#the style reminds me of ranboo and i adore it
white-collar-cannibal · 3 months
hihihihihihi I read your fic 'i've been weeping silent like a wound' and omg i love it so much-
yk yk i thought ranch could be a cool ship but the only content i found for it was you know, absolutely gross yuck stuff, and i kinda gave up on anyone making anything good annnnnd then i looked it up hopefully one day and found yours and i was so happy omg-
anyway it's amazing, i absolutely adore the writing style (ik it was inspired by something else but it's still yours and it's really cool), the concept gives me absolute chills, from the first summary of it, "Wherein Ranboo does not fall in love, inasmuch as they forge a passport and sneak through the customs of love with a pipe bomb in their bag" i was hooked
LIKE THAT IS SUCH A COOL FUCKING CONCEPT, them fucking convincing Hetch theyre in love with him, like omg /pos pos pos
the scene where niki smashed their face in with a baseball bat- i'd PAY to know the context for that lmfao but actually yes badass girlie my beloved, she deserved to not be Nice <3
also some of it made me fucking laugh out loud like this bit, “I’m not stupid,” you said, which was a statement very much still up for debate, omg i wheezed, and also this bit,
“I know. I know he’s a freak. And he types too loud and he talks about Pulp Fiction too much. But I think it’ll work.”
“Why??? ” 
“There’s a good chance that I can get information either out of him, or from documents or things like that if I manage to get him to trust me enough to leave me alone. Things that could help us get out.”
“Oh.” Charlie leant back down, “Well, points for novelty."
I cracked up OUT LOUD irl and had people staring at me lmao-
which also reminds me, i've never been much into second person but the way you write it in this fic is so seamless and gorgeous and pulls me straight in, it's incredible-
ANYWAYYYYYYYS sorry for the long rant but keep it up i'm very excited for the next chapter!
— afternoon anon
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! tysm!!!!! i never thought so many people would actually like this fic i'm so so so glad. i think the focus a lot of fic writers have on platonicism and fix-it/comfort is fun but also means that no one is thinking about how fucked up some of these dynamics could get. get worse get weirder i beg. (and never apologize for a rant!!! this shit fuels me!!!)
(honestly i did not have context for that scene when i wrote it. it's some show. we know showfall delights in comedic violence and horror there was something going on idk.)
second person i feel like gets such a bad rap as a writing style (it has. a certain x reader oeuvre.) but it can be so good and so evocative and so funny and by god if i had to write these scenes with two characters he/him-ing it up i would. explode.
the short summary (which i am inordinately proud of) traces back to a line from harrow the ninth: "'Falling' was not the right term precisely. It was a long process. She more correctly climbed down into love, picked its locks, opened its gates, and breached its inner chamber" pp. 49 of the paperback. if you like what i'm doing especially with the usage of second person, i really cannot recommend harrow enough (though probably you should read gideon first. i mean you could skip it it would be funny but you shouldn't.)
i'm reworking certain parts of the fic but by god. will the second chapter come out. at some point. (guys did you know writing is hard...) thank you again for your nice comments !!!!!!!!!
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starofroselight · 4 years
I really wish we'd heard a genuine, longer conversation about the voices. it just kind of felt like techno shut that conversation down when ranboo came out with confessing he hears a voice, it could've been a heartfelt moment if they'd done something more with it. other than that I loved the stream completely
Part of that is due to the character that content creator Technoblade is playing. He's had multiple opportunities to grow close or have a pre-establisbed family, connections that aren't just blood and battle. He doesn't seem interested in taking them. It's why talk of betrayal can be so off-putting if you sit down to analyze it; C!Technoblade hasn't really been betrayed enough for him to give an impassioned speech about it, but content creator Technoblade decided this was a theme he wanted and ran with it
You can choose to frame this in a Watsonian or Doylist way. I prefer the Watsonian way, interpreting Techno the character as struggling with genuine connections to others. My in universe backing for this is C!Techno's reaction to Ranboo giving him the axe; he didn't know how to react to a heartfelt gift so all he could do was deny his emotions, though he was touched and it clearly meant a lot
C!Technoblade is a blend of a Looney Tones character and the neutral badass super powerful magic man. He's constantly turning tongue and cheek at the audience while also being the biggest threat in the room.
C!Ranboo is. . . not. He's a serious introspective character, a metaphorical house of mirrors with a fragile state of mind and combat-wise, he's not a character you associate as a physical powerhouse.
There's no reason for Technoblade to open himself up to Ranboo and their styles of storytelling are practically polar opposites.
But I adore their interactions.
With these points understood, it makes sense why these two have fundamental communication issues. C!Techno's love languages are violence and distractions, two things C!Ranboo can't afford and doesn't want due to the nature of his existence as well as morality
Now, did I say all of that to say I entirely agree with your points?
Yes. Yes I did.
It just wasn't surprising to me when they didn't. I think it would be incredibly sweet if C!Techno were to ask more questions, not to get information or use it against C!Ranboo, about the Dream voice.
I also think such an action would be a huge warning flag, the equivalent of Tommy being given the Axe of Peace. It would indicate Techno is getting close to someone again, something that Techno does not do, hence foreshadowing another falling out
Thing is because the creators aren't united or overseen by a driving force, there were huge tonal problems in the roleplaying and the story. There's no way to fix or address that problem without introducing an authority and a "main center of focus" aka a main character, so this problem won't be resolved any time soon
Still, I can't help but imagine in a professionally written and guided story, C!Techno and C!Ranboo standing over the cliffs of the Nether:
Techno asks, "You're hearin' voices?"
Ranboo doesn't look. Maybe he keeps walking ahead on the paths home. "Just the one. Just Dream."
Some silence. Maybe a couple jokes.
Techno speaks up again.
"Y'know, I've struggled with the voices. Thousands. Hundreds of thousands, not to brag."
Ranboo doesn't understand why that would be a brag but it's obvious Technoblade is working his way to something. He waits for Techno to continue.
"I learned. And I live with it. I get up and center myself. Sometimes you have to spend a day with the letter 'e' in your head."
". . ."
"Sometimes it's worse. But you move forward. You'll scare people all the time, but the ones that you don't will understand. And who knows, maybe one day it'll come in handy."
Ranboo hums in affirmation.
"Just make sure they don't start seein' you like a tool. You've already got that whole memory thing. Let's start from there. I mean, you start from there."
That's about the conversation I would expect if there was a literal script and one I would have wanted :)
Reminder my asks are open for discussion at any time!
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sa-nddd · 4 years
Bestie Headcanons
being besties with the dream smp characters.
idk, I was looking through pintrest and saw a bunch of bestie pics, so I thought I'd write something 'bout it.
would totally be the kind to carry you everywhere.
just walks up to you, leans down and throws you over his shoulder.
"Where are we going, again?"
if you are wearing a skirt or dress, he would pick you up bridal style, making sure to be wary of the length of it.
this mf-
he would be a meanie.
but like, also a sweetie.
would steal your food, then offer you the rest of his meal.
if you need anything, he's got it.
cuddles. all day. every day. 25/8
man's just wants attention.
would force you to get into the cart to push you around the store.
definetly the type to wanna wear matching fits.
if he sees a shirt he likes, he gets one in your size, too.
When he's streaming, you are in the room or house.
If he's not, you two are at your place
not ashamed to ask for affection.
you guys go on drives and listen to different playlist depending on your moods.
you have eachothers passwords to everything.
he constantly posts from your account.
the fans love when he does.
he sometimes posts without knowing it's yours LMAO
you guys always make eachother playlists.
he probably forced you to start streaming with him.
if you aren't together, you are definitely on facetime.
he would let you paint his nails tbh.
He seems like he wouldn't be clingy, but i think otherwise.
Man's just has trouble trusting people.
He needs comfort, so you provide that for him.
his pets love you.
would be the type to buy something if it reminds him of you.
he's a bit of a introvert, so you guys stay home alot.
when he's streaming, you are either making a cameo in the background, or doing something around the house.
you just lay in his bed on your phone, or doing school work or something.
maybe fixing a shirt or sewing something.
chat always says hi to you.
then he got his green screen.
chat was upset that they couldn't see you, so he had to lower it to get you to wave from your spot on the bed.
chat was happy after.
Alex definitely has you on his streams.
whether it be a short cameo or a bit he thought of, he likes your company.
on stream, he would be annoying, yelling for a CapriSun or something.
off stream, he's a sweetheart.
If you even mention something, he's bringing it to you.
You guys go shopping together.
You always steal his button ups. they low-key really comfy.
he constantly steals your phone.
you tease him alot, just like chat.
chat fucking loves you.
if he starts streaming and you haven't showed up, they are yelling at him.
Sometimes, you dress up to match Alex.
Like during his cooking stream, you randomly popped up in the middle of it wearing a nice black dress.
you guys play music together often.
you sing along to the songs he plays, and chat loves it.
they beg you to sing together every stream.
oh boy
this man, this man
fucking sweetheart all around.
always puts you first.
the type to physically perk up when your are with him.
when you walk in when he's streaming,
*tackles you*
"karl I saw you five minutes ago-"
he's adorable. a smol puppy.
he's constantly clinging to you.
at the store? arms linked.
streaming? holding your hand.
no seriously, if you guys got in an argument you would sit with your backs together and pinkies linked.
he would probably drag you to his Mr. Beast things.
you are like his emotional support human :>
he also likes to match.
he makes you wear outfits he picked out to do insta photoshoots.
mirror pics. that's it. that's the post.
the fans love it.
another to let you paint his nails.
he shows chat when you do.
"LOOK CHAT!!!" *shows off his purple nails*
y'all use nicknames.
like, mine irl is nana, so I'ma use that one.
"Nana, can you tell dream to stop killing me?" *pouts*
"Of course, bubba." *proceeds to murder dream for fucking with karl*
he is totally not clingy.
you can totally go hang out with other people.
it's not like he blows up your phone and whines when you do.
totally not
he's the kind to bully you, but it's somehow affectionate?
going by my height, you are short. 5'1 to be exact.
so obviously, he's gonna tease you about it
"You are so fucking short lmaooo fucking ant"
*cue you kicking his ankles*
he's actually very different off camera.
he's a lot quieter, and he is very passionate.
he likes to give you hugs.
hugs you at least 40 times a day.
I don't make the rules :)
chaotic asf
cuddly asf
and overall just a bundle of sunshine.
he be the kind to learn different things to do them for you.
he watched a bunch of videos to learn how to braid your hair.
he's a professional now.
he also learned how to paint nails, do makeup, and straighten hair.
he is full of surprises.
you two have a modded server with a bunch of his streamer friends, but it's not public info.
You were the one who introduced him to ukulele and the keyboard.
you have the friendship where you do everything together.
if one of you wants to try something, the other will, too.
you guys' humor? immaculate.
the type of friends who are akward with everyone BUT eachother.
you guys can be so awkward, but that all goes put the window when you are together.
you go on random trips to Walmart just to run around the toy isle.
you guys take turns pushing the basket and being in it.
basically yin and yang.
you are the more out going person, and he's more self reserved.
Your parents are so used to you guys being together, that they don't question when one of you comes over anymore.
your texts are so fucking chaotic
no one can understand them but you two.
you guys are the type to make up a secret code LMAO
he got his fashion sense from you.
your friendship is iconic.
the type of friends that would most likely end up in jail together KEKW
everyone is envy of you two.
he taught you how to sing and play guitar.
you do vocals for his songs sometimes.
You go ghost hunting together often
you have so many aesthetically pleasing polaroids of eachother.
Chat loves when you appear on his streams.
you are constantly checking oh his mental health, because knowing your best friend was hurting badly at one point hurts you.
just the thought that he was in so much pain at one point makes you physically ill.
He worries for you, too.
He knows what it feels like, and he doesn't want you to go through that.
you guys support eachother so much it's wholesome
when he does singing streams, he sometimes drags you to sing with him.
you guys cry together sometimes, and it is honestly refreshing.
over all very chaotic and emotional.
people wish they had your friendship.
you both can't stick to one aesthetic LMAO
you share clothes and things alot.
she loves having you on her streams, her chat does aswell.
you take alot of pictures together.
you both do alot of wholesome things, like bake and plant.
you are eachother's hype women.
she's taller than you, so her clothes are more baggy.
which you love, it's apart of your main aesthetic.
you have a ton of sleepovers.
you paint eachother's nails often.
you love her hugs, they are so warm and comforting.
you make sure she's happy, and she does the same to you.
you both speak in german alot, and if you didn't know it, she taught you it.
very wholesome and cute. 10/10 recommend.
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