#the story begins / post wkm
liarinlife · 4 years
from here [ @blueheartedmayor ]:
Oh, Damien. Forever a prince among men, regardless of the era. Mark falls victim to the responding smile that slips over his face, wry and playfully sheepish, after his callout. He ducks his head with a laugh, raising his hands in surrender. ( Scheming can wait, he supposes, just for a while. )
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“ Very well, you caught me, ” he laughs, and flashes the Mayor his easiest smile ( tugging on the puppet strings some more ), promptly stretching with a sigh. “ I’ll admit it has been a while since I took some time just to relax. And besides — I’m killing two birds with one stone if it means you take a break too. ”
Three birds with one stone because he can spend more time with his puppet, four birds because being with Damien is enough for him to pretend the past never really did happen — how many birds could one stone kill before it’s a massacre ?
( One death, two deaths, three, four, five deaths caused by one bullet — how many more deaths until he escapes the past? )
Shrugging on his suit jacket and letting his worries slip from his shoulders like blood, Mark recollects himself, and feigns casual friendliness.
Or maybe it’s not so feigned anymore. Performance and reality blur together so easily nowadays.
“ You always have the best ideas, my friend! Let’s combat our mutual exhaustion with some coffee and a catch up. The chance to think about anything other than work is just what I need, really. ”
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canceltheact · 2 years
Space Trailer Glitches Day 3: Time and Degradation
DAY 3! And with the law of threes, we can see that this IS a pattern and that this mutilation of the Space trailer is gonna act as like a countdown. Today had a number of changes, so let's hop right in!
First off, we've got NEW FOOTAGE replacing old ones - this right dapper robot sporting a detective hat and a trench coat shooting at what is to be presumed Mark and us - could this be a connection to the WMW detective parallels in the trailer too? Hmm...
What else is interesting is the CODE today - translating it from Caesar once again we get KRONOS and D A AND ST HERO. The fact that we get a DA mention is very interesting in how it confirms that the DA from WKM is YN, but also Kronos. Not only is Kronos a parallel to Saturn (more planets), but Kronos is also a god of time. And connecting both Kronos and Saturn, famous for its rings, this could be an allusion to the TIME LOOP characters like Abe the detective were in and that we ARE in, mirroring the phrase that are played throughout this clip, "Everything has to end", signifying that we are to BREAK that time loop.
Other than that big chunk, we've noticed there are two things people haven't picked up on. First off, the glitch at the beginning is VERY telling - as it shows the ship's view of the earth, it glitches to being just...empty. Just an empty control panel with nothing outside except...the void. Implying that this is an illusion inside the story dimension...and that it is quickly falling apart.
Even the thumbnail from yesterday's ask post from Spade has FURTHER degraded, with a choppier background and Mark's eyes a touch more red, hammering home that the story dimension is basically just cracking apart.
And that's not to even to MENTION the glitchy "Have you set a reminder" in the stream chat. Mark and the team are pulling NO PUNCHES, and we couldn't be happier.
HOO BOY. If this is just day 3, things are gonna get even more hectic. Hold onto your hats, theorists. Your...fedoras, even.
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ariminiria · 2 years
Okay, as promised, here is the theory:
I have reason to believe that Engineer Mark is NOT the Actor. I have no solid proof for who he is, other than some wild guesses, but my theory of who he isn’t stems from this amazing theory by @oswinunknown​ that suggests that ISWM is a choose-your-own that has been designed by Darkiplier rather than the Actor. You should definitely go read it, because this theory is the basis of what I’m about to propose, and actually touches on it in Section 1.3!
This post will contain spoilers for all of In Space With Markiplier. You have been warned!
Working off of this theory that Dark is indeed in charge of ISWM, the pieces begin to fall into place.
The timeline of the choose-your-owns can definitely get confusing at times. My personal preferred order is:
WKM -> WMW -> Damien -> Markiplier TV -> AHWM -> ADWM
You may be asking, “Where does Space fall on this list? (And what does this have to do with Engineer’s identity?)” Just bear with me for now.
I believe that ISWM is after ADWM in this lineup.
“But Ari, Warfstache just made our interview appointment! That means AHWM is up next in the timeline!”
Allow me to focus on the minutiae of it all for just a moment and I’ll clarify.
If you’ll notice, Wil also tells us not to focus so much on when said interview is happening... could be in the past, could be in the future!
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Now you say, “Okay, but that could still be in the future, Wil technically didn’t clarify...”
Which is true, BUT... Allow me to present this:
We recognize Yancy. Not just the other way around.
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Just look at our accusatory point! That’s clearly a “You! Yancy! It’s you!” gesture.
This means that we have been through AHWM and know who Yancy is. Therefore, although Warfstache hasn’t done the interview yet, we’ve already been through it. Timey wimey stuff! It’s a Doctor/River Song situation.
Now, I’m gonna shift gears here, but bear with me, and remember this for later!
The Actor
We know who the Actor is. He stole poor Damien’s body and led to the creation of Darkiplier (and our subsequent removal from our own body). He’s the one who led us through Date and Heist. He also popped up in Damien, to taunt said title character with the fact that he needs a villain.
Because he wants to be the hero of his story. Simple as that.
And we see this consistently throughout Heist and Date. Yes, we make the decisions, but ultimately, we are guided along by Mark or an Ego at our side the whole way. He has a compulsive need to be involved in the story. He is in the spotlight and we are the sidekick along for the ride.
But in ISWM... we’re the hero. And we lose Mark. A LOT. We even spend some time fighting against him. But it’s odd that we’re left alone by him at all, when you think about it.
Another thing - think about Actor’s ego (not the character kind). I personally do not believe that that man would ever apologize or take responsibility for anything. Mark, real YouTuber Mark, has said before that Actor doesn’t even think he’s done anything wrong.
That feeds into why he comes to Damien to ask him to be the villain. He really thinks that Damien will just go along with it, because of course he will! Actor is giving him the chance to be apart of something, why wouldn’t he be ecstatic?!
Now, see here the moment of realization, when the Engineer suddenly understands that it was his fault all along:
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This is the face of a man who is capable of recognizing his actions and their impacts on others, and regretting what he has done - aka, not the Actor.
There is a case to be made that perhaps spending an eternity playing the “hero” role actually got to him and made him care, but I don’t see the Actor being so dedicated to the role - especially a role that involves selflessly saving others instead of just his own skin - that he would continue to go through all of that pain just for a part.
So who is he? Again, I don’t know for certain. I just have theories. But, I have a feeling I know where he came from. Which brings us to...
Every time we’ve encountered Darkiplier, there has been a recurring theme: The lack of choice.
At the very beginning, he used the images of Celine and Damien to trick us into letting him in. Of course, we had a choice, Celine reassured us. But, of course, we only had one way to get back to the world of the living. Not really much of a choice, huh?
We next see Dark in Heist, going by my order from earlier. He appears to us and talks at us the whole time, never giving us an opportunity to even talk back. Then, instead of giving us a choice at all, he boots us back to the beginning to do it all over again.
Finally, he crashes our date.
Now here, he claims he’s going to give us four whole choices! More than Actor ever gave to us... But only one of those choices can actually propel the story forward, the others are false ends. Not to mention, the original plan, according to YouTuber Mark, was to have all four links be to the same video.
Now, Dark says he is “tired of giving people a choice”. Then comes the scene in the real world where we pick one to shoot and go on to an ice cream ending. But that leads us to ISWM. Remember, our earlier deducing places ISWM next in the lineup.
And think about it - ISWM was no real choice. We all went into Part 1 expecting the same thing we got from Date and Heist, but what we got was a single ending. Again, Part 2 rebooted the universe and we expected to finally find some numbered endings! But no... there’s just one ending. The choices are a bottleneck that lead to the same place in the end.
Remember, this is Dark’s puppet show, and he is tired of giving people a choice, so just like in Date, he gives us the illusion that we have all these options, all these possibilities, but really... there’s only one path that we can ever go down.
Now, finally... The end credit scene.
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The crystal on the ground. The tip of Dark’s shoe. The hand. The ring. The IMPRESSIVELY controlled aura.
“So much trouble... all for something so small.”
An echo of the line from Heist. Perhaps trying to point us to the fact that the box also had a warp crystal, but I think it has a deeper meaning.
The trouble he refers to is the whole of ISWM as a choose-your-own. It was a lot of trouble for Dark to have to step into the storyteller mantle, the puppet master role that Actor usually fills... all so he could get that crystal. Why? Who knows. Maybe it will be answered in the next project. But it’s clear that Dark served as the operator of this adventure, and he didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as Actor does.
So that leaves us with the lad this whole theory is about. Dark is in charge of ISWM, as we’ve established, and he wouldn’t want Actor messing up his plans - so there’s no way he would let him in as a character.
So, my theories on the possible identity?
Engineer could either be what Dark thinks we want from Actor Mark (as shown in Date, where he passed as Mark by acting far more sympathetic to us in the Chocolate Ending), or what Dark himself wishes Actor could be - perhaps a shred of memory from Damien and Celine of the friend they used to know, before the House twisted him. In either of these options, I see this as Dark, or some piece of him being apart of the adventure in the same way that Actor usually is.
Or... Perhaps Engineer is an Ego made by Darkiplier, which interestingly, puts Dark into a similar playing field as Actor. If Actor is guilty of creating and abandoning Egos like toys, well... now Dark is guilty of the same thing. Although, an argument could be made that at least Dark gives Egos (both Mark’s and his own) happy endings - Yancy is up to apply for parole, whereas the Actor made him never want to be free, and Engineer, Dark’s Ego, gets to be saved from his own mistakes and start a new life on the planet with us.
Maybe I’m right, maybe I’m wrong. To me, the evidence says that Engineer is not Actor, but maybe Mark (actual Mark lol) will completely blast this theory to smithereens in the livestream on Sunday and I’ll look silly for putting in this much thought and effort lol.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading this whole thing! Keep at it, Lore Hunters, let’s see what we can find.
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forget-mad-not · 2 years
warning: long post rambling about the MCU (Markiplier Connected Universe) lore, mainly in terms of storytelling techniques and dramaturgy. I had to write this down because my brain kept spiraling on informations and theories. It's gibberish and it's totally okay to disagree with anything, in fact, I'm curious to see other perspectives, just be kind, please. :"3
The key to the conclusion of Who Killed Markiplier? is character development. And I don't think we're done with that.
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(screenshot from DAMIEN)
(and Dark uses they/them in this post)
I wondered why some people think that the end of ISWM - Part II would have brought the WKM? era to an end. Why do many feel that, yes, this is the final stage of that series?
I've come to the conclusion that it's because (Engineer/Actor) Mark's apology was a way of confronting a flaw the character had from the beginning, a flaw that had set the disasters in motion, that had harmed others, and by admitting that flaw, he was taking a step to evolve himself, to (maybe) become a better version of himself.
(I know, there's debate about how sincere that was, I have my doubts about it too.)
And that is wonderful. But.
It doesn't mean that this is the complete solution to the WKM? storyline. It's just a step towards it. (Not to mention that this admission and apology was made in an environment that was created because of those things he apologized for in the first place. It fits the theme.)
Actor also has a long way to go before that origin story can come to a satisfying end, and he is not the only character in this story, of course.
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And then let me talk a little about Darkiplier, because it is mainly because of them that I feel there is still something to talk about and tell this story.
The only point of development for Dark's character was when Damien was given a bittersweet choice and he took it: he decided to play into Actor's little world and become his main villain.
Cool. And they've done nothing more since. After such a decision, the satisfying step might be for Dark/Damien to become an active doer in a story of which he has been a passive participant since the events of Who Killed Markiplier? (As he says in DAMIEN: he's tired of being a pawn in other people's games.)
In comparison... They haven't done much.
Of course, maintaining passivity could be an active choice, but it would take the character in strange circles... over and over again... That they're still here...
(I know, this could be explained by the rules of the frame story, that everything is a story, Actor's forte. The extent to which Dark is actively involved in Actor's stories and to what extent they are driving Actor's point home with that must also be taken into account, but for the sake of sanity, we'll ignore this metanarrative for now.)
And so, as Space loops back to Heist, Dark's character is stuck (for now), they continues to become nothing more than their backstory. (I have a teeny tiny suspicion that Mark as a writer might not have an idea what to do with them, and I can understand that, it's a very roundabout plot setup. The time loop and the rewriting of the lore in a retrospective way doesn't help much with that anyway.)
In order for the conclusion of the WKM? era to be sufficiently complete, Dark also needs to undergo some kind of character development to free them from their passivity, and that hasn't happened yet.
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(I'm not talking about Wilford because I think he's doing just fine. Obviously, one could talk about how... khm... "healthy" ways he's processing his traumas, or even recovering from them, but Wilford himself - his conciousness anyway - has already done that in WAIA, we've heard his accelerated thought process on things, so... Yeah.)
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The point is, there are still elements to process and work through to get to the end of this story.
For example, just an idea... Now that (Actor) Mark has apologized to us, admitting (some of) his mistakes, this action may be able to put Dark in a truly evil-ish "arch-villain" position. Imagine: there is Mark who has made mistakes in the past, and by admitting them, seems to want to learn from the past, want to become a better person. To this, Dark has their (justifiable) sense of justice, that a small apology is not enough. And that can very quickly turn into a very familiar situation: a blind, all-consuming desire for revenge. When they want their justice so badly that they don't even realise it, they're doing as much damage as Mark did to them, in the same way, out of the same emotional motivation. (It would take the character in strange circles... This situation over and over and over again...)
It's an interesting dynamic, who we can morally do right by, who we can help, and why we should do it at all.
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TLDR; there's more to talk about on Who Killed Markiplier? and the main conflict of it. Whether we will talk about it again... we'll see.
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janus-stanus · 2 years
final (final) iswm thoughts/ramblings: everything has to begin
some thoughts following on from my dark post from sunday and this one from last night, still largely about dark, dorene, and celine, mostly copy-pasted from my discord dms with my brother :)
[re: the "celine and dorene are echoes of each other" post] damien is likely also an echo of dorene (or an echo of both her and engineer, who were getting pretty similar in their old age anyway) so, when celine and damien fuse into dark... they're kind of just becoming dorene again. except that damien takes charge. and also the manor entity is there fucking shit up, in a more direct way than the wormhole did.
...and, also... we're there. ...maybe that can be the justification for why damien kicks us out. because, once he's in the driver's seat as dark, he realizes that he and celine together are already "whole", that we're not supposed to be there.
1 becomes 2. 2 becomes 1.
and ALSO, that means... when dorene "quotes" damien by saying "life is ours to choose"... is that technically her originating it? is she the reason damien says it? did mark turn this phrase into a fucking paradox in itself?! (see also: "I can't remember the last time I slept") (which is also, just, me. lol.)
AND, AND, in my dark post that popped off, i left in the question of why dark doesn't seem in interfere in space. maybe that's partly because he just doesn't want to get involved in all that high fatality time loop nonsense... but maybe he also recognizes that eliminating the "prime mark" would be a grandfather paradox.
after all, if that mark can't go through his own paradox and cause the universe to split off, then the wkm-verse wouldn't exist. and while dark, like warf, exists outside of the rules of physics, that's a risk/rule he won't take/break.
still leaves the question of why actor!mark seemingly hasn't been fully, uh, "dealt with" like celine asked for, but i feel like that's something that might come up again in the future.
now, one last thing about dorene and celine:
you know the voiceover dorene has in part 2 in the cryo room?
"do you think she had the right idea, captain? did she give up, or did she move on? all a matter of perspective, i suppose."
with what we now know about dorene, i feel confident in saying this is 100% her talking about celine's choice to leave mark. a choice that was at least partly motivated by her being freaked out by the manor, if i'm remembering right. instead of trying (or after seemingly failing) to convince mark that it was bad for both of them and maybe they should move or something, she left, on her own. she moved on. he... didn't.
(which isn't to say the events of wkm are primarily her fault; mark chose to use the manor's power to fuck up literally everyone. but her choice undeniably motivated his.)
so now the question is, why does dorene ask us about that?
well, what is the choice space ultimately comes down to for us? to let mark go, to trust that he can handle this on his own... or to hold on.
if you pick the "wrong" option out of those two, dorene will be there. not to scold you, like on the plan k path, but to sympathize with you. to reassure you that this isn't the last choice you'll get to make. it doesn't doom everything (more than everything is already doomed); it just sends you to the start to try again. the only true bad ending in space is any point where the captain gives up on mark, on themself, on everyone, and stops watching, moves on before resolving the paradox.
"thank you for, uh, not giving up on me."
space isn't a story about undoing the mistakes of the past. every time you jump universes, whether you go forward or backward in time, the one you left behind is still fucked. there's no restoring the sanctity of the universe. there's no returning dorene to the random old lady she used to be. there's no going back/forward to undo/prevent the events of wkm in its universe. but, as damien said, even if we can't "fix" certain things, we can still try to set things right. and maybe the ripples of that choice throughout the multiverse will mean something to another us. another them.
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janehaster · 2 years
Fan Theory and the Many Mysteries of the Markiplier lore
Just checked the iswm theory tag and there are some really cool theories out there, but...
you guys do realize Mark sometimes just does something for fun, right? Because it'll be cool, not because he's trying to subtly insert some important piece of lore which, once solved, will reveal a big secret behind the existence of his alter egos like Damien, Wilford, Darkiplier, etc
From what I can tell, Mark is not the kind of person to dive too deep into something. Rather, he likes to explore different possibilities and play with them until he's content. Like someone who goes to a buffet and instead of filling their plate with their favourite dish, they want to try a bit of everything.
The same happens with his alter egos. He won't make a whole series devoted to Darkiplier. But Dark might make an appearance in a bigger context.
You might argue: 'Oh, but what about Who Killed Markiplier? He created this whole story from beginning to end where he fully develops the background of a couple of his characters, like Damien, Dark, Wilford, etc.'
Yeah, but if you stop to think about WKM, there are all sorts of loose ends that still go unanswered, all which have spun some of the excellent theories we see under the Markiplier tag. And the story itself doesn't make much sense, does it? It tells the (supposed) birth of Darkiplier - or rather, his origin. Actor Mark causes his own death somehow in a cursed house, which happens to trap the souls of people in a weird parallel dimension. And then, said people become able to possess a fresh body and go back to the world of the living to, among several possibilities, do harm to others. But the story itself brings up several questions which remain a mystery: why is the house haunted? What is that weird dimension? How can the souls enter a freshly killed body? And who is now controlling the main character of WKM? Celine? Damien? That weird ass ugly demon who possesses Damien in his homonymous animation, thus meaning Actor, Damien and Celine all share the same body now?
So, to sum it up, there are no mysteries lurking behind everything. My guess is that Mark has a cool idea and just rolls with it. If it ends up making sense, great. If not, well, his goal is to have fun and share his creativity with the world. He's not overly concerned with things particularly making a whole lotta sense. There are going to be loose ends, but they don't necessarily hide super secret stuff that was put there intentionally. Same with super suspicious jokes. Maybe Mark just included them because they'll reference something about his past works, but that's where the coincidences stop. They weren't necessarily put there to connect to another work and reveal anything overly significant.
It's worth mentioning I base my opinion on Mark's own observations about his works. In the video where he analyzes the animation Damien, he himself said many times the fanbase goes out hunting for the slightest clues in his works to try and solve "the mysteries" contained in the Markiplier lore, when actually lots of the stuff he puts in his works can be random or just have no deeper meaning behind them.
That said, theorizing is cool. But some people may be so deep into it they might lose perspective. So the post works as a friendly reminder you shouldn't get too upset if Mark's future works contradict some of the previous ones and you feel like you yet again hit a wall.
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mysterytickingegos · 4 years
At Least We Have Us
Pairing(s): Darkiplier x Platonic!reader
Genre: Angsty with a fluffy end.
Word Count: 1,771
Summary: Strange things happened to those who didn’t leave that dreadful manor in time, and you were one of those people. Becoming something not quite human took some time to get used to, but at least you weren’t alone.
Anonymous Request: Platonic Dark with a soft Y/N that's basically very motherly of him despite being much younger? She cares a lot about him and looks up to him. Maybe she's his assistant and also experienced the events of WKM and Dark basically adopted her after that? Post-WKM please! I need Dark being a wise and over protective big brother rn Thank youuuu
Authors Note: I loved working on this one! It was a fun concept, thank you so much for the request!
Want to read more?
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[Image Description: A gif of Mark from a vlog video giving a thumbs up to the camera, it has been edited to be gray with Darkipliers afterimages and colors, red and blue.]
Dark...That was such a strange name to call him, at first.
Damien had been a family friend. He was your neighbor, and your best friend’s uncle. When you were a teenager he was a respected member of the local government, a man who hid away in a study and worked far too hard. Eventually with enough pushing from Ophelia, he was your boss, having given you an internship in city hall that Elli really didn’t want. You considered him a friend. Maybe not a close friend, but he was someone you trusted and respected and he would say the same about you.
You jogged up the stairs to the office, dodging past people while muttering quick apologies to anyone who had something to say about it. When you got there, you heard the laughter of your friend through the door and cracked it open. Ophelia was desperately trying to catch her breath between giggles, of course because Damien was telling another story about your completely sophisticated soon-to-be DA. He was surprisingly relaxed, leaning back on his desk and talking with his hands quite a bit.
“But of course, that doesn’t stop them, they run down the street- Oh, Y/n please come in. You’ll want to hear this.” He gestured to the empty chair beside Elli, but when you didn’t move from the doorway, both their faces fell. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” You tilted your head at them, not realizing how you looked, pale and out of breath. “Damien, they’re done counting. You won.”
He was in shock for a few moments, only standing up a bit straighter as he processed your words. “I won? I’m...?”
“You’re going to be the Mayor.” Ophelia finished for him, just before all three of you started laughing and cheering and jumping around.
In many conversations there were moments where you would catch a glimpse of the person you used to know, and in the beginning you would get a heavy heart. You weren’t ready to let him go, to accept that he was somebody else now. Perhaps that’s because it would mean accepting you were somebody else, too.
None of the guests from that damned party left the manor the same.
You heard it so clearly, a stranger’s voice coaxing you up the stairs, quietly whispering your name over and over as you slipped away from the rowdy party. You were practically hypnotized, not thinking about who it could possibly be or their intentions as they lead you to a room that sent chills down your spine the moment you opened the door. It was a room filled with trinkets of the occult, books with terrifying symbols, and scribbles of a mad man on papers scattered all over.
“You’re not supposed to be in here.” You heard a growl from a new voice, just behind you. The person shoved you inside the room and slammed the door as you hit the ground. “In fact, I could’ve sworn this was going to be hidden from all of you.”
You stood up as quickly as you could, turning to see the host of the party scowling at you. “I wasn’t...I was just looking for Elli.” You said quickly, brushing off your clothes.
“The same Elli that told you she was going to lay down for the night a couple of hours ago?” He stepped closer, slowly, ominously.
You thought back to that conversation, spoken quietly, just the two of you on the staircase while everyone else was still playing poker. “How could you even know about that?”
Mark grinned at you, sinister and cold. He gestured around the room, to the books and trinkets. “Things aren’t as they seem here, Y/n. Ever since Celine...left me here, the things in this house had opened my mind to things I never could’ve imagined.” A short laugh bubbled out of him. “I can do anything.”
“You’ve gone mad.” You whispered, backing away. You’d heard bits and pieces of the Iplier drama from Damien, having vented his concerns to you over cups of coffee during work since the day you got your invitations. But you knew now that he had no idea.
“Perhaps they were trying to do the same for you, but I’ve come too far for some kid to screw it all up now.” He turned on his feet and left the room, shutting the door behind him. You rushed over to it, trying to twist the knob before he got a chance to lock it. But it was far too late. You banged on the door and screamed for help until your voice went hoarse, but the room had in fact been hidden away. You were surrounded by taunting spirits in a room that nobody existed, for what felt like weeks. You could feel them gnawing away at bits and pieces of you after that, an itchy feeling under your heart, changing you. Truly, time had been warped, and only one day had passed before you were found by someone who was now immune to the houses secrets and cloaks. And he didn’t say anything, but clearly something had happened to you too.
Funny thing about living forever? (Or at least as long as you have,) It’s not that great, in fact it’s actually very lonely. The world changes around you, and you don’t change that much at all. You often have to leave, not wanting the attention of being the same age after living or working somewhere for 20 or 30 years. Or you get too attached to somebody and you know you will lose them, now or later.
But you weren’t alone. Despite his anger towards Mark, how badly he wanted revenge, Dark kept very close to you. Especially after he learned what happened to his niece, he was going to keep you safe above all else. Mark learned that the hard way when he tried to silence you too, only to find an empty house and a rather cheeky note.
“Catch me if you can.”
Another funny thing, you didn’t even know the power that you had when you first wrote that. As far as you knew you were a normal girl waiting out the storm. But eventually waiting got pretty tiresome.
“How could you be so foolish?” Dark called after you as you both stormed back into the house.
“Oh come on, it wasn’t that big a deal.” You huffed, tossing your jacket away.
His image faltered and glitched at what you said. “Not a big deal? You have the gift of longevity, you are NOT impervious to bullets!”
You flopped down into the armchair, crossing your arms. “We don’t know that yet.”
“You sprained your ankle tripping on air last month, I think it’s safe to say.” For a moment you could’ve sworn he smiled. If it wasn’t at your expense, you might’ve been happy. “You wonder why I hover,”
“Someone had to step in and do something.”
“Why did it have to be you?!”
“Because!” You twisted around in the chair to face him, fighting back tears. “I’m bored! I’m sick of living like a hermit! I’m tired of these stupid towns in the middle of nowhere and never having any friends...it’s been almost a century Dark, I don’t know how much longer I can do this.”
He pierced his lips, having to look away from you before he got emotional himself. “So this is your plan? Play hero until you run out of luck?”
“Or we can stop hiding. We can try and live our lives, instead of just surviving. I mean, what's the point if we’re completely miserable?”
“And what about him?”
“To hell with Mark, what about you?” Your voice was softer now. “I can work, and shop and be neighborly. But you...you’ve been stuck in the shadows, holding onto your hate all this time. Maybe you don’t believe it after everything that’s happened, but you deserve better.”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “What then? Where do you want to go?”
“How about we go home?”
‘Home’ was California, LA specifically. Sure, you could’ve gone back to your hometown but you were both part of a rather famous local mystery and you agreed it was for the best to stay away.
The sun had set a little bit ago and the streets were only illuminated by signs and street lights, that was the only way he’d agree to go out into the city with you, in the dark. Fair enough, he didn’t want to attract attention to himself. Luckily, you’d made some good friends in the last few months, friends like Mike.
“Ah, bonjour!” Mike greeted cheerfully as you and Dark approached the window, before ducking into his shop to get you both a bowl of ice cream. “I was wondering if you were going to show up.”
You nudged Dark over to one of the tables and leaned in the window. “I didn’t mean for it to take so long, thanks for keeping the shop open late for us.”
“Don’t mention it. I actually have a cousin with really bad anxiety, so I get it.” He passed you two bowls with a smile.
Dark squinted at you when you came back to the table. ‘Anxiety?”
“I don’t have anxiety.”
“You’re right, I should’ve told him the truth. You and your sister possessed your best friend in the 1920′s to escape a place called the upside down, but sometimes you drag bits and pieces of it into the real world and that would probably scare the locals in broad daylight.” You didn’t miss a beat in your little rant, scooping some ice cream into your mouth as soon as you were done.
He chuckled and shook his head at you. “I’m supposed to be the one lecturing you on being subtle.”
“Hey, I’m the one who’s been covering for us the past 91 years. It’s your turn to follow my lead.” You said matter-of-factly, pointing your spoon at him, before you dove back into your bowl. You missed the ‘fair-enough’ nod he gave you and the pride written all over his face, another glimpse of someone you used to know. “You know, maybe you should bring you-know-who here someday.”
His eyes went wide and he shook your words off just a little too quickly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“So you don’t have a thing for his new friend that you’re watching out for?”
“Stop it. Stop it right now.”
“Fine,” You put your hands up in mock surrender, “But you know I’m right.”
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lostglassguitars · 3 years
uhhh I’ll take some words about your DA please? 👀
Ah hello!! Get ready for a ragtag band of words.
My DA is named Maria Lambert. And she is not having a good time.
Lots of people just make personas that follow the storyline so far established, but my story goes off that. Just a heads-up in case that's mentioned at one point.
Many people have different colors for their DAs, most commonly (that I've seen) being purple and green, but Maria has two. Orange, before imprisonment in the mirror, and purple with hints of oranger after imprisonment.
Since WKM takes place in the 1920s, I decided to shove her into that mirror for a hundred years or so, bringing her out sometime around late 2020. Christmas, to be more specific.
Maria's... not mentally well. She wasn't from the beginning;-I mean, she met Damien at a college party, so what do you expect?- but it got worse after his and Celine's betrayal. Especially since she loved him.
And he loved her.
She's a sweetheart, and a pacifist at best. You'll know when she's pissed or scared because that's when she gets violent and desperate. Especially the first time she meets Dark/Damien after imprisonment in the mirror.
Best personality trait? Probably her conversational skills. She's an ex-politician, what did you expect? She knows how to talk people down, how to draw secrets out. there's something about her that most people just like, though it goes down a little after her time in the mirror. It's a little unnerving to look in her eyes. (They're purple after she gets out.)
Mark finds her and wipes her memory of the manor's events after she gets out (like- directly after she gets out. She doesn't get a break) and that makes her a little... oblivious for a while. It’s kind in the idea to give her a new life, but twisted that he is hiding her from the truth and not letting her make her own choices.
Dark find out. He gets pissed.
Cue her finding out about her abilities during a heist.
This leads into me rambling about my personal categories for people who came out of the house messed up. And that’s a post for another day, but just know Maria falls under the “body horror/cryptid/shapeshifter” category, along with some teleportation, glitching, and illusion work. Mirrors hate her. Fish fear her. Literally two men want her and have been in a custody battle for a really long time but let’s let them deal with that-
Anyways. I love her. She’s my queen. There’s much more, but I thought that’s enough infodumping for now.
*cough* Yeah
Thank you so much for the ask, though! Thank you for letting me ramble about her, I’ve been writing her for almost a year now and she’s really grown.
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solarpunksoftie · 5 years
None Of This Makes Sense - The Tenuous Reality Of The Markiplier Cinematic Universe (and maybe whats in the box)(big spoilers)
So i tried to make this post last night and then tumblr made a fucky-wucky all over itself and my post was lost as sacrifice to the hellsite. So I’m writing it again and saving it this time. This is gonna get really long, but I think I’m onto something here. @markiplier you aint gotta say shit but i hope you see this.
So I was watching the Wilford MOTHERLOVING Warfstache Full Breakdown last night, and Mark started saying some things about the Markiplier Cinematic Universe(MCU) that got the gears turning in my brain. He laid down some “rules” of this universe that I think are SO important to understanding Heist and the Box.
“The Viewer, in this universe... is a character. That’s something that cannot be... forgotten in anything that I do for these.”
The Viewer isn’t just a viewer, they’re a CHARACTER. These are distinctly different concepts. A viewer typically exists OUTSIDE the world of the medium. A CHARACTER, however, exists squarely within the medium, and I don’t think Mark means this like Oh Its First Person And You Make Choices And They Talk To You I think this expands to mean that the WAY we experience the videos is the way the other characters are experiencing what happens. Look at the Scientist video: 
“Haven’t you two noticed time being funny lately?”
“You haven’t noticed things going unnaturally fast? Things happening out of order for one another? Strange coincidences? Bizarre memories of things you haven’t even done yet?”
Everything she mentions, we the viewer didn’t notice on our own because, to us, that’s just the way videos are. There’s time skips, edits, we have the ability to hop between videos. Without all this, videos would be unwatchable. The main thing here is that these qualities are not only experienced by us, but by all characters. We also see this in Wilford MOTHERLOVING Warfstache when the tazer transitions happen. Wilford notices a transition happened, but is so used to these weird events that he rolls with it. Noticing the edits and the confines of the story is what leads Abe to crack.
“[In SOMA] the main character thought he was human, in his mind. Reality SHAPED itself to be that thought, but on closer observation it turns out he was a machine when he looked in that mirror... What’s the truth and what’s the lie? That concept is very interesting to me.”
“Reality is not gelling, but his brain is making up why it makes sense.”
Mark likes the idea of characters battling with their perception of reality, and what reality IS. Mark says, in his explaination videos again and again, if it doesn’t happen on screen then it didn’t happen. I don’t think he’s just talking about death of the author here. I think, in his videos, this is the reality. I think this is very literal for the MCU. There is no appearence of the Detective between WKM and WMLW, and so there are no events that ACTUALLY happened.
“Its as if he was told what he needed to know, but not what it was that he knew. He knows the concept of what he needed to do, but if pressed for the details of it, it all falls apart.”
So why does this matter for Heist? Well, all of the MCU are strictly confined to whats on the screen. The expanse of the story is what is directly in front of us. We go bed in the back of the Jeep, and seconds later we wake up to Mark in an apron making us a camp breakfast. We ASSUME things happened in between, our brains roll with it and chuckle at the joke but we don’t question where any of this came from because its the nature of the medium. In the universe of the videos, though, NOTHING happened between those edits. We are told what must’ve happened, but the reality of it is there was NO time in between. 
I think this starts to tell us what’s REALLY in the box, and I’ll go even further to posit that we’re told/shown whats in the box in 3 endings. Ending 6, Ending 16, and Ending 31. 
In Ending 6, the Scientist identifies the box as the source of all the “anomalies” which are really just edits and the nature of the medium. Upon destroying it, we are shown, briefly, the entire map of A Heist With Markiplier, before showing up before the heist begins. Mark has no idea why we’re here, and instead of continuing into the heist again like in other time travel endings, he prompts us to go into A Date With Markiplier. Credits Roll. The Box was destroyed and the story never happens.
In Ending 16, we meet Wilford, the man himself, and he starts asking us how our adventure has been, across all the videos and endings. Wil is FULLY aware of the medium at this point, and how you play into it. He then says
“And if you need more time to think of your answer, feel free to pause time. I think your magic box is useful for something like that.”
and then the Youtube video pauses. This is more than a fun jape of “oh haha this is on a computer on the internet” cuz I don’t think Wil is referring in such knowledgeable terms about our computer/phone/tablet. I think he’s specifically referring to The Box. The Box gives us control, The Box lets us hit pause, and rewatch things, and watch multiple endings.
And finally Ending 31. Darkiplier meets us and talks to us. He acknowledges that its likely we’ve seen his monologue more times than he could know about, that Mark likes to spin stories for us. He thinks we’re trapped in the stories just like he is, so he gives us a code that leads us to the bloopers and behind the scenes. He pulls back the curtain for us, as if saying “look, this is all fake”
The Box contains A Heist With Markiplier. The Box IS the Story. THATS why it contains whatever the story needs it to. THATS why destroying it makes the heist never happen. THATS why it “gives” us control and messes with time; because it is literally all the videos, all the events that happen after stealing the box. 
This is absolutely the kind of abstract concept nonsense Mark would pull, and I’m feeling confident about this. If you read all of this, please share your thoughts, i wanna flesh this out as much as possible. I feel this in my brain, but explaining it is like trying to explain the color yellow; I feel ill equipped.
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liarinlife · 4 years
[from here]; @emptynarration
What was an Actor to a God ? What a foolish question, Mark couldn’t help but think. Didn’t he know that actors were gods, in their own rights ? Didn’t he know that actors were divine creatures and less human than they were a patchwork of faces and voices sewn together ?
Mark couldn’t remember the last time he’d simply been Mark. There had always been another mask, another act, another persona he’d taken up. Who was “Mark” ? Was he still alive ?
Nonetheless, he ignored the Host’s jab — he’d gotten half of what he wanted already. A kiss, blood, and the Author himself. Now all he wanted was answers, and by God, he was going to get them.
And he wanted— he wanted—
It didn’t quite have a definite name, what he wanted, but it made him return the Host’s grin wider than should be humanely possible. Being human was overrated anyway.
The blood tasted delicious when he licked it off his lips, but the Host’s response tasted better.
As a hero, a connoisseur of good will and generosity, he allowed himself to be pulled closer with nothing more than a huff of air, sharp eyes ever assessing the Host for his next move.
How interesting indeed! It seemed they both had their demons: ones that were more literal and tried to prise their souls from possession of their bodies.
Well. Mark had shaken his, for the most part, for the time being. It didn’t seem the same could be said for the Host.
“ I know you perfectly well, no need to worry about that, ” he murmured, lifting one hand to caress — though a more apt word might be to possessively grip — the Host’s jaw. “ I know you better than you know yourself sometimes. And you know what they say about actors — ” He threw the Host a lazy smile that didn’t lack any amount of malicious delight. “ We’re incredible improvisers. Mayhaps I might just surprise you. ”
Mark doubted it ( he’d never been a good natural improviser, not once in his career had he been ), but his pride refused to let him think that the Author knew more of his story than he did.
He was the star of this show, after all. Or, he was supposed to be.
“ Mayhaps the question you should be asking, ” Mark mused, low and taunting, “ is this: are you a god? Or are you a monster? It’s so arrogant of you to assume you’re great enough to be a god, don’t you think, my dear character? ”
So arrogant of the Host, he added privately, to assume he was merely an actor, and not the director, the audience, and a god himself too.
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canceltheact · 4 years
Cancel The Act: The Definitive Theory of Lunky, Lixian, and Actor Mark
Hello there theorists! This is the big one - the (hopefully) final draft of CancelTheAct. 
For those of you that have been following this tale of truth, perserverance, and chromatic aberration,you may find that a few section of this are exactly the same. It basically is the same theory, but with a few things tightened up (see post from two days ago) and some updated information. This is the big one we’re hoping on spreading, so be sure to reblog this one like you’ve done before. We really appreciate all the support you’ve given this assertion.
 And for those who are seeing this for the first time...welcome! This is a theory exploring what's been going on the past few months on Markiplier's channel, and the side story that connects the odd goings-on. If you support this theory, spread the word on Twitter and reblog, not just like, on Tumblr with the hashtags and this very site.
 Thank you for all the support, folks! Now...let's talk about the truth. We'll see you on the other side.
So, if you are a Markiplier fan on the interwebs, you have no doubt seen the newest Cloak ad that was in the Cooking Simulator video from about a month ago and noticed something...off. Something... suspicious. And if you follow Mark lore, you know that this was NOT ordinary Mark. This was Actor. The robe underneath the Cloak merchandise he was wearing, the spotlights and cracking of his body reminiscent of the Darkiplier ending from AHWM, and of course, what he says in a haughty tone of voice, seeming to be the opposite of his opening stair spiel in WKM: "It's not about you...it's about me." Heading over to instagram, we get more interesting stuff, with a description of the ad clearly reflecting the events of WKM from Actor's skewed and self-righteous perspective.
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Was this just a ploy for marketing purposes, you ask? How could it be important to something? Well, Cloak's response to said post says it all: "oh". Meaning they had NO CLUE this was coming.
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Even in that Cooking Simulator video, there were signs that this wasn't just pertaining to an ad. In the kitchen of the game, he comments "Modern is stupid; I’ve always said this; I want the classics," quite a different opinion from the man we knew that owned FIVE OVENS, but would seem quite on brand for someone who lived in a old-style manor - even the Youtube description seems a bit suspicious saying that "this time, I'm gonna show everyone what I'm all about." No doubt, Actor Mark has made quite a return, for seemingly NO REASON, right? Right? Well....not exactly. We’re here to tell you that Actor's been here for quite a longer time than you might expect.
For those who have been paying attention to Markiplier for the past couple months, you may have noticed some strange, yet fleeting events.
The stick figure monstrosity known as Lunky invading Mark’s channel for one day. The strange revelation that Markiplier isn’t real, yet 6 days later denied by the very man who confirmed it. The erratic behavior of the editor known as Lixian.
Such strange goings on, isn’t it? But I have reason to believe that these incidents are part of a greater step in the lore of Markiplier. That these very events are tied to each other, and something much bigger than the sum of their parts. Many people have had their thoughts on what this all means. It’s time we threw our hat full of overthinking and crazed observation into the ring. Hopefully, this theory will help uncover a bigger story. A story of control, reality… and CHROMATIC ABERRATION.
First of all, let’s answer the question: is Markiplier real? Answer: No, he’s not. Even with the “Markiplier isn’t Real” videos not being canon, it doesn’t mean that Markiplier is “real” after all. Because he is, and always has been in terms of CANON, Actor. (Now this doesn’t mean that every video Mark has done has been in character, just the ones that have correlation with the Lunky arc, Lunxian affair, and the Mark isn’t real stuff, as this relates to bigger story beats that are happening.) Think about it. After the events of WKM, Actor (who already was a Youtuber as seen as one of the points on the Detective’s theory board reads “What is a Let’s Play?” implying to Mark’s original ticket to Youtube) used Damien’s body as a replacement for his own and going on with his life, rising to even more Youtube fame. This makes him not who he seems, and definitely not real as the person his fans and editors in canon thought him to be. But what does this have to do with Lixian? With Lunky? What about those confessions? Well, for that, we have to start at the beginning.
Lixian and the Lunxian Affair
Though the MarkiplierIsntReal videos aren’t meant to be canon, as told to the member mixers by Mark himself, we have seen behavior from Lixian that is still similar to the entire week-long event - that Lixian has found something out about Mark. We can gauge this through not only the behavior of Mark, but of Lixian as well. Most notably, in 3 Scary Games #46, we see the description of the video of what reads like Mark’s pleas to us, calling Lixian “a monster” and that “the old methods aren't working anymore.” Actor is trying to control Lixian, and even sow the seeds of fear into his audience. Lixian, in that same video, pulls a knife on Mark and, in general, acts more antagonistic towards him. From 3 Scary Games #46, we can gather that Actor isn't happy about any information Lixian may have leaked or let loose at this point.
There are 2 big points that support this:
1. Lixian's animation sprite during the episode mainly shows up as a shadow, otherwise known as "Shadow Lixian". Lixian's animation sprite typically assumes this shadow form as a visual way to let the viewers know that he's sneaking around and doing something that Actor wouldn't approve of.
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2. Actor develops the idea of a "controlled Lixian" (which is later to become known as "Lunxian") to where Actor can use his arcane powers to have Lixian do/say whatever he wishes.
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But of course Actor can only come up with the idea of a perfect editor at the time, and has no real way to actually manipulate Lixian at this point. It's not until Lixian leaves for vacation that Actor puts a plan into motion.
In an attempt to try and get rid of Lixian, Actor created Lunky to try and make a replacement Lixian. This obviously didn't work, as Lunky is barely like Lixian and was seen for a time by Actor as a poor carbon copy. And as we can see in the Minecraft video where Lunky is introduced, Mark dislikes Lunky immensely, pushing him off to the side and not wanting to even edit him in. Mark doesn’t even say that he made Lunky - he just says that he’s here so that he’s not talking to himself.
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Despite this separation, though, there are clues right off the bat here that Lunky and Mark are connected. Where, may you ask? Well, in the outro of this very video (Lixian Is gone, Lunky Is Here), there were some awfully interesting shrieking sounds. Almost sounded….backwards. And wouldn’t you know it, after we reversed the audio, we could hear a voice. And with a few more tweaks to the speed and to isolate all of the echoing sounds that were added to the audio (which is actually a tad important), we made out “Thanks for watching - don’t forget to like” before it dribbles off. (Hear audio here: https://canceltheact.tumblr.com/post/645011603474038784/backwards-lunky-audio-for-reference-in-todays Also, if there are any audio expert theorists out there who are more skilled than us that can get a better result, write us and tell us what you find!) However...this echoing that comes off the audio seems familiar. What other type of person has a voice that echoes? Oh right! ACTOR when using arcane powers!
This CONFIRMS, through the echos and that would be what Mark would say, that Lunky was created by Actor through the arcane power stuff and Lunky, at the moment, though trying to be a poor carbon copy of Lixian, is at most being a channel for Actor's things he would typically do on the channel, as that encapsulates the story dimension and his power as a whole. And not only does the presence of this backwards audio reveal more about this seemingly joke character, it also reveals that this is something that Mark has put time into and planned for this to be something bigger than a one-off.
But then Actor realized that he could use Lunky to do the next best thing - be an extension of his own power and subdue Lixian enough so that he would be kept quiet. So Actor bided his time with Lunky and ‘allowed’ Lixian to trap Lunky in a cage. 
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This backfires on Actor though, as Lunky manages to harness some of that Actor power and attempts to complete his original intent...to destroy Lixian. Lunky goes on a rampage, overtaking both Lixian’s channel and Markiplier’s channel until Lixian kills him - Or so it seems.
Actor realizes what has happened and decides to do a combination of his two previous plans: have Lunky possess Lixian, making Lunxian (a name we have come up with for this phenomena), in order to keep Lixian completely under control. We see this through two things:
1. Lunky's rainbow glitch, or chromatic aberration, around him is transferred to Lixian AFTER Lunky gets killed - and we see Lixian acting VERY differently towards the editors, saying that he’s watching them, being present in several videos outside of 3 Scary Games and being generally creepier than usual when judging from the scope in general.
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2. Lixian screams "I'm the Editor" after ‘defeating’ Lunky. Interesting, isn't it? Lixian has said a few times before that he doesn’t like being called editor. But Lunky, in control of Lixian now, has a different want. Lunky was meant to be the editor for Actor, hence why Lunky would want to be called editor.
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#CancelTheAct Reasoning
But now, to let you know exactly WHY we're pushing "CancelTheAct". So, Actor has used the story dimension in order to keep those he has trapped in the manor in playing out his stories, such as Dark as the villain and Abe as the detective archetypes, right? I realized: the story dimension IS the channel. And what does the channel drive on? Fans. So, Actor derives his power from being able to be the hero, the lead of the stories, and his channel in canon gauges his influence and power right? Well... Lixian is trying to EXPOSE ACTOR from what he’s found and we see that as not just exposing... but “cancel” him in the eyes of the people who GIVE HIM POWER... his fans in canon. Thereby making Actor powerless. The fans in canon will see him as a fraud, not support him, and take away his strength of his ego. Jabbing a slight bit at the now-popular cancel culture, we are siding with that fight with a clever little hashtag that can be made alongside #MarkiplierIsntReal. Though MIR was never actually a canon intention by Mark, it’s still a hashtag that people are familiar with - and as it relates to the fact that Actor has been putting on a facade, we can use it in order to rally our cause.
Rainbow Chromatic Aberration Breakdown
Why would this rainbow aberration be cause for identification of something being off? Of Actor?
Well... back in the WMW breakdown video, Mark talks about this one point in the mini movie where there’s this aberration, when Wilford and Abe go from the detective’s office to back at the dance club. Paraphrasing here, he says that this is not Darkiplier and that he just wanted to replicate the effect of a VCR rewinding to establish to take things “from the top” with Wilf and Abe’s meeting. Remember the VCR thing though, that’ll be important later. (Time stamp: 2:07:50 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rsi_L1b1RwE&lc=Ugwo26EalTI5QP15ooF4AaABAg) This thereby establishing Warfstache’s use of gelling and framing this weird reality by manipulating time and space. We see this AGAIN in AHWM, as when the box is used in the Bob/Wade endings and we go through time, we see the SAME COLORS OF ABERRATION. Warfstache does the same VCR type thing in the interview as well. Ok, so we’ve established that the rainbow aberration implies when one (besides Dark) manipulates their time and space.
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Now, these colors look familiar... where have I seen them before OH RIGHT. LUNKY. Lunky has appeared with this aberration through that video with his song (you know the one) and in the 3 scary games videos. Since we’ve seen that Lunky is connected as an extension of and creation from Actor’s power, it makes sense that Lunky would have a similar chromatic aberration. We see this fabrication from time and space (Lunky) use this manipulation power, and then, as Lixian is possessed and subdued by Lunky to become Lunxian, this aberration is also adopted. (for image examples, see Lunxian picture in the first part of this theory)
However, we have seen some slight resistance throughout these Lunxian appearances, showing signs of Lixian trying to break free, as we see in the Forest video “Escaping the Sinkhole” where he says “You think you can replace me?” But instead of the typical rainbow aberration, the colors are inverted to a purple and bluish green.
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An aberration we’ve seen a couple times before: in the “DEAD” post that Lixian posted on his Twitter when he was thought to be killed, and in the flashback sequences in Lixian’s Confession which, while doesn’t give us any information for the story, still gives us context for what colors show Lixian in control.
However, despite the control of Lunky over Lixian, the past few weeks has shown the emergence of Actor, despite how he tries to keep it under wraps.
Events Post First Lunxian Emergence - Post MarkiplierIsntReal
In the past few weeks, we have seen through the types of video uploads that Mark has put out, along with Lixian’s behavior, that despite Actor’s attempts to keep his identity under wraps, there have been increasing signs in the in-canon Actor channel and Mark’s real life channel stuff that tips us off otherwise.
First off, in the first week after Markiplier Isn’t Real, there were only compilations and old footage from streams, which wasn’t exactly too important, except for a few hints through the editing that Lixian gave us - first, the fact that a lot of the text and effects were surrounded in that Lunky/Actor rainbow aberration - implying that Lixian isn’t really acting of his own free will...not controlled, per say, but not allowed to talk about the secrets of Actor.
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In this same compilation, we even get a hint that something is amiss from Lixian - in a moment from the end of 3 Scary Games #38 where Mark is wholesomely preeshing Lixian, suddenly, the moment glitches in a similar fashion to how it was done at the end of Lixian’s Confession - then cuts to the scene where Lixian “kills” Lunky. This type of unusual transition into such an event lets the audience know that this event is important and something to pay attention to.
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Secondly, in the 3 scary games compilation, we have an interesting change in edit that Lixian made - instead of the normal jumpscare from 3 scary games #57 with Mark with no eyes, Lunky is plastered over Mark’s face, implying Actor and Lunky’s connection.
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The interesting thing that has popped up from these videos isn’t just the type of game that has been done, but, specifically, the behavior of Lixian. And it mainly started with the editor collabs that Lixian has been doing with Marcus (aka Nerd Fiction) and Rachel, the two new editors for Markiplier’s channel- not only a tool to help them learn the ropes to the type of editing Lixian does, but also leaving room for an interesting plot device.
In the first simulator collab episode, “Cooking Simulator”, Lixian seemed to be able to be in control by Actor, doing his VCR chromatically aberrated bidding, but being a bit more acting of his own free will, being a bit more resentful of the job instead of compliant.
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However, in the second simulator collab video, “Car Accident Simulator”, Lixian seems a LOT LESS compliant and even rebellious. Yet Mark seems to be ok with joshing Lixian’s chain around, even mockingly calling him editor. Even more interesting…the fact that Lixian says “I’ve got all your dirt!”, implying his knowledge and slight ability to share the truth.
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So, why is this? Well we think that Mark still thinks Lixian can’t escape, but Lixian is simply biding his time to get free from Lunky and Actor’s grasp... still playing along with Actor’s game, but planning to get stronger and plan an attack.
Unfortunately, this state of the upper hand does not last long. In the Forest 3 Peens stream before this, we get another Lunky appearance, with Mark seeing. Combined with the rebellious behavior he sees Lixian have and Lunky now being separate from Lixian, Actor sees that Lixian is not under control again, and realizes he has to take further action.
Breaking the Facade
This leads us to the latest 3 Scary Games: #64 and #65. In these two, some of the last regular appearances of Lixian, we see jumpscares like usual, but these monsters are...different. The spider monster in #64 is much more detailed than any monster we’ve seen before, and in #65, the fake Mark stand-in speaks in a newer type of audio voice effect. And in both of these video outros, Lixian is shown defeating them both with an axe, fighting them off. (not showing images due to arachnophobia that spider is dang scary) This tips us off that these monsters are different than just the typical jumpscares we see in 3 Scary Games - Lixian is deliberately against these monsters. And in BOTH VIDEOS, Lixian is in the same position, asking where Mark is.
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This is why we haven’t seen Lixian in videos since this - because he is trapped in an area either by Lunky or Actor, fighting off these monsters and unable to escape while Actor keeps up his facade.
However, despite this, through real life and in canon, Actor’s facade has been breaking to us little by little.
The Reddit banner changing from a Heist promo to a picture of Date Mark a week after MIR.
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In the “Teardown” video, Mark is shown with some interesting edits when he goes to shoot a tree - seems normal, but with that font being Lunky’s font and his background being red, this definitely seems like Actor - even the things he says,” You wronged me and it’s only right for me to come to pay back what is due” - seems like he’s projecting anger from the people in his past onto this tree.
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Then, even the day after the infamous Cloak promo, we see even MORE allusion through referencing Actor scenarios THREE TIMES in the “Stormwatch” video: once referring to WKM, once referring to the END music and filter from WKM, and a reference to the Warfstache Markiplier interview, which points to Actor from THIS CONVERSATION: “You heard it here first ladies and gentlemen Markiplier has admitted to NEVER KILLING ANYBODY.” “Well I never said that”.
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Looking back at the cloak promo for the self love story line, Mark himself has said that the promo featuring him wearing Actor’s robe was a last-minute choice by him, as he was largely involved with the release of this line. Even so, there are certain details that simply can't be ignored. Enter: At Dead of Night Part 1. During the video, Mark just decides that he has to leave the room, glitches out of the room, and after an uncomfortable amount of silence, he jumpscares us after some spooky red light engulfs the room. In this period of time, there are TWO things that separate it from the normal type of jumpscare that would be found when Mark plays a scary game (despite it NOT being 3 scary games video)
1. We see a quick flash of what appears to be Shadow Lix...until we look at the eyes.
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This aberration definitely shows signs of Lunky - looking like Lunxian has returned.
2. Mark returns...with the same Cloak shirt that Actor was wearing in the promo over his robe. Probably just promoting the brand, right? Well this video was five days after the promo was released, quite an arbitrary number for just doing an empty reference to the promo, especially since the day of its premiere, February 16, was around the day the Self Love Story line was dying down and not needed to be promoted. And all the while Mark plays, the Actor robe is on the dresser in the background - the first time we've seen it since the promo in the first place.
Even considering the fact that the promo was a last minute choice, WHY would Mark bring it back up again? WHY would he nudge us with the hints to connect the promo to something bigger - unless he WAS planning something a bit bigger.
Other strange occurrences have been happening in bits and pieces throughout other videos. A Lunxian appearance in the Barn Finders episode.
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And curiously enough, a jumpscare in a Forest video from a previously used 3 Scary Games video - #62, to be exact, and the only one who has eyes that are similar to Lunky’s.
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Combine that with the fact that despite Lixian editing a lot of this video, he doesn’t show up at ALL to being called editor - this is showing that Lixian isn’t in charge of editing the videos - Lunky is in control. And the monsters coming out of the closet is a clear sign of another one of Lunky’s monsters that might have bled through the area between where Lixian is trapped and where Mark is - the 3 Scary Games dimension, if you will.
The Next Plot Step
The next 3 Scary Games videos since this time have clearly been very, very telling of this banishment and kidnapping of Lixian. Let’s go over some of the most important details, namely from #66, #67, and #69.
In #66, we see the latest monster in the line of the three we’ve seen before, such as the spider and the fake Mark; the squid monster fake Mark. This monster says the same things as the last monster: “Your end is near. Your end is here”, with the same font we’ve come to know of Lunky and Lunxian. (first pic #65, second #66)
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But this time…Lixian’s axe doesn’t work. Why? Well, as we can see, there’s some kind of…force field.
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Of…dark red. HMM…. looks awfully familiar. Even though we’ve never seen it before. Like RED, ARCANE ENERGY. There’s no doubt about it. Lunky, and by proxy Actor, are making the monsters stronger. So Lixian can’t escape.
And as we see in #67...this has seemed to work. As towards the end of that episode…
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Lixian is…not doing good. At all. As we see him in an area, a rock or something, coated in red. Lixian is in trouble. It seems the monsters have finally banished him to a place where he cannot fight back, where he cannot tell the truth he knows. The red lighting looks similar to the prison in where Lunky was kept, possibly entrapping him in a prison of his own making.
Interestingly enough, before this, we see Mark’s “monster” thing: his eyes, moving aLLLL around. And the aberration on him is a tad rainbow-y. Could this be an allusion to Lunky, whose power is all about his eyes?
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But...the most INTERESTING video was of course, #69...where quite a few things were confirmed. Let’s tackle them in this breakdown linked here, shall we? https://canceltheact.tumblr.com/post/649094311147978752/3-scary-games-69-the-eldritch-resurgence 
We should have you caught up with all of our important findings for now. As you can see, Actor has been playing his games for quite some time. But he’s gotten bold - far too bold, to reveal himself to us like this. And this is where you, dear reader, come into play. It’s not too late to end this game Actor has us in. We, the viewers, give these alternative egos power, and if we refuse to play Actor’s games any further and cancel his acts, we can begin to weaken  and perhaps even eliminate Actor’s grip on the channel. We believe that the time is now. Spread this post if you support it - reblog it, hashtag it on Twitter or Tumblr, use the hashtags #CancelTheAct and #MarkiplierIsntReal. This may be our only avenue to have our voices heard, and to truly unearth what the Actor has been threading together all along.
Chromatic Aberration Appendix (Yay!)
Hey there folks! I’ve decided to do a companion writing on my theory, that explains exactly WHAT chromatic aberration is and why it’s important to the current Mark lore.
Chromatic aberration is the glitchy effect of various colors surrounding words, objects, or people. There are quite a few different types of this aberration, and as they are an important part of this theory, this section is to denote the different types of aberration and what they mean.
“Rainbow” Aberration - This aberration has been used multiple times as a representation for the manipulation of time and reality in order to control someone - we see this used in AHWM as we surge through time using the artifact, and as Warfstache brings us to our proper interview location in time/space. This effect has also been associated with the effects or rewinding of a VCR, as Mark says in his WMW breakdown video when discussing said effect when Warfstache takes Abe back to the disco club to “have a little fun”. And as we have seen in this part of the lore, Actor has used this type of power as well in order to control people’s reality. This aberration, therefore, denotes for those OUTSIDE Actor’s planned story - which is why Warfstache has it (since he has no role), why Lunky has it (because he was created as something to exist outside the story dimension and to fill a role that wasn’t a set role in Actor’s story in the first place) and was used initially, yet unsuccessfully by Actor to control Lixian (because he was working outside his story onto someone who didn’t necessarily have a role)
Heavy Presence of Red Aberration - this aberration, though more of an aura than anything else, indicates the control and presence of Actor, as seen in “Damien” - though this isn’t used too often, it is often used with Lunky’s rise of power, such as in “He escaped...” and at the end of various 3SGs.
Lixian’s Aberration - this combination of dark purple, teal, and greenish blue aberration is present in Lixian’s confession and is a marker of when Lixian is in control - as seen in Lixian’s confession and the “DEAD” picture post on his Twitter.
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sml8180 · 4 years
Top 5 Writings 2020
So, I’ve posted a lot of writing this year. I’ve posted one chapter a week since 1 January, 2020, and haven’t missed a single week. On top of that, I’ve posted a few stories in between uploads, as well as doing daily uploads throughout the month of December.
With all this, I decided to go back through and find my 5 favorite pieces from this year, and reflect a little as to why I enjoy them so much. #1 will be my absolute favorite piece of this year, and I’ll be going in ascending order (so #5 first, #4 second, and so on).
#5 ~ Lasting Injuries ~ Who Killed Markiplier? ~ 13 Feb, 2020
Summary: Damien always has a cane in his hand, and although most don't realize it, the ornate object isn't just for show.
So, this story was spawned by a couple of things back in February. I injured my knee roughly 8 (almost 9) years ago, when I was in middle school, and since then have dealt with knee pain off and on (up until just recently, when I finally went to Physical Therapy, which helped to strengthen and stabilize my right knee and hip), which at the time of writing this, was acting up and resulting in pain. On top of this, I’ve had a personal HC that Damien carries a cane in WKM not only for show as the Mayor, but because he actually needs it.
I still really enjoy this story, partly as a self-indulgent thing for my HC concerning Damien’s cane, and partly because it was just fun to write something that served to even more closely connect Damien and Dark as characters (despite, y’know, Damien literally being part of Dark).
#4 ~ Beginnings ~ Markiplier Egos ~ 1 Jan, 2020 - 15 April, 2020
Summary: With so many different personalities within the manor, the question can arise of just how they all ended up under one roof. Some were brought by opportunity, some by tragedy, some by fate. Every story starts somewhere, after all.
This was the first story I posted this year, and dear god, I can’t believe its actually been that long since Chapter 1 of this went up. The series this is the start to is on hiatus, since I kinda burnt out on the Ego works, but I do really like this story overall. This was the story that got be uploading weekly, and I just enjoyed coming up with how all the Egos would have ended up at the manor. It also helped me work on developing my writing a bit, especially when it comes to writing shorter, more contained stories, since each chapter is connected, but also serves sort of as a oneshot of its own.
#3 ~ Games ~ Sanders Sides ~ 12 Dec, 2020
Summary: Patton decided that all the Sides should have a game night. Logan uses it as a chance to come out.
One of my favorite Sanders Sides HCs is that Logan is Agender. This was a fun little fill, where I got to write the six main Sides all playing some good ole’ Two Truths and A Lie (with special consideration made for the fact Janus is a Living Lie Detector).
This is one of my favorite stories not just because I love the Agender Logan HC, but also because I actually came out as Genderfluid back at the very start of June of this year. Like Logan, I knew I had an accepting family, but coming out like that is still nerve-wracking, and it was interesting to look back at my own experience while writing this roughly 6 months after coming out.
#2 ~ Intense Emotions ~ Sanders Sides ~ 11 Oct, 2020
Summary: Virgil and Roman are excited to tell Logan and Patton about the day Thomas had at the mall. Patton, Logan, and Roman all learn something new about their favorite emo. Logan and Virgil find they have something in common.Janus is just glad to see Virgil so happy.
I wrote this the day after Flirting With Social Anxiety came out, and we got Virgil with glittery purple eyeshadow and confirmation that Roman, Virgil, and Character!Thomas all stim when excited. I just really wanted to write stimmy Sides content, okay?
I also projected a little bit in this one... I have ADHD, this isn’t something that I really hide (I’ve reblogged quite a few ADHD related posts, and it’s pretty clear that I tend to hyperfixate on certain things), and like many people who are neuro-divergent (and many people in general, neuro-typical or otherwise), I tend to stim, especially when I get happy or excited.
I was taught to suppress my stimming as a kid, and I also just don’t want to be distracting or anything like that. Logan and Virgil both do the same; Logan wants to be taken seriously, and neither one of them wants to distract the others. It’s something I’ve been working on (and something Logan and Virgil are working on, too).
#1 ~ Chaos is Normal (For Us, at Least) ~ Sanders Sides ~ 26 Aug, 2020 - 20 Jan, 2021
Summary: Life can easily become chaotic. This is especially true for teenagers and secret agents. When Logan and their team were assigned a mission listed by their agency as "High Priority; High Danger", they didn't realize just how dangerous it would turn out to be. When Patton and Emile make a pair of new friends, they don't realize just what they'll be getting into. For all parties involved, chaos is just a part of life. It's normal. For them, at least.
This is 100% my favorite thing I’ve written this year (and possibly my favorite of all my stories, up to this point). I’m a sucker for Spy/Secret Agent AU stuff, honestly.
This story has Agender Logan, Trans Janus, Genderfluid Emile, and Nonbinary Remus, along with ADHD Creativitwins, and honestly, I’m very happy I got all of those concepts in.
Now, this story isn’t complete just yet, Chapter 19 (my favorite chapter, by far) went up yesterday (30 Dec, 2020). There’s still 3 chapters to go up, and plenty more for the Chaos is Normal universe as a whole, since I have a prequel centering around Logan and Remy, and a sequel centering around all the teens, both in the works, along with a few oneshots.
This story was just overall a ton of fun to write, and the response has been amazing. This is one of just two stories I’ve posted to break 1,000 hits over on Ao3 (the other being Beginnings, actually). There’s a handful of oneshots already in the collection, too, since a few of the December prompt fills actually ended up taking place in this universe, and I think they’re all really cute.
And, that’s it! My Top 5 Writings from this year! I’m really proud of all these pieces, and generally proud of myself for managing to post every week this year, and then some.
I’m also incredibly thankful for all the support I’ve been getting on my writing, I really do appreciate all the Hits, Kudos, Comments, Likes, and Reblogs I’ve gotten on my works.
Without a doubt, I’ll be continuing to write, and we’ll see what I come up with in 2021.
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ezkezpez · 5 years
Three people liked my post asking if they wanted an explanation of the floral symbology in my recent series. And I love talking about tiny details so that was more than enough for me to get excited.
Most of the symbolism I looked into was from Wikipedia. Not exactly a high brow resource but it’s usually got a little more cross referencing and sources than people give it credit for. It was also somewhere I knew would have a consistent listing of symbolism.
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Firstly, The Actor. The flowers I chose for Mark were Red Dahlias and Fungus. Fungus represents resilience, loneliness, solitude and disgust. All of which are, at least to me, what Actor must have been feeling when Celine and William first ran off together. The fungus tells the story of his grief over losing Celine (likely a possessive, ugly, sort of grief, given what we know of him) and his subsequent slip into the hands of the entity in the house. Finding out he can never die, followed by the isolation Abe the detective and Damien mention him falling into, and then the anger at William and Celine for leaving him, the disgust at their happiness and betrayal, and the eventual plan he begins to formulate with the house’s help. The fungus I chose were the ink cap mushrooms.
Red Dahlias stand for Betrayal and Dishonesty, and while this is applicable for multiple characters within the context of WKM, Personally I feel Mark’s premeditated suicide, murder framing, and the subsequent events that followed were the biggest betrayal there. He killed his friend and stole their body, framed the man he grew up with for murder, arranged for his ex-wife to be possessed and killed by a malevolent entity, and his machinations resulted in two further deaths, even if not at his own hands. Not to mention later making the friend who’s body he stole the primary villain in his story, and often presenting a facade to the viewer character so we are never truly sure if his intentions or if it is him.
I was also considering including Narcissus flowers, representative of his delusions of grandeur and arrogance, shown especially clearly in Damien.
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For The Seer, I used Amaryllis and Begonia. Begonia is listed as ‘beware, a fanciful nature’. This is a little heavy handed, referencing Celine cheating on Actor, the act that started the event of WKM into motion. Of course, While cheating is never condoned, the Actor has been shown as a narcissistic individual, and likely treated Celine as an object to show off, the caged bird to prod and admire at will, then tire of when it molts from mistreatment. In that, the Begonia can also refer to the Actor, and how Celine is in danger from him.
Amaryllis symbolises Pride. Which personally I read to be Celine’s downfall in the miniseries. It’s her pride that leads to her belief that she can contact the entity with no consequences. Her pride that she is good enough to protect herself from the forces that she thinks she understands, and her pride that leads to her trying to contact the entity again with Damien, leading to both of their deaths.
I also looked into laurel leaves, for her ambition and drive to learn all she could of the occult and understand why the house unsettled her as it did.
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The Colonel has Delphiniums and Forget Me Nots. Delphiniums are said to represent levity, big hearted, fun personalities. And also ‘ardent attachment’ as he has for Celine. Damien calls the Colonel an eccentric, and we see that very clearly when he leads us around the house, he is loud and has a large presence, and even if this is born of guilt over Actors death and how Damien will react, his later persona, Wilford Warfstache cannot be considered anything but full of levity and fun.
However, all of this is tempered with the Forget Me Nots. He forgets himself. He forgets Celine, he forgets Damien, and he forgets Abe. Everything goes, he says himself that after living so long things start to get a little fuzzy. It isn’t until the events of Wilford Motherloving Warfstache that he seems to realise he’s been missing fragments. And even then he seems to have forgotten exactly what happened.
Also considered for William was Aloe, for grief and loss.
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Next is The Detective, who has Mint and Marigolds. Marigolds are for pain and grief. He lost all his partners, he loses the viewer, he himself dies, and then continues living with the hole in his heart from where the Colonel shoots him. He grieves the loss of each of his partners, and he clearly also regrets not reaching out to Actor before WKM, and his death.
Mint is symbolic of suspicion, which is not just a good trait for a detective, but also frames Abes entire personality. He trusts no one, not even himself, and through the events of WKM and WMLW it’s his suspicion that keeps him going, but also traps him in his noir role. It’s his greatest asset, but it’s also what stops him from seeing the bigger picture and letting go later on. So concerned with “the minutia, who shot who, who murdered who” that he can’t see that something bigger is at work. It’s the Colonel, or Wilford by then, helping him through that, that allows him his freedom later on. Which is why the two of them are positioned back to back, they are very interesting foils to each other.
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For the Mayor, Mullien and Asphodel. Mullien is representative of good nature. And if anyone in the series can be called thus it’s Damien. The only character that seems to genuinely want to help and find out what happened without ulterior motive. Abe wants to solve a case. The viewer is dragged along. William doesn’t care. Damien is the only person who cares that Actor is dead on a personal level, and he is certainly the only one that truly cares for the viewer.
Asphodel means “my regrets follow you to the grave”. His last act of good intent was to trap the DA in the mirror in the hopes they escape the fate of Dark. He abandons his friend to the house and leaves them there, taking their body and betraying their trust, but always shows up whenever Actor is dragging them somewhere.
Also considered for Damien was Aboravitae, symbolic of everlasting friendship.
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For the District Attorney, white lilies, for funerals and death
@wwbwtsideboob you asked i delivered ;)
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blackaquokat · 5 years
Maybe kiss 3 with acting attorney-?
This seems like a good time for post-WKM amnesiac DA angst, which is a part of my Acting Attorney ‘verse I plan on getting back to once Satisfied is officially moved to ao3.
3. Hesitant Kiss
He has to tell them.
Mark knows this. He is fully aware that the District Attorney deserves to know their full history with him. It isn’t fair that the two of them have revived their friendship when one of them doesn’t realize the full depths of how Mark has wronged them in the past.
And yet…God, he can’t, he just can’t bear the idea of the day when they will undoubtedly and understandably hate him for his treachery, then and now.
The two of them are walking back to his house now, hand in hand. The chill in the air is apparent in their visible breath. They’re back from another trip to that one mansion. The one that he hoped would stir more of their memories naturally, without him trying to explain an impossible story and getting written off as crazy. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” they ask. “You look like someone just dropped you into Freddy’s Pizzeria.”
“Do not even joke about that, it’s dark now.” Mark shakes his head. “It’s…it’s nothing.”
“Very convincing.”
He sighs. “I just…” He turns to them, letting go of their hand. “I don’t know. I guess I feel like…I should be doing more to help you.”
They purse their lips. Considering. “Mark,” they begin, “I know you think you’ve been so damn secretive, but I’m not an idiot. I know you know…something about my past.”
Mark can actually feel the blood drain from his face. “You do?”
“Again. Not an idiot. And you and Tyler are terrible at playing it cool.”
Well then. Mark drops his head. “I’m sorry, I know I need to tell you, but…God, believe me when I say I don’t know how you would believe a word I’d say. It’s…it’s crazy, it’s freaking insane–”
“Mark,” they interrupt, “just. Shut up and hold still for a moment.”
They step forward and brush their chilled lips against his. Much as it throws Mark’s heart out of rhythm, it is only the slightest of touches, the smell of the caramel-drizzled granola bar they ate earlier on their breath, and the option for both of them to pull away or push forward if one of them wants to. 
If it wasn’t for the secret hanging over them, Mark might have sunk into it, fallen right back into his attorney and everything he’s ever loved about them.
But it is hanging over them.
He can’t imagine pursuing this while they don’t know the full truth. He’s a douchebag and he knows it, but he’s been on the path to redemption for decades now and what’s the point of all that if he can’t do the right thing now?
He pulls away from the soft warmth of their breath. 
To his surprise, they smile gently at him. “Good move.” They stroll past him up the driveway to his house. “There’s hope for you yet, Iplier,” they call over their shoulder.
Were they–was that a test?
Mark blinks and then shakes his head. Every time he thinks he’s seen the most he can of the District Attorney before the brutality at the manor, they do yet one more thing that is just…so much like them. Before.
Before Mark ruined everything. Before he became a monster.
He stares after them and feels that old ache return, deeper than ever. 
(He doubts it will ever go away.)
Types of Kisses Prompts
@starcrossedforever87 , @dontworryaboutanything , @beereblogsstuff , @falseroar , @intemperantiae , @memetoyoko , @soul-wolf , @marki-dumb , @withjust-a-bite , @raimeyl , @scribbeetle , @its-dari , @neverisadork , @silver-owl413 , @sassy-in-glasses , @chelseareferenced , @sketchy-scribs-n-doods , @axolittle-boi , @wildfandom , @im-also-dead-inside , @ur-fairy-god-dragon , @conceitedink , @unknown-maned-wolf , @ohnoimshook , @mayazen , @skyewardlight , @gabs-ink , @purple-anxiety-blog , @shrinkthisviolet
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hstott · 5 years
Holst’s “The Planets” and WKM Characters
Here we go people! Prepare yourself to read a lot of nerdy comparisons :)
For this, I decided to focus on the main characters that don’t include the DA.
Mars, the Bringer of War- The Chef There were many characters that I considered for this role (The Detective, The Colonel, and especially Mark), but the person that exudes the most amount of hostility toward the DA is the Chef. His tone is very pugnacious, and he frequently chops up meat quite aggressively. I believe that the famous underlying cadence pattern in Mars sounds quite a bit like chopping. He doesn’t like anyone in his kitchen, and prepares to fight them if someone is there. He doesn’t trust anyone, so he has his Little Buddy. Like Mars, the Chef is very loud and forceful. He habitually curses people out, as well as just cursing frequently in general. The Chef hides important information about the Groundskeeper, and argues with the Detective frequently. He is prideful in his decision to hide the information, like the pride expressed in the movement. The Chef leaves shouting furiously, just like how Mars ends with the very loud sustained notes.
Venus, the Bringer of Peace- Damien Poor, sweet Damien. He just wanted to be with all of his friends again. The tender tone of Venus is quite thoughtful, like Damien is. Damien calms the DA when he sees them at first: calling them “old friend”, asking about their new office, and giving them gentle smiles. Venus is about affection and love, which can be shown platonically or otherwise. He helps the DA after they are punched, expressing great concern. One can also presume that he wants the best for his city, and that he cares about the peace. When he finds out that Mark is dead, he is immediately heartbroken. Although he then argues with the Colonel, he then later regrets it. The tone of Venus can be quite solemn and regretful. He fully trusts the DA, and typically trusts the Colonel. Progressing on with the story, Damien snaps more and more out of frustration from losing a loved one. He supports Celine, and tries to protect her, not wanting to see another close friend get hurt. He also settles the groundskeeper argument between the Detective and the Chef by stating that their arguing will get them nowhere. Venus is about trying to keep the peace. When the DA sees Damien and Celine after they die, Damien is truly angry, but then persuades the DA to trust them, promising to fix the situation at hand. When we see Damien/Dark at the end, he seems very angry. I believe that he is angry at Mark, for making him take his dear friend’s body, for forcing him to manipulate his companion, and trapping them in the mirror for all of eternity. After all, he just wanted his dear friends to be together, and he had that ripped away from him, so he then must go against his original morals, and hunt the one friend that he used to trust the most. He used to always say that “life is ours to choose”, but then went to being “forced” to become the villain. One could think that Damien goes from Venus, the Bringer of Peace, but then morphs into Mars, the Bringer of War. This is especially true within Mark’s video, “Damien”. He goes from trying his best to keep the peace, to becoming the villain that Mark so desperately wanted. But even then, he just wants to help his sister, and tries to make things right. Very interesting…
Mercury, the Winged Messenger- Benjamin the Butler I feel as this one may be quite obvious and literal. Every time we see the Butler, he always is quite sudden with his return, which corresponds to the liveliness of Mercury. I find it very interesting that near the beginning of Mercury, a bell is heard, not unlike one used to summon a butler. He also almost always brings something to the DA, whether it be champagne, seltzer with cocaine, or even “important” information. At first, Benjamin seems quite exuberant and lively. Then he begins to deteriorate as his master was murdered. He tries his best to help the DA throughout the investigation, until he must abandon the manor and take his leave.
Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity- The Colonel The Colonel has always been an eccentric, according to Damien. He is always quite courteous towards the DA, but not as much toward the Detective. The Colonel is very prideful. He is exuberant, even during the mystery of Mark’s death, joking around and being sarcastic. He tries his best to stay away from the investigation, going as far as to go swimming and golfing to avoid Damien and the Detective. He further tries to stay away from everyone but the DA. At the end, he fully believes that this is all a joke, and that he didn’t kill anyone, which he exclaims loudly over and over. In Wilford Motherloving Warfstache, Wilford still firmly believes that he is not a murderer. He is very happy to see “Dave”, and asks about “his wife”. He doesn’t seem to mind being kidnapped be the Detective, and continues to try to drink his cocktail. After he finally realizes just who has him, he is extremely happy to see Abe, and expresses melancholy for his friends. He also seems quite contempt with not knowing what is going on. He apologizes to Abe, even going in for a hug. When Abe freaks out about not remembering anything, Wilford comforts him and tries to bring joy to Abe’s life. He tries to help Abe have fun and forget about the murders. Jupiter is quite brash and joyful. There are repetitive motifs, not unlike how the Colonel has his sayings, such as “buoy” and “this is all a joke!”. Jupiter is also very majestic and resplendent, yet noble in nature. Wilford/the Colonel is a perfect comparison. In the second section of Jupiter, the tone seems very wistful, and almost melancholic, not unlike Wil when he sees the photographs of his friends in Abe’s office. 
Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age- Abe The Detective This may be a strange title for Abe, but trust me. Abe is very melancholic in nature, spending quite a bit of time reflecting on his past partners. He seems to be stuck in the past, focusing on finding Wilford for presumably many years. Saturn is very heavy-hearted in tone. Saturn is also very patient and prideful. This expresses how Abe is very invested into his work, and is willing to spend a lot of time trying to solve his cases. He takes much pride in his duties. This is shown by his joy when he finally traps Wilford, from finding him in the club, handcuffing him in his car, and then tying him up in his office. In Saturn, there are brief moments of madness, which are focused around time, being projected as clock bells and chimes. Sound familiar? This is exactly like when Abe has his breakdown about not remembering things that he should. Eventually, this calms down, not unlike how Abe accepts the madness that Wilford describes, and starts getting his boogie on.
Uranus, the Magician- Mark Now, you may be wondering, “Shouldn’t Celine be the Magician?”, but on the contrary, she is not the only person that dealt with what may have been “magic”. Uranus deals with magic, and magic may constitute as curses. Mark had repeatedly tried to end his life, but was thwarted by the mystical powers of the house. When Mark invites the others to his poker night, he does it to try to get his revenge, and uses the house’s powers, as well as his curse, to execute it. To differentiate Uranus’ movement versus Neptune’s, one must consider the tone of the section itself. Uranus sounds brash and vengeful within the first few bars. Then the tone shifts to madness, with a hint of playfulness. Mark sounds quite like this as he is introducing the evening’s festivities as he waltzes down his staircase. After all, it isn’t about the poker, it’s about “you”, which includes the guests he is trying to get revenge on. Even joy is heard, as I would think Mark would have as his plan is being thought. As the movement progresses, the tone becomes brasher and more powerful, until it all collapses into quietness. I imagine this as Mark solidifying his actions by killing himself for what is the last time. The tone becomes somewhat solemn, but a deep, uneasy voice is heard lurking underneath the silence. This could connotate the shift of mood of the whole production as a whole, from the mystery of Mark’s death and disappearance of the body, to the DA seeing the true darkness that the house exerts.
Neptune, the Mystic- Celine We know very little about Celine herself; we only know that she is Damien’s twin sister, Mark’s ex-wife, the Colonel’s ex-lover, and that she dabbles with the mystic arts. Neptune represents the unknown, as well as mystery. Celine obviously has mystical powers, that end up joining with the house’s darkness when she has the DA travel their mind to see visions of what they should do. Celine grows more powerful as she uses the house, but then is taken into its darkness, along with Damien. Damien and her both disappear mysteriously. Neptune’s tone, especially with the twinkling bells, reminds one of the stars (like on Celine’s dress), and the unknown that comes with space. The portion with the angelic singing morphs into a very dissonant tone that grows more as time goes on. The music slowly fades away until one is left with nothing. The tone of Neptune is much more serious and steady, rather than the brashness and anger of Uranus’. Celine is very serious when she talks, and she doesn’t try emotionally reflect on what Mark’s death meant, she immediately tries to figure out what mystic forces are at this house. She takes control of the investigation, and everyone that she can persuade. She knows that there is more to this world than what most people know.
Sorry for the long post! Let me know what you think!
Tagging some people that I think might find this interesting:
@blackaquokat @abethedetective @clanwarrior-tumbly @raimeyl @theashofwkm @falseroar @thatonebubblebitch @miaiplier @markired @marksandrec @chelseareferenced
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furaflictedhost · 5 years
An Alternative Wkm part 2
I don’t know how to link a post to another post, but I tried. Here is part 2 of the story.
Content warnings: Self harm, questionable sanity, delusions, old writing, let me know if I missed anything
The morning went smoothly, once they got up. Mostly spending time together, and enjoying each other's presence, while talking on the couch.
He was actually enjoying himself for the first time in a while, when a voice brought him from his conversation.
He turned to look at Benjamin who was staring at him oddly.
“Master? Are you alright?” He nodded and reached over, putting his arm on the back of the couch. Benjamin looked down at his hands before speaking again. “You have been talking to yourself for a while��� and talking to mistress, but she isn’t here, Master… I’m worried about you.”
He frowned and looked over next to him, and opened his mouth to say that was preposterous. When he opened his eyes from blinking, there was no one beside him.
Mark scrambled to put his hand on the place where the love of his life had just been, to not find a trace of warmth to prove his eyes wrong. He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out.
Tears began to roll down his cheeks, and he just stared at the empty space beside him. He was finally able to utter one word. “Damien?”
Benjamin nodded, and walked out of the room. Never feeling so alone, Mark curled up on the couch, feeling blood flow out of the over saturated bandages.
‘I should be dead… so why aren’t I?’
He waited for hours, the demon whispering sweet little things in his ear, and he was beginning to believe them. Maybe William did deserve to die. Maybe he should kill him, and then himself. But suicide dosnt seem to work so far...no, it was a freak survival, he just has to try again.
He mustered ever ounce of energy he had and pushed himself off the couch. Falling to the floor, he laid there, staring at the chandelier on the top floor. It was beautiful, dust clinging to the beautiful edges. It almost reminded him of Celine...no, focus.
He stood up, and trudged up the stairs. Once in his room, he stumbled over the wardrobe, and threw open the doors, and opened the panel that hid the revolver he sought.
Once the cool metal of the muzzle hit his palm, he yanked the gun out, and flipped open the chamber. Fully loaded.
He grinned, breathing increasing as he brought the barrel to the underside of his jaw. He squeezed the trigger, and the noise was deafening.
Pain exploded through his head, and Mark coughed, blood spilling from his mouth as he collapsed to the floor.
When he awoke, the sun was in his eyes, and there was a sharp knocking at his door. He sat up, and coughed, more blood spilling out of his mouth. The bullet hit the floor along with the blood, congealing in an odd puddle.
He was...alive. He closed his robe around his body, trapping the warmth around him. Blood was dried around a new scar under his chin, and he wiped it off, cleaning off the traces around his neck.
He stood to his feet wobbly, and stumbled over to the door. He peeked from inside, only to see Benjamin standing in the hallway. “Master? I fetched Mr. Mayor like you requested. I’m sorry it took so long.”
Mark nodded. “I’ll be down in a minute.”
Once the door was closed, He leaned against the door. A grin slowly spread itself across his face. He can’t die. This power felt dangerous, but he loved it.
He cleaned the blood from his neck, and fixed his hair, before removing his robe and shirt to put on a clean one. Something caught his eye in the mirror. He turned to face himself, and saw scars on his chest he had never seen before, but somehow knew the story behind. His entire chest and neck were littered with these scars, and a few patterned across his wrists.
Chuckles bubbled up in his chest and he slowly started laughing, feeling sanity begin to slip from his grasp. ‘What the hell am I doing!?’ He clutched his head, and fell to his knees.
The world around him split into two, one red and the other blue, purple mixing in the middle, as the world around him fell apart. It tore away slowly and he was left in darkness, only a candle in front of him for light. ‘Where did that come from?’
When the light came fading back, he knew what he had to do. In his right mind, he would have thought this was ludicrous, but it seemed like a perfect idea right now.
He got to his feet, and walked out, ignoring the fact that he was shirtless, and walked downstairs, throwing on his robe to cover the new scars. Damien was standing near the edge of the stairs, and walked over to greet his old friend.
“Hello, Mark. Are you alright!?”
He reeled back, looking at the sunken eyes of his childhood friend. Damien put his hands on Marks Shoulders, looking into his slightly dull eyes.
Mark barely noticed him, and made an effort to focus on the Mayor, grinning.
“Hello, Damien! How are you?”
Damien smiled gently, seeing his friend light up at his presence. Mark played up his usual charisma, and found himself nearly being able to keep the facade. His smile was simply a mask. A thing warn to hide his broken persona.
Damien and him talked for what must have been hours, but Mark could barely remember any of it, until Damien gently pushed Mark back onto the couch, and settled himself in his lap.
Mark was a little taken back, but looked up at the stern faced Mayor.
“I’ll have you know I’m not moving until you tell me what’s wrong.”
Damien stared down at him with determination, and Mark started laughing. “Fine, I’ll tell you. I have reason to believe your sister, My Wife, Celine, is cheating on me with William.”
Benjamin looked up at the two of them from the other room. Damien looked like he had just been shot. “W-What? Colonel William? That William?”
Mark nodded, raising an eyebrow. “Yes, Dames, that William. Why?”
Damien began to cry, climbing off Marks lap, and sitting down next to him, burying his head in his hands.
Placing a hand on Damien’s back, Mark was extremely confused. What he had seen last night was all fake wasn’t it? Damien and William were nothing more than friends.
“Damien? What’s wrong?”
Damien looked up at him, lips trembling.
“William….we need to get him here. Now.” Mark raised an eyebrow. “Why?”
The mayor sighed, and wiped the still falling tears off his face. “William and I...we are..were a thing… he was my Husband…”
Mark almost laughed. This was hilarious, two betrayals in one story. That’s just how William rolled, he didn’t stick to one person.
Benjamin nodded and went to call William here after Mark nodded to him.
Mark held Damien close, comforting his lifelong friend. Damien clung to him like he was the only thing that mattered in his shattered world, cane forgotten next to them.
Once the doors were thrown open, Mark looked up at The Colonel who stopped dead in his tracks, and stared at Damien. Mark smiled bitterly. Triumph. He had possibly stolen Williams other half, just like he had done.
“Damien? What happened?”
Damien looked up at his husband, anger and Betrayal in his eyes. He stood up and walked over, gripping his cane like he was ready to attack him. He went up and stood a few feet away from the other man.
William looked extremely worried, and upset. “Damien, what-“
“You know, I must ask how My sister is doing, William.” His lips were quivering as he spoke. He looked into Williams eyes, searching as he spoke.
“Damien, I have no idea, we haven’t spoken for a while. I think she is ok?”
He reached forward, attempting to caress his cheek, and Damien moved backwards. William looked like he had just been struck.
“I was informed that you were seeing her, and was curious. You seem to be away from home an awful lot. Mark knows, so you can be honest,Will.”
Damien looked up at him, tears falling from his glassy eyes while Mark stood in the back, watching. The smirk on his face was sickening.
William looked shocked, and upset. “No, Dami, sweetheart, I would never do that. You know I don’t like girls in that way, especially your sister. She and Mark are a thing aren’t they?”
Mark sneered. “Were a thing. She said she left me for you.”
William looked shocked, and then extremely angry. “Celine was lying then. I don’t love her, and I never will. She is my friend, and nothing more.”
He put his hands on Damien’s shoulders, looking him in the eyes.
“I love you, don’t you ever forget that. And I made a vow, one I don’t intend to break.” He lifted his hand, and entertained it with Damien’s, the gold band on his finger enforcing the strong words.
Damien started sobbing once again, and hugged him, burying his head in his chest, before pulling back, and looking him in the eyes.
He gently took Williams hand and pressed it to his cheek, before placing something in it, and pressing it to his chest, and walking away. William looked down at his hand, and looked up at Damien. A simple gold band sat in his hand, making his heart weigh more than the gun in the holster at his hip. He ran after him, falling to his knees in front of him.
He took Damien’s hand, and desperately tried to put the ring back on his hand, but Damien pulled back, recoiling his hand. “I gave you one last chance, William, to redeem yourself, by not lying to me. I was aware of the possibility that you were cheating on me, but refused to admit it to myself. This was your last chance, William.”
Damien started crying harder, nearly unable to speak, but able to spit out a few sentences through sobs.
“I love you, William, more than anything. But you shattered the trust. I can’t be married to someone who cheats on me with my sister. Good bye, William.”
With that, he turned and sat down on the couch, tears rolling down his face. William refused to let this happen, and he walked over to him, gently sitting down next to him.
He pulled him close, while still clutching the ring in hand. Damien looked up at him, and tried to pull away. William held him close. “Damien...please let me explain my side of what you think is happening before you decide to find the divorce papers.”
Damien finally nodded, and hugged him closer, burying his face in the taller man’s chest.
Mark watched from the other side of the couch, being forced to watch a spurt of the moment idea fall to pieces.
It appeared breaking Damien and William up, and stealing him was off the table. William talked to Damien while Mark watched, and let it happen, not bothering to influence the outcome anyway.
Damien ended up calling Celine to the house so this could be sorted out.
The manor was mostly quiet with the exception of Damien’s quiet sobs while William held him close.
When the door was thrown open, Celine stormed through the door, and went directly to Damien. She knelt on the couch, and placed a hand on his knee.
“Damien, I’m going to apologize right now. William is not cheating on you with me. Yes, I did write that note to Mark, but I used him as an excuse to get away from Mark, because he never let me out. William was in on it, and we were working together to figure something out for me, and that must have been hard for you, being kept in the dark. I’m so sorry, Damien.”
She looked pointedly up at Mark, and Mark just about started crying like Damien. This was all over a miscommunication. He was never home because of work, but she was allowed to leave whenever she wanted. When he said don’t go anywhere, it was a joke.
He walked over, nearly tripping over his robes. “Celine? Can we talk?”
Celine raised an eyebrow. “What is it, Mark?” He walked over, and stood in front of the couch, and noted Damien cuddling William like he had himself half an hour ago. He was once again wearing his wedding ring.
“Celine, I was joking when I said don’t go anywhere. You were always free to leave whenever you wanted. This is as much my house as yours.” He looked at her, eyes glassy.
She looked up at him, the angle she was at gave her a perfect view of his scar.
Celine stood up, and looked at his scar, before putting a hand on it. “I was? Your butler wouldn’t let me. Where did you get this?”
Mark looked down at her, and smiled slightly. “Is that the only reason for this? You wanted freedom? You always had it.”
Benjamin looked mildly worried. Mark shot him a look, and he shuffled from the room. Celine looked up at him, smirking. “Yeah, I guess...but can I come home? I’m sorry for the misunderstanding…”
Mark nodded. “Please?”
She pointed to the scar,before running her finger down his chest and suddenly yanking open the robes exposing the scars on his chest. She gasped, and stepped back, and Williams eyes went wide, Damien shrinking backwards into his chest.
Celine ran her hand over the scars. “Where did these come from?”
He shrugged. “I actually have no idea for most, but these two were from suicide attempts. I apparently refuse to die for some reason.” She looked up at him, shock evident in her eyes.
“Mark, why? Why would you do that?”
He looked down at her, lips pressing into a flat line. “Because I thought the love of my life had left me, for one of my childhood friends.”
She looked stunned, before hugging him tightly. “Don’t ever do that again. I’m not going anywhere, alright?”
He nodded, patting her back, holding her close. This, this was nice.
Perhaps he was alright? He opened his eyes, and for a brief moment saw the manner, boarded up, dusty, cobwebs and blood everywhere. He clutched Celine tighter, the manor appearing normal again.
She smiled, and leaned up to kiss him, it was quick and sweet but it was a kiss. They spent the rest of the night talking.
Mark looked down at the photograph he held in his hand, the memory coming to a close. ‘If only it stayed that way.’ He thought, his studio feeling extremely empty, despite Amy and Chica being just outside.
He smiled, placing the photo down in its drawer, covering the hidden story and its happy memories with it. He missed them. Celine, Damien,William, now what he has was Darkiplier, and Wilford. Two creatures bent on killing him, instead of his childhood friends that he cared for so dearly.
‘Until we meet again, Dark. Damien, Celine. I’m so sorry.’
Until then, he will continue to put on this mask, fake a smile, and live life happily, with his dark looming past.
“Hello, everybody, My name is Markiplier, and welcome back to-“
Perhaps that’s a thought best left for another day.
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