#the story of the saniwa
kowaindar0u · 1 day
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nimue-hidden-lake · 8 months
I am being dragged back into swordboy hell (aka Touken Ranbu). After years I finally unlocked the Kiwame feature though! Uh... I now got an excuse to play more often.
So anyways! I debated and I think I'm over stuff now. Thus, I can comfortably add Kashuu Kiyomitsu back to my list! Welcome back Kashuu! You were technically first but I will still call you Ramuda-Coded!
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I've missed him so much ngl... Augh, Kashuu! My man!
Tag: A Sword Seeking Love
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kousuisanka · 1 year
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Saniwa lore; 01
Unexpectedly, she could manifested him.
Read the fic here (writen in Indonesian)
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lucy-ashton · 8 days
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It's Wednesday Again! I hope you enjoy this new extract of my fanfic The Memory of the Red Spider Lilies.
Green. Green everywhere, shining under the cloudless azure sky, in the warmth of the afternoon, a blinding light like the reflections of the sunbeams on a diamond. On the distant horizon, the pristine snow slowly dissolved from the treetops to the mountain peaks, leaving behind a carpet of greenery. Spring water from rivers and streams started to flow again, rendered fresher by the melting frost and ice, while here and there dandelions blossomed, their pollen grains waltzing through the zephyr.
Comfortably settled in their stalls, the horses neighed happily as they nibbled in their mangers, their eyes captivated by the performance of their two grooms bustling to meet their every need. They crossed paths repeatedly in the stable without ever hindering each other’s tasks, in a sort of symbiosis despite their complete differences: the first packing the straw whilst the second stacked hay bales before they joined forces to sort the used horseshoes from the new ones.
The Saniwa ran a hand over his forehead as he hung the pitchfork on its hook fixed to the wall, a satisfied smile on his lips. Nothing could beat the feeling of a job well done to clear his mind of his constant questions.
“Is that all?” Yamanbagiri Kunihiro asked, at last, looking round to double-check for himself.
“Yes, I believe so,” he nodded, turning towards a black horse with deep blue highlights and gently stroking its muzzle. “What do you think, Aoge? Do you like what you see?”
Resting its imposing chin on its owner’s head with enthusiasm, the equine decided to have a bit of fun at the latter’s expense and snorted loudly at him, eliciting a laugh from the cherry-haired boy who quickly wiped his face with his sleeve before facing his Touken Danshi again.
“In that case, I’ll be going,” declared the Uchigatana, adding with a slight bow, “Thank you for helping me with my chores today.”
“It was noth– Ah!” the Sage began to reply when something suddenly caught his attention, causing him to reach out for the tsukumogami’s cloak. “This has gotten really dirty, hasn’t it?”
“Quit it!” the blond Kunihiro retorted however almost immediately, yanking the garment away from his master’s hands. “No need to pay attention to a copy like me. Wielding my blade will only shame you.”
Here we go again… the Saniwa couldn’t help but sigh mentally, rolling his eyes and moving imperceptibly closer to his Toudan whose gaze was clouded with guilt as always when he chastised himself.
“It’s no big deal. If it gets messed up, I won’t be compared to someone else.”
“Still, it needs to be cleaned. Look at this, even the back is caked in filth,” he stated, pointing to the spot before crossing his arms. “Besides, I might surprise you, but this has nothing to do with Chougi, you know? I’m not comparing you with him.”
“Huh…?” gasped Yamanbagiri, surprise and confusion evident in his turquoise eyes.
“What an idea. So, won’t you let me wash this cloth?”
“It's fine! I'm fine like this!”
His tsukumogami’s stubbornness started to exasperate him slightly, his lips twisting into an annoyed pout as a result. Finally losing patience, the boy took a single step to close the distance between them before standing on tiptoe to grab the edges of his hood, bringing their faces so close that their breaths met in an almost intimate gesture.
“Well, that’s a problem,” he argued defensively at first. But, softened by the simultaneously bewildered and embarrassed look of the Touken Danshi, he relented at once. After all, he knew him all too well. “See? Who told you that you were just a copy? In the end, you’re you.”
Rendered speechless, the Uchigatana seemed to lose the words he was never short of when it came to belittling himself. It seemed to him as if time had suspended in the eerily silent stable, and instead of responding straight away, he unexpectedly found himself in a state of deep contemplation, while the Sage’s words resonated within him in a deafening echo.
“Hiding such a pretty sword as you is truly unforgivable.”
“Ah… Uh…” he stammered confusedly before reacting sharply when he realised what his master had just uttered. Troubled by their unusual proximity, he thus backed away so hastily that his cloak slipped off his shoulders; the hood remaining traitorously caught in the Saniwa’s fingers, who widened his eyes in surprise at the incongruous movement. “Don’t call me pretty!”
“My, aren’t you funny…”
“What on earth were you thinking!?” the blond Kunihiro snarled, concealing his reddened face in his hands.
“So sorry,” the cherry-haired boy simply replied, sounding anything but sincere. Then, smiling kindly, he removed his own white-orangey cape and tied it around his Toudan’s neck before pulling the hood over his head. “Until I'm done washing your cloth, you can borrow mine.”
It smells sweet… Yamanbagiri noted, feeling intoxicated as the fabric brushed against his skin in an unintentional caress.
“Is that all right with you?”
🔙previous snippet
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wolfofcelestia · 1 year
Nikkari x Hazuki x Shokudaikiri nsfw headcanons
Some of these have made it into some stories already but I’m putting them all in a list here to get them out of my system before Nikkari ruins the mood of every scene he’s in with his lewd thoughts (I am removing myself from this completely)
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1. Hazuki is mostly a bottom but she can top with a lot of encouragement (see #2). She’s mostly only this way with Nikkari, but it’s not impossible for her to switch with Shoku either. It’s just a lot rarer
2. Nikkari can get Hazuki extremely close to the edge just by using his words. One touch after an intense session of stirring her imagination up and she’d be done. His tongue is like poison and she’s addicted to it. Her drive is so high when she’s with him because she needs her next hit
3. Hazuki likes Shoku’s voice, but he’s a lot more reserved when it comes to talking. It doesn’t help that she’s shy about it too. Though, he knows Hazuki likes his voice so he doesn’t hold back his moans
4. Hazuki loves blades. She’s a swordfucker in every sense of the word. Nikkari introduced it to her, and she’s pulled Shoku into it as well. Swords belong in their master’s hands but they also crave to be inside bodies one way or another. Their blades are every bit as sensitive as their skin, and they can feel touch, pressure, heat, and any liquids they may come into contact with. One important one: blood
5. Hazuki doesn’t like pain and doesn’t self-harm, but she’d give some drops of her blood to her sword boyfriends to drive them crazy. That shallow cut, that little bit of blood… What a tease. Swords are able to sense and smell how close they are to blood and how deep they are in someone’s skin
6. During Hazuki’s time of the month, they turn into beasts that need to be tamed. When she’s in the mood, it’s a toss up whether she’d veer hard bottom or hard top. Nikkari is always excited to see how she reacts to them on her scent like animals, but she would most likely gravitate towards Shoku. Even though he’s barely holding himself together, he offers her more comfort, bringing her tea, pain medicine, and a heat pack before giving in to his instincts
When Hazuki isn’t in the mood, she’d put a firm stop to it. But Nikkari would be the first to convince her to consider certain possibilities with his words. Mainly, if she doesn’t want to deal with them, take their blades, and use them however she wants. After all, what better feeling is there for a sword than to have blood dripping down his blade? Well, maybe there’s one other fluid…
7. Hazuki likes to give oral, be it on their metal or flesh bodies. It might have something to do with her past (or her future with Shoku? lol), but she’s definitely got a thing for it.
With Nikkari, it is 100% because of his way with words. The combination of his words and his reactions to her hands and tongue pushes her as close as she can get to climaxing without being touched. But the advantage of having a sword boyfriend is that he has two bodies to play with. Nikkari has trained her well in multitasking. How lucky for Shoku.
With Shoku, it’s more about how he towers over her when she’s on her knees or how she can get him to moan exactly how she wants
8. Hazuki wouldn’t say no to any position, but with Nikkari, he’s found that she cums the hardest while being taken from behind. Again, this is absolutely because of how he can drive her crazy with his words.
With Shoku, things are (usually*) more soft and romantic instead of just pure heat and lust. They both prefer being face to face because they like to shower each other with kisses.
*uh. Spoiler. Lmao.
9. Not really a nsfw headcanon, but Hazuki is so used to letting herself drown in Nikkari’s words that even in front of the other swords in broad daylight, all Nikkari would have to do is call her name and she would most likely drop everything and go to him.
It might be because of her emotional connection to him, or it might be that she’s just so down bad for him, but the others definitely take notice of their master being so obedient to one of her swords
10. When Shoku comes into the picture (and before Nikkari dies lol), Nikkari would definitely make sure every single one of Hazuki’s fantasies came true because if he left them to their own devices, neither of them would ever work up the courage to suggest a three way. Nikkari would make it his duty to make sure Hazuki is satisfied and Full
11. As confirmed by some swords in their in-game voiced lines, their parts apparently work exactly the same way as their human equivalents. But sword bodies are not human bodies and they don’t have the necessary biological make up to reproduce, even though they have the drive to. This frees Hazuki and her swords to have as much fun as they want without having to worry about pregnancies
12. Nikkari’s poison tongue doesn’t work on just Hazuki. In their first few nights with the three of them, he would have to instruct Shokudaikiri on all the ways to treat her right, and all the wrong ways she likes it.
13. In these situations, the combination of Nikkari’s words and Shoku’s moans would send Hazuki so hard over the edge that she’d forget her own name. And yet, this doesn’t even include Nikkari touching her.
14. A three way with two swords mean four bodies for Hazuki to play with. Yup. It sure does. And Nikkari would tell her exactly what to do with what, and where to put it.
15. Nikkari can be very sweet with Hazuki, especially when she's in a mood to be comforted more than excited. His words come into play in a different way as he soothes her emotionally and slows everything down
16. Shoku can lose himself in the act just like any other sword, and especially if Hazuki teases him with his blade. Although it's rarer for him to want to relinquish control of himself due to not wanting Hazuki to lose her pristine image of him, he can't help but get excited when she's in the mood to take control
17. Nikkari is open to a lot of things but he has his limits. Mostly, when Hazuki finds out about the ghost that haunts him. She's curious. He won't ever allow it. For various reasons that will show up in a future story. No you can't fuck the ghost Hazuki
18. Both Shoku and Hazuki like it with clothes on. It started out with just him being shy in front of Hazuki, but turns out, she's into it too. They both like dressing in clothes that would make the other's heart stop. Slipping their hands under each other's clothes and ending up in a complete mess is just a nightly occurrence for them.
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That’s all I got for now but I don’t doubt this list will grow so I’m just gonna dump everything in here before it leaks out into my stories because this dude right here … *gesTURES WILDLY*
How do I kill someone who’s already dead
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kinships · 2 years
Tag pt 3
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zantedeschia-praesul · 3 months
The Mountain Lily Meets The Rain
The two Saniwa sage of their respective domains have proven to be great friends and allies, but what if...
What if they had met much sooner than they had?
What if they had met under a much, much different circumstances...?
This is a story where Lord Harumasa and Lord Kitawaki could've met as friends, but in another different timeline...
"Father, please. It's just a few day trip by train. Nothing I haven't done before. Besides, Kamakura from Kyoto won't take that long by train anyway."
The older man only frowned lightly. "You know your mother wouldn't approve of this solo travel you're doing, you know that, right?"
Saseki sighed, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "Mother never lets me go anywhere alone even now. That's not my problem I can't be bothered to find a friend with the same track of mind as me. I'm fine being by myself, it's not like I can't hold my own..."
His father only sighed, shaking his head slowly. "Well you've already paid for everything, no point of me stopping you, is there... Just call us when you get there, alright?"
"Of course, Father. But just in case I forget, you can blast a few texts at me."
That was about 3 hours ago, as his train finally stopped at Kamakura Station. Saseki isn't rushing much right now, he has about another 3 hours before checking into his hotel later. Maybe he could just stroll around the area first...
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sword-brainrot · 1 year
Hi! This is my first time requesting so I'm kinda nervous how to word it out. Anyway, may I request romantic headcanons (separate ofc) for Chougi, Hyuuga and Monoyoshi? Ty! And take care.
So sorry that this took forever. I hope you still like it (●´ω`●)
Yamanbagiri Chougi, Monoyoshi Sadamune, and Hyuuga Masamune Romantic Headcanons
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♡ Chougi may be the most difficult for him to recognize his feelings and also be true to them.
♡ Chougi is a hardworking and dedicated sword that is all about proving himself. He is a touken danshi, not human. So many times, he thinks learning to live like a human is rather useless. He is a sword, that is all there is to it.
♡ However, that doesn't change that he does have emotions and how he is more influenced by emotions than realizes.
♡ He easily gets annoyed and angry around Manba, that is the easiest found evidence of his emotions that he simply cannot hide.
♡ There is another emotion he can't hide.... And that is when he gets praises from his favorite person, You.
♡ To be fair, you were probably not his favorite person at the start because he had no favorite person. You were simply his master and him the sword that would serve you in protecting history.
♡ Yet... You showed him special attention. You praised him after missions, you would actively talk and listen to his story. Even when he complained about Manba, you listened and didn't chide him too much. You allowed him to express his emotions.
♡ How could be not fall for you? Even if he didn't realize it.
♡ Chougi suddenly had a urge to always become MVP in battles because he knew that he would hear your praises. Suddenly he would "accidentally" run into while you were going about your daily schedule.
♡ Oh no! You are carrying a bunch of books? Suddenly Chougi is there to carry them for you because that is his job as the saniwa's sword! .... Do swords carry books now?
♡ Good luck getting him to confess first because he will not. He doesn't know what these emotions mean! He thinks he is just being the perfect sword.
♡ It is only when you confess or another sword points out how you look at Chougi, that is when the gears start turning in his head.
♡ But he can't love you. He is a sword. He is suppose to serve on the battlefield and die on the battlefield. That is his role in history.... Right?
♡ Suddenly, Chougi is no longer running into you. No longer becoming giddy when you praise him. Instead he starts to give you the cold shoulder and give small remarks of "thanks" before moving away.
♡ And it kills him every time.
♡ This man is too stubborn for his own good. He will refuse to acknowledge his feelings. Instead he will suppress and deflect.
♡ That tactic quickly fails when he sees you getting close to someone else and jealousy spikes in him. He was suppose to be your special someone. That other person isn't allowed to make you smile when he is suppose to.
♡ Once again, Chougi is working overtime to become MVP and get your attention. Randomly running into you and each time you look at him, his heart beats a bit faster.
♡ It's only then... Does he think over the words that he may harbor deeper feelings for you and realize how he doesn't want anyone else to take that place from him.
♡ Chougi is both great at words... and terrible at it when it's his own vulnerable feelings.
♡ It is one day after a mission he shined in, he requested a moment of your time. By this time, Chougi was exhausted from the mission. His outfit was more dirty than he would of liked and his hair was tussled. He had to talk to you, here and now.
♡ He took you to a quiet place in the citadel and held your hand in his gloved one. Just this action alone made him think he was going to have a heart-attack. His blue eyes refused to look at you. Instead, he focused on the mountains.
♡ "I have always aimed to be a perfect sword for my master. I am Yamanbagiri Chougi, my name comes from slaying down yamanba (mountain crone). That was my story, at least I thought it was before someone stole it from me. It doesn't matter if he really did or not, but I realize that I had emotions invested in that after all. Emotions a sword shouldn't have. I was angry that my story was stolen. Which made me realize that I don't want anything else stolen from me."
♡ He finally looks at you, "I don't want you to be stolen from me. I want to be your special someone, if you will have someone struggling with learning what emotions are."
♡ As a lover, Chougi is very doting. He leans more on physical affection over verbal. He still doesn't understand how to word things to truly convey how he feels.
♡ He still gets jealous here and there but he trusts you and doesn't control you. He knows you love him and wouldn't ever leave him.
♡ Honestly, just that makes him very confident and cocky.
♡ He is definitely the type that that will lock eyes and smirk at anyone who gets rejected by you, with his arm around your shoulder.
♡ He doesn't use pet names because he finds them a little weird still. Truthfully, he probably still refers to you as Aruji. However, there are times when he is feeling more affectionate and confident and will say your real name instead. Only in moments when you two are alone.
♡ He still has a lot to unpack about emotions and how to go about them in a healthy manner but he is much more willing to learn to live and enjoy another side of being a touken danshi if it means that he can stay by your side.
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♡ Monoyoshi is someone who loves life and actively seeks out what it means to be human. He wants to experience it all!
♡ Before his life as a Touken Danshi, Monoyoshi was a sword of Tokugawa Ieyasu and got passed along in the Ieyasu family. He saw the family strive and saw many of his masters as a child then grow into fine warriors.
♡ Being able to have the chance to live for himself is one that he would never take for granted.
♡ Monoyoshi wears his heart on his sleeve. He is always seen smiling and helping others, either by his great luck or his soothing words.
♡ Monoyoshi loves kids and normally always the first to welcome any new tantous to the citadel, or help any random kid that he sees when you take him shopping with you.
♡ A baby fussing in front of you two? Suddenly Monoyoshi starts to sing a lullaby or making silly faces at the child. Most times, the baby quiets down and looks at Monoyoshi with interest.
♡ He also shows you the same affection. You may be the saniwa but he actively tries to learn who you are as a person.
♡ Monoyoshi is very sensitive to negative emotions and is always there when he feels like something is wrong.
♡ As caring and affectionate as he is, he may not realize when his feelings turn from platonic to romantic. That is something you can't learn from observing.
♡ He was there when his previous masters got married... but when did they fall in love? He didn't know.
♡ That is an aspect in life that brings him great interest because he wants to understand it so badly. Love is clearly so powerful to the heart that he wants to understand what it feels like.
♡ He expresses these wishes to you before either of you have any feelings for one another.
♡ Queue the romcom movie nights. He will watch everyone of them and you will be there on the ride for him to ask all the questions.
♡ "Why did they suddenly fight? I thought they loved each other?" "Uh... probably for an interesting conflict in the movie but sometimes people don't see eye to eye, even if they do love each other."
♡ He is so confused by this because he thought love was the most powerful element and nothing could get in the way of that.
♡ Which starts his plan....
♡ "Aruji! I want to do all the romcom montages too! Will you help me?"
♡ He looks at you with that puppy eyes... How could you say no? Which starts your adventure of fake(?) dating and doing all the scenarios you see in romcoms.
♡ Dancing, teaching each other a skill, looking into each other eyes, watching movies, going to amusement park, taking cheesy picture... Everything
♡ It was just something to do to show a them what it was like to be in a romcom, if people actually did these things or if it was just for the screen.
♡ However, it became so much more than that.
♡ From just acting out the scenes, Monoyoshi began to realize how much he truly wanted to live these parts of his life with you. He didn't want to just do things that were in romcoms, he wanted to truly have special moments with you and make treasured memories for you.
♡ He was also terrified of messing up and causing a big endgame conflict that was always there. He never wanted to see you hurt or be the one to hurt you.
♡ It was a day that you two were suppose to have a picnic outing together, he decided to bring up his true feelings or end the montage because he didn't want to make you uncomfortable.
♡ With his amazing luck, he sat down next to you and quickly found a four leaf clover. He handed it to you with his charming smile and said:
♡ "Aruji, I am truly so lucky to have met you. You are like this four leaf clover to me. There was so many chances I would of never met you, yet I did and you made me an even luckier sword. Doing these romcom scenes with you made me realize that I want every moment to be special with you because you are special to me. Sorry if this is out of line."
♡ Not much chances after you two become official because you both have already been rather affectionate with one another. Monoyoshi LOVES complimenting you at every thing. He also loves holding your hand and giving you any gift he can find on his missions.
♡ He is such a doting partner. Just being next to you makes him shine with happiness.
♡ He also loves pet names. Loves calling you: Honey, Sweetheart, or my Clover.
♡ He still worries a bit over there being conflict between the two of you, so he is always the first that demands that the two talk it out if there is ever something that upsets the other. To not hold anything in and be considerate.
♡ Monoyoshi doesn't ever want to lose you and puts his all into the relationship to make you happy and show you all the love he has in his heart. (人´ω`*)♡
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♡ Originally, Hyuuga was created to be a sword of prayer but his first master decided to use him in battle instead. Which gives him an unique view on the world compared to some other swords.
♡ Hyuuga understands very well the emotions of people when he was a sword of prayer and he also understands why war/battles break out.
♡ He is a very understanding person and opened-minded. Which makes him more willing to try romance, even though he is a sword.
♡ Hyuuga is always the person that keeps a watchful eye out on the citadel and sees inner conflicts or someone having a bad.
♡ He goes out of his way to help in his own way. If there is a leak in the citadel and some swords are upset with getting dirty, he will go out of his way to repair it so it makes their everyday a bit easier. He doesn't need to be asked, if it helps others - he will do it.
♡ Same goes for you. You are the saniwa of the citadel and plenty of tedious task rest on your shoulders. He tries to carry even a little bit to make it easier on you.
♡ You need to deliver letters but still have paperwork to do? Hyuuga is up for the task without any hesitation. That is the type of person he is.
♡ He doesn't put others on pedestals and view them as they are: Human.
♡ His previous master had plenty of flaws of his own. Yet, Hyuuga still liked him for the man he was. He saw the good and bad of him.
♡ Which makes him so open-minded whenever he talks to other.
♡ Plenty of times he has been by your side and if he saw you troubled, he would try to help relieve it. Either by doing a task for you to help with stress or ask you what was wrong.
♡ Many probably view Hyuuga as someone who might not understand the complicated emotions of humans, but he is probably one of the swords that understand it best.
♡ He will give realistic advice. Understanding the emotional part of what is troubling others but also giving the logistical aspect to problem-solve it.
♡ Hyuuga probably offers often to serve as the attendant if he sees you struggling because he wants to help.
♡ Hyuuga is very good at math, so he probably offers to take any tasks that involve a fair share of mathematics to help out. He is quick with it and he actually really enjoys solving any math problems.
♡ You both get into a daily routine of being hunched over as each of you work on your own tasks. A peaceful silence in the room that is only broken when one of you notices the time and decides it's time for a break/meal.
♡ This routine becomes something that Hyuuga quickly falls into pace with and comes to enjoy. He truly enjoys being around you and helping you.
♡ Any thought that comes to the top of your head, he will gladly listen. Especially if it's a story of your youth. He wants to learn about you. Not as the saniwa, but as (Y/N). The human that he treasures spending time with.
♡ Hyuuga has a big sweet tooth when it comes to umeboshi. Even on days when he is on "break" from task work with you. He will find himself at your door, asking if you wanted to share some with him.
♡ It is moments like this that makes Hyuuga realize that he is no longer only a sword, but a Touken Danshi. He is able to choose what he wants to do and have freedom.
♡ In the past, he would never have the chance to ask his master if they wanted to share a sweet treat or to stand in the rain to enjoy the feeling on his skin.
♡ Being around you makes him feel alive. Truly alive.
♡ The day he asks if he can hold your hand, he holds it so gently like it is the most fragile thing.
♡ Slowly he brings it to his face, his face warms as he feels your hand on his cheek.
♡ "You make me feel alive and I don't want to ever forget."
♡ Hyuuga likes being physical affection. Either handholding, or just sitting close enough that there is small touches. He likes to show his feelings through touches, rather than words.
♡ Affection glances as well. His eyes are so full of love when he looks at you while you are doing your work. You can always catch him glancing at you with that affection gaze. Only for him to smile when you catch him and he goes back to his task at hand.
♡ If you want to hear him say those three special words, he will. However, he likes to show them so you never doubt him. He truly cherishes you and find any boring task to be fantastical when it is with you.
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citadelofroses · 3 months
(@nxmelessfighter) ⛄️(mikazuki), 🤸‍♀️(atsuko), 👻 (nankaitarou), & 🎤(mitsutada)
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⛄️ - What would be your muse's ideal weather conditions? Do they prefer being hot or cold? What's their favorite season?
If it were up to Mikazuki, every day would be a little cloudy with some rain in between. The sun? Too bright! But breezy spring weather with just a little bit of rain? Perfect. Amazing. He's happy.
🤸‍♀️ - How active is your muse? Do they exercise regularly? Do they do things like yoga? What else do they do to keep fit and active? Are they flexible? Can they do parkour?
Atsuko was a hikkikomori before she became the Saniwa, so she wasn't active at all. Now that the danshi are involved, she does some regular stretches and working out every once in a while with them. Her parents just let her do whatever before, since they weren't home much and she didn't have or make a lot of friends at school.
👻 - How does your muse handle feeling scared? Do they enjoy horror? Do they believe in the paranormal? What calms your muse down? Do they have any scary stories?
Nanka is a very very analytical man so he's like "ah my chemicals are acting up" when he gets scared. (What chemicals? God only knows.) I think he's too logical to believe in ghosts, and the only scary stories that he knows or tells is the time that Hizen startled him and he knocked ink all over his desk.
🎤 - Can your muse sing well? Do they sing often? If they were to stand up in front of a crowd, would they be able to sing in front of all of those people?
Mitsutada's singing voice is actually pretty ok (looks at Hanamaru's udon song). Though if he had to sing in front of a crowd I think he'd freeze up a little at first before hamming it up. He's a very happy go lucky kind of guy, and this is no different.
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nxmelessfighter · 3 months
😖 (ookurikara), 🍔 & 👻 (hana) !!
☠ ― 𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑆𝑦𝑚𝑏𝑜𝑙 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠
😖 - Does your muse have any embarrassing moments that they still think about? Do they laugh at them, or do they haunt them?
Shortly after he first manifested at the citadel, he had the misfortune of being put on laundry duty at the same time as Kasen Kanesada. Ookurikara made the mistake of not separating the colors out and by the time Kasen noticed it was too late, the Shinsengumi's red track suits had done irreverisble damage to Yamanbagiri's cloak (which Kasen had to snatch from Yamanbagiri's room while he was asleep otherwise Yamanbagiri would never give it to anyone). To make things worse, Kasen had arrived at the citadel after Ookurikara, so it wasn't like he could use not knowing better as an excuse, Kasen had only been here a few days and had already mastered the art of laundry. And that was the start of him and Kasen never getting along. Also he was lucky Tsurumaru hadn't manifested yet because he knows Tsurumaru would never let him live this down.
🍔 - What kind of food does your muse usually eat? Do they have a favorite food, or favorite style of food? Do they have allergies? Are they vegan, vegetarian, etc.?
If Hana had to pick a favorite dish, it would have to be curry. And then she wouldn't elaborate because there are so many different types of curry so she technically cheated her way out of choosing one favorite food. She doesn't eat pork, and she has somewhat of a gluten intolerance and at first the citadel's resident cooks were in a bit of a frenzy trying to figure out why Hana would feel sick after eating but eventually she managed to pinpoint the culprit. Cue Mitsutada and Azuki doing some research and deciding to make her food in a separate area to avoid cross contamination, even though she insisted it wasn't that serious.
👻 - How does your muse handle feeling scared? Do they enjoy horror? Do they believe in the paranormal? What calms your muse down? Do they have any scary stories?
Hana does not like horror at all. She gets scared really easily, but instead of screaming she just curls up into a ball. Her startle reflex is so strong that if she hears someone call out to her from behind her, she will freeze up. She didn't really believe in the paranormal before becoming a saniwa but now she is open to the possibility, though she doesn't really think about it because she would rather not scare herself. She's really into aromatherapy and has some lavender growing in her room.
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mariaantonnietta · 1 year
...after just getting chiganemaru, sasanuki and jikyuu, i find out about eng server closing.
I will lose another honmaru. I am so sad. Maybe I will try again with vpn, see if I can enter my og honmaru, I have failed before, but even still, I spent a lot of time in this honmaru. The regiment battles, I never managed to get the tosa trio, I'm sorry mutsu those were the only goverment swords I don't have. I don't have onimaru either, and I never paid attention to the gous, i am missing almost all of them (have 2). Not sanchoumu not nukemaru. Missing a few more.
Well, I guess I will spend the kiwame sets I have left(no point in saving for exp haha), maybe try to get these 2 last sets. Purchase casual garb like there's no tomorrow. Gonna focus on obtaining recollections and do fieldwork with toudans I haven't seen the indoor clothes yet. Maybe get the last background with seedlings you can get. Finish aonohana. Never trigger kebishi at all XD.
All the sweets will go to my kashu kageuchi that saved my ass in the great invasion and is sitting locked at level 1. One of these days on a better mood I will share the story. Is an amazing story of how saniwa almost softlocks themselves and a kashuu for the goverment Who generally is sent to new honmarus ended having to take charge knowing nothing.
Sishio, Who has been my attendant all this time. Kashu, my first sword once again Who renewed my hope in the game and came back in the great invasion to save mikazuki and everyone.
I will miss this honmaru so much.
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
reading atsuko's diary doc (NOT DIARY SKDKFSD ) reminded me of some yuichi thoughts i had ...
because like... idk, maybe it differs on a case-by-case basis, but when someone becomes saniwa, obviously they like... Leave from where/whenever they're from and don't necessarily come back (i'm sure they can visit if they want, but still, it's like... a lonnng absence, no?)
So what happens to those around them? Does the saniwa get a cover story (like oh, i'm going to study/work overseas)? do those around them get memory-flashed like in Men in Black?
I feel like the answer could be different for every saniwa, and I keep thinking of what it might be in Yuichi's case... but the answers I come up with are just sad and depressing lol. which I guess is on-brand, but still jsdkfksd
like... i think the Time Gov't would legally declare him either missing or dead, considering the manner and condition in which he left his original timeline??? which sounds dramatic but i think yuichi would be okay with that, especially if there isn't a good way to erase memories.
i've been thinking about this for a long time though jdskdskl
and i also think of like... yuichi, and/or maybe his toudans... at some point maybe going back to his time and watching himself, or seeing what happened after he was gone??
like a ... christmas carol, or yu yu hakusho type deal... (<- what a sentence lol)
anyway sorry to be a downer LOL i'm gonna go fill out that doc now
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goldenteaset · 1 year
I told myself I was going to at least get Kiwame Akita to level 99, got to level 80, and just...felt numb. There are nineteen days of Summer Regiment left, so if nothing else that's plenty of time to take a break and then come back, in theory. But for the moment, even though my plan was to take as many pictures as I could, I just can't look at my Citadel right now.
I think the reason this sudden shutdown hurts--more than the time spent--is that because TKRB relies so much on the player creating their own story, the undercurrent of this whole situation is "Your stories don't matter."
So the Great Invasion? That amazing moment where both JP and EN servers fought together against an encroaching threat, saving each others' stories in the process? That moment of cross-national bonding over wanting to protect what we loved? That didn't matter.
But it did, the devs' efforts made it matter. The promos, the sudden UI shift that added a new layer to the setting, actual story segments...there was real effort and passion on display, echoing the players'. Will the devs work be cast aside too, so easily?
Of course, there's some revenge to be had: I'll keep my swords, Saniwa OC, and the Citadel they lived in in my heart. When it hurts less, I'll imagine their daily lives again, the complicated harem I envisioned, and perhaps any new swords who catch my eye will join them.
When it hurts less.
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lucy-ashton · 2 months
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It’s Wednesday Again! I hope you enjoy this new extract of my fanfic The Memory of the Red Spider Lilies.
The enchanting echo of a small bell resonated in the distance, and he gradually emerged from the abyss of unconsciousness. Overwhelmed by an icy sensation creeping into every fibre of his being, his eyelids opened on his hands clasped and adorned with black nail polish. Around him, darkness reigned supreme, barely allowing him to discern his attire: a priesthood jōe topped with a traditional eboshi, a vestment of his aversion whose thick and heavy layers had always demanded him superhuman effort for the slightest movement. Kneeled on a liquid ground of infinite depths, as if floating above the ocean, he rose with a step back that immediately illuminated the surface like a skipping stone on water, revealing the outlines of the Japanese islands…
The small bell rang again, causing a shiver of terror that ran down his spine, and he turned to suddenly face a spectre from his past. Old enough to stand on his legs, yet too young to master speech properly—and what would be the point, since he never uttered a word?—the child stood before him. Clad in a torn kimono stained with blood, his cherry hair in disarray smelled of iron while a cursed blade, eager to inflict pain and suffering, gleamed firmly in his palm.
Seized by a searing fear, he recoiled in a hasty motion that made him fall backward. The spectre advanced peacefully, his bare and chained feet lighting up the ground with each step. Sensing the thirst for vengeance behind his impassive face— yet so opposed to his eyes shedding invisible tears, he could also hear, within his emotionless chest, his racing heart screaming at him to stop before the purity of his soul was desperately lost.
The gentle caress of his delicate fingers against his cheeks paralysed him on the spot, and the child took advantage of it to slowly bring their faces closer, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss that deprived him of all breath of life. In the hollow of his loins burned that desire for power that had never truly left him, his innocent mouth turning into sharp fangs as his alluring tongue poured an acrid taste of cruor down his throat. Irreparably corrupted, his golden pupils darkened into a vermilion shade, similar to the colour of the hundreds of corpses he had left in his deadly wake…
The cherry-haired boy jolted awake, terror gripping his senses momentarily before being replaced by a fit of coughing, bile burning his throat as he expelled it in painful waves. Drenched in sweat, overwhelmed by a disorienting haze, he began to crawl from his bed to the sliding doors for support. In the dim corridor, it seemed as if the echoes of his nightmare grew more intense, pursuing him like wisps of fog that would make his his step falter whilst he descended the stairs. Thus hampered, his unsteady movements eventually caused him to stumble and he crashed at the bottom with a thunderous thud…
The sharp sound of an object hitting the floor reverberated through the air at the same time, followed by the gushing of water like that of a river's flow, and Ookurikara's face suddenly appeared before his eyes, his usually stoic expression replaced by a concern evident in his strong embrace. At this sight, he abruptly snapped back to reality, his recent memories flooding his mind in a relentless tidal wave—the shrine filled with his wounded Touken Danshi, the treatment tables covered in blood, and Konnosuke's incessant pleas to prevent him from saving them, with the risk of sacrificing himself in the process…
Clutching the fabric of his Toudan's jacket with trembling hands, the Sage finally surrendered to a torrent of tears, unable to contain his grief, sorrow, or even shame any longer. His sobs echoed through the citadel, stirring worry among his tsukumogami who had gathered in numbers after the commotion of his fall, each standing nearby while anxiously awaiting news of their master's condition.
He didn't want to lose anyone anymore; He couldn't bear to be directly responsible for another death... to be the one feared and blamed!
Ookurikara tightened his grip at once, his demeanour softening as he attempted to comfort the grief-stricken Saniwa, a rare display of emotion from the typically reserved Uchigatana. Beside him, Shokudaikiri offered him a reassuring smile, insidiously supporting his decision to stay by the boy's side even if it meant enduring unwanted attention.
Two figures who had imposed themselves among the crowd unexpectedly overshadowed him, and the Sage lifted his head. Recognising them immediately, his eyes then widened in surprise, his visitors continuing to watch him in silence with their gaze mixing both disapproval and empathy.
🔙 Previous snippet
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wolfofcelestia · 5 months
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Welcome! Now that this blog has been fully converted into a Zayne loveblog, I've finally decided to make an actual introduction.
─── ・*☆・゚: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓰𝓰𝓮𝓻
My name is Elara (she/her). I am an adult and will be posting adult content. Minors, blank blogs, art theives, and toxic people will be blocked
Most of what I write here will be about fictional boys voiced by Satou Takuya
Most of my analysis posts are usually very stream of conscious-y because I never stop thinking about this stupid ice man
⚠️ Sylus warning: He will appear on my blog as well but don't expect all my posts about him to be fluffy. He is the object of my sadism and I will talk shit about him and write about him in a masochistic role.
─── ・*☆・゚: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓻
I write when my brain allows me to. Most of what you'll see here are short clips of dialogue, headcanons, scenarios, and scenes in the style of LADS's social media posts. These snippets tend to be comedy, fluff, smut, angst, and occasional dark content
Got a request? Feel free to drop an idea in my askbox. No guarantees it will get filled, though
─── ・*☆・゚: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓨𝓾𝓶𝓮𝓳𝓸𝓼𝓱𝓲 💙❤️🩵
This blog is my self-indulgent yumejoshi (self-insert) safe space, with my F/Os being Shokudaikiri Mitsutada and Rei.
I am extremely sappy and sentimental. Also extremely thirsty. I am parched. Dehydrated. I just have a lot of feelings for these boys. If you have a problem with that, feel free to block or unfollow me. You don't need to be in my space.
─── ・*☆・゚: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮
Thanks for stopping by and reading this far! There's more information about my name and Rei under the cut below for the curious.
Feel free to have a look around and interact with me whenever you like! I’d love to hear what you think of my ideas.
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All of my writing can be found in my blog directory.
Quick tags:
─── ・*☆・゚ Zayne, Dawnbreaker, Foreseer, Master
─── ・*☆・゚ Scenarios, Headcanons, Poems
─── ・*☆・゚ Vampire AU, LADS Soundtrack, Zayne Tier Lists
─── ・*☆・゚ Hunter's Diary, Glint Photos
─── ・*☆・゚ Zayne Favourites, Sylus Favourites
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─── ・*☆・゚: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓸𝓵𝓯 𝓸𝓯 𝓒𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓪
A rough translation of my Saniwa username: 天狼星
This is the star Sirius, which roughly translates to "heavenly wolf star" in Chinese/Japanese.
I wanted a daimyou-style title for my saniwa self-insert, so it turned into Wolf of Celestia.
Don't be fooled by the name, though. I'm actually just a smol wet puppy burdened with feelings for boys who don't exist.
─── ・*☆・゚: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼
“Elara” is the name of one of Jupiter's moons. In Greek mythology, she is a mortal princess with an unfortunately lame story. But I liked the sound of the name so I kept it.
The pronunciation on wikipedia is EL-ara. I also accept el-ARA.
─── ・*☆・゚: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓻 𝓸𝓯 𝓓𝓪𝔀𝓷
You may have noticed that I call him Rei in some posts and Zayne in other posts. Sometimes even in the same post, like this one. This is a very deliberate choice.
I first learned of his existence from Satou Takuya retweeting one of the promo videos for the game before it was released, so even before Day 1, I knew him as Rei. (And I was downbad for him without even knowing a thing about him.)
He is still Rei to me and always will be, but for ease of communication, I call him Zayne.
Long story short,
I call him Zayne when:
I'm referring to his character in general
I'm writing something meant for the rest of tumblr to reblog or engage with
I call him Rei when:
I'm referring to "My Rei", the Rei in my game, and the F/O of my yume ship.
─── Usually used in personal posts about my sappy feelings, not really meant to be engaged with
I'm referring to the character who is voiced by Satou Takuya and speaks Japanese.
─── Usually used to comment on SatoTaku's voice work specifically
─── ・*☆・゚: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼
In my scenarios, I usually put dialogue and emphasized words in certain colours
MC is red because… put simply, that’s my colour
Zayne is always blue
Foreseer is always purple
Master is always green
But because tumblr is mostly in dark mode and I’m too lazy to add colours that aren’t on the default options, Dawnbreaker is usually red
Because if he were to choose a colour, it would always be hers
The only time Dawnbreaker isn’t in red is when MC is in the same scenario. In those cases, Dawnbreaker is the default text colour, relinquishing his colour to her
Because he would choose to be empty if it meant he could stay with her for just a little longer
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That's all for now! I'll keep this updated if I need to add more links or information.
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Final note: Yes my whole aesthetic is space and stars. Yes, my main is 10000% Rei LMAO I am so sorry Seiya
Dividers by saradika-graphics, cafekitsune
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silvermoonartworks · 2 years
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My Collection of Saniwa Original Character for Touken Ranbu Fandom!
In Fake Anime Screen shoot version! They originally my Fire Emblem Three House’s OC that I turn as Saniwa bcos why not? I like to use my old OC for other fandom as well hahahaha
I have so many Saniwa OC bcos my fanfic is focus on the Saniwa origins instead of the blades. But ofcourse, the blades having important point on the stories I write.
I’m currently studying other scene so more coming soon!
From Left : Tokuto, Yukiie, Ritsu & Richi.
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