, I don't regret it.” Then, cutting himself off, Neil curled closer to his partner, guiding his cock into Todd's familiar body to sink slowly inside. He held his breath and savored every second off it.
A shiver wracked Todd, straight into the noise that shook from him as Neil filled him. Once seated they lay together, soaking in one another's heat as their breathing reached an apparent synchrony. Falling together, but not, as they were taught in that life-changing year of school, to lose individuality so much as to treasure the bond between them.
One of Todd's hands slid across the quilt to tangle his smooth fingers with Neil's. He took this as his okay to keep going.
Neil lifted himself from limning Todd's back and pulled away from his root within Todd, an agonizingly slow process, until his cock was only just inside the tight ring of muscle and he could feel his hips straining with the effort to still.
Todd squeezed his hand; the real go-ahead. Neil pushed back in, starting just as slow for the first several thrusts until they were at a fluid pace. Neil's lips found Todd's shoulder blades, kissing and teasing at the warm peach-fuzz there.
Often, Todd locked much of his pleasured sounds behind his teeth, concerned for their reputation among the neighbors. It robbed both of them from the full, carefree experience they knew was just out of reach, but Neil tended not to press Todd to relax his fears on the matter anymore. By now he knew that he wouldn't be able to convince him to let it go.
That was why, when Todd let loose a low, open-mouthed groan, Neil felt a spike of affectionate thrill. He quickened his pace in response, longing to hear more.
Eyes fluttering closed—the beautiful kind of flutter that came when Neil touched him, rather than that which anxiety provoked—Todd pressed back, meeting his movements with shallow ones of his own.
That was when, in the yellow lamplight, Neil glimpsed the dark purple smudge across the other's cheekbone. For a stunning instant, he thought it was a bruise. But then his impish kiss backstage returned to mind.
Against the blonde's ear, Neil murmured, “There's some lipstick on your cheek.”
Todd scoffed and reached up to scrub at his cheek, but Neil beat him there to instead mouth at the smudge. He settled for blindly brushing his fingers over Neil's jaw. “I couldn't see if I got it all off.”
“Next time I have my own dressing room,” Neil said with a languid roll of his hips, “I'll have you against the vanity. Then you'll see everything.”
He got a moan in response. Quiet, but infused with equal satisfaction in the fantasy.
After that, Todd switched positions to lie on his back. He grasped at Neil by the waist and actually continued to voice the sounds of his ecstasy. Coveting the noises, Neil gave all he could. Anything to please his partner.
Finally, with a shutter, Todd cried out. Neil lovingly stroked the blonde's cock as he came, allowing the come to drip over his knuckles. In a few more thrusts, he was burying his face in Todd's neck as he hastily pulled out and followed over the edge.
When he could see through the blissful daze, he hurried to clean the mess, insisting the blonde stay put so he could hurry back and lie with him without the chore nettling. Todd held up the blankets for him when he arrived, making it a smoother transition for Neil to wrap around him as soon as he slipped under the blankets.
“The perfect night,” he sighed.
Todd nodded. “Yeah, you did fantastic in the play. Steven did make it, by the way,” he said. “As soon as it was over he had to leave for a meeting or something. But he said you were great!”
“You think if Meeks wrote a good review, it would convince father to come to one of my shows?”
“As long as Charlie doesn't write another one. I don't think anything could be worse than that.” Todd turned to face him, seeming thoughtful. “Someday we have to find out what was in that letter.”
“It's probably cinders by now.”
Todd hummed, frowning.
“But tonight isn't just perfect because the show went well,” Neil said, drawing the other out of his thoughts. “Getting to come home with you sure made it better. You know how many of my castmates and crew members complain about having empty relationships with their lovers, or no lovers at all? And here I am, blessed with Todd Anderson.”
Todd started laughing so hard he choked.
When the laughing-coughing fit petered out, Todd said to Neil's puckish grin, “You could be a tree, you're so sappy.”
“Then I am a foxglove tree in autumn, raining my heart leaves down upon thee.” Neil eagerly watched the bewildered expression fall over Todd's face.
“That was kind of repulsive.”
“I'll leave the poetry to you, then.” Neil noticed he was near enough to nuzzle at Todd's beautifully sculpted cheek.
“How about...” Todd stared though the ceiling as he puzzled. “God must be real, as only He could write a poem so divine as you.”
Blush came over Neil, filling him with such infatuation that he couldn't help pressing his face into the side of Todd's head and giggling like the ridiculous kid he was when they met.
“I love you, Todd Anderson,” he said.
“I'm all yours, Neil Perry.”
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hEren looked himself in the mirror than back to Kristine who was taking picture of his profile. He was so used to it that he posed himself to show off her fantastic skills. Who would have thought that wearing a red g-sting could be this comfortable between his ass cheek. Cocking his hip higher and tugging the veil to the side lightly to show the pattern. He gave her a wide sensual look and every once in a while he threw in a smile.  Once she was satisfied of dolling him up she went to work on Armin who actually tried to get away.
Armin never did get far and since he was suppose to get use to this outfit he walked around with it on. After tonight show is over they’ll be on the road as soon as everything was put away so enjoyed this time to himself. Especially since his old man said they were going to some country called Reverie.   
“If anything they are just some small ass country who prefer to be closed off from the world.” Eren sigh, “I’m positive he’s up to something totally unreasonable otherwise we wouldn’t be skipping so many cities and capital for some island.”
Eren walked on to the stage when he was spoken to he would smile brightly and greet them back he also told them that their hard work is truly appreciated. He just hope his loser dad don’t forget to pay their workers if he’s gonna use all their fund on this so called road trip. Since they were busy tuning things up he got of stage and went out back on his way to the clearing he saw Ria practicing in an outfit similar to his that he joined her.
Ria gave him a warm smile and he returned the smile with a warm one of his own. He was glad she was getting used to him once he knows where she began he moved with her with practice ease. “Have you thought about what to do next for the one thousand and ones night?”
Ria body flow like water while his was all innocently pure and sensual grace “I have. Although I won’t know for sure until the audition has passed and our role’s been announced.” Eren nodded his head that is true, “I’m aiming for one of the leading role how about you?”
Ria giggles “I’m also aiming for one of the few leading role in this story as well. I really like the way the changed this story. Instead of the king killing every woman he marries. It’ll be just a bad rumor and no one would know what he truly looks like and that he’s a good male and in the end they live happily ever together. Plus one of the main characters have twins sibling so I’m pretty sure Marco and Marcus would secured the main character siblings easily. They have that big brother vibe you know.”
Eren laughs “Yeah, it’s like that role is meant for them. Although I prefer they appear more.” As the two talked animatedly about the new story line they couldn’t help but, get carried away.
“Since this is Erena we are talking about we know she wants to throw in something sexual in there.” Eren spoke aloud, “Kiss is one thing....sex is another and there’s always kids in the audience.”
Ria blushed quiet a bit, “At least they turn her down when it comes to late night showing....”
The taller brunet laughed out loud and before you know it Marco and Marcus joined in on the action and a little while later Jean came by too and with everyone catch him up to date of what they were laughing and hooting about. 
“Ahh, well didn’t she sell the uncensored version to the older ladies and teen? She made quite a profit of it especially when it’s about one of us.”
Now that shut them up and a second later they were pulling Jean clothes and shaking him to obtain more information about it. Ria had a much worser effect on Jean since he threw up a second later.
“Awh, Ria... you gotta better control your strength sometimes...” Eren pat her on the back while the twins stroke Jean back as he crouch over a bare patch of grass.
“I’m sorry, Jean.”
A few moments later Jean sat up and glance back “It’s fine and you can find it online under her pen name....”
Marco gave Jean a side hug and Marcus was nice to do the same to the other side and giving him a gentle squeeze. Before they got to close to his face he pushed their face away “Don’t kiss me....even if it’s on the cheek or forehead....I smell like puke and my lunch ratio is on the ground....”
Eren giggles, “I’ll make something for you when the majority of the people are asleep.”
Jean sighs but, took the handkerchief that was offer to him to wipe his mouth when he stood he was a bit wobbly so the twins took him back to their share tent to get cleaned up and for him to brush his teeth and gurgle like crazy with mouth wash.
Ria apologies again and Jean waved back “I’m fine, Ria.... not the first time you shook me like a rag doll....doubt this one will be the last..” Eren giggles but, Ria bowed a few times in forgiveness until Eren placed his hand at the middle of her back.
“You’re fine, Ria if you like you can help me make something easy for him to digest when the show’s over and everyone will be packing things up to go to our next destination.” His gentle tone made Ria smile that she nodded her head quickly in response.
“Great, I’ll come get you when it’s time is that okay?” Eren asked, naturally Ria nodded her head in response again that she heard.
Eren rubbed the top of her head and that just made Ria smile widen even more, the two talked some more and when some of crews needed help they were their to give them a helping hand. By the time they were done the show would start in seven hours so some took naps and have lunch three hours before curtain call.
For the whole week they had nothing but great reviews and comments and the ring master told them their next destination was Reverie. So those who wanted to go see them must reserve tickets. The ticket master will let them know when an area is sold out or when the show was totally booked for that day.
Naturally people cheered enthusiastically that they’ll come see them again some day or some day soon and Eren and the rest of the troupe is eager to perform for them again.
As soon as the show ended they started breaking down tents after tends and loading their gears and equipment's in trunks and the erotic life back to their homes. Since they haven’t liked the idea of putting them in cages they did everything to make them comfortable like pillows, toys, food, beds, et cetera.
With in a day and a half they were back on the road heading to France so they could take a boat across the island. When they make stops they practice or stretch their limbs more freely, eat and or play before getting back on the road again. It was like that for a couple of days but, once on the boat everyone can stretch their limbs including the wild life that was under Udup and Eren’s control. Udup has affinity over wild life but, when it comes to a certain lioness she’s more aggressive than the other due to the bond of Eren being her baby. So it’s usually Eren who takes care of her and in return she babies him and teach him other things he may or may not know which was a lot.
A few days later and they showed their passport they stepped on Reverie soil for the first time while some others may have been there before. Everyone traveled to a spot that was prep ahead of time and they began to set up camps again. Everyone helped just so they can have some free time and explore and buy some sort of gits and take it with them or send it back to their love ones. Since Eren doesn’t have any place he called home he usually treat everyone in their troupe as family and since they were family it was his home. And he was quite happy with everyone as the troupe as family.
If they finish early they can have a few days of exploring the shop and getting some practice in. And the day before opening they will rest so they can be fresh and preppy when curtain calls.  
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